Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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JTTNE 19. 1914.
City Circulation Main 70, A
Coipo.ln-rooa Ma n 70,0,
BAKER THEATER (Broadway and olTl
soa Motion pictures. "fM""0
afternoon at t and tonlsht at
o.w amusEMEWT fAKK. tCara from
KlrM aod Aldart JdcEiroy. band, musical
JoSidy and vaudavUla. Xols atternooo at
3 and tonlgnt at 8.
CRPHEUM .Broadway and Wlor)-nl
atternoon at 2:16 and tonight t 8-15.
EMPKKtiB tBroadway and Yamnlll) -on-tinuoua
from 1:80 ta 11.
FANTACEd tBroadway and Alder) TBI.
afternoon at H:n and tonlnt at ?.u
and .
PEOPLES West Parle and Alder.
MAJESTIC Par and Washlnston.
COLUMBIA Blxth, near Washington.
. . . . . . .1 o.hin.rvi n.
NEW STAR Para and Washington.
Advertisements Intenaea io toe wir,,;; i,!
In Brief columns In Sunday s Usu. must 0.
handed In The Oregonlan business office by
t o clock Saturday evening.
Subscribe with the following
agents, at your Summer resort,
to secure the most prompt deljy
ery of The Oregonlan. City
rates. Subscriptions by mall are
payable in advance:
Bay City. Or. Seeley Stone.
Brighton, Or. J. A. Baldwin
Carson, Wash.. .. .Carl B. Smith
Gearhart, Or E. J. FaUhnrst
Lobs Beach. Wash, J. H. Strauhal
Mansanlta, Or. Emll CardeU
Nahcotta, Wash. J. H. Brown
Newport, Or.... George Sylvester
Ocean Far. A. .. -D. E. Beechey
Rochaway Beach. . .Frank MUler
Shepherd's Springs, Wash......
Mineral Springs Hotel Co.
St. Martina Springs, Wash.....
Mra. ST. S. Martin
Seaside, Or. Clark; Strattoa
Seavlew. Wash.
Constable Pntman
Tillamook. Or.. ......J. S. Lamar
Wheeler, Or. R- H. Codey
New Lodoi Is Organized. The
Mount Scott Lodge No. 110. Order of
Kastern Star, was organized Wednes
day night in the Lents Oddfellows
hall with 60 charter members by Mrs.
Nell'ie McGowan, grand matron. She
was assisted by Mrs. Strauss, grand
marshal; Miss Nellie McKinley, grand
secretary, and Irs. Mendenhall, asso
ciate conductress. Officers of the new
lodge are: Worthy matron, Mrs. Fred
erick Katzky; worthy patron, F. R.
Foster; associate matron, Mrs. C. L.
Gesell; conductress, Mrs. F. R. Foster;
associate conductress, Mrs. McKenzie;
secretary, Mrs. Maud Connell; treas
urer, Mrs. William York; Ada, Miss
Kuth Gesell; Ruth, Mrs. Deane Hess;
Esther, Mrs. Leo Katzgy; Martha, Mrs.
Harry A. Darnall; Electra, Miss Nellie
Horner; chaplain, Mrs. S. J. Allen;
marshal, Mrs. Lillian Andrews; organist,
Mrs. William Ash; warden, Mrs. C. E.
Wood; sentinel, William York. Sev
eral grand officers attended the meeting-
Mrs. Mary E. Relscher, past
grand matron; Mrs. Pauline Riley, past
grand matron; Mrs. Charles B. McGirr,
grand patron; Clyde Evans, past grand
patron; Mrs. Mary E. Houch, associate
grand matron.
Ibvingtok Club to Meet. The
Irvlngton Park Club will hold their
regular semimonthly meeting at the
rooms. East Thirtieth and Killings
worth avenue, on Friday evening, June
19. The tennis club auxiliary will be
formed at this time, and all Interested
In this out-door sport will please be
on hand. The club will also hold a
dancing party on Saturday evening,
June 20, at Baker's Hall, Alberta and
Seventeenth streets. All copy for the
Evergreen, the monthly publication of
the club, should be In the hands of
the editor. E. S. Adams, 408 Eilers
building, by Saturday, June 20.
