Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 25, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Manasine Editor ........Main 7070.
City Editor Main 7070.
Sunday Editor Main 7070,
Advertising Department.. .Main 7070.
City Circulation Main 70 i0,
Compoains-room Main 7070,
Printing-room Main 7070,
Superintendent Building.. .Main 7070,
BEII.IO THEATER (Eleventh and Morrt
. eon) Annette Kellerman in the photo
piay. rteptunea Aausaier,
noon at 3 and tonignt at e:v.
BAKER THEATER (Broadway and Morri
un I Motion pictures. "Too o' the World."
n h f.p. M,,bp vlfwfl and lectures.
Continuous performance, starting at 12
o'clock noon till li r. m.
This afternoon at 3 and tonight at 8:30.
Kirut and Airier! MrElrov'a band, musical
comedy and vaudeville. This afternoon at
z ana tonjgnt at a.
ORPHEUM (Broadway and Taylor) ThU
arternoon at 2:19 ana tonignt at o:j.o.
EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill) Con'
tiniiniis from 1 '.10 to 11.
FANTAGE3 (Broadway and Alder) This
afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 7:30
and 8.
PEOPLES West Park and Alder.
MAJESTIC! Parle and Washington.
COLUMBIA Sixth, near Washington.
GLOBE Eleventh and Washington.
NEW STAR Park and Washington.
1 Subscribe with the following
agents, at your Summer resort,
to secure the most prompt deliv
ery ot The Oregonlan. City
rates. Subscription by mall are
payable in advance:
Bay City, Or Seeley Stone.
Brighton, Or. J. A. Baldwin
Caraon. Wash Carl B. Smith
Columbia Beach...
Mrs. . B. Burkheaa
Eeoln, Or L. W, Crone
Gear hart. Or.-. I v. J. Falrhurst
Long; Beach, Waah J. H. Srxaahal
Manaanita, Or. Kmll Cardell
Mahcotta, Wash. J. H Browa
Newport, Or.. . .George Sylvester
Oceaa Park D. E. Beachey
Rockaway Beach. . .Frank Miller
Shepherd's Springs, Walk
Mineral Springs Hotel Co,
St. Martina Springs, Wash.. , .',
Mrs. N. 9. Martin
Seaalde, Or. Clark Stratton
Seavlew, Wash.
Constable fc Pntaui
Tillamook, Or........ J. S. Lamar
Wheeler, Or R. H. Codey
New Postal Station Located. A
new postoffice station, located at East
Twenty-eighth street and oanoy Douie
vard, will be open for business July 1.
This station will take the place of the
Rose City Park station, which will
close on June 80. It 1b planned that
carriers will distribute mail through
Laurelhurst and the district north and
south and west of that addition and
the territory formerly served by the
Rose City Far station, it win re
quire ten mail carriers to handle the
work. J. J. 6tory will be in charge
and w. P. Swope will be superintend
ent at Arleta. O. A. Apple will be as
aistant at the new station which will
be .known as Station H.
Rev. Father Gkeoobt Leaves. Rev
Father Gregory, O. 8. B, ot the Sacred
Heart parish, left Tuesday night for
a four months trip to ani tnrougn
Europe. He will pass ten days in New
York and leave for Europe July 8.
Father Gregory has been engaged In
his work closely for a number or. years.
whloh Included the moving and re
building of the parish building In Bene,
dictlne Heights. He will visit London
and the cities on the continent, travel
on the Rhine, pass through France and
Spain and wind up at Rome, where he
will pass a montfl. rie expects to re'
turn to Portland in November.
Former Hood River Resident Dies.
Mrs. Irene E. Ollinger, for 20 years a
resident of Hood River and for tne
last three months a resident or fori
land, died Tuesday night at the Ollinger
home. 402 East Forty-fifth street Bonn.
She was born In Albany, Or., 65 years
ago. She Is the mother of Ave chil
dren. Nellie. Winneld. iiarry. naiei
and Mary. Mrs. Ollinger had many
friends' in Portland and was widely
known In Hood River. The funeral will
be hald today at S o'clock from the
F. 8. Dunning Undertaking establish
ment, 404 East Alder street Services
at the grave win De private.
MAmrrACTTTRERa' Protests Unheeded.
