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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1914)
THE 3IORNING OREGOXIAN, SATTJKDAY, JIWE 6, 1914. " 17 V FOB RENT. Fnrnlbed A panmenti. APARTMENTS. ROOMS. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. RATES. Comfort, Quality. Convenience, Reliability, Service, Central location. Courteous Treatment. ) . THE WHEELDON ANNEX, APARTMENT-HOTEL. 10TH ASD SALMON STS. THE CROMWELL, Sth and Columbia Sta. Six minutes' walk to theater and shop ping district. Transient or Permanent. DAY WEEK MONTH. Modern 2 and 3-room furnished apart ments, with kitchen, bath, phones, etc.; all outside apartments; French doors. In dividual balconies, awnings and screens; delightful Summer apartments. VILLA ST, CLARA. 12th and Taylor, Most modern apartments on the Paclflo Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. 6TRANGER, GET TOL'R MONEY'S WORTH Only $18 to $26 per month, $5 to $7 per week, for completely furnished house keeping, 2-room apartments. Including electric lights, private phone and all mod ern conveniences; new brick bldg., 15 min utes" walk from P. o. Lincoln Apts., cor. tier 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4153. HIGHLAND COURT AARTmTNT"5 22d and Gllsan Streets. Walking distance. Will sublet completely furnished B-ro'om apt. for 4 mo. with piano; reasonable price. REFERENCE REQUIRED. Marshall 3162. IWESTFAL. bet. Harrison and Hall, 410 6th. 3 and 4-room apts. by day, week or mo. Furnished or unfurnished; concrete ias.: aeugnttuuy cool lor summer; ele vator. All private baths, 7 mln. to shop ping center, $20 and up. Lowest rates Portland. Thoroughly renovated. FOR the Summer, furnished apt., sleeping porch, close in, cheap. East 4321. Unf uralsheri Apartment, AMERICAN AND MARLBOROUGH. Central, West Side, highest class apart ments, four, five and six rooms, all out side. Every convenience. Rents reason able. Marshall S360. Main 7516. A 2676. American Realty Co., owners. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Very high-class 3-room unfurnished apartments; extra large light rooms; pri vate balcony; splendid view; clean and new; exceptional Janitor, service; electric vacuum cleaner; rent reasonable. Ford fit., near Washington. M G527. LUCRETIA COURT. 49 Lucretia St., between Washington and Everett; finest and most modern unfur nished apartments, 2 to 5 rooms, hard wood floors, all outside rooms; references. Mgr.. Marshall 1513; janitor. Mar. 1500. HE BONNIE BRAE will have a corner apartment ready June 1, 3 rooms, bath and dressing-room, new and modern, with every possible convenience. Corner 11th and Hancock sts., Irvlngton. WE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences, telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take "W" car to 21st ana Northrup. Phone Main 4376. THE BONNIE BRAVl will have a corner apartment ready JUXe 1, 3 rooms, bath and dressing-room, new and modern, with very possible convenience. Corner 11th and Hancock sts., Irvlngton. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broad way, corner Jefferson; easy walking dis tance; 3 or 4 rooms with private baths; very reasonable rent; best service, splen dld arrangements. All outside rooms. THE LETA. High-class 4 rooms, first floor, walk ing distance. Summer rate; like a private home. Marshall 3267. 409 West Broadway. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4-room apartments, $20 and up; good janitor service; walking distance; refer ences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7194. KEELER APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STSl, & and 4-room unfurnished suites, pri vate vestibules, phones and baths, with steam heat, hot, cold water. References. THE CAMAR " 704 Lovejoy. 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments $16 to $30. Call Marshall 2916. $10 EQUAL 4 rooms, built-in bed, laundry trays, etc., solid oak floors, mirror doors, 4622 60th ave. S. E.. or phone Main 7687. HOSE FRIEND, cor. Broadway and Jeffer son Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service; private phone; ref. MAYO Apts.. 608 Union ave., near Broad way; modern, unfurnished apts. East 1120, THE LEONARD 3-room apartments, new. 005 East Main, bet. 18th and loth. 860 FLANDERS, 6-room apt.. Summer rate, $42.50: 2-room apt.. $18; modern. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE! AT YOUH SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 per month. If you want one, telephone Main 2013 Sundays, or A Evenings call Mr. Bladen Marshall 22' i Our automobila will ca I at any address with our agent, who will oe glad to show these apartments. References required. We own and control the following: Cecilia. 22d and Gllsan. Claypool. 11th and Clay sts. Columbia, 11th and Columbla Fordham. 170 Ford. Hanthorne, 215 13 th at., near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th Hanover, 165 King, near Washington." Orderleigh, t2 Grand ave. St. Clair. 170 St. Clair st., near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 10th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FL1EDNER & BOICB 813-821 Morgan bldg. STELWYN APARTMENTS. Wash. St., near 22d, cor. St. Clair. 3 and 4 rooms, with sleeping-porch, ar tistically and completely turnished; also unfurnished; all large outside rooms- un excelled service; walking distance; refer ences required; $30 to $U0. One turnished bachelor apartment now vacant; price rea sonable. Inducements made to permanent tenants. Apply on premises or call THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Managers. 260 Washington St. Main 6S60. X 6267. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving Fur nished and unfurnished apartments, in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; electrio automatic elevator, ,. .disappearing beds, bullt-ln buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room; individual bath and toilet' vacuum cleaner free; also 1 each 3 and 4-room basement apt. at $15 and $17.00. Phone Marshall 29U1. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 49-57 Trinity Place The finest apartments on the Paclflo Coast, with every modern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required; furnished bachelors' quarters with club room. Manager, Marshall 1101. Ci-RACE APTS., 24th and Northrup sts , 3 large rooms, unfurnished, large front ve randa, sleeping porch, phone, bath. heat, new and modern; hardwood floors; also 4 large rooms, furnished, beautiful, phone. bath, heat. Mar. 1075. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St., near -Taylor. Mar. 2324. Nice 4 and 5-room furnished and unfur nished apts. 6EE BRETNOR Apartments for 8 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished 215 North 20th St. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders. 2, S and 4-room modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished; best location in city. