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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1914)
T1TE MORNING OREG ONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. .1914. CHURCH GIFT TOPIC Poor Most Liberal Givers, Says Rev. J. S. Kendall at Meeting. DOUBLE TITHING IS URGED Bishop X. W. Castle, of Philomath, to Attend Stewardship Conference or United Brethren Church. Evangelistic Services Held. - "The poor are the most liberal givers to the church, according to their means," said Rev. J. S. Kendall, gen eral secretary, in his second address yesterday morning at the stewardship conference In First United Brethren Church, Kast Fifteenth and East Mor rison streets. Rev. Mr. Kendall deprecated what lie called the "cork-screw" method of irivlng. when money Is pulled, out of the pockets of the people and said systematic, cheerful, liberal and "hilarious" giving is the Bible method. "Assessments paying the preacher and the various boards," said Rev. Mr. Kendall, "is not the true Bible method: It Is spasmodic and forced, and not 'a true offering. In collections we often pet buttons, pennies and other things. .An offering is a different thing. "Last year 7,800,000,000 nickels were taken in by the moving picture shows of this country. This is $390,000,000. Jt means the people of this country attended moving-picture shows 90 times during the year, and some worked over time. I wonder how many church JnemDers attend church 90 times a year. Not many east of the Rocky Mountains do, perhaps more in the West. That snows it is pleasure people want." "Double Tithing Is Bible Method." Rev. Mr. Kendall answered questions and emphasized that tithing and double tithing is the Bible method, 10 and 20 cents for every dollar of income. The stewardship convention will hold another session at 2 o'clock today. The conference branch of the Chris tian Endeavor Society held a session yesterday afternoon with Rev. H. B. Dorks, president, presiding. At 9:30 A .M. today the Women's Missionary Conference, in charge of Mrs. Mary Henkle, president, will be In session. Bishop N. W. Castle, emeritus, of Philomath, will attend the conference today. Bishop Castle is a pioneer min ister and one of the early bishops of the United Brethren Church. His advice is sought by other bishops and leaders of the denomination. Composers of Sons; Meet. At the opening of the evangelistic meetings Monday night, after Bishop Bell had preached, a man in the audi ence arose and asked Professor Bill horn, the leader, to sing "Step in Any where." This was done. Mrs. Frank A. Breck, of Portland, who wrote the song, which was based on an incident of the Civil War, was present. Pro fessor Blllhorn wrote the music. It was their first meeting. The at tendance at the night meetings is in creasing. Bishop Bell preaches each evening. "We expect to get together on the union college plan," said Bishop Bell yesterday. "We have had some con ferences with Dr. Poling, of the United Kvangelical Church, and the outlook is hopeful unless we run against an unexpected snag. The United Brethren and United Evangelical Churches have a close relationship. We are using one of their ministers, at Eugene, Rev. Mr. NuefC. and can use others. We shali need some of their men on the faculty of the union college. "The Evangelical Association Con ference decided not to enter the union college plan, but I think It can be arranged anyway. It may be con sidered Friday at the regular conference." is a new pitcher with the Portland ball team. W. II. Graves, a