Over the protest of proprietors of
faotories on East Eighth street City
Commissioner Dieck has recommended
to the City Council the revocation of
' the permit for the maintenance of a
sidetrack by the Portland itauway,
Light & Power Company along that
street from Hawthorne avenue to
Salmon street. The Counoll heard the
protests of the factory men yesterday
and arranged to visit the scene this
moraine- before acting upon the recom
mendation of Commissioner Dieck
Modern Dances Shown. Professor
xlnxler has returned from New York,
with the latest steps taught by the
Castles. Sebastian, Maurice and other
leading dance artists; also, the standard
steps adopted at the uieveiana na
tional convention of dancing masters.
The new steps are full of grace and
beauty without the objectionable dips.
Instruction for a limited period will be
given at studio. Cotillion Halt Main
83S0. Engagements made at private
homes. Adv.
Third -Street Proposal Rejected.
Claiming; that they have amply lighted
Third street by means of the arches on
Intersections and that the regular city
atreet arc lights are no longer needed,
nronertv owners on Third street yester
day asked the Council to remove the
.arcs and apply the cost of maintaining
them to the fund for the maintenance
of the arches now In aervioe. The
proposal was rejected by the Council.
Sidewalks to Be Laid. Bids were
opened yesterday by the City Commis
sion for the grading and construction
of sidewalks on the following streets:
Brazee street from East Twenty-seventh
to East Twenty-eighth, Lancaster
street from Lombard to Bryant, Mobile
street from Bryant to Lombard, East
Twenty-second street from Crane to
Prescott, East Twenty-third street from
Crane to Prescott.
German Prizb Awarded. The prise
given by the Staatsverbund (Federa
tion of German Societies) to the best
German student of the graduating class
of Lincoln High School was awarded
at the exercises Tuesday eight to John
S. Middleton. The prise a handsome
gold medal was presented by Dr.
Dammasch, president of the Staatsver
Williard C. Hendrickson died at his
home, 663 Vancouver avenue, Tuesday,
aged 29. He Is survived by three
eisters. Mrs. H. Getchman. of Cali
fornia; Mrs. Cora Core, of Los An
geles; Mrs. M. Burns, of Portland, and
one brother, Elwood Henricksen, of
Kax&ans to Gather. The regular
monthly meeting of the Oregon Kan
sas Society will be held Saturday at
Manchester Hall, Fifth and Oak streets.
Several matters of business Interest to
members will be taken up. There will
be a short programme and a social.
Kansans generally are Invited to at
tend. Tit Talk Scheduled. Roger B.
Einnott will tell of the aims and work
of the Taxpayers League of which he
Is president in a lecture to be given
Thursday at 13 o'clock, Moore's Restau
rant, 148 Fifth street, before the Ore
gon Single Tax Association. This meet,
lng will be open to the public
Dr. Harrt McKat. 416 Morgan bldg.
Fob health, rest and recreation.
Ship herd Springs. Adv,
StmBTT Company Must Pat. Mrs.
Besaio Smith may recover from the Na
tional Surety Company, of New York,
61500 burglar Insurance for the jewelry
Btolen from her by George Boaz in
the Stelwvn Apartments. January 29,
according to an order made by Circuit
Judge Anderson yesterday. Boaz re
cently committed suicide in the County
Jail in Ogden.- Utah. The insurance
company contended that It was not
liable on the ground that Boaz had
obtained the jewels by false pretenses
and not by larceny. Mr. and Mrs.
George Smith are English. They valued
the stolen jewels at much more than
the face of the insurance policy, saying
that some of them had been obtained
from an Indian maharaja.
Ladies' AI-xiliart Meets. The
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Sellwood Y.
M. C. A. held a business and social
meeting yesterday afternoon. After the
business session Miss Evelyn Spencer,
a Portland graduate of the Oregon
Agricultural College, delivered an ad
dress on domestlo science. Vocal num
bers were rendered by Miss Eftie Pen
nick and Mrs. Eugenia Brown gave
piano selections. The room was dec
orated attractively, the work of Mrs.
C L Whipple and Mrs. W. C. Moore.
