12 TIIE MORNIXG OREGONIAX. SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1914. ZSy GizffMtfel Cozfietf. J TODAY'S important event is the wedding of Miss Maurene Camp bell and Jervls Webb, which will be solemnized this evening; at the home of the bride-elect's . parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Campbell. After the cere mony, which will be witnessed only by relatives and close friends, a large reception will be Held from 8:30 to 10 o'clock. Miss Campbell's family and friends are loath to have her leave thetn. as she is one of the most Inter esting: and charming of the younger girls, and exceedingly popular both in musical and social circles. Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd presided yester day at a pretty luncheon in honor of Mrs. Mose Blum, of San Francisco, sis ter and house guest of Mrs. Sol Hirsch and Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. Today Mrs. Hirsch and her daughters will be hostesses for a large tea in honor of Mrs. v Blum. Miss Mary Harris, of San Francisco, Is the house guest of her aunts, the Misses Harris, at 660 Hoyt street. Mrs. Bert C. Ball presided at a charming luncheon yesterday at the Waverly Country Club in honor of Miss Claire Houghton. Covers were laid for 15, and the table was at tractively decked with pink hydrangeas and the new shade of blue delphinium. Dainty colonial nosegays marked the covers. The engagement of Miss Leone Vic tors, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Victors, was announced at an aft ernoon party Wednesday on board the cruiser Boston. Miss Victors is to be come the wife of Spencer Spooner. First Lieutenant In the Oregon Naval Militia, of which the Boston Is the home ship. A party of a dozen girl friends of Wlss Victors were asked for a trip down the river on one of the Boston's launches. They were taken to the Boston, where they found a dinner waiting for them, Mrs. Wilson B. Miller being the hostess. The Society of Graduates of St. Hel en's Hall will hold its annual reunion at the hall today, and an elaborate programme has been arranged. A most enjoyable event of Thursday was the card party given for the past matrons' club of Camelia Chapter, by Mrs. C. W. Miller at her lovely home, 458 Rodney avenue. Honors at cards were won by Mrs. Lillian Keyer, after which refreshments were served. Those who enjoyed the afternoon were: Mrs. L. M. Davis. Mrs. K. A. Watts, Mrs. W. S. Cutler, Mrs. A. II. Trego, Mrs. Lillian Kreger, Mrs. F. A. Van Kirk, Mrs. Angus Graham, Mrs. L T. Mason, Mrs. A. E. Poulsen, Mrs. G. A. Johnson. The club meets July 2 at the home of Mrs. G. A. Johnson, 643 White avenue. The Decern Girls" Club was enter tained at a Spring dinner Thursday evening. Mrs. Lottie Chappell was hostess. The dining-room was a bow er of carnations and Caroline Testout roses. The guests were: Evelyn Young. Mlna Smith, Truda Moffat, Stel la Armitage, Kdith Dart, Elizabeth Bird, Minnie Shetland and Blanche Koark. Dr. V. Delory will deliver a lecture Friday morning at 11 A. M. in room B of the Central Library. The subject will be "Prosperity." These lectures are of an esoteric nature and their purpose is the uplifting of humanity. Mrs. A. Kose Read, of Akron. O., for merly of Portland, is the house guest of Mrs. Lucy E. Hitchcock. Mrs. C. L. Boss, of this city, is one of the popular visitors at Omaha, Neb., her former home. She arrived Friday morning to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Coon, while Mr. Boss went on to Detroit. Friday evening Mrs. W. II. Uarratt entertained informally at dinner in honor of Mrs. Boss. Covers were laid for Mrs. Boss, Mrs. C. B. Coon, Mrs. H. C. Sumney and Mrs. Gar ratt. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf and Mrs. Ada Hertsche arranged a motoring party for Mrs. Boss Saturday afternoon and last evening she was entertained at dinner at the Loyal Hotel, following which she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marley for dancing at the Happy Hol low Club. Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Mackay will entertain Mrs. Boss at dinner Sun day and Monday Mrs. R. E. Welch will give a luncheon" In her honor. Tues day she will be honor guest at a lunch eon and bridge party at the home of Mrs. Ralph Emerson, and Wednesday evening a dinner party will be presided over by Miss lone Chappell and Mrs. It. F. Coleman. Mrs. Boss will Join her husband in Chicago, from where they will go to Kansas City en route home. .. On , Wednesday evening Miss Edna Jaye Cross and Charles William Foote were married at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. Gilbert Danby. Only the Immediate relatives of the family were present. Rev. F. K. Howard, of All Saints Episcopal Church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Foote left Thursday morn, lng for their future home In Metollus, Or., where Mr. Foote is interested in the mercantile business. FEATHER FANCIES OVER WHITE SATIN FORM CHIC CHAPEAU. .,v Xsl-.-.i FmZ' A smart hat designed by Lewis, of Paris, is made entirely of white satin as a foundation with covering of feather fancies. Three long feathers curled at their tips are used to add dash an d distinction. T the meeting of the civic depart- ment of the Portland Woman's Club yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Freder ick Cggert, president, appointed a com mittee of 100 clubwomen to assist the Royal Rosarians in receiving and en tertalning guests during the Rose J-estival. Official badges for the com mittee may be obtained by applying at room 919, Corbett building. Mrs. R. E. Bondurant is chairman of the civic department, and she presided at yesterday s meeting. The club will nlso be represented in the parade on Wednesday. The reception committee Includes: Mrs. 1'". Eggert. Mrs. S. A. Evans, Mrs. - H. C. French. Mrs. John VanZant, Mrs. C. "W. Lenoir, Mrs. D. L. Povey. Mrs. B. M. lennlson, Mrs, A. H. Breyxnan, Mrs. C. D. Simmons, Mrs. J. Frances Drake, Mrs. G. J. Frankel. Mrs. H. 13. Reed, Mrs. C. N. Rankin, Mrs. W. T. Wade, Mrs. Cora Puf fer, Mrs. R. K. Bondurant, Mrs. Frank Men eree, Mrs. Fred L. Olson, Mrs. W. H. Fear, Mrs. A. C. Jackson, Mrs. A. Wurzweiler, Mrs. L. A. Bailey, Mrs. M. Baruh, Mrs. W. H. Bell. Mrs. F. A. Freeman, Mrs. S. E. Gilbert. Mr. A. C. Gowdy, Mrs. R. P. Gra ham. Mrs. W. B. Hare, Mis. W. J. Hof mann. Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson, Mrs. M, H. J.amond, Mrs. John Manning;, Mrs. A. B. Manley. Mrs. I,. G. McAloney, Mrs. W. C. McBrlde, Mrs. M. H. McClung. Mra. Philip Neu, Mrs. M. H. Newell, Mrs. D. A. Pattullo, Mrs. E. R. Plttelkau, Mrs. Perry Rosensteln, Mrs. C. D. Ross, Mrs. J. Shemanskl, Mrs. H. O. Tenny, Mrs. Joseph 8upple, Mrs. W. E. Thomas. Mra Louis B. Trulllnger, 'Mrs. G. J. Versteeg, Mrs. Marion Versteeg, Mrs. J. O. Welch, Mrs. F. H. Whitfield, Mrs. J. W. Tifft. Mrs. M. C. Banfield, Mrs. C. M. Hoeber. Mrs. M. C. Mace, Mrs. Alex Mac phereon, Mrs. H. A. Moore. Mrs. Mary Scott Myers, Mra. F. C Noris, Mrs. A. R. Shan non, Mrs. C. C. Shay. Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. F. C. Whit ten. Mrs A U. Breyman. Mrs. A. Kins Wilson. Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, Mrs. Julia Marquam. Mrs. A. K. Dunlway, Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs. J. M. Glinea. Mrs. A. C. Newlll. Mrs. A. Stalser. Mrs. B. F. Weaver. Mrs. Merwin Pugh. Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, Mrs. A. M. Brown. Mrs. H. L. QUI, Mrs. C. 11. Hepburn, Mrs. G. O. Jer ferson, Mrs. A. H. Page. Mrs. L. O. Ral ston. Dr. fi. I.,. Riker. Mrs. F. L. Stinson, Mn R. M. Tuttle. Mra. Harry L. Vorse, Dr. Lilian Baker. Mrs. F. F. Boody, Mrs. Katherlne Hoffman. Mrs. S. C. Kenell, Mrs. A. R. Mattingly, Mrs. J. M. Reeves. Mrs. A. Tllger. Dr. Mary Maclachlan, Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison, Miss Helen Gillespie, Dr. Mabel S. Akin, Mrs. W. P. Strandborg, Mra John McRoberts, Mrs. Elizabeth Pettlnger. At the Automobile Club tonight the Monday Musical Club will give a mu sical fair, which promises to be one of the most elaborate affairs of the sea son. Transportation has been provided for all those who do not possess motor cars, and they can get machines at the Hotel Oregon from 5 o'clock until 6:30 o clock. Mrs. Chester Deering is in charge of this committee and will be at the hotel at 5 o'clock. Dinner will be served at the club, and a cabaret programme has been arranged by Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed. - The Portland Shakespeare Study Club has unanimously reappointed, Adeline M. Alvord as dramatic coach for the ensuing year. The Brooklyn Women's Christian Temperance Union will hold an open- air meeting at the home of the vice president Mrs. F. G. Leo, corner East Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets, Monday at 1:45 o'clock. A special in vitation Is extended to all mothers in Brooklyn interested in the work. An interesting programme will be given and refreshments served. The Aid Society, of St. James' Luth eran Church, met at the home of Mrs. Blake. 