13 PORTLAND DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION OF E0TAB.Y CLUBS AT HOUSTON, TEX. Hammocks, Tents, Porch and Lawn Swings 4th Ft. Grass Rugs and Summer Furniture 3d Ft. Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement-Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement FOCUS POOL The Fresh Air Our Special 25c Lunch Served daily in our Basement from 11:30 to 2 :30. A cool, rest ful place to enjoy a downtown lunch. Prompt service. Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Stow Houn-9 A. K. to 6 P. M. Every Buslnea Dy Saturday TacluiUd Store The eoolett, most in viting plare ta bo ia Portland. Wide, roomy aisles an an abundance of frrh, pur air. Shop beret Thousands of Schoolboys and Girls Plunge Into Campaign Like Seasoned Seniors. THE 3IORXTNG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1914. JUNIOR POL ITiGIANS IC ViEW SAVE "NEWSY" HOME, CRY Full Ticket Are Put In Field, Man; Candidates Seek Office, Flat-: ,. forms Hit Keynotes and .. Headquarters Opened. Seizing upon the opportune period ot quiescence in the political affaire of their elders, several candidates for boy mayor, junior commissioners and other offices of the 1914-15 junior govern ment administration yesterday burst into publlo view and launched their en ergetic campaigns, which bid fair ta be more strenuous this year than ever. Candidates are to be nominated for mayor, four commissioners, district at torney and auditor. Thousands of youngsters, including girls as well as boys, from every school in the cy. will be keenly Interested in the noml ; nations and election, each "plugging" hard for some favorite candidate. This Is Third Election. This year's Junior government elec tion will be the third of its kind. It will be conducted under the manage ment of Dorr E. Keasey, Alex C. Rae and George L. Baker, trustees of the Newsboys' Association. Votes, which will be 1 cent each, will be "hustled" for particularly by 400 city newsboys, as the proceeds are to go towards meeting the annual installment indebt edness on the First-street newsboys" clubhouse by July 1. Every "newsie" In the city is already "on the Job and working hard to awaken interest in the Junior government election, for, during the three years they have en joyed the privileges of the clubhouse with Its swimming tank, well-equipped "gym." library and other attractions, they have ail become ardent "boosters" for any enterprise that will help to pay off the big mortgage on their prop erty. Many Nomination. Are Made. In response to letters sent out by the trustees to all the schools of the city, numerous- nominations of candidates for all the junior government offices are being made. By the end of the week, according to Dorr Keasey, there .... . . i m .mnAlAatma In Will De a IIOCIV UA J LI - the field that will rival the big bevy of "grown-up" aspirants for office that appeared last Fall, preliminary to the regular city election. Among those already announced and out hustling for votes is Nate Casler, newsboy candidate for boy mayor, whose printed cards set forth his policy of "a Just and efficient administration and better conditions for Portland's boys and girls." Abraham Weinstein. another "newsie," is out for Junior dis trict attorney, promising an "honest and efficient administration," and "equal justice to rich and poor." Two Juvenile members of the gentler sex have also come out for commissioner. Miss Effie Ranch, of the Shattuck School, standing on a platform of "bet ter conditions for newsboys and all other boys and girls." and Isabel Phi Ian, of the Falling School, who states she is a member of the "Junior Order of Moose," and declares for a policy of "lower taxes and more playgrounds." Junior government headquarters have