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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1914)
VOL. Li IV. XO. 16, TOO. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, ) P i I3 X HUERTA PAVES WAY TO HIS RESIGNATION Formal Announcement Made to World SINGLE CONDITION IS MADE Requirement Is That Mexico Z Be "Politically Pacified." INTERNAL ISSUE ACCEPTED Dictator Says "Neither Mistakes Nor Personal Interest" Will Inter fere Deadlock in Media tion Is Broken. NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. June 2. General Huerta is preparing? to resign. He authorized his representatives at the mediation conference to announce today to the world that "neither mis taken pride nor personal interest" would prevent his withdrawal after Mexico is "politically pacified" and the government succeeding his is so con stituted that it can count on the sup port of public opinion in Mexico. The Mexican delegates, in a formal statement, revealed that they had been Instructed from the first to inform the mediators that General Huerta's per sonality would not be an obstacle to ward reaching: a peaceful settlement. Internal Queatlon Insisted On. They also declared in unequivocal terms that the internal situation in Mexico was "necessarily bound up with the international questions," and that this spirit has actuated them in coming' to the mediation conference. Coincident with the announcement 6y the Mexican delegates of their posi tion, the mediators tonight sent a note to Rafel Zubaran, representative of General Carranza in "Washington, re plying to the communication brought here last Friday by Juan F. Urquldl. The mediators, in effect, asked Gen eral Carranza. through Mr. Zuburan, if the constitutionalists were' willing to discuss Internal as well as international questions, now considered inseparable not only, by the mediators, but by the American and Huerta delegates as well, and If they were ready, to declare an armistice with the Huerta forces so that the "political pacification" to which the Huerta delegates referred in their statement might be speedily ibrought about. Deadlock in Mediation Broken. These acts the Issuance of the state ment by the Mexicans and the mailing f a reply to Zuburan broke the dead lock in the negotiations, the existence ef which was formally denied during the day by the mediators. It was nevertheless authoritatively established that not until the mediators withdrew their original intention of ignoring the Zuburan note did the American dele gates consent to go ahead with a dis cussion of the general peace plan, on which substantial progress was made In today's conference. The statement by the Mexicans, pre pared two days ago. but not Issued until General Huerta had telegraphed bis complete approval today of the tentative plan for a new provisional government, also carried the negotia tions a long step forward, and an atmosphere of optimism prevailed in the mediation colony tonight. Mexican Statement Given Out. The text of the statement follows: "In accordance with instructions which the Mexican delegation has had since the beginning of the peace ne gotiations, its members declared at the first full conference (that is to say, in the presence of the mediating pleni potentiaries and of the delegates of the United States of America) that Presi dent Huerta's personality is not an obstacle to the reaching of a satis factory conclusion. "General Huerta is prepared to with draw from the government on condi tion that, at the time of his with drawal, Mexico shall be politically pacified and the government - succeed ing his shall be such as to count on the acquiescence of the governed and on the support of public opinion, which constitute the real basis for peace end stability in any country. Mistaken Pride" Kot In Way. "it has been and is President Huerta's wish to place on record that neither mistaken pride nor personal In terest will prevent his withdrawal, once the above-named conditions are (satisfied. The Mexican government accepted the mediation of the South American powers, Argentina, Brazil and Chile, in a frank and open spirit and the Mex ican delegation has been guided and will be guided in all its acts by per fect good faith. "It should be unnecessary to say that President Huerta gave the Mexican delegation special Instructions not to consent to anything which could hurt the sovereignty of the Mexican nation and to refuse a hearing in the deliber ations of the conference to anything which might be construed as an Im position from the outside. For their own part, the delegates would not have accepted Instructions of a different na ture on these points; but they beg to state that hlherto they have had no occasion to refer to them, thanks to the exquisite tact of the mediation plenl- (Concluded on Page .). REBELS WILL NOT DEAL WITH HUERTA AGENCY IX WASHINGTON AU THORIZES FLAT REFUSAL. Kevolutionary Agents in El Paso Surprised Any Doubt of Car ranza's Attitude Exists. WASHINGTON, June 2. On being In formed tonight that the Mexican dele gates at Niagara Falls had announced the willingness of General