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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1914)
THE MOIiXING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, " JUNE 6, 1914. PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATIKO. If. 6TBPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods ' ponged; mall orders. as3 Alder. M. B373. MATT RE WORKS. - p.NLT scientifically thorough renovating in the city. Advise us. East 870. AS3AYER3 AND ANALYSTS. GILBERT A HALL, successors Wells it. Co.. 609 to 613 Couch bldg 100 4th. M. 7150. UOMTAMA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing works. 142ft 2d St. ATTORNEYS. i. R. GREENFIELD General praotloe. ab stracts, contracts, collateral, etc; consul tatlon free. New offices. 707, 70S, 708 Sell ing bldg. Main 4UU3. Open evenings. WM. M. LAFORCE, Counsellor-at-law. 220 Falling Bids;. CARPET WEAVISG. NORTH WEST RUO CO. Hugs from old car. pets, rag rugB. IMS East Stn. Both phones. CHIROPODISTS. , William, Estelle arid William, Jr., Deveney, the only scientific chiropodists lathe city. Parlors. 3u2 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1B01. 1R. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all flls of the foot without pain; 24 years' experience; lady assistant. 806 Allaky bldg. Main 8762. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Hazelwood. Main 3718, A 6129. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices, Flledner bldg. Main 847. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. XR. M' MA HON. 121 4th and 376 Williams ave. Lady attendants both offices; 18 ed justments $10. Main 205. East 6628. CLEANING AND PRESSING. kRJSS SUITS for rent; we press on. suit each week for $1.50 per month. UNIQUE TAIIORING CO., R09 Stark St.. bet. 5th and Uth. Main 514. COAL ASP WOOD. LmghT coal has no equal; a clean, hard, Quick-firing, long-enduring Utah coal. AJ blna Fuel Co., sole agents. COLLECTIONS. Accounts, notes Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., 826 N. W. Bank bldsc. Main D74. COLLECTION AGENCY. KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. DANCING. fHOF. WAL WILSON dancing school ; waits, one-step, two-atep, schottische, hesitation waltz, stage dancing; lessons. 25c; every morning, afternoon, evening; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance.' KXU. Sth St.. bet. Stark and Oak. Main 7637 MR. and . Mrs. Heath's academy; dancing taught in all Us branches; class Frl. eve. 8 to 10. 231ft Morrison, cor. 2d. Mar. 813. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. It. M. Wade Co., 322-36 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE IRON WORKS Portland Wire & Iron Wks, 2d and Columbia AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 200 2d St. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOP &. WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. AWNINGS, TENTS AND SAILS. PACIFIC TEXT & AWN. CO.. 1-3 N. 1st St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES f SUPPLIES. BALLOU A WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakers & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEI N HARD. 13th and Burnslde. CARRIAGE WORKS. PORTLAND CARRIAGE WKS. BODIES. WHEELS, SPRINGS, 108 North Fourth Street. Main 9338. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BROS., 181 FRONT ST. . CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. T. T. CROWE CO., 45 Fourth Street. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET & DSVEHS, 1-11 N. Front at. DRY GOODS. ri.EI8CH.NER, MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Eiectrio Co., 6th and Pine sts. LANE GIVES REASON Senator Would Not Subsidize America's Competitors. CONDUCT IS DENOUNCED Citizens of United States Who Are (Engaged In Flooding Country With Immigrants Criti cised as TMsIoyaJ. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. June A When Senator Lane, of Oregon, announced his purpose to vote against the repeal of the exemp tion clause of the Panama Canal act the Administration lost a vote on which it has been counting from the beginning of -the -tolls fight. At the outset Senator Lane was reckoned among the Senators who would "stand by the President," but the Senator, though Inclined to vote for repeal, de clined to commit himself, and said he would not make up his mind until he had heard the question thoroughly dis cussed in the Senate. In the speech which he made setting forth the reasons for his vote against repeal Senator Lane discussed the sub sidy feature of the question, among other things. "If it is contrary to the policy of this country to pay subsidies to the xhipping interests of itstwn citizens," said Senator Lane, "it seems to me that it is obnoxious to grant what is prac tically a subsidy to the citizens of other nations, with whom they will be com pelled to compete for business. "It may not be out of place at this time to call attention to the conten tion made by some that $300,000,000 of American money is invested in ships which fly foreign flags and are en gaged In carrying freight and passen gers (mostly immigrants) to this coun try. "These vessels, owned In part by American citizens, whose tolls through the canal will be paid by the foreign nation whose flag they fly and under whose laws they are registered, are also said to be subsidized by those na tions to keep on hand and readily available a complement of guns and ammunition, and are outfitted In every way to act as auxiliary cruisers and xcouts to destroy the shipping of this nation in the event that war should occur between the two nations. Conduct