La Grande merchant. Is at the Cornelius. W. J. Carlisle, of San Francisco, Is at the Washington. G. C. Fulton, of Astoria, is regis tered at the Imperial. Henry Akin, of Sheridan, registered at the Seward yesterday. R. G. Rowland, of Cottage Grove, is registered at the Carlton. E. L. Shipherd, of Carson, Wash., is registered at the Carlton. F. H. Norman, of Walla Walla, Is registered at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clevenger, of Burns, are at the Imperial. E. D. Baldwin is registered at the Benson from San Francisco, President H. M. Crooks, of Albany College, is at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McGregor, of Ho sier, are at the Washington. Mrs. P. M. and Mrs. E. J. Abbey, of Newport, are at the Imperial. Dr. R. J. Pilkington, of Astoria, is registered at the Multnomah. Miss Stella Johnson, of White Salmon, Wash., is at the Washington. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Howard, of PERS0NAL MENTION. W. F. Scbabel, of Hillsboro, is at the Carlton. J. M. C. Moore, of Chicago, is at the Perkins. A. R. Thompson, of Astoria, is at the Carlton. Ben L. Johnson, of Hoquiam, is at the Seward. H. E. Gwinn, of Auburn, Wash., Is at the Carlton. Dr. A. J. Mclntyre, of Hoquiam, Is at the Benson. R. W. Bell, a banker of Chehalls, is t the Seward. W. S. Lysons, ex-Mayor of Kelso, is at tho Perkins. R. H. White, of Marshfleld, is at the Nortonia Hotel. Dr. A. D. Butler ,of Independence, Is at the Oregon. , Mr. and Mrs. Evan1 Evans, of Cleve land, are at the Cornelius. Mr. Evans : '--V 1 st "yje&jigr. Bishop N. W. Castle, Pioneer, Minister, Who Will Attend Stewardship Conference Today. Brownsville, are registered at the Perkins. J. L. Harris registered at the Oregon from Kelso, Wash., yesterday. ' Thomas S. Burley, of Tacoma, ha taken apartments at the Multnomah. "V. A. Hancock registered at the Washington yesterday from Tacoma. Mrs. J. K. Simpson, of Stevenson, Wash., is registered at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Edwards, of Santa Barbara, are at the Multnomah. Ben, Joe and Theodore Grote, of Walla Walla, are registered at the Benson. Henry Newman Is registered at the Oregon from Astoria, where he has a theater. Mrs. Potter and daughter are regis tered at the Nortonia Hotel from Berke ley, CaL Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Robbins, of Ni agara Falls, N. T., are at tho Cor nelius. F. O. Baker, of Spokane, of the Spokesman-Review advertising staff, is at the Oregon. Harry Wolverton, manager, and the members of the Sacramento ball team are at the Seward. Fifteen of the principals of the Pass ing Show Company are registered at the Nortonia Hotel. Mrs. L. H. Gray, of Cincinnati, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Gray, of Vancouver, Wash., is at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lucore and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lucore, of San Francisco, are at the Benson. They came by auto mobile. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fretwell, of Se attle, are at the Oregon. They came by automobile, arriving Monday evening. OVER MILLION IS ON HAND County Auditor Martin Shows Mnlt nomah's Finances In Good-Shape. Multnomah County is far from bankrupt, according to a monthly report made yesterday by County Audi tor Martin, showing a balance of $1, 200,713.21 in the county treasury on June 1. Of this amount, $834,101.61 is in the general fund and $366,611.60 in the road fund. The itemized statement of receipts and expenditures during the month of May, as submitted by Mr. Martin to the County Commissioners, follows: General fund. Road fund. Con hand May 1 f6T8.2S4.28 $253,404.63 May receipts... Total Bills paid Balance June 1. 