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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1914)
) FISCAL YEAR DATA TELL GIFS STORY Barley, Oats, Hour, Hay, Cat tle, Hogs and Sheep AH Gain in Year 1913-1914. POSTAL FIGURES BRIGHT Building Permits Are More Numer ous and More Persons Are ' I'sing "Water, Telephone and Electric Light Service. tn a number of important respects the statistic of business during the fiscal year endingr yesterday do not reach, the high totals established dur ing the corresponding year ending June 30. 1913. Decreased totals are shown in the following departments: Bank clearings, volume and number of real estate transfers, volume of building permits, customs receipts, marriage licenses and wheat receipts. A comparison of the two years shows encouraging results in the following lines: Postal receipts, number of building permits, number of water, tel ephone and light users, receipts of all cereals, excepting wheat, and live stock. The bank clearings for the year end ing yesterday show a total of $617, S04.588.01, against $662,774,948.56 for the preceding year, a decrease of slightly over $45,000,000. Clearlnea Are Compared. The clearings In June, this year, total $44,721,934.60. against $49,345. S05.36 for June. 1913, a falling off for the month in excess of $5,000,000. In June. 1912, clearings totaled $43,678, 657.06: in 1911, $43,992,916.49. The snowing for June of this year therefore is better than those for 1912 and 1911 and still better than for the years 1910 and 1909. In June of the latter year the total clearings were only $30,043.- 84The clearings for the respective months of the last two fiscal years are as follows: 1912-1913. I 1913-1914. July 47,wr..23!).s;july .J 4!J,B74.24. Ol.!J,o. wfjirin .. . 5S.O87.01i.Si-l.ct . 3.S8.l.l!Nov.. .. 50.S.6S.93;De;. . . Jan 4S.8."12, S76.34'Keb J9.119.7!H.41Marol.. 64.916. S0S.8lApril... 61,4iV7.133.37jMay 49,345. &Kj.:;S June... . m!s37,SS.36 63.727.589.1 fi4.089.7SB. 28 iV3.(31,393.77 4S.9OI.S99.00 42.29". S77.20 55.335.019.44 B7.320.B27.33 47,fli3.5ti7.81 44.721.034.tiO Sent. Oct Nov. .. . ' Dec Jan.. . . . Veb March.. April. . . May.... June.... Total. $862.774. 94S.56 Total.. $617.304.5SS.Ol Deeda Total $12,60344. For the year 1913-1914 15.634 deeds were recorded, covering the sale of real estate, the reported consideration of which totaled $12,680,844. During the preceding fiscal year 17,136 deeds, a larger number, were filed, the con siderations amounting to $15,276,789. Based on these figures, realty sales underwent a slump of $2,596,945 for the year. As a large number of deeds pave nominal considerations of from $1 to $10, this comparison cannot be taken as a positive criterion. There seems to be an increasing tendency to record only nominal considerations, and it may be that if actual cash con siderations of all transactions were known the two years would not be far apart. The fact that" the number of deeds filed ran about the same each month of the two years would bear out this impression. The month of June, 1914, makes a dismal showing alongside the same month of the preceding year. This year the 1234 recorded deeds in June total $77,746. contrasted with 1238 deeds and $1,789,766 for June. 1913. Except for July, 1913, March and May. 1914, the year 1912-1913 has the better of the comparison, month by month. The number of transactions never were over 1733 and never under 1186 for any month of the two years. Transfers Total 915,376,780. The real estate transfers for 1912- 1913 were co? havino- hppn collected In 1913 1914! against $707,950 for the previous year, the decrease of about 10 per cent being charged to the new tariff schedule. Duties for . 