Called Treachery. "The conduct of such citizens is an act of treachery to this country and should be dealt with as such. Instead of being favored at the expense of the rest of the more honorable people of this country. These same vessels whose welfare has been so well guard ed by the terms of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty are busily engaged in flooding this country with Immigrants from Eu rope and thus are at work in harmony with, if not In actual conjunction or partnership with, those other large In terests who use this cheap labor in order to keep down Its price. "By this conduct they establish a condition whereby there ensues keen competition In the labor market, and by the continual repetition of this pro oosa and the pitting of newer Importa tions of laborers against those already here, they not only dodge the law which forbids them to Import it. but BUSINESS DIRECTORY DANCING. Whltlng-Ireland Dancing Academy, Allaky bldg.. 8d and Morrison; modern and stage dancing taught dally. Phone Main 8018. DENTISTS. DR. A. W. KEENE, Majestic Theater bids., 351ft Washington st. Marshall 3205. DIES AND TOOLS. DIES AND TOOLS. Phone Marshall 1037, 1 ring; A 4173. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bl.. 3d 4b Wash. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 First St. North. Phone Main 9210. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty. Western Electric Works, 213 6th. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE & MARK HAM CO., 848 Washington at. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MESSENGER 6ERV1CE. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2162. MUSICAL. SMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 4160, Mar. 1829 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis, ner vous chronic diseases. 604 Oregonlan bldg. OPTICIANS .A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for a J pair of a-lasses when I can fit your eyes with first- quality lenses, gold-filled frames, as low aa $1.50? Goodman, 191 Morrison aC, near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrop, 808 Morgan bldg., cor. Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone Main 349; residence. East 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. 1032 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. PETER HABELIN, 800 Victor Bldg.. Washington. X. C. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, late of U. S. Patent Office, 1010 B. of T. blag. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practioe U. S. and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg. T. J. GEISLER, Atty-at-Law, 003 Henry. Wm. c. Schmltt, Eng. and Draftsman. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS FISH, OY8TERS AND ICE. MALARKEY & CO., Inc. 149 Front St. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Siarshall. H. M. HOL'SEH, Board of Trade bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., 9-76 4th St. HAIR GOODS. DIAMOND HAIR WORKS, WHOLESALE, 303-4 PANAMA BLDO. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO., WHOLESALE ONLY, 411 DEKUM BLDO. 1L4.TS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 53-56 Front St. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL AND FCRS. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East end of Burnslde bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON, CASTINGS STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS, ANGLES, CHANNEL PLATES. TEEa LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MA.LLORY & CO., 231 Pine at. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co. 83 Fifth st. also make a profit by the transaction, and in addition have brought about a condition of unrest in the affairs of this country that should cause all right-thinking citizens to pause and take notice." OFFICIAL'S REMOVAL ASKED Saloonkeeper of New Pine Creek Says Prosecutor Is Inefficient. SALEM, Or. June 6. (Special) Charging that O. C. Gibba, District At torney, is not enforcing the laws regu lating the sale of intoxicating liquor, D. W. Thomas, a saloon owner of New Pine Creek, has asked Governor West to remove the official and appoint an other man. Governor West has asked the officials of the county and the State Pharmacy Board to make an in vestigation of the charge made by Thomas that W. S. Dupont, a druggist of New Pine Creek, has been selling liquor without a license. Thomas said that recently he had a complaint issued for Dupont and that he waived examination and pleaded guilty, but that the case was dismissed. Second Jury Disagrees. VANCOUVER, Wash., June 6. (Spe cial.) The jury in the second trial of Jack Smith, formerly policeman In this city, tried for burglary In the second degree, disagreed and today was dis missed. People In China are adopting; the tale phone, with extraordinary readiness. Portland's Building Directory) Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Attoraera. BAIN, JAMI9 R. Marshall 2444. ... ....tit DUX1WAI. RALPH It Main 15S0. .tl-Il Insurance. VINCENT. S. D. & CO. Main 1054 sl( Real Estate. EEASET. DORR E. A CO. Main 119. .SSI Board of Trade Building Attorneys. BEACH. SIMON NELSON. Main 5123. .70 Brokers. Stocks, Bonds mud Grata. OVEKtSE.- .K sc COOKB CO A 531. Main 342 .nt-lU Real Estate.' BARRETT BROS.. Main 8498 801 WAUJEK. FRANK 1. Main 8295 loia Lewis Building Bonds. Stocks, Grain and Cotton. WILSON. J. C. CO. A 4187. Mar. 8&5 Builders and Real Estate. SUMMERS. W. J. Marshall Bloi... ..CS-SO Consulting Engineers. LUCrUS. W. W. Marshall 424 110-317 Spalding Building Atteraers. 