336,750.42 .$914,034.70 . 79,933.09 $443,149.43 76.637.83 .$854,101.61 $366.611. 60 Portland Agents Ladies Home Journal Patterns Special 25c Lunch Served in the Basement Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise, Reliable Methods Sasetnenl Sale New hite s0 . .. F " w Hats At $2 Another big shipment of those at tractive new White Hats will go on sale In the Basement Under price Store today. F 1 n grade chip, Tagal and fancy straw braids. Beautifully trimmed with flowers and rich Dresden ribbons. All the very newest shapes for midsummer wear. An unusual offer- fC lag for Wednesday. Ch'ce OilIU $5 to $6.50 Trimmed Hats $1 Hat Shapes Special 5Qc Basement This includes our entire stock of Trimmed Hats in the basement except above special line at $2.00. Hundreds of beautiful Hats to pick from. Hats selling at $5.00 to $6.50. For -l fr Wednesday they go at P 1 UU About 600 beautiful new Un trimmed Hat Shapes make up this great sale. Chips, Tagals, Hemps, Milans and fancy braids in all lead ing shades. They are worth up to $3:50. For this great sale C( you have your choice at uUC Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Store Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement Hammocks, Tents, Porch and Lawn Swings, Tennis, Golf and Sporting Goods of All Kinds, 4th Floor June White Sale Every White Arti cle Reduced Except R e s t r ictcd Lines. vGrcenevJJ Olds, WortmatiS: King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Store Honrs 9 A. M. to 6 P. M- Every Business Day Saturday Included June White Sale - Every White Aril, clo Reduced Except R e s t r lcted Lines. Soft and starched styles In white and colors: all sizes in the lot. Priced ex tra special for Wednesday's sell 1 n g in Basement, 10c Women's Parasols in many attractive styles and colors, $1.25, $1.60 and $1.75 grades, on sale this one day at the low price of 98c Girls' Overalls 45c Extra Good Grade Blue Denim or khaki, finished with red tri tu rnings; sizes 1 to 6 years. On sale special at. the pair, 45c 15c Swisses 10c ' Fine White Cur tain Scrims and Swisses, double widths, in many beautiful patterns, 1 2 c and 16c Swisses on sale, yd. 10c 10c Insertions 2c Dainty Val. Lace Insertions for Sum mer waists, dresses, etc. Hun dreds of pretty patterns, 60 to 10c Laces, on sale at only, a yard. 2c $3 Curtains $1.48 Odd lines Notting ham Lace Curtains in many beautiful pat terns; curtains worth to $3 a pair placed on sale at the low price, pair, $1.48 $1.50 Draperies 39c 46 to 60-Inch Dra pery Materials in rich patterns and "colors. Regular $1 to $1.60 grades are placed on sale at special, the yard. 39c 20c Burlaps 15c Full 36 Inches wide and shown In rich shades or brown, red and green; also 36-Inch Drapery Denims on sale In Basement at. yard. Basement 66 IP. Special Sales" Double Green Stamps With All Basement Cash Purchases Today ttyiiTffr!! ?15 Coats for $9.98 $25 Coats, $12 95 Dress Skirts $1.98 $15-$25 Suits $9.98 $1.75 Waists 98c Silk Pettic'ts $1.69 ; $1 Petticoats 49o WMM !S&3S SEHu'-VJ SS'sS&S ors Suits "worth l?. 88 B.i are ." U.&vlined.- elty m f X t ures. A mixture's, full as- tlve s t y 1 o s; lace the new shad ti. Made o? excellent Sit" .01 J? ?cstle!