I HOPS ARE GUT DOWN Long Dry Spell Is Reducing Oregon Crop. YARDS NEED RAIN BADLY Similar Conditions Prevail In Wash ington Only 4 000 Bales of 1913 Hops Now Kemain Unsold. Conditions In England. The lone spell of dry weather It cutting down tha Oregon hop crop. First estimates were of a yield of about 130.000 bales, but well-posted hop men now declare that If rain does not come soon, the crop may be reduced 20,000 or 30.000 baleF. The yards In nearly all sections are showing the effect of drouth. Similar reports come from Washington, particularly in the western part of the state, where the plant Is showing the effect of blight. Warm dry weather is also re ported In California. The stock of 1013 hops In Oregon has been reduced to 4000 bales. The C. A. McLaugh lin crop of 1400 bales at Independence Is being shipped to London and deals were on yesterday for the transfer of a number of other largo lots In that section. It Is not known whether or not these hops ave been -sold outright or are Lelng shipped on con signment, but the belief prevails that they were sold. A few orders for the new crop at 14 to 14 cents are on the market, but no busi ness Is passing In futures. The following cable was received by Mc Neff Bros, from London: "English crop pros pects very favorable." cjanukMoarmB plentifil a-d cheap Liberal Receipts of reaches of All Kinds. Onions Lower. The flush of the cantaloupe season Is now on In California and prices arc at the mid Summer level. Front street was well sup plied yesterday, and trade was lively at $1.7501.83 for standards and $1.5001.00 for . pony crates. Oregon cantaloupes are coming In moro freely from The Dalles and are offered at $1.2501.50 a crate. Watermelons were SUSHI J. the good outside demand keeping prices up. There were liberal receipts of peaches, both California and Oregon, and prices were steady. Grapes continue firm, owing to the dry weather In California. Two cars of bananas arrived. Walla Walla onions declined to $1.50. owing to the cheapness of California onions. Tomatoes were firm. A car of California tomatoes la due today. Canby corn was cheaper at $1.25 a crate, owing to the abundance of local corn. Vt 11 h AT BUYING IS ON LARGE SCALE l imit-, of Mn.t Dealers are 81 for Club and VHi for Forty Fold. The limits of most of the wheat buyers vescerduy were si cents for club, fcl' cents for forty fold and 64 cents for bluestem, but these prices were exceeded in some Instances by at least half a cent. Puget Sound mills were reported to have paid still more lor wheat. Trading was heavy and would have been larger but for the bullishness of farm ers. Local receipts. In cais, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday ,5" - 17 1 9 Tuesday ....... 'IS 2 1 0 Year ago 2 0 0 5 7 Season to date. CGU 12U 157 81 113 Year ago 11)3 13S 173 5t 152 FrospeclUe Indian Jute Crop. The near approuch.jf the India lute forecast, conduces to lower prices and at the moment sellets are again Inclined to meet buyurs, whlcn course of the market does not assist selling, says the Glasgow Herald. The following estimate of the probable crop has been made: Including India up country consumption, crop 1013-14 has yielded S.500.U00 bales; lust Dulses crop was sown and washed out to the extent of l.OuO.000 bales; sowings this year are In excess of last year, say 1.500,000 bales; crop expected. 12.000.000 bales. There has been Ideal weather for the crop all along uuad any Utile demage done has been re paired. Onion Orosrm I're-Klien Crops. In an attempt to take advantage of the market before competition arises, local onion growers are endeavoring to pre-rlpen their crops, say the Lodi Sentinel. The tops are smashed in an effort to check growth and then the onions are dug and allowed to dry for a day or two, the tops being used to prevent burning. Onions in this way have been made firm and ripe enough to stand shipment. Onions are going rotward at from 12 to 20 cars a day In spile of the warm weather. Countiy Produce Markets Steady. Receipts of country produce were not heavy and the market was steady through out. Hens were quoted at 14 to 15 cents, and springs sold at 10 817 cents. Dressed meats moved at the old price. Candled Oregon egga were firm, but the tletnand for case, ctounl was slow. No further changes" were reported" In the butter or vlieese markets. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances, Portland $l,29.-..ot)3 $207,370 Seatttle 2.30S.008 IUti.349 Tacoma 315.125 58,473 Spokane 42S.5S8 28,590 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Track prices: Club, 81c. forty rold, 82Hc; blustem. 84085c: red Rus sian. 79c; Turkey red. S2il83c: Valley. 82 Vac. MILLFEED Bran. 123923.60 per ton; horts, $28 6 26.60; middlings, $11. OATS No. 1 white milling. $22.50 per ton. FLO.TR Patents. $4. SO per barrel: export, $3.5003.65; valley, $4.60; grahaaa. 4L8; whole wheat, $6. BARLEY" Feed. $21 per ton: brewing, $23: rolled. $23.60. HAY Old timothy. $16017: new-eron tlmcth;'. $13315: grain hay. $10; alfalfa, sir. CORN Whole. $35: cracked, $36 par tea. Fruits and Vegetables. Loral Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. $1.75 0 3 r lux: lemons. $5,500 per box; bananas, be per pound; grapefruit, California. 55. 103. VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 75c per sack: rggplant. 15c per pound; peppers. 100 12Hu per pound; radishes. 1517,.sc per dosen: head lettuce, $1.75 per crate; arti chokes. $1 per dozen; tomatoes, 60 o 65c per r.ite; spinach. 507c per pound: rhubarb, 2 3c per pound; cabbage. 1.9'Jc per pound; ;jeaa. 500c per pound; beans, 406c per p-iund; corn, $1.25 per crate. ONIONS Walla Walla. $1.60 per sack. GREEN FRUITS Apples, old. $101.50 box: new. 75c0$1.5O per box; apricots. 75cO St psr box; cantaloupes, $1.25 01.85 per .lata; poaches. 25073c per box; plums, 5Oc0 SI 50: water melons. lHJimc per pound; casabaa, $2.50 per doxen; pears. $2.00 per box: blackberries. 75;0$1 per crate; grapes, S202.25 per crate. ruTAIOES Oregon, new, Hc per pound. Dairy and Country Prodaca Txieal lobbing quotatlonai EMS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. 23 3 234c: candled. 280 27o per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 14015c: Springs, 100 17c; turkeys. 20c: dressed, caolce. 25c; ducks. 10011c: geese. 10c. BUTTER Creamery prime, extra, 2i40 80c per pound: cubes, 210 24c. CHEESE Oregon triplets. Jobbers' buying price. 15c per pound f. o. b. dock Portland: Young America, IS He per pound. PORK Block. 1101140 per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13 4 314c per pound. Staple Groceries. reeaU Jobbing quotations: StlllOX Columbia River one-pound .ii-, nj.JI per doaen; half-pound data. $1 40: one-pound flats. 12.45: Alaska pink, one-pound tails. 85c; silversides. one-pound tails. S 1. 25. HONEY" Choice. S3.SO0S.7S per case. NUTS Walnuts, 14020c per pound; Brazil nut. 20c; filberts, 14015c; almonds, l02Sc; peanuts, 60gyjc; cocoanuts, $1 par aosen; chestnuts, 8 hi 010c per pound; pa eans. 14015c BEANS Small white, Vc; large white, ty,. , Lima. 8c; pink, 5.15c; Mexican, 7c; bayou. Sc. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 10 0 52c par doudo. EL'OAR Fruit and berry. $5.05; beat, $4.85; extra C $4.55; powdered, in barrels, $6.10. .. . . m m-,- mm . . v- . hAl. 1 urantuaceo. t, f' ground. 100a, $10.75 per ton; 60s, $1L50 per ton, dairy, $14 per ton. RICE1 No. 1 Japan. 4H05c; Southern head. 607ttc; Island. 505HC pound, apricots. lV026c; peaches. 8011c; i,.ii.n. li)A1?Uf rnrrnnt. ! V. C : raisins! loose Muscatel. 8i074c; bleached . . .. I .k.. cl.ana. Hi inOmpSOn, llt.. . --. seeded. c; dates, Persian, 707Vc per pound; .arc v- FIGS Packages, 8-oa.. 60 to box, $1.86 package 10-os.. 12 to box. 80c; white, 25-lb. box $1.75; black. 26-Ib.-box. $1.78; black. 3iJ.fb box, $2.50; black, 10-lb. box, SL15; Calarab candy liga, 20-lb. box. $3; Smyrna, per oox. SI 50. Hops. Wool. Hides, Etc. HOPS 101! crop. 12& 14c; 1914 contracts. 14c Hrv ahnrt unnl Of.- drr shearings. Z2 ".: salted eneep, fa.ww g' H i 1J f-S oaneu aiwca, 7S . "--' salt kip. 14c; salted calf, 18c; green hldos. 1.1X 12Vsc; cry niaeo, bulls 10c per pound; green bulla, 8 He wool Valley. 18H20!4c; Eastern Ore gon. I6:0ic. MOIIAIK 1SJ.S Clip, 4tlv per jwuhil li-isH Salmon. 10 Hit 12c; halibut, 5H Cc; perch. 8c. C AS C Ait A a ma. DOUnd. GKAIN BAGS In car lots. 808V.C. Provisions. HAMS 10 to 12-pound, 194 0 20 y-c; to 14-pound. 19Vi20c; 14 to 18-pound. H'i"0ic: skinned, 18020c; picnic. 13c BACON Fancy. 18 030c; standard. 22 Vs 25c. DHY SALT CURED Short clear backs. 13Vt1614c; exports. 14016c; plates. 110 13c." LARD Tlerca basia Pure, 12013c; com pound. 