' . THE 3IORXING OREGONIAN, "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. 1914. 17 PORTLAND ACCORDIOy PLEATING. K. SIEPHAiN Hemstitchlns and scalloping. accord. side pleat, buttons covered, goods Ej'ongeq; mail orders, aso Alder, jh . vti& MATTRESS WORKS. ONXV sclentlhcally thorough renovating in tne city. Aavise ua. taat oiv. ASSAY IKS AND ANALYSTS. (J1LBEKT &. HALL, successors Wells & Co. r.ntt to 013 Couch bldg., 109 4th. M. 7150. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-testing works. 142 2d st. A TTORN FYS. J. R. GREENFIKLD General practice, ab- strRcts, contracts, collateral, etc.: consul tation free. New offices, 707, 708. 709 Sell- iii g umn. wain -.ia.j. upen evenings. WM. M. LAFOKCE. Counsellor-at-law, y:0 Falling Bldg. CA RPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car. pats, rag rugs. 1 8 East 8th. Both phones. CHI UOPODI STS. Williaju, Kstelle and William. Jr.. Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. ranors, uernnger btdg.. Sj. W. cor. '-''1 mid Alder. Phone Main 1W1. JR. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropodist and foot specialist, treats nil Ills of the foot without pain; 24 years experience; lady assistant. 306 Alisky bldg. Main 8762. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Hazelwood. Main 3713, A 0129. CHIKOPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices. Flledner bldg. Main 3478. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON, 121 4th and 37 Willlami eve; two offices; lady attendants; 18 ad . Justments, S10. Main 206. East 0628. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DREbS SUITS for, rent; we press one suit each week for SI. .TO per month. UNIQUE TAIL.ORI.NO CO., 809 Btark St.. bet. 5th and Oth. Main 514. COAL AXP WOOD. ' KNIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard, quick-firing, long-enduring Utah coal. Al bina. Fuel Co., sole agents. COLLECTION'S. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods.' short Adjustment Co., 826 N. W. Bank bldg. Main, 974. COLLECTION' AGENCY, NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. No collections, no charge. Main 1700. DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON dancing school; waltz, one-step, two-step, schottlsche, hesitation waltz, stage dancing; lessons, 25c; every morning, afternoon, evening; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. Bth St.. het. Stark and Oak. Main 7637 MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOL All the latest dances taught; waltz and two-step guaranteed in four lessons; class Friday eve.. 8 to 10. 231 H Morrison. Marshall 313. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. R. M. Wade ft Co., 323-30 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE & IRON WORKS Portland Wire & Iron Wks. 2d and Columbia AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d st. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. B ALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts. AWNINGS, TENTS PACIFIC TENT & AWN. AND SAILS. CO.. 1-3 N. 1st St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. BICYCLES. MOTOBCVCI.B8 SUPPLIES. BALLOU A WRIGHT. Tih and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery tk Conf.. Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HEN'RT WEINHARD. 13th and Burnside. CARRIAGE WORKS. . PORTLAND CARRIAGE WKS. BODIES. WHEELS. SPRINGS. log North Fourth street, Main 9338. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAK.N BROS., 19 1 FRONT ST. CEMENT. IJMK ANn Pr-ASTPK F. T. CROWE CO.. 45 Fourth Street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CI.OSSBT & DEVERS, 1-11 N. Front St. DRY GOODS. FLKISCHNER. MAYER & CO.. 20T Ash at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electric Co.. 6th and Pine sts. JOB IS IN SOUTH AMERICA Entomologist at Agricultural School Offered Vositlon. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallls, June 2.. (Special.) V. L Saf ro. assistant entomologist at the Ore gan Agricultural College, lias tentative ly accepted a position as entomologist 01 mo Agricultural College Experiment Station at Montevideo. South America. The position, which has been ten dered Profeeaor Safro, is designated as that or entomologist and parasitologist of the section of chemistry, botany and parasitology of the atation. SALEM HAS NEW PRINCIPAL James C. Nelson Culled IVorn We natchee, Wash., to High School. SALEM, Or.. June 2. (Special.) James C. Nelson, who was principal of the High School at Wenatchee, Wash., two . years, was last night appointed principal of the Salem High School. He is a graduate of the Hanover University, of Indiana, and has been Identified with educational work in the Northwest for a number of years. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES Dally and Sunday. rer Line. One time 12c Same ad two consecutive times 22c Same ad three consecutive times 80c Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .5 tic The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the lollowing: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. . For Rent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Bate on the above classifications la 7 cents a line each insertion. When one advertisement Is not run In con secutive Issues the one-tune rate applies. Six average words count aa one line on lesa than two lines. On "charge" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion onlv will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale," "Busi ness Opportunities." "Rooming-Houses' and "Wanted te Rent.' The Oregonlan will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errora occurring in telephoned advertisements. The Orrgonian will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion of any advertisement offered for more than one time. Advertisements to receive prompt classifi cation must be In The Oregonlan office be fore 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. C losing hour for The Sunday Oregonian will be 8 o'clock: Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M., as usual, and all ads received loo late for proper classifi cation will be run under heading "Too Late to Classify." AUCTION SALE TODAY. At C. O. Pick Co.'s warehouse. 