Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 31, 1914, Image 1

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Paris Says French Are
Yielding On Left.
British Declared to Be Re
suming Offensive.
5x-Commander-in-Chief Says Ger
mans Take Great Klsks in Length
ening Lines of Communication,
j Result Yet indecisive.
PARIS. Aug. 30. "The progress of
the German right wing has obliged
us to yield ground on our left," says
an official statement issued here to
night. "According to Liberte, the Germans
have penetrated a short distance far
ther on the river Somme.
"The British. In conjunction with the
French left, have resumed a vigorous
offensive. Farther west the rrencn
troops have checked the enemy's ad
vance guards. At the other extremity
of the line, on the Meuse, the French
are offering a strenuous and success
full defense,- which extends along near
ly the whole front
Frrneh Offense Cheeked at Left.
" "Our offensive movement succeeded
on our right, but was checked on our
left. The Germans gained ground, as
announced, toward La Fere. At any
rate, we hold firm even under attack
a sure sign of the confidence of our
General La Croix, co-commander-in-chief
of the French army, considers
that the Germans are taking great
risks In lengthening their lines of
"One step gained by them in France
Is a step lost by them against Russia,"
he said. "My feeling Is that the Ger
man advance must soon come to an
General La Croix, who is military
ditor of the Temps, takes a hopeful
view of the situation, saying:
"The Germans continue their turning-
movement on their right. We
have replied by assuming the offensive
at Xovion Porcien and at Guise. The
result Is indecisive In the first direc
tion, but our attack will be resumed."
General Pau In Pari.
General Pau was in Paris today for
a ly-ief visit to the Minister of War.
He will return to the front soon.
The number of popular restaurants
for victims of the war Is Increasing.
For 6 cent3 one may be assured of a
wholesome meal.
Count von Schwerin. nephew of the
German Emperor, was among the prls
oneis sent toward the West from the
lone of fighting. His hands and feet
were chained because he refused to
give his word that he would not try
to escape. He had with him a sword
given him by Emperor William.
BERLIN. Aug. 30. The correspond
ent at German army headquarters of
the Deutschea Tages-Zeitung reports
the defeat of the English at St. Quen
tin. accompanied by great losses. The
army, utterly defeated, ho says, found
its retreat barred by masses of German
German Forces Holding Cities Re
duced to Minimum.
LONDON, Aug. 30. An official Bel
gian dispatch sent by the correspondent
of Reuter's Telegraph Company at
Antwerp says:
"The territory north of the Demer
River is free of the enemy. Diest has
been evacuated and the Camplne coun
try" is calm.
"There are no Germans in the region
of Gheel, Moll, Turnhout, Merchtem and
"Refugees from Brussels say It is
possible to enter Liege easily. They
estimate that the Germans have not
more than 3000 troops there. Slight
engagements are said to be taking
place constantly north of Brussels.
"Gatherings of more than 300 per
sons are forbidden in Brussels. All
lights are extinguished at 9 o'clock.
"Provisions are comparatively cheap.
Peasants have begun again to bring
vegetables to market, but meat is
scarce, the Germans having requisi
tioned all cattle.
"Major IxjuIs Livingston Seaman,
delegate of the American Red Cross, by
agreement with the Belgian govern
ment, has cabled a long report to the
United States relating to atrocities
committed in Belgium by Germans."
French Statesman Suggests Hun
dreds of Thousands Could Come.
PARIS, Aug. 30. Stephen PIchon,
ex-Minlster of Foreign Affairs, In an
article In the Petit Journal, asks why
the Japanese army should not take
part in the war in Europe. He says he
is convinced that all that Is required
Is an agreement between London, St.
Petersburg and Paris to enable several
hundred thousand Japanese to be sent
to France. In closing the article
I need not add that we should
hasten." ,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. The French
Embassy, In a statement today, dented
that "French aeroplanes bombarded the
open city of Nuremberg," as was al
leged In a statement by Count von
Brrnstorff In New York.
