TTTE MDRNTXG OREGO XT A Jf. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1914. HOPS NOT FOR SALE Bulk of Coast Supply Is Off of Market. REPORTED TO BE TIED UP Of 14,000 Bales Remaining, 10,000 Bales Cannot Be Touched by Buyers Crop Conditions at Home and Abroad. Of the 14,000 bales of hops of the 1913 crop remaining; on the Pacific Coast, 10,000 bales, it Is said, have been withdrawn from the market, or at least so tied up that they are not available. This quantity includes practically all the best lots left on the Coast. In Oregon about 6000 bales remain unsold,- and it is believed that of these, all but 1000 bales have been turned over to the control of one firm. The so-called-Wolf pool In California consists of 5000 bales of the 8000 bales that remain in the state. Should the Eastern or foreign brewers or dealers find it necessary to replenish their stocks or fill deferred wants, they would find a very small stock to select from in , the West, in the evnt that the bulk of the I supply has been securely tied up. It Is bard to buy now, and In fact for some time past the market has been almost blocked. There are several orders on hand for spots, but dealers cannot fill them. The contract market is firm. Fifteen cents is being; freely offered In this state and In Washington, and California wires received yesterday said the same price was bid for new Sonomas. Hop crop conditions in Oregon continue generally favorable, though growers would like to see warmer weather. The same ap ' piles to the Washington crop. California reports are good except from the Sonoma section, where the yield is certain to be light. That the lice attack in English hop yards is not a light one is shown by the following plantation reports In the Kentish Observer of June 21: Ash -Next -Sandwich. The cold snap of the last few days has been the means of keeping the lice from breeding so rapidly as they would have done bad the tempera ture been higher and the weather more genial. The outlook differs only In a minor degree from the position this time last year. The small leaves are swarming with fat breeding lice, waiting opportunity. The growth of the bine has been slow and the color is too naie. Fresn relays of fly dally and washing going on everywhere. Betnersden. The hops .hare not done at all well during the past week, and a fresh accession of fly set growers washing again on Tuesday and yesterday. The bine is very backward and sickly. Canterbury district. The bine makes fair progress, but. the temperature is much too low for hops, and. lice and nits are too plentiful, rendering washing necessary. , Showers at the week-end freshened up the plants, : which are keeping a good color ex cept in "grounds that are not liberally treat ed, where it is looking rather yellow. Dunkirk. The bine Is looking very well and very even and cultivation is pretty good, although rather rough in places. Ed ea bridge. The nights are much too cold for the bln to grow well. Washing Is general, as the heads are smothered with aphis. - Maidstone district. The condition of the bine In the grounds around Maidstone is very promising. The recent rain has proved beneficial, and if the temperature would only become warmer there would be nothing to complain about as .regards the general prospect.. Although . there is a lot of ver- - mln In all grounds, it is being well kepi -under by washing, which Is now quite gen -eral. t' Sittlngbourne district. There was -heavy rain J a this district on Sunday and as a re suit the bfne has grown fast and is looking fresh and vigorous.- Fly and lice are on the Increase, and a good deal of washing Is be ing done. Tenterden (Weald). In the best grounds growth has been well maintained in spite .of the cool weather, but the bine on the - whole. Is still backward -and vermin is much too prevalent for growers to be happy. Ton bridge district (Weald). The absence for some weeks of heavy rain Is beginning to tell on the plants In this district, now we have a pretty general attack of fly, which means washing. onions are looked for soon, was in fair supply. Local cabbage Eggs Higher on Alaska Baying. ; There were several good sized orders on the egg market for supplies to ship on the Alaska steamer, and sales were made at 3 cents, case count. The poultry market was firm with 14 cents and occasionally a fraction more paid for hens. Dressed meats were also firm. No changes were reported in the butter or cheese markets. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as xoilows : Clearings. Balances. Portland SI.dsI.OJ $134,625 seattie ,4U,oi Tacoraa 40.;. 075 S5.419 apokane 7i0,o03 ilii.Zbi PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. WHEAT Track t rices: New club. 78c; new fortv-fold. 79c: new bluestem. 63c: old ciuo, iitfc, nominal. 1CIU-.FE.ED Bran, 23.5024 pe ton; shorts. 2;i.50l'7: middlings. $3233. FLOUR Patents. S4.SO per Darrei; straights, $4.20; exports, $3 10; valley, S4.3G; graham. $4.80; whole wheat. 