8AWYKR, HAROLD M.. Marshall 2881 . .00 a Cenanltrng Engineer. KXL4 CI- Marshall 4111 Tig Mortgage BAH. JOHN, A 7442, Main 8021 ...S07 Bernl Estate. BAT CITT LANP CO., M. 111ft 701-703 . Wilcox Building Optician. Optometrist. KOLLE. DR. D. W. M.4183. A 78. . 700-7 7 . Fablle Utility Specialist. FOEHAT. WILBUR B. Mala B27S 1014 Heal Estate. B. r. FALMKR-JONS CO. M, t 4V4 PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office, near 24th. and York sts. Main 84SW. FLUMES. DON'T throw your old plumes away; we are experts in feather dyeing, cleaning and remodel . ing,- mounting birds of paradise our specialty. itlti n,Luo, 268 Morgan bldg. Main 4009. BIBBER STAMPS. SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. St. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING machines, new, $20 up; used ma chines $2 up; renting and repairing. Main 9481. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. 6EWING Machine Exchange; new and used machines from $3 up; rents and repairing. 251 Yamhill, bet.. 2d and 3d. Main 6231. SHOWCASE, BANK &6TOKE JFIXTCRES. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 10th and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND "Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, trackage for carload shipments, vans for moving; reduced freight rates on house hold goods to and from East In through cars. Main 6640, all departments. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 696, A 286. OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Offlca and warehouse. 16th and Hoyt sts. Main 647, A 2247. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 13th and Everett sts., on terminal tracks. General transfer and forwarding agents. We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse In city. Main 708. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE . Office, 186 Mldlson; general merchandise, furniture and machinery storage; transfer and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. VETERINARY COLLEGES. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 14. No profession offers equal oppor tunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane, Presi dent. 1818 Market St.. San Francisco. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. C. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade Sales agents celebrated Roche Harbor lime. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 168 First St. W. P. FULLER" & CO., 13th and Davis. PIPE, PIPE FITTTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. TSlLINE, 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND 'STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, S4-86 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. g. W. BALTE3 tt CO., lst and Oak sts PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrop. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. W. P. SAWMILL MACHINE BY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 1 4th and Northrop SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 280 Id St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS & OPTICIANS. BUTTERFIELD BROS., MOHAWK BLDO. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and ColumCia LEBANON CROWDS GROW SHOWERS DO NOT DAMPEN ARDOR OP UNSURPASSED THRONGS. Antomofcile Parade and Exhibits of Rosea Excel Standards Set by Previous Festival Years. LEBANON. Or., June S (Special.) The closing day of the Lebanon Strawberry Festival far outreached the opening day in attendance, not withstanding the threatening weath er. The small showers did not seem to Impair the enthusiasm of the crowd. The automobile parade was better than any before held. The car decorated by the Newly Weds Club as the best decorated 1n the exhibit was followed closely by that put out by the Everett. Kyle & Epperly Hardware Company. The third best car was shown by the Young Ladies' Colonial Clubs, with the . toeman'a Lodge a close competitor. The Ladies' Improve ment Club also had three well and attractively decorated automobiles in the procession. There were many well decorated individual cars in the line. The prizes awarded for the exhibit of the best commercially packed ber ries were as follows: First, Floyd Um erhoffer; second. Grant Thomas; third, George Clem. The cash prizes for the best display of standard roses were given as follows: Testout. Mrs. C A. Ysot- Building Attoraera. CORN'S Mam 3!0. A 7o....ll GRAHAM. 8ID.VSI J. Main 4SI. .1S1S-MI1 JOHNS. CHAS. A. Main bits UiW-UV KIMBALL. HENRY M. Mar. 630 Mi MALAltKtY, SEA-BROOK, at DIBBLE. Main 1501. A S213. . .1300-lSOt BIDDEU. B. H. Main 8833 422 ETOTT COLLIER, Marsnall 607S. .6OS-O10 KLNNSX. M. J. Marshall 5614 51 Billiard Hall. M'CRBDIS BILLIARDS Bsoonq Floor Seal Estate. CALL AN A KA8KR, Mala IMS MTARLAND, FRANK, KgALTT CO...10K 11ETCALF. LTLB B. Marshall 2482 310 RAINBY. J. Q. Marshall 8177 ...1004 U. B. MORTGAGE 4s 1NV. CO.. 31a WAGGGNEH, GEO. K ....SO BLAUBON. A. B. Main 8444 1011 Stenographers, M'NATIGHTON. AUNiSa VA-RaONB.M.4466 804 Selling Building Kodaks, optleiaam, COLUMBIAN OFT-L CO.. Mar. 81B. .OA tlM. Prescription Draajdstsv N ATT. FRANK. Main TM, A 2781... Oa fir BOLT, B. BL. PIANO CO, M. IBM . T- fins r-?;i AMUSEMENTS. HEIL.IC llth and Morrison Mala 1. A 11JS TONIGHT 8:15 SBIPJht Special-price mats, today-tomorrow, 2:15 N. Y. Winter Garden Musical Play. "PASSING SHOW OF 1913" Eve., $2 to 60c; mats., 11.50 to 60a, JOL r tKllrc jKui'jiTa bss. JitM. Geo l. Baker. Mfr. Mat. today; last time tonight. Alice Flem ing and the Baker Players In "THE WOMAN HE MARRIED. A domestic drama of strong- Interest. Splen did