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 Kirlg, 3 and 4-room highclass; references. Main 2058. Flats. FOR RENT Attractive lower flat, 5 rooms. Nob Hill district, near churches and with in walking distance of business 'center; fireplace, furnace, bullt-ln conveniences; rent free till June 15. Inquire 66 19th st. North. MODERN FLATS, $18.50 5 rooms, hardwood floors; Dutch kitch en, Boynton furnace; Irvlngton, walking distance; no children. East 5570. RENTS REDUCED FROM $25 TO $18.50. See Parrlsh & Watklns about those mod ern 5-room tlats, Holladay Addition, near Broadway car, walking distance. NEW modern upper flat to rent; Just fin ished. 726 B. Ash; rent $20. Phone E. 4509. ALMOST new 6-room flat; will rent at a very reasonable price; has flreplaoe, nice porch, etc. Call 441 11 ,h st. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, 185 A 10th st Apply 1S1 18th St.. cor. Yamhill. MODERN 6-room flat, 29 cor. East Burnslde; $16. East 8th at.. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th at. Phone Main 6278. WTEST SIDE, 3 cosy Sellwood 1870. 4-room flats cheap. $10 Upper Hat, 301 East 11th, 4 rooms, no children. Main 6030 or East 063. FOR RENT Unfurnished flat, modern, close pnone c ZttlA Jt-ast 134. Furnished Flats. NEW and newly furnished 4-room flat and newiy tinted uniurnisnea tiat. fnone E. 5, B 1404. 4-ROOM furnished flat; fine river view. 286 Margin St. East 2411. . 4-ROOM modern, well furnished, n'r Broad way bridge, low rent, c S109, E. 8010, FOR KENT. Furnished Flats. EXCEPTIONALLY well furninhnl xr i.n furnished flats, nice yard and porches, good location and walking distance, una block from the best canine, reasonable to rignt party. 164 E. 12th, corner Bel mont FOR RENT or for sale, 8 rooms with 2 bathe, furnished complete; everything of me Dest; centrally located. Information, can aiain o.iba. S-ROOU nicely furnished lower flat. West 3ue, waiting aistance, sleeping porta, nice front puich; aii rooms light and airy; excellent view. Call 464 Hall, near 13th. 3 OR 6-room flat furnished or unfurnished; price very reasonable. Alt. Tabor car. loSS',4 Belmont, cor. 61st. $12 PER month. E-room flat, electric light. bath, etc. 3S714 N. 21st St., key at 388 zist. NICE, clean, furnished and unfurnished flats. Gott1, Gantenoeln ave. Phono B Housekeeping: Rooms. THE LEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, launary free; $12 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or IGth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall. No doga. DulbLE housekeeping-rooms. $2.50 per week. Oood transient rooms $2. Hot and cold water, electric lights and gas In every room. 533 Morrison St. Phone Main 43lio. $1.60 TO $2.75 week; clean furnished house- heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East tiO'iO. 406 Vancouver. 203 Smnton. "U" car. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur Furnished 2-room apts.; steam heat; light, $15 up. Main 3523. Take "S." 23d or "W" car N. 2-3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and well furnished, $12.50 and $15.00 per month. 645 Washington, near 16th. BOl'CREST, 175 12th: comfortable house keeping rooms; all conveniences; close in; reasonable. 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments, reas onable. NEATLY furnished H. K. rooms, reason able. $2.50 and up. 429 Salmon. THE GILMAN, 1st., cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, $1.50 week and up. FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. Housekeeping lipoma in Private Families. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, with Dutch kitchen, heat, water, lights, use of phone, laundry, lawn; first-class location; "W" car from Union Depot, 23d, 16th-et.. cars; walking distance to city proper; $2.50 to $5 week; rates by month. 075 Couch at., corner ISth. THREE clean, complete, furnished house keeping rooms. 2 beds, gas plate, wood stove and bath; $10, including water and light. 616 Mississippi ave. Call after 6:30 or Sunday all day. f 2-ROOM suites, first floor, suitable for three people; Summer rates: prices greatly re duced; also single housekeeping rooms, $2 per week; best West Side apartment district. 655 Flanders, near 20th. ONE or two front rooms, everything nice and new, bath, phone, sink; walking dis tance; reasonable. 846 Clay, near Broad way. 2-ROOM suite, complete housekeeping, cool and cheerful, $14 month; running water, electrio lights, free phone. 192 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor. Phone B 3177. 3-ROOM suite, complete housekeeping, cool and cheerful, $17 month; running water, electric lights, free phone. 192 Grand avenue, corner Taylor. LARGE room, completely furnished for housekeeping, suitable for two. Including gas, bath, wood and phone, $10. 211 Sherman St., corner 1st. BRIGHT, attractive, furnlBhed rooms; two $15, four $18.50; clean, convenient. 308 College. FURNISHED suite of housekeeping rooms. 414 Mill St., cor. 11th. Phone Marshall 1043. HANDSOMELY furnished room; balcony, fireplace, all conveniences: quiet home; h. k. if required. 205 13th st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, $14; also one sin gle housekeeping room. 825 E. Stark. TWO or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms with gas. phone, light, fruit trees, $10 and $15 month; 1717 Portsmouth ave. THREE nico furnished housekeeping rooms, downstairs, sink, private entrance, stove, plant.. $3 week. 554 Ivon St., cor. E. 13th. 250 19TH ST. N. 1. 2 and 3-room II. K. suites, beautifully furnished and strictly modern; low Bummer rates. Marshall 4281. TWO clean housekeeping rooms with-sink and wash tray in kitchen; close in. 273 Clay st., cor. 4th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, with a nice, big yard; $12.50 per month. 202 E. 45th st. Phone Tabor 1378. THREE outside connecting housekeeping rooms; gas, phone, bath, two canines, $16 month. 731 Rodney, near Fremont. LOVELY location, nicely furnished, house keeping rooms, reasonable, central. 321 West Park. 361 TAYLOR; suites and single h. k. rooms; free light, phone, bath, laundry and linen. ROOM suite, sink and pantry, bath, phone: walking distance. 325 12th. THREE attractive housekeeping rooms, adults. Main 4415. 2 OR 3 well furnished rooms for housekeep Ing. 62 Ella St. 410 SALMON ST. Two nicely furnlBhed housekeeping rooms, central, reasonable. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor. Apply 64 E. ICth X.. TWO well-furnished, convenient housekeep ing; $10 a month. 311 Main st. TWO clean, light, furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, reasonable. 692 Front st. THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms $14. Apply 54 E. 16th N. ONE housekeeping suite and two furnished rooms: prices reasonable. 475 Clay st. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room suite and single h. k. rooms reasonable. 66 N. 21st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in a flat. 781 Kearney St. NEWLY furnished front suite. 