l Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. 5th and Columbia Sts. Six minutes' walk to theater ana shop ping district. Transient or permanent. DAY WEEK MONTH. Modern 2 anil 3-roo:n furnished apart ments, with kitchen, bath, phones, . . all outside apartments; French doors, i In dividual balconies, awnlnjs and screens, delightful Summer apartments. APARTMENTS ROOMS. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. r lit ronnuoce Reliability: v"S. ' Central location. Coureous treatment. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, APARTMENT HOTEL. 10TH AND SALMON6IS. VILLA ST. CLARA, T.-th and Taylor. Moat modern apartments on the Pacific Coast: furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. CUMBERLAND, W est Park and Columbia . Very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur- nlhed apts.; all modern conramu.. beautiful location, facing the parks; I.ve minutes' walk from business center. always maintain our reputation for first class, clean apts.. with best of service, at rasonaMe prices; references required. STRANGER, GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Or.ly SIS to $'-'', per month, $.i to $i per - i, .nTni.'Hteiv furnished housekeep ing 2-roorn apartments. Including electric ngnts. private uaui n " , conveniences; new brick building, lo min utes' walk from P. O. Lincoln Apts., cor ner 4th and Lincoln. Main ln. A 41u MONTGOMERY APTS., cor. 3d and Mont gomery; new brick building, nil outside i room apts.. furnished complete, private bath phone, automatic elevator, hardwood floor's, awning and screens, best Janitor service 10 minutes' walk to business cen ter; rates $20 to $28 including lights. Phone Main 9160. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Sts. Walking distanre. Completely furnished four and five-room apartments; reasonable price. REFERENCES iiEQUIP.ED. Marshall 3102. VESTFAL 410 5th, bet. Harrison and Hall; 3 and 4-room apts.. by day, week or mo.; furnished or unfurnished; concrete bldg, cool Summer time; elevator, private baths; 7 mln, to business center; $20 up; thor oughly renovated; best for money In town. THE EVERETT, 644 Evtrett, bet. 2Jth and Ella Sts. Furnished 3 rooms and sleeping o...., located In one or the choicest residence districts; walking distance. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments, linen, silverware, private phone and bath, aleeping-porch; nearest the Lnlon Depot of East Side apartments. -5 Ross t Phone East 1967. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. 841 14th st.. at Market new S and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1739. Csjiurnlslifd Apartments. AMERICAN AND MARLBOROUGH. Central, West Side, highest class apart ments, four, five and six rooms, all out side. Every convenience. Rents reason able. Marshall S360. Main 7516, A 26i0. American Realty Co..' owners. HARP.1MAN APTS. 101 -Ith Ft.. N. One 3. also one 7-room unfurnished apartment with 1 disappearing bed and 3 real bed rooms, sultaule for a larie family of daughters or grown fons; your own front door and largo porch: Just like private residence; references. Mar. 389. Main :.. 6. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Very high-class 3-room unturnlnned apartments; extra large light rooms; pri vate balcony: splendid view; clean and new exceptional Janitor service; electric vacuum, cleaner; rent reasonable. 1 ord at., near vv asningioii. -i. 6HEFF1ELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broad way corner Jefferson; easy walking dis tance; 3 or 4 rooms wllh private baths; very reasonable rent : best service, splen did arrangement, ah on. --.. THE WASHINGTON, 6S9 Northup 1-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences; telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take TV car to .1st ana ."n""n. mopo WEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4-room apartments. $20 and up; good janitor service; walking distance; refer ences. 1 12 wash., opp. --u. t.iti.1 va 1PTS UTH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room unfurnished suites; private vestibules, phones, and baths, with steam hear. hot. cold water; references. tlo KQU L 4 rooms, built-in bed, laundry trays, etc., solid oak floors, mirror doors. 4o22 60th ave. S. E. or phone Main 763 1. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-claps service; private phone; ref. 4-ROOM apartment with sleeping porch. !. E. l.ltli. near Yamhill. Fnrnilird ami Vnfuriiihetl Apartment. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 Per month. It you want one, telephone Main 2015 Sundays, or A 2015 Evenings call Mr. Bladen, Marshall 2200. Our automobiile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own and control the following: , Cecilia. 22d and Giison. Claypool. 11th and Clay sts. Columbia. 11th and Columbia. KoTdham. 170 Ford st. Hanthorn, 215 12th st.. near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th. Hanover. 165 King, near Washington. Orderleigh. 2 Grand ave. St. Clair, 170 St. Clair st., near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington. 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BoYCE, 813-821 Morgan bldgt " LUCRETIA COURT. Situated on Lucietia St., north of "Wash ington, on a large plot of ground, sur rounded by fine residences; most modern 2 and B-room unfurnished apts.; to appre ciate them you must see them; references required. Apply to manager. Marshall 1513. Janitor. Marshall 1500, Rates reasonable. 1HE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving Fur nished and unfurnished apartments, in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; electric automatic elevator, . disappearing bed, built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2901. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 49-57 Trinity Place. The finest apartments on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required; furnished bachelors' quarters with club- room. Manager, Marshall iiuu THE DEZEXDORF. i 208 16th l Nice I V. furnlshe' I JlHE CHE 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 4 and o-room iurnisnea ana un furnished apartments. HE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders sts., 2, 3 and 4-room modern apartments, fur nished and unfurnished; references re qulred. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup, 5 large rooms, unfurnished; large front veranda, sleeping porch new, modern, hardwood floors, phone, bath, heat. Mar. 1075. 600 FLANDERS Modern 6-room unfur nished apt., 3 and 4-room furn. apts, low rent. BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart ments; best service. Apply on premises. FOR RENT Two furnished 4-room apart ments; one 6-room unfurnished; large un furnished apartment. 705 Davis St. C60 FLANDERS, free rent June, modern 6 room apt.. $42.50; 3-room furn. apt., $20. Fiats. IRVINGTON 5-room flat, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen. Haley st., near l'Jtn. r'yione fclast o2. 6 RuvJila. modern, close in; save carfare; 'anitor and scavenger services; upper and wer. $25 and $:;0. Marshall 3540. FOR 1.T.M Modern 6-room upper flat Phone Main 7&20 bet. and 12 A. M. and and S P. M. MODERN 4 and 5-room, reduced rent, fine .location, sleeping porches. 