TJTE MORNING - OltEGOXTAN, WFDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1914. 17 FOB SALE. Furnished Apartments. APARTMENTS. ROOMS, RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. RATES. Comfort, Quality, rnrvnipnr Reliability, Service. Central location- Courteous Treatment. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. APARTMENT HOTEL. 10TH AND SALMON STS. THE CKOilWELU Kth nil rnlnmbia StS. lx minutes walk to theater and shop ping district. ' Transient or permanent. nv WPV.K MONTH. Modern 2 and 3-room furnisbed apart ments, with kitchen, oatn, pnonea, etc outside aoartments: French doors. In dividual balconies, awnings and acreens, delightful Summer apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA, Vth anrl Taylor. . Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; iurmsneu complete. Roof tardea in connection. Walkin distance. References. KTHAvnCK r.PT YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Only $18 to $20 per month, $5 to $7 per weeK. lor completely iurui:nt;u. uuuocuccf In- aoartments. including electric lights, private bath and phone, all modern conveniences; new oncn uunumg, nto' wall from P Ci Lincoln Ants., cor ner 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4153. CL'iiKKLAND, "West Park and Columbia Very choice 2 and B-room completely fur nished apts. ; all modern conveniences; beautiful location, facing the parks; five minutes' walk from business center. w nlwuvfl maintain our reputation, for first- class, clean apts., with best of service, at reasonable prices; reierences requireu. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. d and Giisan Sts. Walkinz distance. Completely furnished four and five-room Apartments; reasonaoie price. REFERENCES REQUIRED. Marshall SlUH. SERENE COURT. TTQ wirat unii Miilinnmah Streets. Th mnst un-to-date 2 and 3-room fur nished apartment-house; each suite has two disappearing beds and two dressing rooms, all outside rooms; roof garden and sun parlor, rtione aJ fiT.RV COURT. Nicely furnished front apartments, 3 and 4 rooms; also single room, wuu ua. E.imnifti- rpt-s: closest in location in city corner Park and Taylor, X block from Broadway. ' WESTFAL. 410 5th, bet. Harrison and Hall. 3 and 4-room apts., ny aay, ween oi mu. riii-ntshiH nr unfurnished: concrete bide. cool Summertime; elevator, private baths 7 min. to business center; $20 up; thor oughly renovated; best for money in town. THE AVALON. pumiRh nr unfurnished 3 -room apart ments, linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping-porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments, 285 Ross at. roone asi ibdi. CHELTENHAM High-class furnished apart ments 2, 3 and -4 rooms, for low price; hardwood floor; all outside rooms; look east and north, tine view; fine residence district; best service, ltfth and Northrup, Phone Marshall 4oaw. THE EVERETT, Ail TTvPtfttr ot. uth and Ella StS. Vnrniahed a rooms and sleeping-porch located in one of the choicest residence districts; walking cusiance. BEE the Overton. Apartments Furnished and unfurnished; cheapest and best in the city; private phone, bath and electric ele vator; no ins me room., uew ui!iua6ti. . Take W car. 274 N. 21st st., cor. Overton. GLEN COURT APARTM3NTS, Corner park and Taylor. ' Best location in the city; a cozy home well furnihed, in 2, S and 4-room suites first-class service- GRANDEST A, Eaat Stark and Grand ave. New building, niceiy iumwueu, phone and baths; automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone JSast 2V. LUCILE COURT, 20TH AND LOVEJOY. ptcaiittfiii furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments; walking distance; private park. Phone Marshall 2U3L THE LUCERNE APT3. 3-room furnished apts., modern, brick, private baths, phones; S mln. from P. -. $20 and up. Marshall 4637. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room, beautiful location, close In, Summer rates. 7t Everett. M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. Corner E. Morrison and 7th at.; cozy, well furnished 3 and 3-room apartments; pri vate phones and baths, $18 to K7.60. BUCK 107 N. -1st 3-room furnished or un furnished aparinent, sleeping porch, walk- ine distance; tin ior oacaeiure, -;ie rent. l.RnM ftnartmenL completely furnished, n outside liht rooms: modern in every respect; fine view; near "W" carline;ref- crences requirea. rnoue xjii vi g . HISLOP HALL. cor. East 6th and Haw thorne; 3 and 3-room turn, apts., private bath and phone, liret-ciass in every par ticular, very reasonable. Phone E. 883. MADISON PARK APTS. Park St. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close in, by the week or montn. SUMMER RATES 3 rooms, all large, furnished, with phone, bath, bed and table linen. Tabor 2293. J3 1Uo3. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th St. 2 and 3- room apartments, ciose in ; moaern, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. ALTON I A, lJKh and Marshall sts. Large airy 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room front apt- only 16 per month, including electric lights. 1S7 17th tit., near Yamhill. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th st., at Market, new 3 and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1739. ARLINE APTS., 220 X. 17th st. Main 215. 2 and 3-room furnished; reasonable. BANNER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay St. Modern 2 rooms, completely furnlsned $lt. SIS and $20. Phone Marshall 2074. FAIR MOUNT APARTMENTS. S HTH ST. Modern furnished 2 -room apt., $3. Close in. Main 22 so. I AND 4-room furnished or unfurnished. The Bjelland. A 1867, Main 1S67. A 1S57. COMPLETELY furnished apartments, In con crete block. $12. 1162 H Union ave. N. In fa rn -shed Apartments. AMERICAN AND MARLBOROUGH. Central, West Side, highest class apart ments, four, five and six rooms, all out side. Every convenience. Rents reason able. Marshall o3ti0. Main 7010, A 2076. American Realty Co., owners. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Very high-class 3-room unfurnished apartments; extra large light rooms; pri vate balcony; splendid view; clean and new; exceptional janitor service; electric vacuum cleaner; rent reasonable. Ford st., near Washington. M. 5527. THE WASHINGTON, 6S9 North rup o-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences; telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take 'W' car " to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 4370. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway, corner Jefferson; easy walking distance; S or 4 rooms wit h private baths : very reasonable rent; best service, splendid ar rangements. All outside rooms. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4-room apartments. $20 and up; good janitor service; walking distance; reier encea. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7194. KEBLER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room unfurnished suites; private vestibules, phones and baths, with steam lieat. hot, cold water; references. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service; private phone; ref. GoO FLANDERS Free rent July 1. fine 6 roum apartment, $42. 