TH15 MORNTVG OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JtTLY 27, 1914. 10 PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reaonabl price Pacific Title ft. Truat Co., 7 Cha- of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K STEPHA.N Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, buttooa covered, goods sponged; mall ordera. 381 Aider. M. WW AN Py E FLBNlTtB. ANTIQUE furniture restored. 421 Haw thorn ave. Web Glaxier, cabinetmaker. Pbona Eaat 1044. ART .MATTRESS MOflS. ONLY sclenufically thorough renovating in the city. Advise us. Eaat 879. ASSAY ERs AND ANALYSTS. GILBERT & HALL, aucceaaora Wella ft. Co tag to till Couch bldg., lu 4th. Main 710. MONTANA ASSAY: OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing works. 142 2d at. ATTORNEYS. J. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stract, contracts. coLateraL etc; consul tation Ire New office 707. us. 708 Sail ing bldg. Main 4983. Open evenings. wX M. LAFOKCE. Counaellor-at-law, SM Failing bldg. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST KUQ CO. Ruga from old car pets, rag ruga las Eat tn. Bom pnunes. LLLl Lt.'lD BLTIUXS. BADGES. THE IRWiN-HODSON COICFANX, 92 5tn st. puuues Main 31- una A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. WllliBja. Estelle and William. Jr., Dveny, the only sc.entiflc chiropodist in tho city. Parlora, 2U2 Gerllnger bldg., o. W. cor. Id and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Hill. Offices, Fllednr biag. Main 3472. Dr and Mr. Fletcher, painlea chiropoduta, over the Haxalwood. Main 3713. A o!28. CHIROPRACTIC- PHYSICIANS. DR. MMAHON. 121 4th, 376 William ve., IS adjustment 8,10. Nature cure. M. 2u. I LEANING AND I'RJtSSlNU. DRESS SUITS for rent; we press. on salt each week for $l.oU per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 209 Stark at, bet, oth and 6th. Main 614. COLLECTION AGENCY. Account, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Sbort Methods.'' ouort Adjustment Co,,, 124 -V. W. Ban; bldg. Main 974. jitTH ft, CO- Worcester bldg. Main 1794. No collections, no charge. COAX. AND WOOD. KNIGHT coal ha no equal, a clean, hard, quick-firing, long-enduring Utah coaL Ai blna Fuel Co., sole agents. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 1 . wade . Co.. 322I2Qllawthorne ave. AIXOMOB1LE SUPPLIES. BALLOU W K1GU1, nn "" AWNINGS. TJwNTS AND SAILS. P AC I F 1 C TENT .fc AWN. CO.. 1-3 N. 1st st BAGGAGE CHECKED AJT HOHE. giZle omnibus Transier. Park ai Davis Baggu BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES K SUPPLIES. LALLOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY. R.kerv Ac Cont.. Inc.. 11th and Everett. I MM a I i Itli'lTLERS, HENRY wrKiNHARD. loth and Burnsld. tVCR-Y BARK AND GRAI'E ROOT. KlHN BROS.. 101 FRONT ST. CEMENT. LAME AND PLASTER. y T TlToWE CO., 4 Fourth StreeL COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. SSET Ac DEVERS. 1-11 N. Front at. CIXISSET DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER. MAYER CO.. 207 Ash sL SISXTHICAI. SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electric Co.. nth an. I Pine str DIED. HATHAWAY-In thU Cjg 4SSl aA v.. Th. r.. ma In s aro at I - ' JeBsilen Establishment of J. V Ftnlg 4 Son Montgomery at -th. Notice ot funeral hereafter. BREED DN In this city. July 26. at the rtdence. 601 North Willamette boule vard Mrs. Emma Breeden. Remains at Holman's parlors. Funeral announce ment later. WAI.DRON In this city July 2t. Mane Waldron. aged 4 years Kemaina wc the residence establishment of J. .P. Pin- ley Son, Monigonieu funeral nereatter. FUNERAL NOTICES SCHWARTZ The funeral services of Lydla Schwartz will be held from the First Gr- rmrrntliuul Church, corner Sev enth and Stanton streets, today (Mon day), July 27. at 2 P. M. Friends In vlted. Interment Rose City cemetery. MARTIN The funeral services of the late Mrs. Lillian Martin win no " Lcrch undertaking parlors. East Elevemn and Clay streets, Tuesday, July 2S, at -P. M. Friends invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORY. MR. EDWARD HOLM AX, the leading fu neral director. 220 Third street, corner Sal mon. Lady assistanL A 1511. Main 607. DUNNING St M'ENTEE. funeral directors, Tth and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Corner A It ZELLER CO, 592 Williams ave. East 10SS C 10SS. Lady attdt. Day and night service. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. Alder st. East 521, B 2525. ER1CSON RESIDENCE UND. PARLORS. M. 6133, A 3D. n aumwu at. KE WES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d nd Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK, Containing 335 Acre. Portland' Only Modern Perpetual -Care Cemetery. Refined, Pleaslnu Service. Complete Perfect Equipment. Price and Term Reasonable. Both Telephone. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 07 GRAND AVE, N Between Davis and Everett. Phone East 1423, B 2315. Open Day and NTcht. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one de glrlng; a pet may communicate with us. NEW TO DAT. MORTGAGE LOANS OX IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. We loan our own fund nnd money I available within 24 hour after receipt of abstract. 5Va. and 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-N orthwetern Bank Bids;. Kiy;r-;; PROPFRTY AND CLOSET IN RESIDENCES a!)EDWARDEG0UDEY7 riumuniiL LUttHu NORTtlWESTERN BANK BUILOlNQ First Mortgage Loans Money to Any Amount in Oar Posses sion for Immediate l-e. or 77c, According- to Secnrlty. FIELDS A HONEYMABf, 1218-1223 Yeoa Bldg. Main 1002. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. FARM AND CITY LOAN. 80 Fourth St., Board of Trade BIdsj. BUSINESS IOITEB ANU BKASS WORKS. NORTHWEST Copper ft Brass Work. Arthur Weyde, prop. Building and re pairing of all copper work for ciindy mfrs.. fruit and vegetable canners. steamboats, breweries, distilleries, sugar houses, chem ical works, dyeing works, etc.; soda foun tain and kitchen utensils re-tinned. 