THE 3IOIEXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1914. 19 FOB RENT. Rooms itli Board in Private Families. LA RGE beautiful furnished rooms. good board, uie of parlor, ana home comfort: 25.50 ud: excellent location. 5u 1 Harrison, near 14th. Main 0381. Also young lady wishes roommate. 41.50 WEEK. iA month with board: bath. electricity; front room. 673 Glisan. Phone Mart nan mi'u. ROOM In strictly private family; excellent board, every convenience, suitable one or two gentlemen. 2U1 est park, JI.E ASA XT room with or without board ; 2.:i Union ave. N. ; walking distance, Phone East 4440. $8 MONTH up; clean, comfortable furnished room, close in, with or without board. 140 Lownsdale, near Morrison. IsICELY f urnulshed light, airy rooms, with or without board ; $5 per week. 1732 Derby, Kenton. Woodlawn 2380. ROOM and 2 meals in attractive home, sleeping porch, hot and cold water, walk ins distance. :.'(." 11th. Main 7205. Furnished Apartments. THE C ROM W ELL 5th and Columbia Sts. Six minutes' walk to theater and shop pins district. Transient or Permanent. ijay week month. Modern - and 3-room furnished apart ments, with kitchen, bath, phones, etc ; all outside apartments; French doors, in dividual balconies, awnings and screens; delightful Hummer apartments. STRANGER, TRAVELER. Do you want a cozy home while In Port land? Daily, weekly or monthly rates. You will always find comfort, conveni ence and courteous treatment, and be close to the center of the city at the WHEELDON ANNEX 10TH AND SALMON STS. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS, 22d and Glisan Streets. Walking distance. Will sublet completely furniBhed 5-room ' apt. for 4 mo. with piano; reasonable price, REFERENCES REQUIRED. Marshall 3102. 6TRANGER, GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Only $18 to $26 per month, 55 to $7 Eer week, for completely furnished house eeping, 2-room apartments, including electric llgh private phone and ail mod ern conveniences; new brick bldg., 15 min .' utes walk from P. O. Lincoln Apts.. cor ' tier 4th and Lincoln. Main 1.177. A 4152, CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sta Very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur nished apts., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the parks. Fire minutes walk from business center. We always maintain our reputation for first class, clean apts., with best of services, at reasonable prioes; references required, CHELTENHAM High-class furnished apart ments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, for low price; hardwood floor, all outside rooms, look east and north, fine view, fine residence district, best service, lbth and Northrup. Phone Marshall 4599. THE AVALOiV. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments, linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch, nearest the Union Depot of East Side Apartments. 285 Ross et. Phone East 1967. BLANC HARD APARTMENTS. 8-room apts., with private bath, heat, hot and cold water, lockers, laundry and store room. Fine modern brick bldg. 14uVa Klllingsworth ave. Call Apt. B or phone Woodlawn 2901 or C 2S2u. SEE the Overton, Apartments Furnished and unfurnished; cheapest and best In the city; private pnone, bath, and electric ele vator; no inside rooms; new manager. Take W car, 274 N. 21st St., cor. Overton. " GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Corner Park and Taylor. Best locaton in the city; a cozy home; well furnished in 2, 3 and 4-rooin suites; first-class service. GRANDEST A, E. Stark and Grand ave. New building, nicely furnished; private phone and baths, automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 208. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella sta. Furnished 3 rooms and sleeping porch; located in one of the choicest residence districts; walking distance. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments ; rates reasonable. McKlNLE 1' APARTMENTS. Corner E. Morrison and 7th street; cozy well-furnished 2 and 3-room apartments; private phones and baths. $18 to $27.50. THE LUCERNE APTS. 2-roon. furnished apts., modern, brick, private baths, phones; 8 min. from P. O.; 20 and up. Marshall 4637. THE JACKSON. " Three-room apartments, furnished com plete; private bath and phone. Summer rates. Union ave. and Davis st. MONTGOMERY APTS., 3d and Montgomery New brick, all outside furnished 2 -room opts , private bath phone, automatic e?.e vato'r, cloae in; $20 up. Main 9406. THE LAURETTE One elegantly furnished 3-room apt., private bath and phone. 22i 11th at. Homelike 8 and 4-room furnished apart ments, separate phones, bath and individ ual halls. Bozanta, 180 N. 23d. Mar. 2045. FURNISHED three-i oorn apartment; owner away for the Summer and will rent for $18 per month. 187 17th. near Yamhill. LUCILLE COURT, 20th and Lovejoy; nice ly furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, with sleeping porch. Phone Marshall 2031. ALTOMA, 19th and Marshall sts. Large airy, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. - THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th St., at Market, new 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1739. THREE-ROOM apartment, completely fur nished; line view; near earline; references required. AL 10, Oregonian. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room, beautiful location, close In. Summer rates. 706 Everett. USNEVA HOTEL APTS., San Francisco, 840 Van Ness, near Ellis. All outside sunny rooms, steam ncai. v c t: v ur 1'iuuuL THE STANFIELD, 204 Porter St., Main 7302. Newly furn. 2-room apts., light and gas included. Summer rates $3.00 week up. DI'CV A VICT A 12th and Harrison 2 and S-room apart ments; DeBtscruAvi! t20 SUMMER RATES 3 rooms, all large, furnished, with phone, bath, bed and table linen. Tabor 223. B 1053. FAIRMOUNT APARTMENTS, 286 11TH ST. Mndim furnished 2-room apts.. $25. Close In. Main 2286. H ADDON HALL. Furnished and unfurnished apartments; private balcony. 414 11th st. Mar. 1171. RERKELEY APARTMENTS. 39 Trinity Place, 2, 3, 4-room apartments; modern. Mar. 1950, apt 3d. New managem't FURNISHED APARTMENTS. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall. Main 4299. Birmingham, 3tn) 12th st. Marshall 484. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th St., 2 and 3-room apts., close in, modern, reasonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. FLORENCE. 388 lith 3-4-room furnished apartments; roof garden ; by week or month; good location ; walking distance. THE ELMS, 14th, near Yamhill, two and 8-room outside apartments, cosy homes, walking distance. $l5-$25. COMPLETELY furnished apartments, in con crete block, $12. 1162 Union ave.-North. ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 32th st. Large 2-room apartments. Mrs. John Cran, mgr. fi a nD 4-room furnished or unfurnished. The BJelland. A 1867. Main 1867. A ONE two and three-room furnished apart ments at loft ISth gt. North, $12 to $20. "WANTED Young lady to share apartment, 324 13th st.. Apt. L Unfurnished Apartments. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern cvonveniencee, telephone, steam heat. cas. electricity, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 4376. 