ttk 3fORXING OUEGOXIAN, SATURDAT, MAY 30, 1914. 13 LUST WHEAT TO GO June Steamer to Europe Clean Up Old Crop. Will CALIFORNIA STILL BUYS Shipment South in Month 0vor800,000 Bushels Buyers Not I n te ret le tl in Xc v -Crop Contracts. Tlic Uutch steamer Maria, recently char tered, which will load OUv tons of wheat here early in June for Kurope, will about clean up all the wheat left in the country, except tv hat millers arc holding. California Is still taking a little wheat, but is not much of a factor in the market. Prices are holding steady there, but to do business with the south, club would have to be bought here at 83 cents. Theru in a. little loft on the douks, for which holders want about 80 cents. For the month Just closed, shipments of wheat and flour from Portland and Puget Sound to California equalled 8S0, 477 bushels, which shows that the pace eEtabllHhed at the beginning of the year hag kept up well. Crop reports that are coming in are en tirely favorable. Advices from nearly all districts are good and from many of them excellent. There was a good rainfall dur ing the week In the Inland Empire. Winter wheat is heading out fine and the Indica tions are that the harvest will be two weeks earlier than last year. Spring wheat, oats and barley are In fine condition. farmers are onTering to contract wheat, but little Interest is taken on .the buying hide. Healers believe the price will open loner than it did last year. A report on tlte foreign wheat crop out look, just Issued by the Department of Agriculture, follows: "The prospects for the European wheat crop arc, as a whole, fully up to the stand ard for the season. Te total acreage, owing to Increased sowings in Russia and Rou manian Is expected to exceed that of last year, and the general appearance of the fields jn almost all countries is reported to bo of good promise. In flreat Britain there has been nn Increase of about 4 per cent in acreage. The condition of the plants is, for the most part, satisfactory. "in France an unusually large proportion of t ho Winter wheat has lpn frozen out, and as tho weather has not been altogether favorable to Spring sowings, the acreage Is expected to be less than that of cither of tho past two years. The appearance of -veg-ctut ion, particularly in the north, is nut all t hat is desired, though it improved greatly in April. The popular belief is that France will at the best not produce a large crop this season. Tho acreage under Winter wheat )u Italy Is normal and in Spain o',j per cnt lens than last year. lisci ptlng some local complaints of dry weather, tho present out look in both countries tn satisfactory. In JJelgium, Denmark and Germany the grow .ic rroDH receive favorable mention, though railier dry April now makes felt in many 'tu central and Southeastern Europe th only discordant notes in a general harmony of favorable crop reports ore complaints of an unpati factory condition of the growing Hungarian wheat and a decrease, owing to unfavorable weather last Fall, in the sow ings of Bulgaria. Although there are no definite official reports from Russia, the tone of local and commercial reports is very hopeful, and the present popular expectation seems to be, if present conditions are main tained, for a -yield, exceeding . that of any previous year." Tho local bag market is .very firm. While Is generally asked, some dealers are holding out for 0 cents. There is a pros pect of a shortage, as arrivals to date have not been what was expected. One steamer w ith a big cargo was disabled and obliged to put back. San Francisco importers are disappointed in not receiving all they or dered on the steamers that have arrived, and they are uncertain as to what Is on the steamer now duo. With a record grain crop on the Coast, bag prices may go out of sight. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were aa follows: This wk. Last wk. Last yr. India 7:16.000 24.O00 2,344,000 Argentina . . Sou, 000 1. 176.000 2,So4.00tj Australia ... .1,232,000 704, o00 1.480.000 Local receipts, in cars, were reported by tho Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat .Barley Flour Oats Hay jionaay Tuesday Wednesday , 14 14 17 3 11 2 8 13 11 0 0 9 30 1 4.1 9 S 37 11 10 U 18 2072 2703 1C42 2lr7 2 0 S 2 .431 1007 2-00 13 10 5 10 Thursday . , 1'riday "Year axo Sat'y ideas' n to date. 10029 Year ago 16S92 OVERSVPFLV OF LOCAL STRAWBERRIES With Holiday Today Rlg R-eipts Cannot Be Worked Off. The strawberry market was badly over stocked yesterday. Receipts were heavy. and with today -holiday bu than It would oiftcMvtso ha ty buying was lighter tiave been. Prices on the street ranged from 75 cents to $1. Several large shipments camo In late In the day and could not be disposed of. Four cars of Honduras bananaa wero re ceived, and as expected they proved to be of fine quality. Several shipments of cantaloupes arrived and eold at $u.50 a crate. A carload Is due today and another early next week. Loganberries and raspberries were offered in limited quantities, but there was not much demand for them. Shippers at The Dalles continue to send In Royal Ann cher ries of unsaleable quality. Arrivals from the South consisted of a car each of Garnet Chile potatoes and red Stockton onions. BCTTER STOCKS CLEAN EN G VP WELL Creamerynien Believe Price Mill Advance J&efore They Decline. Butter la cleaning up well and city cream eries quote the market firm. No further de cline is looked for la the near future. uneese is sieaay at ine prevailing quo tation. In some quarters It Is believed the bottom price for this eeason has been reached. Eggs sold yesterday at the prices that have ruled for several da. The market Is steady, but the demand is not strong. Poultry and dressed meats moved at pre vailing quotations. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows; Clearings. Balances. Portland $1,32. 743 $127,447 Seattle 2.21 tt.OiVi 222.614 'J com a . 279.119 ;;ri.33 bpokane 609.244 104.3S4 Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the past week and corresponding week in forinef years were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma l.4:.2.2:il 1.99a.41 3, 522. 9' K) 3.440.105 4.r.0t.15 ri.2S.?9o 4.1S7.4rtu 5,200.713 2,r70.206 3.8lK.002 1 S'iu.r.92 3014 3 912 3tll 11 n 3909 3'03 3 941? 3 0 3 J05 3IK 3 90S . . $9,932,901 $10,OSO.;160 lO.OU.UAl 7. 707.TOG (.l.VJtv", 5,-'S..7,T 7.hM.77 0,026.1 11 4.711.S02 3.020.47a ,719..VJT P.0.420 9. !4.41 .7tio, 1 IS S.7.S0. 101 30.OSS.22S tt.4S2.801 A, 700,132 3.773.092 4,3.12,400 . . S.410.91J 3,797.020 Portland's bank clearings In May. 1914. iv re J47.tft37, as compared vitii iul.4tM. 1;13 n May, 19JS; ? 4S,,M4.o.HS tn May, 1912: St4.MK.ti77 In .My, 19U: $4l.39o.::2 in May, 3!10. and $30.3S4.O01 in May, 1909. Iraatllla Mools arly All mld. PENDLETON. Or.. May 29. (Special.) PrsctK-ally all the wool in Umatilla. County has bceu sold this year, according; to Edwin .Burke, a local moot man. who has bought a bout 3,000,000 pounds this Spring. Fifteen thousand pounds, held by Thomas Gibson, at Pilot Rock. 15 miles south of here, is said to be the blsgest single lot left in the county. Declines in Condensed Milk. Prices of two of the cheaper brands of condensed milk have been reduced 20 cents a, case this week. Other brands are un changed in price. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc WHEAT Track; prices: Club, bluestem, 8889c; forty-fold, 87c; 85S6c; red R us- sian, 8oc; Valley, eoc MILLFEED Bran. $23.50 24 per ton; shorts, JS.5027; middlings, S3233. FLOUR Paterts. 4.80 per barrel straights. $4.20; exports. $3.90; valley. ?4.80; graham, $4.80; whole wheat. $5. HAY No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy, $15 lo. mixed timothy, $1314; valley grain hay, $12&13; alfalfa, $12& 13. BARLEY Feed, $2021.OO per ton; brew ing, $21.00 22; rolled. $23.50 & 24. OATS No. 1 white milling, $-2o"22.50 per ton. CORN Whole. $35; craeked, $36 per ton. I Fruits and Vegetable. X,o al Jobbing Quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Orantfls. navels. 2.7," n :;.2."i per box ; lemons, $r..r0 ftt 6 per I box; pineapples. -6c per pound; bananas, 4tto per pound; grapefruit, Florida, $5.o0 5x6.00 ; per box. ! VEGETABLES Cucumbers, $1.25 per box; eggplant, 10c per pound; peppers, 20 20c per pound; radishes, lOtjj. 17 per dozen; head lettuce. $2 per crate; artichokes, IT rp 85c per dozen : celry. $3.00 4 per crate; tomatoes, $2.234.00 per crate; spinach, 5c per pound ; horseradish, 10(g) 121-c; rhubarb, I'-etre per pound; cabbage, 1 -Ti c per pound ; asparagus. $1 '(j1.23 per dozen; peas. .rfrf7c per pound; beans, 12,' per pound: corn, 70c per dozen. GREEN FRUIT Apples. $1,5042.75 box; strawberries. 70c(tt$l per crate; clerries, 6i' 10c per pound; gooseberries, 2ftjoc per pound ; apricots, $1.00 per box ; cantaloupes, $ per era te. ONIONS Bermuda. $22.25 per crate; red, $3 3.20 per sack. POTATOES Oregon. 90c(($l i"er hundred; sweet potatoes, $4.50 5 per hundred; oe California, per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, new Cali fornia, $1.0(1; carrots, $1.70; beets, $1.75. Dairy and Country produce. Local jobbing quotations: EGGS -Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. 20Vsfc-21c; candled, 22 & 23c per dozen. POULTRY Hens, lUVsc; broilers, oig c: turkeys, live, 20 22c: dressed, choice. 