Paris, Ang. SO. The Ministry of
War announces that It has been de
cided to call out the class of 1014,
which will glTe at least 200,000 addi
tional troops,1 and also to call out the
active reserve and the eldest classes of
the territorial reserve.
i jnmM an The official In
formation bureau announces that Apia,
a seaport of I'poln, Samoan Islands,
and capital of the German part of the
group, has surrendered to the British.
LONDON, Ang. 30. The Admiralty
announces that the British casualties
In the naval engagement off Hellgo-
...... ,,, ,, iii, !-,. and 27 men
killed, 1 seriously Injured and 10 oth
ers slightly woundeu.
LONDON, Ang. 30. The official in
formation bureau announces that Vice-
Admlral Augustine Bone de l.apeyrere,
commander-in-chief of the French
navy, has assnmed command of the
combined Anglo-French fleet In the
Mediterranean. As a consequence,
Rear-Admlral Sir Archibald Berkeley
Milne, who Is senior to the French Ad
miral, has given over his command of
the British Mediterranean fleet.
LONDON, Aug. SO. A dispatch to the
Dally Mali from Tlen-Tsln today says
Japanese troops have been landed at
several points on the coast near Kiau
Chau. ii 1 1 1 . .. i , . ri ., ,i A up- feW (via
Paris) i Two German aeroplanes made
an unsuccessful attempt early today to
destroy with bombs the dirigible bal
loon hangar at Belfort, France, which
is 35 miles northwest of here.
NISH, Servla, Aug. 30. Servian
troops entering (name of town de
leted by censor) found half the town
had been pillaged by the Austrian. In
two of the main streets every house
had been looted and some of them
burned. In one house 20 kirls were
found dead. Sixty Servian prisoners
are said to hve been executed.
DC Entries In for Columbia River
Fair Baby Contest.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 30. (Spe
cial.) The eugenics building for the
contest to be held at the Columbia
River Interstate Fair, September 7 to
ir in i.erisii its, ociL5iint. .
vas completed Saturday. Mrs. V. H.
DerT who handled the contest last
12, w
vear. attain has charge.
All entries must be made on or be
fore September 2. Ninety-two entries
have been made from Oregon and
Washington. It is expected that more
than 200 babies will be entered In the
A few mothers have felt uneasy
about having their babies taken into a
building where there as so many oth
ers. When the baby is taken Into the
building, he must go through a, recep
tion room, where physicians and nurses
will be on hand to look for traces of
Illness and skin rashes, and If the
child Is found to be in any way af
fected he will not be allowed to enter
the contest, but must be taken away
at once.
After passing through the examina
tion and measuring rooms the babies
will pass out at the other end of the
building, avoiding all confusion.
Big Guns, Says Geman Clergyman,
Will Help Right Decision.
ROTTERDAM, Aug. 30. The prac
tical way in which the Germans view
the war Is well Illustrated by a story
told here today by A. R. Miller, of
Louisville. Ky.
"A certain Protestant clergyman of
Hanover," said Mr. Miller, "addressing
a large congregation on the morning
following mobilization, said, among
other things:
" TVe are face to face with a pe
culiar situation. No doubt the Rus
sians, French and English will pray
God to give them victory, but there
Is but one God and since he Is Just
and Impartial and they are also his
children, we, in order to win, must
work as well as pray. We must fight
harder than the others. God may not
always side with big guns, but big
guns will certainly help him make a
right decision.'"
House Sergeant-at-Arms, Fearing
Epidemic, Investigates.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. When does
homesickness become a bona fide ail
ment, incapacitating a legislator to a
point where he is unable to attend to
his duties? Is a problem confronting
Sergeant-at-Arms Gordon, of the House
ot Representatives.
Representative Burke, or Wisconsin,
one of the healthiest looking men in
the House, was the caUBe of the agita
tion. He has been attending to Con
gressional duties In Washington for
18 months without a vacation and he
would like to get away.
"Are you sick?" he was asked.
"Yes," he replied. "I have nostalgia.
I'm very homesick."
Thereupon the sergeant-at-arms,
fearing an epidemic which would again
deplete the legislative forces of the
House, began an investigation.
