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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1914)
' ' TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. g i ii FRESH MB FUND GOES BY BOUNDS With $1 OOO Mark Passed Hope Is Expressed That Required . $3000 Will Be Raised. from the booths will average about $10 a day for each week during the Summer. The running expenses are less than $8 a day, ' leaving- a surplus of more than S3 to apply to later ex penses. On Saturday the revenue was $17, on Monday JG.30 and on Tuesday $9.40. The week probably will run above $9 a day, giving a total revenue of $240 a month and expenses of $200. MOTHERS NOW CHIEF CARE Pathetic Instances of Family Devo- tlon Brought to Attention of Associated Cliaritics Over eating Lays Out One Boy. COXTRIBCTIONS TO THE FRESH AIB TVSU. Previously acknowledged ,...$ 808.:& Charles Sumner Holbrook 6.00 " t Carolyn FleUchner 10.00 .... " Carpenter chlldren J. 6. Floaa Ion Lewis B. B. Beekman ........ Miss Eirnu Kloatarman Frank 3. Olover . . John Gill Mrs. Adam B. Carlock . E. Ma; Aaher S.OO 10.00 20.00 8.00 S.OO 3. IK) 5.00 6.00 5.00 Riley A. 3. ilcC i L M. Bates Rebecca E. Davies A. O. Cone Kenton Pacific Implement Co.. Robert G. Hubner Albion L. Glle, Chinook, Wash. J. W. Leavltt Co Archdeacon H. D. Chambers . Kaola Co. Willamette Iron Steel Works J. H. Barnard Frank R. Kerr A. R. Balderston Mrs. Margaret Burrell Blddle. Glenn R. Kletnan E. T. C. Stevens Cash 10.00 S.00 S.OO S.OO 3.00 1.00 0.OO 6.00 8.00 6.0p 21.00" 5.00 6.00 3.00 S.OO 3.00 S.OO fi.OO Total $1086.25 Contributions to the fund for the fresh-air children may be sent to V. R. Manning, secretary of the Asso ciated Charities. 411 Commercial block; R. S. Honard, treasurer of the Associated Charities, Ladd a niton Bank, or Tho Oregonlan. Contribu tions of clothing should be sent to the Associated Charities, 411 Commercial block. Past the $1000 mark went the Fresh Air fund yesterday, two days before the Associated Charities had expected it to reach that sum and only a little more than a week since the beginning of the Fresh air campaign. It is believed that the increasing Interest that the gener ous people of Poortland are showing will raise the fund to the required $3000 long before the close of the sea son, insuring vacations in the country for more than 600 children and tired working mothers. It is the mothers In particular for whom efforts are now being made. Places in the country are easily found for children and applications by chll dren are filled amost as readily as they are received. Mothers with two or three little children to care for, who are obliged to work out to support them. cannot be placed so readily, however. Three mothers went with the Sllverton Tarty Tuesday and places on farms near Portland have been found for many more. Appeal Made for Mothers Secretary Manning will make an ef fort to meet the demand for places for mothers to enjoy a Summer vacation, by arranging to rent a cottage at the seashhora for them. In this way about 40 mothers and their chclldren can be cared for. In the meantime, an appeal is made to people living in the country who will be willing to receive and en tertain some mother and her babies for a few days. - The Associated Charities will pay the transportation and will take care of the rent on the women's -Jjomes while they are away and will outfit tbera and their children for the trip. Among those for whom no place has been secured is a little woman with three boys, the eldest 13 years old. Al though it would have been possible for the boys to bave been sent with some of the children's Fresh Air parties, the little family refused to be separated, and an effort will be made to find a place where they may be all together In the country. Mrs. John Wolford, chairman of the Sllverton committee, who visited the Associated Charities yesterday, related a touching incident of the affection dis played between one of the poor moth era and her little ones. In assigning them to their hosts in Sllverton the mother and baby were sent to one house and the two other children were placed on a farm four miles distant. Early yesterday morning, carrying her baby, the mother trudged over to see how her little ones were getting