9c OUa. KEROSENE Water white, drums, bar rels or tank wagon, 10c; special, drums or barrels, 13Vc; cases. 17V.02OHC. GASOLINE Bulk. 15c; cases. 22c; raotur spirit, bulk. 16Hc; cases. 22Vic En gine distillate, drums, 7Vc; cases. 14fec; naptha, drums, llisc; caaea, ilhic LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 72c: boiled, barrels, 74c; raw, cases, 77c; boiled, cases. 79c. ALL LINES ARE CATTLK SELL AT FULL PRICKS AT STOCKY Alt DS. Mne-C'ent Level at Last Reached in Hog; Market Day's Hun la Small. u...nf llffht at the stockyards yesterday, and the bulk of the business was In the cattle division, where the market ruled strong. Firmness also prevailed else where In the list. Prime steers, as on the preceding day. ITOUgni l.-J ana fi.uv, --.---. -- this quality was light. Butcher cattle sold at the usual range. The upward tendency oi me uos was Slion uy mo a.ic . " strictly choice at 59. The bulk of hog sales were at is.wu. .o biisvsjp uuat ported. Receipts were 137 cattle. 28 calves. hogs and 782 sheep. Shippers were: With cattle -V. k. rum, oiici.uo... W. T. Richards, Condon. 1 car; T. R. How ard, Corvallls. 1 car. With hogs J. B. smltn. J car; r. a. Decker, sllverton. 1 car. With sheep R. N. Matzer. 3 cars. With mixed loads G. T. Brown. Corvallls, 2 cars cattle and calves; J. S. Flint. Junc tion Cltv. 1 car cattle and hogs; Jt L. b. Campbell. 1 car cattle and calves. The days sales were as iuuvwo. w t. rr-ce Wt. Price $8. SO S.03 7 :,u tt.2.; U.50 5.00 5.00 4.00 il.ilii 6.00 11 6.00 0.85 4 I. XI 4.5: 4.7: 6.00 .8.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.IM) 8.UO 0.00 8.00 Current prices Tor the v stock at the yards follow: Prime steers Choice steers Medium steers Choice cows Medium cows Heifers .$7.00ft$7.50 a 7.-. T no ! 8.25 6.50 . 6.00 if 6.3. . LBAas 5.7; . 6.23 6.50 . 6.00 8.25 . 3.00 5.00 . 4.50 0.00 Calves Bulls Stags Hoss Llaht 8.00C I'.OO 7. 00 ii T.'.i'i Heavy S tieeD Wethers 4. no ,i Bnpae Yearlings . . 4.50 5.00 . . 5.5031 6.00 Lami'S 0.1. :'h 1 Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. July 28. Hogs Receipts 7300. market steady to strong. Heavi SS.556S8.75; light. $8.50(8 8 80; Pigs. S7.751S8.50; bulk, SS.55 u 8.65 Cattle Receipts 3000. market lower. Na tive steers S7 50t'0-75; cows and heireis. S6 " 7.75. Western steers. 6.508.50; Texas steers. S6Jj)7.50; cows and heifers. S3.75tfi; calves S 7. 30 10. 50. Sheep Receipts 5200. market stronger. Yearlings. $5.40,5.00; wethers, So-.60, lambs, 97.25 It S.15. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, July 28. Hogs Receipts 13. 000. market strong. Bulk. SS loWO.Oa; light $ 7t)',i 9.20: mixed. 98.35 r.2U: heavy 88.40 ,n.l24: rough. SS.40iitS.oa; pigs. S..80W 9 c-'ittle Receipts 2500. market weak. Beeves. 7.5"S 0.90; steers. S6.40&7.SO; Blockers and feeders, S5.50S: cows and heifers 93.8or!'.20; calves, Si..-011. Sheep Receipts 16.000. market steady. Sheep. 95.20&5.00; yearlings, 9j.60Sj6.oj; iambs. 9S&8.23. SAN FRANCISCO PKODCCK MARKET Prices Quoted at tlie Bay City on Fruits, Vegetables. Etc. HAN FRANCISCO. July 2S. Fruit Plne spples. S1.50-6i; Mexican limes. 94S&8; Cal ifornia lemonsT S2.755.50; apples. Graven- " VegetabTes Cucumbers. 2030c; string besns, 2w3s: peas, 14'34c. Eggs Fancy ranch. 20o; store. 254c Onions Yellow. S 1 1.23. chcege Young America, 1415c; new, 11 Eiftter Fancy creamery. 24c: seconds. 23c. Potatoes Delta, new crop Burbanks. per cental sacks, 83c e 81.05; boxes. Sll-o; sweets. 34c pound. RecelpU Flour. 2203 quarters; barle 8353 centals; potatoes. 3535 sacks; hay. .71 tons. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. July 28. The coffee mar ket pitched headlong today on the announce ment that war had been declared between Austria and Servia and throughout the ses sion was active and very feverish, with a sensationcl break, closing 60 to 65 points net lower The opening was 32 to .16 points lower and prices declined steadily there after Sales 139.000. July. 7.31c; August. 7 31c September. 7.40c: October. i.56c; No vember. 7.66c: December. 6.76c: January. 7 81c; March. 7.84c: May. 8.01c: June . J.Sbc. Spot weak. Rio No. 7. 74c: Santos No. 4. 1 1 1 1 c Raw sugar steady. Molasses, 92.61: cen trifugal. 13.26; refined, steady. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July 28. Copper, unsettled. Spot and September offered at 13.00c: elec trolytic. 