1058 Cleveland "ave. Phone Wroodlawn 2295. 20TH AND CLAY" Modern, all outside rooms, fiats. W. A. Powell. Main 3000. FOUR rooms, bath, excellent view; 3 car lines: quiet, modern; $U3. East 1654. MODERN 5-room flat, walking distance. West Side, newly tinted. Main t.67. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, 1S5U 16th st. Apply 151 16th St., cor. Yamhill. MODERN 5-room flat, all conveniences, $22.00. 610 Hancock. Marshall 538. MODERN-6-room flat, J4 East Stli St., cor. Eaet Burnside; $1. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt at. Inquire 13 6tn st. rnone Main say a. VERY select upper 5-room flat. 782 iiar- shall, inquire iu neamej. Hardwood floor, bath, furnace. E. 3-"6. DESIRABLE upper 5-room flat, new and mooern, rent reasonaoie. x aoor ajvu 4-ROOM fist $11. Including llglif. water, . ., o.., -C 171Q oatn. pnones. i-t r y o ai. J. J i f- u-ROOM modern lower flat. 7&9 East lam- hill, .fbone oio. 1 . i nrvT I t IIH ft r 1 . 1 ' Ilato. O IWD people. ruwuie m..a ' " ' " . r " Ide rooma; hot water heat, hot and coia water, linoleum on all floors; rent $1- per month, and you take care of fire, which Is 30 minutes' work every 24 hours. Pboue A 459. Call 525i Montgomerj MODERN S-ROOM FLAT. $18.50. Hardwood floors. tiled bath, Dutch kitenen. Boynton furnace; East 9th and Hancock. Irvington; Broadway car; no children. Phone East 356. MODERN 6-room upper fiat; A-l condition, 1.1th and Davis sts. West Side, 2 blocks of Washington: vacant July 1. Phone East 3756. mornings till 2 and after 6. UNFURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT. Four large rooms with Bleeping porch, linoleum jind ice box in kitchen. 271 E. (ith North. Call flat one, Irvington far. LIGHT, airy. S-room, upper, sleeping Porcbl yara; wanting cimm.i:. jia. ,iu. ..... K 100 reasonable 13TH AND CLAY STS. 6-room modern flat, fine Bleeping Porch, first-class condition. Key Main 7007. ("ROOMS, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, fireplace, furnace, door phone. Janitor service; reasonable. Main 201&. i MODERN', attractive, light 5-room up P er. I sleeping porch, yard. Marshall 4i82. 424 ft I Tillamook. Walking distance HOLLADAY ADDITION, beautiful flat, newly renovated. Call 412 Wasco St. B. 580i. MODERN o-room Hat. $25. 291H E. 21't- 1 urn.ruro i'Uils. MODERN 6room upper flat, rooms large, airy, completely lurnished, garage, lot Uiiil My own home. Will rent for Sum mer. References. Adults. AE , Orego nian. $22. 5u FURNISHED upper flat, 5 rooms, sleeping porch. Hollaaay. 15 minutes to AVashington. Call 202 Occident, Last ttui'. i i,un.KTKl. furnished, light, airy, fire room, lower flat; yard; walking distance. Marshall 47S2. E 100. NEWLY' furnished 4-room flat; all clean, outside rooms; good location. 230Vi Istn st. North. J20 5-room completely furnished; 1'cht. water, phone; walking distance. E. oolO. MODERN furnished S-room upper flat, un furnished lower. 330 13th. Marshall 58i. MODERN 6-room furnished flat; a E. 12th St.. N. Marshall 7W7. A 7131. Housekeeping Rooms. $.i.50 WEEK Beautiful furnished house keeping suites; clean as wax, neat as a pin; hot water, baths, lights, phone, linen washed, free; gas ranges, etc. ; also single housekeeping-rooms, 12.25 up. 2ee to 3d st near Jefferson. THE MORRISON HOTEL, room and board $2 per day; transient rooms $2 per week; housekeeping rooms $2 to $3.50 pr week. Alain 1.UJ. ood jiLoiriauu. o.Hiyowu $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for $ or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East t03. 406 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; gas ana electric iiiib. o o. wau. 20. 232 i Washington. FURNISHED housekeeping room, exchange for work mornings; man or woman. 26S Third. SUITE of 4 rooms in apartment; private bath. 414 Mill St., cor. Altu eu ruuu .uai. 1043. THE OILMAN, 1st, cor. Alder Furnished h o usekeeping rooms. $1.58 week and up. NEATLY furnished H. K. rooms, 2 rooms i and up. 429 Salmon. FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. ROYCREST 175 12th. Airy, outside K. K. rooms, all conveniences, reasonable. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. ;;:!i-. Jetferson st. Hou?ekerlins: Jtooms in Frlvate Families. TWO-ROOM suites and single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up; prices reduced; new ly furnished, modern dwelling, best West Side apartment district, walking distance.; everything included. 055 Flaudera, near 201U st. ONE or two retined business girls to share Ideal apartment on 1-ortlana neignis, walking distance; sleeping porch, tlreplace, white -enameled bathroom; j rent $13. Answer at once, giving phone. AK .S2, Oregoniau. SLEEPING rooms and sleeping tent; also housekeeping rooms, sultanie ior piani winking people: large lawn, porches, laun dry, use of phone; $1.25, $2, $3, $1 week. Couch, cor. lain st. NICE cool room and kitchenette, complete , , . o r.n .. .... L- o monrh lor uouseaeepoin, -.t,v " ' v ' free light and phone; also nice 2-room suite, complete. $11 month. 102(4 Grand He., COI ilei AOJlOi. PRIVATE entrance, 5 rooms, 4 completely furnished, running not ana com m kitchen, $15 mo. Lights, water, piano In cluded; adults only. 731 Rodney, near Fremont. Woodlawn or Alberta car. 3-KOO;j furnished apartment, gas and range. pori'ii, nice yard, mum iloor, mooern resi dence, clos-' in; one block Hawinorne car. Phone U H4!. 734 E. Madison. A twj-rooni apartment, facing front, newly furnished for housekeeping, three min utes' alk business center. 26914 Broad way. Marshall 3150. TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms; mod ern; private entrance, first floor; yard and basement. 503 West Main, between Nartilla and Stout ts. OR 3-room well furnished apartment, $12.50 or $15, including phone and light, l-.ast 2209. 425 E. Ash. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, pri vate bath: adults only. 727 Milwaukie st. Sellwood 85. E1.UEKLY LADY can have twovpleasant un furnished rooms for housekeeping; reason able. AK si. Oregonian. $10 FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms; gas plate, range. 614 Broadway Drive. Main 4529. TWO and 3-room H. K. suites, newly pa pered and painted, gas, electricity, pnoiie and bath. 392 4th st. ONE room with kitchenette, neatly fur nished; gas range, electric lignts; ?4.ou per Week. 210 loth St. ONE lare front room with kitchenette, one suite with gas range, water and pan try; rent reasonable. 32S Clay St. !50 N. 191'H 1 and 2 beautiful lurge room housekeeping suites; strictly modern; best in city for price. Marshall 42ST. 3 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms; porcelain bath; entire upper nat; moaern; In private home; reasonable. 431 3d st. 4 LOWER rooms Just done over, well fur nished, piano, cheap rent, no children. 3S7 11th st. $14. Unfurnished two bay-window rooms; beau tiful location, central. 5"l Everett St. 354 SALMON Two desirable rooms, ground floor, furnished lor nouseneeping. utner rooms. 14 TWO large H. K. rooms, neatly fur nished, ail conveniences. oi i.ukijuwu, near Yamhill. HANDSOMELY furnished house with kitchenette; all conveniences; references requested. 