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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1914)
10 THE MORNIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1914. WHEAT PRICES WEAK Nearly AH Buyers Have With drawn From Market. QUOTATIONS ARE NOMINAL Farmers 'ot Pressing Sales in View of Inactive State ot Trade. Foreign Exchanges Are Depressed. Wheat buyers In the Northweet have prac tically all withdrawn from the market for the tlma being. No quotation! on the new crop were available yesterday, but 7T cents was riven as the nominal -value 01 cmo The foreign markets were depressed. A: Liverpool declines ranged from 1 to ld r-inoM nn nassaae were quoted I'A to Si lower. Closing prices at Chicago were not materially changed from Monday. Juiy wheat closed there at 77T4 cents, as com pared with a quotation of S04 cents on the same day last year and 11.09 ii on the last day of June two years ago. Pending a clearer view of the future, local wheat trad- nnt in m. Titnnd to make commit ments. At the same time farmers are not pressing sales and Inactivity, therefore, pre- nil alnno- lha llTIM. In the barley market contracting has also been slow, not much spot oariey is ucius offered, and the market Is steady. Oats are quiet at the prices that have prevailed for the past month. Crop pros pects are good and there is no disposition to engage in speculative buying. Supplies I.. . V, arm mil(.h reduced, but UierS are still large quantities of oats held here that will probably Dring less man mo ers paid for them. The hay market is slack and rather weak. Prices are being barely maintained. Reports from the valley are that a good deal of oat and vetch hay was bleached by rain. Local receipts in cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley lour uais nay Vtnnrt. 9 21 14 Tuesday 1 - 7 Yarago 11 IS 3 2 9 Portland receipts for the cereal year com pare as follows: Season Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay 1913-14 157S9 2S22 2879 17.15 2770 1912- 13 174:.3 2412 2S68 2365 J911-12 13500 391 252S 1595 2833 1918-11 1192T 714 iibi 965 3030 1909-10 9T.1S 1314 2217 1282 332 1908-09 10539 1542 l.! 835 2S33 Shorts Feed Bran Midds. Flax 1913- 14 362 419 372 128 27 1113-13 303 272 37 44 19 Corn Rve Straw Meal H13-14 93 4 50 66 1912-13 130 30 18 13 SCPPI.Y IS LARGE AT FVR SALES. tnmually Heavy Stock at Latest Auction at London. The most important fur sales In London are held In the Spring. At the recent sales tile stock was larger than usual, chiefly I i cause the next most Important Continental ojntry Imported less than Its customary supply, reports Consul-General Loop. In all. It Is estimated that between 10.000.000 and 12.0O0.00U skins were sold. On a given day, which was more or less typical, the follow ing skins were sold: 183,000 skunk. 1SS.0O0 American opossum. 80.000 raccoons, and 3G00 civet cats. The numbers offered differed, of course, from day to day; as many as 430.000 skunk skins were catalogued for sale In one day. and 2,500.000 musquash on an other. Of the latter, 4,500.000 were offered during the sale. The kinds of skins chiefly In demand this year were those- already mentioned and foxes; other kinds, such as sable, seal, mink, and beaver, were not so eagerly sought, al though considerable numbers of them were catalogued for sale. Among the sundries weie grixxly and other bears, lynxes, musk ox, wt:d cat. emus, wallaby, wolves, kan garoo, monkey, grebe, badgers, marmots, leopards, and house cats. Forty thousand house cats were catalogued lor sale. The prices realized for skunk skins varied rrom 24 and 4 cents to JC.81; for mus quash and house cats from 12 to 01 cents. In the case of skunk or rousquach sample bundles comprising 25 skins were hung on Ihe racks for examination to enable buyers to estimate the value of the whole "lot" offered, these lots varying from 400 to 500 tkunk and up to 4000 musquash. Of the more expensive skins sable, or silver fox the whole lot, whether consisting of one kln or half a dozen, could be examined. The prices realized for silver fox ranged from S24S to $2141 per skin. ALL CROPS MAKE GOOD PROGRESS Heather In Past Week Beneficial Except to May and Vegetables. The weekly Oregon weather and crop summary of the Weather Bureau follows: "The first half of the week was showery and cool. The rains that fell during this period were on the whole very beneficial, although they delayed tiaying and damaged some hay that was cut and being cured on th ground. During the middle of the week the nights were unusually -oooliand-" frost formed in a few places in the central portion of the itate. "This frost did o harm except to gardens, which were badly Injured by It. During the last half of the week the weather was dry and higher temperatures prevailed. All crops during this period