13.00 13.12c; lake, nominal; cast ing. 13.00c. Tin. strong. Spot, 30.60 31.00c ; September. 80. 40 S 31.25c. Lead, quiet. 3.823.92c. Spelter, steady. 5.003.10c. Antimony, dull. Cookson's. 7.00 7.12c. Iron, quiet, unchanged Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., July 28. Turpentine dull. 454c. Sales, none. Receipts 107j, shipments" 173. stocks 30327. Rosin steady. Sales ilfi. Receipts 4026, shipments 667. stocks 109.238. Quote, A. B. S3 50: C. D. S3.2S4; E. F. O. H, L S3..-.r.; K 84.15: M. 84.50: N. 85.25; WG. 95.05; WW. 93.75. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 28. Spot cotton, quiet. Middling. 12.75c; gulf. 13.00c. Sales. 100. 21 steers . .1139 6 steers . . 813 20 steers . . 137il 25 steers . .1026 1 cow 10SO 1 cow . . . .1220 1 steer . . .1230 0 steers ..1177 12 steers ..1333 1 stag ...1350 1 bull 1550 6 hogs . . . 121 59 hogs . . . 181 2 hogs . . . 403 5 hogs . . . 204 3 hogs ... 173 1 hog 1B0 10 steers .. .1202 1 cow 1040 0 steers . . 033 6 steers ..1U00 5 cows . . . 054 1 cow .... 500 1 heifer . . 540 1 heifer . . 510 81 hogs ... 177 3 hogs . . . 380 7 hogs ... 171 1 hog .... 170 THE MORNING STOCKS GIVE WAY Crisis in Europe Causes Prices to Crumble Fast. SELLING ON LARGE SCALE Foreigners Dispose of Over Million Shares During Day Steel Re port Not Issued Until Session Is Over. NEW YORK, July 28. To find a par allel for the panicky conditions which swept over today's stock market, it is necessary to go back to the Autumn of 10", when se curity values crumbled away because of disastrous domestic conditions. The Im pelling factor today was the war crisis In Europe. The day opened with another low range of prices for our stocks in the London mar ket Initial prices here were In no Instance as iow as those recorded abroad, although declines of 2 to 3 points were general. It was not until midday, when Austria's attitude became known, that the market here was seriously affected. Although all foreign markets were closed, outpouring of stocks for London, Paris and Berlin became more urgent, until they reached the max imum proportion of 300,000 shares in the final hour and over 1, 000,000 for the day. The shrinkage of values was materially assisted by short selling and impaired mar gins. Canadian Pacific fell until It yielded a total of lt points, with 4 to 6-polnt losses In all parts of the Internationa! list. Apprehension was Increased by future heavy gold exports to Paris and London. Foreign exchange rates were utterly demoralized. Many brokers declined to make quotations at all The selling gathered greater Impetus In the final dealings, being coincident with rumors that Russia had agreed to support Scrvla. At this same time word came from Montreal and Toronto of the premature clos ing of the exchanges in those cities. There were fitful rallies of a point or two from the low, but these were offset by continued offerings with an exceedingly weak close. United States Steel's quarterly statement was not Issued until after the session here had terminated. The bond market followed the course of stocks with some sharp recesslona Total sales, par value, S3, 300, 000. United States Government coupon 4s declined 14 per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. heported by J. C. Wilson & Co., Lewis building, Portland. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Amal Copper . . 47,000 53 524 52 Am Beet Sugar 700 21 20!i 20 Am Can Co ... 5.500 24 111 2231 do preferred.. 1,100 89 86 4 874 Am Car & Fdy. 2,600 48 46 4 47 4 Am Cotton Oil. 800 37 4 36 4 37 4 Am Smel cSi Ret 0,800 63 5S4 50 do preferred.. 500 101 00 4 100 Am Sugar 2,100 103 4 103 103 4 do preferred 110 Am Tel & Tel.. 1.100 1104 118 1184 Anaconda 5,700 20 'J 28 At Coast Line. 1,200 118 115 114 A T & Santa Fe 100 08 Bait At Ohio .. 16,100 77 724 .34 Brook R Tran.. 0,900 894 834 864 Canadian Pac .. 53,300 176 157 1614 0 4: O 5,700 454 42 434 C Ai G W SO0 12 4 114 11 C Ai N W 200 127 C. M St St Paul 11.700 85 4 90 4 01 Central Leather 7,000 34 4 80 81 Ceneral of M J -ii, Chino 10,200 384 354 354 Col Fuel & Iron too 24 4 22 4 22 4 Colo Southern Jill:; ,hS ConSOl Gas .... 2.000 12.14 1224 122 D L & W 400 800 802 4 302 4 D & R G 200 ..... ..... 4 Distilling Secur 1.700 14 II JJ Erie 20,400 2:i4 21 214 General Elec .. 