cast. Miss Fleming- In her most suc cessful role. Beautiful stage settings. Evenings, 2.c. 85c, 60o. 75c Box seats, L. Sat. Mat, 2uc, 60c Box 75c Next week, starting tomorrow Mat. "The lighting Mope." Matinee Daily. Phones Mala and A 1020 Broadway at Taylor. WEEK MAY 81 . Tameo Kajiyame Romeo The threat Homer D. Miles 4e Co. Miss Wlliette Whltaker. Branson and Baldwin Annie Kent. Barrowe and Mile. Three Shows Daily :S0. ItSO. 0:10. WHKBK EVERY- B nitlllK LIFLLHSS2 BODY GOE3 Matinee Dally. Robinson's Elephants. Clem Bevlns A Co. Oakland. Mr Bride and Milo. Kammerer and Howlssd. Three Newmans. BBSTT SHOW IN TOWN Broadway, at Alder. WEEK JUNE 1. "The Candy 8hlp nith Miss Ethel Davis and crew ot 20. The First Law of Nature, Dotson 4k Oordon, Juggling e Anno, Early 4c Lalght. Max Fisher, Fan- tagescope. LYRIC Fourtb.vand Stark Sts. ALL WEEK. v "Mrs. IVlgg ot the Cabbage Fatc-h. Two Performances Nightly 3:80 and 15o and 25c Matinee dally, X:lt exoept Monday). Any seat 15c Next' Week "Facing the Music, or The Morning After. O ales Portland's .Great Amusement Park. McKlroy's Band, under direction ot W. BL McElroy. Rich Mnnlcal Comedy Company In "The Love Cure." Ten musical numbers. Montana! Bill, the cowboy alnger. Hawaiian Troubadours. Eight ' In number. Performance at t and a. Wet or shine In the open-air covered amphitheater. ALL PERFORMANCES FREE, BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. SACRAMENTO VS. PORTLAND JUNE 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Games begin weekdays at 3 P. L; ' Sundays, 2:30 P. &L Ladies' Days Wednesday and Friday Lewis; Druschkl, Mrs. II- E. Browne; J. B. Clark. Mrs. C II. Ralston; Cream Maman Cochet, Mrs. II. Beubw; Papa Oontier, Mrs. J. A. Smith; Kalserelne, Mrs. C. H. Ralston; pink La. France, Mrs. H. E). Browne; best display of group of four varieties, Mrs. Frank HalL The baseball grama between Stayton and Lebanon waa won by Stayton, 7 to 1. BEAR FILMS .ARE MADE Operators Propose- Further Work in Vicinity of RoseTmrg. KOSEBURG. Or.. June 5. (Special.) Roy Klafkl and W J. McLean, motion picture operators, returned here today after several weeks In the isolated Caps Illlhee district, where they de veloped over 600 feet of film, princi pally bear pictures. Traps were set prior to coming out of the timbered districts, and the oper ators expect to return there in a few weeks and do further work. Throughout the world there are mailed dally 1 letters and rards. CLASSIFIEDAD. BATES Daily iuuI Sunday. Per Lino. One time Itc Huno ad two roDiecutlre times. ........ ,Za Same ad tUre consecutive time. ....... .SOe Same ad mix or seven consecutive times. .Attc The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other ciaaaLfica-tion- excel t ttie following: Situations WantedMale. (Situations Wanted Female. For Kent, Koomt, frl rate Families. Rooms and Hoard, private Families. Kate on the above classifications Is 7 cents a line each Insertion. W hen one advertiwrmrnt is not ran In con secutive issues the one-time rate applies. biz average words count as one Una on less t han two lln On "charge" advertisements charge will be baed on the number of lines apiearinff In the paper, rcrfardl-. of the number of words In each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone providing the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phono. No prices will be quoted over the phone, hut bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertlsementa will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of. telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not 17? accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Hale," "Busi ness Opportunities." "Hooming-liouses" and "Wanted to Rent. The Oregonlan will not gnaraateo accuracy or assume responsibility for error occurring In telephoned advertisements. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement offered for mora than one time. Advertisements to receive prompt classifi cation must be In The Oregonlan office bo fore 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. ClOHinfC honr for The. toundav Oretrnnian m-fll be 8 o'clock Saturday night. The office will do open until iu o'ciock p. M.t aa usual and all ads received too late for proper classifi cation will be run under heading- "Too leate to Classify.'" UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS A 8, 7. 13, 16, 18, 22, 28. 66. B 10. 23. 970. i C 9. 11, 22, 86, 8S. D 1. 17, 13. 2L 25, 845. B 1. 8, 10, 17. 21, 22, 24. F 19. 2L G 8, 15, 19. 790. H 2. 6, 8, 10, 11. 21. .11. J 8, 4. 8. 10, IL 14. 23, 24. K 8, 10. 19. 23. 129. L 11. 15. 19. 23. 25. M 18. ' 13. 17, 20, 24, 70. O 14, 2L 23, 824. 990. P i. 13, 15, 18. 21. 25. 42, 820, 824, 986. R 2, 6, 12. 13. 979, 991. 8 8. 16, 22, 28. 24. 25. 85. T 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 25. 982. V 16. St, 22, 990. W 17. 25, 680, 980. BOX, X 12. 982. XX. y- a, 10, Is. oso. AB 11. 24. AC 11. 18, M3. 02. AD 7, 8. 19, 23. 24. 20. AB 8, 10. 12. 15, 19, 21. 988. AF 13. 14, 15, 19. 20. AO It. 14. 15, 16. 21, 83, 866, 976. AH 6, 22, 24, S3, 887. AJ 1. 11. 16, 24, S3. 819. 574 .933. AS 10. 13, 17, 20, 532, 898, 999. AL 23, 25, 82, 34, 933. AM 8. IL 13, 14. 15. 19, 28, 82. .- AN I. 8, 14, 15. 76, 19, 21, 28. AO 13, 21. 22, 25. AP 24. 25. 890, 83L AK 22, 23, 24, S3. AS 919. 945. 971. BO 5. il. 12, 14, 20, 28, 24. L 12, 19. BK 6, 14, 17, 23, 24. 84. If the above letters are not called for within six days the sam will be destroyed. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Pinal end of the great C O. Pick Co.'a storage sale at 2d and Pine. Furniture, etc Also buggies, eto. For storage liens. 