Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 29, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Colusa Retains Registry and
Will Take Chances on Cap
ture by Germans.
Norwegian Vessel Cuzco Due Sep
tember 6 From North and Santa
Craz Will Bring Atlantic
Freight Same Day.
W. R. Grace & Co. determined not
.to alter the registry of the Britisn
steamer Colusa here, though it has
been said for the last few weeks that
she would be brought under the Stars
and Stripes before leaving the North
west for the West Coast of South
America, and the vessel sailed last
sight. It is understood that Captain
Lobez had instructions to take every
precaution en route to the Golden Gate
against capture by German cruisers.
As was done in the case of the Brit
ish steamer Fernley, which was dis
patched with a grain cargo for the
United Kingdom a week ago. the Co
lusa probably will steam well within
the three-mile limit.
So far as the Portland cargo of the
Colusa figures she would not be in
much danger of molestation, as she
loaded 2.500,000 feet of lumber that is
valued at $23,331, but from Puget Sound
she took considerable flour and other
commodities that might be regarded
more of a prize.
Americans Own Vessel.
The vessel is bound only for West
Coast territory and is in no wise in the
business of assisting any of the bel
ligerents, it is insisted by G. IE. Mc
Dowell. Portland agent, and only the
fact that she flies the British flag Is
gainst her in the present trouble,
though she is owned solely by Amer
icans. Lumber taken aboard here is con
signed to Caldera, Areso, Coquimbo,
Itollendo, Cruz Grande, Callao. Balboa,
Panama and Payte.
The Norwegian steamer Cuzco, in the
same service, is due here September
6 on her way south, after loading on
Puget Sound.
The New York liner Santa Cruz is to
be in Portland September 6 with cargo
Irom the Atlantic side approximating
2800 tons and a change In system will
go into effect with her arrival.
Cargo to Be Taken On.
The Santa Cruz will take on Port
land cargo for New York immediately
after discharging Inbound freight and
then go to Puget Sound. In the past
the arrangement has been for the ves
sel to discharge at Portland, proceed
to Puget Sound to finish and then re
turn here to take on outbound stuff.
The steamer Santa Catallna was re
ported arriving at Baltimore Thursday
on her way from Portland for New
York and Mr. McDowell said yesterday
thai cargo is being booked for the re
turn yoyage of the Santa Catalina
which is to sail for New Y'ork about
September 20. She is expected to
make the run through the canal to San
Francisco In 19 days and be here six
days later.
The Santa Cecilia, which sailed from
the river yesterday for New York by
way of San Francisco and Los Angeles,
leaves New Y'ork on the return October
30 and the Santa Cruz is to make her
wav back to the Eastern terminus in
time ut depart again October 25. There
after a vessel is to be started for the
Pacific Coast every 20 days with the
present Heet. and that schedule will be
Improved when other carriers are
Railroad Commission Labora
tory Gets Instrument.
Congress Expected to Act on Laws
Now In Conflict.
E. F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of the
Department of Commerce, has written
Collector of Customs Burke on the sub
ject of penalties against foreign-built
veessels as follows:
The new registry law, as you are aware,
enables foreign-built vessels to be registered
as vessels of the United States, snd accord
ingly removes the reason for heavy penal
ties prescribed for many years on vessels
owned by American citizens but not vessels
of the United States because they were not
Sullt In the United States, or were not of
fleered by American citizens.
Such statutes as the alien tonnage dues
and light money Imposed by sections 421U
and 422.". R. S.. the 10 percentum discrimi
nating duty, and the forfeiture of the ship.
Iter cargo, tackle, apparel and furniture pro
vided by section IV, J, subsections 1 and 2
f the tariff act of October 8, 1913, pre
scribed In the case of vessels owned by
American eltixens but not "Vessels of the
flitted States."