Huerta to resign once Mexico is "politically pact fled." the constitutionalist agency au thorized this statement: "Anything coming from Huerta's side will not be taken Into consideration." EL PASO, Tex June 2. "Any com promise with the Huerta government would not be accepted by the constitu tionalist party, according to opinions expressed tonight by Mexican revolu tlonary agents here when informed of the proposition of the A. B. C. media tors. While no statement was given. General Carranza's frequent utterances regarding this subject were recalled. The leader of the constitutionalist movement frequently has reiterated his determination to accept no provisional government in which the Huerta element is represented. On account of tele graph difficulties due to a storm in Mexico, telegraphic communication ceased tonight with Durango, where General Carranza is. Surprise was expressed by repre sentatlves here that there should be any question -regarding Carranza's stand, in view of his recent note to the South American mediators through Rafael Zubaran Capmany, his Wash ington agent, and the semi-official note Issued yesterday from Durango. SENATOR FLETCHER AHEAD L'Engle In Close Contest for Lower House From New District. JACKSONVILLE, - Fla., June 2. In complete returns from virtually every county in Florida Indicated tonight that Senator Fletcher, candidate for re- nomination, was leading his opponent, John N. C. Stockton, in today's state wide primary. Available returns indicated that Representative Shark man, chairman of the House rivers and harbors commit tee, would be renominated. The con test in the newly-created Fourth Dis trict, where Claude L'Engle, now Rep-resentatlve-at-Large from the state, was opposed by four other candidates, appeared to be cloae. BQBTAILED SALUTE FIRED Gunner's Mate in "Brig" Because of Short-Measure Honor to Daniels. ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 2. Because he failed to count correctly, or In some other manner missed the number of guns being fired when Secretary Dan iels was a visitor at Annapolis on last Saturday, a chief gunner's mate at the Naval Academy is in the "brig" of the station ship Relna Mercedes. The Secretary was here , to see the Army-Navy baseball game. Naval regulations call for 19 guns to com prise the salute to Cabinet officers. The salute fired on Saturday was one gun short. TACOMA HEAD SEEKS TOGA Mayor F'atvcett Announces Candi dacy as Progressive. TACOMA, Wash., June 2. Mayor A. V. Fawcett, recalled three years ago and re-elected April 21, In a fight he entered, he said, for vindication, today announced that he would be a candi date for United States Senator on the Progressive ticket. He will not have to resign as Mayor to make the race. Should he resign or be elected the other Commissioners, two of whom are now threatened with a recall election, would pick his suc cessor. SELIGMAN GETS ARTWORKS Paris Dealer Announced as Buyer of Part of Sackrvllle Bequest. PARIS, June 2. It was announced tonight that Jacques Seligman, the Paris art dealer,( has definitly acquired the late Sir John Murray Scott's art collection, which was part of the estate he bequeathed to Lady Sackvllle. This collection was kept in the Scott residence in the Rue Laffltte, Paris, and is part of the famous Wallace col lection. NORWAY RULERS SEND AID $525 Swells Mansion House Em press of Ireland $40,000 Fund. LONDON, June 2. The King and Queen of Norway have , sent ?525 to the Mansion House for the Empress of Ireland relief fund, which now amounts to more than $40,000. The Liverpool fund has reached $17, 500. EARTHQUAKE HITS MEXICO Guadalajara Feels Two Sharp Shocks; Xo Ixss Reported. MEXICO CITT. June 2 Two sharp earthquake shocks occurred at Gua dalajara yesterday morning. No damage of Importance has been reported. BRYAN ORDER FAILS TO STOP MUNITIONS Vessel Gets Clearance for Rebel Port. SECRETARY MUCH SURPRISED Neutrality Toward Huerta Is Openly Violated. WASHINGTON IS AGITATED Attitude of , Constitutionalists To ward Mediation Likely to Have Important Bearing on Fu ture of "Open Port." WASHINGTON. June 2. Ammuni tion for the constitutionalists of Mexico ieft American shores from New York today bound for Tamplco, while Mex ican mediation apparently marked time at Niagara Falls, the attitude of the constitutionalists serving as the stumbling block In the negotiations. Information that the steamer Antilla, which recently was fired on by con stitutionalists outside Tampico, ' had left New York with munitions of war created considerable stir in Washing ton. The vessel was cleared without interference on the part of the United States, much to the surprise of Secre tary Bryan and other department offi cials. Erabarco Is Held Back. Subsequently it was discovered that an order to prevent clearance of such vessels had been delayed and that the Antilla had procured clearance while the Washington Government believed steps had been taken effectually to pre vent her sailing. Up to the present Tamplco has been regarded as an open port.' The United States, however, has sought to main tain an embargo on arms to