Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 01, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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111 ii j 1 1 n in ii1 nun
Walker 2. Home run, Turner. Sacrifice hits,
Olson. Agnew, Turner. Stolen base, Leary.
Double plays, Leary, unassisted; Turner,
I Lajoie and Olson; Howard, Pratt and Leary,
! Hits, off Hamilton 8 In 7 Innings: off Hoch,
I 3 in 1. Base on balls, off Hamilton 3. off
Gresre 2. off Hoch 1. Hit by Ditcher, by Ham
ilton (Graney). Struck out, by Gregg 5, by
Hamilton 4. wild Pitch. Hoch. Base on
errors. Cleveland 8. Left on bases, St. Louis
13, Cleveland 8. Time, l:oo. umpires, Egan
and bvtns.
becond game
Cleveland I St. Louli
Captain of Venice Team Says
Beavers Will Finish Sec
ond, Venice First.
Turner,3. .
James.p. .
I Bowman.p
0 1 0 2 Shotton.m
2 2 8 0:Pratt,2
8 1 0 Williams,r
2 6 OiWalker.l..
9 0 OlLeary.l. ..
u v v Austin, 8..
0 0 Lavan, s...
0 OlCrossin.c.
0 OIBaum'er.p
J v
2 2
0 2
1 0
1 0
1 10
1 0
0 3
1 0
6 0
2 1
0 1
1 0
0 01
0 0
0 0
0 of
0 0
0 0
Manager Mack Again Shows His
Baseball Instinct by Working
and Winning AVith Right
hander In Opener.
Venice. Portland and Los Angeles
will ba the first division clubs in the
opinion of Dickey Bayless, captain of
the Venice Tigers, which opened an
eight-game series against Portland
yesterday with a drubbing.
"Portland is the club we fear most,'
remarked Captain Dickey. "Mack has
a bunch of batters who figure to win
a. lot of ball games in any league.
"Our pitchers have been going very
well and the same Is true of Los Ang
eles. Both the Southern clubs have
strengthened considerably over last
year. In my Judgment."
Bayless does not figure San Fran
cisco to last long In the first division.
and from their antics of the past fort
night, his view Is highly tenable.
"We did as well as anybody could ex
pect on a foreign trip.
With this declaration, Walter lie-
Credie brought his champions back
home yesterday afternoon for a three
weeks' visit. Walt is not planning fur
ther alterations of his machine, but will
trust to the god of luck the rest
of the going.
"Pape's arm is all right," said he, in
reply to a questioner. "I yanked him
down South because of wildness, but
he'll be there strong when we need
him late In the Fall."
With the exception of Walt Doane,
the Beavers are in good physical con
dition. Doane Is nursing a dislocated
finger, but will be back in harness
within a week.
Evans doubtless will work - today.
Captain Rodgers wanted to start him in
the opener, but Manager Mack decided
to use a right-hander, as nearly all
the Tigers are right-handed, hatsmen.
Despite the opening defeat. Happy
llogan Is brim full of confidence. Ho
thinks Venice will win the pennant
with ease. Hap brought his entire
fleet north, including both Johnny Kane
and speck Harkness. who were on the
hospital list on the initial trip north.
The Federal League isn't drawing
enough to pay the caddies, according
to W. W. Metzger, business manager
or tne Portland club, who is back
from a two weeks' tour of the East.
"We took in a Federal game at St.
' Louis and there weren't 600 people
out," asserted Mr. Metzger yesterday.
"Indianapolis had out exactly 300 the
day we were there, and the Kansas
City American Association is outdraw-
lng the Feds eight to one.
"When in Chicago Mrs. Metzger. and
myself attended two games at the
White Sox park and two at the Fed
park. One Saturday we jumped from
the Sox to the Feds and found the
count in Comiskey's park to be 7500,
as against 1200 for the outlaws.
Joe Tinker admits they are not
getting much support from the fans.
added Mr. Metzger. "He says the play
ers are playing listless ball because of
the fact that their salaries for the
year have already been paid."
