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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1914)
VOL. LIV.-XO 1C737. PORTLAND. OREGON. THURSDAY, J FLY 16, 1914. - PRICE FIVE CENTS. HUERTA IS OUT CARBAJAL IS Resignation Accepted by Congress, 121 to 17, With Cries of "Viva!" PEOPLE CHEER SUCCESSOR Progress to National Palace Is Marked by Tumultuous . Demonstration. PATRIOTIC MOTIVE ASSERTED Huerta Says He Retires From Sense of Duty to Nation. STREET SCENES ORDERLY Governor of Federal District An nounces Repressive Measure Will Be Taken v if Necessary and Mounted Folic Patrol. MEXICO CITT, July 15. General Victorlano Huerta resigned from the provisional presidency of the Mexican repute, tonight, and his resignation was accepted by the Senate and Cham ber of Deputies by a vote of 121 to 17. The resignation was1 accompanied by The resignation was accompanied by the announcement that it was actuated kv hlehest motives of patriotism and complying with supreme duty to his country. ' Francisco Carbajal was then appoint- 4 President and took the oath of of- fie. at th. Joint session of Deputies and Senators. through the department oi latlons. It was read In the House ana was greeted with cries or "viva tiuerta. It was then referred to the Joint com - mittAe. of rovernacion. After brief consideration, th. committees reported accepting the resignation in in. toiiow inar terms: "Article 1. We accept the resigna tion presented by General Victorlano Huerta as president of the Mexican United States. Carbajal formally Called. i 9 w. nil Licentiate Fran. Cisco Carbajal, minister of foreign rela tions, to assume the presidency." A ballot was taken and the Joint ses sion approved the report. President Carbajal proceeded to the national palace under an escort of presidential guards and all along tho way was greeted with tumultuous cheering. Vera Crun Ontrage" De.on.ced. The text of General Huerta'a resig nation follows: ... "Deputies and Senators: Public ne cessity, admitted by the Chamber of Deputies, by th. Senate and the Su preme Court, called me to the supreme magistracy of the republic. Later, when in this same hall I had the honor of addressing you In' compliance with the constitutional precept. I promised at all cost, to bring about peace. "Seventeen months have passed and In that brief period of time I have formed an army with which to carry out that solemn promise. You all know the immense difficulties which my gov ernment has encountered, owing to a scarcity of funds, as well as to the manifest ;iud decided protection which a great power of this continent has afforded to tho rebels so much so that when th. revolution had been broken up. seeing that its chief leaders were and continued to be divided, the power in question sought a pretext to inter vene directly Jn the conflict and the result of this waa the outrage com mitted at Vera Cruz by tho American fleet. Personal Interest Not Sought. "Success was had. as you know, in adjusting honorably through our dele gates at Niagara Falls the petty Tam plco incident, but the revolution con tiausd. with th. support of whorrj we all know. "Yet after the highly patriotic work achieved by our delegates at Niagara Falls, ther. are still soma who say that I. com. what may. seek my personal Interest and not that of tho republic And aa I need to refute this allegation with facts, I tender my formal resig nation of the Presidency of the repub lic "Th. National Congress must know .h. thm renublic throusrh its govern- he labored In entire good faith and with th. fullest , energy, having succeeded in doing - away with the party whloh in. tho .United States calls Itself Democratic and having shown how th. right should b. defended. Blow. Dearit to IT.Jiwt P"wer. To be mora explicit I will say that th. action of the government of the joonlnrixl - on Pais JU, H DICTATOR SCOTTISH OFFICIAL SAVED BY BUTLER SERVANT GRAPPLES WITH MILI TANT HORSEWHIP PER. Women Cry "Pig!" at