TTTE MORNIXG OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1914. 13 WASTE TO BE SAVED By-Products Industry Will Be Organized. MEETING HERE NEXT MONTH lux ton and California exceeded 11,000,000 In each cue, while In Oregon there was fain of over 1800,000. Number. 1914. 1913. 1912. Wash . . . Oregon California .243 .220 .888 221 222 437 205 111 83a Liabilities 1914. 8.B22.148 2.604,394 . 4,272.0 Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Northwest Are Invited to Form Co - operative Association Along Business Lines. A tentative form of co-operative organiza tion for the by-products industry will be submitted to the fruit and vegetable (rowers Total 8B4 880 652 (10,898,660 WATEBSOXOX SCPPXY 13 SHORT First Car Is Oat From Olnnbs for Portland. Cantaloupes Finn. Watermelons were scares on Front street and will be all the week. The Southern California crop is about exhausted and ship ments from other sections are slow In get ting started. The first car from Dlnuba was out for Portland yesterday. The cantaloupe market was firm with strong demand, and S2.50 was obtainable on the best stock. Two cars arrived. The first Crawford peaches of the season were received from California and sold at SI a box. Other sorts, both California and local, were plentiful, and ranged in price from 40 to 90 cents. Plums sold from 70 cents to $1.26. accord Ins to Quality. Cherries and 'other small fruits were in limited supply, as the season is drawing to a close. Three cars of bananas arrived. A car of fine tomatoes was received from Merced and sold well at 76 cents a box. Poultry and Country Meats Weak. The poultry and dressed meat markets of Oregon, Washington. Montana and Idaho I opened weak with prospects of liberal sup- , ... . r, ,.. I Dlles this week. Hens were quoted at 14H ... . . cents and springs at 18(ie cents. There ber 10. This Is the plan of tne oy-prooucts committee appointed by the Fruit Products Congress held in conjunction with the Sixth .National Apple Show which met reoently in pokane. Fruit and vegetable growers of the Fa . elfic Northwest who will be benefited by canneries, evaporators, etc.. as well as those who are engaged In the Industry at th present time, are Included In the invitation of the committee to attend the Portland meeting. It Is probable that spools! rates Willi be secured from the railroads. In the opinion or the committee, after an investigation of conditions covering a period of months, the necessity for the utilization of raw materials now wasted and th or ganization of ths by-products Industry of the Northwest on a business basis la as great as was thst for the growers' co-operative central marketing agency, and the Spoken conference Is a step toward another such comprehensive Institution. Between now and September 10, the com mlttee will complete th assembling of sta tistics and data bearing on the present situ atlon. Several of the most prominent men in th fruit and vegetable and the by-prod ucts Industries In the Northwest have been scheduled for aadfeesea at that time, ItETTKH FKEMNG IV WHEAT MABbUCT Farmers Are Not Offering and There Is No Gain Ilk Local Business. There W a somewhat bettor feeling In the Wheat market as a consequence of the lm provement abroad, but thef has been no gain In business, l.ltll buying on oontraot Is reported and rarmers are not offering freely. Ne club Is quoted at 77 9 71 cents and biuestem at II oentl. Looal receipts In cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows! Wriest Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday tt 14 It It 11 Veararo II 10 I 1 10 Foreign crop conditions are summarised by Broomhall as follows: United Kingdom Weather conditions olear and Warm. Wheat outlook Is good, while eoars grain has been stunted as a result of dryness. FranceWheat outlook has Improved a a result of favorable weather, and native of fers have increased moderately Germany The weather has been wet and nas now turned hot, and reports of rust are current. Offers of native wheat ar smali. Russia Supplies are moderate, but the prevailing belief is thst reserves la the In terlof are ample. Harvesting Of Winter wheat is Impeded by wet weather. Holders remain firm. Roumanla What prospeota hav Improved and cutting has commenced in parte. The utlook for corn Is good. Weather favorable. Hungary Many Complaints are coming to hand of rust in wheat. India Heavy rain is reported In the Pun Jab, and this will interfere with the move ment of wheat. Offerings are liberal. Australia Further, complaint of dryness and orop outlook Is generally less favorable. WF.W YORK HOPS HURT BY HAIL Crop. Conditions ou Pacitla Coast Are Good. Foreign Prospects. Weather conditions ar almost perfect for the growing hop orop In Oregon and Wash ington. Conditions In California hav also Improved somewhat, and th dealer of that state ar now estimating a orop of 100,004 to 103.000 bales. A letter received from Santa Kosa yesterday, comparing prospects with last year's, estimated the shortage at 8U00 to 10.000 In Sonoma, 8000to 3300 In Mendocino and about SOOo In Sacramento. No