265 13th st. 194 13TH ST., two or three connected house keeping rooms. CLOSE-IN H. K.. 1, 2 and 3 rooms, $2 and Up. Mdlll Dl. WANT dandy housekeeping or single room. furnished, cneap. o rant. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern and clean; cheap rent, rnone Alain ooox. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. first floor, $lo per monin. r none r.ast dj'jC. NINE suites of housekeeping rooms and single nouseKeepiiig. ijtu ttcsi x-ai. NICE outside room, kitchenette, hot and cold water, pnone, patn. i uta. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 N. 14th St., Davis to Everett. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. odern with every convenience. 4 idtn st. JUST like home; yard. Main 2200. 3S7 First st. LARGE H. K. room with kitchenette $3.50 week; every convenience. 211 12th st. LARGE, light, clean housekeeping rooma at reduced rates. 105 20th, cor. Flanders. 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping' rooms, mod ern. 781 Kearney. Marshall 4337. LARGE, furnished H.K. room, gas, elec tricity, bath, phone. 631 E. Morrison. COOL, large, attractive room, kitchenette, awn, porch; you u like it. 44 lamniii. FINE, large bay-windowed H. K. room; -i PaaannnHlA 5191 TVt Park- bouses. $12.50 Bungalow, Sti East 19th; gas, bath; iiv'iwi. uiillin. liinrance. Marshall 1S13. S-ROOM house, modern. 099 Flanders, near 2-M. Phone E- 903 $15 MODERN 4-room bungalow. 81 E. 36th, corner Stark. Tabor 3S31. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, $20 per month. 405 Hall St., near 10th. MODERN 7-room hou5e, very cheap. 215 Mc.MiUen, 2 blocks Broadway bridge. NEW 7-room bungalbw; oak floors, sleep- ng-porcn. 3.th ana i-nnton. vv-rt car. NEW 8-ioom house, 415 14th St.; w ill lease. H. M. Tomllnson, owner. City Hall. 63 EAST - 1ST. 5-room new modern cot- t a e;e. with garage. IRVINGTON Modern, sunny house, 7 rooms. 76" Thompson, cor. 23d. East 2463. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses. 396 and 3!S San Rafael, close In. East 16S5. MODERN 8-room house for rent, S3 E. loth. TIIE MOnXIXG OREGOXIAX, UD.VESPAY. ... . . . , ... i . Mouses. MEIER & FRANK'S ,J?REE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th floor. Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows . In the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners - of private property are Invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, fiats and houses at Meier 4a Franks' Free Rental Bureau. WE have a most comprehensive list of good houses for rent at $20 and up to $100 mo., both East and West Side; al. are good, clean, modern places, well lo cated and worth the price asked; we do not waste our time and will not waste yours on any old shacks. F. N. CLARK & COMPANY. Title and Trust bldg., SO 4th st. An Ideal way for young married cpupie to get started keeping house; a dap"1' bungalow In Rose City Park for f-o a month and almost brand new houseiUr nlshlngs; complete In every detail ror $550. J. H. Hartog, 269 Stark. Main 208. LAURELHURST HOUSES run 11 r. A . We have some new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; 1 they do not suit, we will build Just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 270)4 ..-...!. u.i. -rtl & 1A1& NEW 5-room bungalow, modern and con venient. $15 per month; fine car service. 592 45th ave. S. E. Key next door of at Morgan, Flledner & Boyce, 813-821 RENT, wish refined parties with furniture take my 7-room modern house exchange for board; further particulars, call Sun day until 4 P. il., week das after 6:lo P. Al. 604 mast Irving at lam. MODERN, up-to-date 8-room home for rent in the choicest part of Laurelhurst, at 35 per month. Will lease to responsiole parties. ee owner, u4 jrin TWO modern cottages. $17.54 and $13 ; splen did condition; walking distance; In good neighborhood. 9th and East Burnside sts. phone Kaat 601 S. BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow, with fur nace and fireplace and hardwood flor on hard-surfaced, with garage, rent $30. No small children. Woodlawn 409 MODERN 6-room house; lurge yard, corner, excellent neighborhood, paved street, near car. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. $25 7-ROOMS. 3Vi blocks to Washington; fine location for roomers or boardlng.Call 46 N. nth. Main 4S04. LARGE, practically new Irvington home containing several exclusive features, $40 per month. Phone East 440. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, walking dis tance. West Side; $12 per month. M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. IN LAURELHURST A fine 7-room house at reasonable rent. Particulars 5U3 Henry bldg. Phone Mam I2;i FOR KENT New 5-room bungalow, good attic and basement; one block to car. Phone Tabor 5470. 30TH ST. Bungalow , 5 rooms, all renovated. 024 Oregon St., near Rose City Park car. Owner. l.r)T2- Belmont et. i ROOMS, modern, in first-class condition, newly tinted and painted. East Side, $20. Phone Woodlawn 197. . ( ROOMS, hardwood floor, hot-water heat, finished basement, fireplace, splendid lo cation, cheap rent. Phone Main 2015. 6-ROOM house, suitable- for keeping room ers 14th St., bet. Main and Salmon, West Bide. Call Tabor 1468. ( MODERN 6-room house, built-in conven iences, furnace and sleeping porch, rent reasonable. 242 E. 40th st., cor. Main. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house at 75 East 10th North, cor. Everett. Inquire at 73 East 10 th Norths , $15 5-KOOM cottage, email yard, clean; lo mlnutus to Washington st. Call 202 Occi dent st. East 44il0. PARTY leaving city will lease home. Nob Hill. 9 rooms, rent $4"; walking distance. Address B 7 7, Oregonian. 5-ROOM cottage. 120 12. 20h, one block to Sii and Mt. Tabor cars; rent only $16. F. A. Jackson. Main M29. fid 5-ROOM modern bungalow, "WR" or w car. 03- v.iintun. B-EOOM nouse, 712 Lovejoy, near 23d. In quire loll ou main paio. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath, 69 E. 18th N. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. MODERN 7-room house, fireplace, furnace, attic, nice yard, close In. 724 E. Main. MIOOli 1-iUafce, bath. 310 17th. Phone Main 152o. $10 2-ROOM house In grove, completely furnished. Main 7065. SAVE tramping; houses, flata, everywhere, any price. ,'.13 Geriinger bldg. Main 1497. Furnished Houses. OUR friends have listed with us for rent a number of uplenUul furnished houses, prices from $:ji to $150 per month, both East and West Side; somo good ones for the Summer only; several large places; all are modern, clean and good value. F. N. CLARK It COMPANY, Titlo and Trust bldg., 81 4th St. NEW 4-room furniBhed bungalow; lot 40x 100, on East 24th, close to car; a real snap at $1030; $50 down und $13 per month. Why pay rent? 1 ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A U1U) Marshall 92. FOR RENT Completely furnished 6-rooro house, good piano and all first-class fur nishings for $25 per month. We are going East and must rent house this week. It you see it, you will rent it. 1150 E. Yam hill. 549 TAYLOR, near l7th, 4-room npt., 3 large bay windows, well shnded, finely finished; brand new Axminster carpets, new lino leum; fumed oak turnituie, upholstered In special leather, all for $25. FOR RENT for Summer, elegantly furnished 8-room house, in Irvington, to responsi ble party without children. Call 805 Y'eon bldg. . . IRVINGTON. 