1ft THE MORNIXG" OREGONIAJf, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 12, 1914. $35,000 HOME SOLD H. P. Palmer's Irvington Resi dence Bought by S. M. Cohn. APPOINTMENTS ARE FINE Gronnd Is 14)0 Feet Square and Building: 6nly One Year Old Is of ( linker Brick Exterior With . Interior of Costly Finish. The largest recent sale of Irving ton residence property ana one of the largeat residence sales ever consum mated on the East Side was closed Yesterday when H. P. Palmer, of the M. P. Palmer-Jones Company sold his beautiful residence to 3. Morton Cohn, the millionaire theater man, for $35,000. The property. 100 feet square, Is lo cated on the northeast corner of East Twenty-fourth and Hancock streets. The residence, built slightly over a year ago, Is of a western type of architecture with a clinker brick ex terior. The rooms are finished artis tically in Clcassian walnut, solid ma hogany and white enamel. A billiard room and sleeping porches are smong the special appointments. There Is a two-etory garage on the premises, with chauffeur's living quar ters upstairs. GERMAN RUMORS PROBED Reports Keservists Drilling Near Chicago Start InTeatlgation. CHICAGO, Aug. 11. Reports that German reservists are drilling in the suburb of Elmhurst were 'investigated today by Federal authorities. Such ac tion would be in violation of the United States neutrality declaration. Seventy-five German reservists were given lodgings at the Elmhurst Evan gelical College, when, arriving here from various sections of the country expecting to be sent to Germany, it was found impossible to transport them. The reservists were warned against drilling yesterday by Kurt Von Reis witx. German Consul at Chicago, but according to information received at the office of the United States Attorney today, the warning had been disre garded. NORTH SEAJVMNES MENACE (Continued From First Psg.) permit." Naval observers here believe, however, that in lew of the titanic struggle this article In the convention will be of little moment. Formal Notice Presented. The formal memorandum presented y the British charge d'affaires was delivered to the State Department so that ships under neutral flags might be turned back. "The Germans are planting contact mines Indiscriminately about the North Sea in the open sea without regard for consequences to merchantmen. Two days ago four large merchant ships were observed to pass within a mile of the mine field which sank the H. M. S. Amphlon. The waters of the North 8ea must therefore be regarded at perilous in the last degree to mer chant shipping of all nations. "In view of the methods adopted by Germany, the British Admiralty must hold themselves fully at liberty to adopt similar measures in self-defense, which must inevitably Increase the dangers to navigation- In tile North Sea. But before doing so they think it right to issue this warning, that merchant ships under neutral flags trading with North Sea ports should return back bofore entering the area of uch exceptional danger." Financial Situation Better. In only one or two places In Europe, notably In Genoa, in Italy, and in Swe den, does the financial embarrassment continue, according to reports today. The situation has Improved so much that It may be unnecessary to deposit any gold In Europe for the relief of Americans. Nearly all of the Euro pean governments are believed to be desirous of establishing heavy credits with America to draw on In payment for the vast quantities of food and supplies of other kinds which they must have during the continuance of war and for a long time afterwards. Secretary Garrison thinks, therefore, that as soon as the first panicky feel ing Is over and financial conditions have been readjusted the mere an nouncement that the United Strtes or any Individual has deposited specie In American banks subject to the draft from foreign countries will be suffi cient to establish credit for Americans there. Everywhere the scattered tour ists and business people who desire to leave are gathered at the seaports and are arranging for transportation home ward. Mr. Garrison blleves that, ow ing to the facilities offered by the regular steamship lines, It will be un necessary to send more than one or two Government ships. Americana Safe In Germany. Official reports to the State Depart ment from Hamburg today cleared up the last apprehension for the safety of Americans in Germany, with the ex ception of those special cases which have been takeri up by Ambassador Gerard. The little colony in Hamburg, ac cording to consular dispatches, is not only in comfortable circumstances, but cheerful and disposed to regard the situation as free from any danger whatever. Personal telegrams from Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, widow of the ex-President, said she was safe in S'Gravehage in Scandinavia. Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania, cabled that he was well in London and would return at the first opportunity. The case of Archer M. Huntington and his wife, who were reported ar rested as spies in Nuernburg. is still it. the hands of the German foreign of fice, which has made no answer as yet. to the State Department inquiry through Ambassador Gerard. Mayor Mitchel. of New York, joined today with Secretary Garrison regard ing the assistance of Americans abroad. The Mayor sent to Washington Wil liam Hamilton. Jr.. representative of the Mayor's committee for the relief of New Yorkers In Europe, who opened headquarters in Washington. Americana In Europe Traced. The War Department Issued today the following bulletin about Americans In Europe: "In dispatches from August 4 down to and Including August 10 the fol lowing Is the only definite Information received as to Americans in particular places. Of course, we have not heard from every place and the movements from place to place must be taken into account. It also must be remembered that much of this Is estimated, and not actual count. "With these qualifications, the latest information is that Americans In Eu rope are as follows: "In St. Petersburg. Vladlvostock. Moscow and Riga, between 200 and 300; Dlnarfl. France. 