Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Saturday-a Day of Great Special June Sales--ssc
4.95 for Girls' New $7.50 to $10.50 Wash Dresses
1 A Price That 'Will Make a New
oeiung Kecord in Liirls uresses
Sizes 10 to 16 Years
A typical Lipman. Wolfe event presenting the newest
modes for girls at a price which has never before been
equaled for such charming fashions and such excellent
Made from the daintiest of barred and flowered lawns.
Dresden novelty tub fabrics and linens. Some have yokes
and sleeves of fine soft net pretty overskirt effects shirred
on pleated girdles. Black velvet trimmings or velvet gir
dles, also embroidered crepes and some linen frocks
with round necks, or with collars of net or lawn tucked .
vests. Many of these frocks are especially attractive
for party wear. .
The two models illustrated were sketched
directly from dresses on sale one is of a
beautiful shade of pink linen in jacket effect
styles, trimmed with small black velvet but
tons and waist effect of fine white lingerie.
The other model is of flowered crepe with a
short net tunic.
Fourth Floor.
Kiddies' Sun Hats
$1.00 Sun Hats and Bonnets,
Special 79c
San Hats and Bun bonnets for in
fants and children to 6 years of age.
The hats are made of pique with tiny
turn-back brims and scalloped edges,
and the bonnets have colored linings,
or come in all white, with or without
ties. These are also made of pique.
Dainty Bonnets for Baby,
Special 29c, SOc to $1.23
For infants and children up to 2
years, there are many new bonnets of
fine lawn, Swisses, crepes and nets. In
plain French styles or with reverea of
lace and embroidery. Also in the at
tractive Normandy styles with trim
mings of lace and tucks, embroidery,
or dainty rosebuds and satin ribbons.
Fourth Kloor
A White Sale for Children
$1.00 Crepe Gowns, 79c
75c Longcloth Gowns, 59c
Made in high or low neck style, either slipover or open front,
with yokes of embroidery and lace, or lace and insertion, ribbon
drawn. The crepe gowns come in plain white or with dainty dots
of pink or blue.
sizes 2 to 14 years.
Special 12c, 25c, 29c and 35c
Mothers will find it to their advantage to purchase a supply
of these splendid drawers for girls from 1 to 1 4 years. They are
made in open leg or knickerbocker style, with plain hem and tucks,
or with serviceable embroidery edges; others with headings and
ribbons. They are extra well made and full in size, of good
quality longcloth and crepe.
Fourth Floor
Modes THat Will Score a
Hit at the Beach
Special $2.95, $3.49, $4.95
to $8.75
Are made of fine mohair, in many
styles, in- black or navy, with red. green,
blue, white and mahogany trimmings and
plaids. Some have knit tights or bloomers of
self material, plain or rucked and -slashed
skirts. All sizes.
Special $5.95, $7.50 to $18.95
Are suits depicting the very latest
French novelty styles of silk' messaline.
moire, taffeta and poplin. Fashioned in
Dusue styles wiin large dows across the
front, or skirts with three ruffles and wide"
girdles, vest effects and bright trimmings.
Special $2.79, $3.50 to $6.79
The practical suits for swimming, plain
knit, with overskirts; some straight effects or slashed sides, fancy colored
borders or braid trimmed. In black, navy, gray and red. Sizes 34 to 46.
Children's Knit Swimming Suits, $1.25 to $5.00
In sixes 2 to 14 years, made with and without collars.
BATHING SHOES, white or black, high or low. 25c to 50c
NEW BATHING BAGS, black, waterproof; price 50c
FANCY BATHING CAPS, plain and. figured. 25c to $1.95
Fourth Floor
50c Diving Caps, all rubber, skull caps, snug fitting. 35c
50c Pleated Crown Caps, all rubber, in eight colors, 39c.
75c Caps, patterned after boudoir caps, 65c
Water Nymph Caps, all rubber, with bow in front, 50c
$ 1 .00 Puritan Cap, bonnet style, with rosette and frills. 85c
Elaborate rubber flowers, 15c td $1.50 each.
50c Rubber Bathing Garters, frilled and rosette trimmed. 39c
.50 Satin Caps, rubber lined, trimmed with roses and frills, 75c
Flrat Floor
Bathing Suits for Men and Boys
Suits for Men Are All Reduced.
Wool Suits in piece style with skirt and two-piece styles. In
black, blue, gray and heather mixtures wilh white, red, green,
orange and blue stripes.