1912-13 were $684,259 and for 1913-1914 were $583, 793. Collections in June were $61, 823.57, of which $60,280.23 represented duties. Collections at Portland for 1912-1913 were $689,259 and duties $678,170.65, and for 1911-1912 collections were $650, 513.40 and duties $646,211.92. It was in 1913-1914 that the outside ports were brought under the jurisdiction of the Portland Custom-House. PoDtofflce Steadily Grows. The 1913-1914 fiscal year showed a growth In each department of the Port land Postoffice. The savings deposits climbed to almost the $1,000,000 mark and every other department showed a marked advancement, in spite of sev eral retarding conditions. In June, 1914, the savings- deposits .J . ot train rf S10.622. While those for the entire year exceed $900, 900. About $75,000 of deposits has been converted into 2 per cent Donas, brintfins the total approximately to $1,000,000. In June, 1914, X433,bZS was nanuieu in money order remittances from other offices. This is more than $100,000 in excess of May. The total savings oeposns m vr 1912-1913 were $769,817. The de posits in 1913-1914. therefore, show a gain, exclusive or iunos cunveiieu bonds, of approximately $130,180. The growth of postal savings accounts was retarded materially bythe new county tax law, aa many people were obliged to draw upon their accounts to pay taxes in March. In the stamp and money order departments a gain of $46,795.87 has been maae in we yem Just closed. The business in June, 1914, was $92,000, or about $1000 greater than June of the year preceding. A similar ratio of growth has been main tained almost tnrougn me year. The total stamp and money order H.:,a fnr 1512-1913 was $1.163,5 10.28 ; for 1913-1914 it was $1,210,306.15. The Portland office was tne oniy Pacific Coast office that made a gain last month. Postmaster Myers says he believes that Portland has made a higher proportional advance in stamp and money order business than any other city on the Coast. All Grains Except Wheat Gain. The wheat receipts of Portland for m 19.1 91 4 show a decrease, compared with the preceding year, but barley, oats, flour ana nay. ramc sheep show considerable increases. r ,k. ...,!t of rattle, not uwius w - so many were marketed as during the preceding period. .on Wheat recepts at roruanu Oil nmn iled bv the Merchants" Ex change aggregated 20,525.700 bushels. Thi3 was within 910,000 bushels of the onmhlnnri1 receiDts of Seattle ana J.a- coma in the same period. Compared witn tne prcceums, there was a decrease oi bushels in the local receipts. This is explained by the fact that the 19 1J crop in the Nortnwest was ugjn ian Portland's wheat re ceipts in the season just closed compare with those or tne preceums follows: . , 1913-1S14 S. t;S 9'JO 1912-13 ..t,0-,JJO t, . lola or thn Pueet Sound ports In the past season were as fol lows: , . Tacoma Sub-V-miii Seattle ' Total Puget Sound 21,435,700 - ... . t i a tion wheat Port- in till UH1K1 iai. w.- - , ' , land's receipts showed material gains. There was a , large Daney cruy iio.. year and the local receipts m cereal were as follows;. Tons. 1913-34 ' 25'"? 1912-13 The oats crop was also heavy and consumption increased. Receipts of oats at roruana were. Tons. 1913-14 1912-13 The eain in local receipts of Is shown as follows: 1913-14 1912-13 There also was a larger movement In hay to this market, the receipts for the two years comparing: Tons. 1913-14 V4?? jnto,., 47.3UU The total market value of the cereals. July August .......... September October .......... November ........ .December January February tIarcti ..... .April May June ; Total j The transfers Instru ment!!. ... l.SSS . .. 1.457 .. 1.392 ... 1.51J . . 1.40U .. 1.42.1 .. 1.42U .. 1.323 .. 1,733 .. 1.3 ttf .. 1,4'.IS .. 1.23S Consid eration. $ 1.4O0.23S 1,44. 44 (I 1.131.5S6 1.225,745 l,l7,7titl 1.317.793 l.UfeU.StM 1.112.192 1. ".0.912 l,JU6.7lK 1,147,777 1.7S,7till 17,136 $15,276,789 for 1913-1914 were: Instru ments. -.. 1,344 .. 1,273 .. 1.274 .. 1.324 .. .. 1.2S6 .. 