- ReulaB Women's $20 and food rang of sortmentofall and embroidery Several styles. grade materials. ?,-th.? f15.CMts on ;alf f2KP?ita onsale fabric and colon sizes.. Regular $15 trimmed. $1.60- Neat accordion- Regular $1.00 Pet- very low price of in the Basement at in tho Basement-! in the Basement at to $25 Sulta at only $1.75 Waists at only pleated ruffles, epe. tlcoats on sale for $6.48 x $9.98 $12.95 $1.98 $98 98c $1.69 49c M7iddyB&esSeS39fCor f 1,98 , h FonLirds 10c House Dresses 98c $5 Dresses $1.59 I Boys' 75c Pants 49c I 35c Hosiery 23c Child's Hose 10c m sseys styled with Wo m a n'.0 Vi ni M'U ""i "Fin- o m o n's Ho W o m ens N a t Boys" K n 1 o k e r Women's Silk Boot Fine Ribbed Cotton deep sailor collar WilaTs Jilk. .S i,.Jl,.F0V r d.8' Dresses of splendid Wash Dresses for Pants of corduroys Hosiery In black, Hose in black or of contrasting ma- r.t .A i ? lengths from one to q u la lities i percales s t r s e t or house mixtures and white and tan; tan ; double h e 1 a terials R lr f J . FJf. . ten yarfli, very and ginghams all wear. All are well serges. G o o d de- seamless feet. Beg- and toes; all sizes. 75c Blouses ?n sale w? lVh7,,''.; and attrac"v? In this 1 in e. made and n ictly pendable materials. ular 35o Hose. On Priced special in in the Basement at i Wf 1ffS patterns, special at Special at the bar- trimmed. Worth to Sizes 7 to 16. 76o sale special at the the Basement o n in theBasement at $ on sale for only low price, the yard. gain prlca of only $5, on sale at only Pants now at only very low price, pr." Wednesday, put r. 39c I $1.98 10c 98c $1.59 49c 23c 10c L .... . , - . I L . ... 4 'If 1 1 I HJe.S??es9f8c JFC Riub?n.3 JSt ! Wool Serges 45c 'A Silk Poplins, 39c 54-in. Suitinis 65c Towels, $1 Dozen Calicoes 5c Yd $1 Suits for 59c W om e n's ShPo es ""U'l k Urf " Fine Wool S e r g e Makes up beauti- 44 and 64-In. Check Good, Large - size 25-inch Calicoes In Russian and Buster odds and ends in f,n" 'S Jor bummer dresses fully for Summer Suitings for H u c k Towels for a great assortment B r o wn styles for hieh and low Jf VZZJVi&J11? and su ts, soft fin- dresses and wash dresses, coats and hotel use. These of light and dark boys 2 H to 8 years ficts- shoes worth fi?f '.fSd.t5f; lehJ b -c navy suits; shown In suits, medium are heavy and very colors and attract- of age; excellent D to 13 50 orf sale fnv PZ 1 AVJ and colors. Special black. and all col- w e if h t and soft absorbent. Come in ive p a 1 1 e r ns, on materials and good the BasemSnt nt Jh2 S'JLi? f5 J at the great bar-. ors. On sale spe- finish, $1.00 fabrics white only. On sale sale Wednesday colors. On sale Ipe- in theBasement at the small price of gain price of. a yd., cial at only, a yard, at the low price of at low price, dozen, at. the yard, only cial at low price of 98c 18c 1 45c l. r"39c 1 55c $1:00 5c 59c- cKr!?n.W"iKftt?S w nion STdt .44c 5C Laces 29c 85c Pongees 49c ! Pongoro Silks 59c 75c Albatross 53c Huck Towels 49c Sheer Lawns 4c Undefsts fitted Crrt VJ.! !" 9 r 1 J? n 1 V 1 a n d 26 - inch Imported 36-inch Foulard I Full 42 Inches wide Good Heavy Huck Pretty Sheer underwalsts, fitted Grade Lisle Union Shadow Lace In Pongee Silks in P o n g o r o Silks In and all pure wool. Towels, with red Lawns f or cool buttons? fiV from fi-iS'. i.W. "JfJfc many pretty de- -rich natural shade. beautiful new pat- Shown in all the borders, especially S u m m e r dresses. 2 n 7, T,e 1 ess'.wltn "igns. Regular 60c Very desirable for terns and color- desirable shades desirable for hotel Mill ends raneimr Ivent sn'eclafat th l??""?!