1.200 144 1314 142 Gt North Ore.. 2.700 28 2a 2o Gt North Pf ... 0.200 1204 3164 11.4 Illinois Central. 700 110 1014 M9 Interboro Metro 2.400 134 124 134 do preferred.. 4,200 61 574 584 inter Harvester 1.500 104 1004 101 w r- an.nliern.. a.200 25 234 23 Lehigh Valley.. 14.700 133 1204 1314 Louis & Nash.. 2,700 131 4 1294 1-94 Mexican Cent.. 4.100 64 4 61 4 61 4 M. S P At S S M 1.000 116 4 114 115 Mo. Kan & Tex 1.100 104 104 14 Mo Pacific 4.000 10 94 4 National Lead. 1,100 424 414 41 Nat Biscuit ... 100 120 128 12S NdY dSntrnT"? "17.566 "so- f -n isf L North America. 400 Jf '04 nnlJanV:.: !8K i 74 ; I'.-no.. s uas ... evw ' 3 - -: United Rds S P fi S Steel Cor'.'lBoioOO 58 4 53 4 55 Udo preferred. 2:500 109 4 WT 1JJ4 Utah Copper WW 52 ". U S Rubber WoKo.H 10O ... . t.i Klin .57SL 55 4 55 S .V.Tfrr .en,! lit 74 74', csi nits uix. - mm ars t4 T0al sales for the7.y. i:046.500 shares. Stocks at Boston. AiFo?esxTON' Julr oTjsSi tsrfs,. AmaT copper!: Wfe'V-- -B 1? ?a V Arizona... 63 4;01d Dominion.... 4 4 Ca Hecla....401 Osceola . 74 r-ent?nnlal " S"1"05' 54Vl Copper R C C... 324 Shannon 4 E Butte Cop M. 94 Superior ... . . . -4 fr-onltlln 34 Sup r BOS M 'Vt (iranby Con .... TSHlTamaraok ... i Greene Cananea. 2 aim a J-is I Koyalle (Cop), lo oo l ' jX Kerr Lake 54 Ltah Con MS Cake Copper ... 5 B Utah Cop S t .. i'aiu ner 3(Vinona Miami Copper... 20 4 ; Wolverine . . . JT Mohawk nai""'"- ' Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. July 28. Mercantile paper. -, ner cent; sterling unsemeu, o , 4.8S; demand, 84.0125 4.9150; commercial bills. Bar silver, 53 4 c Mexican dollars, 4lc. . Government boi.ds weak; railroad bonds '"rail money firmer. 24 24 W cent: ruling rate. 2W per cent; closing bid. 24 per cent. , , . Time loans stronger; ou j- 00 days. 34 3 per cent; six months. 4 4 LONDON. July 28. Bar silver uncertain. 24 7-lCd. Dscluntsifort bmV and three months, 4 44 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. Sliver bars, S3''0' - aasstu- do. terllnir tn umiuuu, w j - .liht 94 914. These rates are purely nom signt. "':' .... k.i. ,.nntt!ed by war inal, tne iiiaiii conditions. San Francisco Grain Market. oN FRANCISCO, July 28. Spot Quota M.n'iT Walla Walla. 81. 50 1.51 4 red Kus- in SI 52Vi 41.534; Turkey rea. Jt.JJ; iu slan. i.j- w.j . n.-;i5Jin7e: white tern. .i.av .'"".r"'". ."'ii -.n'-4 T5i oat?,.. i-2-:t wi-r? -.-w- ,0sb7: m'caUnbokrd-Bariey7 Decimberr 11.01 hid. 81.03 asked. Puget Souna ueai TACOMA. July 28. Wheat Bluesteam 82 80c: club. T9C fife. 7Sc Car receipts ' - "' j hay . EVTTI.E July 28. Wheat August and September 1 delivery quotations-Bluesten. S3c; fortyfold. 83c; club. S2c; fife. 794c. red Russian. 79c. , . Yesterday's car receipts -W heat .3. oats . barley 4, hay SI. flour a. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. July 28. Butter firm. Cream- erlFMs2eteadv Receipts 11.579 cases, at ma" cases included. ordinary firsts. 17418c: firsts. J84lc Dried F'ruit at New York. NEW YORK. July 28. Evaporated apples, quiet. Prunes firm. Peaches quiet. Dnlnth Unseed Market. DULUTH. Jnly 28. Linseed. July 91.874; September, 91-8U. Hope at New York. NEW YORK. July 23. Hops easy. Boys Catch Smelt With Hands. SEASIDE. Or., July 28. (Special.) Joe Kuowles, catching tish in Southern epuClfc S -i l. 1.500 20- g" t4 Southern Pac .. 54.300 024 88 4 88 4 Southern Ky .. 14,a00 18 " T..vas Oil 3,400 130 120 11 Union Pacific .. 84.300 124 4 1184 110 An i.rcferred.. 1.700 80 4 80 SO, ... ..... ..... ,7 null ....... . OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1914. Oregon without any of the aids of civilization, has nothing on the small boys of Seaside, as they are maKing daily records catching smelt with their bare hands from the briny deep. Larger fish and ealions chase the smelt in shore and they become stranded in the shallow water or snared among the boulders and are then an easy prey to the active youngsters. PERS0NAL MENTION. P. N. Plamandon. of Kelso, is at the Seward. M. 33. McCumber, of Nome, is at the Seward. J. C. Schultz, of Dallas, is at the Perkins. W. E. Purdy, of Newberg, is at the Cornelius. F. E. Alley, of Roseburg, is at the Imperial. F. C. Hartley, of Hillsboro, is at the Cornelius. C. S. Crews, of Walla Walla, is at the Oregon. Robert E. Smith, of Roseburg, is at the Seward. F. G. Helen, of