Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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of the ifathan-Dohman Company, Is at
the Oregon.
Harry K. French Is registered at the
Special '25c Lunch Served Daily in the Basement Shoe-Shining Parlors in the Basement Wheel Goods, Etc.. 4th Floor
July Issue of the "Criterion of Fashion" Showing Advance Styles, Now on Sale at the Pattern Counter Price 5c a Copy
Nortonia from New York.
.John E. Chappell, of Qoldendale,
Wash., is at the Imperial.
Mrs. R. W. Allen, of Hermiston, is
registered at the Imperial,
June Sale Linens
Entire Stock at Reduced Pricf.
Don't Fail to Supply Your Nds
in This Lino Now and Ssva
Red Letter Day99
Ten Free "S. & H." Trading
Stamp Given to AH Visitors to
Premium Parlors on Fourth Floor
Miss Dorothy A. Elliott, of Walla
Walla, is at the Multnomah.
Olds, Wortman King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Store Hours 9 A, M. to 6 P. M- Stmt Business Day -Saturday Include!
L G. purdick, an attorney of Ied-
mono, is at tne aiuunoman.
Proposed Ousting of City Of
ficials Believed Sidetracked
for Some Later Plan.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Mathews, ef Salem,
are registered at the Carlton.
Edward B. Pike, a San Francisco
business man, is at the Oregon,
H, W. Maynard registered at the Per.
kins yesterday from Forest Grove.
Edwin Landis and son, Philip, of Ban
Francisco, are at tho Multnomah.
Alex EMiller and family have taken
permanent apartments at the Kortonia.
W. H. 'Arnold and daughter, Usel, of
Schorndorf, Germany, are at the (Sew
ard. J, R. Smith is registered at the Ore-:
go with Mrs. Smith, from Wetfer,
C. J, Bushnell, of Forest Grove, is
registered at the Beward with Mrs,
Bushnell, Mr. Bushnell is president Of
Pacific University.
asement "100 Special Sales99 for Today!
"Why IVorfc In Dart?" Asks Mayor
"It Present System I Vr0n5
Let Va All Know It an
Gt a Better One." ,
Althnnrh backers ef the proposed
IMbeePieck.Prewster recall are still
worktng in the dark, refusing to dis
close their identity or ts drop any hint
that might throw light upon tneirpiaps
or purposes. It U believed that the re
fall nroDosal has been sidetracked for
an attack en the commission form of
government. While nothing; apparently
has been diaqlosed from the mysterious
headquarters, reports have been eir.
culatad to tho effect that measures are
being prepared, to submit at a coming
eleutlon, to nuimy tiio wummioo.ui.
rharrnr r to DUt in Its Place a HW
form of srovernment.
Various reports along- this line have
been circulated. One which has found
Its way to the City Hall is that the
backers of the recall now have petitions
In the hands of printers providing for
the repeal of the commission form of
government and the re-establishment
of the old councilmanic charter. An
other report is to the effect that
measures are being prepared providing
for a new charter, with a eity man
lier system as its principal feature.
The latest rumor Is that somewhere
but nobody knows wherifc-tbere is
being prepared a new charter, whioh,
If adopted by the people, would amend
the present commission charter so as
to nrovide a combination of the com
mission and the counoilmanie forms of
government. It is reported that this
charter has been in the ceurse of prep
aration for some time, and may be
ready for submission to the people
under the Initiative, either at a special
eity election in November or at the
regular city election neit June, a year
hence. "
Mayor Albee said yesterday that he
had heard all these rumors, but had not
taken them seriously.
''The crv of the backers of the re
call has beep thatthey were afraid of
being hounded by the present adminis
tration and its friends." said Mayor Al
bea. "Of course that was a silly argu
ment as applied to the recall. It cer
tainly cannot be applied in the case of
a proposed new charter. Why work in
the dark? Why the mystery? If there
Is something wrong with our present
charter, why not give us all the benefit
ef knowing it?
"I'd have great confidence in a form
ef government which might be worked
out under suph oondltions. But it is
my opinion that the public is not so
foolish as some schemers might think."
Gift From Mrs. E, McLernon to Fly
Sv - ' Over Boys'- Camp,
One of the most prized gifts that the
Portland Y. M. C. A. has Yecelved is a
flag that has been donated to the beys'
department. The gift is valued par
ticularly because the donor, Mrs. E.