been opened at 918 Teon building, with C. H. Warford in charge, who is aided by a force of volunteer workers to tally the votes "as they come in and at tend to the many details of the stren uous election. Mrs. G. J. Frankel, the official rbig sister" of the Newsboys' Home, and . . .i i I, n Tin L nr Ktnr.lr Miss Alice r leiuiiJG, Company, are among the sponsors of the junior government plan to Inter est the boys in the practical applica tion of their civil government studies at school, and" at the same time to finan cially aid in a substantial way the debt-burdened clubhouse on First street . The splendid work being done through the Newsboys' Home is vouched for by Judge W. N. Gatens, of the Ju venile Court, and a large number of prominent business men, who have been giving support to the Institution. According to Dorr E. Keasey, before the establishment of the clubhouse there was an average of about one newsboy , a month killed or seriously injured by some accident on the streets, and an average of 19 newsboys a month before the Juvenile Court for gam bling, stealing or truancy. -Juvenile Jtt orals Improved. Since the youngsters have been pro vided with a place to play and to ex ercise, read and generally enjoy them selves, this average has been reduced to only an occasional street accident and a most creditable showing in the Juvenile Court. The junior police force, which Includes a chief, two captains, four sergeants and "SO regular men," make it their business to look after their wayward companions, and Judge Gatens gives this plan the credit for "cleaning up" petty gambling, cigar ette smoking, truancy and other vices among Portland's "newsies." Nominations may be made for any of the Junior government offices up to June 19, and the election will be held early ' in July. ; DEAL MADE FOR BUILDINGS Twenty Koseburg Citizens Take Over New Hotel and Three Stores. ROSEBURG, Or, June 16. (Special.) deal was consummated here today, when 20 local bondholders in the Prov i n- . mnonv rtf Portland took . over the Umpqua Hotel and three store buildings across me sireei num u. tiL vniii4i tra Ari erected by the Provident Trust Company a year ago at a cost of iiza.uuu. in ucu hotel arrived here today and Is being held in trust pending the formation of a stock company. Closing of "Heart Songs" Campaign "We announce, with regret, the clos ing of our wonderful campaign in dis tributing the greatest song book ever ,na,har "Hart Sonet" VV e .UtlCU IV85.. have only copies enough on hand to ... i n. V. . Krin, satlsty tnose oi our rtiunn their coupons for the remaining few days. The advertisements that have been running in these pages for sev eral weeks past have fully described the merits of the book and the daily readers have constituted a veritable educational course in song music We ... ,., it.q 1 1 f i i at thai TMnnnxl are uiuia " ' - - - ' from the publio and are sanguine that tnrougn ion euui uiUUO ...uluu refining influence of the songs will be felt for years In this community. At tention is called to the advertisements inai in -t ni'i'"' ... brief period remaining. The coupon . . in - V. 1 .. V. i ifallv Arttf J- :Jr rJ II Syoor ROTARY CLUBS MEET Northwest Delegations Gather Here, Leave for Convention. MEMBERS GO TO HOUSTON Elaborate Equipment Taken to Ad vertise Various Cities at Interna tional Sleeting Farewell Ban. quet and Parade Today. Portland was the Catherine place yesterday of the Rotary Club delega tions on their way to .Houston, xex., ih. intoi-natinna.1 convention to be held June 22-26. Delegations from Taconia, spoKane, Vancouver uu . toria, B. C, arrived in the afternoon and . - nt H . Pnrtlsnil clllh At a ncm (i, iicom i' . i-'i - . farewell banquet at the Commercial Club last night. President J. U. jsngiisn, oi wo i-ui i i.,h np,aiA And nractically every delegate waa called to his feet during the banquet to give a few words before tne joini aeies&uon ion- n-1. .. TnianH ptramftn'x hsnd assem bled at the banquet and escorted the Rotarians to the depot. Last year when the Firemen's band made its tour . . i. i.