According to Metz. Gene Krapp Is
not the most satisfied mortal in the
world despite the fact that he is lead
ing me league pitcners, with seven
wins and three defeats. Gene is with
Totals. 85 8 ST 14 3 Totals. 32 0 27 11 2
Batted for Haarcman In fourth. "Batted
for James in sixth, t Batted for Birmingham
In eighth. Batted for Bowman In ninth.
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0
St. Louis 1 0 2 Z o o o o u o
Runs. Shotton 2. Williams. Lavan, Cros-
sln. Two-base hit. Walker. Sacrifice hits,
Baumgardner 2. Stolen bases, Lavan, John
ston. Shotton, Pratt. Double play, fratt,
Lavan to Leary; Lelboia to Lajoie, nits, on
Haseman 6 in 4 innings, off James 2 in 2,
off Bowman 1 in 3. Base on balls, off Hage
man 3, off Baumgardner 4, off Bowman 1,
Struck out. by H axeman 5. by Baumgardner
8, by Bowman z. fassea oan. rossin. nam
on errors. St. Louis l, cieveiana l. leit on
bases. Cleveland 13. St. Louis 6. Time, 1:58.
Umpires, Evans and Egan.
; i
Boston 5, Philadelphia 3. I
PHILADELPHIA. June 30. Boston
Weatherwax' Absence From
Lineup Shatters Team, but
Tone Does Well.
Corbett scored the White goal in the
John C. Rogers, one of the Spokane
team, refereed the game when Tone
had to slip into polo clothes to fill the
breach in the White lineup. Victor
Johnson played a great game for the
Whites, particularly on the offensive.
The lineup yesterday:
Blues Sherman Hall, 1; Hamilton
Corbett, 2; Dr. George S. Whiteside, 3,
and Harry Corbett, back.
Whites Ben Tone, 1: Victor John
son, 2; Gordon Voorhies, 3, and Elliott
R. Corbett, 4.
Passing the Sport Mustard
Sherman Hall. Too. Shows Daring
by Fearless Riding and In Break
ing Vp Plays Planned by Op
v ponents--Spokanite Keferee.
The Waverly Club Blues, the crack
fii-.t nolo four of the waverly coun
try Club, trounced the Whites, the sec
ond, aggregation, yesterday afternoon,
I .fen ---.. - '
' 9 " V; ..:
LONDON, England, June 29. (Special.) Sam Langford and not
"Gunboat" Smith will be Jack Johnson's next opponent if English
promoters have their way. Already' S30.000 has been collected as an
inducement to the black champion. This fortune will be his
whether he wins, loses or draw s with the Boston "Tar Baby."
Langford long has been one of the leading fighters of the day
but Johnson has always avoided him. Langford is an extremely
heavy hitter and has lost only three fights in the last 10 years, all
of these by the decision route. Johnson beat him in 15 rounds in
1906 and McVey and Gunboat Smith hold decisions against him, but
in none of these has Sam been i n deep water.
rooters are busy panning Coach
Conibear for the poor showing of the
Washington . crew at Poughkeepsie.
Columbia won with a time four sec
onds slower than Washington made in
1913. "And his 1914 crew admittedly
was better," declares one Seattle
Why not make Dobie rowing coach?
Independence day always is a big
boxing day in these United States, but
July 4 is not going to do much for
Tom Andrews' record book this year.
The Wolgast-Rivers bout in Los An
geles was almost the only battle of
much merit and now that's off as a
result of Ad's broken flipper. Wolgast
4th of July
$25 Hart Schaffner &
Marx Men's Blue Serge,
Silk Lined Suits
PARIS, June SO. The courts hava
authorized an attachment against
Jack Johnson. the heavyweight
champion pugilist, on claims by
two creditors for sums of $3500 and
(11,120 respectively, provided no ap
peal is entered within a fortnight.
The alleged creditors declare they
were to receive these amounts of the
stake won by Johnson in his fight
Saturday night.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop for Quality and Service
"Northwest Corner Third and Morrison
lrtiihl Hart tchaflaet Ac Uwt,
mixed hits with batting, and fielding
errors by Philadelphia and won to
day's game, & to 3. Score:
1 8 1 O Walsh.r. ..
S 0Oldring.l. .