McLernon, made the flag herself, work
log many hours on It.
The flag has been given for use at
Spirit Lake, where it- will fly above
the Summer camp established there
each year. At present it has been
given a place of honor in the boys'
lebby in the association building. It
will be taken to Spirit Lake by the first
party of boys, who will leave Portland
net Monday. It will remain flying at
tpe camp until August z.
Mrs. McLernon is the mother of John
McLernon, who passed his vacation In
the . M. C. A. camp last year, and
was pne of the three boys winning
honor medals. The flag Is ten by seven
feet and Is all hand sewed.
OVEft LOT line; removed.
PMfteolti of Tw Couples Aire la
Court "Woman Accuse of Iataaleax
tf on by Neighbor Discharged by Judge.
"Friends and neighbors of the families
of H, 8. Young and A. J. MeKenna, who
live in adjoining houses on Belmont
street, near East Thirty-ninth street,
thrqnged the Municipal Court room
Monday afternoon to hear the differ
ences of the two couples aired.
The MoKennas charged Mrs. Young
with being intoxicated, and they led
Patrolmen Morris and Post to the
bouse, which they raided late Satur
day, but made no arrests. Mrs. Young
was sleeping when the raid was made,
according to testimony, and the only
evidence of intoxication was the state
ments of members of the MeKenna
family. -
Gus .C. Moser, who appeared for Mrs.
Young, brought into the case the dif
ferences of the couples for the past
year. It was said that Mr. MeKenna
built a high wire spite fence between
the Igts, but wag forced to remove it
when a resurvey of the lots ordered by
Mrs.' Young revealed that the , fence
was four inches over tho property line.
"On tho 29th day of April Mrs. Young
threatened in the yard to brain me
three times," said Mrs.. MeKenna.
That s a long tlnria ago, said Judge
When Mrs. Young was discharged
from court, her friends and acquain
tances to the number of 20 thronged
around, shaking her hand, and assur
ing her of their regard-
After the decision was made, Mrs.
MeKenna, last witness on the stand,
continued her remarks about Mrs.
Young until Clerk Crounse drowned
her talk by blows of the gavel on his
desk. 1
Jobbers and Manufacturers Extend
Field of Effort.
Preparations well are under way for
the second annual "Buyers' ween ex
cursion which will be run to Portland
this year, under the auspices of the
manufacturers and- Joobers of the city,
from August 10 to 15.
Tho territory to which tho Invita
tions are to be sent has been extended
and the Jobbers and manufacturers ex
pect the attendance of out-of-town mer
chants to be far greater than last year,
when the first excursion week was run.
The executive committee of the Job
bers' and Manufacturers' Association
will meet Friday at luncheon at the
Commercial Club to consider the de
tails of the plans for the August event.
C. C. Chapman also will deliver a re?
port on the convention ef the Retail
Merchants in La Grande, which Is clos
ing today,
W. W. Jamison, of Boston, is at the
W. E. Proctor, of Bay City, Is at the
H. D. pcudder. of Corvallls, is at the
J. H. Wenandy, of Bend, is at the
J. C. Smith, of tfehalem, is at the
C. Y. Tengwald, of Medford, is at th
A. C. Lindsey, of Coeur d'AIone, is
at the Perkins.
John Doumit, of Cathiamet, Wash.,
ts at the Oregon.
Louis Cohn, of Pasco, Wash., Is at
the Multnomah.
O. H. Byland, of ABterla, is registered
at the Cornelius. "
T. W. Lusk, a Silverton timber man,
a at the Perkins. :
P. E. Kriegbaum, of Los Angeles, is
at the Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Stewart, of Baker,
are at the Cornelius.
F. L. Wendt, of Medford, registered
at the Carlton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buckley, of Eugene,
are at the Washington.
Richard P. Walkden, of San Fran
cigio. is at the Cornelius.
Edith Hayden is registered at the
Cornelius from Roseburg.
William Lltsenburg. of Mount Pleas
ant, Iowa, is at the Carlton.
H. L. Henshaw and M. L. Langs, of
Ealem, are at the Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles L. Powell, of
lloro. are at the Washington.
