Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Mayor to Call Session to Con
sider Revoking Richards'
License, Says Secretary.'
ATbee Intends to Protect Young Men
and Women by Shutting Up All
Places Violating Laws, As
serts W. II. Warren.
A special session of the City Council
will be called to hear the evidence of
the officers who raided Richards' Grill
Saturday night, with the view of de-
"termining whether the grill's city
' liquor license shall be revoked, said W,
H. "Warren, secretary to Mayor Albee,
"Mr. Richards possesses a liquor li
cense, granted by the Council body,
and he will be cited' to appear and
show cause why it should not be re
voked," said Mr. Warren.
"While the charge against Steward
6mith, of the grill, will have to be dis
missed, because the ordinance under
which he was sought to be prosecuted
was found to have been repealed by
the so-called model liquor license law,
the raid Saturday has sufficed to
create wide interest in what is alleged
by several persons to be the worst dive
In Portland.
Steward's Opinion Told.
"Steward Smith, so far as I have been
able to ascertain, is the only man in the
city who admits that Richards' is con
ducted 'more strictly' than other es
tablishments in Portland. If he ie cor
rect there is a lot of work to do along
clean-up lines. As a matter of fact, I
have reports that incline me to the
belief that Mr. Smith is mistaken. The
:City Council, which has exclusive juris
.?eTAi?U?.r llcens!s in Portland. ve3Sel was brousnt here to have' dam-
vu uei.iuo iiiia iiuu vuniL.
"One of the patrons of Richards,
: male one, however, who met one of
the women patrons on Washington
street Saturday just before the raid,
said that he 'thought' he knew her, but
later discovered he did not. The woman
told Captain Inskeep that her gentle-
Multnomah Holdover Senator
Seeks Presidency of Up
per Branch.
the channel as long as weather con
ditions permit. The vessel will be as
sisted from her berth through the
Broadway bridge by a towboat.
T. A. Corbin, of Adelaide, Australia,
Is in the city. Mr. Corbin is the repre
sentative there of Balfour, Guthrie &
Co., which firm is shipping consider
able lumber to Australian ports.
On finishing working flour at the
Crown mill today the Grace liner
Santa Catalina goes to the mill of the
Portland Lumber Company.
Xo take on flour for the Far East
the Royal Mall liner Glenlochy hauls
down this morning from Oceanic dock
to a berth at the Portland Flouring
Mills Company's plant. From there she
goes to Kalama for lumber.
Coming to take on most of her lum
ber cargo for Australia, the British
tramp Rothley put out from Eureka
yesterday. She is brlneiner a Dart cargo
tramp Strathgarry came into the river
from Noyo, CaL, yesterday and com
pletes her lumber load for Australia.
The British steamer Tymeric arrived
yesterday from San Pedro to load lum
ber at We&tport and Linnton - for
Shanghai. She was fixed by Balfour,
Guthrie & Co.
More special Summer rates have been
arranged on the steamers Harvard and
Tale, Frank Bollam, Portland agent,
being advised yesterday that June 26
tickets are to be sold between San
rranclsco and ban .Diego at S one
way and $13 for the round trip, and
June 23 between the Golden Gate and
Los Angeles at $6.35 one way and $10.70
for the round trip, the time limit in
each case being 15 days. It is the sec
ond cut made th's month by the line.
Captain Canty, master of the oil
tanker Catania, filed a protest at the
Custom-House yesterday because of
having struck a submerged object
when five miles north of Blunts Reef
To undergo repairs and an overhaul
ng the steamer Diamond O was hauled
n the ways at the yard of the Port-
and Shipbuilding Company yesterday.
She will be out of water about a week,
and steamers of the Shaver Transpor
tation Company will be used in her
Barges and tugs will leave down this
morning to clear the Willamette River
of derelict logs and snags. Those lying
below the North Pacific mill, which
have been picked up in the harbor from
time to time and towed there, are to be
lifted onto a barge and taken to a mill
for pulp material. It is hoped to move
all Iors today,
Having been caulked and painted.
the Port of Portland steamer Pronto
Struggle Tor Speakership Less Ad
vaneed, Though Ben Selling, AI
. len Eaton and Others Are
Being Mentioned.