200; Bergen. Norway, 30: Venice, 600; Lisbon, 25; Sweden, be tween 500 and "50; Rome and vicinity, 1500; Geneva. 300: St. Gall. Switzerland, 200; Alxlabain. France. 300: Barcelona. 300. "In Havre. France, there were sev eral hundred, but many have left on ships. In the three German watering places of Carlsbad. Marienbad and Frazenbad. there was an estimate of 1000, but we have no definite informa tion. Italy Holds About SOO. i in usiy me luim ci.i ni c VOOO, uiai I luuiru ill yat- n . u . . w v . Genoa, 500; Naples. 300; Milan. 2000; Florence. 700; Venice. 500: Catania, 160. "No definite number given from Nor way. Only guesses as to London and suburbs; last guess was 10,000; in Den mark about 500. A general estimate as to whole of Switzerland about 8000. Where places have been specified in this list they are undoubtedly included In this general estimate. "In Nice. France, about 120; In Lon don. 600; nothing specific as to Paris and suburbs: latest estimate was 7000. "In Spain, outside of Barcelona. 50 are reported at Madrid ana -o at San Sebastian. "One hundred and fifty Americans left St. Petersburg on August 9 by way of Finland. About 500 Americans In Sweden have been gathered at Esbjerg." A total of $740,000 had been deposited at the Treasury and sub-treasuries up to the opening of business hours to day for the relief of individual Ameri cans abroad who want capital to come home. The money is deposited on this side of the Atlantic oy ineir irionus. warrants drawn by the Treasury and ,.f.nnnrtiTi sr amounts paid under cabled orders from the State Depart ment. ' JAPAN" QUESTIONS MEDIATION Obligations to England Taken as Probable Preventive to Action. PEKIN, Aug. 11. The Japanese gov ernment, in replying to the euggestion of China, that China, the United States and Japan should endeavor to mediate in the European conflict, said its ob ligations to Great Britain might pre- i-Ant lflhin from dOin&T SO. In consequence of this reply, China considers further efforts useless, al though It was stated today that the question of mediation might be re opened with the United States in caee there were any prospects of success. A note to the foreign legations is sued today says that China will estab lish a moratorium only for short-term loans. It was stated that the govern ment had decided to continue paying the Indemnities and other obligations aa long as possible. CONVICflLEESTFIGHTS SURPRISED IN HOUSE, FUGITIVE ESCAPES WITH CLOTHES. Owner Gives Battle on Returning Home at Salem, but the Intruder Geta Away. SALEM, Or., Aug. 11. (Special.) Hiram G. Moore, a convict who escaped from the brickyard at the penitentiary yesteiday. last night engaged Frederick Metz, 1495 Fairmont street, in at: ex iting rough and tumble fight and es caped with a new suit of clothing. The man's convict garb was found njar the .Metz iion'C early today, but a searching party f und no trace of him. Moore was in li.t house when Metz returned hor.ie fruit work. It was dark and aj Mr. Metz made a lunge for the intruder he fell ever a chair. Moore almost limultanecirsly fell over a table and Mr. Mc-tz was soon upon him. -Finally the escuneu convict tore himself fiuni M. Metz and escaped through the rear door. The suit of clothing which the man snatched as he rushed out of the door was purchased only a few days ago. In one of the pockets was 11 in change. Later in the night Mr. Metz was again aroused by an intruder, but whether it wag Moore, he could not tell. He was asleep on a lounge on his front porch when he was aroused by someone opening the screen door. Raising himself on his elbow tie threw an alarm clock at the man. Tr-e In truder beat a hasty retreat. Mr. Metx reported his experiences to Chief of Police Shedeck today, who. with several guards at the peniten tiary, found the clothing discarded by the escaped convict. WEEK-OLD FIRE HALTED FOREST BLAZE NEAR BELKNAP SPRINGS FINALLY UUELLED. Fighters of Flame to Be Released Today After Long Tussle. Damage Not Reported. ALBANY. Or., Aug. 11. (Special.) After burning for seven days, the for est fire on the headwaters of Smith River northeast of Belknap Springs now is under control. The fire Is burning yet, but it Is be lieved there is no further danger and almost all the firefighters will be sent out tomorrow. Supervisor Brundage of the Santlam National Forest, who has been In per sonal charge of the fight on this fire, telephoned to Forest Service headquar ters here today from Fish Lake saying that the fire is under control. No re port was made on the territory cov ered by the fire or its damage, but It was learned definitely that Its prog ress has been stopped. ALSEA ROAD APPROVED FORESTRY PROJECT WILL CON NECT VVALDPORT WITH COAST. Possibilities for Beach Resorts Im press Official and Motor Travel Promises to Aid Development. EUGENE, Or., Aug. 11. (Special.) Final approval of the