2d and Plna sts. Furniture, etc., to be sold for stor age liens. Sale oomraences at 10 A. M- sharp. teo. Baker St Co., auctioneers. Ford Auction Bouse, nil 1st. Furniture, arpeta. etc Sals at S P. M. At Wilson's uctlon Bouse, it It A. It Furniture.. 166-8 First st. MKKTIXQ woTicma. - A. AND A. 8. BITE. Thirtieth &e mi-Annual Reunion. Candidates assemble In secre tary's office, Scottish Rite C- tnearai, tomorrow morning at 9 o'clook for registration. By order PRESIDING OFFICBB. iT KaM BUSINESS DIRECTORY I DENTISTS. A- W. KEENE, Majestic Theater bldg.. Marshall 2uo. PIES AND TOOLS. DIES AND TOOLS. Phone Marshall 103T, 1 ring; A 4173. EE. EAR, NOSE AXU THROAT. F. F. Casseday, 517 Dekum bl.. 3d & Wash! ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. V H. Electric Co., 31 First st. North. Phone Main 8210. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and seoond-hand motors; repair work a spe clalty. Western Electric Worka, 213 6th. TOl'XDItY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works East 3d and Has thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL. SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE MARK HAM CO.. 845 Washington st. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. IS. Martin Co.. Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO., motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53. A 2182. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 20T Flledner bldg. A 4160, Mar. 1628 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, ner vnus chronic diseases. 804 Oregonlan bldg. OPTICIANS. " I"" -A FIGHT on V V'TL palr of gla.se fit your eyea on high prices. to $10 for a ;Iasses when I can your eves with first- quality lenses, gold-filled frames, as low $1.50? Goodman, 191 Morrison St., near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 308 Morgan bldg., cor. Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone Main 349; residence, East 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. 2 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, PETER HABELIN, gOO Victor Bldg.. Washington. D. C. Or. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, late of u. s. Patent Office, 1010 B. of T. bldg. R. C WRIGHT 22 years' practice U. and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg. '. J. GEISI.ER, Atty-at-Law, 503 Henry. Wm. C. Schmltt. Eng. and Draftsman. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office, near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS FISH, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKEY & CO., Inc.. 149 Front st. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOIJSER, Board of Trade bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMS & CO.. BS-75 4tB St. HAIR GOODS. DIAMOND HAIR WORKS, WHOLESALE. 303-4 PANAMA BLDG. . PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSEH HAT CO.. 53-65 Front St. HAY. J. H. Kloaterroan & Co., leading hay dealers. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS.. li Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East end of Burnside bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS, STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS, ANGLES, CHANNEL PLATES. . TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CH AS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LOGGING MACHINERY. FB. MALLORY & CO., 231 Pine St. MEN'S "AND WOMEN'S NECK WE ArT Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co. 83 Fifth st. 'Portland's Building Directory 1; Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Attorneys. BAIN. JAMES R. Marshall 2444 til DUNIWAT. RALPH R. Mala 1M0. .HS-511 Insurance. IN CENT. B. D. Ac CO. Main 1834 Sit Real Estate. KEASET. DORR B. tt CO. Main 11S9..133 biwu4 Aix v 2i jiha to. Main G12!. .723 Board of Trade Building Attorneys. BEACH. SIMON NELSON. Main 5128.. TO Brokers, stocks. Bonds and Oralav ovekbe;k ft COOKB CO. A SMI. Main ok)4Z l-i Real Estate. WALLER. FRANK 1. MaTa 8203 l5S1 Lewis Building and, Stocks, Grain and Cot tea. i. at tu, A 4187. Mar. ftSoa Builders and Real Estate, SUMMERS, w. J. Marshall 87BX. ..,8t J-80, Consul tiaa- Engineers. LPCnja. W. w. Marabou a 816-317 Spalding Building 6AWYER. HAROLD!S?SarshaU 2881.. 80a Coasulthtg Engineer. KYLJE. G. A.. MarsoaU 4H1. . ...718 Mortaraara BAIN. JOHN. A 743. Mala 8021... ..so; BAT CITY LAND CO, 1116. .701-703 Wilco Building OPtJctan. OnteaaeMst. KOLLK. DR. X. W. M.S188. A T88o. .706.7b; rnblVc Utility Specialist. FOEHAT. WILBUR B. Main 827S MM H- P. PAL1CER-J OMs CO. M. 688 MEETtNO XOTICKS. PORTLAKD CHAPTER. No. 3. -v f: A special convocation of fcfirl,nd..chpter' No- 8- win be ln.l"h"il- Masonic Temple! ?0"lBnd',0r-. th' (Wednesdiy) ".- " ""Jt Arch degree, will be welcome. By order of l J- A. ALLEN, Sea MOUNT TABOR LODGE NO. A. F. 4 A. M. Special com munication this (w.Hn.H.m; ovfloc- Sl5 TP. 7 30 o Clock. E. A. detrree. vl.!Hn- brethren R. M. SPAULDI.no, See. . . . i.u urna. argtOo,- REGULAR MEETING this S5? (Wednesday) evening. East su, i.ii- i er trts. Visitors cor dially invited. Thirrt W. W. TERRY, Bee. WASHINGTON LODGE NO , A. F. AND A. M. Stated eve1n?U,nlc,at,,2n iMi 'Wednesday) Side ift l,30i a 8th and Brn- M. degree. Visitors wel come. J. H. RICHMOND. Sea. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2, I O O F iV W.,o3f "a? LW0. FnH'!.V'S and Alder streets. Third deVreL vP.i'V... way. welcome. R. Mv3 sSSSSU We?ne.AdD S.J&i ! es cordially 1UVUOU. GEO, T. HOWARD. Sec. FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists, 247 Washington. Main 268, A 13S. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Max M. Smith. Balling bids'. . Main 721S, A 1121. Visitors H. p. PLUMES. DON'T throw your old plumes away; we are experts in feather dyeing, cleaning and remodel ing, mounting birds of paradise our specialty. "THE PLUME." 208 Morgan bids. Main 400U. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS IS ION 8. i-At-ietO LUAST SI AMP WORKS, 231 Wash. 6t- Phone Main 710 and A 2710. SEWING -MACHINES. SEWING machines, new. $20 up; used ma chines $2 up; renting and repairing. Main 1441. feewing Machine Emporium, .too 3d, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. SEWING Machine Exchange; new and used maclines irom ij up; rents ana repairing. '-'51 Yamhill, bet. 2d and 3d. Main 5231, SHOWCASE, BANK STORK FIXTURES. MARSHALL MFG. CO., lth' and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. FOR reasonable, prices see Western Fixtures & enowcase Co., 48 J, loth st. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co.. cor. 15th and Kearney sts., just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles: contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk: and rug vaults, trackage for carload shipments, vans for moving; reduced ff eight rates on house - hold goods to and from East In through cars. Main 5640, all departments. C. O. PICK Transfer & 6torage Co. Offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and firefproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 596, A 286. OLS EN-ROB TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vane and -teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse, 15th and Hoyt sts. Main 547, A 2247. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co.. 13th and Everett sts., on terminal tracks. General transfer and forwarding agents. "We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse in city. Main 703. A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St., cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. We own andoperate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office. 188 Madison; general merchandise, furniture and machinery storage; transfer and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7601. VETERINARY COLLEGES. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 14. No profession offers equal oppor tunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane. Presi dent. 1818 Market St.. San Francisco. LIME, CEMENT. PLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. C. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade Sales agents celebrated Roche Harbor lime. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNA MENTAL IRON AND WTREl Portland Wire & Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 16S First st. W. P. FULLER Sc CO., 12th and Davis. PIPE, PIPE FITTTTNGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLIXH; 84-8 S Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. S4-86 Front St. PRINTERS W. BALTES AND PUBLISHERS. & CO., 1st and Oak PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS., EVERDI.NG & FARRELL. 140 Front st. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14 th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. -COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davis. W. SAWMILL MACH1XKHV PORTLAND Iron Works. 1 4th and NdrThrup SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st. WHOLESAI.E JEWELERS & OPTICIANS BUTTERFIELD BROS., MOHAWK BLDG.' WIRR AND TRON Portland Wire & Iron Wks., WORKS. 2d and Columbia Yeou Building "-WW w s n C 3t c-rfl l MR MM & 31 JtfM f. ii ass 'f':! arasBeilcS t " .ji immvm safl'j - - ... ft . Attorneys. tOHN. JULIUS, soli 310. A 79u2. . . . 1816 ?J??Aif' MDNBX-J. Main 4.1. .lait-lil JOHNS. CHA8. A. Main S3 140J-W0S KIMBALL. HENRY M. Mar. 630 M MVQi,KJ;'- SEABROOK ,T.Bi'S M'n 161- A 6212...1500-150J R1DDELU H. H. Main 568S 882 BTOTT A COLLIER, Man hall 6078. .808-010 K1NNSY. m. J. Marshall 8014 41 ' Billuwri Hmll M'CREDIE! BILLIARDS Second noes Real Kstate, CALLA A KA6BR, Mala 1688 72-7X4 w'RIrlND' FRANK- RHALTT CO... ICS MBTCALF, LYLK S. Marshall 2432 81 RAINS r, j 0 Marshall 8177 1304 U. 8. liORTGAQB A INV. CO ,.S1 WAGGONSa. QSOl K ana BLAUSOJM, A. B. Main 8444 ion HAHTON.aONSSkSoNS.at.446a OA Selling Building ' Kodaks. Ostlelw COLUMBIAN OPT-L CO.. Mar. 810 .Od fir. . Preoerlntlon Dnmkk NAU. FRANK, stain 721 A 2121. n fir . . Piano Wboleaalara. 1 BOLT. E. H. PIANO t,-Q M. lBa5 07- FLORISTS. PRro?St. .LOWERS AT LOWEST PRICES Beautiful wreaths, pillows and ape. de18 at prices extremely low; casket sprays as low as 1.50. Lubllnef. floristsTall Morrison it, Portland Hotel block. DIED. HrLL -A-t her late residence, 1081 E. S4th st. N., June 1. Caroline R. Hill, aged T Pf rs. Ellen c. Fitzgerald, of this city; rd S?wer, Centralia. Wash., and weaver of Denver, Colo. ; one grandson, Stuart W. Eslc-ston. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors. i1,??11?1." H11?, c,t'r' June 1- Charles Kratzke, late of Goble, Or. The remains are at Pearson's undertaking parlors. FIXER AL NOTICES. LOW At Lents. June 1, Tracy May Low. aged 27 years. Funeral services will be ?25d5Vw in 8i' xPet,r'" Church. Lents, today (Wednesday). June 8. at 9 A M. nends Invited. Interment Mt Scott Park cemetery. Remains at the funeral parlors o A. D. Kenwortuy &. Co., Lents. JORDAN The funeral servicea of May fwdan' 5sed 23 yr. 1U bo held today (Wednesday) at 10 A. M. from the bkewes chapel, corner Third and Clay ?-tre.e,r7 Fftend invited. Interment. Rose City Cemetery. COMAN In this elty. June 1. WMUam F. c"mn. aged 88 years 8 months, brother or D. J. Coman. Funeral will take place from 743 Kearney at., Wednesday. June ?V.at 8 ?9A-, M- Services at Cathedral. lth and Davis sts. A. M. ROTHGEB May 2. John Rothgeb. aged 56 ?tr-R?maln" J" Dunning & McEntee's parlors, from where they will be shipped today (Wednesday). at IO o'clock, to Toungstown. Ohio. COOPER June S. Ellis L. Cooper, aged 41 years. Remains at Dunning McEntee's Parlors, where thew have been prepared to be shipped to Hays, Wash. AMUSEMENTS.' HEILIC 11th and Morrison Main 1, A 1121 TONIGHT 8:15 ALL WEEK. SPECIAL PRICK MAT. TODAY 2:15 SATURDAY AND SCNDAV N. Y. WINTER GARDEN CO. IN PASSINC 1Q10 SHOW OF 171 0 EXCELLENT CAST AND CHORUS AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA -Evenings: Lower floor $2. $1.00; balcony 11.50, $1, 75c, tOc. Today. Saturday, Sunday Mats.: Lower floor $LS0. $1; bal enny $1. 75c, 50c. BOX OFFICE SALE NOW OPEN. BAKER s THEATER Main t. A S30. I Baker. Mvr Tonight, all week. Mats. Wed., Sat. By spe cial request Alice Fleming and The Baker Players in "THE WOMAN HE MARRIED." A domestic drama of strong Interest. Splen did cast. Misa Fleming In her most suc cessful role. Beautiful stage settings. Evenings. 25c. 85c, 5uc, 75c Box seats, $L Sat. Mat., 23c, 50c. Box 75c Wed. Mat., all seats 25c except box). Next week "The lighting Hope.." Matinee Dally. Phones Main and A M20 Broadway at Taylor. WEEK MAY 81 Tameo Kajlyanan Romeo The Great Homer I. Miles A Co. Miss Willette Whltaker. Brontwa and Baldwin Annie Kent. Barrows and Mil. Three shows Dally 1:30, 7:30, 9:15. WHERE GOES Matinee Daily. Robinson's Elephants. Elfrieda HeUer Weinstein. Clem Bevins eg Co. Coakland. McBrloe and Mllo. Kamruerer and llowland. Three Newmans. BEST SHOW IN TOWN Am Am. Broad eu. at Alder. WEEK JUNE 1. "The Candy Ship" with Miss Ethel Davis and crew of 20, The First Law of Nature, Dotson & Gordon, Juggling De Anno, Early & Lalght. Max Fisher. Fau tagescope. Portland's Model Photo-Play House. TODAY UNTIL SUNDAY The Double Knot" Two-Part Majestic Urama Deep Heart Interest. ,'ltll 9 tt Coiirting of Prudence" Beauty Drama Featuring Marsrarita Fischer. "Acres of Alfalfa" and ' Our Largest Birds " Keystone Educatlonala. Organ Number by Harker Perkins. 10c ADMISSION lOc O ales Portland's Great Amassment Park. McElrov's Band, under direction of W. E. McElroy. Rich Musical Comedy Company In "The Love Cure." Ten musical numbers. Montana Bill, the cowboy alnger. Hawaiian Troubadours. Sight In number. Performances at t and 8. Wet or shine In the open-air covered amphitheater. ALL I'tRIOKM.MCtS I "REE. BASEBAL L. RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and renty-fourth St3. SACRAMENTO VS. PORTLAND JUNE 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Games begin weekdays at 3 P. M.; Sundays, 2:30 P. M. Ladies' Days Wednesday and Friday FTJNERAX NOTICES. WILLIAMS At the family residence. 230 Dixon street, E. Daniel Williams, aged S3 t-.f.1,?- "'nor 01 aiary, baaie N John. William. Thomas, Daniel and Berry Will iams; brother of Mrs. H. J. Thomas, T. A. Williams, of Evsnston, Wyo., and Mrs, S. E. Thomas, of Allegheny, Mich. De ceased wa-s member of Prospect Camp, W. O. W.. United Artisans and Ivanhoe Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Remains st punning A McEnteee's parlors. Notice of lunarai later. PARHAM In this city, June 2. at her late residence, 4322 Fifty-second street South east, v Catherine Parham, aged 48 'years, wife of H. C. Parham and mother of . William Parham. The funeral services will be held today (Wednesday) at the above residence at 2 o'clock P. M. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery.-" BILES The funeral services of the late James Norman Biles will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday), June 8. Friends Invited. Take Sellwood car for Crematorium. Please omit flowers. Remains are at Hol man's funeral parlors until 12:30 Wednes day. GRECO The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Greco will leave the family residence, 6B8 East Seventeenth street, at 9:30 A. M. Wednes day, June' 3, thence to St. Philip Kerl's Church, corner East Sixteenth and Hick ory streets, where services will be held at ,10 A. M. Friends invited.. Interment, Lone Fir Cemetery. PLANCH In this city, June 1, st her late residence. 400 Clay street, Annie Planch, aged 48 years, wife of Peter Planch. The funeral services will be held Thursday, June 4. at 2 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. GRIEBE In this city. June 1. John L. Grlebe, aged 73 years, late of McMlnn ville. Or. The funeral services will be held Thursday, May 4. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Multnomah Cemetery. FO'ERAL DIRECTORS. MR. KDWABD HO T.MAN, the leading fu neral director, ZSO Third street, corner sal non. Lady assistant. A 1511, Main o7. F. 8." DUNNING." INC. East Side Fnneral III rectors. 414 East Alder st. East 62, H S52S. DUNNING M'ENIEB, funsral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main H0. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. SKEW'ES ITNDERTAKrNG- COMPANY, 8d and Clay. Main 4183, A I32L Lady attendant MB. AND MM. R. T. BTKNTEsI Est. 1003. 665 Williams Ave. East 11X5. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT 6COTT FARK. Containing 335 Acren. Ponlsvnd' Only Blodern P-rpctuAU-r.u- Cemetery Refined. PleaAtasr IServiee. Complete Ferfeet Kqulpment. Prices and Termn Reiuioiiuble. Hoth Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAND AVE. N. Be twee a llavis and K verett. Phones Kast 14S3. B 2S1S. Open Day and Night. Report all cases of cruelty- to this office. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse Ambulance for sick or disabled animals at moment's notice. NEW TODAY. LOVELEIGH LOT 1. BLOCK 8. LOVELEIGH ADDITION South side of Buffalo street, between Vancouver and Williams avenues. price: S50O.OO WAKKKIEI.D. FRIES & CO. (S.1 Fourth street Main 14 or A 1414. We will build aoc finance a home on yoor lot or on any you may select. Pay for It Ilka rent. We guarantee satisfaction. Cail aaa us. r. R. BOWMAN A CO. Room 1. Commercial Club Bids Main 8020. A 1261. MORTGAGE LOANS OSS IMPROVKD CITY PdOPERTT. We loan oar own funds ead money Is available nlthla 24 hours after receipt of abstract. RVj. and 7 per cent ROEERTSON & EWING t7-ti Northwestern Rank Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of $1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City Properties. If you need money call today. Our instrument payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. Zl-21l Northwestern Banlt Building. First Mortgage Loans Money to Any Amount In Oar Posses. sloa for Immediate lae. or 7, AcnroiBK to security, FIELDS A HOXEYMAN. i coa Bids. Main 10O2. Railroad Frontage Appraised last rear at $5000. offered 14000 at the time;' must sacrifice; will take $2o00. 3 1-3 lots on O. R. & N. Tty. at 31st St.. 185 ft. frontage, a,nd joins Albina Fuel Co., Pacific Iron Worka and jLoern Decker properties. Owner, Mala SOttO. - dOSlNCss PROPERTY AMD CtOSflN RESIDriMCCS ' EDWARD E.GQUDY7 NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. FARM AN U CITY LOANS, SO Foorth St.f Board of Trade Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEONAN OOZ Spalding- Bldg. Portland, Or, CITY & FARM LOANS I'.NUEKWKITIiKS LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. yJO Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK, William O.. S16-S1S Falllns bids. BENEDICT BROS. (Burrell Heishta. (S3 Hawthorne sve, cor. 31st. Tabor 616. PALMER-JONES CO.. 11. P.. 404-40S-4OI Wilcox bldg. Jejnlnrs A Co. Main 1S. 20 Oregonlan. REAL LTATK. For aale Lota. ItSOO Opposite Alameda Park. 50x77 hi. on Prescott, between Glenn ave. and 33d St.; -hard-surface street, cement sidewalk and curbing In and paid for: no Incumbrance; all Included in the $U0o. AM 7, Ore gonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage; ail views, location, prices and terms. Marshall 4t27. BROOKE. A SS30. $650 CASH, lot worth I10O9, Hawthorne dis trict, - blocks from car; paved streets, fine neighborhood, must be sold at once to get this price. Tabor 2S27. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY IRVINGTON select residence location: own er will sacrifice to bona fide purchaser. AR 6. Oregonlan. MY 81000 equity In two lots cheap If taken am wee; resinctea aistrict; line loc; tion: close, to carllne; all Improvements in. uaii ur. ijte. LU. 2bt4. I HAVE three lots in Westmoreland worth ..u eacn, witmn hair block of carllne; win ibkb fiouu casn xor xnem. au o7, Oregonian. HARD to beat; 8 lots on East 87th st. for '--ow: clear except bonded for sidewalk. liio rmrgo st. For e-ale Beach Property. NORTH BEACH has the attractions: Ulus trated booklets free. A. B. Hslauson. 1011 NICiS little furnished home at North Beach. TT.' . , i , .' 1 t , . . , - .. . , - . . .... ... , . wv. av Main m . t V kUUUUtUi Wash. For bale Houses. L5T US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans vr qui,, us line rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. PIEDMONT SNAP. Modern 7-rooru house, hot water heat. every convenience, beautiful grounds, 100 xiou; worth ssuoo; owner's price seaOO, cmh or terms. 3 OHIO, A zmo. N,vv o-room house, corner of Bybee and r,. itm sts.; owner wants to sell quick. v iitj ulo - -i a . . . i , m , easy terms. SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE CO., 211-13 Abington Bldg. A 4-ROOM house with small garden already In- Take "MV" or ML Hood, then to 7th St., go south to 44. Key next door south. 12-ROOM house and 3 lots In Florence. Or., 1 block from postofflcs and opposite pub- u ,"u"i uicp mau. easy terms. (Jail owner, laDW D1U1. TALK ABOUT YOUR BARGAIN'S. Quarter block, modern home, 1 block to car; must let go for (2000: easy terms; per cfm interest, xapor Zb4b. 83x76. 6-ROOM house, upper Washington district; bargain, by owner; terms; some trade with first payment. Tabor 4206. 8S E. 41st. MODERN" home, close in, 100 feet to Haw. thorne carllne; must sell this week; little money will handle this. Owner. Phone . Tabor 41s. 8130 CASH and $25 monthly. Including tn- . . j w . j no u'luuia oungatow; hardwood floors; near Sandy road- price 82500; no agents. AN 18. Oregonlan: 1800 WALNUT PARK 84850 1071 Rodney ave., modern 7-room house, fine location; roses: trees; a bargain. DIETZ tfc RINQLER, 810 Railway Ex. JUST completed. a modern 6-room bunsa partlculars phons owner. low. ror full Tabor 6483. HAVE a lot In good location; win build Call you a home on your own plans. Anstrom. 