7-room. completely furnished home, with piano, near bofch carlines; will rent for 2 mouths at $25 per month. East 1820. IRVINGTON HOME, modern, furnished or unfurnished, nice grounds, garage; to re sponsible party. 205 East loth North, co.'i.er Clackamas. FOR RENT $15 per month for 3 months, nicely furnished three-room cottage on the Willamette River. Home phone B 6161. Ask for Philip. LARGE, comfortable Irvington home, well furnished and desirable, for rent during the season, $40 per month. AH 83, Orego nian. MODERN 6-room furniehed house, sleeping porch and yard; reasonable for Summer. Phone woodlawn toil. FOR the Summer, completely furnished 7-room house, West Side. Call at 2S4 Oak st. or Marshall 756. . FOR the Summer, completely furnished 9 room bungalow in Irvington; no children. Phono East 3415. NICE modern 4-room cottage, E. 25th and Holgate, furnished $20, unfurnished $15. E. 3225 evenings. FOR RENT A modern five-room cottage; fruit, flowers and a large yard; reason able if taken at once. 234 E 16th st. FOR RENT-S-room bungalow to Sept. 1; Hawthorne district 317 East 37th St., So. Tabor 5562. $20. SIX-ROOM house, furnished complete, for July and August to responsible party. W-R car. 500 Kenllworth ave. Sellwood 1.156. $20 5-ROOM bungalow, completely fur nished, gas range, modern, WW car, 30 mln. from P. O. Phone Main 7065. FOR RENT furnished A modern six-room house for July and August. 709 Marshall st.. near 22d. 0-ROOM modern house, completely fur nished with sleeping porch; rent $30 Phone Marshall X:Sl. HOUSE, 6 rooms, partly furnished, modern, responsible teaant, $15. Tabor 701. Key 137 E. 62d st, corner Hoyu WELL furnished house, piano, nfee location, close in, for 2 months or a year, 770 East Taylor, phone East oM47. MODERN, furnished five-room cottage, also three-room apartment near S, P. shops. 014 ZiSt si. wry cat. $18 r, RO 'M cottage, furnished, 3S9 E. Ash. J. J. oeoer, comer uiduu &.c umi Ankeny. LAURELHURST bungalow, July and Au gust; references required. -Phone Main 1236 or A 1236. S-ROOM house, choice location, hardwood floors, Turkish rugs and mahogany fur niture. A 6211, Main 4611. JULY, August, 5 rooms, completely fur nished; modern, piano, lawn, roses; adults. Main 3672. Tabor 1190. 309 Yeon bldg. FOiTrENT, furnished 3-room cottage, gas, bath. $17. 209 E. 32d St. $14 3-ROOM cottage. Kern Park, modern. Main 3672. 309 Y eon bldg. COMPLETELY furnished 9-room house In Irvington. on carllne; adults. East 4384. FOR RENT 5-room furnished bungalow. complete, very reasonaoie. vvoooiawn ziuo. $35 6 ROOMS, living-room 25x15; piano; yard, truit. lsil nainnmue, cm. loui, Summer Resorts. A 5-ROOMED furnished cottage at Ocean Park for the season. Inquire Abbott L. Clarke. Hood River. Or., R. F. D. No. I. DESIRABLE 5 and 0-room cottages over looking ocean, at Seaside, Marshall 4727. , ' I . .,. c,-i-Tru I LOST AND FOl'ND. FIX AX 1 1AL, Summer Resorts. FURNISHED TENTS. On Barvlew Beach, on Tillamook R. K. A good place to spend your vacation, with very little expense. We have all kinds of amusements; first-class hotel and tents. Call, make your reservation now. Ralpn Ackley Land Co., 204 Falling bldg.. cor ner 3d and Washington sts. DELIGHTFUL outing free; encampment at Gearhart July 12 to 22 and trip to Frisco fair; small p3y, expenses and equipment to 10 presentable young men, permanent Portland residents, who enlist at once in Co. F, Third Inf., O. N. G. Report to Captain Cooper, Armory, Wednesday eveu- NEAHKAHNIE For rent, August and Sep tember, a furnished flve-room cottage; glorious view; terms moderate. Phone Woodlawn 2931. After July 1 apply Miss Eaton, Manzanlta Beach P. O., via Ne haiem. FOR RENT For the month of July only, or the whole season, 6-room cottage, com pletely furnished; big, fenced-in yard, nicely located, at Beach Center, Washing ton, next station to Seavlew, Wash. In quire 291 Morrison st. Phone Main 9299. A .11'. (J 1 II r. ri.r.O n.x oanuiu. Fernwood cottage, 4 rooms, large lot, plenty shade. 1 block to beach; $75 for the season. Photos at office of Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. . ........ m.TT TT.it, A H C ACT TV T.T TO RENT for season 8-room cottage at Gearhart, nicely furnished; four bedrooms, sleeping porch, plumbing, fireplace; rea- sonable rent. A. H. Birrell, 217 North western Bank bldg. TWO ROOMS and sleeping-porch; electric lights, running water: nicely furnished; located at Locksley Hall; will rent to Au gust 1 or 15. Leven Hardware & Furni- 6-ROOM cottage, furnished complete, and 1 acre ground on fishing stream at Welch s resort near ML Hood, for sale or rent for hummer r. u. isortnrup v-u.. v-ou,o SALTAIR on Tillamook Beacn; two lots, each 25x100, nicely located, only 400 feet from the ocean. $150 each, terms. O 67, Oregonian. FOR RENT 2-room apartments, furnished for light housekeeping, by day or month. Stewart Apartments, call or address Gearhart. Or. FOR RENT for season, "Red Rock cottage, on Cannon Beach; six rooms, completely furnished. Address W. D. Torrey, Hotel Torrey. Seaside. Or. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished, on ocean front, Just north of Columbia Beach, for rent or trade for auto. 608 Wilcox bldg. Main 3938. MODERN furnished bungalow apartment by the week or month, very reasonable rent on ocean front, near hotel at Bay -mi! klH. Main SOSfi. ijcean. ur. bvj vih.o.v h.q. FOR RENT Cottage and tents. Cannon Beach. Write, Mrs. L. Matosur, Knappton, Wash. LONG BEACH Small, partly furnished house, $25 season; elgbt-room house, fur nished. 1W. rnone r.ast i-i. WANTED To rent at Seaside. 4 or 5-room furnished cottage modern plumbing pre ferred. Phone last 3912. SEVIEW cottage to rent for season, well furnished, located between station and ocean. Main 6897. East 5534. SEASIDE Modern 7-room cottage, fireplace, electricity, first-class plumbing, ocean view. Xiedermeyer, East 5074. OCEAN CREST APTS.. Rockaway P. O.. furnished light housekeeping; good water; sanitary. FURNISHED bungalow on the river: alsft tent, water and electric lights. 909 Board of Trade. BEACH CENTER. North Beach; 4-room fur nished bungalow; running water. 