20'26c; ducks, 12c; geese, 10 & 11c. BITTEK creamery prinLs, extra -inC per pound; cubes, uzh (o -ic. ( Httisb uregon sim ininuio, j ru bers buying price, loCpfcr pound 1. o. i. dock Portland. l'ORK Fancy, 10! Op He per pound. VEAL Fancy, Hi&llVic- per pound, Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotation: SALMON Columbia Kiver, one - pound talis, $2.25 per dozen; half-pound flats. $1.40; one-pound flats, $2.4J; Alaska pink, one-pound talis, tide; stlversidea, oni'fiound talis. $1.20. HONEY Choice. $3.50 & 3. 75 per case. NUTS Walnuts, -.4i20c per pound; Brazil nuts, 2Uc; lilberts. 14 15c; almonds, l'J28c; peanuts, GWoVsc: cocoanuta, 1 per uozcu; nhefituuts, b ! (i 1UC ier pound! pe cans, 14 10c BEANS Small white. 0 -c: large white, 4.80c; Lima, fie; pink, 0.10c; Mexicau, c bayou, 1 u. COFFEc Roasted, in drums, 10&02o per pound. SUGAR Fruit and berry, $4.U0; beet, $4.70; extra C, $4.40; powdered, in barrels, $0.20. SALT Granulated, $10. 5o per ton; half ground, loos, $iu.70 per Lou; 0uo, J1L5! pes tun, dairy, $14 per ton. itlCE No. 1 Japan. MZc't Souther head, 6 '4 & 7 'fee, Island, 5j)5Vc DH1ED FKU1XS Apple. 10llc pet pound; apricots. 16 ht to 20c; peaches, 8 He; prunes. Italians, fc4 10 c; currants, 9o; raisins, loose Muscatel, 6,7c; bieacuac Thompson, llc, unuleachuu bultana, 0Vc; seeded, 0c; dates, Persian, 7tf7c per pound, fard. $1.4u per box. FIGS Package. & ox., 00 to box, $1.85; package, 10 ox., 12 to box. 80c ; white, 20-lb box, $1. 75 ; black, 25-lb. box, $ 1.75 ; black. OU-lb. box, $2.00; black, 10-lb. box. $1.15, CaJarab eandy figs, io-lb. box, $J; Smyrna, per box. $1.50. Provisions. HAMS 10 to 12-pound, J8V419r$c; 12 to 14-pound, (GMOfec; 14 to 18 -pound, 1S4c&1Bc; skinned, lK2uc; picnic, 13o. BACON Fancy, 272dc. standard, 21 H inc. 1KY SALT CUKED Short clear backs, 13 uflofce, exnorts, 14-16c; plates, 11 W 13c. LARD Tierce, basis. Pure, 12 13c; compound. Uc Hops. Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 15)13 crop, prime and choice, 14(3 10c: 1914 contracts. 14 15c PELTS Dry. 11c; dry short wool, 8c; dry shearings, 10c; green shearings, 10c; salted sheep, $ 1.20 (j. 1.00 ; Spring lambs, 20 Q 30c. H1DKS Salted bides, 13 c per pound; salt kip, 14c ; sailed calf, 19c ; green hides, 12Vic; dry hides, 24c; dry calf. 26c; salted bulls, 10c per pound; green bulls, tic WOOL Valley, l& uc; Kastern Oregon. 16(u-lOc. MOUAIU 1914 clip," -7 Vi $2S?C per lb. CASCARA HARK Old and new. oo per lb. (J RAIN LAGS In car lots, 8-c. FISH Chinook salmon, 12c; blueback, l0!c; shad, 3c; roe shad, 0c; perch, 7c; halibut, 40'7c. Oil. KEROSENE Water white, drums, bar rels or tank wagon, 10c; special, drums or barrels. 13 4c; cases. 17 H fc. 20H e. GASOLINE Bulk. 15c; oasea. 22V4c; motor spirit, bulk, 10c; cases, 22c En gine distillate, drums, Tc; cases, 14&e nap t ha, drums, 14 c; cases, 21 LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 61c; boiled, oarrei. 63c ; raw. cases. 66c ; boiled, cases. 65C. TURPENTINE In cases, 60 o per gallon; tanks, 580, DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, May 20. Maximum temper ature, 76 degrees; minimum, 4S . degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 16.8'feet; change in last 24 hums, 0.1 foot rise. Total rainfall (0 1. M. to 5 P. M ), none; total rainfall since September 1, 1913, 30.94 inches; normal rainfall since September 3, 42. 04 inches; dc. fi'-i.-ncv of rainfall since Fentember l. 19J 5.10 inches. Total sunshine May 29, l' hours, 26 minutes; possible sunshine, 10 hours, 26 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at o 1'. Al., oO.OS Inches. THE WEATHER. tat ul itu.r Baker 4 0. on; Clear Clear Boise ... Boston Calgary ........ Chicago Coliax ..... Denver . - Les Moines luluth Eureka ......... Galveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas City Klamath Kails. . Los Angeles Marshf ield So O.00' 4 SB 00 0.1MI12 S Clear OS O.UO N NW Clear SS 0.4014.W Cloudy O. O0; . . I . . ..It tear 0ti;0.Ull O.N ICUar O.OOt NWKJiear " 1.2S 12 W (Clear u. oo,l2 X Clear 2.SS 1 K Icioudy 72-0. OO S.E Clear SSO.OOj SiSB flear 70.0.t'0: 4NI2 (Clear 82 0 .00; . . i . . .. Clear 4 O.oo; ; s Cloudy Ou O.uO 12 NWjCloudy KO.O.mtj N W, Clear 74 0. 