-.. . .v.. Pntarv rrinh helTied Vi 111X3 J i tl .1 1 lull i' i J finance the enterprise and the band playea last nigni in recogniuon i kindness. ;.' . . . 1. 1 1 ii H n-... rfithArM Tor the delegates to go to the depot. The Rotary C1UD men marcnea uu wui front in an Impromptu parade. . . ,.,tinn .,11 t a urA Ktnnts were Al. Ol.ai..WU given and the delegates and members danced serpentine dances and hung tags on one anomer w lucit uui b . content. ' Each delegation is carrying Innum erable bits of paraphernalia with which . .1 tlin . i. Vnrlhnronf at the con vention. The Vancouver delegation takes IiunoreaB oi litue raiuoo. r. Snnnri tiAiitfln the Portland del egation. This crowd Is equipped with various material to advertise Portland Several thousand feet of motion-picture reel shows scenery of Oregon. Sal mon dinners ana ouinouuon ui vm gon fruits are to be other features of the Portland campaign. Members of the delegations that left were: Tacoma, A L. Sommers, D. A. Young, A. H. Bassett, G. B. Wood bridge; Spokane, A F. S. Steele; Van couver, B. C-, W. O. Webster, A R. Kelly and E. Leslie Pidgeon; Victoria, J. M. Warren; Seattle, E. J. Rhon nv re r. Pnnn. A. B. Clark. W. A. Graham and H. F. Conly. MR. FURTH'S WILL FILED Document Discloses Few Details of Seattle Financier's Estate. Pi? ITTI V XCTaeti JunA 1 C. f pDB- clal.) The will of Jacob Furth, the banker and traction magnate, filed to j n th, PnnrtliniiiiA. contains 'be quests for his widow, his three chil dren .and his grandchildren, but dis closes mtie cvncei unis ro tate, estimated to be worth upward of I Edit nnfl whlph priTmlfltii in larsre Dart of stocK m xne runn inTPBimpni pany. This stock Mr. Furth disposed of to his relatives during the last lew months of his life. The Furth will was executed in Se attle September 13, 1912. The Lake Washington country estate is willed to the widow, the town bouse, 1203 Minor avenue, is willed to his daughter, Mrs. F. K. Struve, subject to life tenure of the widow; $10,000 in cash Is left to each of the grandchildren, Mrs. W. S. Peachy and Miss Dorothy Terry, daughters of Mrs. Jane Furth Terry, and Sidonla and Marjorie Wetherlll, children of Mrs. Sidanla Furth Weth erill. The remainder is devised to the three children, Mrs. Jane Furth Terry. Mrs. Anna Furth Struve, wife of F. K. Struve, and Mrs. Sldonia Furth Weth erlll, wife of Captain A M. Wetherlll, U. S. A, share and share alike. ARMY PROPERTY LOCATED Scoggin Valley Father and Son Ar rested and Later Released. HILLSBORO. Or.. June 16. (Special) Constable McQulnlan and detective R. H. Lee, of Portland, today searched the homes of James Lee, Sr., and James Lee. Jr.. father and son. about 20 miles from here in the Scoggin Valley, and recovered Army property belonging to the United States Government and the Oregon National Guard, all of which was stolen bv an Army private on Au gust 25, last. After the theft the property was carted to the homes of the Lees. . The recovered goods consist of one Army overcoat, two Army hats, one Army blanket one 88-caliber Colts revolver and 120 rounds of cartridges for Army rifles. The information which led to the ar rests of the Lees charges that they knew that the nrooertv was stolen and yet, with this knowledge, they pur chased it- James Lee, Sr., has been con victed several times in this county for grand larceny. Both Lees and the stol en property were brought here tonight and later the" men were released