8ale starts at 10 o'clock sharp. Geo. Baker A Co.. auctioneers. lCEETEfONOTICES. A. AND A. S. RITE Thir tieth semi-annual reunion, pro gramme for today: 11 A. M., address to the class on sym bolism and teachings of the de grees, by Brother . G. Jones. 32d degree, all members In vited: 12 noon. 82d degree class photographed; 8 P. M., 82d degree. Address by Rev. Frank L. Loveland, 82d degree. By order PRESIDING OFFICER. "WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18, R. A. M. Called convocation this Saturday evening. E. Eighth and Burnslde streets, at 7:80 o'clock. R. A. rjegrea. Visitors welcome. By order of H5. H. P. ROY QUACKENBU3H. Bs. BUTTH Tb funeral services of Luemma, beloved wife of Edward E. Smith and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. w. t). Cole, of 572 Williams ave., win be held tomorrow (Sunday), June 7. at 2 P. M., from R. T. Byrnes, funeral parlors, Williams ave. and Knott st. Interment Mt, Scott Park; Cem etery. Friends invited. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Saturday) even, ing at 7. o'clock. Masonic Temple. Labor in the M. M.. degree. Vis iting brethren alwavs welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Secretary. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101, A. F AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work- In E. A. degree. Visiting brethren cordially in vited. By order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER, Secretary. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL. R. AND S. M., meets this evening, Masonlo Temple, 8 o'clock. Degree work. R. D. ROBINSON. Recorder. FLORISTS. FUNERAL. FLOWERS AT LOWEST PRICES Beautiful wreaths, pillows and spe cial designs at prices extremely low; casket sprays as low as $1.E0. Lubliner. florists, Morrison St.. Portland Hotel block.' MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 147 Washington. Main 2t. A 1261. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Max M. Smith! Main 7316, A S12L Selling bldg. DITTO. FITCH In this city, at the Portland Sani tarium, June 5. George A. Fitch, age 6J years. 9 months, IS days. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Jury, of Seattle. Wash., and Miss Ueorgle Fitch, of this city. Deceased was a member of the Benevolent Order of Elks, No. 142. Remains ar. at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Co. Funeral notice later. WARD In this elty. June 6, at her late residence, 47 Columbia St., Laney Ward, aged 80 years, mother of -Mrs. A. N. Churoh. of Providence, R. I.; Miss Nettle Ward and J. F. Horn, ot this city, and C. W. Horn, of La Center, Wash. The re mains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery, at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. RAMSDEN At St. Vincent's Hospital, June 4. William Ramsden. aged 71 years. Re main at P. L. Leroh undertaking parlors. East llth and Clay sts. Funeral notice later. . DIANTONINO At St Vincent's Hospital, June 5. Plazzo P. Diantonlno, aged 27 years. Remains at P. L. Lerch's new un dertaking parlors. B. llth and Clay sts. Funeral announcement later. BASTROM In this city, Jun. 6, O. H. Bastrom, age 56 years, brother-in-law of A. Turner, of 685 Club ave. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors. FUNERAL NOTICES. LAWTON In this city, June 5, at her late residence, 419 Larrabee st., Julia A. Law ton, aged 68 years, wife of Phillip Law ton. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Suaday) June 7, at 1 o'clock P M at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery, at oth. Friends invited. Interment in G. A. R. plot. Greenwood Cemetery. DEGERMARK In this city, June 4, at the residence. 1084 East Grant st.. Gyda L Degermark, aged 64 years, beloved wife of Carl F. Degermark. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1 P. M. today (Saturday), June . Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. SENN June 4, Margaret Eenn, aged II years, beloved sister of Anton Senn. Fun eral will take place from Dunning A Mc ntee's chapel today (Saturday) at 8:4B A. M. Services at St. Joseph's Church. 9 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment ML Calvary Cemetery. ANDERSON The funeral services of the late Mrs. Elmira Anderson will be held at the Sellwood Methodist Church at 2 P. M. today (Saturday). Friends Invited. Interment Mllwoukle Cemetery. Remains are at Holman's funeral parlors until 12:3U Saturday. SULLIVAN June 5, Augusta M. Sullivan, aged 34 years, wife of W. L. Sullivan. Re mains will be sent to Ban Francisco, Cal ifornia, on the 8:15 P. M. Southern Pacific train. June 6. by the A. K. Zeller Co. Please omit flowers. RAMSDEN The funeral services of the late William Ramsden will be held at the Portland Crematorium today (Saturday) at 11 A. M. Friends invited. Remains at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors. East llth and Clay sts. STERLING June 1. William Sterling, aged 46 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Sarah Sterling. Funeral services will be held at Dunning A McEntee'a chapel today (Sat urday) at 1 o'clock. Friends invited. In terment Rivervlew Cemetery. DIANTONINO The funeral services of the late Piasza Pietro Diantonlno will b. held at St. Philip Merl's Church tomorrow (Sunday), at 2:80 P. M. Friends Invited. Remalna at P. L. Lerca undertaking par lors. East llth and Clay sts. ANDERSON Th. funeral services of Vic toria Anderson will be held at Dunning A McEnte.'s chapel today (Saturday! at 11 o'cloak. Friends Invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. SIMON Mrs. Anna Simon, widow of Sam uel Simon and mother of Nathan Simon. Funeral from Holman's undrlaktng par lors, tomorrow (Sunday), morning, June 7, at IO o'clock. Please omit flowers. