Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 16, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Defeat of "Drys" in Committee
Accepted Without Con
test in Convention. .
"Woman Rurrrage, -Equalization ol
Tax Burdens, Initiative and Ref
erendum, Farm Ivoan Banks
Crged In Platform.
DES MOIXES. July 13. Prohibition
forces lost their battle for the Insertion
cf a plank favoring the re-submission
of the prohibition question to a vote
of the people at the Republican state
convention here today. The convention
did adopt a plank indorsing the present
liquor laws and commending- their en
forcement. The "drys" were defeated after a
long battle In the resolutions com
mittee, which finally voted unanimous
ly against putting such a plank in the
platform. There was no opposition In
the convention and the committee re
port went through without a hitch. No
attempt was made to revive the ques
tion on the floor of the convention. -
Contest Keen for Auditor.
The principal feature of the conven
tion was the nomination f Frank
Shaw, of Tama, for State Auditor,
thaw was nominated on the third bal
lot by a vote of 736 1-5. more than 200
above the majority needed to assure
his success. His nomination was then
made unanimous.
Twenty-one planks were carried in
the platform presented by the com
mittee. Among the more prominent
ones were indorsement of woman suf
frage, the equalisation of tax burdens,
the repeal of the non-partisan Judici
ary law and the shortening of the
present state election ballot.
Many Reforms Demanded.
Some of the other recommendations
by the committee and approved by the
convention were:
Opposition to child labor. Indorse
ment of the protective tariff, reform
In the methods of handling the Na
tional convention, trust control by
commission, shorter hours for women
workers, the establishment of custodial
farms, constructive school legislation.
Indorsement of the Initiative and refer
endum, preservation of the Iowa lakes.
Issuances of bonds for road building,
farm loan banks, changes in the elec
tion laws. Indorsement of the Republi
can officeholders, opposition to con
tract labor In the prisons and denunci
ation of the-Democratlc Administration.
(Contlnned From First PK.)
only had beard all that he had been
telllna- about, but naa -woraea it umi-
Ckaaffenr Stand Firm.
He stood firm on cross-examination,
saying he never had a serious quarrel
with Logan and was friendly to blm
Pressed by Attorney -Dennis, he ad
mitted going to Nevada and had
worked the "location" scheme.
"Did you misrepresent?' asked Mr.
Dennis. s
"All the locators did."
"Did you. personally?"
"Yes. I did," said Stafford, with a
shame-faced grin.
He said he never heard Logan say
he represented the Oregon & California
1?fl.na4 rnmnanw tint that Lo?&n &1-
ways claimed to represent a timber
200 to 300 Acknowledgments Made.
t r M.m.iion a T.rta Anere-les no
tary public, said in 1912 and 1913 he
was called to tne oince oi rreu xi -n hAcairi wn a anoarently work
ing' with Logan, 200 or 300 times to
take acknowledgments.
He said Logan, Brantner and others
-.. i j : . imnMcainii in a round-
WUU1U b 1 c LIIU
about way that the railroad company
was back or tnem.
it va.h a h rn ppsmaKer or
Watsoavllle. Cal.. testified he had in
vested with Logan ano naa iuu,ui..
Watsonvllle friends to invest.
Attorney Dennis asked Veach if he
had not been interested financially with
Logan. , -
Veach denied with emphasis.
n j. i.tiera Mr. Dennis
rrouuvtus -
asked Veach If he had ever seen them
before. ' . ...
With a red face, Veacn aanunea no
had. . .
The letters, which were irom veacn i
Logan, were read to the Jury by Mr.
A fourth letter was produced, warn
ing Logan that there was a little scare
in "ft'atsonville that Logan's proposl-
,vu vih said the fourth
letter had been written at the request
of a postofflce Inspector as a uecu, ...
Postal Inspector on. Stand.
M. M. Warren, the San Francisco
- 1 - 1.. t fnr whom Veach
wrote the fourth letter, testified as
to the circumstances of meeting' Veach
and making arrangements with him to
get evidence against Logan.