Right Hon. Thomas McKlnnon Wood and Al most Succeed in Thrashing Him. IINDOS July 15. Only the interces sion of his butler today saved the Right Honorable Thomas McKinnon Wood, secretary of state for Scotland, from a horsewhipping at the hands of two suf fragettes. Just as he was leaving his residence a woman rushed up. horsewhip In hand, exclaiming: "You Scottish pig. if yo dont stop the forcible feeding of women, we shall smash you!"" Th. militant lashed him across m. chest but before she could deliver a second cut the butler seized her and threw her to the ground, leaving him free to tackle the second woman. was shouting, "Let me get at the Scotch Pis!" . . She made a rush with her wmp the secretary for Scotland and was still struggling in the butler's grip when the police arrived and bunJW both women to the police station, where they were searched. On one of them was found a decomposed egg. labeieu re freshing fruit" In the court the women gave their names as Janette Wallace and Bertha Watson. They were fined 20 shillings each, but refused to pay and were sent to Jail for 14 days. $160,773 AWARDED THAW Prisoner Wins Money Despite Warn ing of Alienists. PITTSBURG. July 15. Harry K. Thaw won a six months- legal toHav when the Orphans' Court here awarded him the Income from his fa ther's estate, which has been denied him by the trustees ince he was ad judged Insane for the murder of San- ford White. -o .v,. HoMBion Thaw gets $160,773. Judge Over says Thaw Is legally en titled to the money aespue that alienists declare him to be suf fering from an exaggerated sense of self, which would make it unwise i commit any large sums of money Into his personal charge. ROOSTER. MOTHERS CHICKS Bantam Has Hard Little tancouvcr o Work Covering Whole Brood VANCOUVER. Waste.. July 15. (Sp n,,, A. Farrah's bantam Ke a broou- of chicks to roo. er h as rain, and Is doing nobly. When Mr. Farrah placed in. incu- . tha tlny ""i th. litU. onea often - " f(ah6p tho ,ength of carry ""' . ... Ho scratches th. per for them and mothers his wards as well as a hen could do. FIRST MRS. COREY WEDDED . Announcement of Marriage to Wealthy Music Dealer Received. pittsrI-RC. July 15. Mrs. Laura Cook Corey, former wife of William E. .resident of the United States Steel Corporation, was married In New York last Friday and sauea on ouiur for Knrone. according to announce ment cards received by friends here Mr. r"nrv was married to Ulenn Duckworth, a wealthy music dealer in New York City. 100 FIGHT GRAIN BLAZE 70 Acres Destroyed Near Wasco Fol. lowing Strawstack PIre. wism. Or.. July 15. (Special.) em Hamtroved about 60 acres of wheat on the Kaseburg farm and 10 acres on tho Andrew May farm today.- ine can for help sent tD Wasco waa responded to by. nearly 100 business men of the city, who came in automobiles. Vir started in a strawstack that evidently had been smoldering for some time. The losses are covered Dy in surance. DISEASE MENACES REBELS Sickness and Lack of Food Succeeds Where Army, Falls. WASHINGTON. July 15 Famine and disease threaten to drive the Dominican rebels from their stronghold in Puerto Plata, - from which President Bordas has been endeavoring to dislodge them In a campaign of several months. Captain Eberle, of the cruiser Wash ington, reported today that food and water were scarce and that the death rate was Increasing daily in conse quence. TANGO AIRS STOP, WORK Button Factory Seeks Injunction Against Steamship Calliope. RTTRT.irffiTOX. la.. Julv 15. When calliopes on excursion steamers play tanrn airs, the 200 girls employed by the Mississippi Pearl Button Company refuse to work. This is the basis of an Injunction action filed today by Molr Bros, to re strain calliope music on steamers in working hours. The plaintiffs also seek f 500 damages for loss of the serv iSfii fif oung women employes. GENERAL AMNESTY IS CARBAJAL'S AIM Peaceful Entry of Reb els to Follow. PRESENT REGIME TO BE BRIEF Carranza Has Much