Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 10, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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When 3-to-2 Game Is Over
Del Howard Thinks Umpire
Held Is "Robber."
Er-Pirate Pounded for IS Hits,
Which Are Just About 8 More
Than Seals Arc Able to Garner
Off Hl Great Ann.
Pacific Coast Lemcit Standings.
L. Angeles M 43 .557!San Fran... 51 48 .818
Venice 52 43 .547 Sacramento 46 SO .479
Portland.. 46 42 .523 Oakland ...86 59.379
YnMrdir! Results
At Portland Portland 3, San Francisco 2.
At Oakland Venice a, uaxianu u.
At Is Angeles Los Angeles 7-4, Sacra
Bkento 5-1,
Portland stung; the Seals for a sec
ond victory yesterday and regained
Jts first division perch, but not before
the recent O.-W. R. & N. train robbery
was rehearsed all over again, accord
ing to the views of Del Howard, man
ager of the skidding Exposition City
Score, Portland 3, San Francisco 2.
Del Howard quit the ball park firmly
convinced that one of the recent
Meacham robbers was still at large.
He even named the daring highway
man our old friend, "Red" Held, of
the half-soled scalp. Held rolled the
entire Seal outfit in the ninth inning
when, with men on first and third, he
called a questionable third strike on
What Will Pictures Say?
Corhan half swung at the ball, but
we'll have to wait for the motion pic
tures the usual stall before passing
Judgment. Catcher Nig Clarke refused
to be so patient and for his night-
letter diction Nig was ordered out of
the game under a stiff fine.
Whether the umpire was right or
wrone. the fact remains that Buddy
Ryan belted in the winning run in the
eighth and that Korea made rour mis
In four pilgrimages to the plate. It
was Kores' fourth hit that opened the
eighth and it was the Dutchman who
cored the winning tally.
So, Ach Louie, vat you tink from
dis? Such a terrible apostrophe is dis
Cherman Dutchman I
Kores really might have been nabbed
between first and second in the eighth
Inninc had not Charles dropped a
throw from Clarke. But he wasn't and
as there was a question about it Kores
was given a stolen base and Charles
exempted from a boot. fapeas was
scheduled to bunt on the play, but he
missed and that left Kores stranded
on the paths. Ryan brought him home
With a two-bagger into right.
West Haa Better of Arsnmcnt.
The rival pitchers were "Lefty" Lei
fleld and Hiram West, and, gauged by
the hits. West had all the better of the
argument He was dented for five
hits as against 13 off the ex-Pirate.
It was a desperately-fought, hand-to-hand
struggle staged before 1600
fans and featured in the fielding line
by the star endeavoring of Infielders
Bancroft and Rodgers, of Portland.
Portland scored in the fourth on
Derrick's single and Kores' double Into
center. The Seals tied up in the sixth
on a walk to Leifleld and Fitzgerald's
double, but Portland came back in the
last half of the inning for another
run on hits by Kores and Speas, a walk
and a scratch hit to third by Hi West.
Portland had the bags full with one
out and the battery coming up, but
Instead of doing the obvious and using
a pinch hitter, Walter McCredie de
cided to try out the strategy which
has kept Connie Mack busy explain
ing in the magazines ever since the
last world's series.
Luckily for our Coast League Mack,
Hiram West hit better than Plank, and
ao we garnered a run.
San Francisco tied up for the second
time in the eighth on hits by Clarke
and O'Leary, but the Beavers came
back in the last half and clinched the
Charley Baum will pitch today for
the Seals and likely Higginbotham for
the Beavers, with Evans as second
choice. Score:
San Francisco Portland
1 3 0 OiBancroft, 4
1 2 2 0Doane.r. .. 8
0 2 lODerrlck.l. 4
0 110 Rodgers.2 3
1 1 0 0 Kores.3. ..' 4
1 10 0 0 Speas,!. ... 4
2 2 4 0
0 10 0
O'Leary. 3
Downs.2. .
Charles. 1.
2 14 0 0
3 0 18 0
4 4 0 3 0
2 3 0 0
1 2 00
14 0 1
Corhan. s.. 4 0 2 4 0Ryan.m.
Clarke.c. 3 1 4 3 0Yant.c...
J.eineld.p. 3 0 0 4 0Weat.p...
4 10 10
Fchmlclt". o o o oo
Howard" 0 0 0 00
Fernollt. 1 0 0 0 0
Totals. 31 5 24 15o Totals. 32 13 37 11 1
Kan for Downs in ninth. Batted for
Charles In ninth. tBatted for Clarke hi
Ban Francisco 0 0000101 0 2
Hits 0 10001120 5
Portland 0. 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 3
Hits 1 2 1 2 2 8 0 2 IS
Runs. Clarke. Leifleld, Derrick, Kores,
Fpeas. Struck out. by Leifleld 2, by West 3.
Bases on balls, off Leifleld 3, off West 4.
Two-base hits, Speas. Kores, Fitzgerald,
Ryan. Doable play, Bancroft to Derrick. Sac
rifice hit. Rodgers. Stolen bases, Kores.
Schmidt. Runs responsible for, Leifleld 3.
West 2. Time of game, 1:40. Umpires, Held
and McCarthy.
Sacramento Loses Four Straight to
Southerners; Etamke Comes Back.
LOS ANGELES, July 9. Los Angeles
made it four straight from Sacramento
by taking both ends of a double
header from the Northerners today,
7 to 5 and 4 to 1. The hold of the
Angels on first place is strengthened
by today's double victory. Ehmke, who
pitched the first game for Los An
geles, put an end to his losing streak
of five straight games. Bunched hits
off Malarkey won the second contest.