0 VIE.Colllns.2
1 CBaker.3. ..
S o;McInnls.l.
1 ljstrunk.m.
2 0 Barry, s. . .
0 Oischang.c. .
O 0
o u wyckorr.p
0 2
2 3
2 2
1 O
1 11
2 2
0 8
0 1
0 0
110 0
2 8
2 2
1 1
1 8
1 4
0 2
1 6
0 1
2 0
0 0
1 0
4 0
4 10 10
Washington 2, New York 1
WASHINGTON, June 30. Ainsmith's
single in the 11th. inning, scoring Mc
Bride from second base, gave Wash
ington a Z-to-1 victory over New York
today in a hard-fought battle. Score:
Yt aAhington
R H n A v.
x v u; Aioener.r..
4 OiFoster.3...
3 0 Milan, m. .
O O'Smlth.l. ..
0 llShanks.l..
0 0 Morgan. 2.
1 O'McBride.s
0 1 Henry. o. .
New 1'ork
Cook.r. ..
Daley.c. ..
1 2
2 1
0 8
1 1
1 3
1 11
0 9
1 O
0 0
0 1
1 1
0 3
1 1
0 2
2 1
0 8
1 2
0 0
0 0
3 0
0 0
6 0
1 0
1 0
2 0
0 0
ierkes,2. .
R.Collius.p 3
Totals. 33 9 2T18 1i Totals. 33 10 27 118
Boston 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 5
Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3
Runs. Hooper 2. Speaker, Gardner, Janvrln,
Oldrine. Two-base hits. Gardner. Oldrlng.
Tnree-oase nit, speaKer. Home run, &t-iiang.
Sacrifice hits. Collins, Strunk. Sacrifice fly,
Mrlnnls. stolen Dase, Hooper, uouciie piay,
Schanr and Barry. Left on bases. Boston o,
Philadelphia t. i5ases on Dans, on n, soi
ling 1. olf Wyckoff 4. Buses on errors. Bos
ton 1. Philadelphia 1.- Struck out. by K.
Collins 4,. by Wyckoff 8. Passed ball,
Schang. Wild pitch, Wyckoff. Time. 1:52
Umpires, O'Loughlln and Hlldebrand.
Totals. 85 731 11 2 Totals. 36 5 33 13 0
r-ew ork 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 1
Washington 0000010000 1 a
one out when winning run scored.
Runs. Daley Moeller. McBride. Two-base
nit. .MCBriae. mree-base bit, McBride. Hits,
off Keating 3 In 7 Innings, none out iii
eighth: ott Caldwell 2 in 3 1-3: off Ayres 7
In 8. none out in ninth; off Johnson none In
S. Sacrifice hit, Peckinpaugh. Sacrlfle tiles,
Keating, Milan. Stolen bases. Peckinpaugh,
Shanks, Poster, Henry. Double play. Foster,
Morgan and Smith. Base on error, Washing
ton 1. Struck out, by Keating 0, by Cald
well 4, by Ayres 4, by Johnson 2. Time, 2:40.
Umpires, Chill and Sheridan.
Detroit 8, Chicago 1.
DETROIT, June 30. Detroit batted
Russell from the box in the fifth in
ning of today's game, making more
than enough runs off him to win the
game. Score:
Tex Shows AVonderful Improvement
In 10-Round Bout at Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, Wash., June 30. (Spe
cial.) Tex Vernon and Monte Attell
fought a 10-round draw at the Forest
ers' smoker Monday night. It was one
of the best boxing1 exhibitions seen on
Grays Harbor for some time.
Tex showed wonderful improvement
since his first bout with Attell. At
least six rounds went to Tex, who car
ried the fight to Attell from the first to
the last round. Tex opened the first
round with wonderful speed and At
tell was much surprised. The large
crowd favored a decision for Tex.