-1 a Ci f 8" .f u 1 1 18 waists and dresses. ings. On sale f or d r e s s es. etc.. use. For this from on. to tS blrglin price each in rT-- ,-a J.?f.heS. iW,de" . Spe; 8&c Bllks on 8ale at Priced very special 76o grade placed on event priced very vard neat nat- Dargainprice. each in Basement at cial at low price of the small price of at low figure, yd.. sale now for only special at. a dozen. terns Special yard. 9c 41c t 29c 49c 59c 53c 49c 4c 1 ,-- ' 1 ... , , , li-j : : i Bo7?' 1 Pats 9c 12c Knit Vests 9c $1 Corsets at 63c $4 Shoes $1.69 . VaL Laces ,48c Pongee Silks 69c Wool Batiste 49c 50c Jap. Silks 39c ?v r;H; J 0.m'" Low- -Summer Net Cor- W" o m e n's - a a d Val. Lace Kdges SS-inch Imported Light-weight Wool 27 - Inch Jan Silks fn fuff sizes and vSS?. f5,.1 fi .V SiSS" fets in stylish new M i m s es Shoes in and" Insertions in Pongee Silk in Batiste and Hen- ina veryPgood well made- Sees'wf ' 1 ow buBt models. button and lace hundreds of beau- splendid weight for rlettas In all the q u a 1 i t v hi a ck. from Kifi ar Tib" These come In with four hose sup- styles and all pop- tiful patterns. Put suits, coats, etc. wanted colors. Full white and full asi $10m Pants on slli Mttn vL,.8!! f S?rterf. . l,a ch.od- ular leathers. Shoes up in 12 -yard Special at the. 36 inches. On sale sortment ot 'colorV at low S ice Air thJfif OI? SAl? Sizes 19 to 30. For worth to $4 placed pieces and offered greatly reduced" special at the low 50c Silks on sale at at low price, pair. for the low price of this event at only on sale at, the pair, at 12 yards only price of. the yard, price of, the yard. very low price of 59c 9 c I 63c $1.69 48c" 69c 49c 39c Cotton Crash 5c Ginghams, 10c yd. $1 TJnion Suits 69c 15c Knit Vests 11c I New Corsets 98c $3 Shoes $1.48 Ribbons, ia Price Vacuum Cleaners 16-lnch B 1 e ached Mill ends S t an d- Men's Fine Ribbed Women's Fine Several new styles Great one-day Kx eel lent grade Our famous "Gold- Siirw; n't Qua,"t3rIireB" ?? , a lum ; .w"ffht S w i s s - R t b b ed in famous Royal sale of. Children's Velvet RibboWs in en Rod Vac u u m n2& iil ,?;BJ? Union Su t s. per- S u m m er Vests in Worcester make, Shoes, button- and widths from one to Cleaner ea"vtS ?n t h PtPilmfie Vb;tA-S,riP feet-fitting gar- pure white; no, low bust long hips. lace styles. In pat- nine inches; satin operate no hreak- w J ej. Lengths up to ten ments. Regular $1 sleeves and low' All sizes. Priced ent or g u n m e t al back. The entire able parts Priced Wednesday at this yards. On saje at grade on sale spe- neck. A full line special in the Base- leather. $3.60 to $3 .line is placed on special for this special price, yard, low price, the yard. cial at low price of of sizes. 16o Vests mont Wednesday. Slaoes at only, pr., sale at reduction of one day selling at 5c 10c 69c 11c 98c L48 Vz- $4.29 aS"fgg.S g.$?'gj Bargain Center Specials for Wednesday .! ' S&XSf Union Suits, with front-hook effect 72 x 80 - inch Full- 72x90 - inch Heavy Regular 15c and 36x42 -inch Heavy merlv at $5?00 and f "S i e "w e lace - trimmed or and are very well Bleached Sheets, B 1 e a c hed or Un- 18c Bleached or Bleached Pillow $S.00"; sizes 13, n. shirts and draw tight knees; all made; all sizes. hemmed ready for bleached Sheets; Unbleached Pillow Cases, an excep- 15 and 16 only. On ers Retul.VlSc sizes. Regular 35c Regular 50c Bras- use. Regular 50c Priced special f o r Cases on sale this tionally good qual- sale this one day trade o? sal. at grade on sale only sieres on Bale ony Sheets on sale for this pale at. each. one day at only. ea. ity at. special! ea. only at. the suit. tnly the garmentS 25c 29 c 39c 48c 12V2c 10c $2.98 37V2C 25c Aprons 19c