Heroic Defender of Loiigwy Urged
to Retain His Sword.
t r--vf n A no- 30 (Via. Paris.) A
jt.n.h fenm P.erlin savs the defense
of Longwy, Department of Meurthe-et-
Moselle, France, was tne most neroic
since the beginning of the war. The
town surrendered only after an ex
traordinary display of valor. Of 36
siege guns, all except one had. been
The Germans so admired the bril
liant resistance that Crown Prince
r....fnlr WflHgm YiwtroJ the Frpnrh
commander at the moment of surren
der to keep his sword.
German Attack Made in
Overwhelming Force
Killed and Wounded Estimated
at 5000 to 8000.
Sir John French Says Attackers
Have Paid Extreme Price for
Every Gain Many Speared
In Flight by Cavalry.
LONDON, Aug. 30. After four days
of desperate fighting, with casualties
between 5000 and 8000, the British army
France is rested and ready for the
next great battle, according to an
nouncements today by Lord Kitchener,
Secretary of State for War. In a state
ment based on a report of Sir John
French, commander-in-chief of the
British expeditionary force, the Secre
tary says that the British, after strug
gling against tremendous odds, retired
to a new line of defense, where they
have not been molested since Thursday.
Since this fighting ceased, the French
on the right and left have brought the
German attack to a standstill, it is de
clared. British share Related.
Lord Kitchener's statement, which
was Issued through the medium of the
official Information bureau, follows:
"Although the dispatches of Sir John
French as to the recent battle have not
yet been received, it is possible now to
state what has been the British share
In the recent operations.
"There has in fact been a four-day
battle on August 23, 24, 25 and 26.
During the whole of this period the
British, in conformity with a general
movement of the French armies, were
occupied in resisting and checking the
German advance and in withdrawing
to new lines of defense.
"The battle began at Hons on Sunday,
during which day and part of the night
the German attack, which was stub
bornly pressed and repeated, was com
pletely checked by the British front.
Heavy Losses Inflicted.
"On Monday, the 24th, the Germans
made vigorous efforts In superior num
bers to prevent the safe withdrawal of
the British army and to drive it into
the fortress of Maubeuge.
"This effort was frustrated by the
steadiness and skill with which the
British retirement was conducted, and,
as on the previous day, heavy losses,
(Concluded on Paso 2 )
l I
-- t .
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 74
degrees; minimum, 55 degrees.
TODAY'S Monday fair; westerly winds.
Great battle In East Prussia wages along
100-mile line. Page 3.
Lord Kitchener says British were over-
Whelmed by Germans In four days' bat
tle. Page 1.
British reassured by official report showing
army was overwhelmed, but not demoral
ized. Pajre 3.
Japanese concede Kiau-Chau can hold out
at least until' November. I Page 2.
Queen of Holland seeks way to relieve unem
ployed. Page 2.
German cruiser Leipzig reported captured.
Page L
Food Issue paramount with Britain In war
time, paze 2.
Recent reforms have greatly strengthened
Russian army. Page 2.
Coast League results: Portland 4, San
Francisco 0: Sacramento 4-0, Oakland
2-1; Los Angeles 9-7, Venice 4-3. Page S.
Oregon euardsmen beat regulars at Clacka
mas shoot. Page 8.
Portland recovers polo tr.ophy by defeating
Boise. Page 8.
Pacific Northwest.
Four Idaho parties will hold primaries Tues
day. Page 5.
Portland and Vicinity.
Blly Sunday rushes into Portland, preaches
twice, talks baseball and departs. Page 9.
Boys under arrest confess stealing Oaks
tickets. Page 14.
Last of amateur radio stations closed by
government Page 14.
Tom Rogers expects hop yield to fall far
below average. Page 11.
Rev. Walter Duff, pastor of Calvary Bap
tist Church, pra'jses war to bring about
"armed peace." Page 9.
Prohibition argued before crowd largely
from army of unemployed. Page 7.
New films at moving-picture theaters thrill
and amuse. Page 7.