6HE1TIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broad v. n v corner Jefferson; easy walking dl' tance; 3 or 4 rooms with private baths; very reasonable rent; oest service, spien did arrangements. All outside rooms. " THE LET A. Mich-class 4 rooms, first floor, walk Jng distance. Summer rate; like a private home. Aiarsnau i. v weet .nroauway. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 a ad 4-room apartments, $20 and up; good janitor service ; warning aistance; rerer- ences. 712 Wash. opp. 22d. Main 7194. KEELEK APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STS Z and 4-room unfurnished suites, pri vate vest Duies, pnones ana oat as, with, steam heat, hot, cold water. References. THE CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy, 8 and 4-room unfurnished apartment lis to $au. can Marshall 2916 trays, etc., solid oa noors, mirror doors. 4022 60th ave.. s. it... or puone Alain 'iim. ROSE FRIEND, cor. Broadway and Jeffer sonElegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service; private phone ; ref. MAYO Apts., 508 Union ave., near Broad way; modern, unturuinu pis. r,usi tu. 660 FLANDERS, 0-roora apt., $42.50; Sum mer; 3-room apt.r$18; modern. FOR KENT. Unfurnished Apartments. AMERICAN AND MARLBOROUGH. Central, West Side, highest class apart ments, four, five and six rooms, all out- siae. jvery convenience. Rent reason able. Marshall 3360. Main 7516, A 2676. American Realty Co., o w n era. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Very high -class 3-room unfurnished apartments; extra large light rooms; pri vate balcony ; splendid view; clean and new ; exceptional Janitor service; elecuic vacuum cleaner; rent reasonaoie. noru lu, near Washington. M. 5527. LUC RET I A COURT. 49 Lucretia at., between Washington and Everett; finest and most modern unfur nished apartments, 2 to 5 rooms, hard wood floors, all outside rooms; references. Mgr.. Marshall 1513; janitor. Mar. 1500. THE BONNIE BRAE will have a corner apartment ready J une 1, 3 rooms, bath and dressing-room, new ana modern, with every possible convenience. Corner 11th and Hancock sts., Irvlngton. DOVER APTS. 3 and 4 rooms, $15 and $17; heater, gas range, private bath; brick bldg. Marshall 4336. Key at 387 N. 24th st. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments, OUR FREE AUTOMOBILES AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 per month. If you want one, telephone Main 2015 Sundays, or A 2015 Evenings call Mr. Balden Marshall 2290 Our automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required We own and control the following; Cecilia, 22d and Glisan. Clay pool, 11th and Clay sta. Columbia, 11th and Columbia. Fordham. 170 Ford. Hanthorne, 215 12th St., near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th, Hanover, 165 King, near Washington. Orderleigh, 82 Grand ave. St. Clair, 170 St. Clair st., near fVaah. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 16th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FL1EDNER & BOi'CB 813-821 Morgan bide. STELWYN APARTMENTS. Wash, st., near 22d, cor. St. Clair. 3 and 4 rooms, with sleeping-porch, ar tistically and completely furnished; also unfurnished; all large outside rooms; un excelled service; walking distance; refer ences required; $30 to $00. One furnished bachelor apartment now vacant; price rea onable. Inducements made to permanent tenants. Apply on premises or call THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Managers, 209 Washington St. ' Main 6S69. , a G267. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving Fur nished and unfurnished apartments, in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick ; electric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room; individual bath and toilet; vacuum cleaner free ; also 1 each S and 4-room basement apt, at $15 and $17.00. Phone Marshall 29ol.' TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS 49-57 Trinity Place The finest apartments on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required; furnished bachelors quarters with club room. Manager. Marshall 1101. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup sts., 5 large rooms, unfurnished, large front ve randa, sleeping porch, phone, bath, heat, new and modern; hardwood floors; also 4 large rooms, furnished, beautiful, phone, bath, beat. Mar. 1070. THE DEZENDORF 208 16th St., near Taylor. Mar. 2324. Nice 4 and 5-room furnished and unfur nished apts. NEW brick bldg., side of Portland Heights, 2-room apartments; light and airy; rent $18 up. Short distance from 14th st,, cor. Mill. 355 Chapman. ROSENFELD APTS., 3 and 4 rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; strictly modern and up to date; under new management, E. 14th and E. Stark sts. East 3703. ONE, two and three-room furnished apart ments, at 109 North Eighteenth street; twelve to twenty dollars. SEE BKETNOR Apartments for 3 and 4 rooms,, furnished and unfurnished. 215 North 20th st. THE CliETOPA, 18th and Flanders. 2, 3 and 4-room modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished; best location In city. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King, 3 and 4-room, high-class; references. Main 2u58. Flats, FOR RENT Attractive lower flat, 5 rooms, Nob Hiil district, near churches and with in walking distance of business center; li replace, furnace, built-in conveniences; rent free till June 15. Inquire 66 10th st. North. VERY desirable 6-room and bath, 2d floor liat, neat ana water furnished ; private front porch; walking distance; $45. 305 11th st., near Columbia. Marshall 4553. $2750 MODERN 6-room lower flat furnace. gas neater, iinoieum. lutii and Davis sts. Iha block of Washington. Phope E. 3750, mornings until 2 P. M. and after 5. FOR RENT A nice five-room flat, with sleeping porch. Colonial Heights; Haw thorne car; $30; gas range, heat and water furnished. Main 6020. VERY reasonable, 5 room flat, with bath; walking distance. East Side. Phone Tabor 5540, C 1946. SWELL 5-room modern lower flat; adults only; rent 25; close In. 7S9 E, Yamhill, near E. 2 3d. Phone East 594S. $10 UPPER flat, 301 East 11th, 4 rooms, no children. Main 00;iO or East 903. MODERN 5-room flat, 29 Vs East 3th iu, cor. East Burn side; 916. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt, st. Inquire 130 6th Bt- Phone Main 6278. FOR RENT Unfurnished riat, modern, close in. Phone C 2612, East 784. SWELL 6-room flat, all modern conveni ences. 35 E. 16th st. N., cor. Couch. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, l85 10th st. Apply 1M luth st., cor. Yamhill. Furnished flats. EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished or un furnished flats, nice yard and porches, good location and walking distance. One block from the best earline. reasonable to right party. 164 E. 12th, corner Bel mont. G-ROOM partly furnished lower flat. West Side, walking distance, sleeping porch, nice front porch; all rooms light and airy; excellent view. Call 464 Hall, near 13th. OWNER'S choice moder.ii 4-room flat, beau tifully furnished, new, cheerful, homey; 2 closets, private veranda, sleeping-porch, view, fine location; $30. 46S Hall st. NEW and newly furnished 4-room flat and newly tinted unfurnished flat. Phone E 5. B 1404. THREE front rooms, bath and kitchen, part ly furnished; gas, electric light; reaon able rent. 355 Va 16th North. Main 63. HANDSOMELY furnished lower 4 rooms and bath; delightful location; large porch, yard. Adults. 