Miss Margaret E. Moore, of Los An
geles, is at th Nortonia.
C. B, Joseph, Pacific Coast RtB98r
Local Delegation to International Con-
ventloa f Rotary CJubs Aare4
Enough Totes to Elect.
Frank. C. Riggs, of Portland, will be
elected today, at the international con
vention ef Rotary Clubs in Houston,
Tex., to the vice-presidency of the
Northwestern division, if signs do not
A telegram was received at the
luncheon of the Rotary Club at the
Multnomah Hotel yesterday from Fred
Spoeri, of the Portland delegation at
Houston, making this announcement.
Mr. Spoeri said that the Portland dele
gation already has been pledged enough
votes to insure the election of Mr.
Rlgga. The election of officers will
occur today.
As vice-president of the Northwest
ern division Mr. Riggs will be the ac
tive head of the Rotary Club organi
zations of Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Montana and Wyoming.
At tho luncheon yesterday the reso
lution introduced by M. N. Dana some
time ago, supporting a coramoa point
freight rate for Astoria and Portland,
was tabled indefinitely.
The address of the day yesterday was
given by Professor William C. Morgan,
of Reed College, on "The Pathfinder of
Progress.' In spite of the fact that
many of the leading members of the
club are with the delegation in Houston
the attendance at he meeting yester
day almost was as large and enthu
siastic as ever.
aiaywopd Drive Expenses $14? 0.8 6,
, Sayq Highway Bureau Chief
In a detailed report of operations
of the city In connection with the work
performed on Maywood Drive to pre
vent earth slides. H.- W. Holmes, chief
of the bureau of highways and bridges,
sava tha city has spent 11430.66 out
nf an aDDrooriation of $1600. This
leaves a balance of $69.84.
The report was prepared as a re
sponse to charges of property owners
en the drive that the city has held
back some of the $1000 the property
owners donated to help in checking
the threatened slides.
Mr. Holmes recommends that an ad
ditional $3000 be appropriated to com.
plete the work.
Easy to Play the Sweetest of, All
on the
(Hawaiian Guitar)
ft AjJ
The Greatest Little
Melody Instrument
Ever Invented.
No Special Knowl
edge of Music
Necessary to Play
This Wonderful In
strument. UKULELE,
All for
Call or Write Today
Free Pamphlet.
151 Fourth Street.
Sole Agents "Conn"
Band Instruments.
Send for Free
Catalogue, ,
Double Trading Stamps Given With All Basement Cash Purchases
$3 Primps, Oxfrda
75 Pair.
Odd lines Women's
Pumps, Oxfords
and High Shoes,
rrades worth up
3 a Pair, special
0e Sqapenders
25 Pair.
Men's Light-weight
Suspenders in neat
patterns and col
orings, 50c quality.
Prioe special, pair.
Pillow Tuufng
X7c Yvi,
B-in. Pillow Tub
ing in splendid
heavy quality and
nice soft finish, 36a
kind, a yard
Sanitary Aprons
Special 18
At this low price
for one day only,
tic ellent quality.
Grade usually sell-'
ng at i'Q, special
Wash Petticoats
for 39
Variety of attrao
tive stripe patterns
and fast colors,
styled with deep
flounces, (special
Reg-. 12'i Hobs
O the Pair.
Black or Tan Cotton
Hone for women.
amla ft, dou
ble heels and Ines,
HMt Hone at, pair.
25c Wash Belts
at 3 Each.
White Wash Pelts
fnr wamen ana
mla. some with
pearl bur k Irs,
to iiOs values.
1 $1. ft M TraperlM
j liir Ysr.
i to Ml . In pre
i pmry Material, rl' h
i.nttema. nnd
on. r. II to 1
radae, yera.
New Pongora Silks
Special 59
36-inch Poulard
Pongora Silks in
many beautiful new
patter ns. Priced
for Wednesday, yd.,
Boys' $3 Shoes
SX,98 Pair,
B o y s Box Calf
Shoes in good sen
sible lasts. Full
line of all sizes.
Shoes worth 53. Sp'l
Beys' 35c Waists
Special 19
Boys' BlouseWaists
in plain colors and
neat stripe pat
terns, sizes to 15
yrs., 25c-35c grades
Summer Suiting
St -Inch "Larone"
Cloth Suiting" 1"
linen color, wears
and launders well.