Paving) Remonstrancm Filkto. A
remonstrance, said to represent 65 per
cent of the property Included in the
assessment district of the Base Line
road hard-surfacing project, was filed
with the County Clerk yesterday. If
the estimate Is correct the protest will
put a stop to the paving for a year.
It has been estimated that the paving
would cost S123.561.77 from the city
limits to Troutdale, one-half to be
assessed to the property owners and
one-half to the county.
Oacoou Senators Got Request.
Letters to the Oregon Senators, asking
that they work for a complete geodetic
survey of the Columbia River, from
the mouth of the Willamette River to
the sea, were Bent out yesterday by
the Portland Chamber of Commerce.
The letters also request the sounding
of the river and the shore to the higb
water line.
Michigan Societt to Hold Picnic.
The Michigan Society -will hold a pic
nic at Bonneville on Saturday, June 27.
A number of other societies have been
Invited to participate in the outing. A
basket lunch, games, tennis, music and
dancing will be features. There will
be swings for the children, sand-piles
and a general good time.
George Hadlock, 61 years old, stole
money from his aged mother to buy an
opiate, according to Detectives Vaughn
and Craddock, who arrested Hadlock
and Frank Wallace, 27 years old, for
the offense. They took the drug to a
ehack on the river front at Mllwaukle
and Mall streets, say the detectives.
Reai-tt Board to Meet. The Port
land Realty Board will hold Its meet
i i th. rnmmArrinl Club at 12:15
. today when the main speaker will be
Rev. Frank L. Loveland, of the First
Methodist Episcopal unurcn, wno win
take as his topic "The Menace of the
Mossback." O. L. Ferris is to be chair
man of the day.
TION. To get first hand Information
regarding dairies which are reported to
be turning out exceptionally fine milk
members of the City Commission ac
companied by City Health Officer
Marcellus visited a number of the dairy
plants yesterday.
Bnai B'rith to Havb Specials.
Six special cars will leave from East
.-. .....4 Vat Morrison streeta at
8:30 Sunday to take the members of
the Independent order jsnai a run uu
the Daughters of the Covenant to Bull
Run Park, where they have planned
an all-day picnic
The funeral of Louis Bosdorfer, who
died Monday at his nome in jv.eni.uu,
. i i Tiaotoriinv in the Kenton
J J -
Trcsbyterian Church. Interment was
m folumbla Cemetery. He was
A vmm rK old.
Rabbi Abraham son to Officiate.
Services will be held at congregation
Ahavai Sholom, Park and Clay streets,
tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow
morning services at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi
R. Abrahamson will officiate.
Da. WlTHTCOMBB TO Speak. Dr.
i , . wit hvrnmba. Rerjublican candi
date for Governor of Oregon, will be
the speaker at the Saturday luncheon
of toe Oregon uivio lmsuh.
Foa Rent. Beautifully furnished
i- .Tpiimfv. West Side dis
trict, unobstructed view of city, river
and mountains; community steam ueau
Phone Marshall iiz. auv.
Body Is Sent to Michigan. The
body of George H. Wlrts, who died at
1H0 East Thirteenth street North,
Wednesday was sent to Hudson, Mich.,
for interment.
Try new Crescent Laundry; "not
In the trust." Tabor 10. B 1022. sAdv.
Cioar Stand for Rent. In lobby Hotel
Carlton. 14th and Washington. Adv.
nirwrrirrs Rescitb Younq Girls. While
. .. . i -f.tinntlcler Inn
Tuesday night, east of the Sandy .River,
where they had a meeting, a party
of dentists and pnysicians, who man.
up "The Carr Club." were appealed to
. .nil r rr cr T-l . fnr nrOteCtlOh.
The girls had been taken east of the
Sandy River in an auiomooue uy jus
men and from mere me yuuug
. a ... .u. o-irla walk back
luroniciicu i u ..... i. u t o "
to Portland. The girls were put back
into the automoDiie n
men ordered to take them back to
Portland. The girls were brought to
Grand avenue, the dentist driving
behind and watching tnem. ur. . v-.