50; S-room apart ment. $18. furnished $20. $19 3-ROOM apartment, gas ranne, bath and all modern built-in conveniences. 423 Montgomery. Fred Williams, 02 -U 1st. BEAUTIFUL 6-room duplex, apartments. Phone mornings. Mar. 3-04 or A P43L ued or Vnfuxniahed Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS, Wash, st., near 2."d, cor. St. Clair. 3 and 4 rooms, with sleeping porch, ar tistically and completely furnished ; also unfurnished ; all large outside rooms; un excelled service; walking distance; refer ences required; $30 to $00. One furnished bachelor apartment now vacant; prices reasonable. Inducements made to perma nent tenants. Apply on premises or caii THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Managers. 2G9 Washington St. Main 6860. A 6267. THE PEZENDORF. 20S 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 4 and 5-roora furnished and un furnished apartments. 2vEY brick building, modern two-room apartments; larjre baths, light and clean $18 to $20.50: near 14th, corner Mill and Chapman. GR 4.CE APTS., 24th and Northrup, 5 large rooms, unfurnished: large front veranda, sleeping porch, new, modern, hardwood floors, phone, bath, heat. Mar. 1075. FOR RENT Two furnished 4-room apart ments; one 6-room unfurnished; large un furnished apart men L 705 Davis st. SEE BRETNOR APARTMENTS for S and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. 213 North ii0th t , FOB RENT. Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments OCR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN, HUNTING APARTMENTS Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from "4 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 per month. If you want one, telephone Main 2012 Sundays, or A 2U13 Evenings call Mr. Bladen, Marshall 2290. Our nutnmnhi i win rail at anv address with our agent, who will be glad to show. inese apartments. neierences reyuncu. We own and control the following; Cecilia, 22 d and Giisan. Claypool, 11th and Clay sts. Columbia, 11th and Columbia. Fordham, 170 Ford. Han thorne, 215 12th St., near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison," near lltX Hanover, 165 King, near Washington, Orderleigh, b2 Grand ave. St. Clair, 170 St. Clair st., near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, loth and Everett sts. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCE, S13-S21 Morgan Blag. LUC REIT A COURT. Situated on Lucretia St., north of Wash ington, on a large plot of ground, sur rounded by fine residences; most modern 2 and 0-room unfurnished apts.; to appre ciate them you must see them; references required. Apply to manager, arsnJi 4.00. Janitor. Marshall 1500. Rates reasonable. THB! T3 A XtW.ti tnr 1ct anif Irvine Fur nished n ml unfnro tuned anartmentS. In 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; electric automatic elevator, ucuo, built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room : vacuum cleaner free phone Marshall 2961. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 4..17 Trinltv Place. The finest apartments on the Pacific tjoast, with every moaern convenience apartments furnished and unfurnished terms reasonable ; references required furnished bachelors quarters with club' room. Manager, Marshall liiti. GARDNER, 13 E. Ash. 5 large rooms, all outside, hardwood floors, fireplace, very clean; also furnished large 3-room, with porch, fine view of city. References. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. Beautiful apartments; all outside; $18 to $22.50; walking distance. East ttth and coucn sts. n.ast 27o. Flats, ONE 4 and one S-room flat, each with sleeping porch, private back porch and iront porcn; east iaoing on mast ist hu, No. 303. lust south of Hawthorne ave., Colonial Heights; good view, light and airy; gas range, wall bed, heat and water furnished; only 27.00; rree rent untn July l. See this flat at once. 303 E. 21st, and then pnone owner. Aiain o-u. TO 2 people, 4 rooms and ban, all outside rooms, not water neat, not ana 001a water, linoleum on all floors: rent 12 per month. and you take care of fire, which is 30 nun wotk every i nrs. rnone jl 4oav. Call 525 Montgomery. CORNER, modern 6 and C-room flats, par ted condition; iignt ana airy; wanting distance. Main J02U. ELEGANT 6 -room flat, inclosed sleeping porch, open xirepiace, built-in Dookcases. 733 Kearney st. 5 ROOMS, hardwood floors, beam ceilings. xirepiace, lurnace, aoor pnone, janitor service; reasonable. Main 2 Ol 6. 385 MILL, corner W. Park, 5 rooms, beau. tiful location, easy walking distance, .trice C32.50. Main 4033. HOLLADAY ADDITION, beautiful flat. newly renovated. Call 412 Wasco at, EL MODERN 5-room flat, 29 East 3th St., cor. n;ast jurnsiae; FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt bU Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278. FIVE-ROOM modern flat, sleeping-porch, aautts, j&st zist. laoor lout. 5-ROOM lower fiat, gas stove and heater, zz.uu. 4so jenerson, near itftn. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, 1S5 16th t. Apply lbi lotn st., cor. lamniii. 4-ROOM flat, unfurnished; reasonable. Phone Uast 1719. 294 Fargo St. UNFURNISHED modern 8-room flat. 497 Harrison, near 14th. Call Tabor 284. burnished Flssa. MODERN 5-room, all hardwood, furniture almost new ; beautiful location : 3 blocks south of Broadway bridge, fronting on river; must be seen to appreciate. 290 Margin. 3S5U MILL near W. Park, well and com pletely iurniBhed u rooms with all con veniences, very choice location, easy walk- mg distance. rice Mam 4tJj. $22.0 CLEAN, neatly furnished 3-room Hat. fireplace, private bath, laree rrounds, shade trees, walking distance; adults. 071 jeimont st. lijast du-ki. UNUSUALLY desirable furnished flat, three large, airy rooms, private oatn, large sleeping porch. J41 Montgomery, cor. Broadway. COMPLETELY furnished home; short walk ing distance; thoroughly clean and mod ern; lawn, porches, flowers. East 205ti. . OUR rooms, excellent view, three carllnes, quiet, modern, $J3. iast ibu4. MODERN 6-room furnished upper flat, 368 ltn. can lata st. Marsnaii ostv. 6-room furnished flat, piano; West Side; walking distance. Mam 2193. 4-ROOM modern flat, low rent. Inquire 27u .Broadway, bet. vvneeier ana lioss sts. MODERN 6-room furnished flat; 8 E. 12th st. N. Marshall 797, A 7131. Housekeeping Booms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free $12 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for the money; abort distance from Union Depot. lake o or lbth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall No dogs. $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean furnished house- Keeping rooms, Buii&uie lur a or ; tree heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East i039. 406 Vancouver. 2Us Stanton. "U" car. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur Furnished 2-room apts. ; steam neat; iigni; up. Main 3523. Take "S," 2Sd or "W" car N. M& 3D ST. Modern housekeeping rooms. fireproof; hot water, zree oatn ana pnone en suite or -single; low rent. JULY, August, 5 rooms, completely fur- amnea: moaern. dihjio. iawn. roses; aauits. Main 3672. Tabor 1190. 