434 East Thirty-seventh street. Thursday and had an interesting meet ing. The members found that they had J150 of their subscription of $600 to the church debt raised, and the treas urer was ordered to turn over the same to the treasurer of the debt fund. The society decided on a vacation for the months of July and August, and the next meeting will be held on the sec ond Thursday of September. - The members of the Woman's Social Union of the First Methodist Episcopal Church were delightfuly entertained yesterday afternoon at the beautiful home of Mrs. David Stearnes, 65S Bel mont street. There was a large attend ance and the short Informal business session, which Included reports from the various departments of the work, was followed by music, conversation and other social features. Ices were served by Miss Elsie Clair and Miss Louise Stearnes. The officers of the union are:-President, Mrs. Samuel Connell; vice-president. Miss Anna Flnley: secretary, Mrs. H. C. Clair; treasurer, Mrs. F. M. Tay lor. During the last few months more than 300 articles have been made by the society for the sick and needy and several hundred church calls made. The next meeting will be an all-day session held at the home of Mrs. Frederick Drake, 108 Royal court, Laurelhurst, on Tuesday, June 16. Ogre George Allen Witch .Jessica Jones Godmother Imogen Prince Frogeye Fearsome ....... Alfred McDonald Harem Scarem .......... Ronald Honeyman Tltanla Lillian Mitchell Bewitched Prince John Thomas Chorus of fairies, flower messengers and brownies. The Kennedy Parent-Teacher Asso ciation at their meeting on Wednesday voted to appoint a committee to wait on the School Board asking that the name of the school be changed from Kennedy to Irvington Park School. Re ports were made by the Reed College Conference committee. L. D. Mahone urged the association to consider plans for a xresh-air school, such as is used In Lewiston, Idaho; North Yakima. Wash., and La Grande, Or. He Baid that a fresh-air school would mean a saving of $4000 a room, and would be fireproof and sanitary. Special meet ings will be held during the Summer, the dates of which will be decided at the next meeting, June 17. . i y-rA ParentTeaehep Associations HE PRINCESS WINSOME." fairy play by Annie Fellows Johnston, will be presented today at Ainsworth school under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association. The funds lerived will be used In furnish ing and decorating the new Ainsworth school. The play will be repeated on xnonaay nigni. Fairies, witches, prin cesses, brownies and ogres weave the plot that centers in the "Princess winsome. The fairy dames, the tuneful songs and pretty costuming all combine to make an entertainment well worth seeing. The cast of characters is as follows: King Herbert Malarkey Queen ....Eleanor Schermerhorn Prince Hero Tom Malarklev Princess Winsome Frances Mathews unigm Robert Shepherd DivoreedZzfb JfeenfessanpfUessa. thespian strollers whom he and the In genue knew. "So you're In stock?" he said sym pathetically, his eyes on his old ac quaintance. "I don't envy you, poor kid. Stock is my Idea of Hades. By the way, did you know that Belle quit me?" "Divorced?" demanded the other. "I thought you two had paired off for keeps. Well. I guess everybody's doing it. What was the row?" "She beat It with the Willie who did last season's turn with us. The thing that got me sore was that she stung me for a $300 set of furs just before she blew. Rotten, eh? Well, let her kick a hole In the sky!" BTMey Blanche Beacon. T HERE is something charmingly X feminine and personal about the perfume one uses. We soon become familiar with the different kinds used by our friends. Good perfume is ex pensive at first cost, but a little will go a long way if used with care. No one, no matter how much she must economize, should buy cheap perfume. I remember 15 or 16 years ago, when perfume was so much in vogue, the only way it was applied was to pour about a thimbleful on the front of the gown. This in some cases stained the delicate material, but everyone did it. Now perfume