along. Eager to see their mother, likewise, the two children started out to meet her and the four held a fomily reunion on the road midway between the two farms. Sick Woman Needs Outing. The Charities also is trying to find a place for a poor woman who has been in the hospital during the past Winter and Is still in delicate health. Her husband is dead and she has seven children to care for. If possible it is desired to find a farm where she may remain throughout the Summer. Half a dozen other cases of mothers who are worn out with continual work and to whom 10 days' rest In the coun try would mean almost a new lease of life, are on the list of those for whom the Charities is now trying to find places. "One of our Freeh Air boys cele brated his arrival in Sllverton by over eating so that he went to bed last night with an attack of acute indigestion," said Mrs. Wolford, "but this morning he was out again, apparently none the worse and he had an enormous appe tite." - x Contributions of clothing and sup plies are being received. Mrs. Ben Selling yesterday donated seven dozen new caps and five dozen new hats. Mrs. L. Eldridge, of Banks. Or, sent in a fine donation of clothing and other gifts were received. A dozen children will be taken for an excursion on the river today In the launch donated by Edward Wortman. MARKET NETS NEAT SUM Yamhill Booths 3Ieet Expense and Provide for Rainy Season. Portland's public market on Tamhill street is expected to pay not only for all running expenses during the Sum mer months, but to bave a large enough surplus to take care of Its ex penses during the rainy season, when Figures compiled yesterday by mar- I ket of ficial-indicate that the revenue I FOUR DIVORCES GRANTED One of Five Xevr. Complaints Says Husband Threatened Dynamite. ' Four divorces were granted and five others were filed yesterday in the Cir cuit court. . ' Circuit Judge Davis divorced Mrs. Ada Tabbetts from James A. Tabbetts on desertion grounds. She was given her maiden name. Ada Autenrieth. and $20 monthly alimony. Mrs. Annie Sims was divorced from -Frank Sims by de fault and Colyer T. Potter was given a decree from Hazel Potter on desertion grounds by Judge McGinn. Louise Ben nett was separated from Jesse Bennett by Judge Davis. Mrs. Lona Wllletts. in her suit against Jess Willetts, charges him with non support and pawning her watch. Mrs. Pearl Weaver's complaint against H. A. Weaver charges with threatening to blow her up with dynamite. She asks $-10 a month alimony. ChriBt VETERAN TO FIGHT BIS JO AGAIN Council Goes Into Supreme Court With Ouster of Aged City Janitor. BREWSTER GETS CHANCE Request for Appeal to Test Law In volved and Powers of Board . Granted, but Mayor Promises - to Find Place for loser. City Commissioner Brewster is to have one more chance to oust Russell T. Chamberlain, a veteran City Hall ANNUAL CAMPMEETING OF OREGON HOLINESS ASSOCIATION OPENS TONIGHT. A . .His k r s V jT The 10th annual campmeeting of the Oregon Holiness Association will open tonight at the campgrounds. East Thirty-third and Shaver streets,x near the end of the Broadway streetcar line. Rev. C. Howard Davis, manager of the camp, will deliver .the opening address. Rev. Homer L. Cox will be in charge of the music. Rev. C. W. Ruth, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Rev. Charles H. Stalker, of Columbus. O.. will arrive today to take part. The meetings will nrtr,ominnlnnal. First services will be at 7j30 o'clock tonight and the meetings will close July 27. A large pavilion tent for public meetings has been placed in the center of the grounds, with the family tents about it in the grove. There is a restaurant on the grounds, and no one need leave the ground for meals. Mail will be delivered at the camp when addressed to Sta tion F. Oregon Holiness Association, East Thirty-third and Shaver streets. The annual business meeting will be held July 21 at 8 A. M. Wuest. of Hillsboro, sues for divorce against Mrs. Paulina Wuest, asserting he comes to Portland for improper motives. Mrs. Julia Razner wants a divorce from Joseph Razner on non- support charges, in a complaint filed yesterday. Y. M. C. A. TO STAGE SHOW Best Athletes' to Pat on Exhibition at Gladstone Chautauqua. Athletes