0(i S SW JPt. cloudy SOO.OOi 0 E jl"t. cloudy Hti 9.00 in'SK (Clear ft4 O.Oo 36 NWfCIear 70 0.9O! t-'N Clear S3'i.00l 4 W" Clear 90 0.00' 4'SW Cloudy 78 0.00 4 SV ( lear 76,0.00 14 NW'iClear SO O.OOl 8;NE t'lear ss-O.oo! 4 N (Clear SS 0.02 20 NW Cloudy 72 O.00 22 NW Clear 7 0.0012 NWlClear OS 0.00 24. W Clear 00 0.UO 12 N -iClear Mvdford Montreal New Orleans. . . . New York North Head North Yakima. . . Pendleton ...... Phoenix Pocatollo Portland Rosfburg . Sacramento . . .4. St. Louis St. Paul Salt t.akc San Francisco. . - Seattle Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. . Walla Walla Washington Wl n n i pe 74,0. Ort! 4 NWjPt. cloudy rs u.t'U' in .n iL iear rS n.oo'24'W Clear So it. (.10 4NE iCiear 82 O.O'l' SE 'Clear 70 0.0012 S (Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. A small hlph-pressure area is central over Vancouver Island and a la tec his h-pressure area overlies the Lower Missouri Valley. The barometer continues relatively high over the Atlantic states ana relatively low over liii fornls and Arisona. I Hiring the last 24 hours local rains hae fallen in many of ti states between the Mississippi itiver and tn Rocky Mountains. It is warmer in this district. The conditions ar favorable for fair and warmer weatner t-utoraay in the rorth x-a cif ic States. FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer; northerlv winds. Oregon miii "Wash in eton Kair and warmer. Northerly winds. 1 ! a h tv---Fa i r and warmer. EDWARD A. B V, A 1 .S, District Forecaster. 1 Wind I I !l TiT (.TAT ION 3. e 3 ? o 3 3 : ? -3 v ALL LINES HELPED Warm Weather Has Stimulat ing Effect on Trade. CONFIDENCE IS GROWING Movement or Seasonable Goods a Wholesale and Retail Is Increas ing Condition of Cereal Crops lias Improved. NEW YORK, May 29. Dun's Review to morrow will say: A period of continuous warm weatb-er na had a beneficial effect upon, almost all com mercial lines, and is tending to offset the earlier handicap of a backward Spring. The movement of seasonable goods both at wholesale and retail, shows an encouraging increase and most reports indicate that con fidence is gaining strength. As yet the usual statistical comparisons do not reflect the current business improve ment, gross earnings of railroads making returns for three weeks of May being 7.4 per cent lees than last year, while bank clearings this week were 5.6 per cent smaller. Failures this week numbered 332 in the United States against 223 last year and 32 in Canada compared with 34. , SM ALL DECREASE IN SURPLUS RESERVE New York Han ks Report Toes of Cash in Therr Hands for Week. NEW YORK. May 20. The statement of the actual condition of clearing-house banks and trust companies for the week (five days) shows that they hold $48,984,200 re serve In excess of legal requirements. This is a decrease , of $1,971,650 from last week. The statement follows: "Decrease. Loans , .$2J13,SSS.OOO $ 3.791,000 Specie 439,367.000 l,379,Oot Uegitl tenders 7a.99J.oo J,K5.000 Net deposits 2.045. 670.000 lO.Or.S.OftO Circulations 4l,."..OUO r.Ol.OOO Hank cash reserve in vault. $437.9S2.u40; trust companies' cash reserve in vaults. $70, 377,000; aggregate cash reserve. $013,309, 000; excess lawful reserves, $48,984,200; de crease. $1.971, 0-"0. Trust companies reserves with clearing-house members carrying 25 per cent cash reserve, $w. 660,000. Summary of state banks and trust com panies in Greater New York not included in clearing-house statement: Increase. $1,001,000 102.400 33.500 4,135,500 Loans, Gold investments $071,24'J.Vo . . . . tH.4lU.lUU bank O.sso.uoo 695.215,000 Currency and notes ....... Total deposits . DRY VOOOS TKADK OX LARGER SCALE Manj IlHtlnctl.v Favoraltle l-'eutures In the Week's Report. NEW YORK. May 29. Bradstreets tomor row will say: - flood wea ther, except In parts of the South and Southwest; continued active re tail demand for Spring and Summer wear ing pparel : improved demand from Jobbers and wholesalers for cotton and other dress fabrh-r,; further sales of basic pig iron; good reports on leading crops, e ccptir g cotton, and the heaviest exports of wheat since January 10, constitute the distinctly favor able features of the week s trade report. In addition, the optimistic feeling pre viously noted in financial markets or voiced by leaders of industry seems to have gained force. For the week : Failures, 290, compared with 21S last year: wheat exports. G,7,9.S67, against 6.0M:i.:i07; bank clearings, $2,880,01:0, 000, a decrease of 4.6 per cent. STOCK GROOVE NARROW WALL STREET PRICKS MOVE WITH IV SMALL RANGE. Forefa;n Financiers Regard Mexican Situation as Largely Responsible for Slackening; of Activity. NEW YORK, May 29. On a steadily di minishing volume of operations today's stock market moved in the same narrow croove which characterized the preceding sessions of an uneventful week. Missouri Pacific is sues were watched with uncommon Interest, because of the approach of the time for definite action in connection with the $25, 000,000 note Issue, Canadian Pacific was not severely affected by news of the catastrophe to one of its steamships, but Baltimore & Ohio and New