Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 26, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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1, Lelfleld Z. Left on tuo, Venice iJ, Ban
I Francisco 6. Time of same, 1:45. Umpires,
Finney and Phyle.
If ATIOXAL leagte.
Hughes Merciless and Team
mates 'Give No Quarter
i but Take 4 Runs.
Boston 7, Sew Tort 6.
BOSTON, June 25. Strand, who went
into the box tor Boston in the tmra
Inning, practically won his own game
in the ninth, when he doubled, scoring
Whaling, who also had made a two
base hit. The final- score was Boston
7, New York 6. Score:
PnrtAn I New Turk
3Ubert.r. . 4 2 2 1 OlBescher.m. 4 1
vers.2... 3 12 4 OIBurns.r. . . S 1
3onnoly,L S 2 1 0 OiFletcher.s. 3 0
Mar'Vle.s 8 11 4 II Robertson, 1 1 1
5owdy.l.. 5 211 0 05nodgxass,l 8 1
Deal.S.... 5 0 0 0 0Merkle,l. . 3 0
Vlann.m.. 4 2 2 0 0prant.2... 3 2
SVhaHng.c 4 18 4 lDyer,2. . . . 0 0
lames,p... 10 0 10 Stock. 3... 8 1
atrano.p.. 35 v J. ujiieyers,e. a x
liesre&u.p.. j.
(Murray.. 0 0
Totals.. 38 13 2715 21 Totals. 82 9f2S 10 8
- fiat tea xor urani in eignin. ivao wvi
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
8 11
0 2 0
0 00
Brenegan Opens Game Behind Bat w01etonwmni.n .!??r?i"i
but After Dropping Two High
Fouls In Succession MeCredio
Xanks E3m . for Yant.
Pacific Coast Xieaeme Standings.
W. L. PC. W. L. PC.
Vmlee 48 33 .582 Portland. . 36 37 .483
IL.osjUig'es 44 38 .63 Sacramento 38 42 .475
.ban jrran., a ov .wgiuimianQ . ., du v .di j
Teaterdare Results.
At Los Angeles Lea Angeles 4, Port
land O.
At Eaa Francisco Venice 6. Ban Pran-
cdseo 1. .
At Sacramento Oakland 8, Sacramento 8.
' LOS ANGELES, CaL, June 25.-rWlth
V touch of the same form shown on the
last northern tour, Los Angeles today
hut out Portland and found Krause for
round dozen safe hits.
Hushes, who now has quite a string
ef victories at his belt, was merciless
with the Beavers. Besides holding
them to five hits In the whole nine in
nings, ha Joined the belligerent Angels
and in the eighth Inning swatted out
a two-bagger to left field that was
stopped only by the fence. Brenegan,
who opened the game for Portland
with the catcher's mask, dropped two
high fouls in succession and was suc
ceeded by Yantz.
Just four Beavers got as far as second
base, and but one of these got beyond
that bag, Hughes' speed being so good
MeCredie's men could scarcely see the
hall, much less hit it.
Only nine men faced Long Tom in the
first three innings, and not one of
them got the ball from the diamond.
Derrick was safe in the fourth when
Page threw his grounder wild and
stole second. In the fifth Johnson
dropped Kores' high fly and then
Lober put Kores on second with the
first of the game for the Beavers. In
the ninth Rodgers doubled, after Ban
croft had singled, Bending the latter to
third, but he stayed right there, for his
mates could do nothing.
Squared up against Portland's antics
Boston 1 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 1 7
New York 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 B
Runs Evers. Maranvllle, Gowdy, Mann 8,
"Whaling:. Bescher, Burns. Grant, fatock A
Mevers. Two-base hits. Gilbert. Gowdy.
Whaling, Strand, Burns, Tesreau. Home
runs. Mann. Meyers. Sits, off James 6 in
2 Innings; off Strand, 8 In 7. Stolen bases.
(towdv. Mann. Gilbert. Snodlfrass. Beacner,
Double play, VVhalins and Maranvllle. Left
on bases, New Yom 5, iioston 14. .Bases on
bulls, off Tesreau 8, off James 1, off strand
4. Base on errors, Boston 2, New York 1.
Struck out, by James 2, by Strand 6. by
Tesreau 6. Balk. James. Time. 8:20. Um
pires, Hart ana itigier.
Philadelphia 8, Brooklyn 7.
PHILADELPHIA, June 25. A bat
ting rally in the ninth Inning gave
Philadelphia the victory over Brooklyn
today, 8 to 7. Score:
Brooklyn I Philadelphia
n a. j A -e
Smith. 3...
Stengel. r.
2 2 11
112 Oil
Cutshaw,2 4
M'Cartby.c 2
Reulb'n.p 3
Pfeffer.p.. 0
0 0 0!
1 00
1 7 0I
2 00
4 8 0
Ix)bert,is ..
Magee.s. ..
8 2 UKlllller.c.,
o 4 0Dooin.c. .
O 0 llTlncuD.n. .
Oeschger.p 2
jBurns,o... 2
8 4 0
0 10
1 11
1 21
1 00
9 00
5 11
2 8 0
2 0 0
0 0O
0 2 1
2 00
0 00
Seattle Grabs Victory Out
Near -Defeat, Taking
Grand 2-1 Contest.
Totals. S3 9 25 17 2 Total. 88112714
One out when winning: run scored.
Batted for Dooln in seventh.