of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association are going to stage one of their best exhibitions at the Gladstone Park Chautauqua next Saturday night. A. M. Grilley, physical director, who has been In charge of gymnasium classes at the Chautauqua, has arranged the exhibition, and the hst trained men in the Y. M. C. A. classes, including the leaders' club, will nartlclnate. The exhibition will open wixn arms by the three classes that Mr. Grilley has trained at Chautauqua. This will be followed by the regular programme: Saxophone solo, Stanley Baker; aerial trap work, Henry Pfender and Kenneth Grow: aleight-or-hana. z-aui ECGEXG BOY IS HONORED BY PITTSBUHO tjJilVERUITY. - 1 1 f f 5 Cecil K. Lyaaa. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, July 16. (Special.) Cecil K. Lyans, 26, son of W. C Lyans, of Eugene, has Just been 'elected to the position in the de partment of education In Pitts burg University made vacant by Dr. H. D. Sheldon, recently called to the University of Oregon as dean of the oepartment of educa tion. In 1909 Mr. Lyans was graduat ed from the University of Oregon. In 1910 he went to Oxford. Three years were spent in England and In traveling on the Continent. On his return Mr. Lyans entered Clark University, in Massachu setts, and last year received his Ph. D. degree In philosophy and education. Cowgill; Harmony Quartet, Mrs. IT. S. Miller, Mrs. J. S. Hamilton, Mrs. jh.. a. Baker, Mrs. F H. Fleming and Miss Ruth Brown, pianist; athletic drill, leaders' club; Illuminated club swlng- ng. Clarence Sprague: rings, Daly and Sherman; parallel bars, leaders' club; hand-balancing. Flint brothers; ath letic poses, leaders' club. Alleged Cat Tormentor Hold. Charged with setting a bulldog on a cat, Roy Hill, a laborer. 24 years old, was arrested at Williams avenue and Russell street last night by Humane Officer Pitts. A. E. Neate, ISIS Union avenue, complained that the dog had killed several cats and puppies. Hill was released on $10 bail. Janitor, from the clty; service. The Council yesterday upheld Mr. Brewster in- his plan to appeal the case to the State Supreme Court. Commissioner Bigelow alone opposed the plan. Commissioner Brewster first started after the aged Janitor and Grand Army veteran early last Fall, when he dis missed him from the service because of old age and alleged inability to prop erly perform his work. The Municipal Civil Service Board overruled Brew ster and he took the case into the Circuit Court, where Judge Morrow up held the Board. Announcing that he still believed he was right, Mr. Brew ster asked for the appeal to the court of last resort. Mayor Promises Job. It is contended by Mayor Albee and others that the appeal is being author ized to test out the question of civil service Jurisdiction and not to get rid of Mr. Chamberlain, although It Is admitted that the veteran Janitor's Job is at stake in the case. Mayor Albee announced publicly yes terday that he will guarantee a posi tion for Mr. Chamberlain if he loses out in the case. Mr. Albee said it was on this consideration that he supported the plan for appeal. City employes feel that the ques tion at stake in the Chamberlain case is one affecting the heart and soul of civil service in Portland. The Coun cil's contention is that the extent of the Board's Jurisdiction is to pasi upon the question of whether the dismissal of an employe was maJe "in good faith for the good pf the service." It is con tended that the Board has no right to consider anything but the element of good faith or whether the dismissal was for "political or religious reasons." Board Insists on Stand. The Civil Service Board, on the other hand, contends that it has the right to consider the merit of other specific charges against employes. If a man is charged with insubordination or embezzlement, the Board members say they have a right to hear evidence and pass upon the merit of those charges. This has always been the practice in the past an-It has never been dis puted, excepting in the Chamberlain case. He was charged with inability to perform his work. The Board in vestigated this question. With their rights confined to prov ing that the Commissioner making a dismissal did not act in good faith or acted for political or religious