10 tttt: motintvc cm to ontan-. Thursday, july . 16, 1914. HOP TRADE WAITING No Activity in Any of American Markets. CROP PROSPECTS GOOD World's Yield Promises to Equal Thut of Last Year, but Carry over Will Be Less Condi tions in England. There are no tigns of activity in tha hop market In any quarter. Buyers on th Coast and in the East are in a waiting mood, and exporters show no Interest. Crop prospects generally are from fair to food. Conditions, domestic and foreign, are almost Identical with a rear ago. It cannot be said, however, that the crop 1: safe, as there Is opportunity in the next si weeks for material changes to occur. Taking a broad view of the situation, ft nay be said that the world's yield prom Ue. at the present time, to be the same as In 1913. and requirements will also be the same, but the market has this advantage over last year's, the fact that the carry over Is only a third as large. The Oregon yards axe making a fine ap pea ranee. Very few Hce are to be found and there Is hardly any spraying, except on the low lying lands. The English crop. In the main. Is doing well, according to the following detailed re ports in the Kentish Observer, of July 2: Ash-Xext-Sandwlch The brilliant sun shine and higher temperature have greatly Improved the bfne. which now looks like reaching at least an average quantity very fruitful quality. Lice are kept unde control by successive washings. The situ ft .on is still critical and only a few dayi elapse until the leaves begin to show honey dew. Burr can be found In the Karly Whites and forward Bramllngs. No mould as yet to be found. Canterbury and district The bine h made rapid development since the hot wea ther set In, and the burr is already coming out on the Early Whites. All the bes cultivated plantations are giving excellent promise, and there should be an average crop of very tine quality. The bine is now practically clean, but washing has still been going on in some grounds during the pres nt veek. loud hurst district (Weald) The drought and tropical heat are proving rather too inurh for the weaker bine, but on the best rulrivated grounds the blna is dwtng re markably well and looks like growing large crop. Vermin Is still troublesome and some g.-owers are continuing to wash. Iedway Valley All the well-established bine throughout the valley continues to look full of vigor and Is evidently thriving In the bot weather, though the young plants would undoubtedly benefit by rain. Tbere is not so much washing being done now, though pom fly is still found. Pet hum and d5trict Where the hops have not been thoroughly washed there is enough rmin to caue anxiety. The cultivation Is very good In most grounds. Rain would do all hops good, more especially the young rones. which are beginning to show the ef fects of th drought. Sturry Hops show far too much honey- dew on the leaves and a dryness and entire lack of vigor. The washer Is at work con tlnually. Rain is wanted badly. The bine ts st a standstill and makes no progress. They do not look at all promising. Surrey In the majority of the grounds In the Farnham district the bine is progressing very satisfactorily under the Influence of tho hot weather, but in others there is not r that vigorous appearance which was appar ent a week ago. and rain Is very much wanted. Washing was still in operation st tho beginning of the present week, but In a good many grounds the aphis attack h been so light that It has not been considered necessary to go to the expense of washing. Worcestershire The brilliant weather Is having a good effect on the more vigorous Mno In the Worcester hop yards, and the Mathons and B ram lings are looking part leu larly well. Fugglea, however, appear to be In want of moro rain, which Is also ur gently required on the poorer soils, where tho blno Is not so strong. Washing is still being done In many yards, but tho aphis attack Is being gradually overcome. Conditions In Belgium, according to a re tort from A lost, dated June 2T. were: "The weather, by day time. Is favorable tho nights, however, are rather cool. The thick; licet mentioned In my previous report, hove brought deposit, and we must now wait to see If they Increase further. The Belgian quotations. 70s. elf., for September October delivery, aro moderate enough to at tract buyers attention. WHEAT MARKET VttD K KTOXE STEADY Japanese Aro Making Inquiries, but Indi cate Low Prices. Tho Sharp advances In the Liverpool and Chicago markets yesterday had a steadying effect on the wheat market here, but there was no change la prices, as buyers consider quotations already too high. In view of the Inability to make a&lea. Farmers are not dUpoaod 'to come down In their views, and it Is early yet for them to bo much of a factor on the selling side of the market. Tho only buyers In evidence aro tho Jap anese, and their bids aro materially under current quotations. Tho flour situation remains as previously reported. There is no Oriental Inquiry and there mar be none of consequence until lato n tho season. Tho Japanese In the meantime are Interested only In wheat, and Judging from their present offers their in terest In this Is not keen. Oats and barley aro quiet and unchanged. A little new-crop grain bay Is coming on the market. Local receipts in cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay Monday ... SO 19 13 2 9 Tuesday ft 8 7 7 C Wednesday 12 3 3 4 4 Year ago 3 9 1 2 Season t date.. 14 17 97 St 47 Tear ago 147 108 90 18 73 The world's wheat stocks July 1 were 129.9:8,000 bushels, or 37.081.000 bushels less than laet month, and 38.3 3 7,000 bush els under those of a year ago. They are the smallest at this time In years. American stocks decreased ever 19.588.600 bushels In June. Details are as follow in bushels: July June July 1. 