Brooklyn 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 o l
Philadelphia 00O004O1 a o
Runs. O'Mara. uauDert, uaicon, wnci.
Smith 2. Cutshaw. Byrne, Becker 2. Lobert,
MnirA rnvitth 2. Burns. Two-base nit.
O'Mara. Home run, Lravato. eioien
Dalton 2, Cutshaw 2, Smltb. ilagee. oac--inc.
it Ratilhar.rt. Sacrifice flies. Mo-
Carthy. Lobert. Double play, O'Mara ana
nhrt- Base on errors. Brooklyn 3. Fhll-
nriAlnhlfl. 1. Rase on balls, off Reulbacn. o,
off uescnger it, on xincup x. ubh uu u.oso,
by Oeschger. Stengel. Hits off Reulbacn. 10
in R Innlnm none out in ninth: off Ffeffer,
1 In 1: off Oeschger, 7 In 7; off Tlncup, 2
in 2. Struck out, by Eeulbach 2, Oeschger
2, Tlncup 2. Wild pitches, Reulbacn, Oescn
ger. Time, 2:05. Umpires, Byron and John
Pittsburg 4, St. Louis 1.
PITTSBURG, June 25. Timely hit
ting behind good pitching by Consel
ip asarnai romaniis arnica ., Ti,,fc, h trnmn
Tuesday and Wednesday, today's game ' " 6 t.,,i. a
was a sorry spectacle, for they couldn't
hit a barn.
Singles by Page and Ellis, with Mag
gert hit by the ball mixed in, gave us
one run at the start. Threatening to
score in both the second and third, it
wasn't until the fourth that Dillon's
crew could make their efforts count.
Johnson singled, and Brenegan helped
by dropping Metzger's high foul. Metz-
1. The visitors bunched three of their
four hits in the third inning and got
their onlv run on Beck s triple and
Cruise's single. Score:
I Huggins,2
I cruise.m.
ger then singled, and both runners t,.(''
moved up on the next two outs and I Snyder.c.
scored on Wolter s long single to cen
ter. Singles by Maggert and Ellis, with
a sacrifice and an infield out, scored
Abstein in the seventh, the locals'
fourth and last run. McCredie didn't
like the way Brenegan went after
Metzger's foul in the fourth and In the
fifth sent Yantz in to catch. Score:
Portland I Los Angeles
a 1 (j A r.
Bancroft. 8 1 2 8 0 Wblter.r.
0 8 O0lPage,2 4 10 11
2 3 SOlMaggert.m 8 1100
0 2 0 OlAbsteln.l. 3 0 11 2 0
O 2 UUiEllH.I
1 2 2 0iJohnson.s
1 2 0 OiMetzger.3
0 3 0 lBrooks,c.
0 0 1 0Hughes,p.
0 0 101
0 0 00
Totals. 81 5 24 10 1 1 Totals
Batted for Speas In ninth.
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hits u u u v 2 u x o z D
Los Angeles 1 0020010 4
illts 2 I o a 1 12 1 ' 11
Runs. Page. Abstein. Johnson. Metsger.
Two-base bits, Hughes, Rodgers. Sacrifice
hits. Brooks. Johnson. Hughes. Runs
sponsible for, Krause 2.. Bases on-balls, off
MUKhee 1. off Krause 1. Struck out. by
Hugnes 6, by Krause 8. Double play, Joftn-
mon to Abstein. Stolen bases. Derrick, Rodg
ers, Wolters, Hughes. Hit by pitched ball,
Jaaggert, Abstein, by Krause. Time, 1:42.
Umpires, McCarthy and Held.
tl I I u A r.
Sr. T.ouis
3 0 1 licarey.l... 8
4 11 OOMowrey.S.. 1
4 2 3 0 0 Leonard,3. 3
4 O 12 OOViox.2 4
3 0 3 0 0 Wagner.s. 8
2 0 110 Kontechy.l 2
4 0 3 8 0Mitchell,r. 4
2 1 0 4
3 0 0 301
Gibson,c. .
8 00
0 00
1 00
12 0
3 20
6 0 0
4 o u
3 00
8 2 0
O 10
Doane.r. .
Kores.3. ..
Lober.l. . .
. Krause,p.
Tantz.c. ..
Totals.. 20 4 24 121 Totals. 80,9 27 7 0
St Louis .0 0 1 O 0 0 O O O 1
Plttaburir ...0 0000B1W-
Two-base hit. Vlox. Three-base hits. Beck.
Kelly. Stolen bases, Butler 2, Beck, Dolan,
innM rtarair 2- Kellv. Bases on balls,
l U It i v DA..i,. a nft f!nnzelmAn 8. sacrifice hits,
4 11 o o i Konetcny, vioz. n .uc .wi.M.j.
Left on bases, Ht. Lotus o, i-ittsourg i-
Struck out, by Perritt 3, by Conzeiman 4.
Time, .1:58. Umpires, Qulgley and Bason.
4 3 2 00
3 1 4 80
4 1 O 0 0
3 1 7'00
.3 2 1 4 0
81 11 27 10 1
Cincinnati-Chicago game postponed;
rain. .
Player Disturbs Meat Shop ana
Owner Makes Complaint.
DETROIT. June 25. Tyrus Cobb, the
widely known baseball player, pieaaea
e-uiltv in Justice Court ' today to
charge of disturbing the peace and paid
a 850 fine.