Priced special, yd.,
85a Undermuslins
Special 55
O a w as, Combina
tions and tkrts in
many styles,
and tmbrold ery
trimmed. Choice at
Rerular $15 Coats
Now $8.93
Ftyltsh. t'p-to-tata
C a t s fo women
and mlsnes, plain
materials and nov
eity weaves, for
Sleereless vests i
Special 9
Warns n's Kl
P. I b Uleeveless
Vests I" a (all
ft all K-s.
tho grades, sp 1
Orese rionndnfi
29 Yard.
rnilnty Mew rrr
r'lounulrta. It In.
vldi ) la
brauirnil psttrrpa.
Worth 0o raid,
Women's Juliets
98 Pair.
Good flexible soles
an! rubber fceels,
shown in a com
plete assortment of
sizes. Special, galr.
75c Albatross
53 Yard.
Full 42 in, wide
and all pure wool,
shown in the sea
s o n's newest e o lt
ors. Special, yard.
Feather Pillows
45 Each
Medium Size Bed
Pillows filled with
s e 1 e cted f eathers
and covered with
fancy ticking, each
Boys' TTuion Suits
Special 39
Fine grade BaU
briggan in Bummer
weight, natural
color, all sizes, reg.
50c Quality, special
Turkish Towels
12 Each.
tox43-lnch Fringed
Turkish Bath Tow
els in splendid
weight, unbleached.
Priced special. -
JTew Model Cor
sets 59
ffade of seed quaW
ty ceullT, excel
lunt styles for
medium and average
figures, II Corsets,
Silk Petticoats
for $2.49
Marie of flna grade
taUela or mKa
llne lis, comnlKte
line of the popular
colors, bpei'lal at
Child's Coats
lor 32.93
ruin n4
t n c r f iiwfM In
(rood color. C
to 14 -, ts
world to t; in,
25c Net Banding
.13 Yard.
Net & Cluny Band
ings in wide and
medium. Beautiful
new patt'rns. W'rth
to &0c yard, for
10c Curtain Rods
Special 5
M - inch Extension
Brass Curtain Rods
with large fancy
knobs. .Regular 10c
kind. Priced speci'l
85c Pongee Silk
49 a Yard.
Excellent guality
for dressas, waists,
men's s h 1 r ts, etc.
Full 26 in. w i d e.
85c grade at, yard.
Child's $2,50 Shoes
$1.48 Pair.
Several good styles
for boys and girls,
patent and gun
metal leathers. Keg.
12.60 Shoes, pair,
Men's Silk Ties
10 Bach.
600 Man's Four-Is.
Hand Ties In plain
and fancy silks and
washable materi
als. Choice of lot
Bleached Muslin
Special 8
S-ln. Full Bleached
Muslin In nli'S soft
q u a 1 1 ty. Keg. Ida
grade. Prlesd very
special at, a yara.
Summer Corsets
lor G3
Bunimor Net t:
set, low bust, non
ruptlnf steels, sues
II to 10, special
$15 to $2 Suit
at f.DH
flood. ptrvlreahle,
plain tailors! nel-
is for it e n r a I
war, silk 1 I n
fit to fib nulls at
Long Lisle Gloves
37 Pair,
Women's FlneOrade
Long Lisle Gloves
with, double finger
tips; black, white,
tan, gray, biscuit.
4q to IQq Insertion
2 a Yard.
Dainty Val. Lace
Insertions in hun
dreds of pretty pat
terns. Priced spe
cial Bt, yard, only
Full-size Pillows
79 Each.
Covered with good
heavy grade fancy
ticking, best se
lected feather.
Priced at, each,
36-in. Wool Serge
45 a Yard.
For dresses, suits,
skirts, ete.; fine,
soft quality, shown
in black, navy and
colors. Special, yd.
Men's $3.00 Shoes
How S2.98
Sample line ef Men's
Shoes In black er
tan, complete range
of sizes. Shoes
worth up to 13 pr.,
Sale ef Men's Col
lars 10 Dos.