on their own recognizance, pending action by the Armv and tbB state National Guard officials. ST. HELENS SEWER CLOGS City and) Construction Company Are Enjoined by Taxpayer. ST. HELENS, Or., June IS. (Special.) The City of St. Helens and its sewer contractor, the James Kennedy Con struction Company, were enjoined today by a property owner. Michael Fresh, from constructing a sewer through his lot, alleging, as grounds for a restrain ing order, a nominal damage only. The order was allowed hv Judge Aiken, In chambers in Astoria. The city will urge the sewer as a health measure and ,ijbat Fresh's dam ages are small. , , Bandon Votes Today. BANDON, Or June 18. (Special.) The annual city election will be held tomorrow and there is a multiplicity of candidates. For Mayor there are G. J. Armstrong, John Nielson and George P. Topping, while the ones who are running for Councilmen are numerous. THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PRESENT "THE RING AND THE MAN" AT PEOPLES THEATER TODAY ONLY - Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Anu Colored Hat Shape 25c Unrestricted choice of all TJntrimmed Colored Hats in our Basement Millin ery Section Hundreds of them to choose from at this low price, ea. 25 200 New White Hats Choice $1.98 Basement Underprice Store A phenomenal "Wednesday sale of beautiful new White Hats at a very low price. Very latest styles for Midsummer wear., Trimmed. with " . QO ribbons and flowers. Choice of 200 Hats at (i7XaU asement Underprice Store Double stamps with all basement cash purchases made today. "10 0-Special" Sales Doable stamps witb all basement a a b puiruaac made todsy. $15.00 Coats for $8.98 Women's Stylish New' Spring and Summer Coats in good range of the wanted materials and at tractive colorings. Plain or fancy cuts. Coats in this Ini nn t n II K ' Choice at low price ot 1 Women's $25 Coats, $11.95 Special factory purchase ef women's Coats on sale In the Basement at aoout nan pre. Black Moire, fancy wool crepe. cream BeristM u u n o v elty mixtures. coats worm 10 Mortis, etc :$10 ar. vv aisis in ivSl-69 a or low ;89c Any Woman's Suit, $0.00 Unrestricted choice of any Tailored Suit In the Basement Underprice D i a g o n a Is, Serges, Cords, etc BUllS selling ueremiui up to S35.0B. pricea ior Wednesday at, choice $3.50 Silk Waists; $1.69 . Odd lines Women's Silk and Net Waists priced for quick disposal Scores of beautiful models for street or areas wear, waists in this lot worth up to $6. Taka your cholc of these waists a .$1.50 Lingerie Waists, 89c Dainty Sheer Waists for warra- i 1- V, .i ti i aPA all vjll WHiuer c. t . i. .i n o - madft and- nicely trimmed. Long or Bnort sieevvs, msu ur necas. vvaisis selling ui - .1 i i 1 .... . i. (I KA Your choice now for only $1.25 Lingerie Waists, 69c' Sample Waists and broken lines of a great many different styles and materials. Cool, sheep ma terials; just the thing for beach wear, waists worm up . 1 1 4K An an In In t h a Basement Wednesday at $2.00 Middy Blouses, 98c W o m e n's and Misses Middy Blouses, made of splendid heavy white materials, with deep sailor collar, trimmed with contrasting materials. Regular l.'5Ort and $2.00 Middles on sale UK IT in the Basement atS KJ Bathing Suits, $1.98 A timely offering in the Base ment of Women's Bathing Suits, attractive new styles, nicely trimmed and well made. Shown In black or navy. QQ Priced special in the W I .JJO Basement a t, choice tj J $1.00 House Dresses, 63c Women's New Style House Dresses in splendid assortment of light ana aarK. colors n-nti arm jm tLji jyictuo Ul ,UVQ hui.j i i- All Sizes. .Ties Ulr A,wu Dresses placed on sale at tile reoucea price u, c y percales. S63c $10.00 Linen Suits, $2.98 Manufacturer's Sample Linen Suits for women at a very