2 rooms, $15 month. No children. 3.10 14th. LARGE single outside rooms with kitch enette; hot and cold water. 221 13th. Houses. LAURELH URST HOUSES For Rent. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit, we will build Just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 270 Stark st. Main 1503, A 1515. WALKING DISTANCE. WITH SLEEPING PORCH. House, 6 rooms, hath, gas, electricity, lull cement basement, laundry trays, nice lawn, roses, etc., 12 minutes' walk from Broadway bridge, $20. Inquire owner, 485 E. 7th st. N., corner Tillamook. 2. FOR 5-room on Woodstock canine, nar Reed College, built-in conveniences, laun ory trays, bath, etc. E. 4ttth and 60th ave. S. E. or phone Main 7637. IRVLNGTON HOME. $30 PER MONTH. On Broadway, 6 modern rooms; natural nr shade trees. See Ripgs, owner, 1102 Spalding. Mar. 2746, C 10 47. NICE, large 5-room cottage, lot 60x100. No. 109 Webster st. West, near Albina ave.: rent $18. Call 816 Board of Trade. Main 7451'. A 4401. IN LAURELHURST. 1105 E. Davis st., near Laurelhurst ave.; fine modern house, reasonable rent. Phone Main 12&5. 9 ROOMS, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, finished basement, fireplace, splendid lo catlon, $45. phone Main 2015. NICE 4-room bungalow, bath, gas, electric, basement, yard, newly painted. S48 Ivon St., near E. 12th. DESIRABLE 7-room house, corner, nice lawn, roses and. trees; low rent. Sixth and Sherman. Take 16th-st. car south. " NEAT 7-room home, nice yard. West Side SlOMarket near 14th st. Rent $25. Main $40-llODEP.N S-room house, close In. West Side. Main 38S5. Marshall 5442. 8-ROOM house on West Side, Nob Hill. Phone Main 4134. . NEW. modern 9-room house, close In- will build garage. Sellwood 250. 5-ROOM cottage. 070 Taggert it. $12. W W. car. Marshall 4317. W 8-ROOM house, modern. 699 Flanders, near 22L Main 6030 or East 963. FOR RENT S-roora house: piano; furnished or unfurnished. 788 East Salmon. HOUSE or flat for rent. on Portland Heights. Marshall 4423. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room house. 3S8 and 896 San Rafael, close in. East 1685 COTTAGE. 126 North 17th at., near Gllsan. ivey oa riorin loin St. FOR RENT Modern 6-roomed house, $18 tier muutu. v.ti ni o-la i-ieveiand ave. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath, 69 E 19th N. Inquire 13Q 6th St. Main 6278. 8-ROOM house, 712 Lovejoy near 22d. In quire 130 6th st. Main 6278. 6-ROOM house on 14th st., near Main. A bargain. Call Tabor 1468. HOUSE?, Irvlngton, for rent furnished and unfurnished. East 273. W. H. Herdman. 5-ROOM modern cottage, 406 Hall st-. near 10th. Inquire 425 10th st. NEW, 6 rooms, partly furnished. Summer and. Fall, Richmond car. Sellwood 662. FOR "RENT. Houses. ATTRACTIVE, clean, 6-room, tinted, gas. electricity, wash tray, etc; cement base ment, yard, paved street, near car, good neighborhood. $22. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. DESIRABLE HOUSES AND FLATS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. STOUT INVESTMENT CO., 1 23 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5126. NEW 5-room bungalow, modern and con venient, $15 per month: fine car service, 52 45th ave. S. E. Key next door or at Morgan, Flledner & Bovce. S13-821 Morgan bldg. Furnished Houses. TO RENT FOR JULY AND AUGUST, In Irvlngton, a furnished bungalow, 7 rooms and bath, modern, fine location. 5909 14th st. N., near Knott. Terms reasonable. Phone East 5781. VERY desirable, nicely furnished 10-room house in most exclusive close-In West Side district, for 3 or 4 months at $100 per month. M 33, Oregonlan. MODERN 5-room bungalow, piano, nice yard; three blocks from I. J. car; rent $25, including water. Call 906 E. 12th it North. Phono C 3021. 6-ROOM cottage, nicely furnished, 15 mln utewalk from town. West Side; $25. Main BOR RENT A furnished house, Westmore land. 5 rooms, sleeping porch. 1285 E. 20th st. 8. 8-R OOM house, choice location, hardwood floors, Turkish rugs and mahogany fur niture, a 6211, Main 4611. FOR RENT For Summer, furnished house in country: close In; all modern conveni ences. Kenwood 1811. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow. modern, - nicely furnished. $26. 829 E. Everett at. Phone Tabor 804. THREE-ROOM Turnished cottage, by week or month; very reasonable, plenty of yard and roses. C 3", Oregonlan. FOR RENT Furnished 4 large rooms on ground floor. 214 Union ave., corner Hol laday.East 3577 FOR RENT 6-roomed furnished house, r modern, responsible party only; rent very reasonable. Tabor 701. FURNISHED house for rent for Summer $125 per month. Willamette Heights. Phone A 7234. MODERN 5-room house, nicely furnished, 100x100, lawn, 15 minutes to town: rent $30. Phone C 1043. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottage. -o per mo., luz wiiuams ave. Key at 1020 Williams ave. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house. 1156 E. Yamhllt, Phone B 1748. COMPLETELY furnished -room house in irvlngton; on carline; adults. East 4384. FURNISHED bungalow In A No. 1 condition. at zuu E. autli. near Taylor. FIVE and- three-room furnished flats, yard. uuii, cuctip. Aos r.aa L xtin- FOR RENT New home, Irvlngton, com- pieteiy furnlsneq, $75. Phone East 0045. PART of furnished house, adults. Main 4415. Summer Kesorts. SEASIDE Completely furnished house. convenient location, near board walk, $100 until Sept. 1. SEAVIEW Large house, furnished, very nice, located on the ridge, $250 for the season. 6-room house, "furnished, near beach, convenient location. $125 Jor season. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Plttock Blk. FOR RENT for season, "Red Rock cottage," on cannon Beach; six rooms, completely flimloha A 4 ,f T. -T- IT... Torrey, Seaside, Or. FOR RENT At Seavlew, Wash., a modern 8-room house, furnished, 1 block from sta tion, 3 blocks from beach. For particulars, call Sellwood 456. AT NEAH-KAH-NIE BEACH, modern fur nished 5-room cottage, $4U per month, or $100 for season; accommodations for five persons. Phone Woodlawn 666. WANT small furnished coast cottage for July and August: full particulars), please. AE 35, Oregonlan. ATTRACTIVE 5-room cottage. Seaside; electricity, bath, good beds. well fur nished. 657 Pettygrove st. Main 2160. AT Garibaldi Beach. Write Goodnight & Sehloth. Several attractive homes and beach cottages for the season. SEASIDE S-room cottage, close to ocean, electric lights, city water, $100 for the season. Tabor 5350. SEASIDE, 4-room cottage, completely fur nished, electric lights and city water, $90 for the season. Main 6016. SEASIDE cottage, furnished, on board walk, ocean front, for rent for season. A G. Long, Main 3O09. SEASIDE Will rent our 7-room home, "Na toma, very complete, ocean front, Mor gan. East 6150. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, Sea View, Wash. E. Shepard. FOR Summer cottages and beach lots see ALEX GILBERT & SON. Beaside, Or. SEASIDE Furnished cottages, overlooking ocean, for rent reasonable. Tabor 4818. 