14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNK 2, 1914. NEW TODAY. To Exchange For City or Farm Property Stock of General Mer chandise, also Store Building and two "Ware houses. In good town in Valley near Coast. Apply at 173 SECOND STREET First Mortgage Loans Money to Any Amount la Our Poise. Ion for Immediate Use, 6 or 7f Accord i ok to Security. FIELDS & HOXErMAN, J21-1223 Yeon Bids- Mali 1O02. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK, William G.. 315-316 Failing bid. BEN EDICT BROS. (Burrell Heights), 939 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 31st. Tabor 516. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-405-406 Wilcox bldg. Jennings & Co. Main 188. 206 Oregonlan. REAL INSTATE. for bale -Lots. 6W Opposite Alameda Park, 50x77 on Prescott, between Glenn ave. and 33d St.; hard -surface street, cement sidewalk, and curbing in and paid for no incumbrance; all included in the $000. AM 7, Ore gonian. $450 CASH buys a fine 60x100 lot in Rose City Park, y blocks from the school, with an alley. Positirely best buy In the district. B -1. uregonian. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots. 7 tracts and acreage ; all views, location, prices and terms. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. LOTS $100, 50x100, at Newton's and Tioga stations. Long Beach, Wash. Call phone East 6038. Address 423 Eugene st. FRACTIONAL lot on Madison St., near Stout. $2200; West Side. BD 13, Orego nlan. IfiVI.NGTON select residence location; own er will sacrifice to bona fide purchaser. AR 6. Oregonian. HARD to beat; 8 lots on East 37th st. for $23o0; clear -except bonded for sidewalk. a 1 ." Fargo st. luoxloo, Alberta St., $750, all cash. Carter. ?:0 Williams ave. BEST buy in Irvington; fine home site; 50x loo; price $10K) cash. Phone Main 971. CHOICE lot in desirable district cheap for cash. Tabor 2475. For Sale Beach Property. XsoKTH BEACH has the attractions: illus trated booklets free. A. li. Slauson, 1011 Yeoa bldg. - For Sale Uouees. SWELL BUNGALOW SNAP. A fine brand-new 5-room bungalow, Just finished, doubly constructed, gas, electric ity, fine fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcase. Dutch kitchen, concrete porch, brick pillars, etc., on Milwaukie and Hoi gate, half block to car, close in; price a snap; only $2150, terms to suit. If you want a swell, nifty home, do not fal to see this. GRITSSI Sc. BOLDS, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452, A 4401. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW, TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. ESTABLISHED 1907. Will FURNISH THE PLANS AND BUILD HOUSES OR FLATS FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. WE BUY BUILDING MATERIALS IN LARGE , QUANTITY AND CAN SAVE YOU MANY UOLLARS. OUR WORK GUARANTEED. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO. 7U6-7 COUCH BLDG. MODERN BUNGALOW. 6 beautiful rooms, newly painted, tinted and varnished, fine fixtures, new shades, linoleum in kitchen and bath; large lot, near business center, one block from a carline, near 37 th, Hawthorne district. $::750, $2TiO cash. Balance time; will take lot first payment. J. I KARNOPP, Railway Exchange bldg. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. We will build on your lot; terms like rent, first-class guaranteed work. UMBDEN STOCK & LARSON CO. 286 Oak St. See Mr. Furlong. LARGE, modern five-room bungalow, with conveniences. fireplace. bullet, Dutch kitchen, large attic, which I will sell for $juuo and take good victrola as first pay ment and balance on easy terms. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. i liY owner, new, modern 5-room bungalow, Rose City Park, full cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, book canes and lot 50 by 13t with trees; price $32UU; terms. Would take good lot as fust payment. E 1!;, Oregonlan. LT US BUILiTtOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans r our; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. PIEDMONT SNAP. Modern 7-room house, hot water heat, every convenience, beautiful grounds, 100 X100; worth $S00O; owner's price $6500, cash or terms. M 6915, A 2815. V"ILL sacrifice on nice 5-room bungalow; good furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors and full cement basement, close in, 1 Va block north of Hawthorne ave.; easy terms. Tabor 1661. CICELY completely furnished 2-room house boat on logs, electric light, rood shed on J"g, float, row boat, $250 cash ; a great snap; want to sell quick. Phone Main 3266. AlUDEKN home, close in. luo feet to Haw thorne carline; must sell this week; litcle money will handle this. Owner. Phone Tabor 4180. fclX-ROOM house, lot 50x100. large barn In back, located on a fine street, worth $-250. "Will sell $1600, $350 cash. 191 4th. CHARMING homes, Irvington, oak and ma hogany finish; worth seeing; very rea sonable. East 273. W. H. Uerdman. FOR SALE 6-room, 2-story residence in Murraymead district; fine view and price at a bargain. Owner, A 25, Oregonlan. HAVE a lot In good location; will build you a home on your own plans. Call Anstrom, 251 Dupont and Irving. 6-ROOM plastered house, lot 40x100, Mt. Scott district; price $850, $100 cash, bal ance terms. Call 823 Lumber Exchange. Suburban Uoroe Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soli, city water, close to carline. easy teems. Will build to suit purchaser.! Phone Marshall 155 or Sellwood 47 o. JOHN H. GIBSON. OWNER. For Sale Acreage, SUBURBAN HOME. Ten acres with a fine six-room house, electric lights and bath, gasoline water pump, garage and nice stable, land ail cleared, nice view, only one block to Ore gon City car; a big snap at $10,000; $2000 down, or will take 5-room bungalow in the city as first payment. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station, chicken and fruit ranches, near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham; 5 acres, $400, $500. $700; 3 acres, $500. $700 ; 10 acres, $750. $900. $1000 per tract; best oil. free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose. Or., $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. 3 E FORE locating be sure and visit the Wil lamette Valley Information Bureau at 264 Washington st. between 3d and 4th. A fret scenic trip through the valley. Absolutely free Bring the ladies, l to 4:30 and 7:30 to 9 P. M. $150O DOWN, balance to suit, 14 acres on Willamette River. 10 minutes' walk from station Oregon iMeotnc. improved, gar den, growing crops, etc. M lo, Oregonian. 10 ACRES good fruit land 2 milos"of Lake vlew. Or.; will trade fur good Ford auto. Address W. W. Allen, Amity. Or., R. No. 2. THE best buy in the Willamette Valley; one 1 (Nacre tract, all cleared and fenced ; one mile from growing town; a snap for some one. C. G. Scott. 