830 Williams ave. FL'r'.NISHI'D room facing ocean, with kitch en privileges, with private family, at Sea View after July 1. References. Main lm.. SEASIDE. completely furnished cottage, modern. desirable, reasonable. Inquire Miss Allen, Marshall 881. SEASIDE 4-room cottage, completely fur nished, electric lights and city water. Main 6016. FURNISHED cottage, Newton station, Long Beach. Wash. Phone East 1042. SALTAIR cottage for rent. Address 605 Montgomery St.. or phone A 4219. FURNISHED cottage. Long Beah, Tioga station. East 2410. j.KOOM furnished house. Ocean Park, Wash. Main 4134. WANT cottage at Cannon Beach for first half August: furnished. A F 83. Oregonian. NEWPORT Convenient furnished 6-rouin cottage, Nye Creek, for rent. Main 1240. FOR RENT Large house-tent by week or momh; shady yard; Seaview, Main lo. COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. luqulre Phone East 1600. , COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Seavlew. Wash. E. Shepard. tot ores. FOR RENT A large store. Ideal for cash grocery or market; rent only $150 per month. M. J!i. lee. p.. I.OIOUH CORNER Hawthorne ave. and E. Water St., 23x40; will change front to suit tenant. Hawthorne uoca v-o. x-nono FOR STORES. FLOORS AND BLDOS., SEE W. II. WEBB. 605 Yeon bldg. Main 493. Offices. FOR RENT Rooms suitatble for offftce or studio; 6th and Morrison sts. Sherman, Clay & Co. . BUSINESS OFrOKTOITIES. FOR SALE I sacrifice my completely equipped wood and coal yard on account of other business; best location In city. C 84, Oregonian. WANT a live man to take over a splendid advertising opportunity; good Income for right man; easy investment. H 86, ore gonian. W 1ST foreman and timekeeper to take interest In a protitable contracting busi ness' salry $100 month and profits; $lo00 required, particulars -o joiftu .b- YOUNG lady conducting cash grocery de sires gentleman partner who can invest a few hundred dollars, do delivering, sollclt ing, etc Call Room B02 Broadway bldg. WANTED Thoroughly experienced blller for "Wahl" typewriter; must come well recommended. Apply superintendent office 9 to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman & King. ACTIVE young man wanted to take charge office end auto accessory mfg. as partner; only $700 required, secured. Call 4-6 Morgan oiag. COMPANIES incorporated; bond Issues ne gotiated; loans on legacies and Inheri tances! L. N. Rosenbaum. 80 Wal: su. New York. CANNING rtiAni r v. . Raspberry packing. $1500. season start ing. Address S. C. Cannery. Snohomish, W ash P, a xiNG-MILL: no competition; must be sold ai T oneeT $150 will handle. W. B. Wheeler, nnisoo'. v.. BAKERY must be sold today at a low price; parly ready to leave, for East. Woodlawn 3030. 113 aiuiiih o'-J. TWO-CHAIR barber shop. oken furni ture cheap for cash. 88 0th st, near stark su PARTNER for office end of wen-bnllt-up business, pays '""i"L" ment. avi ullluc' PARTNER wanted In automobile business; small investment required which Is se cured. Call 40 MOiBao, " BARBER SHOP Good transient corner; reasonable; other business reason for sell ing. 155 6th St. norm rIr,H .tl,nd good location, cheap rent, leae worth $1000; will sell for $350. $150 cash rrquVred 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. rwn barber shops for sale; one. barber nted at r once by owner. Edward Osnas. Carson, wasn. MAN to take half interest i c "ffee-hous. and lunchroom, uiu "'-""-v.- $200 required, jiq i.u"- - - OaIHY LUNCH Have opening for ener getic man; pay you $20O a month. Call room A-y atormi o,b GROCERY with living-rooms, cheap rent and doing good .ash business of $100 daily, sua !"" - WILL, sell or trad. 25 Bum-vending -cent machines ana hu AJ 81, (jregonian. trnrt SALE cheap, two-chair barber shop; ath; must leave city: shop 6614 Kern Parle etauon, ai. ovn. SUBURBAN feed store with Ana trade; own er has other business; must sell one; in- voice auoui -v-vj. " GRAND. Theater. Pendleton will give free use ot equ.u..... - Apply Main tom. wt - " DO vou want a business of your own for $100? Owner leaving town. Y '86. Ore gonian. rtuAR fruit, candy. Ice cream store; owner for 20 years wishes to retire; a snap. 203 First st T7 CONFECTIONERY and grocery; good location: for sale cheap. 555 Union ave. N, BARBERS 3-chalr shop, best money-maker In Portland. Sacrifice Inquire 50 N. 6th. for S M,E Millinery store in thriving town of 2000. AV 415, Oregonian. WANTED Stocks of merchandise: will pay ca"sh; actjjulck; E27. Oregonian. WILL take partner In cleaning establish ment; will teach business. 255 17th. JULY 1, 1914. " . r. - . trr -r. ifIX V.. Excellent paying bakery confectionery and cigar business, adjoining a movlng plcture theater, equipped with oven ana Sandy kitchen, stocked to Its capacl y rent only $35 per mo.. 5-year lease, price and terms to suit; may consider some trade. McKenzie & Co., 515 Geriinger Diag. EASTERN concern wants mancger for Portland; business well established if 'some of the large Western cities; deals in staple commodities and is permanent; a good opportunity for the man who can aualify as a first-class business manager 2nd invest some capital In equipment Call in person on G. B. Louderback. im perial Hotel AN absolute bargain In a high-grade gro cery business; strict Investigation solic ited; stock clean, turned over every month. A neat, clean store, nice display win dows, everything handy, auto delivery, fine location, good transient trade as well as high-class resident trade. See our agent, a. g. outespiw, .o .o - A BUSINESS CHANCE We are allotting territory In Oregon on the Winona Radla tile device; automobile men or salesmen are making money selling this device in other parts of the country. Call and see the Winona device at 27 2d st. North. C W. Renard. DELICATESSEN located In the heart of the business dis trict on the West Side, near Broadway; rent only $130 with a three-year lease; cash sales average from $35 to $85 a day; $1000 cash takes this; better look It tip. Call room 618 Yeon bids. (C5 1) WOOD WORKING FACTORY, water power and all machinery In A-l shape: factory building and manager's house all goes with it; an opoortunlty to manufacture an Oregon staple with a ready market. Price for all, $S00O, including 714 acres. 616 Fen ton fc-ldg., fith and Oak. WANTED A man with his own automobile to demonstrate the Winona Radiatile de vice. Call at 37 2d St.. North Portland. Device is here ready to be attached to automobile; a splendid business chance. C. W. Kenard. SALESMEN wanted to sell our new Inven tion, or Paclflc territory; a new and unex celled proposition in connection with auto mobile trade; some capital required. Call lor particulars at Northwest Mfg. Cc 68 4th st., Portland. Or. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. B32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some simple thfnsr to patent t Protect your Ideas, they may br.ng you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions." "How to Get Your Patent and Money." Randolph Co., patent attorneys. Washington, u. A $50,000 BUSINESS block or up-to-date apartment for a $50,000, highly-Improved farm with all moaern conveniences "." free from debt, close to Portland; one of , . in i IP r.r. Oreeo- t . . I . Ul . ... ii.D , i. . . O " ... , nian. DO. YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS and sell It quickly and profitably? If so call or phone us and we will tell you how. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 481. PICTURE SHOW BARGAIN. One of the best paying suburban shows in Portland, seats 3O0, will sell leaso and good will for $350; this Is getting into a paying business pretty cheap. Call room 618 Yeon bldg. (C574) MEAT MARKET, well located, on East side; rent only $20; good Ice box and best equipment; cash sales $3u a day; price only J325; this Is a snap. Call room 018 Yeon bldg. (Co'10) ilOLID Wood Business Owner wants ener getic partner to help him; money re quired, will be fully secured; Owner says the business will pay each partner $25t a lunth. Call room ;2'i .vtorgan mug. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Owner wants a partner he can depend on; will teach you the business and pay good salary besides share of profits. Call room 321) Morgan bldg. MODERN" and complete Job printing plant in Albanv, or.; established business; best location in the town; owner's health rea son for selling; price right for immediate sale. ivf ni. oifiuimiii. BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, etc.. a strict ly cash store for saie cheap; clears $12o month now. which tan be Increased. Death In family cause of sacrifice. Room 329 Morgan bldg TTrOCERY TO TRADE. Including building and stock, ground rent $40 a month, cash sales from $2u to $35 per day; will trade for good property. Call room 018 Yeon bldg" (C576) CIGAR STAND, located on fine West Side corner, estab lished 10 years, receipts from $15 to $23 a day; price only $0O0. Call room 01S Yeon bldg. BAKERY and delicatessen; unusual offering, with complete equipment; tints close-in West Side location; splendid building and trade; nothing better for man and wife. Bargain, $850. P. W. Persela. 209 Stark st. HURRY! HURRY"! HURRY! Home bakeiy. confectionery anil grocery, stock, fixtures und furniture of living rooms, will invoice over $UU0: will sell at great sacrifice. Snrles. 715 Spalding bids. AUTO passenger line, finely equipped; good live business propoaotion; fullest investi gation; big receipts, low expense and no competition; $3000 will handle. 319 Lum ber Exchange. LUNCHROOM In heart business section; dandy clean little place; low rent; taken In trade; can be had at decided bargain; $700. P. W Persels, 2l.i Stark stre-t. DENTIST In physician's office, in good busi ness location, very reasonable, office prac tice prevents his taking care of It prop erly. Call Marshall 32U5. Complete "resTaVrant outfit, nearly new worth $400. for quick sale, $73 Kelly 7.3 Chamber of Commerce TRANSFER Established 30 years; big house custom; A-l complete equipment; doing excellent business; bears full inves tigation; $1350. Sltf Lumber Exchange. GROCERY $50 cash business daily; no de livery; cheap rent; living rooms: $17""; such snaps not often ortered. P. W. l'er sels, 209 Stark sr. FIRST-CLASS grocery, A-l district: com plete equipment; receipts average $60 and up dallv; strictest investigation; Invoice bout 3(KKi. 319 Lumoer r. xcnaiit; j. GOOD opportunity to buy a motorcycle and bicycle shop for a song; one-half interest or al!; disagreement in partnership. AO 87, Oregonian. WANTED Steady, sober man to work as partner in a solid, growing business, w III pay an energetic man $125 to $150 month. Room 329 Morgan bldg. A SNAP Most sell this week, manager sick, cigar, confectionery and ice cream store; tine location, good business. Call or ad dress 2T East 7t-!l St. South. DAIRY lunch on Wash, st., clearing $100 a month; open to investigation; price $0o0. 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. I HAVE $HKI cash as first payment on small candy or cigar stand, or as partner In some small business chance. X 83, oregonian. WANTED A partner with $250, lady pre ferred; strictly legitimate. W 85, Ore gonian. BUTCHER shop, fine location, receipts, $-S dally, cheap rent, fixtures are fine. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED A good country store for an ,i . nir, vonh In Tlllnmnnlr CountV. c.ucucui uat.j " " - 133 acres, worth easy $loO per acre; if the right deal la offered, my client will take $100 per acre. This Is a great bar gain for someone. Give fullest particulars In first letter. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of commerce. HAVE unincumbered real estate to exchange for general merchandise stock, or ex clusive gents furnishing, or shoe stock up to JlS.Oot'; must be located In good town not under 5000 population. AR 62, Ore- KO.nau. I AM looking for desirable furnished apart ment in exchange for real estate and some casa up to $12,000; rent of property must be right; might consider hotel. D 8, Ore gonian. AN expert accountant has $3000 to o000 to Invest, with services, at fair salary; no fakes patents, real estate or minority corporation Interests considered; references exchanged. AO 73. Oregonian. AM a mechanic; would buy half interest in repair shop, or In produce business. AF 82 Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. FOR SALE Family hotel, one of the best houses in the city, 55 rooms; steam heat ed hot and cold running water In every room, heat and water included In rent; West Side, 10 minutes' walk from Postof fice; part cash, balance In trade or pay ments. By owner. AK 83, Oregonian. MART E. LENT PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL- AOCT Hotels Rooming Apartment Houses. All Sizes and Prices. 508-9 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. jt nouB jn.(iau cww. 40-ROOM TRANSIENT HOTEL Heart of citv; steam heat, hot and cold water private baths; rent $200 a month; $1000 cash to handle. Call 618 Yeon bldg. (B437) .18 ROOMS. $1100. Fine little home, extra well furnished, v furnace heat, reas-onable rent, always fu.i. 4 THIS WILL. INTEREST YOU. Call 618 V. Tnlrle. (B13.) Modern in every respect, owner in East and must sell; sacrificed for quick sale; $4000 cash to handle. Call 618 Yeon bldg. (B202) The following articles were found on the cars of he Portland Railway, Lignt c Power Company: June 29: Marshall 5100. A 6131 Spkgs. milse., 2 pes. coin, 1 purse. 1 comb. 1 pr. ladies' hose, 1 pr. ladles gloves, 1 lunch box, 1 $5 bill, 1 suitcase, 1 pkg. dry goods, 1 grip. 2 packages. 3 umoie'.las, 1 book, 1 pr. shoes, 1 part of telephone. 1 go-cart, 1 suitbox, 1 camera, 1 music carrier. 1 child's coat, 1 pr. scissors. 1 watchchaln, 2 pins, 1 purse, 4 packages, 1 writing tablet. LOST Between 23d and Ham thorn ave and 2J ar.d Belmont a bunch of keys. Finder will re regarded. Phone East 572. LOST Gold watch and fob, Monday after noon. In Irvington bet. 2tith and 25 in. Phone Marshall 6"70. room 419. .Reward. LOST Leather motorcycle toolbox. with tools and special repair chain links. Re ward A C. Knight. 92 3d st. LOST Gold brooch, on Bailey Gatzert or Sellwood car, Friday; reward. Phone Sell wood 210W. LOST On road, a piBkin grip; $5 reward. AO 82. Oregonian. LOST Auto top cover. Leave at Keats Auto Co. Get reward. SPECIAL NOTICB. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of K. H. Mercer, trading as Mer cer Drug Company, bankrupt, liequest for bids As trustee In bankruptcy I will re ceive sealed bids for the following prop erty, situated at No. 1997 East Stark street, Portland, Oregon. In the etoreroom formerly occupied by the above named bankrupt, up to and until 12 o'clock noon. Tlmrsduy. July 9, 1914: Stock ot iiiercRii dlse consisting of drugu, drug sundries, cigars, tobacco, confectionery, etc., of the Inventoried value of $1493.80. Fixtures per taining to the same of the lnveiitol led value of $8119.66. Certified check or cash for 10 per cent of the amount offered must , accompany each bid. Terms cash. Salo subject to the approval of the court. In ventory of the property may be seen at my office and property Inspected upon appli cation. Dated this 27th day of June, r.ilj. It. L. SAB1N. 740 Morgan bldg, Portland. Or. Utf THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter ot Strand Furnishing Co., bank rupt. Request for bide I will receive sealed bids lor the following property, sit uated at No. 25 Washington. St.. Port laud. Oregon, In the storeroom formerly occupied by the above bunkrurt. up to and until Wednesday, July 8, 1914. at 12 o'clock noon: Stock of gents' furnishing goods, etc.. of the Inventoried value of $2114.54. Fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventoried value of 04O. Certified check or cash for 10 per cent, of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Terms cash. Sale subject to the approval ot the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and property In spected upon application. Dated this 27th day of June. 1914. R. L. SABIN. 