Congress, in due course, doubtless will re
peal the laws so far as they prescribe these
penalties on such "vessels not of the United
States." In the meantime. It Is suggested,
that, should a case arise, before taking steps
to collect such tonnage duties of light money
r to Institute proceedings for the impo
sition of other penalties, you communlcsie
with the Department, which, where neces
sary, will consult with the Treasury Depart
ment, and you will be Instructed. It Is prob
able that vessels now abroad owned ty
Americans, w-111 resch your port under Amer
ican consular certificates of American own
Two Steamers Leave Today With
Over 500 Bound for Fields.
Between 500 and 600 hoppickers are
to leave Taylor-street dock this morn
ing on the steamers Grahamona and
Oregona for Willamette Valley hop
districts. Captain A. B. Graham, of
the Yellow Stack line, which has car
ried pickers annually for many moons,
says he fully expects the last big
crowd will leave here Monday. Ap
proximately 300 pickers left yesterday
on the Grahamona and the steamers
have been thronged during the entire
"There Is no trouble being experi
enced in getting pickers so far as we
have been informed." said Captain
Graham. "It is a fine season as to
the condition of the Wop and ability to
secure help."
The Y'ellow Stack dock resembled a
big storage warehouse for household
poods yesterday, as every sort of camp
equipment, all sizes and shapes of bag
gage rolls and many kinds of per
sonal belongings were plied there to
he trucked aboard steamers last night
to accompany the pickers.
JIaster of Harvard to Be Sent to
Bring Great Northern Here.
Some of the Coast skippers who hoped
they might be designated in the selec
tion of a navigator to proceed to Phila
delphia to bring out the giant Hill
coaster Great Northern, which is to
operate between Flavel and San Fran
cisco, are doomed to be disappointed,
for Captain Harry Stremmell, of the
fleet turbiner Harvard, operating be
tween the Golden Gate and Southern
California, has been assigned for the j
task. It .'s understood that the vesBel
is about ready to be placed in com
mission. The Northern Pacific, her sister ship,
Is being hurried, and when she is ready
it Is expected that another Pacific Coast
navigator will be assigned to command
her. Captain C. iJ. White has succeeded
Captain Stremmell on the Harvard. It
has been arranged that the Hill inter
ests will sell through tickets from the
Northwest to Southern California,
transferring passangers at San Fran
cisco to the Xale and Harvard.
Seattle Gets Argentine Corn.
SEATTLE, AugT 28. The British
steamer Cloughton tomorrow will be
gin to discharge at a local mill a cargo
of corn from Argentina, the first ever
brought to Puget Sound from South
America. The Cloughton carried 7000
tons at a freight rate of $4 a ton. The
rate on corn from the Mississippi Val
ley to Puget .Sound is $10 a ton.
News From Oregon Ports.
CCOS BAT, Or., Aug. 28. (Special.)
The gasoline launch Standard, which
nad been doing charter work at
Yaquina Bay, arrived at 2 A. M.
K. S. Wright, Government engineer
in charge of Coast ports in this sec
tion, is here from Newport.
The schooner Reaondo sailed for San
Pedro at 3 P. M., with 47 passengers
and a cargo of lumber. The Redondo
will call at San Francisco'.
The gasoline schooner Randolph
for Wedderburn today at 3:30
Eight Objections Made to Mr.
Ziegler's Applications.
P. M.
Preventing Upland Owners From Ac
quiring Right to Harbor Line Is
Urged Report on Matter to
Be Delayed Month.
steam schooner Yellowstone
from North Bend at 4 P. M.
with lumber for San Francisco.
The gasoline schooner Roamer sailed
for Florence and other Siuslaw ports
at noon, having a full cargo of freight.'
The steamship Breakwater sailed for
Portland at 12:30. calling at North
Bend while leaving the bay. The Port
land business men were on board.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 28. (Special.)
The American steamer Nevadan sailed
today for Seattle and Tacoma with
cargo from the Atlantic Coast.
The gasoline schooner Delia arrived
this mornins: from Nestucca with 7
cases of cheese and five bales of sacks
for Portland.
The gasoline schooner Enterprise
sailed today for Waldport with general
The tank steamer Frank H. Buck
arrived this morrfing from California
with a cargo of fuel oil.