351 W. Park. Marshall 4215. 549 TAYLOR ST., near 17th, 4-room flat, nicely furnished, modern conveniences; rent $25. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month ud: a clean nlace. best in the city for the money ; short distance irom union Depot, lake S or leth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. TWO modern, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms and kitchenette, $2 weekly; other suites, $a and $4. 500 Flint st. Take WH-liams-ave. car to Russell st two blocks west, half block south. DOUBLE housekeeping-rooms. $2.50 per week. Good transient rooms, $2. Hot and cold water, electric llghui and gas in every room. 533 Morrison st. Phone Main 4305. $1.60 TO $2.75 wtek; clean furnished house keeping roomt, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. "U" car. 461 EAST MORRISON Neatly furnished 2 room housekeeping apartments, very reas onable. THREE modern housekeeping trooma at 7U2ii. E. th st. Key at 704 & E. 9th or pnone liast 4i-'o. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur Furnished 2-room apts.; steam heat; light; $15 up. Main 3523. Take 'S," 23d or 'W" car nor IS 2-3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and well furnished, $12.50 and $15.00 per month. THE OILMAN, 1st, cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, $1.60 week and up. THE MAPLES, 267 Knott; cozy fur. H. K. suites. $2. GO up; water in suites. FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge otag.. au. cor. aa ornson. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Families. TWO very desirable front h. k. rooms; gas. Datn, sinK, pnone. ttou Aiontgomery st. 105 20TH, cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 NICE, large, dry basement rooms; rent 5iu month. vz iay st. COSY housekeeping suite, $10 per month. 588 Pettygrove. Maki 3423. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $12 a montn. buu isurnsiae. COMPLETELY furnished S-room suite and single n. k. rooms reasonable. 66 N. 21st. LARGE single rooms, kitchenette, outside, uui auu vum wttior, i. jLocn. at. FOR RENT, Mouse keeping Rooms in Private Famili es. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, with Dutch kitchen, heat, water, lights, use of phone, laundry, lawn, first-class location ; "W" car from Union depot, 23d, lOth-st. cars, walking distance to city proper; $2.50, to $5 week; rates by month, 575 Couch st., corner ISth. IN refined home, large, pretty sleeping porch, with two rooms well furnished; every cdnvenlence, new, cheerful, homey, pieasant surroundings; couple, $20. 468 Hall st. ONE or two front rooms; everything nice and new; bath, phone, sink; walking dis tance ; reasonable. 340 Cleay, near Broad Way. TWO nicely furnished houskeeping suites, sink, gas range, porch, heat, light and phone, $15. Walking distance; fine loca tion. 646 East Alder. TWO front rooms with dressing-room, hot and cold water, fireplace, large porch; light housekeeping if delred; no other roomers. Main 2196. 2-ROOM housekeeping suite; outside rooms; pleasant ; reasonable; close; respectable. 183 West Park. TWO or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms with gas, phone, light, fruit trees, $10 and $15 month; 1717 Portsmouth ave. NICELY "furnished houseKeepiug room. Ev erything furnished; walking distance; $8. DS9 Kearney. NEWLY furnished 2-room suite, ground floor front, $15 per month; no children. 350 14th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, pantry, yard, private entrance. West Side. 5t3 Main St., near Nartilla. FOUR unfurnished H. K. rooms. 706 Glisan St., $14 month; light, water, phone in cluded. Main 1350, A 7931. $4 AND $5 weekly; If looking for superior h, k. rooms inspect our newly renovated place; lots of light and air. 494 Yamhill. 250 19TH ST. N. 1, 2 and 3-room H. K sultes, beautifully furnished and strictly modern; low Summer rates. Marshall 4281. NICE parlor suite, complete; also room with kitchenette; Nob Hill, 594 Everett. 4-ROOM furnished suite, private bath and phone. Phone Marshall 1043. 414 Mill st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, run ning water, $10. 370 12th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, hot water heat. 781 Kearney. Marshall 4337. WE have single and housekeeping-rooms, furnished; rent to suit. 404 Park. Houses, LAUKELHURST home; new eight-room bungalow, near Glisan st., on Royal Court, for . rent or lease at $40 per month to re sponsible parties; I am the owner and will see you at my office, 512 Piatt bldg., or answer questions over phone. Main 4128. LAUKELHURST HOUSES For Rent. We have some new, atrlctly modern houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit, will build just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co 270 Stark et Main 1603, A 1515, 8-RM. modern house (In Irving ton) 821 E 11th st. N., corner lot, south and east front, among choice homes ; $30 per mo. D. M. Rohrbough, 266 Washington at. Phone Main 1147. NEW 5-room bungalow, modern and con venient, $15 per month; fine car service, 6926 45th ave. S. E. Key next door or at Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 813-821 Morgan bldg. DESIRABLE HOUSES AND FLATS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. STOUT INVESTMENT CO., 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. DON'T hunt houses, flats; we have every thing, anywhere, any price. Square Deal Rentals, 513 Gerlinger bldg. Main 1497. IN- LAURELHURST. 1105 E. Davis st., near Laurelhurst ave.; fine modern house; reasonable rent. Phone Main 1235. NICE, large, 5-room cottage, lot OuxluO. No. 109 Webster St., West, near Albina ave.; rent $18. Call 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452, A 4401. $lo FOR 5-room on Woodstock earline, near Reed College, built-in conveniences, laun dry trays, bath, etc. E. 46th and GOth ave. p. rZ. or phone Main 763. TWO 6-room houses on 10th and Beacon sts., near Brooklyn School; price $15. Ap piy to Eugene Willis, 663 East 9th st. South. Phone Sellwood 878. $15 3-ROOM cottage, modern. Myrtle park; electricity, gas and steel ranee; garden. McFarland. 809 Yeon bldg. Main 3672. 9 ROOMS, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, finished basement, fireplace, splendid lo cation, $45. Phone Main. 2015. 5-ROOM bungalow in Laurelhurst to re sponsible parties without children. Phone Tabor 3U36 from 9 to 4 today. 5-ROOM bungalow, corner lot, Hawthorne district; $2o; some furniture for sale at a bargain. Tabor 3635, or G 7. Oregonian. MODERN 5-room flat, will rent at a rea sonable price; nas nice porch, liropiace, etc. Call 441 11th st. NEAT 5-room cottage, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. 34th and Stephens, $15. Woodlawn 3690. OX East Side, 1 acre of ground with house, barn and orchard In bearing. Inquire 508 Taylor st. $26 8-ROOM house, modern conveniences, 8 toilets, large yard, 849 East Stark St., near 2 8th. 6-ROOM modern house, one month's rent free; $23; 661 East Washington St., cor. East ISth. Key next door. Phono C 3135 8-ROOM residence. West Side, central, and new furniture of four bedrooms, very rea sonable. H 24, Oregonian. DESIRABLE- 7-room house, corner, .nice lawn, roses and trees; low rent. Sixth and Sherman. Take lbth-st. car south. WEST SIDE, $25, neat 7-room home. 510 Market, near 14 th st- Small yard. Phone Main 4510. 