$3.00 Men's Suits $2.35 $4.00 Men's Suits $3.45
$3.50 Men's Suits $2.95 $5.00 Men's Suits $4.15
First K1m
Bathing Suits for Boys From 2 to 14 Years.
Plain straight styles for boys to 8 years old and skirt effect
for the older boys. In navy blue, red, gray and royal, fancy
border trimmed.
Prices 65c, $1.00, $1.25 to $2.00 Fourth Floor.
Just received, 100 dozen 16-button-length silk gloves in
black and white. Regular $1.00 gloves for 79c. -
Another Shipment by Express
of the New and Popular
Chinese Middy Blouses
That Are Regular $1.50
Sale $1.12
'This is one of the prettiest and the
newest style in middy blouses, made
in a style exactly as illustrated. Of
a splendid quality galatea in plain
white with colored Chinese emblems
Fasten at the side and finished with
cord' and buttons. All made with Balmaccan sleeves. In sizes
from 12 to 20 years. . Fourth Floor.
embroidered on the pockets.
Embroidered Silk '
For Camisoles
At 65c the Yard
A decided novelty designed
especially for wear under Sum
mer blouses and thin Summer
Of a splendid quality wash
able Indian silk in width suitable
for making corset covers having
eyelets at the top and bottom and
exquisitely embroidered in pretty
floral designs in pink and white.
First Floor
$1.00 down- $1.00 week
New Colonial Pumps
For Women,
Very Special $4.45
These pumps are modeled
in the smartest style for tai
lored and street wear. They
are of patent colt and dull
calf with plain toe and
buckle of self material. Cu
ban heels and high welt soles.
m A Sale
fjM In Which the
jWr Smartest JSk
M Trimmed Hats jgH
l&fM In Black and Colors J
Selling From $6.50 to
f $12.59 Are Offered -kI
Y Saturday $3.95 J -
New Bayadere
Striped Ribbons
There are man) different uses
for these Bayadere ribbons just
now, as they are the smartest and
most fashionable ribbons one can
use this season.
In beautiful Oriental colorings
and wonderful color combinations
For hat bands theey come 2
inches loide for sashes, girdles
they are 5 to 7 inches Tvide.
Prices range from 60c
to $1.75 yard.
Boys' New Summer
Especially Bought for June Sale
Remarkable Economies
Only Possible for This Occasion
Navy Serge and Cheviot Suits
$ 9.50 to $10.50 Suits $7.95
$11.50 to $12.50 Suits $8.95
$13.50to $16.50 Suits $9.95
Suits for dress or graduation wear, un
equaled in workmanship and fit. custom
tailored throughout In Norfolk or sack
styles and double breasted. Full lined
knickerbocker pants with taped seams.
The coats are lined with serge or mohair.
Sizes 6 to 1 8 years.
Suits of Tweeds and. Mixtures
$ 9.50 to $10.50 Suits $6.45
$11.50 to $14.50 Suits $7.45
Never have boys fine custom tailored suits been offered in
Portland at these prices of the finest woolens in fancy home
spuns, tweeds. Clay worsteds and fancy mixtures. In tans,
browns, grays, black and white and plaids all up-to-date
snappy models with patch pockets, sewed-down belts, box or
knife pleated styles. Sizes 6 to 1 4 years. Pants full lined, cut
in the newest knickerbocker style. Fourth Floor.
F a m o a Dress Fastener
uaed on all our ready-to-wear
apparel. On aale Mo
tion Shop. Flrat Floor.
The Hats Illustrated Are Offered in This Sale
Select From These $4 to $7 Dresses
At $2.69
For Girls 6 to 14 Yrs.
A remarkable offering of chil
dren's fine wash frocks, every one
strictly new and up to date in
style straight or waisted models.
Made of poplins, piques, linen,
crepes, crash and voiles in plain
colors, dainty stripes and figures.
in plain wnite, -4A$
pink. blue, cadet S v,
and tan.
Simple, though
new styles, yet
possessing a
charming youthful
appearance. Trimmed with girdles and belts of patent leather or self
materials, scalloped edges", and others with scalloped skirts kimono or
set-in sleeves and drop shoulders embroidered panel fronts, fine tuck
ings, wide pleats over the shoulders, some with embroidered collars:
many are hand embroidered.
Those of voile show the double skirt effects and have girdles of
satin or self materials and are lace trimmed.- Fourth Floor.
