14 tttt; TrOT?XTNfl OnFCONTAX, THURSDAY, JTJXE 11, 1914. PERKINS' FOE RISES Progressive Chairman Charged With Hostility to Labor. LETTER SENT TO COLONEL Amos Pinchot Tells Roosevelt in Confidential Letter Just Made Public That Party Must Rid Itself of Incubus. ' NEW YORK, Juno 10. That the Pro trresslve party is greatly handicapped by having as the chairman of its execu tlve committee George W. Perkins was declared by Amos Pinchot In a con fidential letter to Colonel Roosevelt In a. letter which Pinchot made public today. Pinchot complains that Per kins' affiliation with the Steel Trust and the Harvester Trust, which "have succeeded most completely in exploit ing the public and crushing organized labor," Is a menace to Progressive sue cess. He sets forth . his grounds for objection as follows: First, an element in our party lead ership, headed by George W. Perkins, favors the protection of private mo nopoly in American Industry, and since the party's formation has been taking active steps to commit the party to that policy. Second, the chairman of the executive committee (Mr. Perkins) Is actively opposed to recognition of la bor's right to- organize and deal with capital through labor unions, and has frequently gone on record to this ef fect. Mr. Pinchot says that Mr. Perkins' Dame has been signed to resolutions of the steel corporation declaring against organized labor within its plants and that "Mr. Perkins' views on the most critical issues between capital and or ganized labor coincide closely with those of John D. Rockefeller, Jr." In view of all these facts, Mr. Pin chot says the rank and file of the ma jority of the leaders of the party feel that Mr. Perkins' resignation as chair man of the executive committee Is necessary. Mr. Pinchot declares he be lieves even Mr. Perkins will agree with him that the success of the party de mands such action Immediately. APPEAIj made to president 14 vo and1 Uet Ldve Irea&ue Wants to Protest Against Perkins. WASHINGTON. June 10. President Wilson today received a request from the Live and Let Live League of New Tork far permission to hold a mass meeting Saturday in front of the sub treasury, to protest against the "ef forts of George W. Perkins tD chloro form the Progressive party to insure success of the Republican party in 1916." The request was signed by Herman Mann, as secretary, and was trans mitted to Secretary McAdoo. WIDOWS ARE JUNE BRIDES Vancouver Records Show One-Third of Licenses Are for Second Time. VANCOUVER, Wash., June 10. (Spe cial.) While June is supposed to be the month of brides, and is, neverthe less it is shown by the records here that the widows are not slow in going to the altar in June. Of the 60 marriage licenses issued during the first ten days this month 40 are to maidens and 20 to widows. Licenses were Issued to seven minors during the sae period. Licenses were issued today to Fred M. Stoller and Mrs. Ida M. Turner, Willis G. Hill and Mrs. Gertrude Freese, George M. Sturgess and Miss Pearl Pat terson, of Portland; Raymond Baker and Anna Reissner, of Sherwood, Or.; Henry Carl and Mrs. Amy Anna Pier son, of Portland; Reginald J.. Richard eon and Mrs. Lily T. Richardson, of Portland and North Powder, Or., and Ralph Llghthill and Frances Wols, of Lyle, Wash. Miss Jessie Pierson, a relative of Mrs. Amy Anna Pierson, who was li censed to marry Mr. Burgard, is deaf, and William N. Marshall, County Audi tor, for nearly his whole life has been an Instructor in institutions for the deaf and administered the oath in the algn language. ASTORIA TO GRADUATE 25 Commencement Exercises Will Be s Held! Friday, June 19. t ASTORIA, June 10. (Special.) The largest class In the history of the local institution will be graduated from the Astoria High School this month. The commencement exercises will be held at the Astoria Theater on the evening of Friday, June 19, and the address to the class will be delivered by J. A. Church ill, State Superintendent of Public In struction. The 25 members of the graduating class are: Samuel Vannice, president; Dorothy Montgomery, vice-president; Georgians Garner, secretary; Carrie Glaser. treas urer; Anna Helkklia, Gail Hardesty, George MoConnon, Blanche Lorntsen, Gladys Pearson, Margaret West, H. Sherman Mitchell, Nancy Irwin Morri son, Marguerite Trotter, Russell Fox, Eufern Lugnet, Junie Bangsund, Al bert Anderson, Edward Beard, John Finney, Elva Dorothy Staples, Dorothy Dunbar, Donald C. Roberts. Dewitt Gilbert, George E. Kaboth and Theron C Skyles. . The baccalaureate exercises are to be held in the First Methodist Church on next Sunday evening. FOUR FILE0N0NE CLAIM Contest Started in Vancouver Over Ijo wis County Homestead. VANCOUVER, Wash., June 10. (Spe 'claL) Four men in one day filed on the same homestead in the Big Bottom country, which was opened to entry June 8. and local officials now are seeking to decide the merits of the respective claimants. The contestants are Clayton Hilll tross, Jacob Schneldell, Charles W. Barnes and William R. Slier. The final hearing will be in the lo cal land office July 7. All of the 6000 acres in the Big Bottom country in Lewis County opened to settlement June 8 has been filed upon. DEPARTMENT HEADS NAMED Superintendents Haw Charge of I Junction City Pumpkin Show. JUNCTION CITY, Or., Juno 10. (Spe cial.) The following: superintendents have been chosen for the Pumpkin Show, September 17 to 19: Depart ment 1, pumpkins, T. C. Barker and H. J. Dickey; No. 2, foragre, Soren Jen sen and Charles ToftdaHV, No. 3, or PORTLAND ACCORDION FLEATINO. K. BTEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons 'covered, goods sponged; mail orders. 