95. BARLET Feed. Si'0fii21.OO per ton; brew ing, I21.5022; rolled. $23.5024. HAY Choice timothy. ltfi7; mixea timothy, $1215; valley grain hay, SlOgj 12; alfalfa, 1011. ' . OATS No. 1 white milling, WsK&n.zs per ton. CORJj" Whnle, $35; cracked, $36 per ten, Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS O ran pes, navels, ?23.25.per box; lemons, $3.5007 per box; bananas, &c per pound; graefruit, Cali fornia, $3 per box. VEGETABLES Cucumbers. per box; eggplant, 15c per pound; peppers, 20c per pound; radishes, 15&27&c per dozen; head lettuce, $1.75 per crate; artichokes. oc per dozen ; celery, 13.50 3 4 per crate ; tomatoes. 1&1.75 ner crate: spinach, S7c per Dound: rhubarb. 2vaZG ner pouno cabbage, 1 c per pound ; asparagus, $1 &1.50 per dozen; peas, 5c per pound; beans, fiiS)7e ner Doumlt rnrn. 35 (ft 40c Der dozen. ONIONS Red, $2.50; yellow, $3 per sack. GREEN ' FRUITS Apptes, old, $l-502 box; new, $1 per box; strawberries, 75c$t per crate; cherries, 4(3sc per pouna; apri cots, $1.50 - per box; cantaloupes, $2 2.50 per crate; peaches, $1 1.15 per box; plums, $1.251.65; watermelons, 2hi2hc per pound ; loganberries, 90c per crate ; raspberries, tl; black caps. Ji.a. POTATOES Oregon. D0c$l per hun dred: new, 2c per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, new Cali fornia, $1.25; carrots, $1.00; beets, S1.59. REACTION IS FELT Spokane Rate Decision Affects Stock Market. 56. Sterllnr en London. 60 days. $4.66; do. sight, $4.SS - Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. June 23. The condition of the United States Treasury at the begin ning of business today was: Net balance in general fund $87,274,703 Total receiets yesterday 1.85S.820 Total payments yesterday 1,796.544 -xne aencit tnis nsca. year is sz3,utw.U44, against a surplus of $14,139,143 last year. exclusive of Panama Canal and public debt transactions Metal Markets. NEW YORK, June 23. Lead quiet. S.83 $3.90; London, 19 7s 6d. -.- . . . i eoener ouii, o'cea.iv: Lonaon. 31 ns. mUnfc bULU -WILL LLAV t ., JScA""8?!1?:!?! cas:ing. 13.62 IS. 75. Tin firm. Spot to. June. 30.7531.25; JulT, 30.6230.87; August. 30.87 431.25. Antimony ami. cooksons. 7.2aQ7.3o. Iron auiet. unchanged. London Copper dull. Boot. 61. fntoru 161 lis 3d. Tin firm. Spot. 1139 7s 6d- fntnrea. 141 zs oa. iron Cleveland warrant,, Ola bpV Dulath Linseed Market. DULTJTH, June 23. Unseed. July. I1.B9; September, $1.81. Arrangements Made for Shipment 1 $8,000,000 to Europe Copper Quotations Lower Abroad. Bonds Irregular. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of San Francisco. Founded 1SS4 Capital Paid In . ... . . . .$8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $8,069,722.49 Commercial Banking and Savings Departments PORTLAND OFFICE Third and Stark Streets TiiAvrt r us r.ttMK. HAMBURG TENDENCY IS EASIER HARVEST BEGINS IX CENTRAL OREGON Weather Conditions How Satisfactory- for ' .Fruit Crops. The weekly summary of weather and crop conditions in Oregon, as Issued by the local weather .bureau, follows: "The week was generally fair; the first part unusually warm and the last part cooler with moderate rains in northwestern counties. "All crops made satisfactory growth. Cherries In Rosue River Valley are nearlj harvested; peaches in that section are doing well and will harvest about 50 per cent of a normal crop, while apples, and pears will give nearly a normal crop. In the lower Willamette Valley the hot weather the fore part of the week injured some loganber ries and strawberries, and the cold and damp weather the last of the week pre vented the gathering of the hay crop. A heavy fall of hall occurred Saturday after noon In this valley, but no serious damage has been reported. "Harvesting has begun in Deschutea Val ley. Hay is nearly all in shock. Barley is liAlna- our a rwl t Via Klnrlln rtP whar will hA . gin this week under normal weather con d it ions. It is expected that there will be a good yield, generally, of grains and grasses. Rain Is needed for Spring-sown . grains in lower Deschutes Valley. Pastur age continues in good condition. . In most sections there is plenty of moisture In the soil for present needs." NEW BLUESTEM BOUGHT AT 83 CENT Breaks at Chicago Bring About Selling v Pressure in Northwest. The repeated slumps in the Chicago wheat market have brought about some pressure to sell the new crop on the part of farmers in the Northwest. Buyers ap paren tly were not keen to take bold yes terday, although a limited quantity of new club was secured at 78 cents. A purchase of 10.000 sacks of new bluestem on the Coast basis of S3 cents was reported. The spot market was dull with the undertone easier, because of bearish pressure in Call fornia. Spot feed barley was quoted at $21. A cargo of- new California barley was report ed sold at 26s 3d. The December option at San Francisco declined to 99 cents. Local oats sold at $22 during the day. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Monday 36 2' 8 9 4 Tuesday 4 3 3 0 1 Tear ago.. 21 6 7 3 7 Season to date 15,74 2772 2SS3 1728 2758 Year ago.. 17,330 2468 26:10 244 CANTALOUPES ARE IX GOOD DEMAND California Onions Quoted Higher Cabbage Plentiful. The cantaloupe market was In good shape yesterday. A car of fancy stock was re ceived and the standards sold at $2.50 and the pony crates at $2 25. A car of water melons also arrived. Cal ifomla d eci d u ous frui ts w ere in fair supply and steady. Local strawberries are till coining forward and the best bring $1. Loganberries were plentiful and good stock fit to reahlp was quoted at 90 cents. Cher ries are still weak and in oversupply. Five oars of bananas will arrive today. ear ef yellow onions was received from California and quoted higher at $3, owing ts lb d vanes ia. the south. .Walla WUaJ Dairy and Country Produce. Local jobbing quotations: EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. 23c: candled. 24c Der dozen: POULTRY Hens. 1414c; broilers, IS m Juc ; iryers, zuc ; tumey s, live, & z-c ; dressed, choice, 25 -6c ; ducks. 10c ; geese. 8 it ye. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, 27 ttc per pound; cubes, ii2(az:sc. CHEESE: Oregon triplets, Jobbers' buying price, 1 c per pound r. o. b. docK tort land; Young America, 16c per pound. PORK Fancy, 10 11c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 12(&13c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound tails, $2.25 per dozen; half-pound flats, 51.40; one-pound flats, $2.45; Alaska pink, one-pound tails, 85c; silversides, one-pound tails, $1.25. HONEY Choice, tJ3.50375 per case. NUTS Walnuts, 1420c per pound; Brazil nuts, 20c; filberts, 1415c; almonds, 19 4i2Sc: ueanuts. 636c: cocoanuts. $1 nor dozen; chestnuts. fcffflOc per pound; pe cans, 14 15c. 1 BEANS Small white, 8Hc; large white. 514c; Lima, 8c; pink, Clue; Mexican, ?c; bayou," ric COFFEE Roasted, in arums, iuta,&.c per pound. -. SUGAR Fruit ana berry. sa.uo; Deet. $4.85, extra C, $4.55; powdered, in barrels, $5.30. SALT Granuiatea, sio.oq per ton; naii- ground, 100a, $10.75 per ton; 50s, $1L50 pel ton; dairy, $14 per ton. ' ' RICE No. 1 Japan, 4H 5e; Southern head. 6&7.c; island. 5&5c. DRIED FK u n s A p pies, iu ta no per pound; apricots. 16 20c; peaches, biic prunes, Italians, vt& ibc; currants, si raisins. loose mu sea Lei, owrMe Dieacn Thompson. Uc; unbleached Sultans, 8c seeded, 9c ; dates, Persian, 7 & 7 c per nound: lard. $1.40 per box. FIGS Package. 8 oz., 50 to box, $ 1.85 nackaee. 10 oz.. 12 to box. 80c; white. 25-lb, box, $1.75: black, 25-lb. box, $1.75; black. SO-lb. box. $2.50: black. 10-lb. box. $1.15 Calarab candy figs, 20-lb. box, $S; Smyrna, per box, $L50. ... . - - NEW YORK, June 23. Reactionary ten dencies prevailed today in the stock market. Selling, while not heavy, was carried on steadily, embracing a wide .variety of stocks. Tbe Supreme Court's decision against the railroads in tha lntermountaln rate case, WEAKER FEELI5G IT NORTH FORT announced after the close yesterday, gavel T lvn -mri.-v mna liiv us initial seiDaLCK today, western railroad stocks, especially the Harrimans, Further heavy engagements of gold for 1 Mmmam Hooica mx 1 Europe reacted cniavorably on the stoca market. Arrangements were made today for shipping $8,000,000 gold to EurODe. one of the heaviest day's engagements of the movement. , Copper metal Quotations were lower abroad and there were reports of price shad ing here. Some of the copper shares were msnnctiy neavy. Lower Range Other Lines Are Hoi dins; S teady. Only two loads of hogs and sheep reached the yards yesterday. To this supply was added some carried -over cattle, but the to- Industrials held ud fairlv well most of the tal did not make enough for more than a day, but as the session advanced sellinr be- 8raa11 da business. The larger part of came more general and in the last hour the 1 tho trading was in odd lots and the under whole list was forced off, final prices being tone of th market wa inclined to be easy, the lowest. I In tne cattle division the offerings were The bond market wna !rrrnior 'Tni mostly of inferior grade. Top steers were sales, par value, $2,250,000. United States quotable at $7.60. A load of poor cows oonus were uncnanged on call. I tL(- nu irw 01 oeiwr tiuamy m rT.ncTva cthptt Ann-rATTAv. ss.os ana .--. uooo neuers orougnt so.o i-.eportea Dy j. c. Wilson & Co., Lewis LADE) & TILTON BANK Capital end Surplus $2,000,000 Commercial and Savings Deposits AMERICAN m tilt XV . .. ' vrofLOj? ,417TJO ff . K TON 3 a Going ff Coming U HAM3URG-AMERICAY& R LINE fi TARIN I OMKIN II BI H4l Y If J I k KAII.I.. M II Pm. Ho..... 1. 1, 11 A. H 3 ttllkl tll :n. I, A. H II llth 1 ft. .1 Tl KANSAS CHOP HUGE building, Portland. Sales. Hinh. Low. 200 " 28 100 82 H 92 31 '9 5i' 82- H 91 11 29 ii 800 124!4 10 133 201) 14 10O 214 63 !4 107 122 H '30 'aoii 'bi'ii SO'A 1934 51 V 14 100 35 41 . Hi" 2S. 121 113 14H .62 Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS 1913 crop, prime and cnolco, 110 16c; 1911 contracts, 150. PELTS ry, 11c; dry short wool, 80: dry shearings, 10c; green shearings. 15c; salted ueeD. S1.25&1-&0; Spring lambs, 25 85c HIDES Salted hides, 13 fee per pound salt kiD. 11c; salted ealf, 19c; green hides, 12ttc; dry hides, 24c; dry calf, 2fec; salted bulls. 