Seattle, is at the Cornelius. C. L Hooghkin, of Rainier, is at the Multnomah. S. Benson, of Newberg, is at the Multnomah. J. E Fcreuson. of Hood River, is at the Imperial. C. C. Putnam, of Kelso, is at tne Washington. F. S. Wilson, of McMmnville, is at the Perkins. J. H. Sambre. of Cottage Grove, is at the Oregon. Mrs. F. Orth, of Forest throve, is at the Perkins. Wade Dean, of White Salmon, is at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Taylor, oi ui, are at the Oregon. Mr and Mrs. B. J. London, or ceame, are at the Carlton. J E Rvan. of Seattle, is registered at the Multnomah. J. S. Sanders, of Pendleton, regis tered at the Perk-ns. Lew Teeple, of Eugene, is registered at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, of Salem, is at the Washington. F. M. Sorsen. of Newberg, is reg istered at the Carlton. t -w Hinkin of Hermiston, and fam ily are at the Imperial- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pearce, oi se ttle, are at the Carlton. Mrs .T. L. KiiiKSbury, of Kalama, is registered at the Carlton. B. A Millsap. of Lebanon, regisiereu yesterday at the Cornelius. M H. Crandall, of Roseburg, is reg istered at the Washington. v. n Sutton, of Reading, England, is registered at the Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ward, oi uoiae.. dale, are at the Washington. n rnto of La Grande, is among the arrivals at the Seward. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. KUham, oi oe attle, are registered at the Carlton. Mr and Mrs. Otto Gilstrap, of Eu gene, are registered at the Imperial. t- u u cphmitt ar.romDanied by his brother, Alfred C Schmitt, of Albany, Or left Mondav tor tne nome ui uw parents in' Wisconsin, a telegram having Informed them of the serious illness of their mother. DAILV METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. atuVeRWg V &14l i toofu 5PM to 3 P. M., none; total rainfal since September I 1913. 88.90 Inches,; normal rain fall since September 1. 44. 4o Inches, ae Jlclency of rainfall since September 1. 1913. 5 3-, inches. Total sunshine July 28. 14 hours 57 minutes; possible sunshine M hours 57 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M.. 29.99 inches. THE WEATHER. I MX B State of Weather STATIONS. Baker Boise Boston Calgary Chicago Colfax Denver ! 88;o.00 SIN'WClear ( 92 O.OOl 8SW Clear 64 O.OGl. 4.SE Rain Clear Clear C lear 84 0.00 6 N 760.00 24 N 86:0.00 ..... 860.01 6iS 020.oo;ioiE 64 0.00 18 NE 580.0O 6,W 88 0.08 10 s Cloudy Dt-s Moines Clear Dnluth ' Clear Cloudy Clear r u nalveston Helena, au,u . vol u oi. i 04 0. 00 14ISW Cloudy Jacksonville Clear Kansas City Klamath Falls. . - 04 O.00 10;.Mi; Clear 8410.00 6ISK Clear 8710. 00 6.W Clear 76 0.00 8ISW Clear 72 0.00 10 NWClear 0210. 00 1 12 NW, Clear 72l0.0OlONE Pt. cloudj 92 0.00 8SW Cloudy 66'0.4214 NE Cloudy 56 0.00i24 NW Clear 8210.00 4:E Clear 9410.001 6 W Clear 102 0.00 20'N Cloudy OO'O.OO SW Pt. cloudy 80 0.00'ION Clear 86 O.OOl BIN Clear 86 0.00 4 S Clear O4 0.56 14INE Clear 84 0.00 14SE Pt- cloudy SSlO.OOl 4 E Cloudy 600.00'24W Clear 70O.OO1I2N Clear 86 0.00 f 8ISW .Clear 72 0.00 JO N Clear 60 0.00 4 W Clear 9010. OOi 41NW Clear 84 0.72il2.'E Pt. cloudy 86 0.00 12 SE Cloudy 82(0.02 12;NWiRain Laurler Los Angeles Marshfleld Medford Montreal New Orleans New York North Head North Yakima. . . Pendleton Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburir Sacramento St. Louis Paul Salt Lake Francisco. . . Seattle Spokane Tacoma Tntnosh Island. . Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg Yellowstone r-ar WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moaeraie niii-ii"i'; ------- over Vancouver Island and a large high- 1. ... . ..- T.nliA SimiTlor. pressure area la -. . u The barometer is relatively low in the Rocky Mountain States and along the Atlan tic Coast Showers and thunder storms have occurred In Wyoming. Colorado, the western portion of the Dakotas. Tennessee r lorlda Middle Atlantic and New England States. It .8 COOier 111 l aTwws nn. , t - VVb tlnues unnsuiiiy wain in L,c.. www souri and Middle Mississippi alleys and also -r fiiinhnm. nnrt Central Texts. Conditions are favorable for fair wather In this district Wednesday, with slightly higher temperatures. FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Fair: northerly winds. ... , ...... Oregon and wasningion rair; bustm. warmer; northerly winds. Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. Douglas Grangers Meet. ROSEBURG Or., July 28. (Special.) The Grangers of Southern Douglas County met at Canyonville Sunday. The programme of the day included ad dresses by Professor Lunn and Mr. Jackson, of the. Oregon Agricultural College, and C. K. Spence. master of the State Grange. Damaged Wheat Excellent Hog Feed $10, $12, $15 per Ton Telephone East 534 Warehouse Corner Railroad and Lewis Streets , Lower Albina The First National Bank Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus - $3,500,000 Interest Paid on Savings and Time Deposits Security Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus - - $350,000 THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of San Francisco. Founded 1864 Capital Paid In $8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $8,266,347.60 Commercial Banking and Savings Departments PORTLAND BRANCH Third and Stark Streets LADD & TILTON BANK a-ktuUibUoJ Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 Commercial and Savings Deposits ADVANCE IS SWIFT ions of Bushels of Wheat Sold at Chicago. MARKET CLOSES FEVERISH Day s Gain Ranges From 8 1-4 to 9 1-4 Cents War News Is Sole InHuence During Latter Part of Session. CHICAGO. July 28- War excitement to day resulted in wheat transactions far up fn the mllltong. and In a swift rise of price. Thl maTrket closed feverish at th topmost , . .A.S ii' to Vlc above last night. 0ther net galnsfo? the day were: Corn. ?i to lite 1H to ISC and provision. KTenewyal5ofwa7rta.k gave th. wheat mar ked decided lift after a comparatively easy start There were advices that the Russian crop would oe far short of last year ' total, "ft-r openins He lower to d.a"c' nrlces lagged all around, then bounded up ward War news formed th. sole nfluence during the last half of the day. Prices shot Jkywlrd on new. of the declaration of hos tmtTes, reacted suddenly or. profit-taking and again swept upward on indications that Mododshed would by no mean, be Probablv confined to a .trugglo on the Danube Corn developed strength almost from the outset Large purchases by a leading house maTe shorts uneasy and led to free cover-n- The start, which varied from K c lower to" Vic advance, was followed by a moderate Keneral gain. The market was relatlvelj slow in responding to the war excitement. It was not until the last few minutes of trad ing that the advance was really out of the ordinary. The finish, however, was strong Hedging pressure kept oats relatively weak Price changes, however, were narrow. Absence of selling allowed provisions to lean to the bull side. Pork especially was r-rhe leadlne futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low .c'"' July 3 2 SS Sept So'., -S-iV. Dec ... .8'i .So .9;5s Si, :::::: 3-8 S . CORN'. A'- ,72H .IH 1 .S9',a Tl July Sept. .71 H OATS. .33 H .3514 .37 22.95 20.8S July Sept. .3 .33. M0 MESS PORK July Sept. 22 S3 seen LARD 10.M mm riji 2o!2 . .20.70 Sept. Oct. ... .lftO'J 10.02 10.33 10.30 10.lt SHORT RIBS. ....11.05 12.07 JIM 12.03 11.57 Sept. Oct. 11.43 11.37 1 i..o all prices were: beat Ko 2 reil. sr, -n so He; N"- North- ern. 9TcS1.0O: No. 2 Spring. 87 8 B8C. Corn No. 2 yellow. 7t73c; No. I, 73H 074V4C- Rye No. 2. fiillMf. Clover lO.OOtf 13 W. European (iniln Markets. LONDON. July 28. Cargoes on passage. firm. English country markets, firm, owing to small supply. French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. July 28. W'heat No. X Manitoba. 7s 7 'id; No. 2 7s Mi No. 8. 7s 5d: October. 7s 2d; December. and. Weather, fine. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 28. Wheat July. 97'ic; September. OHVic; No 1 lo.1; No. 1 Northern. 89 ,cf 81.04' 2 Northern. 7SrWfl.024. 1.04; No! Barley. 45W.12C; flax, l.s gj i.on. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Canada. Established 1867. general banking transacted. business Interest paid on time deposit. Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks Issued. PORTLAND BRANCH. Corner Second and Stark fits. F. 0. M ALP AS, Manager. J. C. WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN a COTTOX. 