Mrs. E. B. Kelly, Mrs. O. D. Stanley,
Mrs. E. C. Golden, Mrs. I H. Slade,
Mrs E. Earnshaw, Mrs. R. J. Gilliland,
Mrs. C. D. Williams and Mrs. George
Expenditures to Bb Probed. To
settle difficulties between property
owners on Maywood Drive and mem
bers of the City's Public Works De
partment regarding the actual amount
of work and expenditures made by the
city in- preventing slides on property
near that drive, a special hearing will
be granted the property owners by the
Council tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock. The property owners raised a
fund of $1000 for the work and the
city appropriated 6500. The 61000 fund
was turned over to the city for ex
penditure. It is claimed by the city
that all the money but about 665 was
Old Pipeline to Be Repaired. The i
old Bull Run pipeline, between Gresham
and the Talbot place, a distance or
about one mile, will be repaired. This
stretch has given great trouble. There
is some element in the soil which eats
holes in the pipe. It was thought to
be caused by electric action of some
sort, but later the cause has been at'
trlbuted to the character of the soil
around the pipe which produces chemi
cal action. The new pipe was laid In
sand and shows no Indication Of the de
struction which has caused the trouble
in the old pipeline. About SO men will
be employed In making these repairs.
New Pastor Arrives. Rev. Lovlck
P. Law, who succeeds Fev. J. H. Ben
nett as pastor of the First Methodist
Church South, at Union avenue and
Multnomah street, has arrived and
entered on his work here. He comes
from Slloam Springs, Ark. Rev. Mr.
Bennett resigned to take up the work
of the Anti-Saloon League. Rev. Mr.
Law was an evangelist for several
years and gave up an appointment
to accent the Portland charge. Mrs.
Law is an accomplished musician and
has assisted her husband, in his evan
gelistlo work.
Many Book Salbm Passage).
Reservations coming in at the Commer
cial Club for the excursion to the Salem
Cherry Fair, which will be held Sat
urday, Indicate that between 250 and
300 men and women will go on the
Commercial Club and Rosarlan spe
cial. The train will leave .from the
North Bank depot at 13 o'clock Sat
urday and will reach Salem, at 2
o'clock. The Royal Rosarlan band will
accompany the party. Luncheon will
be served on the train. The round
trip ticket will cost 63.
Mayor Gives Son Birthday Check.
Followlna- out a plan adopted soon
after George Albee, son of Mayor Albee,
was born, of giving him as a birth
day present $1 for each year he has
lived, Mayor Albee yesterday presenter.
him with a check lor 616 as his pres
ent on his 16th birthday anniversary.
The Mayor says he has not missed a
year yet and has taken great interest
watching the checks grow eacn
birthday. "It don't take long for them
to arrow from 81 to $16," said the
Mayor yesterday.
Warrant Out por Attorney. Will
am A Shenefleld, an attorney who had
offices in the Buchanan building, is
wanted on a charge of larceny by
bailee of 8176 from Mrs. E. Flood, of
Hillsdale, Or. A warrant was sworn
out for his arrest yesterday. Shenefleld
is said to have gone to Alaska recent
ly, leaving his wife and children here.
Complaints have reached the District
Attorney's office Indicating that Shene
fleld may be guilty of other breaches
of trust.
Mrs. Irene B. Oltnosr Dmo. Mrs-
Irene E. Ollnger, daughter of a pioneer
family, oied at the lamuy nome, uo
East Forty-fifth street North, Tuesday
night Funeral services will be held
at Dunning"s chapel at 8 P. M today.
Mrs. dinger was the wife of E. S.
dinger, formerly of Hood River. She
was born In Albany, Or., In 1859. She
is survived by her widower and five
children, Millie, Winneld, Hazel, Harry
and Mary.
Dewbt Club Joins Leaotje. The
Dewey Rural Improvement Club yes
terday was admitted Into membership
in the Oregon Development League, in
which there are about ISO commercial
bodies of this state. The Dewey Club
was organized only a short time ago.
Dewey is situated In Yamhill County a
short distance from Wapato. W. C
Flett Is president of the club and T.
B, Roe, secretary.
Bridob Thought Unbate. Believing
that the Union-avenue bridge over Sul
livan's Gulch Is In an unsound condi
tion. H. W. Holmes, chief of the city's
bureau of highways and bridges, has
recommended to Commissioner Dieck
the radeckinz of the structure at once.
It was reported that yesterday a large
hole developed in the bridge, making
traffio unsafe.
Guard Rails Cause Trouble. For
the benefit of traffic over the Morrison-street
bridge, the City Council is
considering the removal of the guard
rails on the edges of the car tracks.
It Is said by merohants on East Morri
son street that these guard rails cause
all kinds of trouble for traffio and
result In many vehicles refusing to use
the bridge.