10c per pouna; green onus, gc WOOL Valley, auia-iaijc; Kastern Ora gon. 16W20V4C MOHA1K 1U14 clip, 21 28c per pound. CASCARA BARK Old and new. So per lb. GRAIN BAUS in car lots, bhic. F1S11 Salmon, 4fl2: per pound; halibut, le6c; buck suad. 2'yxc; roe shad. 4fec silver perch, so. - Provisions. HAMS 10 to 12-pound, 19A 620140; 12 to 14-oound. lVhi&WAc; 11 to 18-pound, 19fet02Otac; skinned, 18(Gt20c; picnic, 13a BACON fancy, otfouc; sianaara, 2, 4u25c DRY SALT cuitiLJj snort ciear DacKs, lBl,16iic; exports, 14 w 16c; plates. HQ LARD Tierce basis. Pure, lzgfiso compound. 9c. KEROSENE Water white, drums. bar rels or tans: wagon, 10c; special, drums or barrels. 13fec; cases, lii:u4o. GASOLINE Bum, loici oases, 2Sc motor snirlL bulk. 15'c; cases, 22 c En sine distillate. ' drums, 7fec; cases, llHc, naptna. drums, i.ttc; cases, zinc LINSEKD OIL uaw. barrels, 01c; bolisa, barrels, o3c; raw, cases, title; boiled, cases. 88c TURPENTINE In cases, 65c per gallon; tanks, 580. SAX FRANCISCO rUOOlCE MARKET. Prices Quoted at the Bay City on Fruiti Vegetables, Etc SAN FRANCISCO, June 23. Fruit 'Pine apples. $1.502.2J; Mexican, limes, S910 Caiuornla lemons, $4 4 fa. Vegetables cucumbers, ioc(ji73c; green peas, 2 ftp 4c. Potatoes Oregon Auroanks. wcapsi.20 ueets, $2.75ffi3.00; -. new, lliic; river ourbanks. si.2oi1. to. Eggs rancy rancn, 24ftc; store. 2Jc. Onions Red, $1.502; white, 82.10. Cheese Young Americas, 1414Vc; new. IV. 10 13c ' Butter Fancy creamery, 24c; seconds, 23c. Receipts Flour, 2480 quarters; barley, 275 centals; potatoes, llHS sacks; nay, 21? tons. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. June 23. Increasing Bra zilian receipts and the continued failure of trade demand to show any Improvement ap Deared to be responsible for a moderate sell nz movement In the collee market- auring touay's trading. The opening was one point higher to one point lower and the close was t a net decline of four to six points, bales ;3,500. June. 8.ti3c; July, 8.66; August, 6.1O; September. S.SO; October, 8.95; December, 1.13; January. .17; March, .22; May, M.30. Spot coffee, quiet; H10 Ko. 7. iic; San tos No. 4. 12Vc. Mild coffee, dull; Cor- dova. 123 16c. nominal. Raw sugar steady; molasses, 2.74; centri fugal. 3.39; refined steady. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ca., June 23. Turpentine, firm, 46i c; sales, I027 barrels; receipts, 1S01 barrels; shipments, lost barrels; stocks, 18.30S barrels. Rosin, firm; sales, 2669 pounds: receipts. 5069 pounds; shipments, 2342 pounds; stocks. 110.154 pounds, uuote: a. is. so.uo: c. 11, and E. 84.10; G. U and I, 84.20; K, 84.50& o; M. Il.sau'4.90; n, ..duu a.oa: H u. 85.905.85; WW, J6.O08.10. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 23. Cotton futures closed barely steady. July. 12.57: August, 2.57: October. 12.42; December. 12.45; Jan uary, 12.32; March. 12.S6; May. 12.59. Spot cotton, quiet. Middlings, 13.25; do. gulf. 3.54. Sales, none. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Juno 23. Butter Lower. Creameries. 20 26 Vic Eggs Higher. Receipts, 15,899 cases; at mark, cases inclnded. 1618c; ordinary flrsts, 17 17 Vic; Orts, 17iS18e. Cheese Unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, June 23. Evaporated ap ple, steady. Prunes, aiilafc Amal Copper Am Beet Sugar. Am Can Co . . . do preferred. . Am Car & Fdv. Am Smel & Ref 300 63 Am Sugar 300 107H Am Tel & Tel.. 2.500 123V, Am Tobacco Anaconda 400 Atl Coast Line.. , A T & Santa I'e 2.300 do preferred. Bait & Ohio . . . 400 Brook R Tran.. 1.600 Canadian Pac. . 1,200" 194 6 C & O 1.300 51 c & a W t. 3.700 IsC C, M & St Paul. 600 100 Central Leather 2.S00 3ri- Chlno 700 11 Col Fuel & Iron Consul Gas .... 100 129 D L & W D & R G 200 Erie 1.500 General Elec Gt North Oro .. Gt North Df . . . Illinois Central. Interboro Metro do preferred. . Inter Harvester. K C Southern.. Lehigh Valley.. Louis & Nash. . M, S P & S S M Mo, Kan & Tex. Mo Pacific 1.100 New Haven '. . . 800 N Y Central . . . 8,400 in 1 , ont & vves Norfolk & West. 200 105 3i North America Northern Pac . . 500 111 Pacific Mail - Pennsylvania ... 3,400 112V& People's Gas ... 200 120 Reading 9,100 165 Republic S & I. 200 22S Rock Island Co. 500 2V4 Southern Pac .. 14.200 97 Southern Ry . 1.300 25 Texas Oil 400 145V4 Union Pacific .. 13,800 I.IOV2 do preferred.. 100 S3Vs United Rds S F. U S Steel Cot .. 20,100 82V4 do preferred.. 1.000 1097i Utah Copper ..6,700 59 H ' Wabash , . . . . ..... Western Union.. 8,200 Westing Elec . . 1,000 Wisconsin Cent. Total sales for the day," 195,000 shares. BONDS. 1,200 139V4 400 138 Vi 100 123 174 66 91 Vi 139 . 138 Vi 123 '16 ' 6514 90 irf3V4 iiox Closln Bia.t 70 Vi 2'J 28 91 51 63 Vi 1UI 122 230 30 120 0Vt 1U1 91 V4 904 193 Vi CIVs 14 35 41 129 Si 9 - 10 14 S 31 324 118 14 21 139 Hoes lost the nickel sained on the pre ceding day, $8.10 standing; as the top. Lambs were a dime lower, selling; at 15. 90. as against $6, the prevailing1 pries for some weeks past. Yearlings, wether and ewes were steady. Receipts were 148 bog's and 236 sheep. Shippers were: A. R. Ford, 6 h end an, S cars sheep; J. T. Kennedy, She re r, 1 car hogs; J. B. Hosfelt, Roosevelt, 1 car hogs. The day a sales were as follows: Wt Price, OfficiaL Estimate Puts State Yield 180,000,000 Bushels. umoAuu MHnrxLi Dt:Ao 10 cows... 823 85-00 2 steers.. 