York Central were under pressure, while St. Paul dropped at times on the new financing; under negotiation by the company. Local banks made an actual cash loss of about 54.400,000 for the week, with a re serve decrease of about $-',000,000. Money continued so abundant that a SO-day loan at 2 per cent was reported; The bond markeLy-vaf irregular, except for Missouri Pacific, ttiV fives advancing 2 points. Virginia debt certificates rose 4 points. Total sale of bonds, par value, 1,640.000. United States registered 4s gained hk per cent on call for the week. The stock market pendulum vibrated nar rowly this week, thus reflecting the Inde cision and almost total indifference of both speculators and investors. Such initiative as the market had came principally from abroad, where sentiment was more impressed than hre with tho Mexican peace promise and the passage of tho Irteli home rule bill without disorder. ... The foremost French financial authority holds that tho Mexican situation has been largely responsible for the slackening of economic progress and of" financial activity in the world at large. There was soma subsidence of the crop scare over Hessian fly damage and hopeful ness was maintained over trade revival ii the second half of the year. The steel trade still failed to show concrete evidence of the expected betterment. uncertainty as to when the federal re serve system shall become operative ex ercised a restraining influence in all direc tions. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Renortcd by J. C. Wilson & Co., Lewis Closinr building. Portland. bales High. "724 25 '3 63 169" ' iiiki "c2Vi 97 vi "si -4 . PS1 35' LOW. lilti. Allis-Chiil 10 ',4 Amal CoppcnfL . Am Beet Sugar Am Can Co . . . 3.200 o.lOO 800 ioo 400 " "66 '"'209 "260 " "366 Y. 900 1.700 2.700 700 60o 1,500 V2H ibs' ' 'S2 H "97 " " 'ii'i 93 v 194 'i 51 a iisi" 72 24 H 27 90 7, 50 do nref erred. . Am Car & Frly.. Am Cotton. Oil.. 41 H Am Smel & Kef B3!4 101 109 112 do preferred.. Am Sugar do preierred.. Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco . .. Anaconda Atl Coast Line.. 122Vi 2i 54 12214 A T &. Santa re do preferred. . Bait & Ohio . . . Brok R Tran . . 99 91 U Canadian Pac. . c & o 195 r si '1 c & u w C & N W C. M & St Paul. 132 14 100 H 15 100 'i Central Leather " N 35 Central of IS' J. Chino Col Fuel & Iroh Cot Southern . . Conaol Gas D L & W T & R O Distilling Secur. Erie General Eleo . . Gt North Ore . . Ot North pf ... Illinois Central . Interboro .Metro do preferred. . Inter Harvester. K C Southern . . Lehigh Valley. . Louis & NaFh.. Mexican Central M, S P & S S M Mo. Kan & Tex Mo Paclnc National L-ead. . Nat Biscuit ... New Haven X V Central . . . N" Y. Ont Wes Norfolk & West Northern Pac . . Pacific Mail Pacific T & T. . do preferred.. Pennsylvania ... People's Oas Reading 300 1,000 41 H 41 41 27 -Ti 22 127 39 S US 14fc 29 14S4 32 H 124V 111 H 14H a 106 25 1S9V4 13 lit, 125 ia 17 18ti 45 130 R5 92 S 25 '4 103 110-X 23 2li 9 ill U 121 165 "2 24;, 1.70O 2!H loo 119 V. US 2u0 33 33 IKIO 3 24i 124W. luo lilt, 311 t S0O 14S 14?i 000 62 1 B3 '"iH 27V 264 300 130 139 ti Vo.ioo "is"" 'i84 7ii WO 92 92 hi 200 nV.i ion "4 400 Jil 110"i "V.soo iiiii iii'ii "13.660 itw' " 1M H M 24 U Rock Inland C Southern Pac. Southern By Texas Oil 1.200 145 142. 144 Union Pacific .. 0.S0O 158 107 307 do preferred.. 100 64 S4 &3te United Rds S P 14 U S Steel Cor.. 20,000 63 62'" K do preferred.. 800 109 t 109 1094 Utah Copper ... 3,300 33. 06 Wabash 2O0 . i Wtstern Union.. 200 62 rn t Wieting Elec 1.0OO 7Ti 77 . 77 Wisconsin Cent 41 Total sales for the day, 116,500 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board of Trade building. Portland. Bid. Asked. A ton Gen 4s 6 Atl Coast Line. 1st 4s 94 B & O Gold 4s 94 b r t 4s Ones & O 41-ss 92 4 C M & St P Gen 4s 102 C R I Col 4a 30 Cal G3 0s 2',4 C B Q Joint 4s 924 Erie Gen 4s 72 94 95 2 , 37 n 2Vi 724 78 P4 S4 0 Uo 10014 75 w 3I) 73 S4!4 !J ll3 M-"i 53 85 4 89 5714 97 !s 102 102 11014 1114 Int Met jUs MlKsouri Pac 4a X Y C Gen 3U N & W 1st Con 4s Northern Pac 4s Oregon Short Line Ref 4s. Pac Tel 0s Penna Con 4s Reading Gen 4s St L & San Fran Ref 4s... Ho P Ref 4s S p Col 4s So Ry 5s 77 03 S3 9:; 90 hi 91 - .... 97 hi. . .100 95 . 74 -4 .... 92 i 90-4 loo 73 . ... 54 . ... 94 14 102. s.-,i . do 4s tn Ry Inv 4s L'n Pac 1st and ref 4s V s Steel 0s West Shore 4a Wabash 4s W house Elec cv 5s. ........ Wisconsin Central 4s . United States 2s registered . do coupon United States Ss registered . do coupon United States 4s registered . do coupon . 7 .101 'A .101 14 .110 Stocks -t Boston. BOSTON", May 29. Olostns quotation,: Allouex 40 1i J Nevada con.... 144 Amal Cooper... 