Weaver, s. 4
Blackb'n.2 4
Demmitt.1 3
C'olllns.r.. 4
Fournier.l 4
liodte.m., i 4
Schalk.c. 3
Breton, 3.. 2
Kussell.p. 2
Scott.p... 0
Walsh, p.. O
Berger.3. 1
Iajer... 1
I Detroit
1 1 5 l.Bush.s. ... 4 1 a
V ti i:Vltt,3 5
2 3 0 0'Hellman.m 4
0 2 0 OiCrawford.r S
1 10 0 3'Veach.l 4
1 2 0 0 Kavana'h.2 3
0 O Burns.l. .
2 O Baker.c.
2 0
0 01
0 0
1 2
2 8
1 1
0 8
1 VI
1 3
1 0
1 E
3 1
6 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
3 0
Toledo Defeats Tallman.
TOLEDO. Or, June 30. (Special.)
A picked team from Tallman came here
Sunady and was defeated by Toledo, 6
to 2. Toledo has a fast team. Pete
Heuser is pitcher and Willard Carson
score 8 to 3?i. A shattered lineup!
presented by the Whites, is the given
reason for the difference in score.
No game allows more opportunity
for team work and when C N: Weath
erwax could not come into the game,
the four suffered considerably. Ben
Tone, through his individual work, held
up the Whites' end wonderfully well
and kept the shattered four from go
ing under worse. He took the place
of Weatherwax, who received word
of the illness of his wife and left the
city during the afternoon.
. The game yesterday for the most
part was a display of the prowess of
Hamilton Corbett in particular and the
Corbett family in general.
Hamilton Corbett Stars.
Hamilton Corbett, a3 before, scored
most of the points for the Blues, and
Elliott R. Corbett did honors for the
Whites. Sherman Hall was another
scoring star for the Blues and dis
tinguished himself through his fearless
riding and breaking up the plays
which the members of the Whites man
aged, to frame up.
It started as a fairly even contest
Both teams managed to score one point
in the first time allotment of seven
minutes. In the next. Dr. Whiteside
scored again for the Blues, while the
Whites failed to cross the Blue goal
tnrougn the second period. In the next
Uordon Voorhies brought in a point
for the Whites and Elliott Corbett
kept the Blues from doing more dam
age by some clever defensive work in
tiding-off" the opponent.
Dr. Whiteside committed a foul and
took off a half point from the Blues'
score, out tiarry uorDett added an
other to the Blues' total, ending the
first half with the score to 2. favor
oi tne first team.
Whites Score Ahead.
The fifth was good for hoth. Ham
ilton Corbett scored for the Blues and
the Whites added a point and a safety,
putting them three-quarters of a point
to the good, or a total of 2.
Sherman Hall made the next two for
the Blues and Hamilton Corbett scored
the final one in the eighth. Elliott
Totals. 32 6 24 12 51 Totals. SB 9 27 12 1
'Batted for Breton in seventh.
Chicago 0 O 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Detroit 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 3 3
Kens, Demmitt. Bush 2, Vitt 2. Hellman.
Baker, Dubuc 2. Two-base hits. Bodie, Vitt.
Three-bane hit. Baker. Hits, off Russell 5 in
4 2-3 innings: off Scott 2 in 1 1-3, off Walsh
2 in 2. Stolen bases, Vitt. Dubuc Double
play, Vitt and Burns Left on bases, Chicago
5. Detroit 8. Base on balls, off Dubuc 1, off
Russell 3. off Scott 1. Struck out. by Dubuc
3. by Russell 1. by Walsh 1. Wild pitch,
Walsh. Time, 1:54. Umpires, Dineen and
Cleveland 8-0, St. Louis 3-5.
CLEVELAND, June 30. The Naps
and Browns divided a . double-header
today, Cleveland taking the first. 8
to 3, and losing the second, & to 0,
Cleveland St. Loui;
Jack Ryan, Angel Twirler, Is One Who Has .300 Hitters Tamed Klenfer
ouuuui jjciuciu aiiu x luugii Are nil nara Dy (rood Men.
Olson. 1. ..
Gregg.p. .
1 4 O O Shotton.m.
2;Pratt,2. . .
0 01Wi!lIams,r
4 OiWalker.l..
1 0 Leary. 1
0 0;Austin.3. .
2 0' Howard, 3.
x u ares,s. ..
2 0
Lavan. s.
Agnew.c. .
Cross.c. . .