The charge was made against Cobb
bv William L. Carpenter, in whose meat
shop the ballplayers caused a aisiurD
ance last Saturday night
OAKS TO VXOM SENATORS, 8-3 J j Statistics
iProngli Twirls Shutout Ball TJntll He
Slackens Pace In Jflnth.
SACRAMENTO, June 25. Recruit
Pitcher Kremer was hit rather freely
In the pinches and was given poor
support, while Prough pitched shutout
ball for Oakland until he was safely
In front with an 8-run lead In the last
Inning. Then, he slackened his pace
and Sacramento made three runs, the
Oaks winning their first game of the
week, 8 to 3. Score:
Oakland 1 Sacrament
B H O JUS' IB H O AES Chicago. .
5 3 8 O 1 Toung.Z. . 5 11 3 1 Buffalo. .
1 OlOrr.s 4
Phlladel. ..
Detroit. . .
27 28 .41
24 82 .429
23 31 .428
31 81 .500
30 31 .492
22 85 .886
22 38 .387
80 83 .478
24 2! .453
Gardner,!. 3
M'dTt'n.m 8
Ness.2 5
Hetllng.3. 4
Kayler.r. 8
Guest.s.. 4
Al'x'd'r.o, 8
u?rough,p.. 8
8 0 Coy.r
0 0Tennant,l.
0 0VBuren,l..
4 llMoran.m. .
0 0 Hallinan.S
2 3
0 2
O 2- 0 0
2 12 10
1 1 00
1 1 00
114 1
1 8 10
0 1 60
0 0 00
3 3 Baltimore.
1 0
Totals. 88 8 27 10 2) Totals. 87 S 27 18 4
"Batted for Kremer In 9th.
Oakland 1 0 1 O 0 0 O 0 8
Hits 1 110 0 14 0
Cacraroento 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O
Hits 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1
Runs. Qulnlan 3, Gardner, Mlddleton,
BCess, Gnest, Alexander, Van Buren, Moran,
Halllnan. Home run, Quinlan. Two-base
hit. Hallinan. Sacrifice hits, Gardner, Mld
dleton. Prough. stolen bases. Qulnlan,
Gardner, Toung, Tennant, Moran. Struck
out. Prough 4. Kremer 2. Bases on balls.
Prough 1. Kremer 3. Hit by pKched ball.
Mlddleton. Runs responsible ror, irougn 1.
Kremer 4. Passed ball, Alexander. Left on
bases, Oakland 5, Sacramento 8. Time, 1:50,
Umpires, auturie ana Hayes.
Denver. . .
Sioux City.
St. Joseph
Lincoln, .. .
Salt Lake.
26 24 .520
23 ZT .40
18 81 .40
City 9,
Paul 5:
Venetians Take Another Rap at San
Francisco Boyst, 5 to 1.
Francisco took its third beating of the
week from Venice today and receded to
third place In the league again. The
score was Venice 6, San Francisco 1.
First-rate pitching by Hitt and crit
ical errors by Schaller and Downs, of
the Seals' infield, were the chief factors
In the Tigers' win. Hitt, who has been
going great guns on the slab lately,
added- to his individual glory by rap
ping out a couple of two-baggers and Kores
af-nni, Iwn runs SinrA I Lober.
... -
v child I - 1 ul'lu IRndeers..
BHOAEI . B H O A E rlnonI
3'Leary.s!. 4
Scballer.l.. 2
Downs.2... 4
2 0Tobln.m..t 8
1 0 Howard.1. 2
4 OlCorhan.s.. 4
Kane.m. .
0 2
1 2
1 1
0 8
2 2
S 1
1 5
0 0
2 0
0 0
0 0
2 12 0:
Totals.. 86 10 27 12 0
0 1
Xatlensd LearDfl.
W. L. PCI W. I PC.
New York. 33 21 .611 Chicago. ... 29 30 .492
Cincinnati. 31 27 .534Plttsburg. .
St. Louis. . 32 so .oio Boston....
Phlladel... 27 27 .SOOIBrooklyn...
" American League.
85 24 .593j Boston.....
36 29 .6541Chicago. . ..
Wash'gton 83 27 .550 New York.
St. Louis... 84 28 .548'Cleveland..
Federal Leacne.
84 24 .6S6)Kan. City..
Rl V7 .fiSTIHrooklvn..
30 25 .543iPittsburg.. 25 81 .446
SO 26 .636iSt. Louis. .. 26 38 .406
American Association
Louisville. 37 29 .561'Minneapolis 83 82 .508
Milwaukee 34 2S .5s;lndianap. . Si so .
Kan. City. 82 29 .625 Columbus.. 32 34 .485
n...l.n ft 2 -KlrsttL Paul... 2ft 42 .408
Western League.
as 2r, .608! Dea Moines. S3 29 .63
36 27 .571 Omaha 27 84 .443
35 27 .665 Wichita. .. 28 40 .412
85 80 .538Topeka.. .. 22 2 .844
Union Association.
29 21 .680Bolse....
28 22 .560jButte....
26 23 .531IHelena...
Yesterday's Results.
American Association Kansas
Minneapolis 6; Milwaukee 6, St.
Louisville-Indianapolis, no game.
Western Leaeue Des Moines 9. Omaha 5:
Lincoln 1, Topeka 0; St. Joseph 11, Sioux
City 7: Wichita 8, Denver 2.