Alsea highway project, in which the Government for estry service expects to open a road conectlng Waldport and the Coast of Lane and Linn Counties to the Wil lamette Valley, was given by Govern ment officials from Washington, D. C. who made an inspection of the project Friday and Saturday. The work will be started next week and rushed to completion, according to H. B. Rankin, supervisor of the Siuslaw National for est, who returned with the engineers today. The Government men were O. G. Merrill, chief engineer of the United States forestry service, and A T. Schuyler, of the Federal office of pub lic roads. They accompanied Mr. Ran PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PKOMPT SEKVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title &. Truit Co Ch. or com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. STEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods ponged; mall orders. 3s3 Alder. M. t'372. ART MATTRESS WORK. ONLY scientifically thorough renovating Id th city. Ad viae us. Phone Eaat 870. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. GILBERT & HALL, uccssor Wella t Co.. ttUO to 013 Couch bldg., loy 4th. Main 7150. MONTANA A.S8AY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testlnc works. 142H 2d at. ATTORNEYS. J. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracta, contracts, collectlona, etc.; consul tation free. New offices, 707, 70s 700 Sell ing bldg. Main 481)3. Open evening. Wil. M . LAFORCE. Counsellor-at-law. ii20 Falling bldg. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Ruga from old car. pets, rag ruga. 188 E. Sth. Both phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS. BADGES. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY, ! 5th st. Phone Main 312 and A 1234. CHIROPODISTS. William, Eatelle and William. Jr.. Dsveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors, 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. 27. Main 3473. Hill. Offices, Flledner bldg. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON. 121 4th. 376 Williams avo. 18 adjustments $10. Nature cures. M. 203. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent; we press one suit each week for $1.50 per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 303 Stark St., bet. 6th and6th. Main 814. COPPER AND BRASS WORKS. NORTHWEST Copper & Brass Works. Arthur Weyde, prop. Building and re pairing of ail copper work for candy mtrs., fruit and vegetable cannors, steamboats, breweries, distilleries sugar houses, chem ical works, dyeing works, etc.; soda foun tains and kitchen utensils re-tinned, --d and Reed stn. Phone Main 3805. COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., 820 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 074. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. DANCING. MR. and Mrs. Heath's Academy; dancing taught in all Its branches; class Frl. eve., 8 to 10. 231 Morrison, cor. 2d. Mar. 313. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. R. M. Wade & Co., 323-26 Hawthorn ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE IRON WORKS. Portland Wirt st Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 200 AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BAL.LOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak s.a. AWNINGS PACIFIC TENT TENTS & AWN. AND SAILS. CO., 1-3 S. 1st St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT ROME. Baggage tx Omnlbiw Transfer, Park it Da BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. B ALLOC & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak Sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery Cortf,, Inc., 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND "BOTTLERS. HENRY WE IN HARD, 13th and Burnslde. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BROS.. 1H FRONT ST. CEMENT, I I lll. AM) PLASTER. '. T. CROWE A CO., 40 Fourth street. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET & DEVERS, 1-11 N. Front St. DRY GOODS. I'LEISCHNER, MAYER & CO., 207 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Electrical Co., Sth and Pine GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling CO., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOU3ER, Board of Trade bldg. kin into the forest on Friday. During the trip they were Impressed with the beach resort possibilities of the Oregon coast south of Newport, which will be opened to motor trafflo by the new highway. Motor cars may reach Waldport and with the comple tion of the Cape Perpetua road, may reach Florence and return by way of the Siuslaw without having to be fer ried. The road to Alsea Is reached by way of Monroe. The new road will provide an outlet for cream and dairy resources of that coast region, now almost Inaccessible. The road project Involves the con struction of a mile and a third of new road through heavy timber and re quiring the removal of heavy grades and much rock work. To build this distance will cost IS000. Work on the completion of the Per petua road, connecting the highway be tween Tillamook and Coos Bay. will be commenced as soon as Lincoln County completes its part of the work, accord ing to Supervisor Rankin. Nearly $10,000 has been spent by the Gov ernment on this project. BENSON ANDiyi'NARY TIE Salem and Elkhorii Recount Gives Candidates Same Total Again. SALEM, Or., Aug. 11. (Special.) In a recount of the ballots In precincts 7 and 17 of this city and Elkhorn Pre cinct of Marion County today. Judges Benson and McNary, contestants for the