266 Washington st. 10 ACRES good soil, best view, fine mac adam road, few blocks of electric station. This side of Garden Home, $4000. N. M. Apple. 620 Henry bldg. 6NAP for cash, 10 acres, on Oregon Elec tric line; about 4 blocks from station. Owner, BD 18, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE For Sale Acreage. ft ACRES FOR $230. $10 down and $5 per month buys w acres of good level, logged-off land be tween Portland and Centralia, on the main line cf 8 railroads. 1 miles from town of 10OO population, sawmills, shingle mills and other -ndustries. 100 acres to choose from. Some of these tracts are about half cleared. A .fine trout creek runs through the tract. Some bottom land, some upland, ail is good. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. $ YEARS' TIME. Best river bottom land in 10-acre tract, 8 miles from Corvallis, on graveled road. Jj4 down, balance in 6 years. Write for descriptive booklet free. B, W. JOHNSON, Corvallis. Or. $10 DOWN, $10 monthly buys new 4-room house, with S0x200; price $750; Oregon City line, 35 minutes. A. C. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517, Tabor 1770. Homt:( ea d s. FOR SALE One homestead relinquishment; have 160 acres of fine land, about 80 acres tillable, rest good pasture land; several acres cleared, crops in for this year; run ning water on place. For further partic ulars call after 4 P. -M., room 5, Hotel Royal, 1034 4th st. GOING to Curry County to locate on some valuable homesteads Just thrown open for filing; have been all over the ground and can advise you properly ; part farm lands and part heavy, valuable timber, near the new R. R. survey. 603 Oregonian bldg. 40 ACRES heavy merchantable timber close to Columbia River, north of Portland; can be homesteaded or timber claimed ; $100 for my relinquishment. 603 Oregonian bid. For Sale -Farms. 50 Vz ACRES 20 miles west of Portland, on west slope of Chehalem range, thermal conditions, ideal for fruit culture; close to R. R., school and church; 8 acres Ital ian prunes; -acre small fruits, 2 acres grapes; balance of place In Delicious and King David apples. 3 years old. with 15 acres loganberry fillers on galvanized wire and cedar posts; new 10-room modern bungalow, gas, furnace. Cost $4500; fine new barn; fruit evaporator; equipment for 600 hens. Will sell or trade for realty In Washington, Oregon or California; $25, 000. Valley Realty Co., Forest Grove, Or. BIGGEST FARM SNAP1 N' OREGON! We sell you a 100-acre farm, right clos to the railroad station, the very richest land at $150 per acre. We will show you how you can make 80 per cent of your investment every year on this farm. Do not be afraid to investigate. It is genu ine facts. Same land in California to raise beans on would cost you $500 and more. i cash will handle. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. 664 ACRES. Just nine miles from Fifth and Morri son, out the Powell Valley auto road; two fine farm houses and several large barns; 450 acres in cultivation, balance good cord wood timber will more than pay for the clearing ; five good springs, electric car station on the place; fine for platting. For quick sale, $275 per acre, easy terms. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. FOR SALE or trade, a good wheat or hog ranch of 1400 acres, 1000 acres under the plow; all fenced and cross-fenced; about 500 acres In grain this year; will sell for small payment down and crop pay ment or trade for income property. HAWTHORNE STABLES. East 72 or B 13 GO. 420 Hawthorne ave. PRICE CUT. On this fine 32-acre farm from $10,000 to $6750, only 12 miles from Portland, on red Electric line. Good 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, 22 acres tillable, 4 acres bearing orchard, 6 acres beaverdam, 5 acres fir timber, fenced and croHS fenced. S. Hewey, 269 Stark at., near 4th, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON. HOOD RIVER SNAP. 32 acres the finest apple land in Hood River Valley, has almost 800 cords of wood, only one mile to depot; no waste land; a big snap at $3200; $1000 down, balance to suit; will consider good auto. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. IDEAL FOR COUNTRY HOME. 25 acres in Tualatin Valley, only 12 miles from Portland, on hard-surface road. Fine soil, land lies level, slightly rolling, in cultivation, balance pasture; some brush, can be bought at a bargain. Owner needs money. See Mr. Hewey. 20d Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON. NEWCOMERS! the easiest way to get posted on farm land is to come to the tree anow today at 266 Washington st. (between 3d and 4th) and take the scenic trip through the valley. Interesting, instructive and absolutely free. Bring the ladies." 1 to 4:30 and 7:30 to 9 P. M. HOOD RIVER RANCH, 75 acres, good house and outbuildings. Six acres cleared, three acres in 2-year-old trees. All under ditch. Good spring. Must sell at once, or will trade equity for Portland or suburban property. Call 212 Abington bldg. ONLY 17 miles from Portland, 52-a. dairy ranch, 3 8 acres cleared, no more easily cleared, crop in, good fence and buildings; price $5000, cash, 3 years on balance. Warner Bros., Sllverton, Or., R. 4, box 6. RANCH 60 acres with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 107 1st st. FOR wheat ranches, sale or trade, write M. Fitzmaurice. Condon, or. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE on easy terms, large building site, near carline, "3d and iviiungs worth. Inquire William Mcintosh, 286 Oak st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WESTMORELAND or other well located lot. clear except for city liens, as part pay ment for $3200; brand new 7-room house, corner lot, facing on Sellwood carline, river view, beautiful trees; first mortgage $1500. P 6, Oregonian. 20 OR ."0 acres, some improvements, close to carline, within 35 miles of Portland, also 10.00O.000 feet of good tie timber, for clients. Call or write f ull particulars. Fred A. King, 314 Spalding bldg., city. WANTED About an acre near ocean and handy to railroad depot; between Seaside and Columbia River; soil and water must be good. Give full particulars and lowest cash price. E 24. Oregonian. WANT lot as first payment on new bun galow, price $ztuu; xurmsnea. u zz, ure gonian. FOR SALE: TIMBER LANDS, TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. FARMS WANTKD. WANTED Farm of 18 to 25 acres, good oll; cast) ; no agents, it 23, Uregonian. TO EXCIfANGF. REAL ESTATE. HAVE $10OO lot, 10 acres, fine fruit land. worth $1000, both unincumbered ; also $1000 equity in 5-room cottage. Will ex change all for bungalow that is worth $300O ; will not assume. K 24, Oregonian. HAVE $500 equity in lot 8, block 4. Wilbur ton; also $550 equity in lots 8-9, block 1, Palmyra, No monthly payments; will ex change for automobile. E 25, Oregonlan. WE have cash customer for C-acre tract; must be close in and not over $3500. For est Hill Investment Co., 304 Oak st. Mar. 8100. IMPROVED farms In North Dakota for Willamette Valley farms or income prop erty. What have you. Owner, Box 20, Mu Angel, Or. TO exchange for city or farm property, stock of general1 merchandise; also store building and two warehouses in good town in valley. Apply at 173 2d St. 5 ACRES, house, barn, orchard, $2000; 3 good lots. $000; l lot, uu; win consider house, barn, good auto for all or part. See owner, 422 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE sightly lot in a beautiful addi tion, price. $450, will take victrola as the first payment, balance easy Installments. See the owner. 