7-ROOM cottage, fronting oceaii for July and August. H. J. Mansfield. Gearhart. OCEAN PARK, season $75! nicely fur nlshed E-room cottage. Main 6933, C 1015. Stores. SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, venti lated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria print shop, etc; reasonable rent. Mor- gan. Flledner & Boyce, 813 Morgan bldg. CORXEK Hawthorne ave. and K. Water st., 23x40; will change front to suit tenant. Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2o3. FOR STORES. FLOORS AND BLDGS , SEE W. H. WEBB. 605 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. BRICK store, corner lltn and-Hawthorne. for rent. Falrchlld. 232 Sherlock. Offices. THREE rooms suitable for doctor and dentist, with privllegeslof elegant recep- . tion room. 916 Journal bldg. M 623 A 1371. " A STORE. 24x44 ft., 721 Mississippi ave ; good business corner; S housekeeping rooms over store. DESK room, ground floor, use of vault. $10. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. FOR RlAiT Rooms suitable for office or studio; 6th and Morrison . sts. Sherman. Clay & Co. f FURNISHED office; roll-top desk and one chair, very reasonable. 208 Stock Exchange building. ROLL-TOP desk including phone. 723 Cham ber of Commerce. DESK ROOM at 607 Northwest bldg. Phone, p "tj"., cwTPiucin oiiice. Warehouses. WAREHOUSE OR WHOLESALE BLDG Finest warehouse facilities on West Side; terminal tracks, close to freight sta tions, five-story, mezzanine and hasement, accessible by two streetcar lines and paved streets; will build additional facili ties on balance of block as may be re quired by responsible tenant. This offers splendid facilities for wholesale business, with offices, fireproof vaults, display rooms, etc. Will lease for long or short term in part or whole. Address V 12. Ore gonlan, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 1 HAVE unusual opportunity to make money with small capital. Will give sat isfactory security to those who wish to Join me, pay Interest on loan and give portion of profits; best references. Ad dress H., Box 100, Hanford, Wash. WANTED An idea! Who can think cf some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth. AVrite for "Needed Inventions," "How to Get Your Patent and Money." Randolph A Co., patent attorneys, Washington. D. C FOR SALE One of the finest meat mar kets in Eastern Oregon, complete Ice plant, doing over $100 a day; finest chance for man with means; right in the country where the cattle are raised: $3000 will handle. Inquire AV 270. Oregonian. FOR SALE Hardware, furniture and im plement store; will Invoice about $13,000; situated In a good town In the Wil lamette Valley; a good business. Address AV it12. Oregonlan. CIGAR, tob., confc, Morrison st., $425. Restaurant, dairy lunch, good street, $650. Poolroom, 3 tables, living-rooms, $600. 310 Lumber Exchange Bldg. a. SOLID cash store for sale, pay you $125 month and you can try the business before you buy. Room 329 Morgan bldg. MILLINERY fixtures and stock for sale cheap; retiring from business; would ex change for property. Phone East 8440. UP-TO-DATE meat market or would rent part of room for grocery. Phone E. 918. RESTAURANT, depot location, $1200; terms. AG 24, Oregonian. MODEL shop, full equipment, machinery .and tools; bargain. L 22, Oregonlan. BOOTBLACK stand for sale; busy corner 255 1st st., cor. Madison. 2-CHA1R shop, rent $10, bath. $100. Os- PLUMBING shop for Invoice; good business. H. Truscott, Gresham. BRICK and tile mllL good location, good p9ortunlt. Box 301, Forest Grove. Or, NOTIC Classified advertisements, to receive proper classification in the next day's issue of The Oregonian, must be in The Oregonian office before 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. Closing hour for Sunday Oregonian will be 8 o'clock Saturday night. Business office of The Oregonian . will be open until 10 o'clock at night, as usual, and all classified advertisements for the next day's issue received too late for proper classification will be run under heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY." BC8INK.HS OPPORTUNITIES. AN honest, industrious gentleman, with $500, can buy halt Interest In movlng-plcture and vaudeville show; lady owning this place understands the business thorough ly, so you don't need past experience. This is looated in good Oregon town, 14 miles from Portland; fully equipped. Full ' particulars room 502 Broadway bldg., corner 7th and Morrison sts. BUTCHERS. ATTENTION. Good location for a live butcher In a good residence district: trade established and can be made to pay from the start; the- shop Is fully equipped to open up at once. Call and see this, or phone me and I will give full particulars. 188 Glbbs st. Main 1511. $175 AND services gives you a half in terest in a ground-floor brokerage office, which has been established for years, the present owner has been there over S years; you can depend on an average of not less than $25 a week. Call 303 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark. CONFECTIONERY, soda fountain, groceries, candies, cigars and tobaccos, drugs, sta tionery and sporting goods; established cash trade, excellent business and loca tion low rent; leaving for South, will sacrifice for quick cash sale; investigate. Phone B 200S. 908 Milwaukle. NEAT little money-making business for lady; no experience required; will teach you all that Is necessary to know; now established; making $100 per month; will sell for 350. includlnir all necessary ma chinery, etc.; will stand full Investigation. Call at once. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE $5000 will handle a $20,000 beat modernly equipped mill and warehouse business. In Oregon; balance easy pay ments, low Interest yearly, profits $50OO to $soOO per year: good town, good loca tion, no traders. J. H. HollUter, 2U0 East 41st St., Portland. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, set ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldsr. UNINCUMBERED widow with some money wishes a partner with a few hundred dol lars to buy an Interest In a modern 40 room hotel; this Is a rare bargain. Come and let me show you. No triflers need ap piy. 243 Holladay ave. STORE building in city of SO.OoO. Wash., value $4000, Incumbrance $1000; will trade for stock of mdse., dry goods, groceries or shoes. E. R. Sully, St. Johns, Or. Phone Col. 668 PICKERING & CO.'S tshop and. outfit for assaying, manufacturing, buying and sell ing of gold, platinum and silver; will sell at invoice, about $2000. 510-11-12 North west bldg., Portland Or. RESTAURANT, heart of business district, for best of reason being sacrificed Satur day for 66T; could not be duplicated for $2500; should get money all back next week. P. W. Persels. 269 Stark at. CONFECTIONERY, on busy carline corner, excellent location. Ideal conditions; doing splendid business with low rent; estab lished for years; $500 will handle. 