The Grace line steamer Santa Cecilia
arrived from Portland this morning, and
after loading 27,000 cases of salmon at
the Sanborn dock for New York went
to sea.
The Columbia River Packers' Asso
ciation cannery ship St. Nicholas was
800 miles off the mouth of the river
yesterday, and should arrive early in
the coming week. She comes from
Nushagak River, Alaska.
The steamer Thos. L. Wand sailed
today for Southeastern Alaska with a
full cargo of general merchandise from
The dredge Multnomah arrived from
Slaughters last evening in tow of the
tug Oneonta, and began operations to
day on improving the channel at Tongue
Marine Notes.
Concern for the safety of the British
oil tanker Ponus was set at rest yes
terday when news of her arrival at San
Francisco was received. The vessel
came into the Columbia River from
Nagasaki to escape German cruisers
and receive orders from the south.
which directed her to proceed to the
Golden Gate.
Captain W. P. Whltcomb has resumed
responsibilities as master of the steam
er Joseph Kellogg, relieving Captain
O. A. Kruse.
W. R. Hewitt, of San Francisco, port
engineer for the Mccormick neet, js
in the city. Mr. Hewitt has inspected
the latest addition to the fleet, under
way at the plant of the St. Helens Ship
building Company.
To discharge about 130 tons of sal
mon the Portland-Alaska steamer J. B.
Stetson Is due at Seattle today and will
proceed here to unload 600 tons of the
same commodity, being looked for
Monday. The steamer sails on the re
turn Wednesday.
Movements of coasters last evening
included the departure of the Shoshone
from Linnton fop sea, the shifting or
the Shoshone from here to St- Helens
and the San Ramon from the. Portland
mill to Linnton.
Having replaced all spar buoys re
moved from the main ship channel In
advance of the June freshet the light
house tender Heather arrived in the
harbor yesterday.
It is reported from Puget Sound that
no effort is to De made to raise ue
steamer Admiral Sampson, which was
sunk In collision with the steamer
Princess Victoria. The vessel Is said
to have been virtually cut in two and
lies In more than 20 fathoms of water.
Belgium Offers Amnesty.
Amnesty will be granted all deserters
from the Belgian army if they will re
turn to their country and take up arms
In the present war before October 4,
according to Information received from
E. Havenlth, Minister of Belgium at
Washington, by C. Henri Labbe, who
represents that nation in Portland. The
deserters are offered no aid in return
ing, however, and must go back at their
own expense.
The candy bill of the American girl Is
S134.U0O.000. J10.000.000 more than the cost
of the nation's paint and varnish.
More than 60 representatives of
waterfront interests and members of
commercial and municipal bodies
gathered at the office of Colonel Mc
Klnstry, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.,
yesterday, when a hearing was held on
the application of J. B. Ziegler to
change harbor lines at Portland at
certain points.
Eight objections were filed and Mr.
Ziegler was the only speaker In sup
port of the matter.
Colonel McKinstry announced that he
would not forward a report of the
hearing, which will contain his recom
mendations, for a month. Meanwhile
any written statements might be filed
for or against the application, he said,
and he would include them In his re
Lengthy Argument Made.
Mr. Ziegler made a lengthy "argument
in behalf of his contention for shifting
the harbor lines so as to increase the
harbor area and to prevent upland
owners from acquiring rights to the
harbor line, some of which, he said,
had been obtained as a matter of spec
ulation with the hope that they might
be sold tc the Commission of Public
"If you can show that there is a
public necessity for the change, I will
make recommendations," Colonel Mc
Kinstry told Mr. Ziegler. The latter re
plied that the upper portion of the har
bor should be preserved at least, for
terminal purposes as far as the north
end of Ross Island, or even to the
south end, if deemed needed. He said
the natural width of the river had been
decreased from 800 feet to less than
600 feet at the site of the old steel
"You don't propose to save these peo
pie In spite of themselves?" queried
Colonel McKinstry, after objections
had been made.
