Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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Two Thousand Soldiers and
Dozens of Organizations to
Be in Line of March.
Display Will Be Run on Time Clock
and Procession "Will Move on
Stroke Whether All Are Ready
and Assembled or Not.
A score of bands, dozens of fraternal
and civic organizations, nearly 2000
uniformed military men and scores of
industrial floats will march in the Dig
Hose Festival parade next Friday
This will be the first event of the
kind in connection with Portland ies
tlvals and the substantial cash prizes
are attracting hundreds of entries.
Many of the individual features are
secret for that reason. A number of
local lodges and civio societies are
preparing: elaborately and at great
extent to participate in the distribu
tion of cash and glory.
Line of March Completed.
Adjutant-General "W. K. Flnser,
Krand marshal of the parade, completed
his formation, line of march and other
arrangements yesterday. All entries
wore completed last night.
The pageant will consist of 13 sepa
rate divisions, each under a separate
rommander and each led by a band.
In addition, there will be other bands
scattered through several of the va
rious divisions.
"One thins I want to impress upon
all who take part in this parade," said
tJeneral Finzer last night, "and that
is that we will move promptly at 11:30
o'clock, the scheduled time. Organi
zations and entries that are not in
line at that time will not be per
mitted to take part at all."
The police department is taking' pre
cautions to have the line of march well
protected. Captain J. T. Moore has
gone over every inch of the route in
Route Will Be Cleared.
The course of this and all other
festival parades will be kept free of
building materials and other obstruc
tions and will be put in excellent re
pair, according to an announcement
made yesterday by the public works
department of the city.
Engineers went over the route yes
terday and made a careful examina
tion of the condition of .the streets I
and of obstructions. Notice was given
to persons having materials in the
streets to remove them in time for
the parades. The street cleaning de
partment will wash down the thor
oughfares before the parades start.
General Finzer last night issued the
following general orders covering Fri
day's parade:
"The column will move promptly at
11:30 A. M.' All organizations are or
dered to be in their place of formation
at 11:15 A. &T. Commanding officers
will see that their divisions are prop
erly formed and ready to move prompt
ly. Detachment commanders will ap
proach their designated positions in
such a manner as to avoid crossing
North Park street or marching on same
at any time during the formation."
Formation of parade will be as fol
lows: Unit Division.
Platoon of police.
f!rand Marshal, Genera W. 13. Vlnzer.
Chief of mart. Captain Clenard McLaughlin,
U. S. A.
Aides: Ma.lor L. H. Knapp, O. N". G.; Major
Walter Wilson, O. N. G. ; Major K. W. Set
tlemier, O. N. a.: Captain Lee M. Clark,
O. N. G. ; Lieutenant Fred M. West,
O. N. G.
Twenty-first Infantry Band.
Twenty-rtrst Infantry, U. S. A.
Major Ralph H. Van Deman commanding.
Coast Artillery O. N. G. Band.
Coast Artillery Corps,
Colonel C C. Hammond commanding.
Third Infantry Band.
Third Infantry. O. N. G.,
Colonel c. H. Martin commanding.
Battery A. O. N. G.,
Captain H. U. Welch commanding.
Troop A, O. N. G.,
Captain Frank P. Tebbetts commanding.
Ambulance Company,
Captain A N. Credtck commanding.
Naval Militia Band.
Oregon Naval Militia,
Captain G. F. Blair commanding.
Fourth Division Washington Naval Militia,
Lieutenant E. C. Bradner commanding.
Junior National Guard Company.
O. N. G. wagon train.
Captain John J. McOonel commanding.
Hecond Division,
George L. Baker commanding.'
Royal Rosarlan Band, C. L. Brown, director.
Queen carriage and maids in automobiles
and mounted attendants.
Board of Governors and officers of aux
iliary. Royal Kosariana.
Captain Robert Krohn commanding.
Seattle Tllllcums.
Salem Cherrlans and band,
George H. Graves commanding.
Kugene Radiators and band.
P.- S. Myers. Postmaster, and J. M. Jones,
Superintendent of Mails.
Letter Carriers' Association and band,
Fred P. Holm commanding.
Third Division,
Lieutenant Jay H. Upton commanding.
8. A. W. V. Drum Corps,.
L. E. Beach commanding.
United Spanish War Veterans,
John T. Richardson commanding.
Fourth Division,
C C. Bradley commanding.
Elks Band,
John C Boyer director.
