THE MORNIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1914. 14 real estate. For Suit House. WAR-TIME BARGAINS. A beautiful 8 -room bouse in best part of Irvlngton; latest stylo and honestly constructed, for use by owner; ever modern convenience: on full corner lot and has carafe. The owner wants to Mil. so will not make a price, but will leave It to you if you will be anywhere near fair. One of the best 100x100 sites In Olm tead park, adjoining new $13,000 house. This la a real bargain and terras, too. A charming little 5-room bungalow In Hos; City Park, with all modern conven iences, at $2100, with very easy terms. We can sell property because wo have the R-I-G-H-T prices. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. fjfJSJ Dekum bldg. $300 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS. NEW SUBURBAN HOME. CHARMING LOCATION CLOSE IN. MUST SELL AT ONCE. House has 7 rooms. acre of land, highly cultivated; fruit trees, etc.; fine lawn, flowers, excellent clay-top tenlJ'S court, mountain view; an ideal country home: property is at Ryan Place, on Ore gon Elec. Ry.. 15 min. ride. 5-cent fare: price $30v0. Terms. $300 cash and balance to suit. Address box 336. P. P.. Portland. $27 month. Including Interest, 5-room double constructed bungalow, basement, fireplace. oak floors, complete Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, electric fixtures, window shades; lot .'.0x100: good car serv ice. Onlv a small cash payment required. OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwest Bank Bldg., Marshall 37 IS. A 029L ONLY $2500. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. Nice, new bungalow, o rooms and bain, fireplace, sanitary kitchen, electricity, gas, double floors, full basement, laundry trays, nice porches, large lot, 5uxll5. block car; cement walks, etc.; near 7oth and Sandy boulevard; $150 down, $25 month; Price and terms for immediate sale only. Owner at hardware store, 1417 Sandy blvd. at 52d. Tabor 3475. AI.AMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Only $2850: $350 cash. $25 a month; new, 6 rooms double constructed, 3 bedrooms, full basement, oak floors, streets paved and partly paid; no mortgage to assume. THE OREGON' HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Marshall 3718. A 6291. HOME FOR OLD FOLKS. $3000. 5-room modern home; street improve ment. In and paid for. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham of Com. For Sale Business I'roperty. STORES and apartments, prominent street. West Side, close in, $15,000. Owner, 321 Worcester bldg. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carllne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1583 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 1. 2. 5 and 10-acre tracts, 80 minutes out on NEW BIG, RED. STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare; very best of soil, water and community conven iences: $125 to $300 per acre, on installments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 33. 102 4th St. A S500. 5 ACRES, $250. $10 down and $5 a month buys 5 acres good logged-off land, between, Portland and Centralis- on main line 3 railroads, 1", miles from town of 1000 population; sawmills, shingle mills and other Indus trie some of these tracts are half cleared: beautiful trout stream; first-class bottom land, good soil, lies well, fine lo cation; 160 acres to choose from; perfect title, warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 212 Railway Exchange. TIGARD TIGARD. TIOARD. 35 acres, all in cultivation, good house, barn and outbuildings. Macadam road. Price $165 per acre. Adjoining property held at $300; absolutely the best deal In the country. Survey of Oregon Electric line right at place; $2000 cash, balance 5 years. 6 per cent Fred W. German Co.. 114 Cham, of Com. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station: chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham: 5 acres, $400 $30O. $700 ; 3 acres, $300, $700; 10 acres. $750, $9u0, $1000 per tract; best oil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or.. $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Or. COUNTRY HOME WITH INCOME. 1H.S2 acres, hi mile from Lafayette. 11 acres In cultivation. 5O0 Italian prunes and family orchard, small house, barn and henhouse. 75 chickens, enough wood for Winter, buildings newly painted. Price $30uo, terms; no trade. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 12 ACRES. ?i mile from Barton. $50 per acre; fronts on Deep Creek; all level and cov ered with brush, on Estacada line; only $100 down: price $600. Taken by bank on mortgage. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 35O0-ACRE sheep ranch, abundance run ning water and springs; 2200 acres fine ' wheat land; can be Irrigated; 4 miles from railroad; $15 per acre;, small cash pay ment; accept good Portland property part payment. F. M. Brown. 300 Dekum bldg.. Portland. AGKNTS make $25 to $50 weekly selling self-lighting gas tips and gas stove light ers: no matches required; Just turn on gas. lights itself; sells on sight; aend for proposition before all territory is taken. Automatic Gas Appliance Co., 1 Union Square. Now York. 5 OR 10-ACRE tract, 14 miles from Court house, close to electric line; price no ob ject. See Alexander, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Hi MILES FROM COUNCIL CREST. 5 acres. $3000; $500 cash, balance as you like it; of course, this is tood. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Commerce. Irrigated Lends. FINEST tracts in Willamette Valley, any size; your own terms. Get In on the ground floor. Call 269 Stark at., near 4th. Homesteads. 160-ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale. 6,000,000 to 7,000,000 ft. fine timber, agar pine and fir. In big timber body; new house and furniture; 3 acres cleared, close neighbors, 3 miles from store and postoffice; price $950. Address E. F. Stewart, box 421. iioseburg. Or. FOR Government land locations call on or write Smith & Balrd. Redding. CaL For Sale Farms. A WELL-LOCATED DAIRY RANCH. Consisting of 350 acres. 75 acres In Cult.. 75 acres In meadow, balance in pasture; good water supply; water piped AO house and barn; good lease; $90t per year, payable monthly: with the place goes the following property: 12 head of horses. 60 cows, 34 heifers, 9 of them to freshen this Winter; 1 3-year-old Holsteln bull. 8 Holsteln bulls, ranging from 1 year to IS months old; 16 head of bogs, 11 head ready In about I month for market; about 60 chickens, 100 tons of hay, mostly oats, all machinery and tools to operate the place well; price $8500, $3500 cash, bal ance years; this place Is only 2 miles from town; water or rail transportation. OTTO 4i HARKSON. 