A. Karpoir, a macninmi -Berkeley.
Cal. said he paid 150 and
made a trio to Josephine County.vOre-
gon, to see his land.
"Logan told me it was levev " "
... r- rnn r, r, n .-a r, t tlmhr. I found
witn o,uv,vvv v. - -
a hill Impossible to climb, from which
the timber naa oeen cut -v j
He said he was one of several who
started a suit against Logan In Cali
fornia, . , . .
He Insisted Logan represented him
self as a Government agent.
Logan apparently was undaunted by
- .ainnf him and watched
the progress of the case alertly, fre-
quenuy supplying m
data and making suggestions.
The case will be continued today.
big trees for a background, as one
taken under these circumstances.
Stafford told of being engaged as
Logan's chauffeur for five or six
months during the Spring and Summer
of 1913. at which time, he said, Logan's
headquarters were In San Francisco
and Oakland. He said he had no other
employment while working for Logan,
except that he "boosted this O. & C.
1O0 Locations S'jld.
Stafford estimated that,' during the
time he waa with Logan, more than
100 "locations" were sold at $150 each.
"Logan did business mainly with
well-to-do people, didn't her' asked J.
C. Dennis, of Tacoma, Logan's attorney,
on cross-examination.
"They all had $150." answered Staf
ford. ,
"Was there a difference in Logan
when you were alone together, com
pared to when you were In the pres
ence of prospective applicants?" asked
District Attorney Reames.
The thing was a Joke to me, and
to him, too," said Stafford. "He used
to laugh about It when we were alone."
He said that Logan was serious and j
businesslike when there were "pros
pects" around.
"What would Logan say to you when
you were approaching a town In the
automobile?" asked Mr. Reames.
"We'll Dynamite It" Is Reply.
"He would say, 'We'll dynamite this
place,' " said Stafford.
"Did you know what he meant by
dynamite'?- asked Mr. Ream e a
"I object to the form of the ques
tion," interposed Attorney Dennis.
"You knew that he didn't really mean
that you were going to blow up the
town," persisted Mr. Reames, and Staf
ford said that be did.
Stafford said that Logan claimed to
be representing different concerns at
different times, among them the "Ore
gon Realty Company" and the "Oregon
Timber & Land Company."
"Did you ever come right out and
ask Logan as to the merits of the
proposition?" asked Mr. Reames.
Logan "Kind of Laughed."
"I asked him once," said Stafford,
"and he kind of laughed and said, 'They
may have a ofeance in ten years or so.' "
Stafford Identified the following ad
vertisement, which was read to the
Jury, as one having been used by Logan
in Sau Francisco newspapers to attract
'prospects": -
GOVERNMENT LANDS Homestead relin
quishments. 160 acres choice land, rich
loam soli: 80 acres level, balance slightly
rolling: two natural springs: good stream
running through place: 0 acre cleared
for cultivation: 40 acres pasture, fenced:
green grass year around: some good green
timber; three-room house, two additional
rooms almost finished: plenty of furniture
and cooking utensils: chicken-bouse,
smokehouse, barn 24x3o; six tons hay;
two work horses, wagon, farm Implements;
loo chickens, mostly laying hens; two
fresh cows; three hogs; two-seated hack:
good road to station; two and a half
miles to country school; large garden full
of vegetables, some fruit trees, etc; healthy
climate; owner will relinquish his right
and sacrifice for S120O; terms. S00O cash
down, balance to suit. Box 3004, Ex
aminer. Advertisement Pronounced Fake.
Stafford said that Logan, so far as
he knew, had no such land for Bale as
that described in the advertisement,
which was used as a means of getting
in touch with prospects.
He said that Logan's method of pre
senting the scheme varied with the
character of the prospect, but that
Logan always wonld begin by asking a
person if be had used his timber land
right, v "
"Would he tell them about the Gov
ernment's suit to recover the land?"
asked Distrlot Attorney Reames.
"Not unless they knew something
about It already." said Stafford.