Legislator Whose Wife Is American
Condemned for Political Crime.
CHICAGO. Aug. 30. The Bohemian-
American Press Association today tel
egraphed to the Secretary of State
asking that the United States appeal
to Austria to save the life of a pro
fessor. Thomas Garrigue Massaryk, of
Prague, a Bohemian member of Par
The telegram says information has
readied the press association that
Professor Massaryk, whose wife is an
American, has been condemned to
death for political reason. Professor
Massaryk made a lecture tour of the
United States several years ago at the
invitation of Charles R. Crane, of Chi
N'ewberg Residents Fear Flames
Might Destroy Costly Bridge.
NKWBliKG, he., r.s. 30. (Special.)
A heavy smo":e hung over Newberg
greater part of today. Just across
the Willamette fire had been set to
160 acres of slashing, where the owner
of the property, Dr. W. E. Mallory, re
cently of Portland, had had a large
force of men chopping cordwood for
Some of the brush was close up to
the bridge completed about nine
months ago at a cost of $86,(130 by
Marion and Yamhill counties and the
danger of Its catching fire wasoeemed
so great that State Forester Elliot was
asked to be present and oversee the
Bnt neported
Tiotal 29-
Germans Shoot Own Men to
Prevent Surrender.
Torpedo Destroyers First Engage
Foe Until Arrival of Heavier War
ships One of King's Com
manders Is Among Killed.
LONDON, Aug. 30. Twenty - nine
killed and 38 wounded was the price In
men paid by the British for the naval
action against the Germans in Heligo
land waters Friday.
An official statement issued tonight
says that of 1000 men composing the
crews of the warships sunk of Heligo
land, only 330 were saved.
Destroyed Commander Killed.
The British losses are described as
"The light cruiser Arethusa lost Lieu
tenant Eric Westmaeott and nine men
killed, four men seriously wounded
r.ri T.tAiitnnant Robinson and 11 men
wounded, but not seriously.
"The torpedo-boat destroyer Liberty
lost Commander Bertellot and six men
killed, one man who has since died from
wounds. one dangerously wounded.
five seriously wounded and five slight
ly wounded.
Battle Perfectly Executed.
"The destroyer Laurel suffered ten
men killed, one has since died of his
wounds, two men dangerously wounded,
seven seriously wounded and two slight
Iv wounded."
The Liberty was hit by a shell which
shattered her mast and tore away part
of her bridge first of all, and then
smashed her searchlights and killed her
commander. Lieutenant - Commander
Bartellot, and William Butcher, hli sig
nalman. Accounts of the battle say it was per
fect in execution as well as in plan.
Germans Lured Into Open Sea.
Led at dawn in full detachment, the
destroyers crept within the German
lines between Heligoland and the Ger
man coast. An aeroplane sighted them
first and gave the signal to the Ger
mans, whose destroyers then came out.
The British destroyers lured the Ger
mans to the open sea, where other
destroyers were waiting, spread out in
A small enifagement followed, and
(Conrludcd on Page 4.)
' : i i
Sunday's War Moves
FROM all the farspread battlo lines
only bulletins of Napoleonic brev
ity have come in the last 24 hours.
History is being made on three great
fields of action along 250 miles of
French frontier, on 200 miles of the
Austro-Hungarian border and through
a wide area of Eastern Prussia.
Silence has covered Austria's war
with Servla for several days, but that
has become a minor detail of the death
struggle of the European powers.
From Northern France the news ap
pears to follow events by three or four
days. The French Embassy announces
that there has been hard fighting on
the right wing of Its northern army
near Mezleres since Friday, and also
that the German forces are making
progress In the La Fere district, which
apparently means that the French left
wing has retired somewhat further,
but it Is not revealed how near the
Germans have approached to La Fere
The British reports issued Sunday
show that the British army alone no
longer constitutes the left wing of the
allied forces, but that the French have
reinforced them on the west. It fur
ther says that the French nave ueeu
fighting both east and west of tleem
and have brought the Germans to a
standstill for a time.
