Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 29, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    rntt HF.VT r a-a Ai-..a. summer wuoti
itoom n ilb Board.
14th and Jefferson St.
An excellent residential hotel: attractive
rate to transient or permanent rueita.
Main 8283, A 88.
$86 Montgomery at., at Weat Park Mod
ern convenience; rooms with or witnout
bath; excellent table ervlce; reaaonable
rates for regular r transient guest.
The Whitehall. 253 Sth St.. haa fine
able board, modern rooms, sun parlor;
a real hdase; reasonaole ratea.
LARUE, fcht. airy rooms, with board, very
desirable. 300 Jefferson at
Boom With Board In Private ramllles,
PLEASANT home for teachers and business
persons, house modern and newly fur
nished, all conveniences, excellent board,
j.. and up. Main S3L 601 Harrison, near
14th st-
WET SIDE, C2 Lucretla St.. one-half block
from Washington st. 2 well-furnlshed front
rooms In private modern home for gentle
man' breakfast and dinner, reasonable.
Main .',843.
NICE largo front room, suitable for one or
two; excellent board, o-mlnute walk to
the p. o. Kate very reaaonable. A 2S4G.
U49"- 6tb at.
"FIRST -CLASS board and room In refine!
home. Steam heat and all modern con
veniences. Good location. Reaaonable rates.
Marshall 243.
OOM and board In a refined home for a
girl or boy. 650 Weldler at., near schooi.
Phone Eaat 2745.
SINGLE room, board, modern conveniences,
gentlemen only; references. 291 est
EXCELLENT table board, convenient loca
tion, congenial people; have room for two
only; ladles or gentlemen. Marsh. 1123.
ROOM and breakfast, modern home, for
gentleman; $3.50 week; no other roomers,
lath and Holly. Ladd Add. E. 1318.
ONE or two reflned young men can And
room and board In strictly private family;
all conveniences. A 823. Oregonlan.
COMFORTABLE room, every convenience,
board If desired. 468 Taylor at., near
URNISHED rooms to rent, with or with
out board. Main 3058. 367 10th St.. corner
NICE furnished room, excellent board, walk
ing distance; lovely surroundings; use pi
ano. Call for further particulars. Main -i-u
.pr.r nicely furnished front room, all
conveniences, for one or two. with or with
out board. Aiarsnau iiu. eit "-
LARGE room In attractive home, with sleep
ing porch; walking distance; West Side.
Main 7368. 338 11th St.
NICELY furnished rooms, excellent home,
by widow with no children. 422',, Jeffer
son. Main io.
TWO large, light, sunny rooms wltli board;
three carlines. Phone Sellwood 1910. .83
Tlbbetts st.
ROOM with board, on marline, walking dis
tance, home cooking and privilege; rea
sonable, 81 E. 10th N. East 8800.
SCANDINAVIAN family wanted ; young
man to room, two meals a day, $lo mortn.
Scandinavian preferred. B 221. Oregonlan.
WANTED Little girl to board, good home,
$10 month. B 224. Oregonlan.
ROOM and board, 332 10th at., walking dis
tance. Phone Main 67. A 2go.
WANT 2 or 3 children to care for; good ref-
I.AKGE front room, excellent table; ratea
reasonable; walking distance. 427 Main st.
WELL furnished rooms with or without
nnflrn rt asu iuju . a . u-... - -
ROOM and board, private homo. 574 Ladd
ave.. near E. 12th and Hawthorne. E. 5145.
LARGE room, new house, near Multnomah
Club; two meals: reasonable. Main 2219.
FRONT room with excellent board; home
privileges.- 211 North 2Uth. Marshall 1978.
ROOMS with board. 712 Flanders. Main
iaa in morn iocs and after 4 P. M.
NICELY furnished room with board, home
cooking, between 11th and 12th, 427 Clay.
IRVINGTON Beautiful home and sur
roundings: all conveniences. E. 509S.
TWO excellent rooms, very reasonable; best
board; two young people. East 4010.
fi $5.50, waiking distance, now. clean, con
venient; baths any time. '33 North
LARGE, light room with good board at 400
E. 9th st. North, reasonable.
Furnished Apartments.
2-d and Glisan Sta.
Walking distance.
Completely furnished four and five-room
apartrmnts; reasonable price.
Marshall 3162. -
Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart
ments, linen, silverware, private phone
and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the
Union Depot of East Side apartment.
885 Ross st. Phone East 3172.
Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient
s-mlnuta walk to Postofflce.
Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments.
aflarsuau uiao. nciBiB
Corner Para; ana isyior.
Best location In the city; cosy home;
well furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites;
first-class service.
DK Yi:R APTS. See them before locating
for Winter; furnished elegantly, all out
side room, private bath and phone, hard
wood floor, new manager; reference. Take
"W" car. 274 N. 21st t. Marshall 3S0.
GRAND EST A, East Stark and Grand ave.
New building, nicely furnished; private
phone and bath; automatlo elevator,
moderate prices; walking dUtance. Phone
East 0 8.
C44 Everett, between Ei:a and 39th.
Furniahed 8-room apartment; all out
side rooms; references.
HI SLOP HALL, cor. E. 8th and Hawthorne,
nicely furnished apartment; private bath
and phone; everything first-class. One 2
room $14, one 3-room $20. E. sS2.
Cor. East Morrison and 7th sta. ; cosy, well
furniabed 3 and 3-room apartments; pri
vate Dhones and batur: $18 to $27.50.
LUCILE COURT. 20th and Lovejoy Modern
2 3 and 4-room nintuiunui . u. aa
tZj i. .taan.n ..nnr.h ; fine Dark
tUSnuinau, a,.-.... f ' -
... ",191
rnom ......
THE SUNNY8IDE." E. 37th and Belmont
Very desirable furnished apartments, 2, .
and 4-room, clean and strictly first-claas;
private bath, phone, etc; reasonable.
All large, clean, nicely furnished: pri
vate bath, phone, bed and table linen
822.50. Phone B 1053.
para St., at aisuuwu.
Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart
menu close In, by week or month.
Neatly furnished two-room apartments;
walking distance- reduced Winter rates,
$13 to $20. 204 Porter st- Main 7892.
ALTON I A, 19th and Marshall sts. Large,
airy 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet
and exclusive nBnawmuuu
THE LOIS, 704 Hoyt st. Very desirable 3
rooms and sleeping porch; modern; ref
erences. Phone Marshall 2011
DR1CKSTON Choice two and three-room
apartments, furnished or unfurnished
Marshall ai
p AHKHURST, 20th, comer Northrup; 3
room modern furnished apartment, out
side rooms; references.
APARTMENT-HOUSE. 10th and Harrison,
to be leased by owner and furniture sold.
Phone A 31.J lureiiuuit u
&AM R APTS.. 704 Lovejoy, lovely 3-room
furnished of unfurnished corner apts.. $2u
lo S32.50. Marsnan i
TWO rooma and sleeping porch, closet, bath,
phone, light, heat. ;lin di.tance. Lasi
1710. 5ol ltast i"'"'"-
SMMERSLY COURT. 2o0 12th St. 2 and
3-room apartments, close in; modern, rea
ionable. Phone Marshall 2052. Reference.
tja ER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay t.
Modern two rooms, completely furnished.
jMLJtt and $2u. Phon. Marshall 2Q74.
Modern furnished 2-room apartments.
$22.30 up; cloee in. Main 22S6.
JACKSON bungalow, all newly furnished.
Janitor service; walking distance. 4o4 Uth
n 14th st at Market. New 2 and I
?" . , .hed. reasonable. Main 1739.
nooM a'w a TV K NTS. 120.