22d and Reed sts. phone Main 3605. DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON dancing school; waltz, one-atep. two-step, sehottlsche, hesitation waits, stage dancing; lessons, 25c; every morning, afternoon, evening; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. 85 tx 5th, oet. Stark and oak. Main 7037. MR and Mrs. Heath's Academy; dancing taught In all its branches; class Frl. eve., 8 to 10. 23 1 Morrison, cor. yd. Mar. 313. DEN TlSTS. UK A. W. KEENE, Majestic Theater bldg. 351 Vi Washington St. Marsnall 3205. ELEC1R1C MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. Wo do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding: all work guaranteed. H. M. U. Electric Co., 31 First su North. Phone Main 9210. . EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. Caaseday, 517 Dekum bi. 3d & Wash. POLNDRV AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d and Haw Lhorne. General machine and lounury work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES, developing, printing and enlarging. I'lKU at MARK HAM CO., 345 Washington at. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO., motorcycles and bicycles. Phones Main 68. A 2153. MUSICAL. 1.-1IIL TH1ELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk, 2U7 FUedner bldg. A 4100, Mar a62. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. tTr PHILLIPS, specialist In paralyais, ner vou chronio diseases. 504 Oregonian bldg. OPTICIANS. A FIGHT on high prices. v uy nay o to jio lor a pair of g.anses when I can fit your eyes with first- quality lenses, gold-filled frames, as low as Si. 50? Goodman, 191 Morrison St.: near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. N'orthrup, 308 Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone Main 349; residence. East 1028. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOUSEK, Board of Trade bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS & CO., 00-75 4th L HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY, 411 DEKUM BLDQ. HAT'S AND CAPS. THANHAUSEU HAT CO.. 53-55 Front sL HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND FUBS. KAHN BROS., 101 Front SL IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON" WORKS. East End of Burnside Bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES, Carry Complete Stock of STEEL UEAilS AND ANGLES, CHANNEL PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS L. AIAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. SlcCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade. Sale agent celebrated Roche Harbor lime. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLOKY AV CO., 231 Pine St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfii. Co.. 83 Fifth at, NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of $1000 anil up at lowest rates on Good Improved City Troperties. If you need money call today. Our installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-21 NorthweMlern Bank HiilldlnK. To Lease LOl'VRE PROPERTY AS A WHOLE. Will Consider Subdividing Ground Floor. SEE OWNERS, 308 M'KLAY. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CR0NAN 002 Spaldlnir BlrfK. Portlnnd, Or. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. I pay cash and sell on easy payments. See J H. Naab. 724 Chamber of Commerce. Main 512. BECK. William O.. 815-316 Falling bld. BENEDICT BROS.. giO Hawthorn ay. PALMER-JONES Wilcox bldg. CO., .H. P.. 404-4O5-4UJ Jennlng & Co. Main 188. 206 Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Lot. $600 LOT FOR $400. 100 feet Irontage, 41 feet depth, plenty of room for 2 small cottages, close to car. Nice location; this is a real bargain. Frei W. German Co., 014 Cham, of Com. LOTS $1 MONTH NO INTEREST. Cleared and level: two railroads; fast growing district; beautiful, healthful sur roundings; homeseckers or Investors, for particulars. W. A. Perkins. Rochestetr. Wn. t,.ACHB TRACT, 1S25. All In cultivation. 25 fruit trees, front ago on 2 streets. Montavllla, $25 down. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 014 Cham, of Com. CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, consisting o ouarter block. 100x1 no. on S. W. cor. 12th and Hall sts. Is first-class hotel or apart ment site. Owner. AE 14X Oregonian. NICE lot on E. ISth st. North. Inquire 140S Oatman near Willamette blvd.. or phone Woodlawn 1S2. WILL sacrifice two lots, corner, $625, or three lots, half acre. $025. P.. 315 Kan;o. $1000 EQUITY In lot; no reasonable offer refused. AF 144. Oregonian. Portland's Building Directory Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DUJflWAY. RALPH "rLaln 1530. .629-531 Insurance. VTNCENT. S. D. & CO. Main 1854 S10 Real Estate. KEASEY. DORR E. & CO. Main 1189. .232 Board of Trade Building Brokers, Stocks, Bonds and Grain. OVEHBECK & COOKE CO. A 6331. Main S042 216-.1S Real Estate. BARRETT BROS. Main 6496..... .80. WALLER. FRANK L Main 8295 1013 Lewis Building Consulting Engineers. LUCIUS. W. W. Marshall 834 316-31. Mortgage Loans. BAIN, JOHN. A 7442, Main 6021 507 Real Estate. BAY CITY LAND CO. M. 1118 701-702 Wilcox Building Optician, Optometrist. KOLLE. DR. D. W. M. 4188. A 7886.709-.O Public Utility Speclaust. FOSHAY. WILBUR B. Main 8278 1014 DIRECTORY PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York st. Main 3489, PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. c. WRIGHT 22 years' and foreign patents. 600 practice TJ. 8 Dekum bldg. T. J. GEISLEK, Atty-at-Law. 503 Henry. Wm. C. Schmitt, Eng. and Draftsman. RtBBER STAMPS. SEALS, BRASS SIGN'S. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING Machines, new. $20 up; used ma chines $2 up renting and repairing. Main 0131. Sewing Macnine Emporium. 