The Germans are believed to be
forging another steam hammer for a
heavy blow, and Great Britain anxious
ly awaits word of a great oaiwo m
which her army may be a focal point.
How far the Uhlans have spread Into
French territory it Is impossible to
learn from the many reports fugitives
have brought In. but a rich country,
with Important manufacturing cities Is
evidently In their grasp.
From Holland and Belgium circum
stantial reports have been received In
London that the Germans are moving
part of their army by trains back from
Belgium. Apparently these troops are
destined to meet the Russians, and If
the reports are true It may mean that
the Germans feel strong enough on
the French frontier to spare part of
their force or that they consider the
repulse of the Russian Invasion more
important than throwing a great army
into France.
The British people find cheer in the
exploit of their navy, which sank three
German cruisers and two destroyers In
a daring dash under cover of fog Into
the zone of lire of the Heligoland forts,
and Inflicted a loss of nearly '.'00 men
on the German fleet at a cost of 29
lives and a total of 38 wounded, and
damage to three British warships which
..iii v. a i within ten days. The
London report Indicates that the Ger
m.n were lured out to the attack.
The German version minimizes the 1m
portance of the engagement, which It
refers to as an attack on a few German
vessels by a large section of the British
navy. In any event, Berlin holds that
no Important Issue of the war has been
settled. The British view Is that It
shows that the Germans are unable to
release any of their warships to prey-
on commerce.
Earl Kitchener, the British Secretary
for War, gives in detail the part played
by troops In the operations in Belgium
and France. These operations exienona
from August 23 to August 28, and the
British losses numbered In the neigh
borhood of 6000. The condition and
spirit of the British troops at the front
are descrioea as ansni h
forcements have been sent up to more
than fill the gaps created by casualties.
The effect of the report In Britain Is
said to have been good, In that It cor
rects an impression given by returning
wounded soldiers that the British ex
pedition had met with disaster and was
demoralized and cut off from its base.
The report indicates that the British
losses were suffered not because of any
fault of morale, but because apparently
the Germans did them the honor of
massing an overwhelming force against
them. Under this pressure the. rela
tively small British force, says Lord
Kitchener, was crumpled up. The Ger
mans are described as making a lavish
expenditure of men to insure success at
this point.
Another raid by German aircraft re
sulted In the dropping of several bombs
into the city of Paris. This, It Is likely,
was done for moral effect largely,
since the damage done was Immaterial.
It would Intensify the Idea of proxim
ity to the French capital In the minds
of those outside the battle lines. The
aviator did not confine himself to ex
plosives. He dropped messages saying
the Germans were at the city's gates
and that further resistance was use
less. Paris is preparing for a siege should
the lines opposing the Germans be
broken. Enormous stocks of food have
been placed In the state warehouse and
sheep and cattle in large numbers have
been herded In the Bols de Boulogne.
Tho Russian front is the scene of
events of the greatest magnitude, but
between the claims and counter-claims
of the belligerents, there Is such a
vital difference It Is Impossible to form
an estimate ot which way the balance
Britain Charges Germans Kmployed
Non-Nuval Vessels In Work.
LONDON. Aug. 30. The official
News Bureau has Issued the following
news statement:
"The government has learned that
on or after August 26 an Iceland
trawler Is reported to have struck a
mine 25 miles off the mouth of the
Tyne and sank and at least one foreign
newspaper has said that the mine was
"The mines off the Tyne were paid
out 30 miles to seaward, not as part
of a definite military operation, nor
by German ships of war, but by Ger
man trawlers, of which a considerable
number appeared to have been en
gaged In this work. One such trawler
actually seen doing this work was tho
Ae-20 of Linden.
World's Treasures For
ever Lost.
Richard Harding Davis Tells of
Work of Destruction.
War Correspondent Saja Terrlhlr Re
venge Was Taken for Attack on
Germans und Compare It
With Vera Crui.
Copyright, 1014, br ths Whtfltr Syndi
cate. Inc.