1914. 1. 1914. 1, 1913. Af oaf For Europe 39.460.000 41,840,900 44.150,009 29.940.000 1.129.000 9,860. 000 64. 127,000 19.1S9.0OO In store In Europe Argentina Australia. I". 2 Canada... 23.430.O00 ST. MO 1,00.0)K 50.OOi) 9.S50.OO0 10.89.Oiift S7.412.00 5S.95.0M 1S.226.00O 2S.914.O09 Total... i:9.9?8.n00 167.059.000 158.376.000 The world's stock of wheat on July 1 for a series of years follows. In bushels: 3914 1913 112 1911 191 1909 190S 129.97t,OO0'1907. ... 15.37.OO0'19O6.... lS3.6.0OO'l?05 15l.664.OtVk 194 123.482.000 1903 M79.09O 99.331.000 1901 164.849,000 133.7O2.0ff0 125.610,009 123,327,000 103.fi31.0O0 10S. 827.000 142,417.000 HIGH CONDITIO! OF VABJOrS CROPS early All Leading Products Doing Better Than Year Ago. The composite condition of all crops of tho United States on July 1 was about 1. 4 per cent above their ten-year average condition on that date. Last year the July 1 condition of all .crops was 1.7 per cent below tho ten-year average, but prospects declined as the season advanced, the No vember, or final, reports last year being 6.7 per cent below the ten-year average. Consequently, present conditions are about .T per cent better than tho outturn of 1 crops last year. . I Tho growing; ' condition of tho various I crop's on July 1, expressed n percentage of their .ten-year average (not the normal) on July 1 was as follows: Winter wheat .. -117.3!Beans (dry) ....100.8 pears 110.0'Peaches 99.3 Barley 109.7 Hay 93.7 Spring wheat r09.1Onions 95.4 Apples 108.1 Potatoes ........ 94.3 Alfalfa 106.6'pasture 93.7 Lemons 104.9'Cabbages 93.3 Oranges lo4.6'Blackberries .... 91.8 Rye 103. S'Llma beans 90.9 Grapes 103.5'Tomatoes 89.3 Hops 103.2 Timothy hay 88.4 Corn 101.3'Sweet potatoes... 88.3 Oats 101.0'CIover hay Sa.l Cantaloupes . . . .101.0! VALENCIA ORANGES ARE ADVANCING Market Is Quarter Higher Than Week Ago, but Price Is Still Cheap. There has been a continuous advance In Valencia oranges and prices In California are now 35 cents higher than a week ago, The local quotation of 32.75'3 on fancy grades, however, is reasonable. Valencias are now from 75 cents to $1.25 cheaper than usual at this time. The qual ity of the crop is fine. Nothing but Va lencia oranges are now left In the South. Five cars of oranges and two of lemons will be on the steamer out Friday. Local receipts of peaches were heavy. A large percentage of the Oregon fruit was soft and sold low. Prices on the street had an extreme range of 25 to 90 ocnts. Not many California peaches were on hand. Watermelons and cantaloupes were In active demand. Good cantaloupes were very scarce. Locaf cucumbers are arriving more freely and were lower at 5075 cents a box. A car of Merced tomatoes was received. POULTRY DEMAND EQUAL TO 60FPLY Borers Object to Paying Recent High Prices xor eat. Poultry receipts yesterday were fair, but were not too large for the market. Hens sold generally at 15 cents, and Springs at 1820 cents. Veal was as scarce as ever, but buyers ob jected to paying extreme prices, and 14 cents was as high as most of them would go. Dressed pork was firm. The egg market Is drifting along at the prices that have ruled for some time past. Un can died eggs are hardly quotable. J Butter and cheese are steady at tho new prices that became effective earlier in the week. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday weru us follows: Clearings. Balances, Portland I1.SU1.0.U ,126.424 Seattle 2.11A2S. 221.283 Tacoma 321.237 l)9.02i) Spokane 77H.078 1U1.001 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Club, 77 78c forty-fold. 73c; bluestem, 82c; red Russian. 76e: Turkey red. hoc. M1LLFEED Bran. ,21 per ton; snorts. S26: middlings. S31. OATS No. 1 wnite mining, ff.'.'.ou per ton. FLOUR Patents. ft.tO per barrel straights. $4.20: exports. S3. 90; valley. 14.50 graham. 14.S0; whole wheat. 15. BAR1.EV Feed. S2icr2i.u0 per ton; brew. Ina. I22..10: rolled. 2S .'.( ha a (.noire tlmotny. sistri: mixea. timothy, J12fcl5; valley grain bay. 110 11 alfalfa. XT 2. CORN Whole, $S5; cracked. JJS per toe. Fruit and Vegetable. Loral Jobbing quotations; TROPICAL. FRl'ITS Oranges. tl.7.'.f8 per box; lemons, $.1.j0i t per box: bananas, 4t4c per pound; grapefruit, California, J.14..-il( EI5KTABL.KS Cucumbers, 50 7.e per box; eggplant. ixr per pound; peppers. 20c per pound; radishes, 15ol7Vsc per dosen head lettuce. $1.75 per crate; artichokes. 85c per dosen; celery, SOc&Sl per dosen omaioes. ttocasl.2.. per crate; spinach, btv 7c per pound; rhubarb. 2Wffilo per pound cabbage, 1H Per pound; asparagus. 'II &1.50 doxen: peas. Dfo6c per pound: beans. 4 5 6e per pound; corn, 30 35c per dosen. ONIONS Red, si.zs: yellow, JJ.Z5 per sack: Walla Walla. 