Score :
First game:
Sacramento I Los Angeles
Toung.J.. 8 18 I l;Wolter.r. . 6 4 1 0 0 .. t
y vrne,j . . . . D
2 10 0 JIaggert.m 4
2 3 4 0
S 2 1 0
3 10 0 1
Ehlnn.I... 1
Tennant.1. 3
Moran.m.. 3
Orr. J 4
Hannah. c. 3
WllU'ms.p 2
Van B'n'l i
Wol't'n. 1
Gregory, P. 0
0 0 0 1
ADsteln.l. 4
17 10
Ellla.1. . .
110 1
3 0
I 0
Johnson, s.
2 1
Boles, c
Ehmkc.p. .
3 0
0 18 0
2 0 3 0
1 0
0 Oj
0 0
0 0 10
Totals.. 28 I 24 IS JJ Totals. . .13 14 27 17 2
Batted for Shlnn In third.
Batted for Williams in seventh.
Sacramento 1 08000010 5
Hits 2 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 8
Los Angeles 0 4 00.!i?? l ,1
Hits " 4 10 1 2 2 1 14
Runs. Young 2. Cook 2. Coy, Wolter, Page
I, Ehmke 3. Metzger 2. Eleven hits. 7 runs.
24 at bat. off Williams In C innings. Charge
defeat to Williams. Three-base hit. Cook.
Two-base hits, Hannah, Abstein, Page: Sac
rifice hit. Cook. Boles 2, Hetzgef. Tennant.
Runs responsible for, Ehmke 5. Williams 3.
Bases on balls, off Williams 2. off Ehmke
S. Struck out. by Williams 4, by Ehmke 1,
by Gregory 1. Double plays, Orr to Ten
nant; Maggert to Metzger to Johnson. Sto
len bases. Coy 2, Maggert. Time, 2:08. Um
pires. Phyle and Finney.
Second game:
Sacramento Los Angeles
sroung.1.. 4 0 8 0(Woltor,r. . 4 10 00
0page,2 3
13 0 0
3 3 0 0
310 10
0 0
1 0
0 0
8 0
2 0
1 0
Maggert,m 4
Absteln,l.. 4
e: 1:8.1 4
Johnson. s. 4
Metzger,3 3
Brooks,c.. 1
Hughes,p.. 3
0 1 00
2 8 4 0
0 2 2 0
0 4
0 1
3 0
6 0
Totals. 30 7 24 16 0 Totals. 80 10 27 16 0
Sacramento 0 1 0 0 0 000 o 1
Hits 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 7
Los Angeles. 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 4
Hits 0 1 0 2 0 8 0 4 '10
Runs, Van Buren, Wolter, Page, Maggert
2. Three-base hit. Van Buren. Two-base
hits, Johnson, Page. Sacrifice hits. Malar
key, Page. Runs responsible for, Hughes 1,
Malarkey 4. Bases on balls, off Malarkey 2.
off Hughes L Struck out. by Malarkey 1,
by Hughes 4. Double play, Metzger to Ab
steln. Stolen bases. Maggert 2, Abstein.
Time, 1:56. Umpires, Finney and Phyle.
Airtight Ball Twirled Except When
Prough Weakens and Lets 2 In.
OAKLAND, July 9. Klepfer. of Ven
ice, had the better of a pitchers' bat
tle today, and beat Oakland 2 to 0.
With the exception of the eighth in
ning, when Prough opened up, allow
ing Venice to get her two men across,
both mound men pitched almost air
tight ball. Score:
Venice I Oakland
Carllsle.L 4 11 0 OIQuinlan.r. . ,4 11 0 0
Leard.J.. 8 11 0 0 Gardner. 1. 3 111 0 0
Kane.m.. 2 1 2 0 0 Mlddleton.r 8 0 4 00
Baylese.r 4 0 0 0 0Menges.s.. 3 0 130
Lltschl.3. 4 0 0 4, 3 0 2 0 0
Borton.l. 2 0 12 1 0 Hetling.3.. 3 1 0 30
McArdle.s 4 0 5 2 0Guest,2... 3 0 3 20
Bliss.c... 3 0 6 8 0 Arbogast.c 3 0 5 2 1
Klepfer.p 3 10 3 OiPrough.p. . 2 0 0 30
Kaylor'... 1 0J)J0
Totals. 29 4 27 13 01 Totals. 27 3 27 13 1
Kavlor batted for Prough in ninth.
Venice 00000003 0 2
Hits 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 04
Oakland 0000UOUU u u
Hits 1 l v v u u i v v o
Runs, Carlisle, Leard. Stolen bases, Car
Hale, Leard 2, Kane, Borton, CJulnlan. Het-
llng. bacrince nil, uaraner. runi
called balls, off Klepfer 1. off Prough 5.
Struck out, by Klepfer 5, by Prough 5. Left
on bases, Venice 4. umjciana z. nuns rt.i
Bible for. Klepfer 0. Prough 1. Time of game,
1:40. Umpires, Hayes and Guthrie.
Brooklyn 6, Cincinnati 5.
rritfrTrvTWATT Julv 9. Brooklyn
moA n Rtrnner fVnlsh and won an ex
citing game from Cincinnati toaay uj
6 to 6. In the early part of the game
tho tHetn- rnulrl not hit DoUElaS. but
in Kfivpnth tnev KnocKea mm uul
of the box, scoring four runs on a
base on balls, lour singles anu au oi
ror. Score:
-rt i.i,.., I Cincinnati
Diuuiiju .
i i li u A r. j a. j a ijj
O' Mara, a.. 5
Hummel, 1 6
Dalton,m. 1
1 B 4 0Moran.r... 3 O 2 ou
9 in 9ftllhlcr.r... 10 0 0
n a 0 0 Hrrzosr.s.. 8 1130
1 1 OONiehoff.3.. 4 2 2
1 ft 4 0 8
Egan.m.. J.