190 3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. SHOWCASE, BANK, a STORE IT XT! RES. MARoIIALL MFG. CO., 10th and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANS! Eg. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney ats.. Just completed, new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments, vans for mov ing, reduced ' freight rate on household goods to and from East in through cara ' Main 5640, all qepartmenta. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Fre trackage. Office and warehouse, 15th and Hoyt sts. Main 51", A 2247. C o PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooma and fireproof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; special rates made on goods In our through cara to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 516. A 206. MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO.. loth ana eiveren n pi,nn. nnd household goods moved, packed and shipped, reduced freight rate on household good to through car uerutc .ui . ,., Tit a X8'KH CO.. 474 Gllsan cor 13th. Telephone Main 00 or A 1100 w nn.t nnerfttft two lat'Ke class A .,r.hniii.i on terminal tracks. Lowes insurance rates In the city. m 1 1 il - i jN.sT DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office, ISO Madison; general merchandise furniture and machinery storage: uwbmi and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7ii!ll VET ERIN ARY COLLEGES. S F VETERINARY COLLEGE begins SepC i i v. ,, ,i offers eaual opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane, president, 1818 Market St., San Francisco. .MILLINERY. BllADSHAW BROS., Morrison and Tth sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland W iro & Iron Wks., 2d and Colum.'.i. PAINTS AND WALL PAPE1L PIONEER PAINT CO.. ISO First St. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12tli and Davis. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-80 Front L PLI.UBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. W. BALTJSS & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG Ai FARRE1.L, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER Ac CO.. 12th and Davis SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th und Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SLPP1JES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. US Front st. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER CO., WHOLESALE JEWELERS At OPTICIANS BUTTER FIELD BROS., MOHAWK BLDG WIRE AND IKON WORKS. Portland Wire fr Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. 11800 BTJTS a 50x100 lot In Irvlngton that cost $2150; the price Includes all Im provements in and paid for: good houses all around this lot; it's a snap; adjoining lot Just like It for sale at $2300. H. D. Vincent & Co., Chamber of Commerce bide. For Sale Beach Property. NORTH BEACH. 32 acres. $o50U (heretofore held at $5000), with fine frontage on ocean, grove of beautiful trees and about one-half finest cranberry and garden land on tne oenlnsuia : a rreat chance for sum mer home, coupled with productive land. Phone owner, Marshall 15bo or call 010 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Cottage and four lots, river bottom land; barn, tools. Seaslae. water furniture; a bargain if taken at once, $300 hair down. Clara Allen .Waliuna station, Seaside, Or. FOR SALE One of the best lots at Salt Air, Tillamook Beach; will take $1&0 cash or $17u, $25 down and $10 per month, no Interest. This lot Is only 300 ft. from the depot, o 11, Oregonian. EIGHT beautiful lots, Bayocean $800. Terms. 824 Worcester bldg Beach For Sale Houses. LASS1" CLOSE IN" SUBURBAN RESIDENCE On acre, Or. Elec. Ry., 15 mln. ride. &c rare; highly cultivated, excellent view, fine tennis court. Box 330, P. O., Portland. FOR SALE cheap, fi-room bungalow, with all modern Improvements, 2 lots, flno view, adjoins Mt. Tabor Park; best resl dence district in Portland. Phone Tabor 3029. LET US BUILD Y'OU A HOME. On your lots or ours; by your own plans or ours- pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOMEBUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Hank Bldg. ARTISTIC HOMES PLANS $0. Hundreds of deplgns Book free. A. H. FABER. Architect. 3C0 Ainsworth ave. Woodlawn 204. FOR SALE by owner, S-room modern house, corner lot, 50x100 nice lawn, garage, i -blocks from Woodlawn car; price $2500. Call Woodlawn 3237. HOUSES In Irvlngton for two-thirds their value: choice location; also lots; nouses furnished and unfurnished for rent. East 273. W. H. Herdman. S2500 GREAT sacrifice, thoroughly modern 6-room bungalow. Inquire 1118 East Stephens St.. between 37th and SSth. Haw thorne district. Phone B 2567. Owner. BUY FROM OWNER. Modem 5-room bungalow, Improvements In, easy terms; no agnns. iauur iujt. $2850 BUYS new S-room house. E. 48th terms. Owner. Woodlawn 503. IRVINGTON New 7-room house; 25th and Stanton sts. A bargain. East 1 1 '- 1 Yeon Building- GRAHAM, SYDNEY J. Main 3752. . .506-1 -o KIMBALL, HENRY M. Mar. 630 20 MALARKEY. SEABROOK & DIBBLE. Main 1501. A 5212. . .1500-15tl:i RIDDELL. H. H. Main 6635 622 STOTT & COLLIER. Marshall 6078. .608-elu Billiard Hall. M'CREDIE BILLIARDS Second floor Real Estate. METCALF, LYLE S. Marshall 2482.. I.. 810 RAINEY, J. Q. Marshall 8177 1804 V AllGONEK. UfcJ n ouv SLAUSON, A. B. Main 9444 1011 Attorneys. REAL ESTATE. For gale Houses. onpTT.ivn iTTe.lGTlTK SACRIFICE. Modern S-room stucco house, 1 block Mr rftit X7000 to hulld. 4'- highly im oroved lots, with beautiful view; lawn In frnnt fine irarden. hlirh-srade fruit trees: berries and chicken-house in back; $7500 would be conservative valuation for land ; single lots In neighborhood have sold for $25uo. Whole property offered for a few days at $20U. terms. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3S30 THAT V A l. 1ST LOT. cow-v wrvr TI'RM A HARDEN' INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MOVKV RT-TI.D A P A H T MEN IT'S. RES1 DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; w v. irk RKSPoNSlKl.E. WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABIN'GTON BLDG. I WILL sell mv Irvincton home for 422.000 9 rooms; It Is new, on 100x100 corner, and on the best streets In Irvlngton; well hnllr nnrl nrranced: Dlcntv of shrubbery front, rear and side Dorches: 2 baths. 4 toilets, a lavatories. 2 fireplaces: high class wall covering and everything about the house Is high-class. AL 149. Oregonian. LEAVING town, must sell attractive, o-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, large attic, full cement basement, furnace, lire, place, hardwood floors, built-in buffet bookcases; also garage; located on corner lot in Rose City Park; best buy in the city for 13850. 511 E. 54th St. N'., corner Sacramento. Phone Tabor 50O. 4-ROOM cottage, fruit trees, roses, lawn, atrpft fmnroved and all Datd for except $40: Drlce $1250; sold 3 years ago for $1850; your own terms; will take your note lot or diamond as first payment. 1 have two like this; come quick; $1250 each. J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Com merce. Main 5120. I HAVE a good 7-room house with all con venlences. full cement basement, furnace. etc.. located In Irvlngton district, for $4200, all street improvements in and paid for; 21000 cash balance; same as rent This is a bargain. AF 130. Oregonian. IRV1NGTON Two first-class modern resi dences Just completed, containing 7 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, highly fin ished in oak and mahogany. Donald Mac leod, 1221 Northwestern Bank bldg. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. Forced to sacrifice my modern -room bungalow at 818 Multnomah st.. In order to get $800 cash; lot 60x100 or 50x240; lots of shado trees. Phone C 124o. For Sale iiunlnexs Property. FOR SALE. A long lease on a 2-story brick build ing; best location for wholesale or retail meat market or grocery. Inquire at 228 Morrison. STORES and apartments, prominent street, West Side, close in, $15,000. Owner, 324 Worcester bldg. ' Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water, close to carllne, easy terms. Will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 470. JOHN H. GIBSON, OWNER. 2 ACRES and furnished house, in fine culti vation, at Metzger; will sell, exchange or rent; value $2500; rent $10 per month. Phone Marshall tNl 003 Oregonian bldg. For Sale Acreage. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches, near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham; 5 acres, $400, $500. $700: 3 acres. $500, $700; 10 acres, $760. $9V0, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $23 to $100 per acre. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. WEST SIDE FRACTIONAL ACnES Before buying a home site insist on Bull Run water, gas, electricity, phones, etc.; I have a few acre and fractional acre sites with 5c fare and with the above im provements. Prices and terms are right J 120. Oregonian. FROM 1 to 20 acres, near two carllnes, beautiful view of Mount Hood, $5U0 per acre. H. Q. Starkweather, Rlsley Station. Oregon City car. Phone Oak Grove. Black IT. 80x200. WITH new house, $600; 100x200. with new house, $050; $10 down. $10 monthly; 35 minutes. A. C. MARSTERS, 202 WILCOX BLDG. Main 3517. A 7340. Tabor 177u. MY $1350 Park Rose acre for $1100; $230 cash, balance monthly. Bargain. Owner. H 148. Oregonian. 16v)i ACRES logged-off land, 20 acres hay. 2 live springs; $15 per acre if taken at once. L. L. Moffet, Holton, Or. AT a sacrifice for cash. 20 acres, choice bea ver land, 15 miles from city. Address E 129, Oregonian. 5-ACRE snap, improved. 40 minutes out; your terms. Owner, 1024 Yeon bldg. Homesteads. TWO good agricultural homesteads, some timber, close to market. Curry County; R. R. building close, location $230 each; also 160 heavy tlmbur, near Eugene, Or.; 5,000,000 or more; relinquishment $300. Phone Marshall 3941. 603 Oregonian bldg. FOR Government land locations call on or vrite Smith & Baird, Redding, cal. For Sale Farms. 5, 10 and 15-acre tracts. 21 miles from Port land, on Pacific Highway, l mile irom Au rora; all clear and level; close to school and market. $1750 buys 10 acres, all deal1: $100 cash and time on balance at 7 per cent interest. $2600 buys 8 6 acres, all clear and level, and house that cost $1,100; small payment down and good terms on balance. A. J. MISHLER, OWrNER, AURORA. OR. COWS AND HOGS. Finest alfalfa farm at Hermlston Gov ernment Irrigation project, Oregon, is be ing sold In 20-acre tracts. Fine stand al falfa and best Irrigation system. Land right In town. Hermlston has 800 popu lation, good schools and churches, up-to-date creamery, no saloons; price $250 per acre, terms. Maxwell Land Company, Her mlston. Oregon. FOR SALE or trade, a good wheat or hog ranrh of 1400 acres, loon acres under tne plow; all fenced and cross-fenced; about 500 acres In grain this year; will sell for small payment down and crop payment or trade for income property. HAWTHORNE STABLES. Eaat 72 or B 1309. 420 Hawthorne ave. COAST DAIRY FARM. 160 ACRES 81600. Accept runabout as part payment. Term. AV 620, Oregcnian. i's-ACRE fruit farm, at a sacrifice, good house ana Darn, two mums lion uimp) station, on Oregon City carllne. Owner. E. Tucholke, Sumner, la. RANCH 60 acres with buildings. Is miles from Portiana, near electric line; Bargain for all cash. By owner. 10 7 1st it. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FIVE to 20 acres, fruit farm, not over 12 miles from Portiana; will pay cusn. j. H Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. SIX to eight-room house In Laurelhurst -or Beaumont; will pay an casn, out must be right See J. H. Nash, 723 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 5129. WANT corner lot 50x100 or 25x100 ft., be tween Yamhill. Hoyt, Iu ana so sis., under $25,000 cash. Owners only. G 128, Oregonian. FOR RUNT FARMS. 