512 Piatt Dltg. 120 ACRES, 13 miles from A' ancouver, 5 miles from Camas. Wash. ; $35 per acre; sell or trade for Portand property. Own er, 1118 Yeon bldg. SURE, we will trade. What have you? We have lots, farms and personal property. Informaton, 415 Selling bldg. 320-ACRE. 240-acre stock ranches, trade fox home, assume mortgage. Boggess & Co.. 206 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. A N ICE block corner Montavilla dia trict, for a two-passenger automobile as first payment. rnone laoor -tJ. WHAT have you to exchange for business corner, Morrison St., $30,000 equity? AK t, uregonian. I HAVE KV0 acres of timber land free of incumbrance; that I will exchange for equities in city lots. F 22. Oregonlan. WILL exchange grocery business worth $1150 for house and lot worth same not too far out. H 2, Oregonian. WANTED -Portland business property or farm land in exchange for New York City property. ivi uou, rsunmn. HOUSE and lot in suburb, fine location, one block to car, exchange for auto or lot. Main 8774. MODERN house In Irvington district, for exchange. B. M. Lombard. 11 Madison bldg.. M aln 5692. A 2892. WILL exchange income Irvington flats for well-selected vacant lota F. E. Bowman & Co. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE Houses and lots for farm, all sizes. Farms for houses and lot, all sizes. Acreage for business. House and lot for auto. . If you have anything for exchange ' See us, that is our business. GARLAND & LIND, 191 4TH ST. EXCHANGE. We have houses and lots for farms, acre age and farms for houses. If you want to exchange on cash basis, see us. GLENART REALTY CO., 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. EUGENE property wanted in exchange for beautiful home In Portland with unob structed view of river and on car; will not consider inflated value. See Spooner, Hacker & Therkelsen, 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. I WANT to trade 40 acres of alfalfa land within two miles of good town, with creamery, value $8000, for small tract of acreage, improved, on carline, near Port land; will consider anything of value. N 9. Oregonlan. IS YOUR EQUITY A BURDEN ? Have client with unincumbered Port la nd lots, to trade for same. If you are willing to sacrifice. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. $10,000 WORTH of income property at Med ford. Or., clear of incumbrance, to ex change for Portland residence. Will as sume or pay cash difference. Forest Hill Investment Co., 304 Oak st. Mar. 3100. LOTS or mortgages for farm, acreage or imp. prop. 720 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Eecond-hand vehicles bought and sold; bw wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business par tie at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 429 Hawthorne Ave. Phono East 72,. B 1309. FOR SALE Furniture or express wagon; can be used single or double; one canopy top two-seated surrey, steel and rubber tired wheels; one rubber-tired buggy; all are in first-class condition. Call 202 Stan ton st. Phone East 1088 or C 10S8. A GUARANTEE. By a firm established 30 year means something. We buy, sell or exchange horses of all descriptions; guaranteed. rrazier & McLean. 5th and layior. FOR SALE One team, well matched; black mares, 5 years old, weighing 200O lbs.; 2 teams of well-matched horses, weighing 2&00 lbs. ; 1 young horse weighing liiuo lbs. All are sound and true, 220 Russell st. FOR SALE cheap, camping outfit, horses, wagon and harness, and also one pair of mares, weight 2S0Q lbs. Nickum & Kelly's dock, foot of East Alder st. ONE standard Studebaker dump cart with harness, nearly new, less than half cost. Call Tabor 1463. PASTURE for stock, near Portland. 33i Sherlock bldg., or phone Main 1410. DEAD horse and cattle hauled away free of churge. Tabor 4203. WAGONS and horses by day, $L25 L Co hen, 381 Water st. Main 2208. ALL kinds wagon and buggy wheels. Phone Tabor 931. Bargains. FOR SALE! Buckskin horse, cheap, $25. Call 164 East 80th N., Montavilla. HORSES FOR SALE. 88 E. 7th si. NORTH. I STALLS for rent. 33 N. 14th fit. Pianoa, Organs and Musical Instruments. TWO fine Checkering grands; must sell one or both; going to Europe; will take $4o0 cash for one or half cash, balance next "Winter for the other one, which is prob ably the finest ever brought to Oregon. Address H 538, Oregonian. WANTED Piano or organ, any condition, cheap for cash. L 14, Oregonian. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. AIREDALES Greatest American dog, Ch. Red Raven; imported English dog, Colne President at stud; stock. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie, male, 7 months old, for sale cheap. 147 North 21st. GREAT prize-wnning Airedale Wyndhlll Romeo at stud. 95 N. 6th, Portland, Or. Furniture for Sale. MUST sell all or part of furniture of a 5 room house, worth $350, for $150; terms to suit. Phone East 0417. 548 Williams ave. FOR SALE Furniture five-groom flat, must be sold Tuesday. 231 fHalsey. FURNITURE, cheap If sold at once. 1097 Kerby st. FURNITURE of 6-room house; house Xor rent. Tabor 40S4. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Reo, late model, 5-passenger, 30-H. P. fully equipped, just overhauled and re painted; will guarantee this one. Studebaker Garford, 7-passenger, 40-H. P., fully equipped, in A-l condition, a snap. Studebaker Garford, 4-passenger, fully equipped, A-l condition. Owen, 6-passenger, 48-H. P., fully equipped, A-l condition. Babcock electric, seats 4, nearly new batteries, will sell cheap. Late model National, just overhauled, good as new, big discount, 5 or 7 -pass. See our line before you buy NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch sts. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. See our stock of roadsters, deliveries and touring cars; all in fine condition. Prices from $30o to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker building; Corner Chapman and Alder sta Phones: Main 9402 and A 7656. HUDSON 30. 