reasons, employes say there might as well be no civil service. City Attorney LaRoche considers the decision of Judge Morrow erroneous. Attorney Flghta Appeal, "Things were read Into the civil serv ice provisions which do not exist," said Mr. LaRoche. "There is a matter of principle involved. It would pay the city to pension Mr. Chamberlain for life and then go ahead with this case on the basis of the principle involved. The decision of Judge Morrow is a perversion of the best -Ideas In civil service." Roger Sinnott, attorney for Mr. Chamberlain, protested against the ap peal. "Mr. Brewster has Deen beaten and should quit," he said. "Why should the city spend $300 or $400 ana re-1 quire Mr. Chamberlain to spend more money in fightingan inslgnifcant case like this in the Supreme Court? I 6bject as attorney for-Mr. Chamberlain and as a taxpayer. Oakland Ships More Sheep. OAKLAND. Or.. July 15. (Special.). Ten carloads of sheep and lambs were shipped today, by Levi E. West to the Lorsten Packing company, or lacoma. Wash. This will be about the last shipment of sheep from here this sea son. More than 25,000 head were shipped. Headquarters for Sporting Goods, Trunks, Suitcases, Traveling Bags, Bathing Suits, Etc., Etc. Delightful Luncheon Served From 11:30 to 2:30 Daily in Our Beautiful Tea Room, 4th Floor 40c Coffee 29c No deliveries except with other purchases in Grocery Depart ment, Fourth Floor. OldSyWortman Sc King Reliable MerchandiseReliable Methods Store Hours 9 A. IX. to P. H. Evwy BtulaoM Day Saturday Xncludsd New 'Farrar Combs Very latest Parisian novelty. Hiph-bark, fan-like Comb, in troduced by M i t Oraldine K a r r a r. Priced 50c to 33 - , . Annual July Clearance Sale i jaa a I Double Stamps Will be given today with all cash purchases of 10c or over made in the Linen and Wash Goods Depts. Main Floor , Devonshire Cloth Ideal Fabric for Sum- mer Wash Frocks Main Floor We have just re ceived a new line of patterns in the genuine Renfrew Devon shire Cloth. Absolutely tub proof and sun-proof. This fab ric has attained great popular ity, for women's and children's Summer Dres6e.s. Get the gen uine Devonshire cloth. O f Price, yard .......... ! Empress Organdies ' 15c Yard Exquisite sheer material for dainty waists or dresses. White ground with beautiful floral designs in colors. " Double stamp with cash pur- Tf CZf chases. Priced, yard , . f " Colored Dress Linens Reduced All colored dress linens in the July Clearance Sale at the fol lowing reductions from regular: Regular 60c grades now 38 Regular 75c grades now 56 Regular 80c grades now 68 Regular $1.00 grades now 75 25c Huck Towels 18c Large size - imported German Huck Towels in white with df an cy jacquard border with place for monogram. These are the standard 25o Towels J 0 on sale Thursday at Women's $40 Suits $im Tailored and Novelty Styles Suit Salons, Second Floor Several odd lines of women's and Misses' hiph class Suits comprise this underprice lot we bring to your attention. All are desirable models for midsummer and early Autumn wear. In the assortment are smart belted styles with medium-length Coats; also dressy short -jacket models with fancy lace-trimmed collars and cuffs, and scores of other at tractive styles. Skirts are in peg top, flounce or tier effects. A representative collection of seasonable styles for wear on all occasions. Materials include Bilk moire, silk poplins, serges, Bedford cords, crepes, etc. J j OG In attractive colors. Suits selling np to $40. Clearance at H,J- J omen's Coats l2 Price Second Floor Women's and Misses' stylish Summer Coats in silk poplin, silk moire, satin, bengaline, taffeta, etc. Also wool velours, gabardines, golfine, serges, tweeds, Bedfords, poplins, etc. Very latest models and they come in all sizes. Prices: Regular $20.00 Coats now $10.00 Regular $22.50 Coats now 811.25 Regular $25.00 Coats now $12.50 Regular $32.50 Coats now $16.25 Regular $38.50 Coats now $19.25 Regular $45.00 Coats now $22.50 Regular $57.50 Coats now $28.75 Sale of Coals at $9.98 Second Floor Special assortment of women's and Misses' Coats in semi fancy styles for outing wear. Latest kimono or English sleeves with fancy collars andr cuffs some with flare skirt effects, others in the smart belted-back styles. We