133 H First st. $0 ACRES Fine level land, chocolate col ored soil, no waste; fine for clover, tim othy, alfalfa; a place for stock and poul try; can't be beat for turkeys; $1000; $40 cash and $20 per month and no interest; get particulars at once; these 80s are goinnar fast. A. D. LEE, 602 Title & Trust bldg. SPECIAL OFFER. 11 miles Salem, 3 miles station; 137 acres good valley land; lays well; 43 In crop; running water and spring; all fenced; good 7-room house and barn; family or chard; $60 an acre. Easy terms. D. Mc Chesney. Title Trust bldg. FOR SALE. Farm of 132 aires, 8 miles from Ore gon City. 7 acres In cultivation, house, barn, orchard (terms). Address Stone's Harness Shop, Oregon City. Home phone B $4. 40 ACRES of level laud; all tillable; plenty of moisture; Ideal for stock and poultry; only 850O; $2" cash and $10 per month and no Interest; come In and get full f urination. A. D. LEE. 602 Title A Trust bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, well improved 52 acres value J12.O00: 7 miles from city limits: would take residence up to 15000 as part payment, balance terms. 536 Wll llams ave Phone East 1039. CO ACRES 8 miles from city limits, m miles to electric R. R.. w-ell Improved. $15,000. $200u cash, balance 8 years at 3 per cent. East 1039, or address 538 Wi.liams. FORECLOSURE sacrifice; excellent farm, near Portland, $5000; exchange $3000 equity; also Improved $0, $2100. Owner, box . .storis- A l.tli'IE stock and alfalfa ranch; one of the finest In the state: price $100,000. $35,000 cash, balance 5 years, 4 per cent. M. S. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. W K RAT raav go to a dollar a bushel. For wheat ranches write M. Fltzmaurlce, Con don. Or . iTivcH bargain for cash, near electric line, near Portland; must sell. By owner, 1UJ First at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farins. TILLAMOOK DAIRY. 113 PER. ACRE. 160 acres in Tillamook County; small house and barn, orchard, running water: 10 or 12 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture land; 4o or 60 acres very easily cleared; will keep 10 or 12 cows at pres ent; the making of a good stock or hog ranch; best buy in Tillamook County; close to cheese factory and town; $24uo. half cash, balance time, or will take auto up to $3O0 and $7oo cash. N-l. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d Fir. Chamber of Commerce Plug. Miscellaneous. STORE and two farms; must sell one. C. S. Andrews. Edgewater, Wash. WANTED HEAL ESTATE. WAITED INCOME PROPERTY. APARTMENT-HOUSE OR STORES. We have client with well located prop erties and cash desiring to exchange for income property. What have you? TAVI OO f( ft Ground Flour Henry Bldg WANTED A email bungalow, about $2m.O, as first payment on 40 acres land In Tilla mook County, value $1,100. Excellent chance for man with small means to make headway in dairying. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham Ltr of Cor.imert.-i-. WEST SIDE vacant or fractional lot, or with residence, south of Jefferson. Don aid Macleod, 1221 Northwestern Bank bid WANT the best lot In Laurelhurst for $1300 or less, street improvements all paid. K 192. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. TILLAMOOK COUNTY RANCH. 200 ACRES. Conveniently located to school, store cheese factory; on good road: fair house barn and improvements; $2o0 per year cash rent; will sell 25 tons hay at $3 per ton, also stock. ROLLIE W. WATSON, TlUamook. Or. FARM, suitable dairying, stock raising, gen eral farming; rent or sell; give tenant half profit on sale. 26S 3d t. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIM BE.". LANDS. Rnn'.HT AND SOLD. c j. Mccracken. 304 m'Kay bldo. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCKIF SEVERAL pieces of Sioux half-breed scrip for sale. R. B. Fennell. 806-7 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. FARMS H ASTED. SPOT CASH for 40 to 60 acres, not less than 30 in cul tivation; must have water, good soil and some buildings, not over $30 per acre,, within 100 miles of Portland. Bold Realty Co.. 206 Alder st. WANTED A farm to oversee for someone; have all farming implements, aiso uuiaea and will use same or not. A. H. North, Beaverton, R. R. No. 1. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. I WANT to lease on shares good 40-acre farm. Improved with stock, etc.; experi enced and reliable; references. AH 206, Oregonian. WELL-IMPROVED suburban place, about 10 acres, on or near carllne; good house. K 199. Oregonian. WANTED To lease 15 acres with some crops and chickens; will pay cash. BF 200. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trade for other property. It will pay you to see us for quick results; 10 years' successful business is our guarantee for a square deal. M'KENZIE 4 CO.. 816 Gerilnger Bldg. Main 2801. 40 ACRES near Salem. 20 acres in cultiva tion, 9 acres in prunes; 700 cords of stand ing timbe:-, with good market. Spring water piped to house and barn. Small trout stream flows throush place. Price $4250, mortgage $1000. two years at 7 per cent. Will assume, but must have some cash. Owner, AR 206. Oregonian. OREGON. CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON. $50,000 One of the finest dairy, hog and stock ranches in the valley, 1100 acres, good bldgs.. extra well watered; stock and machinery included; to trade for good city property anywhere on the Coast; will assume. Call Marshall 4200 or 710 Lewis bldg. WANTS SMALL FARM. Modern bungalow, built one year, on full lot, 1 block from car; also 3 other lots; value of all $4500; will trade part or all for small farm or acreage. Luedde mann. Ruiey & Co.. 913 Chamber of Com merce. BUNGALOW WANTED. Prefer six rooms, full lot, in good dis tric. not too far out; will exchange high class Hood River orchard; live acres just coming Into bearing; best district. on hard-surface road, close in. AC 203, Oregonian. Yft. -..ft,,. IH,(UL-1JTV Tr TWAT-K Close In. corner flat building of 9 apart ments and a 5-room modern bungalow, al ways rented for $1908 per year at re duced rates; will trade for timber or acraajta, M'KENZIE CO., 515 Ocrllnger bldg. I a T-rt Kl.HI-RST HOME $14,500, 125x100, 10 rooms and garage, opposite Laurelhurst Park; will take lots In Ladd's Addition or other high-grade locality to $7300 $1600 cash, balance 2 years. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. FARM WANTED. $4500 modern 9-room house in Haw thorne dist., all improvements In and paid; free and clear of Incumbrance; to trade for partially imp. farm same value. Call Marshall 4200 or 710 Lewis bldg. WANTED TO EXCHANGE. IE-acre farm near West Stayton, close to station, 4H acres in logan berries, for a 7-room house with 1 acre of ground, close to Portland. J. Humfeld, 24 Alnsworth bldg. Main 6841. 