spe cial price to close out this small lot at once. Practical, serviceable suits ior o e a c a or outing wear, choice now only, $5.00 Linen Coats, $1.98 Women's Linen Coats in assorted styles excellent garment for outing wear. We have but a limited number of these, so come In the morning ifT-f QQ actlcal, serviceable :h$2-98 $4.00 offered in the Basement for only $1-98 $10.00 Dresses for $3.98 snmnia line of Women's Summer Dresses; dainty, sheer materials trimmed with embroideries, laces. etc. only one or two or a bijhj. Dresses worm up w $10.00. Tour choice at low price vo or a siyie. ?$a-98 $4.00 Wash Skirts, $1.98 Serviceable for wear with waist on inai trip. wi pendable materia Is in tan and Wnlie. uvn b mouuw. lu,o m m. Skirts w o r t n up 10 $4.0) offered at the very smau price oi $3.00 Wach Skirts for $1.00 On sale in Basement Underprice Store for today only at this price. Known in tan, wmie uu good selection or tne Dest colors. SKiriS UBuaiiy Bait ing - to $3.00 on sale at very row yncv ui k this item. i best colors. ;$Loo Girls' $7.50 Sample Coats, $2.98 75c and 85c Undermuslins, 59 Regular $1.25 TJndennuslins, 79c Women's 50c Brassier for 29c Women's 35c Union Suits for 25 Women's 60c Union Suits for 44c Men's 75c Union Salts for 481 Men's 19c Wash Ties, spcl, 10 Men's 50c Underwear at S7VtC Men's 50c Belts, special at 25 Boys' Corduroy Pants, spcl, 69fr Boys' 35c Waists, special at 19 Boys' 50c Shirts, special at 351 Men's $1.50 Shirts, special at 59? Men's $2.00 Pants, special, $1.39 Boys' Denim Overalls, spcl, 49$ 5323? 39c 50c Silk Hosiery, Pair, 39c Women's Light Weight Silk Hosiery for 8ummer wear, priced exceptionally for Wednesday's selling in the Basement. Black only. Regular 5 Jo HounA. placed on sale at special -Ca-Jl bargain price of, the pair U J 35c Silk Boot Hose, 23c Women's Silk Boot Hosiery In black, white and tan, seamless feet, double heels and toes, full line of sizes; standard S5c Stock ings priced very special ror Wednesdays selling In the Basement Store, pi 75c Long Lisle Gloves, 39c Full l-button-length Lisle Gloves for women; black, white, tan, gray and biscuit; two-clasp style. Kegular 75c Gloves, In all sizes. on s p e o 1 a i saie at tno prire wnicn win pay you to taae aavantage ot, pr 121U Vests for 9c W o m'e n's Ribbed Cotton Vests, low neck and sleeveless styles. We have these In a full assort ment of the regular siaes. Stand ard 12i4o vests priced for fn Wednesday's selling in thefJC Basement Store a t, special ft 50c Union Suits, 39c W o m e n's R I b b ed Cotton Union Snita in regular and extra sizes: tight fitting or loose knees; trimmed with laces; low neck, sleeveless styles. Kegu lar 60c Union butts sale now at low prici Child's $2.00 Dresses, SSc , Dainty Little Wash Frocks for girls ( to 14 years of age. All are new and attractive styles and are nicely trimmed. Dresses worth up to $4.00 on sale in the fQ n Basement at the greatly VtfJ reduced price now of, ea.. ft J 50c and 75c Rompers, 39c Odd lines of Children's Rompers, In plain colors, checks and stripes. These are made of splen did wash materials. Grades .usually selling at 60c f-". and 75c. Ages 2 to -CMC years. On sale special at KJ ft the very low price of, ea. Child's 25c Rompers, 19c Special purchase ot Children's Rompers to be closed out in one days selling. Aiaae oi gooa quality plain and fancy ma terials. Ages iron) z to 6 years. A great bar' gain at the cleanup prici 25c Sunbonnets for 19c Women's and Girls' Sunbonnets for warm days. All good large sizes and well made and Ilnlsnea. Pink and blue checks or p 1 a 1 n colors. Regular zsc tirade. Priced special Wednesday's selling, each S39c Q9c 75c Corsets, Special, 48c Lightweight Corsets for Sum mer wear. These are made of excellent quality