8-ROOM house on West Side, Nob HUL Phone Main 4134. MODERN 6-room house, E. 20th and Wy- gant, ?u. rnone wooaiawn ivt. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses; 888 and 396 San Rafael, close in. .ast 1685. ONLY $15; five-room residence, close in. 4 in ana woiumoia sts. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath, 69 E. 19th N. inquire ISO 6tn st. Main 6278. 9-ROOM house, 712 Lovejoy, near 2 2d, In quire loO 6th St. Main 6278. GOOD 5-room cottage, 120 E. 20th, only $16. Phone Main 8429. 6-ROOM house on 14th st., near Main, A Dargain. can i aoor J.ts. HOUSES, Irvlngton, for rent furnished and unfurnished. Last Zi3. w. t. Herdman. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. Inquire next door. 3o& Lincoln at. 8-ROOM house, modern. 699 Flanders, near ''d. Main buou or iast uoj. 5-ROOM modern cottage. 406 Hall at,, near 10th. Inquire 42 l 10th st. 5-ROOM cottage. 612 East Bumside, near East 11th. Phone East 3H04. MODERN 8-room bouse; corner E. 29th and Hoyt. Phone Eaat 6138. HOUSE or flat for rent, on Portland Heights. Marshall 4423. COTTAGE, 126 North 17th St., near Glisan. itey ss jsortn it in at. MODERN 8-room house for rent. 42 E. 15th, Furnished Houses, 8 ROOMS, completely furnished, piano, gas and electricity; nice grounds with large fruit trees and roses; rent $35. Phone Miss Mc Bride, care of Meier & Frank Co., or apply 87 E. 27th St. MODERN 6-room bungalow, sleeping porch, completely furnished, piano, sewing ma chine, flowers, vegetables; near earline. Sellwood 1798. (For three months.) WILL rent my elegant furnished home strictly modern, nice lawn; rent reaaoa- aoie. pnone feeuwooa iuao. mouern furnished 6-room house, all or part for rent to adults. Good location. 684 E. Taylor. FURNISHED cottage. walking distance. fruit and flowers, at 243 Monroe st. Near Williams ave. Call Main 4415. FOR RENT or lease, completely furnished modern five room bungalow, 1006 East Sherman st. Tel. Tabor 4234. FOR RENT A furnished house. Westmore land, 5 rooms, sleeping porch. 1285 E. zoth st. a. FURNISHED house of 4 rooms; nicely fur nished; all conveniences; 25 minutes' ride out. 496 Tacoma ave. MODERN bungalow. Piedmont district. bummer months; rename people, call 1404 Rodney ave. 8-ROOM house, choice location, hardwood floors, Turkish rugs and mahogany fur niture. A 6211, Main . 4611. COMPLETELY furnished home for rent for summer. 62 Schuyler st. COMPLETELY furnished 9 -room house In .trying ton, on -canine; adults, -fc-ast 4384, $15 NEAT 4-room furnished house. 293 E. 6tin, just on Hawthorne. FURNISHED bungalow in A No. 1 condition, at 209 E. 36th. near Taylor. MODERN 5-room bungalow, nicely fur- nisnea. rent or tease. izy n;ast salmon. 8 tun mer Report s. TWO furnished cottages on the beach to rent for the season. Sea View. Wash, Lawn, shade trees, fireplace, etc., phone owner, uax urove, rtea an. CHEAPER to go to North Beach than stay at home; camping outfit furnished. lou. xeoa oiag. FOR RENT. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT Well furnished five-room house with conveniences. Phone Tabor 1738. Address G. E. C box 542, Seaside, Ore. FOR RENT for season, "Red Rock cottage," on Cannon Beach; six rooms, completely furniahed. Address W. D. Torrey, Hotel Torrey, Seaside, Or. COMPLETELY furnished rooms. Sea View. Wash. EL housekeeping Shepard, FOR RENT Mayo cottage. Seaside, Eaat 920. Doard wane. rooms, modern. FOR RENT Mayo cottage, Seaside, on East 2f. board walk; 8 rooms, modern. SEAS1 DE Furnished cottages. overlooking Tabor 4818. ocean, tor rent reasonable. Mores. SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, venti lated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria, print shop, etc; reasonable rent. Mor gan, Fliedner & Boyoe, 81$ Morgan bldg. GROUND floor store in Majestic Theater oiug. ; ttiBo two large storerooms on sec ond floor and large basement space, Ap ply Majestic Theater. CORNER Hawthorne ave. and K. Water at.. zfxu ; win cnange xront to suit tenant. Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 206$. FOR STORES. FLOORS AND BLDOS-. SEE w. a. WEBB, 605 Yeon bldg. Main 491$. BRICK store, corner 11th and Hawthorne, ior rent, r aircnua, zaz cneriocx. SMALL STORE; Low rent; Broadway and wiiiiams ave. inquire 360 Williams ave. Offices. FOR RENT Rooms suitable for office or stuaios; tun ana Morrison sts. Sherman, Clay A Co. NICELY furnished office cheap. 720 North western uanK biag. pnone A 3118. Warehouse. WAREHOUSE OR WHOLESALE BLDG. Finest warehouse facilities on West Side; terminal tracks, close to freight sta tions, five-story,, mezzanine and basement, accessible by two streetcar lines and paved streets; will build additional facili ties on balance of block as may be re quired by responsible tenant. This offers splendid facilities for wholesale business, with offices, fire-proof vaults, display rooms, etc. Will lease for long or short term In part or whole. Address V 12, Ore gonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED A sober, Industrious, wide-awake man with $350 as partner In real estate business; one who can take charge-of of fice; I will do the outside work; have now some A-l listings; unless you have the money and are a live wire don't answer. A 21, Oregonian. SOLID business. If you can invest a little money wun your services in an estab lished business the -owner will guarantee you $125 monthly and your money will be fully secured. Call room 329. Morgan bldg. WANTED An Idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent f Protect your Ideas, they may bring yon wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions," "How to Get Your Patent and Money." Randolph & Co.. patent attorneys. Washington, D. C. FOR SALE One of the finest meat mar- xets in eastern Oregon, complete loe plant, doing over $100 a day; finest ehancs f o- man with means; right In the country where the cattle are raised; $5000 wlli handle. Inquire AV $70, Oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. Purse, Secretary, 818 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AUTO passenger line, finely equipped; big receipts, gooa, uve Dusiness proposition, bearing fullest investigation; $300 v will handle; an exceptional opportunity. 319 Lumber Exchange. PICKERING A CO.'S shop and outfit for aa- o.j'iiis, uiuuuiaciunng, ouying ana selling of gold, platinum and silver; will sell at Invoice, aoout $2000. 610-11-12 Norto west bl d g.. Portland. Or. PARTNER wanted for the automobile busi ness; aoesn t require much money; owner agrees to teach you the business and will guarantee large profits to energetic man. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. EXPERIENCED business lad v will loin nartv who comes wen recomraenaea, in open ing first-class restaurant; $450 required; experience not absolutely necessary. Tele- puone n.asi dsdo. Restaurant. downtown location; a money-maker, doing splendid business; nets 300 monthly: A-l eauinment strict ly first-class proposition, bearing full In vestigation ; uw. aiv liUmDer iuxenange. WANTED Manager of branch office: must be able to purchase furniture and office supplies; must be a capable business man. American Business Men's Association. 