Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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Suburban Horn eYroprtJ
iieauttiui view aim oui i um
33 minutea ride and close to car.
nanaje on wry rrj
CALLAN & KAEEK, 722-4 ebn bid
it Ll acre iracin on v'C6 ,
road, near Garden ome, all cleared. la s
fine; price 550 to T50; small cash pay
ment, 'jaiance iw mumiii;. - -y
W. J. liavie, C25 Cor
in ihis vicinity
belt bid.
HIVE 3 frontage on the beautiful Willam
ette. H. G. Starkweather, Rlsley atauon.
Oak Grove Black 17.
For Sale Acreage,
1000 acres In 2 farms; 400 acres
4 miles north; 600 acres 12 imlea
south of Corvallls; mostly river bot
tom land; all level; several hundred
acres in crops. Both ranches suit
able for dairying, stock raising or
general farming. Party will ex
change for good Income bearing
property up to $100,000 and assume
$25,000. A snap for S weeks.
1000 acres, 750 tillable. 100 oak
pasture, balance timber, crop, 3
houses, 3 barns, store and other good
buildings; adjoins small town, grist
mill, church, school and railroad.
Splendid stock ranch, no waste, and
well suited for eubdivision. Price
Out from $50,000 to $48 an acre. 10
per cent cash, balance with 8 years
at 6 per cent. Party will consider
income-bearing property in trade,
but not at inflated prices.
10-acre tracts, river bottom, 3
miles from Corvallls, $100 to $17;
per acre, down, balance within
5 years.
Write for free booklet, list of
farms for sale and exchange.
Corvallis, Oregon.
1, 2, 3 and 10-acre tracts', 80 min
utes out on
12-cent computer's fare; very best
of soil, water and community con
veniences, $125 to $500 per acre, on
102 Fourth St.
Main 35. ZoOO.
6 aires of genuine, pure beaverdam. This
Is not black swale, but the very best and
highest-grade beaverdam in the world, 10
ff rippn- i srrA of this is upland, fac
ing on main county road; has running
water, 2 carloads of manure on me muu,
about 16 acres is in onions this year, pro
duced over 400 sacks per acre last year.
The onions on 1 acre of this ground
brought $1160 last season; 13 miles from
center of Portland on best macadam road
in the state; mile from electric station;
price $3500; $1000 cash, balance long term.
This is sacrificed to 50c on the dollar. 412
Chamber of Commerce Diag.
5 ACRES FOR t'loO.
$10 down and $5 per month buys 5
acres of good level, logged-off land be
tween Portland and Centralla, on the
main line of a railroads, 1 miles from
tnw-n nf inno nonulatlon. sawmills, shingle
mills and other industries; 160 acres to
choose from; some oi tnese tracts ro
about half cleared: a fine trout creek runs
through the tract; some , bottom land,
some upland; all is good.
212 Railway Exchange.
A fine farm and stock ranch In Mc
Mlnnvllle district; 160 acres with 70 acres
cleared; 50 acres bottom, the entire farm
good soil and all tillable; wire fenced;
family orchard; 8-room house, barn, out
buildings, spring water piped; county
road, rural route; close to school; $3i.5u
per acre : good terms. D. McCheeney,
Title JSc Trust bldg.
ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station;
chicken and fruit ranches, near Portland;
new subdivision, near Gresham; 5 acres,
$400, $500. $700; 3 acres, $500, $700; 10
acres. $750. $900, $1000 per tract; best
soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at
Scappoose, Or., $25 to $100 per acre.
;u9 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or.
79 H ACRES of good soli, 21 miles from
Portland ; has a 5-room house, barn 40x
40, home orchard and garden; 25 acres
in crop go with place; on county road;
a good trout stream and springs; owner's
health compels him to retire; $4000; some
terms. D. McChesney. Title & Trust bldg.
TWO ACRES, good house, cement basement,
big barn, 2 chicken-houses, woodshed,
smokehouse, pig pens, plenty water and a
nice bearing orchard. Inquire Louis
Clauss, end Kings Heights carline. P. O.
box 12.
FOR SALE at a sacrifice by owner 11 acres,
10U miles from Portland, 3 minutes' walk
from electrio station; good buildings,
young bearing orchard, small fruit, easy
terms. Main 7222.
17 ACRES on Section Line road, only 316
miles from the city; divided into four
tracts; will sell the whole at $300 per
acre. Strong & Co.. 605 Concord bldg.
Tract of acreage, suitable for platting,
about 2 miles from Hill locks. Address
box 1. Flavel, Or.
iiEFORE locating be sure and visit the Wil
lamette Valley. Information Bureau at 266
Washington st. (between 3d and 4th).
Absolutely free. Bring the ladies.
X TO 6 level acres, fine soil, 30 minutes out,
on Oregon Electric line; terms. Owner, 211
Lumber Ex., cor. 2d and Stark.
FOR SALE Half free, half cash, Sherwood
acre, on electric, at half your own valua
tion. Lapham, Hotel.
HOMESEEKERS excursion to Victoria,
Australia, about December 1, 1914. Special
low steamship rates, free transportation
over Victorian railways, cheap irrigated
lands, government assistance, perfect cli
mate, fine markets. L. Staffan, 617 Stock
Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill.
40 ACRES heavy timber north of Portland,
COO rods from Columbia River, company
logging close by. Can timber claim or
homestead. $100 for my relinquishment
taken soon. Mar. 3941. 60S Oregonian bldg.
loO ACRES heavy timber, close to market;
will relinquish for S40O if taken soon.
Phone Marshall 3941. 603 Oregonian bldg.
FOR Government land locations, call on or
write Smith & Baird, Redding, Cal.
GOOD homesteads, Malheur County, location
fee $"0. Wm. Mast, cor, 2d and Asn.
For hale Fruit Lands.
APPLE orchard, irrigated, will bear crop
next year, 10 or HO acres, situated on
main road In Bitter Root Valley. AV 400,
' Oregonian.
For baleFarms.
40 ACRES, practically all level, no rock or
net land, easy to clear, neighbors, school,
& miles to town, 3 railroads and boat, 2
hours to Portland ; small payment, long
time, $1500.
40 acres, ft level, more tillable. 10 A.
creek bottom, neighbors, school, good soil,
$U0O; small payment, long time.
40 a.. ft In cult., all tillable, (air bldgs.
Well, creek, orchard; U mile II. D. Tel.
and high school privilege; 4 miles small
town. $-800; $S0O Incumbrance. Exchange
equitv. Box 97, Castle Rock, Wash.
DEAL wlt.i the owner. Sale or exchange, 2
dairy farms, one located Mult. Co., 23 nrt.
E. Portland, on Base Line; 48 a., 25
cleared, in crop; bal. pasture and timber;
creek and springs, 2ft mi Irs from H. R.
and boatlanding; milk route, good grav
eled road, bearing orchard, s-room house,
new : old barn, implements, horse. Mort.
$1500. runs 2 yrs. Price J&0Q0. Address
box S45, Gresham, Or.
FOR SALE or trade, a good wheat or hog
ranch of 1400 acres, 1000 acres under the
plow; all fenced and cross-fenced; about
noo acres In grain this year; will sell
for email payment down and crop pay
ment or trade for income property.
East 72 or B 1369. 420 Hawthorne ave.