coutil. All new models witb hose supporters attacneo. bises irom 19 to SO. 75c Corsets sale at very low prlc Regular $1.00 Corsets, 63c Several excellent new models In this lot. Materials are batiste, coutil or Summer net. Have non rusting steels. Fitted with hose supporters. Sizes from 19 to 30. S1.00 Corsets o sale at very low price of 563c $1.50 Corsets, Special, 98c 21c These excellent Corsets will give most satisiaciory wear. oeverai stylish new models to choose from. Medium and low bust, with hose supporters attached. f f Sizes 19 to 3 J, special t MXC the very low price of, ea., JJ Girls' Bloomers, 21c Special o n e - d a y sale of Girls Black Sateen Bloomers in the Basement tomorrow. The ideal garment for Summer wear. ull line or all sizes xrom z to 12. On sale special at the very low price of only Women's 35c Brassieres, 19c Many attractive new styles to select from. All are neat fitting and well made of the best ma terials. Full line of all sizes from 34 up to 44. Regular 36o -J f Brassieres on sale at the I ill; very low price of, each JLft 50-inch Pillow Tubing, yard, 17i 60-inch Table Damask, yard, 24 72x90 Bleached Sheets, spcl, 39 81x90 Bleached Sheets, spc'l, 481 42x36-inch Pillow Cases, spl, 10c 36-inch Bleached Muslin, yd, 84 25c Curtain Scrims, yard at 17 Swiss Curtains at, the pair, 98 Vacuum Cleaners for only $3.98 Sample Curtains, special, ea., 23 Green Window Shades, spc'l, 33 Feather Pillows, special, ea., 79$ $1.50 Bugs, Wednesday at 98 Bungalow Nets, special, yard, 19c $2.75 Scrim Curtains, pair, $1.29 $4.00 Wool Blankets, pair, $2.98 $1.25 to $1.75 Parasols, 98c Odd lines Women's Parasol la plain and fancy effects. Some in colors, others with colored bord ers. Attractive new handles. Parasols worth Iromftf) $1.5 to $1.75. TuirUXC choice at the low price of J KJ Child's 35c Parasols, 25c 500 Children's Parasols on sal in the Basement Underprice Store at reduced price. Shown In varl . ous styles and color, plain or fancy. Grade selling at 47J f 36c on sale In the Base- X.ili ment Underprlc Store itMl 35c Fancy Ribbons, 19c 2000 yards Beautiful New All Silk Ribbons In floral effects. trine, dot. Dlaids. etc. In won derful assortment of colors. Klv lnchs wll and the fn regular 35c grade, on IMC sale special at, the yard LS 19c Ribbons, 14c Yard 14c IS. Dags worm ii.ov priced for ulrkQ -up In the BtMmtnlllXL at. choice, only, ea. J K-) Beautiful Silk Ribbons In all the popular shades; also in great va riety of novelty effects; all pure siik ana our regular no Priced for this one day a - selling at the special re duced price of, yard, only $1.75 Handbags, 98c Women's Genuine Deather Hand bags In assorted styles. All good shapes. Some have lnlde coin purses. nags worm i.nv iui $1.75 priced ror quicic clean Store 50c Allovers, 29c Dainty patterns In Shadow and Oriental Allover Laces. Com 1$ Inches wide and splendid fin ?uallty. Grades selling liereto ore up to SOo 'OAn placed on sale for 'one J Vl I, day's selling at, the yard U ft 50c Flouncing, 19c 27 -Inch Embroidery Flouncing, deep, well -worked patterns nn fine sheer materials, ltegular lto and 60c grades are on sale in th Basement U n d r p rice -fl f Store for Wednesday only IMC at very special price, yd.ILft 25c Plaitings, 15c Yard 1200 yards Beautiful New Putt ings In this remarkshle Wednes day sale, French or Shadow Laces In wnlt or cream, narrow or medium w i a i n , j..o grade on very low prld r cream, narrow or rldtbi, 2io -f sale at the I C ce of. a yard JLfJ $1.50 Trimmings, 39c Dress Trimmings, xqulilt silk bandings In many Deautitiu pal let ns. Si to 4 inches wide, ma terials worth up to $1 60 nn sal ior on aay at in greatl: up to 35c Laces at 10c Yard Lace Bandings, Insertion and Kdires, In scoren of dainty pat terns: white and cream: widths ranging up to four inches. Laces worth up to ito in yard, placed on sale ror this one day at. the yard 75c Wool Panama, 49c One of the best of light-weight Bummer fabrics, comes full 64 Inches wide, and we show It In nearly all the wanted color. is worm up iv ti.ev .n on day at th,-) )y reduced price, -CMC $1.60 trimming, yd. tj ft 10c 49c Regular 7 So kind on sal an the greatly reduced price now, of, the yard. Remnants, at Hah' Price Hundreds of remnants and short lengths of Silks and Dress Ooort which have accumulated during the season, grouped Into one big lot and offered for this occasion IO PRIPF do not miss It at t Iftlvl. Foulard Pongee, 59c Yard Fine Silk Foulard Pongee, a . beautiful soft fabric for Bummer dresses, waists, suits, etc. Full 38 Inches wide. Good assortment of patterns and net fA colors, 76o grade placed rvllfj on sal at only, a yard, U J 36-Inch Black Taffeta, 98c Ficellnt onalltr for dresses. suits, bathing suits, etc. W also Include at the same price splen did quality of ss-mcn macK .ties aline Silk. Priced for one day's selling at the great bargain ot only, yd. 50c Dress Goods, 25c 98c Half price for these Dress Goods If you buy them today. Inches to 68 inches wide, In many attractive patterns, suitable ior suits, sKirts ana aresses. 60o materials on very low prlc of nn, BuiiaoiB lur dresses, C sal M Kg of only JO 36-Inch Mohair, 45c Yard Had spcla!lr for bathing suits, gymnasium suits. tc. 14 Inrhei wide: shown in Msck. nvy a4 color. Huppiy your hummer peeds In th Kemnt at this J Frt treatlr reduced prlc. - icb .Mohair, special, yd. Xt 36-Inch Sateen, 18c Yaro Fin Sllk-Flnlsh Hateens In Mack. navy, cardinal, green and o t r nonular rolura. Priced very r- clal In th Basement T'niierpiue a t r for dnuay II Eataen 85c Po.igee Silks at 49c Genuine Imported Pnniree ("Ilka In rich natural shad of beautiful finish. Full I ncne. wide )( Ular $1.00 grade M1; eel In regular 5o quality i al fo liaseme $1.25 Pongee Silk, 69c ll-lnch Imported Ponree Mia In plandld wiht for auita. dree, to. This grad pelut ordinarily t $1 it a yard. On aala In th Baacment at a prlc that x. fou ng 85c Fancy Silks, 39c Pevra thousand yards of Ktch Fancy Silks at a very special price. II to it-Inch whlth In various weavaa, pallet ns and col orings, 760 and oO fcllk t" f placed on sale at the "CMC very low prlc of, a yard 3 J I in in Jaaemeni i nnrrpm, r lor Wadnday - Q I ling only. I4-lneh I TSC en ea . at. yard -A.V' IV. , I.U. ,i, , VI". lar 5o quality on i f for on day In tiielVC iment at only, yard Aft tment at a prlc that - will profit by tak- f-MC advantaa of. y a r il J J Silk Poplins, 48c Yard A popular silky fahrlu for Bum mer dreasea, w I s I a, sulta, etc. I-eunriers to prfrtliin and III not pull. All popular pharta. Placed en aal ape lal fer thl vnt at the t V( vry low prlc of. a a t d X J Men's $5.00 Shoes, $2.93 Sample Una cf Men' lllgh-Cra'1 fhoes, tana and llack. a com plete rana of (lsa In th lot: button and lar style: a h e a worth up t . a pair on aal for thii on day at oniy, pan anu ei- I 'imi'i r-u-rljr at 1101 - f 1 O t the, very Na. I .JJO f, th pair JX tllll $3.00 Pomps, $1.98 Pair Women's a fid Xllaaea' Tump an1 Colonials In vary neweet atylea. patenta, gunmetal and velveta In ait wiaina ana eire. runiin Ing regularly at 11 00 on sal at low prlc ot Boys' $2.00 Shoes, $.1.43 Psrents should tak qul'V advsn tae of thl special rflerinr In Bova Hhoee; all ool rieiteiiilahla leathers and aenaib'a lanta Kree to 1IV. Boys' $J-f i O Klines on sale at th a I .'I (J vary low price, pair t) Boys' $3.00 Shoes, $1.93 PplemlM quality bojcalf and ta leatherette! wld laeta In a), -a to 4. .lunt the phne for vaca tion tirades selllns; iewher at $1.00 on sal In tha,- in basement