514 Baker bldg.. Walla Walla. Wash. GROCERY, fine location, good cash trade, no delivery, cneap rent, living rooms; this is realty exceptional for the price, $1150. P. W. Persels. 269 Stark st. WANTED Man with references to deliver and collect, $20 to $25 weekly guaranteed very small Investment required. Apply 243 E. 21st st. North. DELICATESSEN, light lunches, rent only uieanng aDove an expenses about r. a month. Price, $750, half cash, bal ance easy. 303 Lumber Exchange bldg, COM PANIES incorporated : bond Issues ne gotiated; loans on legacies and Inheri tances, l. n. Roseubaum, 80 Wall st.( New York. GROCERY, transfer point, apartment-house location. line district, doing excellent busi ness, low rent and bargain proposition; in voice about $900. Sid Lumber Exchange. MA N wanted to take cash and do buying for my cash restaurant; I do cooking; $300 investment, fully secured. See agent, 502 uroaaway biag. MEAT market doing a good business, only shop lively town; owner wishing to retire; snap for right person; give lease' on build lng. AV 307, Oregonian. A CAPABLE theatrical manager with about $ llHH) can find an exceptional opportunity In a legitimate enterprise by addressing iv, uregonian. GROCERY store, low" rent, price $450 Cleaning and dye works, bargain $150 Grocery, doing big business, price ... .$1000 au ova Lumoer ixcnange diojc. PARTNER wanted In fine West Side garage. can draw $100 month salary and profits, small Investment required. Call 323 Lum ber jyxenange. FOR SALE S-chalr barber shop doing good business; sickness cause for selling. Price $800 cash. Anderson, box 295, Tillamook, Or. CONFECTIONERY, Ibusy earline. corner; fine location ; doing excellent business; living rooms, low rent and a big bargain for $500. 319 Lumber Exchange. IF you aro ambitious and have $150 to ln fft In good paying business, call Main 6622, ask for Bulllnston. WANTED PARTNER IN MOVING-PICTURE SHOW, WEST SIDE, $50O RE QUIRED. 333 OAK STREET. OWNER will sell restaurant, doing good business, $1300 to $1400 a month, on Washington street. S 6. Oregonian. FOR SALE 30 H. P., 5-paas., fore-door Ma rlon, in good condition; terms. Apply Me tropolitan Market. 530 Williams ave. TO EXCHANGE My equity In S acres of apples and peaches for a good motorcycle or piano. Phone Sellwood 857. SOLID cash store for sale, guaranteed to clear $125 month and your money will be secured. Room 329 Morgan bldg. RESTAURANT, in good location; rent cheap, good paying business; would consider trade for auto. BC H. Oregonian. SAFE store business, clears $100 month above all expenses; $1000 will handle this. Call 323 Lumber Exchange. FOR RENT A well furnished restaurant; rent greatly reduced. New England, 248 Ash St. COMPLETE restaurant, ' owner forced to leave town; going on his farm; stand In vestigation. Owner, 105 N. 6th st. HERE is your chance to get one of the best cigar stands In the city at a great bargain. Call Main 7429. STEADY man who can Invest $150 and go to -work; good pay. References required. Call 303 Lumber Exchange bldg. WHY NOT GO INTO MOVINO-FICTURE BUSINESS? WE TEACH YOU, SUPPLY EVERYTHING. SEE US. 333 OAK ST. TWO-CHAIR barber shop. Koken furni ture, cheap for cash, 86 6th L, near Stak st. CIGAR, fruit, candy, ice cream store; owner for 20 years wishes to retire; a snap. 208 f irst st. FO R SALE cheap, small business suitable for man and wife; good money-maker. Woodlawn 3229. PARTNER wanted In office business; ref erences given and required. Call 323 Lum ber Exchange. BARBER shop, best location In town; will sell on account of other business. Inquire 353 College st. TAILOR shop, cleaning and pressing shop, for sale cheap; owner in hospital, must sell at once; good location. 88 6th st. RESTAURANT, corner location, established 5 years, $750. A 24, Oregonian. 8-CHAIR barber shop, A-l location, dress F. S. Davis. Colfax; Wash. GROCERY store for sale, $700; will Invoice. Main 7730. CIGAR stand bargain at $175 cash. Must sell. ISO 1st st. RESTAURANT and small grocers; best lo cation in city, Call 145 fe. Grand ave. N. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Cafeteria in San Diego; mod ern in every respect; equipment cost over $4000; only In business 30 days. Finest location in city; only cafeteria on Broad way, main street of city; 50 tables; has mezzanine floor. cash only, no trades. Lease up to Dec. 31, 1915, to responsible party. Railroad officials estimate we will have 5,0oo,000 visitors in 1915. Get busy; has to be sold. Apply W. T. C Cross, care U. H. National Bank. San Diego. Cat. WANTED Honest party, with $50OTo $1500 cash, to travel, either in United States, England, China or Japan or other for eign countries for reliable concern; no experience necessary; salary, commission and all traveling expenses paid; money secured and big profits; strictest Investi gation Invited. Call, phone or write. Dr. Chas. A. Pryor, Multnomah Hotel. DO you want a paying business? If so, investigate this: Lady wants gentleman to take h Interest In her grocery store. A first-class restaurant wants partner that Is not afraid to work; you can pay most of it out of the business. Lady wants partner with her in hotel and restaurant; money secured. See Black-. 589 Washington st. SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants relia ble party to establish office and manage salesmen: should pay $5600 to $15,000 an nually; $500 to $500O will finance busi ness, you nandle own money; references exchanged. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher bldg.. Chicago, 111. STRICTLY cash, suburban store, being op erated by a young lady who knows the business, will consider partnership with man who is willing to do the heavy work; $400 Investment required ; experi ence unimportant. Call for particulars, room 503 Broadway bldg. WANTED German partner to start chicken and duck ranch. A K S, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPrORTCXITIKS WANTED, HAVE buyers for the following: Confec tionery witn living-rooms; poolroom with 3 to 5 tables, and restaurants. List with us for quick sate. See Mr. Gunther, 337 Northwest Bank bldg. A-l OFFICE man with selling experience In hardware wants position with established firm; will invest. Y 9, Oregonian, PARTNER, cleaning, pressing; will tend Dusiness; nine money needed. 255 N. 17th. LOST AND FOUND. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned In at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as in dicated. Piedmont barn, phone A 6131 1 tennis racquet, 1 butterfly net, 1 pair shoes, 1 basket, 1 pillow. Sellwood barn, phone A 6131 2 books, 1 piece of rubber, 1 basket, 1 bathing ault, 1 pin, 1 comb. Ankeny barn, phone A 6131 1 basket, 1 pair of gloves, 1 hair ribbon, 2 purses, 1 suitcase, 1 iron weight. Savier-st. barn, phone A 6131 2 suit cases. 