. J ! : I 22 THE MORXISG OREGOXIAy, WEDNESDAY.. JUNE 17, 191. " !Meier & Frank's ' Established 1857 " ' Portland's Quality Store ' Established 1857 .' . ' Meier & Frank's L ' ,. ... . - . . - - ill ' The Short Way to Shop In Our 6th-St BuUding arid Temporary Annex USE THE ARCADE ENTRANCE (ON FIFTH STREET) Two Additional Entrances 1 - Alder StreetNear Fifth Street 2 Morrison St, Near Fifth Street MOVED! Silks and Dress Goods Third Floor, Sixth-St. Building Patterns, Linings and Domestics Third Floor, Sixth-St. Building Wash Dress GoodsTable & Bed Linens Third Floor, Sixth-St. Building Gloves, Neckwear and Handkerchiefs First Floor, Sixth-St. Building, Magazines 1st Floor, 6th-St Bldg. Parasols, Umbrellas (Women's, Children's) First Floor, Sixth-St. Building Hosiery, Women's and Children's First Floor, Sixth-St. Building Veilings 1st Floor, 6th-St Building SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Fourth Floor Only 199 of These New Novelty $25 Suits at $10 Today we're placing at the disposal of our, patrons one of the best offers of the season, consisting of 199 new, up-to-date modeled Suits that have just arrived by express Suits that would ordinarily sell at $25.00 reduced to $10.00. Five different models are illustrated, showing the extremely fashionable and desirable modes that you will find for these five are representative of the 199. There are handsome Suits of poplin,-crepe, serge and many, novelty weaves, in a splendid assortment of colors navy, Copenhagen, hunter's green, reseda and tango but none in the staple shades or black. All sizes to 42 will be found. Every desirable 1914 model is in evidence, making it possible for you to be not only well but very fashionably dressed at this very small outlay. wniie any oi tne iyy remain me price win uo xu.vvi TEMPORARY ANNEX Porch Cushions Of Japanese Matting Ideal for Picnics, Auto Parties, Lawn arid Porch Use TJnderpriced ! 30c Square Shape, 18x18 Cushions 23 35c Round Shape, 17x17 Cushions . . . . . ..i .29 50c Square Shape, ny2xViy2 Cushions. : . . . .39 60c Square Shape, 19x19 Cushions . . . . . .49 75c Square Shape, 20x20 Cushions . 59 Temporary Annex, Elskth Floor TEMPORARY ANNEX Garden Hose-A 4 Days' Sale Starts Today All grades of our reliable, guaranteed Garden Hose are included in this sale, from Cotton Hose to our high-grade, non-breakable, non-kinking, non-bursting, indestructible Hippo Moulded Hose. In all lengths. Complete With Couplings and 40c Adjustable Spray Nozzle 25-ft. length, i2-in. Trout Cotton Hose," spl $2.34 25-ft., Tortoise 5-ply Rubber Hose. . . S3.38 50-ft. length, i2-in. Trout Cotton Hose, spl S4.28 50-"., 34-in. Tortoise 5-ply Rubber Hose. . . . 6.30 25-ft. length -ta. Trout Cotton Hose, sp'l $2.79 25-ft, is-in. Red Indian 7-ply Rubber Hose $3.15 50-ft. length, -m. Trout Cotton Hose, spl $5.18 50-ft., -ta- Red Indian 7-ply Rubber Hose $5.85 25-ft. length, i2-in. Obelisk Cot'n Hose, sp'l $3.15 25-ft, -in. Red Indian 7-ply Rubber Hose $3.60 50-ft. length, (tin. Obelisk Cot'n Hose, spl $5.85 50-ft, -In. Red Indian 7-ply Rubber Hose $6.75 25-ft. length, -m. Obelisk Cot'n Hose, spl $3.60 25-ft, Ja. Badger 4-ply Rubber Hose $3.60 50-ft length, ,-m. Obelisk Cofn Hose, spl $6.75 50-ft., ya-in. Badger 4ply Rubber Hosa $6.75 25-ft' yn?Tortoise 5-ply Rubber Hose. . . .$2.79 25-ft., -in. Badger 4rply Rubber Hose 4.05 50-ft. U-in. Tortoise 5-ply Rubber Hose. . . .$5.18 50-ft, y-in. Badger 4-ply Rubber Hose. . . . .