Though it will be nearly seven
months before the next Legislature
convenes, the date set by law being the
second Monday in January, the presi
dency of the Senate and speakership of
the House are already objects of con
siderable interest to legislators and
prospective legislators.
The next Legislature is certain to be
overwhelmingly Republican. Both the
president of the Senate and the speaker
of the House will be members of that
party. In fact, the personality of the
candidates and the geography of the
situation will cut a much larger figure
in the race than party lines, for Re
publicans will so dominate the Legis
lative Assembly that no member of a
minority party would have a chance.
Perkins First to Announce.
The first legislator formally to shy
his hat into the ring as a candidate
for either place is Dr. T. L. Perkins, of
Portland, one of the holdover Senators
from Multnomah County. Dr. Per
kins announced yesterday that he will
run for president of the Senate and de
clared that he already has many
pledges of support. Dan J. Malarkey,
also of Multnomah county, was presi
The -New Irresistos Are Here!
New and highly improved talking machines, in the latest and most attractive models the equal in all essential
particulars of any of the regular $200 types. Superb and life-like tone. Offered in combination with latest dance
records (sixteen, all different) and eight other selections, a large quantity of needles, also brush, oil can and all
extras free. On terms of only $5 a month until the marvelously low price of $82.25 has been paid.
Will be supplied in superb mahogany, elegant
Circassian walnut, golden oak and other fancy
wood cases to match furniture or furnishings in
the proudest mansion.
' This offer unquestionably achieves the very
highest value for the smallest possible outlay.
Any home can pay $5 a month and this instrument
will bring all the music, all the artists of all the
world into every home. "Will be sent on free trial
to any home in Oregon. .
Distribution and sale commenced Saturday
morning, June 20th. Price $82.25. Complete, as
above. A deposit of $5 secures one.
The Irresisto, the greatest combination offer
ever devised by talking machine headquarters.
was lowered from the Public drydok " JI4 b"1 Mr. Malar-
yesterday, also the schooner Hugh
Hogan. The latter will load coal here
for Glenada and on discharging there
is to re-enter the lumber trade. The
age repaired that resulted from her
grounding at the entrance to the Sius
When the dredge Portland ends her
work at the foot of Swan Island there
will be 30 feet of water and a width
of at least 600 feet at the bend in the
main channel, while masters of large
man friend, upon accosting her on the vessels may a'lso get a clear vlew from
. Q , oglrail haw I. ixr- n than micrh. nh I
street, asked her where they might ob
tain a little drink. She replied: 'Rich- bound downstream.
.run is lue niu y sine pjacu x know u i.
:Both were caught in the police net.
"Safe Places" Must Go, Saya Warren.
"Just what was meant by Richards'
being "a safe place" I do not know, but day with a cargo of freight from Port-
I know one thing if if meant that land. She cleared the same day.
Richards is a place where any kind
of characters, no matter how lewd, may
resort and have immunity from arrest
and prosecution, the woman making
the assertion was mistaken.
"It is difficult to "get' places like
Richards', for a complicated and clever
there of the St. Johns bridge when
Mireno Leaves Toledo.
TOLEDO. Or., June 23. (Special)
The Mirene arrived in Toledo yester-
system is maintained for the purpose I CHICKED FOOD,
or avoiding successful prosecution, but
Mayor Albee Intends to shut up all such
establishments for the protection of
young men and women. Neither Rich
ards' nor any other place, little or big,
is going to be 'a safe place,' in the
sense that law violations will be tol
erated in them. It is the Mayor's de
termination to see to it, however, that
places running under the guise of eat
ing establishments, as well as all
others, shall be so conducted that young
tins win Be safe within them."
Steward May Not Be Held.
K. D. Smith, steward at the ftrlll. it
New Plant at Oregon City Turns Out 15
Gallons of Oil and S40 Pounds of
Dried Meat Each Day.
OREGON CITT, Or., June 23. (Spe
cial.) The only plant for the manufac
ture of eel oil and dried eel meat is
now running at full capacity here and
consuming about half a ton of eels
Is said, probably will be discharged day. The average daily product of the
from Municipal Court when he appears plant is 16 gallons of oil, used in the
for trial this morning.