$17.50 to
and Crepe
For Girls
13 to 18
Striped and
figured challie
dresses in tan.
navy. Copen
hagen and rose
made with
round neck.
net ruffles and net sleeves. Skirts in
three tier effects, having hemstitched
hems. Satin girdles and satin button
Those of crepe come in figured
designs, daintily trimmed with net
and black velvet girdles.
One style of challie exact
ly as illustrated Fourth Floor.
Case Against Accused Army
Officer Completed. '
Keither Side Desire to Call Mrs.
Bramhall, Said to Have Fi
nanced Captain's Deals l'ew
Witnesses to Be Heard).
SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 6. (Special.)
The Government has submitted its
evidence against Captain Joseph H.
Griffiths and has made out what it con
siders a certain case of embezzlement,
conduct unbecoming an officer and
breach of arrest. Captain Griffiths will
make a determined fight to combat the
evidence, although on what grounds is
not known.
Mrs. Virginia Bramhall, of Portland,
who is supposed to have advanced thou
sands for Griffiths' timber deals, will
not bo called as a witness and no depo
sition will be taken from her. Grif
fiths' attorney has no desire to bring
her into the case and the Army author
ities consider the case is of sufficient
strength without her testimony.
The general courtmartial met again
at the Presidio today, called two wit
nesses and adjourned until next week.
It Is expected by the court that the
trial will be completed In three days
of sessions, as it remains only for Lieu
tenant George E. Price, retired, Grif
fiths' attorney, to examine three or
four witnesses and submit depositions.
Two days will ba ample time for him
to prepare the defense. Price said today.
Mass Meeting . Called to Protest
Against Increase of Taxes.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 6. (Spe
cial.) According to circulars being
posted in Tenlno. a meeting is to be
held in the town hall the night of June
11 "to devise ways and means to give
taxpayers an opportunity to vote
against a material increase of Thurs
ton County taxes." -
The principal proposed reduction cit
ed is the removal of the County Court
house from Olympla to Tenino. The
Tenlno people are offering a site
gratis and the best building material
in the state at cost for the new
Senior Class IIa Charge of Convo
cation at College.
LEGE, Corvallis. June 4. (Special.)
The senior class of the Oregon Agricul
tural College took charge of the regu
lar convocation of students and faculty
yesterday at noon and presented an in
teresting programme, of which the
singing of the class song and the de
livery of the class oration were fea
tures. President Thomas Rice, of Portland,
presided. The class oration was given
by Louis P. Gambee, of Portland.
I. W. V. Inciters Must Serve.
TRENTON, N. J., June 5. The New
Jersey Supreme Court affirmed today
the conviction of Patrick Quinlan, the
Industrial Workers of the World
leader, who was charged with advocat
ing hostilities during the silk mill
strike at Paterson. Quinlan was sen
tenced fi r from -two to seven years
imprisonment and fined $500.
Trr Santiseptie Lotion alter shaving.
Pet Prairie Dob mad Horafd Toad Be
come Mn.cof Traveler Will
Reach Los Angeles Today.
N1PTON, Cal., June, 5. (Special.)
Queen Thelma and party were sur
prised and delighted with the trip along
the edge of the desert and through
Southern Utah, Western Nevada and
Southern California today. The girls
expected the journey to be hot and
dusty, but recent rains laid the dust
and clouds and breezes made the trip
cool and pleasant. "
City Passenger Agent Earleyv of Salt
Lake, personally accompanied the party
to Milford, where General Agent
Adams, of Los .Angeles, met the car
with flowers and bonbons. The girls
planted a rose bush with pretty cere
mony in the depot park and the royal
proclamation of the -Rose Festival was
read for the queen.
As the train pulled out of Caliente,
Nev., a cowboy in white chaps and gun
on hip, rode up to the observation car
and presented Sadie Vigus with a pet
prairie dog, which the party adopted
as a mascot. Miss Vigus named the
animal Charlie Berg, as a tribute to
the Ad Club.
In the afternoon during a five-minute
stop. Hazel Hoyt caught & horned
toad" at Moapa, . Nev. The toad was
adopted as mascot also. Miss Hoyt
naming it Buzz.