$7.65 1 x Temporary Annex Third Floor M- nuitoxi. ..... A Demonstration of Rag Making and Carpet Weaving By the Whittall Loom and Educational Exhibit In the Yeon Building, Alder Near Fifth St. Presenting, for the first time, to the people of Portland an opportunity of seeing modern machinery and modern methods combined in the manufacture of high-grade Carpets and Rugs. From any point of view this subject is deeply interesting, and the usefulness of the knowledge to be acquired through thia Exhibi tion as a factor in the judicious choosing of floor coverings hereafter cannot be ques tioned. For those of a mechanical turn of mind the Loom has many features of surpass ing interest the mechanisaa, though elaborate, as may be judged from the illustration, ia beau tifully and simply put together and readily understood. Textile students will value highly the educative benefits afforded by this Exhibi tion, in which every phase of carpet develop ment from the raw wool stage to the finished product is explained. School teacher and their pupils all who wish to add to their fund of useful knowledge should see. this Exhibi tion. The Loom is operated at a reduced speed, so that the various stages and processes may be seen and understood by the onlookers. Mr. Coley, factory expert, will answer all questions relative to the demonstration. Visit this Free Exhibition today. Learn how carpets are made....how to. insure Economy and Worth-in their selection. By arrangement of Meier & Frank Co, the Whittall Traveling Loom and Educational Ex hibit in the Yeon Building, Alder-St. Entrance, Tuesday, June 16th, to Saturday, June 27th, Inclusive. TEMPORARY ANNEX 4 Days' Sale White Mountain Refrigerators Starts Today Make your purchases NOW, while this famous make of refrigerators is reduced. A timely sale at the be ginning of the hot weather. All sizes ""White Moun tain" Kef rigerators, from 30-pound to 175-pound ice capacity, .Reduced for Four-Days' Sale Temporary Annex, tiftk Floor. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Laces and Embroid eries, for White Days Quaker Laces 4 to 20-inch Widths Reduced $L25 White and Ecru Quaker Laces, yard.!.. 98 85c "White and Ecru Quaker Lace3, yard 69 60c White and Ecru Quaker Laces, yard. . . '. .45 Net Top Laces 4 to 9-inch Widths Reduced 85c White and Cream Net Top Lacesj'yard 49 75c White and Cream Net Top Laces, yard 39 Round Mesh and French Val. Edges Underpriced 10c to l-inch LaceVreduced to, yard 5 20c y2 to 1-inch Laces reduced to, yard 10 To $2.25 27-inch Crepe Neige Flouncing, yard 98 To $1.75 45-inch Voile Flouncing, the yard 98 To 85c Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery Edges, 4 to 18 inches, yard 25 Flrat Floor Sixth-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING June White Days' Great Undermuslin Sales Offer Splendid Economies New! $3.00 Nainsook Gowns, $1.98 Made of fine nainsook, square-neck style, trimmed back and front with linen lace and pin tucks, sleeves tucked and lace trimmed. New! $1.59 China Silk Bodices, 98c Trimmed at top and waist line, made with lace straps over the shoulder. Dainty and fine. New! $1.50 Nainsook Combinations, 98c In Knickerbocker and straight-leg style, effective ly trimmed with laces and Swiss embroidery. New! $3.00 Princess Combinations, $1.98 V-shape back and front. Entire yoke of lace and Swiss insertion, ribbon beading forming Empire ef fect. Drawers trimmed with lace insertion and edging. New I White Petticoats Attractively Trimmed 98 to $3.39 Second Floor Slxtn-St. Bids Notion Specials for Wednesday Naiad Shields Greatly Reduced 50c Naiad Bolero Slip-On Shields, all sizes, reduced to 29 $1.00 Naiad Brassieres, with Shield, reduced to 79 22c Naiad Nainsook Regular No. 3, 2 for 25 pair 15 25c Naiad Nainsook Regular No. 4, 3 for 50 pair -17 30c Naiad Nainsook Regular No. 5, 3 for 55eh-pair 20 NOTION SPECIALS 3 spools Charter Oak Thread for 10 3 cards Windsor Hooks and Eye3 for. 10 3 packages Millward's Needles for 10 Children's' Lisle Hose Supporters, pair ; 10 3 spools King's Basting Cotton for.... 10 Flrat Floor Slxtn-St. Bids. TEMPORARY ANNEX Novelty Net and Nottingham Lace Curtains Are Underpriced . Novelty Net Curtains in White and Ecru Body of strong bob binette, insuring durability, with braid, scalloped edges and attrac tive border designs. - ' . . $2.00 to $2.25 Novelty Net Curtains, pair S1.59 $3.75 Novelty Net Curtains, pair S2.95 $1.