J. H. Noyes Objects.
J. H. Noyes, in objection to a change
on behalf of the Globe Milling Com
pany, said that to alter the line on the
East Side would cut through the center
of the company s concrete elevator.
A. C. Spencer, of counsel for the
O.-W. R. & N., said a change on the
West Side would cut through the rail
road and steamship terminals at the
point of interchange.
J. R. Bowles, of the Northwest Steel
Company, said that to move the harbor
line would cut off Its improvements
to such an extent that it would have
to move the plant to a site on the Co
lumbia River.
Commissioners Would Decide.
S. M. Mears. president of the Port of
Portland Commission, took the stand
that, so far as the interests of the
state were concerned In a harbor line
change, the matter should be brought
properly before the Commission to de
termine whether it would be advan
tageous or was agitated by a few per
sons who had no Interest at stake.
John Kiernan, owner of Ross Island,
objected insofar as that property- might
be affected, and in reply to a question
aB to how he regarded the acquisition of
waterfront rights In the past, said
there was a time when a man received
homestead here, providing he was
married, simply to facilitate immigra
J. F. Booth objected on behalf of the
J. B. Montgomery estate; H. E. Penneli,
for the Chamber of Commerce, and B.
C. Dey, for the Southern Pacific.
Apparatus Presented by Bntterfield
Bros, to Be Used In Recneck
ing Test Weights or Track
Scale Testing Car.
One of the largest scientific scales on
the Pacific Coast has been added to the
laboratory equipment of the Railroad
Commission of Oregon, the Portland of
fice of which is in the Courthouse. The
scale is a valuable addition to the Com
mission's apparatus used for testing
standards of quality, purity, pressure,
voltage, etc., of gas, electric railroad
and water utilities.
The scale, which has been set up in
the laboratory, was an outright gift to
the Railroad Commission by Butterfield
Bros., of Portland. The scale was used
by the gold smelter at Linnton years
ago. It is of solid bronze on a marble
base, an even balance type, with center
and end Divots with agate bearings. It
is sensitive to one two-hundredth of
milligram and has capacity of 1000
ounces Troy.
Railroad Scales Checked.
It can be used for rechecking the
test weights of the railroad scale test
ing car. In 1911 the Legislature passed
a law placing the railroad track scales
under the jurisdiction of the Railroad
Commission, and since then all such
scales are regularly Inspected and
caused to be maintained in an accurate
George H. Kaiser, who In point of
service is Oregon's oldest scale expert
was appointed to the position of State
Railroad Track Scale Inspector. This
step of clearing away all doubt in the
minds of the farmers and merchants
as to the weights of shipments has
been productive of splendid results In
the lack of complaints. The railroads
can now call attention to the state test
er's scales on which is noted the date
of last inspection, and the shipper
knows a systematic Inspection will
maintain proper attention on the part
of the weighers.
Each Section Can Be Tested.
The test car is 22 feet over all, with
19-foot wneel base, when traveling.
During the testing of the scales, how
ever, a device elevates the outer wheels
of the car and an eight-foot wheel test
er to check the accuracy of each scale
section separately. Track scales have
from four to seven sections, depending
on their length. The average is a 50-
foot scale with five sections.
The test car is constructed entirely
of steel to preclude any fluctuations
due to temperature or weather. It
weighs 47,000 pounds and contains 260
weights weighing 50 pounds each, mak
ing a total weight of 60,000 pounds. To
recheck these 50-pound test weights is
the purpose of the new scale. The
closest possible check on the car is
maintained. Even the wear on the shoe
brakes is accounted for.
Gsod Things in Markets
Rose City Carries Flour for Central
and South America.
As a second gang of longshoremen
was assigned to assist in loading the
Norwegian bark Alcides at the North
Bank dock yesterday, it is thought she
will be finished Tuesday and probably
leave down without delay on her way
to the United Kingdom. Soon after
September 1 the Nordhav will be started
Some flour Is finding its way from
Portland to be exported regardless of
the tie-up of the Oriental service.