31U Lumber Exchange. COMPANIES- Incorporated; bond issues ne gotiated; loans on legacies and Inheri tances. L. N. Rosenbaum, 80 Wall at.. New York. FOR SALE cheap, small confectionery on East Morrison; also C Creator's popcorn auu peanut macnine. 1 none iast S675. il Root. PARTNER --wanted In office business; duties mostly outside; references and small In vestment required, particulars, 823 Lum ber Exchange. If FOR SALE or rent, one sawmill, complete, with planer and donkey engine: capacity of mill, about 30,00. O. E. M-, Forest urove. .Box isoi. PARTNER wanted in automobile business can make good wages and profits; $60O investment requirea, wmch la secured. Call a-A Lumper Excnange. WANTED Partner In good paying business will pay $20 to 25 a week s-uaranteari very small Investment required. Apply PARTNER wanted for the automobile bus! ness; doesn't require much money and uwuer win guarantee large prorita to en ergetlc man. Room329 Morgan bldg. LADY wants partner for groceries and confectioneries in llarht. attractiva iinr, best East Side location. Call 70S East MEAT market doing a good business, only shop lively town; owner wishing to retire; snap for right person; give lease on build Ing. AV 307. Oregonlan. WANTED" A steady, sober man to work as partner in a small cash business; must be satisfied with $100 month. Particulars room ju morgan biag. A FIVE-REEL feature Helen n,r,ln.r i Pieces of Silver; state rights Oregon, aaiiiiiivii, juanu ana moniana, xnj 25. OreKonlan. GROCERY, excellent district, at transfer point; first-class equipment; splendid business; invoice about $000. 319 Lumber excuange. FOR SALE 3-chalr barber shop doing good . business; sickness cause for selling. Price sou casu. Anderson, dox 235, Tilla mook, Or. CAFETERIA, bakery, high-class location A-l .excellent equipment, splendid business and a money-maker; $1300. 319 Lumber ii. x 1. 1 1 an g e. SMALL restaurant In good location, rent cj, uuiiig buuu business, win sell cneap, leaving the city. BP 23. Oregonlan. GROCERY, good location,' doing about $2000 a. uiuum, iixiures, nurse ana wagon; $1000 pmcs. at invoice, ja aa, cregonlan. PRINTING office, established 10 years. 4 presses; must sell: a snap for cash, or win traoe. nu aa, uregonian TWO-CHAIR barber shop. Koken furnl- 1 1 a m,sbh .'i a V. CA . . - - - . ... uw tu UDM Stark st. CIGAR, fruit, candy, ice cream store; owner iur o years wutun 1.0 retire, a snap. 203 First St. FOR SALE Fuel yard, equipped up-to-date; best location, very cheap. AM 3$, Oregonlan. CLEANING and pressing shop for sale cheap, cheap rent, good business; owner sick. 210 Columbia st. WANTED Steam swing and other amuse ments at Banks. Or., July 4th. 1914.. Ad- mefa pox f. aailKS, ur. GRO., CONF. and Ice cream parlor; best location, East Side. See owner; no agents. O 35. Oregonlan. I WANT a partner to take H Interest In a restaurant, handle your own money and manage the same, at once. 6S9 Wash. at. FOR' SALE Half interest In dyeing and cleaning works; experience not necessary. Call 355 Salmon st. FOR SALE Grocery, Invoice $4000; sales $2000 per month; old " established; no agents BF 14, Oregonlan. NICE business for man or woman, clear ing $100 month; $300 buys It. 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. BARBER" SHOP Good chance for right man to buy or rent. Will bear investigation. j. n. ecnasei. iteamonq, ur. A SNAP to some one who wants a beauty parlor: goo-i business; easy terms; or trade for lot. Room 3 Majestlo bldg. FOR SALE; Two-chair barber shop, $250 cash. Box 267, Tillamook. - CIGAR STAND, best location In the city; you can't beat It for a bargain. Call Main 7429. 4-CHAIR barber shop, good location. 86 X. Second st. ROOMING-HQ US ES. MARY B. LENT. C08-9 Northwestern Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison Sts. Hotels, Rooming. Apartment-Houses Sold and Exchanged. Phone Main 8560, EI ROO.Y1IJNG HOUSES. FOR SALE Hotel of 50 rooms. . cen trally located, modern brick build ing, artistically furnished In Circas sian walnut and mahogany. Blge low Axmlnster carpets throughout, equipped with stationary vacuum cleaner. It Is absolutely one of the best furnished hotels in city. Price $12,000 or will trade. AD 832, Ore-, goniao. 56 ROOMS, 2i -year lease, rent $125; furni ture and rooms, fine condition; best corner in Portland; $20o profit; reme stay until Buusiiea. A in wua, uregoman. PAYING la rooms. cloe in: also 36-room apartment, reduced price this week; no I.OST AND rOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and owners may claim the same at the First and Alder-street station: June 4 1 bottle vinegar. 1 pktr. mdse 2 umbrellas. 1 . pr. pliers.4 umbrellas. 1 straw grip, 1 pr. lady's gloves, 1 bucket, 1 kit of tools, 1 book, 2 purses, 1 glove. 1 can of lard, 1 umbrella, 1 pkg. collars, 1 handkerchief with 5-cent piece, 1 pr. gloves, 1 single glove, 1 pr. eyeglasses In case, 1 book (Swedish). 1 hanaoag with purse In It with 75 cents, 1 minute book. LOST A small bunch of keys between Multnomah Hotel and 5th st., or on w car between - there and Kearney, or on Kearney st. Phone A oJ.,3. Reward. SNOW-WHITE poodle dog. female. Lost at 0th and Hawthorne. June 3. Return to 573 Rhine St.. or to flrj-t officer steamer lone, and receive reward. LOST A steel nail puller, on the north side In a restaurant; return to Mike's Saloon, 270 Burnslde, between 3d and 4th St., or pnone Main ill pay ooc lor same. LOST A white poodle, lrt years old; ?5 re ward for return. Phone Tabor 3724; 2 rings. LOST On Decoration day. Ceta Fill pin, with pearls. T. H. Edwards, 191 1st St. newaru. LOST Lady's Waltham watch, initialed "L. C. W." Finder please call Marshall Reward. LOST 1 sunburst; 1 diamond, 48 pearls. Return to J. E. Dove, 766 Ivon. Reward. FOUND Purse and gloves. Owner may have same by proving property. 32S loth st. LOST Packet, lady's silk skirt- Reward. Finder address o42 E. Oak st- 6PEC1AL NOTICE. Miscellaneous. OFFICE of the Portland Concrete Pile Com pany, May 28. 1014. Notice of the annual meeting or stockholders. A regular meet ing of the stockholders of the Portland Concrete Pile Company will be held at tne women or woodcraft Hall, Tenth and Taylor streets. In Portland, Multnoman County, Or., on Monday, the Sth day of June, 1914, at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M.. for the election of directors and for the transaction of aucn other business as may regularly come before the meeting. By or. uer ot l ii c uirevion. THOMAS BILTEU, President. NOTICE of meeting of stockholders of the Northern Pacific Terminal Company of Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the North ern l-aciric lermlnal Companv, of Oregon, will be held aa the office of the President, 1107 Wells-Fargo buildinc. Portland. Or.. on Monday, June 22, 1914. at the hour of it o cioca a. ,M . RALPH E. MOODY. Secretary. BARGES for rent.' Pattullo, 338 Sherlock oiag. pnone Main 1410. Proposal Invited. SALE OF TIMBER TULALIP INDIAN RESERVATION Sealed bids marked out side "Bid for Timber of Western Division. Tulallp Indian Reservation." and ad dressed to the Sunerintendent of lh, Tula- lip Indian School, Tulallp. Wash., will be received until 12 o'clock noon. Pacific Coast time, Saturday. August 15. 