IVhas f 1 A
1 I
n l
o a
o o
u u
0 0
1 1
:utshaw,2. 4 1 4 2 0
Groh.:: 8 2 0
Stengel.r.. 3
Smith. 3... 4
n ii
iHoblitsel.l. 3 0 13
0 0 0
7 11
IMiller.l. ..
LaroBS.m .
2 2
1 0
McCarty.c 4
Reulbach.p 0
Allen, p.. . 1
1 1
n o o o
0 1
0 0 0 0 0
pouglass.p. 2 0 1
Elberleld" o u
0 0 0
Vine inc. D. u u A
ci 0
0 0 0 2 0
VKdnitzt. 1 0 0 0 0
3onzales. 1 o u uu
R'vh'mpr I. 1 1 1) U U
IDerrick?... 1 0 0 00
. - .... . ., , ,.,. ti iiri: It! "
Totals. .a. m ,
Hatted lor neumatn m ocTcm.. "zr
. ... . , a n.itinil fnr J rt r;i n
in seventh. IBatted for Lour in ninth. flBat-
teu lor ivu wan ii uiiin.
Rrnoklvn 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 16
Cincinnati 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 13
Runs, O'iTara. Hummel 2. Dalton J, i-iDer-ield.
Henog, Grob, Hoblltzel. Miller. Twom
....... m v.a- Uit T.qrnu. Three-base
bits. Miller, uummei iwumuicj. o i i l
ningr, none out 111 ciku.h. - -
Innings; on uougiasH, o w iy A 0 o t
lingllng, none in--, minus, uri '
Innings, aacriiico into, i3ui...., .
Dalton. Sacrifice fly. Groh. btolen bases.
Herzog. Miller. Groh. Twombley. Left on
bases. BrooKiyn 1. uincira-u -
on balls orr Reulbach 2. of! Douglass S, oft
Allen 1. BtrUCK oui j n.u,.v.. ,
Douiflass 3, by Allen 1. Passed ball, Mc
raxiv Time. 2:30. Umpires, Rlgler and
St. Louis 5, New York 4.
RT. LOUIS. July 9. Snodsrass' poor
return of Beck's short fly after two
were out in the 13th inning with the
has full enabled Magee to cross the
plate with the run that defeated New
York for the secona lime in ttt m"
days. Score:
New York I t. loui
n H nE
Bescher.m 6 3 2 00
Rnnw 8 1 5 00
Magee.m. .
nnlnn 1 . . .
4 12 10
8 2 5 00
3 15 0 0
3 1 10 2 0
4 2 2 0 0
Fletcher.a. 8 2 4 40
Wilson, r. .
Roberfn.r 1 ;
Merkle.l.. 6 115 2 1
Doyle,2... 5 1 3 50
1 00
2 10
5 20
2 10
0 0 0
0 0 0
4 8 0
0 2 1
0 0 0
1 1 0
Beck.3. . .
Stock. 3.
3 1 2 30
3 2 2 0 1
3 0 0 40
Wlniro.c . . . 3
Snyder.c. . 2
Mevers.c ..
Murray' . .
Plezfl . . .
1 0 0 0 U
0 0 0 OOjButler.s
McLean, c.
1 0 3 00
Perdue.p. .
10 0 11
Sallee,p. . .
1 0
Totals. 48 12 S8 IB 4 Totals. 41 10 30 18 1
Two out when winning run scored.
Batted for Tesreau In ninth.
Ran for Meyers In ninth.
Ran for Perdue in ninth.
t?nn for Snyder in twelfth.
xr.w Turk 1 10000200000 0 4
St- Louis 8 01O000000O0 1
Runs. Bescher, Merkle, Doyie, atoca. rjua
rin. imi 2. D-ilan, J. Miller. Two-base
EiV.' xftiif. Mace. Three-base hits. Wilson,
Stock. Home run, Bescher. Hits off Perdue
8 In 7: off Marquard. 4 in 4 2-3: off Sallee 4
In 6; off Tesreau, 6 in 8. Sacrifice hits, Dolan
2. Beck, Huggms, anee. ..j,
Meyers. Beck. Stolen bases, Hugglns, Dnlan.
Bescher, Plez. Snodgrass. Double plays.
Merkle to Fletcher to Merkle; Fletcher to
5S I t t nn hasea. St. Louis 8. New
York s! Bases on balls, off Tesreau 3. Mar
quard 1. Sallee 2. Struck out. by Purdue 2,
Marquara a, n" "Dovl' " ,
Time, 3:08. Umpires, Eason and Quisle).
Boston S, Chicago 1.
July 9. Boston ma
de it
two straight
from Chicago today,
I Chicago
ning 3 to 1.
a H
0 0 0
1 00
12 0 0
8 2 0
0 00
8 60
3 6 0
0 0 1
Cather.r. .
Evers,2. ..
0 OXeach.m. .
4 0'Good.r
0 0Saler,l
5 OiBresn'h'n.e
0 OiSchulte.l. .
2 0 Sweeney.2.
0 O Corrlden.3.
0 OlKeatlng.s..
1 1 Vaughn, p.
Schmidt. 1.
Deal, 3
Mann.m . .
James, p. .
ti. at t 17 12 1 Totals.. 33 6 27 15 2
Boston '. 0 1 0 2- 0 0 0 0 03
Chicago v v v v m v 1 v v 1
Runs, Maranville 2, Schmidt, Keating.