Mexico across the border and last Friday when It became apparent that munitions of war for the Mexican revolutionists were being prepared for shipment from New York, an order was Issued by the State Department to prevent clearance of vessels bearing arms for any Mexi can port. Delay la Not Explained. For some unexplained reason this order did not reach the proper port of ficials until later today, after clearance papers had been issued to the Antilla. Iso embargo from American ports was contemplated by the United States until the constitutionalists captured the port of Tamplco. Then It became apparent that this Government would be required to prevent shipments of ammunition to the revolutionists in order to preserve neutrality as be- ( Concluded on Page 2.) THE CHAUTAUQUA p '-; ' Aifam II LECTURE DYODftERVkl fUSftF-W1 v " i - - INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS Tbe Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 63 decrees; minimum, bi decree. TODAY'S Fair; westerly winds. Mexico. Shipload of irmi sets off to rebels, despite Huerta paves way for his resignation. Page 1. Rebels will not deal with Huerta. Face 1. Foreign. Stors tad's twisted bow made plain when collier unloads. Pass 2. National. Labor and farmers' unions excepted" in anti trust bill. Pace r. Watchman puts dynamite under Houston's oinca. Pace a. Food Imports Increase; exports decrease. Pace 20. Domeste. Qlrl suspected in extortion plot lnvolvlnc name of V. Lewis Clark, pace a. Captain Griffiths- clerk testifies concern in officer's methods. Pace 2. Chambermaid marries riches; buys hotel to discharge housekeeper. Pace 1. Escaped "leper" appear In Washington and Is Isolated. Pace 2. Sports. Coast League - results: Portland IT. Sacra mento's: Los Angeles 3, Oakland 0; San Francisco s, Veuico 0. Page 1. Northwestern League results: Portland 4. Vancouver S (17 Innings); Spokane lO. Tacoma 2; Seattle 2, Victoria 1. Page 15. Vanlte Is victor over Resolute, in cup de fense tral Page 16. University of Oregon cinches conference hon ors by defeating Washington State Col lege. Page 14. , Ed Colllgau. Sacramento inflelder. called East by Mrs. Colllgan's illness. Page 14. Home run In 12th with bases filled breaks up tie in Western Trt-State League. Page 18. Ritchie-Welsh fight called off. Page 16. Pacific Northwest.. Jacob Furth dies In Seattle. Page 6. Rancher killed, woman hurt in early morn ing auto accident. Page 7. Trial of alleged slayer of wife delayed at Eugene- until June 15. Page 7. Supreme Court rules city ia sovereignty In matters pertaining to home affair. Page 1. . Queen Thelma and party take part In In dian war dance at Pendleton. Page liO. All Clatsop' County Joins in big Jubilee to day. Page 6. Commercial and Marine. Excitement subsides In- prune market and prices weaken. Pace SI. Wheat advances sharply at Chicago on poor crop news from Europe. Page 21. Wall street stocks decline under professional selling. Page 21. Increases made every few days to fleet that will use Panama Canal, page 0. Portland and Vicinity. Thousands make reservatons at hotels for Festival week. Page 20. "Church Gifts" is subject of address by Kev. J. s. Kendall at United Brethren meeting, page lo. Dr. Nibley and Dr. Long bound over to the grand Jury, page a. Municipal shop Is called failure at Com mission meeting. Psge 16. Banks of country await anti-trust law. de clare visiting New York bankers. Page 18. The Mikado" to be presented by students. Page 30. Weather report, forecast and data. Page 21. Count on State ticket completed. Page 4. Judge Henry McGinn delivers "Tribute to Judge fcihattuck." Page 16. Official count of county vote for state of- nces is yompieteo. Page 4. CUMMINS WINS BY 50,000 Governor Clarke Expected to Gain Iowa Nomination by 45,000. DES MOINES. June 2. Returns from 1879 of the 3297; precincts in the state indicate that Senator Cummins' ma jority in the Republican primaries will be very near 60,000. The Senator polled 76,143 votes to Savage's 40,327 In these precincts. Reports from 79 counties out of the 99 give Connolly 7000 majority over Meredith. Governor Clarke received 68,945 votes in 1879 precincts, Lee 30, 564 and Rowley 15,611. The Governor's plurality Is expected to reach 45,000. DAYS ARE COME, THE MOST PROFITABLE OF THE YEAR. LABOR AND FARMER EXCEPTED 111 BILL New Anti-Trust Meas ure Is Advanced PRIMARY BOYCOTT LEGALIZED Strikes and Picketing Lawful. Injunctions Limited. RAYBURN BILL IS NEXT House to Debate Regulation of Kail- road Securities Ten Hours and Expects to Complete Pro gramme Tins Week. WASHINGTON, June 2. The Clayton anti-trust bill, second measure on the Administration anti-trust programme, was completed in committee of the whole by the House today and laid aside awaiting a final vote. The Rayburn bill, placing the Issue of railroad securities under the control of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, was immediately taken up for general debate. Securities Bill Alone Remains. The completion of the Clayton bill left only the Rayburn bill to be acted on by the House In order to complete consideration of the Administration