In sun ay Southern Idaho, where the sun
chines 10 months in the year. SO acres, 40
in alfalfa, balance ready for the plow;
all fenced, no buildings, neighbors ail
around; price of land $1000 cash; your
own time on balance. Sea photo at office
of this place. Fred W. German Co $14
Chamber of Commerce.
IsTOCK ranch of 2420 acres, near Coburg.
Lane County, Oregon; well watered with
springs: 200 acres of meadow, also timber;
price, $60,000; one-third cash, balance In
five years at 6 per cent. F. D. Chamber
lain. 728 Morgan bldg.. Portland. Or.
Jtk ACRES, 1 ft miles from Madras, all in
cultivation: good 3-room house; a big bar
gain at $400. $1000 down. bal. easy.
414 Corbett bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92.
160 ACRES 1H miles from Mrtolius, Or.; 50
acres cultivated. Price $3000. terms, 1-3
cash, balance, easy. Address B. W. Wall,
403 Colman bldg., Seattle, Wash.
For Sale Farms,
37 acres good river bottom
land. 30 acres clear, 7 acres
slashed; family orchard, good
house, with 8 rooms, wortr
$1200; large barn and other out
buildings, 5 milch cows, wagon,
hack, buggy, manure spreader
potato digger, plow, harrow,
disc, cultivators, gas lighting
plant, mower and hay rake.
Investigate this place and yon
will buy it. Price, including
everything. 13900.
204: Falling Bldg.,
Cor. 3d and Wash, sts.,
Portland, Or.
162 ACRES for sale in Nehalem Valley;
some timber, new buildings, one mile to
postoffice, store and schoolhouse; $J0OU.
C Hansen ucwcw, i-'umuji vt w.
NEWCOMERS, the easiest way to get posted
today at 266 Washington st. (betwoen 3d
and 4th). Absolutely free. Bring tbe ladles.
RANCH 60 acres with buildings, 18 miles
from Portland, near electric line; bargain
for all cash. By owner. 107 1st st.
We have client with well located
properties and cash desiring to ex
change for income property.
Ground Floor Henry Bldg.
HAVE railroad bonds and mortgages up to
$3275 to exchange for city residence; must
be clear of incumbrance and of equal
value. W. B. Robertson. 7C2 Title
Trust bldg.
A MODERN 6 or 7-room bungalow, Irvlngton
or close-in Hawthorne district; must be
Al; part payment on house and lot; bal
ance cash. 7lo Lewis bldg. Marshall 420O.
WANTED To buy modern 7-room home in
gooa neignDornoou, irou j
accept $500 cash and balance country
property. Ji. ou, ureguuiou.
WANTED 5-acre improved farm, within
15 miles of Portland; must be near rail
road; will pay all cash for right place.
X 65. Oregonian.
WANTED A good lot in Irvlngton In ex
change for a good 5-pass., foredoor, elec
tric ligntea r w, y -o
1RVINGTON lot wanted for cash, at once.
Johnson & Dodson. 906 Board of Trade
WANT clear lot, first payment bungalow, 5
room modern, close in. Address owner, R
1)1, UIB6U1UOU,
WANTED TO BUY A residence, Mt. Tabor
district. Give location and price. AP
K-, U'Cfi'JIllIlu.
6-ROOM house for 6,000,000 Sileta timber.
Q 74, oregonian.
HOUSE wanted; will give good lota for
equity. 720 Chamber of Commerce.
FARM for rent, 60 acres, $250 a year; crop
and everything for sale; $1300 cash.
Write box 64, R. F. D. 3, Beaverton, Or.
320 acres in Clackamas County, six mil
lion feet of timber, $1000 worth of im
provements, close to R. R. Write or in
quire of W. J. Kirkwood, administrator.
New Scott Hotel, Portland. Or.
c J. Mccracken. ao4 m'Kay bldg.
GOOD sugar-pine claim In Jackson County;
$15 per acre. AV 429, Oregonian
FOR SALE or exchange A well-established
automobile business. Have Al agencies for
both pleasure cars and trucks; doing fine
business. Price $45,000. Would exenange
for good real estate or improved farm.
Address, giving particulars, T 63, Ore
gonian. WANTED To lease for 5 years 150 to 200
acres, not over 15 miles out; with house,
barn, running water, and at least 40 acres
in cultivation; must be good dairy land.
E. O. Stadter, 1036 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Farm with some genuine beaver
dam land on it, ior cuent; give xun in
scription In nrst letter,
F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce.
482 acres of good, tillable land, 4 H
miles of Lebanon, Linn County, all fenced,
good buildings, spring, creek and well
water, gasoline engine; price $25 per
acre. Just ft Its value. May consider some
trade. It's a snap.
M'KENZIE & CO., 615 Geriinger Diag.
FIVE acres. Rogue River Valley; 3 acres
enberg and Jonathan apples, with peach
fillers, early and late Crawford, 2 Lambert
cherry trees, 2 English walnut, 2 Graven
stein apples; sell or exchange equity $2600
for 5-room house; mortgage $4u0. Owner.
If you wish to sell your real estate for
cash or trade for other property, it will
pay you to see us for quicK results; 10
years' successful business is our guar
antee for a square deaf
515 Geriinger bldg. Main 2801.
11-ROOM house, lot 45x120; modern and
well built, in Minneapolis, wanting ais
tance to business center; 10 per cent in
vestment; take Portland property or
Western Oregon or Washington land to
$4000; mortgage $2500 or cash. O. C. R.
Ellis & Co., 3ua Board of Trade, 4th and
Oak sts.
Have fully equipped farm, crop ready
to harvest; also several pieces city prop
erty; also timber lands and several other
properties; parties want stock up to $10,
000 or $11,000.
C. B. JACKSON, 606 Stock Exchange.
EXCHANGE for Portland unincumbered
veal MrniA. vears estaoiisnea. uo iu
date, well-paying general merchandise
business, residence ana store; no upyu
sitlon, clear of incumbrance, value $9000.
Particulars in first ietter. AV 40S, Orego
nian, FOR SALE or exchange A well-established
automobile Business, nave ai agencies ior
both pleasure cars and trucks; doing fine
business. Price $45,000. Would exchange
for good ral estate or improved tarra.
Address, giving . particulars, T 53, CJre
Two improved Idaho ranches, also land
in beat county in Texas in cotton and
corn belt; all or part for city or country
property. What have you? Address 327
Glenn ave., Portland.
We have houses and lots for farms,
acreage and farms lor houses. If you
want lo exchange on cash basis, see us.
421-422 Chamber of Commerce.
1 WISH to trade some city property, free
and clear oi mcumui oj-o, iui a
seven-passenger automobile; self starter,
with electrio lights preferred. M. E. Lee,
22 Corbett bldg.
$3100 EQUITY in a $5100 Income property,
. TTllt nlrA Into TT1 rvH 1 C lit A
to value of $1000; $000 cash, balance $o0O
every-6 months. A. L Clark. 605 Spalding
Will exchange this paying business for
land clear of mortgage and of equal
value. O iU, uregonian,
WILL trade my equity In five-room bunga
low, 100X1UU, corner 101, near
lor lots in Sellwood, near carbarns or
Mtiwaukle. BD 761, Oregonian.