Soft and starched
styles in white and
colors; all sixes in
the lot Priced for
on day at, doien,
Esmle Suiting
at 12Vt Vr.
rtr'lrable wish ma
terial for dresses,
skirts, suits, etc.!
shown In areat va
riety of cylers, yd
Bungalow Aprons
Special 59
Woman's Hwngslow
A prop of fine rsile
pstralA sml fc'os
hams, mail full n I
lung, l'rictd !'- I
$2.50 Wash Skirts
Speeial $1
Odd lines Women's
W a s h & k i r ts in
w h i ta and eolers.
All good styles and
well made, special
50c Union Suits
for 39
Women's Summer
Weigh tCottonUnion
8 u i t s, low neck,
sleeveless, tight er
lace-trlmmed knee.
80a Embroideries
- at 5 Yard.
Mill ends Ip lengths
from 5 to 10 yards.
Edges and Inser
tions in a great va.
riety, special, yd..
25c Curtain Eorira
17 a Yard.
Plain and Fancy
Bordered Curtain
Scrims in fine or
eoarse mesh. Reg
ular tlo grade, yd..
New Silk Poplin
Special 39
For Slimmer dresaes
and waists. W
sho-nrtheee in black
and all the wanted
colors. Speeial, yd..
5 Shoes, Pumps
S1.9S a Pair.
S000 pairs Women's
Khoes, Pumps and
C o 1 o n I a Is in all
wanted styles.
worth $3 to a pr,
Boys' 75c Knickers
49 Pair.
Splendid quality
corduroys.nrat mix
turss and serif,
sises 7 to 1. lies.
76o pants at, pair.
Blcschrd Cambrie
at U Yard,
Inobrs win's and
fin fl finish, (or
Hum mr under
wear, tc. Fru4
irl. l. yard.
Child's Bloomers
21 Pair.
Child ren's Black
Sateen B 1 b o mors,
well made and
nioely finished, sizes
2 to 13, spee'l, pr..
$5 Silk Waists
for $1,69
T a l lpred or fancy
styleln good range
of models, silks and
nets. Waists worth
- up ta IS, choice
Girls' Union Suit
Special 19
Just the right
weight for Summer
wear, low n o k,
sleeveless styles.
Sizes to H. spe'l
5o and 8e Laces
12 yds 45
Score! of beauti
ful patterns In this
great lot; .d g e s
and insertions: reg.
Go to la laces, 1 J yds.
$1 Crepe de China
69 Yard.
36 inches wide and
beautiful silky fin
ish; full line of the
newst colors. Reg.
1 grade, yard,
Boys' $2 Shoes
S1.48 Pair.
1200 pairs B o f '
Ftrong Dapemiabla
Phoes In all sties
from to II .
Reg. fl Shoes, pr,
Boys' $1 Pants i
69 Pair.
Corduroy Knlrkr-
barkers, cut In full ,
sines and extra well i
made, sirrs I to It
ling. II Pant (or
$1.60 Handbags
Special 99
Wotnon's I. a thsr
II a n d baa In t h
popular tvl and
sirs, innit a a v
Inelri puise, now,
32-inch Muslin
6Vs Yard.
Fine Soft-finish Un
bleached Muslin lq
good quality. On
sale In Basement
Wednesday, yard,
Child's $3 Coats
. for $1,98
Medium weight for
present wear, shown
In neat checks and
m 1 1 t u res, sizes 6
ta 14, worth to 3,
$10 Riding Skirts
fpr $3.98
Women's Riding
Skirts in plain and
fancy mater ials,
nicely tailored, reg.
5 to 10 Skirts.
Men's Underwear
Few S7Vi
Flna B a 1 b r iggan
and c Q P 1 Summer
fauze; shirts and
r a wers. Regular
SOo garments,
Fine, Sheer Lawn
Special 4
Shown in great as
sortment of pati
terns and colors,
mill ends from one
to 10 yards, yard,
10c Toilet Paper
5 a Boll
Fine grade tissue,
1600 sheets to the
roll. Limit. 10 rolls
to a customer. On
sale at, per roll.
Va Price
On Sate' at Basement
Bargain Center
Thousands 0f Remnants, odds and ends,
short lengths in Silks, Dress Goods,
Wash Goods, Draperies, etc., good useful
pieces on sale today at the Bar
pain Center in the U Thrift?