He said, Logan told "prospects" that
"It was absolutely a sure thing, or we
couldn't sell is)"
Cross-examined,. Stafford said i not
Ex-Senator Saya Department's BUI
Permitting It to Fix Carriers'
Rates Is Preposterons.
nn Kriox'i a M KBWS BUREAU. Wash
ington. July 15 "In its persistent ef
forts to secure dictatorial puv.
Postofflce Department; has broken all
records." declares Ex-Senator Bourne,
of Oregon, chairman of a Joint com
mission studying the railway mail pay.
This commission Is being handicapped
in its work by the arbitrary authority
assumed by the Department and the
ex-Senator finds It necessary to call
public attention again to the fact that
an executive department of the Gov
ernment Is literally usurping the power
,.t i-isiitlnn. as well as encroaching
on the power of other co-ordinate
brandies 01 me rsunu
Bourne says:
"The Department bill provides that
not exceeding" certain rates shall be
paid to steam railroads for transporta
tion of the mail. The same bill also
contains a clause compelling the rail
roads to carry mall.
"It ls contended that 'not-exceeding
is but a continuance of existing law;
but heretofore the railroads have not
been compelled by law to carry malL
They are supposed to have accepted
- - vnlnf.pv act which in
Itself was assumed to be sufficient
guarantee that rates win not oc
low. and it was only necessary for Con
gress to fix maximum rates. This as
sumption was not Houuu.
1 ...A horHlv rinra to refuse to
carry mail, because of irritation re
sultant from sucn action 111 o.
munlty In which the road operates.
"The Interstate Commerce Commis
sion is now authorized to fix maximum
. ..a it h.inir left to the rail
roads to fix the minimum. It would be
considered preposterous mat iuo -
.--1 -1 . , 1 ,1 rr ia minimum rates
III 1 HI II Blivmu ' "
at which railroads must carry freight
and leave tne snippers 10
mum. Yet this Is the very thing that
the Postofflce Department proposes for
mail pay In the departmental bill. Con
gress Is to fix the maximum rates and
the shipper the Postofflce Department
(a to fix the minimum rates, and the
railroads are to be compelled to carry
11 11 Thl. 1 a a nr-inA.nltlnn with-
ino mail. f- 1
out parallel in the history of rate reg
ulation. It is pureancracy run
Votes ou Opposite Sides of Federal
Trade Commission.
ington. July 15. Senators Chamberlain
and Lane voiced conflicting views on
.1... Af thA Senate committee
lllC p-OH". -
on appropriations to cut down the ap
propriation for tne r eoerai irauo v-um-mission
from $200,000 to $50,000. This
amendment, as was pointed out in de
bate, was the only Instance in the en
tire sundry civil bill where the Senate
had undertaken to reduce the amount
.11. kv th House of Representa
tives. Every other Senate amendment.
if it changed the amount appropriated,
provided for an Increase.
Senator Chamberlain Is a member of
the appropriations committee, and
voted for the reduction. Senator Lane
took the opposite view and criticised
V. eton rt thAM Whll. Whllfl RDDFO-
prlatlng liberally for less Important
departments of Government wont, were
trying to economize on what he re
garded as an Important line of work
that has only recently been undertak
en by the Government.
North Takima Jurist, Democrat, to
Try for Supreme Court.
(Special.) Judge E. B. Preble, of the
Takima County Superior Court, will
file as a candidate for the nomination
on the Democratic ticket for -Justice
of the Washington Supreme Court.
He will enter the race soon after the
tat convention la Seattle) July. IS.
Utah Progressives Join Demo
crats in Effort to Defeat
'Stand-Pat5 Senator.
Agreement Kept to Divide Offices
Between Opposing Elements Ri
val for Place Is Woolman,
but Wants Free Trade.
SALT LAKE CITT. July 15. (Spe
cial) Democrats and Bull Moosers
have combined in this state to prevent
the re-election of Reed Smoot to the
United States Senate.
Th irnvA cantered their strengtn
on James H. Moyle, a prominent Salt
Lake City lawyer and a woolgrower
who believes In keeping wool on tne
. no xri MnvU ba been nomi
nated by the Democrats and indorsed
by the Progressives.