Hamilton. d
Hoch.p. . ..
0 3 0 1
1 1
0 0
3 13
6 0
0 0
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 0
3 1
0 0
1 0
Totals. 33 1127 12 0) Totals. 30 7 24 113
Cleveland 1 1 0 0 0 8 0 8 S
El. Louis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3
Runs, Graney, Turner 2. Chapman, O'Neil
8, Gregg, Pratt, Walker 2. Two-base hits,
Leibold, O'Neill, Turner. Three-base hits.
THREE-HUNDRED swatters are
a peculiar lot as revealed by Pa
cific Coast League satisfies.. Some
sluggers bat the best pitchers all over
the lot, but fall hard against the
"weak sisters."
Jack Ryan, the Angel pitcher, is one
who has the .300 hitters tamed, how
ever. To be exact, .193 represents the
combined average of the star swat
smiths against Ryan.
Klepfer, Stroud, Leifield and Prough
are hit hard by the good men.
Dick Bayless, of Venice, is easy for
the good pitchers. His average against
the 12 leaders is only .218.
Buddy Ryan, on the other hand.
nits most of the leaders at a .300 clip
aitnougn a trifle shy against a trio of
portsiaers Pernoll, White and Lei
field. He finds Roy Hitt easy.
Doane, Del Howard. Shinn and Han
nah also are good in the face of strong
The following figures from an ex
change show how the best batters
fare against the best pitchers, and
vice versa:
appears to be the unluckiest scrapper
of all time.
The biggest battle of July 4 is sched
uled for far-off shores Clabby-Mc-Goorty
at Sydney, Australia. This mid.
dleweight embroglio and the Chip-Murray
affair at San Francisco will Just
about simmer the 158-pounders down
to two favorites.
The Welsh-Ritchie lightweight fight
at London has been put off until July
according to the latest dope from
The New York Giants are mourning
the loss of Claude Cooper, young out
fielder, who jumped to the Federals.
Christy Mathewson says the boys take
Cooper s defection very much to heart.
he had won a lot of their money
playing poker.
If Cooper is as good at the Indoor
sport as Matty intimates, perhaps it's
Just as well for the Giants. Cooper
ought to do well with the open-faced
Federal schedule.
The discussion anent the "nine of
diamonds" as the "curse of Scotland"
has bobbed up again, and the sporting
editor has been pestered by a dozen
queries. Personally, we had always
imagined that the curse of Scotland
vas bare knees.
Calgary and Edmonton are trying to
tump into the Northwestern League.
It would be a fine idea to let Victoria
and Tacoma play there the entire sea
son after dark.
Pittsburg has a new pitcher named
Kuss, and if Demmitt, of Chicago, ever
faces him the Berlitz School of Lan
guages will learn some hitherto un
discovered phraseology.
Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-
Hungary leads the Job league, but Um
pire Burnside, of the Northwestern
League, is a close second.
Besides Nabbing 10,000 by Fig; St, Vic
tory Replaces Bombardier In
Boxing: World Limelight.
LONDON, June 30. Bombardier
Wells, the English pugilist, knocked
out Colin Bell, an Australian boxer,
in the second round at the Olympia
tonight The contest was for the
heavyweight championship of the Brit
ish empire.
Wlls by his victory won $10,000
and regained some prestige. The form
he displayed tonight against the
rugged Australian champion again has
caused him to be numbered among
the "white hopes."
In the opening round Bell used rush
ing tactics, making play for the Bom
bardiers weak spot his stomach, but
the Englishman kept cool and made
excellent use of his superior science,
several times stopping Bell with well-
directed lefts to the face.
In the Becond round Bell sent Wells
to his knees with a swing to the Jaw.
No sooner was the Englishman back
on his feet than Bell rushed again,
expecting to finish him, but the Bom-
bardier landed a terrific right to the
point of the Jaw, sending Bell to the
boards, where he remained until
counted out
games call or write to him
First street North, C 2818.
it 209 East
After their 6 to 2 defeat at Gresham
Sunday, the Oregon Law School players
have re-organized. They will be out in
the local field again and games are
wanted for Sundays after July 6. Write
or call John D. Dwyer, manager, in the
Electric building. Marshall 3404. Man
ager Dwyer was a big star in the game
Sunday and this was his first appear
ance in almost two years. Dwyer
showed his old time form and made
a sensational throw from centerfleld to
home plate, completing a double play.