business Is passing In this state, but In California th Blauth crop of 308 bales of 1013s, at Riverside, sold at 13 cents to Flint, and contracts were being made at It cents. New York advices are that 200 acres In the vicinity of Marshall were damaged by a severe hall storm. The track of th storm was about half a mile In width and struck the yards of many large growers, breaking off the heads of th vines and literally tripping them of side arms and leaves, and In some oases cutting the vines In many places. Just how serious tlis damage may be cannot be stated until th vines hav lad a chance to recover somewhat. A leading hop firm at Nuremburg writes. tinner dat of Jims 2 "Th plant haa come wall through th Winter in all " fte" pftnolpal hopgrowlng countries, and. while a large number of gar. dens are running uneven, the state of the plantations Is much the sams as a year ago. warm and seasonable weather is anxl onsly looked for on th Continent. We oon- sider the present outlook quit satisfactory." Th latest quotations on Saas hops are 330 to 280 kroner (46.9S to 61.46 oants) and on other Austrian hops, 200 to 240 kroner (8S.78 to 44.11 cents). AMERICAN TISXBLB 6CFFLY SMALLER Stocks Ar Mow Lighter Thaa tot Past Four Years. Th weekly wheat staUstios of th Mer chants Exohang follow! Bushels. cents and springs at 18(918 cents, nas little demand for veal or pork. Eggs ware held at 24 cents, case count. with the usual premium for candling. There were no changes in the butter or cheese markets. Cascara Bark at ' London. Mall advices from London say of cascara bark: "About 00 bags Just landed. C, L t business dons at 38s, but 13s Id now re quired, per June steamer from Frisco. Spot 13s Id for good bright bark. Ther Is a lit tle better inquiry for spot we note. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of ths Northwestern oltl yesterday were as follows! Clearings. Balances. Portland 12,637,819 1376,718 Seattle 1,734,541 210,664 Tacoma 413,154 49,701 Spokane 184,617 148,283 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Nsw olob, 119 78c: new forty-fold, 7Sa?9C; new biuestem, 8 Jo; new red Russian, 76c; old club, 800 nominal. MILLFEED Bran, 823 per ton; shorts. 126; middlings, 480. OATS No. 1 whit milling, 2833.!5 par ton. FLOUR Patents, 14.10 per barrel; straights, I. 20; exports, $3.90; valley, 84.60; graham, $4.80; whole wheat, 86. BARLEY Feed, 120021 per ton; brew ing. 821.S0!t2l, rolled, 1:3.50. HAY Choice timothy, 316 17; mixed, timothy, 112(815: valley grain hay, 101 alfalfa. 11. CORN Whole, 835; cracked, 3S per ton, Fruits and Vegetables, Local Jobbing quotations: TROPtCAL FRCITS Oranges. navels. ll.7SfiJ3.25 per box; lemons, 5.0 psr box: bananas, 84o per pound; grapefruit. California, ll.So per dosen. VEGETABLES Cuoumbers, 500900 per dozen: eggblant. Ho per pound; peppers, 20c per sound; radishes, 16017H per dozen; head lettuce. 81.76 per orate: artichokes, 8So per dozen: celery, 81.60 per dozen; tomatoes, 700 per orate; spinach. tv To per pound; rhubarb, B Vie 3c per pound : cabbage. 1 Per pouna; asparagus, i 61.50 dozen; peas, 46c per pound; beans. SHj'To per pound; corn, 80ijj39o per dozen, ONIONS Red, $1.16; yellow, 13.28 per sack: Walla Walla, 3.25. GREEN FRUITS Apples, old. 81.602 box; nsw, lis 1.85 per box; cherries, 8So per pound; apricots, 81.60 per box; canta- inuneK S2ift2.Eiu Der crate: oeaches. 40oO 31 per box; plums, 7Bo0$l.Su; watermelons, lXtfzo per pound; loganoerries. mpsim per crate; raspberries,; disck caps, si til. A; casabas, $3. Is per dozen; pears, ll.fto per box. POTATOES Oregon, new, AKwmo per pound. HACK VBUKIABUISi) -Turnips, new van- forma, 81.25; carrots, $1.60; beets, $1.60. Best Stock Sells 20 Cents Above Last Week. Lehigh Valley ... 600 136 138 Vi 130 Louis & Nash ..... ..... 16 Mexican Cent . . Soo Line 200 124 124 M K T 600 18V4 17V4 Mo Paclfio 1300 17T 17 National Lead.... ... ..... ..... Nat Biscuit 130 do nfd llrtl New Haven 400 8514 03 N Y Central 200 89 89 Ont & W 100 24 2 Norfolk West North America .. :.. ..... Nor Pao 600 112 111 Paclfio Mail Pacific T as T 10 123 17 17 V 49 64 8014 23 105 75 111 22 23 do pfd ' 85 SUPPLY IS NOT Penn R R 300 Peoples Oas 100 Reading 4700 I flRfjF Republic S & I niiMi- Rock I 112 121 104 1114 121 104 Rock Island 400 H4 114 South Pac 8000 97 7 Southern Rt 200 24 2414 Texas OU 143 Union Pacific... 9200 158 155 155 ao pia 111 121 164 22 1 971, 24 Sheep and Iyambs Also Taken at Full gnsteiteei.".?f.SI.!'i756o do pfd 400 Utah Copper 2400 Prices Undertone) of Cattle Market Not So Strong- as Formerly. 2 109 58 BOH 78 61 109 68 - 88 76 S3 12 61 108 58 59 76 West Union 1800 Westlnghouse .... 2000 Wis Cent Total shares, 84,000. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck A- Cook Co.. Board or Trade buiiains, Fortiana. The livestock market had the usual full Monday supply and trading was brisk throughout the dav. There was a better ton in th swine division and buyers raised their bids 20 cents, over last week' close. The sheen market was also firm, nut in e&ttle the tone was easier. RtMn sold at a wide range. 