Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 05, 1914, Image 1

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    VOL. LTV. NO. 16,702.
Morgan Not Shielded,
Ledyard Testifies.
New Haven ex-Presitfent Pic
. lured as Seeking Safety.
tTndae Influence Declared Not to
Hare Been Exercised by Mr,
Morgan, Who "Was Much '
Vexed by Blllard Deal.
WASHINGTON, June 4. Charles S.
nfellen's recent testimony that he, as
president of the New Tork, New Haven
& Hartford Railroad, allowed himself
to be Indicted In the Grand Trunk case
to shield the late J. Pierpont Morgan
'Was flatly denied before the Interstate
Commerce Commission today by Lewis
Cass Ledyard, of New Tork, who was
a director of the New Haven at the
"I want to say In the most unquali
fied terms," Mr. Ledyard asserted,
"that Mr. Mellen did not offer himself
as a vicarious sacrifice for Mr. Mor
gan." Letter Construed Differently.
Telling of the letter regarding the
Grand Trunk investigation to the
United States District Attorney at New
York, written by Mr. Mellen in the
presence of E. D. Robbing, counsel for
the New-Haven, and himself, Mr. Led
yard said:
"That letter was not the letter of a
man accepting responsibility. It was
the letter of a man claiming inno
cence." Mr. Ledyard took the stand as a vol
untary witness in the Commission's in
vestigation into the New Haven's
financial affairs and was not sworn.
The subpena issued for him some time
ago had been withdrawn, but he urged
that he be allowed to make a state
ment. Morgsm rtomlnatlsm ?fot Recalled.
Earlier In the day William Skinner
completed bis testimony, begun yes
terday. Ha said he could not recall
any Instance in which Mr. Morgan had
tried to dominate the board of direc
tors. Mr. Ledyard said he was on the Bos
ton & Main board as the representa
tive of the largest holder of stock, the
American Express Company.
"I tried to get for the American Ex
press Company the business of the New
Haven," he said, "but it was never a
condition of the sale of the Boston &
Maine stock. Mr. Mellen has testified
that what I was after was to get an
extension of the contract between the
American Express Company and the
Boston & Maine. There is not a word
of truth in that statement. After I
had become a director of the New Ha
ven Mr. Mellen sent for me and said he
wanted to take the road's express busi
ness away from the Adams company
and asked if the American Express
Company would take the business. I
told him it would not.
TJse of Influence Avoided.
"I said: TDo you think I would let
you turn the Adams company off and
have people say that this was due to
my using my Influence as a directorr
Mr. Ledyard spoke of his connection
with the acquisition by the New Haven
of the Boston & Maine.
"I discussed the matter," he said,
"with Richard Olney, of Boston, ex-Attorney-General
'and Secretary of
State, who was interested largely in
the Boston & Maine, personally and as
a trustee. We both were of the opin
ion that It was a wise thing for the
New Haven to acquire the Boston &
"The New Haven had the right un
der its Connecticut charter to acquire
the Massachusetts trolleys. Mr. Olney
and others were surprised when they
learned the New Haven, by its six-mile
holding In Massachusetts, had become
a Massachusetts corporation and was
bound by the laws of that state.
"Much has been said," continued Mr.
Ledyard, "in the press and elsewhere
as to my relations with Mr. Morgan
or his firm. For many years I was an
intimate friend of Mr. Morgan's, but
had no business relations with him."
Reply to Legislature Changed.
Mr. Ledyard said that when he be
gan to take an active part in the af
fairs of the New Haven, about $13,000,-
000 already had been expended for the
acquisition of the Westchester road.
Taking up the Blllard company mat
ters, Mr. Ledyard said:
"While I was in Europe in 1098 the
Boston & Maine stock was sold to Mr.
Blllard and after my return I asked
Mr. Mellen if the sale was outright or
& 'dummy transaction. He told me
the sale was made outright.