309 Yeon bldg. -ROOM suites, clean, well-furnished, reas onable. 54a W ashlngton, near lbth st. THE OILMAN, 1st, cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, $1.00 wees: ana up. 01 EAST Morrison, furnished 1 and 2-room houektepin apartments, reasonable. URN1SHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. ROYCREST 175 12th. Airy, outside h. k. rooms, all conveniences, reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Families. FIRST-CLASS rooms, with Dutch kitchen; water, lights, phones, launary, large iawn; also sleeping tent; walking distance; $2, $3 and $4 per week; rates by month. 575 Couch, cor. ISth st. PART of furnished cottage to desirable young coupie or eiaeriy people; rent very reasonable; walking distance. Phone Ease 107 or call 553 East Stark. HREB large rooms, furnished, gas range, electricity, Datn, porcn, nice yard, ciose in, 1 block Hawthorne car. Modern residence. Phone B 1949. 734 E. Madison: HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, light. clean, bath, phone, gas, electricity; sleep ing porch if wanted J private family. 226 14th st- , IV K cool outside room and kitchenette. complete housekeeping. .zo ween; aiso 2-room suite, free light and phone. 19- Grand ave., cor. Taylor. 1.50 WEEK, two basement rooms, light and dry, electric lights, private entrance and laundry. Phone Marshall 1029. 67 Giisan st. TTRACT1VELY furnished convenience; choice home; sired. 265 13th st. room, h. k. every if de- LARGE cool room overlooking: beautiful lawn ; Southern home cooking ; ob Hill. Marshall 1495. OR 3 rooms, well furnished, modern, pri vate entrance, $13.50 and $15. East 3209. 425 E. Ash. TWO housekeeping rooms for rent; also one basement room, zzi w. Park eu Tele phone Main 3871. JO MONTHLY; beautiful, large parlor, kitchenette, running water, lawn, porches. 404 YamhilL ERY nice, large, light housekeeping room; conveniences; central ; reasonable. West Park. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern and clean ; cheap rent. Phone Main 5051. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, near Broad way bridge. 8il Ross. East 3010. NICELY furnished room, A 73S9. 698 Hoyt. with bath, $7. $2 75 LARGE front room, H. lights. 528 W. Morrison. K., electrlo COSY housekeeping room, $7; everything In cluded. 65s Quimby bu Marshall 1444. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, conven ient and reasonable. 7S1 Kearney st. FURNISHED new S-room suite, gas range, free phone, $15. 350 14tn. THREE attractive housekeeping rooms; adulLs; close in, 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. LARGE, single room, kitchenette, hot and cold water, phone, bath, 221 13th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 213 Hth st IRVINGTON Modern. 3 furnished H. K, rooms, to young couple, 44g JJlth. FOR RENT. Housekeeping: Rooms in Private Families. 192H GRAND avenue, corner Taylor, walk' in- distance, remodeled, completely fur nished 1 and 2-room, cool housekeeping suites, $10 ana si monin. ueanest nouw in Portland. Last chance at those rates. Free light and phone. Clean bed linen furnished free every week. B 31 o. PARLOR, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, completely famished, $15 month; piano, phone, water, lights, bath included. 731 Rodney; near Fremont. Adults only, wiaiams ave. car. Houses. MEIER FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, loth floor. Temoorarv Annex. Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city; make use or this service wnen you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store, iou win nu us readv and willine at all times to hel you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real Estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and houses at Meier irranicr iree itentai bureau. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We havA some new. strict!? modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easi est of terms. Laureih urst CO., u Stark st. Main 1503, A 1515. AMONG THE FIRS, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. NrM 4-ronm cot tare, not modern: near ly an acre of ground ; fruit, flowers and berries; $12 montniy; long lease; 01 course you nad netter iook 11 up. r rea w. uer man Co., 914 Cham. 01 com. ATTRACTIVE, clean, 6-room, tinted, gas, elf (triritv. wash trava. etc.. cement base ment, yard, paved street, near car, good neighborhood, vao wiuiami ave. Woodlawn 426. NEW 5-room bunealow. modern and con venlent. S15 ner month: fine car service. 5926 45th ave. S. E. Key next door or at Morgan. Fliedner & tfoyce, sia-sz Morgan bldg. WANTED A cook, family of three; no washing. Call Wednesday morning "be tween lu ana 12. si awtnorne ave., cor ner 26 th. NICE large 6-room cottage, lot tWxlOO, 109 Webster, near Albina ave., near high school and Piedmont car barns; rent $10. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7432, a mui. DESIRABLE 7-room house, corner, nici lawn, roaae and trees; low rent. Sixth and Sherman. Take 16th-st. car south. Main 5114. $14 MONTH 6-room house, two fine lots, nlentv of fruit: East tiide. walking dis tance. E. J. Geiser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. $24 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, eras rf.rie. concrete basement. et tubs, nearly new. 51st, near Hawthorne ave. Main Oto. $10. FOR 5-room on Woodstock carline, near teed college, ouiit-m conveniences, laun dry trays, baths, etc. E. 46th and 60th ave. . or pnone Main IN LAURELHURST 1106 E. Davis st., fine modern house, tiled bathroom, shower, hot water heating; rent $40. Phone Main 1285. 503 Henry bid. A SPLENDID large 6-room in central East Portland ; heat furnished from central plant, also garage. 566 East Ash. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house at 75 East 10th North. Inquire at 73 East lotn North. FOR RENT Strictly modern house, six rooms, good location, walking distance. 351 Holladay ave. ast 200. WALKING distance. West Side, neat 7-room home, 510 Market, near J 4th; small yard. Phone Main 4510. Rent $25. DESIRABLE 7-room house, corner, nlct. lawn, roses and trees; low rent. S'.xth ana Sherman. 593 0th. Main oll4. $17.50 Five-room cottage, clean, yard, near noiiaaay, 10 mm. to v asnington st. iey 20 Occident. iast 44yd. MODERN 7-room house, large lot, fruit, ber ries and garden. E. Morrison, $id.ot mo. il Koyai Diug. Morrison. WORTH $35: WILL RENT FOR $27.50 6-ROOM BUNGALOW IN LAUREL HURST. PHONE MAR. 6458. HOUSE FOR RENT 331 Clackamas. Ce ment garage, would consider selling xur niture and piano. MODERN, clean, two-story, nine-room house. 495 Montgomery st. i'none Mar. 3400, A 3733. 5-ROOM modern dwelling at 122 East 29th North, corner Giisan; $16 per month, can Main $ ROOMS, hardwood floors, hot-water heat. iinisnea Dasement, ii replace, spienaia lo cation, cheap rent. Phone Main 2015. 8-ROOM house, modern, 699 Flanders, .near 22d. Main 6030 or East 963. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow. Phone owner, Marshall 2423. $3 EAST 21ST. ST. New 6-room cottage. clean ana modern, with garage. MODERN 6-room house, first-class condl tion. 543 East 17th St. W-R car. S-ROOM house on West Side, newly renovat. ed. Reasonable. Main 4134. 9-ROOM house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d, In quire ISO 6th, Main 6278. HOUSE of 0 rooms and bath, 69 E. 29th N. inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house. 97 East Yamhill st. none labor 1O09. MODERN, clean, five-room cottage. 207 uarutners st. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses, 38 and aw; San Rafael, close In. East 1635. Furnished Houses. TO RENT New modern 7-room house, handsomely furnished, Turkish rugs, solid silver, pictures all band painted water colors, hardwood floors, one block from best carline in city; Laurelhurst; vacant July l; $60 per month, phone Included, Phone E. 3331 or Main 7270. FURNISHED 0-room cottage, corner lot. garden, berries, roses. East 34th, near nawtnorne. cz.ou. Furnished. 7 rooms, strictly modern, pi ano. ast tth st. rsortn, near Brazes, rtossmere. Tabor 2950. WILL lease for 6 months or year, my fine. moaern 1 -room nome. at aa.y jast asto. near Hawthorne; lawn 100x100; well fur nished ; references required. Tabor 4112 $35. MODERN 8-room. nicely furnished house. wun piano, nne grounus, soven large irmi trees, roses and shrubbery. Phone Miss McBride, Marshall 4600 or apply o E. 27th St., cor. E. Stark. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, well fur nished, piano, newly painted inside and out, nice yard, rent $25 per month includ ing water. Call 90 6 E. 12th N. or C 3021. PART of furnished cottage to desirable young couple or elderly people; rent very reasonable; walking distance. Phone East 107 or call 5o3 Last Stark. HANDSOMELY furnished house of 8 rooms in Irvington, on 22d St., very reason a hie to desirable tenant for the Summer. Phone East 0133. IRVINGTON, parties board father ana daughter for part rent of 7-room furnished house July, August and September. East 1231. $35 SIX rooms and large hall, nicely fur- nisneu; large iawn, iruu uuu nowera; piano. 1317 Hawthorne, near 46th. NICE modern 4-room cottage, E. 25th and Holgate, furnished $20, unfurnished $15. E. 3225 evenings. FIVE-ROOM furnished bungalow, piano. gas, bath, electricity, etc., $iu per montn. Phone Tabor 4756. &V-ROOM house, choice location, hardwood floors, Turkish rugs and mahogany lur niture. A 6211, Main 4611. 10 6-ROOM modern furnished house, new ly painted, clean, lawn, rosea. Key 667 Union ave. Main 4529. VACANT 1st of July, modern 6-room housw, 711 Hoyt St., Nob Hill, near z-'d. furniture for sale. Main 5577. VERY select home, furnished, elegant lo cation, Irvington. Last 273. vv. h.. Herd man. -ROOM completely furnished bungalow, south of E. 39th st.; Hawthorne car; $25 per. 423 Chamber of Commerce. NEATLY furnished 5-room house, piano, garage, close in, $25. Phono t 1779. FOR RENT 8-ioom house, furnished or un furnished. 7SS e.ast baimon. FOR RENT Completely furnished 6-room bungalow in irvington; piano. ,ast 6b 03. PART of furnished house, adults; close m. Main 4415. 000 Yamhill. COMPLETELY furnished 9-room house in Irvington; on canine; adults. Last 4384. -ROOM cottage, modern, rent reasonable. East Side. Call Mam 66 10. ROOM furnished bungalow at 1117 East Grant. Inquire Main 8345. FOR RENT Furnished house for Summer. Inquire li'So L. iamnni st. Summer Resorts. NEWPORT Convenient furnished 6-room cottage, Kye ureea, ior rent, jiam i.iw. FOR RENT Larp house-tent by week or month: shady yara; seaview. aiain BOARD or H. K. tent near Mt. Hood, rea sonable. East 6S27 or Main 6120. SEASIDE. 5-room cottage, near ocean, elec tric light, city water. laoor oaou. SEASIDE cottage, completely furnished. electric lights, B 2514, CJ. 134B. SEASIDE Furnished cottage, overlooking ocean, tor rent reasonaoie. xaoor 46i6. ROOM cottage, Seaside, $75 to Sept, L JPhone Main. 1433, . . FOB RENT. 8ommer Resorts. FURNISHED TENTS. On Barview Beach, on Tillamook R- R. A good place to spend your vacation, with very little" expense. We have all kinds of amusements; first-class hotel and tents. Call, make your reservation now. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 204 Falling bldg., cor ner 3d and Washington sts. COLUMBIA BEACH, tennis courts, baseball diamond, boating- and canoeing; complete ly furnished housekeeping tents. Informa tion 720 Northwestern Bank bldg. or ad dress E. D. Landoss, Warrenton, Or., R F. D. AMONG THE PINES AT SEASIDE. Fernwood cottage, 4 rooms, large lot, plenty shade. 1 block to beach; $75 for the season. Photos at office of Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. LAKE LYTLE BEACH house for sale; large fireplace, every modern convenience of city home; just completed; on ridge over looking ocean and lake; bargain. See owner, 507 Journal bldg. Marshall 4240. 2 ROOMS and sleeping porch, electric lights, running water, nicely furnished, located at Locksley Hall; will rent to August 1 or 15. Leven Hardware & Furni ture Co. .Main 90 1 2. WANT to send my 12-y ear-old boy to the beach for the Summer with good family that will care for him as a son. G 61, Oregoman. FOR RENT for season, "Red Rock cottage," on Cannon Beach; six rooms, completely furnished. Address W. D. Torrey, Hotel Torrey. Seaside. Or. FOR RENT Long Beach, Wash., complete ly furnished cottage; ready zor occupancy, for July very reasonable. AH 64, Orego nlan. . FURNISHED room facing ocean, with kitchen privileges, with private family at Seuvlew, after July L References. Main 4996. SEASIDE OLO cottage, completely fur nished; bath, electric lights; good loca tion; reasonable; ready for occupancy. In quire on premises. SEASIDE S-room house, on board walk; unobstructed view, bathroom, modern im provements, splendid fireplace, porch, large yard; completely furnished. M 835. ROOM and board, pleasant home overlook ing bay and ocean. Mrs, a. nanxinsen, Bayocean, Or. MODERN furnished cottage at Gearhart. Reasonable rent for season. Owner. Main 949. MODERN 6-room cottage, Seaside, com pletely furnished, good, clean beds; rea sonable. Main 2160. OCEAN CREST APTS.. Rockaway P. O., furnished light nouseKeeping; goo a water; sanitary. ; FOR RENT A furnished cottage at Ecola on Cannon Beach, Oregon. u b. xates. Dee, Or. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Sea view, Wash. E. Shepard. Stores. SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, venti lated and weu lighten; a. w. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeterl print shop, etc. ; reasonable rent. Mor gan, Fliedner & Boyce, 813 Morgan bldg. CORNER Hawthorne ave. and E. Water st 23x40; win cnange ironi to suit tenant. Hawthorne uock uo. Jfnone n.ast zuiL FOR STORES, FLOORS AND BLDGS., SEE W. H. WEBB, eua xeon oiag. ain 4813, Offices. ROLL-TOP desk, including phone, $6 and $7, also private orrice zurmsnea. 723 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Rooms sultatble for offfice or studio ; 6th and Morrison sts. Sherman, Clay & Co. DESK ROOM, 1234 Northwestern bldg. Phone Main b3L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED Partner who can Invest $350 short hours; pays $ll'u a month; must be sober a nd have references. 