FOR TRADE, Hal B., colt. 5 yrs. old 5
mo. training on " ,
auto or lot. J. H-, 708 W. 24th Bt, Van
couver. Wasn. rnone avo-j.
INCOME or vacant property close In wanted
lor ttiN-acre rancu, weu , j
stocked, about 20 miles from Portland-
See Beach. 4lo fremng oiug.
AUTOS, 5 or 7-passenger. In good condition
for- Clear IOC or ftueage. uwu
Main 40 J1.
EOU1T1ES in 2 modern rented houses and
some mail iir niiiiw s -
close to station. X 6, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or exchange Business corner for
house ana ioi, not over f wo,
LOT 50x100, East Mt. Tabor corner, for
auto worm wu. owrieaso f-
of Trade. 4th and Oak sts.
16 A., 1 mile R. R. and river; price $600-
What nave you m i"f r
AP 63. uregonian.
MODERN house In Irvington district, tor
, t r ,kav 11 Uailltnn
exenange. x. -- 1 "
bldg. Main 5692. A 2692.
SURE, we will trade. What have you? We
have iota, arms ana personal prupwi.
Information. 416 Selling blag.
BEAUTIFUL home in Laurelhurst for city
lots or acreage, vwuc'i rai
WANTED- Seaside lots for Portland prop
erty, lanor xvo.
130 acres in Yamhill, all In cult., up-to
date farm; $15,000, for-city property.
Income property, $8000. for farm.
5-room new bungalow for rooming
,1 noif tiitron Wll lmD.. for
house and lot. .
10 acres, 1 mile to Vancouver, Wasn.
$4000. for acreage on Oregon City line.
Many more good propositions.
iiO-ACKii aairy ana irutn w ---
cultivation. 5 acres bearing orchard; gooa
7-room house, big barn and sheds. wate.
farm implements necessary. On good auto
mobile road, 27 miles from Portland. 4
miles to railroad station, on milk route.
, m , . -.Afi ! vnrs to
run. Wiir take Portland income or c'ear
unimproved reai estate, v-miiwc,
oett bldg.
to exchange for house and lot; faces e
ric lineB ."..'.i. trees
nice, no rocs ur s'c'. to' ' -
6-room house, old bam, hen houses ana
other outbuildings, horses and cows, hogs,
.. J r !.. D with T1J01
cniCKens ana iarm iuuio e i
this place is owned by old people who ar
. . v. rl-r Avres c
wmfth 401 Northwest bldg., 6th and
w asnington. Mam uo.
TO exchange, 120 acres, Camas Prairie,
Wash., all cleared.
40 acres. Hood River, Or., all in 2-year-
nlH annlojr.
t i c .1 nrnnprtips fmA from Incumbrance:
will take Portland property or close-in
acreage and assume.
2581 acres wheat land, 2500 acres tilla
ble; take any good Portland property and
assume, i 64, uregonian.
274-ACRE WHEAT RAKCH, Eastern Wash
ington; J-OU acres m uiuys, j.
mer fallow: all fenced, some stock, etc.;
tqoAA a no r-n n t J on sr time:
uiul LgaKa fovu, w- a
to trade for Portland Income or small,
well-improved, close-in acreage; might pay
some cash. Call 710 Lewis bldg. Mar
shall 4200.
c a f u I it ii"" IT- at MIII.TMOMAH STATION.
O l..iniTalnn.-i J. and fi moms each: Oil
00x105 foot lot. Will exchange for small
farm, not over 15 acres, on milk route and
assume come if place is right. Price
CALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg.
Horses, Vehicles, Harness. Etc.
Second-hand vehicles bought and sold;
new wagon and auto beds made to order;
livery furnished to business parties at
special rates.
Phone 72, B 1309.
iiliO IS LO ceriiiji hi- j. -
sponsible for any debts contracted by my
wife, Lola Dong Chee from and after thw
date, as she has left my bed and. board.
uong unee
FOR SALE Team of well matched mares,
5 years old, weighing 2900 lbs.; I team well
matched black horses. 5 years old, weigh
ins 2700 lbs.; 1 6-year-old horse weigh
ing XMX IDS. .P usc't -
FOR SALE Fine draft horse (Clydesdale),
iinn 7 vi-H SHOO
Inquire Brown's stable, 124 N. 12th St.. or
pnone jiain ano.
FOR SALE cheap; fine rubber-tired, two
seated surrey and cheap horse. 1028 ifi.
yamnm st.
sr-. . 1 .r- nrao-nn llist- rlfht tO for camping; under expense; must sea
qUICK. uwner, lauui
FOR SALE i-year-oid gentle driving mare,
rubber-tire buggy and harness, cheap.
Phone Mar. HS'Ji).
WAGONS and horses by day. $1.25. L Co
hen, 681 Water st. Main yjuo.
PASTURE for stock, near Portland. 33
Sherlock bldg., or pnone aiain mv.
DEAD horses and catUe taken away free.
Tabor 4203.
FOR SALE Good lumber wagon, $15. Sam
son, 82d and bcnuyier. iauur
HORSES FOR SALE. 88 E. 7th at. NOK1 H.
Pianos, Organs and- Musical Instruments
EXPERT piano tuning, repairing or pol
ishing; special player. 441 Stark St., cor.
12th st. Phone Main 4478. V. Kremar.
PIANO, upright, $90; must be sold; need
mon e y. iaj. j. bv in s u
WANTED Piano or organ, any condition,
cheap for cash. K 73, Oregonian
$92 CASH purchasing check on Eilers' cheap.
U Do, uregouitti.
UoKs, Blrd?i, Pet Stock.
AIREDALES Champion Red Raven and
Colne President at stud; some grand pup
pies. Laadix ivenneis, asmuautt,
FOX-TERRIER puppies for sale cheap.
rnone jui o-st i
PET sheep, Just the pet for little boy. Phone
Woodlawn 3685.
Furniture for Sale.
FOR SALE CHEAP Five rooms of fine new
household furniture, boo r. uaw. "
1912 8TUDEBAKER 26, 5-pass.t fore-door,
fine condition; price 395.
1911 Locomobile 30, 5-pass., fore-door,
iset .ftnH it inn. nothing in town like it
for the money; original cost $4200; price
1913 R. C. H., 5-pass., fore-door, orig
inal cost $1100; price $50.
E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne. B 1213
1913 Reo, 5-pass.. fully equipped. Just
overhauled; guaranteed.
1814 Chevriolet, roadster, 2-pas., nearly
new, electric starter and lights.
Broadway and Couch Sts.
See our stock of roadsters, deliveries and
touring cara; all In fine condition. Prices
from $300 to $750.
Etudebaker building,
Corner Chapman and Alder Sts.
phones: Main 9402 and A 7656.
CADILLAC, 1913 model, touring car, in per
fect condition, runs and looks like new.
For quick sale, price J1150. Will con
sider small car as part payment.
Studebaker Bldg., Cor. Chapman and
Alder sts. Phones Main 9402, A 7656.
We sell you a truck of any capacity,
no initial payment. You can pay for it
in monthly installments. Don't delay. A
postal will secure full information. Ad
dress AO 59, Oregonian.