Flouncings, 48c yd. 36-in. Cambrics 11c 82-in. Muslin 6y2c Boys Waists 25c Boys' U. Suits 39c ! Curtain Rods 5c I 10c MusUn 8c DaintyWhlte 45-inchVoile Beautiful Soft-Fin- Fine Soft-Finished Boys' Blouse Boys' Balbriggan 54 - Inch Kxtenslon ' 36 - 1 n c h Full Lawn and Glng- Flouncings for lsh Bleached Cam- Unbleached Muslin Waists, in plain Union Suits in Brass Curtain Bleached Muslin in ham Aprons in as- Summer dresses. brio for Summer in good quality for colors and attrac- natural colors; Uods. with large a fine soft finVh ?rtt,!t 1Z ch,ec?.; C0JVt as8.U'ime,nt U,,ndrwear! tc- -various purposes. tive s t r i p e p a t- fine Summer fancy knobs. These standard lOoquafc cut in full sizes. of patterns. On Placed on sale for On sarle Wednesday terns; sizes up to weight; all sizes. are the regular 10c ity on sale In th Regular 25c Aprons sale Wednesday at one day at the low in the Basement at 15 years. 35c grades Regular 50c qual- kind. Placed on Basement Wednes? on sale at only, ea., the low price, yard. price of. the yard, low price of. a yd., are on sale now for ity on sale for only sale at low price of day at, special yd 19c 48c lie 6V2C 1 25c 39c 5c j 8c Union Suits, 39c Child's Coats $2.98 Girls' Dresses 98c 20c Embroidery 5c Large Pillows 79c I Pillows, 45c Each ' 25c Scrim 17c ! 20x42 Towels 12c" - W o m e n's Fine Manufac turer's Pretty stales in Mill Ends in Full - size Bed Pll- M ed I u m-slze Bed Plain and Fancy s",- i n tr ,M Turkish Cotton Union Suits Sample Coats for Girls' Wash lengths from five lows, filled with Pillows, filled with Bordered Curtain I Hath Towels un with low neck and girls 6 to 14 years Dresses, made of to ten yards. Edges good quality feath- selected feathers Scrims in fine or I bleached in " no sleeves, of age; latest extra good materl- and I n se rtlons in ers, covered w 1 1 h and covered with coarse mesh. Keg- ! lent weitrht i.r trimmed. Regular Spring styles. Coats als and nicely fin- rreat variety. fancy ticking. On fancy ticking. On ular 25c grade is size (Vxf inr hefi 60c garments are worth up to $8 are ished, $1.60 and $2 Embroideries sale at the special sale at the very placed on sale at On sale in r,. placed on sale for placed on sale for Dresses on sale for worth to 20c yd. at low price of. each. low price of. each. low price of, yard. ment at. special eal 39c $2.98 -98c 5c 79c 45c 17c 12c , . , I I lit i i ill ist , -rm-. ; 15c I ' " ; Pillow Tubing 17c Men's Ties 10c Ea. 50c Suspenders 25c Union Suits 19c 10c Kerchiefs 5c Lisle Gloves 39c Veiling Ends 10c i Bpit. Each 19c 50 - inch Pillow A great o n e -day Men's Light- Misses' Fine Cot- Women's Fancy Women's 2 - clasp Mill Knds fine vntt,n- Tubing in splendid sale of Men's Four- weight Suspenders ton Ribbed Union Embroidered K e r- style Long Lisle grade Veilings. 1- iih, .j i?m heavy quality and in-Hand Ties, silk at Just half price. Suits in low neck, chiefs of fine sheer Gloves in black. yard pieces. Fine or HiitJ tntu Jm nice soft finish. and washable ma- Shown in neat pat- sleeveless style. All quality; also fancy white, tan. gray coarse mesh. Black , ifiri y JM,m Regular 25c grade terials in neat pat- terns and color- sizes in this Vine. kimono handker- and biscuit. On and colors. Priced h r,w placed on sale at terns and excellent ings. Placed on On sale In the chiefs on sale spe- sale In Basement for this sale onlj w.rii. im i n the low price, a yd.. qualities, special at sale at low price of Basement at, spe. cial at only, each, at, . the pair, only at the low price, ea now on sale, only 17c 10c 25c 19c 5 c 39 c 10c 19c Sale Dinnerware 80c Dish Pans 50c Coffee Pots 50c 50 Ft. Hose $4.50 Ice Cream Freezers Muslin Waists 10c Cloth Suiting 7y2c Ramie Suitings Blue and gold, rich These are good Blue enameled Cof- "lfty feet of 5-ply Lightning or White Children's Muslin 86 inches wide and Very desirable for decoration. 