pro gramme. Ten hours of general debate are allowed on the Rayburn bill, and House leaders will make an effort to complete the final measure by the end of this week. When ' the detailed consideration of the Rayburn bill is completed the three new measures will be' taken from the committee of the whole" into the House for final votes. Decrees Made Conclusive lSvldence. As finally agreed on, the Clayton bill contains provisions aimed against price discrimination; prohibiting arbitrary refusal to sell natural mineral products forbidding sale or lease of goods con ditioned upon the agreement of pur chaser or lessee not to deal in com peting products; making decrees In suits brought by the United States under 'the anti-trust laws conclusive evidence in private suits against the same defendants; prohibiting corpora tions from controlling competing con cerns by stock ownership and forbid ding Interlocking directorates In con cerns under Federal Jurisdiction. Frmeri and Labor I'nlon Excepted. The much debated labor sections of the bill provide that nothing in the anti-trust laws shall be construed to forbid the existence and operation of farmers' and labor unions, and that (Concluded on Page S.) HOTEL IS BOUGHT TO AVENGE WOMAN CHAMBERMAID WEDS MONEY, FULFILLS PROPHECY. BrldegToom Supplies Funds; Bride's First Act as Proprietor Is to Discbarge Housekeeper. SACRAMENTO. June 2. (Special.) Mrs. B. A. Cook, formerly employed as a chambermaid at the Hotel Clayton here, and who recently was married to B. A. Cook, a wealthy man of Galves ton, Tex. returned to Sacramento to day, bought the hotel and discharged the housekeeper, fulfilling a prophecy made last Summer. The housekeeper was an old enemy, and when Mrs. Cook was employed at the hotel she was constantly upbraided by her.. One .day last Summer Mrs. Cook, after a heated argument with her superior, said: "I'll buy this hotel some day and fire you." Mrs. Cook left Sacramento last Win ter and met her present husband. After a brief courtship they were married. "I want to go back to Sacramento and buy that hotel and are that wo man," Mrs. Cook told her new husband. Ho laughed and said. "Go to it." and accompanied his wife to Sacramento. When the Cooks took possession Mrs. Cook's first act of proprietorship was to discharge her old enemy. VOLCANO DUE TO GEYSER Melting Snow in Crater Cause of Mount Lassen's Disturbance. j RED BLUFF. Cal.. Juno 2. Forest Supervisor Rushing reported today that the disturbance at Mount Lassen Is of geyser origin and Is caused by the rapid melting of the snow as It slides down Into the fissures of the crater. The large body of snow and the. In tense heat cause an Immense amount of steam. The mountain gave out little steam today, and it is thought the phenom enon Is nearlng an end. BONANZA. Or June 2. Sulphur showers, accompanied by hoavy light ning and rain, this afternoon covered the ground and left a yellow scum on pools. Mount Lassen Is 200 miles south of here. CHEAP AUTOS PREDICTED Electrics at $500, Costing $10 Up keep a Month, Forecast. PHILADELPHIA. Juno 2 WHlHr. in years there would be in this country more than 1.000.000 automobllM nnat. lng less than $500 each, the upkeep or wnicn will average abqut 110 a month, it was predicted by Dr. C. 1. Stelnmetz. Schenectady. N. Y.. todav In an address at the annual convention of the National Electric Light Associa tion. Drawing a parallel with the bicvcle. Dr. Stelnmetz said that automobiling will soon cease to be a snort and thut automobiles will be purchased merely for practical uses. FISH JUMP INTO LAUNCH Newport Men Say Perch Rained Into Boat on Alsea' River. NEWPORT. Or., June 2. (Special.) While coming down the Alsea River. Saturday, in a flat-bottomed launch In which they had gone fishing, H. F. Jenkins, Frederick Butterfleld and Jo seph Patterson, of Newport, and their guides were astonished to see it rain fish, they said. The launch passed through a school of perch in a shallow place, and the water boiling in the wake caused the fish, to Jump and many landed in the back of the launch. WILD BUFFALO IS COMING Bull From Yellowstone on Way to Join Washington Park Herd. witmn a couple or days visitors at the Washington Park zoo will ot tn see a real wild bull buffalo right off the range of the Yellowstone National Park. Word was received yesterday by Park Superintendent MIsche that the big animal has been caught and shipped by express. He will be turned loose In the pad- Uocks to pass the rest of his days. A lively time Is expected in taking him from his car to the park. CITY TO HAVE FIREWORKS Business Men Decide to Have Dis play on River Despite Ordinance. VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 2. (Spe cial.) The Council has denied the pe tition of a number of business men to permit fireworks in the city limits this year, but the Fourth of July committee of . the Commercial Club has found a way to get around the ordinance. The committee decided that the limits end at the north bank of tie Columbia River, so if the fireworks are exploded on the river, no law will be broken. A big scow will be