5-passenger, fine condition, $385. Wayne 30, roadster, all new tires, $275. 1911 Locomobile 30, 5 -pass., fore-door, finest condition, $750. FRANCIS & KADDERLY, E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. E. 1199. B 1210. CADILLAC, 1912. electrlo lights self starter, speedometer, clock, trunk-rack, engine pnmp; all in first-class condition; price $1000 cash; no trade. O. A. Lyman, 611 Henry bldg. TIRES, slightly used. $3 to $12 each; tubes. $150 to $3 each, tube vulcanizing 25c PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 325-27 Burnside st. 1912 5-PASSENGER Ford; nickel-plated, electric lights; recently overhauled and -painted; $400 cash; no trade. AL 9, Ore gonian. LATE 1 ill 3 R. C. H. 5-passenger car, fully equipped, electric lights, extra tire, de mountable rims, in first-class condition, $600; no trade. East 925. 1-TON white, extra large body, first-class condition, very reasonable. Rose City Im porting Co., 134 3d st. FOR SALE 5-passenger, 6-cyltnder auto mobile, late model, bargain for cash. Phone East 4878. 1913 NATIONAL roadster, fully equipped, newly painted; bargain. Apply 369 N. 23d. FOR HIRE 5-passenger . auto, $1.50 per hour. Main 6729. Residence East 8851. 1500-POUND White truck, good security considered. ' East 2806 or AN 4, Oregonian. Automobiles Wanted. CITY property, well located, for auto. Owner. Main 3774. HAVE $300 contract, well secured and some cash for 5-passenger auto. Main 2970. Motorcycles. 1913 TWIN 2-speed Indian $175 1913 M.M., new 200 1913 twin, new H.-D ' 250 Terms to responsible party. CORB1N. 200 Alder St. WILL give $100 for motorcycle; a bargain. F 25, Oregonian. must be Livestock.. WANTED 50 to 100 Hereford and Hoi stein calves from 6 months to yearlings. Applv at once to C Anderson. Fort Fra ser. B. C. Machinery. FOR SALE or rent. loKglng and hoisting engines, contractors machinery, all kinda Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak. Typewriters. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $05. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., - 262Stark S NEW, rebult, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark st. Main 1407. LEAVING city, $20 buys almost new Oliver. 464 E. 26th. W. R. car. M iscellaneons. MOVING-PICTURE MACHINE Used only 1 month. Call at Powell Theater, cor. 21st and Powell sts.. East Side. FAST motorboat, 32 feet long, 45 h. p., no better on the river; a bargain. See owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Main 255. NEW $50 steel range, nickel leg base; used only last Winter. $27. 548 Williams ave. $80 FOR a diamond ring that cost $120. AK 9, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. M-iHcelianeoasw CAMERA, 5x7 K or on a. reversible and tilt ing back. Autex shutter. S plate holders, like new; cheap for cash. Write X 10, Oregonlan. . SAFES New and second-hand, all sizes, at cost. Safes opened and repaired. Moslcr Safe Co., 408 and 4u9 Northwest Bank bldg. phone Main 7676. HANDSOME $400.00 mahogany piano, used in the family a few mouths; need the money; will sell for $lbo.00. Call 1185 E. Grant su HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE. I buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44-A North Third at. SAFES, new and second-hand, also vault doors, cheap. Cash or terms. 101 1st st, Phone Main 856a. YOU CAN RENT visible typewriters three months for $4; convenient at home. 244 Stark st. Main 6273. A 4441. A GOOD bicycle cheap; no use for iu 25 Monroe st. Phone C 1967. WANTED MJSCELLANEOCS 2D-HAND CLOTHING AND FURNITURE "WANTED The Globe 2d-hand Store Reopened. Highest cash prices paid for ladies' and gents' cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, bicycles, trunks, suitcases, etc call Main 2UbO. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES WANTED Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes, etc N. 6th. Main 2845. FORMERLY THE FAIR DEAU 7" M. GLICKMAN, CASH BUYER OF FURNITURE, CLOTHING. HARDWARE, ETC. 1 a9 FRONT ST. CALL MAIN 4317. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS CAST-OFF CLOTHING. BRING !T IN OR WE WILL CALL. B. GOLDSTEIN. MAR. 3932." 289 1ST. FUR SALE Second-hand bicycle, A-l. Cail Vogel's Produce Co., 2u373 Washington st., Monday morning. 2D-H AND "FURNITURE ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away; get our figures first. Standard Fur Co., 18U 1st. Main 4773. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction-House, 19t 2d st. Marshall 4783. SECOND-HAND clothing wanted; highest prices paid for second-hand clothing and Bhoes. Main 8595. 294 3d. Reliable buyer. WANTED National cash register. 80O1. Address 0U6 Northrup st. CASH paid for hair combiugs. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. SPOT CASH for your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682 FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. WANTED 3 National cash registers at once; will pay spot cash. Main 606. WE tint rooms for $2.50, paint houses At your price. East 185, B 3401. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeid. 44a N. 3d st. GOOD second-hand 3-3 -inch, low wheel wagon. AL 6. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WE WANT A MAN WHO HAS HAD SOME EXPERIENCE HANDLING MEN TO ACT AS A TIUVEL1.NO SUPERIN T EN DEN T OF AG EN TS FO R US. CASH BOND OF $ 20 0 0 REQUIRED. BEST OF? REF ERENCES AS TO ABILITY AND STANDING IN THE COM MUNITY NECESSARY. CALL AT SUITE 13SO, NORTHWEST E RN BAN K BUILDIN O AN Y TIME AFTER lO O'CLOCK AND ASK FOR MR. HARRIS. I WANT to find a steady young fellow who has had some experience in an office, writes a promising hand and can do pretty well at figures, willing to start in at $30 a month and work his way up in an office of 40 people. If you think you can fill the bill, tell your age, schooling, where you have worked and anything elso that will help, in a letter to A 22, Orego nian. WANTED Young man stenographer who i& rapid and neat in work, well educated, of good address, who has ambition and abil ity to be a salesman, willing to apply him self and learn the business and start at moderate pay. In replying give age, ex perience, kind of work been doing and with whom. Address AK 17, Oregonian. WAXTED-By one of the large provision houses an experienced and competent young man to take full charge of produce department; must be experienced, have good clean record and have - knowledge of Portland produce conditions. Give full particulars, otherwise application will not be considered. BD 19, Oregonian. PRACTICAL man, with family, familiar with horses, for general farm and orchard work; salary at rate of $05 per month; permanent position and good opportunity to acquire small farm to right party with not lees than $250 cash to invest. School and store on premises. BC 7, Oregonian. SA LESM AN for family liquor store. Must be first-class man, thoroughly familiar with the business and able to furnish good references from last employer. BF 24, Oregonian. m USE j our spare t ime to build up a mail order business of your own ; we help you tart for share in profits ; 27 opportuni t ies; particulars free. Mutual Opportuni ties Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. WE want representatives to sell our guar anteed trees in Lane. Douglas, Coos and Jackson counties. Big money for right parties. Write today, giving references. wregon rvursery o., urenco,1 ur. EXPERIENCED mining stock salesman for proposition that will stand investigation from any standpoint; none but A-l man of good repute need answer. G IS, Ore- WANTED First-class grocery solicitor, one who is thoroughly acquainted with the city ; none other need apply. H 31, Oregonlan. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. I WANT lO more men to sell my coolers that require no ice; easy payment plan; quick sellers; two months work. Apply 172 N. ISth. YOUNG man, stenographer and typist, some knowledge of bookkeeping, billing, nants a , steady position where there is a chance to advance himself. B 24, Oregonian. YOUNG man to finish learning the Jewelry trade; must have some experience; pay while learning; references required. 102 G rand a v e. GEN. MGR. Eastern manufacturing com pany, is In the city to secure Western representative. Apply room 233 Imperial HoteL BARTENDER for country, $50 per month, room and board ; experienced, sober and reliable man only; give references and phone number. AK lO. Oregonlan. SALESMEN wanted best proposition yet; at mouth of Columbia River; men of ex perience can make big money, loll Yeon bldg. MEN wanted to sell Rose Festival decora tions. Call after 9 A. M., room 208 Good nough, cor. 5th and Yamhill. NEWS agtntii for railroad train service; se curity required. - Barkalow Bros., 131 5th st. North. MA N to take care of lawn, sprinkle each day and cut the grass. Call 50o E. 49th st., corner Sandy. YOUNG man to deliver, motorcycle with sidecar. Rose City Importing Co., 134 3d st. OFFICE boy wanted with wheel, $20 a. mo. A pply before 8 A. M., Portland Lumber Co. FIRST-CLASS automobile machinist as foreman of shop; no handy men wanted. Apply AJ 10, Oregonian, stating salary. HOTEL EATON desires services experi enced janitor. Apply hotel office after o'clock. ADVERTISING solicitors, several publica tions; commission, contracts cashed. Clyde Agency, 2u7 Mock Exchange. ASK for our booklet, "27 Ways You Can Start a Mail Order Business." Opportuni ties Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. PHOTO solicitors; salary guaranteed; new offer. Moore Studio, Elks bldg. PHOTO coupon ; new ticket for live onea Cntberth Studio. Dekum bldg. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Barony Studio, Royal bldg. MEN with patentable ideas write Randolph & Co., Patent Solicitors, Washington. D. C. EXPERIENCED meat carver and cafeteria man. Peerless Cafeteria Co., h6 5th st. WANTED Strong boy with bicycle. Ap ply 373 Yamhill st. 8 A. M. EXPERIENCED paper hanger wanted. 35 Nirth 5th st. WANTED Experienced advertising man. AJ 9. Oregonian. - WANTED MEN FOR MOVING-PICTURE OPERATING. 833 OAK ST. HAVE a good proposition for an experl encd meat man. Tabor 1134. MAN wanted to do baking and cooking In delicatessen. 440-42 E. Burnside, HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment $20 total cash asset). If I pay you $5 for Employment Membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation Secretary 1Z you pay $5 for Employ ment Member jhlp you will have th Y. M. C. A. between you and starvation. Result Young man joined, in less than a week had satisfactory employment. Record for 1913. Call for men from employers S$53 Positions filled 1941 Employment membership, $ 5 per an num. Guarantees member will secure em ployment or refund of fee. Includes two months full and ten months' social privi leges Issued by Employment Depart ment ouly. All young men seeking em ployment in Commercial, Clerical or Tech nical lines are cordiully invited to con Bult the Employment Secretary. SALESMAN in every city and town in U. S., to sell (book) "Merchants and Manufac turers on Trial,' opposing mail order houses and the elimination of middle-men. Just out; every merchant will buy it. Call on business men only. Sold in single and quantity. Salesmen can earn from $10 to 5o a day ; references required with nrst letter. Address Thomas J, Sullivan, 26 N. Jeffersonst., Chicago. BOY wanted with wheel to deliver and make himself generally useful around the store. Call at 750 Washington it HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Housekeeper for oung German (single) on a modern farm near Cano , Ore. Prefer German woman over 30 year a Must be good cook, neat house keeper and thoroughly familiar with farm work, une child no objection. The posi tion permanent and w ill make a good home for right party. Work light.' Wage $10 per month. Phone Wood lawn 8171. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of adults. Phone East 324. 522 Tillamook st. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE CO., 31 Morgan bldg. Secures and fills positions for bookeep ers. . stenographers and cierka New posi tions daily. W ANTED Experienced general housework girl to live in the country, must be good cook, Protestant and between 5 and 35; wages $40 and a good home. Apply Mrs. Howes Agency, 270 JWashlngtoa at. COOK for delicatessen, $ 10 a week!" canTp w aitresi, $25; chambermaid, out, $25; wai tress, out, $25; housekeeper, $10. sec ond girl. $25. Hansen's Employment Agency. 345 ia Washington st. V ANTED Girl for general housework in small family, no washing ; must sleep at home nights. Call betw een 10 and 12, apartment 3. Tho Rooseveft, 66S Kearney FAMILY cook. $45; second work, $30; boat cook, $35; child's nurse. $20; housework. $15 to $40. St. Louis Agency, 2S Main stroot. A 717.". Main 20.".u. ON E or two good saleswomen wanted fox Summer season at North Beach; an out ing couplfd with an opportunity to make good money. Cail at 1011 Yeon bldg. GIKL for cashier and must ulso be able to operate typewriter; wages $35 to start. See Mr. Holt at Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. 3d and Morrison sta WANTED A stenographer who can take German dictation. Address AR 7. ure gonian, stating experience and qualifica tions. WANTED Girl for general housework and to cook for a family of 3 adults; good wags ; references. Apply forenoon 67 Lu cretia st. Tel. Main 3169. WANTED An experienced girl for second work and waiting. References required. Call 301 1 1 Lh St., before lil ;3 A. M. or niter 4:30 P. M. COMPETENT bookeeper-itenographer will pay 6 per cent commission on first month's salary for information resulting In posi tion. Sellwood 601. WANTED Two lady solicitors; must be exp. and reliable; steady work, salary and comm.; no deposit req. Call K. 201 Row land Hotel. 