1090 6. 2d 7 steers.. 1210 (.751 2 cows. 1 cow. .. 1 cow. . . 5 cows. . 1 cow. . . 4 cows. . 1 cow. . . lcow. . . . 6 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 62 lambs. 16 hogs. . 15 hogs. . , 1 nogr. .. 2 hogs. . . 1 hog. .. 1150 6.7 1290 5.25 1100 6.75 1015 6.251 820 6.00 885 6.501 1 hog 1410 6.75 1410 6.751 165 8.10 485 7.10 63 6.90 178 8.10 205 8.10! 450 7.10 160 J.10 270 7.10 I tor 1 heifer... 1 heifer. . 1 heifer.. 8 mixed. . 1 hog. 2 hogs... II hogs. . . Wt 'PHr. 130 17.50 net uecnne9 Kanjre up to uno ana Half Cent July and (September 6 hogs. . . S hogs. .. 2 hogs. v 62 hogs. .. 1 hog. . . . 98 lambs. . 23 ewes. . .. 5 ye'rllngs 3 ewes.... 730 i. 570 7.00 750 6.25 170 6.00 160 7.S5 123 7.35 ZOO 8.10 122 7.35 166 8.10 190 8.10 231 8.10 fit s'so i today tren the most bearish sine the bar US 4.25 1 vest began. ' .Actlv. options' brok. sharply 88 5.00 under 80c a bushel and there was a heavy 143 1.50 ciose wm, the market showing a net de- Options Sell Below 80 Ex porters Back Away. CHICAGO, June 23. Wheat pit conditions 104 . 164 ii SI 224 68 76V4 2V4 9SH 24 144 155 83 Vi 'ei' 109 58 Vi '57 75 2 V. 83 Vi 1 Currre'nV prices of ths various classes of cllue of llVio to l01Vio. Corn wound I up at V4Vc to tto rise; oats J'??2?'If changed to V4c lower, and provisions 6' 7-, J 7' no the same as last night to 12V4C down. . 6.25 6.50 The decline in wheat took place after news '""fi cams that an official estimate put th. !aaa Kansas total yield this season at ths hug 4 Jo 6j25 aggregate of 180,000,000 bushels. Shorts 6 504- 7 06 we" th hly buyers. Opening prices, which ' were a shade off to Vic higher, wera ol- . 7.509 8.10 lowed by a setback all around, with July . 6.50(9 7.10 at 79c. Afterward a decided additional fall occurred as a result of exporters back. . 4.20i9 ins awav. The Kansas Secretary of Agrl 8.25 4.50 I CUture waa quoted as saying the yields in 4.50 "rt 5.00 ,h. ...t. .Hri .-rn.of tl.,n . 6.509 6.90 1 goeeulatlve Durchaslnr.on ths part of big houses made corn firm. There was talk that th. Oklahoma crop was seriously threat. ened by lack of rain, with temperatures arket alter opening ttc nee, scored a moa ,nnh. -i, I erate general upturn. ta.n wm Native steers, $7.5o'9.05;' cows and helf- better and there wera virtually no affertngs tock at the yards follow: Prime steers Choice steers .... Medium steers .oc si I Choice cows Medium cowa Jr2 I u.hM j2 Calvea N. en BI1 , &o, st8 - ' 25V4 . H." losvi h'nc 70 Heavy 110 Sheep 23 Wethers Ill Ewes 120Vi Yearling lambs prms ibuub ............ Omaha Iylvestock Markets. SOUTH OMAHA, June 23. Hogs Re 24 celpts, 14.500; market, lower. Heavy, S.05 above 100 Tha marke from the country. Oats sagged because of sales by pit trad- 61 ers. 85. 75 e 7. 50: Western steers. 87.50 109 14 cives. 1811. ook I Hheep Kecelptg, 7uuu: market, lower. I ers. wnat little aemana xner was vane Yearlings, 8.7n7.25; wethers. 83.508.20; I from the Northwest. B7 j lambs, 89 9.40. I Lower prices for hogs weakened proviS' I Ions. Most of th. pressur. was on lard. Chicago Livestock Markets. I Tha leading futures ranged aa followsi CHICAGO. June Z3. Hogs Keceipts. 10,- 000; market, slow to 10c lower Bulk of weather, with shower In Wat.rn Oregon snd Western Washlnston and for g.rl.ra'ly rair weainer .sat or tne c.caae Mount. (ns. It will b warmer W.dnssday In Fouthvwl ern Idaho. Winds wilt s. light and varla bis, THS WEATHER. ' CTATIOMS, Baker , Ools. Iloston Cal gar;' Chicago uo tax Denver ......... Drs Molnaa . . , Duiuth , Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonvlll Kansas City .... Klamath Falls , Los Ang.lea ... Marshfleld ...... Med ford Montreal ....... New Orleans .... New Terk North Head North Yakima '.. Pendleton . Phoenix Pocatella ....... Portland Koseberg ..,,, Sacramento .... St. Louis St. Faul Bslt Lake San Franclsoo Seattle Spokan Tacoma ., Victoria, B, C... Walla Walla ... Washington Winnipeg Wind 4 8 4'fiK 8 S 10 N 60 0.001 72 O.OO 80 0.00 tH O.O.' KS 0.011 10. W 7S O.OuiCalm 8R O.OO 10 NR 7ll 0.001 fiS 82 U.12 k a M 0.0011' O.OO 12 W fMl 0.00 4 O.OO 810.0" 7il0.00 b KB 8 4KB 10 91V 82 0.4li 6 SV 4 O.OOt 4 NVV l.sln o O.on i4 w i tat. t w.atb.i Cloudy i'loudy Clear Cloudy CTear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Itala rt. clondy l loudy Clear Clear Cloudy ' Ualn M0.0l 4 HW CI. 700.00 B Pu cloudy s 0. m 8 NW Cloudy 7rt n.ool 4 NW Pt. cloudy f 1 O.oiM 4 sn ill. cloudy loifV.iNi aw 'Clear m v. tun . w i i-.r 7 0.01 4 K It. In 2 0.22 4 H IHala ( 711 0.0O I8.SVT !l'l. cl.udy 82 0 W14 .4 (Clear 7 0.00 14 NWICIsar J 0.00 V I't. elMdy 80 O.OOilo NWjI't. cloudy 72 0.OO s sw 0.04 4,N ex O.uo; 4 HV7 78 0. M 4,HW 2 (I t!1 4 NW eno.oo 16 W I't, eloudi Cloudy I't. cloudy Cloudy i't. ciouay 1'L cloudy FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Snawara. variable winds, Oregon ana Washington enewsra wast. generally fair aaat portion: llsht variable winds. Idaho o.naranT fair, warmer aoathwaat Portion. THBODORK F. KRAK K. Acting nutrlrt Fpr.r. t nr. ts t... i. . a ,atpi sn 20S)R.2r! lleht. 