1914. for the purchase and removal of all the mer chantable timber on an area of about 7O00 acres in sections 1. X, 3, 4, 5, 6, a 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 33, 24 and 25. t. SO N. R. 4 E . and Section 30. T. 30 N., R. 6 E.. Willamette Meridian. Washington; . estimated to be 2S0.70o.00S feet B. M , - 70.8 per cent Douglas fir. 24.6 per cent cedar, 3.7 per cent hemlock, 9 per cent spruce: 759, 000 linear feet of cedar Doles. and 1.00S.0OO linear feet of Douglas fir Piles Twelve years, exclusive of one' year to be allowed for the construction of necessary improvements, will be allowed for the cutting and removal of the Um ber. This period will be increased If the timber cut exceeds the estimate. The lowest rate to be considered for the period prior to June 30. 1D17 are SX.BO ear Vf. for cedar, $3 CO per ja. Douglas fir. Sitka spruce ana vt estern white pine. 7ao per iw iieuiiocK ana otner species, lc per linear foot for cedar oolea under l.i feet in length, lo per linear foot for cedar poles 45 feet and over In length, s per linear foot tor Douglas fir piles with not greater than 16 Inches diameter at the large end. Readjustment of stumpage rates on June 30, 1917, and at inree ana six years, respectively, there after in accordance with market condi tions. Each bid must be submitted In triplicate and must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent National bank in the sum of $5000 drawn in favor of the Superintendent ot the Tulallp Indian bcaool, to apply on purchase price if bid Is accepted or returned If bid is rejected. Ten per cent of the total estimated value to be deposited by the successful bidder wlthlnthlrty daya of award ot sale. Pay ments thereafter of $15,000 each. The rignt to waive technical defects In the ad vertisements and to reject any and all bids la reseived. The timber must be cut and removed under regulations, copies of which with further information may be obtained from the Superintendent of the a uisiip maiao ecnooi. l uialip, washing' ton, or the Commissioner of Indian At fsars, Waaalngton. IX. C CATO SELLS. . Commissioner of Indian A flairs. TRUSTEES" SALE. Notice la hereby given that the under signed will, on the 10th day ot June. A. D 1914. at the hour of lo A. M., at 816 Riverside avenue, Spokane, Wash., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain stock of boots, shoes, rubbers, slippers and findings, and fixtures and other assets, belonging to the Crane Shoe Company, and contained In Its store room at 81d Riverside ave.. Spokane. Wash. - Bids will be received separately; first for stock, second for fixtures and furniture and third for all oUier assets of the Crane Shoe Company. Sealed bids win also be received and opened and considered at the time of sale. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of bid must accompany same, and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. Terms cash; full amount of purchase price to be paid upon delivery of bill of E. J. MURPHY. Trustee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States tor the District of Oregon In the matter of C A. Smith, bankrupt Request for bids I will xecelve sealed blda tor a stock of merchandise consisting of gro ceries, etc, of the inventoried value of $489.63. and . fixtures pertaining to the . same of the Inventoried value ot $471.85, contained In the store formerly occupied by C A. Smith, now bankrupt, at 219 I4th St. East, Portland, Or., up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, June 8 1914, said goods and fixtures being form erly the property of said bankrupt. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid Sale subject to the approval of the court.' Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and the property inspected upon appointment. Dated June 2. 1(14- ' R- L. 8 A3 IN, I40 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Or, SPECIAL NOTICES Proposals Invited. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. MULTNOMAH COUNTY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals, addressed to the Board of Commissioners of Multnomah County. Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals for con structing a steel bridge on the Columbia highway In Multnomah County over the Sandy River, near the Portland Automobile Clubhouse," will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County at Its office, room 200, Courthouse, Portland, Oregon, until 11 A. M. June 24. 1014. and at that time and place will be publicly opened and read All proposals must be upon blank form to be obtained from the State Highway Commission's office, room 442. Court house. Purtland; must give the price pro posed, both In writing and figures, and must be signed by the bidder, with his ad dress Each bid Is to be presented under sealed cover, and shall be accompanied by a cer tified check made payable to the Board of county Commissioners of Multnomah . County. Oregon, fur an amount equal to at least 5 per cent of the amount of said bid and no bid shall be considered unless cer tified check is enclosed therewith. Should the successful bidder to whom the contract Is awarded fail to execute the same within ten days tnot Including Sunday) from the date of notification of such award, such certified check shail be forfeited to Multnomah County and the same be the property of the county. All other certified checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders who submitted the same. A corporate surety bond will be re quired lor the faithful performance of the contract lu a sum equal to one-half of the total amount of the bid. All bids are to be compared on the basis of the bidder's lump bid. Plans may be seen and forms of specifi cations and contract may be obtained at the office of the State Highway Commis sion, room 442, Courthouse, Portland, Ore g on. The right Is reserved to reject any and all proposals, or to accept the proposal deemed best for Multnomah County. MULTNOMAH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY; COMMISSIONERS. RUFUd C. HOLM AN, Chairman. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. W. I L1UHTNER. County Commissioner. H. L. BOWU1V, State Highway Engineer. JOHN B. COFFEY, County Cleric Portland, Oregon, June 1, 1914. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS FOR UNIVERSITY OF Jlt EC.I ji Sealed proposals lor the furnishing of la bor and materials required for making various alterations and additions (except heating, electric wiring. Library elevator and Metal Book Slacks) to four separate and distinct buildings In one general con tract, approximating In cost about $4o, Ooo.oo. The work consists of addition and alterations to Library and Men's Dormi tory, addition to Engineering Building and alterations to Deady Hall. To be built for the Board of Regents of University of Ore gon, at Eugene, oregun, acting for and on behalf of tiie State of Oregon. Lids are to be opened by the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents at l:3o p. M., Monday, June 13. 