Union Association Jieiena . xune o
(18 Innings) ; Murray 8, Salt Lake 3.
How the Series Stand. -
Pacific Coast League Portland 2 games.
Los Angeles 1 game; Sacramento 3 games,
Oakland 1 game; Venice 3 games, San
Francisco no game.
Northwestern league Seattle 2 games.
Portland 1 game; Victoria 2 rames, Spo
kane 1 game; Vancouver 2 games, Tmcoma
1 game. - -
Where the Teams i-iar xooay.
Pacific Coast Leagne Portland at Ixis
Angeles. Venice at tan Francisco, oaklana
at Sacramento.
Northwestern ieague roniunn i oo-
attle. Victoria at Spokane, Vancouver at
Portland Batting- Averages.
Pacific Coast Northwestern'
AO. n. a.. i ao. a.
7 333 hulihui.. 139 43.309
10 8 .833Melchlor..
162 52 ,3-'l Mllllgan. . .
241 76 .S16McKune...
242 75 .810 Guignl. . . .
263 75 .297Haworth. .
243 71 .293 Salveson. . ,
169 49 .290IWilllams. .
278 75 .270Coltrln....
20 6 J!50iMurray....
22 5.227 Hausman..
4u v.zzoiijeonara. ..
I Ryan. .. .
Evans. . .
Totals... 31 8 27 IS 2
12 1
2 0 0
0 70
4 00
23 5.217
113 22 .193
67 13 .194
57 11 193
88 7 .184
110 20 .182'
S5 6.17::
0 0.0001
O 0.0001
Eastley. . .
Hanson. . . ,
Frambach .
246 70 .284
231 64 .277
257 66 .257
256 66 .258
65 14 .255
17 4.235
190 48 .'-'-
264 58 .220
171 34 .216
1118 26.203
89 7.179
84 6.176
42 5.119
4 0.000
18 0.000
Dell Also Twirls Good Game for
Dugdate Colts Lead? Till Eighth,
When Cadman Drives One to
Right; Hnhn Finishes It.
Northwestern League Standings.
W. L. PC. I W. L. PC
Vancouver 46 24 .657 Portland.. 27 42 .391
Seattle... 46 25 .648' Victoria... 26 43 .3(7
Spokane.. 40 SO .C71,Tacoma. . .. 26 47 .356
Yesterday's Results.
At Taeoma Vancouver 5, Tacoma 2.
At Seattle Seattle 2, Portland 1.
At Spokane Victoria 1, Spokane 0.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 25. (Spe-
claL) Salveson pitched a fine game
this afternoon and the Portland Colts
backed him up In great shape. Under
these conditions, it was tough luck
from bis side of the fence to see Se
attle grab the victory that seemed his.
-The score: Seattle, 2; Portland, 1. ,
For seven Innings Salveson blanked
the Giants, allowing only five hits. He
faced three rather dangerous situations
but pulled through so well that the
most rabid Seattle partisan could not
but say words of praise for him.
Dell was pitching nearly as well for
Seattle, but in the second Inning Mil
llgan turned a single into a double by
splendidly and quickly Judged base
running. Williams bunted him to third
and he scored on a fly to center.
In the eighth with Portland still
leading by one run. Killilay was ou
McKune to Williams. James dropped
the ball' safe over second. Cadman
drove to the right field fence for two
sacks but Callahan not only came
mighty near catching he ball, but
held James at third. Swain was struck
out by clever pitching. With the
champion home run swatter out of
the way and two down Salveson ap
peared to be safe. Huhn spoiled his
figuring, however, by a short liner over
second which scored two runs.
Portland came back strong in the
ninth, Melchior and Milligan hitting
with one out. Williams drove the ball
close to second and it looked
the score was sure to tie. Raymond
got the ball on the bound under his
arm, touched second and got It to first
In time to complete the double, ending
the game.
Coltrin played a wonderful game at
short. The score
Seattle I Portland
B H O AB .
3 12 OOColtrm.s..
2 0 licallahan.r
1 OOiMelchior.l
6 1 OlMilligan.m
2 0 0Wllliams,l
9 2 O-Gulgni.3. ..
3 2).VcKune,2.
l ovriawortn
1 In 1 Inning. Time, 1:45. Umpires, O'Lough-
11a and Hlidebrand.
Second game:
Boston I New York
Hooper.r.. 4 1
Scott,s.... S X
Spe&ker.m 8 2
Lewta.1... 4
Janvrin,l . 4
Gardner.3. 4
Yerkea.2.. 4
Cady.o.... 8
Johnson,p 3
Wood. p.. . 1
0 1 OMaiseLS... 3
2 S 0iTruesd'le,2 4
6 1 0-Pecklnp'h.s 4
z 0 OiHartzelU. 4
S 0 0'Holden.r...
2 0 Oj'MeHale..
2 8 OlDaley.m...
5 1 0 Sweeney.o.
0 2 0
0 101
0 00
4 60
1 10
0 01
8 00
2 0
James.3. .
Swaln,r. .