The Lion Clothing Company's team
was defeated by the Goodyear team
Sunday by a score of 6 to 3. Grebe, of
the Lions, was found to be easy, three
runs being made off him in the first
inning. Blake went In and held the
winners down, but owing to poor sup
port by his teammates was unable to
stave off defeat. Blazler, of the Good
year, played a star game, as also did
Barney and Politz. The butteries were:
Lions, Moore and Blake; Coodyear, Carr
and Barney.
Angels Get Ills; Leaguer.
WASHINGTON, June .10. Joseph
Gedeon. utility player of the Washing
ton American baseball team for the
last two seasons, has been released by
Manager Griffith to the Los Angeles
club, Pacific Coast league, under n
optional agreement. He leaves for the
West tomorrow.
Itcds Loe Xeilioff to I Vdoral.
CHICAGO, June 30. Bert Nelhoff,
third baseman for the Cincinnati Na
tional League club, has Jumped to the
Federal League, It was reported to
night. It Is thought he will play with
Jhe St. Louis club.
Attoria Athletics Win.
ASTORIA. Or, June 30. (Special.)
The AKtorla Athletic Club hasohall nine
defeated the All-Star team, of i'oit
land, Sunday afternoon bv a arore of 10
Scotch Clubs to Have Picnic.
Clan Macleay and the Caledonian
Club will hold a picnic Saturday at
the Portland Cricket Club grounds on
East Sixty-Seventh street. There will
be a programme of athletic events and
Scotch games. Among the events will
be a bagpipe contest tossing the .caber
and dancing the Highland fling. The
sports will begin at 10:30 A. M. The
afternoon and evening will be de
voted to dancing. Cash prizes will be
Kubs Defeat Braves, 8 to 5, In Good
Game Up to 7th, When 3 Doubles
and 3 Singles Score 0 Runs.
3" .2 5 a ?3
NAM3. ISllSfBsftSggg-
S ? . - - r o, 3"
. ; - . ; ; ; . n
Bayless (V.). .1.211 .500 . 000 .0001 .143 I .167 . 000) .423 .400 . 218
B. Ryan (P.) .444 .300 .400 .000 .333 .000 .167 ,2S .400 .200 .357 .315
Fitzg'ald (S.F.) .2Si .250 . 33-1 1000 . 200 . 2o0 .154 1000 . 314
Howard (S.F.).. 750 .200 .400 .210 .250 .200 .3.4
MiUdleton (C. .200 .357 .278 .2.M .800 . 250 . 000 .143 . 263 310
ElllSJtt (V.) 333 .187 . 250 . 687 . 000 . 286 . 000 . 200 '29
Abstein (L.A.). .333 .267 .500 .222 .230 .278 273
Schaller (S. F.) 000 .274 .455 .333 .230 .500 .1S2 .421 .222 ."31)1
Fisher (P.) 600 . 333 . 250 . 000 .250 .OOO .000 .333 .143 255
Doane (P.) 467i .125 . 250 . 250 . 833 . 250 .111 .333 . 230 . 000 . 692 '34-
Hannah (S.).. . 100O .OOO .333 .000 . 222 . 250 . 400 . 500 .OOO .750 .400 333
Shinn (S.) .333 .OOO .667 . 250 . 250 . 000 . 333 . 462 , 40O .417 .343
Young (S.).... .286 .333 .428 125 .364 .000 .583 .000 .143 .100 .261
Kaylor (O.)... .250 lOOOj .500 .667 .107 .125 .167 1O00 .270
Massert (I.. A) .17 I .231 .OOO .167 1 .417 x- ) .349 .230 .270
Quinlan (O.).. .333 .307 .170 ,60O .111 .2001 .OOOf .000 .333 209
Tennmt (S.).. I .420! .143 .143 .1671 .077 .500 .333 . 250 . 000 . 000 . 462 yio
Total average..). 354 .352 .274 . 224 .277 .279) .193 .292 .254j .218 .351 .854
Western Trl-slate League Standings.