Elks float.
Portland Ad Club float.
Fred Felter In charge.
United Artisans, float and drill corps,
O, A. Hatton, district grand master, com
manding. Multnomah Club float.
Fifth Division.
A. L. Barbur commanding.
Firemen's band.
Woodmen of the World.
S. L. Chapin commanding,
Portland 6chool of Trades band and float.
Sixth Division,
D. L. Williams commanding.
Host Festival Administration band. .
Rotary Club.
Seventh Division,
J. E. Werleln commanding.
Ruzsfs band.
Transportation Club.
Foresters of America, -Royal
H. J. Glldersleeva commanding.
Eighth Division.
Andy 'Weinberger commanding.
Moose band.
Loyal Order of Moose.
Ninth Division,
A O. Wand commanding.
North Portland band.
tnlghta of the Maccabees.
Ladles of the Maccabees.
Progressive Business Men's Club.
Tenth Division.
- WIT! lam Epence, Commanding.
Pipe Band.
Clan Msoleay, James Gault. Commanding.
Modern Woodmen.
Eleventh Division.
F. H. Dammasch, Commanding.
Campbell's Band.
Portland Social Turn Vereln.
Royal Neighbors of America.
Floral Society Float.
Newsboys' Float.
Kansas Society Float.
Degree of Honor Float.
Twelfth Division.
- Jerry S. Bronangh. Commanding.
Trigao's Band,
The Max am a.
Multnomah Anglers Association.
Portland Christian Endeavor Union. .
Knights and Ladles of Security.
State Women's - Press Club Float.
Pennsylvania Club Float.
Michigan Society Float.
Lents Grange Float.
Greater East Side Clnb.
Greater Portland Plans Float.
Thirteenth. Division.
L. E. Warlord, Commanding. '
(Band yet to be selected.)
Industrial Floats.
Assembly Points Are Fixed.
An interval of 20 paces will -. be kept
Detween divisions.
First division will form on Bnrnslde,
Couch and Davis streets in accordance with
orders of the Adjutant-General.
Second division forms on Couch street
east of and facing North Park street.
Third division forms on Davis street east
of and facing North Park street.
Fourth division forms on Everett street
west of and facing North Park street.
Fifth division forma on Everett street
east of and facing North Park street.
Sixth division forms on Flanders street
west of and facing North Park street.
Seventh division forms on Flanders street
directly in rear of sixth division.
Eighth division - forms on Flanders street
east of and facing North Park street.
Ninth division forms on Glisan street
west of and facing: .North Park street.
Tenth division forms on Glisan street di
rectly In rear of ninth division.
Eleventh division forms on Glisan street
east of and facing North Park street.
Twelfth division forms on Hoyt street east
oi and facing North Park street.
Thirteenth division forms oh" Hoyt street
west of and facing North Park street.
Division commanders will be - held . re
sponsible for the formation of their di-
f, ' , A
Roy F". Donaldson, of Sprlnerfield,
111., Who Will trly la Rose Fes
tival Balloon Races Next
visions and that they are on the streets
assigned them and hat tney Join the main
column. -
Line of March Given.
The line of march is south on North
Parkato Oak. to Broadway, to Pine, to
Thirsf to Alder, to Fourth, to Jefferson,
to Fifth to Morrison, to Sixth, to
Washington, to Fifth, to Stark, to
Broadway, to Washington, to Four
teenth, to Morrison, to Broadway, to
Taylor, to Fifteenth and disband.
The parade will be reviewed by
Colonel John F.- Morrison and staff.
Twenty-first United States Infantry,
from the reviewing stand at the cor
ner of Morrison and Thirteenth street.
The Judges for the military organi-r
zations wil be-stationed on the grand
stand at the corner of Thirteenth and
First Lieutenant F. M. West, Third
Infantry, O. N. G., is detailed to see
that each 'division will move from-its
place of formation into, the main col
umn in accordance with this order.
Joserih M. Rieg, in charge of the Fes
tival balloon races, which take place
on Thursday afternoon, yesterday re
ceived advices from Roy F. Donaldson,
of Springfield, 111., one of the partici
pants, that he left that city yesterday
and that he probably will arrive-here
on Tuesday. ' .