3 ACRES, new cottage and harn. some fruit. chickens and garaening; - dtocsos to siuiw and station; rent $10. 715 Spalding bldn. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. 304 m kay bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED A large mill on deep water, with rail connections, close to r-ortiano. wmi or without timber. AJ 143. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. I WANT to rent a farm near Portland, Or., on shares; would like rarm turnisnea was stock and Implements; can give refer ences. Address E. E. Goodrich. Waterloo, Or. TO EXCHANOE REAL ESTATE. TO TRADE, 30 acres. Improved lana on county road, K. it. station on iiwlc, -room house and other buildings; valued $3000; would like poolroom, confectionery, anything up to $1000, anywhere in Ore gon: you can pay the rest at $25 per month. Address L. Nlcolay, R. F. D. No. 1. Sumas. Whatcom Co.. Wash. 320 ACRES yellow pine. Wheeler Co.. unin cumbered, for st, jonns vacant or Improved farm. F 148. Oregonian. WILL trade my 1914 Hupmobile for house and lot or equity in noute mm iol, bjav location and price. D 133, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE a going business for first mortgage not over uoo; no ugeiiis. j 147, Oregonian, HOUSE and lot to exchange for grocery; about ,1500. auz nroaoway omg FULL lot, value $650, exchange for team Or driver. Aj lt Oregonian. MY' house and a little cash, want grocery. P. O. box lino, ca. $200 LOT, 25x100, trade for team or driver. A 11 HO, Uitgumttu. SxlOO TO exchange for horses, $450. AH 141, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 40 acre lrrlratd land, improved orchard. 3 and 4 yrs. old, near Buhl, in Twin Falls County. Idaho, good house and barn, granary, concrete cellar and cistern, fenced, shade trees alt.rnatln. .fth nosls ATOUnd acreage. $2500 improvements, all soil; will sell or traoe ror stocK oi, tlon $8500: snap for someone; no agents Address owner, AL 132. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL home, must be sold. 9 rooms, large sleeping porcb; all modern conven iences, steam neat, naruwuuw full lots: $5500. J2500 less than cost block from car. Owner at grocerj Scott car to Powell Valley road. Mt 2O00 ACRES good iana, with lake, can pump and Irrigate. Lincoln County. Wash., m good wheat belt- $15.00 per acre. "hat have you? Can use good home, furnished, with automobile to entire value, or income propertv. AO 12S. Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange. Willamette Heights modern house, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, garage, one block to W car. $.000; take vacant West Side property or city, first mortgages; all or part payment. Phone mornings. Marshall 3S88. FIRST-CLASS 3-flat building (17 rooms), close In. West Side, equity for a 6 to 8 room modern residence, close. East Side, $0000 to $8000. Phone East 3743 PORTLAND property for Seattle residence, close-In acreage, or business property. Mrs. Eldridge. 802 East Plks st.. Seattle. MODERN house In Irvlngton district, for ex change. B. M. Lombard. 11 Madison bldg. Main 5682, A 2892. IF YOU'LL trade, see Chamber of Commerce. Kupper, 214-15 Main 7799. TO KTCIIAMiE MISCELLANEOUS. FIN'E motor boat to trade for real estate or good automobile, 60 horsepower, and one of the best on the river. Come and see me Monday. 432 Cham. Com. Main FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery tumlshed to business parlies at special rates. HAWTHORNS STABLES, 429 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72, B 1809. ATTENTION To people who want cheap horses; 1 have blocky team brown mare and sor rel horse, weight 2400 pounds, with har ness; price within your reach. 505 Alder streeL FOR SLE 1 team, well matched, 6 and 7 years old, weighing 2S00 pounds; 1 8-year-old horse, welching 15o"; 1 small, young horse, 1O50. 220 Russell St. i unuii Al.DER-ST. SNAP. Blocky-bullt brown horse, weight 800 lbs.; rides or drives; $35. 505 ALDER BARGAIN. A sorrel horse, weight 750 lbs.; good saddler or will work single or double, $15. COW to trade for about 1200-Ib. horse; must be good worker and gentle. Tabor 147. . TEAM weight 2000. good workers; must sill 53 East S2d. Take Montavllla car to Pine. 2 blocks east. A FINE looking Day Hamiiioiuan about 1300 pounas, worn singiu or uou., a nice driver. Phone Tabor JjL ONE goose-neck. 1 camel-back, 1 express wagon. 128 N. 11th If- WAGONS and horses by day. $1.28. L Co hen. 381 Water st. Main 2108. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Tabot 4203. 1250-LB. horse, good worker. $50. Tel. East 2131. Stable cor. union nna irving. PASTURE for stock adjoining illy on Co lumbia Slough. Woodlawn i'.'HS. HORSES for sale. 88 E. 7th it. North. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument". PIANO Upright, good shape, $90; muat be sold at once. 441 stark, cor. 12th aL Dogs, llisAls, Pet Stock. AIREDALES, great pals, guards snd hunt ers. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. Furniture lor Sale. FURNITURE S-room house for sale, cheap rent, house run; sickiicss loioes cash, balanco payments. 289 West Broad way." Phone Marshall 3978. SIX rooms furniture, terms or trade, warn ing distance, couple can maae raws grocery bill. Phone Main uuo Evans. FURNITURE of 4-room flat; leaving town: $125. 