City Attorney La Roche, after a con
ference yesterday with Deputies
Stadter and Myers, announced that
- tnere was no specific charge on which
.to hold him.
manufacture of leather goods, and 240
pounds of dried eel meat, used as
chicken feed.
The process has been worked out by
Edward Reimers and James P. Kelly,
and the plant is operated under their
direction. Fishermen gather the eels
from the pools In the rocks around the
falls with dip-nets.
The eels are taken to the plant on
the banks of the river and placed in a
vat and cooked. After the eels have
beea cooked for a short time the oil
rises to the surface and is drained off
into a barrel. The solid matter is
pressed and then ground, more oil bo
ins derived. From the grinders the
eels, now almost powdered, are placed
in the driers. The solid matter is put
in sacks and finds a ready market with
farmers and poultrymen.
Mr. Kelly has secured the co-opera
tion of the Government and has sent his
products to Federal chemists for analysis.
The work this year is largely an
experiment. At first the two men con
fined their efforts to work on a small
s:iiu in Portland and passed the great
er part of three years in an effort to
find a commercial use for eels ana iruit
waste. Early this year the work
reached such a point that to test out
the processes devised it was necessary
to find a place where the number of
Harvey Plnder, Grocer, Bruised but e was unlimited and the work could
1 De uone on mrser euhio.
.Miss Rugenstein Gets $3821 Verdict
for Injuries in Auto Accident.
On the second trial of her case Miss
Albertine H. Rugenstein, a professional
nurse, yesterday obtained a verdict for
damages assesed at $3821 for being run
down by an automobile March 4, 1912.
At the last trial Miss Rugenstein was
awarded a verdict for J3500. This was
.February 11, 1913.
Henry J. Ottenheimer, owner of the
automobile, appealed the case and tho
Supreme Court reversed the ruling of
tne circuit court. Both trials were
held before Judge McGinn.
Miss Rugenstein was crossine Wash.
ington street from Trinity place, when
tne auto, driven by Albert J. Mason,
struck her. Her spine was injured.
tne sued lor to650.
Xot Seriously Hurt.
Harvey .finder, a grocer, 25 years
old. living at 377 4 Greeley street, was
bruised, though not seriously injured,
about 1 A M. yesterday, when his mo
torcycle collided with an automobile
on the Linnton road.
Pinder's companions say the automo
bile driver refused to bring Pinder to
a hospital. They then summoned a I
Good Samaritan Hospital ambulance.
The autoist's conduct was brought to I
i-vans yesterday.
and he is not a candidate for re-election.
Dr. Perkins was chairman of the Sen
ate ways and means committee at the
last session. He is at present work
ing with other holdover Senators from
Multnomah County on a plan to reduce
state expenses by eliminating and con
solidating various state commissions.
As member of a Senate committee of
which Senator Day is chairman he is
also gathering data and statistics com
paring the cost of administering the
Portland public schools with the cost
of administration in other cities of the
same relative size, to be incorporated
a repuri to- Liie next jegisiaiure.
Open Contest Announced.
I am entering the race at this time,
said Dr. Perkins yesterday, "because I
wish the contest to be an open one, and
feel that there is nothing to be gained
by withholding my announcement to
the last moment. Being a holdover
Senator and not having to run for re
election this year, I also feel that by
definitely announcing my aspiration for
the Presidency of the Senate now, I
will be able to devote more of my time
to working for the success of the entire
Republican ticket, from United States
Senator and Governor down the list, in
the coming campaign. I am going to
work a lot harder for that than for my
own candidacy."
There are at least two other prospec
tive candidates for president of the
Senate. One is W. Lair Thompson, of
Lakeview, holdover Senator from Crook,
Klamath and Lake counties. Senator
Thompson is serving his second term in
the Senate, and prior to being elected
Senator he was in the lower house. He
was a member of the important com
mittees on irrigation and judiciary in
the 1913 session. Though he has not
announced his candidacy, he is expected
to do so before long.
Dr. YV. D. Wood Is Possibility.
The other Senator regarded as a prob
able candidate is Dr. W. D. Wood, of
Hillsboro, holdover Senator from Wash
ington County. Dr. Wood was chair
man of the committee on counties at
the last session.