LONDON, Aug. 30. (Special. ) I left
Brussels Thursday afternoon, and have
Just arrived In London. For two hours
on Thursduy night 1 was in what for
600 years has been the City of Louvaln.
The Germans were burning It. and
to hide their work kept us locked In
the railroad carriages. But the story
was written against the sky. was told
to us by German soldiers Incoherent
with excess, and we could real It In
the faces of women and children helnrf
led to concentration camps and if citi
zens on their way to be shot.
Destruction Is Thorouah.
On Wednesday the Germans sen
tenced Louvaln to become a wilderness,
and with German system and love of
thoroughness left louvaln as empty
as a blackened shell. The reason for
this appeal to the torch and the exe
cution of non-combatants ss given to
me Thursday by General von Ltitwltr,
Military Governor of Brussels, was tbls:
On Wednesday, while the Gsiman mill
tary commander Of the troops In Lou
valn was at the Hotel de Villa talking
to the Burgomaster, the son of the
Burgomaster, with an Htuaillfl pistol.
shot the chief of staff and a Germsn
staff surgeon.
Von Lutwilz says this was signal
for the civil guard In civilian cloth s
on roofs to lire on the German soldiers
in the upon square below. He said
also that the Belgians had qulrk-flrlng
guns brought from Antwerp. As for a
week the Germans have occupied Lou
valn and closely guarded all the ap
proaches, to say that there was any
gun-running Is absurd.
nrma Loss Is Avrnaed.
Fifty 'Germans were killed and
wounded. For that, said Von Lut
wltz. Louvaln roust he wiped out. In
pantomime, with his list he swept the
papers across his table.
The Hotel de Ville." he aded. "Is a
beautiful building; It Is a pity It must
be destroyed."
Ten days ago I was In Iouvaln when
It was occupied by the Belgian troops
and King Albert and his staff. The
city dates from the 11th century ami
the population was 42.000. The rltlxens
were brewers, lacemakers and manu
facturers of garments for churches.
Its university once was the most cele
brated In European cities and still Is.
or still was, the headquarters of the
Jesuits. In their Louvaln colleges
many priests In America have been ed
ucated and ten days ago over the great
yellow walls of the college I saw hang
in;: two American flags.
'lty Ciena, Mrepy, Pretty.
I found the city clean, sleepy and
pretty, with narrow twisting streets.
smart shops, cafes set in flower gar
dens, houses with red roofs, grrcn
shutters and white walls. Over thosn
that faced south have been trained
pear trees and their hranchos, heavy
with fruit, spread out against tho
walls like branches of candelabra.
The town hall was a very old and
very beautiful example of Gothic ar
chitecture, In detail and design more
celebrated even than the town halls of
Bruges or Brussels. It was 100 years
old and lately had been repaired with
great tasto and at great cost. Oppo
site was the Church of 8t. Pierre, dat
ing from tho 15th century, a noble
building with many chapels filled with
carvings of the time of the Renais
sance In wood, stone and Iron. In the
university were 150.000 volumes. Near
it was a bronze statue of Father Da
mien, the priest of the leper colony In
the South Pacific of whom Robert
Louis Stevenson wrote. All these,
buildings now arc as empty as explod
ed cartridges. Statues, pictures, carv
Ings, parchments, archives are all
Vnlusars Brloiiani to V4 "rid.
No one defends the sniper. Hut be
cause the ignorant Mexicans, when
their city was Invaded, find on our
sailors, we did not destroy Vera Crux.
Even had wo bombarded Vera Crux
money could have restored It. Money
cannot ever restore Louvaln and Its
people's houses. It belonged to the
world. With torches and dynamite the
Germane have turned their master
pieces Into ashes, and all the Kaiser's
horses and all his men cannot bring
them back again.
When by troop train we resehed
Louvaln the entire heart of the rlly
was destroyed, and the flro had
reached the Boulevard Tlrlemont. which
faces the railroad station. The night
was windless, and tho sparks rose In
steady, leisurely pillars, falling hark
Into tho furnace from which they
sprang. In their work the snldlera
were moving from the heart of the
(Concluded ou l'as 4.)