,vo-base hit. Deal. Stolen bases, Maran-
... . . c i.i..., Taonh rimihln
vine, maun, v.n. . n, 1 J ,
plays, Sweeney to Keating to Saier; Maran-
vuie to juven, 10 DVi"t-. io- -.
Boston 4, Chicago 12. Bases on balls, off
James 7. Hit by pitcher, by Vaughn
(Gowdy). Struck out, by vaugun 1, jamei.
Time, 1:01. umpires, xjyrun aim ouunowi.
Philadelphia 1, Pittsburg 0.
PITTSBURG. July 9. Tlncup had
the better of a pitching battle with
two Pittsburg twirlers and Philadel
phia scored a shutout 1 to 0. The only
run of the game was scored in the
fourth, when Paskert tripled and Ro
bert sent a long sacrifice fly to Kelly.
Wagner was the batting star, making
three of the five hits allowed by Tin
cup. Score:
Philadelphia ! Pittsburg
U n U AE.I 11 w
Bvrne.2... 4 0 0 8 OiCarey.l 4
Paskert. m 4 1 3 0 0,Mowrey,8.. 4
u 1 u o
12 4 0
Becker.r. ,
2 7 OOWagner.s.. 4 8 S 32
Magee, 1. .
Martin, s..
i l i ii v ox.1' a u v a v
0 10 OlKonetchy.l 4 0 13 10
1 12 1 0 Mitchell.r. 4 0
113 0 Jos.K'lly.m 8 1
2 0 0
2 0 0
Gibson. c... 2 0 1
2 (I
3 0 1 30
Hvatt 1
0 0 0
2 0 0
Coleman, c. 0
MQuill'n.p 1
Jas.KTy" 1
ICooper.p.. 0 0 0 00
Totals. 31 6 27 120 Totals.. 31 6 27 16 2
Batted for Gibson In 7th.
Batted for McQuillan in 7th.
Philadelphia 00010000 0 1
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Run. Paskert. Three-base hits, Paskert.
Wagner. Hits off McQuillan 6 in 7. Cooper
0 In 2. Stolen bases, Wagner, Vlox. Joseph
Kelley. Bases on balls, off McQuillan 1, off
Tlncup 2. Hit by pitcher, by Tlncup (Jo
seph Kelley). Base on errors, Philadelphia 2.
Sacrifice fly, Lobert. Left on bases, Phila
delphia 3, Pittsburg 7. Struck out, by Cooper
Time, 1:34. Umpires, Klem and Emslle.
Two French engineers have Invented
grappling apparatus which In tests haa suc
cessfully raised sunken submarines.
Cook,.... 4
Coy.r 4
V'Buren.l. S
Tennant.1 4
Coy.r S
Orr,3 3
Rohrer.c. 8
UalaCy.p. 2
Not Only Shut Out but Dozen
Runs Scored in Twilight
Game in Vancouver.
Champions Also Onthlt Visitors Al
most Two to One in First Game,
but Could Not Bunch Their
Drives Sufficiently.
Northwestern League Standings.
W. L. PC!
W. L. PC.
fi 32 .636 Victoria
. 35 51 .407
. 81 64 .363
31 50 .344
Vancouver 55 33 .e23 Portland.
Spokane.. 53 32 .624Tacoma. .
Yesterday's Results.
At Vancouver Portland 3-0, Vancouver
At Seattle Victoria 4, Seattle 3.
At Spokane Spokane 7, Tacoma 1.
VANCOUVER, B. C, July 9. (Spe
cial.) Vancouver and Portland divided
a double bill today, the Colts outiucK
ing the champs in the afternoon con
test and winning by a score of 3-1,
while in the evening combat the cham
pions slaughtered the offerings of
Frambach and won easily by a score
of 1-2-0.
Frambach and his associates were
buried beneath an avalanche of runs
in the sixth inning of the twilight af
fair when Vancouver shoved eight runs
over. The game was called in the
seventh on account of darkness.
The champions outhit the Colts al
most two to one in the first game, but
could not bunch their drives. Salveson
was steady in the pinches. "Dutch
Reuther started for the Beavers and
bumped into trouble in the third inning,
and Harstad was rushed to the rescue.
He held the visitors without a run and
to one hit in the remaining innings.
Portland got a run in the first frame,
but the champs tied the count in the
second. In the third the Colts col
lected three blows and, aided by an
erratic heave to the plate by Bennett
on what should have been an easy out,
gave Portland the odd run and they
added another before the side was re
Ed Doty held the Colts to two blows
in the abbreviated combat In the even
ing. He was in grand form and for
five innings only 15 men faced nlm
Haworth broke in with a hit in the
third inning, but the next batter hit
Into a double play. In the sixth a
worth uncorked a triple with one down,
but failed to scom, Doty retiring the
next two batters on strikeouts. He
whiffed the whole aide in this innin.g
First game:
Vancouver Portland
:: 1 1 6 0
Shaw.r. . .
Wotell.l. .
Cheek, c . .
Harstad, p
Powell.r. .
Hunt. ..
4 11 0 OlColtrin.s. .
K 1 0 2 1 MlllJsran.m
:: 3 oo.
a 9 R 1 HMelchlor.r 3 0 100
4 1 0 0 01 Lewis.l. . . 3 1 2 00
4 0 0 0 OjGulgnl.3. .
2 1 10
o l on
2 0 2 1 0
Williams, 1
5 6 0
0 12 0 0
0 4 10
9 2 0
10 0
0 3 0
1 00
0 00
Murray.c. .
Totals.. .35 9 27 18 21 Totals... 27 6 27 9 0
Batted for Harstad in eighth.
