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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1914)
TTTE MCmXTXG OREGOXTAN, FRIDAY, JTXJTE 12, 1914. NOTICE! This Store Will Be Closed Today During the Fraternal and Military Parade to Enable Our Employes to Witness the Great Spectacle A Festival of Bargains Awaits You Today-at Meier :k. Frank s 1271st Friday Surprise A Visit to Our "Temporary Annex," Sixth St. Bldg.- and Main Bldg., Will Astonish You With the Unusual Bargains Here Today! Our Main Building to Be Wrecked Next Week Thousands of Final ".Wind-Up" Sales Are on Tables First Floor, Main Building 24 Sales Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale TEMPORARY ANNEX , Men! Two Fine Shirt Specials $1.00 to $1-25 Bins Chamhray Golf Shirts, 7 Made in eoat style, with either stiff attached cuffs or detached. Either plain or pleated bosoms. Mercerized Soisette Golf Shirts,' $1.15 With soft French cuffs, negligee and soft-pleated bosoms. White, elf -striped, fancy figured and diagonal striped Soisette. Temporary Annex, Fifth and Alder-St. Entrance t Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale TEMPORARY ANNEX Boys' Corduroy Knickerbockers at 79c Sizes 6 to 17 Years Two hundred pairs of these sturdy Corduroy Knickerbockers go on sals Friday at 79. We know the rapidity with which these garments will sell, and would advise early selection. They're splendidly made and finished and come in sizes for boys 6 to 17 years. Friday only, 79 Temporary Annex, Second Floor Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale v TEMPORARY ANNEX Odd Coats for Boys 12 to 17 Years, $1 There are 112 Coats in the lot 73 in double-breasted style and 39 Norfolk Coats. The greater part are all wool; the others are 10 per cent cotton, making them extremely serviceable. The sizes range from 12 to 17 years inclusive. Light and dark colors and a variety of serv iceable and desirable materials. Well made and finished. Coats that will afford the deepest economy at the price asked. For l AA Friday only . ipl.VlU Temporary Annex, Second Floor Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale TEMPORARY ANNEX $4.50 Cut Glass Fern Dish Friday $2.25 Beautiful clear Cut Glass Fern Dish, in the popular Buzz cutting, with nickel-plated lining. It 's an unusual Surprise to have the privilege of purchasing such a handsome Cut Glass Fern Dish, worth $4.50, for only $2.25. Fourth Floor. Temporary Annex gmilIin!lIIIIIIIIIIII!II!IiniIIIllllIIII!IIlII!IIIIIIlIIIIII!inn!III!!IIIIIIII!I!!!!g Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale E SIXTH-STREET BUILDING EE H Smartly Trimmed Women's, Misses' Hats U Friday Only $3.75 " Worth $5.00 to $9.50 Midsummer model Hats, including a splendid assortment, of Panamas for misses' wear, and the fashionable bandeau effects. Hats suitable for women and misses, and for all occasions, in a diversity of attractive shapes and braids. Trimmed in rib bons, flowers and other novelties. This is a special offering for Friday these Hats selling regularly at $5 to $9.50 reduced to 3.75 All Untrimmed Hats Friday at Va price. Second Floor, Slxth-St. Building iinmniiiiiiiinnmiiiiiiiiiniiniiniuniiiiiiininiiiiniiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiira Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale TEMPORARY ANNEX Carpet & Linoleum Remnants Reduced Ingrain Carpet Remnants 2 to 8-yard lengths, to close out, yard, 25 Axmlnster, Brussels and Velvet Carpet Borders 1 to 1-yard lengths, to close out, yard, JSO and 75. Japanese Matting Remnants 2 to 10 yards long, to close out, yard, 1O0 Printed Linoleum Remnants in various lengths, to close out, yard, 37 Inlaid Linoleum Re mnajits vari e ty of patterns and lengths, yard, 65 $ Temporary Annex, Seventh Floor Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Children's 35c Aprons for Friday Only, 15c Highly serviceable for the "Play Apron" are these little Aprons, neatly made of percales and ginghams, in dark colors, bound with white and colored bandings. They're made in the convenient and popular "slip-on" style and come in sizes from 4 to 8 years. Regularly sell ing at S5c. Special on Friday, 15. Second Floor, Sixth-St. Building Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale SIXTH-STREET BUILDING To $5 Brassieres $2.59 This is an exceptional Friday Surprise Sale. Fine, well-made Brassieres of crepe 3e chine, Ital ian silk and allover lace, in hook front or cross-front style. Ordi narily selling from $3.50 to $5 each. Priced for Friday 552.59. Fifth Floor Slxth-St. Bids. Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale $2.25 Crepe and Lawn Kimonos Friday $1.08 Serpentine and Plisse Crepe Ki monos and splendid Lawn Kimo nos. Made in empire or coat style, with raglan sleeves. Ribbon trim mings, in pretty, harmonizing col ors. Fifth Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale SIXTH-STREET BUILDING TOILET GOODS SURPRISES 50c Pompeian Massage Cream, jar ....29$ 25c Bathasweet Bath Powder, two boxes ...25 25o Squibb 's Violet or Carnation Talcum, two boxes.. 25 50o Canthrox, the box 29 Four ounces Squibb 's Fluid Extract Cascara-Aromatic, bottle.... 25 FREE with special 25c Tooth Brush, 25c package of any Tooth Paste or Powder. . SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Meier & Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale One Hundred New and Modish Suits Go on Sale Friday at $9.98 A Wonderful Price Concession for One Day Only. Plain tailored and semi-fancy tailored Suits, fashioned' of splendid grades of wool poplin, wool crepe, serge and gabardine, in Sizes 14 Years to 42 Bust. You may select plain tailored Coats, with notched collars and small revers, set-in sleeves and semi-fitted backs, button trimmed; or fancy Coats with flare ruffles, or semi-fancy effects, belted backs, standing collars of pleated silk. Skirts made in the newest and most desirable . styles. All the season's high colors, as well as practical shades of navy, tan, wistaria and black. 3our are illustrated. There are many other styles. Friday's Surprise Price for these Splendid Suits Is $9.98 " . Furt. Fi-r-st-st. bii-. Meier & Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale SIXTH STREET BUILDING H Surprises at Embroidery Counter! 1 $6 to $9 Semi-Made Robes $3.49 EE Embroidered in white on white, pink, laven- . der, blue and tan, in handsome designs. 2 EE yards of 42-inch flouncing, with banding and enough material to finish the gown. Kegur laxly selling $6 to $9 just 'for Friday these Semi-Made Robes $3.49. First Floor, Sixth-St. Building Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Amber Bead Necklaces, Friday 35c Friday we're going to sell these popular Necklaces at a surprisingly low price, even for Friday. The widest diversity of size and style some in combination with jet; others combined with turquoise, purple and cherry-red beads. Another style has jet tassels, and still others have attractive amber pendants. See Sixth-Street Vestibule Display of These Handsome Amber Necklaces on Sale Today 35c First Floor, Sixth-St. Building Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale TEMPORARY ANNEX $1 Feather Pillows 79c Good durable Feather Bed Pillows, regulation size, excellent for seaside and camping. Cov- ered with blue and white striped A. C. A. Tick ing. Special on Friday, each, 79J. Ninth Floor, Temporary Annex Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale TEMPORARY ANNEX 25c Colored Scrim 14c New Scrims of firm texture and of reversible colors, with white, cream and ecru backgrounds. Wash very nicely. Usually selling at 25e the yard. We 're offering these dainty Scrims on Friday only at, the yard, 14J. Ninth Floor win v. myykw Meier & Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Nainsook and Crepe Gowns Nainsook Combinations Regularly 98c Each-Today Only, 69c The Nainsook Gowns! are cut very wide and full. Prettily trimmed with lace insertion and em broidery medallions. Made with dainty butter- , ily sleeves and three-quarter length sleeves. Just as illustrated. Regularly 98c. Friday, 69 The Crepe Gowns! Soft Plisse crepe, full cut and perfectly made. Daintily trimmed with con trasting colored 6ilk braid. Exactly as il lustrated. -Regular price 98c. Friday, 69c The Combinations ! Fine nainsook, trimmed with fisheye lace, combined with embroidery beading, ribbon run. Waistline with narrow ribbon-run embroidery beading. Drawers lace trimmed. Perfectly made garments, always selling at 98o, Friday, 69tf Second Floor, Sixth-St. Building First Floor, Sixth-St. Ball ding Candy Surprises 70o Victoria Chocolates, Friday, lb.. 48 c SOoMilk Chocolate Marshraallows. Friday, lb 434 B0o Milk Chocolates. Friday, lb 384 tJ nirit, -Halm Bo-Udlaa;. Mat Building Rose Festival Dairy Lunch Boom. Located in the Basement, Main Building S a n d w i ches and -popular -priced lunches served daily. Store Conveniences For Visitors Free Check Boom Basement, Sixth-St. Bldg. Best Boom Second Floor, 6th-St. Bldg. Free Telephones Throughout the buildings. Accommodation Desk First Floor, Main Bldg. Free Nursery for Children Fourth Floor, Main Bldg. Restaurant 7th Floor, 6th-St. Bldg. Personal Shoppers Mail Order, Ninth Floor, 6th-St. Bldg. . Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale SIXTH-STREET BUILDING NEW WAISTS In 25 Different Styles Friday Only at 95c Lovely new Midsummer Waists, made of plain and fancy white and colored striped voiles and cotton crepes. They're made in the new, simple styles some hemstitched, others finished with natty tie at the neck. Long and short sleeves and modish low collars. Twenty five styles to select from. Friday Only at 95 Fifth Floor, 6th-St. Bldg. Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale MAIN BUILDING 50c to 75c Fancy Ribbons Only 25c 5000 yards of Pure Silk Ribbons, purchased by our Ribbon Buyer at New Yorlc 6hown for the first time at this Surprise price. They're in widths from 5 to 7 inches, in an immense assortment of light and dark colors. There 's a wide variety of rich jacquard patterns beautiful Dres den effects, stripes, plaids and floral designs. 50c to 75c Ribbons priced for Friday only yard, 25. First Floor, Main Building Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale MAIN BUILDING $1.50 & $1.75 Long Silk Gloves 98c Full 16-button length Pure Silk Gloves comprise this Friday Surprise event. Two popular styles are shown in fancy Embroidered Gloves or the new tucked style. These Gloves are from one of America's fore most manufacturers. All have double finger tips, and there's a com plete range of sizes. Practical and "dressy" Gloves usually selling at $1.50 and $L75 Friday, the pair, 98 First Floor, Main Building Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale MAIN BUILDING $3.50 Silk Parasols Special at $1.98 $4.50 & $5 Silk Parasols-$2.69 A very special purchase of high-grade J3ilk Parasols brings to you this remarkable Friday Surprise Sale. There are more than 1000 Parasols included in this group, and a wider range of colors and color combina tions would be hard to find. You'll also see a diversity of new and popular 6tyles in Parasols reduced on Friday onlv. Usually $3.50, spe cial, JJX.9S; usually $4.50 and $5.00, special, $2.69 First Floor, Main Building g!!II!l!l!IIIIiIilI!!I!iliIIilIIIII!!ni!!!III!I!IIiI!!lI!!llIII!!!III!!!!il!l!l!II!I!III!g Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale EE SIXTH-STREET BUILDING 5 1 Women's Sweaters at Half Price! 1 Regular Prices $2.00 to $12.50 I Friday's Prices $1 to $6.25 j Strictly all-wool Sweaters staple and novelty styles, belted, half belted, eutaway, coat models and regulation Sweaters. Every desirable color staple and seasonable shades included. EEs s Because of these deep reductions no exchanges, no refunds. EE EE Friday only, $2 to $12.50 Sweaters for women and misses E EE will be sold at $1.00 to $6.25 Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Building EE 1 iiiiixiiiixiixiiiiisiiiJiiiiiiiiriiiEiiiiiiiizisiiiiiiiFiiiiiiiiiiiiTirsiiiiixisiiiiEiiiniif Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale MAIN BUILDING TWO HANDKERCHIEF SURPRISES! 6c Hemstitched Kerchiefs, Dozen, 30; Each, 3 Women's Kerchiefs, in plain white, with hemstitched hems. Excel lent quality. Full size. 10c and 15c Embroidered Kerchiefs, Dozen, 50; Bach, 5 Women's fancy Embroidered Kerchiefs, in many designs. Fine and sheer. Full size. Limit, Three Dozen to a Customer' None Sold to Dealers First Floor, Main Building Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale . SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Underwear Surprises! Women's $2.50 Glove Silk Knick ers of extra fine quality, in black and white only. Regular sizes. Unexcelled for service. Special for Friday's Surprise JJ" QQ Sale, the pair pX.OI7 Kayser's 35e Lisle Knit Vests with fancy crocheted lace yokes. Special for Friday s surprise oe v Second floor SLxtfc-St. Bide. Sale Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale MAIN BUILDING Two Hosiery Specials Women's $1.60 Silk Hose In tan only. "Kayser" or "Fleur-de-Lls" brands. Pure silk thread Hose, with double knit tops. An extra large supply to clean up. Friday, QC. the pair Ii)C Women's SOe Imported Silk Lisle Rose full fashioned, with double garter tops and soles. In black and tan. Our own Importation. Priced lor Friday, three pairs, 1(5X I OC . ................. v. First Floor, Main Bids;. the pair Meier ft Frank's 1271st Friday Surprise Sale SIXTH-STREET BUILDING GROCERY SURPRISES! 20 LBS. PURE C.WB SUGAR One lot to a customer. Special Friday only nine pounds &0; 20 C 1 pounds..... 9 ! Bine Ribbon Batter Fancy Ore gon make, roll...... .i 584 Challenge Coffee 4 lbs. SI; 2 lbs. 554: lb 284 Cream of Wheat Popular cereal, package 154 A 9 m a n YVhtt in.n Usual "Economy" Naptha Soap EIGHT BARS 254 Aaparaa-na Tips "Hatchet" brand; doz. cans SL.40 can 12 H 4 Good Brooms F our rows of sewing-, each 354 "Old Dutch Cleanser Ideal cleaning powder. Two Cans 154 Challenge Ceylon Tea Lb 294 Batternnt Butter Well-known brand, roll 5T4 Snlder'a Catsup Well-known brand, bottle 204 10c cakes, THREE FOR Pure Food Grocery, Basement, Sixth-St. Building