3a3 Alder. M. 37a. AsSAlEUS AND A.NALVD1S. GILBERT at HAI.I. successors Wells st Co., pvo to Old t;oucn blag 10 4tn. At. ioo. MuXTAiNA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing works. 2d st. ATTORNEYS. i. R. GREENFIELD General practice ab stracts, contracts, collateral, etc; consul tation free. New offices, 707, 70s, 70tf bell ing bidg. Main open evenings. WM. M. LAFUKCK. Counsellor-at-law. ao Failing Bldg. tAKl-tl W tA V IN O. NOKTHWEST RCU CO. ltue Irom old car. pets, rag ruga, lss .bast torn, lioin pnonea. CELLILOIK .BUTTONS, BADGES. THE 1RW1N-HODSON COMl-AAi, 2 6th gt. Phones Mam 812 and A 1254. ClUKOPODIsia. William, Eotelle and William, Jr., Deveny. trie only scientUic chiropodists In tbe city. Parlors, 302 Oerlinger bldg., S, W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 13ul. OK. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropodist and toot specialist, treats all Ills of the toot without pain; 24 years' experience; lady assistant. 3utl AliSKy bldg. Main 8762. Or. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Hazelwood. Main 871a, A 612a. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices. Flieoner bldg. Main 34 72. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. & MMAHON. 121 4th and 376 Williams ave. Lady attendants both offices; IS ad justments $10. Main 2U&. East 0628. CLKA'l'u A NO PKESslNO. tiKESS SUITS tor rent; we press ons suit each week for $1.50 per month. UNIQUE TAlLoRi.NO CO. 809 Btark St., bet. 6th and 6th. Main 614. COAL, AND WOOO. ENIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard. Qulck-nrlng, long-enduring Utah coal. Al blna Fuel Co., sole agents. COLLECTIONS. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." short Adjustment Co. 826 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 074. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1786. No collections, no charge. DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON dancing school; waits, one-step, two-step, schottlsche, hesitation waltz, stage dancing; lessons. 25c; every morning, afternoon, evening; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. 8SU 6th st., bet. Stark and Oak. Main 7,;M7 Whiting-Ireland Dancing Academy, Allsky hl.1i. Ori dti.I Unrrluin- - J dancing taught daily. Phone Main SOlo. AGRICULTURAL 1MPLEMENTH. R. M. Wade Co.. 322-38 Hawthorne are. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE & IRON WORKS Portland wire at Iron Wks, 2d and Columbia AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PTJBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO., 2O0 Id St. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIER. BALLOT! at WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts. AWNINGS. TENTS AND SAIT.S PACIFIC TENT & AWN. CO., 1-8 N. 1st St. RAG GAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer, Park at llavls. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery at Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARD. 13th and Burnaids. CARRIAGE WORKS. . PORTLAND CAKRTAniC Wira 2 1 BODIES WHEELS. RPR 10S North Fourth Street. Main (338. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAH.N BROS.. 11 FRONT ST. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. P T. CROWE CO.. 45 Fourth Street. COFFEES. TEAS AD RPirKS CLOSSET & DEVERS, 1-11 N. Front at. dky noonn. FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO., 207 Ash St. chard and vineyard, H. C. Bushnell, Edgar Thorn and C J. Ehrman; No. 4, vegetables, F. W. Thom, A. Pederson and Julius Wilde; No. 6. grain and seed. Soren Jensen, P. N. Bodtker and J. PL Moffitt; No. 6, culinary, Mrs. Q. M. Jackson and Mrs. H. J. Dickey; No. 7, flowers and art. Mrs. G. L. Brown. Mm J. H. K'ccleston, Mrs. A. J. Kaiis. and airs. J. H. Miller; No. 6, industrial school exhibits, C H. McKnight, C. E. Aylesworth, Miss Maude and Mable Hays, Miss Helen Wagner, Mrs. George Young, Mrs. A. K, Martin; No. 9, fancy work. Mrs. F. N. O'Connor, Mrs. V. M. Mickey, Mrs. C. H. McKnight and Mrs. S. F. Clausen;' No. 10, poultry, J. H. Miller. E. M. Jackson, Chris Ander son and Mrs. H. N. Parker: babv Carni val, Mrs. Dave Strome, Mrs. M. R. Wagner and Mrs. Oscar Mays; old curiosity Bhop, E. M-Pitney. The largest railway station in the world, so far as area Is concerned, is the New York city station of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company which has an area of '29 acres, followed by the Gare St. Lazare, Paris, with 23, and Edinburgh Weverley, with 23. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES Dally and Sunday'. Per Line. One time .12 Bame ad two consecutive times. ....... ..Z2o rsrrts ad three consecutive times. ....... .S0o Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .66e The above rates apDiv to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tion! except the following: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Rent, Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Rate on the shove classifications Is 7 cents a line each insertion. When one advertisement is not run in con secutive issues tne one-time rate applies. Six average words count aa one line on less than two lines. On "charge" advertisements charge will be DB6ed on the number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. 