740 Morgan bldg, Portland, Or. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Red Cross Pharmacy, bankrupt. Request for bid As receiver In bank ruptcy. I will receive sealed bids for the following property, situated at No. 112 Sixth street, Portland, Oregon. In the storeroom formerly occupied by the above named bankrupt, up to and until Monday. July 6, 1914. at 12 o'clock noon: Stock of merchandise consisting of drugs, sundries, etc., of the inventoried value of $.'.7h4. '-'.!. Certified check for JO per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Terms cash. Sale subjoin to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and property In spected upon application. Dated this 27th day of Juue, 1914. R. "C. SABIN. Receiver. 740 Morgan bldg, Portland. Or. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given Hint the firm and partnership heretofore existing under the firm name if Ia ls-Cul!iioii On. has lie-n this day dissolved by mutual consent. ( Signed 1 E. C. Davis. .1. K. Cullison. Poriland, Or, June 211, 1914. NOTICE That Werner Petterson Co. 1 In no way responsible for suit orders taken by one S. M. Wensole. Receipt book Is vi anted returned. WERNER PETTERPON. BARGES for rent. l'uttullo. 338 Sherlock bids. Phone Main 1410. FINANCIAL. WE furnish the money al a low rato of In terest and save you more than the broker age of 2 per cent it we do the planning and building for you; 'it will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co, Inc.. 324 Ablligtull. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTE3. WESTEK.V BOND Ai MORTGAGE CO., 80 4tll St., Board of Traqe Bldg. MONEY for good city loans. 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. CunniUhaiu. 832 Morgan bldg. HACKER & THERKKLSEN CO., GENERAL INSURANCE. Main 751)2, A 338. 3UI) Spalding Bldg. LOANS on Improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay; principals only. Robertson fc Ewing, 207-2U4 North western Dank bldg. HACKER & THF.RKEl.SEN CO., GENERAL INSURANCE. Main 751.2, A 3388. 300 Spalding Bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages tlirst and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis Co, 3 Leis bldg. FIRST and second mortgage, also sellers Interest lu contracts purchased. Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bidg. MONEX TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 518 Abingtuu bldg. WE buy notes, bonils and mortgagee. Rob ertson & Ewlr.g. 2Q7-8 N. W. Hank blilg. MONEY to loan on approved securities. Nol son, Mi4 Lewis bldg. " Money to Loan on Meal F.ntate. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND I'O LOAN. $15,000 $l).0..O a nuu 5.t" J'"" . 2 uuo Moo boo 615' Geriinger bldg. Main 2M)1. SEE us today for loans oa improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent: $300 aud up. Cellars-Murton Co, 825 Yeon bids. 1500 $1000 AND UPWARD on Improved .i ,.iaie- favorable terms; no delays. no brokerage. John Bain. 57 Spalding. $10(10 TO $10,000 for Immediate loan, 6 to 7 per cent; quick action. Deshon Hawk, 720 Chamver ot loini.iercc. .w.i. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN. Charges Reasonable. HENKLE Ik HARRISON. Geriinger Bldg. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. FARMING TON. 80 4th St. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate In amounts to suit. A. H. liell. 201 Geriinger bldg.. 2d and Alder MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. OREGON INV. si MORTGAGE CO, InO. Stock exchange bldg, 3d and Yamhill. 1200 000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build lng loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, UJ 313 Falling bldg. il3ik) TO LOAN on real estate security In or near Portland. See attorney, 512 Piatt bldg, for particulars. MORTGAGE lonns on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co, 217-19 Northwest, ern Bank bldg. MONEY loaned mortgages. Contracts bought. Evens Co, 2od Geriinger bldg, 2nd and Alder. HAVE client who has $20,000 to loan on gilt-edge security. Address A S4, Ore gonian. tlOOO TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. CITY and farm loans, any amounts, no d lay. Wm. C. McClure, 414 Falling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Cum. MORTGAGE LOANS at 6 and 1. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92 First st. $200 $400, $500, $1000. $1500. $2500. J. Wells & Co, 324 Cham, of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUlgALOilON CO, 229 STARK ST. $"00 AND up on real estate. Bold Realty "Co, 200 Alder St. TO LOAN. $3000 at 7 per cent on good farm. F Fuchs 420 Chamber of Commerce. S2O0 $350, $600, WOO, $1200, $1800. Fred W. Fred W. German Co, 914 Cham, of com. MORTGAGE LOAN'S, any amount, no delay. Henry l i-ruuno...... oo. 14000 TO loan on Improved property at 7 per cent. AP 54, Oregonian. WILL loan $S000 at 6 per cent on good Ira. proveu pruiei... . . . ....... Slooo TO $5uo0 private funds, for good lUtlllB. . MONEY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. . . o. r- all. Rnalillnp !lri 1 1 . peug oc v... " - S"ili $500 $looo on real estate. W. A. Hiilhawa'y. room 9 Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and mtgs. bought. H. Mlley. 204 Geriinger bldg. CITY and farm loans, any amounts, no tie lay. Wm. C. McClure. 414 Falling b.ilg. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 41K) Ch. of Coin $500 UP to loan on real estate. Private money, 813 Board of l'lftda bldg. 17 Money to lxisa on Meal I slats. MONEY TO LOAN ON 1MPRON ED REAL Eel ATE TO BLILD1NG H'KFOfKS; :'Y FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM M ISSlONa. COLUMU1A 1.11 E st TRLef CO. 916 Spalulng Blug. MONEY TO LOAN. TO I FKH CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT r.UVlCE HAMMOND .MORTGAGE COMPANT. 423--I21 Chamber of commerce. ON Improved clly properly or for building purposes, 3 to 8 yeui-' time; liberal p -nielit prlvllfg-'S; money advanced s buud Ing prugresacs. '1 lie Equltauis bavlngs f Loan Association. 240 Mark at. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply lor city sua farm property. $ to 7 per i.ent. MALL 4. VON BOKPTEL. 104 second St, near ua :i In ton. it AVt. T - i il n ri : ai : !