800-ACRE Irrigated ranch, 200 acres in cul tivation, 40 acres alfalfa; fine for oats, barley and wheat: good fences, small house and barn: desire to trade for in come property; $75 per acre. Lock Box 116, Enterprise, Or. TWO-STORY brick in good Southern Ore gon town, clear. Income ahout $200 per month; want Portland, 17-acre highly improved fruit farm, clear for store. Mr. Frost 317 Board of Trade. 3 GOOD lots 100x103, worth $1500, clear, to trade as nrst payment on .-room uuuga low up to $3000. N. Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 2d fir. Chamber of Commerce build ing. FOR EXC11 ANGE or sale. 320 acres nne timber; wjuld trade for Portland prop erty, must have some cash. Address AV 055. Oregonian. WANT Boat or auto. T have two lots, Brighton. Or., value $200. for motorboat or 4-cyllnder auto of same value. AB 207, Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE 10 acres of my 20-ucre 6-year-old apple orchard; none better in Oregon, for a Portland home, from $S0O0 to $4000. Phone. Tabor SO. FINE 8-roorh house, Laurelhurst. Exchange large equity for smaller house or bungalow or "good building lots. Any good locality. AE 208. Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange, new, 5-room house, lot 100x100, value $1500. some cash, bal ance mortgage or clear lot: Montavilla district. Address X 204, Oregonian. I WILL trade my five-room cottage for n heavy team of horses. See J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Office hours betweeen 10 and 4 P. M. WILL exchange $50,000 worth of Inside in come property for good dairy ranch or lare tract of Eastern Oregon land. Main 4O20. John P. Weston Co., 1302 Northwest ern Bank bldg. $12,500 1ST MORTGAGE TO TRADE. This mortgage is on property sold for $37,000. Will trade for valley stock ranch, M'KENZIE & CO., 513 (lerllnccr bldg. GROCERY store $1700. slock and fixtures to trade for team of horses, cows and lots. Some cash. Cheap rent or lease. Fine business. Call Tabor 3616. COZY bungalow. 6 rooms, f block of car. $2900: mortgage $1000. 7 per cent: want lots or acreage. .AK 203, oregonian. '-ROOM cottage and 3-room cottage, good location. $800 each; easy terms. Phone C 1452. LOTS, houses and acreage wanted In ex change for gilt-edged business proposition; get an income. 529 Pittock bloclc- TWO lots in South Bend, Wash., for auto mobile or rooming-house. Coleman, 723 Chamber of Commerce. BRICK building to exchange for wheat ranch or stock farm. Inquire of M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. SPLENDID Dicture-hov opportunity. Will trade for unincumbered lot. AB 208, Ore gonian. . FOR SALE 2-acre home, with buildings, near electric; $000; also 15-acre place near good town. $2000. AV 654, Oregonian. MODERN house In Irvington district, for exchange B. M. Lombard. 11 Madison bldg Ma n 6692. A 2z. CLEAR title San Diego property, vacant, to trade for vacant or bungalow here. Ad dress AP 197. Oregonian. WILL exchange my player-piano, nearly paid for, for a motorboat. Phone Tabor 88. SO ACRES raw land in S. D. for Oregon "property. Address Box 3,6. Aumsvllle. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. S-ROOM modern house, walking distance, corner. 60x100. furnace. fireplace; will consider good farm not over $9000. 3 good lots and some cash for auto. 5-room house, Hawthorne car. 'J consider small acreage close to car and Portland! not over $3000.- 5 acres, all cultivated. house, barn, orchard; will consider small house not over $1600. 40 acres. 20 in cultivation, mile R. R. ; consider store for all or part. 422 Chamber of Commerce. ' FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. UNION TRANSFER STABLES are replac ing horses with auto trucks; have the fol lowing matched teams: Pair coal black, full brother and sister, 2800 lbs., 4 and a; team dapple gray mares, 5 and 6, weight 2650; team sorrel mares, 5 and 6, weighs 2600 lbs.; pair 8-year-old mares, 2800, low, blocky, good, kind; above are all good, gentic, true workers and will be sold cheap; guarantee and trial allowed; will be hitched, tried and tested to any load before purchaser pays for them. Union Transfer Stables. 11th alHoyt St. BARGAIN hunter Cheap mare and horse, sorrel mare, 1100 pounds. $40; brown mare. 1150 pounds, $45; bay horse, 1300 pounds, $50; one heavy. 3 ",3 wagon, dump bed, seat, chain, complete, $50; also light single wagon, $30. Call Union Transfer Stables, 11th. at Hoyt. Replacing with auto trucks. FOR SALE One team, well matched mares, 5 years old, weighing 2900 lbs.; one six-year-old horse, weighing 13U0 lbs.; one light delivery horse weighing luOo lbs, 226 Russell st. TEAM horses. 2600 lbs., good travelers, heavy harness and good dump wagon; good order; trial aiiowed; price $12a. Ca., make offer. Contractors' Stable, 441 Uoyt St., near 12th. LOOK Farm outfit complete $75; good 1150-Ib. .mare, good farm wagon, seat. box, complete, single harness, halter, whip all goes $75. 12$ N. 11th. TEAM. wt. 2600. good workers; must soil at once, $125; also one, wt. 1000, $25. 148 Union Ave. North. FOR SALE Horse, weight 13U0. never been worked on street; also good smaller hurse, cheap. Mar. 2894. CHALMERS 30 runabout, delivery body; good shape; trade for good young work team not under 2500. Tabor 147. WAGONS and horses by day $1.23. L Co hen. 381 Water st. Main 2208. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Tabor 4203. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. AM co npelled to dispose of my nearly new upright piano; I paid $300. ana win have to take what I can get. Take a look at it nnd make ine an oiler. F 203. oregonian. HIGH-GRADE piano, mahogany finish; bar gain. 320 Lumber Excnange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WANTED Second-nand player piano; must be In good condition. Phone Main 1121 between 12:30 and 1:30. $000 PIANO, Shoniger upright, with player, fine tone, $173; will sell piano without player lur $140; player, $33. 441 Stark at. FOR SALE Two 0-foot all plate-glass floor allow cases cneay. -t ian pi. FOR SALE Weber player piano, cost $1000. ron T lVnn,ll.Wn 1 1U mee g,vu, ac,io. ,. ,..., - PIANO, good condition, cost $300; will take $65; must be sold. 25 Park st. X. Doss, Birds. Pet Stock. PIT bull, A-l watch dog; playful and good company; very cheap. Phone B 3320. lies. 242 E. 44tli St. THOROUGHBRED young bird dog, R. I. hens and rabbits tor sale. 327 Paik ave., Lents. AIREDALES, great pals, guards and hunt ers. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. WANTED Collie about year old, well trained. O 207, Oregonian. WANTED A Spitz puppy, A. A. Georgian, 410 V; Washington st. Main 2281. Furniture For Sale, FOR SALE cheap, entire furnishings, good as new, of 0-room modern house, newly tinted, close in; 3 rooms rented, pay more than rent; $250. 26 Bust 7th st. Phone swan FOR SALE cheap, 1 brass bed, 1 small, Velvet rug, A ieoc, av v. ...... carpet 1 small refrigerator, a kitchen ta- Die, new aimi e&.yi. j-..m.. FOR SALE A fine old black walnut bed and dresser at oeo aeuci&uu ol. a .... Main Automobiles USED AUTO SNAP. TERMS GIVEN. 