1 2 O-Salvcson.p
4 0 6 40
3 0 11
4 2 10
4 2 8 0
8 0 7 0
2 2 0 1
8 0 2 2 0
3 0 4 20
3 0 0 3 0
Totals 29 8 27 1211 Totals. 29 6 24 13 0
Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0'2 2
Portland 0 1 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 1
Runs. James. Cadman. Milligan. Two-
base hits. Cadman. Melchior. Mllllgan. Sac
rifice hits, Raymond, Williams. Sacrifice
flv. Gulgnl. Struck out. by Dell 8. by sal
veson 3. Bases on balls, off Dell 1, on
Salveson 2. Hit by pitched ball, by Salve
son 2 (Raymond. James). Double play. Ray
mond to Huhn. Time, 1:30. umpire, uasey.
In Pitchers' Battle Wild Throw by
Holke Allows Only Score.
SPOKANE, Wash., June 25. Victoria
won a pitchers battle today 1 to
from Spokane in the eighth, when a
wild throw by Holke allowed the only
score In the game. Score:
Spokane Victoria
BHOAE Moran.m. .30100
Lewla.l... 2 0 2 OONye.2 8 0 130
Butler.s... 4 0 1 3 0Calvo,m... 8 0 3 00
Holke.l... 4 0 9 0 1 WilholU. . 4 1 3 0 0
Frisk,r 3 0 3 0 0 Scanlon,3.. 3 1 1 10
Wagner.2. SI 4 2 0 Kelly, 1 4 1 9 00
Hogan.m.. 3 0 1 OODelmas.s.. 4 0 2 10
Wuffll.3.. 8 11 3 2 Hoffman.c 4 1 7 20
3hea,c... 3 0 6 1 0 Steele.p. . . 4 1 0 0 0
Hughes.p. 3 10 2 0
Altman .. 1 0 0 00
Totals.. 29 3 27 11 if Totala..32 6 27 7 0
Batted for Lewis In ninth.
Snokane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Victoria u u u u u u u l u i
Run Calvo. Sacrifice hit, Nye. Stolen
base, Lewis. Bases on balls, off Hughes 4,
off Steele 1. Struck out. by Hughes 6. by
Steele 7. Left on bases, Spokane 3, Victoria
Time, 1:45. umpires, Burnslde and Wil
son. . -
Tacoma Loses . ; Another When
Brown's Boys Seize Opportunities.
TACOMA. Wash.. June 25. Errors by
the locals gave Vancouver three of the
five runs made In today's victory by
Vancouver over Tacoma. Score
1 2 10FrIes,m...
0 4 2 O Nel'hb'rs.r
Shaw,!... 3
Bennett.2 o
McCarl.l. 4
Powell, r.. 4
Brlnker.m 4
Hlester.8. 8
Sch'w'bT.s 8
Grindell.o 2
jneek.0. . J
Hunt,p... 4
114 10M'Mullln,2
1 AAA .-tnVI.. 1
1 8 00
1 2 00
118 1
2 S 1 0
0 0 70
1 13 10
0 2 20
0 3 20
O O 0 1
O 0 00
0 0 00
0 4 0 0 Butler.s..
0 0 SOLeggett.l.
1 O 4 0 Boeckel,2.
0 1 0 0;Brottem.a
110 0- Andrada,p
0 1 4 0;Kaufm'n,p
Totals. S3 5 27 18 01 Totals. 33 7 27 16 3
Batted for Andrada In 8th.
Vancouver 0 2 1 O 0 0 0 0 2 5
Tacoma 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Runs, McCarl. Hlester, Scharnweber 2,
Cheek, Fries, Neighbors. Two-base bits.
Fries. Neighbors. Three-base hit. Shaw.
Pitchers', summary, three hits, three runs off
Andrada in eight innings. Charge defeat
to Andrada. struck . out. by Andrada 2.
Bases on balls, off Andrada 4, off Kaufman
Missed third strike. Brottem. Tune ox
game, 1:40. Umpire, Wheeler.
New York 3-3, Boston 2-4.
NEW YORK, June 25. New York
and Boston again broke even in a
doubleheader,' New York taking the
first game, 3 to 2, and Boston turn
ing the tables In the second. 4 to 3.
Warhop scored his first victory of the
season. Score:
First game:
'Batted for Howard in sixth.
Venice 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 6
Hits 1 0 41,0 2 2 1 3 210
6an Francisco 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Hits 1 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 8
Runs, Lltschl 2. Bliss, Hitt 2. PlUgerald.
fltolen base, LitschL Three-base hits, O'Leary
and 7ugeraia, xwo-oase nits, eliu , oonii-
Lumber Fire Does $100,00 Damage,
RAPID CITY, S. D,'June 25. Fires
in the Warren Lumber Company's yard
here today destroyed a planing mill
nil nearly 4.000.000 feet-of lumber. The
bc".I,CK ""J. rtSSS'SS."rSSiJrZ estimated at more than
Hit bV VlUher. Kane. Double play.. Mc- Try BantUeptiO LoUOn after ShavlnrAav
Hooper.r. 4 0 6 0 0
Scotts... 4 0 3 4 0
Speaker.m 4 8 2 00
Lewls.1... 4 1 2 00
Janvrin.l. 4 0 7
Gardner,3 4 11
Yerkes.2.. 3 0 1
Carrlgan.0 2 0 2
Rehg.... 10 0
Cady.c... 0 0 0
Colltns.p.. 2 0 0
1 1
2 0
0 0
New York
.. 1 O 0 001
p. 0 0 1 00)
. S3 6 24 8l)
Truesd'le,2 4
Pecklnp'h.s 4
Hartzell.l. . 4
rlolden.r. . 4
Daley.m... 3
Nunam'r.o 4
Williams,! 2
0 0Warhop,p. 8
0 0
4 01
2 00
8 00
2 0 0
3 00
7 2 0
6 00
0 10
8 27 4 2
Totals. S3 6 24 8 1 Totals.. SI
Batted for Carrtgan in seventh.