Utah still operates under a moameu
party convention system. The Demo
cratic convention was 'held a few weeks
ago. While the Republicans have still
to hold their convention, the nomina
tion of Senator Smoot to succeed him
self is conceded. He has no opposition.
Mormon Gentile Agreement Kept.
r, Vnrmnn nilAHtion. Which haS
complicated the political situation of
rw.i. mflnv vauts. will not be a
factor In this year's campaign. Both
Senatorial candidates are jnormou.
This situation is aue to an uuu"..
but well understood and well Kept
agreement reached a few years ago wiaj
Utah's representation in Congress shall
h. riiviried eaually between the Mor
mons and the Gentiles. Senator Suth
erland, whose term expires in
a Gentile. It is concedea, tnereiore.
that the Senator elected this year shall
be a Mormon. As Senator broooi is
prominently connected with the Mor-
- th. riAmnrrats were care
ful In seleetlng a Mormon to oppose
Mr. Moyle has been prominent in the
affairs of the Democratic party in Utah
for many years. Unlike most wool
growers he does not believe the wool
Industry needs protection. In fact, he
startled the convention of the National
Woolgrowers' Association last winter
by expressing his opposition to a tariff
on wool. He came out flat-footed for
free trade.
Smoot Wauls Doty on Wool.
Senator Smoot Is weir known as a
protectionist. It is predicted that he
will favor a revision of the present
tariff law so that it will replace the
duty on wool. His friends declare his
campaign will be conducted on strictly
party lines on the theory that the re
. ... . a y a riATTinr.rats and Progres
sives have been promising can best be
brought aDout tnrouKn mo ciiui;i..
The Progressives are determined to
defeat Senator Smoot, regardless of the
free trade proclivities of his opponent
in... ,.r tn him as a "stand-patter,"
and accuse him of opposing many Pro
gressive rerorms.
So far as the Democrats are con
cerned they are eager to defeat Sen
ator Smoot principally for the sake of
replacing a Republican Senator with a
member of their own party. Then, too,
they fear some of the Democratic Sen
ators whose terms are about to ex
pire will not be re-elected, and that
states like Utah which have Republi
can Senators up for re-election must
defeat the incumbents to maintain the
present Democratic majority in the
Smoot Supporters Confident.
The Smoot supporters are confident.
They depend, first, on the solid support
of the Republican voters. To this they
add a substantial defection from the
Bull Moose ranks. This defection 'has
been apparent in the various local elec
tions held since the contest of 1912.
In that year the Taft electors re
ceived 42.100 votes in Utah. The Wil
son vote was S6.579, and that of Roose
velt 24,174, giving the Democrats and
Progressives combined 60,703 votes a
majority of more than IS.000 over the
Republicans. This majority, the Re
publican leaders point out. would be
overcome by a defection of only a lit
tle more than 9000 Progressives to the
Republican ranks. They believe the
return to the old party, has been In
even heavier degree than this.
On the other hand, the Democrats
aver that in 1912 the Mormon vote was
. cniiHiv for Taft. Since the
Mormon question is not to be a factor
in this campaign tney aeciaro iul
lot of Taft voters this year will sup
port Mr. Moyle.
However, If there is any disposition
on the part of the Mormons to line up aif h a, nnA nf thA two candidates
and there is some suggestion that
there will be it is Deuevea. mat mis
support will go to Smoot,
Order Refuses to Provide at Present
for National Journal Sessions
Will End Today.
DENVER, July 15. The Grand Lodge
of Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, in golden jubilee session here for
the annual National reunion of the or
der, completed the principal part of its
work today and adjourned for a final
session tomorrow.
It refused to- provide, at present, for
the publication of a Natipnal Elks'
journal; disapproved a proposition to
make members who have served as sec
retaries of subordinate lodges for ten
consecutive years members of the
grand lodge; condemned the use of the
National anthem for advertising pur
poses, and approved a resolution ex
tending fraternal good will to Confed
erate and Union veterans of the Civil
War. V
Acting on the recommendation of the
retiring grand exalted ruler, Edward
Leach, the grand lodge rescinded its
action of a year ago and reinstituted
5000 population as a requisite for a
lodge dispensation, stipulating, how
ever, "5000 white"' population. This
caused a protest , from Southern dele
gates and the subject was referred to
a committee.