Adams, one of the dental party, said
th. nnmher of the automobile was
taken for future reference
Gresham to Celebrate. uresnam s
Fourth of July celebration this year
..I . - j ..a niiBnipAR tit the
Will DV i-"" ' ' -
Gresham Athletic Association and will
be held on the grounoa or. mo
mah County Fair Association. The
driving association will have charge
of the races. Some of the attractions
have been arranged xor ana mo iuu
programme lor tne oay is uoiues u..
.. t., a ninnio on uie fair
grounds, flower show In the pavilion
and several gooa norse
race track. A band will be engaged.
Tha Gresham ball team will play with
some outside club.
Special Sunday Excursion. A spe
cial train will leave First and Stark
- i.qn r VT Cnnilav Juna 21.
Biro.ia .
for Pleasant Home in the Powell Val
ley; return to fortiana :ou r. m.
Pleasant Home Is In the heart of the
fertile district on the Mount Hood
Electric where a good living can be
made front a little land while It Is
advancing In value; where the rapid
v. r,r tiaw tnwn H H to the
profit of the crop; where soil, loca
tion and low prices oner great upuui
tunities. Small farms can be bought on
1 .AVmc r, ,rl OTIOrU tllARA of land
.lUUs Lij i liio miw " J '
given special attention by an expert
gardener witnout cost i muj.
Get round-trip tickets, free, from
tJmbdenstock & Larson Co, 286 Oak st.
Escort Wanted for Boy. The
Juvenile Court desires an escort for
a 4-year-old child, George McAdoo, to
his mother in Santa Barbara, Cal. . The
court will pay tne expenses ior mo
meals, and he is too young to be
. i .... env trnT.lfne. Little
a i, - '
George was kidnaped six months ago
after his mother oDtamea a uivorce.
He was found here at the home of his
...I i V. Th. fathAP find After
XiLLllOl a U1WU1D1. i ..w ;
the investigation began, and the boy
is now at the Frazier Detention Home.
Pastor to Talk to Realty men.
Dr. Frank Loveiano, pastor oi wo j-uoi
Methodist Church, will be the principal
speaker at the luncheon of the Port
land Realty Board in the Commercial
it r. T?rr1a will rjreside.
S. D. Vincent, the president, will leave
Tor Flttsourg aDoui juiy w "ouu
the National convention of the National
i . J .. ftl ViAi-a nn Julv 8. 9. 10
and 11. About 3000 delegates are ex
pected at tne convention.
7 , -d R.iw nv trial. John B.
D nut nn trial before ClTCUlt
Judge Anderson yesieraay ou o. timiSc
of non-support 01 ma w,
i-i . ia ..aqtio onA TT.lPJlTlOr. fi Ted
v infill 1 1., i i j v..-. ' , ; ' .
11. The trial will be concluded this
morning. Ryan is an attorney. ae
.. c. .. ii t .i i-ir nf .S T :t T n a.kTainst
1 .111 1V1 . . . .1 V. J w
Olcott at the last election and once
held a high position among the Demo
crats of the state. He was divorced
Inrll !. 1Q09.
Nazarene School Closes. The private
school at tne .nazarene uiumu, w
.t, ar,A TT u Of Pni!fh Streets. Will
give Its closing exercises tonight at
7:45 o'clock in the church. There will
v.. drills, recitations and music. Miss
Dora E. Goozee is teacher. Rev. C.
Howard Davis, H. K. Luce, Miss Edith
Whitesides and Miss Gertrude Slack
are the directors. All interested will
be welcome to attend the entertaln-
. -0.cmi.kT. T A BTT HOMES JtTNB 29.
The Knights of the Rose Tournament,
from Pasadena, will arrive in Port
land on their northern trip on Juno
29, at 3 P. JM. uney win leave iu
same .night. The committee in charge
of the entertainment consists of Hy
Eilers, C. C Chapman, George M.