"I asked who Mr. Blllard was and he
replied: He Is a wealthy Connecticut
man.' I asked why the sale was made
to Mr. Blllard and Mr. Mellen replied
that it waa because Blllard was a
'friend of the New Haven interests.'
1 then inquired why this was not men
tioned in the reply to the Massachu
setts Legislature.' Mr. Mellen left the
chair and became excited. He seemed
to think I was showing lack of confi
dence to him. Later the answer to
the Massachusetts Legislature was
.(Concluded en Pas J.)
Woman Recognizes Patient of Oak
Park Infirmary as Son. Heard
From Last From Goldfleld.
CHICAGO, June 4. "The man of mys
tery," who has been known only as
"J. C. R," by officials of the Oak Park
Infirmary and by hospital attaches at
Rochester, Minn., from which he es
caped, was identified today as Earl W.
lies, a mining engineer, who has been
missing since 1908.
The identification was made by He's
mother. Mrs. H. B. Pitkin, of this city,
and the proof was considered complete
when the man revealed an obscure scar
of a cut on his right foot which he bad
suffered when a boy. lies showed
feeble signs of recognition, although
his vocal chords have long been para
lyzed, and he was unable to speak.
The man of mystery was found un
conscious on the streets here last No
vember. He was unable to speak, but
wrote the Initials J. C. R. and some
times J. R. H.
Mrs. Pitkin said her son had last
been heard from In the Goldfleld min
ing district In September, 1906.
"He started for home to visit us," she
said, "but never arrived."
He was believed to have been In
jured or suffered paralysis. which
caused complete loss of memory.
President Asks lor Consideration of
Bills Affecting: West.
OREOONIAtI Nnwa mmrriiT
lngton, June 4. Alarmed by Senator
ouran s mreat to ceieat the river and
harbor bill unless legislation for th
relief of Western settlers is enacted
into law at this session. Democratic
Senators and Representatives have
made an urgent appeal to the President
for aid ana today the President sent
for Representative Henry, chairman of
the House rules committ &
him to report a special rule under
wmcn tne House can consider five bills
on the conservation programme.
Mr. Henry Informed tfca watm
Democrats tonight that he would re
port a rule DrOvidinar Tnr- enr ocrfl.l..
of these bills as soon as the sundry
civu Diu is passed by the House. This
probably insures the final passage of
the 20-year reclamation bill and sev
eral other measures demanded by the
West. i
City Hall, Bnllt in 1861, Destroyed
in Spectacular Blaze.
OLTMPIA. Wash- Juno 4
Olympla's old City HalL a landmark
for nearly a half century, was prac
tically destroyed in a spectacular fire
this afternoon.
Erected original!? in l
subscription, as Columbia Hall, this
structure was the scene of all leading
social and official event of t.rri.A.i.i
days. In It Miles C Moore, last of the
territory Governors, was inaugu
rated. The ruins of the frame
be removed and a concrete building will
take its place.
500 Boxes Sent From Vancouver,
Some Going to East Coast.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 4. (Spe
cial.) More than 100 boxes of roses
have been shlDDed by Darcel nomt tmm
the Vancouver office each week for the
past Ave weeks. Most of the packages
are sent to friends in the Middle West
and Central States, though soma in
sent to the Atlantic Coast.
During the same period the postofflce
received a total of 1279 parcels and dis
patched 1600.
Pete Schneider, Seattle North-western's
Star Pitcher, Lost.
SEATTLE, Wash, June 4. An at
tempt by the Federal League to raid
the Northwestern League was blocked
tonight, when Pete Schneider. tb tr
pitcher of the Seattle Northwestern
league club, signed a contract with
the Cincinnati National League club.
He departed Immediately for tv.
East, after he Virtually had agreed to
leave tonight to Join the Chicago Fed
Last Winter's Damage In Los An
geles Estimated at $10,000,000.