1.344 .. 1.3U1 .. 1.436 .. 1,21X1 .. 1.336 .. 1,234 Consid eration. $ 2,3i;o,t.3 943.773 &5;i,5 989,322 1,113.579 9i'.2.7li8 627,37 721,334 1,479.457 677.512 1,156.537 77,746 July August September October 2ovember ....... December ........ January February ........ March ....... .April May June Total 15.634 J12.6S0.844 While the number of building permits Issued during the 1912-1914 year ex ceeded those for the preceding 12 months, the latter were of larger ag gregate denomination. For 1913-1914, 6923 instruments au thorized buildings at an estimated cost of $453,105, while In the previous year the 6702 authorizations, a smaller num ber, called for buildings costin- $13, 238,524. In June. 1914, 531 permits were is sued by Building Inspector Plummer for a total of . $534,435, against 4z permits totaling $947,135 in June, 1913. Since January 1, 1914, in lact, since the end of September, 1913, each month has shown a decreased total, as com- oared with the corresponding month of the rear previous. However, the months of August and September, 1913, excelled those months of 1912. The number of building permits and denominations, by months, for 1912- 1913 were: Permits. Denomination. July August ... September October November December January .. February . March April May J une Total 676 44 626 627 418 390 3iH 33B 616 703 604 S 1.499.126 1,US,31 891.233 1.026,883 646,130 712,110 1.124.170 090,240 886,760 2.887,885 848.530 847.133 .702 $13,238,524 The same figures for 1913-1914 show: Permits. Denomination July August . . . September October . . . November December January .. February . March April May June Total 513 66 667 31 484 466 503 673 780 605 C42 031 S 851,805 Litis,. 1,621.003 681.7 10 608,865 640,563 444.600 605.530 882.96.' 769,300 643.880 534,435 ; 8,923 $9,453,105 Customs receiDts for the district of Oregon, which includes Portland, Asto ria. Coos Bay and Yaquina Bay, were T17E MORNING OREGOXIA l Create flour and hay received at Portland In the past year was about. z,uuu,uuv. Local grain receipts held up well in June, this year. The quantity of wheat received was less than in the same month last year, but barley and oats arrivals showed gains. Receipts of wheat last month were 312,000 bushels, and In June, 1913, 682,600 bushels. The difference was due to the earlier clean ing up of the crop in the season just ended. There were 127 cars of barley brought to Portland in June, 1914, as against 31 cars in the same month last year. Oats receipts were 102 cars, against 83 cars last year; flour, 152 cars, as against 222 cars; and hay, 90 cars, compared with 89 cars a year ago. Livestock worth nearly $6,500,000 was handled at the Portland Union Stockyards in the past six months. The volume1 of business showed a good in crease over that of the first half of 1913. A total of 3511 cars of cattle, hogs and sheep was received at the yards, against 3224 cars in the same period last year. June, 1914, also was a big month for business, the run being the largest of any single month since the stockyards were established, and 100 cars greater than were received in June of last year. , In the statistics for the six months period, the most noticeable improve ment has been In the hog division, the gain in receipts this year having been over 17,000 head. This is the direct result of the active campaign in favor of hog growing in the Northwest that has been waged by Secretary O. M. Plummer of the stockyards company. There also was a large increase in the marketing of sheep, but fewer cattle were disposed of, owing to the scar city of these animals. The comparative statistics m ceipts for the first half of 1914 and 1913 follow: - ...I., a mj mia Inc. .!TKi81 40.M1 "1880 .. 1.164 1.949 "Jbo ..llr,.60 98.85 ..149.350 135.080 14,2-i .. 