Northwest Postmasters Named.
ington, July 15. The President today
nominated Mrs. Diana Snyder to suc
ceed herself as postraastor at Aurora,
Or John D. Medlll was nominated
for postmaster at .North. TaUmavWass.
July Clearance Sales With Positive Economies
To Help Keep This New Store New
Now , Gomes the July Clearance Sale of
Shoes for Women, Men and Children
White Nubuck and Dull Calf Pumps $1.95
Selling Up to $4.00 Pair
Women's $6.00 Pumps for $2.95
Black Satin, Cray and Brown Suede Pumps With Light Welt
Soles and Cuban Heels.
$5.00 Colonial Pumps $3.95
Women's patent and dull calf Colonials with buckles on vamp, plain
toe models, Cuban and Louis heels.
Novelty Pumps Selling to $6.50 for $4.95
Women's novelties in Colonial pumps, with gray and fawn doth or buck
quarters, arid also black silk vesting quarters, all with Louis heels.
Women's $8.0a Colonials for $5.95
Women's bench-made Colonials and pumps of imported patent calf or
demi-calf, plain custom last. , ,
This is an unusual assemblage of Summer footwear even for the Lipman-Wolfe
Shoe Store.
It is a general Summer clearance of fashionable and comfortable footwear
standard makes, materials and styles.
The correctness of your Summer shoes is best assured by choosing from this wide
and varied collection, as every pair is new this season and does not represent shoes
left over from many seasons gone by. for OUR SHOE STORE is new shoe
store, which is in itself proof positive of its up-to-dateness. .....
Good dressing these days demands, as every woman knows, a more discriminating
diversity of footwear than ever before, and the most discriminating of women can
be perfectly fitted in these shoes.
In this sale, owing to the deep reductions, no shoes will be sent on
approval and none will be exchanged.
$1.50 Ankle Strap Pumps, Clearance 95c
Ankle-strap slippers in white nubuck. tan Russian calf and black
suede, with turn soles. Sizes 2 to 8.
Children's Shoes to $2.75, Clearance $1.60
Misses' and children's white nubuck Mary Janes, in tan calf and
gunmetal calf, with welt soles. Sizes from 8 to 2.
$2.00 Play Shoes, Clearance $1.45
Children's play shoes in tan willow calf and gunmetal calf. In sizes
from 6 to 1 2.
Barefoot Sandals to $1.50, Clearance 95c
Tan bag leather uppers, heavy edge, flexible sole. Sizes from 5 in
children's sizes up to 2 in misses' sizes.
From the Men's Section
Men's $4.00 Oxfords, Clearance $2.65
500 pairs of men's standard $4.00 Oxfords in tan Russia calf nd
dull calf. Blucher lace and button styles.
Boys' Shoes Up to $2.75, Clearance $1.95
Boys' tan Russia calf and gunmetal calf Oxfords.
150 Smart, Trimmed Hats
Selling Regularly at $7.50
20s jk. mer a
For $1.95
Medium shapes, close fit
ting shapes and brim hats on
the sailor order, roll brims and
drooping brims.
Hats of Tagal, hemp and
silk straws.
Trimmed with ribbons,
flowers and silks, in light and
rlark colors.
One of the best assortments of fine trimmed hats ever offered
at $1.95. This is a general clearance of our regular $7.50 styles
and there is not one hat in the assortment that docs not represent
one of this season's best styles. '' ' Second Floor
-4 -
Today--"Dress Cotton Day"
65c, 60c and 50c New Tub Fabrics
25c the Yard ;
For today dozens of yards of lovely dress cottons, some medium
weights, some sheer, will be offered at 25c yard.
Every yard of these fabrics is desirable.
Such materials as rice finished nub voile in solid colors, plain
colored cotton crepe de chine, plain colors in pebble weave, silk
mixed materials and printed floral designed voiles.
AH fresh, clean, good merchandise, which, because of July Clear-'
ance sales, must be sold for less in-order to prepare this department
for the new merchandise of a new season.