LARGE 7-pass. U-cylinder touring car; late
model all improvements and fully
equipped; will sell at a bargain and take
smaller car in exchange. AG 51, Ore
gonian. "
A SACRIFICE 1913 Overland roadster,
fully equipped, first-class condition, $500
cash; owner going East. Apply bigmund
V. Schloss. M,otei aensoii,
"SOLID AS THE NATION" is a rebuilt
Federal truck; we have just one. Do you
want to purchase on easy terms P 51,
TIRES, sligbtly used, $3 to $12 each; tubes,
S1.5u to $3 each; tube vulcanizing. 25c
325-27 Burnside St.
6-CYUNDER, GO h. p., seven-passenger
Mitchell ; fully equipped, perfect shape;
$7,"0 casn. ti. -V- frnawtv, u oroaimay,
NEW White truck, Z to o tons, with plat
form body; fully equipped. 2tiS 11th
price $2400 cash.
WANTED A god lot in Irvington In ex
change for a good 5-pass., foredoor, elec
tric lighted auto. P 63, Oregonian.
A TWO-TON auto truck in line condition;
will sacrifice for $750. 303 Lumber Ex
c h an ge. 2d and Stark streets.
FOR SALE cheap, dandy Peerless automo
bile; take clear lot or Mnxall auto part pay
ment. Owner, 602 East Davis.
FOR SALE or trade, Detroit electric, good
as new. Owner going away. E 74, Ore-
WANTED Late model touring, with gen
erator and starter; will give 1911 fore
door car and cash. BC 62, Oregonian.
T-PASSENGER Stoddard-Day ton ; will sell
on terms and take Ford or small car in
trade. AG 53. Oregonian.
WHITE "40," newly painted, new tires,
fore doors, nickel finish; will sacrifice
this week. AG 55. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Herresehoff roadster, newly
painted, cneap. -i u jia au, cm. "uemvu.
lion: cheap for cash. AG 54. Oregonian.
Automobiles Wanted.
FOR SALE or exchange for an automobile,
nice team brood mares, about $1200, good
new wagon and harness. 100 thoroughbred
White Leghorn hens; price $4000.
phone Main 43S1 or A 7259. Portland. Or.
SECOND-HAND roadster, standard n1
SCrlptlOn. X Oi- Vicauuiau.
TWO lots In Tacoma, Washington, to ex
change for a late model auto. A- L. Clark,
fii'ft paining omg.
SimjO EQUITY In a large $2000 lot. good lo
cation, to exchange for a late model auto.
A. L. Clark. 605 Spalding bldg.
W 4N'TED--Roadster or light auto for clear
Sherwood half acre, on electric. Lapham,
Clyde noiei.
W ANTED, on easy terms, 5-passenger auto-
FOR SALE. ! HELP WANTED r EMJLB, . r-.i-w.. , , ..
rr I I Miscellaneous, f rnrnlhd lt.w.
WANTED Chickens in large quantities. S30
S. Dawson St., St. Johns. Phone Col. 2o.
FIRST-CLASS milk cows, fresh, from 1 to
4 weeks, Jersey, Durham and Holstein,
and 8 head of nice heifer calves. Take
Woodstock car to 59th ave. Walk 3 blocks
west to 3Sthst. Phone Sellwood 2071.
FOR SALE -Fine Jersey cow. Just fresh,
4 years old, milks between 4 and 6 gals.;
a beauty; get off end Oregon City car,
go In store, ask for J. H. VanMeter.
FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting
engines, contractors machinery, all kinds.
Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak.
TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 monihs for $5
and up; 6 months rental applied on pur
chase price. Remington Typewrite- Com
pany. b6 Broadway. Portland, Or. .
WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all
makes of typewriters; send for our illus
trated folder, retail department. WHOLE
SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, at.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65.
262 Stark Street.
NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut
rates. P. D. C. Stark St. Main 1407.
Dynamite users, attention! Introducing
a new principle in fuse and cap loading
with no misfires; -sound stock, made to
go before, should not be permitted to go
afterwards; conserve your interests with
perfect shooting. A. J. AverelL Med ford.
SAFES New and sweond-hand, all sizes, at
cost. Sales opened and repaired. M osier
Safe Co., 408 and 409 Northwest Bank
bldg. Phone Main 7676.
GAS RAXGE Four-hoie with elevated ovens
and broiler; like new; also wood or coal
kitchen heater, with water coil at half
v price Call mornings. 553 Ladd ave.
1 buy, sell and exenange kodaks, cam
eras and lenses. 44-A North ad sC
35-FOOT cruiser for sale. 7-foot beam, J5
H. P.. cheap. A. W. Anderson, Bay Ocean,
SAFES, new and second-hand, also vault
doors, cheap. Cash or terms. 101 1st at.
Phone Main aooo.
YOU CAN RENT visible typewriters three
months for $4; convenient at home. 244
Stark st. Main 6273. A 4441.
CARPENTERING and screens made to or
der. J. W. Lemoin,: 249 2d su Main
LAWYERS and others Large revolving
bookcase, reports and text-books and
Britanica. Main 433S. 506 Stock Exchange.
FOR SALE 1 Eng. split-wood rod, reel, 2
lines, basket; cost $11, sell for $o; leaving.
AB 62. Oregonian.
DROP-HEAD White rotary, $25. Other drop
head machines at 10. 332 Morrison. .
DROP-HEAD Singer sewing machine $20.
Singer Sew. Mach. Store, 6S2 Morrison.
GOING out of town; have a Singer sewing
machine for sale ijo. tb riU pu
20-FOOT launch, fine condition; will accept
first offer. A 3622.
GAS water heater, instantaneous, cost $40,
for $12.50. East 6417. 548 Williams ave.
CHEAP Dental office.- partly furnished.
a morgan viu&.
FOR SALE Cherrlee on tree, 2 and 3 cents
pounu. xx rj. pu
$25 HAMILTON BEACH Electric Vibrator
ior Sli; never uow. jv m,
NO. 5 UNDERWOOD typewriter, practically
new, half price lor casn. w o. uregumaii.
GIRL'S suit cheap. Call 284 Morrla.
HOUSEBOAT for saie. Sell. 243.
The Globe Second-Hand Store Reopened.
Highest cash price paid for ladies' and
gents' cast-off clothing, shoes, iurnlture,
bicycles, trunks, suitcases, etc.
Call Main 2080.
MAIN 6195. 203 MADISON ST.
cppnvn.w a vr T.nTPTVO WANTED.
Highest "prices paid for second-hand
clothes, shoes, etc 129 N. 6th. Main 2S4.
221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072.
Our bpyer cans propmtiy.
3595. 294 3D. RELIABLE BUYER.
SECOND-HAND tools for complete ma
chine shop; give price, condition and lo
cation first letter. X 74, Oregonian
DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur
niture before you call the Bell Auction
House, 191 2d st. Marshall 4783.
FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for
any it in a oi lurnnutc jtm "-
WANTED National Cash Register. Main
8001. Address 696 Northrup su
For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682.
WANTED Sanitary roll top aesk, also flat
top desk, light oak. AM 53, Oregonian.
WANT to rent a gasoline woodsaw on the
shares, r U2, uregonian.
WANTED Good medium-sized rolltop desk.
Tabor 4945. V
WANTED 3 National cash registers at
once; will pay spot cash. Main 606.
CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary
Beauty r'ariors. vv uenum pmi.
HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns,
cameras, nocmeiu, i.-. mt-
WE TINT rooms for $2.50. paint houses at
I I , 4 i Al IT JUI.1
All young men seeking employment in
commercial, clerical or technical lines
cordially invited to consult the employ
ment secretary.
Rrord. 191.!.
Calls for men from employers... 2655
Positions lined
Employment membership. $o per annum,
guarantees member will secure enipioy
ment, or refund of fee. Includes two
months' full and ten months social privi
leges. l&sutd by Employment Secretary only.
2d floor. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
USE your spare time to build up a mall
order business of your own; we help you
start for share in profits; 27 opportuni
ties; particulars free. Mutual Opportuni
ties Exchange, jgunaio. r. x.
WANTED First-class barbers wanted for
Klamatn r ans, uregon, uu
Northern California, Good wages for the
right man. Apply Lewls-Stenger Barbers'
Supply Co.
BRIGHT, active man for shipping clerk;
knowledge or general mercnanaise re
quired. Give references, aae and exper
ience. AJ uregonian.
WANTED First-class colored porter for a
oaruer snop in Auemccu,
cellent opportunity for the right man. Ap
ply to lewis-oienger oarpera oupyiy v.
... . v-prrv T.. an Invip 9Trtrt mini
mum. Work at M uitnoman iraus, ao ior
8 hours Apply Pacific Bridge Co., East
Water and East Salmon sts.
CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy
guaranteed stocn, excellent territory; nus
tiers make money. Washington Nursery
Co., Topyenlsh. Wash,
SOLICITOR wanted for milk business; ex
perienced man "preferred. Inqulr between
9-10 A. M. 1005 Belmont.
SALESMAN and solicitors for city and new
OUtSide territory; Dig coramibwun; aeuuu
is oil. Call 701Swetland bldg.
BLACKSMITH wanted; must be first-class
neavy iorger uh uui
of town. Call 733 Morgan bldg.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, com
mission. (Jiyae Agency, zu otoca x-x-change.
PHOTO coupon agents, excellent offer; I
pay saianeo wbcij. oiuum,
N. 6th St. . .
PHOTO agents, something new; extra com
mission paid, barony muqiq, rtoyai biag-
jE with patentable Ideas write Randolph
. t- f . . CnliAlfnr, U.'a,hinalAn r f
PHOTO solicitors; salary guaranteed; new
offer. Moore btuaio. r.m piug.
OFFICE BOY. Apply 7:30 to I A. M. Blake,
MCFB11 tompan.
AT once, 2 men to learn auto driving and
rep ai ring. oo aj.hi bu
DINNER cook, first-class man. Meves' res-
PHOTO coupon ; new ticket for live ones.
Cutbertn biumo, uin muB.
APPRENTICE to iearn beauty culttre; pay
while learning. Tbe Hair Bazaar, Majestir
. . Tl" nihil trtnn onfl PirU
J neater L'jut-. o .
family !.-. w -
COOK for small hotel, $30; t waitresses, out,
$.; ranch cook, for 7 people, J3a; head
waitress. Hi; general housework, 3 in
famllv. 35; kitchen helper. $0.
345 Washington St.
NURSE, graduate or practical, with hospital
and surgical experience, must be healthy,
strong, pleasing appearance and come we"
- recommended; one able to give hydro
therapy treatments preferred. Dr. S. M.
Wendt. Tillamook, Or.
WANTED July 1, experienced woman cook,
mall Summer hotel; state salary wanted;
references required. Meeks & Hays, Ocean
View, Or.
WANTED For middle of July, experienced
girl or woman for general houseworK.
Small home, out of t"wn. Apply by mail,
giving pbone, before Saturday. BD 4, ore
Office positions secured. File your appli
cation today.
GIRL With references for general, house
work. Wages $30. Good position, toman
family. Corner 47th and Siskiyou. Tae
Beaumont car.
A GOOD home and $10 a month to a re
fined woman of mature years, in exchange
for light service and company to
invalid. AN 03, Oregonian. .
WANTED An experienced young girl for
general housework, assist with cooking,
very good wages. Call this morning. "W
car tofll29 Thurman st.
RESPONSIBLE ladies wanted for dignified
positions by State General Manager of old
established house. Salary and expenses.
Write for interview. E. D. Fharpe, City.
ELDERLY lady who wants a good home
with light work will do well to write
P. O. box 71, Castle Rock. Wash.
6 YOUNG ladles to enter training for grad
uate nurses; high school education. Nis
beth Sanitarium, 616 Lovejoy.
FIVE girls to iearn beauty culture; pay
while learning; position Karanteed. 40
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 471 Ains worth ave., cor. East 8th.
Take Woodlawn car
WANTED Young woman to astist with
general housework; good home; references
required. East68l4J
MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light housework,
go home. Main 2249 or call 671 Wash
ing ton.
FIRST-CLASS woman cook wanted. Geo. 8.
A I len, Columbia River Tavern, Fishers,
Wash. ;
COOK. $40; second work, $10; waitress. $25;
housework, $15 to $-.". Su Louis Agency,
2.sH Main st. A 7175, Main 203W.
WANTED Giri ior general housework. Ap
ply in person. 572 E. 22d N. Good wages
to right" party.
WANTED A reliable woman to do light
housework In a family of three. Good
wajes; references. AJ 63, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to go to beach; must be
good plain cook and willing to assist with
care of children. 251 North24th.
EXPERIENCED girl for light housework
and cooking; wages $20. Phone Sellwood
73. .
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., ti'J9 Roth
cnild bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; must nave reierences.
mornings. 185 isi. 2&tn st.
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework; small family. 2S1 N. 24th st..
corner Overton.
WANTED A woman to do housework 4 hra.
every morning. East 4318.
TWO 'girls for beach hotel, family help.
Howe's Agency, 35 270 Washington.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone
Main 6181. S3 2ist st. IV
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
106 N. 22d, near t ianaers.
RAPID stenographer. Apply between 1 and
6. 618 Worcester bids.
WANTED Young girl for coffee house; no
experience necessary. 31 N. 4tn, city.
FIRST-CLASS, experienced dressmaker
wanted. 686 E. Broadway. M. Poston.
GIRL for general housework. Mrs. M. Rosen-
tnai, tjrace Apt., -nn au un up.
INSTRUCTOR at Heath's Dancing School.
HOUSEKEEPER by widower, 36; no chil
dren. O 74, Oregonian.
WANTED Young Norwegian girl, cooking
and some housework. Phone B 3326.
GIRL for general housework and cooking,
small family of adults. 792 Lovejoy.
GIRL for general housework. 560 Hoyt st,
WANTED Competent girl or Jap boy for
general housework, to go to oeach for
Summer. Good wages to right party. Call
Marshall 2406, mornings.
M I.'SICAL act. single, either accordlan.
banjo, cornet or xylophone. New Grand
Theater, 10o 6th st.
AMATEUR vaudeville actors for one night,
good pay. Call at 48 N. 6th st. Thursday
eve., June 25, between 6 and 7:30 P. M.
Flsk Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. $1$ Journal bldg. Main 482s.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering,
surveying ; methods most practical ; room
and board while learning ; position se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering,
2119 W. 7th St., Lcs Angeles, CaL
RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon; parcel post demand
many more cierks; act at once. Pacific
States School. McKay bldg., city.