185 Caruthcrs St. I lat JS. HIGH-CLASS furniture of six-room flat for sale cheap, sua t;. wasn. r-nune r.. oo.. FOR SALE $4o. Curnitur of 4-room house. Complete. HP- B ivuioamu. Automobile. "BOOKLET FREE.'' Delivery costs and methods for express and business men. By the Traffic En gineer. Address Q EH LINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 691 Washington St. Phone Marshall 1915. WILL sell my classy Marlon 30 roadster. Just overhauled and newly painted, runs like a watch, electric lighted with extra large headlights, electric horn, whistles, etc., complete; Just the car for lady or gentle man For quick sale. $600. Lull Main 8232. ELMORE 5-passenger touring car, the big gest snap of the season; splendid condi tion; only $40o. DULMAtiE MAN LEY AUTO CO.. 40 N. 20th St. HI'l'MOlMI.B ROADSTER, the best buy In Portland; seo it today; if taken at once. IJULMAGH MANLEY AUTO CO?. 40 N. 20th St. B VRGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large Stock, Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bulldlnga Corner chapman and Alder Sts. MAXWEl.i. car ltb lectins, roadster snd delivery bodies; must go at once; 8JB0 for ""'dULMAGE MANLEY AUTO CO.. 40 N. 20th St. I'll" HI'ICK s-paspenger car; recently over hauled; good tires all around; full equipped; a bargain; $.150. DULMAGE MANLEY AUTO CO.. 46 N. 20th St. TIRES, slightly used, $3 to $12 each: tubes. 81 EO to S3 each; tube vulcanising, 26c. ' PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. 325-27 Burnside St. OVERLAND auto, 4-passenger, 1910 model, first-class condition. $275 cash takes It No exchange or trade. Address AV 557. Oregonian. COB SALE Six-cylinder Chalmers. -passenger. A-l condition. Terms to right party. AV r38, Oregonian. WINTON SIX, flve-paFSi'tiger, best cash of fer takes it this week. 220 2d st. Automobiles Wanted. HAVE new 7 -room bungalow, 439 52d St., 2 blocks south of Sandy boulevard; will take second-hand Ford car as part pay ment. See owner, 473!- Washington St.. Vacuum Cleaner store. WANTED Late model auto; must be In good condition; will give clear lot worth IM snd cash. Address P. O. box 640, city. Telephone Tabor 5126. 3S3 East 38th. WANTED To buy garage about 10 or 12x18. Auto Tires and Accessories. AUTOS repaired at work guaranteed. your own Tabor 207. Livestock. .1 HEAD of extra good milch cows, 10 large Durham. Guernsey-Durham. Jersey-Durham and flolsteln. giving from 4 to 6 gallons a day: the balance high-grade Jerseys nnd Jersey-Guernsey, extra high testers, giving from 10 to 14 quarts per day good family cows. Take Woodstock car to 39th ave., walk 4 blocks west to 38th St. Machinery. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors' machinery, all kinds. Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak. FOR SALE One Advance traction engine. In first-class shape: a 1 argaln. Address Segesseman Bros.. Sherwood. Or. Typewriters. TYT'EWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $' and up; 0 months' rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter com pany 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save vou from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes cf typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLL SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65 NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Stark SL NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Slark st. Main 1407. RENT visible typewriters 3 months for $4. 244 Stork sL Main 0273, A 4441. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Millinery fixtures, cheap for cash. 519 Williams ave. MUST sell six Oriental rugs worth $361; reasonable offer accepted. 404 Morrison. HFWY geared punch press, weighs 2800. lis Florida st. Marshall 1037. 1 ring. HOUSEBOATS, launch and canoe nouses. J. L. Gllham. A 8471. SAFES- First -New and second-hand; bargain. 101 FLY screens made to order. Call C. Zleg ler. 89 Mason. Woodlawn 2132. ARROWHEADS-Sale or trade. Call 10 tc 1, 426 Burnside. FOR SALE. Mlx-elUneou. Miscellaneous, win rai.R OR CHARTER. Two ocean-going oil burning tugs: 800 snd 400-horsepower. First-class condition. AY 444, oregonian. HOCHFELDS CAMERA EXCHANGE. I buy. sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 North 3d st. SAFES All sixes at cost; safes repaired. Hosier Safe Co 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 76.6. PERFECT diamond ring, must be sold st once, cheap; about IV carats. Inquire 1448 Oarfleld ave. Woodlawn C03. GENTLEMAN'S fine silk hat. good as new. aize 7'. Phone A 5505. 73-MILE scenic auto ride $10. Phons Sell wood 203, WANTED M1S( I.I. LANEOrS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINQ AND FURNI TURE WANTED. The Globe Second-Hand Store Reopened. Highest cash prices paid for ladles' and gents' cast- off clothing, shoes, furniture, bicycles, trunks, suitcases, eta Call Main 2080: "SECOND-HAND CLOTIiFnO BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES CLOTHES. SHOES, ETC., TRY US. CALL MAIN 6195. 203 MADISON ST.. OR 251 FRONT ST. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINO WANTED. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes, etc. 129 6th N. Main 2843. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St.. buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WANTED CORD WOOD. 300 or more cords No. 1 cordwood for Immediate and future delivery. AO 96. Oregonian. WANTED A good gasoline work boat for construction camp. Address, with descrip tion, price, etc., to Wm. F. Isett, Hotel Multnomah, also Cathlamct, Wash. FURNITURE WANTED. If you want to sell any rurnlture all In a bunch for cash, see J. II. Nash. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRIC8I FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, $3 AND LP SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE ill' VEIL 247 MADISON ST. MAIN' 8393. TELEPHONE Main 4317. M. Ollrkman. Highest cash price for household goods, clothing, store fixtures, restaurants. 188 Front street. 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC., WANTED Don't give It away; get our figures first Standard Fur. Co.. 182 1st. Main 4773 no NOT e!l or rlve swav sny of your fur nlture before you call the Bell Auction House. 