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. KmVARD HOLM AN. the leading fu neral director, 220 Third street, corner sal mon. Lady assistant. A loll. Mala a7. F. B. DUNNING, INC. Kaat Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder st. East 52, U 2626. DUNNING M'KMEF. funeral directors, 7th and Kne. Phone Maia 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Croaer. SKEWES UVDTE RTAKING COM PANT, 8d and Clay. Mala 4162, A. t3LLady attendant MR. AND MRS. B, T. BYRNES. Bet. ltfUS. 656 Williams Ave. fcl Ills. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOCKT SCOTT PARK. Containing 835 Acres. Portland's Only Modern Perpetual-Care Cemetery Refined Pleasing IServicev Complete Perfect Equipment. Prices and Terms Reasonable. Both Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY er GRAND AVE. IV. Between Davla amd rSverett. Ptoses Kat 1423. B 2S10. Opes Day and Nigrht. Rport all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse Ambulance for a.'r-Bc or disabled anim&Ih at moment's notice. NEW TODAT. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. . Our Own Money at Current Ratea. FAKM AND CITY LOANS, BO FsarU St Board of Trade Bids. NSW TODAT. W. will build ana finance a home oa your lot or on any you may select. Fit for It like rent. W. guarantee satisfaction. uau free us. F. E. BOWMAN at CO, Room 1, Commercial Club Hldg. Main o:i. a 126L MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPEHTY. We loan our own fund and money Is available within 24 hours after receipt of abstract. r Vi and 7 per et ROBERTSON & EWING "7-8 Northwestern Bank Bids. First Mortgage Loans Mosey to Any Amount Is Our Fosses alos for Immediate I'se. or 7, According; to Security-. FIELDS A nONEl'MAX, I218-122S Yeos Bids-. Usla 100X OUSIMfTSS PWOPFRTVANOCLOSETIN residences iinf-Tnanr innm MDffARD E.GOUDEY-7 CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CE.0NAN spa Spalding Bldg. ' Portlasd. On WARRENTON LOTS AT A BARGAIN If you don't believe It, come In and see L. K. MOOKE, SIT Board of Trade. Portland, Or. Loans on Real Estate Contracts and Mortgagees Bought. HAItUINO Tl'TTLE, 3i3 Chamber of Commerce. CITY & FARM LOANS Vmjekwrhkhs loan and l.WiSSTMKXT CO. SO Chamber of Commeree. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK. William a.. 31&-S16 Falling bldg. BENEDICT BROS. (Burrell Heights), f SO Hawthorne ave.. cor. list. Tswtr PALMER-JONES CO.. U. P.. 0t-06-40f Wilcox bldg. Jennings & Co. lialn 18S. Z0 Oregonlan. KK VI, ESTATE. For Hale -Lots. WE are offering the best home 'value In the City of Portland 75x100 homes! te; West Bide; 20-mlnute car ride; be fare; lies beautifully; excellent view; price 9350; S10 down, (5 per month, if you are look ing for a home and Investment combined this is the best to be had in the city. Our auto at your service. 3d. ku. Los. 2 Oorbett bldg. tODO. COTlTi. on Prescotr St., opposite Ala meda ark ; hard-surface street In and paid for, cement sidewalk, curbing anil grading in and paid for; all included In above price; no incumbrance; worth double; act Quickly. Owner, Ci. C. Golden berg. Sellwood 73. FOR SALE: Very desirable building lot at a price that is right; near 23d and Ktl llntrsworth. Inquire Wm. Mcintosh, care L'mbdenstoclt Ac Larson Co., 2bt Oak st. MY tlOOO equity In two lots cheap If taken this week; restricted district; fine loca tion: closo to carllne; ail Improvements In. Call Dr. Lake. . 2504. IRVINGTON select residence location; own er will sacrifice to boua fid. purchaser. AR a, Oregonlan. SNAP Finest corner lot In Westmoreland; tHK cash. C Oregonlan. Kor sale -Houses. NEW BUNGALOWS. Face east, fine view ot half the city, river and M'ts., on West Side, 5c fare on three carllnes, in Corbett Terrace op posite "The Oaks." These are Anderson bungalows of five rooms, modern. Bull Run water, etc. Just finishing. Prices, $3000 and t3!0; 10 per cent down and balance like rent. P. 11. Van Nice. 70S Belling bldg.. or call East 617 evenings. BARGAIN BY OVV.NEK. 4 Beautiful o-room modern bungalow, sleeping porch snd garage, corner -d and Alameda sts.. Rose City Park; lot 73xlu3; all modern conveniences. This place built for a home, very best msterlal and construction throughout; will sell way be low cost If taken at onco. Phone Main Hi!52 or Tabor 3707. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. $1200. C rooms, full basement, furnace, fire place, lighting fixtures, beamed celllnRS, large attic, Dutch kitchen, fine lawn. li'4i Cleveland ave.; splendid location; will take lot as part payment; price reduced from H500. Owner. Woodlawn 220. NEW BUNGALOW. ONLY $2050. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms, modern, fireplace. laundry trays, electricity, gas, etc., lot SOxllii; ce ment walks, one Muck to car; $JOO down, balance, $23 month. Owner at hardware siore, 1417 Sandy blvd., at 5-d st. Tabor &175. A BIG BARGAIN. - Must sacrifice my 6-room modem bun galow at SIS Multnomah st. in 10 days; furnace, fireplace and sleeping porch; built to Jive In, not to sell; $300 cash, remainder on terms. Tel. C 1245. HERB Is a real bargain. I am authorized to -sell a ti-room concrete house, modern, with furnace, loo feet north of Alberts St.. on East loth, lot SoxlOt), tor $-':0u, $HO0 cash, bal. time to suit. M. E. Thomp son. 4d Henry bldg. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $ll6o7" Neat'liltlo li-room cottui;e, waier, gas and electric lights. In first-class district. 