3,517 3,224 293 ESDAY, JULY in Woman's Life to Calves Hogs Sheep Cars . Decrease. CAoinln lr tho Tint 111 Oil th Of thlS and last year compare as follows: Cattle 7,449 Calves 404 Hogs 14,435 Sheen 32,i:!i Cars 667 6,115 666 18,820 27,185 067 1.H34 262 4,385 4,945 100 .43.8 .40,123 flour Barrels. .1,1 51. 600 .1,067,200 Decrease. The statistics of the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company oisyiay substantial Increase in tne i.un.uo. of natrons who have traveled on its lines in Portland. Both Phones Shore Gain. Th records of the two telephone companies also show a listing of new subscribers materially in excess of the total number of those for tne iiscai year preceding. -. During tne six montns emuo j 1, 1914, there were 2832 water permits i,,aH Tbii includes new services and permits for additional fixtures. There were 1550 new users given service u-.-Ing the six months. The permits for new users were Issued by months as follows: January 270, February 229, March 283, April 254, May 239, June 275. Thn averaee each montn was iou permits for new users, which is a little nder the average lor lau. There was a considerable falling off In the number of marriage licenses ror the first half of 1914, compared witn the first half of 1913. The meaicai ex amination law. which went into effect the first of this year, is held respons ible for this decrease. The number of licenses from January 1 to June iu, 1914, is 1066, and the number for tne same period last year was 1637. There 7K iasmed last month and in June. 1913, there were 312. MAN'S BODYHALTS TRAFFIC Huge Flywheel Causes Tragedy Which Worries Car-Riders. SAN FRANCISCO, June SO.-r-For five minutes today passengers on tho Cali fornia Street Railway fumed at an un explained stoppage of the cable cars. In the meantime employes at the powerhouse were removing the frag ments of Mario Claudlo's body from a huge flywheel. Then the wheel began to turn again and the cars to move ti t. .. a n A-vruarloTifo tnnVa ha All JlUlllfXi - w motherhood as the wonder of wonders; The patience, the fortitude, the sub lime faith during the period of expectancy are second only to the mother love be stowed upon tha most helpless but most marvelous cre ation a baby. Women are quick ather those helpful agencies that aid to comfort, and yet are perfectly safe to use and among these they, recommend "Mother's Friend." It Is entirely an external application designed to lubricate the broad, flat muscles and skin that protect tha abdomen. It has been in favorable use for nearly half a century and Is known to mothers in almost every settled com munity In the United States who highly recommend it. You will find it on sale In drug stores. "Mother's Friend" is utterly harmless, contains no deadening drugs, very beneficial, very soothing and a wonderful help. Get a bottle of "Mother Friend" to day at any drug store and write to us for our instructive little book to mothers. Address Bradneld Regulator Co., 313 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga, speed laws of Wasco County. If you'll send a man to look after It he can stay free of charge here at my place, five miles from The Dalles, and I will furnish him a horse and buggy to go on the roads to see what is going on here. If you haven't the authority in West's place turn it over to the man that has." SHINGLE MILLS TO CLOSE Employes in Washington Will Xot Work for Less Wages. SEATTLE, Wash., June 30. One hun dred shingle mills in Western Wash- inton will be closed tonight for the annual Fourth of July holiday. Next Monday the employes will be offered employment at a reduced scale of The employes, who are organized. have announced through their union officers, that they will not accept a reduction of wages, but are willing to remain idle until the price of shingles rises. No attempt to employ new men will be made, and the mills will be closed indefinitely. The smali amount of building