Batted for Collins in eighth.
Boston 00020000 0 2
New York 00020010 3
Runs, Speaker. Lewis, Truesdale, Peckln
paugh, Nunamaker. Base on errors. New
York 1. Boston 1. ' Two-base hits, Trues
dale. Speaker. Home runs, Lewis, Peckln
paugh. Sacrifice hits, Daley, Williams.
Stolen base, Holden. Left on bases. New
York 7, Boston 4. Double play. Nunamaker
and Malsel. Base on balls, off Collins 1.
Struck out, by WarhOp 8, by Collins 2.
Hits, oft Collins 7 in 7 innings, off Coumbe
Totals. 35 112714 0) Totals.. 83 10 27 131
Ran for Bolden In ninth.
I Batted for William in eighth.
Boston 10002100 0
New York ..: 00100002 0 8
Runs. Hoorjer 2. Juirrin. Johnson. Daley.
Sweeney 2. Two-base hits. Speaker,
Sweeney, Janvrln, Cady. Stolen bases, Mai-
l. eweeney. bpeaker 8, Hooper. Hartzell.
Left on bases. New York 5, Boston 7.
Double play, Johnson. Scott and Janvrln.
Bases on balls, off Caldwell 3, off Johnson
2. Struck out by Caldwell 5. bv Wood 1.
by Jobnson 1. Passed balls. .Sweeney 2.
Hits, off Johnson 8 in 7 innings, none out
in eigntn: otz wood z in 2 innings. Time.
2:10. Umpires, Hlldebrand and O'Louga-lin.
Cleveland 0, St. Louis 3.
ST. LOTUS. Mo.. June 25. St. Louis'
pitchers were wild while their team
mates fielded in ragged fashion, en
abling Cleveland to secure a lead the
home club could not overcome. The
score was 6 to 3. Score:
Cleveland St. Louis '
Graney.l. . 4 0 1 0 0Uhotten..m 4 0 3 10
Turner.3.. 2 11 4 0 ?ratt.2. .
Lelboid.m 3 0 2 0 0 ioward.a .
Lajole.2.. 4 10 4 OiWalker.l. .
Johnson 1. 3 3 11 0 OiJeary.l
Wood,r... 4 2 1 0 Oiuistln.3...
Ch'pman.s 10 2 1 Oltfiller.r....
U'Kem.c.. 4 2 9 0 Oirossin.c.
GregB.P-.. 4 10 3 O'B'rdner.p.
Hoch.p. . .
Totals. 31 27 11 1 Totals. 35 8 87 14 1
Batted for Baumgardner In sixth;
batted for Hoch In eighth.
Cleveland 0 2 1 0 0008 0 6
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Si
Runs. Granev. Llebold -2. Lalole. Wood.
Johnson, Pratt, Walker, Crossln. Two-base
hits, O'Neill, Johnson, Gregg. Three-base
hit. Turner. Hits, off Baumgardner 4 In 4.
off Hoch 4 In 2. off Mitchell 1 In L Sac
rifice hite, CTsapman, Turner. Stolen base.
rratt. Double plays, croesln, unassisted.
Left on bases, Cleveland 4, St. Louis,.- 6.
Bases on balls, off Baumgardner 2, off
Hoch 1, off Gregg L Hit by pitcher, by
Hoch, Graney. Struck but, by Gregg 7, by
Hoch 1. by Baumgardner 1. Wild pitches.
Baumgardner, Hoch. Time, 2:30. "Umpires,
fevans ana .gan.
Portland Man Carries
Day's Golf Honors.
4 18 8 0
4 0 3 11
4 I S 00
4 1 10 0 1
4 2 2 4 0
0 0 0
5 11
0 1 0
0 00
0 2 0
0 10
4 1
8 1
1 0
1 O
0 O
1 0
Waverly Club's Professional Slakes
Unusual Score of 147 for 34
Holes Toung Seattle Expert
Defeats Former Champion.
Chicago 3, Detroit 2.
CHICAGO, June 25. Fournier's triple
and Bodie's hot single In the ninth
enabled Chicago to win the sixth
straight game today, when they de
feated Detroit, S to 2, in the second
game of the series. Score:
Bush.s. . .
Veach.l. .
Dauss.p. .
O 2
0 0
1 0
1 3
u UDemmltt,l
0 OlCoIlIns.r. .
0 OfFournier,!
I 0Bodie,m..
0 12 0 0! Mayer. c
1 fi 1 0Breton.S..
0 0 4 0Russell,p..
4 S 0
10 9
8 0 0
7 10
6 0 0
0 10
Totals. 32 625 12 0 Totals. 31 27 8 1
One out when winning run scored.
Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 I
Runs, Bush, Stanage, Fournler, Mayer,
Breton. Two-base hits, Breton, Russell.
Three-base hits, Kavanaugh, Fournler. Sac
rifice hits, Dauss, Bodie. Weaver. Double
play, Fournler to Weaver, Left on bases,
Detroit 7, Chicago 6. Base on balls, off
Russell 2. Hit by pitcher, by Russell, Burns.