251 Dupont, after B P. M. CHARMING homes. Irvlngton. oak and ma- (i ugiiiy naisn; wortn seeing; very sonable. East 273. W. H. Herdman. NOTHING DOWN. $33 a month for my dandy homo. Tabor ' 254S after 6 or N 2a. Oregonlan. SNAP Owner must sell new bunaalow. farden and fruit trees, on carllne; pay Ike rent. No agents. Msin 1153. FOR SALE 6-room. 2-story residence iTT Murraymead district; fine view and pries at a bargain. Owner, A 25, Oregonlan. BEAL ESTATE, for bale Houses. TERMS, 821-50. tc;3e. TERMS. 1099 EAST 23D ST. NORTH. 10x100 EAST FRONT LOT. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED THROUGH OUT. HARDWOOD FLOORS, BEAMED CEIL- 1.U. FIREPLACE. SLEKPINO PORCTH. FULL 7-FT. CONCRETE BASEMENT WITH CEMENT FLOOR. Just completed, new and modern. -6-room bungalow, isi restricted district. 1V4 blocks to carllne, wash traja. paneled dining room, archway, built-in effects, hall seat, excellent plumbing, bedrooms and kitchen in white enamel; flno neighborhood, close to schools, churches, stores, etc Owner there from 10 to 5 dally. Phone East 64SJ. 1099 EAST :3D ST. NORTH. Alberta car to 23a St., then I1,, blocks north. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. ON" BROADWAY. Slrictly modern 8-room l3-story houne. In -legant condition, every convenience, linpl,-e, furnace, large sleeping-porch, btiautltul tixtures, etc., with completely equipped garase; SO x 100 -foot lot. with flno luwn and shrubbery; price only $55oo; will accept small cafli payment, balance monthly payments. If ou want a home this Is your opportunity. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg MUST SELL. I am forced to sell my home, a O-room modern bungalow, 2 large lots and garafie for practically the cost of the Improve ments. There are two bedrooms, den. living-room and kitchen, with all built-in conveniences; fireplace, furnace and laun dry trays, cement floor in basement, etc. This piae is In.Roso City I'ark; never been on the market before and Is easily worth 845UO. I will sell for (3250 and on terms at that. Address owner. AO 21, Oregonlan. WILL TAKE $3500 IN TRADE. Balance easy terms, 'on this beautiful 8-room bungalow, crowning one of the most sightly locations in magnificent Lau relhurst; built by owner for home and finished In elaborate and artistic manner; trees, shrubbery, flowers, luwn and extra large garage. ijoneone will draw this at a snap figure as am forced to leave. Phone K. 1246. No agents. THAT VACANT LOT. WnT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OK ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. IRVINGTON LOTS. $1700 Dandy lot on loth, between Stan ton and Klskiyou: everything paid. 820UO East face lot on lsih, between Knott and Stanton; everytlhng paid. (1200 each Two choice lots on Tilla mook, between 27th and 2Sth. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox B!d. Main 80'JH. A 2G."i3. MURRAYMEAD, swell new modern home. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch. oak floors, bookcase, buffet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, gas and electric fixtures, cement front porch, lot ftOxlOO, east facing: a big snap at $4200, J2tio down and $25 per month, on East 24th, near carllne. Why pay rent? ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Hldg. A 14 10, Marshall 92. YOU ALWAYS WANTED THIS and told your nelghbois you i anted a close-in place where you could save car fare. 1 have it for you now at the ridiculous low price of $3000. 4 blocks - from east approach of Broadway bridge, fractional lot, modern O-room house. Don't pass this up; owner refused $5VU0 last year. JACOB HAAS. Gerlinger bldg. PIEDMONT SNAP. ., Fine modern tt-ruom bungalow, on large corner covering nearly three lots, facing three streets, fine lawn and some nice shsde trees. In fact a beautiful homo that coot the owner $8600, and can be bought for $t;600 on any reasonable terms. GKL'SSI & BOLUS, 3 Is Board of'l rade. Main 7-162, A 4401. 83700 TERMS TO Klll'l' NEW. STYLISH. 7-ROOM HOME. 'Most up-to-date In city; restricted dis trict; double living-room with French uuors, i-ioot oeveiea piate-giass buffet, narowooa iioors, 3 French mirrors, beauti ful mantel, solid brass hardware; no com missions; no trades; 17 minutt-a to city mi m. r-iioue owner, t aoor IsOv. ESTABLISHED 1807. Wi FURNISH THE PLAN'S AND BUILD HOUSES OR FLATS FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. WE BUY BUILDING MATERIALS IN LARGS QUANTITY AND CAN SAVE YOU MANY KULUMtR ULn V.OKK GUARANTEED. au i VV OKlll-STltPHENSON CO. 704-7 COUCH BLDG. TOO cannot find its equal In Portland; 7 room complete nome on E. 80th st. No. Just south of Hancock st. See a real house i "o iignt price, -uuu; easy terms; com pare values. SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE CO., 211-12 Abington Bldg. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. Ws will build on your lot; terms like rent; xirst-ciass guaranteed work. UMBDEN STOCK A LARSON CO. 288 Oak St. Ses Mr. Furlong. DON'T PAY RENr while you can buy a nice Rose City Park home on small monthly papments. Call at onco at realty nept. or HARTMAN i THOMPSON 4th and Stark Sis. FORCED TO SKI.1, 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park, value evuir; must sen tor $IHU; on 40th at Sandy blvd. modern place; easy terms. UAnbA. u A- Ll.ll, lul 4th St. NEW 4-room house, sunny, electric fix tures. garden, fine lawn. Tabor 3369. For Male Business property. ,u s.uu casn. 4UX100. store building an.i grocery fixtures. 