724:Nipfsalnjc Mines. 6S Am Z L. ,sm.. 16 y North Butte 26 Arizona com... 4 North Ijake 1V4 Calumet & Ariz. fltfSiOld Dominion.. 47 H 7ti 57 20 2'.i Cal & Hecla. . ..420 Osceola Centennial 374 Cop Range C C 37 E Bntte -Cop M 14 Franklin 4 Giroux Con 8 Qulncy bhannon Superior Sup &. Boston M raniara;K 30 V; Gran Con ex-dlv 8114 U H & M . . S4 tjreene tanauea . do preierreu. . 4t-ft I Royalle (Cod) 20VILTtah Con 30 Kerr Lake 4 Utah Copper Co. 06 s laKe copper. ... wmona 3 La Salle Copper 44jWoIverine 40 14 yi lain 1 copper., ir- ;uucte te cup.... Mohawk 4:ii SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at tbe Bar City on Fruits. Vegetable. Kte. SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. Fruit Pine apples, $1.00(2.25; apples, Newtown Pip pins. $1.201.70; Mexican limes, . $9&10; California lemons. $4.00403, Vegetables Cucumbers, 75& 1.23; green peas, 2 4? 5c. Eggs Fancy ranch, 3c; store, 21c. Onions Bermudas, $2 2.60; red, $2.503. Cheeo Young Americas. l5Ql$bGi new. Butter Fancy creamery. 14c; seconds. 23 C Potatoes Delta whites. 40080c; Oregon Burbanks, 70c & $1.10; sweets, $2.20 & 2.00; new, 3 $i 2c Receipts Flour, 320 quarters; barley, 8865 centals; potatoes, 1130 sacks; hay. 2S9 tons. Money, Exchanfe, Ete. NEW YORK, May 9. Mercantile paper, 04.4; sT?riinfr ejehanpe, steady; 60 days, $4.&70; demand, $4.8SoO; commercial bills, $4.80 Vi. Bar silTcr. 06c. Mexican dollars, 44c. Call money. 1 f 2. Time loans, 60 and 0o days, 2; six months. 3V4- . , SAN FRANCISCO, May 29. Silver bars. 06T4c. Mexican dollars, nominal; drafts, sight, .01, do telegraph .03. Sterling on Lon don, 60 days, $4.80: do sight, $4.68!.. LONDON, May I! bank rate. 3 . Consul., 74; silver, per cent. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, May 2. European cables reporting that a Brazilian loan would prob ably soon be announced, and unfavorable Brazilian crop' advices encouraged the steadier tone of today's coffee market. Open ing was steady, 4 to 9 higher; close steady, 4 to 0 net higher. Sales, 40.000. June, 8.81c; July, 8.01c; September, 0.11c; October, .20c; December, 0.37c ; January, 9.42c ; March, 9.53c ; May. 9.63c. Spot, steady; Rio No. T. 93sc; Santos No. 4. 12c ; mild, quiet ; Cordova, 1Z W & lOc, nominal. Raw sugar, steady; molasses, 2.74c; cen trifugal, .39c; refined, steady. Condition of tbe Treasury. WASHINGTON. May 20. The condition ot the United States Treasury at the beginning of business today was: Net balance ln general fund-U .. .$71,782,709 Total receipts yesterday 2,627,539 Total payments yesterday 3,889,940 The deficit this fiscal year. $41,081,401, against a surplus of $3,K03,S99 last year, ex clusive of Panama Canal and public debt transactions. .Metal Markets. ' SBVV YORK. May 2!. Copper Spot, 13.70 (0'14; electrolytic, 14.25;- lake, nominal; cast ings. 14S14.12. Tin Spot, 3131.GU; August, 31.DUf 31.87 Vi. HOGS SELL AT DECLINE TOP PRICE PJUO AT STOCKYARDS IS 9S.03. Sherp Are Steady at Lower Ranee ow rrevaUlns .o Cattle Re ceived During Say. -Hoks and sheep again comprised all the supply at the stockyards yesterday. The former were weak in price and the latter steady at the previous day's decline. Tho best price paid for hogs was $8.05, hut only a few lots were offered and noth ing fancy was available. Lambs had a range ln the day's sales of $5 to 1.25, a few yearlings sold at $5 and a bunch of mixed sheep and lambs brought $3.00. Receipts were 322 hogs and 905 sheep. Shippers were: With hogs J. S. Robertson, Umont, 1 car: Mick Minner, Gateway, 1 car; Joseph Putnam. Heppner, 1 car; C Anderson. Moro. 1 car. With sheep C. E. Lucke. Wallowa, 2 cars; C. J. Barclay, 2 cars: Palton & Overton, - Halsey, 2 cars. With mixed load J. C. Davis, b'hedd, 1 car hogs and sheep. The day's sales were as follows Wt. Price. I Wt. Price. I m'd s'p 109 $3,001 5 hogs... 203 S 8.05 21 hogs.. 124 7.35;104 lambs. . 61 5.50 18 hogs. . l-J I.OJI 7 lamos.. it D6 hogs. . 158 7.95; 27 lambs. . 75 5.75 Ihog... 2i!0 7.50,118 lambs. . 5S 6.25 lhog... 320 7.K! 10 ewes... 144 3.75 ahogs.. 415 7.0"l laewes... 114 4. 00 110 lambs. S 6.0O 11 yeart'gs S5 5.O0 A lambs. i5 5.U01 7 hoxs. . . 98 7 n hoes IBS 8.051 58 hogs... 173 8.00 Current prices of the various classes ot stock at the yards ioitow: Prime steers . .T.758.25 Choice steers Medium steers Choice cows Medium cows .. Heifers ....... Light 7.251V T.OU .. T.OOSi) T.23 6 50 Jil 7.00 .. 6 00W 8.23 . . 6.00 7.00 .. 7.50 8.15 Heavy 6.50 r 7.15 4 tM 'iv 6.25 Stags 5.50 & 7.00 hi Light 7.R0l 8.05 Heavy 6.50 & 7.00 Wethers 4.25 0 6,00 Ewes I.25 4.00 Yearling lambs 4.50 6.00 Spring lambs ..50 Omaha Uvestoclc Market. SOUTH OMAHA, May 29. Hogs--Recelpts, 11.3CHJ: market. lower. Heavy, $i.90 lights, $7. 