13.25. GREEN FRUITS Apples, old, llffl.75 box; new. 75c4rS1.60 per box; cherries, 668c per pound; aprlcors, alt?!. 15 per box cantaloupes, I3&2.75 per crate; peaches. 25r9c per. box: plums. 75c.fi 41. 5; -watermelons. -IHa per pound; casabas. - $2?.25 per doxen; pears, 52.25 per box blackber ries. SI. 25 per crate. V POTATOES Oregon, sew. 114 0H4C per pound. Dairy and Country Produce. Local jobbing quotation: EGOS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. I3f23ic: candled. 25926a per dozen. POULTRY Mens. IOC; springs, ' IS S30e: turkeys. 20'fl22c; dressed, choice, 25c; ducks, ll12tec; geese, 10(9 He. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, 2oc per pound: cubes. 194Cr31c. cheese uregon triplets. joDDers- buying price, 15 per pound f. o. b. dock Port land; Young America, lftVio per pound. PORK Flock. llUHo per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13y.$14c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local lobbing quotation: SALMON Columbia River one-pound alls, $2.25 per doxen; half-pound flata. 1.40: one-pound tints. 2.4s: Alaska pink. one-pound tails. 85c; allversides. one-pound tails. J 1.25. HONEY Choice. J3.5n5pj.7j per case. NUTS Walnuts, 14;oo per pound Brazil nut. JOc; filberts. 14915c; almond. 9 4 28c; peanuts. ctrsVjc: cocoanuts. SI per oxen; chestnuts, IVivlOo per pound; pe can. 14 915a BEANS Small white, ihc; large white. Ur; Lima, sc; pink, e.isc; Mexican. 7c iavou. ftc. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 10Q520 per pouno. SUGAR Fruit ana berry. 35.05: beet. $4.05; extra C. 34.66; powdered. In barrels. 15.30. SALT Granulated. 516.50 per ton; hair ground. 100a. $10.75 per ton; 60. 31L60 per ton, dairy, 314 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan, 4U.fi 5c: Southern bead. S4&7Hc; Island, SOSHo. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10V 0110 Per pound; apricota. 4 etzsc; peaches. SOllc; prune. Italians. 10412Hc; currants. 9"c: raisins, loose Muscatel, Vi07Ho; bleached Thompson, llfec; unbleached 8ultanaa.. 8c seeded. 0c; dates, Persian, 707Hc per pound fard. 31.40 per box. FIGS Packages. 8-ox.. SO to box. 51.85 ackage; 10-ox.. 13 to box. ooc; white. 25-lb. box. 31.76: black. I6-lb.-box. S1.75: black. SO-lb. box, $2.50; black. 10-Ib. box. $1.15; Calarab candy figs. 20-lb. box. $3; Smyrna, per box. $1.50. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 113 crop, prime and choice. 140 16c: 1014 contracts, nominal. PELTS Dry. 12e; dry short wool. 9c; dry shearings. 10c: green shearings. lSBSOc; salted sheep. $1.2501.50; Spring lamb. 2i- 35c. HIDES Salted hide, 13 o per sound: salt kip. 14c; salted calf, 18o; green hides. 12toc; dry niaes, oc; ory can, zsc; saitea ulle, 10c per pouna; green Duns, 3 He. WOOL Valley, is(s--'lc; eastern Ore gon. h:ohc HOHAiK cup, kmc per pouna. CASCARA BARK Old and new, 4 Mo per pound. . ' GRAIN PAOa in car lots. e-JsC. Provision. HAMS 10 to U-pound, ltt02Ottc; 11 to 14-pound, ltt20ttc; 14 to 18-pound. 1J H o -"He: skinned, isjj-'uc; picnic, 130. BACON Fancy. zfjuc; stanaara, 3Zft 0 35c. dki halt uuk tu anon ciear back. 13Vtfl(Kc; exports, 14016c; plates. 110 13c LARD Tierce basis. Pure, izeijc; com pound. 9 0. Oils. KEROSENE Water white, drama, bar rels or tank wagon, 10c; special, drums or barrels. UHc; cases. 17ttt20c. GASOLINE Bulk. 15Uc; cases. I3Uo: motor spirit, bulk. 15c; cases, 32se. Eo ine distillate, drums. 7fec; cases, 14Vio; aptha, drums, 14Hc; caees, 21Hc. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. Clc; boiled. barrels, 53c; raw. cases, 66c; boiled, cues. tc TURPENTINE In case. S5o per gallon: tank. 53c Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July 15. Conner dull. Soot nd September. 13.356 13.75c: electrolytic 13.ti2613.S7c; lake, nominal; casting, 13.50 15.62c Tin quiet. Spot, Sl.45S31.55c: Septem ber. 31.50 31.65c. Antimony, dull. Cookson , 7.120 7.25c Iron, quiet, unchanged. Lead dull at 3.S5& 3.U5c; London, 119 2s 64 Spelter, quiet at 4.9595.05c; London, 21 12s od. ; BREAK N NEW HAVEN SmaH Holders of Stock Rush to Unload. BOND PRICES ALSO DROP Depression of These Issues Has Ad' verse Influence on General List. Shorts Help Along: Declin ing Movement. NEW YORK, July 15. Unsettlement, which at times verged upon demoralisation, overtook today's 8toc market. New Haven was again the storm center, declining oti points on steady offerings, individually small. but in the aggregate large enough to make that stock the most active of the day. New Haven Cs droDDed 6A4 tramt and the 4tes of the New York, Westchester A Boston, under New Haven's guarantee, were again weak, with a loss of two points. It was not until the latter part of the day that the general recessslon set In, beginning with New York Central, which abruptly declined on what appeared to De Dear sell ing. That stock also recorded its lowest price In years. The market at the close turned firm. The bond market naturally reflected th weakness In stocks, with new low records of a few of the speculative isssues. Total sales, par value, 12,025,000. . CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson & Co., Lewli building. Port'land. Closing sales. High. 70" 24 27 K 00 B1H SV 6514 Low. Bid Allls-Chal Ama! Copper . . 