101 2d St. Marshall 47a. WANTED ralr flrst-cla field glsses. state maker and best price. BD lit, Ore gonian. HOUSE-BOAT. Oregonian. 20x30 ft. or larger. 147 WANTED National cash register. Phone Main SOOL Address 696 Northrup St. WANTED Three National cash registers at once; will pay spot cash. Main rVMI. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns. cameras, liocnteia. vt aa st. nonn SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682 WE TINT room! for J2.50; paint houses at your price, pnone labor laza. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, J0 PeklUn bldtT. WANTED Old gold, silver, platinum, or samples. 310 Northwest bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main RVal. WANTED To buy gsrage about 10 or 12x18 Telephone Tabor $128. 383 East 38th. TEAMS wanted. Call Tabor 2s88. HELP W IN TED MALE EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. U. C. A. All vour.z men seeking employment In commercial, clerical or technical lines ar cordially Invited to consult in employ ment secretary. Record. 191.1: Calls for men from employers 2033 Positions filled 1941 Employment membership, $3 per annum, guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months' full and 10 months' social privi leges. Issued by Employment Secretary only. Second Floor M. C. A. Bldg. A MANUFACTURING concern In metal lines could use as permanent salesmen one or two young men with university or college education with some knowieuge oi engi neering. In answering state experience, nationality, age, birthplace snd date of birth. Application must be in own hand writing, if you are not energetic, a hust ler and fascinated with the selling game, don't answer. AR 110. Oregonian. WANTED Five good solicitors for city; newspaper work, with strong premium of fers; hustlers only desired; systcmatlc crew work: employment for several months. Apply to Mr. Kelllher, 703 Ore gonian bldg. WANTED Boy, 16 to 20, from August 1 to December 1, for office: must be good In figures; answer lu own handwrltina. state salary expected per week. O 130, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced man to work in grocery and hardware gtolw must be good solicitor and a hustler; give references snd state salary wanted. Adrcss Box 370, St. H- lens. Or. USE your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own; we help you start for share In profits; 27 opportuni ties; particular free. Mutual opportuni ties Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED First-class fitter and bushelmsn for ladles and men's clothing. Permanent place and good pay to right party. Cherry's, ::fll Washington st CASH advanced you weekly selling rr y hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hus tlers make money. Washington .ursry Co.. Toppenlsb, Wash. EXTRA boy wanted to work nights; must be III years of age. Apply at room 314 Ore gonlan. 6 P. M. TEAMS and motor trucks to haul cordwood mar Portland. Inquire 5 to 7 P. M. at 825 Vj Buxton st. WANTED A man with a runabout auto mobile for a good paying buslnesa C 148, Oregonian. SALESMEN to sell stock In co-operative mall order house. Licensed under the blue sky law. 1118 Spalding bldg. WANTED A chauffeur: none but an Al tire man and mechanic need apply. 295 West Park st WANTED An experienced man and wcian for ranch, without children. Apply at 9 A. M. 249 Morrison. WANT a young man clerk in delicatessen and light groceries. 291 loth st. MEN with patentable Ideas write Rnndolph ft Co., Patent Solicitors. Washington. D. C. WANTED photographer, operator, steady. Ciitberth Studio, Dekum bldg. PHOTO coupon agent, best offer, weekly puy commissions. Moore studio. Elks bldg. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission nald Sarony studio. Royal bldg. BAND'S man can have room for 5 hours work weekly. 494 Yamhill. OPERATORS wanted on custom pants. Room GC4 Goodnougn Diug. BARBER wanted, steady Job. 205 Morrison atreeL PHOTO-COUPON agents; new offer; pay weekly. Vassar Studio. 528 Ablnatot. blcwf. PHOTO coupon, new ticket for live on Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg BOY 16 to 18 year, good home on river. Oak Grove, Red 36. HELP WANTED I EM ALE LADIES. J1Z weekly, mskmg plain sp-ons at home; no canvassing; we pay you; par tlculara snd full-slxed apron for ISO silver Cook Supply Co.. Kokomo. Ind GOoD location for public stenogrspher. will furnish private office, both phones and pay for work done; rent reasonable. 210 211 McKay bldg. STENOGRAPHER for country law office Call M B. Meacham'e office, both phones 62" Henry bldg. or write box 42, MoMlnn vllle. Or. MANICURING, scalp treatment, hlr work taught day and evening classes, tuition reasonable. Call Main 1220. EXPERIENCED girls, accustomed to sew new burlap bags on power machine 176 Front st. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; while learning: position guaranteed 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlor. pay 400- AN elderly woman with some furniture can have rooms for company during evening. 1793 E. Yamhill, near 70th. WANTED Experienced child nurse for two children, city references. Mrs. Nicola!. 951 Mcllnda ave, head of Johnson st. WANTED Refined capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 423 Plltock blk.. 383 Washington WANTED Y'oung lady waitress. Apply N. 4th sL WANTED Middle-aged German housekeep er, two In family. 144 E. 2d st. N. GIRL for general housework heated flat. Main 8178 WANTED An experienced cook at 453 Vista ave, Portland Heights. Main 2736. IIH.P W VI I.I I IMIH. THE St. Louts L Mr. Wilson, pr grief-stricken ft over the death Richardson, th i Main si, has been ur rk Irs. M. B. her Tl ref. IT'MI. f. WANTED at lured, well msnent out capable of ince, by well-known firm, cut ducated woman ov.-r 25, per ilde position for an who II earning s.i.i wrK, mim travel. Inquire J. J bldg., Seattle. Hem r WANTED Compen lent girl housework In family of twr new horn with U modern In small town 40 miles fr. Good wages; references. 