80 jS.: pigs. $7.00 7.S5: bulk of sales. $7.00 & 7.95. Cattle Receipts. 200: market. steady. Native steers. S7.40&8.90; cows and heif ers, $6.508.35: Western steers, S6.50C&S.5O: Texas steers, $C'7.80; cows and heifers, S6 7.30: calves. Sboll. Sheep Receipts. 300; market, steady. Yearlings, $6.5097.20; wethers, $5.406.00; lambs, $1. .7o 8.25. Chicago Uve&tock Market. CHICAGO, May 29. Hogs Receipts. 14,- 000; market, slow. .Bulk of sales. $8,159 8.25: light. $S.058.ZS; mixed. 8.05as,27 heavy. J7.S0S-8.25;. rough. 7.807.5; pigs. $7.30 S.10. Cattle Receipts. .00; market, weak. Beeves, $7.409.30; steers. $7&8.15; stock- ers and feeders. $4.35 & 6.30; cows and heif ers. $5.70(0!$. 75; calves, S7S9.75. Sheep Receipts. 6'K0: market, steady. Sheep, $5.25(6.15; yearlings, $6.107.05; lambs, l.t 'i If It is the skin use Santiseptlc Iotloa. Adv. MAY SETTLED EASY Short Sellers 'of Wheat Escape Predicted Squeeze. , REAL FLURRY IS IN CORN Big Firm Caught in Final Swirl and Prices Aro Put tp Without Mercy. Oats Ends Campaign With-. ' out Incident. CHICAGO, May '9. Instead of short seH ers of wheat being subjected to a squeeze which bad been predicted today in the final settlements at the end of the crop year,' the u s xirm mat was in s position to twist prices upward wegt to unusual lengths In easing all difficulties for wheat dealers, and was itself caught short in corn. The real flurry was in corn, which closed for May at an advance of 34c compared with last nigut. out otherwise was virtually un changed. Wheat finished H to UWSc net lower; oats, 3!bc down to He up, and pro visions. lOu off to a shade advance. Although rumors that shorts might suf fer a squeeze Ln the wheat pit aroused con siderable interest, developments seemed t point the other way. The fact that this was the last day for delivery on May con tracts, and that the available supply here was largely concentrated under the con trol of one interest, formed the chief basis for predictions that the market would tighten. Wheat prices opened the same as last night to He higher in sympathy with firm cables, and closed weak. Further rains in Argentina gave the corn market a lift. No apparent consideration was- shown the big short and n the end prices seemed to be put up without mercy. The market closed at 74 cents for May, an advance of 3Vc a bushel, compared with last night. Oats settled without any abnormal Inci dent and provisions, too, ended the month peacefully. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. -9874 .86 .8594 .88 Close. I .99 .8514 .8814 May July Sept. Dec. . .$ .99 U $ .99 Vs- ... .87 H -S7 . . .8614 .86 .. .S3 -S3!-r CORN. .. .704, .74 .67i .G84 . . .65 .66 4 OATS. .. .40'4 .40 . . .38 .Z$A MESS PORK. May July Sept. May July Sept. .70 .67M .65 .39 .38 .7 .S7"S .S5 34 .B .39 .3814 19.53 19.72 "19.62 May July Sept. ..19.62 39.62 . .39.80 39.82 ..19.tiO 39.70 LARD. 19. 5 19.72 19.C0 May July Sept. May July Sept. 9.62 9.70 9.87 9.67 9.S5 9.72 S.S7 li.'io 11.1. 9.C7 9.S5 10.97 11.05 11.12 11.0 7 11.13 1 1.02 ll.lO Europesu Grain Markets LONDON,. May 29. Cargoes on passage. quiet, little Diaains. English country markets, steady; French country marKets, xirm. ; L1VEBPOOL, May 29. "Wheat July, Ts 3 At : October. 7s, ld. Weather in England; showery. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 29. Wheat. May, 00c: July, OOTic; No. 1 hard. 9G?D95ac: No. 1 Northern, U294c; No. 2 Northern, Barley, unchanged. Flax. $1.56tt 1.5Sl& Puget Sound Wheat Market. SEATTLE. Mav 29. Wheat Klu.X.m. ooc; lonyioig, sic; ciuo, auc; JJ lie, bottlCi iteo, Kuasian, Soc. Yesterday's car receipts. Wheat 9, oats 3, hay t), flour 4, TACOMA. Mav 29. Wheat TUiiA.tam. fortyfold. wlc: club, S5c: red Ku.slan, 84c Car receipts, wheat ltf. barley 4, hay 10. San Francisco Grain Market. SAN KRANCISCO. Mav 29. Snot mint.. tlons: Walla Walla, $1.55; red Russian. $1.05: Turkey red. $1.574 Ca'l.OO: bluestem. $1.5744 l.tfo; feed barley, U5&.9i)&c; brew ing barley, nominal; white oats, $1.26-4 s 1.27H; bran. $24. 25 & 24.50; middlings, $;104? ox. Biluns, .o.uv V3 . . call board Barley, December, $1.07 !i. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. May 29. Turpentine firm at 44c. Sale. 390; receipts, t75; shipments. iiU; SLOCKS, l,Ol. Kosin lirra. Sales. 1701: receipts. 1H44 shipments, 037; stocks, 107.520. Quote: A, B, J, U. to.UU; f., fo.9U-, F, ii, $4; H $4.05; I. $4.10; L, $4.30; M. 4.ti0; N. $5. WO and WW, $5.65. liried "ruit at New York. NEW YORK. May 29. Evaporated aooles. quiet; prunes, steady; peaches, steady. Cotton Murket. NEv YORK, May 29. Spot- cotton, auiet. Middling uplands. 