made splendid progress. "Fan wheat In th Willamette Valley hows large heads of well-nlled grain and the farmers In all portions of the state are with very few exceptions weir pleased with the present outlook. "Early peaches from Jackson County will be in the market within a week or ten days." TRADE IX WATERMELONS IS BRISK Cantaloupes Also Sell Well, but at Low Price. Two cars of cantaloupes, one of water melons and one of mixed fruits were re ceived yesterday. Melons and cantaloupes were in strong demand, but prices were low. Deciduous fruits sold at steady quotations. Oregon peaches were more plentiful and brought 60 to 75 cents. Some of The Dalles peaches were of fine quality, but were in jured by being poorly packed. - California peaches ranged m price from 65 to 90 cents. The berry trade was poor and prices were easier for all kinds. There were practically no buyers for strawberries. pOCfcTBT PRICES BARELT STEADY. Egg Receipts Have Fallen Off Sharply Veml Is Weak. There were no changes in poultry yes .erday. but prices were no more than steady, ts receipts were fully equal to the de r.and. - There was a weaker feeling in veal, and 12 cents was quoted as the top. Pork was iteady. Eggs were firm at unchanged prices. Re ceipts are only half the present consump don and the deficiency is being made up ut of storage stocks. , No changes were reported In the butter r cheese market. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities esrerday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $1,201,632 t 79.700 Icaitle 2,1S0.50 2S0.2S6 'icwit 328.043 34. 043 r,van 574.156 9S.6S0 Portland's bank clearings for June in this tnd past years follow: rune. 1014 S44.721.934 rune. 1018 43.345.905 lune, 1012 43.S7S.657 lune, 1M1 43.902.916 tune. 1010 42.14t!.0is rune. 1009 80.043.S43 Sugar Market Is Firmer. The sugar market Is again looking up, md prices of refined grades may soon be Ldvanoed. Wires recelred yesterday re-' ported an upward tendency In the New York and London markets. PORTLAND "MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Plour, Peed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: New club, 77c; new forty-fold, 78c; new bluestem, 82c; old club, title, nominal. M1LLFEEO Bran, S23 per ton; shorts. S2: middlings, $o0. FLOUR Pa'ents. $1.S0 per barrel; straights. $4.20; exports. 3.0; valley, S4.60; graham, $4.80: whole wheat. $5. BARLEY Feed. $2w21 per ton; brew ing, $21.5022; rolled, $23.50. HAJ Choice timothy, S1U17; mixed timothy, S12wl5; valley grain hay, $10012; alfalfa. $11. , OATS No. 1 white milling. $22922.25 per ton. CORN-Wbole, $35: cracked. $36 per ton. Fruits and Vegetables. I T.ocal Jobbing quotations: TKOPICAL. FRUITS Oranges, navels, $1.75&3.23 per box; lemons, $506.50 per box: bananas. 354o per pound; grapefruit, California. $1.50 per dozen. V utjli 1 Ast-fc,& uucumoers, tJivf dozn; egtsplant, 15c per pound; peppers, Joe per pouna; raaisnea, jo it nc-aa lettuce. Sl.lil per craiw; t - - -j . i ii n .in r rliircn oov per uuccii. vcici j, mi.w --- tomatoes, toctfffl.iiv per ciair, " " f t - -.n..n. .h..harh 'AU. ihiZa ner pound; cabbage. IVzC per pound; asparagus. $1 . - . .. .. r. ...... niii nrt bnani. Bi'i.ou aozea; pea, iwfv " 67o per pound; corn, 30tf35c per dozen. . . . ... - . 11,. ' OK IWF JIilua ilea, o i , - sack; Walla Walla. $2.5Ke2.75. liltEEN FRUITS Apples, old, $1.50 box; new. $141.1.25 per box; cherries, 3Sc per pound: apricots. $1.50 per box; canta loupes, S1.25y 2 per crate; peaches, 110 X.Xzr"?- iT. ni..m. si nnii.2r: water- melons. 134.&20 per pound; loganberries. 6'J(fl7jc per crate; raspberries, woe si; black caps,' $11.23 casaoas, s-.o per "POTATOES Oregon, new, l"42o pe: pound. i; A.CK VEGETABLES Turnips, new Call, fornia, $1.25; carrots, $1.50; beets. $1.50. Dairy and Country Produce. EOGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, I1...J OiftOdn nap Anvn. ""POULTRY Hens. 15c; broilers, 18S20c; fryers, 20ft(;22c; turveys. nve, dressed, choice, 2526c; ducks, 10c; geese. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, 27 He per pouna; cuDes, ou. CIIliliSE Oregon triplets. Jobbers' buying - . 1 ' V. nnlr Tnit- price, ioc per puuuu - v. m. " - land; Young America, 17c per pound. POKK Fancy, 1010c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 11 'A & 12c per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1913 crop, prime and choice, 143 16c; 1914 contracts, 15c shearings, 10c; green shearings, loc; salted sheep. $1.258)1. oo; spring lamua. itnai- HIDES Salted hides, l:ii4c per pouna; , i ... ..Han nnlf 1 Un - tTreen hides. salt aip, c ' " i - ' : 12V4c; dry hides, 24c; dry calf, 2Vc; salted bulls. 10c per pouna; green oun. WOOL- Valley. 