1914 Studebaker. S-pass., 25 H. P., elec tric starter and lights; nearly new; will sacrifice. , ' Cole, 2-pass.. 30 H. P.. Just overhauled and guaranteed. Several other good buys. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch St. WANT HORSES FOR AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS Will take in your horses as first pay ment on automobile trucks of any ca pacity; give detailed description, weight, age, price and where same can be found, the kind of business you want a truck for. and the amount you can pay per month on same. Address R 201. Orego nian. NEW MOTOR TRUOKS. Any capacity from 760 lbs. to 6 tons; you can pay for it in monthly install ments; will sell without any payment down providing you can give substantial security; let the truck earn its payments and earn you good money besides; get the details. A 141, Oregonian. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large Stock. Prices $300 to $,50. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker buiidlng. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. I HAVE a Federal truck and would like contract or work that will pay me to keep it. or wili sell reasonable on easy terms, one year old and in fine shape; will stand inspection. Address J 184, Oregonian. TIKES, slightly used. $3 to $12 each; tubes. $1.50 to $3 each, tube vulcanizing, 25u. PACIFIC TIRE AND SUPPLY CO.. 325-27 Burnslde St- FOR SALE at bargain, 1910 Cadillac, self starter, electric lights, is in No. 1 condi tion. Inquire at St- Johns Garage, St. Johns, Or. CASH ONLY. I want cash at once. Have 1911 Cadillac in good running order. See at 465 Weidler. Bet. E. Sth and E. 9th. FEDERAL TRUCK, Second-hand Federal truck in No. 1 me chanical condition; easy terms. R 184. Oregonian FOR SALE 5-passenger four-door Hupmo blle, $400, terms. Dulmage, Manley, Auto Co. . 1114 7-passenger While 40. completely equipped, a bargain. Multnomah Garage. 0i h and Madison sta. LIGHT roadster, '14, new, trade for 4-pass. car, value $460; give specifications, make, etc Address Shay, Hood River, Or. -PASSENOER Cadillac, just overhauled and painted, in first-class shape, at a bargain price. Phone Marshall 910. METZGER SNAP. Your own terms on an acre 500 ft. from station. 723 Ch. of Com., room B. NEW Ford 5-pass car for rent by day or week charges reasonable; driver fur liished. Main 1201; after 6 P. M. E. 4308. HAVE vou 4oo to invest in a good paying business? 1 have a Federal 1 ton truck. See ine for details V 184, Oregonian. FOK SALE Liyht 2-pass. auto. new. perfect condition, cheap, cash or terms. S 208, Oregonian. - ' 1911 5-PASS Reo, with extra delivery body, 8300; cannot be duplicated at this price. Richmond Garage Tabor 416S. FLANDERS 20, in perfect condition; no reasonable offer refused. Tabor 4158. CYCLE car, roadster and cash for 2 or 4 passenger auto. Tel. Marshall 39SO. 191 i CYCLE CAR. cost $423, today $250; snap. Call SOS Gerilnger bldg. TWO good automobiles sacrificed for cash or eood real estate. AE 205, Oregonian. 5-PASS Mollne, detachable tonneau, good order, a snap. 561 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Fully equipped 1914 Buick roadster. Al condition. A 5782. $3tH DOWN buys my almost new Stude baker touring ear. Woodlawn 2644. Automobiles Wanted. I H WE a good 3-room modern house, fur nished lot 100x100, right on the canine, only $650 incumbrance, straight loan; wili exchange for a first-class two-ton truck; no Junk wanted. X 207. Oregonian. WANTED Use of light auto, with boy to run it. Country work. Name price per day. AN 209. Oregonian. VN'TE1) 1912 or '13 Ford runabout; state lowest cash price. Answer. H 207, Orego nian. $530 First mortgage for light 5-passcnger auto; Ford preferred. M 192, Oregonian. Motorcycles). WNTEf) The best motorcycle I can get between now and Saturday night, price not to exceed $100 spot cash. Phone B 1369. FOR SALE Harley-Davldson. 8 H. P., 1913, fully equipped. $165. E 207, Oregonian. Livestock- NICE family Jersey cow, just fresh, $75. SetltVood 141, FOE SALE. Livestock. FOR SALE One thoroughbred Jersey bull, 2 years old. Box 4040, Portland, Or. Machinery. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors' machinery, all kinds. Railway Equipment Co.. 1st and Oak. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $3 and up; 6 months' rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com. pany. 86 Broadway. Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash, st- TYFE WRITERS, all makes, $10 to $05. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark Street. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. FOR SALE L. C. Smith typewriter, bought new last Fall. Owner, X 208, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. GERMANS Get the war news twice a week by subscribing for the Nachrlchten (Thursdays) and Oregon Herald (Mon days). Six months for $1.25. German Publishing Co., 100 Front st. Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $4. de livered; convenient at home; entire rental applied on purchase. Mala 0273 or A 4441. -44 stars: st. un iTtJE? inn TJT 1000 8-lnch at 15c; 2000 6-inch at 10c; 1200 4-inch at Tike. St. Johns Water orKS &: Llgniing -o. $T3 BUYS EXCEPTIONALLY BIO BAR GAIN IN DI.AJIOND KING. TIFFANY SETTING. 320 LUMBER EX. BLDG.. 2D AND STARK. FOR SALE A double-acting Ames pump. nnHiv 9fi sak Der minute: 300-foot lilt; good condition; price low. Phone 1 abor 289Z 1IOCHFELDS CAMERA EXCHANGE. 1 buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44ts, North 3d st. SAFES All sizes, at cost: safes repaired. Moser Safe Co.. 40U Northwestern ilauK bldg. Main oi6. A GREAT bargain My beautiful diamond, size 1 carat, lor $123 cash. Phone Main U831. FOR SALE Complete set of business books also course of lectures cheap. AP 203. Ore gonian. ENGLISH bicycle made by Rudge Whit worth A beautiful machine, almost new. Phone Marshall 1375. 33 North 17th SU LARGE National cash register for sale, only been used 2 months. Phone owner, Tabor 543 HOUSEBOATS J. 1- Gillham, builder. East nidi Lumber Co.. foot Spokane av. 20-FOOT new roll awning. $S. Corbin. 200 Alder st. BARGAINS in new and aecond-hand fix tures, showcases. 48 N. 10th. Mar. 774, gFE New and second-hand; bargain. 101 First st. - 20 H. P. horizontal boiler, firebox, A-l con dition; a bargain. Ersted, 46 2d. M. b.Utl. CASH register for sale or exchange. Tabor 4249. WANTED M1SCELLAXKO IS. WE BUY Junk Second-hand goods. . CALL OUR SECOND-HAND DEPART MENT. Makes no difference what It Is. Big or Small. Machinery, Pipe. Belting and anything M. BARDE & SONS, THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. 240-242 Front St. Main 663. A 1663. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 2080. 285 FIRST STREET, and you will get highest cash prices, no matter what you have. Call 31. 2080. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PP.1CE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES, SHOES, ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN 6193. 203 MADISON ST.. OU 251 FRONT ST. LADIES I will teach you free at jour own home to dye, clean, curl feathers, also dye and clean laces, straws, ribbons, cniffons. Write 316 New Perkins Hotel for appoint ment. AT J. MYERS. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $5 AND UP. SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUYER. 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3595. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest prices paid for second-ltand clothes, shoes, etc. 129 6th N. Main 2S4a. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., '"1 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer cans prumpuj. w ANTED Complete set second-hand "Ore gon Reports" and set of Lord's Oregon Laws; state price and terms. W 209, oregonian. TELEPHONE Main 4317. M. Gllckman. Highest cash price for household goods clothing store fixtures, restaurants. 189 Front st. WANTED Large second-hand truck, in good condition, and cheap. Phone Mar. 239. 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC., WANTED. Don't give It away. Get our figures first- Standard fur. io.. jo- " DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 191 2d St. Marshall 4.83. MUST have 2d hand furniture. Phone Bast 6417. Any quantity at once. Albina ur- nitUre More, oio ..,...-, WILL pay cash for roll top desk with chair; must be bargain. Y 207, Oregonian. WANTED Three National cash registers at once, will pay spot cash. Main 606. WANTED National cash register. Phone Main 8001- Address 698 Northrup st WANT-roll-top desk and typewriter this Week. 4oO WOrceaic, FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind 01 lumuuic. wshi CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. SPOT CASH tor your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682. WE TINT rooms for $2.30; paint houses at your price. Phore East 11. BEST prices for everything Jun dept.. Main 663 or A 1663. Barde. HELP WANTED MALE. BOYS leaving school as bellboys: experience not waste-; good wages to polite, indus trious boys. Apply 9 to lO A. M., store- oom. university www 2 GOOD salesmen to represent Western manufactory, appoint agents, take lull charge of territory; must be able to fur nish references, o i --,, BLDEP-LY hardy man or boy on farm. Light work -t or 5 hours day; 1 cow. 1 horse, board, room and pocket money 1 hour from city, penimniu. UNDERGRADUATE nurse for night duty, 'one year of hospital experience; none oth ers need apply. Portland General Hospi tal, 611 Lovejoy t TH'SINESS CHANCF-S We have good open ing fur man who knows how to handle business sales and exchanges. Security n.,.uinnm,.ni Co.. 4th and Pine sts. STEADY, sober young man, general farm wor.t. must bo experienced $36 per month, board and room. Give phone number if r t ttt-v Toledo. Wash. possiuie. . ft--.,, WANTED Energetic, reliable, general mor- ChallQlSe mail. aa,o...i. . - posllion; salary all you can earn ! or par- .-!, PrpH Vnrler. LaPine. Or. ucui la - -- -- ' ; CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hus tlers make money. Washington Nursery C0., Toppenlsh. Wash. , "0 TEAMS wanted. $5 per day or $30 per ma; long Job. close In. CaH Main 3205. a 10A1 . 1 - . A , WANTED Two salesmen, fine .opening, ex- penence telArthur. WANTED Girl to assist with very light housework; good home; will take school girl, fiiu . sl ......... BARBER wanted; must be first-class work man. Phone or address C. G. Newman, Hood River, Or. CA KPENTER finisher wanted by contract. J. F. "Lymt, at Lake Grove, on S. P. out of g:e-ous- ftr- PHOTO coupon offer; something good; sal ary paid. Northrup Studio. 6th and An keny sts. -. , FIRST-CLASS young salesman: must have good references, hustler. Call Marshall 1145 alter o tr. EXCHANGE painting, tinting Tor carpen- taring work. 441 23dst. WANTED Advertising solicitor. 229 Lum ber h.xcnange. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. WANTED Young man stenographer will ing to work and learn. 240 Front st. WANTED An Al solicitor for the road. 453 East Burnslde. apt, 23. PHOTO coupon; new ticket for live ones. Cuthbert Studio. Dekum bldg. CARPENTER wanted at 441 2od St. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C A. AU young men seeking employment In commercial" clerical or technical cordially Invited to consult the employ ment -secretary. Record. 1913: Calls for men from employers Positions filled t ;Vr';n'nuni Employment membership. $5 Per annum guarantees member will 7"J, ment or refund of fee. fCln4ji two months' full and 10 months' social prlv Issued by Employment Secretary only. Second Floor Y. M. C. A. Bldg. r. , en A FEW MINUTES EACH DAI, , " ploved as advised, will J leld ou many dollars in addition to .ournp"SuentT"s come: the amount depends on sou aw will not interfere with your Prn -ales ties as our salesmen will close a.l sales for you and we will pay you f.0"? ,s, slon. THE FREE TRAINING J" GET cannot be reckoned In dollars ana cents. Write today, g 193. jregonlan. SALESMAN wanted to represent a high grado proposition, with strong selling points. Preferably a man with book or life Insurance experience. If energetic -and reliable, address with references. Alt 208, Oregonian. WAN '"ED First-class stenographer, unmar- . a, urn ,r .., rMllltl. ULlUlBlc, ...... k---nf ,.',.n,.r:ll aCCOUlltillC alld Of fico work, as secretary for manager traveling part of time. Salary iuu monthly. position permanent, ottering splendid chance for advancement. Ad dress in own nanaw rnyifa, wtm K 19-7. oregonian. WANTED First-class barber at once; must 7 ,.-si, vmmj, American man with . . . union here guarantee $15 per week; 'steady Jou for the wir. ff.r .ih and give ad- jSLmd n iVin answer. S. P. Lowery, 611 Main St., Klamath Fails, Or. m.ftm ..T-..-.ft mo,, I -tn tl ood aoPCUt nne.' to travel with advertising crew ; good monev and steady work for right men. Call 9 to 12. Lenox Hotel, ask for Mr, Gilham. nsA , A Km nn farm. 14 yeBTS over One who can do milking and help on Dlace. No bad habits. Wages $10 per month. H. M. Basford. R. 2. tllilsuoro Oregom ... . x- t.. nil.arnund nrlnter t T,.T,rr nnrl 1ob office; DO booze artist or cigarette f lend need apply. Steady Job to right man. Write Box 163. Winchester. Idaho. , - i-e-i, Hn.- nhont IS vears to learn jew r v,,,lness: cood opportunity; references required. T 207. Oregonian. Help Wanted Agents. ALL AMERICA eager for greatest selling ir r -s ration. "Modern Europe. Causes and Issues of Great War"; thril. r ,,,..r,Vt,i. low nriee: best terms extraordinary m'oney-maklng opportunity; splendid sample book House, Philadelphia. free. Universal Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN to handle manufacturers line of men's and boys' hats and caps, as wen as children's and girls' hats, as a side line on a strictly commission basis throughout the Coast. Write to Sehanzer Bros., -08 Wooster St.. N. Y. City. WANTED Salesmen to carry dairy prod ucts and Imported delicatessen as side line for Eastern Oregon and Washington. Address N 7 7. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. cnDfiiio Tnniv 2 waitresses, out, $20 mo., fare paid. 1 waitress, out, $25 mo. Waitress, in. $25 mo. Camp waitress, $25- mo. Kitchen helper, out, $20 mo. General work,. In and out. $20 and $-t month. .-, ,1 -r.ft,tT nrft'-T rrl Ladles' Department. 203 Morrison st AN energetic, cultured and well-educated woman over 25. capable of earning $30 n week and willing to travel. Permanent outside position open; well-known firm. Inquire J. Johnson. 337 Henry bldg. beattie LADIES, $12 weekly, making plain aprons at nome; no o wmsi - r tlculars and full-sized apron for 25c sll ver. Cook Supply Co., Kokomo, Ind. WANTED A Swedish or Finnish girl to do general housework; must be experleneeu East 2234. Call after 10 A. M 614 Hawthorne ave GERMAN girl, office work, $12 week: cham bermaid. $10. married woman preferred; family cook, $35. Hansen's Employment Office, 345 VI Washington st WANTED Good girl for general house work, small family ano m";' the right girl. Call today, 1158. East Yam hill St.. corner o-tn. COOKS. $35. $40: hotel and cafeteria wait resses. Howes' Agency, 35; 270H W ash lngton st. WANTED Three stenographers and dicta phone operators. 301 Northwestern Na tional BanK dice. ! '- 7. ; ,. -i, . WANTED Girl lor general no' must have city reference. Call mornings. 595 Gllsan st. WANTED A strong girl for cooking and to assist in general housework. 693 Everett St. WANTED Competent cook, some general housework. Phone Sellwood 780, between 9 and 11 EXPERIENCED waitress for 2 or S weeks for dining-room work. 3S9 Taylor St., Main 4210 OLD-ESTABLISHED firm needs reliable r..w nf trust. A woman over -" 199. Ore-yonlan MODERN 6-room furnished bungalow and , ,.n-,t n,.a,itiflll flnR-trS garage; iii,e . Phone wooaiawn n- WANTED Good girl for ireoera I house work; must liae PO'MI i-,,, - - Raietgn st W'ANTFD Experienced cook, some house- . in,- r.-j- rofornri'ii Tf- WOrit must uo - T . .,Dn quired. 440 East 20th North. East 6780. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some housework: references required. Apply mornings. ill irvin WANTED First-class stenographer, must be neat accurate and not afraid of work; good salary. W 208. Oregonian. WAN'TFD Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 423 Pittock block, B88 Washi n gton. FIVE sirls to iearn beauty culture; pay while learning. 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. MRS HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 hi Washington, room 35 near 4th Phone Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Lady barber. 205 Madison St.: a guarantee. GIRL for general housework; references. 146 North 'Sth. GIRL for general housework. Small fam ily. C01E. Taylor; HOUSEKEEPER wanted: no objection chil dren. BC 206. Oregonian. W NTED A woman to rook; wages $20. Call Woodlawn 2014 between 11 and 1. WANTED A strong woman for cooking ,i o-pneral housework. 69S Everett st- EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking. 792 Lovejoy. WAITRESS wanted. 411 Hoyt Blreet- H EI.P WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife to work in Bay View Hotel, at Bay City. Or. Woman to re first-class cook ami eaA bake. Man to do jteneral work. Will PifS" $60 per month and room and board. Apply by letter, glv-in- references and phone number. Ad dress AB oresonmn Fisk Teachers' Agency s,e,'"urt's.,0'it,""" ,or teachers. io iri"' . -- WANTED An experienced ironer lor mo Main Hand Laundry, 667 Washington St. EXPERIENCED house-to-house solicitors, "call 833 Mississippi ave.. 5 to 7 V. JJL HELP WAXTErWCEI.LIXKOl'S, I EARN to write advertising; big demand for experts; 6 months' course; low cost; only school of its kind in the West; course by practical man; get a start now. Write for information. Pacific Advertis ing School (613) Marsh-Strong bldg.. Los Angeies. aa. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, pay while learning- give you a set of tools free, position 'guaranteed; tuition reduced tor Aug ana pei'ieu,..-.. - wvXTED Men and women for special class fif civil service subjects; meet two evening- a week; class limited to 25; begin iept. 1. Main aw. WOMEN for Government clerkships, $70 month. Portland examinations soon; speci men questions free. Franklin Institute, dept. 703-0, Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O. clerks, carriers- exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks: act at once. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. city. m,n iTT BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual . . . . r. e e-- nT3TWAVIi hnnk- lnstrucnon. i..,.iT ...ftw.ft. ..... . ---, keeping. 404 Commonwealth bldg. Mar.4-.t8. -wt, mSS f,.e- Dt-uvc.; I'Ol.T.RfJK r?ijr7.-ft-r : , - y e. ua nvnu if-s,Hi . . - - - All modern business courses, only $ mo. WANTED Names of men, 18 to 35, wish ing to be railway postal clerks; $75 montn. av mo, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, IS PER MO. 269 14T1I SI. oog.. LEARN moving picture operating; secure steady work. 220 Second st. HELP W A XTE D M lSt'ELI-ANE PUS. LEARN" automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineering, eurveying; methods most practical; room and i ltd while learning; position se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, 2110 W. 7th st-. Los Angeles, Cal DON'T look for work; there Is big demand for automobile drivers and repairmen ; our expert instructors qualify you In three to five weeks and assist in securing good po sitions. Write or call for full Information. Pacific Auto & Gas Engine School. 266-272 11th St.. Portland, Or. LEARN the barber trade; barbers always In demand; big wages, easy work; few weeks will save months by our methods; tools given; reduced rates for Summer months; diplomas granted; catalogue free. A 48 H. SITUATION W .ANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Claras. YOUNG man, thoroughly familiar with all kinds of office work and as traveling salesman, seeks position In cither capacity. BP 210. Oregunian. , SEVERAL years' experience as stenographer and general office man; wont position In any line. BC 210, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT wants position as bookkeep er or auditor, cltv or country; modest ary considered. M 198. Oregonian. GRADUATE bookkeeper and accountant; some experience In auditing. C 198. Ore gonian. PAINTING, tinting and paperhanglng. licsi work, best prices, phone Sellwood i YOUNG man. aged 23. married, good educa tlon, desires position. AP 195. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. $50 REWARD for good permanent position: have had some business experience; can give bond or might invest a few hun dred; no fakes considered. X 205, Ore gonian. TOUXQ married man, several years' experi ence general store, seeks position as as sistant manager or clerk in store outside Portland; best references. Z 209, Orego nian. , GREEK boy about 17 years of ago wants a position on farm for his board and school. Jas. l'appo, 1091 Haines St., Port land. Or. FIRST-CLASS retail candy and Ice cream maker; married; steady and do not drink; In or near Portland. H 305. Oregonian. WANTED Position driving delivery auto or truck or In garage; will go out of city; Al reference. Address AE 204. Oregonian. CHORES work on dairy or ranch wanted by young man 21. able to milk to lo cows; small wages. -R 200. oregonian. WANTED Clerical work by young married man; steady and sober; references. TA -06. Oregonian. WANTED By Hollander, a place on ranch for general farm work; good home more than wages. AB 206. Oregonian. MAN wants position as manager or fore man In wood or coal business; 25 years experience. BF 213. Oregonian , . ' . i stenographer; eight years' experience, 26 years old. BC 211. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Telephone E. paper-hanger and painter. 2680. ELDERLY man desires work as carpenter help. Main 717 MAN wants work by day or hour, painting cleaning, repairing. Main 8078. AN experienced Japanese boy wants a place as house boy. Main WUtt, A io. SITUATIONS W A N T K I I E M A LK. Bookkeepers uud site imgi-Hpuers. YOUNG woman with three years' office ex perienco wants position; understand sten ography, but prefer bookkeeping, billing etc. East 5899. COMPETENT bookkeeper. 12 yoars' experi ence; permanent or will substitute. Tabor 904. GIRL wishes position in office; experience in typewriting. Usui East -on. STENOGRAPHER wants substituting work by day. week or month. .Maisnan aaas. OI'VING. addressing, etc.. by hand, work guaranteed. Mam 1497. Dressra.iaers. MODISTE recently from San Francisco, ntin, i.-r-ti. h Ktvlea without natterus. wiil make suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc. 248 East Broadway, apt. 214. Call East DRESSMAKING by the day; will take a few more customers; city reiereiices Phone Tabor 2873. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home; suits and one-piece ureases, reaonauie. n i bor 2394. MAE MARTZ, modiste, for chic Individual styles. Suits, gowns, dresses. Phone Mala 3933. 12th and Alder. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, home or day. 150 Lane st. Call Main 9513. DRESSMAKING, ladies' tallorlrfg. altera tions, by day, $2.50. Main 2333. WANTED Plain sewing and mending at home or will go out. Main u EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladles' tail oring, day, $3. lauor eoo. ruBi-cip o, YOUNG lady dressmaker desires sewing by day. East no. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $2 per day. Ta. bor 4698. Sw GRADUATE masseuse wishes position in In- stitution or will give treatments in homes. Phone Mar. 1081. Housekeepers. COMPETENT woman with girl 7 warns pleasant home, refined people, in ex change for proficient help In housekeep ing; or would take full charge for 2 or 3 adults; all employed; good cook. Phone Sellwood 243. WOMAN with girl 5 years wants position as housekeeper for widower, or would do chamber work. Main 717. WOMAN with girl 9 years old to support, wishes position as housekeeper. Call Main 2C39, A 7175. 288 Matn! POSITION as housekeeper by young Swedish woman, all alone, widower's home, coun try. 244 S. Broadway. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping. widower or bachelor, with good home, -v 206, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, capable, experienced wo man, wants position in hotel in or out of city. Phone Main 6098. YOUNG, educated mother with 3 children wishes the care of a home al Hood Canal; best of references. I'hono Main lss;. Domestics. GOOD Swedish woman with boy 4 wishes housework or housekeeping. Room 226 Bennett Hotel, 1st and Taylor ats GERMAN girl wishes to ailst general housework. Marshall 5952, 10 to 11 A. M. Miscellaneous. AT a bargain price, tine, new mahogany dining set, leather davenport, lorge library table, piano benoh. 411 East 10th st. North. I'hono East 14W. WOMAN competent take charge nice house. wants position, no washing or cooking. city or country; see me. T 208. Oregunlaii. COOK. $10: waitress, $10; family cook. $36; housework, $16 to $40. Bt. Louis Agenci. 288 Main St. A 7176. Main 2039. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work; will also prepare and serve dlnncra Mar shall 715. EXPERIENCED Finnish girl wants house work and rooking. Call 42 Freemont st. Phone Woodlawn 48. YOUNG lady wishes office work, answering telephone, etc.; preferably In physician's or dentist's office. Cull Main 3718. EXP girl wants position housework or care of children; go homo nights. I'hono Wood. 3744. GOOD home wanted for 15-year-old girl. Main 71". EXPERIENCED woman; day work, wash ing. Ironing, cleaning. A "176. Main 2039. LACE curtains laundered by expert at lionu or hour work. ciiwoou io. WANTED Day work, or will take laundry home. Main li. ANY kind day work, also laundry done at home; work guaranteed. East 2437. EXl'ERI HNCED. rellablo bookkeeper and stenographer desires position. Main 2817. JAPANESE girl want.1' to do general'i work. E 196, Oregonian. null. WHnts general housework and plain cooking. 81 E. 28th St. N. East 4676. WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone Columbia 298. COMPETENT girl wants housework out of the city preferred. Marshall 3533. EXPERIENCED exchange operator wants position. M. 20 1 1. a -too GOOD woman, good worker, wants day work. Phone Main 4304. FANCY washing, Ironing done In your home. Main 4182. room 2. LADY pianist would like position In or out of city. BD 206, Oregonian EXPERIENCED teacher of languages seeks lessons, orivate or BChool. T-bor 2S70- EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind day work. Phone Tabor 4547. WANTED TO RENT. House. C-ROOM modern house. East Side, good lo cality, near school; state particulars first letter. AR 206, Oregonian. Fl'P.NISHED bungalow or apartment. BC 214, Oregonian. . ANTED lO KENT. IIOUS''.. MODERN 8 or 7-room house, 2 to 4 llocaa from car, not over 10 blocks from sctool; family of three; state price. D 208. Ore gonlan. A MODERN bungalow on" West Bid. I" walking distance; reasonable rent; Vr manent; can furnish first-class refer ences. AB 206, Oregonian. JAPANESE gentleman wants room, with or without board. Apply by letter, .110 Lum ber Exchango bldg. ROOM In apartmi Side. AK 200, r private family, West WANTED tralnlng -A room by young man of ooUsjyjg Address Y 2v, Oregonian. Rooms With Hoard. ROOM and two meals wanted by j man of good habits In private fa! must be close In. T 206, Oregonian. FOR RENT. I urnlshcd Rooms. HOTEL ARTHUR. Uth. between Morrison and TemhIM. New. clean rooms with steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone, large ciosets. three mirrors, medicine chest, comfortabla beds, large tiled baths. Rates for two per sons. $4 per week; $1 per day and up. HOTEL FRANKLIN Washington St.. at Thirteenth. 