LOS ANGELES, June 4. Damage in
Los Angeles County resulting from the
overflow of storm waters during . the
floods of last Winter approximated
J10.000.000, according to a report filed
today with the Board of Supervisors
by a specially appointed board of engi
neers of flood control.
Suggestions for future flnnri nt..i
at an estimated expense of 9,500,000
were made by the engineers.
California County's Biggest Boy
Weighs 20 Pounds.
PLACERVILLE, Cal., June 4. The
largest baby born in El Dorado County
within the memory of the oldest inhabi
tant arrived today in the home of
H H. Long, of Caldor.
It weighed 20 pounds at birth. Mother
and son are In excellent health.
Board Asked to Re-Hire
Six Dismissed.
Civic League Members Urge
Efficiency as Only Test.
Woman's Club Officer Slakes Argu
ment and Denounces Wording of
Dismissal Question Is Put
Up to Committee.
Should a woman be excluded from
teaching In the Portland public schools
because she is married, especially If
her husband Is able-bodied and cap
able of supporting her? Partisans of
the married woman teacher at a meet
ing of the Board of Education yester
day voiced their answer to the ques
tion In an emphatic "No."
They appeared to protest against the
policy Informally laid down by the
Board at its last meeting. May 26, when
It directed the dismissal of six married
women teacners on the temporary list.
The action was taken at the suggestion
of Superintendent Alderman.
Committee Cpholda Women.
The - side of the married woman
teacher was presented by a committee
of three from the Oregon Civic League.
Dr. C H. Chapman was chairman and
spokesman. The other members were
Mrs. A. C. Newtll and A. H. Harris,
editor of the Labor Press.
"Our committee does not feel that
the Board has acted with complete
wisdom in taking the stand against the
employment of married women teach
ers." declared Dr. Chapman. "We be
lieve that the sole question for the
Board to consider in employing a teach
er Is that of her efficiency. That she
la married or not married should not
cut any figure."
Matter mt Support No Factor,
Dr. Chapman also contended that
whether a married woman were sup
ported by her husband was beside the
question. ''
"The matter of income ought not to
enter into It at. all," he asserted with
warmth. "We repeat, efficiency ought
to be the sole test. Whether a mar
ried woman can command an Income
from her husband, or whether she Is
single and has a father capable of
Concluded on Pvg 4.)
The Weather.
IBSTEKDArS Maximum temperature, ft
degrees; minimum. 44 degrees.
TODAY'S Unsettled weather. probably
sbowen; ruins temperature; southwest
erly winds.
Suffragette outwits royal court, admonishes
Kins. Fage 1.
. National.
Carranza delays answer to mediators while
he starts on tour. Page 0.
President drenched at unveiling- of Confed
erate monument, page a.
Plumbers indicted for conspiracy to create
monopoly. Page a.
Crater of Mount Lassen doubles in alse.
Page 2.
Ledyard denies-Mellen offered himself as
sacrifice to save Morgan. Pago L.
"Man of Mystery" Identified as long-lost
Chlcagoan. Page 1.
Secret of past hinted at In Schumann-Heinle's
divorce, suit. Page 1.
Tallest single-piece flagstaff ready for rais
ing. Page 17.
Coast League results: Portland-Sacramento
game called in seoond : Los Angeles 8,
Oakland 2: San Francisco 0, Venice 2.
Page 14.
Northwestern League results: Portland 6,
Vancouver 4; Spokane 14. Tacoma 6;
Victoria 0. Seattle 1. Page 14.
Resolute wins yacht trial race from Vanltle,
which withdraws. Page IS.
Beavers lead Sacs when hall storm stops
game. Page 14.
Osteopath hunts Bill Spaas batting eye.
Page 15.
Paclfle Northwest.
Canadian officials bar "Mother" Jones from
ln'anaimo. Page 7.
New gas rules adopted by State Railroad
Commission. Page 7.
Grants Pass road to Crescent City Is plo
turesque. Page S.