Hyland, Frank E. Smith, M. C. Dickin
son, Fred A. ivnos ami n. tt.
-. AT i T-i.- Tmp TO SlFTON.
For their Sunday trip the Mazamas
i of a A M. nil the Van-
win i i:t u v-- -
couver car and go to-Vancouver. From
there they travel on tne canine i
Sifton, where the weekly hike begins.
mi.- .... -nriii nn tn T.lvinerstone Hill
A II W 11(11 1 J n ... o - ' "
and climb it, and afterward return by
a different route to onion.
Human Bones Excavated. w om-
i - .v. pstv Wfttpr Denartment
men m L 1 w .
yesterday uncovered what appears to
be bones of a human being in an ex
cavation at Third and Pine streets. The
bones were taken to the city labora
tories, where City Bacteriologist Pernot
examined tnem ana conuuuwi vua-i.
are human bones. It is estimated they
, in tHa irroiind for 40 years.
WW A a,. C" - -
Many years ago a cemetery was lo-
cated In tms part ui mo
of the bodies were removed later.
PI.H1SAST Valley District Elects.
District No. 15, Pleasant Valley, at
the annual election Monasy, cnooe
Fred Olson as director for three years
and H. W. Snashall as clerk. A spe
cial tax of 3 mills was levied ior
school improvements ana jumjnicui.
George Metzger was elected principal
for the vear. and Miss J. Stephenson
primary teacher.
County Expensb statement as
Chairman Holman of the County Com-
. . .- : nvn ha. in -1 ll O . rAflUeSt tO C O U H -
ty Auditor Martin for a statement of
expenditures in ail county u-i i
ments under the budget system so as
. i. . nAnin,piUnii nf the averaee
monthly expenditures and the revenue
of the departments sinto u 4uoi.
lation of the budget system.
Women Put Out Fire. Neighbor
women with a garden hose saved the
home of M. Smith, at 6913 East Forty
fifth avenue, Southeast, yesterday after
noon when fire started in a clothes
closet An alarm was sent In. The
Smiths were not at home when the
fire started. The damage was about
$50. The caUBe of the fire has not been
School to Give Picnic. The Alblna.
Homestead school will hold its annual
i -. D.nin.nijL Park tomorrow.
picmu n i i v...
There will be a bail game between the
two upper grades, anna prepaid
the school, races. Including a potato
race, fat woman's race. Back race,
peanut race and other events.
Theft of Waists Charged to Woman.
Jane Doe Derry, who refused to give
any other name when arrested, was
charged yesterday with stealing two
white chiffon waists from a depart
ment store. The waists were worth J9.
Sunday Excursion to Cascade Locks
on steamer Bailey Gatzert, il roun
trip. Leaves Alder-street dock at 9
A. M.; arrives on return at 5:45 P. M.
Phones: Main 914 and A 5112. Adv.
Terry District Elects. Terry dis
trict No 8, Base Line road, elected D.
El Towle director for three years and
Lawrence R. Allen clerk for one year.
Mrs. Eva I. Endicott was elected
teacher for the ensuing year.
Portland Academy. Graduation and
prize contest in declamation this
(Friday) evening at 8 o'clock, at the
First Presbyterian Church. Friends of
the school and all who are Interested
are invited. Adv.
Evert Democrat Is Invited to attend
the big ratification banquet tonight at
the Commercial Club at 8 o'olock. Phone
Main 298 or Main 3517 for tickets. Adv.
Special Butter Sale Friday and Sat.
urday only, 2-lb. square, 55c Wash
ington Cream Company. Adv.
New Thocoht Lecture, Friday morn
ing, room H Central Library, by Dr.
Delory. No collection. Adv.
Be Sure you are on the train 8
A M. for Eagles" excursion to Bonne
ville Sunday, June- 21. Adv.
Dr. Harry McKay, 415 Morgan bid.
League Asks Governor
Name Commission.
Seven Bills to Be Voted Oa Called
Crude and Inconsistent by George'
C. Mason. Manager Equit
able System Sought.