8.7"" Am Beet Sugar. S"0 Am Can Co 1.2(K 6Si 23 2B 51 SS 64 'A 69 234 do preferred.. 200 80 Am Car &. Fdy.. 500 Am Cotton Oil. . 500 Am Sinel & Ref 2.400 51 4 3 65 do preferred Am Sugar pf 103 1; 1124 1184 Am Tel & Tel. . Am Tobacco 8.600 J1B54 2oo rf?H ns 22s so 14 118 P7'i 87 90H 183 46 13Wi 1304 !7 36 2-'S Anaconda fiOO Atl Coast Line.. 200 AT Santa Fe 2,200 Bait & Ohio ... 15.RO0 Brook R Tran.. 1.100 Canadian Tac .. 2S.100 HO' 110 1 47 13 H 130 14 0814 36 30 11S ST 90 1!4 C & O 3.600 4 C & O W C A N W C. M St Paul. Central Leather Central of N J.. Chlno Col Fuel A Iron Col Southern . . . Consol Gas . . .. D I. ft W D R O instilling Secur. Erie General Electric Gt North Ore .. Gt North pf ... Illinois Central. Interboro Metro. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. K C Southern,. I-ehlgh Vsllev .. Louis Sc Nash . . Mexican Central M. S P S S M Mo, Kan & Tex Mo Pacific National Lead.. Nat Biscuit ... do p referred.. New Haven . . . N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont & Wes Norfolk & West North America.. Northern Pac . . Pacific Mall .... I'arlflc T ft T. . do preferred.. Pennsylvania ... Peoples Gas ... Reading Republic S ft I. . Rock Island Co. Southern Pacific Southern Ry . . . TfUS Oil Union Pacific . . do preferred.. 200 60O 1.700 1.900 13 1M0 4 08 V. 36 200 404 600 40 40 Vj 254 224 I0O 128 12S "'64 14 27i 1464 1 " 2 1114 13 63 4 105 iariV 138 120" ' 13 10 12S S974 6 4 200 400 B.5HO 400 ' '600 200 300 ion 4 14 2SVt 147 122', si 41 14 63 ( 14 27 4 147 31 121 111 13 62 27 136 137 11 122 2 ion 100 200 noo 16.500 1371.4 lS 144 12 134 114 4.- 129 12.1 42.500 22,700 400 400 514 S8"i 20H 104H sr. m, 204 103 V 20 i 1 "3 714 1.800 1094 1084 'is.fioo m" ioriii' 39.400 i3'i' joi" oo 2 21 1.20 Hi 1 15.800 06S 9.-.U 2 200 23 22 l.SOO 141 1394 45.700 154 154s 400 82T 82i 45.500 61 504 1.00O 100S 100, 2,200 57 4 58 4 "1.200 risii RSi 8.000 71 78 22 Vj 22 84 110 1194 102 4 21 , 14 06 224 130 4 .r5 83 U S S( eel Cor.. 60 4 do preferred.. W4 M2 Utah Copper . . . Wsbash Western Union.. 5R11 Westing fclec. 78V4 Wisconsin Cent- 38 4 Total sales for the day. 365.000 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck ft Cooke Co.. Board of Trade building, r-omauu, Bid. Asked. Atch Gen 4s Atl Coast Line 1st 4s B ft O Gold 4s B P. T 4s Chei A O 44s O M ft Ft P Gen 44s C R I Col 4s 91 4 95 . . 93 93 4 93 4 .. 934 . . 8-1 . . 93 ..1024 . . 25 .. 92 4 .. 97 ..72 4 .. 774 . . 96 .. 44 . . 82 4 .. 95 . . 95 . . 904 . 92 . 90 Vi .1001, . 954 . 70 . 924 . 89 4 ..104 4 . 72 . 58 4 . 94 .1024 . 93 . 48 . 94 . 88 . 34 90 4 102 25 4 Cal Gas 5s O B Q Joint 4s..,.... Erie Gen 4s 9.1 97 734 77 4 Int Met 4 4S Louisville A Nash Un 4s Missouri Pac 4s N Y C Gen S4s 06 44 824 N W 1st Con 4s Northern Pac 4s 954 95 90 Oregon Short Line Ret 4S... Oregon Ry Nav 4s Pac Tel 5s penna Con 4s Reading Gen 4s St L ft San Fran P.ef 4s 9314 97 1O0H 954 704 92 4 004 lo 734 '95" 103 93 50 96 884 41 So P Ref 4s j..... S V Col 4s ... . so Ry ns So Ry 4s Un Ry Inv 4s Un Pac 1st and Ref 4S II S Steel 5s West Shore 4s Wabash 4s W'house Elec cv 5s Wisconsin Central 4s Western Pac 5s Ktock at Boston. BOSTON. July 15. Closing quotations: Allouez ...1.... Amal Cop 69 4 A Z L ft SM 1054 Nevada Cor. ... 13 4 Nlulsslng. Mines. 5"! Norln Butte 24 14 49 7 55 H 5 "l .34 34 4 4H 10 56 24 39 36 Ariz Com 4 4 Oal ft Arizona .. 64 4 North Lake ... .Old Dominion . Osceola Quincy Shannon Superior Sup ft Bos Mln. Tamarack U S S R & M . . do pfd Utah Con Utah Cop Co .. Winona Wolverine Butte ft- Sup . . Cal & Hecla . ..402 Centennial 14 Cop Rg C Co... 35 4 K Muiie stm. " Franklin Granby Con ... 79 Greene Cananea 294 I Royalle(Cop) .. 19 Kerr Lake 6 4 Lake Copper .. ol4 La Salle Cop. .. 3 Mlanri Cop 22 Mohawk 44 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. July 15. Close: Mercantile paper, 3 $f44 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady; 60-day bill, $4.8520; demand, $4.8715. commercial ouis, .o . -.of. Bar sliver. 54 4 c. Mexican dollars, 424c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. heavy. ran monev Armor. 24tfi3 per cent: ruling rate. 3 per cent; closing bid, 342 per cent. Time loans, firm; 60 days, 2 per cent: 90 days, i per cent; six months, 44 4 per cent. RAN FRANCISCO, July 15. Silver bars. Drafts Sight, lc; do. teiegrapn, ac. Sterling in London, 60 day. $4.85: do. sight. $4.87. LONDON. July 15. Bar sliver Weak at 254 d: money. 141 Per cent: short bills. 2 24 per cent; three montns, zm'.5t per cent. Condition of the Treasury. Washington. July 15. The condition of the United State Treasury at the beginning of business today was: Net balance in general luna isj,mo,!j Total receiDts yesterday 2.220,636 Total pavments yesterday 2.755.146 - mi 1 1- en r c , nCQ The SUrplUB tnis Iiscai yr o f,uoi,vj, against a deficit of $15,822,055 last year, exclusive of Panama Canal and public debt transaction. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., July 15. Turpentine. irm. 43c; sales, 6S2; receipts, booa; ship ments. 24.342; stocks. 22.313. Rosin, firm; sales, os; receipts, 14m; shipment 14,139; stocks, 108,123. yuote: A, B. $3.70; C. D. E. $3.75; F. $3.77: G. H. 33.80: K. $4. 03; SI. s.u; rr j. $3.85; WW. $6.00. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. July 15. Coffee market wa firmer today. European cables showed com paratively little feature, but the continued firmness of the cost and freight market seemed to Inspire some scattered covering and after opening 1 point higher to 1 point lower, the market advanced on support from two or three of the more prominent trade brokers, who seemed to find very few buy- rs around the ring. ine ciose was is to IT point klajier. Kalas, 41.500 bags. In cluding switches. July, 8.48c: August, 8.45c; September. 8.55c; October, 8.65c; De cember. 8.85c; January, 8.90c; March, 9c; May, 0.07c. Spot steady, Rio, No. 7, 8c; Santos, No. 4, 114 c Mild coffee dull. Raw sugar easy. Molasses. 2.64c; centrifu gal, 3.28c. Refined, steady. London Wool Bale. LONDON. Julv 15. Offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 13.519 bales, principally cross-breds. The demana was brisk and prices were firm, Americans paying 10 per cent advance for nne greasy. Merinos were In short supply and in sell, ers' favor. Shabby slipes were Irregular. SAN . FRANCISCO PRODECB MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City on Fruits, Vegetables. Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. July 15. Fruit Pine apples. $1.50&3: Mexican limes. $4S; California lemons, $2.755.50. Vegetables Cucumbers. 4uc; green pea. 75c $1.25. Eggs Fancy rancn, 2s4c; store, :r-c Onions Red, $2.2502.35; yellow, $2.25 1.50. Cheese Young America. 14 915c; new. 10124c Butter Fancy creamery, 26c; seconds, Zdc Potatoes Delia new-crop Burbanks, per cental, sacks, $11.25; boxes, $11.35; new, l&14c; sweets, 5 (8 6c. Receipts Flour, 0422 quarter; barley, 19.200 centals; potatoes, 6005 sacks; hay. 244 tons. FORMER PRICES HOLD TRADE IS OF SMALL VOLUME AT NORTH PORTLAND, Limited Sales Reported of Cattle. Bogs, Sheep and Lambs at Prevail ing; Quotation. There wa no change In the livestock situ ation yesterday and not much business was transacted at tne yaras. rteceipis were moderate. Only a few loads of steers were sold ana most of them brought J6.30 and $9 40. Butcher cattle were hardly In evidence. The hog market was also inactive and for mer nrices were maintained. . Two loads of sheep and lambs, that brought ruling prices, made up tho transactions in the mutton di vision. . Receipts were 133 cattle, 223 Bogs ana .01 sheep. Shippers were: With cattle Mr. wnitesiae, jioseDurs. - ears. With hogs Hugh Cummlngs. corvanis, 1 car: Will Block, Amity, 1 car. With sheep J. Lovely, Oakland, . cars, with mixed loads W. B. Kurtz. Hunts Ferry. 1 car cattle and hogs; Portland Feed er Company, who drove in 77 mixed cattle. The day's ssjes 'were a ronows: Wt. Price. Wt Price. 2 hogs. 6 hogs. , . 88 $8.10 . . 225 8.50 , . 136 8.10 1 heifer. . 8 steers 14 steers 3 hogs . 10 hogs . 71 hogs . 890 JS.70 950 St0 353 125 lsi) 61 6.30 6.00 7.50 53 hogs. 14 steers ..12.13 6.40 8 steers 4 steers 2 cows ..1236 6.30 ..1562 6.30 ..1170 6.0" 133 lambs . 5.50 68 hogs 121 7.85 129 ewes 93 4.2: Current prices of the various classes of tock at the yards lonow: prime steers $6.70"37.00 6.50W 6.75 . ... 6.25f 6.50 6.OO411 6.10 5. 50 5.75 . ... 6.25 'r? 6.10 . ... 6.00 y 8.00 . . . . 3.00 ii 5.00 . ... 4.50(9 5.50 . ... 8.00W 8.50 . ... 7.00 (& 7.50 .... 4.00 4.75 Choice steers Medium steers Choice cows . . Medium cows Heifers Calves Bulls tags Hog Light Heavy Sheep Wethers wes . . . . 8.25 o 4.-' 4.50i 4.8; Yearlings .... Lambs . ... 5.50 6.00 Omaha Livestock Market. cniT'tir rtw4TT& Xeh.. .lulv 15. Hogs. t- in aoA ln.r Heavv 58.55418.10 light $8.45478.75; pigs $7.75'.Su; bulk J.ou tl 8.60. nit K.prmiH idi'i). bi. ......... tMMwm tTTAiliH: rnu nnri heifers $6.50'!l mm. western steers SG.50ers.3o; teers $6.00 ( 8.011; cows ana neners w.w lj7.50: calves $8.00Sp lO.oO. ik..n Reeelnts 7800. lower. Yearlings 6.00'J6.55: wethers $5.506.00; lambs $8.75 IBH.lo. rhlcaco Livestock Market. cHirion .inlv l .v Knzs Receints 30, 000. lower. Bulk $8.70(8 8.110: light il.nvy 8.95: mixed $S.45WS.05; heavy JS.rfOia s.uo ...., cafiitir.! jiinn ss.00ftr9.00. Cattle Receipts io.uuv. lowei. 7.7049.00: Bteers $6.40418.30: Btockers ani feeders $5.808'S.OO: cows and heifers $3.90 M Q 111- p. VM 7 . .,U ttr' J 1 . UU. .., r rmrt 1..,., Rh,.n n.25ioi6.10: yearlings $5,7547.30; lambs $6.30(8 9.10. Chicago Dairy Produce. PHIPAOO. .tulv 15. Butter, unchanged Fggs, lower: receipts. 13,573 cases: at mark, cases included. IScalSUc: ordinary rsts, 17 4 a 18c; ursts. n'lBinc Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. July 15. Evaporated apples ulet. Prune firm. Duluth Linseed Market PULUTH. July 15. Linseed. $1.63 ; July, 6Si; September. $1.63. Cotton Market. v-c-W YORK Julv 15. Soot cotton quiet Middling uplands, 13.25c, do. gulf, 13.5oc. No ales. IAKED IN FACES TEST JOE KKOWLES, WITHOI T MATCHES, TO PLUNGE IXTO FOREST. a to re Man to Remain 60 Day In VlldM, Gaining; Food, Shelter and Clothing With Sole Aid of Two Hands. GRANTS PASS, Or.. July 15. (Spe- ial.l Joe Knowles, artist-nature man and party returned to tirants rasa to day, after a short preliminary investi-i-atlnn of the hills of Southern Oregon Thev nr enthusiastic over the outlook and are fully convinced xney navo found the ideal locality and conditions nder which Knowles snail attempt ealn to show to the world mat man of today can live In the woods, Just as rimitive man did; procure iooa ana rotect and provide clothing lor one elf with only such weapons as nature cava him. Knowles claims to Know tne wooes n4 the wil.