to Gain by Assenting to Plan. RECOGNITION IS . AT STAKE Should Rebel Leader Insist on Es tablishing ' Rule by Force, This Would Be Delayed Immunity for Huerta Talked Of. WASHINGTON. July 15. News of General Huerta's resignation as provi sional president of Mexico was hailed by official Washington tonight' as the first practical step toward a quick so lution of the Mexican problem. Constitutionalists, diplomats and of ficials of the United States Govern ment did 'not conceal their satisfaction over tho fact that General Huerta at last had voluntarily eliminated himself from the situation and pointed the way to an era of peace In his country. Carbajal Not to Be Recognized. Aithouarh the constitutionalists have declared they would not recognize Francisco Carbajal as provisional presi dent any more than they did his pre decessor, and th. United States Gov ernment likewise will refuse to recog nize him. tho understanding here is that the new executive will hold office' for only a short term only until satis factory arrangements can be made for the entry of General Carranza. the con stitutionalist chief. Speedy Transfer Hoped For. General Huerta's retirement came Just as th. constitutionalists were pre paring their formal answer to the South American mediator, rejecting the Invitation for formal conferences with representatives of Huerta for the discussion of internal Mexican ques tions. While the constitutionalists are avers, to holding conferences which might recognize th. legality of Car bajal's position as. provisional presi dent, hopes were raised today among South American diplomats that never theless negotiations might be begun between representatives of Carranza and Carbajal for the speedy transfer of power to the constitutionalists. . It is practically certain that Emlllo Rabasa, Augustin Rodriguez and Luis Elguero. who represented Huerta at the Niagara Falls mediation, will be designated by Carbajal to look after his Interests In this country. That the mediatore'now will make another effort (Ciucludsd on .Page 2. ) ONE OF UNCLE SAM'S ATHLETIC SMITHS MEETS A YOUNG t sAUSe h the .r JJlhf OSAfSSr I TAX "o-rsCJT y2Sjjm i e ! i . ' ............S.SS1SS1JJ . . . 1 ' ........ t t n - - 7 ri . i . M.t L-UJ ' iu' ' ' ' '1J-' ' ' . . . - ' INDEX OF. TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 7T degrees; minimum. 62 degrees. TODAY'S Fajr and warmer; northerly winds. , Mexico. y Huerta's successor to seek general amnesty and peaceful surrender. Pas. 1. Huerta resigns, Carbajal succeeds him. Page 1. Huerta leaves capital, presumably for Puerto Mexico. Page II. ' Foreign. Butler saves Scottish official from mili tant's whip. Page 1. Itomeatlc Conflicting clews followed in mystery of two women who disappeared. Fag 8. Determined fight 1b made on Emoot in tjtab. Pago 3. Iowa Republicans reject prohibition.' Page S. Pacific Northwest. Chantauquans pleased by Chicago Glee Club singers. Page 7. " Hood River votes for Columbia Highway bonds. .Page 1. v Two thousand militiamen vie with regulars In learning battle formation at Gearhart. Page 6. Orekon Kid, - Coast motorboat champion, sinks in Columbia. Page 1. ' Fight to confirm Thomas D.' Jones aear crisis. Page 2. Judges Benson and McNary row seem to be tied. Page 5. Sports. Coast League results Portland 5, Los Ange les 2; San Francisco 4, Venice. 2; Oak land 9. Sacramento 2. Page 8. Northwestern League result Portland 9, Tacoma 6: Spokane 2. Seattle u; 9. Vancouver 7. Page s. Tennis play here narrowing down rapidly Page 7. Famous shots coming here for Pacific tour nament on Monday. Page 9. Forty-thousand-dollar stake at Issue today, when Carpentler fights Smith In London, page 9. ' Commercial and Marine. Hop crop-prospects Identical with year ago. Page 10. Spread of black rust causes sharp advance In L.h rhfrsro. Plefl 19. Stock market unsettled by selling of New Haven securities. rigo ip. Many Robert Dollar Company's boats busy with big lumber