Republican nomination for Justice of the Supreme Court, each gained one vote, so the tie still exists. A. C. Emmons, of Portland, repre senting Judge Benson, and John Mc Nary, of this city, representing his brother, said the ballots in several pre cincts in three or four other counties were to be recounted, and that if there was still a tie the contestants would reach a decision by drawing lots. It will take about a week to conclude the recount. SHERIFF DESTROYS LIQUOR .Man Accused Says SO Gallons for Use of His Faintly. EUGENE, Or., Aug. 11. (Special.) Two hundred quart bottles of contra band liquor were destroyed by the Sheriff at the city dump today. The liquor had been taken from Joseph Jacobs, many times charged with vio lations of the local optain law. who is again in the toils of the law. In the suit held In the Justice Court, in which the liquor was declared con traband, Jacobs attempted to show that it was entirely for family purposes. To drink 30 or 40 quarts of beer while en tertaining friends was common, he tes tified, and that to dispose of nine bar rels of bottled beer In two months in his family was not excessive. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Au. 11. Maximum temper ature 87 degrees: minimum. 60 dagrses. River reading at 8 A. M., 0.8 feet: change In last S hours, 0.1 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P M to 5 P. M.), none; total rainfall alnce' September L 1818. 88.91 Inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1, 44.68 Inches; deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 113, 0 77 Inches. Total sunshine August 31, 14 hours 22 minutes: possible sunshine, 14 hours 22 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M., 29.01 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure is moderately high off the North Pacific Coast and over most of the rountrv from the Plains States eastward to th. Atlantic Coast. The pressure la i low over th South Pacific Slope and Interior portions of the North Pacific; also Interior Western Canada. Showers have fallen in Alberta, Saskatchewan. Wyoming. New Mex ico. South Dakota, Nebraska, the Gulf 8tates and In moat sections from the Mississippi Vallev to the Atlantic Coast. The rainfall was heavy In Central Texas and Western Pennsylvania. The weather la slightly cooler along the North Pacific Coast; It Is six decrees or more cooler In interior Western Canada. Eastern south Dakota, Pennsy vania. New York and the Bt. Lawrence Val- BUSINESS DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON dancing school; waltz, one-step, two-step, schottlsche. hesitation waltz, stage dancing; lessons, 25c; every moinlng, afternoon, evening; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. 85 3th, bet. Stark and Oak. Main 7837. MODERN dances quickly and correctly taught by the Ringler method at the cooleat studio in town from 10 A. M. to 8 V. M. Cotillion Hall, 14th. off Wash ington. Main SS80. DENTISTS. DR. A. W. KEENE, 331 Washington Majestic Theater bldg. st. Marshal! 3205. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought sold, renled and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing aud rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. II. Electric Co., 31 First st. North. Phone Main 0210. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 317 Dekum bl. 3d a wasn. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES, developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE Sc MARK HAM CO., 343 Washington L MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO., motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 38, A 21S3. MUSICAL. EMI L THEILHORN. violin teacher; Sevcik. 207 Flledner bldg. A 4100, shall 1020. upll ar- NATUROPATH1C PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, ner vous chronic diseases. 504 Oregonlan bldg. OPTICIANS. .A FIOHT on high prices. I Why pay $5 to $10 for a fpalr of glasses when 1 can fit your eyes with first- quality lenses, gold-filled frames, as low as $1,507 Goodman, 1U1 Morrison st., near bridge, satisfaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. OR GEORGE R. WELLS, 082 Morgan bldg. Hours 2 to t) P. M.. and by appointment. Office Marshall 351; Res,. Marshall li)7u. Dr R B. Northrup, 80S Morgan bldg., cor. Broadway and Washington streets. Office phone Main 340; residence. East 1023. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3480. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERIES. WADHAM3 & CO.. 69-70 4th at. HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY 411 DEKLM BLDtj. HATS AND CAPS. THNHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-53 Front St. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS., 191 Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East End of Burnslde Bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES HOOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of sSTEEL BEAMS AND ANGLES. CHANNEL PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS L MASTICK A CO., 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LIME. CKm'eNtTpLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. MeCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade. Sales agent celebrated Roche Harbor lime. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO,.231 Pine St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., ?.3 Fifth St. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. lev. It is considerably warmer on most of the Pacific Slope and in the Rocky Moun tain States. Western North Dakota, Okla homa and Missouri. The conditions are tavorable for geneiany fair weather in this district Wednesday. It will probably be cooler in Oregon and Washington except near the coast. Nortn westerly winds will obtain. FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Fair, cooler: north westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair, cooler ex cept near the coast; nortnwesteriy wmu. Idaho Generally fair. THE WEATHER. HI STATIONS. Stat of Woath or Baker , Boise Boston Calgary Chicago Colfax Denver Des Moines.... Duluth Eureka Galveston .... Helena Jacksonville Kansas City... Klamath Falls Loa Angeles... Marshfield Mertford Minneapolis . . . Montreal ...4. New Orleans.. Now York North Head... North Yakima. Pendleton Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburg Sacramento . . . St. Louis Salt ljike San Francisco. Seattle Spokane ...... Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. . . Washington .1 8810. noi 6INWClear . IMJ 0.001 6NW Clear .1 80O.O0il2SW (Rain 70 0.00 101NE Pt. cloudy u 2 78 0.110 Clear Clear 0.00 IB 0.00! 8 NE Pt. cloudy (IN 0.00' OlSW Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear r,N 0.00 sslo.oo 10 SW 8 S SlW 6iSE . . S2 0.II0 . . 900.12 .. 84U.00 6 E juiear I 'I ear . .. H6iO.OO!,4 NW . . 1 I- U.UV 3 W Clear Clear Clear Cloudy .. 700.00 8NW 10210.00 12 NW oeio.oo 4 w 78 0.2" 14 XE 82 0.021 8IS 8410.82 8 SW Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Foggy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pi. cloudy 54IO.00.22INW BOO. 00 .. .... 99(0.00 4W 104 0.00 SlW XK O.OOilO SW 87(0. 00) 8NW woiu.uui ori B2 O.00 10jS 860. nn S'SE 88 O.OO 12JN 6210.00 24'W 80 0.00 SIN 90 0.00 8 8W 76 0.00112 N r.eo.oOiio'sw 04i0.00 4lW Clear Clear Clesr Clear Clear 02 1 .01 4INE Cloudy Winnipeg 730. 00146 Ft. cloudy Yellowstone Park.) 780 . 0010!NWCIar THEODORE F. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. TWO piano lessons for Intermediate or ad vanced pupils, fl. Two voice lessons, $1.50. Phone Woodlawn 1764 or call 61S Ellers building. TWO piano lessons for beginners, TSc. Phone Woodlawn 348 or call at 618 Kilers bldg. WANTED Experienced Elliott Fisher and expensa clerk. P 176. Oregonlan. bill CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday 1'er Line. lc J 2c 80c One time Same ad two consecutive times. Same ad three consecutive time. Same ad six or seven consecutive times.. 86e The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" snd all other classifica tions except the followtna: situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Rent, Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and Boardi, Private Families. Kate on the above classifications Is 7 cents a line each insertion. On "charge" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the nnmber of words In each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill we rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness nf nami.nt of telephone advertisements. Sit uations Wanted snd Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Or ders for one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale," "Business Oppor tunities," "Rooming-houses," and "Wanted to Rent." The Oregonlan will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors occurring In telephoned advertisements. Advertisements to receive prompt classifi cation must be in The Oregonlan office be fore 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. Clocing hour for The Sunday Oregonlan will be 8 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M.. as usual, and all ads received too late for proper classifi cation will be run under hesralng "Too Late to Classify." The Oregonlan will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion or nny aa vertlsement offered for more than one time. DIRECTORY PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' and foreign patenta. 000 metloe U. S. kum blag T. r nvisr.WR Attv-at-Law. 508 Hem Wm. C. Schmidt, Eng. and Draftsman. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC 231 Waah. COAST STAMP WORKS it. Phone Main 710 and A2.lt. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING machines, new, $20 up . used ma chines 12 up. renting and repairing . Main C131 Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 3d, bet. yamnui anu i iqi SHOWCASE. BANK a STOKE ' MARSHALL MFG. CO., 10th and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. ' . . STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. and Kearney sts.. Just completed, new flr proof warehouse for household orrects. pianos and automobiles, contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms. sieau.-"" piano-room. trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments, vans for mov ing, reduced freight rates on iouMhoia goods to and from East In through cars. Main 3640, an uepai unci,.,. . OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. New fireproof warehouse w'lh aeparate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at ducea rates. Auto vans and teams trV."L Forwarding and distributing agents I fee trackage, office and warehouse. 