-: I mv. SUMO to f Jo.i'OU tur uuineui.ile IomQ Pruiupt servi.e and fair treatment always. A. K. 11 II 4 Hl Hem yiU.I Money to twin I battels anj frsJaii . NOTICE. NEW ADDRESS. NEED MONlilY 'JI K'KI You can get it TODAY. WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT To Working people and otiieis oa Pleim note. Furniture. Llvemock. Pianos, Auua, btorags Receipts, Meal Lslals, liururt-. cycles or Diamonds. WK MLY. MORTGAGES. VOL CAN GET IT TODAY. Ul'blNL&S CONFIDK.VI 1AU Rebates Given if i'uld lletois Due. POHILAND 1.W A N COMIANa. 2o5 UOlIU IllLD HLUli, Bet. 4th and 5th aia, oa ah. St. Opa 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. t-aturday till I. M. IMMEDIATE- LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND Jl-.VVELRT AT 1A.-ILKN HAIL -I. We have ous of Hi llni-al retail )slrr stores In the city. loan department is conducted ll. conlieitlon V.IU1 milin, malt ing business SIIiIlTI-V IONK1DKNT1AU absolutely no sIkii designating loan busi ness diaplaed in iront of our store. All merchandise pieoned is held for a pnoil of seven montha, whether or not Inlereat is paid when due. We are licensed sud nava been eslaLlmli.d incv Lssli. No couuectloa with any other loan establishment in this city. A. st si. DEl.OVAGC. JKWULEHH, $24 VSaahliigton St. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE.. $10 TO $io. CHEAPEST AND BMtjT PLACE TO BORROW aaoNEY. ABSOLUTELY No cLiCRITY. BCS1N ESS STRICTLY CON I Dil.N f 1AL, HOURS 8 A. M. to 6 P. si. SVllHDAVS TO 9 P. U. tlAlE S1.CI H1TY CO. Sow FAILING 11.DO. It You Need Money snd Can I Borrow From a P-suk. SEE l FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano, Furniture, Auto, Livestock, Stoisge Ksceipia, Kesl ,alte, r:tc. We Buy Airtgaa. MANHATTAN MOHlGAGe. CO. Main O2S0. 310 Abiugton bldg. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOAN Diamonds, Hatches, Jewelry, musical in struments, etc SEl'A II ATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS bfRlCTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ELHY COMPANY. 820 Lumber tu liaiiKS IlMg. COLUMHI.i LOAN CO. Swelland Bldg, 2ml and 7. Money to loan on chattela, pianos, plsln notes, anything of alue; confidential. W buy mortgages. ACC iMAa.-DATlON I. O.V.N CO, Plain notes, salaries, chattels or any thing of value; confidential, courteous. 317 Lumber Exchange bldg, Malu fit. MR. OR MRS. WAGE EARNER, wishing niuuoy without security. Hukkly. quietly sail cheap, y. Mercantile Cisillt Co, 3o4 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamond, watches, Je elry, pianos and viareiiouse. receipts. Brown Co, room 9, Washington blilg. MONEY loaned 111 bought. Kvt'iis Co. 2nd and Alder. lingua, a. t oliti ... tl 2o0 Gei linger bids, MONEY to losu on diamonds or anything of value at 3 per cent. Apply 2oi ltotli- ,-hlUl bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds snd Jewalry nt half the rates charged by biossra. Mnrx Much. 74 3d st. LOANS on real eatate. disrrioiois mid Jew elry. Wm. lloll, room 8. V salilnslon b'ng. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly conl idem la 1. I II V 3d st. mar Alder, MONEY sohl on Installments; confidential, salaried people. FA Njton,jnjM J-W. MONTY LOANED on dioii.onits slid Jewelry. S. W. King, room 4., waanuigion oius. Loans Wanted. WANTED. ON A-l SKCI IUTV: $ll'..0"ll y ll'.sj P'-r cent: value l. 0,000. smiii ;r- 8 per cent; Milne $Jon. Jl.'.ootl r,t 7 per cent; MiUfl 114. OO0. $ liino i,t' 7 per cent; value $' Vii'iiO or 7 l"T cent; xslue $VNn. it i s per cent, vmne 'n-.'i' f2:;'KI 'i 8 l"'r r.-lit; iilne $7oon McKenme Co.. f'la Geriinger Hidg Wl 1.1. "sacrifice first liiortgiiK'S a a rK 1 1 n g I4 nun wi ll secured, pay eithl per cent Will take $11,000 cash. Address AR f regon i.i n. W A NT $15.1"0. tlir.-o yrm. elht per ceiii, f-.r well secured city niorta:,a;B e greguting this amount. Address O Ml Ore go 1 1 la n. , f ."Too-111 . f "'OII llrn $"rOi o' Hunluess lot corner, on S'sn.lv blv'rt. Cn. .-r.;itm value l"'"i. look Into tlila. Kred W. weroinn 'o, 914 I'hsill. of i 'ou. M TGI-; on !lrnt-i'lMoi security neiir Port Im nil ; wttl'mnke a big discount for can. Oarn.r, Mar. K. WANT $."'0 on R-rooin modern bungalow, I years. R per cent, direct Trom Individual, F 7it. Oregonlnn 1 1 .,..i v a VTKIl on 3 aires Improved at Inla. value $io0; will py brokeisje Mai shall 2 7t9 OWNER wants $I2,"0 on spsrlnienl hou' I good income, lots lOOxlOu; lio alien's. M. .till. FOR SAl.K Klrat mortgage. 11250. per cent, will, gl.e liberal discount. Addreas HO 82, oregonlarK WANTED $l.".0 on o..d 7-roorn bona- and lot In South Portland; vslu" $.lood. E. J. fjelfer. 420 Chamber of Coinnierca. W ILL H 2'1 mTrtK $7i"i. due Hi K months, well r-i urert for an hundred cn a It. Address Al . Iregonla n. WISH to borrow $:.01'i at I Pr cent on acreage, close In; good securliy. Address A I s.'i. Oregonian. - WAN'TIiP $liu) on Improved proper! worth $ 7tn,. Call Main 11. 7:if Cham ber of I'onimen-e. $l"al0 FIRST MORTGAGE foe aale. wall, proved city property. AH 9t. Ornnln. TFKSON'AI- HAIH-HAIII-HAIR-IIAIR. ill-Inch convent llslr Switches $4" 2il-lnch convent Hair Switches, gray. Halrdressmg '? Face Massage Shampoo , Manicure, 2 c; 5 for J ' ' 12 scalp treatments Superfluous hair removed br eleomo needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut balr In any ahnile; switches, nr length' prices half Sanitary Parlors. o0. 4 1 2 De'k u m bid g. 3d s n d Was hi n ton. S W E D IS 1 7T RAINED M'KSE Halslngfors graduate: rheumat lam. nervous end torn sch ailments under physician's directions; bsth. massaae. No. 7 Kaat Hth st, sec ond door south from Faat Ankany csrlins. Phone East 2o. it i' ..... .-,- . II 1 VL-tll'T Leading wig snd toupe makers; finest stock of human hslr goods; switches from 95c up' halrdresslng. msnlrurlng, fsce and sisId treatments: combings msde up to or der 147 7th, near Morrison. Msln 06. LADIES Results, not promises only. Is what you wsni. ...... J; -"- diseases of women sre my specialties; bast of all drugleaa methods uaed; no opera tions; consultation free. Geo. W frock sell naturopath, 7U4-6 Dekum bldg. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE T res tin ants for rneiimsiiain. ,7, and bstha. 452 Salmon al, cor. Ulti. Marahsll io.u. oii-.i .-......,. DR M'M 4.HON. famous chiropractic. 121 4rh 70" Wlllisma ave. Lsdy attendants both offices; 18 adjustments. $10. Main 205. SOPHIA B PE I P. mMH!. spl'l'oal sclen list' pavchometry taught 302 aV'akr bldg. Question meeting Wednesday, c i Vnin 8225. . Rq qTKVEN's" 20. years Portland's lesdlnf i .r.lmnvinl Has her Inta bonka paimiai . . ,. .:-'-,- v".,,J on sale, -x . ve-.. MRS. C. S. MORRISON" Steam baths and maasage tor inruiii.iii,iu. n,i, ...,., I'lS Madison. A 4470. Msralisll 3I. MIDDLE-AGED gorman lady, well educated ana renneu. - ."''.- her home. Adilress T 821. OrcgnnUll. vine nf YOUR COMIUNGS. o-ii, nr.c- curls and tmffa. 75e: San itary Beauty Parlors. 4QQ Dekum bldg. , !. ivj In ..liri'iiologv. ralinlstrv nd card rea'JIrig. 2.15 '.th at. rliono Main LADIES' private hopltnl; all kinds of esses. 579 Union ave. North. Dr. Olga Necloba. chiropractic, steam baths. mftlilge. I"';, .-."nil-, iii'ia. m-ii. o...-. BALM OF FIGS Compound Rovsl Tonle Tan'eta. 04 I'mn ai. loon- jnain -j.. MOLl-'S. auperfliioua hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 421 Flledner blilg. Nlin $4711. LESSONS In t.hP nsl-.gy. palmlatrv sn-l card reading. 235 6th at. Pbona Msln 75