shipments. "Page 13. Portland and Vicinity. Civil War veterans hold annual reunion In v.l..nla P. rlt Pare 14. Fresh-air fund passes $1000 mark. Page 13. Council to appeal janitor ouster .un preme Court. Page 13. Chamber of Commerce and other organisa tions to fight abolition of State En gineer's office. Page 11. "Market block" site of city auditorium In court on friendly suit. Pf 18. Packers start fight on .meat-Inspection law. Page 18. Electrical code as revised declared injurious n .mail mnFRrniL Page 7. Motors collide, hurting five, one of whom may ale. page is California photos used as fake pictures of Oregon, says Logan's chauffeur. Pago x. National organisation of Mut in line now. Page 9. Weather report, forecast and data. Pace 19. COLONEL LABELS WHITMAN "Either Hopelessly Timid Weakling" or Tool of Barnes, Is Intimation. OYSTER BAY. N. Y, July 15. Dis trict Attorney Whitman, of New York, was characterized tonight by Colonel Roosevelt as either "a hopelessly timid weakling." or els. as-. being In league with William Barnes, Jr., Republican state chairman. The controversy grew out of what Colonel Roosevelt said was an attempt by men representing themselves as acting in Mr. Whitman's interests to obtain for the District Attorney's can didacy for the Governorship the sup port of th ex-President. Th. ne "-'ons. Colonel Roosevelt declared, fell through largely because Mr. Whitman failed to declare his op position to Mr. Barnes, as It had been represented Colonel Roosevelt said he would do. CALIFORNIA PHOTOS FAKE OREGON L Logan's Chauffeur An Accomplice. N 100 'LOCATIONS' SOLD, SWORN Land Grant 'Salesman' Would 'Laugh When Alone.' DIFFERENT STORIES TOLD 'Oregon Realty Company" and "Ore. gon Timber & Land Company" NAro Two Concerns "Represent ed" in Ban Francisco. Kodak pictures of the famous sequoia,' or big redwood, trees of Cal ifornia were used as fake pictures of Oregon timber by J. W. Logan, of Ta Callfornlans to buy "locations" on timber lands within the Oregon & California Kaliroaa grant. i -o.,.n ...rnrHinir to testimony gfven in United States District Court yesterday by J. D. Stafford, a an crinriii chauffeur, who admitted he had been an accomplice of Logan's. Stafford Continue. "Logan Chapter." ct.nrii'i tA.timonv came In the con tinuation of the "Logan chapter" of tho trial of Logan. W. F. Minard. oi Port land, and K. J. Sellers, of Tacoma. ac cused of fraudulent use of the malls In connection with the sale of "loca tions" on tho railroad land grant, which has been forfeited to th Gov ernment by. the United States District Court for Oregon, the case niw being on appeal to tho United States Su preme Court. Like much of the testimony given Tuesday, that of Stafford will have no bearing on the case against Minard and Sellers, and only on Logan's case in.,h. . it tnav shDW his Indent In bis previous activities in conjunction with Minard and Sellers, unis testi mony relates to Logan's acts subse quent to those for which be, Minard and Sellers now are accused of using the mails in a "conspiracy to defraud." Calaveras IMctore -Identified. Questioned by ' District Attorney Reaines as to pictures used by Logan in his "location" selling campaign. Stafford said at least one of them was taken in Calaveras County, noted for its big trees, he and Logan having come among the giant timber In the automobile in which they canvassed the country around San Francisco for a radius of 150 or 160 miles. "Logan suggested taking these pic tures because they would be good boost pictures." ' said Stafford, adding that they were taken by' Logan. He identified a picture which showed bim self sitting in an automobile, with the (Concluded on Page8.) NAPOLEON IN LONDON TODAY. AND OREGON KID SINKS IN RACE UP RIVER BOAT GOES DOWN OFF WALLACE ISLAND, IN COLUMBIA. Coast Champion Hits Wave Whllo Going Against Train at 43 Miles an Hour; All Escape. RAINIER. Or., 'July 15. (Special.) Oregon Kid II, Pacific Coast and Co lumbia River champion motorboat, sank near the middle of the Columbia River off Wallace Island. 