18(o20V4c; Eastern Ore gbn, 16 20 He. - CASCAltA BARK Old and new, 4i4c per pound. GRAIN BAUH in car low, o7sv. I' 1 ri miiiuii, a ' -" - , lbut, 4(?5c; buck shad, 3c; roe shad, 6c; silver percn, ou. Provisions. . -..p. An 1-l.nnnnri 1 fl 11 tft 20 W. C 12 to 14-pound, 19a20c;' 14 to 18-j)ound. 19iSi20i4c; skinned, lS&20c; picnic, 13c. BACON Fancy, -owouc; yni oALtx - 1316!4c; exports, 1416c; plates, 11 13c. LARD Tierce basis. Pure, 1213c; com pound, 9&c OUR. r.rm-.-rim TT . 4a i-lmma Vlsr- - . a 1. , nn 1 0 - nar.fl1 (iriimS OT rem r imiiv rte,", barrels, I3c; cases, 17&;i0c. GASOLINE Bulk, l&fcc; cases. 22Hc; motor -spirit, bulk, 15Hc; cases, 22c. En pine distillate, drums, 7c; cases, 14c; naptha. drums, 144c; cases, 21 c. LINSEED OIIj Haw, barrels, 61c; boiled, barrels, 63c; raw. cases, 66c; boiled, cases. TURPENTINE in cases, doc per gaiion, tanks, 5Sc m SHEEP MARKET IS FIRM BEST LOADS ARE TAKEN AT FULL QUOTATIONS. Trade in Cattle and Hos; Divisions Inactive and the Prices Are About Steady. There was a small run at the stockyards yesterday and a steady market prevailed throughout the day. More firmness was shown in the sheep division than, in other lines. The best lambs again sold at $6 and year lings brought I4.S5 and J5. Choice ewes heid at the former price of $4. 2a. A load of fancy young: wethers was taken at $4.90. Trade in the swine and cattle divisions was limited and prices underwent no ma terial change. Receipts were 9 cattle, 155 hogs and 45 sheep.. Shippers were: w. Blodgett, lone, l car cattle and hoes; G. R. Ford, Sheridan, 2 cars sheep; Will Block, Amity, 1 car hogs. Wt. Price. Wt. Price. 172 8.09 IS hoss. .. 1167.15 81 5.00 1 bull 650 S.00 89 4. 25 2 bulls... 8S0 4.00 207 8.00 1 bull 620 4.00 117 4.23 1 bull 1210 5.00 90 4.85 6 bulls... 1661 4.50 80 5.00 1 bull 1270 6.00 64 6.00 4 cows... 682 4.00 77 5.90 1 cow 1010 5.00 125 4.00 7 steers.. 594 6.00 111 4.85 1 cow 1150 3.00 74 4.90 6 mixed.. 790 4.00 116 7.15 2 hogs... 2407.7i 28 hoes. . . 175 y"rlings. 112 ewes. .. 9 hogs. . . 8S ewes. .. 46 y'rlings. 3 lambs.. 87 lambs.. 121 lambs.. 2 ewes. .. 7 weth'rs 91 weth'rs Current Drices or ine various umbcs stock at the yards follow: Prime steers 7.2ow(.o" Choice steers . 7.00 7.25 Medium steers . 6.75W (.00 6.23 6.50 6.00 6.25 6.25 6.75 6.00(31 8.60 3.00 5.00 5.00 6.25 7.25 8.00 6.25P 7.25 4.2091 4.(5 3.25 ajl 4.25 4.50 5.00 5.500 6.00 Choice cows Medium cows .. Heifers Calves Bulls Stags wigs Light Heavy ......... Kneen Wethers Ewes Yearling lambs Spring lambs . . . Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., June 30. Hogs Receipts. SSOO;. market, higher. Heavy. SS.22 (g8.32V4 : right, JS.158.25; pigs, $7.50 its; bulk of sales, 8.0S.35. Cattle Receipts. 4tKM; market, steady. Native steers, 7. 40 9.10; native cows and heifera, $67.75: Western steers $G.508.50: Texas steers, $67.9; Texas cows and heif ers, 5.757.15: stockers and feeders, 6&8; calves, 7.50 10.5O. Sheep Receipts, 8000; market, easier. Yearlings. 1W6.60: wethers, J3.20ffl5.60; lambs, 8.40D.2Q. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, June 30. Hogs Receipts, 17, 000; market, steady to strong. Bulk of sales, SS.358.45; light, 8.138.47H; mixed, IS.10 8.50; heavy, S8.45; rough, Ss.lO; pigs, $7.85 8.25. Cattle Receipts, 3000; market for g-ood. strong; others, weak to lower. Beeves. $7.80 &9.45, cows and heifers, $3.708.90; steers, y 6.90;8.25; stockers and feeders, $0.OO 8; calves, S6 50S.50. fciheep Receipts, 20,000; market, weak. Sheep, J5.30I8 B.15; yearlings, S6.307.40; lambs, tJ.4O&S.10: Springs, $3.G5D.15. gAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET. Prices Quoted at the Bay City on Fruits. Vegetables, Etc SAK FRANCISCO, June 30. Fruit Pine apples, J1.50 4j'2.25; Mexican limes, $U10; California lemons, 946. Vegetables Cucumbers. 40 75c; green peas, 2&3c. Potatoes Oregon feurbanka, 90c&31.25; new, 11 14c; river Burbanks, 90c $1.25. Eggs Fancy ranch, 24c; store, 22 Vic. Onions Red, S2.&0&3; white, ?2.5u3. Cheese Young Americas, 149HVic, new. lOVj&littc Butter Fancy creamery, 24c: seconds. 2c. Receipts Flour. 5182 quarters: barley, 20. 185 centals; potatoes, 2U40 sacks; Hay, 439 tons. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, June 30. Lead cjuiet, 8.85 83.5; London, 19 6s. Spelter quiet and steady, 5.00 5.10; Lon don, 21 10s. Copper steady: spot and August, offered at 12.50; electrolytic, 13.50 & 13.75; lake-, nominal; casting. 13.50. Tin easy; spot, 30.30&S0.50; August, 80.35 30.50. Antimony dull; Cookson's. T.2537.S-V4 : Iron quiet, unchanged. Hons at New York. NSW YORK. Juno 30, Hops Quiet. LOSSES PflADE UP Stock Market Is Strong With Sharp Advances. FAVORABLE NEWS COUNTS Investment Demand Stimulated by "targe Interest and Dividend DiS' bursenients Drop In Exchange Stops Further Gold Exports. NEW TORK, June 30. For the first time since the Claflin failure, the stock market today gave earnest evidence of its ability to respond to favorable conditions, and much of the loss incurred since last Thursday was regained. Factors contributing in greater or lesser measure were the more encouraging crop advices, the large interest and dividend dis bursements aggregating 24 1,000,000, wnicn stimulated a moderate Investment demana, and another drOD in exchange, putting fur ther frold exports beyond the probability of immediate resumption. 