Larxe cleanT well-furnlshed. private
phonef bath, bed and table linens. B 1053.
- . .. ZnT- . - r IT vn f ' 1 A V
l.L-vun . .-. . - - - -- ----- , , .
New management; nicely furnished,
homelike apatmentsajidingIeroorna.
thf T-PSHUR. 26th and Upshur Furnished
T .nt. steam heat, light. $15 up
2 and 3 roomi
220 N. 17th. Main 215
furnished; reasopaote.
THE DAYTON 4-room turn. apt., only
mo. 680 Flanders.
iiRS'lSHID or unfurnished flat and
apartrr"nt; choice district. Tabor 6183.
tuf ELMS. 14th. near Yamhill 2 and 3
room, outside Walking distance: $16-$23
vTvrsTrJXviS APTS., 54 Kir-g Three and -i
KV-?". niih-elass: references. Main 205$.
nuTPlETELY furnished apartmenta in con
crets T block. $12. 1162 Union ave. N.
nii7iSTA attractive 3 and 4-room apart
mel'tV 2 to $30. Phon Marshall 2045.
i ol-vt FOR KKNT. "J -
Furnished Apartment.
KES1DENT OR 1 A. dai.- a .
ComforL Quality.
Service. Central location.
Courteous treatment.
Utb and Taylor.
Moat modern apartment on the Pacific
Coast: furniahed complete.
Root Garden In Connection.
Walking Distance. References.
CUMBERLAND, West Park and Columbia
Very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur
nished apartment; all modern conven
iences, beautiful location, facing the parks,
14 minutes' waik from business center. We
alwavs maintain our reputation for first
class, clean apartments, with best of serv
ice at reasonable price; references re-
qulrcd. ' fc ;
Only $1$ to $20 per month. $5 to $ per
week, for completely furnished housekeep
ing 2-room apartment, including electric
lights, private bath and phone, all modern
conveniences; new brick building, 15 min
utes' walk from P. O. Lincoln Apts., cor
ner 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 41a2.
IVESTFALL 410 5tr, near Hall, 3 and 4-r.
apts., turn, or unfurn., day, week or mo.,
concrete bldg., elevator, free use electric
sweeper; thoroughly renovated; Inspection
invited; cosy and comfortable, $20 up; best
for money In city; easy walking distance.
Unfurnished Apartmenta.
Just completed and ready for occu
pancy; a modern, 6-story, fireproof brlca
building of clasa and refinement; very de
sirably located, with 57 2, S and 4-room
unfurnished apartments, which have large,
light rooms, plenty of ventilation and
closet space, with hardwood floors, marble
bathrooms, prlvato phone, latest lighting
fixtures' up-to-date convenience; the
building 1 equipped with a large laundry
room, with steam driers and an excellent
heating system. For reservations apply on
premises. Take either 18th or S car nortn
lo Lovejoy.
4 and 5 rooms, unfurnished.
Main 208(i.
References required.
Very high-class three-room unfurnished
apartments; extra large, light rooms; pri
vate balcony; splendid view; clean and
new; exceptional Janitor service; electric
vacuum cleaner; rent reasonable.- Ford
St., near Waahinglon. Main 5527.
Central West Side, highest-class apart
ment; four, five and six rooms, all out
side; every convenience; rents reasonable.
Marshall 3300, Main 7316, A 2670. Amer
ican Realty Co., owners.
Lucretla st., bet. Washington and Everett,
near 23d Very high-class 2 to 5-room
apts.; all large, outside room and recep
tion halls; hardwood floors; free privato
phones; reasonable rates; ref. required. Ap
ply Mgr., Mar. 1513; janitor. Mar. 16QU.
5-room apartment, unfurnished, plenty
light and ventilation, south and eat
view, fine location, walking distance, mod
erate rent. Phone E. 3252
BRICK building, side of Portland Heights;
2-room apartments, modern, hot-water
heat, fine view, rent 1 up, 3 blocks
from 14th St.. corner Kill. $65 Chapman
Must be seen to be appreciated.
705 DAVIS ST.,
A few large apartments to rent In most
modern and exclusive apartment-house in
Portland. Apply on premises.
cor. Jefferson Easy walking distance; 8
or 4 rooms, with private baths; very rea
aonable rent; best service; splendid ar
rangements; all outside rooms.
THE WASHINGTON, 68 Northrup 5-room
unfurnished apartments, with bath and all
modern conveniences telephone, steam
heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take "W" car
to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 4376.
MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3
and 4-room apartments, $20 and up; good
janitor service; walking distance; refer
ences. 712 Wash. opp. 22d. Main 7194.
sts. 3 and 4-room unfurnished suites; pri
vate vestibules, phones and baths, with
team heat, hot and cold water; references.
BRUCE APTS.. 206 23th at. N. Six large
rooms, new and modern; front veranda;
hardwood floors, phones, bath and heat;
beautifully located. Mar. 1423. A -3179.
GRACE APTS.. 21th and Northrup 5 large
rooms, unfurnished; large front veranda,
sleeping-porch; new, modern; hardwood
floors, phones, bath, heat. Marshall 1075.
HARRIMAN APTS., 164 21th St. North
One 7-room jnfurnished apartment in an
nex; all modern; references. Phone Main
356 or Marshall 3SS9.
MORTON APTS.. corner of Wash, and King,
3 or 4-room apts., furnished and unfur
nished: walking distance; best and
cheapest place In city. Main 1082, A 1108.
MODERN nifty 3-room apartment, fire
place and living-room, large, light bed
room and bathroom: near Lincoln High
. School. Particulars Marshall 3400.
$17.50 3-ROOM modern apartment, gas
range and water heater, walking distance.
Fred S. Williams. 02 First st.
bath; all newly done up; $S0 per month.
Applv Manager. 072 Kearney st.
UNFURNISHED O-room apartment, all out
side rooms, large sleepmg porch. Nob Hill
district. Main 8251.
ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef
ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments,
first-class service; private phone; ref.
?AN MARCO. E. Sth and Couch sts.; 3
rooms, outside; hot water; steam heat;
private bath and phone. $18to $22.
MODERN unfurnished apartments, 2, 4 or
6 rooms. 401 10th st. Phone A 3123.
MODERN, steam-heated apartments, five
rooma 387 East Main.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished apartment. 80O E.
Ankeny; rent reasonable, l'hone East 184.
421 WEST Park and Hail; 4-room. steam
heat apartments: desirable; no children.
Furnished and Lnturniahed Apartmenta.
813-821 Morgan Bldg.
Furnished and unfurnished -apartments
In all parts of the city; great variety of
locations, size and price. Our free auto
mobile at your service In visiting any
of our apartments.
Main 2015. A 2018.
49-57 Trinity Place.
The finest apartments on the Pacific
Coast, with every modern convenience;
apartments furnished and unfurnished;
terms reasonable; references required;
furnished bachelors' quarter with club
room. Manager, Marshall 1101.
THE BARKER, corner 21st and Irving
Furnished and unfurnished apartments. In
2, 3 and 4 rooms; four-story brick; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds,
built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty
of closet room; vacuum cleaner free
Phone Marshall 261.
3 and 4 rooms, furnlsned or unfurnished,
new, modern and quiet; references.
THE CH11TOPA. 18th and Flanders: 2, 3
and 4-room modern apartments, furnished
or unfurnished; ground floor apartments
IF YOU want a really desirable place and
a bargain don't miss seeing the Overlook
Apts, new 4 and o rooms. Front and
Lowell ave.
203 16th st.. near Taylor. Marshall 2824.