MEN, women, get Government jobs; bis
pay; examinations announced everywhere
July 15; cample questions free. Franklin
Institute, Dept. 340, Rochester, N. Y.
WOMEN for Goernment clerkships, $7u a
month, Portland, examinations soon; spe
cimen questions free. Franklin Institute.
Dept. 703 N. Rochester, N. Y.
HOLER Barber College wilt teach you
quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
while learning, furnish tools free. Write
for free catalogue. A 48 2d st. N.
OREGON Barber College Now is the time
to learn the barber trade; position guar
anteed; paid while learning; tools free.
tuition reoucea. -A.t jhhuisud bi.
GIRL between 18 and 25 years to learn
comptometer adding machine; good posi
tions provided when coutae Is completed.
Call 448 Morgan bldg.
instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 425i.
RAILROAD firemen, brake men, $130; ex
perience unnecessary; send age, postage.
Kaiiway, care uregomsu.
WANTED Names ot men, 13 to 4". wishing
to be Portland mail carriers; 67 month.
AV iilO. Oregonian.
AT ONCE Young man to learn auto driving
and repairing. 19t Chapman st.
209 14TH ST. M. 3ii. EXP. INSTItCC N.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position with
- some wholesale house; 1 year's experience
with construction company ; honest ana
reliable; first-class reierences. AO Ut,
Q re gonian.
COMPETENT accountant, auditor and office
manager, with Portland experience, would
like to meet Interested people. C 63, Orego
nian. BOOKKEEPER, wide experience, splendid
reierences, einpioycu iuwu ur
64, Oregonian.
WANTED Small set of books to keep, re
quiring two or three hours" work each day.
Y 62. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with considerable office ex
perience would like Saturday afternoon
"and evening work. X 66, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED male stenographer wants
position; good habits. Address AJ CI, Qrm
PHARMACIST wishes position, city or coun
try; relief work accepted. P 64, Orego
nian. CERTIFIED accountant seeks position. R
t4, oregonian.
Miscel Ian eons.
CHAUFFEUR, Japanese married), 4 years
experience, good references. AO 6$, Ore
gonian. A-l STEAM engineer desires position erect
ing or' operating engineer; will go anywhere-
best references. AK 74. Oregonian.
BAKER, Japanese, has good experience
pastry, wants a position. X 61, Oregonian.
PAINTING, papering, country orders, day
or contract; bottom prices. Phone E. $039
FARM boy wants work; can milk; small
wages. P 9X, ureguoimt.
ALL-AROUND chef, colored, best refer
ences. Call East 6169.
YOUNG man with motorcycle desires posi
tion. 199 Chapman st. Main 1167.
COLORED man wants work as porter or
Janitor; experienced. Phone 616$
VACANT lots mowed reasonable. Jonas
Mowing Co., East 43.
5WMfLL engineer will do filing or miil
'wright work. W 63, Oregonian.
POSITION as fireman Well experienced. 621
Bidwell ave, -
PARTIES wanting lots mewed, phone Ta
bor S61
MAN and wife would like position; man
experienced in all brsnclus of ranch work
and gardening; wife housework and cook
ing. Address room 6. lis ldth SU, corner
Painting, pUstering. plumbtnr, cement,
carpentry. chimne e and fireplaces; any
thing particular and difficult desired.
Main 4774 for estimates.
EN PERT mechanic in automobiles dwlri
work of any kind In this branch. Repair.
Ittg of any mke of machine don: c-pable,
sooer driver. Salary reasonable, applicant
wishes to secure permanent position. Ad
dress N 61, Oregonian.
BY Al chauffeur, with 10 years experience
on nrst-ciawa car; sobr, absolute. y reli
able; not afraid of work; references; per
manent pluce rather than high wages de
sired. K 61, Oregonian.
TOt.N'O man familiar with estimating and
construction work wants position with re
liable architect; 4 jears' experience; refer
ences furnished. AJ SJ. oregonian
Technical training In civil engineering
School. t-lgni yrnrs r prrifin-. uvm mt.
aOfc. B. H. Calkins, 446 E. Oak
WANTED Position as Janltur; can furnish
the best of references ; lt plsce worked
u months s head jsnltor; quit for rea
sons. E. H. Crandail. phone Muln 7760.
rHAiTKKi'R Jsna n ese. has meprlencs.
good, careful driver, would like position
with private car
best reference. P b.
SALESMAN of ability desires perinanenl
position best of references furnished, and
will get the business; any good proposi
tion will be considered. oregonian.
THOROUGH Li experienced licensed clmuf
feur wishes position driving car for private
lumtiy ; urst -class reierences. o, ur-
MAN and wife would like position In city
or on the farm; both are experienced in
farm work and milking cows, no children.
M. T., b2ti Kairhaen it., 8U Johns.
YOUNG man. 7 years experience as stenog
rapher, general olflce man and salesman
wants position in any line. ,x ure
gonian. COLORED boy wants any kind of Job around
the house or work around hotel ol any
kind. V 41. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur and repairman
wUhes position; preferable private tamiiy.
Address G is 6. Marshall su. city.
GRASS snd weed cutting panic; prices by
lot or lota Phone East to or East sts.
4u Vancouver avs.
BOY, 10, wants supply work for few wsetts
before taxing steauy wura. vn
4042 evenings.
MAN with 4 children wants labor work or
farm work ; good worker. Main 742$ or
1S4 Sherman U
BOY with wheel wants work in city. A 44,
Bookkeepers and Meuosj rap hers.
EXPERIENCED young lady bookkeeper
and ste ,ographer desires office position;
accurate neat appearing girl; full par
ticulars B Oregonian.
COMPETENT operator, six ars experience,
wishes to substitute, using comptometer or
doing other office work. C 62, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED cashier desires position In
restaurant or moving picture show. Phone
Main bl.H'S.
STENOGRAPHER. six years' experience,
stenographic, general ol fice work, desires
position. Mars hall 1372.
Dress mi ker.
COMPETENT dressmaker wishes pupils, pri
vate or class, ladles and guls; your own
material also millinery; prices reasoa
aole. Main 3436. Information given. Mrs.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, ladles' tailor
ing, gowns, alterations; work guaranieeed.
Phone Tabor 1496. .
COMPETENT dressmaker and fancy coats
would like more engagements, Piious Mar-
ahall 1747. Call evenings A 76-
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and Indies
tailoring, batlsfautton guaranteed. Prices
reasonable. Mrs. Thorn t, iluln 420.1.
MAE MAltTZ, modiste. Suits, go us,
dresses, alterations and makeovers. Main
SJ3 ti. 12th st., corner t Alder.
LADY wishes sewing by day. reasonable.
Main 8726, A oi2s, ounday evenings.
PLAIN sewing and Summer dresses. Wood
lawn lbs.
WANTED Dressmaking by the day. Phone
Main 3211.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day, remod
eling a specialty. Tabor B2l, B
DRESSMAKING by the day. Call Woodlawn
FIRt-T-CLASS dressmaking uuue by day.
Call Main fer72; 2.."0 per day,
LADY wants sewing, mending, alterations,
reline furs; reasonable. Call A 4U0.
DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by ths
uay, Experienced. Tabor 4b.
" Nurses.
EXPERIENCED nurse, starting private hos
pital, wauts miid cases of insanity. Ad
dress Mrs. Hose Mont, Box M, Lents, ui.
EXPERIENCED practical uui se desires cane,
invalid, elderly, sick. A 71 J. Aiain 2u.
PRACTICAL NCKSE wants mental, diug
and aiconolic esses. Pnuu Tabor o07t.
YuUNG married lady with child would llki
lo get position as housukeepur; uo wasn
Ing. AL o, Oregonian.
LADY alone, best of references, wants
housekeeping; widower preferred. Y L
WANTED Position as housekeeper by wuin
an, with 4-year-old child. Fiat, spu ot
rooming-house. Main li ,. A 742o.
EXPERIENCED young woman wants or
by month ; references. Woodlawn ii3M.
YOUNG girl wishes to assist, with light
housework or care for child In plain fain,
lly where she will e treated as one of
them, phone Main 2161. between 10 and 3.
JAPANESE girl wants work In good family
where husband gets Job as cbauffeur or
any kind; experienced. AO i4, Oregonian,
YOUNG girl wishes snsitlnn In genital
housework. M. T Jrairbavea su, U
MARRIED woman with baby 2 years oM
would like light housework In private
family for room and board and mull
wages. Main 726", room a.
GIRL, 19 years, capsbis and reliable, winii
to care for children or do second work
at beach; no general housework. All L
YOUNG lady reception!!, would liks posi
tion; or will act as substitute white reg
ular help takes acation. Pbone Wood
lawn b5.
i'OUNG lady wishes position sa saleslsdy or
office work; best re faiences, pnone Main
6474, room 14.
YOUNG lsdy wishes private exchange; ex
perience in both office and teihon work;
can give references. R ao, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady cashier, wltli b months' dnpu
store experience, desires position, Ada less
K 61, oit'gonitn.
TO care lor children by the hour; reler-enet-a.
Phone Mum 8105.
V A.M ED Day wui K, govd lauudi
reierences. Main 022.
FIRST-CLASS (irmin cook wishes posi
tion; wages $40. phone Esst ol.
WOMAN would like to work for board, room
and learn dressmaking. A 6'. Oreuonisn.
BUM E laundry, 70 cents dusea pieces. Phone
Tabor l.V.
RELIABLE party wants washing at her
home. Call mornings. Wood In w n l62t.
YOUNG lady wishes position In factory,
Call Main 400.
WANTED Ironing, day or hour, families,
f I ret -c ! ass. Main 4 1 92. Room 2.
LACE curtains, lOc to 2."c each; laundered
by expert, called for. Hell wood 1 .
AGENTS Steady employment, big monsy;
catalogue free. Home Specialty Co., 1V63
Alkl ave., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Small furnished house by mar
ried couple t physician , no cblidren; will
Py $2.'. per mo. Oive full description in
first letter. W 64. Oregon Inn.
1 too ma With Board.
WANT to send my 12-year-old boy to the
beach for the Hummer with good family
that will care for him as a son. a 41.
TWO rooms, with board, refined private
family; couple with two children. K. S3,
M Iscellaneoua.
I WANT to rent a building In Portland lo
cated suitable for a boarding stable of it,
or more stalls; 1 rent is right will take
iong lease; I have mr own stock snd
equipment. A V 43, Oregonlsn.
fuarifehrd Rooms.
2(3 TBIRD ST. Clean, light, quiet rooms:
hot water, steam heat, free phone
bath; fco and, up; 3 per wst up.
ilul S 4th su Cor. 4:h and
$S PEH W Kk K t P
Two rmxiTit j p to-oats brlrk hntsis,
privets baihs. II. and C. water all twms.
no extra charge (r 2 In a room. h rm
tatha incl. I'Uunat. t-peciai rates t Wisr
Isis. Gtve us a iiL
Eleventh, between Mornsou and Tamhl'i.
New, clean rooms with siaatsi keel, hot
and cold atr. telphon, taras t'si.
three mirrors, tin eta. cotnf erit-
beds, large tliea t-stbs. Rstee fr le per
sons, $4 pt ek; fl per day snd up.
Cor. 11th snd Mik, .i wrt-ek bp; slevstnr.
hot and cU water, siesta iisat. ltphns
connvctlons in h room, no iUrn'
for two in rouni, loom and baia, 41
transient soil ned.
CbfKir r"R A N K L I N
Washington St., st Thiritt
Aoc per 'la; weekly, ." oA up
Running itfr, phons tn ea.-ii rooru, sewaa
het. fireproof bldg., trruul f lr lotoSy.
all-Dlght irt v IMiitir' IS goo-t.
ilUll.L .NWAl.lil.
427 , Jtuicr si., voi. Ilth.
New bru s bunding, baiit(u;lv f tir
nlsotl; rates, omti wma gl a osj sn4
up, 4 Wek. I'hune Main 41.7.
HUTKL bLi'KIMilUU. 2 t h an. W sshtag.
ton sis., 3..:o w-tk up. :yc day up, a.
taiodvrn bru a. pi .vat bat hs. If. sad
wstr all rooms, no &iia iiarg tt I la
room, tsths mc uoed, phones.
kiOTKL U K;.a,V.
Morrison St.. at loih, nirsl lewstlowi,
'unnnvr istfs.' See pmr day up, woefciV
..So up; iiai rotinis. running waisr, iie
phone and hatu. ini (.-ai
3J WKKK. Lams suits. bt- WUa, a. I P
furnishings, hot tier and isms all aouisi
nic. autt plac; a. so iais it.s-s r ' .
3i anu up, T bhcks i I a ti
(.ui.isi'. jd st n-r Jnrtn.
lOlNti V1B..N may consult without rhin
register vi fuimshed rooms listing estt
hbitured rooms in all tans uf city at .
ai . v . am
Hu'i kl. anhoMa,
124 14th st.. cor. Wuhiiii' m ?leetjr fur
tinha rouiua, irlt n-wi'm, rats 3
week and up. phone Mar' nm I
fciUltL sAVuN, ,tota st, isw,
mouern onus, atsam-heat4, fi
vmU baths, hot and cold water, com! wf t
ably furnished; tinsims so in tied.
UOlKl, k.UW A K U, oi ana a a. and Waal
llmont lit'oin. 12 month up. 3i ws
wan prUata l.aii. . .at, p atM tbb ,
cat in enne ihn. I i.on Kaai
ft'OKU liul h-U H asn tag it a. f.rst-rlsvaa
rooms, hot and cold water aa4 ps la
each; reuts 31 up.
VOL' Nil man room'ng at T. M. C. A. sss
room mate to red ucs ronitrg pens.
Inuuirs Y . M . C. A.. h and 1 lor.
LAltHAHbk' IKWKU i'S Larrs oe St. I f
you waul SO ssrl'lli o..y n-a. hmallhe
roo.n bf.ow rrnuar ptit. hnne h-mm i.
UUl CI. CUIil'UVA, 2V llih SU fctit.t.
inoOrn; private I a. lis, n suiie, rsin
up. Main P4 i 2, A 4.
urnltoel Kvma m Tiaie . nwiilw.