18 miles west of here tonight at :15 o'clock. The speedboat was racing a North Bank train up the river and was going at a 45-mile rate when It ran Into an un usually big wave and shot under th. water, never to regain the surface. Th. occupants wer. rescued after swim ming about half an hour. Those In th. boat were Wilbur Smith, engineer; Judle Sllva. pilot, and Ralph R. Ruffner. passenger. They wore res cued by fishermen. The Oregon Kid had been chartered by Mr. Ruffner to deliver a motion film fiom a Portland concern, which had failed to dispatch the film on the Astoria train. A local carried the film to Rainier and tho speedboat rushed it to Astoria, where th. film waa sched uled to be shown tonight. The boat left at 2:52 P. M. and reached Astoria, a distance of about 60 miles, at 5:03 o'clock. According to Mr. Sllva. the Oregon Kid can be raised with little effort, the buoy It carried showing th. loca tion. ASIATIC BAN DEMANDED British Columbia Federation of La bor Adopts Resolution. VANCOUVER, B. C, July 15. In specie1 session tonight the British Columbia Federation of Labor adopted a resolution demanding the exclusion of all Asiatics from Canada as Inimi cal to the interests of the working classes. Strong criticism was made of the present head tax on Chinese as being Ineffective for Its designed purpose and one delegate expressed the opinion that It was retained largely because the pro vincial government found It a fruitful source of revenue. MISSOURI VALLEY SIZZLES Concordia, Kan., Reports 110, and - Hot Winds Threaten Corn. , KANSAS CITT. July 15 After a brief respite, high temperatures ar. prevalent again in Kansas and this part of Missouri. ' one death and half a dozen prostrations resulted. At Hum boldt, Kan., Raymond Doltmyer, a quarry worker, died after being over ceme by the heat- Records for the season were broken In several Kansas towns. Concordia re ported a maximum of 110 recorded by the Government thermometer. Hot winds were reported from sev eral points, causing alarm for the corn crop. BILLY SUNDAY GIVES CASH World-Famed Evangelist Donates $100 to La Grande Chautauqua. LA GRANDE. Dr., July 13. (Special.) W. A. (Billy) Sunday, ex-baseball star and world-faniDd evangelist, stopped in La Grande on his way to his Hood River farm today lqaig' enough to present to Grand Rond. Chautauqua Association his check for flOO, to be applied on the Chautauqua fund. Sunday bad been Invited to speak here at the session which Just closed, but could not arrange to do so. He said he would be here to talk to people of the Grand Ronde Valley either this Fall or Winter. . NEW POSTMASTER SYRIAN Ghosn Ghosn Named for Aljune; Office Called After Roman God. CENTRALIA, Wash.. July 15. (Spe cial.) Aljune is tho name of a new postofflce In Eastern Lewis County and Ghosn Ghosn is postmaster. He Is be lleved to be th. only Syrian holding such a position in the United States. According to Mr. Ghosn, tho new of flee was named for an old-time Roman god, meaning the "god of help." SPEEDING CHARGE PLACED Three Men Escape Injury in Sandy Koad Wreck. Three men narrowly escaped Injury yesterday when an automobile, driven by J. F. Gllmore. 414 Couch street, was wrecked on the Sandy road, outside th. city limits. nilm... waa nrreflted On a charge Of Ui"u.. speeding by County Motorcycle Officer White. The case v.'IIl b. trica in in. District Court. NEHALEM VOTES BONDS $12,500 Issue to Buy Water Plant and Build Is Authorized. NEHALEM. Or., July 15. (Special.) Nehalem today voted, 63 to , to' bond the town for .12.500, for the purchase of the present water plant and to build a reservoir and instal an electric light plant. The election brought out th. best vote In the history' of the town. $50,0'0'0 Given for War on Hopper. AX.BANV, N. Y.. July 15. Governor fjlynn today placed $50,000 al the dis posal of ln Slate Coinmlsslaii of Agri culture