Basement Store at
Cotton Petticoats
Special 89
Good assort mint
of colors; also blark
sateen and heather.
b 1 e o in. Grades
worth up to 1 2,
85c Silk Ratine
39 Yard.
Beautiful silk
Hatlne f-r Pum
mrr dresses, Mark
and all th popular
colors; II'O (red at
Bathing Snlts
at 91.98
Woman's Hat Mn
Hulls In atlrartiva
new llvl'i, Mara
and navy. )'n.4
lrlal Wdnsdy
Good-Size Towels
49 Dozen.
Splendid quality
Huck Towels with
rd borders, desir
able for hotel use.
Special, a dozn.
ChlldrVs Parasols
Special 25
Many pratty stylss
to sel''t from. "od
sl. plain or fan' y.
1'rlrsd apodal for
Wednesday only
60c SDk Bonier
At 39 Pair.
W m e h i Mtt
wsisht Mlik lion la
black er white,
standard tftfl Brarie
on ssl onds. r
Men's $2.00 Pants
$i.39 Pair.
Men's Fine Whip
cord Pants in khaki
color, styled with
cuff bottoms; sizes
up to 40, 2 Pants
Men's Tine Socks
12y2 Pair. ,
Fine Black Cotton
or split sole in
medium weighU
and extra good
quality, special, pr.,
Crash Toweling
5 Yad.
16-inch Bleached
Cotton Crash Tow
eling, with colored
border. Priced very
special at, the yard
Children's Dresses
Special 98
Wash Frocks for
girls I tq It years
of a ge; n 1 s e 1 y
t r 1 mmed. Regular
$1.50 Dresses
tl House Dresses
Special 63
Attractive Dresses
for house wear, of
good quality per
cale In light er
dark colors, for
35e Union Suits
for 25
Womtn'i Low-neck,
S 1 e a v eless Union
Suits, with tight or
lace-trlm'ed knes.
Reg. lie grade at
85c P'ncy Rihhons
At 19 Yard.
Hundreds of plscss
in this lot. stripes,
rhsrka, floral and
flKurad effects, five
In. wide, ! rlbbuna
36-inch Mohair
45 Yard.
Vmt p-lalt for
Hath. Hulls, shown
In Mai k. new ant
papular hla.
Special, tha yard.
Sale of Garden
Hats 5 Each.
Mexican Straw Hats
for garden and out?
ing wear; sTood
dark colors, light
in weight, spec'l at
75e Union Suits
for 48
Men's Fine Mash
Union Suits, short
sleeves and anltle
length, all sizes,
Reg. 76e quality for
Outing Flannels
5 Yard.
24-inch White Out'
Ing Flannel, ex
cellent heavy grade
and well 1 1 e a ed.
Priced special, yd.,
Child's Kerchiefs
9, Bo of 3
Children's Fine
Sheer H a n d k r
chiefs, plain or Ini
tialed styles, p il
up (n nt be.
f 4.00 Wash Skirts
Special. $1.48
Heavy white ma
terials and go o d
frade Linen Crash
kirts, sailing up to
t, priced special
Women's Knit
Pants 21 Pair I r I m m M or
tlfc-ht-flttlng klia.a.
com plete rang of
all sizes in this ot
on sale at, pair
Laces Worth to 33c
at 10 Yard.
f,are Bandings. In
sartlonit and Kdass
In scors of dainty
patterns, up to Ja
uradt's at spe'l, yd.,
$10 Linen Suit
for $2.08
Mampla lines
Woman's A afls'
l.lnsn riults. l.ll
for oiitlni wr,
sulta worth to 110,
$5 Linen Coats
at $1.98
Odd lines Women's
Linen uoais ior
motoring, traveling,
...... v. an nntine.
wear, worth to a,
Women's Dresses
Special $3.98
Cool, Sheer, Lingerie
D r e a ses, trimmed
with embroideries,
laces, etc, several
styles, worth to (10,
Men's Drill Pants
98 Pair,
Made extra good
quality khaki, Just
what you need for
hunting and fish
ing, ail sixes, par,
27-inch Dimities
Special 11
Dainty Sheer -Dimities
tor waists,
d r a s s es, lingerie,
etc. i several neat
check patterns, yd.