As 15 new Senators are to be elected
next November, there may be other en
tries in the list after the Fal election.
There is some talk that W. A Dimick,
of Oregon City, who is a candidate for
re-election, will decide to get in the
As all 60 members of the lower house
are to be elected next November, the
contest for speaker has not yet reached
the announcement stage. However, the
name of Ben Selling, of Portland, is
prominently mentioned. Mr. Selling
was president of the Senate several
years ago.
Allen Eaton, of Eugene, now a canal-
date for his fifth successive term in
the lower house from Lane County, expects-
to run for speaker. Others men
tioned Include Wesley O. Smith, of
Klamath Falls, and Vernon A Forbes,
of Bend, both candidates for re-election
from the district composed of Crook,
Klamath. Grant and Lane' counties.
C. N. McArthur, speaker of the 1913
House, is now a candidate for Congress
from the Third district, comprising
Multnomah County.
Eilers Building.
Broadway and Alder
These and hundreds of other artists should be heard regularly In every home. The
Irresisto makes this possible. See Eilers Music Bouse.
Christian Brothers Graduate
14 Business Students.
Medals Are Awarded to Many for
Good Work in Varions Branches.
Programme Rendered, Arch
bishop Presents Diplomas.
A Bed Bug Cure. Ask for Insecticide.
Plummer Drug Co 3d and Madison.
The 28th annual commencement ex
ercises were held last night in Alumni
1VU. Christian Brothers' Business Col
lege, Grand avenue. Fourteen young
men graduated from the business de
partment, and certificates and medals
were presented. A programme of
literary and musical numbers was
Archbishop Christie presented the
diplomas and certificates and medals.
Judge William N. Gateno made the ad
dress. Graduates Are Named.
Graduates from the business depart
ment are:
Henrv Anthony Burner. St. Paul, Or.;
Anthony John Becker, Portland, Or.; Charles
Emmett Curtln, Fortlana; uresies juoeuu
relnrla Tnrtland? Rot John Hoss. Portland
William JoseDh Lyons, Portland: Malcolm
Thnmi, Portland: Earl Sydne:
Nelson. Mabel. Or.: Martinus Nelson, Cor
neliua. Or.: AdolDh John Rae. Portland
Georze Henrv Royer. St. Johns, Or.; William
Clement Sinister, Portland; Felix Herman
Simon, Portland; "Thomas Wilbur Warren.
Those receiving second-year com
mercial certificates are:
Ravmond JoseDh Cole. ' Portland: Freder
ick Joseph Gansneder, Portland; Joseph
Charles Elvers, Portland; Thomas Bernard
Skahan, San Francisco.
Those receiving first-year commer
cial certificates are:
Arthur AlhertinL Portland: Benjamin Ed-
ward Chappell, Goldendale, Wash-.; David
Joseph Callahan, Portland; Francis Joseph
Clifford, Portland; Thomae Anthony XJUiry,
Portland; Thomas urnmetc uoouns, ron
land; Charles Dewey Fox, Portland; Alex-
ander Phllln HeuD. Vancouver, wasn.
George Francis Hockenyos, Portland; Ralph
Frederick Hahn. Portland: John D. kc
Lauarhlln. Portland: Joseph V. McEntee,
Portland: Emanuel Beth Kyrren. Portland
John Henry Paque, Portland; Francis Joseph
Reverman, Portland; William .Bryan i
ner, Portland: Frederick J. Thoraua. Port
land, and Arthur F. Yerkes, Portland.
Those receiving teachers' diplomas
are: Joseph C. Elvers. Felix Simon,
Charles E. Curtin and Thomas W. War.
The archbishop gold medal-presented
by Archbishop Christie for Christian
doctrine was awarded to David Joseph
Callahan: John H. Paque was second,
Next in merit were Henry Burger and
Charles Curtin.
The Alumni Association medal for
application and scholarship was
awarded to Malcolm T. McLean. George
Henry Royer was second; Felix H
Simon, third.
The Albert J. Capron medal for gen
Flagship of Alaska Fleet in Port
Only Three Days.