throughout the United States has resulted in an overproduc tion or sningies. REPUBLICANS HAVE LEAD Party Registers 57,324 in Total of 113,877 at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCoT June 30. (Spe cial.) The San Francisco registration Is as follows: Republicans, 57,224; Democrats, 25, 143; Progressive, 21.523; Socialists, 4870; Union Labor, 550; Prohibitionists, 555; Socialist Labor, 15; no party, 3897; total, 113,877. The registered men umber 75,496 and the women 38,381. MANY HEAR DR. GUNSAULUS Chinese "Mark Twain" Also Is Chautauqua Speaker at Salem. SALEM, Or., , June 30. (Special.) One of the largest crowds in the his tory of the Salem Chautauqua heard Dr. Frank Gunsaulus, the noted Chi cago clergyman, speak tonight. is'g Pon Chew, "the Mark Twain of the Eastern World," spoke this ' aft ernoon on the "New Chinese Republic." The meeting will continue the remain der of this week and all of next. For baby's comfort Santiseptlo Lotion. AdV, ii cia i i av EVERYBODY summervYcation r?nrki rrC9 T A sins arm. hmtt Are you buying your little requisites r iwjivm. u. o i -r getihe RIGHT price, and TRADING STAMPS bedes Gei "jJJ Stamp Book today and begin your vacation RlGHT. DOUBLE STAMPS all day on they Si Sale of Traveling Bags fr We were so successful in our last sale or . Traveling Bags that we decided to put the same on again when the ship ment arrived. We have hut three dozen this time, and if they go as jCZl fast as the last ship- Mifinl TrftTt '11 lifli'o in opt around early. A genuine leather, three piece, sewed back Bag, reinforced corners, leather lined a Bag that looks like $15.00 for stvle and appearance. Regularly $8.00 for $5.95. Three days only. COMBINATION SET One Mirror (wooden) $ 75 One Ebony Hair Brush $1.25 One Coarse Comb $ -50 Total v.... .$2.50 Special this week. $1.98 BATHING CAPS Combination Beach and Bath Cap. Iflr- ularly $2.75. Special S2.JS Rubber Corsage Bouquet. .SO to lot JULY 4 SUGGESTIONS Thermos Bottles (will keen hot 24 hours, cold 72 hours) $1.50 to $3.50 Thermos Drinking Cups, nested, set of six, with handles $1.25 Aluminum Drinking Cups, nested, sctof six, special 85? CANDY CORNER 25c After-Dinner Mints 19r5 40c Nonpareils S 25c Hoarhound Drops 19f Ansco Cameras, Buster Browns, $2.00 and Up Developing and Finish in Welch's Grape Juice Rose Water Glycerine 10 and 25t Spirits Camphor 10r aad 25 Crystal Corn Cure ..25 Witch Hazel (Dickinson's best) 15S 40 Peroxide Tooth Powder 25 "First Aid" (to the injured) $1.00 Gauze Bandage3 10t? Stearate of Zinc (for chafing) ... ...20' In?ersoll Watch "Vi Safety Razor (a good one) 15C Peroxide Hydrogen 1 C Woodard, Clarke & Co. Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream, spe cial at ftn'J J3 Peerless Almond Cream ZiC and .Oc Regular 25c Toilet Soap, 10c. 3 for 2."c Liberated Tooth Powder, lurgc size, 25f? Imperial Toolh Paste 2."c Alarm Clocks, while they last U.iC Novel Corn Knife lOtf Bunion Pads Toxido (for poison oiik) H- Mosquito Preventative A good Pocket Knife. $1.00 Alder Street at West Park INCOME -IS SHORT Government Receipts Behind ' Treasury Estimates. ONE DAY NOT FIGURED IN Receipts for June 30 Must lie $31, 118,528 to Bring Year's Total Expected Yesterday's Were Only $7,376,464.64. WASHINGTON, June SO. Treasury receipts for Monday aggregated 7, S78.464.64 -and brought the total to date for the fiscal year, closing to night, to $701,881,471.60. Today's re ceipts, which will not be made known until ' tomorrow, must reach $31,118, 626.40 to bring the year's total to $733,000,000, the department's original estimate. ... .v.. In 1913 the total receipts for the tn thn nierht of June 29 ag- J ' Z ..... rr .. mfi ES8 - regatea jiin.toa.Dif.. 48.13 in excess of the amount tor tne rf iavn tnia year, re ceipts from corporation and Income tax assessments on monaay lSKrM.i $2,381,461.13. Many great corporations do not pay their taxes until the last day of the flscal year and It Is con fidently believed that today s cona tions were unusually heavy. The Treasury Department estimate of receipts for the flscal year whloh closed tonight Is $733,000,000 or $31. 