81 1 nations Wanted and Personal advertisements nil not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale," "Busi ness Opportunities," "Rooming-Houses" and Wanted to Rent.'' The Oregonlan will not guarantee aeenntey sr assume responsibility for errors occuxrlna In telephoned advertisements. The Oregonlan wiu not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion of any advertisement offered for more than ons time. Advertisements to receive prompt claselfl rstion must be In The Oregonlan office be fore 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. Closing hour for The Sunday Oregonlan will be 8 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M., as usual, and all ads received too late for proper classifi cation will be run under heading; "Too Late to Classify." MEETTNO NOTICES. SWySh OREGON COMMANDER!. Jx K. T. Regular conclave to morrow iinursaayj june lu, at 7:30 P. M. Official visit of Grand Commander Jewel. Or der of the Temole. Parlors open from and after 1:30 P. M. The attend ance of all Sir Knights will be appreciated. C. F. WIEGAND, Recorder. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. B5, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication Friday, 2 P. M.. for the purpose of conducting the funeral ceremonies of our late brother. Guv T-T TTnlman. XT um bers please bring autos. By order W. M. C. M. STBADMAK, Secretary. The weekly A. O. U. W. luncheon at the Hazelwood has been postponed until Thurs day, June 18, on account of the Rose Fes tival. FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists, S4J Washington. Main 268, A 1289. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Max M. SmlUu Main 7115, A I11L Selling bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DANCINO. MR. and Mrs. Heath's academy; dancing taught In all Its branches; class FrL eve. 8 to 10. 231 hk Morrison, cor. 2d- Mar. 81A DENTISTS. DH. A. W. KEE.NE, Majestic Theater bldg.. Bolfri Washington st. Marshall 3205. DIES AND lOOLS. hlEB AKU TOOLS. Phone Marsuall 137. l.ring; A 4173L EVE, tAK, NOSE AND 1 liltOA 1. Treatments by specialist; glasses htted. Or. F. F. Casseday. 517 Oekmn bi.. 3d sr. Wash. ELECTRIC -MOXOKjir" MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing anu rewinding; an work guaranteed. H. M. II. Electric Co.. 31 First st. North. Pnoue Main H21u. WE BUI', sell, rent and exchange new and secand-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty. Western Electric Works, 213 6th. t-OCNPKx- AN U MAC lll.N K W OKiiS. PHOENIX iron Wbras, East ij and llaw thorne. General machine and louuury work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing. ji,utiuijl auu enlarging. Piinl as A1AUS. MAM i O l . MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MATT' HESS WORKS. ONLY scientiacally thorough reuovating in the city. Advise us. East 8iO. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2162. MUSIC AU EM1L TH1ELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Bevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 4160, Mar. 12 NATUROPATHIC PUVS1CIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis, ner vous chronic diseases. 504 Oregonlan bldg. Optician .A FIUHT on high prices. I " " pay sa to flu tor a Jpair of glasses when i can lit your eves with first- quality lenses, gold-lllled frames, aj low as SI. 0OT Goodman, ml Morrison tL, near bridge. Satislactlun guaranteed. 52sij:orTjucxuvsitTAN8. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 808 Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone Main 1140; residence. East 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, lata of U. S. Patent Office. S34 N. W. Bank bldg. R. C WRIGHT 22 years practice U. &. and foreign patents, poo Dekum bldg. T. J. GE1SLER, Atty-at-Law, 603 Henry. Wm. C. Schmitt. Eng. and Draftsman. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS "V ELI bs Elect ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. no Co., nth and Pine sts. FISH. OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKEY at CO.. Inc., 14 Front St. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall. H. M. HO USER, Board of Trade bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMS at CO.. 6-7o 4th St. HAIR GOODS. , DIAMOND HAIR WORKS, WHOLESALE. 303-4 PANAMA BLDO. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO., WHOLESALE ONLY, 411 DEKUM BLDO. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSEK HAT CO., 6-a Front st. HADES, PELTS, WOOL AND FLRsT" KAH.N BROS., 11 Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East end of Burnside bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECT URAL IRON. CASTINGS, STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS, ANGLES, . CHANNEL PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CH AS. L. MAST1CK A CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findlnga LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO.. 281 Pine St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKHEAK Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co. hi Fifth su FLORISTS. FUNERAL FLOWERS AT LOWEST PRICES Beautiful wreaths, pillows and special designs at prices extremely, low; casket sprays as low as J 1.50. Lubllner, florists, 88 Morrison st., Portland Hotel block. SMITH In this city, June 10, Edmond Smith, aged 8 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank TJ. F. Smith, of Tualatin, Oregon. Remains are at the residence establish