207 4th, near Taylor. TWO ladies to sell beach lots; easy to sell, good commission and expenses. This is worth your while if you are willing to work. Call GIO Henry bldg. REFINED girl for upstairs work and care of oiuldren. 704 Irving st., corner 24th. Main 8235. ' A GUOD competent cook, $25 to $30; steady place, good treatment. AV 327, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general housework; must be good cook; good wages. 68 1 E. Taylor. COMPETENT girl for general work; family of 3. Inquire at Mrs. Trommald. 494 Mult nomah st. Call East 216. WANTED Girl for general housework. Must be good cook. Two in family. Good wages. 800 Northrup st., corner of 24th st. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework. Apply mornings be tween 10 mid 12. 829 Kearney &t. BUSINESS firm needs a woman not under 25 who is trustworthy and capable; ex perience unnecessary. G 15, Oregonian. APPRENTICE to learn beauty culture; pay while learning. The Hair Bazaar, Majes tic Theater bldg., Washington and Park. WANTED 4 neat appearing ladies to solicit sales for the Barclay corset. Hamilton Shop. 400 Vj Morrison st. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay wnue learning; position guaranteed. 40v 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Refined, capable woman Xor re sponsible position. Viavl Co., ti09 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Girl 'lor general -housework. 1207 K lander., Laurerhurst. near 41st; take Montavilla car. WANTED Experienced candy girl for aft ernoon and evening shift. Empress Sweet biiop, .fc. m press l neater Dldg. w a: i lu Lxperienced solicitors ; none other need apply. 124 Union ave., near aiorrison. WANTED An experienced girl who under stands cooKlng; email family; good wages. A poly 714 Love joy. WANTED Girl, who will go home nights, for general housework in apartment; must be good cook. Apply mornings. Main IMIO. COOK, waitresses,, housekeeper, farm help, laundress. Howes A 85, 270 Washing ton. YOUNG girl for general housework; good home. 565 5th st. A GIRL for general housework. 737 North rup. Flat E. WANTED Nurso to care tor lady of un balanced mind. AM 8, Oregonian. WANTED Good girl for general housework; call mornings. tf30 Park et. GIKL For general housework. 528 Irving St., near 36th. Apply mornings. WANTED 5 girls for dictaphone and sten- ographic work. 4Q4 Broadway bldg. FIRST-CLASS waitress. Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill. 10 WAIST finishers; must have long ex perience with dressmakers. 434 Morrison. WANTED Neat capablo girl for general housework. C 1315. 576 E. 33th St. N. COMPETENT girl, genernl housework, small family. Phone East 5220. A GOOD GIRL wanted at 79 West Park Xor the kitchen. GIRL for housework; small family. $80 Lovejoy st. GIRL for second work. Apply morninxs 2.95 N. 24th st. Phone A 20 1 '2 or Mar. 47y5. WANTED Girl for general housework; wages $30; small family. Phone A 7369. RELIABLE woman to care for child; good home. Wood lawn 457. WANTED Girl lor general housework and cooking; family adults. 5S2 Main st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE AMATEURS WANTED Apply In perso"nbe. tween the hours of 2 ami 3 P. M. Powell Theater, cor. Powell and 20th sts. FISK Teacher Agency secures positions Xor teachers- 31C Journal bldg. Main 4825. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MOLER Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Writs for free catalogue. A 48 2d st. North. WOMEN, get Government Jobs; $70 month: many appointments coming; list position? available free. F.-anklin Institute, Dept. 704 M, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. . O. clerks, car riers; exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., city. MEN, women, get Government jobs; big pay ; examinations announced everywhere J uly 15 ; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 340 N, Rochester, N. Y. K A 1 LI'.OAD firemen, brakemen, $120 ; ex perience unnecessary; sena age, postage. riau way care Uregonian. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGO SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 4i'5S WANTED Names of men, IS to 35, wishing to be railway postal clerks; $75 month. AV 207, Oresoman. WANTED PARTNER IN MOVING-PICTURE SHOW, WEST SIDE, $500 RK QU I R E D. 333 OAK STREET WANTED At once, two men to learn auto repairing and driving. Hawthorne Garage. ' 445 Hawthorne ave. EARN an easy dollar; send six cents. Box 157. Denver, Colo. HE LP WAN T E XM I SE LLAXEOU S. EASTERN BARBER COLLEGE Men and women apprentices wanted; learn the business and be independent; tools fur nUheu free; fees reasonable. 2b9 First t. corner Jefferson IU WANTED MEN TO LEARN ANDENTER BIG MONEY MOVING PICTURE BUSI NESS: OPERATORS EARN $l! TO $35 WEEK. 333 OAK. STREET. OREGON Barber College Now Is the time to Karn the barber trade; position guar anteed; paid while learning ; tools free; tuition reduced. 233 Madison st. SHORTHAN D T YPE W R ITINQ, $ 5 PER MO. in s l . h. ttBa. tAf. l.NSTKLC N. SITUATIONS WANTED m t.K Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - stenographer, all-round otlice man, disengaged, seeks situation. Small salary. First cias ref erences. AK 16, uregonian. SMALL set of booa & to keep evening. 1 1, Uregonian. WANTED Position bv thoroughly cxpe rienced bookkeeper. Phone Marshall 2424. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man, 8 years" experience in drug, courectluuery and cigar business, wants position as traveling salesman with re liable house; salary or commission. AV 3o3, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stationary steam engineer desires position; can install and operate steam or electric plants. E IS, Ore gtuuan. WANTED Position on truck or private car by experienced driver and mechanic; also take care of car; best of references. C. J. Turner, tiSl Glisan st. Marshall 148. YOUNG Swiss man wanta job on dairy; American people preferred. Apply to A. Shwemlener. Hotel liliein. 