At Las Vegas, Nev, President Grif
fith, of the Commercial Club, with a
big crowd of citizens, welcomed the
party and conducted the queen and
maids to a nearby park, where a Port
land rose bush was planted and the
royal proclamation read. Mr. Griffith
invited all the citizens of Portland at
any time passing through the city to
drop off and see how Las Vegas was
taking care of the rose, which will be
the central feature of a pretty, circle
of flowers in the middle of the park.
The party will arrive at Los Angeles
at 7 o'clock in the morning, and will
be escorted to the Hoiel Alexandria for
breakfast, after which the girls will
tour the city, plant a rose bush in ex
position park and be met by a com
mittee of the Knights of Roses of Pasa
dena. They will be taken to Pasadena
for luncheon. Returning to Los Ange
les they will be met by representatives
of the Long Beach Chamber of Com
merce and taken to that city for tea
and a dip in the ocean before continu
ing the journey to San Francisco.
One of the feature events of the week
was the presentation of a flag to the
college by the ladles of the G. A. R.
Wednesday afternoon.
40 0 -Acre Tract 31 lie From Hermls
ton to Be Seeded.
"HERMISTON. Or, June 5. (Special.)
Work has been commenced on the
400-acre tract of land one mile from
Hermiston, belonging to R. N. Stanfleld.
with the purpose of seeding the entire
acreage to alfalfa.
Mr. Stanfleld has lived in this vicin
ity for 36 years and owns a large al
falfa ranch on Butter Creek. He expects
to have the tract here in condition In
time to produce two or three crops next
year. He has already built a good house
and barn. He also owns 120 acres north
of Hermiston. from which the first crop
of hay baa Just been harvested.
Besides Mr. Stanfleld several ther
men are seeding large tracts to al
falfa this season.
Diversion Channel Contract Let.
ington, June 6. (Special.) The Sec
retary of the Interior today awarded
to W. E. Mason, of Klamath Falls, the
contract for the construction of the
Lost River diversion channel of the
Klamath Irrigation project, at a cost
of 119,922.
Columbia Co Ire go Names Successor
to J. E. Crntchfield.
MILTON, Or., June E. (Special.)
The board of trustees ofColumbla Col
lege has elected E. R. Naylor, A- B. B.
D., president of the college for next
year. He comes from Spokane. Presi
dent J. E. Crutchfleld. who has Berved
the college for the past three years, has
The commencement exercises of the
college were held last night and 19
were graduated from the academy and
the Junior college. Commencement ex
ercises have been oa since last Friday.
Alrlle Graduates Five.
AIRLIE. Or., June 6 (Special.) The
Airlie schools closed a successful year.
Five students. Lula Peterson. Elsie
Williams, Effa Conn. Kenneth Williams
and William Welnert. graduated from
the high school.
J. P. Morgan's Youngest Son 111.
NEW YORK. June 5. Henry Sturgis
Morgan, youngest son of J. P. Morgan,
is recovering from an operation for
appendicitis in the Presbyterian Hospl-
If your suffering from Eczema or any
itching skin trouble has been intense,
the quick relief ffbm one application of
Poslam will seem wonderful to you.
Just as soon as you spread it gently
in, itching stops; burning skin is grate
fully soothed; no more need to scratch;
no discomfort to keep you awake.
Improvement every day. The skin,
forced to respond, soon resumes Its
natural color and condition.
Tour druggist sells Poslam. For free
sample write to Emergency Labora
tories, 32 West 25th Street. New York.
Poslam Soap Improves the skin as no
other soap can do. Large size, 25 cents;
Toilet alia, 16 cents. Adv.
tal. Toung Morgan complained last! of being ill. He was taken to the hos
week while in school at Groton, Mass.. I pi tal on Tuesday last.
Daily Excursions East
Chicago ,
St. Louis. ....
St. Paul
Minneapolis. .
Winnipeg. . ..
Omaha. . ....
Kansas City.
Denver. . ....
.. 55.00
New York. S10S.50
Boston 110.00
Washington. .
Cincinnati. . .,
Buffalo. . . . . .
Indianapolis. .
Dea Moines. .
Rates Quoted to Other Points in Proportion.
Ticket Sale June 1 to September 30. Stopovers permitted
in both directions, with choice of routes going and coming.
Via California, in one direction, $17.50 higher. Limit of re
turn, October 31.
who intend to tour the Pacific Northwest to get tickets via
the Columbia River Scenic Route, between Spokane, Portland
fend the Pacific Ocean.
Reservations and other details at
" City Ticket Office Fifth and Stark
North Bank Station Tenth, and Hoyt