In an attempt to bring order out of
the threatened chaos of tax problems,
which it Is said Is likely to result
from the numerous and conflicting
measures that will be presented to
voters at the next-election and to the
Legislature, the. Non-Partisan League
proposes that a tax commission be ap
pointed to draw up a complete tax code
for the state.
"No less than seven tax bills have
come already to the front," said George
C. Mason, manager of the league, yes
terday, "and others will be presented to
the people and to the Legislature!
These bills are crude and Inequitable
and many of them Inconsistent with
each other. Should they be passed they
will throw the whole system of taxa
tion Into uncertainty and chaos whlah
would be expensive and disastrous to
the citizens and taxpayers.
Commission to Serve Without Pay.
"We, therefore, propose that the Gov
ernor appoint a commission, of five
.iAi.BA,ia n. innra li-l t h rl 11 1 HHV. t ft studV
the tax laws of Oregon and of other
states ana countries ana to prepnre
comprehensive and complete tax code
to be presented to the Legislature.
"The tax laws now in force in Ore
gon are unsatisfactory and insuffi-
i . i. n.n.l. nf tVi nnnnlA. The
11 1 11 1 1 t IUI UIO llwuu - - - r - 1 .
prosperity of the citizens depends
largely on a Just tax law which will
distribute equitably the burden of
maintaining the government, and which
will provide proper methods cf assess
ment and levies, penalties mr usim
quencles, etc"
- Ti.ililnn TTaa Vive Sections.
The petition which has been filed
with, the Secretary or. otate iunuw.
- . mi... .1 nnnAr nf till KtRtH
section x iu , V,- 1
of Oregon, between January 15, 1915, ana
February IS. ivio. appomt tumu....
consisting or. nvo persons, tuiou. u
payers of the State of. Oregon, who shall
at the times and places required by the
chairman of said commission meet for tne
purposes of investigating and Inquiring con
cerning the revenue and tax laws of the
State of Oregon and of other states and
countries. . .
Section 2 That thereafter, and before the
session of the Legislature next following,
said commission shall draft a tax code or
law. such as in their opinion shall be best
fitted for th uses ot the citizens of tne
state as a whole, and present said law or
code to the Legislature which meets next
after the appointment of said commission.
Section 8 That said law or code, so pre
pared, shall bo complete and provide for
proper. Just and equitable assessments for
the levying of said taxes, the collection
thereof. Including the time and manner
Davment, penalties for delinquent payments
2nd thV sale of property for delinquencies,
together with such other provisions as may
be proper or expedient in order to make a
complete and comprehensive tax 'aw or
code for the State of Oregon; m114
or code shall be presented to ald Legis
lature meeting next thereafter, together
with such recommendations as said commis
sion may see fit to make.
Section 4 That said commissioners shall
serve without compensation.
at the first meeting after their appointment.
elect a chairman anu npjiui"'- - ---
need not be a member of the 1comtm'""n;
and be empowered w - -- .
sistance of a clerical nature as mW Jj
proper; but no memoer ui "r--.,
shall receive any compensation end snail
only be reimbursed for actual traveling -
' . . i. n n.,rnrnill1lrl Of nlS
penses paia out i" t .
utiea as a member of said commission.
The clerical help so empioea Baw
a reasonable compensation for services P-r-
This is a Lawn Mower.
It will cut grass.
Cutting grass short keeps it from
growing long.
We have too many mowers.
We have reduced the prices.
You ought to fcuy a aew one.
Better buy it now. .
helps you water your lawn.
Water make your grass grow.
Hose is better than a watering
Water your grass so you can get
some exercise with your lawn
Buy your Hose from
Columbia Hardware Co.
104 Fourth st.
formed, a. shall be determined by the com-
mission : diii ma iwio.1 -
pensea, cicrn, ! -
MCMd 12500 f the
There is nerruy --- ,
general fund, of th. Btate of Oregon not
siSoTtoV.y 5. pen: Vf Said commls
s?o5n.V. .SdVuch other expenses a. there
, be incurred In carrying out the pro
v "on. of this act which money .hall be
paid by the State Treasurer of the State oi
Oregon, and the Secretary of State of Ore
gon 1. hereby authorized to "lBimy'
of said cVJ,'
th. Provision, of thU act and t draw a
warrant on in- ow - -threol
of that body In advertising the conven-
U?Sr. Boos says the association has
about 8000 members.