Reg. 50c Brassieres
Now 29
Btvled In th desir
able front-hook ef
fect, well made and
neat fitting. Reg.
60a grade pew for
75c Middy Blouis
for 39
Styled with deep
sailor cellars of
contrasting materi
als. Regular 75a
bluuBsa on sale
Children's Hose .
At 10 Pair.
Fine Ribbed Cotton
linse In black and
t a ii: douhle hesls
and (oes. fast hlak.
Priced special, pr,
Drapery Dept.
iml and lie Whit
t'urtaiii Hwisssa n
sal at 10 yard.
( "e Burlap 1 R
lliinsttlow Nsla
l(r. Mill n1
lrapary Hoods, K
Curtain K.niiS 3
'Canning Time'
Ball Bros.' high-grade Mason Fruit
Jars, pints, the dozen, 494; QuarrrJs'
the dozen, 57; H-gal., doz 79
Glass Top -Sure-Seal" Fruit Jars,
sanitary; pints, special, the dozen.
B5ei quarters, special, dozen, T5
Wide-Mouth Jars: special, pints,
the dozen, 65; quarts, dozen, Jge
Economy Frut Jars, pints. So
doz.; qts., SI doz.; H-gal-.
Jar Caps, with rubber, dozen, SOC
Cov. Jelly Glasses, small, doz. gOe
Coy. Jelly Glasses, large, doz. 33
Sale Dinner Sets
S6-po. dark blue Dinner Bets $2. 35
48-pc. whit, gold Din. Sets 2.75
4-pc Colonial Dinner Sets $3.63
Spa. prices ''Lightning'1 and "White
Mountain" Ice Cream Freezers.
Notions and Small Wares Greatly Undcrpriced
Bargain Circle, Main Floor, Between the Elevators
These iterns also on sale in the No
tion Dept. the remainder of the
week. Supply your sawing needs;
25e Machine Oil, special at 15
Regular 15o Skirt Markers at 8?
John J, Clarke's (Spool Cotton, in
white only, all sizes, only 2Vs
10a Shell Hairpins, the pox 7
Regular 5c Needles, two for 5
10c 100-yard Spool Silk now 5
2Vje Darning Cotton, the spool, 1
10c Bias Seam Tape, the bolt, 5
lOe Wilson Dress Fasteners 6
25c Twine Shopping Bags at 19
5o Bona Hairpins, the card, 2H
5e Collar Buttons, the card, 2Vi
16o Nainsook Dress Shields, sines
2, 3 and 4, on epeoial sale at lO
2oo Sanitary Belts on sale at 15
25c Silk pr6S Shields en sale 18
10e Hair Nets, with or without
olsstirt. on snecial sale. 5 for 104
25e Sterling Skirt Markers 19
lOo "Soil-Off" Dry Cleaner at 8
10c Pearl Jluttons, the earn, C
10q Collapsible Drinking Cups 8
Sale of Crochet Buttons.
35o 8i-line Crnuhet Buttons 20
COe Kight-line Crochet But'ns 25
65o Ttn-line Crochet Buttons 35
75e Twelve-line Buttons now -lOf
(1 Fourteen-line Buttons at (JO
Sale of Naiad Dress Shields Wednesday Only
20a reg. style Shields, No. 2, 13
25o res. style Shields, No, 3, 15
25(1 reg. style Shields, No. 4, 17
SOo reg. style Shield, No, 6, 20
50c Naiad Bolero, all, 35
50e Naiad Bolero, No. bUO, 35
Underwear Special
At the Center Circle
On Main Floor
Women's 15c slrevelpsi VrMs 11
125a Sleevelrse Vests 17; 3,
Wotur-n's Xie Sl'vrlrsa Vrts
f0, Vrsts, white, rolors, ;t
r0o I'nion .nits, ht kn, 35
I'nion r-iiil", lure kner, 25
li.Se Union huita with tipht or law
trimmed knrr, srwcisl, only -19
Womr-nV 1 I'nion Suits TTC
Women's $1.2' Kaisksrs, at 0."
Women's 1-S0 Knirksrs 51.19
Woman's fl.75 Kniokrrs S1.21
fi tilove Silk Vr.!, spe. 81.59