ment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. HEMPFER June 0, C H. Hempfer aged 60 years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. The de ceased was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose, No. 291. ELLIS In this city, June 10, William R. Ellis. Remains are at Holman's funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. LOCI-. June lO, Konl Loul, aged 32 years. Funeral announcement later. Remains at A R. Zellera parlors. FUNERAL NOTICES. BW1FT The funeral services of the late Fred M. Swift will be held today, Thurs day, at his late residence, 1308 Main street, Oregon City, Or., at lO o'clock A. M. The remains will then be brought to this city, where services will be held at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. ELLIS At the late residence, 90 E. 28th st. N., Eva J. Ellis, aged G2 years, beloved wife of Frank Ellis and mother of R. J. Ellis and sister of Emma Howard and Helen Oano. Funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium today (Thursday), at 2 o'clock. Friends Invited to attend. BOND June 10, at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. A. C. Roberts, 623 E. -45th St. N., Mrs. Harriett Bond, aged 64 years. Funeral services will be held from the above resi dence today (Thursday), June 11, at 3 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. ELLIS-r-Tho funeral of William R. Ellis, who died Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock, will take place from the Hulman undertaking parlors Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Portland's Building Directory Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Attorneys. DUNTWAY, RALPH R. Main 1330. .B29-C31 Insurance. ' VINCENT, B. D. & CO. Main 1654' 818 Real Estate. KEASET. DORR K. & CO. Main 1189 232 Board of Trade Building Attorneys. BEACH, SIMON & NELSON. Main 6128. .T09 Brokers, Stocks, Bonds and Grain. OVERS ECK St COO KB CO., A 6331. Main 8942 218-218 Real Estate. BARRETT BROS. Main 64H6 802 WALLER, FRANK L. Main 8285 1015 Lewis Building Bonds, Stocks, Grain and Cotton. WILSON. J. C & CO. A 4187. Mar 8808. Builders and Reul Estate. SUMMERS. W. J. Marshall 8761 803-106 Consulting Engineers. LPCrOS. W. W. Marshall S34 816-817 Selling Building Kodaks, Opticians. COLUMBIA OPT'L CO. Mar. 819.. Od fir. Prescription. Druggists. NAD. FRANK. Main 721. A 2721... Od fir. Piano Wholesaler. HOLT. E. H.. PIANO CO. M. 1998 207-8 Spalding Building Attorneys. Consulting Lnrfneer. KYLE. Q. A. Marshall 4111 718 Mortgage Loans. BAIN. JOHN. A 744X Main 6021 807 Real Estate. BAT CITY LAND CO. M. 1116 701-702 Wilcox Building Optician. Optometrist. KOLLE. DR. D. W. M. 4148. A 7886. .706-707 Public Utility Specialist. FOSHAT. W1LBOR B. Main 6278 1014 Real Estate. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. M. 86U9....404 PATENT ATTORNEYS. 1032 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. PETER HABEL1N. 200 Victor Bldg., Washington. P. C. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office, near 24th and York sts. Main S46U. PLUMES. DON'T throw your old plumes away; we are experts lu leather dyeing, cleaning and remodel ing, mounting birds of paradise our specialty. "THE PlUME.' Morgan bldg. Main 40UO. ltUUUb.it STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SluNSy 231 Wash. St. Pnone Main 710 and A 2710. SEW1NO MACHINES. SEWING machines, new, $20 up; used ma chines $2 up, renting ana repairing. Main , tuiiL bewing uacniue Emporium. 1U0 ltd, ' bet- Yamhill and Taylor. SHOWCASE. U INK st STOKE FIXTURES. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 10th and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van Ac Storage Co., Co.. 15th and Kearney sts.. just completed new fire proof warehouse lor household effects, pianos and automobiles; coulaius separate lire anu vermin-proof rooms, steaui-neat-ed piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, iracaage lor carload shipments, vans tor moving; reduced freight rates on house hold goods to and from East in through cars. Main &64o, ail departments. C. O. PICK Transfer Storage Co. Offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse. separate iron rooms aud fireproof vaults for valuables, x. w. cor. za anu rino sts. Pianos and furniture moved and paoaed for shipment; speofl rates maue on goods in our through cars to ail oomestlo and loreign ports. Main quo, A 21)6. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. v e move and pack, household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse, l&th ana Hoyt sts. Main 647, A -2247. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 13th and Everett sts., on terminal tracks. General transfer and lorvtardiug agents. We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse in city. Main 7o3, A 2214. MAD1SON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office, lb6 sit dison; general merchandise, furniture and macmnery storage; transfer and forwarding agents, phone Main 76UL VETERINARY COLLEGES. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 14. No profession offers equal oppor tunity. Catalogue iree. C. Keane, presi dent. 1818 Market St.. San Francisco. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER. METAL LATH. The J. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade. Sales agents celebrated Rdche Harbor lime. M1LLIN EH Y. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE! Portland Wire at iron Wks., 2d. and Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER, PIONEER FAINT CO., 16 First sl W. P. FULLER at CO.. 12th and Lav is. PIPE. PIPE F1TTTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PL'UMIJUSG AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTEs at CO.. 1st and oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEROl.NG at FAKHELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVKlT T COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. . W. P. FULLElt at CO., 12th and Lavls. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. ' COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. ' MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d sr. WHOLESALE JEWELERS tt OPTICIANS. jU'lTfciKt'lLLD BROS., MOHAWK BLDO. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire at Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia FUNERAL NOTICES. HOLMAN At the residence of his parents, 440 Sixteenth street, Portland Heights. June lu. Guy Edward Holman, aged 37 years, beloved husband of Grace Holman. Funeral from the chapel. Third and Sal mon streets, at 2:30 P. M., Friday, June 12. Friends Invited to attend. Interment Rlv erview Cemetery. JORDAN The furieral of the late Sarah Jordan will be held from St. Mary's Church. Williams avenue, today at 8:1Q A. M. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Remains at A. R. teller's parlors, oU2 Wil liams avenue. FUNERAL DIRECTORY. MR EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading fu neral director, Z30 Third street, corner sal mon, lut assistant, a roil. Alain oo l. DUNNING at M'ENTEE. foneral directors, , t an. I 1I n V, I . '1 .1 1 . tendant. Office of County Coroner. F. s. nri ir. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East aiarr su r.ai os, is zaza. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY 3d and Clay. Main 4132, A 232 L Lady attendant MR. AND MRS. R. T. BYRNES. Est. 1K03. 653 Williams Ave. Last IMS. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Containing 33S Acres. Portland's Only Modem Perpetual-Care Cemetery Refilled, Pleasing; service. Complete Perfect Equipment. Prices and Terms Reasonable. Roth Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAND , AVE. N. Between Davis and Everett. Phonos Enat 1423, B 2515. Open Day and Night. Eeport all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at ft moment's notice. Yeon Building At Jrri Jl, Jeot 44 1 if! 1 Attorneys rOHN. JULIUS. Main 2310. A 72B2 1518 ORAHAM. SIDNEY J. Main U3 1819-1323 JOHNS. CHAS. A. Main 838 1306-1308 KIMBALL. HENRY M. Mar. 630 U2i MALARKEY, SKAHROOK aV DIBBLE. Main 150L A 6212. . .1800-1503 RIDDELL, H. H. Main 6638 622 STOTT & COLLIER. Marshall 6078. .608-010 KINNEY. M. J. Marshall &614 613 Milliard II all. M'CREDIE BILLIARDS Second floor Real Kstate. CALLAN KASER. Main 1683 722-724 METCALF, LYLE S. Marshall 232 810 RAINEY, J. Q. Marshall 817T 18l U. B. MORTGAGE A 1NV. CO 512 WAGGONER. GEO. S kUO SLAUSON. A. B. Main 9444 loll Stenographers. M'NAUGHTON, AG-Nt-S r-ARSOKS.M.4466 VOt 3 AMUSEMEJfTS. HIT f THEATER Is I L, 1 U 11th and Morrison Main 1 A 112. THIS ROSE FESTIVAL WEEK AFTERNOON at 3 NIGHTS at 8:80 LymanH.Howe Motion Pictures PriPPB AFT 25c. CHILDREN 15c a A l.ca NiGHTS 2!ic. 85c snd 50c BAKER TITRATE Main Z. A ISM. Oeo. 1.. Baker. Mgr. Matinee Today 2:15 o'clock. Special Rose Festival week offering The famous Raker Players In Blanche Bates' great success. "THE FIGHTING HOPE." By arrangement with David Belasco. Final week of the stock season. Matinee every day at f:l&. 2dc 60c Box. 7 5c. Bvenlng prices 25c. 35c. 60c. 75c, box $L Next week The marvelous motion picture, bamson." Matinee Daily. Phones Main 6 and A lttO WEEK JUNK 7. DAINTY MARIE. LADDIE CLIFF. AUSTRALIAN WOODCHOPPERS. LANCTON-LUCIER & CO. ' REUTER BROTHERS. M'MAHO.N' DIAMOND & CLEMENCE. THE R1CCI TRIO. Summer prices. Matinee, any seat, 23o Nights. 25c and 60c. Loges and boxes excepted. Three Snows Dally 2:30. 7:30. 9:15. WHERE Daily. TOM NAffJf CO. O-N-A-I-P MA KV GRAY RATHSKLLLER TRIO TWO CLOKGES Matlnew Every Day 10c Broadway at Alder. Matinee Daily. WEEK JUNE 8 "l'Kl'l'M." Cemnanv of 25 special scenery; The Five Gargonis, Yates Sisters & Fln.'ey, Clayton & Lennie, Cycling Brunettes, Pantagescope. Boxes and First row reserved. Main 4G36. A 2230. Box office uirii irum iu 10 IV. LYRIC roTHth and Stark Sts. Phone A 1026. All This Week, Newman-Folts Draraatlo Co. in J as. j. Corbett's Great Success Facing the Music Two Performances Nightly Matinees Dally (except Monday) Any Seat 15o. TONIGHT. AMATEURS. We Oaks Portland's Great Amusement Park. Band Concerts. Hawaiian n. Opera (Singers and Musical Comedy every day at 2:30 and 8. In open-air covered amphitheater. Complete change of programme. Wet or Shine. Mammoth Firework Display Satur day at 8:00 P. M. ALL PERFORMANCES FREE. BASEBAL L RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. OAKLAND VS. PORTLAND JUNE 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Games begin weekdays at 3 P, M.; Sundays, 2:30 P. M. Ladies' Says Wednesday and Friday AUCTION BALKS TODAY. At Baker's auction house, 166-16S Park St. Furniture, rugs, etc Sale at 10 A. M. NEW TODAY. BARRELS OF MONEY AlbertaOil Fields May 14th, near Calgary, Alberta, one of the most remarkable oil wells in the world gushed 60 feet in the air. OIL OIL OIL 65 Baume, is being used in automobiles as it comes from the well, without refining, 200 bbls. per day from the Dingman well, worth $9.00. per bbl. Other wells are being drilled ; experts pro nounce the field the most prom ising of any in the world. Fortunes Fortunes Are being made by people of this locality. Leases and stock being offered at reasonable price. This is a chance of a lifetime. If you have a few dollars you want to invest, don't wait, but get in communication with me. Portland references on application. W. C IDE 313 Irougheed Bldg. - CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA Irvington Lots " E. TWENTY FOURTH AND KNOTT STS. Choice lota, M blocks and hi blocks; building: restrictions. This property la on the best residence street in Irving ton. For terms, etc. , R. N. TUFFOnD, M 3441. 