17 run loaas hfnr ulisn at nricea running from su.10 to 17 10 Onlv-two loads brought the latter Erie Oen 4s figure. The bulk of sales were at to.uu iuu iuoi itti tn ST. Clnnti rnvem sold at S5.95 to . 86.25. Tbere was not much doing in the butcher Atch Gen 4s Atl Coast Line. 1st 4s.. B O Gold 4s B R T 4 Ches O 4s C, M 4 61 P Gen 4.. C R I Col 4s Cal Gas 5s Cal Gas 5s C B Q Joint 4s.. Louisville A Nash Un-4s. Missouri Pac 4s Bid. Asked, 95 96 cattle end. NYC Oen g. . July 8. July 7. July S. July 10, July 1L July 12. July IS, July 15. July IS. 190S July 17, 1905 1914 1013 1912) 111 1910 1909 J 90 1907 13.24S.000 ,.. 29,470.000 ...21.292.000 ...26,674,000 ...11.615,000 ... 8,427,000 ,..13,461.000 ...47,086,000 ...24.243.000 ...12.339.000 Incr Quantities On Passage Week nding July 3 For TT. K. ... Continent Y3uahela .21.296.000 .17.112.000 Week ending June 2T Bushels 22.652.000 16.912,000 Decrease. 1.751,000 698,000 1.957,000 2,711.000 421.000 1,820.000 866,000 243.000 709. U00 1.084.000 Week ending July 5, '13 Bushels 22,984,000 17,696,000 -Totals 3S.408.OOO 89.404.000 40,680,000 worm s enipments (flour included) From TJ. 6., Can. . Argentina .. Australia ... i'an. ports. Russia India Week ending July 3 Bushels 6.701,000 304.00O 944,000 984.000 2.472.000 1.723.000 Week ending June 27 Bushels E. 099.000 1.0H8.00O l.UtH.000 404.000 8.406.UOO 2.134.000 Week ending July S, '18 Bushels 8.S01.000 691.000 1.0S0.0OO 028.000 2,520.000 2.674.000 Totals ....12.193,000 13.855,000 10.994,000 FEWER FAILURES 1ST PAST HALF YEAR Oregoa Make Best Snowing of Paclfio Coast States.. In commenting on the record of failures in' th first half ot 1914. Dun's Review asys of th Pacific Coast section: While ther was a contraction of 26 In tbe number of defaults on the Pacific Coast, th aggregate indebtedness rose fully 13.000,000, the figures for this seo tlon being 854 reverses for 810.898.560. against 880 for $7,188,214 during the first mix months of last year. . Numerically, fa vorable exhibits were mad by both Oregon and California, especially by th latter, wLlob reported 61 fewer failures. On the other hand, an Increase of 27 occurred In Washington, and in respect to the liabili ties more or less expansion was showa in very Instance. Th difference la Wash- Dairy and Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: EJUS Fresh Oregon ranoh, oas count. 24o; candled, 252c per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 14c: Bprlngs, 18lol turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, choice, Socj ducks. I'J'cj Mc: geese, 10c. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, ITY4C per pound; cubes, 32 23c. CHEESE Oregon triplets, joooers- ouving price, lso per pound f. o. b. dock Port land; Young America, 17o per pound. PORK Fancy, 10QilOc per pound. VEAL Fancy, 10 11c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: (SALMON Columbia River one-pound talis, $2.85 per dozen: half-pound flats, 1.40: one-pound flats, $2.45: Alaska pinK, one-pound tails, 85c; silversldes, one-pound tails, 81.25. HONEY Choice. 83.80iS3.7I per case. NUTS Walnuts, 14 4i20c per pound Brazil nuts, 80c; filberts, 1416o; almonds. 1942ici peanuts, tihit: cocoanuts, $1 per dozen; chestnuts, 14 10c per pound; pe can . 14 'Site. BEANB email wnite, 6140j large wnite. c; Lima, tc; pink, 5.15c; Mexican, havou. 6c T COFFEE Roasted, in arums, luispezo per pound. 8UOAB irult ana nerry, s.vo; oeei. $4.85; extra C, $4.65; powdered, in barrels. ss.aa HAL.T nranulatea. Sl&.bv per ion: nan- ground, lOOa. $10.76 per ton; 60s, $11.50 per ton: dairy. 814 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan, 4 S5e; southern head. Ujr7Ho: island. SOStto. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10llC per pound; apricots, 16 26c; peaches, 8 lie nrunes. Italians. 10112140: currants. 9o raisins, loose Muscatel, 6!47c: bleached Thompson, llo; unbleached Sultanas, 8c seeded, 9c; dates, Persian, 770 per pound fnrrt 81.40 nee box. FIGS Packages. 8-os., 50 to box, $1.86 package: 10-os., 12 to box, 80c; white, 25-lb. box. $1.75; black. tS-lb.-box, $1.75; black, 80-lb. box. 82.60: black, 10-lb. box, $1.15 Calarab candy fig, 20-lb. box, $3; Smyrna, per box, $1.60, Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1918 orop, prime and ohoioe, 14 0 It 14c: 1914 contracts. 10c PELTS Dry. llo; dry short wool, 8c; dry shearings, lOo; grsen shearings, 15o; salted aheen. 31.2601.50: Spring lambs. 2o35o. HIDES Salted hides. 13140 per pound salt kip, 14c; salted salf, 19o; green hides, 12 o; dry tildes, 24o; dry calf, 3c; salted bulla. 10c per pound; green bulls, 8o. WOOL Valley. 18 20 14 o; Eastern C gon. 16OJS140. MOHAIR 1814 clip. To per pound. CASCARA BARK Old and new, 4 per pound. . GRAIN BAGS In car lots, 8 Wo. - FISH Salmon, 8011o per pound; hal ibut, 45c; buck shad, 814c; roe shad, 50 silver perch, 8c. t- .v. -rir h now ton nuotatlon ?! w 1st (.on 4S ,i, ,a ... . -. - I Tnt-t T3rt Am IB .11 Ul O wuoiiicbo, iiv ..... -, t $8.10 and $8.15. usavy nogs were aiso firmer. nrlces ruled steady to nrm. .iamuB moved at $5.50 to $6. wethers at 14 io $4.75 and a mixed load brought $4.60. nt, were H7 cattle. XV calves, uiv hnD-B and HM7 sheen. Among tn snip pers were: With cattle G. A. Love, Roose velt, 1 car; J. m. -Barry, ,ruiiu,iuu, F! n VeuBhn. Caldwell. & cars; s. diwm r-Bllnr-ll 3 para'. A . L- tloDKins, Huntington, 8 cars; O. M. Gill. Yoncalla, 3 pari: TC X. Hill. COnOOn. O CSre, w aranar. Mannner. S Cars. With hoas W. H. Ross, Farmer, i car; Win r'' riavfna. 