Administration denounced by Washington
bankers. Page 2.
Deposit schedule of public servloe corpora
tions reduced by Railroad Commission.
Page 4.
Stock Show opens at Union despite rain.
Page 6.
Commercial and Marine.
Heavy movement of coffee In all markets
of world. Page 21.
Bumper crop prospects lead to break In
wheat at Chicago. Page 2L v
Wall street stock prices continue to work
upward. Page 21.
Engineer thinks new building rules will pre
vent dock fires. Page 20.
Portland and Vlrfmlty.
Rain, snow, hall, thunder and lightning
visit Oregon and Washington. Page 1.
Oregon & California' land grant case ruling
surprise, says W. 1. Fenton. Page B.
Cash prizes swell entries In Rose Festival
parades. Page 16.
Jokers cause man to Jump from bridge.
Page 2u. ,
Coroner will hold Inquiry Into Wednesdays
waterfront fire. Page 18.
Leon Vial, dock hand, heir te fortune, says
his guardian. Page 8.
United Brethren Conference discusses prob-
. lems t church and state. Page 9.
Programme for bankers" sessions at Medford
J une 15 arranged. Page 13.
Thirty-nice girls graduate at St. Mary's
Academy. Page 8.
Peninsula Rose Show programme Is an
nounced. Page 11.
Defense for married women teachers made
. to School Board. Page 1.
Democratic County committee holds stormy
session. Page 4.
Weather report, forecast and data. Page 21.
Tarrytown; Annoyer Renounces I. W.
W. and Is Set Free.
TARRTTOWNnTV, June 4. A rain
storm today caused a lull In the open
air activities of the Industrial Workers
of the World, who have been holding
demonstrations demanding the- right of
free speech.
"Jack" Butler, arrested Saturday,
sent word he waa ready to renounce
his affiliation with the Industrial
Workers of the World If allowed to
go free. With a term of six months In
tue penitentiary Imposed on him, sen
tence was suspended.
Precautions at Court
Set at Naught
Bandmaster's Presence
Mind Relieves Situation.
How Woman Passed Cordon So Strict
That Royal Guests Were Much
Annoyed Puzzles Everyone.
Identity Xet Unsolved.
LONDON, June 4. The King and
Queen held court at Buckingham Pal
ace tonight and In spite of all precau
tlons a suffragette gained access to
their presence and caused an Interrupt
tlon to the presentations.
As she was passing the King the
suffragette dropped on her knees and
shouted: "Your Majesty, for Ood's sake,
do not use force."
The woman was attired in court
dress and her action caused profound
Band Plays Loaotr.
She continued to admonish the King,
but her words were inaudible, as the
conductor of the band in the gallery,
quick to observe the Incident, signalled
to the band to play louder, and the
woman's voice was drowned.
- She was removed from the room and
handed over to the police. The name
of the woman Is not known and close
Inquiries are being made as to how she
obtained a card of admission.
The scene, which gave a shock to
those In the Immediate vicinity of the
royal circle, was brief and the assem
blage generally had scarcely any
knowledge of what was happening.
Visitor's Identity Still . Unsolved.
Whether the woman was one of the
Invited guests who sympathised with
the suffragette movement or an In
truder who gained admission by forged
card is still unknown.
It Is difficult, however, to Imagine
now any person could have gained ac
cess to the court on a forged Invita
tion, as the police had knowledge of
a conspiracy to approach the royal
presence, and every guest and every
carriage arriving at Buckingham Pal
ace tonight had been subject to close
Inspection by detectives, a unique pre
caution and one that caused consld-
(Cuncluded on Page 2.
Rogue Ri-rer Orchards Slightly Dam
aged Eastern, Central and
Southern Oregon Worst Hit.
With a cold rain and a brief volley
of hall at Portland, with hall and a
flurry of snow at Medford, several
snow flurries at Frinevtlle, a blinding
snow storm followed by rain at La
Grande and snow and hall reported
from Umatilla County and other widely
divergent parts of the state, Oregon's
June waa more like December for a few
hours yesterday afternoon.