Lumber, lath, salmon cans and mer
chandise made up the cargo of the
steamer J. B. Stetson, which got away
last night for Alaskan ports. As some
of her deck space was converted for
the transportation of general freight.
through being temporarily decked over,
the vessel could have carried more stuff
this voyage, but as she arrived Sun
day morning every effort was made to
get her away on time. Captain Herri-
man has made fast time with the
Stetson, and. as she is flagship of the
fleet, he is being depended on to keep
the schedule going.
The steamer Quinault left Ketchikan
at midnight Monday and on her way
here calls at Grays Harbor to load ISO
tons of box shooks for Astoria and
another lot of ISO tons that goes to
Alaska canneries. The Thomas L.
Wand was due at Ketchikan yesterday,
bound north.
Marine Xotes.
All machinery having been given
tiff dock trial, the United States
dredge Chinook leaves Alaska dock- at I
t o'clock this morning for the Colum
The original Beverly B. Dobbs films at the Baker Theater this week show animal, vegetable and human
life in the vast frozen wastes of the Far North. In some ways, it is said, these rival those of the famous
Kainey African hunt pictures, as both show the excitement of big game hunts.
Eskimo natives making a wild onslaught after a herd of walrus; a lively chase after polar bear;
a 500-mile mail route behind a dog team, and white men washing out placer gold are seen.
Ezra Meeker, pioneer of the Oregon trail, appears with views and delivers a talk.
eral excellence was awarded to Alex
ander P. Heup. Emanual S. Ngyren
was second; Benjamin E. Chappell
A gold medal by a friend for the best
shorthand record was awarded to
Martlnus Nelson. Orestes J. Celoria
was second; Henry Burger third.
The Richardson scholarship for the
highest grammar grade credits was
awarded to John E. Houck. James A
Larklns was second, Herbert J. Decker
Penmanaalp Award Made.
The president's gold medal, awarded
for best penman in the college, went
to Joseph C. Elvers. Felix H. Simon
was second, George Henry Royer third.
The ladies' auxiliary. Ancient Order
of Hibernians, state board scholarship
medal, for the best record in Irish
history was awarded to Daniel J. Mc
Loughlin. William J. Mahoney was
second, Joseph Burgard third.
The college gold medal for violin
music was awarded to Theodore
Matschiner. Edwin Houch was second.
Donald Eber third. Special mention
was given William Schuster and
Herbert Decker.
The Sullivan gold medal from P. E.
Sullivan, for general excellence in sec
ond grammar class, was awarded to
John Montchalin. Mannle Wiley was
second, William Young third.
The gold medal for general ex
cellence in the first intermediate was
awarded to Robert O'Brien. James
Douglas was second, Arthur Wackrow
Xhe gold medal for general ex
cellence in the second intermediate was
awarded to Edward Walbel. John
O'Donnell was second, Clafford Burke
The Martin & Campbell gold medal
for progress in gymnasium work was
awarded to Theodore Matschiner.
Herbert Decker was second, Bryan
Dooling third. -
The Fabre gold medal for progress
in gymnasium (juniors) was awarded
to Eward L. Ryan. Loyola O'Mara
was second, Emile Felt third.
Proposed Changes Provide for System
I ndrr Wklrh Type of Surface
Dependa en Trafflr.
Following completion yesterday by
City Engineer Duter of a report and
recommendation for a new classifica
tion of paving in Portland, the way
was opened for early Inauguration of
proceedings for paving projects in va
rious parts of the city, a largo num
ber of which have been held up for
sever! months pending the comple
tion of this report.
Engineer Dater referred his report
to City Commissioner Dleck. If he
approves the recommendation, they
can be put into use within a short
time. In hope of being able to rush
through the paving projects which
have been held up. Engineer Dater has
sent men over the various, streets to
be Improved to require the Installation
of all retaining walls, drain pipe con
nections and other Improvements so
that there will be no paving delays.
Under the new classification of pave
ments there is no great difference from
the previous classification. One change
is the placing of asphaltic concrete
pavement in competition with bltu
llthic and standard asphalt on all pro
posed improvements. Under the old
plnn asphaltlc concrete was allowed
to cotnoote with tho omen only In
certain specltlo casta.