200 feet south of Alberta hi., growing locality, call cue Alberta at. r-none t ooa. -Oil. Suburban Heme Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soli, city water, close to carllne. easy terms, win Duua to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 470. JOHN H. GIBSON. OWNER. For Sale Acreage. $400 CASH LOCATES YOU. 40 ACRES GOOD LAND. Genuine red shot soil, well watered, ab solutely no rocks, easy clearing; 1 mils from station. only 20 milea from Port land: price intw. easy terms on balance. w for , ii t iinereei. LUEDDEMANN. RULEf & CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. TEN" ACRES ON THE MOUNT HOOD RAILROAD. Near Buckler avenue. 2i acres eirf4 nice three-room' house. 43 fruit trees, five blocks from the station. Adjoining land sold at $1000 per acre. A big snap at $6000; $1600 down, balance easy terms; 11 e. 2ADOW cfc ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1413, Marshall 2. ACRES FOR $230. $10 down and $5 per month bnva acres of good level, logged-off land be tween Portland and Centralia. on the main line cf s railroads, 14 miles from town of 1000 population, sawmills, shingle iiinii. suu 11 in 11 1 .uuusLnei. too acres choose from, borne of these tracts are aooul naif cleared, a line trout creek runs through the tract. Some bottom land, some upland, all Is good. PELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. 8 ACRES FOR $473 CASH. 5 acres rich black loam bottom land and 3 acres genuine red-shot soli; on good road, H mile from station and good neighbors all around; no rocks and fine springs; within 200 feet of fine trout stream; only 28 miles from Portland, 15 minutes waiK to scnool ana store. LUEDDEMANN, RULE Y & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. k YEARS TIME. Best river bottom land In 10-acre tracts, 8 miles from Corvallls. on, graveled road hi down, balance' in S years. Write for descriptive booklet free. B. W. JOHNSON. Corvallls. Or. ACRE AT PRICE OF LOT. Within mllo of city limits. 0 blocks to car; level and practically cleared: In beau tiful Powell Valley: Ideal for home In the country with city advantages; can sell one two or three acres at $S50 each, small payment down, balance like rent- LUEDDEMANN. RULE Y & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station, chicken and fruit ranches, near Portland new subdivision, near Grcsham: 6 acres. $400. $500. 700; $ acres. $S0O. 8700; 10 acres. $760, $00. 11000 per tract best soil, free wood. prlng water; acreage at Scappoose. Or.. $25 to $100 per acre. FEANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO. 80S Teon bldg.. Portland. Or. $10 DOWN. $10 monthly buys new 4-room ??.U 820: Price $7501. Oregon Si'i ""t'.i55 ra'nutes. A. C. Marsters. 2U2 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517. Tabor 1770 BEFORE locating ba sure and visit the WI1- inuicua vaiiey mxormatlon Bureau at 206 Washington st. (between 3d and 4 th . Absolutely free. Bring the ladles. 8N.P ?or o- 14 "ores, oa Oregon Eleo- ino line: about 4 blocks from station. Owner. BP 18. Oregonlan. hk - ACRE or more on 5c carllne. lit Scott district- O '-' " n,-. REAL ESTATE. For pale Acreage 10 ACRES AT A ROCK BOTTOM FIGURE. 14 MILES CITY LIMITS. Near Base Line road and Mt, Hood car line; this is one of the finest 10-acre tracts near Portland, all under cultivation; ove 100 bearing fruit trees. Bull Run water, well constructed 4-room bouse, cement basement and good barn; all fenced; an excellent Investment and a fine home; ad Joining property uow selling In eUxloO-toot lots at $400. if you want something good and at rock bottom figure investigate this. N-j phone Information. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Ground Floor Henry Bldg. 12.7s ACRES, deep black soil; this is the best hop or loganberry land In the Wil lamotte Valley; fenced, cleared and fii'i down, balance 3 years. per cent, bee Mr. Donaldson. 208 Washington st. 10 ACRES good fruit land 2 miles of Lake view. Or.; will trade for good Ford auto. Address W. W. Allen. Amity. Or.. R. No. a. Homesteads. GOING to Curry County to locate on soma valuablo homesteads just thrown open for filing; have been all over tho ground and can advise you properly; part turn lands and part heavy, valuable timber, near the new R. K. survey. tH3 Oregonlan bldg 40 ACRES heavy merchantable timber doss to Columbia River, north of Portland; can be homesteaded or timber claimed; $100 for my rcliiiquthment. b03 Oregonian bid. i HOMESTEADS. Malheur County; loca tlon tee 8,'H). Wm. Mast. cor. 21 and Ash. For Sale Krnit Lauds. h KC1T AND POULTRY RANCH. 20 acres, nearly all In cultivation. 2H acres prunes, a acres loganberries, bearing; excellent soil and water, gentle slope to all-year stream; A-l buildings, some new tamily orchard and small fruit of all kinds: near Newbcrg, on electric llu. fail or write for priue and terniB. Owner. P2o Selling bldg.. Portland. Ort-gon. For Kale Farms. HOOD 1UVEK IO', acres 2 miles from town; land all cleared; new 3-room house, 125 fruit trees, spring and running water, fine fruit and garden land; best bargain in Hood River at 81MK1. $1000 down and bal. to suit, or will take small hems la Portland, about $2000, or auto, about $SOO. aa first payment; come in and find out about this. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1410. Marshall 02. FOR SALE or trade, a good wheat or hog ranch of 1400 acre. lloo acres under the plow; all fenced aud cross-fenced; about :,U0 acres In gralu this year; will sell for small payraeut do u and crop pay ment or trade tor income property. HAWTHORNE STABLES. East Ti: ur U 1600. 42U Hawthorns ave. PRICE CUT. On this fine 32-acre farm from $10,00 to $uTr.o. only 12 miles from Portland, on red Electric line. tiood O-room house, barn and outbuildings. 22 acres tillable. 4 acres bearing orchard, ts acres beaverdum, f acres fir timber. fenced and cros fenced. S. Hewey. 