Struck out, by Russell 4, by Dauss i. Time,
1:53. Umpires, Dlneen and Connolly.
Washington-Philadelphia game postponed;
called In fourth Inning; rain.
Rain Prevents Walla Walla-Baker Con-
teat. Leaving; Wider Space Be-
tween Leading; Teams.
Western Trl-State Standings.
W. L. PC.I W. L PC
Pendleton. 40 29 .580 Baker 80 87 .4
W. Walla. 88 29 .567 N. Yakima. 28 41
Yesterday's Results.
At Pendleton Pendleton 8. North Takl-
Walla walla-Baker
poned, rain.
game again 'post-
Pendleton continued her winning
streak in the Western Trl-State League
yesterday by defeating North Yakima,
8 to 3, and Walla Walla and Baker
did not play because of rain at Baker.
It puts more dayllnght between the
two leading teams.
The Pendleton game was a heavy
hitting one part of the time, three
home runs being gathered. Angler,
new southpaw, started for Yakima and
walked the first two, being yanked for
Peterson, who made an error, filling
the bases, and then allowed Fembrooke
to hit a homer for four scores.
Daly opened for the Bucks, but In
the second a double and a homer elim
lnated him and Osborne went in. Peter
son hit the first one over the fence. Then
Osborne settled down and fed the Braves
anything he wanted. In the second
Naughton scored for Pendleton on
double, a steal and a wild pitch. Three
singles, a sacrifice and a bad -throw
gave the Bucks three more in the fifth.
Bryant, from Echo, finished the game
for Yakima.
Russ Hall resigned as umpire, to
manage the Tacoma Tigers. .
The score:
R. H. E.l R. H. E,
N. Yakima 3 6 2 Pendleton. 8 7
Batteries, Angler, Peterson, Bryant
and Webb; Daly, Osborne and Peterson.
Popular Umpire of Trl-State League
Quits to Become Manager.
PENDLETON, Or.. June 25. (Spe
cial.) Russ Hall, the only "popular
umpire" the Western Tri-State League
ever had, resigned today to accept the
management of the Tacoma JNortnwest
League team. His departure Is unl
versally regretted by the fans, whe pre
vailed upon him to remain and umpire
the "booster game tomorrow.
He leaves for Tacoma, by way of
Portland, Friday night, and probably
will take charge of the team bunaay,
According to Hall. McQinnlty desired
to be relieved of the worry of manage
ment, and hereafter will have no more
authority than any other player.
Hall started playing league Ban in
Kentucky 20 years ago. He . played
short and managed the Seattle Coast
League team during part of 1904-5-6.
Trout Planted at Union.
UNION, Or, June 25. (Special.) A
consignment of 23,000 trout fry was re
ceived yesterday from the State Fish
and Game Commission. The shipment
was taken in charge by the Rod and
Gun Club and planted In the waters of
Catherine and Little creeks. Applica
tion was made for 75,000 young fish
for the season, and -this was the first
hlpment- Twenty-thousand bass will
be planted In the streams In the valley
below the city during the Summer, pro
vided they can be procured.
Cricket Match Is Scheduled.
A cricket match will be played on
Saturday at the Cricket Park. Seattle
cricketers have asked for a match at
Seattle July 4 and the management
committee will decide after the game
n Saturday whether to send a team
up at this time or not. All interested
In cricket are Invited out to the
grounds at all times. Take Kontavllla
car, get off at Bast Sixty-seventh street
and walk two blocks north. ,
SEATTLE, Wash., June 25. Comple
tion of the first stretch of the open
championship event. In which George
Turnbull. professional at tie Waverly
Country Club, of Portland, Or., carried
away the leading honors; the showing
of Paul Ford, the young Seattle goiter.
In the Pacific Northwest championship,
and elimination of rounds in the wom
en's chamDionshln were the features or
the golf tournament at the Seattle Golf
Club s links today.
Turnbull was the leading attraction
in the open championship play, making
the unusual score of 147 for the 38
holes. Robert Johnston, the Seattle
Golf Club's professional, held the sec
ond best score, taking 151 strokes to
com Die te the two rounds.
The other entrants In the open cnam-
DionshlD had the following scores
Willie Lleth, of Tacoma, 152; H. A.
Fleager, of Seattle (amateur), 152;
Charles Thom, formerly of the Shinne
cock Hills Club, of New York, 153
Chester Horton, of the Earllngton Golf
and Country Club (Seattle), 154; Willie
MoflTatt. of Victoria, 157: Alf Bllnko,
of the Shaughnessy Heights Club
(Vancouver). 162; A. Duthle, of Jericho
ItBUVUUfVli , - - w. v -
OlymDla. 163: S. Lleth, of Tacoma, 164
Philip Jefferson. 166; W. H. Klcarao
(amateur). Victoria, 168; F. weisn, or
Aberdeen, 170; D. H. Findley, of Spo
kane. 172: T. Huish. 174.
Results In the women's Pacific North
west championship round were: Miss
Violet Pooley. of Victoria, won from
Miss Phepoe, of Vancouver, 3 and 2
Miss Agnes Ford, of Seattle, won from
Mrs. L H. Bean, of Tacoma, 3 up; Mrs.
T. B. Curran. of Tacoma. lost to Mrs.
A. V. Macan, of Victoria, 2 down and
1 to go: Mrs. W. H. Ricardo, of Vic
toria, won from Mrs. Robert Wilson, 4
and 3.