Steamers of the "Big Three" fleet have
handled small lots for Central and
South America that is transferred at
San Francisco to Pacific Mail vessels,
and a shipment of 400 tons goes on
the steamer Rose City, sailing tomor
row. The liner has a full cargo, and
considerable freight offered for imme
diate shipment has been declined owing
to lack of space. For the past few
trips the liners have had all they could
carry south-bound, and with the move
ment of wheat throughout the Fall to
California they will be kept busy.
HE crest of the peach wave is
here. The supplies are from North
Yakima. The Dalles and the Willam
ette Valley. The fruit is plentiful
and a good share of it is choice.
The bulk of the offerings In market
is Elbertas, which can be had, of good
size, from 40 to 65 cents a box. Some
very fine samples are held at 25 cents
basket or 70 cents a box.
Bartlett pears are in prime condition
for canning and are obtainable as low
as 2 cents a pound, a 40-pound box for
90 cents. Choice stock retails at 15
cents a dozen, but good pears can be
had at half that price.
Pineapple, another candidate for
canning, is also at the best, and sell
ing at 10 cents a pound. By the crate
of 80 pounds, they are offered at 8
cents a pound.
Experienced dealers declare that
fruit is cheaper at present than It has
been In the past 11 years. Housekeep
ers are strongly urged, therefore, to
can peaches, pears and pineapples for
Winter use, as the low price of fruit
will more than offset the rise in
Concord grapes, the first of Ore
gon s crop, are on hand, looking fresh
and large. They bring 20 and 25 cents
a basket. Tokay and Malagas are each
quoted two pounds for 15 cents, but
in some quarters Malagas can be had
at 5 cents a pound. Tokays are 45
cents a basket, or 75 cents for a crate
of four baskets. The Queen of Mo
rocco, a dark-colored grape, and the
sweet, green, seedless variety are each
10 cents a pound.
A pleasant surprise is the appear
ance of second-crop local strawDerrles,
at 15 cents a box. A consignment of
blackberries, of large size, are 25 cents
for three quart boxes. The only other
small fruit is huckleberries, at 10 cents
a pound.
The banana war, which has lasted a
month, and during which bananas went
as low as three dozen for a dime, is
over, and the fruit has resumed Its
average price of 20 and 25 cents a
Italian prunes make a noticeable dis
play, and are as moderate as two bas
kets for a quarter, but some very
choice stock brings 20 cents a basket.
Beautiful Hungarian prunes are 25
cents a basket; Damson and Bradshaw
plums, and silver prunes are each 5
cents, a povund, an average of 65 cents
a box.
Some navel oranges can still be had
at 30 to 40 cents a dozen, but lemons
hold firmly at 50 cents. The Italian
shipments, which are mostly absorbed
by New Y'ork, have been shut off by
the war, and California is now supply
ing lemons to the whole United States.
Florida grapefruit has again made
its appearance and brings 20 cents
each, or two for 35 cents. Californlan
stock can be had at 5 cents each.
Black fresh figs are 20 cents a dozen,
65 cents a basket, the white variety 50
cents a basket.
Oregon and Washington have each
produced a large crop of cantaloupes.
the larger sizes of which sell at 5 cents
each: smaller, down to 2 cents. Casavas
are 25 to 40 cents each. Watermelon
is generally 1 cent a pound.
Among vegetables comes a supply of
tomatoes, grown on the Columbia bot
tom, near Portland. These are sun
ripened in the open field, comparing
very favorably with the selected hot
house stock; they are being sold at 10
cents a basket of 4& pounds weight.
A fresh supply of Alaska green peas,
from the White Pass, Is on hand, at
two pounds for a quarter.
Irish potatoes from Mt. Scott bring
$1.50 a sack, but very good spuds can
be had for 2 cents a pound. Sweet
potatoes are quoted from four to eight
pounds for a quarter.
Asparagus beans at 5 cents a pound
meet ready sale, as do green Lima
beans at three pounds for 25 cents.