1U14. at Eu- a ' , uickuii. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of W. C. Knmhton Architect, Capitol Building, Salem, anu L. H. Johnson. Secretary, at Eugene, Ore gon. Contractors will be required to de posit $25. OO for the complete set of plans as a guarantee that the plans and specifi cations received by them will be returned to the office In good condition on or be fore the date set for the opening of tne bids. On return of sa.ld drawings tne money w.'U be refunded. A certified check fur $5,000.00 must accompany each pro- i auu uro.Mii iu me oraor ol 11. Johnson, Sec'y ot the Board of Regents. to Kuaiumee uiai me uiaaer w bidder wwl enter cecute the n-quired felted to th5 Board into a contract ana exec bond: same shall he forfel of Regents if award of contract is made to bidder and he or they fall to enter into a contract and furnish the required bona within ten days from the award of con tract. Proposals shall be made on the form furnished by the architect. Tim envelope containing bid to be marked on the outside "Proposal for Alterations and Additions to Four Buildings." The right is reserved to accept or reject aujr an oiua. u iu waive any lnxormall ties in bids. T. H JtlH'sn' Secretary of the Board ot Regents. 1 HILl. receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Morgan bldg., Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon, of Wednesday. June 10. 1914. for a stock of merchandise located at ...... .... Luuaauuii I 1 11 CIPaliy of groceries, hardware, alti.a roll. hers, dry goods and notions, drugs and toilet goods, inventoried at $6156 oil, to gether with store fixtures, inventoried at $062. Terms, cash. Certified check for 10 per -cent, of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right Is reserved to reject any ana an bios. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected on premises. Dated Portland, Oregon, June 2. 1014. R. L. SAB1N. STOCKS AND BONDS. FREE FREE FREE It will cost you nothing to see "NEVADA STOCKS AND COMMENT." a paper giving news, facts and comment on listed and unlisted Nevada stocks. Ad dress A. J. Moore. Lovelock, Nevada. REALTY Associate bonds, series 2; several thousand lor sale at a big discount. In quire J. Mattey, 30S Lewis bldg. FINANCIAL. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY for good city loans, 6 and T per cent- J. A. Cunningham, 832 Morgan mug. LOANS on improved Inside property; plenty ot money; low rates; no delay; principals only. Robertson at Ewlug, 207-2:13 North western Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages hrst and second), equities pur cnased. F. H. Lewis at Co.. 8 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' Interest in contracts purchased, Oregon or Wash. H. ie. Noble, Lumbermena bldg. MONEY TO LOAN .ON REAL ESTAlE. GEO T. MOORE CO., '516 Abington bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson at Ewing, 2u7-8 N. W. Bank bldg. MONEY to loan oa approved aecurltlea. Nel sun, 804 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Katate, MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. - OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. Inc., Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. $3000 TO $15,000 for immediate loan, quick action; security examined today. Deshon & Hawk. 720 C. ot C. bldg. Main 1166. $2000 AND other funds to loan on real tate security. Oregon Bond Mortgage Cos. , 1 , x eon uiuj;. riiune jaarsnaii ass. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. U. Beck. 813 818 Failing bldg. $600, (1000 AND UPWARD on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates, 217-19 Northwestern Bank bldg., corner 6th and Morrison sta SEE us today for loans on Improved city property, 6 8 per cent; $300 and up. Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate In amounts to suit. A. H. Bell. 201 Oerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 428-424 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS FARKINGTON. 80 4th. BOARD OF TRAPS BLDO. $1000 TO $10,000 on city property. AO T. Oregonlan. $1000 TO $3000 private tends, for good loans. Phone Tabor 2520. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. J. Cahalln, 635 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE, LOANS at 6 and 1. FRED 6. WILLIAMS. 92 M First St. $20O. $400. $300. $1000, $1600. $2300 J. 1 wells at Co.. BZ4 c. or com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 6TARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry 1. rruuimmme, eui w ncoi bldg. $200. $350, $600. $000. $1200. $180o. - r reo w. wrmm -o.. wie ,nam or com. $10,000 TO loan on inside Income property, 6 per cent. AE 31, Oregonlan. $4u0. $600. $1000. $1500 ON houses; no com. wara. atty., Ansny oiog. FOR your mortgage loans wanted ace Gru- ber, 4U1 smock i.x. oiag. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent, W. E. Thomas.' agent Multnoman county. 400 Ch. ot Com. $1500 TO loan on Portland real estate-7 per cent Interest. 204 Failing bldg. CITY and farm loans, any amounts, no d e- iay. m. ' jici-iure, ei-t f ailing bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. n. naniifn,, Q13 . tn. or com. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. n. r-eitx st io., a 10 spaidlng bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate contracts and suiaa. vuugui. xx. Aiuey, -u- oeriinger blag. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan oa Heal Eotate. MONEY TO LOAN N IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BLILD1NG PURPOSES; VERY FLEJt IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. 916 Spalding Bids. MONET TO LOAN S TO 1 PER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT S.R VICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 42j-4 Chamber of Commeroe. MONEY TO LOAN. Oood supply for city and larm property. to 7 per cent. " MALL at VON RORSTirr 104 Second SC. near W ashing ton. ON Improved city property or for building purposes. 8 to 8 years- time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equiiaole Savings at Loan Association. 240 stark st- 6 AND 7Vi MORTGAGE LOANS. $1000 to $ lor immediate loan. Prompt service una fiur treutment always. A. K. HILL. 41u Henry Bldg. I HAVE. 7 pJr cent money to loan in sums to suit on improved city properly. M. a. Thompson. 