-i animals that Inhabit them better than any other living civilized man. He claims to be able to gather and make a wholesome meal ol nem. roots and plants, all of which practi cally are unknown to the ordinary man or household. Knowles says he believes his experi ment, if successful, ana ne imiy ex pects it to be. will prove of great sci entific benefit and give the younger generation a valuable object lesson, as welL The entire party will return to the vicinitv of the Josephine County caves, from where the start is to be ade itiursaay, wnen "un, " dav or two for prepartton, clad only in a breechclout, without so much as match with which to kindle a fire. III begin his 60-day experiment. Pro fessor Watterman, of the university or California, will be the nearest man to Knowles during the stay in tne wooes. for the purpose or seeing tnat tne ex periment is properly carried out, at the same time remaining far enough away to not Interfere with Knowles In any wav. while continlne to work their way daily further from tha haunts of man. The remainder of the party will remain in camp, near the starting place. Mother, III, Would See Son. COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. July 15. (Special.) Inquiry was received yes terday by H. Blgelow for Joe Hill, a former employe, stating that Mr. Hill's mother is 111 at her home In Georgia. Mr. Hill is thought to be in Portland and Mr. Bigelow will endeavor to lo cate him. Money was inclosed to pay Mr. Hill's fare to his mother's bedside. After studying the subject of the sup pression of noises in dwellings for several years a German scientist has decftled that the more solidly buildings are constructed the more quickly they -will convey sounds. TIS Wider Wheat Area Is Attacked by Plaguew- APPEARS ' llr MINNESOTA Keports Cause Advances in Chicago "Wheat Market Ranging; From 7-8 to 1 3-8 C4?nts Cables Are Also Bnllish. CHICAGO. Julv 15. Black rust report, more ominous than at any previous time thii season, formed one of the leading causes for an advance In the price of wheat. The market closed strong. Zi to H411o net higher. Corn gained to -Jseno; oats finished l-16c oft to "4 B So up and pro visions the same as last night to a rise of 17UC It was freeley admitted mat juinnesoia fields as well as those In fcoutn jjaxota. Rhowed serious inroads from black rust. Ad vices were that the plague had traveled to within 80 miles of the border of North Da kola. Th ravage in some places were said to be worse than m lo, wnen in Spring crop throughout the Dakotas an Minnesota suffered widespread ruin. Bullls cables helned keen the wheat market on th up grade from the start. Uneasiness in regard to threats of a railroad tieup counted also arainst the bears. Failure of predicted rain ana argentine weather report led to a bulge in corn. Enlargement of country -enenngs lenaeu to check any decided upturn ior oats. Provisions followed the course or tne noi morket Ther WBH a dlD at the OUtSet but later it was noticeable that stockyard Interests had taken to th buying side. The leading future ranged a follow: WHEAT. Open. High. US SPREADING Low. Close. .77 $ .78H .77 H .77 .69 .69 4 .06 .67 H ,36H .3H .31 .35 July ..$ .7714 $ .781, . . .77 it .77 CORN. . . .69 Vi .601 . . .66 ? .67 H OATS. . . .36 .36 .34?ft .55 Vs sept. July Sept. July Sept. MESS PORK. July 22.87 '4 Sept. . .20.90 21.17'.4 LARD. 20.90 21.12ft July Sept. 10.27 Vt ..10.40 10.42i4 10.40 SHORT BIBS. 10.4V Julv ll.!5 12.02H 115 I2.02H Sept U.00 11.07 'A 11.30 ll.Ua "Wheat No: 2 red. 7SM.7!c: No. 2 hard 790?8Oc; No. 2 Northern, Si Crew; ro. Qnrimr J37ffiSRv t..orn ro. z yeiiow, niu.fi!'. low, 70H70c. Rye no. z, osvic. . Parlev, 49fSv57c. Timothy. $4 0 5.25. Clover, $10 16' 18. European Grain Markets. LONDON. July 15. Cargoes on passage milet but steady. English country market, steady but un changed; French country maraeis, sieaay. T.rvpnpnnr, .Tulv 15. Wheat No. Manitoba, 7a 8Hd; No. 2, 7s 2d; October. 63 Sd: pecemt.er, os hisd. Weather cloudy. Minneapolis. Grain Market. MTNNEAPOI-IS. Julv 15. Wheat No. hard. S94c: No. 1 Northern, 6S (9SS4c No. 2 Northern, 84 SeSc: September, 794c. Barley, 4250e. t Flax, $1.61 (?1.63K. San Francisco tirain Market. BAN FRANCISCO, July 15. Spot quota U'.lli Walla. S1.53i 01.55: red Rus sian. $1.55& 1.56!4 : Turkey red, $1.56.tt 1.57: bluestem, $1.60: feed barley. 17 9 $1; brewing barley, nominal; wmm-w ulb, SI .22 1 fiDl.-aro : oran, .i.tfirw.i m i '"iiiwi :!:: hrati. S24.50 'ti 24. i : mid Call" board Wheat easy. Barley weak, Dec. $1.01 hi. l'naet Sound Wheat Markets, SEATTLE, July 15. Wheat, August and September delivery quotations: Bluestem, S2c: fortvfold. 