Nice 4 and 5-room furnished and un
furnished apartments; walking distance
12:li and HarrUd
and 3-room apart-
menu; best service.
pply on premise.
1 2th and Harrison. 2 and 3-room apart
ments; best service. Apply on premises.
flat. - asco si. x-liuiie ...l.-i ...,
I ovELY 4-room flat, newly tinted, well
, . T j - c-o.. v? lana
llgnieu, lumov.
6-ROOM upper flat. 780 Johnson, bet. 33d
and 24tn. 1'none aauiu imi..
STRICTLY modern 7-room flat. 185 16tb
81, can iba Aoin m nctti join i i
5-ROOM flat. East 24th, between Ankeny
and Burnslde: free phone. B 1H23,
COLONIAL flat. rooms, strictly up to
date, close in. cast nna.
NEWLY tinted 6-room flat. 8S0 13th sL
Marshall 587a
$12 5-room flat
electricity,, bath.
Key next door.
illst st. North.
5-ROOM flat with sleeping-porch, hot water
heat. , M Kcn.'. -,"1l""
-WELL 3-room modern lower flat, nice
vara. eu x""'- - - -
5-ROOM modern lower, between Broadway
ana eieei rjrms " "
I - i , . uv-KT ' ' ' ... ... "
ONE 4 and one 5-room flat, each with sleep
ing porch, private back porch and front
porch: east facing on East 21st at. ; io.
303, Just south of Hawthorne ave., colo
nial Heights; good view, light and airy;
gas range, wall bed, heat and water fur
nished; only $30; free rent until Septera-
Der 1. bee tnis nai at once. ou . i
and then phone owner, Main 6920 or la-.
We have a vacancy In the finest flat In
Portland: five rooms, sleeping-porch, tile
bath, hardwood floor, steam-heated; lo
cated at East 16th and Hancock sta, one
block from either Broadway or Irvington
car. F. E. Bowman ec Co., Commercial
Club bldg. Main 3U2C. a i-oa.
6-ROOM lower, finest flat in Portland;
hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutc.i
kitchen and numerous other conveniences
209 East 23th. between Hawthorne and
Madison. East joub.
MODERN 6-room upper flat, gaa r8a:
water heater, linoleum, close In. Vet
Side, 15th and Davis sts. Call mornings
until 2 F. M. and after 5. East 8u6.
idltt AA1J tlAA
Modern 6-room flat, fine aleeplng porch
and yard. In fin condition: 601 Dekum
bidg. Main 3210.
NEW upper flat. 3 large rooms and bath,
heat and use of telephone; 1 block north
of Rose City Park car. 61 E. 4Sth North.
. ..... . . . -. . ,,t . v- CTQ
Tabor 4841.
FOR RENT Modern G-room upper flat,
good condition. E. 33d and Hawthorne
Sve Rent reduced from $30 to $20. V 208.
0 ROOMS, upper or lower, close In, modem
and clean; rent $25 and $30. Key at
uewe stand, cor. 16th and Washington sta
Phone Marshall 3540. ,
CLEAN, modern 4-room flat, tinted; sood
neighborhood, near car. $16, after 0 P. M.
M imams ac. wuuu,-..
MODERN flat with ail outside "?m
at 10th and Clay. W. H. Powell, Main
FOR RENT 7-room flat. 444 Park . In
quire 104 3d at. Phone Main 1436 or A
1436. i
FOR RENT One 4-room lower flat, one
4-room home. $10.50 per month each;
water paid. 319 Russell st-
UPPER orTower flaft. Nob Hill, A-l neigh
borhood, hardwood floors and modern; to
responsible parties only. Marshall 4i01.
NEW. B-room. close-in, fireplace, attle;
cheap; no carfare. 528 Flander. Main
j-SmdM modern flat, fireplace, sleeping
porch; adults; open today. 297 E. 21st st.
Tabor 1597. nawtuorne cai,
HOT water heat, elegant 5-room lower; flre-niii.-
,v,tv modern convenience, select
neighborhood. Call 772 Kearney.
MODERN 4-room flat, all oulside rooms.
70S Sandy boulevard, near 20th, Rose City
Park ear.
TWO new, modern, 4-room flats, near Wal
nut Park, also near Jefferson High School,
; i ti r:io. .io,i ri wn-.
FIVE rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceilings,
fireplace, furnace, door phone, janitor
service; reasonable. Main 2015.
MODERN 5-room lower flat, very reason
able; West Side. 529 Everett st.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st.
Inquire 130 6th t. Phone Main 627jj.
4ROOMmodern flat, 179 Green ave., near
Mrf Vnd Washineion. Main 3888, A 2076.
Furnished Flat.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished S-room flat, sleeping-porch,
piano, sewing machine, elec
tricity, wash trays, furnace, walking dls
tance. 307 Vancouver ave.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 2 nicely furnished
4-room fiats, $20 and $25; piano, large
.'grounds. 661 Davenport st. Get off car at
Terrace drive; look for sign. A 17SG.
$30 NEWLY finished, beautifully fur
nished 5-room flat; Holladay Addition.
375 Multnomah, cor. Union. East 3394.
FOR RENT Furnished flats, 4 and 6 rooms,
walking distance; $20 and $25 per month:
water furnished. 566 Market st., corner
$18 3-ROOM, $24: 5-room, strictly modern,
newly, completely furnished, seeing means
renting. 37214 Mill. Mala 6447.
MODERN furnished 4-room upper flat, all
outside rooms. 11 B. 60th st. N. Tabor
MODERN 6-room furnished flat. 8 E. 12th
St. N. Marshall 707, A 7131.
659 PETT YGROVE, 3-room furnished flat
and bath ; reasonable. Main 3176.
NEW furniture, heat, hot water, sleeping-
porch: walking distance. 427 Rodney ave.
FURNISHED corner flat, 5 rooms, piano, on
carline. vacant Sept. 1. 461 j 0th st.
$22.50 4 rooms, completely furnished; light,
water and phone; walking distance. E. 3310
4-ROOM modern, light, clean, walking dis
tance. 383 Ross, near Broadway. East 3010
MOST desirable 5-room furnished modern
flat. Marshall 5238. References,
Housekeeping Rooms,
$3.23 WEEK up Completely furnished
housekeeping cultes, clean as wax, baths,
hot water, lights, phone, linen washed
free- no carfare: bay windows, gas
ranges. 2834 Sd St.. near Jefferson.
$1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean furnished house
keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free
heat, laundry, bath, yard. gas. Phono East
0030. 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. "U" car.
THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur Furnlsned
2-room apts., steam heat, light, $12 up.
Main S323. Take "S," 23d or "W" car north
4U1 EAST MORRISON, neatly furnished 2
room housekeeping apartments, very rea
sonable. FURNISHED H. K. rooms cheap. Cambridge
blag.. 3d, ror. Morrison.
ilouioekeepuig Room In Private Families.
THREE lare. sunny houekeeptng rooms,
nicely furnished, sleeping porcn, tree neat,
water and light; very attractive house,
large grounds, all home comforts, use of
piano, both phone. 018 East Salmon,
near 30th. Phone Tabor 2170, B 1713.
SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, Dutch kitch
en, heat, water, llgnt. use ot pnune, laun
dry, bath; first-class location; "W" car
from Union depot, 23d, 16th-st. cars, walk
ing distance to city proper. $3.50 to $5
week; rates by month. 576 Couch, cor. 18th
$18 THREE completely furnished house
keeping rooms, close in, neat, clean, cosy
and quiet; private bath, gas range, phone,
etc. Call 123 East 19th, near Morrison.