Arrangements for Convention to Be
Held at Medford Are Taking Shape,
Says George E. Boos.
George E. Boos, secretary of the Trl
n.nifin nnnii Roads Association
arrived in Portland yesterday to make
mAna fnr the second annual
convention of the association, to be held
at Medford July 27 and 28. Tne priori
i the association is the de
velopment of lateral roads running into
ths Pacific Highway. Mr. Boos has Just
completed a 1600-mile trip tnroug"
gon, Washington and California In the
interest of the convention.
"Plans for the convention are taxing;
shape," said Mr. Boos. "George F. Bod
gers, of Salem, and John E. O'atke,
of Astoria, have been appointed by
Governor West as speakers to repre
sent the state. Mr. West suRgested
that cities with 6000 or more population
send two delegates to the convention.
Smaller cities, Mr. West thinks should
send one delegate. . perts to road
building will discuss the merits ot the
different types of roads.
"Excursion rates have been offered
by the railroads. Many members of
the association, however, plan to make
the trip to Medford by automobile. C.
C Chapman, of the Oregon Develop
ment T.ague. has offered the services
MAIN T20O -A &8J.
For Wise Shoppers
Today and Tomorrow
15c Sardines, gen- c.uforn,. Asp-r- i
uine French fish, Ze- " !! ""St !
zette or Rose Queen tip., V-n
brand brand, special Of,. Basel ftaeeu 1 C-
Special two for. peel-L
Cadbury's Famous English
Chocolate Creams, our own
new direct importation. gQg
n.. .Y ...........
rinvim- T-nw OT1CK DINNER!
Melton Mobray Pork Pies, equal
to the best English. Fresh ORe
dally, 154 and "
Larger sixes to order.
Our three deliveries in most sections are com
mended to those who are in a hurry and prefer
high-class service.
If you would have highest Don't overlook the many ex-
eqffee efficiency in flavor and features in our delica
strength, buy coffee that is
roasted and ground fresh dally, tes&1sn and fresh fruit and Veg
as it begins to aeteriorate the departments.
minute It leaves tile
The Store of 100 Per Cent Service.
Hot Weather Clothes
Cool Palm Beach Suits in tans, gravs and
blue pin stripes, unlined. Just right for
hot days. They are priced jO.OO
NorfoLks and Outing Suits in white 'flan
nels, tans-, grays, blue serges, browns and
mixtures. $u,uu ana jp.w u: 1 a fill
Suits, special , f J-w
Auto Coats at $5 up.
Gus Kuhn, Pres.
Successors to
Morrison at
At Fourth
S. & H. Stamps Given.
Stow Open TiU 10 P. M. Saturday.
V- 10c Campbell's Soups
V- Tnmali OYA Vflff.
- i 1. 1 : 1
Watch for the coupons in
the nutrlUous sanitary
wrapped loaf of
and learn how to get one
of those wonderful 15c
If your dealer does not
handle Haynes Good Health
Bread, phone
(Vegetarian Food Co- Ine.)
EastTSS B 3302
Camping out In the open
air up nere i--cades
means big appe
tites for all!
Spend your Summer vaca-
. lion at
Qnecn of the Ceeeadse.
n. . Tun 1
mountain .treams lull of fish
nouniain cumuina,
sting; over or xno wwni. -
most curanv out !"'..
Writ for handsoma 11-
tustratea dookioi a
complete Information to
, CAKI B I1UI D" i"-i 1
4n VnMtnnlem
Day Estacatla, Or.
and a
to th
"YOU'LL find
a . most deli
cious menu has been
prepared for your
Sunday dinner at The
Portland; then there's
the added charm of a
delightful siesta on the
balcony while listening
to the orchestra play in
the courtyard.