408 Spalding Bids;. eXSINFSS PfOPFRTYANOaOSCIN RCSIOENCtS unnTftinrmnin EDWARD E.GDUDEY-7 i lui.iunui. LUMI1U NOHTrtwCafERN tbJM t3UIIOllMs Western Bond & Mortgage Go. Our Own Money at iTUrrent Rates. FARM AMD CITY LOANS, SO Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CE0NAN 02 SpaldlnK Bids. sertlaad. OA f 7 Matinee NEW TODAY. Apartment House Centrally located, thoroughly mod ern bllilding. With KevAntoen onnrl. ments; making handsome earning at low cost of operation. Owner requir ing money for other investments, will sell on attractive terms. Price $50,000. w , uregoman. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CIT PROPERTY. We loan oar owv fnada and snoaey la callable vrlthla 34 hoars after receipt ef abstract. SV& a and 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWINO 7-8 Northwestern Bank Bide First Mortgage Loans Money ts Any Amount In Oar Posses sion (or Insnsedlnte I so. or 7. sctonusc to security, FIELDS A HOXE11IAN, Yeon BldsT. Mala 10OX Loans on Reed Estate Contracts and Mortgages Bought. HARDING ct TUTTLE, 313 Chamber oC Commerce. CITY & FARM LOANS l.NuLiittllli.il CO A.N A.Mi IN VKSTMK.N'T CO, TtO ( hiulr r of ( oiuiurrre. BJLAI, ESTATE DEALERS. BECK. .William G lo-Sl Falllne hi Am BENEDICT BHOa (Burrell Ueuihts, tt nawtnome svc. eor. IlsL Tabor Sis. PALMER-JON Ed CO.. M. P.. 04-0a-40 WUcox bide Jennings Co. Main 188. 104 Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Bale" lots. S650. V1U sell cor. lot. UUxTT W . on Tv" w Mr 83d and Prescott sts., opposite Alameda - rirn, mciuaing a-, leet OE cement side walk, curbing, grading and 00 teet ot nara-surxace st., au paid, for SOoO, or ad. Joining lot, same size, clear ot incum brance. Ior 85UU. Tnis Is a real snsD. Owner, 7oo lath st.. or phone Sell wood 7 j. ARE you looking tor a homes! le? We are offering: the best value In the citv of Portland, on the West Side, only 15 to 2i minutes' car ride. 6c tare; convenient to three carllnes; price only SU50 for a very large, cnoice nomesite, flu down, so per mouth. Always a pleasure to show property. M. K. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. 817S0 BUYS a EOxlOO lot In Irvington that cost me 42160; the price Includes all Im provements in and paid for; good houses all around this lot; it's a snap; adjoining jut just uae mine sola last wee zor S23UO. AC 30, Oregonlan. ViiKY fine homesite on West Side, only Id minutes car ride: 6c fare: lies beautiful. ideal for a home; the best value In the city; only sjU, S1U down, S3 per month. It will pay you to see this property before uuiiub eisewnere. .At. ii- Leo, Lor bett bldg. $700. SIO DOWN. S3 Der month buva one. half acre: lies fine: excellent viw- bide; 10-minute car ride, 6c fare. This is the best buy lu Portland and is worth your while to come and see. Our auto at your service. ai. Lee, an Corbett bldg. GREAT SNAR Entire blocs, ot i2 lots In restricted dis trict; streets graded, cement walks worth 13,uot; price this week 0500. UODUARD Ac WIEDKICK. Stark st. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS Charming bungalow site overlooking every ming ; low iown in price anu situa tion; unusual opportunity. 603 Corbett bldg. Main 6030. S10O0 BUYS a lot on the West tide, in fac tory -section; excellent location to rent, if you are looking lor a little Income prop erty, this will appeal to you. M. E. Lee, u-- orDett Diag. QUARTER acre tract on the West bide, lie fare; 15-xninute car ride; price $300. $lu uw.u, per iuvuiu. A no Debt ouy in tne city. M. K. Lee. 02 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE by owner, lot toxllS,- in-Ladd Addition, 2oth st 2 blocks from Haw tnorne. all Improvements In and paia tor. Will sacrifice for cash. Call B 1160. lKVLNliTON lect resiaence location; own er will sacrifice to bona fide purchaser. jkxi u, unstuuuui. WITHIN next a days 1 will accept $30O for full lot on E. SSth st; grading and cement nttiHB pttiu. r. ui, urexunmil FOR SALE at a bargain by the owner, lot. 60x100, Rose City Park. For particulars pnone A aim alter la f. si. BEST buy In Irvington; fine home site; 60x 100. price $1600; 10 per cent discount for casn. x'none stain v i X. SNAP Finest corner lot in Westmoreland StfQQ cash. c 23. Oregoulan. $1 DOWN. $1 weekly buys fine lot. 2S mln- utes irom center or city, pnone Alain 8617. $J00 BUYS $073 equity In $U70 Laurelhurst lot. feast 032. (80 CASH buys Long Beach lot; Ocean Park station; cost nao. Ar sx. oregonlan. $ot EQUITY in University Park quarter ki..i. r.tw. ti7: t.- . , . . j or baie Oeach Property. $3, $10 AND $20 for beautiful Tillamook Aseacn 101s, many one-tenth dealer s price. Over 100 to choose from. Pretty new cottage, ready to live in. choice location. $476. Tent-house, extra choice ' ocean front, $560. Easiest terms, no Interest. owner, s,ast 42A. EIGHT beautiful lots, Bayocean beach. $60O. Terms. 