78c: club. 78c ; fife, 77c; red yesterday's car receipts, wheat 2; corn 1; hay 3; tlour i. TirnMi. .Tulv IS. Wheat Bluestem, 82c: fortyfold, SOc; club. 79c; fife. 7Sc. Car receipts Wheat 1 : oats 1 ; hay . ARGUMENTS "FOR" ARE IN Negative Side Has Until July SI lo Take Up Measures. SALEM. Or.. July 15. (Special.) Announcement .was made yesterday by Secretary of State Olcott that affirma tive arguments had been tiled ior puu lication in the election pamphlet for all measures by the surtax- amendment, initiated by H. D. Wagnon. a measure providing for consolidating ol munici, nallties. a bill combining the corpora tion department with the insurance de partment, universal eight-hour law. ini tiated by the Socialist party, bill to abolish State Desert Land Board and office of State Engineer, bills to re duce salaries of county officers in Co lumbia and Hood Kiver and Dill pro viding bounty for jack rabbits in Har ney County. The time for filing affirmative argu ments expired last Saturday and per sons desiring to file negative argu ments will have until July 21 to do so. SOCIALISTS HAVE PICNIC lied Flag Waves In St. Helens When Portland Party Goes There. ST. HELENS. Or..July 15. (Special.) The red flag was waved through the streets of St. Helens yesterday wnen the annual picnic of the Socialist party or Portland was held In the City Park here. The steamer Joseph Kellogg, its flagstaff bearing a red banner, brought over 100 of the picnickers from Port land, and they were Joined by members of the party from CoiumDla county, who were led by Mrs. Flora I. Fore man, of Ouincy. The women were dressed in wiuie with wide red sashes. The men wore much red on tne lapeis. .cacti wmo red banner bearing the words "Socialist Party." A merry-go-round was erected In the park, and dancing and music by the band brought along furnished the amusement. TWO MARKETS COMBINED Oregon City Unites City and Farm Sales Days After First Trial. OREGON CITY. Or.. July 15 (Spe cial.) Encouraged by the decided suc cess of the first public street market day last Friday, the Board of Trade, which backed the movement, took steps at the regular weekly meeting to com bine it witn a biocs mtKi kcuub irarmers will be Invited to bring In their catte, pigs and sheep, not only for sale to butchers, but for trade and salA anions: themselves. The muni cipal scales is across the street from the market site ana win do usea m connection with the stock market. It also was suggested that the market be held twice a week, on Tuesday as well as on Friday. A large covering, to protect the 80 feet of racks from either sun or rain, will be built. DAILY METEOROIOGICAI, REPORT. onuTl AKD. Julv 15. Maximum tempera ture, 7T degrees; minimum, 63 degrees. River PINKERTON & COMPANY UNiTED STATES DETECTIVE AGENCY Chicago, 111., ever since 1883 No connection, with or relation to the Finkerton National Defective Agency. Scientific detective work along modern lines. Onr COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT "We force the payment of bad debts. We operate on the broad principle that you cannot make any one pay you unless he wants to pay you, and our province is to make him want to pay you. A DETECTIVE AGENCY CAN DO TIIIS. ; Northwestern Offices, 412-13 Lnmbennens bldg., Portland, Or. ' , Phone Main 7741. W. H. TEEECE, District Manager. LEE & TILTON BANK -a.tbbiihf)d Capital and Surplus S2.000.000 Commercial and Savinjjs Deposits I"? Si Kt3U it: a M ,-J , B l i 1,4 s-i KV3' r i .a r . rm e- m. mm i r n cia . .i rv v si i I sal sl)lns Sno La BVOIR July tt M I'ROVI.XCI! Aii.lJ !., HWdlK tur. I1 IXtKKAlNE AutT-e tl'RANCB new) Ausj. IS I.A IOKKIINF. frpt. 1 Twln-fi-rew steamer. Tvimnrun.).-.-..w n...,!,,, i rirKfltl. SATIRDAY BAIT INO 1R1IM NKW )liK. .1 I". M. ONE CI.AP3 CABIN (IK and THIRIV'I.ASS I'liurnixi (in I tKOCHAMBEAP Au. t llK'AtiO An. t m Mlnuer. SO Oth St.! A. 1. nariion, o.t .iiornncin !.; r.. njinr, ht P. Kj.l Ponwy H. rlmlih, SH th A. '. hhrldon. IK . ll ! knon,' 848 Washington el.: nrth Hunk Koad. 6ln and Mark 1 I' Iter, agent Inlou I'arlflc Kailway. reading. 8 A. M.. 11.3 feet; chsne in last 24 hours, .2 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 I. M. 3 P. M. . none: total since September l, 1813. SS.On Inches; normal, 41.29 Inches; de ficiency, K.30 Inches. Total sunshine, 10 hours, 9 minutes; possible. 15 hours. 24 min utes. Bsrometer (reduced to sea level), P. M 30.1 Inches. THU WEATHER. S "5 Wind ! 3 . p O " ? c : f 3 : r STATIONS. weather Bakr 7 f.O0T' V !i"nr 82i0.00 l' NW'c'lfJir 74 0.MH K Kokjtv tlVft.'J'loNW I'i. cluudy 7 i.4U' 4 Su :'"lt?r 7- O.OOj 4)N M'W-ar JKi a.nH' "V Icioufly ,4 0.0M1 S S ri-ar THA.fHH 4 SW Tl-ar r,2 o.fXM fi NVinar SS 1 -S 'Pt. clnudj 74 O.0" M " Pt. rlmidy PS 0.:n,in .s ll't, cloudy 'fl O.on' P Pt. Houtly 72'.to l't s ';i(u(!y ras rt.oo 20 wv'i'it'Pip Ii4 i).fi lO!NV;Pi-tr KS 0.OOI S S f'l:tr S2.0.0l fi'SW !'loudv so n.om u t'iouiy 2S t.0 12 N Wi"Ijip PO'0.00! 4 U 'lrur 94 0.00! 6 6513 (riPHr PL' .'! 12 sV ') 'l"H.r 77 O.liO'tr. NW(lfip 82 0.IH1I14.N 'K-)r Boise Boston Calgary Chii-ago Colfax Denver Dcs Moines Duluth Kurek.i 'lalveHton Helen 4 Jacksonville . . . Kansas City . -. Klamath Kaltn Lob Aneoles MarnhtlHd Medford Montreal New Orleans . . New l orK North Head ... North Yakima rendlcton Phoenix PocateMrt Portland Koseburtr Sacramento - - St. Louis Pt Paul Salt Lake San Francisco . On o. tin' jo s ri.