Donaldson has 65 aerial trips to his
credit and is considered one- of the
leading pilots iri the business. "
Business Men to See All Getr to
Homes Safely After J?arade. -
At the luncheon of the East Side)
Business Men's Club yesterday at Ho
tel Edwards, arrangements were made
to take care of the schoolchildren who
will participate in the human rosebud
parade duringjAhe Rose Festival. L.
M. Lepper was made chairman and
manager of the general committee.
There will be 31 assistants. The pa
rade will start at Holladay and Grand
avenues. Each assistant will remain
with the car to which he is assigned
coming from the schools and return
ing home. The start for home will
be made at Hawthorne avenue.
The committee will be selected and
a circular letter prepared'setting fortli
the plan for the care of the childrer
in the parade. This action is taken
to relieve parents ,of all anxiety about
their children.
Kerry to Run Late. "
In response to a request from the
Rose Festival Association to allow the
Sell wood ferry to run throughout the
night of June 11 during the charity ball
at Oaks Park." the County Commission
ers yesterday agreed to have the ferry
run till 12:30 that night.
Astoria to Have Revenue Ontter.
WASHINGTON. June 6. -The Secre:
tary of Commerce notified Senator
Chamberlain today that a' revenue cut
ter would be detailed to patrol the
course of the Astoria regatta, July 4
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"Te8s of the Storm Country," Mary Pickford's favorite play., is on
for a four-day return run at the Peoples Theater, beginning tomorrow.
This play is replete with tender and dramatic scenes and was heart
ily received on its first appearance here.
Committees of Various Clubs
to Join With Rosarians in
Greeting Delegations.
Headquarters for umcrou9 Organ
izations to Be Established and
Open House Kept for Guests
During Festival Week.
When the delegations from other cit
ies of the Pacific Coast reach Portland
next week to participate in the Rose
Festival they will find their reception
workedout In the most complete de
tail ever attempted by the Royal Ro
sarians and the committees of other
clubs and fraternities which are co
operating with the Rosarians.
- The Rosarians are the official en
tertaining body of outside participants,
but arrangements were mtJe for every
other club in th,e city to assist, since
there will be represent: ".ives from near
ly all such organizations in the visit
ing delegations. i
Appointment of committees and ar
rangement for headquarters were an
nounced yesterday by the general com
mittee of the Rosarians. The Rosarians'
general reception committee Is com
posed of C. C. Chapman, J. Fred Lar
son and Frank McCrillls.
Rosarians Have Head quart era.
Stations of headquarters and commit
teemen reported to date are as follows:
General headquarters of Royal Ro
sarians, ground floor of the Commer
cial Club. Secretary -of state and as
sistants, including permanent headquar
ters secretary, on duty -during
the entire Festival. Special telephones
will be installed with the following
numbers:; Marshall 5992, Marshall 6993
and the regular Commercial Club phone.
Main 8660. One Rosarlan will serve in
conjunction with all other committees
at all -stands. Each chairman is to re
port . at least once a day at general
Portland Commercial Club committee,
ground floor of the Comme.cial Club.
The Commercial Club also will hold
open house to all visitors during the
week. Commercial Club committee of
250 to 500 will wear Commercial Club
reception badge, on streets and at of
fices. Badges available .at seventh
floor Portland Commercial Club or at
headquarters, ground floor. Committee:
H. B. Coffin, A L. Tetu, S. W. Green
wod and F. A. Ryder.
Women's reception committee of the
Royal Rosarians, Miss Tilley F. Cor
nelius, chairman, assisted by 23 wives
of the Royal Rosarians. will officiate,
welcoming women of visiting organized
Women's rest room, ground floor Pit-
tock building, headquarters of Greater
Portland Plans : Association, various
state societies and Manufacturers As-
sociation." At this point will be main-
tained. rest room, to which all visiting
women are welcome. Light refresh
ments probably will' be served. Rosters
containing membership and addresses
of state societies available her . Pen
nants and native state flowers used in
decoration." Committee: Greater Port
land Plans Association, Mrs. B. T. Voor
horst; Manufacturers' Association, Mrs.
B. T. Voorhorst: various state societies.
Mrs. Edward T. Hughes (Michigan So
ciety). -
Business Clubs Name Committees.
Ad Club, at Hotel Portland, Sixth and
Morrison streets; quarters open to all
visitors and committees on duty at all
hours. Committee: J. E. Werleln, F. A.
Martin, Aaron Frank, Charles F. Berg,
Roy Edwards and Karl S. Brown.