Xor a war on. grasshoppers. HOOD RIVER PASSES $7510 BOND ISSUE Vote 1652 to 428 for Columbia Highway. CITY IS WILD WITH DELIGHT Smallest Precinct Only One Against Improvement. CHEERS RING FOR BENSON Women, Formerly OppoMd to Suf frage, Are Sworn In and Join Husbands at Polls Thrill ing Scenes Greet Result. ST ATI'S OF OOOD ROADS BOND ISSIES IN OKKliON. Hood Klver yesterday voted I73.0O0 In bonds to be spent on th Columbia River Highway. Columbia County Issued 1300.000 In oonds. of which f'JDO.OOO so, ta the Columbia Highway. Clatsop County has Issued $400,000 In bonds, of which $310,000 m to tb Columbia Highway. Jackson County Mas bonded Itself for $300,000, to be spent oa the Pa cific Highway and In bettering road cond'tlons. Waaco County needs but two mll.s of good road to complete another link of the Columbia Highway. It Is working on that distance now. The work st of Portland will unite the Columbia Klver districts with Central Oregon. Th road to th west means a beautiful road dowa the Columbia ltlver and down th coast to th Tlllumook County line. Multnomah County Is spending $400,000 In cutting th road from fortlaud to tb eastern county llo. It will spend about tMD.owt mor I (lulsh that work. HOOD RIVEU. Or.. July 13. (Spe cial.) By vol. of 1CS2 to 4:1 th peo ple of Hood River County today au thorised a bond issuo.of $75.00) for completion of the Columbia Klvr high way in Hood River County. All ot tb. 12 precincts In th. county, with th. single exception of Dea, a thinly popu lated district, voted big majorities for tb. bonds. Tonight the ciliiens turned out ei masse and seldom in the annals of tli. city has ucu Jubilation bucii shown over an eluctloii of any kind. Th. cor net band headed a parade in which loot! of tho principal residents of tho count took pail and each peron stomed In tent on making more noia. tuau ul neighbor. in. vot. by preeincia w... Kor, Against. Pi Cascade Locks I'lno viruv 1L.U1 Hood Klver . . uu.ll Heights Waucoma Mount Hood . est Hood JUv-r. 1'arKdal lemur Lit I.HI 1-u luo 1. ul ul 141 l.u lu. vO I 4. Total l.OM Maay tmy A.y l-'r.s. 1'olU. A large percentage of th. cltlsn of tho upper valley districts, who bav been indlffereut to th. election, failed to attend the polls. Tho Cascud Locks precinct turned out almost It total adult male and fe male population, voting lio lor th bond and but three against. The Tine Grove precinct, which was conceded to the opposition. It bmg th. home of A. 1. Mason, who ha waged a relentless campaign against th. bonds. urprised everyone by giving a majority of U In favor of th. Issue. . W.snr. Take H..4L No election In the county ha ever created greater Interest, especially In tho city. Mor. thau a score of woman who have been professedly against woman suffrage were worn In and Joined their husband in th. march to the polls. . The Commercl Club, where returns were received 4 :ght, wa throng! with city and J 4try people, and nu merous cheers S. Benson, of Port land, whose m isnlmous guarantee to complete the .ighway In -cas. th funds voted the county wer. not sufficient, hi J echoed throughout tb. city. Th. result of no election has ever created such Joy In Hood River. HIGHWAY CONTRACT IS LET One Mile of Hood View Road In Washington Ordered. WHITE SALMON. Wash., July 15. (Special.) A contract for th. first mil. of permanent highway No. 3. locally known as tho Hood View road, ba been let to Salisbury t Nelson, of Prosser, Wash, and work is to commence Imme diately. The bid was for $7519 and specifies a water bound macadam road . and sets the tlm. limit 'or completion at De cember L This road, when completed, will o a perfect boulevard from White Salmon to Trout Lake, Glenwood and th. foot of Mount Adam. WASCO READY TO GO AHUA1 Count;' Finances Such aa to Insur. Route Without Bonds. THE DALLES. Or, July 15. (Pp- cal.) vith assurance tonight that tho Hood River Columbia Highway bond IsHiie had carrld. It becam. cr- ICoucWdtd sa ! '1 A J (