Wax beans are 10 cents a pound; the
"shell" variety four pounds for 15
cents. Okra is 40 cents a pound; ever
green corn, 15 cents a dozen; cucum
bers, 30 cents a dozen; green pepperf, 5
cents a pound, or 10 cents a dozen.
Among poultry, hens are 20 to 22
cents a Dound: Soring chickens, 25 to
28 cents, and ducks and geese 25 cents
a Dound.
Butter is 65 to 75 cents a roll 35 to
40 cents a pound. Eggs. 35 and 37 cents
a dozen, or two dozen for to cents.
Steamer Schedule.
s-amc From Date.
Rose City -Los Angeles In port
Geo. W. Elder Eureka aus.
Breakwater Coos Bay Aug.
Bear .Los Angeles Aug.
Yucatan n Diego Aug.
Beaver Los Angeles Sept.
Roanoke Ban Diego Sept.
Name. For Date.
Tale S. F. to L. A. Aug.
San Ramon .San Francisco Aug.
Multnomah San Diego Aug.
Harvard S. F. t L. A. Aug.
Rose City Los Angeles Aug.
Geo. W. Elder Eureka Aug.
Breakwater Coos Bay Aug.
Yosemite Los Angeles Sept.
Paraiso. ..I....... .S&n Francisco. . . Sept.
Yucatan an Diego Sept.
Bear Los Angi les .Sept.
Celllo San Diego Sept.
Roanoke San Diego Sept.
Beaver. .Los Ang lies Sept.
Klamath San Diego Sept.
Na.r.ei From Dsts.
Andalnala Ham burr ind't't
Monmouthshire. London Sept. 10
Den of Alrlle London Sept. 22
Merionethshire. ... London ..Oct. 29
Belgravia Hamburg .Oct. 2s
Cardiganshire London Nov. IS
Brasilia Hamburg ..Nov. 22
Name. For Dsts.
Monmouthshire. . .London. ......... tnd'ft
Andalusia Hamburg tnd'f t
Den of Alrlle London Oct.
Merionethshire.... London Nov.
Belgravia Hamburg Nov.
Cardiganshire. .... London. .Nor.
Brasilia Hamburg Nov.
Name. For fats.
J. B. Stetson ka?war .. .Sept.
Qutnault Skagway Sept. 10
Thos. L. Wand .Skagway Sept. 15
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Aug. 28. Arrived 6teame
F. H. Buck, from Monterey. Sailed Steam
ers F. H. Buck, for Monterey: Shoshone, fo
San Francisco; Yosemite, for San Francisco,
via. St. He ens: iiriusn steamer coiusa, iu
West Co&st
Astoria. Autr. 28. Sailed at 4:30 A. M
RtPRTtiftr Ks.vfl.dan. for New York via Puee
Sound. Arrived at 5 and left up at 6:o0
A. M.. steadier F. H. Buck, from Monterey
Arrived down at 7 A. M., steamer Santa
San TPranclseo. Aug:. 28. Arrived at 3 A
M., steamer Daisy GadBby, from Portland; at
7 A. at., steamer Klamath, from Portland
British steamer Ponus, from Astoria Sailed
at 1 P. M steamers Yucatan and Bear, to
Portland. Aueust 27. Sailed at 6 P. M.
steamer E. H. Vance, for San Pedro.
San Pedro, Aug. 27. Sailed Steamer
Santa Cruz, from Ifew York, for Portland
Sailed Steamer Geo. w. Fenwick, for Co
lumbla River.
Baltimore, Aug. 27. Arrived Steamer
Santa Catallna, from Portland.
Eureka, Aug. 28. Arrived Steamer Geo
W. Elder, from Portland, via Coos Bay.
San Francisco. Aug. SS. Arrived Steam
ers Tamaloais. from Grays Harbor; Daisy
Cadsby, from Columbia Klver; Klamath
from Astoria; Ponus (British), from Hong
kong; Jim Butler, from Eagle Harbor; Car
mel, from Grays Harbor; Siberia, froas
Hongkonar. Sailed Steamers Mary Olson
for Puget Sound: Rainier, for port Ludlow;
Yucatan and Bear, for Portland; Nann
Smith, for Coos Bay.