310 Lumber Exchange; 2d and Stark sts. LIGHT grocery, confections, magazines. transfer point, fine location, low rent, ex eel lent business, $700; bargain. 818 Lum ber Exchange. , 5-CHAIR barber shop, located where the people are; cheap rent; price iibu ; iuw will handle. 503 Lumber Exchange, 2d and a tars; sts. COMPANIES incorporated; bond Issues ne gotiated; loans on legacies ana inneri- tances. L. N. Rosenbaum, 80 wail St., New York. OFFICE business partner wanted; can show big prohts on the investment, wmcn win De small to right party, particulars e. Morgan bldg. WANTED A steady, sober man to work as partner In a small casn ousiness; roust. De satislied with $100 month. Cal room 329 Morgan bldg. YOUNG man would like to buy working in terest in an established business; state full particulars and priae in first letter. V 63, Oregonlan. GROCERY, excellent district, transfer point, A-l equipment, excellent business. Dears luiiest investigation; invoice eiuuv;. v Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted to look after office and automobile business; man must be honest small Investment required, which is se cured. Call 420 Morgan bldg. GOOD little restaurant, doing fine business, good location ; rent S3u; win seu at a bargain; want to leave the city. D 09, Oregonlan. DRUG STORE, one of the best little stores in Portland. doinK an average daily busl ness of $45. Rent $30 per month. G. A. Paries. 715 Spalding niog. wall PAPER and Dalnt store for sale picture framing ; good ciean stoc ana good paying business. P. O. box 1037, Klamath Falls, Or. CAFETERIA, bakery, high-class West Side location; A-l excellent equipment, spienaia business, real money-maker, $1100. 219 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted in restaurant, making money, act as cashier; handle your in vestment; salary; this takes $550. Call 42A Morgan bldg. CIGAR STAND, fine Washington st. corner. excellent trade, valuable lease, chance to get In right; Invoice $1600. P. W. Perse Is, 269 Stark St. $1200 BUYS good restaurant, fine location; nave gooa reason ior aeinng. oo, ure gonian. PA RTNER for butcher shop ; owner will teach you the business; small investment. 3U3 Lumber Exch., 2d and Stark. BICYCLE and motorcycle repair shop, fine location and trade; will teach business to purchaser. N 64. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE country store for Improved small valley farm. Owner, AB 881, Ore gonlan. STEADY partner for cash business; pays $25 a wees; $10 requirea; reierencea. ova Lumber Exch., 2d and Stark. CONFECTIONERY, light groceries, etc. with living rooms; good trade; will sell cheap. Call room 82Q Morgan bldg. TAILOR business for sale, best location. worth $1500; win sen tor $4bu; must leave city. X 64, Oregonlan ' MILLINERY store, fixtures and stock, for sale at a sacrmce ior casn. jlv ui), ure gonian, "SNAP Half Interest in an automobile business and repair shop. Apply Alder Auto Exchange, 498 Alder et. WANTED Good, live man for partner In well-paying business; siow wn Duy 1-3 interest. O 56, Oregonlan. MERRY-GO-ROUND wanted In Chehalls, Weuh., July 4. or concession price ad dress box 650, Chehalls, Wash. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, light grocery. East Side, doing good business; must sen on account of other business. East 1141. FOR SALE or trade, old established res taurant, never changed hands. AB 57, Oregonlan. FOR SALE: $W0 grocery store for $700, with living rooms; rent 910. corbett st. Main 7780. RESTAURANT for sale. In a good location and if taken per ore we urst, wiu seu very cheap. Call at 191 3d st., city. TWO-CHAIR barber shop. Koken furni ture cheap ior casn. 00 oin sr, near Stark st. PLANING-MILL, no competition; most be sold at once, law win uanaie. w. Wheeler. HUlsboro, Or. FIRST-CLASS restaurant at leading beach resort tor saie or ibbc. ax ia, uregonian. GRAND Theater, Pendleton, will give free use of equipment ov weens in tne year. Apply Main 4367. week day only. CASH store for sale cheap; clears $125 month and your money wui oe securea. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. FIRST-CLASS chef wants partner finance a paying cateteria. r uregonian. WANTED Stocks of merchandise; will pay cash; act quics. -"s FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop. $250 cash. OX 2D). A lliWiuuwu. v. -CHAIR barber shop for sale cheap. Phone Woodlawn GOOD five-chair barber shop. cheap. 238 Alder sr. HAND laundry, goo business. Snap. In-vcj-Ijrt te. Wlil teach you. Wdln. MUr. 1 WANTED Man Or woman to sell bonds, BUSINESS OPrOKTL'NITIES. SUBSTANTIAL interest in or control of oldest established high-class mercantile in stitution on Puget Sound, can be secured by capable young business man or men, who can assume active part In manage ment. This business has made sevsral fortunes and will make many more. At least $10,000 cash and not to exceed $35,000 required. Address principals, direct, AK 1, Oregonlan. - DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Bargain. Stock, hxtures and soda foun tain; inventories about $3500; good loca tion; owner leaving; must be sold for casn at once. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU OF THE PORTLAND ASSOCIATION OF CREDIT MEN. INC 605 Commercial Block. RESTAURANT HALF PRICE. $750 buys one of the best restaurants In the state of Oregon outside of Fort land, in city of over 10,000 population; perfectly equipped; doing a business of $60o0 a year; lease 3 years, rent $25. Cah re quired, $5V0, and $250 time. O. C. R. ELLIS A CO., 809 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Ets. EASTERN manufacturing company with an established business wishes to Interview man who can qualify as business man ager and invest some capital In equipment to take charge of business in Portland; business deals in stapte commodities and Is permanent. Cal 1 in person on G. ii. Louderb&ck, Imperial Hotel. PARTNER wanted for half interest (actual inventory) at least $1600 cash required, high grade profitable retail business. Young man with business education pre ferred, but no objection to business woman partner. Address Erwln Freu fh, care of M. C. Agency, Box 758, Portland, Xregon. FOR SALE or exchange A well-established automobile business. Have Al agencies for both pleasure cars and trucks; doing fine business. Price $45.0U0. Would exchange for good real estate or improved farm. Address, giving particulars, T 53, Ore gonlan. STOCK OF DRYGOODS AND SHOES. Located in a thriving town about 65 miles from Portland ; stock will in voice about $18,000 to $20,000; fixtures about $2000; must h leave town on account of Illness; will take 60c on the dollar U taken at once. AV 401. Oregoniau. RESTAURANT. The very best money-maker In Port land, good location and cheap rent; has always made good and still making good; no fake; if you have $2500 cash and want a live one. answer this ad; no agents. J 75. uregonian. A SNAP. Will sell or exchange for real estate my 14 interest in well paying horseshoeing shod, this city: reason ior seiung, 111 nts; terms if necessary. AH 65, Orego- nian. A LADY of experience and ability would like a partner who has some me ns to invest in a weifc paying u'lsmeas, iiii investment and large retu.ns, 75 pfr oent Investigate at once. Add .