Lightning strucK the house of Robert
Brunner. a Janitor at Reed College, at
1105 Woodstock avenue, on the edge
of the college campus. While It did
not start a fire. It did coslderable
damage. The bolt glanced from the
house to a tree, which waa splintered.
Mrs. Brunner and two children in the
house were uninjured.
The storm in Portland started with
a light, cold drizzle. Then came a
heavy downpour, with hail about the
size of large peas. Enough hall massed
beneath gables for boys to mold It
Into Icy snowballs, with which they
pelted each other for a few minutes.
No great damage to crops Is reported
from Eastern. Southern or Central Ore
gon, where the storm was heavier than
In the Willamette Valley.
In one or two Rogue River Valley
orchards pears were marred slightly,
but not appreciably damaged. At Med
ford the thermometer fell to 45.
Reports from north of Camas. Wash
ington, Indicate a severe storm which
did considerable damage to trees, tel
ephone poles and buildings. Many trees
were uprooted by a terrific wind.
In Vancouver, Wash, for a few min
utes there was a heavy wind and sev
eral flashes of lightning, followed by
thunder, but no damage was done.
The minimum temperature at Port
land was 44. The total precipitation
was one-tenth of an inch.
The Government weather forecast for
Portland and the Northwest for today
Is: "Unsettled weather, probably show
ers; rising temperature; southwesterly
Men Reply to Challenge hy Opening
Fire and One Kscapes.
KALISPELL. Mont, June 4. Two
members of a posse hunting the rob
bers who blew open and robbed the
Rexford Junction postofflce of 1 400
early yesterday, accosted two men in
the railroad yards at Eureka, seven
miles east of Rexford, at midnight last
night, and In a revolver duel the offi
cers wounded and captured one of the
The two men answered the deputies-'
challenge by ordering the officers to
throw up their hands and opening Are
simultaneously. The wounded man's
companion escaped by dashing into the
forest. The prisoner was shot through
the right lung, the bullet coming out at
the back of his neck. It Is believed
ha will recover.
Sisters Kind After Double Ceremony
Wrong Husbands Are Assigned.
SAN MATEO, Cal.. June 4. Mrs. John
F. Barrett and Mrs. Robert D. Savage,
sisters married at a double wedding In
January, returned from their honey
moon trips today and learned that, ac
cording to the County Clerk's records,
Mrs. Barrett's legal name was Mrs.
Robert D. Savage, and Mrs. Savage's
legal name was Mrs. John F. Barrett.
The marriage licenses were confused
at the time of the wedding, and tech
nically: the two girls, who are the
daughters of Supervisor James T.
Casey, were married to the wrong men.
Wind Reported at 84 Miles From
South-west, With, Heavy Sea.
SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 4. A heavy
gde blowing off Points Lobos and
Reyes late today held up all north
bound vessels. At 6 P. 11. the wind was
reported to be blowing 84 miles an
hour from the southwest, kicking up a
heavy sea. All ships scheduled to leave
for the north remained tied up at their
The wind arose early today, increas
ing rapidly In violence. At 3 P. M. off
Point Reyes It had attained a velocity
of 70 miles an hour.
Hundreds t of Boats Wrecked and
Many Lives Believed Lost,
TOKIO, June 6. A disastrous storm
has swept over Western and Southern
Japan. Several hundred boats have
been wrecked and hundreds of persons
are believed to have been drowned. The
steamer Mongolia rescued many sea
men. A hundred houses In Nagasaki have
been blown down.
Sixth Grade Bee at East St. Louis
Lasts 11 Hours and Half.
EAST ST. LOUIS. Ill, June 4. Will
iam Boselager.' an 11-year-old boy In
the sixth grade of the schools here,
won a spelling match today when he
spelled 1400 words without missing
The match was limited to 85 boys
and girls of the sixth grade and lasted
lift hour.