Phone East 5540 or Main 4093.
349 12TH ST. One suite, second floor; sink,
range and gas, electric llgnts; a.i: large
basement suite; gas range, furnace: $11
TWO and 3 H. K. roorns, strictly clean and
rirst-class, completely turnisueu; pnune.
light, bath and heat free; $10 up. 11B3
Belmont, corner 30
2-ROOM suites, $10 and $12 month; every
thing furnished complete ror nouseKeep
lng; free light, phone and bath. l!)2Vii
Grand ave., cornor Taylor
$20 MONTH S modern living rooms, large
Closets, sewinR-ioum, Qui", luiuaua "w.,
gas range: upstairs: no children. 81 E.
85th. corner Stark St.
TWO or three unfurnished, modern, airy.
convenient, central; $14. io. out Everett
$18 DO you want. 4 clean, comfy rooms,
furnished, gas, bath, water? 245 East
37tb. near Main. Tabor 179$.
WELL furnished .4-room suite, water and
bath, $16: also 3-room front suite $14.
350 14th st.
ONE or two-atom suites, housekeeping.
clean; walking distance. i ana ?:.-. a
12th st. near Salmon
$9 A MONTH for S unfurnished room with
bath and porch; light, water and heat
free 748 Water L
PORTLAND Heights; walking distances 2
housekeeping rooms; sleeping porch; all
new. M 3199.
FURNISHED front room ulte, absolutely
modern. Phone Marshal: 1043. 414 Mill,
cor. 11th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance,
light, gas and water cheap rent. 308 3d
st. Flat C. Marsha'! 158:1.
NICELY furnished two-room suite In steam
heated apartment; walking distance. Mar
shall 2336, N
TWO very desirable front h. k. room; gas.
bath. sink, phont. 330 Montgomery st.
$15 3 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms
127 East lilth. bet. Morrison and Alder.
$9 -3riice unfurnished housekeeping-rooms,
gas. bath. 713 1. Stark, cor. 2 2d. E. 5356.
ONE. two and three strictly modern H, K.
rooms. 429 Main.
FRONT room and kitchenette, bath, gas.
phone, running water. 384 Park st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms
yard. Main 22G9. AST '1st. Reasonable.
MAN and wife to room and board, where
wife can help. East 4S42.
TWO connecting rooms; also one large room.
29 East 15th st. North.
TWO front rooms, connected, furnished for
housekeeping. 690 E. Burnslde.
ROOM and board, walking distance. 9 blks.
from Hawthorne, i.aau a:umu". r.. -i-a.
furnished housekeeping rooms and
ette $14. 64 g. 16th N.
TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms
A Itnn, A4 V. lfith N.
H K ROOMS: suite, $2 and up; sleeping
" vTia n IS 3131,'. First st.
20 -Two-room suite, eviry convenience, at
ao iB,t s, aorner Morrison.
CLEAN H K. suite and single rooms; free
, .w -aA ahA-a- rhRfl In. 190 W. Talk.
H k. ROOMS 1, 2 or 3-room ulte, cloae
In, cheap. 844 Glisan st.
We have some new, strictly modern
houses for rent or for sale; If they do not
suit we will build Just what you want on
easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 2iOV
Stark st. Main 1508, A 1618.
ATTRACTIVE, clean, modern 6-room house,
tinted excellent neighborhood, cement
basement, nice yard, paved street, near
car, $22, after 6 P. M. 7S0 Williams ave.
Woodlawn 426.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, near 16th and
Davenport, furnished or unfurnished cot
tage, 6 rooms, 1 floor, celled attic, gas.
eloctrlcity, porcelain plumbing, stationery
tubs, yard. A sun, maiu ut-oo.
MODERN S-room house, newly cleaned and
kalsomined, excellent condition, fireplace,
gas stove, water heater. 767 Marsual..
Mar. 842. A 4242. .
482 EAST 25TH ST. NORTH, near Thomp
son Strictly modern 9-room house; hard
wood floors, tile bath, .sleeping porch.
1'none iLasi b.
8-ROOM modern house. East Side, walk
ing distance, furnace, fireplace, garage;
corner 60x100. H. G. Epton, 422 Chamber
of commerce. ,
MODERN 5-room houses and attic; gas
for cooking; 1 block from Sellwood car,
608 Holgate St.; low rent. Inquire 614
Ho:gate st.
188 NORTH 21st St., 9 rooms, hardwood
lioors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace,
etc.; $35. Key Janitor, St. Francis Apts..
21st North and Hoyt. Main 2015.
Modern 11-room house in fine condition:
rent reduced to $37.50. 601 Dekum bldg.
Main 3210.
120 UNION AVE Comfortable house with
gas, bath, etc.; just retinted and paint
ed; good car service; only $12. Inquire
at '1294 or phone Sellwood 771.
$15 AND $18 5 rooms, light and clean, cot
tage and lower flat, furnace, kitchen
range, walking distance. Take U car to
2U2 Occident at. East 4499.
NEARLY new house, gas. electricity, fur
nace, close In, excellent neighborhood.
Woodlawn 260$.
PARTIES will lease fine home, 9 rooms.
Nob Hill, $45; cloe to Washington. Ad
dress Atl. APA, UlBgUU.M.
9-ROOM house, 166 North ISth St.; suitable
for dwellng or rerentlng for housekeeping
rooms or ruumeio, .-"ajy.
Attractive bungalow flat, 5 rooms, sleeping
porcn, den, mut;. tu , ,;. '
make rent; partly furnished. 867 E. Wash.
$17.50 MONTH, modern 5-room cottage, 126
E fl9th N.; some furniture; best car serv
Ice." F. C. King, 3 14 Spalding bldg.
FOR RENT Beautiful horfle on William
ette Heights. 1133 Thurman Bt. Inquire
of Donald Woodard, 104 2d st. Mam 140.
-L-nr ntrvr "vvVst side. 8-room house. 686
Everett St.. near 21t; furnace, fireplace
yard. Phone Main 5036.
$15 MODERN 6-room bungalow, $20; mod
ern 7-room corner house, furnace, car-
line, phone Sellwood 89
FOP RENT 6-room house, practically new,
2 blocks R. R. bridge, cheap. Inquire 208
Adams st.
6-ROOM house, strictly modern, Just com-
... s ftOi. Klnlra fo A 1-
pietea, anu gumsc. r-v, - v ..-
berta car. iiiy j.. o-n pi. ...
jig 5-ROOM cottage on Russell, near
Union; gas for cooking, electric lights,
. bath. 619 Rodney ave.
186 N. 18TH ST., near Johnson; 8 rooms. 871
Kelly St.. near Gaines, 7 rooms; both
modern, desirable houses.
7-ROOM house. Sol E. Sth St. North; reas
onable to good tenant, key at Imperial
Pharmacy. 48 N. 6th. Main 1937.
MODERN 6-room house, all clean; rent
cheap to right party. 543 E. 17th. VV R
car. .
FOR RENT A modern 6-room house. 325
Wasco street, near E. 1st. Phone East
0-ROOM modern house, newly decorated,
near city school and car, 20 minutes out
on O E. railway, $15. Phone Main 4.i4'J.
SlU 6-room house and barn, with about
Sere ground, fine place for poultry and
garden. Call Tabor 334. -
6-room house. 520 Taylor, near 16th.
$22.60, Main 1240.
- ROOM house. No. 740 Irving St.; hot
water heat; $30. Mala 5724,
4-ROOM house and 1 acre, 35 minutes on
5c car. $8 per mo. Main 6976.
S'EW 6-room cottage, 2lst and East Oak.