Buffalo , Pittsburg 2.
BUFFALO, ' June 25. Earl Moore
held Pittsburg to two singles today,
winning for the locals, 6 to 2. Hal
Chase fielded two Innings and batted
once, striking out Just before Sheriff
Becker served papers on him in the
injunction suit brought by the Ameri
can League. Score:
R, H E
Buffalo ....0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3
Pittsburg ,.0 0000200 2 2 3 8
Batteries, Moore and Blair; Camnits
and Berry.
Brooklyn 5, Baltimore 4.
BALTIMORE, June 25. After being
blanked for six innings in today's game
with Brooklyn. Baltimore tied the
score with four runs in the seventh in
ning. It took an extra inning to de
cide the game, which was won by
Brooklyn. 6 to 4. Score:
Brooklyn. 100800000 1 5 10 1
Baltimore 000000400 0 I 11 2
Batteries, Marlon. Finneran and
Land; Smith, Wllhelrn and Jacklltsch.
Kansas City 6, Indianapolis 3.
winning 14 games In a row, the In
dianapolis Club was stopped by Kan
sas City, the visitors winning the con
test. 5 to 3. Score:
Kan. City.. 10100000 36 10 0
Indlanap... 00000010 2 8 8 1
Batteries, Harris, Packard and En
senroth; Mosely and Rariden.
I Have Been Selling Fine
Ready-to -Wear Clothing
' Br Werls-Tassewe Makers
Mens Suits
Ir. Norfolk English
and conservative
Buy of me, on the
third floor of the Ore
gonian Building, and
escape the big profit
for high ground-floor
rent huge electric
signs and swell fixtures.
JIMMY DUNN upS'ao,rbigcrnn!
315-16-17 Oregonian BIdg.
Elevator to Ttilrd Floor Open Saturday to IO P.M. i! II Ak
JULY 2, 3, 4.
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co.
Will sell round-trip tickets to Tacoma-July 2, 3 and 4; return limit,
July 6; 0.-W. R. & N. train, leaving Union Depot 8:30 A. ar
rives Lakeview, near Taooma, at the right hour to see the
Auto Races
Ask our
Third and Washington.
Either phone for pajtlcnlan.
FARE $5.80
Chicago 13, St. Louis 8.
ST. LOUIS, June 23. The secodh
game between Chicago and St Louis
today proved a slugging contest from
which the visitors came out Victors,
13 to 8. M. Cueto, a Cuban from the
Jacksonville, FlaJ team of the South
Atlantic League, joined the locals to
day and played third base against Chi
cago. Score:
R. H ,
Chicago... 20401004 213 is' 3
St. Louis.. 20000030 3 8 10 5
Batteries, Fisk, Hendrix and Wilson;
Crandall, Welch and Chapman, Simon.
Bradfords will go to Dayton Sun
day to meet the team of that place.
Krause and Bahler will work for the
Portland team. Any outside team want
ing games for July 12 and 19 write
Manager Swint, 125 Third street.
Manager Hammer, of the Meier &
Frank baseball team, says the report
DR. WILEY, the famous food expert, SATS:
"Beer is a veritable food product
Columbia Beer
contains nothing bnt pure extracts of fine parley-malt,
hops, rice, BuU Bon water and 3Va to 4 per cent of alcohol
Ask your dealer or phone A1172, Main 72.
Henry Weinhard Brewery
was a mistake that his team defeated
the Chemawa Indians last Monday. The
score was to in favor of the Indians
Instead of the locals.
e e
All grammar school athletes who won
first or second places In each event In
the recent grammar school track and
field meet are expected to call at room
405 Courthouse to receive their medals.
All must be present at 10 o'clock this
. . .
The enthusiastlo ball fans In the em
ploy of W. P. Fuller as Co. have ar-1
rans-ed for what will no doubt prove
an interesting ball game Saturday at
3 P. M. at Peninsula Park. The paint
and glass department will settle a long
deferred question of which department
has the best ballplayers. A team se
lected from these two departments won
the cups In the Commercial Lesrus In
1811 and 1812.
River Drafrgrd for Boy.
CENTRALIA. Wash, June 25. (Spe
cial.) The Centralis police spent the
greater part of today searching for tt'
body of the 11-year-old sod of Iter) I
Parsons, who Is believed to hav been -drowned
while swlmtnlnc in the fckook
urnchuck Kiver yesterday afternoon.
The search was fruitless, however, snd
the- boy's mother Is distracted with
grief. The youth was last seen at 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon bsod for
ths river. He did not return tinms last
night. Ths police hlnk It possible that
the boy has run away.
The avwrese eorlfl.h rlshs e IH'le
than eisht piin1 and lays T OeO. soe es
?: 0
Author of "Inside Baseball"
one of brainiest ball players
in America,
ly- ty5' Authorof"InsideBaseball"
fUV, S one of brainiest ball players
.- v r - i hi IT Si vs.r . -
air e Payer's one best beverage Jj
Miftfii'- ' snappy.vxgorous and wholesome.
jsMh-25! Delicious Refreshing
m?lm"3 " Thirst-Quenching.
Demand the genuine V The Coca-Cola Co.
Lv!RV4V-J. 1 by full name I v . S
la yt&yi i e 'S J Nicknames encouraf 1 N. w ATLANTA, OA.
J ' substitution. j
Arrow thlr-fc
f Cscs-Cales