94X3415 K US .VEW TORK STOCK KXCITANO B CHICAGO BOARD OF TBADg NEW VOKU COTTON EXCUAXUR THJi STOCK ANI BOND KXC11AJUA SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street Phonos Marshall 3868. A 41 7 WILBUR B. FOSHAY PUBLIC I'TTLITY SPtW I M.IST, Investigations, Reports. Plana. Develop ment and Management ot Electric Oas. Street Railway and Water Properties. W ilcox IlulldlDK. Portland. Oregon. TRAVLI.l.uv HIDE. San Francisco LdS ANliELKS AND SAN D1KGO S. S. ROANOKE Satis Wednesday. July 29 NORTH PACIFIC gTRAMBHT CO. Ticket Office I Freight Offlca USA Sd St. Foot Northrup St. Maiir'lSH. A 114 stain WW, A 5422 COOS BAY LINE Steamship Breakwater S3? ri? Aug lTiSV Freight and ticket offices. Lower Alnsworth doc'! Portland A Coos Bay 3. 8. Llna. I H. KEATING. Agent. Phone Main 8S00. A Jau2. Steamer Georgiana Leaves ' Astoria and Way Landings TUAaXJUt' onus. HAMBURGVAMERICAN Largest SS Co U2 Ships 1,417.710 in the WORLD TONS Al'Gl'ST SAlUMiS. arnii, Ivania . . . Aug. ft, 11 noon linprrator Aug. It. A. M i'rrc Mm sin Aug. ilk. 11 A. XI. atrrland Aug. SB. 10 A. M Kaift. Aug. M. Aug tt, V A. M 'Sllalavla Aug. . II A. M. ISscona vaDIn uul. tltaiuwur dlrsct. MEDITERRANEAN (.ibrallar. aplra sad Us. s. Hamburg. . .Aug. . 11 A. H. (. . Ilumburg. .Sept. 1.'. It A. M a. t. Multkf Urt. 1, 11 A. M. 1HU I KtlSES IN iau AROUND THE WORLD f liruugti lb PANAMA CANAL From tiaa I'raucisoo by cruislag lesousra "tLNtTN.NATl." lt.ll. aaa CUSVK1-VD." FEB. M 135 ir.ru,.. $900 J1 ui uHns all ncmr xiim In order to Mciir rbotr UMaiUtti tovuift kUouia be i . mow. Urlto lor IWoklvt. HAMBUKG-AMtRlCAN LINE it cilia uncral Agta, gog bc und avs. rhona aWUali lil and 61)1".'. .-ciu, Wui.. or San Kranciaco atuoa, iSv btocatun si., Han Kranclsca bouiuera lariria Co- go Bixui St.. U -W. K. A .. Co.. No. i'scltlc. t. m K. u.. liurlingtoa lii mi... unoaukss Hugat bound K. lit Nortb. Its, Dontr U. Sniliu, Id Wash. sta. lort land. (Jr. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD London Pari Bremen Krooprlas W llhelm . . . . Aug. 4 , HarbaroaM Aug. '(rorge Washington .... Aug. K Kaler M ilh. In. II n 'I Sllrrho Aog. IS ft Knenlgln I. ills Aug. 3U Sails at 1 A. aft. I Carries ill and iIII) cabin y llrsinsn di rect, Bnltlmore-llremen direct. Ons-cabln (II) Wednesdays. THE MEDITERRANEAN Koenig Albert tssni. 1 llerlliT. Pt. I uruugh rates from Egypt, India New Tork to l'AK r.Ast aaa South America via uurop. lndepandsnt Trips Around i irst-ciaas tne World throughout $620.65 & Up rravelsrs' rhevks I!m4 All Over Iba World. OEI.RICHS A CO.. Oen. Agfa. I Broadway. New torn. Itobert CnDella. a. P. C. A., San Franolsce, or local agents. Los Angeles and Return $37.45 RAILROAD TO SAW FRANCISCO. connactlng- with turbln steamships Valo and Harvard, largest and fastest trlctly paasensar ship flying; tha Amsr Ican flag. Avaraga spend II mllns par hour. The ships with perfact gervloaa, Friday, July .31 Limit AU(. loin. FRANK BOLLAM, AaraBt, (With Danver A Hlo Qrands R. R.. IM id Straat.) Main 2. A 45. S. S. 1IK.WKK SAILS UH SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES a. m Jul' te. Tha Snn I'rsnrl. A rrllanil V S ra il d and Hanhlugton Sts. (Mllh fX-Wi K. N. Co.) Tel. Mar.lisll 4500, A ltl. American -Hawaiian S. S. Co. Via PANAMA CANAL. alllaa I rons ." tork Abona AsgSNt 4th and t'-lli i:aateound Kroaa Portland thoiu Aagant 5th C. D. KESNEUY, Agent 170 Btark St. New Coos Bay Line Stenmslilp sail direct Xtiiiiada.v, 30. A. M. tor Marsliflnld. North lleni, Empire and Ban Kraiu itno. Make rcner vatlon at ine. IK K l:il.l.M, Pn. u.nl. Main R 121 3d Street. A 4.'.9. Krelskt Ofrlfc, Alhrr'n Dnrk . X Main A 4012. HONOLULU IIU in claes. round np. .' . dsrs tiom Eao 'Francisco). The most attractUi s.oi on entire aorld mur. splendid .isnirs UOOi'U ton dl.pl. I "l IK KANH I. INF. sail to Hawaii, averjr i' weeks Von can '' this trip In IS days from ban FTaaclana, ai lng 8 days on the lslsr..l. Sytlaey. IS days from san Francisco. SMS ,..und trip Mi cls.s S00 21 clasa Send . f folder, s'dney M.ort Une. et Market fit-. Saa Franrlsra. ALASKA. Special one-way and round-trip rs tea. Steamship sails direct P. M. MONDAY. At I.I ST S. Kew Reaervatlona Left. San Franclnro. Porllnad Lon Angeles strsm.hiii i . FRANK BOLLAM. Agent, till Tklrd Street. A-ASSn, Mala 26. DRAIN TO COOS BAT. Autos run dally. Delightful trip via Allegany or the Ocean-bea6 route. Wlra reservation! to U, MAI lvu, Uratss M Going HAM8URG-AMERICA A f LINE A riit ifiMtstni sUtiri .