Rent $30. Main o724.
MODERN 7-room house, lawn and rosea.
$20. Woodlawn ii.
unisE of 5 rooms and bath. 69 E. 19th
jj. inquire 130 6th St. Main 6278.
7-ltOOM modern house, 75 E, 10th N., cor
ner Couch, inquire 7;i B. 10th N.
MODERN 6-room house. 554 East Yamhill
St.. corner 13th.
IRVINGTON S-room modern home, with or
without enrage, j-uouc caol iitv.
DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses, 396 and
898 San Rafael, close In. East 1685.
S ROOM HOUSE Good condition: choice
location, near Park. 350 Montgomery st.
MODERN 5-room house,
sts. East 4397.
E. 9th and Clay
a-IA 6-room house, first-class condition. In-
.... T- .,1 at
quire v-o a..
. MINUTE walk from Jefferson High; mod-
ern seven-
9-ROOM house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. In-
quire 130 otn. w.o.
,1-. vice olean four-room cottage, 22d and
East Ash. East 2409.
A. rOOD 5-room house, near school and car
Hnei $0 a month. Tabor 4727.
9-ROOM house, . j- uo' wo. Ac
quire 1UU Pto.
$10 A MONTH for 5-room house with bath.
748 Water St.
MODERN 8-room house, near Jefferson hlgb
school, newly plstercd; telephone. C 1821.
IRVINGTON New 6-room bungalow, fire
place, mfnai-i.
113 CLOSE-IN neat 4-room cottage; mod
ern plumbing. 355 Eat 6th X.
sTx rooms, fireplace, furnace, gas range,
water heater, yard; cheap. 736 East Main.
MODERN S-room house for rent. 30 t.
15th st.
MODERN S-room house In Kenllworth, $15.
Sellwood 203! or Sellwood 3277.
8-ROOM house, good condition. 625 Couch
St.; reasonable. Phone Marshall 61a i.
Furnished Houses.
3-ROOM bungalow, completely furnished,
"neat and clean, electric lights, gas and
water furnished, $22.50. Phone Tabor 1610.
C 3024 or call at 252 E. 44th st., one block
north or iiwiau.
FURNISHED house, Westover Terrace, 7
large rooms, 2 sleeping porches, strictly
modern; no children; $75. Phone Marshall
Vi I.1JMET7E HEIGHTS Swell modern 7
room furnished house: three bedrooms and
sleeping porch: rent $55. Call 414 Cor
bejt blda'- A. 1416, Marshall 92.
5 ROOMS, completely furnished, furnace,
fireplace, piano, large yard; H4 block
from car; extremely reasonable to right
party. Woodlawn 1218.
FINE bungalow home, strictly modern,
hardwood throughout, desirable location;
references; rent $40. Tabor 4198.
FURNISHED bungalow, 836 Wasco t.;
fruit trees, great quantity of rose bushes;
WU1 be on premises Monday 9 A. M.
NEW strictly modern, completely furnished
.I u a. .,anaaa 117ft K. Lincoln.
nve-room H...a.
near ogtu. van m -
i-i-HNiKHEn complete, modern aeven-room
a - -- , . - n., I: . ,,.. . TB
house, o cnaiuucis. "ip
Dor to iv.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house with
t-uairi.A. . . IF a a. Side: rent
:i.T.rhone"Mar,hln 2324.
on 3-room furnished cottage, bath. ga.
electricity, fine view. 13th, near College.
inquire ,..! vs. rs
j. .5 6-ROOM furnished house, furnace, flre-
placs. lawn, roses; newly painted, clean.
669 Union ave. N. Main 4629.
o 7-OMPLETELY furnished 5-room bun
galow; cas rnge, electric lights; modern.
Phono Main two
MODERN furnished three-room front apart
ments; phone, water, garage; $17 and
$18. 51 Iran ,Aqi -i. - pm
FURNISHED house. 5 rooms and bath $12
month. 570 East 29th North. Broadway
Car tO nilQtl. O muiao
tjo PER month for newly Turnished S-roora
new house. George A. Riggs, 1102 Spald
ing bldg
6-ROOM houe, - blocks from Union ave.,,
completely furnished. 424 Wygant st,
8-ROOM house, nearly furnished, on West
Side, good location, aiam jm
FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms with yard
u. .laiu aw-.
NICELY furnished 7-room house. $25. phone
aeuwouu aou.
COMPLETELY furnished five-room cottage,
yunnysiur. iawwi
10 1-room furnished house; bath, gas and
electric light. East 3762.
7-ROOM completely furnished house for
year or longer. West Side. Main 4134.
7-ROOM furnlsned bouse. West Side, with
piano. Marshall 998.
-,-ROOM furnished bungalow with garage,
piano; rent ?25. 1117 East Market.
Summer Reeortg.
ONE-ROOM furnished cottage, ocja; front,
filmore Park, Sept, 1. Phone Tabor &8S.
AUGUST 29, 1914.
ZZTZZZr business oppoRic.vrrnss. nx amciai.
FOR RENT during September, the Log
Cabin at Seaside, on boardwalk, com
pletely furnished; running water, no
place; sleeping room for lx. Phone Mar.
C-VVNON BEACH. Or. From Seutember 1,
very desirable front beach eottage, com
pletely furnished. Apply Flnley. 211 Mor
gan bldg. Phone Main 6S22, A 1714,
4-ROOM bungalow, 1 block ocean, Heach
Center, Nortn ceacn; cneui,
Mr. P. ManIey, Seavlew. wash.
MISS WRENNS cottage at Gearhart for
rent In September for $40, or $12 by ' the
week. Write Box 26. Gearhart, Oregon.
SEASIDE furnished 6-room cottage, over
looking ocean, $25 for September. Mar
shall i.-i
BOARDING or tenting, near Mount Hood.
Phone East 6329, Main 6130.
FOR Summer cottage and beach lot sts
ALEX GILBERT & SON. Seaside. Or.
DESIRABLE, completely furnished cottage.
Seaside; modern; $o a week. Main -160.
CORNER Hawthorne ave. and E. Water St.,
23x40; will change front to suit tenant.
Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2063.
$26 NEW. large store with 5-room strictly
modern apariinem. suuu --- '
fixtures cheap. Woodlawn 7-i.
y, t. VV 11.13 . QUO low" m."S.
SMALL store with living-rooms in the rear
3U7 ft 1 t Bt. ncwoiAmc.
NICE suite of three offices; ideal arrange
ment: best service: rates very reasonable.
Inquire manager oiwa AA.,o..a w .
FURNISHED office. Including roiier-Top
desk and chairs; very reasonable. 209
StocK sixcnanne um.
OFFICES. $10 up: furnished offices and
desk room very reasdnable; Portlands
busiest corner, ooo pwcuaum
DESK room, telephone and stenographer's
services. Inquire 617 Board of Trade
FOR RENT Rooms suitable for office or
studio; Uth and Morrison sts. Sherman,
Clay & Co.
WELL furnished private offico; also desk
room. $8 and $7T 723 Chamoer of Com
DESK ROOM in large, light office in Mor
gan bldg. Apply Manager, 818-821 Mor
gan bldg.
Halls. .
FOR RENT Large hall; good dancing floor,
steam-heated. Ill 2d st. Phone Main 183.
FOR RENT Good location, price reason
able; store room 35x70 feet, counter and
shelves installed: two warerooms, ono
large, one small; eighth of mile to pub
lic dock. For particulars Inquire of trus
tees of Lacenter Lodge, No. 92. 1. O. O.
F., La Center, Washington, box 52.