50c per day; weekly $1.60 and up. Running water, phone in each room, steam heat, forcproof bldg.. ground floor lobb. all-night service. Business Is good. HOTEL HLACKSTONE, Cor. 11th and stark; $1 week up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connections In each room; no extra charge for two In a room; room and bath. $1 da). Transients solicited. HOTEL RAINIER." 3 Blocks from Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike; the 1 that treats you right; 60c up per day up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 4TII 8T. luu ivevflc, Modern, brick building. M-tralll locnt ed; nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water; rates 60c, 73c and $1 per day, $3 per week and up. HOTEL OCKLET. Morrison St.. at loth; central location. "Summer rates," 60o per day up; wteklv $2.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phones and bath, steam heat. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel, bot and cold water and phone In vary toom; rooms without bath. $10 up; with bath. $15 up. HOTEL Bucking hi mi ttlfc new, fireproof brick, quiet, aide rooms. It. and C. wat phone, private or publlo bat Washington ; HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th t., corner Washington Nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern; rates $3.50 week and up. Phone Marshall 1410. HOTEL SAVON, l$l Eleventh st. New, modern brick building, steam heatfd, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, coinfoit ably furnished, transients solica. . HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave and M Belmont Rooms $12 month up; $22.60 up with private bath, large, pleasant lobb , cafe in connection. Phone East 32J. STAN DISH &4SS WASHINGTON HOTEL. ST., OFF 1STH. Modern, airy, outsioe rooms, iree pnones and baths. $2 per w k.. $1 per mo. up. LARRABEE HOTEL, JJift Larrsbes st. If you want an exceptionally clean homelike room below regular price, phone East Ml. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2C Ufa " strlctl modern, private bsths, n suite, rooms $3.50 up. Main $472, A 478$. YOUNG-man rooming at Y. M. C. A. want roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A. tth and Taylor HOTEL NORRIS. 61$ Vt slider, corner 17th. Outside rooms, modern. $2 week up. Furnished Rooms lu Private Koinllle. YOUNG MEN may consult without . -barge register of furnished rooms listing several hundred rooms in all patts of city at Y. M. C. A., cor. 8th and Taylor sta. SUITE of two rooms in modern apartment: nlcclv furnished; steam heat. Marshall 2-33. 2 LARGE rooms with porch, modern, cen tral, reasonable. lit Lombard, corner Morrison. . FURNISHED rooms. $1. keeping also; tree phi 208 17th St. Call Main and up; house , bath and heat. LARGE room, with sleeping porch, for 2 3 young men. steam heated apartment. Nob Hill. Marshall 1498. NEATLY furnished room, electricity, fur nace heat, hot water; $2 week. 123 N. 23d St. 446 TAYLOR ST., fine, clean, comfortable front room, close lu. modern, reason able. 475 MORRISON Desirable, convenient, com fortable, nely furnished, front rooms, $lo lo $16. WOULD sharo our modern d-rooip home with some oongenlal couple. 70S E. Snl mon. ROOMS, modern conveniences, board op tional, walking distance. 269 14lh st . near Jefferson. FURNISHED rooms. $1.30 per wk and up. 189 W. Park st, CLEAN, airy front room. $1.80 wk.. quiet home, close in. 211- icnm, NICELY furnished front rooms, cheap, mod- ., . v -.U 1.1,1. Ml ,1 K W.lll IU. e- ASVl HI A W -ft.. . -. a uim f,irnlhwt front room, wslklng dis tance Kaet tit".:. :" K. Yamhill. Apt I II furnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms closet, porch; tree light, water, nail 71 l.itn si. Rooms Willi Hoard. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sta An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent ruests. Main 9283. A $J$. J I I . K 1 ir. It IIO A -Lft SSI! Montgomery St.. at West Park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for reaular or transient guests. A GOOD PLACE TO UVsJ The Whitehall. J53 ih St.. has fine .able board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasoaabls rates, BUSINESS women and students will find -nnrl hoard and room. $4 and $4 M) ws"k. Portland Women's Union. HO Flanders. THE STRTKKR, $64 Couch Cholas rooms and board; all modern conveniences, rea eonabls rales. 11th and Tl sims $12 and up. M dern rooms. THE HAZEL, $$ d si unt, or without board. special rates BEAUTIFUL corner front room, flrsl-clasi tsoio serv I' -. . LARGE, light, airy desirable. 300 Jt its, with board, very Rooms II I anillle. PLEASANT home for teachers an persons, house modern ana n nlshed. all conveniences, exoellt $.- and up. Main tll. 601 Han 14th st. CONGENIAL gentleman. 80 to 48, may have pleasant uoiiis sun daughter 12. modern house, piano; near vi. insula l-ara. aio. INGLE room, board, modern convenience" gentlemen only 291 West I'ark NICE furnished room, excelb tllg distance, lovniy ano. t all lor further panic LARGE room In attractive home, W'tt i.e. i Weet I Ing porca, mmim Main 72t. 38$ 11th at. FRONT room with excellent privileges. 211 North 30tn. al ROOM and board, 332 loth at., walking dis tance. Phono Main 9;9. A :$. LARGE room, new house, near Multnoman CIUO, tWO ine,. -""--"- $3.2 "in-Walking distance, pi. ant sur il. North location. rounding: new, clean. 33 li ct u : , vt rooms and boa reasonable, fcso r.vereii. TWO excellent rooms, very re board; two ooo r- . . TOjiict 2 or 3 children to care Hi raf- erence. o 2a-i. I iirnished Xparlments. FURMOUNT APTS.. 288 UTH Modern furnished 2-rooni apartments. r.n tin: close in. Main 2280. "TV vvtNKTllN ".APARTMENTS. 341 14th st at Market. New 2 an.l a furnished, reasonable. Main 1.8" THRF.E-ROOM A I A li i ai.i ao, u. Liil-e clean. well-furnished. private phone, bath, bed and table linens. B 183. rnir itpSHUR. 28th and Upshur Furnlsb'd heat, light. $16 up. i inc aPTS.. 220 N. lTth. Mala 218 2 and 3 rooms, furnished; reasonable. THE DAYTON i room turn, apt., only $22 mo. Dow r - FURNISHED or unfurnished fiats and aoartinenis; c.uoic sgswis WILL furnish apartment for desirable pso i"' z m THE ELMS. Uth. near Yamhill 2 and 3 room outside; walking distance; 81-$21. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 54 King Three and 4 rooms, high-class; references. Main 2088. COM PI F.TELY furnished apartments In con crete block, $12. 1162 i L'nlon ave. N. pic. x -wo. -