at the vrv Nk I low prlc ot th palr4JLT Women's Juliets, 9Sc a, etc. run line oi an nn. es worth up to i k -4 IIO air, on aal at low Sa. I f r c of, your choir. t) JL Women's rted Felt Juliet, with stent or plain t and rui'har eela. We hav thee In a rnm. met ranis of all ena, Pt w 4 ex. sp'lal for Wednea- rv ) day's selling In th fcaae- ll VtP inent at low prlc. pair ft J Women's $5.00 Shoes, $1.98 Thouasnda of pair ef Woman' lilsh-tirad Khoea In patent, gun metal, vlcl. cloth topa, uel. vel vets, etc. run line or n etaea. Hhoes worth up to $a , a pair prlc Cotton Poplins, 12sc A very ervloeahl and stvlieh fabrlo for Summer dreaca. auita, etc.; alo Very desirable for chil dren's play Karmenta. On sal la th B ae e m e nt at -fl the greatly reduced I 1oC price of, the yardXaW C Huck Towels, 49c Dozen 14x4-lnch Hleachd Huck Towel. epaclally daelrahl for hotel uea, 10(10 doien ot thee xoellnt towels on sal In th l'ndrrrlc Mtor Wednesday only at thl vary special price, th dtita for only Bath Towels, 11c Each Good weight nd nlc all Turk ish Hath Towels t a hargala ?rtc in th ilaaement todav. tften centa Is a fair value (or thes excellent towels, -fl -f Our prlc Is the grest- I I C ly reduced on t ch JL JL Basement Sale of Dinner Sets For Seaside or Summer Cottages 46-po Colonial Dinner Sets $3.63 42-po gold decorated Sets $2.75 36-pe dark blue Sets for $2.35 Cut-Glass oval Olivs Trays 6S Brass Ring Sprinklers now 48 50 feet Garden Hose, spe. S4.25 25 feet Garden Hose, spe- $2.50 12-in, h'h-wh'l Lawn Mow. $4.05 Grans Catchers, special at GS Meat SSnles, well matlf, only u:C Small Bras Kern Dihrs at 10 Larpe Metal Match Box at lOc Duplex Fork , for fuit jars 20 $8.50, 26-piera Ioprr' Silver Che-Bts on sale in the Bamnt Store at low price, chest, $0.50 uNotion Day" at the Bargain Circle Main Fl. 25c Machine Oil, special at 15$ Regular 15c Skirt Markers at 8 These items also on sale in the No tion Department h remainder of the week. Come and inspect them: John J. Clarke's Spool Cotton, in white onlv, all sizes, only 2Yz$ 10c Shell Hairpins, the box 7$ Rgular 5o Needles, two for 5$ lOo 100-yard Spool Silk now 5$ 2y2c Darning Cotton, the spool, 1 10c Bias SeamTape, the bolt, 5t lOo Wilson Dress Fasteners G$ 25c Twine Shopping Bags at 19$ 5c Hairpin Cabinets on sale 4$ 15c Cube Pins, all colors, only 5$ 5e Bone Hairpins, spe., card, 2Y2$ 5c Collar Buttons, spe., card, 2Y2$ 15o Nainsook Dress Shields, sizes 2, 3 and 4, on special sale atxuc 9Z Raniturti Kelt. on sale at 15 25c Silk Dress Shields on sale 18? lOo Hair isets, witn or witnoui elastic, on special sale, 5 for 10? 25e Sterling Skirt Markers 19$ 10c "Soil-Off" Dry Cleaner at 8$ 10c Pearl Buttons, spe., card Ofr 10c Collapsible Drinking Cups 8$ Sale of Crochet Buttons. 35c Six-line Crochet Buttons 20$ 50c Eight-line Crochet But'ns 25$ 65c Ten-line Crochet Buttons 35? 75c Twelve-line Buttons now 40$ fl Fourteen-line Buttons now 60$ Special Sale Naiad Dress Shields Miss Dorgan, factory representa tive, will be pleased to help you the shield beet suited for your Summer garments. These spe cial prices ior weanesaay oniy: 20c reg. style Shields, No. 2, 13$ 25c reg. style Shields, No. 3, 15$ 25c reg. style Shields, No. 4, 17$ 30c reg. style Shields, No. 6. 20$ 50c Naiad Bolero, all sixes, 35 50c Naiad Bolero, No. 600. for 35$ Underwear Specials At the Center Circle, Main Floor. Women's 15e sl'veleas Vests lit 25c sleeveless Vett f.r only 1 7 35c Slreveles Vests for 2." 50o and 6Tm? Vests, special 31 fl, 11.25 MemHe Und'w'r hUC 35c lace-knee Union Suits 25 50e I'nion Suits for only 3J' 65e Union Kuiti for only !! fl.2. Lisle Union Suits at fr." fl.75 Knickerboolers at $t.2f $1.60 Knirkerborkem at $1.1t Other Knickers at 5-'e, rV, 85 OIL Ur will wo V u ".'-J'' v. - -