FOR SALE, by owner, a stock of general
mer-jhandisf- of about $4000 In one of the
bast country locations in Oregon. There
is thousands and thousands of acres ot
timber that lays abovo hero that haB got
to come out by here, and the MUiilrj
here is thickly settled but I would give
plenty ot time on the most of it wltn
approve:! security, or 1 would sell M ln
tarest to a Christian man who Is oapanls
of taking charge and running the business,
as I have other business that would take
my time. A. U Brewer. Falkieek, Or.
. ..... I'M VT..OII
For Sale Stock of groceries and shoes,
located in one of the best town in East
ern Washington; Invoice about 7u00, do
ing a business of ovor $30,000 a year.
This business Is on sale for cah and
should like to correspond with anyone
who wishes a business which will bear
the closeest inspection. AV-OIS, ure-glfn-ian.
Before closing deal tor so-called Interest
In established real estate business get ad
vice of Portland Realty Board.
F L. PURSE, Secretary,
532 chamber ot Commerce Bldg.
PARTNER wanted for a feed, fuel and
transfer business; experience not neces
sary and don't require much money. 1 ay
vou $100 month now, which can be in
creased to $200 month. Call room o-U
Morgan bldg.
FOR lease or sale, new brick garage; one
of the finest in Washington; situated in
Pavalhtp, a city of 60O0 population, in the
heart ot the rich Puyallup Valley; only
one garage In the city. Address J. Au.
stevenson. i us anuy. w"
ANY and every kind ot business opportunity.
Stores, manufacturing plants, etu. P. .
4tn ana cmtR.
Sept. 17. 18, 19,
For concessions
Write J. L. WILKINS.
Will-sell either one or V, interest; expe
rience not necessary; will , teach party,
business good. 310 Lumber Exchange. d
and StarK
FOR SALE General mdse. stock arid
In goodotmtry village; $0(100 will handle
It- dblng mostly cash business, of about
$1,100 to $lSOo per month. For particu
lars auuress ,u a-l.
GHAGE, shup and accessories store for
sale cheap in a city of 30.000 not far from
Seattle Wash., and on the Pacific High
way; and is ihe best location in the city.
AV STS. Oregoman
WANTED Good willing worker; 1-3 Interest
in auto business; experience not necessary ,
will pay about $150 per month; $500 cash
required. AS
WANTED A steady, sober man to work as
bt satisfied with $MU month. Call room
S29 Morgan bicg
GENERAL blacksmith shop, fully equipped
with machinery and tools; will sell at (COSt
Price will not be but $500 or $550. Mr. A.
Thoiua. r-t- rwi -i.u"
FOR SALE General blacksmlthlng and
horseshoeing shop In thriving country
town- two fires; electric blower; good
business. sox ,
WEST SIDE grocery at Invoice; owner been
there 13 years; has living-rooms; low rent
and good trade. Particulars. 426 Morgan
LOANS on legacies and lots, bond UB"
negotiated, corporations organised, claims,
notes, inheritances collected L. N. os-
cnbaum. au wan -y-" -
CONFECTIONERY, cigars, bakery 8od,
etc. Bpienum - v "
rlean 1121 month after all eipnaer aro
. . . . , IDA Vl.irr-QM ,,,HlT
p,ia. v. a 1 1 iu"iii "
' , l a. I b I a In nunrHlTP
$7otK annuall'; car U running; 4 np"1"8. ,a
3 ... .i.i- ki,.in...'u pan L$5 doubled with
same car. u v'-' o""-"
Ml'ST sell my Interest In fine cafeteria
boat of reaaona for aellln; can make lou
month. ce my utjcin..
- . . , . i eUAnn s Tl 4 I'AAfur
POOL 11 A -Is, ClgOU t.uuvrt-ti
stoVe; 2 good pooltables, nice stock good
nxturea. worm tuuu
.45ri otarK mi
AT'TOMOniLE business wants energetic
-pIrtne? to tend of floe, sell sup pile etc :
will guarantee good pay. Call room 3-'
TWO parties starting wholesale commis
sion house will take a third party and
teach him the business; little cash re-
oulrefl. f. nu
POR SALiS Confectionery and cigar store
Vf-il.A .a... town: s.-od ocatlon. For
particulars write Box 5H8. Tillamook. Or
kt P! or trade, nan
SAcer?trafly . Scaled. Call or wflt. Hawthorne
. i la. mmratrm
Uarage. 445 uawtnurm -
RESTAURANT Olcotf Lunch. 94 K 0th.
speaks for Itself a a money-maker; will
stand lnvesiiKAum'.
. a. r, nuPCIVIl nlRI.flfi.
Cifdy iwnor "rrToney-mViker, 'West" Side;
Lii t -aerlficc. East 4509.
. ,. t.vo naonle- is t i.-aring abovo all
"expenses. $;5r month ; price $275 ; term.
kS Lumber Exchange. 2d and btark.
WA N'TED Party to take active part : In' Laaafurfnahi' business with
l?.Sln"f' o Address AM 220, Oregonlan
LOT. income bearing. 1 Jeff.. niort
gages, ome cash; principals. AM Ore
FlRST-CLASS confectionery store In town
of dooo: will ell at Involc on account
of sickness. AV 67::. Oregonlan
u.' INTEREST In best paying cleaning and
Hpf.slng business In city for $126. 502
Broadway "ia
STATE HOTEL. 50x100 feet P.ndl.t on Or.
H"f Stark weai her. Mil waukle, 5r.
2-CHAIR barber shop, country town, close
111 X-u -""
4. CHAIR barber shop; good location
TiidV barbers. 30 2d st. North.
vi-wMTrlE buslnesi in Eugene for sale.
Address H!trti
,.,,1)11 m-nsperou garage In country town
Siooi business. Box 40:i, SHverton, Or.
TWO. CHAIR barber shop. Koken furniture,
(r riili. S6 6th at., near stark st.
M - ' ' ,
FOR BALE Corset business, with estab-V."..-2
.aTuT-Tv. .aencv. C 197. Oregonlan.
MSS a--
I ADV owning cleaning end pressing. West
Uc7. V,,,,., sacrifice. East 4.'.'!'J.
POR SALE Grocery with living-room. $700
RESTAURANT for sal cheap. Apply 8$tt
ni'.an at.
MY invention cost me $5000: three .P'1"1"
. a M mf a. a. a, aa m B nH filT W P i A
GO tne w or a HI v mwn , . ..n..-. --"o aa,
Immense; trial campaigns show $o
profit In 10 days; wanted, men H buy
Interest In machines or capital to instai;
them; investmont secured. -Inventor.
Ackley Hotel. Marshall 8822.
BC81NESS opportunities wanted
WANTED Grocery, confectionery or any
paying business, $wuu equity m u
16 miles out. nd cash, not to exceed
$1500 in all. AM 224. Oregonlan.
6TOCKS of shoe bought for cash, providing
price is right, A 171. uregoniaau
Hotels Roomlnr. Apartment-house,
Flione Mam sooo.
WANTED Rooming-house, about 25 rooms;
must oe cheap, in goou iochhjii uo
furniahed; prefer to deal directly with
owners. AJ SOO, uie.uunn.
WANTED To rent furnished apartmnt-
nuuse ot io or -v liii aiw,.,, i
meats; must be reasonable. Addre R. L.
p., 600 East Flint t., Portland. Or.
FOR SALE Cheap; rooming-house; e'o
store Duuaing. naiumn ai
port, ur.
10 ROOMS, elegantly furnished; Income $86
month; Dy owner, i-nono saswM
BARGAINS if taken this week. 70 rooms.
32, 17. uali loo litn st.