Vancouver 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Portland 10200000 0 3
Runs, Scharnweber, Coltrln. Mllllgan 2.
Sacrifice hits, Mllllgan. Gulgnl. Sacrifice
tlw R.nthr Stolen' bases. Mllllnan. Iewis,
Cheek, pitchers' summary, 3 runs, 3 hits. 10
at bat off Reuther In two ana two-tniras in
nings: no runs, 1 hit, 2fr-at bat off Harstad
In seven and two-thirds Innings; charge de
feat to Reuther. Struck out, by Reuther 2,
by Harstad 5, by Salveson 3. Bases on balls,
of Reuther 3, off Harstad 2, off Salveson 2.
Double plays. Scharnweber to Cheek to
Helster; Harstad to Scharnweber to McCarl.
Left on bases. Vancouver 4, Portland 11.
Time. 1:45. Umpire, Casey.
Second game:
Shaw, 3... 4
Bennett, 2. 2
McCarl, 1.. 4
Wotell.l.. 2
Brinker.m 3
2 2 10
Coltrln, s.
0 0
10 4 0
0 )
0 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
0 1
2 11 0 0 Mechlor.r.
0 2 0 0 Lewis.l
0 1 0 0 Gulgnl.S. ..
2 0 0 0McKune,2.
1 3 S 0;WllIlams,l
12 1 0 Haworth. o
10 3 OJFramb'h.p.
Hanson, p..
Powell.r... 3
Scharn'r, 3
Cheek.c. . 2
Doty.p.... 4
10 1
0 4 0
0 0 0
Totals.. 27 10 21 12 0 Totals.. 22 2 18 7 2
(Called end of seventh on account of dark
Vancouver 1 0 3 0 0 8 12
Portland U o " o u u q u
Runs. Shaw 2. Bennett 2, McCarl. Wotell,
Brlnker, Powell, Scharnweber, Cheek 2,
Doty. Stolen base, Scharnweber. Tnree-base
hit, Haworth. Home run, Bennett. Pitch
ers' summary: 12 runs, 10 hits, 24 at bat off
Frambach In 5 2-3 Innings; no hits, no runs,
i at hat off Hanson in 1-3 inning. Charge
defeat to Frambach. Struck out, by Doty
3. by Frambach 1, by Hanson, none, liases
on balls, off Doty, none: off Frambach, 7:
off Hanson, none. Hit by pitched ball. Wo
tell, by Frambach. Double play, Bnnett
to Scharnweber to McCarl. Left on bases.
Vancouver 6, Portland 1. Time of game,
1:25. Umpire, Casey.
Spokane Pounds Out 7 Runs and
Allows Tacoma Only One.
SPOKANE, Wash.. July 9. Pitcher
Noyes was invincible today after the
second inning and the Indians won
from Tacoma, 7 to 1. The visitors
failed to get a man past first base in
the last seven innings. A feature was
Emil Frisk's home run drive over the
right field fence, this being only the
second time in nine years that the
feat has been accomplished. The score:
Bender.m. 4 1
3 0 1
4 14 0 0
M'MulIen.3 3
Nelghb's,r 4
1 1
Frlak.r. . ..
Hogan.m. .
0 0
Stephens,c 4
Stokke.l.. 2
J.Butler.s. S
0 u
2 1
S 1
Myers.2... 3
3 2 0Wuffli,3...
2 0 0!Shea.c
Frles.l.... 8
Andrada.p 1
1 2 HNoyes,p. . .
l.p 1 0 0 0 0
. 28 4 24 10 5
Totals. 28 4 24 10 5 Totals. 83 8 27 9 0
Tacoma 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Spokane ouuuivuu 1
Runs, J. Butler, McCorry 2. W. Butler.
Holke 2, Flsk, Noyes. Home run, Frisk.
Sacrifice hit, W. Butler. Sacrifice flies,
Wagner, Andrada. Double play. Shea to W.
Butler. Hit by pitched ball, Noyes, (McMuI
len). Base on balls, off Noyes 1. Struck out,
by Andrada 2, Boatman 1, Noyes 1. Left on
bases. Tacoma 8, Spokane 4. Time, 1:30. Um
pire, Burnside.
Seattle's Errors and Timely Hitting
by Victoria Bring Victory.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 9. Seattle's
errors and timely hitting by Victoria
enabled the visitors to win today's
game 4 to 3. Score:
Moran.r. .
0 0 0 0
2 3 4 0
Mins.r. . ..
James, 3 . .
Swain, 1. .
Huhn.l. ..
8 30
9 2 1
Calvo.m. ..
1 0 10
Lamb,3. ..
1 2
0 0
1 1 30
0 10 0 0
110 1
0 10 4 0
1 0 20
4 U
1 0 Scanlon.s..
2 l'Hoffman.c.
1 l'Pope.p
0 1
0 0
Totals. 81 7 27 13 4 Totals. S3 7 27 14 1
Batted for Dell In nlntn.
Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3
Victoria 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 i
Runs, Mills, Cadman, Perrlne, Nye 2,
Lamb, Hoffman, Two-base hits, Dell, Huhn.
Scanlon. Three-base hits. Swain, Pope. Sac
rifice hits, Wllholt, Kelly. Struck out. by
Dell 8, by Pope 12. But eq balls, oft Dell
. n , in. K ... ii hall Mi'ls ATld
1, u 11 rope 1. an "j " ' -
Swain, by Pope. Time of game, 2:10. Um
pire, Wheeler.
New York 7-3, Cleveland 4-3.
NEW YORK, July 9. New York won
the first game of the double-header
with Cleveland by a score of 7 to 4,
while the second game was a 3-to-3
10-inning tie which was called on ac
count of darkness. Scores:
First game:
Cleveland I New York.