Transportation Club, headquarters
open with special committee in charge,
Multnomah Hotel. Third and Pine
streets. - Committee: H. H. Keck. N. C.
Soule. H. Sheedy,' F. D. ITunt. C. W.
Stinger and R. H. Atkinson.
Progressive Business Men's Club, at
Hotel Multnomah, special committee in
charge at all hours. Committees in lob
by to welcome guests. Committee:
Lewis P. Bruce, P. H. Kneeland, Frank
Barrlnger and E. A. Clark.
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fort
land, Lady Maccabees at Imperial Ho
tel, special committee In charge at all
hours to welcome and direct visitors.
Committees: JcTbbers and Manufactur
ers, O. W. Mielke, A J. Bale, O. H. Fith
lan and J, J. Englehardt; Lady Macca
bees, Clara J. Knott.
-Oregon National Guard, at the Ar
mory, Tenth and Couch streets. Open
house will be held la charge of officers
aud enlisted men and peclal reception
will be given ' to - the visiting
militia delegations. Committee: Colonel
C. H. Martin,' Captain Fra: P. Teb
betts and General W. E. Finzer.
Oregon Naval Militia, on board U.
S. S. Boston, Hast Side, at Halsey
street. Ship will be dressed and open
house, held during the week in charge
jf officers and crew. May be reached
by streetcar to dock or in special
launches operated under the direction
of the officers. Special reception will
be extended to Washington Naval Mi
litiamen from Aberdeen. Committee:
Lieutenant A. J. Capron, Lieutenant J.
A Beckwith, Ensign H. H. Hilton and
Lieutenant - Commander - George F.
Blair. ,
Elkji to Keep Op House.
Women's Auxiliary, of the North
Portland Commercial Club. Committee
on duty -at all times to assist in wel
coming visitors. Benson Hotel, Broad
way and Oak streets. Also Rotary
Club and Realty Club. Committee:
Women's Auxiliary of the North. Port
land Commercial Club, Mrs. Alice R.
Nugent. Committee, Rotary Club: 8.
C. Jaggar. Philip Neu. Jr., Tave Will
iams and H. L. ' Camp. Committee,
Realty Board: F. II. Gill, H. W. Fries
and G. M. Harris.
Elks Club, at Elk Club. Broadway
and Oak streets, open house will be
held for, visitors and committee in
charge to look after the comfort of
alL Committee: K. X. Kubll, Charles
F. Nell and Dr. T. L. Ferklns.
Builders' Exchange at Builders' Ex
change, 131 H Second street, open quar.
ters during the week. Committees In
charge to receive visitors. Committee:
E. D. Timms and J. S. Seed.
Loyal Order of Moose, Moose Club,
Royal building, Broadway and Morri
son, committee in charge to assist In
weiecoming visitors.
Multnomah Amateur Athletio Club,
at Multnomah Club building. Chapman
and Taylor, open house to accredited
visitors and committee, and officers on
duty as a welcome committee.
T. M. C. A and Y. W. C A. commit
tees on duty to look after the comfort
of visitors and escort parties through
the buildings.
Portland Woman's Club, fifth floor
Courthouse, committees on duty at all
hours and rest room maintained.
Mothers may leave children in capable
and safe hands. Oregon Congress of
Mothers, fifth floor Courthouse, will
provide attendance for mothers who
desire to leave children. Committee:
Mrs. R. E. Bondurant, chairman, and
committee of 100. v
Special Badges to Be Worn.
Troop A cavalry officers on duty as
reception committee at various hotels.
Committee: Frank P. Tebbetts.
State Woman's Press Club of Oregon
at various hotels and depots. Active
committee: Colista M. Dowllng and
Mrs. B. T. Voorhorst.
Multnomah County Commissioneres
In Courthouse will assist In every way
possible. Bridge draws will remain
open until after xthe naval parade
passes and the Sellwood ferry will op
erate during the week until 12:30 P. M.
Committeeman representing all the
above organizations will wear a spe
clal committee badge identifying them
witn-'-their organization. In addition
to maintaining headquarters at vari
ous places each -organization -will bo
represented with at least one commit
teeman at leading hotels and at th
depots. Detailed directions as to Fes
tival events and points of interest ob
tainable from any of the committee
men, programmes- also available from
committeemen. Roses will be distrib
uted at the depots and at hotels.
committees representing these nr.
ganizatlons will meet all incoming
""' every ay curing tne Festival
Through co-ODeration of Rnm F,.
tival Association, visitor badges will
De presented Dy the commitlwmin
Chairmen of committees will secure
tnese oadges at the general headauar-
ters, ground floor of the Commercial
Club building, not later than Mondnv.