1 hand grip, 2 M. T. baskets, 1 child's parasol, 1 bottle medicine. LOST In Mt Scott district, black and brown brindle buldog; male, white arrow mark In breast, short tall, with collar and license No. 937. Call Stone, Main 7173. Liberal reward. LOST Sunday. lady's black eharmeuse coat, trimmed in yellow, between The Castle and W. Park. Find or please leave or notify Marcell studio, 336 H Wash, at. Rece i ve re w a rd. LOST On May 30. on Oregon Electric car coming from Milwaukie. or near Mil waukie depot, an emeral leaf and pearl circle pin. Main 7500. Reward. LOST A diamond laValliere. wadding gft. between 4th and 5th, on Morrison; return to 573 Hoyt. Phone Main 0601. $10O re ward. No questions asked. LOST Gold watch and Xob, Initials G. C. on Vancouver ferrv or slip to car, Sunday, May 31. Notify Mls McBrlde, of the Meier & Frank Co. Reward. UMBRELLA, with gold handle, "F. M. G-" engraved, taken from 5 and 10-cent Store Monday noon. Return there and no ques tions asked. LOST Running-board for furniture van, -tween East 12th and Belmont sta. and 1Mb and Pettygrove; reward. Main 506. C. O. Pick. LOST In Nob Hill district. May 31, child's hand-embroidered silk cape ; keepsake. Call Marshall Apts., Main 6727, and re ceive reward. ELK tooth, mounted, name, Sam Macartney. 142. Finder return to room 10, Cham ber Commerce bldg. LOST Anyone having any information about little white poodle strayed from home phone Tabor 3724. 2 rings. Reward. LOST Saturday, piece of diamond pendant; very liberal reward. Phone Main 4176 or A 423. LOST IN Irvlngton, Boston brindle bull, license No. 3640. Phone East 6831. Re ward. LOST Lady's Waltham watch, initialed "L. C. W.'' Finder please call Marshall 416. Reward. LOST Gray coat on West Oregon City road. Call Woodlawn 1509. LOST Lady's blue tailor-made coat. Re- ward. Phone B1761; Marshall 1332. FOUND Watch, chain on the fair grounds. riiono mam or a l .i-i.i. LOST Lady's blue coat, in South Mount Tabor; return to 6194 Division st. Reward. LOST Saturday, gold bar pin, diamond and a sapphires. Woodlawn 702. Reward. SPECIAL KOTICB. Proposals Invited. SALE OF TIMBER TULALIP INDIAN RESERVATION Sealed bids marked out side "Bid for Timber of Western Division. TuJallp Indian Reservation." and ad dressed to the Sunertntendent of th Tula- lip Indian School. Tulalip, Wash., will be icueiveu until is o ciock noon, pacitic Coast time. Saturday, August 15, 1914. for the purchase and removal of all the mer chantable timber on an area of about 7000 acres In sections 1, 2. 3, 4, fi. 6, 9 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 23. 24 and 25. T. 80 N, R. 4 E. and Section SO, T. $0 N., R. $ E.. Willamette Meridian, Washington; estimated to be 290.70O.0U0 feet B, M. 70.8 per cent Douglas fir, 24.6 per cent cedar. S. 7 per cent hemlock, 9 per cent spruce; 759. 0o0 linear feet of cedar poles, and 1.008,000 linear feet of Douglas fir plies. Twelve years, exclusive of one year to be allowed for the construction of necessary improvements, will be allowed for the cutting and removal of the tim ber. This period will be Increased if the timber cut exceeds the estimate. The lowest rate to be considered for the period prior to June 80, 1917. are $3.50 per M. for cedar. $3.00 per M. Douglas fir. Sitka spruce and Western white pine. 75o per M. for hemlock and other species. l4o per linear foot for cedar poles under 45 feet in length. 1 o per linear foot for cedar polej 45 feet and over In length. S.o per linear foot for Douglas fir piles with not greater than 16 Inches diameter at the large end. Readjustment of atumpage rates on June 30. 1917. and at three and alx years, respectively, there after in accordance with market condi tions Each bid must be submitted In triplicate and must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent National bank In the sum of $5000 drawn In favor of the Superintendent of the Tulalip Indian School, to apply on purchase price If bid Is accepted or returned If bid Is rejected. Ten per cent of the total estimated vaiue to be deposited by the successful bidder within thirty days of award of sale. Pay ments thereafter of $15,000 each. The right to waive technical defects in the ad vertisements and to reject any and all bids la reserved. The timber must be cue and removed under regulations, copies of which with further information may be obtained from the Superintendent of the Tulailp Indian School, Tulalip, Washing ton, or the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, Washington. D, C CATO SELLS, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON: In the matter of R. P. Shaw and Walter Keene, partners, doing business under the name of Shaw A Keene, and R. P. Shaw. Individually, bankrupts. Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned for a stock of merchandise con sisting principally of men's hats, caps, collars and neckties of the invoice value of $4700.64, together with fixtures O? the Inventory value of $1610.83, up to XX o'clock noon. Thursday, June 4, 1914. lu ventory Is on file at room 402 Fenton building, and the property may be in spected at the premises, 412 Washington street. Terms, cash, and a cash deposit or certified check of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each offer submitted. The right Is reserved to re ject any and all bids submitted. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 20th day of May, 1914. H. W. SITTON, Trustee. I.WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Morgan bldg., Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon, of Wednesday, June 10, 1914, for a stock of merchandise located at Cathlamet, Washington, consisting prin cipally of groceries, hardware, shoes, rub bers, dry goods and notions, drugs and toilet goods. Inventoried at $6056.60, to gether with store fixtures, inventoried at $962. Terms, cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected on premises. Dated Portland, Oregon, June 2, 1014. R. L, SABIN. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Burke bldg.. Seattle, Wash. Sealed proposals for the construction of the wooden hull snagboat Swinomlsh will be received at this office until 12 M., June 2, 1914, and then pub licly opened. Information on application. J, B. Cavanaugh, Msj. Engra, SPECIAL NOTICES Proposals lavlted. NOTICE OF ROAD IMPROVEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County. Oregon, on the 27th day of March, 1914, adopted the following order: In the matter of the improvement of the Base Line Road. Whereas, on the 27 th day of March. 1914, the County Surveyor of Multnomah County, In compliance with an order of the Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County, Oregon, filed in the office of the County Clerk detailed plans, specifications and estimates for the Im provement of Road No. 580. other wine known as the Base Line Road, from the east boundary of the City of Portland to the west line of Road No. 583. Be It resolved by the said Commission ers of Multnomah' County. Oregon, that said plans, specifications and estimates are found satisfactory and the same are hereby approved ; that the said Commis sioners do hereby declare their Intention and purpose of making said Improvement, which is described as follows: By laying thereon Warrenite pavement In conformity with said plans and speci fications. Said improvement shall be made In ac cordance with the said plans and speci fications, and in compliance with the statutes of the State of Oregon relating thereto. Be it further resolved, that the said Commissioners of Multnomah County, Ore gon, determine the boundaries of the dis trict benefited and to be assessed for such improvement to be as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the east boundary line of the City of Portland tsaid boundary line being the north and south center line of Section 33, T. X, N.. It. 2 E. W. M.), and the east and west center line of said section 33. and running thence easterly, tracing the east and west center lines of Sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, T. 1 N., R. 2 E. VV. M , and of SecUona 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and part of 36. T. 1. N., R. 3 E. W. M.. to an Intersection with the westerly line of Road No. 633. thence southerly, tracing the said westerly line of Road No. 533, to an intersection with the east and west center line of Section 1. T. 1 S.. R. 3 E. W. M., thence westerly, tracing the east and west center lines of sections 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, and 6. T. 1 S., R S S. W. M., and Sections 1. 