also includo in this lot beautiful garments of silk moire and matelasse with flare or flounce skirt effects and taffetn coats with lace collars and tassel trimmings. Coats worth CQ QQ up to $13.50. Clearance PJ for Wr V Sale of Children's Wash Dresses Bargain Circle, . Main Floor Special lines of girls' and children's Summer Wash Dresses priced far below regular to effect quick clearance. Come and inspect these goods. Odd Lines Girls9 Dresses Clearance 47c Odd lines of girls' Dresses in attractive French styles, also in popular Buster effects. Made of good grade of ginghams, chambrays and percales. Dutch MCjL7c and kimono sleeves. Ages 2 tc 6. Clearance' Girls' Dainty WashDresses N Clearance 98c Girls' Wash Dresses of light and dark percales in neat stripe patterns, also plain blue chambrays and checked ginghams. These are all new styles with short QOf sleeve and Dutch neck. Ages 6 to 14. 2Jow for Bloomer Dresses at 69c These attractive little bloomer Dresses are just what the children need for beach wear. They are made of good quality percale in neat patterns. Ages 2 to 6fQ years. Special for this July Clearance Sale at only " Special Sale of Girls' Coats Second Floor, Knit Underwear At Sale Prices Center Circle. Main Hoor Wom en's and children's Knit Elastic Underwear at Clearance Prices: Women's 35c Lisle Vests now for 2.4? Women's 25c Lisle Vests now for 1U Women's 60o Lisle Verts now for 30 Women's 35c Union Suits now for 2."t Women's 50c Union Suits now for 35 Women's 65c Union Suits now for 4J Women's $1.00 Vests and Pants for GO Women's $1 and $1.25 Vests and Pants, special for this sale at, garment . .S9? t - Basement Bargain Center - 3Bc Embroideries 9c Basement Underprice Store 5400 yards beautiful Embroidery Edges, Bandings and Insertions in nar row, medium and wide effects Mill Ends of extraor dinary fine qualities in good lengths scores of exquisite patterns. "Worth to 35c a yard at 9c July Clearance Specials-3d Floor Silverware $1.50 Silver Bon Bon Baskets, speciar95 $1.00 Silver Bon Bon Trays, special for 65J 75o Lemon Dish glass lining and fork, 55 Regular $1 Domino Sugar, special at 65 Regular $4.00 Silver Fern Dish, now $2.80 Dinner Sets Odd lines Semi-Porcelain, German and Havi land China Dinner Sets at 1-3 less. Odd lines Decorated, Semf-Porcelain, open-stock patterns at 1-3 less Bread and Butter, Tea and Dinner Plates, Meat Dishes, Cups and Saucers, etc. Special Bargain Tables. Tablo No. 1 Kitchen Furnishings Reduced. Table No. 2 Decorated China at Half Price. mui. -xr o. r.nt niat nt Rerineed Prices. lauic iw. u - . Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose at Special Clearance Prices Aluminum Ware $1.75 Aluminum Coffee Pots, special $1.15 $2.20 Aluminum Coffee Pots, special S1.50 $2.60 Aluminum Coffee Pots, special $1.75 $1.85 Aluminum Tea Pots, special at $1.25 $1.90 Aluminum Tea Pots, special at $1.30 $2.20 Aluminum Tea Pots, special at $1.50 $1 Aluminum Pitchers (will not break) 70 80c Aluminum Mugs (will not break) G0 Decorated Stone Ware. $1.00 English Stoneware Tea Pots at 60 $1.75 English Stoneware Tea Pots at $1.00 $1.00 English Stoneware Coffee Pots 60 50c Sugars 'or Creamers, special, each, 25 Imported Blue Dresden Enameled wr $3 Sauce Pans, for gas stove, 3-piece f $1.95 2-piece Sauce Pans for gas stove $1-30 Regular 65c Enameled Ware Tea Pots 4o r-ni- 1 $30.00 Plume Hats at 75 AATLfunAiir'Vvirviiri-i - Millinery Clearance Second Floor To clow these beautiful 1'lume- t rimmed Hats at oneo we have priced t hem far below cost. Kxqnwita models of finest quality Lo ghornn in the season's most favored shapes, trimmed with genuine French ostrich plumes 3 on each hat some ara white. f.onie in black a nd many in colors. Ilflts in this group worth np to 3-30.00. Your choice at only 7.75 Women's $5 Colonials $3 - The Season's Latest Effects-All Sizes and Widths ' . . tt..,.,.:. Af mr entire line of Women's $5.00 Colonials Tm5TV'JTtC 's effects. Some have Ktlffi other, with covered buckles in many, quaint designs. Hjjh-g.d footwear in all widths and sizes, selling in the regular way at $5 00 the 3J Q OfT pair On sale Thnrsday in our Main Floor Shoe Department at, the pair PUQJ Also Colonials and Pumps, Worth Up to $4.00, in the Clearance at $2.95 Pr