Graney.l. 4 10 0 1 Malsel.3. . . 4 0
Tnrn.r.l K O 1 0 0 HaTtZell. I. 3 2
5 0 0
Jackson.r 4 2 1 0 0 Peck'gh.s. 3 0
Lajoie.2.. 4 11 2 0Cree.m 4 2
Kirke.l... 4 2 11 OOMullen.l.. 4 2
Chap'an.s 4 1 2 2 2 Cook.r 3 0
Llebold.m 4 0 0 0 0 Nuna'ker.c 3 0
O'Neill. c 4 0 7 2 1Boone.2... 3 0
Gregg.p.. 10 0 14) Pieh.p 0 0
Morton. t). 2 1 0 5 0 McHale.P. 3 0
5 3 1
2 0 0
6 10
1 10
3 10
4 4 0
0 00
0 11
Olson.... 1 0 0 0 0;
Totals. 378 24 12 4 Totals. 30 6 27 12 3
Batted for Morton In ninth.
Cleveland 3 0 0 0 0 001 04
New York 0 8001000 7
Runs. Graney, Jackson, Lajoie. KIrke,
Malsel. Hartzell 2, Cree, Mullen. Nunamaker.
Boone. Base on errors. New York 4, Cleve
land 2. Two-base hits. Jackson, Graney.
Three-base hit, Cree. Sacrifice hits. Cook.
Peckinpaugh, Stolen bases, Klrke, Malsel I,
Hartzell. Left on bases, New York 1 Cleve
land 7. Bases on balls, off Pleh 1. off Gregg
1 Struck out. by McHale 8, by Gregg 4. by
Morton 2. Hit by pitcher, by Gregg. Nuna
maker. Wild pitch. McHale. Passed ball.
O'Neill. Hits, off Pleh 8 In 2-3- off McHale
5 in 8 1-3, off Gregg 1 in 12-3, oft Morton
6 In 6 1-3. Time. 2:05. Umpires, Hlldebrand
and Dlneeh.
Second game:
Cleveland I New York
cinna i x ft 1 0 a. Maisel.3 . . . 5
0 0 2 0
Turner's'.'. 5 2 2 2 ljHartl' 11.1-1 2
12 0 0
0 3 5 0
0 10 0
Jackson.r. 4
Z u u r k np b,b
3 2 0ICree,m... 4
B 1 nlMnllan 1 . .. 4
Lajole.2.. 4 1
Kirke.l... 4 1
Chapman, a 4 3
Lelbold.m 4 0
Bassler.c 4 1
Steen.p 8 0
0 10 0 1
3 8 1 Cook.r 5 3 1 00
8 0 0Sweeney.c. 3 10 20
6 2 1Boone,2... 5 1 3 40
0 0 l'Keating.p. 5 2 1 20
Totals. 37 10 30 10 4 Totals. 37 8 30 15 1
Cleveland 000030000 0 3
New York ..........0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-3
Game called oa account of darkness
Runs, Chapman, Bassler, Steen. Cook,
Sweeney. Keating. First base on errors.
New York 1. Two-base hit, Bassler Three
base hits, Turner. Hartzell. Sacrifice hit,
Cree. Stolen bases, Klrke. Cook. Left on
bases. New York 12, Cleveland 5. Double
plays. Lajoie to Chapman to Klrke; Hoone
to peckinpaugh to Mullen; Keating to Mul
len. Bases on balls, Steen 6, Keating 1.
Struck out, Keating 7, Steen 6. Hit by pitch
er, by Steen (Mullen). Time, 2:15. Umpires,
Dlneen and Hlldebrand.
Detroit 8-5, Philadelphia 3-3.
PHILADELPHIA July 9. Detroit
won both games of today's double
header with Philadelphia, the scores
being 8 to 3 and 5 to 3. Scores:
First game: , --v .
Detroit z-iin iy"i-
1 1 u A r.
Bush, s.... 8
Vltt,3 5
Hleh.m... 1
0 1 B OiMurphy.r.. 4 O
3 1 4 0 Oldrlng.l.. 3 1
0 0 0 0 Collins,2. . 4 2
2 O OOBaker.3... 4 0
1 0 OO McInnls.l. 4 2
0 2 OOStrunk.m. 4 0
1 1 eOBarry.s... 4 0
119 OO Schang.c. 4 1
1 8 OO Shawkey.p 0 0
0 0 2 0 Bressler.p. 4 2
o li
0 1
1 1
Hellman.m 4
Cra'ford.r 4
Veach.l... 3
Kavan'h.2 4
Burns.l... 4
Stallage, c 4
Coveles'e.p 8
8 u
1 0
0 0
4 a
9 4 1
0 00
2 10
Totals. 35 9 27 17 01 Totals. 35 8 27 15 3
Detroit 8 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 08
PhUadelphla 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-3
Runs. Bush 2, Vitt, 2, High, Kavanaugh,
Burns. Stanage. Murphy, Collins, Bressler.
Two-base hits. Kavanaugh. Heilman, Hress
ler. Three-base hit. Crawford. Hits on
Shawkey, 3 in 2-3; Bressler. 8 In 8 1-3. Sac
rifice fly, Crawford. Left on bases, Detroit
5 Philadelphia 7. Bases on balls, off Cove
leskle 2, Shawkey 8, Bressler 1. Base on
errors. Detroit 1. Struck out, by Coveleskle
3, Bressler 7. Time, 2:02. Umpires, Chill
and Sheridan.
oecuiiu senim . ....
Detroit Philadelphia
o XT n A F.
Bush.s 3 2 4 6 0Murphy,r.