2. 3 and part of 4. T. 1 S., R. 2 E. W. M.. to au inter section with the east boundary line of the City of Portland tsaid boundary line be ing the north and south center lino of Section 4, T 1 S R. 3 E. W. M.. thence northerly, tracing the eaat boundary line of the City of Portland to the place of beginning, containing 5367 acres, more or less. Ordered: That the County Clerk of Multnomah County. Oregon be, and is hereby directed to give notice as provided by the constitution and statu tea of the State of Oregon, of the Board of County Commissioners' Intention of making said improvement; describing the same, and defining the boundary of the district to be benefited and assessed thereto. Remonstrance against the said Improve ment may be filed in writing with the County Clerk within twenty (20 days from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Portland. Oregon. JOHN li. COFFEY. County Clerk. J. H. BUSH, Deputy. Date of first publication, June 2. 1914. Date of last publication. June 30, lt14. M itcvUaneous. OFFICE of the Portland Concrete Pile Com pany. May 2S, 1914. Notice of the annual meeting of stockholder, a regular meet ing of the stock holders of the Portland Concrete pile Company will be held at the Women of Woodcraft Hall, Tenth ar.d Taylor streets. In Portland, Multnoraan County, Or., on Monday, the uh day of June, 1914, at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M., for the election of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before the meeting. By or der of the directors. THOMAS BILYEU, President. UaRQES for rent. Pattulo, 33s bherloc bldg. Phone Main 1410. WILL not be reaponaible for debta contracted by my wife. JOHN STA1GM1LLER, STOCKS AND BONDS. REALTY Associate bonds, aeries 2; several thousand for sale at a big discount. In quire J. Mattey, 3US Lewis bldg. ROOMING .HOUSES, FOR SALE Hotel of 60 rooms, cen trally located, modern brick, build ing, artistically furniahed in Circas sian walnut and mahogany. Bige low Axmiuster carpets throughout, equipped with stationary vacuum cleaner. It la absolutely one of the best furnished hotteis in city. Price $12,060 or will trade. AD 882. Ore gonian. MARY E. LENT, 608-9 Northwestern Bank Blds, ' 6th and Morrison Sts. Hotels. Rooming, Apartment-Houses Sold and Exchanged. Phone Main 8560. 56 ROOMS, 2-year lease, rent $125; furni ture and rooms, fine condition; beat corner in Portland; $200 profit; come stay until satisfied. AN 90S. Oregonian, PAYING 18 rooms, close in; also 36-room apartment, reduced price this week ; no agents. Main 7268. 11NANCIAJU WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th at.. Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY for good city loans, 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, 832 Morgan bldg. WE furnish the money at a low rate of In terest and save you more than the broker age of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you; it will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 324 Abington LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money ; low rates; no delay; principals only. Robertson dc Ewins, 207-2U8 North w estern Bank bldg. MORTGAG E loans, notes, contracts, mort gages iiirst and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased, Oregon or Wash. H. i&. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO T. MOORE CO., P18 Abington bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob- rtmn Mr IT.ivtn V I T "M 1X7 u..i kU. MONEY to loan on approved securities. Nel son, 804 Lewis bldg. Money to Lan on Rral Ktttatc TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $2000. $2200. $3006. $35oO, $5HH to $10,000. on Portland Improved property. Qoodsell Bros.. 4.C-E Worcester Bldg. Phone Main MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and. farm property. to 7 per cent. MALL A VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Washington. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 8 to 8 years time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equitable Savings A Loan Association, 240 Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current rates, 201-5 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. $20OO, $3000. $4500. $5000. 7 PER CENT. Tl. L. Murton, 817 Worcester bldg. M. 6938. $1200, PRIVATE money, first mortgage, im proved property. 0O5 Chamber of Com merce. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. Inc.. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. $3UUO TO $15,000 for Immediate loan, quick action; security examined today. Deshon & Hawk, 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 1166. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit: build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 315 818 Falling bldg. $500. $1000 AND UPWARD on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. -217-19 Northwestern Bank bldg., corner 6th and Morrison sta SEE us today for loans on Improved city property, 6 .to 8 per cent; $300 and up. Cellers-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate In amounts to suit, A. H. Bell. 201 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate, HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. WILL loan $10ii0 to $1500 on close-in im proved property at 8 net; agents, don't answer. Phone East 1736. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS FARRINGTON. 80 4th. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. Full information at 512 Piatt bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS at 6 and 7. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92 First st. $20O, $400. $500. $1000, $1500, $2500. J. L. Wells A Co.. 324 C. of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO., 229 STAR K ST. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, 8u7 Wilcox bldg. $200. $350, $600, $900. $1200. $1SOO. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham of Com. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. $2O0 AND up on real estate. Bold Realty Co., 206 Alder st. FINANCIAL. aloney to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUIL01.NO PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO.. 916 Spalding Blug. MONEY TO LOAN 6 TO 8 PER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4J3-44 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 TO $10,000 on city property. AO 879, Oregonian. CITY and farm loans, any amounts, no de lay. Wm. C. McClure, 414 Failing bldg. $1000 TO $50O0 private funds, for good loans. Phone Tabor 2520. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. J. Cahailn. 