1 car. w fh aheen J. 'Crawl. Lyie. o cars; u. cj. West. Oakland. 3 Cars; 3. W. Candler, Wal lowa, 3 cars; J. A. Ruff, Pilot Rock, 2 cars. With mixed loads J. D. Dlnsmore. 1 ear hum and aheen: C. El. Locke, Canby, 1 - . - . .r i.m oai Yinvm and anAB: WtHl OK Xlr S "-""I Caldwell, 2 cars cattle and hogs; C. H. Morelock, Joseph, oars nogs anu auoi McCully A Rumble, Joseph, 2 oars hogs and aheaD: A. L. Demaris. Milton, i car c.tuo, calves and hogs; W. H. Harris, The Dalles, 2 cars cattle and calves. The day's sales wer as follows Oregon Short Line Ref 4a.. Oregon By Nav 4s ......... Pao Tel 5a Penna Con 4s Reading Gen 4s St L San Fran Ret 4s... So P Ref 4s S P Col 4s So Ry 5s 104 . 03 . 94 .102 . 28 . 28 . 9214 . 97 . 73 . 77 . 96 . 63 . SZ . 95 . 85 . 96 . 92 . 96 .101 . 95 . 70 . 92 90 So BV 4s Un Ry Inv 4s t n pao 1st and Rsf 4s. U S Steel 6s West. Shore 4s Wabash 4s Whouse Elec cv 5s. . . . Wisconsin Central 4s . . 71 6314 .. 94 ..102 . . 92 .. 60 .. 93 .. 88 93 88 94 102 2S 28 93 97 73 77 98 55 83 96 95 97 93 97 101 95 70 92 90 73 94 102 93 61 96 68 Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, July 6 Closing quotations: 8 hogs 53 hozs 15 hogs . .. 183 280 md. she'p 78 Wt. Pricel 296 $7.10 103 8.10 1 hog 59 lambs . 8 ewes 23 wethers. 52 lambs . . 253 wethers. 27 wethers.. 690 74 120 94 7 89 92 18 steer 22 steers 7 S5 1 steer . 4.501 51 lambs 7.10 7 hogs . 6.501 94 hog . 4.00 1 hog Wt Price. ,.1148 $6.65 ,.1214 7.10 4.75 6.59 4.001 4.001 6.00 O.UUI 6.10 4.001 6.65 6.95 9.60! 6,60 6.601 e.eoj 6.60 6.001 6.001 6.001 6.70 7.00 7.00 Scows ..1025 1COW ....1180 27 steers . . 978 1 Stag ...1080 7 steers .. 989 S cows ... 833 82 steers ..104a 27 steers ..1056 22 steers ..IO.'iO 24 steers ..1098 20 steers ..1033 24 steers . .1079 8 steers ..1042 2 Steers . . 940 12 steers . . 887 26 steers ..1171 24 steers ..13-18 14 steers .. 875 23 steers ..1793 1 steer .1100 2 steer . .1100 1 steer ...1360 1 stag 1310 3 steers ..1323 CTurrent rjriCeS stock at the yards follow Prime steers Choice steers Medium steers Choiee cows . Medium cow Heifers Calves Bulls Stags Lleht Heavy Shee Wethers Ewes Yearling lamDa Spring lambs . 49 hogs 80 hogs 2 hogs 90 hogs 4 hogs 10 hogs 3 hogs 2 hogs 43 hogs 1 cow , . 23 steers 21 steers 4 steers 1 steer 1 stag . 1 bull . 1 steer . 3 steers 19 cows - 1 cow 1 calf 6.25 IS steers 7.10 1 hog . . 7.10 49 hogs . 0.65 10 hogs . 6.50 33 hogs . 5.00 3 hogs . 6.50 100 lambs. Of the various .1130 . .. 87 139 ... 187 . .. 830 . .. 153 . .. 119 . .. 435 . .. 205 . .. 887 . .. 123 ... 190 . .. 443 . .. 207 . .1430 ..1074 ...1118 ..1107 . .. 930 ..1260 . .1410 ..1330 . ..1100 . .. 924 . .. 940 . .. 230 , ..1003 ... 420 , .. 197 .. 118 ,.. 157 ..357 .. 64 Classes 7.10 6.00 8.15 8.20 7.20 8.10 8.1S 7.16 8.15 7.15 7.25 8.00 7.20 8.20 6.23 7.00 7.00 6.75 7.00 6.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 8.00 6.50 7.20 8.20 7.10 8.10 8.15 6.00 Of Allouex Amal Copper.... 71 A Z L A Km.... 16 Arizona Com.... 4 Calumet & Ariz. 64 Cal A Heola. ...415 Centennial 17 Cop Range C C 88 E Butte Con M. 9 Franklin 4 Granby Con 8814 Greene Cananea. 29 I Royalle (Cop). 21 Kerr Lake 8 Lake Copper ... - 6 La Salle Copper. 3 Miami CoDDer... 21 Mohawk 44 89 141 Nevada Con lpisumg M. North Butte : . North Lake . Old Dominion Osceola ....... Qulncy Shannon Superior ...... Sun & Bos M-. Tamarack 35 U H sm Ref & M 88 do nreferred .. 4614 utan con it Utah Copper Co. 68 Winona Wolverine ... Butt A Sup. 13 o 25 1 48 76 67 27 1'4 3 40 87 BLACK RUST FOUND Verified Reports Turn Chicago Wheat Market Upward. ALL OPTIONS ARE HIGHER Pia ene Discovered in North and South Dakota and in Minnesota. Corn lower on Rain in ' Southwest. CHICAGO. July . Unquestionabl dis covery of black rust In South Dakota and reports of the presence of the plague in North Dakota and Minnesota turned the wheat market today over to the - bulla. There was a firm close at 0c to e net advance. Corn suffered a net loss of o to 0c. oats finished o off to 1-18 up. and provisions ranging from zwc down to a rise of 7c Unfavorable weather tn the Spring crop region had a bullish effect on wheat. The opening, which varied from c to 5c off to 0 advance, was followed by a material rise all around, though afterward th gain entirely disappeared and July underwent decided sag. Assertion that the largest yield of wheat ever known In Nebraska was as sured, counted later against the bulls, but reports that black rust was general along the southern edge of South Dakota brought about a rally. Heavy selling by commission house broke the price of corn. Rain Southwest, where the crops have been suffering for moisture, furnished the Incentive. December prices of corn touched a new low level for tbe orop, but a liberal decrease In th visible supply helped cause a reaction, Complaints of rust held tn oats market relatively steady, but showed a little sym pathy with corn weakness. Lower hog prices had only a temporary influence on provision. Trading was al moBt wholly confined to ribs. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. July $ .78 $ .79 $ .78 6epf 78 .79 .77 CORN. July 67 .87 .66 Sept 64 .64 .63 OATS. July .36 .36 .86 Sept 34 .86 .34 MESS PORK. .21.65 21.70 2 Clou. ' '31! .7914 . .64 . .83 .$7.nofit?.25 . 6.75(0) 7,00 . 6.50 6.75 . 8.2oife 6.50 . 8.00W 8.25 . 6.25 6.76 . B.nniB) 8.50 . 3.00 5.00 . 6.00 8.60 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. July A Close: Mercantile Dauer. SKi34!a cer cent. steriina exenang. nrm: ov days, xi.njuo; demand, $4.o7iO. commercial bills, 4.80)4. Ear sliver, 68c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Government bonds, heavy: railroad bonds. Irregular. Can money, nrm, 2193 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2o2 per cenc Time loans, stronger, sixty nays, zh per cent; 90 days. 23 pr cent; six months. 14 q i per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, July . Sliver bars, 5614; Mexican dollars. nominal; drafts, Sight, 01; do. telegraph, 03. Sterling, 60 days, 4.80; do. sight, 4.87. LONDON. July 6. Bar silver easy.'25d: money, 101; discount rates, short bills. 1, 3 months, 1 ffl 1.15-16. Condition of th Treasury. WASHINGTON. July . Th condition of th United States Treasury at the begin ning or business today was: Net balance In general fund $143,792,208 Total receipts Saturday 6,703.310 Total payments Saturday 1,884,061 The surplus this fiscal year is $849,905, against a deficit of S3.084.807 last year. ex. elusive of Panama Canal and publlo debt transactions. I July Sept July Sept ..20.26 2O.80 LARD. .55 20.17 It.TO 20.23 10.10 10.22 July sept 1187 11.82 ...10.30 10.30 10.22 SHORT RIBS. ,...11.87 11.90 11.87 ,...11.80 11.85 11.77 Cash nriees were: Wheat. No. 2 red. 80 81c: No. I hard, 80i4fi811ac: No. 2 Northern. 884 BOo: No. 2 Spring, 87 88c. Corn. No. 2 yellow. 8. us a.o: ro. vellow, 67 A ft 68c Rye, No. 8, 5Uc; barley, 48 S 58c; timothy, $4.23 & 0.00; clover, iuiBi3. San Francisco drain Market. SAN FRANCISCO, July 6. Spot quot tlons: Walla Walla, $1.56 bid, $1.57 asked red Russian, $1.56 bid. $1.57 asked: Turkey red. 81.57 14 & 1.80: biuestem. tl.6uai.6iu: feed barlev. 97Hcfi Jl.tiO: brewing barley, nominal; wniteoats, $1.2-' jil.23, bran, l'4.i(J a middlings, tjoa Hi snorts, fzfwzi. do. Call board: Wheat nrm: no trading: bar. ley steady; December,. $1.02 ; May, $1.07 bid; July, B7o 01a. Pugt Sound Wheat Market. TACOMA. Wash., July 6. Wheat Blue- stem, 82c; fortvfold, 80c; club, 790 ; Fife, 780; rea Russian, 770. Car receipts Whsat 1, barley 6, hay 2. SEATTLE, WBsh.rJuly 6. Wheat Au rust and Senteraber deliver? Quotations Biuestem 82c; fortyfoid, 80c; olnb, 79c; Flf. 7Sc: red Russian. 77c. Yesterday's car re ceipts: Wheat 9, oats 2, our 7, hay 8, bar ley 1. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus $1,000,000 $1,000,000 OFFICERS Asarl. CaaktsnN J. O. irvsWORTH, Prraldeat, It. LKA BARJS-HS, W. A. HOLT, A. M. WRIGHT, Assst. Caakler. It, W. SCHMKKJt, Caakler. p. a. Dick. Asarc. Catalan PINKERTON & COMPANY UNiTED STATES DETECTIVE AGENCY Chicago, 111., ever since 18S3 No connection with or relation to the Tinkerton National Dctoetiv Agency. Scientific detective work aJong modern lines. Onr COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Finds the criminal intent in criminal accounts and reduces it to a practical basis. A criminal account is one that can pay but won't. When the criminal feature is exposed it wants to pay. Headquarters, 7th floor, Boyce building:, Chicago, 111. . Northwestern Offices, 412-13 Lumbermen! bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Main 7741. W. H. TREECE, District Manager. Provisions. HAMS 10 to 12-pound, ltt20ttc; 12 to 14-pound, lSViW'Oc; it to 18-pouna, 18".(320V.c: skinned. lSS20c: picnic, 13c BACON Fancy, 3S03Uc; standard, 23 h 250. DRT SALT CURED Short clear backs, 13HtJl!4o; exports. 1416c; plates, 11 18c LARD Tierce basis. Pure, 13 913c; com- pound, fiKo. . uus. KEROSEXB Water white, arums, bar rels or tank wagon, 10c; special, drums or barrels, 13c; cases, 170 800. GASOLINE Bulk. lS'Ac; cases, I2Uo: motor spirit, bulk, lotto; cases, 22 Ha En gine distillate, drums, 7c; cases, Itftc naotha. drums. 14c: cases, 21c liINSKED OIL Raw, barrels, sic; Dolled, barrels, 83c; raw, cases, 66c; boiled, cases. 6SC TURPENTINE In cases, 86o per gallon: tanks, etc. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Quoted at the Bay City, on Fruits, Vegetables, Eto. SAX FRANCISCO. July . Fruit Pine apples, $l.SO2.2o; Mexican limes, 89-310; California lemons, $2.766.60. Vegetables Cucumbers, 80000c; green peas, 2$- 3c Potatoes Oregon BurnanKs, 90C(?T81.23; new, l$lic; river Burbanks, 80c$1.2i. Eggs Fancy ranch, 23c; store, 22 c. Onions Red, $J.2S,35; white, $-'.50 2.60. Cheese Young Americas, 14ffl4Vic; new. 1012V4c Butter Fancy creamery, 24 He; seconds. 