88.05(38.30: mixed ncuuiwu uy uyciucck ac ludsb 10.. itouu " r- : " . . - .... f ...;ii i SKftjiK.30: heavy. rougn. ii.vvv jmr Vy. ...... Tv. 0 4(1- .teem 86 1549 a on. ..i furi,,, tmnfflaiN' row. I .Tulv and heifers, $3.708.85: calves, 87 g 10. Sept. Sheep Iteeelpts. 13.000: maraet. slow ana - i c.aan C.TiirRinAO- v,rllnrK S6 30 rn limhi ' Si; klltfeg ARi SDrineL 86.75(3 I July 9.40. Sept WHEAT. . ppen. High, 94 90 94 Vi Atch Gen 4s B & O Gold 4s B R T 4s Ches & Ohio 4Vis C M & St P Gen 4Vis.... C R I Coi 4s Cal Gas 5s . 92 Vi C B Q Joint 4s 97 Erie Gen 4s 73 V4 Int Met 4Vs 77 Louisville & Nash Un 4s 95 Missouri Pacific 4s 53 NYC Gen 3Vis 83 N W 1st Con 4s , 95" Northern Pac 4s 95 Oregon Short Line Ref 4s 91 Pac Tel us 97 Penna Con 4s 101 Reading Gen 4s. ..1 95 St L & San Fran Ref 4s 68 So P Ref 4s 92 S P Col 4s 's 90 So Ry 5s 105 Ry 4s 73 I'n Ry Inv 4s .".'". 53 Un Pac 1st and Ref 4s... 95 TJ S Steel 53-. 102 West Shore 4s 93 Wabash 4s 51 W'house Elec cv 5s 65 Wisconsin Central 4s. 88 United States 2s registered 6 United States 2s coupon 97 United States 3s registered 101 United States 3s coupon 101 United States 4s registered 109V4 United States 4s coupon 110 01 93 .102 103 30 30 9.1 97 74 7R 98 DO 83 95 92 97 101 s 69 93 90 105 73 95 103 94 052 T DELAY L .81 . .80 .HO CORN. 89 -87 OATS. ' .39 .39 .37 .88 MESS FORK. .88 .87 Low. 47! os .79 I .79 .70 .78 .88 .n 7 .7 .88 .89 .87 . Xt July Sept. 20.62 20.05 July 10.07 Sept. .. .10.22 20.70 20.07 LARD. 10.07 10.25 20.62 S0.T0 19.87 20.06 10.08 10.22 J0.0T 10.22 SHORT RIBS. RENEWED ISTDUSTRIAI, ACTIVITT July 11.45 11.47 11.42 11.42 aepu 11. OO 11.00 11.47 ll.OV MUST COME SOOST. Consumption Ia Gains; Alans; at Nearly normal Volume Feeling of Buoy ancy In Agricultural Districts. 11.55 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 red. 86087e: No. hard, e68Sc. No. 2 Northern, 9193o No. 2 Soring. 90V4O93C. Corn No. 2, 69&72c; No. 1 yellow. UfllC; ISO. fl yeiiow, 1UWtV0. Rye No. 2. 66 a Barley, SO 60c. Timothy, 84.2u84.S0. Clover, $10 13. Writing from New York under date" of 88 June 20, of general business conditions, i European Grain Markets. l Henry Clews says. ..... LONDON, June 23. Cargoes on paasag 102 situation are the crop outlook, easy .mow English country markets steady. Franen J?" hav. been Tunning on short time while con- untrr market. oul. 1X1 n sumDtlon has been going on at nearly the LIVERPOOL. Juna 28. Wheat. Nn. 1 ordinary volume. rne steel traoe cannoi Manitoba, is oa; ino. -j, is 1Q; JUiy, n shut down 60 per cent of Its proauct in-l la; uctouer, os iua. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings in the United States for I .u. .niiin foclc find other Vin uti.ali' AnAH Tit n a 1(1 r. UCiimiBi; n asuaa o Bradstreets. aggregate 3,139,180,000, against f.uc. ".,- t,illi rUMt forever Weather cloudy. $3,020,068,000 in the previous week and S3, 287,455,000 in the corresponding week last year. Following are the returns for last use. our textile mills cannot lurcver I jnuuitaiivus urww amtkci. keep their product below the normal when I MINNEAPOLIS, Juna 23. Wheat, July, consumption is going along with little ii84c; September, 70c; No. 1 bard, 89c year, following are the returns lor last contraction. The whole country has No. 1 Northern. 86v86c; No. 2 Northsrn, week, with percentages of change from the rny cou: . . .Isor. .,., i ., . , v..r: been unaergoing a piwes. wi bwu.-,.....- . . ... . . New York Chicago ....... Phlladeluhia ... Boston Louis Pittsburg Kansas City ... San Francisco . Baltimore Detroit Cincinnati ..... Minneapolis ... Cleveland ....... Los Angeles ... New Orleans . . Omaha Milwaukee Atlanta Louisville ...... eattle Buffalo Portland. Or. ... Salt Lake City Spokane , Oakland Tacoma Sacramento .... .Pet. Inc. .81.751,255,000 7.0 316,568,000 2.3 luU.4U2.0O0 0.5 138,985,000 1.7 78.900,000 8.8 52.3112.000 8.8 49,516,000- 2.0 52.307,000 7.7 34,324,000 23.9 30.920.000 7.0 26.610.000 24.872.000 1.8 2S.301.0O0 6.0 24.B13.0OO 4.0 16,663,000 16,2.10.000 6.S 16.702.000 6.6 . ' 13.517.000 1 12.X17.000 1.2 13.4:18.000 3.4 13,721.000 8.1 10.200.000 12.1 5.730.000 3.2 4.605.000 10.3 3.857,000 12.8 2.S41.0O0 14. 1.895,000 1.2 Decrease. Stocks at BoetoD BOSTON. June 23. Closlna- Quotations Allouez 40 Nevada Con 13 Amal Cop 70 Niplsslng Mines. 6 AZ L & 5 it .Nortn uutte. ... za Arls Com 4Vi .North Lake . 1 Cal & Arizona.. 64;01d Dominion... 47 al & Hecla 4l. iusceoia 76 entennial 16VilQuincy 56 Cop Rge Con Co 36. shannon 5 5utte lod Ale iv u .superior ......... zi ranklln ... 4lSup ft. Bos Mln.. 2 uranDy con ;i .lamaracK reene cananea. 1 u a a rt ft Attn Roy (Cop 20 ao pra Ker Lake. 5 Utah Co Lake copper Haitian cop to.. La Salle Copper 4lwinona Miami CouDer.. 22 Wolverine , Mohawk 44 Butto & Sup.. 3: 35 47 .. 11 ..56 -. 2 .. 40 .. 36 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. June 23. Close: Mercantile paper. 