Sunday Dinner $1.25
Weekdays $1.00
Tou will enjoy the sea
- sonable delicacies served
at our noon luncheons,
11:30 to 2, in main din
ing room.
Continuous service in the
Grill, 12 o'clock noon to 1
A. M.
Portland Hotel
Q. J. Kaufmann, Manager
House of Quality Est. 1883)
Per gallon,
fall measure,
One-half gallon
Pint, 551
In glass, large
bottles, 65,
35. 200
Grown en the
tunny alopei
of Italy"
best orchard.
and packed
A preventive as well as a eur in most esses o'?10' "P"
pendicitis and call stones. Every home should be supplied.
ftrmrnial forTwo Days Only
. - --. nil... nil. thro. can. for,.
Imported psrniBCT, iii . J . , r ii
nolland HerrlBK.. In ks. rular $1 60.
Mnrt.drlla. from Bolosna, ona-pound can. .. . , . .
' . V' i srrsh Quart can. IX? iVrap' n'ad. from pur. .ap, pint ran..
UfcKrdelll ro, on.-poui.d can
F.lsbt-ye.r-ol M.r. rsiilr ll.00.par eallon.
u-Vear-ld F.rt wim r.ulr $2 u0
? 2h. V.' "rnport.-l r-Wular !.
Vcrnoptk, Italian or Francli. Pr .boule. . ....
C-.c.d. Bear, per "-""-"-- -
Arata Bros.
69-71 Sixth Street.
Phones: A 2531. Hain 480
S. S. Bear
Sail. 8 A. M., Juae Slat, for
Low rates, Jncludlnp; bertha and meala.
(Throusrh tlckeU to all polnta.)
Tao Sa Fraoclaco Psrtlaad ft. ft. Co,
.. Tklra aaaiaerxoa.
(W.Ul a-w. R. N.)
Tel. Marshall 4500: Sill.
i ...-vi w corritr Ba;llrfHT
Hundred, of people re.... .hat our .puca. ..rvlc. 1. a. .ff.Cn, .
any, and a ereai oi -
masse fitted by an expert all prescriptions
fined"n our own shop, and th. flttln. .u.ran-
teed for on. year. l j
r .r.... In your own ? C V
irim,:: i-oo itrvi 2 y
fram. 150 JS 'i t
Lenses Sphere In OoH-rt (T tS i
FUledframe. JJ.BU V - w
fTirved tn V
O. F. Ola.. MtS fS.OO - j
Kryptok Lease. fS.OO to 15 . 1 ""s n ' " ""' J
STAPLES, The Jeweler L?Srroi.r.,,.?oV
Yamhill Crawfish
Now in Season
Main 919 A 5238
Now open for business on 52J
St and 45th Are. S.'E.. Every
body welcome. Ice cream will be
St. Helens Hall
Resident and Day School for Girls
U chars, of Blst.r. of St. Jh"
(iolsooDal) Colitsiata, Aead.mio ana scio
n!.Bwy Art, tlooiUoa.
DmMtlo Art. Dom.stle bci.aca.
For taUgj. J-dre-
BU Uelea's liaU.
ptr',-. h'7V
Th. SltWm u a nw. med.ra
l.a.ntly .j'polntrd hn.t po.s.'is
an of h. uio.t b.yiltl tora.r
tl... in tS. Korth-ML
loth and Xld.r ia, eppn.ii. oiSa,
Wortm.a a, Kins', big
tor, la hart uf r.t.11 anil
dl.lrlct. 11 a
n..l. all U.lna oar l.M ri
kWAKD. W m f KWAhR Proa.
Ooarv Slraot. abev. Unto Swar.
fiiropeii PUi $169 ay up
Americtn Finn I3.S0 I day II, eonrrt .trartat. Xsuc
sadlUoa ef knadred rooms Jss eom
pi.wid. Srery aied.ra ootimitMre.
Vlod.rate C.nur ef
retail district. Oa r.rtlnM tranafOT
tint all over elty, CIkuio auukas