7 Bonds were irregular. Total sales $2,229, 000. Government bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson & Co., Lewis building. Portland. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allis-Chal 10 10V4 Amal Copper .. 17.300 H9 67 6 Am Beet Sugar 700 26 25 K 20 Am Can Co ... 2,300 27 25 27 do preferred "0 , Am Car & Fdy. 400 50 50 504 Am Cotton Oil 40 1 Am Smel & Ref 600 63 61 3 do preferred.. 100 101 301 101 Am Sugar 300 100 & 106 105 do preferred 112 Am Tel & Tel.. 400 120 120 Am Tobacco 2-7 Anaconda 1.400 3114 30 Sl'i AT Santa Fe 1.200 W. !Sli 08 do preferred.. 400 100H 100 !) Bolt & Ohio ... B.2O0 STs SS'i 89 4 Brook R Tran.. 3.900 0 1 8074 00 Canadian Pac. . 4.400 104 10114 1 C & O 200 1454 1 C&NW 129 C, M At St Paul 2,400 89 V4 P7U 9" 14 Central Leather 900 33 .35 35 Central of N J 300 Chlno 3,000 40., 394 0li Col Fuel & Iron 400 2614 251 2514 Consol Gas 100 128 128 128 DL&W 400 D & R G 100 1054 1054 10 Distilling Seour. 200 14'4 HV4 Utt Erie 2.000 28 28 2S4 General Electric 300 147 147ti 147 Gt North Ore .. 100 32 32 81 Gt North pf ... 1.500 124 122 123 Illinois Central. 300 112M, 112 112 Interboro Mstro. 4C10 14 14 H 14 J4 do preferred.. 8"0 62 61 74 6174 K C Southern .. 200 26 26 26 Lehigh Valley.. 8.10O 13i 333 336 Louis A Nash.. 200 13S 138 137!i Mexican Central 11 M. S P & S s M 2(K ia;i -i-J i-il't Mo. Kan & Tex. 300 17 !! 17 Mo Pacific 7,700 17 National Lead Nat Biscuit nrofprrfld. . ...... 17 17 45 131 126 New Haven .... 2,900 65 64 (..; NY Central... 300 23 U 23 2.1 Norfolk & West 600 304 304 104 Northern Pac-.. 2.200 111 109 110 Pacific Mail - Pacific T & T. . 300 24 23 24 do preferred - V? Pennsylvania ... 2.300 311 110 111 People's Gas ... 1.000 11074 119 319 Reading 44.(100 14 11 164 Republic S & I. 900 22 22 23 Rock Island Co. 2.3"0 1 74 174 174 Southern Pac .. 2S.100 74 94 P6 Southern Ry ... 2,400 24 24 24 Texas OH 100 142 142 342 Union Facific .. 21. W0 155 152 li.. do preferred.. 200 S3 83 83 U S Steel Cor.. 02.200 01 ?'. MJ4 do preferred.. 700 109 .108 109-a Utah Copper ... 3.S00 5S , 50 677, Wabash 100 ' Western Union.. 2.000 5.74 5 7.'' Westin? Elec .. 900 73 72 7J Total sales for the day, 268.900 shares. BONDS. Reported "by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board of Trade building, Portland.. . Bid. Asked. A ten "Gen 4s 95 96 Atl Coast Line. 1st 4s 9J'j 94 B R T 4 '- 89 9-' Ches & O t V:s -94 o C. M & St P GUI 4s 102 30' C R I Cnl 4s 2s 28 Cal Gas 5s 92 93 C B & Q Joint 43 7 97 Erie Gen 4s H J Int Met 4s 77 i7 Louisville & Nash Un 4s 9o 9 Missouri Pac 4s 52 o3 N" Y C Gen 3s .'. . . 82 00 n N & W 1st Con 4s J N-orthern Pac 4s 9? 92 Oregon Short Line Ref 4s...... 91 92 Oregon Ry Nav 4s 98 97 Penna Con 4s - 1 : Reading Gen 4s 94 P5J4 St 1 & San Fran Ref 4s 6S s So P Ref 4s VI l 92 S P Col 4s 110 90 So Ry 5s 304 105 So 4s i i Un Ry Inv 4s i)3 S4 Un Pac 1st and Ref 4s 94 94 U S Steel 5s 102 105 West Shore 4s 92 93 Wabash 4s oO 50 W house Elec cv 5 95 g Wisconsin Central 4s SS 8S Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, June 30. Closing ouotations: Allouez 3 IN'ip M Ex Div.. 6 Amal Cop 69 North Butte 25 A Z L & Sm... 15 North Lake 1 Arizona Com 401d Dominion... 48 Calumet & Ariz. 64 'Osceola 78 Ca! & Hecla 400;Quincy 55 Centennial 10,Shannon 5 Cop Range C C. 3;Supenor ion E Butte Cop M. 5!4Sup & Bos M 174 Franklin 4 Tamarack 34 firanhv Con 79 JUSSR&M Ex Div 34 Greene Cananea. 30 j do pfd. Ex Div 4B I Royalle (Cop). 19!Utah Con 11 Lake copper ... o lutan copper uu. ji La Salle Cop 31 5-16Winona 2 Miami Copper... 21 (Wolverine ...... 3S Mohawk 43,Butte & Sup 3i Nevada Con 1374 Money, Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. June SO. Close: Mercantile paper, 34 per cent. Sterling exchange, easy; 60 days, 4.S5i5; demand, $4.8760. Commercial bills. $4.85. Bar silver, 56 c. Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, Irregular. Call money, firm, 12 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 1 2 per cent. Tlmo loans, steady; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days, 2 per cent; six months, 3&S per cent. LONDON, June 30. Bar silver quiet, 26d; money, 3; snort whs, iwx7; months, 2. London. CO days, $4'.85; do sight, ?4.87. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings in the United States for the week ending June 25 as reported to Bradstreet's, aggregate $2,874,139,000, against $2,948,934,000 in the preceding week and $3,140,333,000 irl the same week last year. Following are the returns for the past week, with percentage of change from the corresponding week last year: Decrease. New York $1,593,794,000 2.7 Chicago 290,009,000 3.5 Philadelphia 154,613,000 1.7 Boston 141.143,000 4.5 St Louis 70,708.000 7.4 Pittsburg 52,1)00,000 17.8 Kansas city la.iuu.uuu o.u San Francisco 45.219.000 "J.., Baltimore 3-',oso.uuu .14.0 Detroit 27,178,000 2.0 Cincinnati 24.777.000 1.1 Minneapolis zi.sss.ouo t.2 Cleveland 22,451,000 2.2 Los Angeles 20,279.000 5.3 New Orleans iii,o4,uuu 11.5 Omaha 13,132,000 . 7.1 Milwaukee J4,bu.-,uuu -i.t Atlanta 11.476.000 16.9 l,oulsville 11.S15.000 - 7.0 Seattle li.stii.uuo .1 Buffalo 10,132,000 1.6 Portland, Or s.oas.uuo i.a Salt Lake City 5,400.000 3.4 Spokane 3,664.000 1.S San Diego 2,063.000 Tacoma 1,997,000 21.0 Sacramento 1,733,000 S.S Increase. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, June 80. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Higher; receipts. 12.926 cases; at mark, cases lncluaea, lote'i&c; oruinar lirEts, 1717c; firsts, 18(glSc. Cheese unchangea. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. June 30. After opening at 1 noint lower to 2 nolnts higher, coffee sold 4 to S points lower under scattered selling on Indifferent cables and estimates of large July receipts at Santo, The close was 1 to 4 joints net lower. Seles. 32.000 bags. July. :!!.-. Aiit-.-Kt. N.f.c: ScntomDer. o...ic, October. 8.00c; November, S.70c; December, 8. SUe; January,; Jiarcn, 0.0, ' Spot quiet: Rio No. 7, S74c; Santos No. 4, 1 c "Mild quiet; Cordova. 1216c, nominal. Kaw sugar steady. moiaaea sus, centrifugal, S.32c. Refined- steady. rnnlilnn nf the Treasury. WASHINGTON. June 30. The condition of the United States Treasury at the begin x... , 1.. i ......1 runA 1112.836 ,070 464 ,800 Total receipts yesterday . loiai payments ycaLcruAj. The surplus this fiscal year is Sl.bui.. .tnKII last V, -'60 against a aurpiua-vi. x., j . : exclusive of Panama Canal and public dent transactions. Diilnlh Linseed Market. DULUTH, June 30. Linseed, July, $1.57; September, $1.60; October, $1.60; No vember. $1.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK June 30. Spot cotton quiet. Afiririllno. .inlands. 13.25: do. Jrulf. 13.30. Sales, 200 bales. Dried .Fruit nt Hew York. NEW YORK. June 30. Evaporated apples steady. Pruneq dull. Peaches quiet. FOREST GROVE TO FROLIC Gales Creek Farmers Plan Old-Fash, loned Fourth of July. FOREST GROVE, Or., June 30. (Spe cial 1 TTnrlfir thn ausnices of the Gales Creek Farmers' Association the Fourth of July will be celebrated at what is known as the Balm Grove, on the banks of Gales Creek, eight miles from nere t,,Ho- .Tnhn W. Stevenson, of Port- loud win rtollvpr the oration. Other chnr'i talks and soners by local talent will fill the hours from 10 to i, alter which a basket dinner win De eaten The afternoon schedule Includes I ball game between the "married men" and "single bucks," a field meet be--car thn Wilson and Hillside schools. ranm trrmaattA nnle climb. CatCh- e, r. . . , . , ing the greased hog, etc. liooa Doaiins and bathing also is assured. As Forest Grove has decided not to celebrate the Fourth, moU of its cm zens will attend. CONDEMNATION ACTION UP Oregon City Case to Be Argued To. day Before- Supreme Court. rTj-EinrNr ttty. Or.. June 80. (Spe cial.) city Attorney Schuebel, City En gineer Nobel, Henry xempieion, cnar tha rj-pat enmmittee of thi v. . " - - n ,7 t ii" tTn p-eQ nftrtrnev for l.-(J U 11 1 11. aiiu - - - - - - . Mrs. Sarah Chase, lert last nigrn. iur i ,i.Aa thn marita nt ttie conaem- nation proceedings by which the city Bn.iit ii nr.ninra a iRDQinK yiatfl i", the Seventh-street elevator will b. argued before the supreme tourt. The proceedings are in the form o ii. rt hniii in rontfimot six city em ployes who trespassed upon the land Involved. condemnation proceeuinea n o-a mmnlrteii in the Circuit Court in May. Attorneys for Airs, unase, now axrar- ihot fl Mffifi of JudgO Ben nr, ' Wlnmath Falls, that the city should be forever barred from trespass Ing on the property, manes tne con I n,..MHinIFA 1 1 1 P IT ,1 1 . """""''" " " . , s SCHOOL ANNEX PROPOSED Milwaukie Taxpayers Vote Against Free Textbooks. MiT.WAUIflE. Or.. June - SO. (Spe cial.) A meeting of the taxpayers of the Milwaukie district was held in the schoolhouse last night. It was decided to build an annex to the present school house, to take care of the high school. The meeting voted down the free schoolbook proposition. . Thn committee appointed to investi gate the proposition to buy a site and erect -a branch scnooinouse in m thnrnn renorted adversely. It recom mended that a portable room be built nn the main school grounds to lane care of any overcrowding. Mrs. Amelia Snow, former principal, opposea me free textbook proposition in her ad dress. DAILY METEOROIiOGICAI- REPORT. Tr,DTr a vn June 30 Maximum temper- ...... ce ri..trre.. minimum. 