1 1760. genersl It baby; land, fab'ir WANTED PsI by working girl Girl about 80, respectable, self-supporting, frank and good disposition, ordinary eilui-stlon, fond of nature snd animals, orptisn girl pre ferred; references exchanged. 149. Ore gon Ian. . WANTED An experienced lady bstfcftr. One who ha had some rxperlrnc In time payment house preferred, and under stands credits, collections, etc. Chrr'. tn Wsshlngton St. WANTED Experienced waitresses at Vir ginia Hill Hotel. Sti 14th. Mala till. A C628. HELP WASTED MALE OK FsOIAm. WANTED Lady or man to learn baraf trade. 221 Madison St. Pay whll learn ing on per cent. AMATEURS wanted on Mondays. Wednrs days and Fridays. Phone East 2812. Flsk Teacher' Agency secures positions for teachers. 310 Journal bldg. Main 4N83. UK LP W ANTED MlHt KLLANEOCS. LEAKS' to writ advertising, big demand for experts; 0 months' eoUT I low cost: only school of Its kind in th Wst; rours by practical man: get a start now. Writ for Information. Pacific Adverttnlng Schoo'. iOI3) Marah-strong bldg.. Los Angers, Cal. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you th trad In I weeks, par whi: learning; give you position guaranteed. M of tools free. tuition reducsd for Aug. and Sept. 338 XadWton at. WANTED Msnagf who will Invest I good salary; Inv dress 409 Yorkl B. C. beryara I stocki d. Ad- Mi II Kit 1 1 A It It K ft COLLEGE. will I you th trade In 8 weeks; pay you whll learning, give you a set of tools; tuition reduced ur August and Pepteinber. rtend fur free caialogu. A M y, j n Women lor Government clerkship. $! month. Portland examinations won. speci men questions free. Franklin institute, dept. 703-0. Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks, P i rlers; exam. soon. prcrl many more clerks, ct st Slates School. V i I 1 .' irks, car demsnd I ' LEARN tn be n expert auto any kind of a car anywhrr ib: term Phone Marshall 408. A ls. WANT ED Name of men, 18 t 81, Wak ing to be railway postal clerkw: $78 month. AV 84, Oregonian. TUITION AND MACHIM. I I INO MOVING PICTURE 811 OAK STREET. PRIVATE BU8INEHS COLLEO Instruction. GREGG BIIORT keeping. 404 C.immoiix ralth bl ei. .. .i , ' s I 1 1 hook -lar. 4I84V. Ml MO, I RUC M SITUATION t N I : COLLECTOR position In wants of rsf ffli A n s w YoUNG man, eolleg sttlon a sslesiiian erences. O 141, lahes po nc; rf- POSITION a manager. lector. Best of references. Oregonlsn. I. siiisn Answ or col- 1' 14.-.. M i -i . 1 ! n ' on ALL-AROUND l.iuiidryiunci and wlf wsnts position in Institution or untntn laun.H' city or country; mnn flrpl-cl" tri li work whr. understands boiler and en gine; also marker and dlsttlbutor and starcher; wlf flrstcl fsnrr hsnd Ironer. "California leicrenres. AM 141. Oregonian. MECHANIC All-round, steady young 10 yars' experlnc with ina. hiiiery,' wants work In automobile repair shop to icsrn the work. A B 1 4 J. Oregon isn . MAN and wlf. 0rmn. wih poltla; woman to rook, man ss milker or chore man. Address M. S., Hotel Llnd. 24" Ash sL. room 0 YOUNG man wants polllor ins tn chine, married ana sonrr, 'n ' "" mechanical experience and one year drl Ing In city. All 14i,on gonlsn. CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, experienced, wsn's position In prlvste family, do on rPu lug; references. I' I. '. Oregonian. JAPANESE wish position as I '; good cook; city reference M 148. Or- aapian. PACKER and shlppta clerk. Industrious; best reference gonlan. MIDDLE-AGED, handy with tools. H8M r. wnt work bdly. any kind. Mala 48. room 80. . BOOKKEEPER, occupied, wsnts a small s-t of books to keep during spsr tlm. r 14 Oregonian. YOUNG man, excellent education wishes -re. I II position, anything nonorauiw 1 lo irrgonlan. PRINTER All -an tent wants stea A. M Rhoads. ind YOUNG married n and repair sulos. Mala kind, can drive 2396. STATIONARY boiler fltem experience would like and of good habits. AV ears III.. I WA.Nl'ED I'i log, all no) reference. 'hanging ed; very 1 2. or ttui bcat o( COMPETENT licensed chauffeur wishes pos ition with private family. A 1 references. A 149. oregonian. CARPENTER r. s;..u. sine. II VI FFEUR mn. city or country. . Is. r g PAINTING. tlnOn., papering; "r,5 n'' prtie right. J. A. IXnnett. Ksst llT. JAPANESE, experienced rook waul frMltlnn Janot work In family. M urHwit-i. OlWlrenmnra ye.r.' '.pirlrnre. F. Bus- bee. 30HJ Adams. Oregon t uy. CARPENTER f. r. wsnts slt.isllon. dsy or contract. 6014 491 n st. n. a. Kin ATIONS U NTI l I I.MAI X. "BakM- mm4 Wsiawisr. it mink K l.'EPKIt. several nonrs war lay. Als tent ste l.oxrspln 4213. in Main RTKNOORAPHKIt with work; will tak d t'i"" 6. call evenings. East EXPERIENCED slenogrs sltlon; refersnces. I. 1, china wants ore t r after desire po- CORSETS ms and to th r tsfactlon gu Mrs. penros 404 I in. MODISTE, using Ki make su East Bi I'rancl' i. MODISTE. Ilrsl day or horn. Hotal. I SB, V Room asonable. by Washington .ins. MAE MAI dresses, a WANTED dresses, c dressmak. WANTED -dresstnake ID'tm, . Main by day alteration. n s work. A I3l. A for Slewing r.-fi't io reliable GOOD dr.smklng. ltrtlon. Phons Marshall 18. PRENCII dressmaker by dy or Phone after 7 P. M.. Sellwood 31 DRESSMAKING nd ladles' tsllorl day, $3: experlenied. Tabor 4" br dsy. by lbs .ii CHILD'S NURSE BUREAU. Experienced child's nurses, 25 cent per hour and carfsr. Call Maui 1663. A T426. Sunday. Woodlawn PRIVATE rjomo, trlned forts. lnv!ldo, elderly. MIL UNDERGRADUATE nurs wsnts confine ment eases; reasonable Main 8878. MATERNITY home. Tabor 261T. I4 E. 76th N. J. E. Walt. Housekeepers. MANAGING housekeeper for apartment house, or will keep house for widower Good references required snd given. Call Msrshall 833-. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires position as housekeeper far widower. AE 12.