Balboa, Aug. 2S- Arrived Steamer Lewis
Luckcnbach. from San Francisco.
Cristobal, Aug. 28. Arrived Steamer N-
braskan, from San Francisco.
Seattle. Aug. 28. Arrived Steamers Ad
miral Farragut and Col. E. L.. Drake, from
San Francisco ; congress, rrom tan Ajiego ;
anta Ana. from Southeastern Alaska: bark
entine Guy C. Goss, from Nushagak. Sailed
Steamer Governor, for San Francisco
power schooner Bender Bros., for Kusko
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
Hieh. Low.
8:12 A. M 5.7 feet. 1:51 A. M 0.4 foot
7:2S P. M 8.2 feetjl:28 P. M 3.9 feet
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. Auk. 28. Condition of
the bar at 5 P. M., cloudy. Bar smooth,
wind northwest IS miles.
Marconi Wireless Reports.
(All positions reported at 8 P. Iff. August 28,
unieHH otherwise designated.)
Paraiso. San Francisco for Portland, fog
bound off ("loos Bav.
Scott San Pedro for Tacoma. i miies
south t,f Cane Meares.
Santa Cecilia, Astoria ior san rra-ncnco,
flhpam Columbia llchtshiD.
Herrin, Monterey for Linnton, oo mnes
from Monterev.
Falcon, with tow, San Francisco for Seat
tle, 13 miles south of Destruction island.
Norwood. Grays Harbor for San rancinco,
harhounri inside Gravs Harbor.
Breakwater, Coos Bay for Portland, five-
miles south of Heceta Head.
Alameda. Alaska lor beattie, on irgiu
Rock. 11:30 P. M.. August 27.
Berlin. Alaska for Portland, 727 miles
west of Columbia River.
Victoria. Seattle for Nome. 380 miles east
of ITnimak Pass at 8 P. M., August 27.
Shin St. Nicholas, Alaska lor Astoria, nuu
miles off Columbia River.
Lansing, Seattle to Port San Luis, 5 miles
south of Blunts Reef.
Leelanaw. N'jmafmo to San Francisco. 20
miles north of San Francisco.
Oleum. Portland to San Francisco, 128
miles north of San Francisco.
Nome City, San Francisco to Seattle, 4Z
miles north uf Blunts Reef.
Richmond, Richmond to Seattle, 3io miles
north of Richmond.
Catania. Port San Luis to Portland, 2b9
miles north of San Francisco.
Hanalei. Eureka to San Francisco, 32
miles south of Blunte Reef.
Cuzco, San Francisco to Port Townsend,
22 miles south of Bfnnts Reef.
Roanoke, Portland to Sab Francisco, 40
miles south of Point Gorda.
Willamette. Astoria to San Francisco, 35
miles south of Cape Mendocino.
Whlttiar. Port San Luis to Coos Bay, 14&
miles north of San Francisco.
Matsonia. Honolulu to san Francisco, teio
miles out August 27 8 P. M.
Enterprise. Honolulu to san nwoMh
09 miles out August '27 8 P. M.
Wllhelmlna. San Francieco to Honolulu.
459 miles out August 27 8 P. M.
Bear. San Francisco to 'ortiana. on
Point Arena
Yucatan. San Francisco to h-ortiana. is
miles south of Point Arena.
Santa Rita. Port San Lias to beattie, &s
miles south of San Francisco.
Chanslur, Monterey to 1'ortiana. 25 mues
from Monterey.
Fenwick. San Pedro to Astoria. 120 miles
south of San Francisco.
Watson, Seattle to San Francisco, 64 miles
from San Francisco.
Speedwell, Coos Bay to San Francisco, 100
miles north of San Francisco.
Queen. San Francisco to San Pedro, oft
Point Reyes.
Santa Cruz. San Pedro to San Francisco,
30 miles north of Point Sur.