June 8.
Chinese Is Found Guilty of Gam
bling and Visitors Acquitted.
By convicting . Ah Sing of having
gambling paraphernalia behind closed
doors in the presence of more than two
. v...D. a.,, .ui auquMUDg al
leged visitors of being present In the
alleged gambling den a Jury In Judge
Stevenson's court yesterday is reported
to have nullified its. conviction of the
Accordingly, Judge Stevenson con
tinued the sentence of Ah Sine. The
Jury considered testimony that the
tables and exhibits presented in court
were used for gambling, when thev de
clared the Chinaman guilty.
C. D. Gabrielson, of Salem, is at the
S. R. Hanson, of Lakevlew, is at the
Perkins. .
"E. G. McGlouflln, of Hoquiam, Is at
tne oewara.
J. W. Ball, of Sumpter, is at the
M. H. Kelley, of Duluth," Is at the
L. D. Summerfleld, of Tacoma, Is at
the Oregon.
O. E. Perry, of .Cooks, Wash., is at
the-. Imperial.
Thomas Hutchinson, of Hoquiam, is
at the Benson.
W. J. Bowman, of San Francisco, Is
at the Carlton.
Mrs. E. C. Leach, of Los Angeles, Is
at the Centralis.
A. Newman, of San Francisco. Is at
the Washington.
J. W. Kays Is registered at the Ore
gon from Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Muck, of Reno,
are at the Carlton.
Lucten Sadler, of Eugene, Is regis
tered at the Carlton.
Henry Nice and family, of Waldport,
are at the Imperial,
Emil Olsen. of Troutdale, is regis
tered at the Cornelius.
Harry Seibert, of Pendleton, is reg
istered at the Imperial.
l''. J. Hard registered at the Seward
yesterday from Eugene.
Charles F. Hyde, of Baker, la reg
istered at the Cornelius.
L. C Lauesen, of Tacoma, - is reg
istered at the Nortonla.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Little, of Spo
kane, are at the Perkins.
E. M. Merkell is registered at the
Nortonla from Centralis.
Allan Clark and A. W. Scott, of Cal-
-gary, are at the Imperial.
H. H. Relnhart'is registered at the
Carlton from San Francisco.
A. R. Cody registered at the Wash
ington yesterday from Seattle.
. Tom - C. Grant, a San Francisco in
surance man, Is at the Oregon.
Miss D. W. Drew, of San Francisco,
is registered at the Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hurlbutt. of
Thone, Alaska, are at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. C L. Ducle, of Saska
toon, are registered at the Nortonla.
George M. Devoe. a Walla Walla
merchant, is registered at the Perkins.
Clark W. Thompson, of Cascade
Locks, is registered at the Multnomah.
. William Henry Dowe, of Kansas City,
registered at the Multnomah yesterday.
Mrs. B. L. Hunt and A B. Hunt, of
Ellensburg, Wash., are at the Washing
ton. - -
Lula M. Cunduian, of Spargue, Wash.,
Is stopping at . the Nortonla while In
T. W. Freeman, with Mrs. Freeman.
Is registered . at the Cornelius from
"Dr. and Mrs. G. & Peterkin, of Seat
tle, where he is a leading physician,
are registered at the Benson.
Professor H. T. French, of the Oregon
Agricultural College, is registered at
the Seward from Corvallls.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Howard, of
Malone. N. T.. and Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Stone, of Palmer, Mass.. are at the
Misses Grace Klnnison, Sara Teat
man, -Mildred Manuel. Margaret Meek,
of San Francisco, and Natalie Peabody.
of Castle Rockv Wash., are a party
registered at the Benson.
For baby's comfort Santlseptlc Lotion.
Rose Festival QregoMaiis
Will be the most interesting and complete issues ever published. You
will want to send these 'copies to your friends.
Six Complete Issues. Including Postage, 20c
(Tuesday, June 9, to Sunday, Juno 14. Inclusive.)
Hum ' Street Town EtaU
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itHJJIttWAt.mtWHSISI I I I l i i i i i . a -. a . m . i m m w a LH1MS
. tntmw SJS llmiin u ii mii
S tggnCM w-mrm TSCTsriS. imMKsas ISSWIMSS S llllilii i I ssfw SIMM , 'n
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THE 0REO0NIAN, Portland. Or.