1V blocks to car; trees, flowers and garden In. $50 cash. Fred W. German Co., ' b!4 Cham, of Com. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. We will build on your lot; terme like rent; f irst-ca-s guaranteed work. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. i!Srt Oak St. ' See Mr. Furlong. LET US BUILD YOU A HOMH. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT! $2800 Five-room house snd lot and ad Joining corner, one block from Hawthorne car, on East 4ftth St.; $: down, balance eay terms. Phone Tabor :ta-;o. YOUR lot. trade It for my house In Laurel hurst. Hawthorne, Brockton or beside Kitstmoreland. Your lot. clear, as first payment on any house at builder's price. Elmer . Shank. 302 Ry. Exchange. MODERN home, close In. corner lot, with garage. 10O to; must pell this week: little money will handle. Owner. Tabor 4!S. IRVINGTON SNAP BY OWNF.K. Double flat, new and modern; must raise monty; willing to sacrifice; no rea sonable offer refused. AC 22. Oregonlan. 100x100. 4-ROOM cottage, $1350; $500 down and $10 per month. C. J. ROdWELL, owner. $75 Pin. at. Portland, Or. OWNER must sell nice bungalow; fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, large attlo and full cement basement; east front, 1 blocks north of Hawthorne. 14$ East 60th. 6-ROOM house and 2 lots 100x149 feet In Oak Grove, one blocs: from carllne; price 20O0. Inquire H. G Starkweather, near ' RIaley Station. Phone Oak Grove Black 17. NEW 5 -room bungalow. Rose City Park"; fireplace, Duth kitchen, built-in effects, stationary tubs. $2o50, $2oO cash, eas terms. Tabor 1351. WILL sell a $4000 house, located in Rose City Park, for $3S5o if bought within SO days. Inquire at the Masonlo Hail. 208 H 3d st. 13x7S, e-ROOM house, upper Washington District; bargain, by owner; terms; some trade with first payment. Tabor 4J0&. 356 E. 41st. FOR SALE Below cost. new. artistic, part ly furnished bungalow In lirvlngton; rent ed for $37.5 ; must have at least $1500 eash, rest easy. East t$S. FURNISHED O-room houseand bath; fine district; no agents; price $2200; $looo cash to handle. Call at 1012 Grand ave. North for information. FOR SALE by owner, cheap, a 5-room house In Alblna. Call 756 Kerby st. Woodlawn 2S3. Terms. $200 DOWN buys 3-room house, only 20 minutes out: price $1000. balance to suit. C 21, Oregonlan. CHARMING homes, Irvlngton. oak and ma hogany finish; worth seeing; very rea sonable. East 278. W. H. Herdman. 15 ACRES or morewlth living water; Hud son roadster first payment- Woodlawn 477. KEW 4-room house, plumbing, el.ctrlo fix tures, garden, fine lawn. Tabor 8369. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow, t E. 10th sL. ; walking distance ; large yard. r ' t -' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $2Sr.O. 881 KILLINGS WORTH AVJL Cor. lot. 50x100, V block car. $3000. for $2350. Modern 5-room bungalow, new and never occupied; well-built bom. on prominent cor. in beautiful Irvlngton Park (restricted dlsu), bouse sets 40 feet from property line, among maple, fir and dogwood trees, mak ing it a most ideal home site; ha. ail modern necessary conveniences, such as hardwood floor fireplace of artistic pattern, magnificent buffet. 5-ft. wtoe with plate glass mirror and leaded glass doors, medlcln. chest, wood lift. Dutch kitchenette, haliset, French plate glass mirror doors, standard A-l plumbing and high-grade electrical fixtures, full basement with cement floor, trays, walks and steps. Attractively tint ed, painted and enameled in high grade workmanship. Has large at tic and beautiful front porch and latticed rear porch. Exhausted funds require Immediate sale. e this snap early; $204 cash will suffice. eSl Kllllngsworth Ave. Alberta car to KlUingsworin ave., then t blk. west. TERMS. $2250. $2260. TERMS. lu9 EAST 23D ST. NORTH. 6UX100 EAST FRONT LOT. DOUBLE CONSIRUCi'iil) THROUGH OUT. HARDWOOD FLOORS. BEAMED CEU ING. FIREPLACE, SLEEPING PORCH. FULL 7-FT. CONCRETE BASEMENT "WITH CEMENT FLOOR. Just completed, new and modern, 5-room bungalow, in restricted district. 1 blocks to carllne, wash ' trays, paneled dining room, archway, built-in effecta. hall seat, excellent plumbing, bedrooms and kitchen In white enamel; fine neighborhood, closa to schools, churches, stores, etc Owner th.r. from 10 to 6 dally. Phone East 645. 108 EAST USD ST. NORTH. Alberta car to 2Sd st.. then IV blocks north. ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS a month, including interest, buys one of the best little homes In the city; in good neighborhood, has reception hall, living room, dining-room with buflt-m buffet: large Dutch kitchen with lots of cup. board space, bathroom in white enamel, nice bedroom with large closet, front and back porches; lawn all made, several fruit trees, chicken-house and runs; street work paid for; all for $20 a month. Call me evenings. East 0778. HOME BEAUTIFUL. Would you enjoy a home close to th. car, where you can sit on your own porch, and enjoy the best view in the city? t have such a place a brand new bunga low on the West Side, o large rooms, sleeping porch and every built-in con venience; plate-glass windows. furnace, extra large lot. hard-surface paid, 7 min utes by car, $5000. Geo. G. Mair, owner, 825 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2574. WILL TAKE $200 IN TRADE. Balance easy terms, on this beautiful S-room bungalow, crowning one of th. most sightly location, in magnificent Lau relliurst; built by owner for home and finished in elaborate and artistic manner; trees, shrubbery. Lowers, lawn and extra large garage. boneone will draw thla at a snsp figure, as am forced to leave. Phon. E. 1245. .No agents. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH TH bl MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE: WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW, TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. oEbl OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. ESTABLISHED 1307. WE FURNISH TUB PLANS AND BUILD HOUSES OR FLATS FOR THfcl LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. WE BUY BUILDING MATERIALS IN LARGE QUANTITY AND CAN SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS. OUR WORK GUARANTEED. BUTTER WORTH-STEP HEN SON CO., 7UO-T COUCH BUDG. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good toil, city water, close to carline, easy terms. Will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall lro or Sellwood 4td. JOHN li. GIBSON. OWNER. Suburban Borne Property. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Do you want to live in the country T Within two miles of city limits, on best macadam road in the state; taxes les than $5 last year; hourly car service. 40 minutes' ride; machine 20 minutes; place consists of one acre, 85 fruit trees. 20 grape vines, all varieties of small fruit, good garden all planted, flowers and shrubs, nice lawn, good road and walks, water all over place with pressure sys tem, water to outside parties bringing iu $10 a month at present, will bring in more; S chicken-houses, 1 large tool and w.;ll house 14x25, chickens and honey bee. thrown in; place all fenced; price $25ou, one-half cash, balance on good easy terms; don't miss this opportunity if you want a. nice place with no expenses such as you have in the city. Write AP 23, Oregonlan. $750 BUYS a very fine half acre; 20-mlnute ride; 6o fare; ideal for a home where you can raise all your own vegetables, fruit, berries, chickens, etc., which Is the greater part of your living; terms $10 down. $10 per month. We are offering the best value lu the city; It will pay you to Investigate before buying. M. E. Lee, 623 Corbett bldg. For Sale Acreage. SCAPPOOSE ACRES. $25 TO $70 PER ACRE. EAST MONTHLY OR YEARLY PAT MEN TS. ome creek bottom land, some rolling upland, some level bench land, anything you want for fruit, berries, gardens, po tatoes, dairy, hog or chicken ranches. All deep, rich soil, no rocks, abundance fine creeks and springs, easv clearing. RAILROAD THROUGH LAND 2T MILES FROM PORTLAND. We are selling tnls land -in tracts of 4 to 50 acres, with small payment down, balance easy monthly payments. As lit tle as $30 will locate you on some of these tracts. We want to show you our tracts, and can take you to see this property any da. Ask for descriptive literature. LUFDDEMANN. RULBY A CO.. 13 Chamber ot Commerce. u ACRES FOR $220. $10 down and $5 per month buys 3 acres of good level. logged-ofC land be tween Portland and Centralia, on th. main line of 3 railroads. lh miles front town of 1000 population, sawmills, shingl mills and other Industries; 10 acres t choose from; some of these tracts ar. about half cleared; a fine trout creek runs through the tract; some bottom land, some upland, all Is good. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. 5 YEARS' TIME. Best river bottom land in 10-acre tracts, 8 miles from Corvallis on graveled road. down, balance In 5 years. Write tor descriptive booklet free. B. W. JOHNSON. Corvallis. Or. ELECTRIC LINE, elcht blocks of siatloi. : chicken and fruit ranches, nesr Portland; new subaivision. near Greahain; A acrer, $400. $ooi. $70l: 3 acres, $5o0. $700; l' acres, $700, $900. tlOOO per trsct; beet soli, free wood, spring water: acreage at brappoofo, Or., $25 to $lui per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. CO UN TRY HOME. CLOSE IN. S acres, nearly all In crop, running wa ter piped to house. 5-room house with, fireplace, etc., barn and outbuildings. R. R. across corner and close u station, schools and stores; price $lteo. half cash. Call ltS4fr R ussell il BEFORE locating be sure and visit th. Wil lamette Valley Information Bureau at 261 Washington st. (between 8d and 4tb. A bso lu t eiy free. Brl n g the ladles. $801 ONE acre under cultivation with dwelling bouse. Eight miles south of ' Portland, near electric line: terms. Ray mond & Co.. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. Homesteads. 40 ACRES heavy merchantable timber clos. to Columbia River, north of Portland; can be homesteaded or timber claimed; $109 for my relinquishment. 03 Oregonlan bid. For Sale Fruit Lands. FRUIT AND POULTRY RANCH. 20 acres, nearly all In cultivation. acres prunes, 5 acres loganberriea, bearing ; excellent soli and water, gentle slope to ali-year stream; A-l buildings, some new family orchard and small fruit of all kinds; near Newberg, on eleotrlo line. Call or writ, for price and terma. Owner. 530 6elllng bldg.. Portland. Oregon. For Sale FARM. 160 acres, 20 acres meadow, bouse, barn, creek and spring water, 1 mile front main road, close to cheese factory and school, Nestucca Valley. Must hsve money. - Price $10 per acre. Box 337. WUlamlna, Or. FORCED to sell on account of sickness; 20) acres of beaverdam land, by owner; will sell at a sacrifice If taken at once. Mr. Phillips. R. F. D. No. 3. box 1B, Beaver ton, Or., care F. Burgoyne. loo ACRES bottom land for sale; 90 acres rleared. two good barns and house; 2 miles from Chehalls, Wash. $ld,000 good terms. M. L, Gilliam, Red 2. Chehalls. Wash. FOR wheat ranches, sale or trade, writ. M. Fltxinaurlce, Condon, Or. f t