is applied carefully, sensibly, and not so much is necessary. The best way to perfume one's clothes is to have sachet pads to fold among the garments. Then the per fume will not be too heavy. Perfumed hair is a dainty fad. One may perfume the hair by means of a boudoir cap lined with perfumed cot ton. Or one may have her favorite sachet sprinkled into the band of a dress cap for evening wear.' It is easy to acquire a dainty perfume to the hair, and it is so sweet that every woman's hair should be scented with her favorite perfume. The way to apply perfume to the skin is to moisten a tiny bit of cotton batting with it and pat this on in back of the ears, above the temples, under the-chin and about the nostrils. There will be sufficient perfume but it will not be as heavy as if applied to the garments. No perfume I know of is injurious to the skin in fact, all are helpful, for all contain a great deal of alcohol, although many are poisons If taken in ternally. I often hear men say they object to perfumes. As a matter of fact, no man objects to- all perfumes. There is always some one scent he likes. Therefore, the wise woman will find out what perfume is pref erred-or rather what one is not tabooed, for no man will admit a preference for any scent before she begins to widely perfume her apparel. bittle Discussions OF boveAMarriaqe BY BARBARA. BOYD. Copyright The Adams Newspaper Service Everybody Doing It. ORE of the midnight hungry kept I I coming, and Marian, who bad at length begun getting into the spirit of the Italian restaurant, watched the odd drama of life with Interest. Her com panion, the Ingenue, who had drunk her own wine and part of Marian's, began to grow reminiscent. Reminds me some of Little Hun gary," she said. "It s the famous place over on the East Side. Met a chap there who played the very devil with my life." "Tell me about it, urged Marian with interest. "Not very much to tell." continued the other soberly. "The folks had sent me on here to New York to study dress making. They wanted me to learn all the tricks of the trade, and then re turn to the little Indiana village and make dresses for the town swells. I was strong for the idea not! But New York looked like a good bet, and I came. "Well, I met the fellow I was telling you about. He made a big hit with me, and I let him show me the sights, send me flowers and candy and run after me. Six weeks later, after we were married. I found out that be was only a book keeper. He had passed me a fairy tale about being a salesman' for the Steel Corporation. It was some come-down. Believe me! He cooped me up in a little flat up In Harlem and tried to make me think I was happy. It was one little row after another, and finally the big smashup. That's how I happen to be on the stage." Marian warmed to her companion with a fellow-feeling of one divorcee toward : another. "I'm divorced, too," she said simply. "Really?" replied the other. "Then I guessed right." "What made you think so?" inquired Marian. "Oh, something sad and free," re turned the actress vaguely. "Sdmehow, I can usually tell. The stage Is plas tered with women who got matrlmonl ally bumped. They hike to the stage like ducks to water. The stage door Is getting to be a regular sign of the sis terhood." Bohemia had let out another notch In its activity. A heated argument at one of the tables, winding up with an exchange of blows, caused the two con. batants to be thrown bodily out of the place by the husky proprietor, who had the face of Garibaldi and the reputa tion of permitting nothing as ill-savory in his place as what is termed a "rough house." T-he musicians had swung into a rol licking melody, and a quiet-looking youth, who had suddenly appeared be side the piano, with a good tenor voice. began singing. "Great Scotland!" exclaimed Marian's companion, "that's Billy Blake. He's in big time vaudeville. Old friend o' mine. I'll nab him when he gets through sing ing, and have him over here." The song and an encore finished, the ingenue hailed the tenor, and he crossed quickly to their table, was introduced to Marian, and fell to gossiping about Finding Fun In Housekeeping;. THE new bride was humming a lit tle tune as she trotted around her sunshiny kitchen. She beat the eggs briskly - for the pudding and arranged the tempting confection daintily In the new dishes she had bought for this