635 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 813 Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seltm 6z Co., 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and mtgs. bought. H. Miley, 24 Gerlinger bidg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, NOTICE. NEW ADDRESS. NEED MONEY QUICK? You can get it TODAY. WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT To Working People and Others on Plain note. Furniture. Livestock, Pianos, Autos, Storage Receipts. Real Estate, Motor cycles or Diamonds. WE BUY MORTGAGES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebatea Given if Paid Before Due. PORTLAND 1 0 A N COMPANY 205 KOTHCH1LD BLDG. Bet. 4th and 5th sts., on Wuh. st. Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 8 P. M, SALARY LOANS ON ' PLAIN NOTES. TO $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ,-c-.ABSOLl Tfc:LV SECURITY. BL SIN ESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. HOURS S A. M. TO 6PM SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M STATE SECURITY CO., Su FAILING BLDG. WHY PAY EXHORBITANT KATES? W e will loan you money as low as 1 per cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. Ve are the most liberal licensed money lenders in the city, our establishment la located at 3:4 Washington street, near Broadway. our prices on forfeited diamonds. Diamond Palace. If You Need Money and Can't Borrow From a Bank. SEE US FOR PRIVATE LO A N S On Your Piano, Furniture, Auto, Livestock. Storage Receipts. Real Estate, Etc. We Buy Mortgages. MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO. Main 62b6. yio Abineton bide. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, watches. Jewelry, musical in struments, etc. SKPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ELBY COMPANY, 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. COLUMBIA LOAN CO.. Swetland bldg., xvti and 7. Money to loan on aulary. chattels, piano, plain no tea or anything of value; confidential. ACCOMMODATION LOAN CO " Plain notea. salaries, chattels or any thing of value, confidential, courteous, 817 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 5M8 MR. OR MRS. WAGE EARNER. W Itching money without security, quirk 1 v. quietly and cheaply. Mercantile credit Co.. 304 Henry bldg. WE LOAN nioney on diamonds and Jewelry nalf the rates charged by brokers. - " ' oc ri'H-ii, 1 1 oa st. MONEY to loan on diamonds, or anything of value at 3 per cent. Apply 205 Ruth child bldg. QUICK loans without publicity on furniture pianos, autos, motorcycles and livestock' 2Q6 Alder st. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jew elry, pianos and war' house receipts. Brown eie Co., room t. Washington bids. MONEY sold on installments; confidential ; salaried peopleF. a. Newton. Henry bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew -elry. Wm. HoII. room 8. Washington bids. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 gd, nar Alder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. S. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Loams WsateA, WANTED Private party who will loan me $S0tH on my West Side property; de sirably located, close in. well improved and leased; worth three ttmes amount of loan; want loan five years, 6 per cent, AF IS, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $10,Oi0 on highly improved farm for 3 to 5 years; this la considerable less than one-third valuation given by b.wk; growing crops of alfalfa, corn, etc.; will pay 8 per cent, but no commission. AJ 14. Oregonian. APPROVED mortgages from$500 to $10. O00. at current rates on the best real es tate security, for sale at all times. Call for particulars. Western Bond A Mort- Cage Co., 80 4th St.. Board f Trade bldg. $10,000 WANTED at once, from private pari ty. on high-class. West Side Income nron- WANTED $1500 for 3 years at 7 per cent from private party on improved city prop erty. cloae in. Call 414 Corbett bldg. BUILDING loan, $Uou. wanted at 8 per cent, three years, security ample. Address V 21. Oregonian. iOR SALE First mortcage, $;;500; will dis count $.H; interest 6 per cent. Address T 2.i. Oregonian. TWO loans. $1400 each, three years. 8 per cent, wanted by responsible builder on A-l security. Address G 17. Oregonian. WANT $100, 60 days, on $1000 beach lots; fair f re and Interest. F 31. Oregonian. $25U0, 3 Y HA RS. 8 per cent. On El 20t U st. near Belmont. Main 65S4. $0OO. 1M PROVED block, k"! 7 th and Holladay Park. 31Q Spalding bid?. $150, SIX months, good collateral, private parties. G 19, Oregonian, PERSONA I.. H AIR-HAIR-H AIR-HAIR. 2-lnch convent Hair Switches $4 8 2tf-lnch convent Hair Switches, gray.. 4 sr, Halrdressing Face massage -j Shampoo Man icure, 25c : 5 for i Ttt 12 scalp treatments 5!(H Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, in any shade; switches any length; prices half. Sanltarv Parlora. 4oo 412 Dekum bldg., 3d end Washington. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfora graduate; rheumatism, nervous and Ftom ach ailments undr physician's directiona; bath, massage. No. 7 Eaat 1 1th St.. sec ond door south from East Ankeny earline. Phone East 260. B IS08. FEB VET A HANEBUT, Leading wig and to up makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings msde up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 546. LADIES Results. not prornlaes only, la what you want. Chronic complaints and diseases of women are my specialties; bst of ail drugles methods used; no opera tions; consultation free. Geo. W. Crock well, naturopath, 7Q4-6 Dekum bldg. INFORMATION as to the whereabouts of Mrs. E. O. Jetty will be greatly appreci ated by Joseph Jetty, care St. Lou in Post Dispatch; last heard of at 166 Lownsdaia st.. Portland. Or. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. ; massage and baths. 452 Salmon st,. cor. 13th. Mar shall 5033. Open Sundavs. DIVORCES. NO NOTORIETY; ADVTCe FREE. ADDRESS A K 3Pg, ORKOONIAN. DIVORCES Lawyer, 25 years experience; reliable; advice free. 404 Rothchlld bids.. gs7H Washington st. HAIR shampooed and head cleaned of dand ruff for 50 cents, l come to vour home or hotel. Lorena Casey, East 2S54. MRS. C. S. MORRISON Steam baths ami massage for rheumatism. lumbago, etc 333 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 3968. A LADY, charitably Inclined, would like to become interested In a little glrL AO 22, Oregonian. DR. M'MAHON. famous Chiropractic; 18 ad justments. $10: 2 offices; lady attendants. 121 4th. 376 Williams ave. Main 205. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spiritual sci entist, 302 AUsky bids., question and mes sage night. Wed.. S o'clock. Main 8225. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curls and puffs, 75c. San itary Beauty Parlors, 4OO Dekum bldg. MARIE NEVINS Electric baths, treatments ladies only. 412 Rothchild bldg. Main 6ius! USE Basset fs Native Herbs for rheuma tism. SO tablets for ysc; all drua-tnts. BALM OF FIGS compound Roval Tonic Tablets. 504 pa via at. Phone Main 23:t. DR. MARIE C. rXGER. chiropractic neuro path. 500 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 2725. SCALP and facial treatments, 304 Macleay bldg. Dr. Olna Nechyba, chiropractic, steam bath, massage. 5S-9 N. W. bldg. Main 3799. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. V rs. M. D. Hill. 42Q Flb'dfier Mdg. Main 473. LESSONS in phrenology, palmistry and card reading. 235 6th st. Phone Main 7548.