824 Worcester bldg. For bale -Houses. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. We will build on your lot: terms like rent; first-class guaranteed work. UMBDENSXOCE st LARSON CO. 21S Oak Su See Mr. Furlong. A BIO BARGAIN. Mnst sacrifice my 6-room modern bun galow at 818 Multnomah st. In 10 days; Xurnace, fireplace and sleeping poroh; built to live In, not to sell; s00 cash, remainder on terms. Tel. C 1245. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours, pay us use rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1J80 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON. Elegant home, 8 rooms and sleeping porch, hot water heat, located 78 East 21st N- near Fremont. 1 block from Broad way car. Phone owner. East 1873. FOR SALE 5-room house, 61st and Sandy road, lot 64x100, $3600, terms; furniture $4U0. P. O. box Bis. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3250 Five-room house, modern 'in every way; full cement basement, fire place. Owner. 343 East S5th St.; terms. Phone Tabor SOtiO. FOR SALE Nice .-room house on E. 10th St., near Thompson (Irvington); full lot, nice neighborhood; $8600, terms. Inquire room 202 stock Excn. bldg.. 2d sad Yam- hllL MODERN 6-room house, sleeping porch, furnace, buffet, fireplace, rented at $26. S42 E. 46th, reasonable If sold at once. Phone E. B00. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $2800 Five-room house and lot and ad Joining corner lot on East 46th and Madl son sts.; terms to suit. Phone Tabor 3000. 5-ROOM bungalow on 87th and Alberta, fire place, electric "sou. wasn trays, lull ce ment basement: $2076, small payment CHARMING homes. Irvington, for two- hl-ria th.lr f 1 1 1 m nlr.lv fi.wk.. . location, elegant surroundings. East 27a nr 1 1 i-T .1 - n B-ROOM house and 2 lota 100x145 feet In Oak Orove. ons block from .-n n - 1 I20OO. Inquire H. O Starkweather, near Rlslev Station. Phone Oak nrn uu.i. 1 t FOR SALE At Multnomah, small bunga low, new and morinr-n : & ha . ,. . - - '.. 1 suiu In June; terms. T. Q. Hawiey. owner. Phone Main 4549. ' SPLENDID H4-story stone bungalow; mnst ik mu iu db uiircciaiw; must nave siuuu cash, terms. By owner. Call any day before 12 o'clock. 71st and Oregon eta WILL sell a $4000 house, located In Rose City Park, for 13560 If bought within 80 days. Inquire 607 E. 65th su N. NEW 6-room house, modern. 774 Multnomah su; price reasonsDie. owner, 603 Clack amas St. Phone C 256-. THE price must sell this 6-room home dur ing trie festival ; szaoo or less. See Mowrs, 810 Yeon bldg. BEAUTIFUL home, 7-room. modern. 100x300, Desutuuuy improveo. 6il u su U. E. Tabor 613$. MT 4-room modern buniralow; price $1060. r or particulars csu iioor soss. RKAX. ESTATE. Por iSsle Houses. A SACRIFICE. $2360. will buy a choice 5-room modern bnncs low. with attic and basement, fireplace. ' The bungalow is very attractive and very artlctlcally built; nicely furnished; has east front, cement walks, graded streets, it Is what anyone would call a cosy home. Situated on 73d street, between Multnomah and Clackamas streets, surrounded by well-kept homes. This choice home can be bought with a $100 payment down or less, and balance Just the same as renu OTTO 4b HARESON REALTY CO- 133 V, First Su SWELL BUNGALOW SNAP. Brand new 5-room bungalow, large lrv-lng-room with fireplace, large dining-room w-lth bookcase, hardwood floors, cabinet kitchen, cement floor and laundry trays In basement, doubly built and finely fin ished, cement front porch, brick columns in front; a nifty home, ready to move Into, on the high knoll between Milwaukle ave. and the river, and close In on the East Side; price only $2U60, on any reasonable terms. GRUSSI A HOLDS, -16 Board of Trade. Main 74a2, A 4401. B-ROOM Irvington home, practically new, modern In every respect, in cluding part or all of elegant fur nishings; will make suoh a saorl tlco as will interest anyone wishing a beautiful home; must have at least $4000 cash, balance en terms. Phone owner. Marshall 8861. SMALL HOMES CHEAP On Mt. Scott line, a nice little house almost new on 60x100 lot. full of flowers, fruit, garden; a snap at $S00. ...A.t Jennlns Lodge; half sore with beau tiful little bungalow, fine lawn and flow ers, chicken house, eta.. $1675. , Very easy terms Owner, 606 Bpsidina bldg. Main 867. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME' WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BTJILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FRKH; KB are responsible. we know HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. oEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY at CO., CONTRACTING! ARCHITECTS, 824 ABINGTON BLDO. LACRELH L'ltST bargain In beautiful brand new 8-rooui buntsaiow. Just completed, ready to move into; the best thing on the market: fixtures and shades are in, built in refrigerator: in fact everything per taining to a good house. See owner on premises. 182 Royal Court. 1 v bloeaa north of Montavilia car i me. Owner going to leave ciiv. see this at once. NICE BUNGALOW, NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. 7 rooms and bath, modern throughout, on 45th St.; large fireplace, hardwood floors, praotlcally new; expensive brass t fixtures entire house: price J3J0O; mis $1000; $So0 cash. baL payable $2$ per month aud interesu CALLAN & KASER, 752-4 Yeon Bldg. LADD ADDITION snap New modern eight room house, attic. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, den and breakfast-room; oak floor, fireplace and furnace; lot 6UX11S, hard suriace all in and paiu: worth o0U0, now $0200; 2Ch down and $25 per month: near Hawthorne. . ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Bidg. A 14 16. Marshall Pi ESTABLISHED 1007. WE FURNISH THE PLANS AND BUILD HOUSES OR FLATS FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. WE BUY BUILDING MATERIALS IN LARGE QUANTITY AND CAN SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS. OUR WORK GUARANTEED. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO 706-7 COUCH BLDG. MARGUERITE-AVENUE SNAP. New 8-room house at 404 Marguerite ave. Full cement basement, furnace, fire place, oak floors, everything built In; fix tures and shades; lot Ouxlu. hard-surf seed streets; if you are looking for a bargain come and see it. Owner at house, or Dhons Tabor 344. " MODERN cottage on the West Side; 60 fare beautiful view lot. large porch, hot and cold water, bath, disappearing beds; price $1200, $10o down, $13 per month; If you are looking for a classy little place this might suit you. M. E. Lee, 623 Cor bett bldg. EAST WALKING DISTANCE to center of city, near Williams ave. and Cherry streets; lot has 50-foot frontage; good five-room house; no better Invest ment for amount involved; price $3200, easy terms: pay to investigate this. Jacob Haas. Gerllr.ger bids. NEW 4-room furnisiied bungalow- lot 40x loo. on East 24th. close to car; a real snap at $1000; $100 down and $15 per mouth. Why pay rent? ZADOW Ac ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1410. Marshall 92. IRVINGTON HURRY! A real sacrifice: must raise $l.liO Immediately. Who wants charming home for $4000? Owner, Main S07S. ROSE CITT PARK HOME. Am offering my equity in my modern 6-rootn bungalow for 3oc on the dollar. Phone Harris, Main 7005. ROSES, fruit, veuetables: $1SOO. Prettiest home In l'ortland for the money: modern plumbing, electric lights. Box 703. Lents. BY owner, 6-room modern bungalow with sleeping porch and garage: will sell below cost. Phone Tabor 3707. Main $262. SNAP t;-room house. East Glisan : 1900; terms. Dufroi-i, 7ja Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 10-room huuse: rent $35; price $2011 ; t.rma. r.s7 Washington. lor Sale Uutdnese Properties. WEST SIDE APARTMENT SITE Small apartment on rear of property, brings 11 per cent on price, 75x100; big sacrifice. 503 Corbett bldg. Main 6630. STORKS and apartments, prominent street. West Side, close In. $13,0O0. Owner, 824 Worcester bldg. ' Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water, close to canine, easy terms. Will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 10S5 or Sen wood 476. JOHN H. GIBSON. OWNER. FURNISHED house and 2 acres in fine cul tivation at Metzger Station; will sell for $2000 or rent for $10 month. Phone Mar shall 3i41, at 603 Oregonlan bldg. RIVER frontage on the beautiful Willam ette. H. G. Starkweather. Rlsley station. Oak Grove. Black 17. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 1, 2. 5 and 10-acre tracts.30 minutes out on NEW, BIG. RED STEEL, ELECT RIO CARS. 12-cent commuter's fare; very best ef soil; water and community conveniences. $125 to $000 per acre on Installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 85. A 8600. fi ACRES FOR 9260. $10 down and $5 per month bun nicra of rood level, loirared-nrf 1fan4 K tween Portland and (Jentraila. oa th I main line of 3 railroads, 1 miles from ' town or iuuu population, aawmilia, hLnfle milts and other Industries; lto acres to choose from; some of these tracts are about half cleared; a fine trout creek runs through the tract; some bottom land, some upland, all Is rood. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. 5 TEARS' TIME. Beet river bottom land In 10-acre tracts, 8 miles from Corvallls, on graveled road. Vi down, balance in 5 years. Write for descriptive booklet free. B. W. JOHNSON. Corvallls. Or. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches, near Portland; new subdivision, near Greaham; 5 acres. $400, $500. $700; 8 acres, $500, $700; lt acres, $750. $U00, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $20 to $luo per acre. FRANK MFAKLAND REALTY CO. 3uy Teon Bldg.. Portland, Or. 10 ACRES $U0. All tillable and lies good: over half In cultivation with 130 fine fruit trees; nice spring-fed creek, little barn, etc; about 14 miles from Alpine. This price Is lower than raw land across the road. Your own terras. Owner, 606 Spalding bldg. Main 887. GLADSTONE SNAP. 14 H acres near Gladstone, on the Ore gon City auto road, near Clackamas River; city water, all kinds of native trees; a big snap at 8120 per acre; $1060 down, balance at $10 per month: no trade. ZADOW A ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416. Marshall 92. 12 Vs ACRES, about 5 acres clear, rest easy to clear; good 7-room plastered house, barn, shed, chicken-house. good well, some farming tools. 12H cents fare. O. W. P. carllne about 33 minutes' walk front car; good road. Terms. Phone Woodlawa 847. RIVERFRONT PROPERTY. 414 acres at Wllsonvllle, good orchard, bearing fruit, all in crops, good 7-room house, all outside buildings, an hour's ride from Portland. Inquire John Dick. 601 Union ave. FOR SALE One acre and residence, two blocks main street, paved streets, bargain. Address O. F. Via, Si. D., Buxton, Or. ACRE, two-room house, deep well $800; terms. Harry Tolln, Metzger station. (Concluded on Page 1$) V. 1