16th ana Hoyt sts. Main 547, A 224 1. C. O, PICK Transfer Storage Coce. Offices ana commouiuua vault separate Iron rooms and r?0-p,n? for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts Pianos and furniture moved and pacKen for shipment; special rates mint " "nd in r tnrougn - io ... for?ien DOrts MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO lath ana hvsijh oi.. ..j Pianos and household S,oods moed. packed and shipped: reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East, through car service. Main .03, A nntri-nv TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan it.. 0c?rGSth Tlephon. Main 69 or A 1M We own and operate two large class jA warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in tne cm MADISON-ST, DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Oft r-,. S HSUmii. KCUCini furniture and machinery storage transfer and forwarding agents Phone .Main 7681. VETERINARY COLLEGES. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept 14 No profession offers equal opportunlts Catalogue free. C. Keane, president, ISIS Market St., Ban Francisco. ORNAMENTAL IRON Portland Wire & Iron Wks., AND WIRE. 'd and Columbia PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 18 First st. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. PPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE 84-88 Front St. PRINTERS W. BALTES AND CO. PUBLISHERS. 1st and Oak PRODUCE COMMISSION BVEBDIXU & FARRE1.L, MERCHANTS. lfo Front at. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland cordageC0.,14th and Northrup. Mn AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. sau-Mli.f. MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, lh and Nrthjrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front st WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d WHOLESALE JEWELERS ,y OPTICIANS. BUTTERFIELD BROS., goHAtvasuM STHIf axil IRON WORKS. Portland Wire Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia. Portland's Building Directory Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Attorneys. D UNI WAY, RALPH R. Main 15S5 529-531 Insurance. VINCENT. B. D. Co. Main 163 816 Real Estate. KEASEY, DORR E. & OO. Main 1189. ..283 Board of Trade Building Brokers. Stocks, Roads snd Orala. nvr vi Hire w a. CYIOKSS CrY A 6881. Main 8142 816-218 Real Estate. n.T?CTT UROS; Ualn 802 WALLER. FRANK L. Main 8295 10t Lewis Building Cnu.iil! dm n LUCIUS. W. W. Marshall 884 316-811 Spaiaing Building Mortgage Loans. BAIN. JOHN. A 7442. Mala 6021 007 Real Estate. BAY CITY LAJ.U CO. M. 1118 791-708 Yeor. Building sB.rL&s3a Attorneva. GRAHAM. SYDNEt J. Main 8762. . .806-7-5 KIMBALL, HENRY M. Mar. 630 928 MALARKKY SEABROOK . DIBBLE. Main 1001. A12. . . 1BOO-I60i STOTT A COLLIER Marshall 8978. .608-610 Billiard Hall. M'CREDIE BILLIARDS Second Floor Real Estate. MET CALF, LYLE S Marshall 2482... 810 RAINEY. J. O. Marshall 8177 1304 WAGGONER, GEO E -80 SLA U SON. A B. Main 0444 10H AUCTION SALE TODAY. Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, furniture. 166-8 First at at 10 A. M., itEETIN O N OT1CES. ACACIA CLUBROOMS, sec ond floor of the Commercial Club building, 5th snd Oak sts., now open to all Master Masons In good standing. Do not hesitate ,m ..v. advantage of this oppor tunity to enjoy the privileges of the club rooms, as after Sept. 1 they will be open to members only. By order of the board ol trustees. .. LESLIE S. PARKER, Sec. OREOON COMMANDER Y, NO. 1. K. T. A regular con clave will be held In the Asylum Thursday P. M., at 8 o'clock Aug. 13. Business of Importance. Sir Knights, give this your attention. Visiting fraters cor dially InVlted. F. A. VANKIRK. Era. C. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication thia (Wednes day) evening, 7 o'clock, E. 8th and Burnslde. F. C degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. MCLTNOMAII COUNCIL, ROYAL AR CANUM, meets at Arcanum Hall, third floor Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill, the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 P. M. Vlaltoia cordially wel comed. E. R. REED. Secretary, 86 H Broadway. T trsv. REGULAR MEETING THIS rtJgJtsjsSSf (Wednesday) evening, East 6th 3tetS and Alder sts. Visitors cordially "iKlOLl7 invited. W. W. TERRY, Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening, at S o'clock at L O. O. F. Temple. First and Alder streets. First degree. Visitors al ways welcome. R. OSVOLD, Secretary. AM I'SKM KN I. 1 HE1L1G AT TAYLOB TODAY 2:80 TONIGHT 8:80 All This and Next Week Famous Motion Picture 5. CABIRIA n 18 ORCHESTRA SPECIAL CHORUS " Kve. 75c, 30c, 85c. Aft. 50c. 25c. BAKER TIIKATEB Main 2. A 5366 Geo L Baker. Mir. THE A. B. BASCO MUSIC AX TABLOID COMPANY PHF.9KNTS "THE BILL FIGHTER." Three Shows Daily. Matinees 2:30 P. M. Nights. 7:30 and 9 P. M. ANY SEAT IN THE HOUSE 1Q. WEEK AUG. 10 Special engagement Mlaa I , i as : . , - t (n (lti 1 1 1 ' m f ft III - (fANTAGES MATINEE DAILY 230 ous war drams, "UNDER TWO FLAOS . The celebrated musical oomedy star. Miss TV. If pws&i&nxst Mortgage Loans Arthur May and Sunny Kllduff: Mu"al iJ weemy iso. so; orciie.w . . - M. 4U:18. Balcony and box seats reserved. Quality VaudevlMe. WHERE EVERY BODY DOES Coolest Place In Town. 10 BIG FEATURES 10 CONTINUOUS Afternoon 1:80 to 5:30 Nicht 8;80 to 11:00 Sundays. .. . 1:00 to 11:00 PRICES Afternoons 10c and 18c Nlehts. ISc and :25a BASEBALL HECREATIONPARK. Cor. Vaoshn and Twenty-fourth Sts. SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND AM, I S I 11, 13, I, 14, 1.1, 10. Unmea Besin Weekdays at 3 P. M.; Sundays, 2i3u P. M. Ladles' Days Wednesday sad Friday. O aks Portland's Ureat Amusement Park. Complete Change of rrogramm. Monica, Lommedlenne. Vaudeville acts. Motion Pictures. Band Concerts at 2:30 and 8:3. VaudevUI at 4 sad 10 P. 88. Wet or shine. In the open-air, covered Amphitheater. ALL PERFORMANCES FREE. Csr at First and Alder. Launches Morrison Bcldoc. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 174 Washington Rain A lis. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators . fresh cut Mowers, groat variety. Morrlsuii bet. 1th and 5th. Main or A iw PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 2d and Aider. Designs ana sprays. ss)i))i am. MAX M. SMITH. Main TJ1S. A 8111. Sll Ing bldg. DIED. PARTLOW At the family residence, 104 East 12th St.. August 11. Mrs. Louisa Partlow, aged 77 years. Funeral announce- . ment later. FUNERAL NOTICES. KLEIN In this city. August . Barbara Klein, aged 50 years, beloved wife of John Klein and mother of Emells M. and Ernost J. Klein. The funoral services will be held at the conservatory chapel "f F. S. Dunning, Inc.. East side Funeral Di rectors, 414 East Aldtr'st., at I P. M. to day (Wednesday), August 12. Frienda In vited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. SMITH At his home, 400S 42d st. S. E., Aug. 11 John C. Smith, age 81 years S months 14 days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. to morrow (Thursday), Aug. 13. Interment Ros City Cemetery. BING August 10, at the residence, 74S 4th St., Henry W. Blng. aged Sd years, unci of W. A. Wiseman, of this city. Funeral services will be held at Dunning & Mc Entee's parlors tomorrow (Wednesday). August II at 10 A. M. Friend lnvltad. Interment Greenwood Cemetry. MURRAY In thl city. August 10, al 586 Marshall street. Heber Murray, age 23 yiara Funeral services will be held Wed nesday, August 12, at 3 P. M., from Krlc son's chapel, corner Twelfth and Morrison. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. CAMPBELL August 9, John Campbell, aged 3tl years, beloved husband of Frances Campbeli. Funeral services will be held at Dunning a McEntoe's chapel Thurs day, August 13 at 10 o'clock. Friends In vited. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. SHORTLEY Th funeral of the late George Hhortley.wlll ba held at P. L. Lerch under taking parlors. East 11th and Clay, to day (Wednesday). Aug. 12. at 1 P. M. Frienda invited. HEI.MEU Th funeral services of the late Ftgred Wllhllmina Helnier. age 8.1 years, will be conducted tomorrow (Thursday), Aug. 13. at 10 A. M.. from Pearson's un dertaking parlors. Friends Invited. SHORTLEY The funeral of th 1st Osorgs Shortley win take plac at tne unoeriaK lng parlora of P. L. Lerch today (Wednes day), at 1 P. M. Interment at lit. Scott Park Cmtry. FUNERAL DIRECTORY. vi r rirarmn HOT. MAN. the leading fu neral 'director, 220 Third atreet, corner Sal mon. Lady assistant, a .011. juain 001. A. R. SEELLER CO., 592 Williams av. East 1068, C 10SS. Laoy attai. uay sua nigut service. F. S. DUNNING, INC East Sid Funeral Directors. 414 Alder st. East 62, B 2520 DUNNING it M'ENTEE, funeral directors. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 480. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. R. T. BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott. East 1113. C 11MS. Lady attendant. IvrWCS UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 8d and Clay. Main 41.12. A 2321. Lady attendant CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOl.VP SCOTT PARK. Containing? 335 Acres. Portland'). Only Modern Perpetual-Care Cemetery. Refined, Pleasing; Service. Complete, Perfect Equipment. Prices and Terms Reasonable. Bath Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 07 GRAND AVE, .. Between Davis aad flverett. Phones Eaat 1423. O 2315. Open Dsy aad Nlgrkt. Renort all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one de siring; a pet may communicate with ua BUSINESS FROPfrTTr ANOClOSCIN rcsiocncks uftiyminriniiii. EDWARD:G0UDEY7 numwiGL Lunnu MORTI-llrVETERlM BANK SUIkOlNt) MORTGAGE LOANS S4O0 to SS5.000 Real Estate Security. GEO. H. THOMAS. 267 Oak St., Room '.', Alnsworta Uldg. real estate. I We will bulM and finance a bom on your lot or on say yon mar select Pay for It Ilk rant. We guarantee satisfaction. Call aas r. K. BOWMAN CO.. Room 1. Commercial Club Bids Main 3888. A 1888. MORTGAGE LOANS OS DVMIB CITY PiiorEKH. We 1ob our own fuada mdcI oftoaejr ! rallnbie nltkln 24 huart after receipt of abatrai't. .', 9 anil 7 per .ml. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 urll nr-I.TM Ussa. Hid. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans ol $1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City Properties. It' you need money call today. Our installment payments ar attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. B17-Stl NortbwfMcrn Baak ItulldliK. Money to Aiiy Aanuaat la Oar HoMf fcluii fur Imonrtllate I'ae, ar 7. f i mI i ii u to Security FIELDS A HONEYMAX. I tit If Yeua Bid. Mala MM, Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Kais FARM AM) (III LOANS, 80 Fuurth si. Board ml Trsde lilags. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Currant Raiaa. JOHN . C RON AN 0 Spaldlns: Bldg. portlsns. Or. REAL ESTATE OsCRM. I PAY oaah and sell on ssy pamast, a J. 11. Nash. Tl'.'l Chamber rt Commarc 11.-.). I.12U. BECK. William P.. 818-818 Falling bldg. HENCDICT liROS.. 1)80 Hawthorn . PALMER-JONES CO., Wilcox bldg. H. P., 404 406-4U Jennlng A Co. Rain 118. tut Orsgonlsn lor Male Lots. 1360 QUARTER-ACRE tracts. Weal ld. 6-oent fai; buying on of In larg tracts Is better than paying $1 amwottt rant, as this amount will buy thia tract snd rent receipts will not buy you any thing; trm 81s caah, bal. snontbly M. E. bisj Hi Crbtt bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLl'BIVKLT. Ar you looking tor a home or homlt on Portland Hatghia? com to on who knows ry Inch of the district and has very cutomr for a refriw. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A Sgga. VERNON. VERNON. VEP.NON 8880. Two lota, cor. 21st aud Kllllngawortli . this price Is considerably las than nsnr paid in 100T. Think tins aver, tiiu a Frd W. llirmiu Co., Oil ('ham. of Oum. gOoDO WORTH of Council Cr.at Park lots for 11000, quick cash, these two lots hav a moat nmarkabl new of Purl la sal and Tualatin ValUy. Apply tu Hammond Mortgage Co.. 418 Chamber of Cemmsrcc I.OTTS tl MONTH NO INTKREST. Cleared snd level. tn, roth, .ads; last- growing district; beautiful. h'SMhful su ruundlngs; homkra or In particular, v. a. Perkins, 81260 LOT 3Vxl40. fin v Mt. Tabor, adjoining lot e yara ago. A. J. Farmer -'.)); W 11. lop 100 j 401 Stock LOT Overlooking rlift. West bid. chap Phone Marshall 1444. HOSE CITY PARK car; lot 1400. A. R also- son, 1011 Teon bids F'or ale llcai h ITiirt. BAYOCGAN property, near hotel, at hall price for rash. Apply 404 ForswU bldg . Spokane. Wash. EIGHT beautiful lota, Ha ocean baacn. 8800. Terms. 324 Worcester bldg. NORTH BEACH- mar Ilwaoo; 4 ohola lata 8.00 u-h. a. B. siauaon. loll Von bids Far Sale Haass. f20.000 ONE of the best home In Irving ton: a big house, well built and arranged and will suit one who Is looking for a high-class home; plenty of shrubbery, nle lawn, big porch, all rooms big, nigh. class wail coverings anu varytjiiug sooui th horn Is hlgh-cla AG 17T. Orgo- nlon. or old peopj or young propl.. a nice home; twu blocka from csrlln. at Kendall station; lot (16x148 ft.; with nlc berries And fruit; new 5-room house, dandy place for chickens; prlc 81800. 8100 down. $10 per mouth: )ou can't af ford to be without It If you want a home. John B. Beal. Woodlawn 3171. 8LNNY8IDE BUNGALOW. Modern D-room bungalow, with furnace, etc., paved street and all city liens paid, on East Main, near 31st.; prlc 8810(1, $500 cash, balance to suit. OltUSSI A HOLDS. 316 Board of Trad. Malu 1483, A 4401. $1350 SHINGLED BUNOALOW 8 rooraa. doubl constructed, living-room 14x11 fest, flreplac. sleeping porch rooms tinted, half block to PAKKROSE car; change of my business location only raon for sell ing. ) Grooms, 1814 Sandy road. Ta- bor lit. SNAP SALE. It-room house in Irvington, lot 7wXloo. full basement, furnaue, fireplace, 1 blk. from car, hsrd-surfac atreet; msk tu uffr See Mr. Hartog, at HARTMAN THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark) BEST BARGAIN IN CITl. Forcod to sacrifice my modern u-room bungalow at MS Multnomah at.. In order , to gat $800 cash; balanc on tirmi; lota of shad trfs and a good plac for chick ens; must bo sold at one. Phon C 124.Y COME out tonight and a th surliest new horn In Irvington at :d and Kllokllat sts. on Broadway csrlln; Its butlful lighting effect gives one aa good an op portunity to view thia splndld properly b night aa by day. II. E. SOmUr, ownar. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS AT LENTS. Vary neat S-room plastered cottage, city water and sink In: corner lot; 825 dowu and $10 month, price $780. He photo at itflee of Fred W. German Co, 814 Cham, or Com. (28 DOWN aud f 18 mouthly buya a good A room house, full basement, good plumbing etc.: fin 80x100 lot, 20 mlnut out on Mv carlln and only 11480; this Is the best buy in Portland for th money. Phon owner. Ta)ior 2888. NEW SWELL HOME $Jf,0 t:0O CASH : 1 rooms, fireplace, enamel Dutch kitchen. 8 bedroums, larg doubl ltvingroom, ele gant plat glasa buffst, oak floors. Inlaid mahogany: restricted district; it minutes to city. Phon Tabor 1100. HOME rOR THE OLD FOLKS, 11100. Ne.it llttl 8-rnom cottage, water, gas and electric lights. In first-el district. 1 ' blocks to car, tree, nowera and gar den In. $80 rash. Fred W. German Co st! chamber of Commrr. CHEAPER THAN RENT 100x100 corner, Evrgrn station, on Oregon City line, with small hou, for $noti; nothing down, $m month: Iota alone ar worth $800. Ownar, 106 Spalding bldg. Main 887 FOR SALE Good 11-room houae bath, gas and electricity iOxllS-ft. lot. fin- cherry tree, located on Esst ?2d St.. ous-hslf block from car. Nothing down. 110 a month. 8 ownr. 810 E. lid. aftpr P. M. TOO NBWLTWEDS. TAKE NOTICB. 4-room Cal. bungalow. ot 80x114, ce ment valka In and paid fcr; prlc $20; $B0 down, $18 monthly. S phot at F. W. German Co.. 014 Cham, of Com. BEST buy In Rose City Park, on hard-aur fac street. Vi block to car, facaa sat, l-rm. hous: everything modern, furnac. fireplace. tc, nle yard. $1000 on terms Call vnlngs. Tabor 1S4I; FOR SALE By ownr, S-room hou. ear pets and range; cornr lot boxlO; nlc lawn, garage, 1 blocka from Woodlawn csr, corner Ith and Magnolia sts , prlc $:0 . . ... j 1 . . - 1 nil nuuui"n - - r sfesi fa 01M1 rt TiMi a unur On your lots or ours: by your own plana or oura; pay us Ilk int. THE OREOON HOMEBCILDERS, Hsu zsormwssierii pans ueig. I WILL cut prlc In two for buyer this week; 7-room house. ttsmnt, bath, full lot. good neighborhood, llbersi terms 4.;o Worcester bldg. HOME FOR OLD FOLKS, g.tnoo. n-room modern horn; street Improve ments In and paid for. Photo at ofllr of Fred W. Perm an Co.. 014 Cham of Com. I-ROOM cottag. completely furnished, BOxlOO Int. cement walk to car (t block) t71: terms. Owner. Marshall 21$!. 3-ROOM house for sale at across tret from c'atholK- i-apltol Hill, -hureh. 8-ROOM modern bungalow, Ros City Park. st olg sacrifice. BD 177. Oregonlan 0-KOOM modern hou cormrr SOtii sag Tbunipaoo. Call owner, Sllwood 16ST. iirk a.