Vitt.3 4 0 2 0 ltoldring.l..
Hellm'n.m 5 2 3 0 0collins,2. .
Cra ford.r 3 3 0 0 0 F.Baker.S.
Veach.l... 5 2 4 0 OjMcInnis.l.
Kavan'h,2 5 2 0 4 0Strunk,m.
t- t i A 1 3 II II RnrrvH.
4 0
0 01
4 1
3 1
4 2
3 2
4 1
1 0 0
2 4 0
5 2 0
9 10
4 10
3 1
0 3 01
II Baker.c
112 1
2 0 5 2 0
10 10 1
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Dubuc.p. .
1 0 40
j.ttusn.p. .
Walsh. . .
Totals. 38 13 27 15 3 Totals. 81 8 27 13 2
riii iui unuy
Detroit. i ? A X -$
Philadelpnii. -
Runs Bush, Heilman 2, Crawford, Dubuc,
c n,va. cininv Rarrv. Two-base hits.
frurfnd ' Vearh. Home rubs. Dubuc,
cravviora. nim w" nji-ni-"! . " " ,
Bush 5 in 6. Sacrifice hits, Vitt, Mclnnis,
Barry. Stolen bases. Bush 2, Heilman,
Crawford 2, Veach, Burns, F. Baker, Strunk,
Barry. Double plays, Bush. D. Baker, Vitt.
Bush, Burns, Lapp, Mclnnis, Baker. Left
on bases, Detroit 10, Philadelphia 5. First
base on balls, Dubuc 2. Wyckoff 1, J. Bush
4 Struck out, by Dubuc 1, Wyckotr i, .
Bush 2. Time, 1:58. Umpires, Chill and
Sheridan. s
Chicago 3, Boston 2.
BOSTON, July 9. Chicago 'won it3
third straight game from Boston today,
3 to 2. The winning tally was scored
in the seventh on Bretons triple and
Cicotte's. sacrifice fly. Score:
Chicago Boston
4 12 0 0
4 2 2 4 1
4 12 5 21HenrIk'n,I
Blackb'n.2 3
1 2
1 1
0 4
5 0
Scott, s. . ..
o 0
Speaker, m 4
Rehg.r 4
4 14 0 0
4 10 0 0
4 0 13 0 0
1 13 0 0
Janvrin.l. 4
Gardner,3. 4
1 1 00
12 2 1
Schalk.c. .
Breton, 3.
2 0 0 Yerkes.2. . 4
0 3 0 Carrlgan,c 2
2 2 0 Thomas.c. 0
16 0
8 2 0
0 0 0
R.Collins.p 3
Bedlent.p. 0
Engle 1
Lewis"... 0
0 2 0
0 00
0 0 0
0 0 0
Totals. 31 7 27 15 2 Totals. S3 T 27 15 2
Batted for Carrlgan in eighth.
i.d.ii.iI fnr nnlMnii In eicrhth.
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Chicago 0 0200010 03
Runs, Rehg. Hendriksen. Schalk Breton 2.
Three-base hit, Breton. Hits off Collins 6 in
n .i . , i 1 CHIIna hit. I'if-n'ln
u, on iieuiiiii - i i a, ji.... ,
Schalk. Sacrifice fly, Cicotte. Stolen base,
Janvrin. DouDie piays, ocrgcr, xiauKuuin,
Fournier: Blackburn. Berger and Fournier;
Breton, Fournier; Carrlgan, Scott. Left on
bases Chicago 6, Boston 5. Bases on balls,
off R-. Collins 1, off Cicotte 1. First base on
errors, Chicago 2, Boston 2. Struck out, by
R Collins 3, by Cicotte 2. Wild pitch. Ci
cotte. Time, 1:47. Umpires, Connolly and
St. Louis 1, Washington 0.
WASHINGTON, July 9. St. Louis de
feated Washington again today, 1 to 0.
The visitors scored the winning run in
the fourth. Score:
Rt. Louis
hotten.m 4 15 0 0
Foster.3. .
Milan. m . .
4 110 1
5 0 0
2 0 0
0 10
4 0 0
6 0 0
2 0 0
2 10
4 10
8 2 0
0 30
0 0 0
0 0 0
G.Wil'mar 4
C.Walker.l 4
Leary.l... 4
Austin.3.. 3
Lavan.s.. 8
10 0
9 10
0 2 0
1 80
1 10
3 20
Shanks.1. ..
Morgan.2 ..
Henry.c. . .
chaw. p. . .
Engel.p. ..
Schaefer .
Hamllt'n.p 2
Totals.. 31 5 27 9 0 Totals... 30 27 8 1
Batted for Shaw In eighth.
St Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Run G. Williams. Two-base hit. Shanks.
Three-base hit. Pratt Hits, off Shaw, 5 In
8 innings; off Engle, none in 1 Inning. Sacri
fice hit, Shanks. Stolen bases. G. Wiliams,
Austin, Milan. Left on bases, St Louis 4,
Washington 6. Bases on balls, off Hamilton
2 off Shaw 1. Struck out, by Shaw 6. Time,
1:35. Umpires, Egan and Evans.
Try Santlseptlc Lotion after shaving AdT
Those Big Trout!
No matter where you go, the
big fellows are always hard
to get. To go after them suc
cessfully you must have a
knowledge of their habits and
a supply of really good tac
kle. We are headquarters for
the best of everything in fish
ing tackle.
Anglers' Licenses on Hand at All Times.
223jlorrion Strsat. Bet lit &2nd Sta
Young William Johnston, Just
Off Train, Beats Him.
Without Previous Preparation For
mer Oregon Title-Holder Plays
All Around ex-Champion and
Wins, 6-3, 6-8 and 6-3.