23c Receipts Flour, 2410 quarters: barley. 9S4i centals; potatoes. 227 sacks; hay, 1427 tons. .2aj 7.2S 4.000 4.85 3.2B0 4.28 4.50jl 4. S3 0.30 6.00 Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTT OMAHA. July 0F. 700: market, higher. Heavy, $8.2008.45, light, $s.20s8.4'-'V4; Pies. $T.ou0; ouia 01 sales, $S.23S.35. . . Cattle Receipts. 2100; market, higher. Vative steers. $7.60(fj9.20; cows and betters. $6i8.10; Western steers, le.OO&B.ov; i exas Bteers, ?oci.;; cowa auu .11 ; calves. 101 Sheep Keceiyus, 1 ". .'i'1 v Fed muttons. $66.60; wethers, $B.2oo.0b lambs, $8.30!; Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, July 6. flogs Receipts 19.-000- market, strong. Bulk of sales, $3.30(9 8.5; light. $9.208.62V4; mixed. 8-208-f5; heavy. $S.05S.62 ; rough, $8.0a8.2O; pigs, $7.408.30. , Cattle Receipts, 11,000; market, higher. Beeves. $7.25 9 50; oowa and halters $a.iO S.SS; stockers and teeedrs, $5.T57.t5; steers, $0.3008.25; calves. $8.75.S0. gheep Reoelpts, 10,000; market, higher. Sheep. $7.:!5'a,8.00; yearlings, $6.33 1.0O; lambs. $ti.3B. Coffee and Sugar. TJttor VnRlf Jillv A Th. onf 'm.rVnt 7.25 9 8.20wa quiet but generally firm on scattering I flrni but lnaotive. European Grain Markets. LONDON, July 0. Cargoes on passage STOCK TRADE DRAGS ARTIFICIAL ACTIVITY IN GROUPS OF POOI. SPECIALTIES. Stel Authorities Report Appreciable Improveemnt in This Industry. Metal Trade Generally Better. pii, .uuuvu, -.v muii 10 onuivf 114, oiff9o; isii, xatuyiDc; Spelter steady. 4.03505; Londah, 21 10s. I pacific Coast 113, 18010; 118, ll15o. .Bogota. 35 smite; central 'ool steady. Domestio fleese NEW YORK, Juty 6. Aside from aoms artificial activity at higher prlcee In the group ot "pooled" specialties, today's stook market dragged along like traditional mia summer sessions. The crop conditions In practically every section of the country continue exoellent. and mrniev remains easy, regardless of the ,Mnl hAW exnorts of gold. The steel authorities say ineir inuusirr ahnwa aDDraclable Improvement. The state ot the metal trade is plainly better thaa It wan a fortnight ago. London sold our shares at home ana later hare, the dealing for that account in tnn market aggregating- about 10,000 shares, nartiv neutralized by buying of coppers. Continental markets were without especial fatiira. Rnnds reflected the light movement, Mis souri Paclfio convertibles, Baltimore ft Ohio convertibles and St. Louis ft San Francisco refundings ruling heavy. Total sales, par value, 81,918,000. United States government &a eoiined 14 on call CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson & Co., Lewis building, Portland. baies. .uign. low. Allls Chalmers Amal' copper . .10800 Am Beet Sugar.. 100 Am Can Co -400 Am Car Fdy 100 Am Cotton Oil 1O0O C & D Am Smelting do pfd ....... Am Sugar ..... do pfd Tm Tal & Tel.. Am Tobacco . . . Anaconda ...... Atl Coast Line.. Santa Fe do ptd Bait ft Ohio.... Brook R T Can Pao com.... & O r. .. G W ft N W ... M ft St P Central Leather. Cent of N J.... Chlno Col Fuel ft Iron. . Col Southern Cons Gas L ft W ft R U Distilling Seo Erie Gen Electric .... N Ore N pfd Ill Central Interboro ........ do pfd ........ Inter Harv K C Southern. . . . T1H 20 37 H 60 64H TO 20 27 60 300 '800 '066 iioo 700 400 1200 100 "766 1000 120 '81 '99i' 'oiii 92 B3 1-4 ioo stt 120-4 'si 99H "ot" 1X 194 C2 14',i ioo" 86 1000 41 tt 41 200 129 900 70d 200 800 'ioo 600 29 149H 124 "iiii 62. 128 is 28 H 1411 31li 124 tt "iivt 62 Vi 'is" Close. 10 71 H 25 XT 5094 40 64 102 1U1 1J2 120 230 31 120 tt 99 91 91 tt 104 tt 52 14 130 tt 994 35 tt 800 41tt 26 23 128 tt 400 10 IS 28 14Stt 81 tt 124 94 112 14tt 62 tt 107 23 liauldntlon or a little trade buying in the absence of selling pressure. Steady Euro pean and Brazilian cables probably ac counted for the opening advance of 1 to 7 points and while some months eased off slightly under realizing, the close was at net gain of from 1 to 6 points for the day. Sales, 1300. July, 8.45c; September, 8.63c; October, 8.75c: Iecember, 8.95c; January, 8.970; March. 9.01o; May. 9.06c. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7, ttc; Santos No. 4. 12 1-Cc. Mild, dull; Cordova, 12tt16c nom-1 ina. Raw sugar, steady, unohanged. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, July . Lead, quiet, 8.85 a.vt; Lonuon, tiw os. Copper steady, spot and September, 13.45 f 18.85; electrolytic, 13.7.r9 13.87; lake, nom Inal. castings. 13.50(0-13. B2. Tin- Arm, spot 82.2U 32.30; September, a. IV IB-02. ou. Antimony dull. Cooksons. T.1207.23. Iron quiet. No, 1 Northern, 14.75&115.23 NO. 2 Northern, 14.8015; No. 1 Southern, 14.751S.25; No. 8 Southern. 14.60 15.00. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga.. July S. Turpentine firm, 48c Sales, 1(38 barrels; receipts, 1430 barrels; shipments, (7 barrels; stock, 18,584 Darrein. Rosin firm. Sales, 4265 pounds; receipts, pounds; shipments, 1416 pounds; stock, 1783 pounds. Quote: A, B, $3.65(83.85; C, D, E, F, 13.80,93.85; G, H, I, 3.SS 3.90; 1., s.iu; m, $4.70; wu, 35.85; WW, $. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, July 6. Evaporated apples quiet, fancy ll12c; choice, 1010tto; I pvime. 9 iB'S'Slc. Prunes, steady; California", 8ftlltto; oregons, I01T12C. Peaches, dull; choice, 6tt60; extra choice, 8i97ttc; fancy, 7tt8o. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. July 6. Butter steady; cream eries, 20tt23ttc. Eggs steady; receipts. lf.oor cases; at marx, cases moiuoea, iuq 10c; orainary nrsts, -Lfttpi7o; llrst, 18tt 01S44C Cheese, steady. Daisies. 14tt14ttl twins, ia; Americas, iOpi0i; long. horns, Hi,li. English country markets firm. French country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL. July fl. Wheat NO. 2 Man- Itoba, 7s ttd; July, fls llttd; "October, 6s 'id; December, Os lOd. Weather, cloudy. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 6. Wheat July. S7ftc; September, 81tt: No. 1 hard, 92Ho; No. 1 Northern, 89 &9ltto; No. 2 North ern. R7tt89c Barley, unohanged. flax, $1.60(4 91.62 54. Hops, Hides and Wool. NEW YORK, July (.Hops steady. Com mon to choice 1813, tl83o; 1918, 12 15c, Hides steady, American, 28c W XX Ohio 29 30c DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, July 6. Maximum temper ature 82. minimum temperature 54. Klver reading, S A. M-, 12.1 feet. Change In last 24 hours, 0.1 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to S P. M ), none; total rainfall since September i, 1918, 38.89 Inches; normal rain fall since September 1, 44.11 Inches; defi ciency of rainfall sines September 1. 1U13. 5.2J Inches. Total sunshine, 16 hours 37 minutes; possible sunshine, 15 houre, 37 minutes. Baromttsr (reduced to sea level). 0 P. M. soov inches. THS WEATHER. LADD &c TILTON BANK t - r rm .aw., r-l A-atabilaheU Capital and Surplus 52,000.000 Commercial and Savlnc Deposits son of N. H. Slg-nor, of Sprlnrfleld. in jured when hit by an automobile here yesterday, died last night at the lu gene Hospital. The akull was frac tursd. Funeral arrangements await the father's arrival from Pendleton. An older ulster arrived from Portland late yesterday. NEGRO CHURCH IS OPPOSED Property Owuei-s Want IIal.y Street Extended Through Site. To head off the proposed erection of a negro church at East First and Hal sey streets, property owners In that vicinity have asked the City Commis sion to start proceedings for the ex tension of Ilalsey (street through the church people. The question will be J.C. WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDS. OHAIN AND COTTON. MEUUEHS VfW YORK STOCst KXCHANOH CHICAGO BOARD OV TRADtt N4.W YORK COITON EXCMANUsl TUG STOCK AND BOND fc.ACllA.NU, SAN t KAN CISCO. P0ETLAND OmCE: Lewis Building. 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall S858. A 4187 considered at a meeting of property owners and city officials at th Cliy Hall Thursday at 1 u'elm k. Recently the nearo ronareaation bought ground In Irvlngton, Lut prop erty owners bought them out. They then bought at Kirsl and Ilalsey street. "Rarely does one see a horse fall or see an automobile skid on bitulithic streets" TRAVKLKRS' (.llli:. STATIONS. in Wind Stats ot Weather I Saker Bolss Boston Calgary MiO.OOjlOiN WlCloudy al0.2ull2-NS 0.0(II1S R . 700.16 iSB Bio.inji e;isi Des Moines Dllluth Eureka Galveston .... Hslena Jacksonville .. Kansas City . . Klamath Falls tos Angeles . , Msrshfleld ... Medford ...... Montreal New Orleans .. New York ... North Head . . at London, I North Yakima Pendleton Phoenix Pocatello Sacramento . . . St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake .... San Francisco Seattle Spokane Evangelical Conventions Will Iaet victoria. B.' c. walla wail; Chicago I 8-4iO.(H) s:N Colfax 800.00Calrr Denver J 8210.001 6-N . Duluth Unsesd Market. DULUTH, July 8. Linseed, 11.60 j July, tl-tiO; September, 11.60)4; October, 1.02)4; Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July 8. Spot cotton quiet; middling, is.Zoc; uuli, 13.00; sales, 1200. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL, July 8. Hops Paolflo Coast. 13 10a 4. tu n m k v 840. 10J i sw 60-0.00 6NW, M'0.00(l2iSWci. ilO.OO 86,0.00 St) 2. 161 84 0.00 8 SB 8,B 4 B 4W es'olooi 8!nw: 92 0.0OI12IW B20.OO 4B Eltfln Butter Market, ELGIN, 111., July 8. Butter Firm, 26a. RIVERV1EW iS RENDEZVOUS 1)4 0. 001 .. 72 0.00 0410.00 8V0.O0 B 0.00 lOU'O.OO 82.10.00 0010.00 040. 001 80:fl.00 P20.00 Ten Days. The annual district campmeeting and conventions of the Evangelical Asso ciation of Oregron and Washington will be held at Rivervlew Camp Grove, Jennings Lodge, between Milwaukie and Oregon City, July 28 to August 8, Inclusive. the convention sermon August 4 at 8 P. M. He will conduct Bible study and deliver Beveral addresses during the convention. All ministers of the Ore gon conference are expected to attend. August S the convention of the Women's Missionary Society will be held, and August t the convention of the Young People's Alliance will open with an address by F. M. Fisher. Char- otte Marvel, Monmouth; Mrs. Grace Jackson, Albany; Mrs. J. W. Kanacke, Canby; Rev. T. R. Hornschuch, of Lents, and C. W.' Clark, of Lents. Will speak. The Sunday School League convention will be held August 6. This convention will last until August 6. All public meetings will be held in the tabernacle on the camp grounds. (Washington ..... Winnioelr I Yellowstone Park. 8,'SW Cloudy Rain Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Clear Cloudy :lear Pt. cloudy ciouay Rain Pt, cloudy uiear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy 18 SW Cloudy us :w Wiciear 4 SB 4 W 4W 8-NW 10 s 4'N'W 6 W 8'NW B80.00!1'SW 74 '0.00 74(0.00 68 O.OOj S2'0.00 7610. 