secured. EXPERT PARKER ON WAY Harvard Man Leaves for Seattle en . Route to Seal .Colony. BOSTON. June 2. Professor George L. Parker, of the zoology department of Harvard University, one of the three men appointed by the Government to Investigate the condition of the seal colony in the vicinity of the Prlbllof Islands, left for Seattle today to sail June 8 on the revenue cutter McCul lough. . He will remain in tbe Bering Sea, un til August 11. CITY IS SOVEREIGN, HIGH COURT ROLES Legislature Can Make No Charter Change. GENERAL ACTS UNDER BAN Opinion Given in Suit Involving Portland Auto Law. JUDGE M'GINN OVERRULED Supreme Tribunal Holds Ordinance and Not State Statute Fixes Speed at 'Which Machines Muy Be Operated. SALEM. Or.. June 2 (Special.) That a municipality virtually is a sov ereignty and is free from molestation by the Legislature In home affairs, was the gist of a decision by the Supreme Court today. Justice McNary writing the opinion, in the cast of Peter Ka llch against F. C Knapp, appealed from Multnomah County. Under the opinion the Legislature is prevented from passing any act which would Interfere with a city In any matter germane to the city's activities, but Jt may pass a general law affect ing a city charter or ordinance which concerns the state in Its soverulgn capacity. The opinion says the au thority of repeal or amendment of city charters or ordinances Is reserved to the people through the Initiative and referendum. Cities Made More Independent. Cities, as a result of the decision, have far more ludependence than ever before, and the number of laws relat ing to cites which to a large extent heretofore have cluttered the legisla tive operations will be reduced to a minimum. The passage of the home rule act put an end to special city legislation by the Legislature, but not to general acts relating to cities. The decision virtually puts an end to these general acts. Specifically the decision holds that the Oregon motor vehiclo law, which allows a rate of speed of automobiles in cities of 25 miles an hour, does not apply in Portland, which has ordi nances limiting the speed to 15. or. in certain Instances, 10 miles an hour. Judge McGinn Overruled. The plaintiff was Injured in an auto mobile collision in Portland and sued for $35,000. Circuit Judge McGinn de clined to allow the city ordinances regulating tho speed of automobiles to be introduced upon the ground that they had been superseded by the state motor vehicle law. The verdict was tit favor of the defendant, and the Su preme Court now reverses that decree and orders a new trial. The opinion, to which Chief Justice McBride dis sented, says in part: "Admitted by all is tho proposition, that but a single problem is hero in volved, namely: Since the amendment of section 2 of article II of the state constitution. effective December 3. 1910. can the Legislature enact a stat ute general in its application, calcu lated to repeal certain ordinances of the City of Portland theretofore en acted pursuant to the powers granted to the city in its charter? "Abuses Prompt Amendment. "To appreciate understandingly the real inspiration productive of section 2 article II of the constitution, as well as Its expected corrective force, is but to recall the ills accompanying legis lative creation of and Interference with municipal charters which naturally provoked a deep-seated resentment among the chartered communities. Tinkering with municipal charters be came a most enjoyable pastime of the legislators and a favorite ground for their activities. To eradicate the abuses too often arising from legis lative interference with matters wholly municipal In character, the people of the state, by initiative action, en grafted this provision upon the or ganic law of the state. "In the light of this condition the constitution must be considered and interpreted. Therefore, we believe the people of the state meant literally what they said when they used the expres sion that The Legislative Assembly shall not enact, amend or repeal any charter or act of Incorporation for any municipality, city or town.' This lan guage admits of no other interpreta tion than that the people purposed to curtail the power of the Legislature in all matters of legislation pertaining to' the" creation of a municipal charter, in its amendment or nullification. General Acta Raled Aarainst. "To yield to the thought that the ' constitutional enactment must be con strued to Inhibit the Legislature from committing a direct assault upon' the charter of a particular city, yet per mitting that very objection to be ob tained by making the law apply gen erally to all municipalities in the state, is to close tho eyes to a full reading of the provision and to license the Leg islature to do that by Indirection which It is expressly forbidden to do direct ly. The argument that the ' constitu tional provision means that the Legis lature may, by general enactment, reg ulate the Internal affairs of the cities and towns of the state, but Is prohib ited from passing a similar law having reference to a particular municipality. (Concluded oa Page e-