Professor Horner Lectures at Fair.
view. Professor J. B. Horner, of the
Oregon Agricultural College, will
lecture tomorrow mgnt on uregon
Literature. Letters and Newspapers" in
Smith's Memorial Presbyterian Church,
in Fairview. He will use many stereop-
ticon viewa The lecture will be under
the auspices of the Fairview Grange.
Two Minors Remanded. Municipal
Judge Stevenson yesterday remanded
Andrew Ralston and Horace Farley,
two minors accused of stealing cigar
ettes valued at 82.60 from J. C Carney,
to the Juvenile Court. The police say
the boys are old offenders. They were
arrested Tuesday by Patrolmen Lillis
and Huntington.
Water Improvement Proposed. To
improve the city water service in a
number of sections of the city arrange
ments have been made for the exten
sion of two-inch mains from dead ends
of larger mains to the ends or centers
of other large mains so that there will
be continual circulation of water with
in all mains.
Cantrell Lecture Is Tokioht.
"Olive Schreiner and Her Message oa
Woman anil Labor" will be the subject
of a lecture by Edward Adams Cantrell,
at Library Hall this evening. This
lecture will close the series of mid
week lectures given under the auspices
of the Portland Rationalist Society for
the season.
Lincoln Society to Meet. To con
sider Important business the Abraham
Lincoln Memorial Society will meet
Saturday afternoon at I o'clock In the
Council chamber at the City Hall. All
members are urged to ne present.
Dr. Dayton, glasses, SweUana oidg.
Adv. ,
That Unfinished Deal
Yon Don't Have to Worry
Abont if
through if
you let us
handle it
inUMDTHSl'KlMfflS Investigate
Call for Booklet
Fourth, Near Stark
Sandy River Bridge Bids In. Twelve
bids were opened by the County Com
missioners yesterday for the construe
tlon of the Sandy River bridge, near
the Portland Automobile clubhouse.
The lowest bid, of the Construction
Company, is about $2000 over the esti
mate. All the bidders, except the
Illinois Steel Bridge Company, of Spo
kane, are Portland concerns. The bids
were referred to State Highway Engl
neer Bowlby, County Roadmaster Yeon
and County Surveyor liol brook to in
vestigate and report. Following are
the bids: The Construction Company,
817.748: Portland Bridge Company, 818,-
348: F. W. Moore, 819.066; Robert
Wakefield 817,900; Coast Bridge Com
pany, 818,274; Globe Contracting Com
pany, 820,249; Ambrose Binasall Com
pany, 819,700; Elliott Construction Com
pany, 820,600; George H.- Griffin. $17.
967; C. W. Rayner. 818,700; Pacifio
Bridge Company, $18,875; Illinois Steel
Bridge Company, 619.988.
Newsboys in Court tor Gamblino.
Five newsboys of South Portland ap
peared In the Juvenile Court yesterday
to answer to charges of gambling. The
oldest was 18 years old and the
youngest 14. ,"Tou can't prove nothing;
there was no money In sight," boldly
challenged one of the boys. Proba
tion Officer Mcintosh proved enough
to have Judge GatenS place the boys
in the charge of their mothers. If the
boys disobey their mothers In the
future they will be sent to the Frasser
Detention Home.
McCleery Ordered To Serve Sen
tence. Earl McCleery, who was sen
tenced u irom 2 to 20 years for forging
a check for 836.70 in January and was
paroled by Ciroult Judge Morrow, and
who Is alleged to have purchased a
diamond ring, clothing and other arti
cles on forged checks In the name of
a fellow prisoner in the County Jail,
whose check book he had stolen, was
ordered to serve his sentence yester
Bioaitt Is Chahoed. Eva Spencer
yesterday petitioned the Circuit Court
to declare void her marriage with G.
L. Flynn, on the ground that he had
another wife when she married him In
Baker, October 6, 1910. She says she
denounced Flynn when she made the
discovery in July, 1911, and that she
believes he Is now in Canada Flynn
is said to have told Miss Spencer that
his first wife died l.n 1909.
Two Men Sentenced to Prison.
Frank Smith and Frank White, in
dicted for breaking Into the Phoenix
Cafe, 270 Third street, yesterday
pleaded guilty and were sentenced to
from two to five years in the Peniten
tiary. It is said they admitted they
were imDlicated in a robbery of the
Minnesota Hotel and that they held up
a man on Third street between Salmon
and Taylor streets.