-ess AH 62, Ore gonlan. PATITION. RTTYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in establisnea real estate Business, si u- vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED Reliable man with some cash. real estate or automobile security to man as- mitt-n offica for Portland manufactur lng and jobbing business jrorth $5ihK year. Personal interview 002 East Davis, near lath. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some slmDle thlnr to patent ? Protect vnur iriftAB. thev mav brin you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions." "How to Get Your Patent and Money." Randolph & Co., patent attorneys, Washington. D. C, van SALE Clean inn and Dressing parlors. wagon, hand machinery; this is a good buy for man ana wire; same location years, have lease; $123 cash, balance terms. Phone East 530S. 5 y. -ACRE tract, with fine buildings, worth $6000, and stock of mdse., $2200. all goes for $5500 if taken by July 4. Terms or trade. Good town on 8. P. Address AV 430, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for a solid automobile business; owner, agrees to teach energetic man the business and will guarantee good salary, besides share of prohts. can room 2 Morgan oiag. GROCERY, all cash trade, no delivery, good location, turns stock every month, bargain; $1900; or could reduce stock to $1500. P. W. Persels. 209 Stark at. MANUFACTURERS' agency wants actlv partner able to invest $3500; references given and required; no tri tiers. 420 Mor gan bldg. SINGLE man wants lady partner for apart- ment-nouse to taae iuu cu-g-. o Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. AN expert accountant has $30u0 to $5(00 to Invest, with services, at fair salary no fakes, patents, real estate or minority corporation Interests considered; references exchanged, au io, uregonian. STOCKS AND BONDS. GOOD mining stock to trade for Portland property. Tabor 04SS. ROOMING-HOUSES. FOR BALF, Hotel of 50 rooms, cen trally located, modern brick build ing, artistically furnished In Circas sian walnut and mahogany. Blge low, Axmlnster carpets throughout, equipped with stationary vacuum cleaner. It Is absolutely one of the best furnished hotels in city. Price $12,000 or will trade. AD 832, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Hotel business, lease and fur niture of Hotel Monterey, the only first class hotel In the city; owners must sell at once; reasons will be explained on com munication; best buy, bent proposition and best city in California for the coming world a Fair; ssuuo casn win handle tnis, as the deal must go through as soon as possible. Address Proprietor Hotel Mon terey, Monterey, Cau iO-ROOM new brick apartment, on the best carline In the city, in high-class neighbor hood; this place will pay a net profit of $100 or more per month; have good lease and reasonable rent; if you are looking for an apartment of refinement investigate this at once. G. A. Sarlea, 715 Spalding b dg. $300 CASH, balance $550 easy 16 elegantly lurnisnea n. a. rooms in one or tne choicest locations of the city, with electric lights, furnace, heat and two baths; rent only $70. This is a good buy and worth while investigating. Call between 8 and 10 A M. or 2 and 6 P. M. 210 13th st. MARY E. LENT PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL A OCT Hotels Rooming Apartment Houses. All Sizes and Prices. 608-9 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. Phone Main 8560. HOTEL PORTO LA, 3d and Burnslde, 50 rooms, long lease, rent sua; nne condi tion ; sell or trade. Owner. 19-ROOM apartment-house to sell; nice clean place and good location; price cheap, easy terms. 3 47 Market. ARCADIA APARTMENTS Two and three-room, beautiful location, close In; Summer rates. 706 Everett. 41 -ROOM apartment for sale at great sac rifice, within walking distance, uor par ticulars call 716 Spalding bldg. WILL trade timber and pay some cash for apartment-house. Ji. 63, uregonian. LOST AND FOUND. PORTLAND, June 23, 1914. The following articles were round on tne cars oe tne Portland Railway, Light e Power Co. Owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station : June 22. Marshall 5100, A 6131: 1 suit case, 1 gent's fiat, 1 shotgun, 12 umbrel las, 1 chip basket, 1 sweater coat, 3 va lises, 1 basket, 1 pair shoes, 8 gloves, 2 packages. 2 keys, 1 pruning knife, 1 lunch pail, 1 grip, 1 tennis racquet, 1 music case, 1 lady's handbag, 2 packages, 1 handbag. 1 pkg. dry goods. LOST Tues. A. M., by a working woman who can't arxord to lose it. a nanaoag containing $:tO in gold, SO cents silver, watch ana ring (keepsakes). Finder please return to 426 10th st., Soutn. LOST Large opal brooch, set with emerald and ruby; cor. raraniii ana etn to v to 6th. Liberal reward. Call 461 Morrison. Main 5042. - Mrs. J. S. Courtwrighu LOST Red purse, Portland Heights car, Tuesday afternoon, containing money ana other articles of identification. Phone East 1239. Reward. LOST English setter bitch. Return to 75 Flanders st. aiain LOST String of black Jet beads. Reward. f none wooaiawn ew. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF THE ANTLER3 THEATER PROPERTY. The undersigned trustee in bankruptcy of the Antlera Theater Company, bankrupt, will, on and after the 3d day of July, 1914, at his office In the City of Roseburg. Or., proceed to sll at private sale the personal property belonging to said bankrupt, in what is known aa the Antlers Theater. In Roseburg, Oregon, and consisting of opera chairs, atage outfit, moving picture equip, ment, furniture, electrlo fixtures and com plete equipment of said theater. Said sale will be made for cash and the property sotd free from incumbrances. Said prop erty can be inspected by calling upon the undersigned, X, RIDDLE Trustee. PEllAL, NOTICB. ProuessOs la rU e. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. Clackamas County. Notice to Contractors aied prupus!. dlra.ed te County Court of Clackamas vounty. Ore gon, and endorsed "Proposals for Con structing Ktl Bridge in rUcKn.-ii County, Oregon, over th CUi km River, nesj the town of Rrton. ma t user the Molalla Ktver, near th town of Mt lalla," will b received by the Cdinty Court of Clackamas County at its office In the Courthouse, Oregon City. Orun, until 9 o'clock A. M. ou the 1st dav of July, 114, and at that time and place will be publicly opened and ra. taia bridges to D completed. Q or ae-or tsv Vimbr li. 1914. Plans and specifications for the absve bridges may be ohtiUpfd from, the t ouwty Clern at his olllce at the .uufuiou-, Oregon City, Oregon, or from the ite HichwaT LororuiMion. room 44 ouri house, Portland, Oregon, upon rript of $6.00. H. L. BOW LBV, State Highway Lngineer. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, Columbia County. Not ire to Con traitors KaPii Drouiw-ll. nildreud to t Couutr Court of Columbia County. Ore- Kon. and endorsed "Proposals for Con tructlng two steel' near railway station at Houlton. Columbia County. J Tr iton," will b received by the Comity Court of Columbia County, HU Helens, Oregon, until 2 o'clock P. M. on the in day of July, 1014. and at that time and place will be publicly opened and rfml, Said bridges to be completed on or before December I. JW14. Plans and specifications for the above bridges may be obtained from the louniy Clerx at his office al the Courthouse, St. Helens, Oregon, or from the tme High way Commission, room 44i Court houw, Portland. Oregon, upon recipt of I A. Oil. H. L. BOWLBY, State Highway Engineer. SEALED bids will be received at the office of K. H. Thomas, School Clerk, 401 Court house, until 5 P. J., June SO. 1914, on bouse at 6525 52d avenue . E.. Bidder -v ill clean up all debris from the house In addition to price offered for the build ing. Certified check for $lu, payable to the undersigned, must accompany each proposal. Certified checks wilt be returned to suc cessful bidder as soon aa debris has been taken away and to unsuccessful bidden as soon as award Is made. Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and ail bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. June 22. 1914. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, YAMHILL COUNTY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Fealed proposals, addressed to the Coun ty Court of Yamhill County, Oregon, end erdorsed "Proposals for Constructing Su-el Bridge in Yam'.iill County, Near Carlton, Or.," will be received by the County Court of Yamhill County, at Its office. Courthouse. McMlnnville. Oregon, until 1 P. M., June 29, 1914. and at that time and place will be publicly opened aud read. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the State Highway Commission of fice, room 442 Courthouse, Portland, Ore gon, on payment of $0.ou. II. L. BOWLBY. State Highway Engineer. OFFICE Depot Quartermaster, loss North Point street, San Francisco, Cel., June A. 1914. Proposals will be received here until 1 P. M-, June 25, 1914. for construe tton and equipment of one single st:rew steel steamer for harbor service. Blanks and specifications furnished on applica tion to Depot Quartermaster. Seattle, Wash.; QuarterTnester, Portland, Or., or this office. W. 1L Hart, Depot Quarter master. Mhtrellitneottft. NOTICE To the members of the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic Club, a corpora tion. By order of the Trust s of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, a cor poration, notice is hereby given that e special meeting of the members of e.ild corporation is called for end will be h'td In the club house at No. M raimon atrt. Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the 2-Mh day of June, 114, at the hour of a P. Al. for the purpose of changing, amendini and enlarging th object, buelnese am pursuit of suld corporation and for the purpose of adopting and causing to be filed supplementary articles of incorporation fr the purpose of so amending, enlarslng end chnlnsT the object, business and Pur suit of said corporation. This notice Is given pursuant to Section 680 Lord's Ore gun law. TRUSTEES OF MULTNOMAH AMA TEUR ATHLETIC CLUB. By R. W. WILBUR. Prmldent. Attest. KENNETH L. KESTuN, Hecretery. BAftGEb for rent. Pattullo, bh or lock bldg. Phone Main 14 io. FINANCLAJU HAVE SHo.tiOO -llt-odsed 6 ner rout flrat mortgages for sale; discounted to yield I per cent net; amounts irom sioou up, mortgages run three to five years. W ., uregonian. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND St MORTGAGE CO., M) 4th st., Hoard of Trade Kid. MONEY for good city loans, 6 and T rr rent. J. A. Cunningham, eJ uorgan bldg. WE furnish the money at a low rale of In tereat and avo vou more than the broker- aire of 2 Per cent If we do the plan-ins and building for you; it will pay you lo see us. Lt, rv. aney to., inc., oe Aoingion. LOANS on improved Inside property; plenty of monry; low rates: no uemy; principals only. Robertson at Ewlng, 07-ZOs North western Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages uirst and soconn, equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis V Co., S Lewis riMff. Fl KST and second mortgagea, alao aUers' lutert'St In contracts purciiaa. oresnn or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen blog MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL EST AT-. GEO. T. MOO KB CO., Pit Ablngtonj&Idg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgsgea Rob ertson & Ewing. M7- P. vv. liana omg. MONEY to loan on approved securities. Nel son, P04 Lewis rtn. Money to Loan on Real Kwtale. TO I A3 AS $0U0 at s per cent, fitnn or city; $3000 at 7 per cent, on goou iann; s..oiru or $00,000 at 0 per cent on first-class city property. K. FUCHH, 4'20 Chamber of Commirco. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. $1:0.000 ai,tff iu.n h.UOO 0.OO4I 4.0'Kl UOU 1,600 6U0 H1fi GerHngT bldg. Main 201. $10oO TO $10,000 for Immediate loan, $ to 7 per Cent; quira ai-nun. icinnn s naw 7'J0 Chamver of Commerce. Main 11. TO LOA V $4fi,on0 OR LKtiri. FARRINGTON. 80 4th St. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 6 AND 7 MORTGAGE LOAN. $1000 to $U 0.uO for Immediate loan. Prompt srvice and fair treatment always, A. K. HILL, 419 H-nry Bldg. AMOUNTS. $1000 $1500 $?000 $3600 At prevailing rate of Interest. HART MAN-THOMPSON BAN hi. $1100.000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build ing loans; lowfii raise, vv, vc , ! old Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates, 217-1U Ptorinwi-siern nana bio corner 6th and Morrison sts. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. OREGOI AN 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. ina. Stock Exchange bldg., Sd and Yamhill. See us today for loans on Improved city property, o to n per cent: $:i and up. Cellain-Murton Co., 8'J Yeon bid g. MONET TO LOAN. On reil estate In amounts to suit. A H. Bell. 21 Gerllnger bldg., 2d end Aldeo $1000 TO LOAN on Port laud real eatata HAM Al ON U M ( 'K 1 UAUr rusrAMi, 43-li;4 Chamber of Commerce. SEE us today for loans on impruved city propertv, S to x pt-r crnt; $:im and up. CellarB-Murton Co.. 2A Yeon hliltf. MORTGAGE LOANS, any emnunt. no delay. H)nry rrunnamm bin uiicob oiag. MONEY to loan on city of farm lands. J. J. Cahaiin, bi.t mimorr oi -oui m-t -. MONEY, any amount, o In I per cenL H. Belts & JO., ii iv rpaioing nmg. MONET loaned on real estate; roniracta and mtgs. bought, m . saiiy, u'n,n'r n"m. $100, $40. $500. $10'U. 11B00. WW. J. U wens -o.. - it-i. . $U0 AND UP on real estate. Boyd Realty MORTGAGK LOANS, AND 7 I'F.R C 1" N T. LOUIS SALUMV.' -ni -1 . TO loan, $1000; must have good real estate security, t,. $S0, $260. $OOy, I tOO, S129U. S1MU. Fred W. STATE FI NDS, per cent. W. K. Thomas, agent MUftnoman louniy, euv i n. oi om. CITY and farm losna, any amounta, no de lay. Wm. 1 i-'iui-, railing O'og. MONET TO LOAN ON REAL KSTATt A. U. M An I'irtyj, aii v n. oi v om MORTGAGE LOAN'S at and 7. fl. WlI.LlAMr-, y. rir II. $luoo TO $-00O private funds, for good loan. f-nuu- 1 a iruw o.r. $40f, $1200. $r.00. a Pr cent, on Inip-ovod City properly, tnnercini, r. oi J rr:i. $100,) TO $lo.iX-0 oa city property, iw 9, Oregoni rtv4 in Mwaey Lm Krai KMmim. MOVLr TO LOAV OX IMI'KuW i- HrL, i -TATS uni.L'iN-i piKfui.