Husband Fights Suit
of Schumann-Heink.
Rapp Writes 'Geheimniss.' De
fense Reads It 'Confidence.
Diva Tearfully Declares in Trial of
Own Application That She Wants
"o Divorce, but Is Happy
in Children and Art.
CHICAGO. June 4. (Special.) Silent,
expectant, straining forward to catch
each word, a crowd which filled the
courtroom listened today to the shat
tered love story of Madame Schumann
Heink and William Rapp, Jr.
For more than three hours the great
singer occupied tne witness chair. She
was dressed simply, her plain gray
check suit contrasting sharply with the
dlar-.onds which flashed from her ear
rings and fingers.
"I don't ' want a divorce." she testi
fied brokenly. "I told my husband not
long ago that I was happy as I am.
with my children and my art."
Letter From liunband Read.
For a moment the singer broke down.
Sobs shook her body and tears coursed
down her .cheeks. Then she wiped her
eyes and resumed the attitude of calm
defiance which she has maintained
throughout the trial.
With the exception of the reading of
a letter received by the complainant
from her husband, testimony of the
great contralto differed little from hun
dreds of other love stories which have
their ending In the divorce courts.
The letter was written In German,
under the date line. "Chicago. June 27.
1913." It outlined a plan by which the
singer could secure a divorce without
Advantages" Are Enumerated.
"Dear wife," It begins, "my coming
to Chicago is for the purpose of bring
Itt about a conference with you to
clear up our affairs. Only a personal
talk between us alone Is possible be
cause I have to make propositions
which can only be agreed upon person
ally between us."
The letter continues:
"I insist in advance that my infor
mation that has como to me from
many quarters In the last year of the
fact that you are secretly desirous of
marrying again Is founded on fact. If
that Is true, a plan can be carried out
under which you will have the follow
ing advantages:
"1. You will be complainant Instead
of my suing you. It will be better thus,
because. If I bring suit I will have to
bring up all the unendurable circum
stances in your home that compelled
me to leave the same. The contradic
tion between facts and your St. Louis
Interview will not appear very flatter
ing to you.
Proofs of Neglect Threatened.
"Tour letters of 1904 will be the last
in which you praised my foresight for
your children, you name their faults
and your own carelessness in looking
after them and you bewail your own
neglect of them and beg me to under
take their bringing up and to look
after their persons and in addition
give me the highest compliments. I
will have to bring these as proofs.
"2. The suit can be brought at once.
Tou, In that way, make a whole year
and can at once marry again, while
otherwise under the Illinois law you
cannot marry for a year after the
divorce. Therefore, the matter should
be hurried.
"3. Tou could then control the time
for the hearing Instead of waiting
weeks before the courts and lose the
advantages of many concerts If you
will be compelled to await the call of
your case on the calendar.
Other Promises Made.
"4. Tou will be compelled to stand a
cross-examination on the part of my
lawyer. "
'. I will not put in any defense In
"6. I will furnish everything neces
sary for you In order to procure the
"7. It will be In all circumstances
more decent and less sensational than
a case fought in court before open
Then comes a paragraph in which a
dispute over translation has arisen.
The German word "geheimnlss" in
the translation of Mme. Schumann-
Helnk's counsel appeared as "confi
dence." The defense contended that the
proper translation of the word Is
The attitude of the defense was as
sumed by those present as implying
some sinister application of the "se
cret," which it contends Is referred to
in the dispute over the word
"gebelmnlss." That the secret Is some
particular wrongful act in the life of
Madame Schumann-Heink was hinted In
the argument of the defense.
"Secret" Declared Sacred.
The passage in which the word oc
curs is as follows:
"Tou have done me wrong; very
much wrong, and have derived your
advantage through my decency, and
(Concluded on Page 8.)
Ii ii i nc o I