W. L. Pct.l W. L. Pet.
Pendleton.. 43 30 .5S9'Baker 33 30.458
Walla Wal.. 41 31 .569,Nor. Yakima 28 45 .3S4
Yesterday's Results.
At Walla Walla Walla Walla 1, Pendle
ton 0.
At North Yakima Baker 8, Nopth Yaki
ma 5.
Pendleton and Walla Walla got to
gether in Western Tri-State ' League
yesterday, in what is likely one of the
most critical series of the season and
the Bears walloped Pendleton, 1 to 0.
Yakima beat Baker 5 to 3.
At Walla Walla it was a pitching
duel and the game was won in regular
Frank Merriwell style, right at the
last With two down, Naughton's error
gave Wallace life, Remmer hit. Pat
terson was bcaned and Lundstrom
singled, scoring Wallace. Early at
tempts at scoring by either side were
stopped by fast fielding. Osborne
struck out 14, setting a new season
record here. Patterson allowed but
four hits and struck out three, having
fine support The Bears looked like
winners at the start getting two two
baggers in the first but being unable
to score because of fast fielding. The
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Pendleton. .0 4 21Walla Wa...l S 0
Batteries Osborne and Pembrooko;
Patterson and Sheely.
The Yakima-Baker game was a first
clas3 one up to the seventh when the
Kubs fell on Yakima's lefthander for
three doubles and three singles, making
ix scores. That ended the scoring.
The Braves got three In the second on
two walks, an error and a triple; an
error and Nadeau's homer brought the
Kubs two in the fifth. In the sixth
the Braves changed three singles into
two. Fuller displeased the umpire by
his comments on decisions and was
chased from the grounds, Fulwider
finishing on first. The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Baker. . ...8 16 lYakima. ..593
Batteries Sutherland and King;
Angler and Webb.
Gllmore Reprimands His Vmpire.
CHICAGO. June 30. President Gil
more, of the Federal League, who re
turned today from Buffalo, announced
that he had fined Umpire Anderson $50
for violating a rule which provides
that "old" balls must be kept in play
as long as possible. Anderson, it was
charged by Kansas City players, in
recent game, kept throwing new balls
onto the field. Gilmore expressed him
self well pleased with conditions gen
erally about the circuit except that the
league was somewhat disappointed at
the lack of support in St Louis.
Portland Boxers Ready for Bout.
NORTH BEND, Or., June 30. (Spe
cial.) Lem Powers and Jack Lewis, of
Portland, who are to box before the
North Bend Boxing Club here July 8,
are in condition and will ease off
training tomorrow. Powers has been
below weight for several days and
Lewis is also within the 135-pound
limit The match is for 10 rounds and
both men have won many admirers.
Si Webb, of the Villa Cubs, struck out
21 of the Tigard Beavers and his team-
mates won 10 to 6. Poor grounds
caused the large score. All the los
ers' runs came in the fifth and sixth
Innings. Webb and Mickelson worked
for the winners.
Oswego trimmed the Ernest Greys 11
to 7 Sunday. Batteries, Riddle, Kennedy,
H. Scott and Link for the losers; Ander
son and Haines for Oswego. Oswego
and Sherwood will play July 4 and 5.
Fitzgerald, of the Lang & Co. Club,
pitched air-tight ball at Banks, Or.,
Sunday and allowed but three hits. The
locals won 3 to 2.
Another victory was added to the
long string of the Foresters Sunday.
The Gilbert White Sox lost this time 20
to 4. Manager Hastings would like to
arrange a game for his winners. For
Round Trip Fare $3
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City Ticket Office
6th and Stark
North Back Station
10th and Hoyt
Tener Suspends Reds' Manager.
CHICAGO. June 30. President Tener,
of the National League, today disci
plined three players who participated in
the disorder of yesterday's game be
tween Cincinnati and Chicago in this
city. Manager Herzog and Catcher
Mulleney, of Cincinnati, were suspended
for three days and Good, of Chicago,
was fined S25.
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