61 desrees. River reading, a a. iu.. ". ." last 24 hours, .2 foot fall. Total rainfall 5 i. k tj at i none: total since Septem ber 1, 10ia! 3S.S9 inches; normal, 43.D4 inches; aetlciency, o.uo incnes. jii shine. 15 hours, 44 minutes; possiuie, u hours, 44 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level;, f. t-. y.w- incuca. THB WEATHER. g w7 Wind P PA , 5. S." j m 3 2 ? 2 S fR 2. s i S? f f Ftate at Weather STATIONS. Boise Boston j 84;0 O0I1OJW 01 6'NE 00 4SW Clear Rain Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Cloudy Rain 14 0, 82,0, 72i Calgary Chicago Colfax .0l 8;SE KUiO 60 0 00 1 Calm 00 0!N Denver Des Moines . . , Duluth F.ureka 74, 0 54'W 50 0 S3'0 V4l0 92:0. 70 84;0 7!v0 CO jo 080 .001 4iW 24 4 SW 00 O.NW OOllOiS 00 4'N 001 6 SW 74:i!N 001 4'NW 00! 8 SW OO'IO NW Cloudy Galveston Clear ' Clear Helena , Jacksonville ... Kansas City ... Cloudy Kain Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Klamath Falls T .nt A neles . . . Wnrshneld Medford .00;12.NW Montreal Jew Orleans .. 56,0 Ol'lO NE Rain 112 iO .00 6 SE Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear New York North Head . . . North Yakima . Pendleton Phnnnix 74:0 5U0 IM'O 0018;NW 0034HW 4 SW 4IW 4'W 4iW Clear Pt.. cloudy Clear 102 0 Pocatello Portland SOD ssjo 02 0 94,0 62 0. .00.13 NW Clear Rosebdre 0010:NW 00 lOtS 01 H2!S 20:10 SW uo halNW Clear Clear Sacramento .... 1 .nilis ...... Rain Clear Pt. cloudy fit' Pnnl 6S 0 S4l0 Salt Lake San Francisco . 60 1 0 .00 20:SW Cloudy Clear Seattle 8210 80 84:0 5S;0 900 14;N Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island Victoria, B. C. 0 E s;n 10ISW 4 SW Clear Clear Cloudy 4:'SWlClear SiNWjPt. cloudy ashineton ... 80 0. Winnipeg 780 ' WEATHER CONDITIONS. a murlraA decrease of pressure has taken place over most of the country. The pressure is moderately high on the North Pacific Coast, over the Northern Rocky Mountain and Northern Plains states and over most of the states east of the Mississippi River. A moderate depression overlies the Southwest ern states and another Is over Southern Al berta LOCai SnOWers an" Lin.utiei ainiio have 'occurred In the Basin, Plateau, Cen . , Knpfhprn Plains states, the Mis sissippi Valley, Florida, the Middle and Nortn Atlantic ia ... . . ley The weather Is warmer In Oregon, Washington, Montana, North Dakota. West ern Canada and on the Appalachian Highland- It is cooler In the Sacramento Valley, the Basin states, Colorado, the Central Plains states, Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. Tha conditions are becoming unsettled over the eastern part of this district, but are favorable for generally fair and- con- inued warm weather In this d!"rlct Wednesday. wuiluhcoici ij. vai. wnnrnlCTa Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly wif"ffrtT, Washington and Idaho Fair, continued wm; northwesterly winds Acting District Forecaster. Oakland Water Mains Arrive. OAKLAND, Or., June 80. (Special.) T-i MAW cin,n irnn water mains have arrived and all the available men about the city are empioyea getting: mo wa ter system Into service. Oakland Company Ships Wool. OAKLAND. Or- June 30. (Special.) E. G. Young & Co., of this city, today shipped five carloads of wool to Kosh land Bros., of Boston. Mass. LOW LEVEL TOUCHED Chicago Wheat Sells at Bottom Price of Season. MARKET LATER RALLIES Uneasiness Over Continued Com plaints of Too Much Moisture In Northwest Moves Prices Up ward Coarse Grains Down. CHICAGO, June 30. Uneasiness over con tinued complaints of too much moisture in the Spring crop belt rallied the wheat mar ket today after prices had fallen to the lowest level yet this season. The close was steady at the same as last night to a shade advance. Corn finished & off to 1-16 up. oats down Italic and provisions vary ing from lc decline to a rise of TAa. Lower cables had a depressing effect on wheat. The market received but little sup port, and as a result all deliveries dropped. Reports that unwelcome showers continued in the Northwest checked the decline. After starting $phta to 1440 under last night quotations 'steadied slightly above the open ing range. Hedging sales and a bearisff crop estimate hindered considerably the devel opment of power to rally. Corn sagged with wheat because of rains in some sections where needed. About the only buying was by shorts. The opening, which was varied from e to c down, was followed by a slight further decline. Prices subsequently reacted because of rest ing orders to buy on the break. Oats reflected the weakness of other grain. The July option especially showed a lack of strength. Commission house selling eased off pro visions. Firmness in the hog market was virtually ignored. The leading futures ranged as follows; WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July .76 .774 .76 I -77T. Sopt 77 V .77 4 .76 54 .77 H CORN. July 7H .68 .7W, .68 V. Sept .6oi4 OATS. July .: 36 .8674 .SV4 Sept 35 .35 .3054 .33 MESS PORK. July 21.20 21.37 21.20 111. z Sept 20.10 20.22V4 20.0O ZO.JU LARD. July 10.05 10.10 10.024 IMiti Sept 10.20 10-27 Vi 10.20 10.23 SHORT RIB3. July 11.60 11.70 11.57 54 11-65 Sept 11. oo xt.oo l!.Od ii.o- 71 casn prices were: Wheat. No. 2 red. 78,K80c: No. 2 hard, 78e0c; No. 2 Northern, 87V4SSHo; No. 2 Spring. 