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains in all effects, pair. ...... .&1.17 $2.50-$2.75 Nottingham Lace Curtains, all effects, pair SI. 95 35c-50c Mercerized Crossbar and Stripe Scrim, yard 21d TE.M POHART AITOKX SIXTH FLOOR. FIFTH ASD ALDER New Shipment Men's Panama Hats TEMPORARY ANNEX The Ideal Mid-Summer Hat for men Gen uine South American Panamas, in a great va- m . riety of shapes and PRICED AT $4.65 styles unexceled qual ity at this very low price $4.65 Temporary Annex Flftn and Alder Street Knrrano. Accommodation DeskBasement 6th St. Bldg. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Eye - Glass Special - Usually $4 Wednesday $2 "Gem" gold-filled Eyeglasses low bridges fitted with lenses to suit your eyes usually selling at $4 Special on Wednesday $2.00. Best quality Lenses, fitted into your own frames usually $1.50 Special on Wednesday $1.00. t'lrat Floor Stxth-St. Bids. rTHjCUALiTY' Store or Portland; " flOK. Sooth, Wwrrlaor Alder Sta.. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Books for Vacation Time, 50c Into the Primitive The Boss of Wind Elver Joyce of the North Woods The Harvester Janet of the Dunes The Winning of Barbara Worth . The Wood Carver O'Lympus Aunt Jane of Kentucky The Danger Trail Anne of Green Gables Maid of the Whispering Hills Buck Peters, Ranchman Rose and the Ring , Bookstore WSIxtn Floor 8Ulk.ll. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Toilet Goods and Dru Specials 50c Herpicide "Newbro's," bottle ...3od 50c Roger & Gallet's Brilliantine, bottle 4',& 25c Packer's Tar Soap, cake 12 15c Bourjois' French Almond Soap, cake 25c William's' Assorted Box Soaps, box Hid 25c Roger & Gallet's Monster Bath Soap, bar. .1J) 25o Lehn & Fink's Riveris Talcum Pwdr., box U)b 25c Babcock's Cho Cho San Talcum Powder. .10 Ilansen-Jenk's "Halcyon. Rosel' Talcum, box 75d 50c Dr. Berry's Freckle Cream, jar 3) 75c Pompeian Massage Cream, jar.. U)k 35c Hazedine Snow, jar. 2 1 50c Bourjois' Madeline Rice Powder, box H9 25c Satin Skin Face Powder, box.... $1 Scott's Emulsion, bottle . 50c Sal Hepatica, bottle.... ..' ;i.'J $1 Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, bot. 50c Senafig, bottle :i5 75c Imported Olive Oil,' bottle.... 5J) 25c Calomel & Soda Tablets, 1-4 and 1-10 gr..l5 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste, 2 tubes 75c Roger & Gallet's Perfumes, assorted odors, 50c BaU-Bearing Scissors, pair lili r trot Floor SIKn-Sl IHU. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Wednesday's Grocery Specials HOLLY MILK So convenient to have J0 ?Q on hand. Special, doz. 95cJ cse J)502 California Lemons-Juicy, thin skinned, doz. 11) Shoulder Hams Medium size, lb '14C Solid Tomatoes "Zenith" brand, latest pack, doren cans SI. 25 can Victor Peas Sweet and tender; dozen cans 51.15 Can 10 Old Potatoes Fine for cooking, sack !)5 Keiller's Orange Marmalade Imported, jar 'Z7& Royal Banquet Butter Always best, roll 57 Cider Vinegar Best quality, gaL jug 155 Graham Flour Freshly milled. No. 9 sack.... 2JJ Rolled Oats Pure, white, in No. 9 sack IJ5 Sliced Pineapple No. 23 cans...... lfi Pure Vanilla 4-o z. bottle 45 2-os. bottle. 25 50c "Victor" Ceylon Tea, lb 35 Par. Vood Grocery, Bment lx-. bid. - I in v