MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1914. THE Are You Winning Cash Prizes? I Tafce Pride in my light, white bread, but realize that most of the credit and praise belongs, not to mc, but to Olympic Flour It isn't the recipe It's the Flour. You'll agree to this after using "Olympic" Insist upon -.. -Si- "Olympic" and wjlf. save all sales- eborlra fnr Tjrizes. 0 Eleven Cash Prizes Each Month for Labels Saved The Oregonian gives eleven cash prizes each month for labels from the goods advertised on this page. Buy Made-in-Oregon Goods It is the only way to make Oregon's position grow to one of the first among our statefe. Have all labels in The Oregonian Office, Home Industry De partment, by 6 P. M. the last Friday of this month. Support the State That Supports You! l52r Supreme Sodas 1 m SsjpK'mt' ior at Your Dealers. a 4 IT DC IT f Collect 12 ends from six packages of tt m r KmLIL "Supreme" baked crackers or cakes, m mall them direct to us and a surprise box of Jf - Supreme" Baked Dainties will be sent at once m ""'New Syrup, Mary?' "No, John, the same old syrup, but a new pancake flour. After this I'll never use any but Albers' Pancake Flour The cakes fairly melt in your mouth I" Quickly made easily di gested. At all grocers Ask for it! Save the labels for prizes. Standing Sentinel over cheerful, chubby babies Portland Pure Milk and Cream is pure, Pure, PURE ! ! I Absolutely the safest milk delivered in Portland today. Guarded in every step by modern science. If It's Pure Enough for Baby It's Pure Enough for You. ' Save the caps for Home Industry prizes. assegai Use "Home-Made" Electricity! There are ten large generating stations throughout the state waiting to serve you. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. employs men in Oregon pays taxes in Oregon. Keep Your Money at Home Help Develop Oregon. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. Broadway and Alder Streets. Phones: Marshall 5100. A 6131. It Costs Less and Whips as Well as "fresh" cream. p-f GROCERIES BRAND . f Sensed MIUV Mm iv iCoNDfMSEDfcilLKCO-, 'Holly' Milk is absolutely the richest in butter fat of all con densed milks. With Holly Milk in the house whipped cream is always possible. At All Grocers 10c the Can. Save the labels for Home Industry prizes. Simple Recipes on every can make a variety of tasty dishes possible in a few moments with Cash Prizes for Labels For the greatest number of labels turned in each month, the follow ing cash prizes are offered: First Prize $10 Second Prize. . .$ 5 Third Prize. . . .$ 2 Three Prizes ... $ 1 Variety of labels counts 50 and number 50. Have them in The Orego nian office on the last Friday of the month. jss Delicious balaas yj!tt "' ' '""ftn depend for their success upon their H ! dressing. This is assured with Mm plAMOHD 1 fB;: Salad Dressing M jir lij No trouble at all ready to use! In W jji! glass jars, at all grocers. A ll I -TvA. If, thousands of homes I jhIi SSI LI HAMS' BAC0N' LARD yA are appreciated because thv Otter Clams in the pantry. Keep them on handj Only the tender parts of selected, young clams used preserved, to retain their delicacy of flavor! At All Grocers, 15c 2 cans 25tf Save the labels for Home Industry prizes. $120 for Best Essay On "Why Oregon People Should Do All Their Buying From Oregon Man ufacturers, Every thing Else Being Equal." Contest open to every boy and girl in Oregon under 18. First Prize $5 Second Prize $2 Three Prizes $1 Essay not over 200 words, in child's own handwrit ing, should be in Orego nian Office on last Fri day of the month. It's Our Favorite We've tried many coffees but always return to Golden West Coffee Old crop coffees give that rich, mellow fla vor which has made "Golden West" so popular! Scientific blending in sures perfect uniform ity of brew. Save all "Golden West" labels for Home Industry prizes. 1 J aV - I l 1 1 1 lilt I Mk ' a I aWI RECALL lb HIUIUULtUI WILD WEST CARD VARIED 1AMOLS SHOW TO AID IN VAN COUVER CELEBRATION. Cowboys and Cowgirl of Northwest Expected to Defeat Irwin Per formers in Contest". VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. IS. (Spe cial.) Vancouver Pioneer Days, on the occasion of the celebration of the Washington city's 90th anniversary, will be a Wild West pageant, equal to any ever held in the Northwest. Early in the year a contract was entered into with the well-known Irwin Bros., of Cheyenne, to stage the pageant. For 14 vears the Irwin Bros, have had charge of the famous Frontier Days celebration In the Wyoming capital. The fame of these celebrations is al most world wide. The Irwin Bros.' show of 326 people in a train of 30 cars will be merged in the Vancouver celebration and dur ing the week of September 7-12 there will be bucking, bulldogging, roping and similar cowboy and cowgirl con