NEW YORK, July 9. All of the
tennis players who are regarded as
Davis cup team possibilities continued
among the visitors today in the best
tourney on the turf of the Country
Club of Westchester. The great event
of the day was the match in which
W. M. Johnston, of California, beat W.
A. Lamed, the former National cham
pion. 6-3. 6-8. 6-3.
Johnston arrived this morning from
his trip across the continent. Without
any previous preparation he outplayed
the famous Larned on ground strokes,
while his California service took all
the dash out of Larned's returns. The
veteran played up to his form, but was
beaten by a boy who was his master
Johnston is a former Oregon title
holder and now Pacific Coast cham
Harold H. Hackett, captain of the
Davis cup team of a year ago, treated
Dean Mathey to an assortment oi tan
nv nasslne shots, which bowled over
the Prinneton Dlaver at 6-2, 6-4. R.
Norrls Williams, second, also was im
proved in form and he smothered Q. F.
Touchard at 6-0. 6-2. R. Lindley Mur-
rav of California, had some difficulty
with W. M. Hall. He found his strokes
in the second set and after that Hall
was outplayed, Murray winning at 4-6,
6-0, 6M.
English Put Belgians to Rout.
pntvEBTriNR Julr 9. The English
team today completed the rout of the
Belgians In the Iirst preliminary ruuuu
of the Dwight F. Davis international
lawn tennis trophy competition. T.
M. Mavrogordato, in the singles, beat
A. G. Watson in straignt sets, o-i, o-u,
6-3 and J. C. Parke defeated R. De
Borman also In straight sets, b-4, b-J.
Barrett Cannot Come.
LONDON, July 9. H. Roper Barrett,
tya main hnne of Great Britain's team
for the Davis international lawn tennis
trophy, announced definitely today that
he would be unable to go to America
to take part in the matches there in
the event of England being successful
nver France in the next round. His
decision was brought about by the
pressure of private business.
Kansas City 4, St. Louis 0.
ST. rJOUIS, July 9. Through two
series of successive singles, giving
tkam twin nitiR in the first i n n i n n
anil two in the last Kansas City todaj
defeated St Louis, 4 to 0. Score:
K. H. E.
Kansas City 20000000 2 4 8 0
St. Louis 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 4 4
Batteries Cullop and Easterly; Dav
enport,' Keupper and Chapman.
Chicago 4, Indianapolis 8.
CHICAGO, July 9. Beck's home run
in the 11th inning won a 4-to-3 victory
for Chicago over Indianapolis today.
Score: R- H. E.
Indianapolis 2000000100 03 6 0
Chicago 0 000000300 1 4 10 3
Batteries Kaiserling and Rariden;
Hendrlx and Wilson.
Buffalo 2, Pittsburg 1.
BUFFALO, July 9. Russell Ford
pitched sterling ball against Pittsburg
in the last game of the present series,
winning for Buffalo, 2 to 1. Score:
Buffalo 00 1 0 0 0 1 0 ' 2 7 i
Pittsburg 00010000 0 1 7 2
Batteries Ford and Blair; Camnitz
and Berry.
Brooklyn 5, Baltimore C
BROOKLYN, July 9. Brooklyn made
it four straight over Baltimore today,
winning by a score of 5 to 2. Score:
R T. E.
Baltimore 10000100 0 2 8 2
Brooklyn 02010002 6 9 0
Batteries Wilhelm and Russel; Fin
neran and Owens.
San Francisco Cigar Dealer Arrested
for Accepting Bet.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 9. (Special.)
For the second time the crusade
against gambling on baseball games ln-
or ashes to lug.
delighted with
bakes, broils,
It does all
can do and
Best Results
Use Pearl OH
CoDmiht Hart ScWfaer It Mara
SMART style, newness, quality
and value are the things young
men like these demand in clothes.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
do each one of these things better than anybody else
a pretty good reason why the best dressed young
men in business, or for pleasure, wear these good
Look at the new Scotch Weaves for outing suits.
You'll find ready clothes that fit and satisfy.
$18 up to $35.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop for Northwest Corner
Quality and Service. Third and Morrison.
augurated by the Pacific Coast Base
hii i.Anrim horn fruit today when Wil
liam B. Stepleton. a cigar dealer, was
arrestee cnargea wnn gimuiint. sim
pleton's case was put over one day.
The accused cigar dealer accepted a
bet of $6 on a game of baseball be
tween the Venice and Oakland teams.
I Am .Doing This to
Than the Marked Price
$14.75 Men's Suits Now $12.75
$18.75 Men's Suits Now $16.75
Remember this : -My
usual prices of $14.75 Y(CC(
nnr! $18.75 are al
ways below ground-
floor store prices.
They axe now $2.00
315-16-17 Oregonian
Elevator to 3d Floor
to Perfection
"I had no idea this
Stove would bake bread
evr-rvrl-iino- insr like mv steel
rlrve A nd bfst of all mv kitchen StaVS COol
hnr Aavt Resides, there's
That keeps the kitchen
New Perfection
COOK stove
roasts and toasts perfectly
that any wood or coal stove
at less cost. It doesn'
doesn't taint the food.
Clean, safe convenient. Ask to
see it at your dealer's.
Standard Oil Company
I California)
The money was marked and booked
against him as evidence.
Stapleton'i arrest Is the first since
George Hchumaltan. another elaar
dealer, who waa convicted recently and
fined sur.o for a similar offense. Coast
League officials through private coun
sel will prosecute the case.
Beat All Comers!
Oil Cook
and cook
ran pc. But
no COal or wood
clean Oh, I'm