-iir Pti .0(t!14'S l'le.p S4l0.on t2' Pt. cloudy 4 0. n '.! V Pt. rloudy 7no.no in Nw'ij'ur 7R,o.oo in V jru-ar 72n.ni, ; N" (Pt. cloudy fin n.tm in sV 'Clear Seattle Spokaiif Tacoma Tatoosh Ialand Victoria. B. C. WachinRton Wlnnlnoir ...... , ssn.np 4'S ITt. rlotidy IHt 0 . Kt"jn SW t 'la r YelJowaiont Park. 7i.iO.n4! K SW (ciar WEATHER CONDITION?. A larite hlKh-prcssure area is central over Vancouver Inland nnrl a disturbance nf con siderable energy overlies the Ited Klver Val ley of the Xorth. Showers and thunder storms have occurred ainnc: tne ensi si"i' of the Northern Itocky Mountnms. Hie lii River Valley uf the North. Lower Mississippi Valley and In the Atlantic stalf from ,M York to Florida. I rnusualiy high tempera- urea prevail In the .Miriuie writ anu in if interior of California. ...... Th. nnndltlnns are favorable for f ur and warmer weather In this district Thursday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and wanner; northerly winds. n..nn and Wash nuton Fair. wnrmr except near the coast: northwesterly winds. Idaho Fair ana warmer. EHWARrt A. BKAI.S Oialrlct Fnreesstor. rff Dlluuimc p a c -ment holds up re markably well un der heavy usage, and rarely has to be repaired. It is a very desirable pavement and eco nomical f o r all a f . 1 J.C. WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONOS. T.RAIX A.VU COTIOX NKW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OK TRABH KKW YORK COllON- KXCHAMii IHK blOCK ANU BONO kiiua-ius. BAis rnanviavui P0BTLAND OrriCE: Lewis Building. 269 Oak Street. Phones Marshall 3858. A 4187 TRAVELERS GCIDK. COOS BAY AND ETREKA. . 8. KUIKB SAILS SUNDAY, JULY 1. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Tteket Office. 112A 3d St. Mala 1314. A-1314. rreJKUl iiiiee, Foot of Nortbrup street. Main 5203, A S422. DRAIN TO COOS HAY. Antna rim dailv. Dellarhtful trio via Allegany r the Ocean-beach rout. Wire reservations to a. MATTUON. Dralk Compa4nie- Gener&Ie TransM'antique Ilrect Line to flavre-l'arls irraarel. from Now York every Vednt'S(l.i y. Id A M. Touraine, Wed., July 22 TUAVFI TKS MMK. VHITE STAR LINE LARGEST BRITISH STEAMER F LONDON AUG. S PARIS Arc;. . m'.it. Vls rij moiith t'herhonrs; Soilthamples OTllKIt HA1I.IM1S. OfFAMC, n. I, Auk. - :. .,, It. New ork iueentov u Liverpool. Celtle lulv 2:1 Adriatic "t. llallic lul.v SlMe.Inc An. 1.1 KoHtnn ljiieentiiM n Liverpool H.vi,(ill up. nccnrillng; l steamer. Arabic Ana. 1 1 mrte .... Au. M llolon .MeUilcrrHiiean llalr ( annplc . . . . An. 2U t rrtlc ept. It ATrlERICAN LINE Onu-Ctfl-ui CnMn '1h S rv1 a.'tft np. I'lvtuoiit h i hrrt.ntirn siithauit!on riillnrielphtift Jnl 2lSt. Paul 1 M. I.uuli . , ..1ul ai ' irk ..Amic.1I ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Nw ork, lnilon llrec. Ilnnaj.nlii Jtil 2S ltnnt-tah ..An. MinnruMMka Auc I MinnHonkn .Aug. la RED STAR LINE New ork ! er A nt erp 7elanf I KrH.nlanf ..4nclA Varterlnnl ..Am. a InlHtid .....Auc. til WHITE STAR DOMINIOi Montreal Quebac Liverpool OM.Y rOtR IAVS AT HK It V 1 If K l,itraet Meniiirr I- rttin Innt r Tfulonlr .. . July 25 anaila n. tKanli'. ...Ana. I l-ural h ... w. In f4nd for folf.rrti of htanttftil t. l-nw reiift ruH' to I .mo.'. A, F. llbNH, l'nfiriiarr A him! , Pl. TtHT FxrhrtitKf liili . 1 1 rton-l vv. tvtU. Irlriihoo Main IH vt I l Kaih.nr rihI Straniftliii Ai ufa. Si tlROYALMAIL 5TEAMiH!?$ "1 ha Lirvc of Ooud bn icr " SCENIC ST. LAWRiNCl KO'jTE 1 tie MC 'lllllllM'. Kunariiplv. rts b. S. ALSATIAN" urA S. S. "CALGARIAN LIH.KT-riM-'.'"T-r- I VI I n T . A. ADI.t.M ItHL l i; 3 Weekly Sailing Montreal-0 I'ltz. Liverpool-Llasgcw-Havre-1.03 la i Vera a i'aunur a r I L 4 Suniiimi t tesi-. .iiun lists itu. Jriy bookiiiMa ie(.uiiiiut.niieu. .'f'u 'a dcacrlputw iiuukivc twr tui. 4r ticuiara as to saititiga, ratva. au., atsT la ix.cki Aurat or Al.l.AA SV C fienrral lr'l, IX t North liearhorn hti et. CLmka AUSTRALIA Tlliri ANU NKW 7.I.U.AMI Hound Trip l(ile: llrt-tU t,. Tahiti I3., to Welhnajluu S.":..", to 5lu- ..uu. lpe'UI I'arilia neoii Tour m .-:. Img 6ou;n K-a uii.i. f i"t nn ,M'"..i'""U Kouuil the World lluten t.n appli.ai.eik Reguiar throjtfli serlee fietn eari In: 'i. 8. S. Tallin ill'.'K'u ten"', sails !'" S. S. M-'anii (lo.oevi tnni. it.U .Vni.. I'.'. H S. Wilioclira (i-'.'S'O lenpl .. !-'l. I''. Send fer Pnmiihlel t'nlon Meam.liip l . of New Zealand, I. Id. flfllee: 07! .M.Hhet fTi-i't, t-A U ll.tll' 1-Cn, 1-f local H. S. atnf IE. It HBeln Oil T"' 'Qirx'F 1 P MS PLA"or5CUTllAHLRi.rCJ BAIIIA. RIO UK JANKIIIO. KANTOH and MUM l', ll'KH New and Fast fIJ ..on. ton) l asns-r Steamers from Kw york er aa.e nate SMttirdiv. BI'KK IHMUA .en. AI, a llroailna.i . N. V. Tloraey B. Mnllli. ad and a.liinliin Wi. .r i..e-ni ..niit 8. . BEAK H.UtM IOR SAN FKANCISCO LOS ANGELES S A. M.. July SI. The Pan Franrlsce At "ortland H. S. t'e. 3d and W ashlnittoii . (with O.-W. at. N. Co.). Tel.. Marnhall 4500. A 1 1 1. ALASKA Special one-way end ronn'i-trip relea. Steamship sails Ailreet P. M. SATURDAY, JULY 18 ftw lle!ervatlon Lft San Francisco, I'orllned V I.oa Aaselre Ntesmshlp Co. FRANK BOi-LAM, A srent. 124 Talrd Street. A-er.l). Mala 3. COOS BAY LINE Steamship Breakwater t.itK from Alnsworth dock. Fo.'tlaad. A. July 7. 12, 17. 2J. S7, Aug. 1, . 11. lo, ai-i. tr.ialil aa lUuel ofni.. U Alueeeri goes. fwrtland Coos liar a. a. iuae 1 H. KKATlXi, AgeaL faane Mjum sx. A OLYMPIC