Gentlemen: Enclosed find , for whloh mall The
Tuesday. Jon 9, to Sunday, Jane 14, incluaire, to each ef tae
leae a eeata for -each
Shattuck School Domestic Art
Exhibition Meritorious.
Manual Training Department Shares
Space Articles Entered Include
AVonderrul Desk, Piano Bench,
Lamp and China Cabinet.
The third annual domestic art and
manual training: exhibit of Shattuck
School was held in the ' building at
Sixth and Harrison streets yesterday
afternoon. The domestic art exhibit
included work of the students from the
fifth to the ninth grades.
excellent embroidery work, fine sew
ing: on negligee and substantial work
on kitchen aprons were among tne at
tractive thlnsrs shown.
Bertha Goldstone. 12 years old. had
seven pieces on exhibition. All showed
clever workmanship.
Object Is Elxplalaed.
"Our object is to teach the girts to
beg-in their work well and finish it
well." said Miss Helen White, head of
the domestic art department. "We
want them to make practicable, serv
iceable garments in the best way.
Among: the thing's exhibited by the
manual training class was a big quar
ter sawed oak writing desk, made by a
Chinese boy in the eighth grade. Oil
bert Leong.
Kive months' time was consumed In
the making of the desk, which is a
wonderful piece of work.
Harold Piatt's work was also partlcu
larly good. A mahogany flnjsh piano
bench and a large library table In mis
sion style gave evidence of his work
manship. 1
Another Chinese Makes Limp,
Another Chinese boy, Edward Wong,
made a reading lamp, and Froman Wax
made a substantial china cabinet.
W. Hood, head of the manual training
department, said: "I am proud of the
work of my students. It is all well
Crowds flocked through the exhibit
room all afternoon.
Detained Immigrants Refuse to At
tend Inquiry Into Citizenship.
VANCOUVER. B. C. June 6. There Is
a deadlock in the Hindu situation to
day. - The investigation now being car
ried on by the officials, as a board of
inquiry. Is at a standstill because the
Hindus refuse to leave the ship to at
tend. The first cases taken up by the board
last week were of . the 20 men who
claimed free entry to British Columbia
as previous residents. Twelve of these
were admitted, after brief investiga
tion, and walked ashore. Two more
have since been allowed to enter, after
proving their statements before pro
tracted hearings of the board. Three
"A Perfect Woman Noblu Planned
To Warn, to Comfort and Command
Nature never intended woman to be delicate, ailing, or a sufferer frost
"nerves." Women in middle age complain of "hot flashes." Many
women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth
erhood to middle life, with backache, or headache, dizziness, faintnesf, err
bearing-down sensations. For a permanent relief from these Hictrpia
symptoms nothing Is so good as
as a soothing and strengthening ner
vtnc allays and subdues nervous excitability.
Irritability, nervous exhaustion, and other
distressing symptoms commonly attendant
upon functional and organic diseases of til
feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep
and relieves mental anxiety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate- and ! rigor ato
stomach, liver and bowels. Sagar-coatcd, ttarj fgrantalea.
others have been heard, but decisions
reserved. Three still remain out of the
20. This trio was to have been ex
amined this morning, but. when the
official boat went out to get them, they
declined to appear.
It is said that this new move has
been adopted by Gurdit Singh and was
as much of a surprise to J. Edward
Bird, counsel for the Hindus, as to the
officials and the Hindus ashore.
Fancied Wrong Are Dissolved In
Reunion After Shooting.
OREGON CITT. Or., June 6. (Spe
cial.) On December 3, 1913. H. E. IIol
dren stood on the outside of the win
dow of his brotner's residence at Fern
ridge and shot at him. Today the two
brothers sat the greater part of the
day on the Courthouse steps and en
Joyed each other's company and II. E.
Holdren, who entered a plea of guilty to
a charge of assault with intent to kill,
was sentenced and paroled.
H E. Holdren came to Oregon from
the ltiast to avenge fancied wrongs al
leged to have been committed by his
brother. After locating the home of
his relative, E. H. Holdren. at Fern
ridge, near Gladstone, he bought a re
volver and intended to take his
brother's life, the officials claimed.