118.628.40 more than had been received at the close of business on Monday. New York Customs Fall Off. NEW YORK. June 30. Customs du ties collected at New York during the Tim-Hi year, ended Jun SO, tPtl'l 1197 078.S07. a dec rease from inn re ceding year of $, l was an nounced bv Du.llcy Field Mulone. Col lector of the foi t. tontglit. Import of merchandise were $1,4.70,4H. Increase of I4HR.8J.). Imports of geld and Mlver amountel to $47,753,112. a decrease of $S.14.94,. Domestic exports of these ineUU showed an Increase of $..' 1.4 . Oarhurt "Uj-tlio-a." Furnished apartments. Restaurs tit In connection. J. Tyberg, liearhnri. Or Adv. e 1 same i . ; n -n r n sa r 'j T" m iiiitvrr. a ii v turn kmi " - ; I 1 -I iter - i-V i " NAnOMAL HERO SERIES' NO. 4 Lord Nekon Old England s Great Naval Hero . m mm 1 J f TTriT rr Mrori Micnn Fnoiand vnuid nave oeen invaaea ana pernaps uxr A 1 lS w fc, - .or-oA Wr Mflnnlmn. At Trafalgar he smashed torever me rrencn UUwww v; -r O . . - t? v -rTtocr a nflvfll rtrnvpf. Never wes man more . i t- i i ujmj nor onlvkr all of England s oeoDle who oreatnlesay : i , ro f k;e tdlmrj virtories. but bv everv man or his tleet. A. true awaiioj new v w - f . - . .... Anglo-Saxon, he detested tyrannous powers and legislative usurpations of every i . i r t 1 1. . rA "tvViVtn nfirfmpntc fovErnin? trie diet or ana. ne his men. countless 1 m r t t- s t" f onod rood, ouaweiser ueer lor v years v&. wi . -a - Se ancient art of braving. The output,due to Quality and Pu. has increased evy yar until lgo en are dany required to keep pace with the public demand Dudwaser sales exceed any other beer by millions of bottles. Aw-fflKCH-SC WUistuA. Bottled only at the horne planE. BIumauer,& Hoch Distributors Portland, Oregon 1 Mi A I i 11 VV7 Means Moderation. i r 1 ft. H List your property now for examina tion and appraisal. If we sell it, you merely pay our reg ular commission. There is absolutely not one cent of cost to you if we do not sell it. THE degree of dig nity and class attached to a trans action "at auction" depends altogether upon the method and principles ob served by those who conduct it. The great stock, wool, wheat, cotton ami other world markets where commodities arc exchanged by means of open bidding, are sim ply and purely an auction. And because these auctions are conducted on a high standard of business integrity it is considered a privilege to be entitled to participate as a buyer or senerin fact, the privilege oftentimes sells at a high price. We propose to conduct An Auction of Real Estate At Regular Intervals in the same creditable way so that it will build for this concern a permanent and suc cessful business. If you have property that you wish to sub mit, we invite your inquiries, by phone, mail or in person. NOTE We have several Inquiries for hlirh-r!Fs business, hotel " and apartment-house properties. MEIZGER & GOODKIND AUCTION REALTY CO. 401-402 Title and Trust Bldg., Portland, Or. 0 6 o o o o o p b d o n o n n-p ao. O-O c o Uniformly Right That's the Pennsylvania idea cjf railroad Service. Not to center r per fection in a single train nor oni important run. ALL txa'r-s over Pennsylvania Lines are required to maintain a high Passenger-Satisfying Standard. Manhattan Limited is one of the daily, All-Slee!, AH-Pullman Limited to New York. Leaves Chicago 10:30 nu, after arrival of morning Trains from San Francisco and Pacific Coast points. Or Addr ForMlartic1Tsrciard. H. JJ:K,X Pvllmaa reservations, etc V, 7 fiatlwav f-r,-ir B-tId,nx m pnKTl.A r -Cf o o p o- qw'-oin Q 11)0.215 short of the. year 181J-1J, n