THE following articles were found on the
cars of the portianu itanwaj. a,,..- .
Power Co., and owners thereof may claim
same at the First and Alder-atreet sta
tion: August 27 Marshall 6100, A 611 : 1
valise, 1 grip, 2 handbags, 3 purses, 1
pkg laundry, 1 pin, 1 basket. 1 lunch box,
1 suitcase, 1 hand grip, 1 lunch basket,
eye glasses, 1 pr. giove (men), 1 record
book, 1 ult box with ldy's clothes, 1 pr.
overalls. 2 drift bolt. 1 pall paint. 1 pkg.
dry goods, 1 pr. col tongs, cement level,
2 axes, 1 baby buggy, I garden hose, -lunch
boxes, 1 purse, 1 glove. 1 package,
1 book, 1 ring. 1 watch chain and 3 key,
1 mattre cover, 1 basket, 1 suitcase, 1
sand sieve. 1 knife. 1 box powder. 1 crank.
RACINE canoe lost or stolen Thursday
night at tuuon; green, aoai. ,-.---
on bottom, figures 14 stamped on gun
wales, cushions, blankets and lantern. Re
ward. Dean Morey, care Dally News.
$25 REWARD for Information which will
lead to the turning or iui mo mium v.
Boston bull pup. about 10 months old;
dark brlndle and white; lost about Jul
30. 404 Washington st.
LOST Black silk coat, light flower lining.
In Meier ot Frank store; linaer picase
notify 751 Clackamas. Reward.
LOST On Hawthorne car at East 39th. ab
dominal belt about 5:30 P. M., Aug. 20th.
Reward. Return to 423 Ea si 3ath South.
LOST Note for $750. payable lo C. B.
Holds. Return to 31i Board of Tradi
LOST Saturday, 22, horseshoe brooch set
with rniliesioues . u win miniw...
LOST At the Oaks yesterday, a lady's
Walcn. rinuer pie,, mn a a..
receive liberal reward
LOST Pear! bioiL, ilbeial ri.vald. Mntti
, . D- . AAaaaa VI J'M I I r ,' U I O 1 .1 1 I
t.iiMT Pair of" in r .ia. Return
to 2b N. 2d St. unu recede
I9PKC1AL NOTlt fc.S.
Proposal lav! ted.
Notice la hereby given that on Monday,
September 14, 114, iheTloard of Equall
atlon of Mul'.aoniah County will an. in.
at the office of the i ounty Assessor, at 'lie
Courthouse In Portland, and publicly ex
amine the assessment rolls for the year
1U14, and correct all error in valuation,
description, ur qualities of lands, lot 01
other property, ussessed by the Count)
Assessor. And It shall bo the duty of poi -sons
Interested lo appear at the time and
place appointed. If It shall appear to
such Board of Equalisation that tneru aie
any lands or lot or oilier property as
sessed twice, or Incorrectly assessed as t"
description or quantity, and In tile name al
a person or persons not the owner there
of, or assessed under or beyond tne actual
full cash value thereof, said Board may
make proper correction ot the same It It
shall appear to su'.u Board that any laud,
lots or other property assessable oy the
Assessor are not assessed, such Board
shall assess the same at the full call
value thereof. HENRY L. IIUEU,
County Assessor.
Portland. Or.. August 21, 1914,
SEALED piopoaals will be received at th
ofticu of the undersigned. 401 Cuurlhuuse.
until 12 M. Wednesday, September a, 1D14,
for general work and plumbing of Couch
School. Plans and specifications may be
oblulaed at me office of !'. A. Naramors,
Supt. of Properties, 303 Courthouse, after
lu A. M. Saturday. August 23. Deposit of
$10 for general work and $6 for plumbing
plans and specifications U requin u.
Certified check lor 10 per cent of the
amount of the propoal, pa) able to R. II.
Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany
each proposal. Board of Director re
serves the right to reject any and all
proposals. R. H. THOMAS School Clerk.
Dated August 23. 1314.
WILL receive sealed bids si my office.
No 74o kl Organ bunding, Portland, ore
son for two stocks of gems' turulshings.
as follows: $7020.37 merchandise, together
with fixtures amounting io $2118.00, lo
cated at 12., Third si., and $242. .05 mer
chandise. t04t)tbr With fixture amount
ing to $92. loculed at lu Sixth St., up
to 12 o'clock noun of Saturday, August
0 1914. 'terms cash. Colniiad check
lor 10 per cent of amount offered niu.i:
accompany each, bid. Right 1 raaarvM
to re led any and all bids. Inventor)
may be seen at my office and stock m)
be Inspected upon application.
Dated Portland, Oregon. August 20. 1914.
WE furnish the money ut a low rate of In
terest aud save you more than the brok
erage ot 2 per cent if we do the planning'
ana building ior iwi 11 wm ,
see us. L. u. Aiauey -o..
.4 Ablng-
30 4th St.. Board of Trade JbJg:
MONEY for good city lons, 0 nd 7 per
cent. J. A. Cunningham, o2 Morgan bldg.
LOANS on improved Insld properly; plenty
of money; low rates; no oela). Principals
only. Robertson i Elus. 20-2US Noiiu
western Bank bldg.
FIRST and second mortgages, also selleis
Interest In contracts purchased; Oregon
or Wah. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg
MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort
gages (first and second). equities pur
chased. F. H. Lewis st Co., 4 Lewi bldg.
i-pfl i,uy note, bonds aud mortgages. Rob
ertson 4k Ewlng. SU7-I. N. . nkbldg.
Money to Loan on Real Lidatf.
ON Improved and unimproved real esiats.
mortsage, bought. W. 11. Niinu, 41 Wher-
lock bldg. Phone Main 5119.
Stock Exchange qui., so "'
$6000 OR Wpart for loan on city or good
farm propertie; 7 pr cent. V 1.6, Ore
gon iajn-
7 h ave $600 to loan on good city real es
tate. 8 per cent interest, no commission to
pay, ah aoo, v"' '-'.'"."v
aiuoo TO LOAN on Portland real estate.
423-424 Chamber of Commerce.
MOitT'j GE loan on city property; lowest
rates A H. Blrrell Co.. 217-19 Northwest
ern Bank bldg
8100.000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build
ing loans; lowest rate. W. G. Beck. 313
318 Faiitng bldg.
1300. $1000 and upward on Improved real
estate: favorable terms; no delay: no
brokerage. John Pain. 607 Spalding bldg.
TO LOAN $40,000 OR IiElt
Mlil'.TOAUB LOANS, any amount; no delay.
Henry C. Prudhumme. S07 Wilcox bldg.
MONEY any amount. 0 to fi per cent. W.
u". Seltt Co., 310 Spsldlng bldg.
STATE FI NDS. per cent. W. E Thomas,
gent MUltiininso ioiiii.., apv ....... v-..
MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and
m'tga bought. H. Mllev. 204 Qerllnger bldg
MOUrGAOE LOANS at 0 and 7 per cent.
$1000 TO $20,000 at 7 per cent. Main (Ml
H. L. Murton. SIT Worcester bldg.
$1000. $1600 and22i5b-to" loan at 7 per eent.
Wakefield, Frle St Co., 8$ 4th st.
AI I amount at low rates or Interest. 414
Yeon bldglt Ore. Rd. It Mtg. Co. Mar. .138.
"V Srra oil ilun-J m "SO STA ft K ST.
$201). 8350. $600. $900. $1200. $l.oo. Fr-d W
u erman o. . o t " - -
EASY terms on city suburban home lot.
United. Am. uc.iii e
$1000 TO $3000, private funds, for goed
loans. Phon labor 2520.