purpose. "It is as pretty as a picture, she said to herself, as she eyed tne golden yellow of the pudding and the snowy froth of eggs that topped it. Then she surveyed the dinner table with its spotless linen, its gleaming sil ver, its pretty china and its low dish of fragrant sweet peas. "Housekeeping Is lots of fun," she thought. "ir you do it right. Wouldn't I rather make that good pudding and that pretty table than chase around hunting pleasure in some other form." She went on into the living-room. Bowls of roses made the air fragrant. Books and magazines lay handily about. Awnings kept out the heat and glare. The breeze that drifted In, lazily fluttered the curtains. She trotted around deftly placing- a vase of flowers here, arranging a shade there. "Making a home certainly is a pleas ure," she mused, dropping into a chair. "It is like painting a picture, a dozen pictures, a hundred pictures. Every room can be made a picture and every day a different one." She glanced around at the flowers and books. "Every meal can be a picture and every day a different one." She thought of her gold and white pudding for that night's dinner and of her rose-crowned strawberry shortcake of the day before. "And it's fun to make the dishes shine and the kitchen shine, and the bedroom ail fresh and dainty," she went on cast ing her mind over the day's routine. "It's fun to hang clean, snowy clothes but In the fresh wind with the sky so blue overhead. It's fun to Iron all the wrinkles out and to have them smooth and sweet smelling. It's fun to make a bed so that it looks so Inviting you want to snuggle right down Into it and go to sleep." "It's Just as much fun as playing tennis or bridge though," she admit ted to herself "I like a certain pro portion of those mixed in. And it's more interesting than selling goods or click ing a typewriter, or eternally making hats." "It's aueer to me," she went on re flectively, "that Minnie Gross broke UP their nome anu uoarueu, so tsui: could go back to her position at trim ming hats: To be sure, if she had a passion for trimming Data, mayo mat was the only thing she could find pleasure in. But. Minnie said herself she didn't care so much for trimming Two Rigid In tkc We 1875 firflt Gi made K eqmre- ments we made round v.hocola.te. it to meet two re quirements. It Lad to taste good and it Lad to be absolutely pure Aiter it was made we put a price on it, allowing for a legiti mate profit. Gkirardelirs Ground Chocolate is tlie only genuine ground chocolate the only ground chocolate that will meet tkc high quality standard of the . . . i i i pnituiar nousewire. In air tight economica 1. cry cans. D. Ghirardelli Co. aSmM 1852 hats as she disliked housekeeping. I don't see how she could dislike house work, if she knew how to do it, and did it right, and made her home pretty." A vision of Minnie s house came to her as it was one day when she had visited it. Minnie had been making a cake. It was a heavy, wretched- looking object, and the kitchen was a spectacle of confusion. The living room was untidy, the bedroom in dis order, the dining-room unswept and Minnie herself was in a dingy kimono with her hair in kids. "I'm going to chuck this job as soon as I can, Minnie Dad exclaimed in disgust. And the new bride thought she, too. would "chuck the job," but not In Minnie's way. For had she been In Minnie's place she would have jumped in and made the house spick and span from cellar to roof. But no, she dis agreed to herself with a whimsical smile, she would never have let the ROSE FESTIVAL OREGON 1 AN S Six issues, Including Post' age, 20 Cents. , Mail to your friends in the East, The Oregonian during Rose Festival Week, beginning Tuesday, June 9, and ending with the GREAT SUNDAY EDITION, June 14. Complete and exhaustive re ports with numerous high-class half-tone illustrations wiU be featured daily. The Portland Annual Rose Festival has been widely adver tised throughout the United States, and no more attractive testimonial to your friends could be given than a subscription to Oregon's Great Daily daring the event. Orders given now in the busi ness office, or sent in by mail to The Oregonian, will receive prompt and careful attention. Subscription price for the six issues, including postage, is 20 cents. Laurel Lodge, A. F. and A. M.. enter tained members of the Yoncalla, Oak land and Sutherlln. Masonic lodges last night at their temple in this city. Fol lowing degree work, a banquet was served There were about 140 persons present the solos brought demands for encores. The cast Includes: The Mikado. Jack Frost: Nankie Poo, John Kennedy: Ko Ko. Mark Daniels; Pooh Bah. Harry Hammer; Pish Tush, Verne Everett; Yum Yum. Helen Brach; Pitty Sing, Lillian Bowen; Peep Bo. Lucille Chil cote; Katisha, Francis Pease. 