Bar to Attend Funeral. Circuit
Judge Davis announced yesterday that
there will be a meeting in nis court
room at 1:16 o'clook today of mem
bers of the Bar Association to attend
the funeral services for Cyrus A. Dolph
at the First Baptist Church, Twelfth
and Taylor streets. Whitney L. Boise
will be marshal of the Bar Association,
which will go in a body to the church.
Mission Boards Plan Rally.: The
women's missionary boards of the Con
gregational churches will hold their
annual rally at Pilgrim Church, Shaver
street and Missouri avenue, tomorrow
from 9:46 A, M. to 6:30 P. M. Lunch
eon will be served at noon at the
church. Women interested In mis
sionary work are Invited.
Attorney Is Sentenced. John B.
Ryan, attorney, was sentenced by Cir
cuit Judge Anderson to six months in
the County Jail for non-support oi
his two minor children, Vincent ana
Elenor. The court, however, paroieu
him on condition that he Day IJft
month into the Juvenile court tor
their support.
bbt. J. D. Cummins Advanced, Serv
Ices were held in the Pro-Cathedral of
St Steuhen the Martyr yesterday,
where Right Ttev. FrederlcK W. JrLeator,
Bishop of Olympla, wasn aavancea
Rev. J. D. Cummins, ' of St. Peter's
Church. Albany, Or., to the priesthood.
Illboal Liquor Sellino charged.
Charged with serving liquor in an un
licensed grill, Samuel xtooies, a oisa
washer, 20 years old, was arrested in
a restaurant at s xMorxn iniro eireet.
by Patrolmen Miller and Holbrook yes
Womes! League to Meet. The
meeting of the Women's Liberal League
of Oregon will take place tomorrow at
i p. 1L In the Swiss Hall. Third and
Jefferson streets. All women are in
vited. Refreshments will be served.
Trial Docket to Be Called. Circuit
Judge Davis will call his trial docket
at 9:30 A. M. Saturday. All attorneys,
whn have cases Dending in Judge Davis'
department, are requested to be pres
ent. .
Work Gains 75 Per Cent Over Con
tribution for Past Year.
Plans for a campaign to ralsa $8500
needed In the general relief department
of the Associated Charities, the legal
aid department and the employment bu
reau until Ootober SI, the close of the
fiscal year, will be laid at a meeting
of the finance committee of the As
sociated Charities at the Merchants Na
tional Bank at 2 o'clock today, on the
call of W. P. Jonea
Members of the committee are W. P.
Jones, R. S. Howard. L N. Fleischner,
E. R. Corbett and J. I Meier.
The work of the Associated Chari
ties has made an Increase of 100 per
cent over that of last year, while the
lnorease of contributions to support
the work has been only 25 per cent
Bell Interest Ask to Sell Holdings
In local Corporation.
Permission to consolidate the tele
phone exchanges at Spokane and dis
pose of the holdings in the Northwest
ern Long Distance Telephone Company,
valued at $721,200, was asked of the
United States Government by the Bell
telephone Interests in applications filed
All Spring Suits and Coats Must Go!
"We have divided our remaining Spring stock of "Wool Suits and
Silk and Wool Coats into three lota and will clear them out with
out regard to cost Blues and Blacks included. Seventy-five per
cent of these are suitable to wear into the Fall season. This clear
ance is at least three weeks ahead of the usual time, giving
everyone an opportunity to select a high-olaes Coat or Suit while there ia atiU
ample time to wear it. This carefully selected stock is too well known to require
comment Portland's well-dressed women know Holliday quality and style.
This Assortment gives everyone
an opportunity to secure
high-class, man-tailored, plaia,
fancy or semi-fancy Suit at
price all can afford. Suits in
this formerly Bold at from
$22.50 to $38.50. The material
in tha skirt alone is worth the
price we are asking' for the suit
Included in this lot are
Suits and Coats that for
merly sold from $35.00 to
$50.00. Exclusive novel
ties in the new Bhades and
materials in practically,
all sizes from 14 to 40.
Every woolen Spring- Snh? and
Coat in stock is included in this
lot; Suits that formerly sold
from $38.50 to $65.00 j all our
choicest Suits and Coats must
fo at this pries. While th aiort
ment ia larrt and varied, Uie tr
moU are individual and aa early
selection will be U yur adraatag.
All Cotton Dresses Reduced One-Fourth
AH Cotton and Chiffon Waiett Reduced One-Fourth
All Separate Skirte Exactly One-Half Price
355 Alder Street, Corner of Park
yesterday In relation to a deoree of
Judge R. 6. Bean.