U16 Spalding Bldg.
Several sums available for immediate
city or farm mortgage loans, from $lO0
to $6000; also larger amounts.
B. l.EtC PAUJaT.
$04 Falling Bldg Phone M a
Any amount.
4.M-424 Chamber of Commerce.
Good supply for my and term property,
6 to 7 per cent.
104 second St., near Washington.
6 to 7 money on inside buslnes prop
erty, apartment, and dwellings;
principals only, i Apply to K. 11.
Blossom, 31tt Chamber of Commerce
ON Improved city property or for building
purpoie. i to 8 years' time, liberal P
ment privileges; money advanced a build
ing progresses. The Equitable Savings at
Loan Association, 240 Stark st.
HAVE $2000 at h per cent to loan en fiwt-
claas security, monuy available Imme
diately. Wan, O. seckeuuorf. 206 Stock
Exchange bldg.
$10,000 or Oli per cent; wll divide. I25oo or
any pari, i per cent; no delay. BF 2U6.
SEE us today fur loan on Improved cliy
property, 6 to 8 per cent; $go() and up.
Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg.
WANT $1800 or $2000 loan on modern hamst
near Piedmont, 7 per cent. Mala 3878.
A. H. HARDING. ai2
Money to l oan t battel, and alaj-LB
We have unu of lu Unt retail Jeweur
store in the city. A loan department
conducted In connection with me, mar
ine business STRICTLY ON 1 DLN'l I A I ,
absolutely no signs designating loan busi
ness displayed In front of our store. Ait
merchandise pledged t held for a pr t
of seven months, whether or not Intense
1 ua.d when due. W are licensed ana
have ucen established since Ia. No con
nection with any other loau establish!
In this city.
11 II JklLIII. lull Ol.
$10 TO $100
HOURS tl A. M. TO 6 P. M.
.- I' ATE SKI LlllTY CO..
We Muke Loans In Six Hours' Tim
at i.Wil.l. HATES.
We loan money on diamonds. pii-.
llventock. storago receipts, qultle, i-l
i stte. uialn note or furniture.
i licensed)
Room 2I5 Hollo Mid Bldg
Bet 4lli and Sth on Washington St.
Diamond, maichea, J
$88 Lumber Eseha
money to iuu uu dlasm
of value at 3 'per cent.
child bid..
at half '.'it
Marx A Bio
on diamond and Jevelry
charged ty brokai.
I id st.
id J.
KONB1 LOANl.O I'll otsiiiund and Je
S. W. King, i-ko'i I'. Wai hlngtiin bl.
LOANS ou real estate, diamond and
ell,. Win ii iooiiiaWlilngtou
MONEY on chattel, notes and mtga b
Columbia Loan to. 206 Seetland.
ugh t.
LOANS on i hallei
l.uiul or I. xi nan
bid; Mi
v anted.
LOAN U AN 1 i;i--$4000 rn gllt
00 acres. Clarke Count), Wat
year, t uvr cent, value t2.l'H)
invettigate. no agent. AV
IJiKO FROM private part). 7 per tettt, ua
cumnilsAiou s.cureu b, guou house ana
lot. poriiand mihis Luiess jou ar me
principal don l aliseer. AN 221. Ore
gonin. .
$7uG7s'l NEAR loltTSMoUTH $400, SV.
11-room house. Tim l a Iint-cla
mail loan. Fred W. Gentian Co., 914
Chum. u. com.
MONEY WANTED from principal; desir
able loan; application on band: ! I
mortgage for sale. Henry C. i'rudhomme,
Vt lo ox ion.
W vNTED 4120U. 3 ) or t i per centi
nice buusaluw on Division St., ol ill $44)4)
::til Bnalil ot Trade. Ma.ll Il62, A 1401.
LOAN ot $10,000 (or 4 )
on ptopert) wort. i lj.oi"'
tirst mortgage
AV US. Ote-
MY loss your gain, $3800 fir.l iiiortgag. wr
$22U0 cash; security o. K. Al- 308, ore-
goiilan. a
w"aNT$1250 for firt mortgage of $1600. 8
sears, per il. uu pioperly worth jnoo.
Al- 207. uregoniau.
OWNER ants'$2U"0. one year, 8 per cent,
(rota private pan). I mmed Palely 1 no
Ol... u., a oonsi.ler.-d. AD 205, ouo.llno.
25t''l "wanted on itnpiovd city propeio
.until giMtl fctaln liuo.
W ANTED $2000 loan on good Income piop
erty from private part) . Mai. 2060.
"TToano. Il'ooo for i years on $-aur
lariu. Alt 22, oregonlan.
2ii-lnch convent Hal. S Hebe. . .. . . 4.
20-Inch coinetu llali b.iiciiu. gry. i.n.t
Face Massage SS
S iii;v.ur:::::::::::::::::
1:CoCrSr' 1ol W1 ...cuic
needle; guaranty n noi lo luturn
Cut hair, in an shade, 'trbs. .ny
length- rrices hall. Sai.ury parlor, 4o'
413 i).'ku,M : liia.. 3d and tVaaalstgtng.
sv K u is iT"t r a ln k i . n i i : -i k "l,1.f'"
gruuuaie; l heut.uitlm, ner.ou and tom.
Sen aliments under pn) otli-lan . "";
l.Alh massage. No. . I'-utt Uth SC.
otid door .ou.n troii. Bast Ankeny ..rim..
phon EM 2i'U. B 103. -
Leading lg slid i""P !
stock human hair goods, witches fro,
5c up; halrdressit'8. manicunng, ie an t
scalp treatment; Combing in"e up to
der. 147 7th, neat Mm nsun. Main
LADIES Results, not p
what you want careeus.
diseases of women are in;
of all driigl'" "Ktooilt
Hon; i-onsiilit"".fr"''-well,
naturopath, t4-U
0Hj W.
l Id g.
i owned palmist anu
Palmistry Made bs
Morrison st. Assist, n
splruuul dvlernd
for rheumatism, iui
and ba'.h 4o2 . aim'
shall 3038. open uu
.., n.sssag
Uth. Mar
UND.llt new n
vry Wednes
also dan.-ib
evening. St. .
entlsl. 3o2 All!
tlons and niets
Que -
8 P.M.
nil Wed.
New orders and reinodclmg ; I
lowet prlcee. Fur simp. Til awe
WANTED Home, privet rml
age 11; mother unable lo suppon
SPIrTtUALI8M Kev Mary A. Pt
Turs. 2. w'Lfm . l
dally. 63 i lfth si. jtarsnau
F1RST-CLA0S m)'"iir
io7-f Northwest li.dg.
Main 3798.
nd rent.
m a i ) k of ioi k 'oMni:
Swltchet. 93c; . rls and puITi
Itary neut raTlafa. er jst
D I V O nT 3 Ui w j . r of 26 er'
Reliable advie 'n tree sus
bldg. .'87 b y shlngton t.
EMEL1A VV. arson, spiritual men
Ings dally; 8rif 1 ,,
evenings Westfaall apt.. 410 :
USE liassctf Natlv
50 tablats for 2ac.
Tablets. 501 I
LESSONS in phrenology. P
reading. 235 0th t. IVbol
DR. M'MAHON. ehlropn
Chronic cses, 18 treat met
Dr. Olga Neohyba, chlropr
massage, iiun - q.i
moles, superfluous hair removed. Mr.
D. 11111. 429 rlledner bldg. Main 341.
E X P '' H ' UNCI" t Ph vslcln r
sire tn assocUte wltn
need of an ..sststn t;
Doctor, 1183 E. 52.1 tl.
Chone Woodlawn 3606.