87S8c. Corn, No. 2, 08 14 ST cue; o. a yenow, op 68c Rye, No. 2, Boc; Dariey, sotaosc; iiravmj., $4.H5(S,B.B0; clover, S10e13. Paget Bound Wheat Markets. i . . . n y nn T31,,a stem, Srtc; fortyfold, 87o; club, S6c; red Rus sian, e-iic. , A rar receints Wheat 10. barley 4. oats 4, hay 3. r m,,astm fnrtvfniri and club, nominal: rife. 86c; red Russian. 85c. Yesteruay s car receunn; vy unai ., 3. barley 8, hay 21, flour 4. Man Francisco Grain Market. r- poivriarn Ttin SO. ftnot fjuota- . ..,i nr,nu SI r.Siai KftU ren Rus- sian. 1.554( 1.56Vi ; turkey red, f 1.5TV4 1-tiO; bluestem, 1.604 1.6154 ; teed barley. 54c $1.00; brewing, nominal; white oats. S1.-154 l.JzVa; bran, .ou.ii miuuimd Itt SI; shorts, 427 & 27.50. Call board: Barley, steady, December, $10154 bid, $1.02 asked; May, $1.06 bid; $1.08 asked. European Grain Markets, r nvTinM. ..liir 80. Cargoes on passage easy 154d to ad lower. English country markets steady. French country markets weak. t . . , . . . on V. .... . Tklr, 'y Manitoba, 7s Id; July. 6s 7d; October, 6s 7a; necemDer, o ow. eatner line. Minneapolis Grain Market. wxurvTTT pni.ta. Tune SO. Wheat July, 835ic; "September, 7854c; No. 1 hard 884? ssSc No. 1 Northern, 85874c; No. 2 isortnern, ooyii'oTi- WOMEN ARRANGE SHOW GRESHAM CLUB TO HAVE CHARGE JULY 4 FLOWER DISPLAY. Classifications Are Announced and Other Farts of Programme for Cel ebration Are Decided On. . GRESHAM, Or., Juno 30. (Special.) The flower show which will oe neia in the pavilion of the Multnomah Coun ty Fair Association, in connection with the Fourth of July celebration, will be under the charge of the Women's Club. It will be one of the interesting features. A close contest is expected. The following are the classes or flowers to be shown: Hoses, section B Class 1: No. 1, best collection . four red roses, named va riety, two prizes; No. 2, best collection four white roses, named variety, two prizes; No. 3, best collection four pink roses, named variety, two prizes; iso. , best collection four yellow roses, named variety, two prizes. Class 2: Climbers (Ramblers excepted), best general col lection eight varieties; four varieties, two of each, three prizes. Class 3: Ramblers, general collection, two va rieties. Class 4: Three largest roses, variety named, three prizes. Sweet peas, section a jiass o: no. 1 one dozen white, two prizes; No. 2. one dozen pink, two prizes; No. 3, one dozen red, two prizes; No. 4, one dozen lavender, two prizes; No. 5, one dozen blue, two prizes. Class 6: Best collec tion, five varieties named, one dozen each, three prizes. Wild flowers, section D Class 7: Native wild flowers, not less than five varieties, five prizes; old-fashioned flowers, section D, class 8, best col lection, five varieties, five prizes. The prizes will be awarded by the Judges in the pavilion. Twenty-five automobiles have been entered for the parade on the Fourth. The Gresham Council of Women Voters will have a float with girls represent ing all states in the Union. Mrs. O. J. Brown will direct a chorus of 50 voices for the exercises on the fair grounds. The Riverside Driving Association will hold races. DANCE ON BRIDGE PLANNED Water Sports, Auto and Horse Races on Fourth of July Programme. SEASIDE, Or., June 30. (Special.) Electric streamers will form a con spicuous part of the decorations in Seaside for the Fourth of July cele bration. Linemen are busily engaged In wiring the city. The Elks Band will play. Dancing on the pavement and Necanlcum River bridge will be one of the features. Water snorts and athletic contests will occupy much of the time Saturday and Sunday. A $50 trophy is offered for the canoe racing championsnip oi the Lower Columbia. Auto and horse races will be held on the beach. JIan Thrown From Horse Pics, DUrt'H, Or,, June SO, (Special.) THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of San Francisco. Founded 1864 Capital Paid In $3,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $S,0G9,722J9 Commercial Banking and Savings Departments PORTLAND OFFICE Third and Stark Streets LADE) & TILTON BANK Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 Commercial and Savings Deposits Jesse Dowen, of Maupln, who was thrown from a horse at the Maupin races Saturday, died without regaining consciousness. The Canadian Bank of Commerce .HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Canada. Established 1867. general banking transacted. buslneis Interest paid on time deposit!. Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks Issned. PORTLAND BRANCH. Comer Second and Stark Sts. F. C. MALPAS, Manager. J.C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTOX. MEMBKK3 NTTW TORK STOCK EXCTTANOM CHICAGO UOAKI) OF TRADE NEW YORK COIXON KXCIIA.NOK THE STOCK AND BOND EA.tllA.XiK. SAM FRANCISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE:. Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall 3858. A 4187 TRAVELERS' CU1DK. Special Vacation Excursion Honolulu fSe Volcano f there and buck, fmt flnmn. in- gT U f I Af E J FTfi IuiIIiik hntrla, nldr trlu la I -7, nl.o unto drlvr. o f - Walkikl Beach and Hotcli alno and Monnnlna J'ark. Splendid S. S. SIERRA, leaving San Francisco Tuenday, July SI, and returning' August 7. (If deHired, Btoamer ticket limit 6 months.) Don't mlKS this opportunity to 8t;e the World Wondnr Volcano Kll&uoa, most active voncano on earth. HOOK NOW. Send for itinerary. OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY 673 MARKET ST SAX Flt.ASiCISCO. NOPTH GERMAN LLOYD London Paris Bremen Georas Washington Jly SfK-fi wVll.-der GrW..V.."iy 21 .ironprinin Oecclie. .July M g;romer KurftK-rxt July 1 A. M I V ia Plymouth and Boulogne sMt Carrie no (I) or (ID cabl". Bultlmore-Hremen direct. On-cabln (11) VedueUra THE MEDITERRANEAN Mnicus Irene Aiiit. 1 Koenln Albert P1- 8 The North German I.lord landed more I'""'?"!: lirBt Cabin, Second labia and Steerage In the Port . J,e York dnrinit IHI3 than any other line, repeallni; U niurvelou record Through rate from Egypt, India, L !. .n i. ah .AM' and r riaw ' u - - r SOuin nuicii.o NORWAY rOLAR CRCISES. July 24. Aug. 11 Independent Trip ArOUnd i r it Firat-clasa trie VVOria throughout $620.65 & Up Xrarelera' Checks tiood All Over the World. OEI.RICHS 4 CO.. Gen. Agt. 5 Broadway. York. A.. Ban KrancUco, or ,'lnr local agenu. yfkcyiu turopc B. S. KOSE CITV, FOB SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES A. M., July 1. The Baa Franciaeo fortland 8. 9. Co.. Sd and Washington 8t. (with O.-W. K. A Coos Bay Line STEAMSHIP "BREAKWATER" galli from Alneworth dock. Portland. I A. M., May 18. 2D, 2. June 2. 7. 11 II. 2i. iT. f'ralcbt and ticket olfice. Low.r Alneworih dsca. Portland tc Cool Hay S. a. una Hh u K.KAT1NU, Agent. Pboue Main atwu. A mi. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. FKEIGHT SERVICE Via (Straits ot Magellan, galling from New York About June 15. and every 12 days thereafter, for Pacific t'onut Porte. C. D. KKXMS11V, Agent. 270 Stark Street. i'-i my f "turopc P I TO MAKE REAL PROGRESS In acquiring romprt,nc, make up your mind that you must and will gave. If your income increases, lot your savings increase. Do your savins ilirough a bank which will protest and reward your "thrift. Security Savings andTrustCompaiiy Fifth and Morrison Sts. Capital and Surplus $1,400,000 auto drive 4 the Pall and Paaekbairl HAMBURGV AMERICA?! Largest in the WORLD 442 Ehipi 1,417,711) TONS Coming Travel by the HAM3URG-AMERICANW LINE rABIS r.ONlMIN IIAMBtltO VATKRLANU 7th, 10 A. M. h AIV A tO. VJC.lUh, I l M. t Iilli. II A. M. IMI'I KA I'OK IXtli. It no Slrelorla ...ij.l. a I'. M. 1'rea. Oranl Sotli, 10 A. M. AIUISX S.II.I-Nt.M. aterluud Aug. 1, It neon t'rmif Itaiiia.. . . . Auir. H, a 1. l. Imperalor Aug. It, A. M. 1'ree. I lnvoln. . . . Aug. la, II A. M. Valerlnnd Ana. ti, IV A. M. Kai. Aug. tie... Aug. lit. 1 1'. ' i&ecunu cauln bin), liiaiubiii diii. ?'n)t el Hoiiioirnr MLDiTtKKANEAN t.ihrallar, aplee aud tenoa. N. r. Mollkn July li, I'. M hi. h. Iiwtmiurg. , . Adv. e, 3 f. l. N. K. .Mollkf Aug. VI, t V. r. . Ilaintmnc. . .iH. I .'. S I'. -t. tYO IKI IM..1 I.N lula AROUND THE WORLD PANAMA CANAL Krmu ruuviiv w irynin, hitjiui; a Cl.NCl.N.N ATI." I-"KII MIlU "( LEV KL A.N U. I T.U. 133 1 crulM 900 1I ' ni..LiUtn( ail n-i r-ti g llarvvy Jk lluu, ui tti km ..(t ana j'i;t, tfc a l t -c, . .. h rim.i 1 rfttico tir;i., i' ,ouihru I'ttLtrn: lu., SU biXXtk it., u.-w. K. a. Co.. iNo. I'ftciflc. I), it H. U., Uur.ii tlun lJUet ..Mliid K. ti., OL NortU. K., Uomjr ki. feniith. Sd r fui tlaod. f 0 bA.S IHASrlTO. IOt AMiKLt I AMU KAM itIKt.O. S. S. ROANOKE M"r:lNKlAV,Jl-I.Yl. COOS UAI AMI klllliaA S. S. GEO. W. ELDER AILS SCNOAY MOKM.U AT . NOIilll PACltlC BlKAMnlllP Co, Ilrket Ofllra, 1 'gr.t Of flea, liiA Id ot- I Coiumt a Ooca. ItUBliK AiJl. I Mala tiuJ. A .! DRAIN TO COOS BAY. Autog run dally. Uellifhtful trip via Allegany or the Ocean-baach roula, W'lra rasorvationg to O, MATTOCJf, Drala, SS.Co JTS XV Going . fcmilh. Sd t Af J .t.. iff