According to the arrangements men
tioned In the application. W. H. Bean,
who is to take over the securities of
the Bell Interests, will pay 8400,000,
under terms as follows: 85000 cash,
895,000 In 80 days, and the remaining
8800,000 by January 1, 1817, for which
he gives his note at 6 per cent, secured
by the bonds he is acquiring.
Police Ask Council to Abolish Old
Methods as) Inadequate.
Acting upon the advioe of City At
torney LaRoche, the City Commission
will take up for consideration within
short time the adoption of a new
relief and pension fund system for the
police department to take the place of
that oreated by the State Legislature
and voided by the Supreme Court. City
Attorney LaRoche says the council nas
the power to create a relief and pen
sion system and appropriate city money
to help defray the cost.
At present the police are operating
under the old system, which Is said to
be inadequate. The relief. It la said,
Is Insufficient and the means of raising
money for the relief fund Is inadequate.
The Council at a meeting yesterday In
structed City Attorney LaRoche to con
sider the preparation of a new system
for submission to the Council.
E. B. Jaynes Admits He Violated
Terms of His Release.
E. B. Jaynes, who passed several
worthless checks a year ago and was
sentenced by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh
to two years In the penitentiary and
paroled to Roscoe Hurst on condition
that he would pay back the money and
remain sober,- was before me couri
again yesterday.
Javnes says that after several months
of good behavior he had saved up 8120.
Instead or paying inis io me persons
he had defrauded he went on a spree.
He told the court that when ne came
to himself he had 76 cents leit ana a
new watch worth 840. Judge Kava
naugh took Jaynes' case under advise
ment. -
JHlltiamen Tjeave Port Steven After
Two Weeks' Instruction.
All well pleased with the outing and
the experiences enjoyed, members of
the Coast Artillery of the Oregon Na
tional Guard returned Tuesday nigm
from Fort Stevens, near the mouth of
the Columbia River, where they spent
two weeks of camp and military life.
They returned by special train.
There were about 600 guardsmen In
camp. Including one company and band
from rortiana, one company irom Al
bany, one from Cottage Grove, two
from Eugene, one from Roseburg, one
from Medford and one from Asmana.
Commercial Club members going on
the Salem Cherry Fair Special Oregon
Electric train Saturday are requested
to make reservations immediately at
307 Commercial Club building, or by
phoning Main 8660 or A-609L This Is
imperative, aa luncheon and equip
ment must be arranged. Train leaves
North Bank depot at 13 M.; 12:05 P. M-
Tenth and Morrison streets; iz:zu,
Jefferson -street station. $3 round trip.
Including chicken luncheon. Royal Ro
sarlan band wlU accompany. Adv.
"Booze" Dumped Into Sewer.
rREHALIS. Wash.. June 24. (Spe
eiaX) Acting on orders from Justice
Westover, Sheriff T. C. roster nas emp
tied 160 gallons of "boose" into the
sewer. The liquor was a part of that
recently confiscated by the Sherlt In
his attempts to enforce the lr.w against
shipments pt the ardent Into Western
Lewie County.
Wholesale end Retail
tCmt. 1IW6.
Competition Sale of
We are compelled to sacrifice
our most select stock ,o Ori
ental Bugs and Carpets against
Buoh rugs that have wandered
around the country and have
been returned and rugs that
have been bought especially for
auotion and continuous sale pur
poses. Oar window display and a
fair inspection inside will con
vince all the prospective Orien
tal Bug Buyers that at all times,
rugs or the same quality, we sell
for less.
Located out of the high-rent
district, this hig saving is shared
by our customers.
Cartozian Bros.
Importers of Oriental Rngs,
47S Wash Bet. lata and 14th.
148 Third Street. A 432, Main 9432.
regular stocked Grocerioa and Liquors at reduced prices.
Crosse ft Blackwell Malt Vlneiar, Quarts, bottle 2rt
Crosse & Blackwell Pickled Walnuts in uart Jars, rf. 75c,
Harvey Sattoe, reg. 60c per bottle, now 40
Russian Caviar In Yt slse tins, reg. 45c, now ,,40
Oomo Canned Peas, per dosen s?l.r0
Mayer's Whits Laundry Soap, 20 bars for
CllQUot Ginger Ale, per dosen SJ'D!?
Cantrell at Oochrane'a SarsaprUla, per doten
French or Italian Vermouth, per bottle 75
St, Julien French Table Wine.