3 (4 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm: 60 days, 84.86; de mand. 64.8S20. Commercial bills, 84.85. Bar silver. 56 c Mexican dollars. 4.4c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. Call money, arm. mJ per cent: ruling rate, 1 per cent; closing hid, 13 per cent. Time loans, easier: 80 days, z per cent: 90 days. 2 per cent; six months, 8 per cent. x LONDON, June S3. Bar silver quiet. 15-18d. Money. 1B1. . ' . Short bills. 2 7-1632; three months' bills. - SAN rRANCSCP. iuu 23,. Silver bars,. been undergoing a process tlon, and the exhaustion of supplies will ere long compel renewed activity. "In the grain districts there is already a feeling of more or less buoyancy owing to Barley, 480520. Flax. 1.09 1.69. San Francisco Grata Market. SAN FRANCISCO. June 23. Spot Quota. the magnificent wheat crop now being har- tlons: Walla Walla. 81.67 1.58: red vested The corn crop also promises well ; xwesian, i.o i w j.oi-- . luraey rea, .i.oi whii. there has been no Important in- &1": bluestem, ILSuel.Bl ; feed barley. , .- - - mti oaytc; Drewmg, nomma ; wnite oats, crease in acreage and the crop is .a little gj.jfjjj'.js. braS 824.00W25; middlings. backward, as usual, the condition is re- J30fe81. ,horts, I27&27.50. ported fine. Fruit crops are also satisfac- cau board Barley. December, c; May, tory. Tho one Important crop which at ii.05 bid. 81.07 asked. present does not promise well is cotton, the condition of which is not entirely satisfac- Paget Sound Wheat Markets. tory. Furthermore, the foreign demand for TACOMA. June 23. Wheat Bluestem, this staple is likely to abate because of the guc- fortyfold. 87c; club, 86c; red Russian. depression In the British Industry, and the 65c. ( . fonling off in her enormous export trade. Car receipts Wheat 25, oats 1, hay 20. "Our large exports of gold, aggregating SEATTLE. June 23. Wheat Bluestem, about $67,000,000 since the first of January, 87c; fortyfold, 86c; club, 86c; Fife, 86c; x.d , . . j . n n ki. -irf.. mni. Russian. 85c ava esciusu ,u.,.c bvui ..... D1. , ... . . . . mor thai, i. necessary, for the outito is not . i.eswraay wr rtceipif-wnw ., mm . much in excess of previous years, and con- nay i. nour o. siderable ot this gold is likely to return I later in the leason when needed. Further, I Sontliern Oregon Exhibit Planned but no heavy, shipments are anticipated be-I . aoiim svi mir A f rpasin ar exnortg mnA IncreaB-1 T" Or . .Tun 4t i,.Cnwln1 inff imports, also because of our meeting At a meeting of the Commercial Club mant maturities abroad In the form of j , . . . ft . ohl i frn t Inn Br J i w uoviucu u dciiu an, uoibrb' quently at this season of the year the tion to Grants Pass June 26, when United States is a borrower abroad in the JacKson, josepmne, Jviamam ana form of advanced commercial bills. This Douglas counties will make arrange- feature is absent this year, and the duiki ments for an exhibit at tne .Panama of our sold exports has been taken by Exposition. It was also decided to Europe to strengthen the great banks over have a iocai exhibit of srralns and there. The Imperial Bank of Germany and the Bank of France have Increased their hold ings very largely as a result of gold ship ments from this side. Germany and Rus sia have been building- up their supplies of gold possibly as a war measure; and tne forthcoming Parisian loan of 1,800.000.000 The Bank and Its Depositors This bank always bears in mind the fact that a bank prospers as its de positors prosper. We therefore use every legitimate means to aid our depositors in their business problems when they seek our help and put themselves in a posi tion to warrant our co operation. Security Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $1,400,000 K IN Alb. S' laih, II A. H. il tKUIII It ' llrrlirle i. 8 I. M. I If. .r.Ql HIMIi. IS A. M. Icua4 t.abla aaty. Iii.m.u.. ArulKT ns.ll.IXie. A-m. I, II l'r... i , .a la a. a r. m. , Aa. U. A. X. Vrrm. I .. . A.,. II. A. W. al.rUa,l A us. 11, e A. M Kk Ans. Mr ,.HS. tl. t I'. H. MtDITLKRANLAN (.Ibrallar. (k Ik H.n,l.ut....J... 8 I'. M. K. H. JM.Hk. Jl, i. t '. M. k. (i, a. r. m. 0. N. Moltk. Aus. tl. 8 P. M. 1HU IkllMS . 1S18 AROUND THE WORLD 1 areas h lb. PANAMA CANAL froiti Has iri-aacisce arMtataa kaurs "( LEVELAAU, FEB, 2 135ir;eniu. $900 ,BCinin all n ty iin. ia 9r4rt te rm r4r l !. BAXBL'R&AxERlCJLN LINE kiarvfy !. iSocth r niiv nri Ahim., eu . sd ave. I'.ivne ! 4 ai.U M!, s-iii. n-. hn raolc mr. k w (X kton at., hmn IttMlli 't, uthra l'aciiid fe mh st., O-U'. k. . cew. N. J arifle, li. A 4ur,tr.t llont. Vtlwauii i'ut wad it. H UL itria. i r w it. aao. irtaak 14 11 limkloR at.. r-n IttMlii't, 9 ii outnra t'ariu ga hnir. st,, o - u'. k. n It . CSw. Na J arifle, it. a if W K. i 4urirtta M llont. Vtlwauli a ff 1 .t'uset Sound it. M, V. l r y ii. J3 ft frmlih, A Jj iV ao. 'ta, Jl7 NORTH GERMAN LLOYD London Paris Bremr. n f Katwv llh.4aB II 4 tiarharwaw JT fllrmnM Jul' 4 'Kraaprins Hhviaa ! 1 (,rte M aalilMSI-a J.lf II I il... . Jmr 14 Balls I A. M. via r mmi and Poulxsne M 4)ttil.i (11) aaa HID nn ltaltlfMOTe-Hr.Sft.ei 4lrOTt. On.