The type of pavement to be ud In
the various districts la to be determined
by an established sratem. Tbe as
sessed valuation of the abuttlna prop
erty and the amount of trafrlo whl h is
liable to pass along the street will be
used In determining the type of pave
ttifnt to be used.
For' a street along which the as
sessed values of property Is low and on
which the traffio Is not heavy the
cheaper types of paving will be per
mitted, lbs quality and cost of pave
ment will be graduated upward aa the
assessed values are greater and the
traffic heavier.
Improvements will be started on the
following streets:
Portions e East rif ly-Sevealh stret.
East Flftr-fcmhth street. l:t ririr-Nlntk
street, street, as a dleirict.
iJlatrlct Improvement of rettions ( Six
teenth street and Hall street.
kast Seventy. Hlstb street frnm Kaet Mar.
ket street to Kmmt Yamhill slreeu
Kaat Twentr-Veventh street from Dekura
avenue to Columbia boulevard.
Kings Court from St. Clair street to Ford
Uoln street from ration svonuo to Kr.
win street.
Seventieth street Southeast from Foster
road to Whitman avenue and Klf ' r-Peend
avenue onutheaot from Klslr-Klshih street
to Boventy.Seuond street SouthesiU
The Council will have up for final
acceptance tbe Improvements com
pleted on tbe following streets:
Knott street from Bast Twenty-Ninth
street, extended southerly, to Kaat Thirty
Third street, by Qleblsch a, Joplln, imuunl
1ns to lls.Oll.IC
Portions of Kaat Sherman street. I;aet
Flfty-flecond street, (East riftr-Thlrd street.
East Fifty-Fourth street and Kast Flftf
Fifth street, by Utsblsch a, Joplln, amoaat
ln to fit. ITS n.
Well-Known Portland Musicians
Take Part at Oregon City.
OREGON CITY. Or., June 23. (Spe
cial.) Well-known Portland musicians
will take a prominent part in the com
ing session of the Willamette . Valley
Chautauqua at Gladstone Park. Mr.
Stuart McGuire, a well-known baritone
of the metropolis, has been secured as
the official "Chautauqua soloist,' and
will be heard frequently throughout
the 13-day programme, which opens
July 7. Others who will participate are
Pauline Miller-Chapman, a well-known
mezzo soprano; Mrs. Sarah Glance Bow
man and Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, pop
ular soloists. The Parsons orchestra
of 15 pieces, to be known as the "Chau
tauqua orchestra," will render two
concerts daily, at 1 and. 7 P. M., with
Fred Bacon, Lee Townsend, An
drew Roney and others as orchestra
soloists. The Dixie Jubilee Singers,
the Chicago Glee Club and the Simpson
College Songbirds, consisting of 60
voices, all star attractions from the
East, also are on the programme.
Powers and Lewis Are Fit.
NORTH BEND, Or.. June 23. (Spe
cial.) Lem Powers and Jack Lewis,
both of Portland, arrived here today to
prepare for their 10-round boxing
match before the North Bend Boxing
Club on the evening of July 3. Both
Powers and Lewis claim to be In first
class condition now and say they will
need little hard work for the bout.
Think of tbe company behind
the car and you'll realize why
Fords and Government bonds
are bought with equal assurance.
Strongest financially world
wide in scope largest in volume
of output. We build our reputa
tion into the car and guarantee
service afterwards.
$o00 for tbe runabout; $550 for tbe touring
car and $750 for the town ear f. o. b.
Detroit, complete with equipment. Get cat
alogue and particulars from Ford Motor
Company, Eleventh and Division Sts., Port
land. Phones: Sell wood 2323; A 2341.
Time Lowered in Run to Lick Observatory With
Bill Turner made the run from San Jose Country Club to Lick Observatory
on Mount TTfl.Tni1t.nn in 48 minutes 324 seconds, Ine best previous record being
1 hour 5 minutes.
ASSOCIATED GASOLINE is lowering time and mileage records in every test
which proves
More Miles to the Gallon
Ask Your
Garage for
If They Do Not Have It
Phone, Main 2055, A 2055
Refined by
Associated Oil Company
bia River bar, where she is to work on