269 Slark 8U. near 4tli. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON. SO ACHES. 4 miles from Portland, on the Southern pacilic K. R.. adjoining elly limits of a line little S.ty; this tract is u 1 platted Into live-acre tracts and ready for plow; $13.u00; will take tins or owner may consider part for ciiy property in ex change, clear of incuiiibraiic" HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 212-213 Ctiambor of Commerce. STOCK ruch of 212M atrea near t'obur,, Lane County, Orgon; well watered with springs: 2ou airt-ii of meadow; also tim ber. I'rit-e ttio.ono. one-third cash, bal ance in five yars at it pr cent. F. 1. Chamberlain. 72 Mor&un bldg., Portland, Orison. fou s.vli: r.v onvnkk. lt; acre on coiitiiy n..d. 2 inllea from Madras. a!out i" .urta in cultivation; good young ur-hiii'u. bearing. C. K. Koush, Maura?, o.. NEWCOMERS, the eusit-ttl uy to set posted m farm land is to chiip lo the tree shot today at 200 Washington st. (between 3d end 4th . Absolutely i rev. Bring the ladles,- RANCH CO acres wltil buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 107 1st su FOR wheat ranches, sale or trade, writs M. F;tmaurice. Condon. Of. Miscellaneous. FuR SALE ou- eapy terms, luige building site, near curilut-. 2::d und Kllllngswortlu Inquire William Mclntosn. 280 Oak at. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT a 6-roym modern house In Rose City Park. Laurelhurst or Irvlngton. Must la of good design and well built. Will pay a'l cash tor an absolute bargain. Come to the office and tell us what you've got, SMITH INVESTMENT CO., 90 3th s;. Main S770. 20 OR ::o acres, some improvement, clots to carllne, within miles of Portland, also 10.0oo.0ou teet of good tie timber, for clients. Call or write full particulars. Fred A. King, 314 Fpaldlng bldg.. cay. WANTED About an acre near ocean and handy to railroad depot: between Seaside and Columbia Klver: soil and water must be good. Give full particulars aud lowsat cash price. E 24. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy modern 7-room home in good neighborhood from owner, who will accept $600 cash and balance country property. Y 12. Orestorilun. LAURELHURST LOT OR EQUITY Wanted in exchange fur C-passenffer Pack ard In flrst-ciass condition. Phone E. 124S. WANTED Modern 0-rooui house, Albina district, on tenuis of $30 a month; will not assume mortgage. AR ZA, Oregonlan. EWU1TY In Laurelhurst or Irvlngton lot (or $12K; equity In 6-room bungalow, $3100. P 22. Oregonian. COTTAGE, will give 16 ui-res, improved, as first payment. R 21, oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 40 acres without buildings, near Molalla. Give description, terms, eta, initial payment $700. o 24, Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. to exchange: real estate. 10 ACRES. li MILES CITY LTMIT3. - Near Base Line Road and Mt. Hood Carline. This is one of the finest 10-scre tracts around Portland; all under cultivation, over 100 bearing fruit trees. Bull Run. water, well constructed 4-room house with cement basement, etc.. and barn; adjoin ing property selling in aUxlOu-foot lots at $400; this is an ideal suburban home, and what will acreage this near Portland be worth In a few years? Price $10,0u0, intg. $3600. long time at per cent: will exchange for well located home up to $8000, and pay cash difference, or for other well located properties unincum bered; no use to submit properties within flated values. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. WILL TAKE $3600 IN TRADE. Balance easy terms, on this beautiful 8-room. bungalow crowning one of the most sightly locations In magnificent Lau relhurst; built by owner for home, and finished In elaborate and artlstio manner; trees, shrubbery, flowers, lswn and extra, large garage. Soneone will draw this at a snap figure, as am forced to leave. Phone E. 124. No agents HAVE $100 lot. 10 acres, fine fruit land. worth sioou. botn unincumbered: also $1000 equity in 6-room cottage. Will ex change all for bungalow that la worth $3000; will not assume. F 24. Oregonlan. $340 EQUITY In & acres at Durham to ex change for lot or motorcycle. G. E. Weller, 14US Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1048. Tabor 3t42. LAURELHURST LOT OR EQUITY Wanted In exchange for 5-passenger Pack ard in flrst-elass condition. Phons E. 134S. HAVE 1600 equity In lot 8. block 4. Wllbur- ton; also 1-0 equity in lots 8-9. block 1. Palmyra. No monthly payments; will ex chsnge for automobile. E 25, Oregonian. IMPROVED farms In North Dakota for Willamette Valley farms or income prop erty. What have you. Owner. Box 20, Mt, Angel. Or. CHOICE sightly lot In a boautlful addi tion, price. $450. win take vlctrola as the first payment, balance easy installments. See the owner. 512 Piatt blag. id ACRES. 13 miles from Vancouver. 5 miles from Camas, Wash.; $85 per acre; sell or trade for Portland property. Own er. 1118 Teon bldg. EXCHANGE 200-acre farm, stocked, $13,000, for vacant lots; no agents, o 2, Orego- nla SURE, we will trade. What have you? We have lota, farms and personal property. Intormaton, 415 Selling bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for business corner, Morrison sL, $30,000 eautty?- AK . Oregonlan. WANTED Portland business property or farm land In exchange for New York City property. M 005. Oregonlan. MODERN house In Irvlngton district, for exchange. B. M. Lombard,' 11 Madison bldg.. Main 6692. A 2S02. DRIVING buggy, value $40. for camera same value. pu Aiuertl Bt. 33 ACRES, fine, level land, on Salem Elec tric!, for house. P 23, Oregonlan,