Splendid Remedy -
For Eczema
Also for Salt Rheum, Acne,
Tetter, Psoriasis and
Other Skin
After using: S. S. S. for a while, the rhsr.
acterlstlc marks of all skin troubles change
completely. When eczema has become
chronic the lower skin loses Its power to
divert impurities and thus they continue to
gather in the weak spots or those already
attacked. The action of 8. S. 8. is that of
an antiaote, ana this fact has been demon
strated time and time again In the most
severe forms of weeping eczema.
Its influence in the tissues where the tiny
arteries transfer the red blood for the worn
out, blood to the veins Is quite remarkable
and goes on constantly with every tick of
the clock the beat of the heart.
And new skin is thus caused to form
while the germs of Irritating Influences that
cause eczema are scattered and their harm
ful nature entirely suspended.
S. 8. 8. has a wonderful tonic Influence
m the blood because it contains no dope,"
is entirely free of any. mineral drugs or any
other drags except the remarkable medicinal
effect of the pure vegetable products of
which It is made.
Few people realize how harmful are many
of the strong, crude ointments that used
to be In favor before tbey learned that
. S. S. Is safe, speedy and sure. Ask at
any drug store fo. a bottle of g. s. 8.
Olve It a good trial and too will nn ...
a decided Improvement in any form of skin
" "i,lB lo l ne "swift Bpecifle Co..
538 Swift Bids-.. Atlanta a. iXi. J:t"f
trouble'10 "W b 00 Un r blood
The "Favorite Prescription"
Is known everywhere and for over 40 years as
tne standard remedy for the diseases of
women. Your dealer in medicines sells it In
liquid or tablet form: or yon can send 50 one
cent stamps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription tablets. Address Ir.
Pierce. Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Bos Feetfrml
The shot fired missed the brother by
a narrow margin.
' Bulgaria's araa is 123,000 aqnare kilo
meters; population, estimated, 4,800,000,
Eight per cent of land area la under cut-
As Lydia E. PTikham's Vege
table Compound Dispelled
Backache. Headaches
and Dizziness.
Piqua, Ohio. " I would be very un
grateful if 1 failed to give Lydia E.
f mKham s Vegeta
ble Compound the
praiseit deserves,
for I have taken it
a t different times
and it always re-
j lieved me when
other medicines
failed, and when I
hear a woman com
plain I always rec
ommend it. Last win
ter 1 was attacked
with a severe case of organic weakness.
I had backache, pains in my hips and
over my kidneys, headache, dizziness,
lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached
and I was always tired. I was hardly
able to do my housework. J had taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound on one other occasion, and it had
helped me so I took it again and it has
built me up, until now I feel like a new
woman. You have my hearty consent
to use my name and testimonial in any
way and I hope it will benefit suffering
women." Mrs. Orpha Tubner, 431 S.
Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio.
Women who are Buffering from those)
distressing ills peculiar to their set
should not doubt the ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health.
If you "want special adrica
lclne) Co- ( confidential ) Lynn
Mass. Your letter will b opened.
Mail snii answsiwil rw &. wnmim
and. Held in strict confidence. -'
Strong Endorsement of Plant Juice
Given by a Benton, Wash
ington, Lady.
Mrs. K. A. Stone, wbo resides at Ben
ton, a town about ten miles from Seat
tle, has the following statement to
make about Plant Juice, the new tonic.
Mrs. Stone's husband Is a miner, anil
they have lived in the State of Wash
ington tor the past twenty-five years:
"As a child in England I knew of no
other remedies but herbal ones, and
when I read the statements in the
papers that your remedy was purely
herbal I decided to try it. I have been
troubled for some time with & weak
stomadh and constipation: also had
dizzy spells when it seemed that I would
faint. Plant Juice has stopped the
dizzy spells, my head feels clearer, my
stomach is better and digests my food.
my bowels are acting naturally and I
feel better in every way. I always
knew that if I could get hold of a pure
nem remeay it would help ine.
Plant Juice is a purely vegetable
remedy. As a tonic it has no equal, it
eliminates all poisons from the blood,
clears the liver, puts it int healthy
action and eradicates all malaria and
biliousness. Those who suffer from in
digestion, headaches, dizzy spells, spots
iietore tne eyes, no appetite, sour stom
ach. Kas or bloating after meals, co
stipation, poor circulation, a feeling of
chilliness, followed by hot flashes, will
find that Plant Juice will do them
more good than anything they liav
ever tried. For sale at Th Owl Drug
company s eiors. auv,