00! 740.00 76:0. 00l N 6'W 6;N 4;sw 4 SW ONE Pt. cloudy i;iear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy uiear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. oloudy Clear Cloudy lSlNW Pt. cloudy fuiear WEATHEP. CONDITIONS. A moderate h1irh-pressur area Is central OTer Western South Dakota and tbe barom eter Is relatively high along the Washing ton coast. A trough-shaped depression over lies the Northern Rooky Mountain states, which has caused numerous small thundes- tnrmi In Idaho. WeBtern Montana and 4'nl- filshop W. Horn Will deliver I orado. Rain has also fallen In Kansas, Mis souri, iowk, me eastern portion 01 ioo ua- kotas, Minnesota, ther Middle Atlantlo and New England states. The temperatures have risen slightly in this district and It Is much cooler In Kansas, Iowa and the east ern portion of the Dakotas. The conditions are lavoraoie ror lair weather In this district Tuesday except in Southern Idaho, where It will oontlnue un settled and showery. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Tuesdsy fair; northwesterly winds. Oregon Tuesday fair west, probaDly ralr east portion; northwesterly winds. Wasnlngton Tuesday ralr; westerly winds. Idaho Tuesday fair north, probably show ers south portion. EDWAKO A. BEALn, District Forecaster. 1 V Sal sX SKI H wM si SB a. J m M BP 1 T -Qal i i j t,i mm n r i i i 1J M Bl a 1 a Sa la I ' 1 ; M4a Comonie- Gener&Ie Transailantlque Dlrert I. Ins ta MsTre-farla (trasre). kjslltnss from New Tork very Wsdnadsy. lu A. M. ext tPraiiM npw Wd .Tnltr IS . a mi Rll: July Si "LA I.ORRAI E Anf.l tlHAM K (MS) Anf.n !L !'I."V.:,',T..' u 11 1 i uiiilsi : , II ! 1 minis Aua. IS via Nifii r. iuj - . - - Twln-srrew tamer. KI-F'JAL SATIRDAT BAII-INCS I Unatl r unla-a. v FROM NK1V lOIIK, mer. s r. u ON CI.AHS CABIN (in and THIRI-r-I.As l sa..i,go,s Only. tROCHAMBKAU .......... . " J-I'lIVVi i7;i" li' li.eB. o4 whl"s7nS si.i North Bank Ito.d. aih a.d -t.rk ... IC D." Halkrr, agent I nloa 1'arlflc Railway. TO SAN FRANCISCO, L03 AN GELES AND SAN DIEGO. a. . YUCATAN WEDNESDAY. Jl l-Y . COOS BAY AND EUREKA. e). 8. GEO. W. ELDSK .UL8 SUNDAX MOK.M.NO AT . . NORTH PACIFIC TEAMSIUP CO Ticket Offloe, Telght Ot". lt'A 4 t I Columbia Dock. Malnlau. A-1314. I Main A-64M. mmm IT AUSTRALIA TtHITI AND NEW ZEALAND i st.taa; Plrat-claaa la Tahiti 13S, to WelUnctoa SiBl.SO. to bdaey - bveclal 1'aclflo tKesui Tour uncludias South Sea Isles), s -12 1st ciaa. ttoand tne norm throughout. appliratloa. Resulsr through service from Bin r ranclsco 8. S. Wlllochra (12.000 tonil. sails June 14. a 8. Tahiti (12.000 ons), sails July II. o c ununa tonil sails Aug. II Moana (10.000 tons) sans aui- a-n tnm Pamiihlat Cnlon Steamhlp Co. of Mw Zealasa. a.1 rtrtit-r - S7a Msrket street. r local S. B. ana n. v . - Boy, Hit by Anto, Dies. SPRINGFIELD. Or.. claL) Robert Slgnor, July 8. (Spe the 4-year-old 8. O. HAVR BAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES A. M., July 11 The Ban i'rancbico Portland 8. 8. Co., Sd and Washington Hts. (with O.-W. H. N. Co.). Tel. Marahall 4600, A 6121. ALASKA Steamship sails direct 9 P. M. WGD.VBsDAY, Jt'LV 8. Few reservations left. San Francisco. Portland A Loa Aaceles Steam.klp Co. FRANK BOLLAM. Agent. 124 Third St. A 45981 Main 28. URoyalMail Steamships -Tbe Um ol Good Service SCENIC bT. LAWRtlNCE ROUTE The MW Tt)KMisC tssrle-sree S. S. "ALSATIAN" and S. S. "CALGAEIAN" LAHGK.'T KIMUT F-aT:sT IA.AUIA.V ItOlTh; 3 Wetkly Sailinz Mooti-eil-Quebcc Littipool-GUigow-htm-LoDfJoa Urtas faaaage a.raa I Sao 4 Oaya. tsuniuier reaervaliua lists now pea Karly bookinas recommended. Hand for descriptive booklet "O." tor full para Uculars as to sailings, rates, alu-. appift la Local Agent or ALLAN at to, Oesieral Aaenta, 147 North Dearborn fairest. CUi ago. ARGENTINE nn uJrJM Hoa line And all Hr.slll.ji Paris Raw sad l ast O'J.snO sne) Hian T Staaaaars from N-w York vrt aharsala BatarSaa nDAis io kio jani fmi a AIM TO Bl'tNOS A T r.a. BUSK A DANIEXS, Gas. Ak. saaWwss. M. X. Vorsey It. bmilli. sd and tt aablngtoa Sis. Or Loral Agents. STEAMSHIP Sails Direct tor San Kr.arlsco, Loa Anaries and ana Dlrso, Today, July 7, 2:30 P. M. W Flt4VCICO. POHTI.AVn LOS A.M.I'.LKM hi tuAMMUP CO. I'llANK BOI.LAM, 4 sent, .'4 Third M. A 4.Mi. Mala ?A. ORAIX TO COOS BAV. Autos run dally. Delightful trip via Allegany or the Ocean-beach route. Wlr reservations to O. MATTOOJi, Drain. COOS BAY LINE Steamship Breakwater 'alls from Ainsworth dock. Po.-tlaoo. A nV. July 1, 12. 17, 52. ST. Avg. 1. 8. 11. !. ai-i't. Freight aod ticaet ofliee. Lower Aiaswarta a i'cm ua a. a. un 1.. II. KKATIXl. Aganl, S'uoe. ataia suiMi, a