Imported French Sauternes and Chateau Wines.
St. Johnsbury Crackers, "Exclusive Handlera."
Blue Point Oysters, 25 and 451 a tin.
A complete fresh line of educator crackers.
Jordan's Tip Top Virginia Hams.
Hothouss Tomatoes, Hothouse Cucumbers, Hothouse Efg Plant,
Hood River Strawberries, Celery. Summer 8quash, Fine Ripe
Melons and everything Good That the Market Affords.
on higHy improved
Portland property
denominations $100,
$500 and $1000 Ma
turities to suit "Un
excelled security with
good returns
Commerce Safe Deposit
and Mortgage Co.
91 Third Street
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
S. S. Beaver
Sails A. M, Jane 26th, for
Low rates, including- berths and meals.
(Tbrouffh tickets to all points.)
The San Praaeteea tt Portlaad S. S. Ce
Third ad Wuhlst-tsa.
CVaQtb 0.-W. R. A N.)
Tel. Marshall 4500: A SHI.
Mother Knows
rm Aak motnr and he'll aulckly
that the best bread on eartH for a nick. i
Butternut Bread
BCTTERVCT BKEAD i baked by the TJ.
8. BAKEBY, Cor. E. 11th end Flanders.
Order at roar (rocer. Look tor label en mij
Every 607 and Girl in Portland
Has a Chance to Visit the
Absolutely Free!
National Theater Office
Pittock Block
llallf, 1 iSO to 8tS P. M. Came la
and fcet Year Cbaace.
. - - i 1-1 a sr-E a a a. s r w
'1 t
"Vampire Waltz"
made fa mens br Mlti V(a
riorena, star eeaerette of
Tha Merrr Countess," which
ran so ! la New Tor.
Tonlsht's Attraction at
Ye Oregon Grille
i ll -' '- - New Attractions SJ
111 I .w-1 You'll Enjoys fJ
fr'l I 1 Lata rrtto Ce-waa, frem the ffj
J, I & -f Winter Garden, New Terk.
M, I '. i Mia Laalaa Praa'la, "that Vjl
CM . , eharmlns; rrlsoe sjirl." VJ
Li'A . 1 1 Klaa Haavl Oefet famous SZ
' ' : Special 50c Luncheon 12 to 2 K Ye Oregon Grill
H Hotel Oregon
C V. . 1 Broadway at Stark Eg
i n
MUST SELL as whole or in small lots for cash mf personal hold
ings of 18 shares (par value $100) of guaranteed euraulatire pre
ferred stock in an established high-elass flourishing- Portland busi
ness home, yielding a guaranteed Sya pt cent semi-annual divi
dend, also 26 shares (par value $100) preferred stoek of same char
acter, yielding 2 per eent quarterly, or 8 per cent per annnm divi
dend. Better than bank stock. Address or sail, IL E. French,
Hotel Nortonia.
21 miles south of San Francisco. Pre
pares for College. General and elective
eonrses. Address Secretary, Dept. J,
care W. T. Eeid. Belmont, California,
Aecredlted to Colleges Eart and Wert Grammar
nd Primary Depirlmrma, Ill"tra,rd,c",'0'u.;
PriucipaL Mary I. Lotkcy. A. B. rleAhs,Uul.
Accredited to Collesea. Grammar and Primary
rradea. Ooeos Aneutt 2th. Catalnsiie upon to-
Address MISS HWHtR, file Alls, Cll
An aeoredlted school, adjacent to Stan-
ford University, preparing for enirsoo.
tha anlvereltlsa and teohnlcal S"honta.
irm aerlna Ana. S. Tnr ealalogue ana
poMflo Information, addraae w, A
tloaa Masts.
I Bar a raw CStaSea
Far Sal at
8h ira. Can Seta ...
Take a Ride as4 Kara
jt- S. If, TAntJIAST,
244 Pine Straat, Portlaad, Or.
Phone A 3770
rrnrn trx.ur jai rrrLT.
OslS krseslata, sinet flne, ss4l fcsawa
IB any assigs. moos te s.W. srtia nemso ss
fooo lack rhiie eharaelsrs asersssel
there. Prlf'se reestaab-s. Orssra pmmpi
aeaeeyrsa and e-nt srepe'd aarbsrs sa
, a. Wo era skilled Csiness Jswslera,
JAI 111 I Mono ytkauaa
Beeser repuiatlea la ar s,JS.