-, i.kt n.r- 1111. K It'NTKA' IS NO rnvusivNe. CULL t MrK a Thi! .U V.A ri- 'l.rg r, MONEY TO LOAN. I TO 11 CfcKT. An Atii'iuni, rRuv it m- hv wn IIAVvOND Mt.RTMA.flC sfrAXT, 4.J-4.4 Chenibr ff 1 .tn-if ON Impmvwd ciiy j-ruj.rtjf or (--r Vuod r.g purpura, 3 to R -r' I'm; liorJ ! -miit prliie, ii'.m r elrd )ng pugr-. 1 h i.'i jiteb.e elnae L-en Ann. tmii'P, 40 hnia t. Mu.EY1 01.0A.V Good supp.t f r city ed l'-rm property. to 7 VT tt-Ol. WALL VON BOHfTKI 104 f-t)d ft , lirer $iOO TO Wan on rral oetalo In or er Portltnd. piotrty mut to -eith t tiioa $l.Oo. t! at itlA Piatt a4 submit your o uiUy. $ou, $1h-o A N l I'VAl'ih on lr- pr- d rl rtt; ivoiki; it-rm. ro u.a, no brkia. John Hem. po;lu . Mvnrr Loon baltele and ftalorl. NuTICfc. NKW AfUtHK." SKbli MONfcf vjl K kt 1 ou con gt It 1 vlA V VK Loan ANY AMt'hNT To Working IVopI end itre on Pi-la nolo. Kumilur. Llv'o.k, 1'i-noe, Autoo. Kioroge Km iple, hul Ketate, Mortwi O'ctee or 1 mitu'H'1 WK 11 Y MOHT'UOKS, TOW CAN tlh.T IT Tv'DAT. HVMNKnS I iNKID1 M 1 A 1-Ri-boirs Given It I'Nid l-rie rue, miax cm an, Vu KOiliCiULD lti.UO., Bet. 4th and f.iti si., on U aah. et. Opt B A. M. to tf I . M. MeiurdAy till P. M. 1MWKIMATK i.uank ON DI A Al N 1 S A N J K VV ELHT A T KA r K K N KA1KS. We have one of lite ftuoet rtn Jewelrv slitre in the cli y, a Iwsn (!vprtmeitt it Ootid urt Ml lu ioiiln"-tion lh mak ing busineu HI UliJTI.Y U'NKIUMUU absolutely no Sinn drslgnetlng len bust neu dlplyd in front of our el ore. All merchandise pledged le hld for a lcv.1 of sevn months, whether or not Inieteet le paid hn duo. Wo are ltiend and hove boen establlxhed since .No ronnooimn with any other loan establishment In this city. A M. t)ETX)VAOK. JKWELEftl, Sl'4 UashmgMiil HI. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTfc.4. $10 T ;m. CHEAPEST AND HKT PLACE TO HOHHOtt MONEY. ABHOL11 El-Y NO hKt 1R1TT. BUtlNKM HTHICTLY I ONTlur NTIAU HOl'RM a A. M. lo V. M. VATl'RDAVtS TO H P M. UTATK ItKCVKITY 0., Ji9 FA I LI .NO Hl.Dvi. If You Need Money and C in I Rorrow Kroni a Honk. 8KB r4 FOR IKIVATK LOANS On Your Piano, Purnituro. Au"t, Livestock. toroe H(.eini, iiral keiata, Ktr. Iluv M.irtgor..e. MANHATTAN MOKH1AWK CO., Main 1o. $10 Abiigton bi. P H I V A T E 1' L A K TO OHT A 1 N To AN . Dtamonda, o etches. Jewelry, wutlcsl im trumente, etr. KEPAHATK IKPT. KOH 1 A PTK BLI.NL.Sd HTRICTl T ' Fl L LN I 1 AL. BLPY "MVANY, $10 luinher K htnp Wlflg. roi.i v in a I s i o . V n e t . n d 1 1 1 . . Oil end ?. Mrifjr to lo it on niei, stie. pianos, plain notes or en) thing of value; confld' -niiel. Plain notes. ihatteie c-r any- thin of valu: conf identlsL rwiMwn 1117 Lumber K hsns- tM. Wn Ai h. uh uhH. w a;k kahn? n. wtuhlng nioney without euri.r, 'il'-hl. quietly and ohrpi, AieranUle 1 ted It Co., art4 Henry h:.t kvNfc.t loaned on d amoti elrv, plan" and a rown A i'O-, rtn 9, alt he Jf m . r-liole rt . MO N i; Y to Ua ti on iliftiuur d or a n M i. in a of value at 3 per cent. Ait' ""1 Roh rhild bids. WE Loan ni..nT on d amot..i ami jir at half the rsr-e rharge4 jr bokr. Man Rl'vh. (4 $d et. LOANS on rl eelale, elry. 'm. Moll, room .?! an4 J LOA NM n dli ronf Idertt la I. munrti antl Je:fr: 'tt:liy 141 W '1 t. near AW. M ON ft V sold on Inst ai i t net. 1 . c f ,o M ta 1, ealarted r"Pt- F. A Veat.t, 'e.,tr h"l. mT'SFy'i OANLIV oo dlan.oo.le nt4 r. H. W. Kins, room 4-. W 1s Ql'triC loans on laitne. f rr H lire, euloe, moton ry le and ieto k 2 Aier at. LOWFST end Pt ratee on t l atiej lon. I'hnrt in. M x "t. Kt 1 1 ' K1RHT MORTGAiiKa HR a A t F.. Tropet f Amettnts. Interest. tti'Wn $ i'V l"' an t'v- 7" irn v ?fe v-p nn JCiia B-fc. tton jeort t t :io W AR TM AN THOMPSON B N WANTED. N A-1 M .'t HITti" $I7.04H) ft 7'-. value $ trt o (u r 1'mt value 4 in Ml tt alwo 14 0 0 a (Kxt f. ortt 3 iUM Q t'V. Value .ikn1 jji S'm, value J. too ft (l-v. value H fMMt farm MfKenilM a Co, Al5 Oer1nr H'dS Si; i;RAL first moitsaa fr number of appll' at lone on hn4 fr dtr- bio liMins, $r.w to $Iiomj. Principe's only. Hnry C. pru11t'tnnie. WHe-r. Mlt LOA N of $10.noo on I nt proved proinl- rtent East Fldo bnelnees rorner ; will p" r T per emit, 3 yer. no brokerage; vain :i(MK. S 1, oreeonisn. $4UOO WANTED on reeMenca. now a "4 modern, worth more than double amount aked ; street Improvement ill In, pmiA , f.fM Insurance. AP . Orcnlin. $ FROM private .ari f r 3 yewre at pr rent on improv rA rtdenre propel i r valued at I.VMUt ... Orni in WIU, sll mortgaae of $k;.oo at 0 pr rent, duo In 31 monthB, income property, ell), valua $17.v". & . Oregonlan. WANTED A loan of$lToM f..f $ hieido Income bearing property; prtnclpa" A i rernla on i j- i " WANTEI -$t.:.0 at $ pr rent on lOOslOA. Value ?roii. Thone Tahor 2C:-, nicoNAU HAlR-HAlRHAIRHAlR. 2d-lnch rnvent Hair Hwit he .... $4 .it-Inch ronvoot Heir iwltrhos, gray. 4 A Haltdreasma . . Fare M Aasage - t h am poo ." MaiiU-ure, ?V; $ for J0" 12 eaip treatments a" Huperfluoua hair removed by elootrie needle, guaranteed not to return. Cut hsir In eny ehade; awitchaa, eny length; prices half. Hanltarv Parlor, 4ni. 412 Iekum Mdg. 44 and Washington. gWKMHU TRAINK1 NCRrB lfelelrgf'if e graduate; rhcunrtaiism, nerveua onn e -ach ailniente under physician e dtrottnet bath, maaeage. No. 1 Kaat IHh end door aouth fim Koai Ankeny caritn. Phone Kt 2'. H I"- FFRVET 4 II ANKRt T. Leading wig end loup mekers; nat Stock of human heir goode; tehee frmn 9."-c up; hatrdrelng, iiiinkurini, face end B' alp treatmenia; romMttga made p to nr d.T. 14 7' h, near M"?rteon. Vain LA I IKi ReS'iim, "' prornleee on.y, ahal yu wartT. n ii- '""H""'"'" flleeaeee nf women are my aplattiea, Hoel of all drug I methodg ed , opera tiona; rotmnlta' Ion free. eo. W ' nnk' well, nattimreih, T'- tektim H'.g OFHUAN Tit JNi:n rRKfc.-7tMti for rhettmallf-i. lumbago, etc.; fnaeo a id balhe. 4-2 Helnmn ot . cor. loh. Marla)l nW. O pen "''.wn WAN! KI Toedopt Into wealths' femU boy of well itiaanered ard ef g"1 family; brt of refere nooe. Mala ft7v. 1 1 I wn m ale. DR M "X A HON, famous rhlrpraeti., 1 ; 4th 574 Wlllleme eve. ldr aoDe"e both offices; 1A adjustments, $10. Me. MRa FTEVENS. Tn 'nnliit1 paimlBt and rlalrvorent. r-ae hr late tki on sale. VP1 e Morrioon s4 '! ,,v MRH. H. MORRlos f-tea i tai ha 0" for rheum a lm lumbago, el d'.on. A 47. Mereha.l Sae 4 bOl'HIA B. fEIR. wntai end anlrttoal niUL R"i A.i'fr blog.; question end t' ease n'rht. Wed . a e'clir Van LAU1 barber ahop. fomterlr et 11 Talof SL bet. Id end to astne addtraa Hour- $A. M. to I r at. M KVK. or VOI R ffiMPlv-H wlt 'hea. r: curia end V'if. 7..- ; ken-ftar- Heaatv Parlor. 4QO I"'IH Mg Tu UA( K ,N r.aiu-e rai-a dl oaeoe- hop for all: lnvigata and roti vinod. koa peaum Md. Mam we Dr Olaa Nvha. rMroarartle, reta, tnaeeage. NnhMlM Ma a 7n0 tea Nettv llerba for rkimatln, ta for r,,?i aruegieie BAI-M OF Flr'S Cotnponid Uo-al t"t Tablet a 54 at. 1'hor.o V'am MOlJr S. aupef 1'ioua half rmo- 4. M'e M. 1. IliK. " l lieoer omg rin LKHSDSS in n ..l lirenolog, raj !-- an1 '"i$ rtauinc ik eu raoae Mala 7 us a.