4-6 Henry bldg. Money to Loan Cliattcla and Saliariea. NOTICE. " NEW ADDRESS. NEED MONKS yo'lCKr You can gel it 'lODAY ,WK, L"-AN ANY AMOUNT To Working People and otnera on Plain note, rui-niture. Livestock. Pianos. Autos. Storage iteeeipm. Real Estate. Motor cycles or Diamonds, WE iii. 1' MORTGAGES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BLSlNEsS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given if i-aia Beiore Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 205 KOTHCH1LD BLDG Bet. 4th ar.u 5tn sis., on Wash. at. Open M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till H P. at. . IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS ANU JEWELRY . AT EASTERN RAXES. . We have 0110 of tne lint-si retail Jewelry stores in the city, a loan department is conuueted in connection with same, mak ing business STK1CTLV CONFIDENTIAL, ausoiutely no siaiia uesiguating loan busi ness displayed 111 front 01 our store All nierchanuiso pleuged is held tor a period of seven nionnis. whether or not interest .is paid when one. We are licensed and have oeeu established since Isso. .u con nection with auy oilier loan establishment in this city. A- M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 3-4 Washington St. fcALARx LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 10 TO $log. cheapest and best place to borrow monks. xI,-t,,B-SC"-L-'1,:---1' SECURITY. BUSINESS STKICTLV CO.N r'luKN TIAL. hocks & a. m. to p m. SAiUKDAVS TO 9 P. it STATE SKCUKITi CO.. 309 FAILING BLDG. If You Need Money and Can't Borrow From a Lauk SEE- US FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano, Furniture, Auto. Livestock. Storage Receipts. Real Estate, Etc U e Buy Mortgages. MANHATTAN MOKIGAGE CO.. Main jio Aoiugton bldg. PRIVATE 1'LACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, watches, Jeweiry. musical in struments, etc. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON K1DKN T1AL. KLBV COMPANV, 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg. COLUMBIA LOAN CO.. SMellauu biug., 2uu and 7. Money to loan oa salary, chattels, pianos, plain notes or an thiug of value; confidential. ACCOMMODATION LOAN CO, Plain notes, salaries, chattels or any thing of value, coulidential, courteous. 817 Lumber Exchange blug. Main oswe. MR. OR MRS. W AGE EARNKIC Wishing money without security, quickly quietly and cheap, j. Mercauulo credit Co.. 3u4 lienry biug. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rales charged by brokers. Marx a: liioch. 74 3d st. MoNEV to loan on diamonds, or anything of value at 3 per ceuu Apply 2oo llolli ctilld bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jew el", pianos and warehouse receipts. Brown ac Co.. room 9, Washington bids. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; saiaried people. J-'. A. NeKloli, Henry blag. GEO. HARVEY makes lowest rates onchat tel loans. 1'hone East 1172. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. W'm. Holl, room 8, W asiungton bldg. LOANS on dlamastds and jewelry" strictly coulidential. 141 Va Sd, near Alder. MoNEV LOANED oil diamonds and Jewelry. S. A . K1111;. room 45. Washington bldg. Loan Wanted. APPROVED mortgages from $500 to $10, oou. at current tales on tne best real es tate security, for sale at all tlmea Call for particulars. Western Bond at ,Mort- gage Co.. eu 4lh St., Board of Trans bide WANTED Some person to loan or Invest ."1000 or $lo,U"K) ill an old and well-established business; money to be used In en larging same; will bear investigation. BD 35. oieaonian. $100 AND $2uoo wanted on two houses, strictly mouern, both valued at more than double amount ai-ked: 3 per cent and ex pense. AK 3 4. Oregonian. $.175 WANTED 3 years. 8 per cent $luu wanted 3 years, b per cent. $3500 wanted 3 years, 8 per cent. 720 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $5U00 SECURITY. Improvvil dairy farm, one hour's ride from Portland; va.ue $10,0OO. A. K. HILL, 410 Henry llldg. $1-00 ON residence, modern, good location, oOxlOt) lot, no bonded debt. 8 per cent to private parly. AK. 3o, Oregonian. WANTED $1500 at 8 per cent on good property in Rose City Park. F. Fuchs, 1-0 Chamber of Commerce. I CAN safely loan your money on mort gages and carefully examine abstracts. Oruber, atfy. 401 Stock Ex. bldg. WANTED $300 on good security at once. 204 Failing bldg. PERSONAL. HA1R-HA1R-H AIR-HAIR. 26-Inch convent Hair Switches $4.83 26-inch convent Hair Switches, gray.. 4.t-. Halrdressing ........................ .25 Face massage .25 Snampoo .25 Manicure, 25c; 5 for................. 1.00 12 scalp treatments ......... 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, lu any shade; switches, any length: prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 4UO 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and W'asnlngton. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's directions; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th SC. sec ond doer south from East Ankeny carlina Phone East 260, B 18o3. FEB VET & HANEBUT, Leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches fro.n l5c hp; halrdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 546. LADIES Results. not promises only, is what you want. Chronic complaints and diseases of women are my specialties; best of all drttgless methods used; no opera tions; consultation free. Geo. W. Crock well. naturopath. 704-6 Dekum bldg. MAUD FULLER, if you see this notice, no tify your brother, Arthur Hodge. Strictly confidential. I will help you. Gen'i de livery. San Francisco, Cal. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massage' and baths. 452 Salmon st., cor. 18th. Mar shall 5u33. Open Sundays. DR. M'M AHON. famous chiropractic. 121 4th, 376 Williams ave. Lady attendants both offices; 18 adjustments $10. Main 2o5. DIVORCES. NO NOTORIETY: ADVICE FTtEE. ADDRESS AK 898. OREGONIAN DIVORCES Lawyer. 23 years' experience: reliable; advice free. 404 Rothchlld bldg., 27V- Washington st. HAIR shampooed and head cleaned of dand ruff. 1 will come to your home or hotel. Lorena Casey. East 2354. MRS. C. S. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism. lumbago, etc a..! Aiauipnn. a niu, aiarsnnu shoh. A CHARITABLE lady wishes to Interest herself In an Invalid child. Address AR 21. Oregonlan. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual sci entist, a" AiiKKy oiop- question and mes sage night. Wed., 8 oVlock. Main S225. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, 75c. San- ltary neauty r-ariors. 400. iekum bldg. MARIE NEV1NS Electric baths, treatments. 1 .1 ,1, .-a vj.i . j . , - iiuii.l.ium oiog. jaain 0IV8. LADY wishes to adopt small baby; reference aieii, uuu uvui.. .-lain mi, VIBRATORY face and scalp treatments. au macteay oiog. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheuma tlsm. . tablets for 2;c; all druggists. BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Toneu lauigia. ..v-. c a - 1 s 1. rnone Main 23.". ort. .11 - v 1 r. c .lutn. chiropractic neur c neuro- pwm. r.muiiiiMi oiug. aiarsnau 2725. Dr. Olf.-a Nechyba, chiropractic, steam baths, 509 Northwest bldg. M. $799. MOLES, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M n Hill. 4'-': Flledner bldg. Main S47i LESSONS In phrenology, palmistry and card leauma. ioj out at, rooiifl Main 754a,