tests as well as wild-horse and relay races. All of these events are open to the world with J10.000 in cash prizes hung up for the competitors. Th rivalry bids fair to be of the keenest kind, for it has already been whispered that the riders of this sec tion of the country are going after the scalps of the headJlners in the Irwin aggregation. The days of the fast-fading frontier as shown in the novels of Owen Wis ter and Frank H. Spearman and the pictures of Russell and Remington, will be actually brought before the spectator in a realistic manner. The life of the cowboy and the cowgirl and the existence of the pioneer will be truly depicted. A band of 50 Sioux Indians from Pine Ridge Agenoy, a D will be Been In tribal dances and in attacks on the old Deadwood stage coach and on the settlers' oxtrain of prairie schooners. A band of Umatillas from the Pen dleton agency will compete with the Sioux in races. Troops from the bar racks will be seen in wall-scaling con tests and musical drills. AUTO STAGE DRIVER HURT Two Passengers Bruised When The Dalles-Dufur Car Overturns. DUFUR, Or., Aug. 16. (Special.) E. T. Folsom, driver of The Dalles Dufur auto-stage, suffered a fracture of his hip last night when the auto mobile he was driving overturned near Three-Mile Creek, while on route from The Dalles to Dufur. Two passengers were bruised, but not severely injured. The machine struck a rut in the road and turned over twice. It landed right side up. The top and wind shield were broken, . WAR ZONE TO LOSE SUN TOTAL ECLIPSE TO TRAVERSE PART OF BATTLEGROUND. Point In Russia to Be Dark Two Minutes and 14 Seconds Date Will Be August 30-21. The total eclipse of the sun due August20 and 21. will be invisible in this section of the country, but will darken a few portions of the war zone, the greatest duration of totality to be at a point In Russia and a small partial eclipse to prevail in the East ern part of Canada. The Northeast ern part of the United States also will see only a partial eclipse. The tlrst contact or ina penumui . t ui. Aa,f, Tviii tuU-A TilncA in the I W1LU UtD w, ..... r middle of James Bag, situated in the southern part of the Hudsbn Bay and the last will be on the east coast of Africa at a point about four degrees north, of the equator. West or South of a line drawn through or near Rapid City, Manitoba, Devil's Lake, Fargo, N. D. ; Redwood Falls, Minn.. Peoria, 111., Indianapolis, Ind., Harrisonburg, Va., and Washing ton, D. C, the eclipse will not be visible. The path of the total eclipse begins at sunrise at a point In the Arctic Ocean. It moves northeast, then east across Northern Greenland and then southeast, passing north of the Arctic Ocean. It crosses the north Atlantic and the middle of Norway and Sweden, the north end of the Baltic Sea, enter ing Russia and passing directly over Kieff. It then crosses the east end of the Black Sea, traversing eastern Turkey in Asia and Persia and ends at sunset near Lahkpat in Western India after traversing 191.8 degrees of longitude. The greatest duration of totality is two minutes and 15 seconds, which oc curs at a point In Russia, MAYOR SAYS HE WILL NOT LET PE. TITION INFLl fcNC'K ACTIONS. Executive, However, Saya That Fool ish Charges by Silly People Will Lead to Repeal of Statute. Mayor Albee declared last night on his return from the coast that the proposed recall directed against him self and Commissioners Brewster and Dieck would not in the least affect him. "The proposition shows on the face of it that the men behind the movement are not sincere," the Mayor said, "or they would have taken the trouble to investigate tlielr assertion that I am connected with an insurance company. If they will but examine the books of the company they will easily learn that i severed all connections with tbc business when I took my oath of office 14 months ago. "As to their other assertions against me, they are so vague and adsolutely silly that I will not take the troubln even to answer them. 1 shall go on In the future aa I have In the past, transact the city's business to the bst of my ability and 1 believe the proplo still huve confidence In me. If (illy people, such as thoso behind this re call movement, continue with their foolishness, it will result eventually tu the repeal of the recall statute. I be lieve In the recall privilege but not In its abuse," he declared. Mayor Albee will return to his nfflco today. IVndleton Tribune Improves. PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 1. (Spr. otaL) The Evening Tribune, Pendli' tcn's Republican dally newspaper, has moved Into Its new ly-contructert building. DSXt to the lte of the new Federul Imildihg New mechanical, equipment is added to the plant. The tribune carries Associated press news servicu. It Is th city official pspsr.