'THE MIKADO IS PRODUCED Jefferson Hlgli School Students Stage Old Favorite. "The Mikado," always a favorite, with its tuneful airs and entertaining plot, was presented last night at Jef ferson High School by a clever group of students of the school and a repe tition of the opera will be given to night. The "three little maids from school," "the Lord High Executioner" and all the other celebrities of the Flowery Kingdom appeared and won hearty ap plause from the audience. Some ex ceptionally good voices are possessed by the young students who made up the cast. The comedy was well brought out and the chorus work as well as house get in that condition, nor would she have undertaken to keep house until she knew something about it. She wished Minnie understood house keeping as thoroughly as sewing lin ings in hats. For if she did. the new bride knew that Minnie would find it lots more fun, and the house she would then keep, a much happier place to live in than a boarding-house. Rosetrarg Masons Entertain. ROSEBTTRG-, Or., June S. (Special.) We make the gro cer's prices; both prices, the one he. buys-at, the one he sells-at, are fair: We make his terms in one particular: he returns a dissatisfied customer's mcmey and tells us; we send him the money and 2c more for his postage. This is fair. Complaints are few; there are some. . A Schilling fie Company IK "Sunshine 6 and Scenerv" Optimism does not admit of delay or failure. Every man desires a home of his ovn. Make up your mini to get one, and start by buying a lot in Irvington Park - Sightly Lots for $500 and Up $50 Down, $10 Monthly Take Dekum-avenue car to end of line and look over our proposition. HOLCOMB REALTY CO., OWNER Lumber Exchange Bldg. Second and Stark To ni no Sc1hx1 Attendance 343. CENTRAL! A, Wash.. June 5. (Spe cial.) The report of the Tenino school just issued for the year past shows the total enrollment to have been 343, while the percentage of attendance was 97.3. Complexion perfection In Bantlseptle Lotion. Adv. Ught! Make your baking sweet, digestible and wholesome by using Crescent Baking Powder Because "CRESCENT" leavens in the mixing bowl as well as in the oven. Its work is thorough It will raise the dough. ABB" TOW OBOCEB Crescent Mfg Co., Seattle Proper Thing Now la to Peel Off Soiled Skin Those who abhor sticky, greasy, shiny, streaked complexions athould. religiously avoid creams, powders and rouses during the heated days. There's no need for them, anyway, since the virtues of mercollxed wax have become known. No smount of perspira tion will produce any evidence that you've been using the wax.. As it. is applied at bed time and washed off in the morning, the complexion nuver looks like a make-up. Mercolized wm gradually tskes off a bad complexion. Instead of adding anything to make it worse. It hats none of the disad vantages of coBtnetlos and accomplishes much more In keeping the complexion beau tifully white, satiny and youthful. Just get an ounce of It at your druggist's and sea what a few days treatment will do. Ua like cold cream. Another effective- Summer treatment heat tending to cause wrinkles and flabbl ness im a skin-tightener made by dissolv ing 1 os. powdered sax oil to in H pt. witch hazel. Its use (as a f aoe bath) leaves no trace. Adv. . The Mark of Distinction The name yl?PL7&Zf in a Silk Glove is the distineuisn ing mark of "the distinctive elovc." The glove of distinctive quality and value distinctive style and fit distinctive appearance and long wear. "Niagara Maid Silk Gloves are the choice of the "woman of today" because they are the gloves of today." They will satisfy your love of the beautiful and your desire for glove economy. Insist on seeing the distinctive name of AH Styles, AH Colors. Doable Tips, Double Wear. A Guarantee Ticket in every pair. Short Silk Gloves, 50c, 75c, $1.00, SL25 up. Long Silk Gloves, 75c, $1.00, SLZS, H-S0 Op. NIAGARA SILK MILLS North Tonawanda. N. Y. JktsJnrs of"Hiagm limid" SUh Product