Nann Smith, San Francisco to Coos Bay,
45 miles north of San Francisco.
Governor, Seattle for San Francisco, off
Point Wilson,
Santa Maria, Port Harford for Tacoma,
anchored off Port Angeles.
Damara, San Pedro for New York, 254
miles southeast San Pedro.
Arollne, San Francisco for San Pedro. 20
miles east of Point Concepclon.
Columbia. Santa Barbara for San Fran
cisco, 10 miles west of Pant a Barbara.
Vance. San Francisco for San Pedro, 28
miles east of point Concepclon.
Hooper. Raymond for San Pedro, 52 miles
east Point Concepcion.
Harvard. San Pedro for Fan Francisco,
passed Hueneme at fi:4Q P. M.
Daily to September 30
Return Limit October 31
Two Through Trains to Chicago
No Change of Cars
' Via Minneapolis and St. Paul
Drawing-Room and Compartment Standard Sleeping Cart,
Tourist Cars, Coaches; Dining Cars, with Real Dining Service
that our patrons appreciate.
Via Kansas City and St. Jo
All information gladly given at office or by mail
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., Portland, Or.
255 Morrison Street Phones: Main 244, A 1244
Northern Pacific Railway
A Bottle of Good Old
WittvVW -Lunch
will operate steamers between Portland and beach
connections as follows:
Leaves Ash-street dock. 9 P. M.. dally except Sun
day, for Megler and North Beach' returning, leavxi
Mesrler, dally except Sunday and Monday. :30
A. M. ; Sunday only. 9 P. m,
Leaves Ash-street dock 8 P. M.. dally except Sun
day, for Astoria and way points: returning:, leaves
Astoria, daily except Sunday. 7 A. M.
Tickets, reservations, schedules and
Information upon application:
.Id and Washlnstoa Streets,
or Ash-street Dook. Both phones.
Ji jtu
Fuse Blowout on Car Causes Man to
See Supposed Fatalities.
Passengers leaped excitedly from
their seats and rushed to the street
when the controller on a. Williams
avenue streetcar Durned out with a
flash at Williams avenue and Knott
streets, last night. Frank Battlg, 1046
Williams avenue, got off the car the
wrong way in his excitement, was
thrown to the pavement, and the back
of his head and one leg were slightly
injured. The Ambulance Service Com
pany removed him to his home.
"Send the ambulance and policemen
here, quick; an automobile just struck
a streetcar and three men are killed!"
Some excited person telephoned this
message to the police station at 7
o'clock, and men were rushed to the
scene of the supposed fataUtleB. Pa-
We Handle No. 1 Steer Meat Only
Highest Grade of Pork, Veal and Lamb.
RESPONSIBLE party for Winter: modern
4-room flat, electricity and gas; water
neater; sleeping porch; place for auto
mobile and chicken park; $20. 5616 42d
ave. S. E. Archer Place, Mt. Scott.
WAN'TED To rent or buy 2 to 4 dump
carts and about 600 feet of track. Pacific
Employment Co.. 222 Couch.
WANTED An experienced girl for dining
room at 163 12th and Morrison.
trolmen Lewis and Wendorf could find
no accident of any consequence, ami
now they are looking for the man who
People say "God bless me" "'.'""
Ing. from the fact that In the 1. f
the plague thl terrlbl. malady began with
Wnlent .neezing and other Indication, at
cold The exclamation was thus original
a Waver to be delivered from the plaE'"-.
Chickens Lower
16c to 18c
Creamery Butter,
60 and 65
Best Creamery Butter,
Fresh Eggs,
202 lbs. for 35
All goods retailed at
wholesale prices.
La Grande Creamery
264 Yamhill Street
Domestic Scientists
particularly should read
U S. Bulletin No. 103 of
the Dept of Agriculture
on the subject of Alumi
num Compounds in Bak
ing Powder
Crescent Baking Powder
is a type of those expert
mented upon and meet all
requirement!, of a
rure r ooa
25e Per lb.
All Ororers