7-inch size and are splen- fee Pots. Well Garden Hose with Mountain Freezer. Underwaists and comes in linen col- Summer dresses Plates on sale fit? did grade blue en- made and good Nozzle. Guaranteed. Make your own Ice Muslin Drawers. or. Makes up nice- and Suits. Shown in 8-in. Plates for 7C amel. Size and size. On sale in the This Hose Is of- cream at low cost. Sizes 2 to 13 years. ly and launders a good assortment 6- inch Scalloped quality us-ually Basement Store. fered. special, in 1-qt. size at 91.49 These Waists and well. These Suit- of colors. For this Nappies for 10 selling at 80c For Take advantage of the Basement Store 2-qt. size at S1.80 Drawers are fine ings will be priced special sale only 7- inch Scalloped this sale they go at this very low price. at the low price of 3-qt size at K2.12 value at' the price very special sale, they go at. yard lrrr-ll 50c 50c $4.50 1 tsaftftg , 10c 7V2C 12V2C O'Cedar Mops $1 JBT. J 1 r T5V T ' . aTI "SflT TTJ1T Check Dimities 11c iF4k-"4 Wednesday Sale Notions Small Wares i-eirs- every home. Saves , fered In the Under- timeiaboremper. At the Bargain Circle, Main Floor, Between Elevators Naiad Dress Shields prlce J36- yard rtS 1 I III I I T Z I . 7 H . , ' Miss Dorgan. of the Naiad Fac "JJJLevrvr These items also on sale In the 6c Bone Hairpins, the card, 2ef 25c Sterling Skirt Markers, tory, will be with us for a short JL JL Notion Dept. remainder of week. 5c Collar Buttons, the card, 2Ve lOo Wooden Skirt Hangers at 8 time and will be pleased to help i John J. Clarke's Spool Cotton, in Combs and Barrettes, worth up lOo "Soil-Off" Dry Cleaner ax 8e you select the shield you can ' ; white only, all sizes, now 3Vie to 60c now on sale, special, lOi 10c Pearl Buttons at, the card 5c wear with the very best results. tl nn ns,JV. no. 100 Cube Pins, white only, at 5c .Dressmakers' Pins, 14-lb. boxes, 60 Hooks and Eyes. card. 2Hc During demonstration we will . ' 1.00 H naoagB 88C 100 Shell Hair Pins, the box. 7c eizes 4 and 6. special, only 15c 10c Collapsible Drinking Cups tc quote exceptionally low prices Outing Flannel OC pecial purchase Regular 5c Needles, now 3 for 5c 16o Nainsook Dress Shields, sizes on Naiad Shields. Note the fol- 24-inch full bl'ched and sale Women's 10c, 100-yd. Spool Silk, now at 5c 2. 3 and 4, special at only IOC p F?,,- pf 7 f lowing list: Outings in heavy. Leather Handbags. 2Mc Darning Cotton at, spool lo 25c Sanitary Belts now at 156 v5- tUM F OrmS JeXU 20o Naiad, regular No. 2. at 13c well-fleeced grade. Late styles, sizes. 10c Bias Seam Tape, the bolt 5c 25c Silk Dress Shields only 18c 25c Naiad, regular No. 3. at 15 On sale for one day Reg. $1.25, $1.60. 10c Wilson Dress Fasteners 6C 25c Sanitary Aprons now at 18C Mala Floor Latest model hip 25c Naiad, regular No. 4, at 17c at, special, the yard f O 25c Twine Shopping Bags at lic 5c grades Collapsible Cups at 4C Bizo Bust Forms, covered with 30c Naiad, regular No. 6. at UOc fkr Bc HalrP'n Cabinets, at only -4c 10c Hair Nets, with or without black Jersey. While d 1 f f 6O0 Naiad, bolero, all sizes, 35c J Kj 15c Cube Pins, all colors, now 5C Elastic, now on sale, 6 for IOC they last, reg. $2.00 itfltiU 6O0 Naiad, bolero. No. 600, 35c V 1 " I