-aaa (lit KiiuMwt THE MEDITERRANEAN RaMlc Alhert 4 I'rlnwwl lr.a Aaa. I The Metia mism I I.nilra tnmn ItiM Cah I a. ta.Hj labia aaa Ptf.rts la . swrt l ) ,r. dnrt.s tkaa aar a4H.r ln.. raraline lie anarv.l.iie lmrti mi imt. Tarensk rat, from tf rP. India, N.w leek la AB a.At aaa South America via, 1T0BWAT rLA C VISJU. Juir 4, Amm. It Ineepenaent Trias Around nra-iani the World thrsnsheel $620.65 I Up SVamfre harks na4 All Ore the Maria, OKt.HK IIS A CO.. O.n. A (la. robkrt rrn.ut,a,r.c a.. ... . ranoiaca, ee ltcai aaeala. A SS'"t 1 HONOLULU Jilt, 1st clai, round trip, n H rn tmm Franclarok. Tha anixt aitr47tiv on ntlra world lour. pin(im imr (loooit trni dirL) of oruMr Mk aU to IlawalL, Trr t wek Toa vn watt this irlp In timra from frail rrwni-if. n, ai Inf S days cn tha I at ami Hjrdiirs ! dar from Pan FTanrlaroa rautid frta Aaa cia-va, $W4 3i rlnaa. l-nd I. foMr. rninrTitcs, fruits In Southern Oregon during- the I Fair. DAILY METEOROIOGICAX BEPOKT. PORTLAND, Juna 23. Maximum temper. fra. no doubt haa had much to do with tha I River reading;, 8 A. M., 14. b feet; chanfi la laree Bhipmenta to tnac center, wnuneri at va hours, none rotai rainran to f. m. most of the American gold has recently I to 3 p. M-), -01 inch; total since September gone I 1. iviii, incnea; normal, a.o incnea- "The financial aituatlon in Paris haa great- deflciency, 6.09 inches. Total sunshine. 10 Iy Improved, owing to better political con-1 minutes; poasioie, lo nours s miuutes. dltions, and London also seems more cheer-1 "WEATHER CONDITIONS. fiit. although that center naturally f eels r...,,iavi ..oih.F mnHidnm r.rv.n in more keenly than any other the reactionary practically all sections of tha country and tendencies shown in various part of the I the. pressure is low except over the Houth- woria, axso me euwn n uver-oorrgij uy i eastern states. onowrs nave iaiien in some of the British colonies, notably Canada. Northern California, Western Oreiron, Wet- whlch finds difficulty in borrowinu at tnat I ern Washington, Wyoming, the Dakota, the rar.a ss r H nonma A RrMnA 1 1 tnri n NftsTl M (111 8 AllHnilC Bl-aiW, in Ot. LtKrflllCI Tork. filack trade and eaay money En Great I Valley nd Alberta, Thunder itormi w-re Britain will tend to check gold exports L" , "L" iVT u-hin7T v-St. - . I weather ia warmer In Washington, Northern Oregon. Northern Colorado, isaoraaka, .ast m South Dakota. Western Missouri, the Many at bunday scnool "icmc, Gulf and Northern Atlantic states. SL Law rence Valley, Manitoba, Southern Alberta and June 23. (SpeciaL) I British Columbia. It Is cooler in Southern UICKVII, cuuilinian..ii aucaaaw, miilU'l ais- fornia. Southern Colorado, New Mexico, Northern- yoming. ortn Dakota and ei LEBANON. Or. A community picnic held in Ross Grove, three miles northeast of Lebanon, Saturday was attended. by more than 1 katchewan. Temperatures are 10 or more aft0 rprunrm It Was held nndpr t'lf I degrees above normal in the Lower Missouri jyu persons. it was neia unaer t.i an(J Mi85iSBippi valleys. Ililnoia, Kentucky auspices of the Epicer Union Sunday school. and Tennesse Tha condition ara xsToraoi tor unaeiuao The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Cma4a, Established 1867. A teneral tanking basinets transacted. Interest paid on time deposit!. Letter! of Credit and Trarelers' Checks Issued. PORTLAND BRANCH. Corner Second and Stark Sts. F. 0. M ALP AS, Manager. TO BAH rwrtro. I OS AHOBLU ASU A1 IIIM.O. S. S. YUCATAN w.iiM:inr, ji 14th. COOn HAI AMI tl KM S. S. GEO. W. ELDER All "IMUT MOSMXU AT , MiHiH f( me rn. rtrks Of fWa, 1 rH,k wfrtaa. .a .a at I lai.Rin a. 1114. A 1114. Mala w 1 Maui ia la. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. mniuiT arnvirai Via airall. .f Mas-Mlaa, twiUns. fraaa Xra iara AImm.1 Jaa. IA. na! arr-rj II Ihomrir. far l'a 1(1. l m rrtm. C It. hr:KOT. aarac STn tefara klrrtl. J.C.WIL50NcS:CO. aTOCKS, BOD. r.Hl1 AND tOTTO-1. ntEMUKKS JSTW TORK fcTOCnV FXCHAHOB CBICACO BOARII or TKIDI N1.W VOKK t'0 1 ION KXCHAX.B TUB b XOC la AND HUM) UUsMit, BAN iB-4.tlsCa PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building. 269 Oak Street. Pnones Marshall S858. A 4187 TRAVKI.CKS' ct'lDB. STEAMSHIP Hall. tMrvrt Is. IAN lUAMW ll. l 1V.IU AMI I'IK.O THURSDAY 'I Ml 1.1 rrt1(f.0. I'llHTt V S LOI AM, I'll a CT1. M M 1 1' (O. IK K BOI.I. vi, Ar-"l. IMThMNrM. A ilia, M.l. fa, aTi JTaJ. Ls- a. a. sCAtLa, urn SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES A. M im ia, Tb. Han rrao.l- a l'srtla.4 . !. (a. 14 aaa !. Mb (aim OH. B. at h. la.) 1st. Maralwil Uoi, A IUL Coot Bay Line TBAMsmr BREAKWATER" ALASKA Steamship sails direct P. M.. Juna 10. Few resurvatlona lelu San Frnncta. Furtland A Las Anse-len ataRB.ain I'a. FRANK BULLAW, Aa.nt. 134 Third St. A iSM Main , .lls rross Alnswartli 4fra. I'ani.s't. S A. M, SI. IS. i, , J... a. I II. 17. 11. il. ir.isSI s.U Iks. I afflra. 1 4,. mr Atria..,' Saca. I'.ril.Dii at i-vom liar n, a. La.a N. t fcaAllvu, As-i. r-bM. al.ia star, a DstAIX TO root ft AT. Autos run dally. Tl: n rt I ful trip .in Ali.sany or tha louta, S Ha lajsrvatloiis to O, MA1TV0JI, Drain. , .