These materials are suitable for women's waists, dresses, skirts
and children's frocks.
75c Ratine Stripes and Plaids 35c
36 inches wide, soft finish materials in multi-colored plaids and
stripes. A medium weight fabric in dark and medium light effects.
Also the latest construction in ratine weave in a
medium weight, in solid colors, such as old rose, pink,,
peach, light blue and Copenhagen. 36 inches wide.
15c White Linene Suiting 9c Yard
A. medium weight white linen finish suiting especially' suitable for
skirts middy blouses, outing suits and children's apparel. 32 inches
wide. . Basement
Seldom Such a Chance as This
To Buy Jersey Silk
Petticoats at $1.98
This most unusual sale was made
possible by an exceptional purchase and
an economy event that comes at the
time when economies are most appre
ciated. ,
Many a woman who wants a really
handsome silk petticoat foregoes
the luxury because she cannot get
the quality and style she wants at
the price she cares to pay.
We have solved all this in this
sale, as the petticoats are made of
a fine grade of Jersey silk, hay
ing a deep knife-pleated satin
In black, green, nary blue,
Copenhagen blue, peacock, pur
ple and wistaria. Third Floor
Pictorial Review Patterns
Special Styles for Vacation Time
These new Summer styles are delightfully different from
those you have been accustomed to and are really early ad
vanced Fall modes. Second Floor.
1000 House Dresses
From a Celebrated Maker Just Received
Go on Sale at 95c
But Are Regular $1.50, $1.75 Dresses
We are not boastful in saying that these are the best
dresses of their kind from this well-known maker.
Splendid qualities of gingham and percale have been
used in their making, and the seams and hems are as
neatly finished as any home dressmaker would have them.
The colorings and designs are conservative, being light
blue. lavenders, navy, black-and-white checks and pink
in plain colors, figured and plaid effects.
Made with vest effects of plain colored percale, or
small Byron collars, sailor collars. V-neck styles, side
button effects and yoke effects of plain percales or revers
of embroidery.
In sizes from 34 to 46.
Some of these percale dresses have fancy figured pique
collars and cuffs and Persian bandings.
House Dress Aprons, Clearance 59c
These aprons are made in the dress style, open on the
side, having pocket and belt and bias band finish. In
light figured percales.
Seersucker Coverall Aprons, Clearance 75c
For the warm Summer days these aprons are especially popular.
Made of seersucker in blue. pink, tan and lavender stripes. Made with
J sKort kimono sleeves, belt across me Dacn. inc yoc.
uv z . i . l i
ruuuu u.-. , c.-.L r-l.
leeves and pocket are trimmed in plain colors. rowm rwoi
Cool House Sacques, Clearance 48c
Made of lawn in a great variety of pretty designs and
colorings. They have pleats over the shoulder, and arm
made in belted style with becoming peplum, round coU
lar and elbow sleeves. Sleeves and collar are finished with
embroidery edge. Fourth Floor.
Four Special Offerings in
Matting' Covered Suit Cases
$1.48, $1.65, $1.98 and $3.25
We have ready a collection of about one hundred splendid
suitcases, made by one of the best matting suitcase makers in the
country. . ,
The suitcases at $1.48 are covered with Japanese matting built over
light wood frames, having leather corners, heavy bolts and locks. Size
24 inches. ... j
Suitcases at $1.65 have steel frames with iron corners and are extra
!The suitcases at $1.98 sell regularly at $2.25, having leather corners
.and two straps all around. .
The suitcases at $3.25 are our regular $3.75 cases, which are extra
wide, of real matting, two straps all around, sewed leather corners and inside
.;7. Basement
$1.00 W. B. Brassieres 69c
These brassieres are made of fine cambric in the cross
back style with lace insertion to form the round yoke and
embroidery medallions inset Sizes 32 to 44.
75c W. B. Brassieres 50c
These brassieres are made of cambric, having embroi
dery fronts and fashioned in the open-front style with
hooks and eyes. Sizes 34 to 42. Fourth Floor.
i r