LA H K model n front room, suitable for
two persons, running water la room . oiii,
home plat e with siisJy hm anil sor hm,
also one unfurnished n-oin (or light buua
keeplng. IW llih ft. W P Hio.
KOOU In priat fainil . or man a4
m il; UM of piano. i.,H M sailppl r .
nmr rminsula J'ai Kenton i-r ti I m-
Uud blvd.
LARGE, tiii-a, riaan. slry r-oms. suits Hia
for 1 or 2 gntlrnen , htwaea Maa an4
balmon; bath and phona, 111 a sseaih.
Main ft?:.
MCI.LV furnished si
alo louekpiiK
1'Sl h. 1'" 1 i I li a l.
pn( g -ruin,
i utiiiii, f re
Si snd wi.
plton and
NICK, cool room. 4 montli, slo one at
mouth, iesp. lahie working mas or wom
an. U'' Oiaiid ivnu, urhT 1 a lor.
sTaST HHOAUWAT. p,fSPnt room In prl
vats family ; hums pi i ligea to good r
spectsoie party. l.all mornings st Ut.
Li L A L ' TIK fT. 1 . furnishfd room In g..d
horns; relsisnces, Nul H1IL iS JohioS
BUS-1. m
tmail, neat sloping -rooia.
ll'ih st.
t'L iUMf lil.L
lata a
a I'orvN.
4 7.1.
444 TAVUMt H I . Fine t l-mn ronifor i a u.s
front room close In. reusoMsMf , nmo- 11.
tTooU romi, phone and bath, a tee Iocs I lo a
for g-ntlm-n. "JM l'tb st.
NICK, cool outside looms, vsrjr rsssobsbts,
phone, th'it! lthsL
" Koirma ith IWarg.
I'M K VilnllMA lill.U
14ih snd Julmim his.
An eiiellent realdenttal hiel; attrs live
rat s 10 transients or psinianent gM-st
&luin f-ra. A wis.
3S Montpomety St.. St West 1'srk Mod-
rit consnn-iices. rooms with or without
bath ; eaceilent tab is srv i reaaonsis
tstes for r-gu-ar or transiiit guasis.
Ths W hltelisll, aJ th at . has f.n
table board, ttuwl'm rMinJi, sua parlois,
a real home; reasonable taiss.
Uth snd lamhiil sts. Hooms 10 us,
room snd toaiu, Ai up, sivs tud cleau,
good table.
Ml'KLV Iutlillied oulnl r it, .mrna cum-
lorttt suitable lor ! T twe prsns, in
4 luuing breakfast and d.nni ; par Oi.
each. 11 1 1 lb at.. nr Ysmhnl.
AT KAlMh-K ll 'TUt.
Hoom with bosrd f"r . an1 tip.
in NOHTH HTM MlUl.r.
TllK HA.KL N'w r hanged ! lami.y
hotel; spet lal raw-e, mix it home loos
ing. 3o ad at. pnone is.ni4.
IHK s'l'KVKKK, I 'ttl' h. rholrs rooms
with bosrd, a.t tuodctn couvsnieanes; iai-s
reasons i I e. -
bLMNKH wont'U and sludanta will find
good board and room $4 and 14 ." .
1-ortland Women's I nb-n. 61 r andra.
llih; MA.VITOII, UHl lath st llom sjiara,
rooms with or wnhout board. gQ'Ml
WANTKD- "Tllldren to bosrd. any as.
home, mother's cm.
I hoi, a l,nm .'S.
It. HMD Willi Mftfd) ls)JI'rajlsl
KNC KI'TToN A I, oppoi I iin It v Hi N oh I " 1 1
hottt lor on or two nm s-'
or nisrued toupis I' groiirti, lot r
flowers. vrt ) p!"Sul Pnnwunuii
mintil-s' wa.k. fctsTi.aM Mi I.
WllM.W w-i,l. lko l-..S ot rleman
would Ilka god boms cn.s ing In a
ste horn-, lovely ant. muii", tatl sd
Ci,n in ifiicea . r a no-, i ! In. I'hona
A ""oi. . .
Is W kki; LY. sre',. nt r"ms snd fcai tl,
naw and ci-sn, ws.kmg d.sianr, r'aa-
surroundings. 3S NoitU lith st. MaishSit
137a. .
lJ H t V A T K home. no. da
tellent hoard, lama r
Vt'sst I srk st.t 1
oh vlanra.
, l.a'h stia'-w-d.
J-(T"rsn. fttsis
LAK'.K loom wiin masis in anrt .
hor?i hot snd ro d "UM, walking sis-
tmc-. U. ' va 'A VI V-
N li "TfLY f ui nihd ron with boat d.
looking, bstwses jithsnd I. Hi.
'.'iwy- .-
LAU'lH beautiful Ioom, with boetd for b..p -n-as
couple, attrscilt hotliw. Mm
0( KLANIKltH. iarg. w all - f tirnuh.d ro.m.
with board; terms very reasons bis, ws.aing
and Im
'It H ., mm king
IttniM and
ilons I".
ut fafinad h"i
boHt l
With li'tlTlBfl
niiy ;t::i
UumD room,
t'hih. Two I
Mi'Kl.t fnrniaiiod
board. UtH si.
I o'-nia, 1 1
Van 9 .'7 4.
NK'U room wlih good I
reasons!!; cios In.
ard ; home;
I llih st.
If nt
MlllllOiiH t I ' "
lurslaherf Apswtmeajli
O or Hires rmrnil f spsrtmnt
lan and wife or two yoiin laoia fr
oushpin: all euiPioa nr,e iwcsiiaw.
Pfeiancfs. A M 12. trgonlsn
liAMMtltHl.Y fiTRT. ") 1-ib St.- a sal -
I,manolIP fhons Marshall Hfrffe,
12th snd Harrison 1 and 1 room spset-
lints. best servus Apply enr-rm.a,
TORKNT"" 11 1 1 th -4-room fnmlh4
apartmsnis; r"f garden; be we op
month, good locafon; wa'Mng d.tum
nasr Vsmlnil 1 a i
ij-.i 1 1 mni , cm j h
a-i ootn oiitlde
walkit.g ti I t "r
unu KL1K R 4-roons f uralh4 snart-
tntits. spsrsia phones, hath snd Indivig.
ual hiils.ant. , lk N.Jl'Mr- ,,fc-
7u'i: furnisbad 2 sr J 4 room hoiiskp p
suites st 44Vj Kllllngsw-orth . lew
rant, rueus Wsodiswa so. 0J:1.
,40 Van Ness, near Ellis All oata'os
tunny rooms, t s rah a uweek or monih.
aao fLANhKltS lie rrt Ju-T I.
prtmnt. 2 w'i
0 -room
$ 1 M furnish d I.'1'.
ft Trinity l'lare; J, i. 4 room apimot,
mod tn. y nr 1!: 0 s 1 m J 4 . N r w 1 n n s a . o l
JT;s"lO t Pr wrk. room spart'nnis.
all C"nninr. 5.1 M UI.
Ali DMa' YTICH H aiK. ;:s IttN si Lara
3 -room ipurniwii Jir"i J."h ..'r'
VMCK HTO S."4 4 low prifA ts as 4.
ihras-rseua aparuasots. Arsh4 ll