23 Front IL, Portland, ur. X PlinlKN CED luoies a nil lius" tailor wants steady position, country or cit y ; a good coat maker, understands 'tht cutting. Address 1.. p. general Qf!ivu.,y. alem. ur". YOUNG man 25, good habits, references, will give $10 to party that will help him to secure position in city. A 23, urego nian. TEN Y E ARS experienced Japanese cook wants position private family; wtli gooU reference. phone A 3139. A GENERAL, ail-around man must have wora, city or country t board and room), modern wage. F 23, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED tutor will accept limited number of pupils in mathematics, college or preparatory. Address u It. Oicgo-iian. CHAUFFEUR, Japanese (marrlul , 4 yearn' experience, wants position in family with ife. 91 E. 12th St. N. MACHINIST First-class. all-around man wants work; pay reasonable; wni go any where. W 15. Uregonlnn. EXPERIENCED cook and wife want posi tion; go anywhere. H. lslV 1st st., room 8. J A PAN ESE, first-class "cook, wanLs position in prlvutu family, city or out of city. O 12. UreKoniau. STATIONARY engineer, steam or gas en gine or electric plants; license; references. U F 25. Uregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor w ants work In of fice building or apart, house; 235 N. 14th st. Phone Marshall 2659. FosiTluN as manager or superintendent for lumber company; 30 years experience. A.f Uregonian. MAN and wife want position on a farm; ex perienced In general farm work. Hotel Al bina, room 3. POSITION as lumber salesman or inspector; 2t years' experience. AJ 7, Oregonian. WANTED Position as 'bus boy by man with experience. AK 15, Oregonian. EXPERT tracer and letterer wants work. Call Main 1458. A JAPANESE wants hotel work. S3 14th st. North. Portland. HOUSE and window cleaning; competent. Andrew J. Jennings, Main 5507. GOOD Japanese wants cooking, porter or nny kind of work. AR 9, Oregonian. PR I VATE Init ruction in mat hematics by trained tutor, all colleges. O IS, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese boy wantii day work. Main OOl4. A 5423. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPING, office or stenographic work; good education and business ex perience; best of references. H 23, Ore gonian. ST E N OGRAPHEIti bookkeeper, dictaphone operator, rapid and accurate, desires posi tion. Main 2817. STENOGRAPH ER, experienced, wants per manent position; excellent references, well ciualiiied. phone East 0o42. POSITION wanted by stenographer, 10 years . experience, whole or half days, reasonable salary. AK 7, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer and office as sistant desires position ; local references. East 4400. YOUNG lady wishes office position ; knowl edge of shorthand and typewriting. Main 9428. COMPETENT stenographer wishes position, commercial and legal experience, moder ate salary. Main 6230. EXPERIENCED operator desires private exchange, ai -M, uregonian. Dressmaker. MAE MARTZ. modiste. Suits. gowns. dresses, alterations and makeovers. Main 3933. 133 12th St.. corner of Aider. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, $3.50 per day. Phone Tabor 4400. DRESSMAKER Alterations at home or out t by day; $2.5Q. Marshall 3039. DRESSMAKING done. Call East 4365. Nnres. SEVERAL years experience both sanltor lum and private nursing, all diseases ; some hospital training; references. M : Oregonian. COMPETENT child nurses by the hour, day or night. Child Nurse Bureau. A 74110. Main ltj .. Tabor 4014. MATE RN1T Y, rest cure and nervous .cases taken. oodlawn 448 1. GOOD, practical nurse; doctors references. Main 6i37. NU USE wants work in or out of city; rea sonable. G 21. Oregonian. N u rsea EXPERIENCED nurse wants mental pa tient. Alt 997. Oregonian. Housekeepers. CAPABLE experienced woman wants posi tion as housekeeper In hotel. Summer re sort or club. Marshall lt0S. G -a, orego nin. LADY with girl 8 years wants position housekeeper or general housework in small family. Address Mrs. Gregory, 4 02 Tiogo st., St. Johns. Phone Columbia lis. Miscellaneous. WANTED A position running a rooming house for wages or commission; have had a. rreat deal of experience for myself and othera Mrs. M. Mohler, $72 Hawthorne ave. JAPANESE young girl wants position at housework in private family. Sato, 52 N. ilth st. RELIABLE party will do your laundry this Summer; reasonable. Call mornings. Woodlawa IGUJ. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes washing and Ironing Tuesdays and Wednesdays. all East 33SS from 7 to 9, evenings only. EX PE III ENCE D young woman wishes em ployment as second maid; wages $25 or :t. Phn Woodiawn 3."ii. HOME laundered lace curtains. lO years' experience. Phone Tabor 2445. Mrs. Scott. M'KSKKY poverties; please state ages of children, wages paid. AR S. Oregonian. LACE curtains, draperies, linens, lav.dered by expert; called for Tabor 317 LACE curtains, clothes, blunkets. hand laun dered by experta Called for. Sellwood 166. GOOD hand laundry wants bund lo w ashing or day work. Phone Tabor 4275. CAPABLE lady wishes day work! will as mire good work. Main 239, A 7175. LADY wants nny kind of work. Main 5197. W A XTED A G EN TS. AGENTS wanted to handle carefully selected Calgary oil stock and leases. Must be financially reliable; give complete refer encea The Great West Finance Corpora tion. Limited, box SOS. Calgary. Alberta. AGENTS for egg preserver; sample patented holders. 15c. W. H. Benninghoff. 24 California st San Francisco. Cal. WANTED Tf RENT. Houses. WILL pay $30 per month for a modern and dcslraMo five or six -room cottage or bungalow i unfurnished ) In the Sunnystde school district. Prefer place with garage. Willing to take lease for one year. Tele phone East 3195. WANTED Houses to rent In all parts of the city. Purse & Co., 632 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN o-room hou.e, Piedmont. Walnut Park or adjoining district. Marshall 5472, Tuesday. WANTED By a responsible couple. a strictlv modern furnished bungalow. Phone Woodiawn 140S. WANTED TO RENT. Apartments. WANTED 2-room apartment with extra couch; with private bath, for man and wife: about $22.50; sunny exposure main thing. K 3t, orgoman , Rooms V'th Board. YOU NG lady desires board and room in private family. Christian Science ppe f erred. Call Marshall i70 before S A. M. BOARD and room In private family whera lady would care for a boy 3 years, during tho da V. H rirpcnn.un FOR RENT. FunrUhed Rooms. HOI EL, ROWLAND. HOTEL M1NOOK. 0is 4tu st. Cor. 4th and Salmon. $ PER WEEK UP. Two modern, up-to-date brick hotels, private baths. H. and C. water all rooms; Vn xt.ra cnarKe tor 2 in a room. Free baths inch Phones. Special rates to tour- it;. Give us a cail. HOTEL AKTiUIR. Kieventh. between Morrison and Yamhill. New, clean rooms with team heat, hot and cold water, telephones, large closets. Y mirrors, medicine chests, comfortable beds. large tiled baths. Rates for two per l'r week; $1 per day and up. HOTEL BI-ACKSTONE. or. nth and Stark. $3 week up; elevator, not and cold water, .steam heat, telephone connections in each room; no extra charge lor two in room; free baths included: transients soJii-ii.-d. - H O T K L F K A N K L 1 N, Washington St.. at Thirteenth. ;.0c per day; weekly, $;;; monthlv. $11 up. Itunning water, phon.- in euch room, steam heat, fireproof bldg.. ground-floor lobby, all-nigh: service. Business is good. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 2'nu ami Washing ton sts. New, modern brink; outside clean rooms. quet ana homelike, some with pri vates baths. X2.50 week up. Spt-cial aten- i u ii in iiur!5i8. $o WEEK; large suite, brass hevis. a. I new furnishings, ho: water and t.aths all hours; nice quiet place: also lartre single rooms. $2 nn.i up; 7 blocks to PuMofftee. Hotel Caiiihuc. :i.l m.. ngar J ffcrsin. -Al liOL HOTEL, ;;72's Hawthorne ave. this place under m w management ; good, clean rooms. $1 5 to J per week; waltiing Distance-: s'so l:ght housekeeping; give us a trial. Phone East, 425:. HOTEL OCKLK Y. ' Morrison st.. at 10th. Central location; iM:mme- rates." 5oc per day up, weekly $2.oo up. Neat room.H. running w a tor, free phones and lath. Meant heat. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427 a Ai-ier sr.. cor. 11th. New brick luiildmir. heauiifullv fur nished; rates, outvie rooms L a uav and up. $4 week. Piume Main 4KI7. CAPITOL HOTEL, 37J'x Hawthorne ave. This place is under new management; good, clean rooms. $l.&o to $3 per week; walking distance; also liht housekeeping; 6ve us a trial. Phone East 4'.".. HOTEL A N S N I A 124 Hth St.. cor. Washington. Ni-elv fur. nlshcd rooms, Mrictlv modem; rates' $;i 50 week and up. Marshall 140. 1 1 0 TEL M D W A R I S, Oiand ave. ami i;a.s t Belmont. Rooms. $! month up. $2J..iO up w ith private bath; large, pleasant luhb ; cafe lr, connect ion. Kat l.'J'X. iiolr.L NOURIS, Ald.-r, at 17lh; targe front rooms, private bath if desired; $ per week; others $2 and $2.30; mod ern and well furnished. Hoi EL SAVON. i;;i Eleventh st. New. modern brick builoing. steam-heated. prU vate baths, hot an. I .-old witter, comfort aMy f urnished ; tiainsients solicited. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS: Many of the furnished rooms reduced in price; shower baths, special rates at cafeteria, 6th and Taylor sts. YOLNl man rooming at Y. M. r. A. wants roommate to reuuee rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A.. 6th and Taylor. 27 tiTIi ST., large desirable front rooms, strictly modern residence; easy walking distance. LAKKABEK HOTEL. 227'- Lnrrabee st. If .ju want exceptionally ciean. homelike room below regular price. riino K. SI9. HOTEL REN WICK. 2tt, Broadway, cor. Taylor; modern house all outside rooms, ouiet. homelike nip' HOT E L CORDOVA. 26 11th St. Strictly modern ; private baths; en suite; rooms $3.50 up. Main 94 72. A 4783. THE KING, 309 Jefferson; nicely "furnished rooms; modern, central; $j pt-r week ui Marshall lh49. KOoMS in modern home. I'hono Main .""i72:t. Otisau t. i urni-hed Koom in Private I ami lies. LA RixE roo nicely furnishfil uirh l.n and cold water, use of parlor, piano arid home comforts, board if desired ; a I so young man wishes roommate ; rates rea sonable. Main &S1. Oul Harrison, near 14th. ONE large unfurnished room, modern, with fireplace, on first floor, largo square bav window: can be n.se.1 as sleeping porch. Extra large closet, lavatory and toi!t In connection. Home place, close In 1M 11th st. Main WWu. NEATLY furnished rooms. 1 block to First Church of Christ, Scientist ; good resi dence neighborhood ; IT. minutes' walk to Post off ice; bath, phone; verv moderate rates. C24 Flanders. Main 7315. NICELY furnished rooms; electric light and phone; handy to bath. In owner's home; lauy or gentlemen; reasonable; closo in. 94 North 10th st. LADY, alone, will rent very pleasant front room in suburban homo to two young la dies; nice yard and home comforts. Wood lawn 204fi. ONE or two front noiiij ; vt :ry thin n ice and new; bath, phone, sink; walking dis tance; reasonable. i;40 Cia , near Broad way. 475 MORRISON Desirable, newly furnished front rooms, single or ensuite, sleeping or housekeeping, a uso basement rooms cheap. HANDSOMELY furnished roomT-"balcony, fireplace ; quiet home, all conveniences. 20a 1 Hi h St. $14 TWO large a iry rooms in upper flat, well furnished, tray, woodlift, bath. 2Sth and East Everett. Tabor 4 778. NICE furnished f rmit room, mod - ru con veniences, central, reasouable. 4U4 Clay, near 10th. DELIGHTFUL front room, modern, very cheap. 80 N. Itith, near Washington. ' $12 FONT room, for 4 gentlemen. 4 Lu cretia. et A 195.". 269 14TH South Rooms, walking distance. Phone Main 3Si3. ON E large t ton t room ; gas, light, phone ; $3.50 week. 49 12'.h st. SLEEPINO porch, everything modern, also single room. Marshall 4753. 74i Hoyt St. $lo FRONT sinylo room in modern upnrt ment; walking uiManto. Tel. Mam 7."!M. 22S lOTH ST. Very quiet sleeping-room, up stairs, with phone and hath. $2 per week. ItooM S in mod r ii home, Otfi Olisau t. Phone Main .t729. N 1E L Y furnished room, suitable for re tired gentleman. AL 7. Oregonian. WANTED By young man, roommate, pri vate family, two beds. East &'5d. LAIUJE front room, walking distance, suit able for one or two. 6:t2 th st. COOL outside rooms, $2 and up. Phone and bath. 221 1 ith st. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sta An excellent residential hotel: attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Main 983. A 6628. PARKVIEW HOTEL. SS6 Montgomery St., at West Park, mod ern coneniences; rooms with or without bath ; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular or transient guest a ON E nicely furnished outside room. Includ ing 2 meals daily and all conveniences of home in private boardi ng-house. ; only $25 per month. 1 1 17th, near Yamhill. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 6th st.. has fins table board, modern rooms, sun parlors; a real home; reasonable rates. THE HAZEL Now changed to family ho tel; special rates; strictly home cooking. 8sf 3d st. Phone Main 7094. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room $ 4 and $ 4 .SO week. Portland Women's Union. 610 Flanders. Room With Board In Private Kamilie. WANTED Youn5 lady to room and t'.ord with private family, good boine. 73 .-::th St. Mars'.ia 11 2270. HAVE pleasant home rooms for two getc men, with or without board ; reasonable ; walking distance. ?Q6 Flanders st. NICELY furnished room and board, suita ble for 2 young men; good home cook ing. 092 Everett et. Marshall 3302. ROOM with or without board; all modern conveniences; close In. Marshall 4410. 474 Salmon st- ROOM and board, 332 10th it, walking dis tance. Phone Main 6979, A 2S65. PLEASANT rooms, good board; young; la dies; reasonable 709 Irvln-g st. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, Scan dinavian preferred. Ill North 10th st. GOOD mom. new house, near Multnomah Cluh : 2 meal.:, reason a hie. Main 2219. IRVINGTON Pleasant room, in beautiful home, near club ; reasonable. C 2871. LAltdK room, with or without board for 2; reasonable, walking distance Main Sir. W ANT I'D To care for child between 2 and 4 years of aee; smull pay. East 49.2. GOOD home for children. B 2834.