13.75; do. gulf, 14.00. Hops at New York. NEW YORK. May 29. Hops Quiet. BOSTON QUOTATIONS ON" WOOL Prices in Country Now Permit Little Profit to Dealers. BOSTON. May 9 Ohio and Penn sylvania fleeces x) delaine washed 2930c; half-blood combing, . 26 27c three-eigrhths blood combing, 2627c delaine unwashed, b27c; fine un washed, 2223c. Michigan and New York fleeces, fine unwashed. 22c; delaine unwashed. 2 24c; half-blood unwashed, 25 26c three-eishths blood unwashed, 25 26c Wisconsin and Missouri three-eigrhth blood. 25254c; quarter-blood. 26c Kentucky and similar half-blood un washed, 25 26c; three-eighths blood unwashed, 2 6 2 7c. Scoured basis, Tex as fine. 12 months. 58 60c; fine, six to eight months, 6355c; fine Fall, 4 50c California North, 53 56c; middl county. 4850c: Southern, 4346c Fall, free, 4o47c. Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple, 60c eastern clothing. 5456c; valley No. 4749c. Territory fine staple, 60 62c; fine medium staple, 5759c; fine clothing, 55 (g 58c; fine medium clothing, 5355c half-blood combing, 57 58c: three eighths blood combing, 50 52c. Pulled, extra, 57 60c; AA, 54 56c A supers, 50 53c. Prices quoted on fleece wools are merely nominal. On the basis of . prices in the country at the moment, quota tions will have to advance materially for dealers to make a profit. EARLY RISER CATCHES MAN Detective Busy at 5 A. M. Kinds Elu sire Quarry A&Iecp. Detective Craddock proved to his own satisfaction yesterday the truth of tn old saw that the "early bird catches the worm" by arising at 5 A. 11 an surprising R. W. Phillips, while Phil lips was still sleeping. Craddock had been trying to arrest Phillips for several days on the charge of stealing a suitcase belonging to C. R. Huston, of the Cobb-Rousselot Mu sic Company. 149 Tenth street. He had failed because each place where) he went to find Phillips the elusive quar ry was gone. Craddock finally got Phillips' ad dress, at East Forty-fourth, street an Broadway, and went there. Phillip sleepily opened the door. At the close of 1!11 the total railroad mileage of the world was 655.842 and a that time the United- States contained 246, iuiv nines oi uacn, - asaiusi iv,vjv mun in Europe. LADD & TILTON BANK i-tuabliehed l&Ss Capital and Surplus Commercial and Sailings from NEXT La SAIMNQ LA SAVOIK June 10 IRANCK LA PKOLCfci Jo, 17 LA &A I III rjl k jrF ijJsH lit Fl I Jk' Generate Trans&tlantique MM I I l ll -J-ffiii Iirert Line to Ravre-PaHs (France). f If f- ,..J I-.SSS"- Sailings from New York every Wednesday. 10 A. M. B B 1 CaL-T-: JjL next 4 T win-screw steamer. tQuadrupie-screw steamer. SPKCL1L SAILINGS FltOM NKW YORK. 3 P.M. ONH Cl-ASS CABIN (II) and THIRD-CLASS Passengers Only. CHltAiiO, M outlay, June 8. NIAGARA. Saturday. June IS. O. V. Stinger. 80 6tb ut.; A. T. Chariton. 35 Morrinoa St.; K. M Taylor. M. A ht. P. Ry.; Horcey B. Smith. ti9 0th M.; A. Sheldon, 100 3d st.; H. llrkson, 848 Washington st.; North Bask Road, 0th and btark sts.j L. L Walker, asrent I nlan Pacific Railway. GARBAGE TO BE DUMPED COMMISSIO.VER DALY SAYS FLAK WILL SAVE 38,000 ANNUALLY. though Bunds for w Incinerator Are Available. Marquam Culcs Will Conserve 2,50,000, He Sara. On the theory that he can save about 28,000 a year for ten or ! years, in i&posing of city garbage by dumping into Jklarquam gulch, instead of uilding a new incinerator, Commis- ioner Daly announced yesterday that e will begin at once on plans for the roposed new system. He says, if no tch occurs, the scheme will be under way shortly and the city will not have o spend $150,000 for a new plant, funds for which were authorized by a bond ssue a year ago. Air. Daly ani others visited the gulch yesterday and investigated conditions. The gulch is said to be ideally situated for garbage-dumping and that mate rials are close at hand to cover it as it is dumped. Mr. Daly says there Is no reason why -the plan cannot work as well here as in Seattle, where gulches n the best residence districts are be ing filled. The present Incineration plant at Guild's Lake is being overtaxed by an ncreasing amount of garbage. This. Mr; Daly says, cannot continue long or the plant will break down. Bonds for a new plant, almost duplicating in size the present plant, are available. To operate this would cost about $30,000 nnually, counting interest on bonds. depreciation and actual cost of labor. Garbage can be dumped in Marquam gulch and covered with loam at a cost, Mr. Daly says, of not more than $2000 a year. It would take ten or 12 years to fill the gulch, he says, which, at a sav ing of 528,000 a year, would aggregate over a quarter of a million. The fili ng of the gulch would greatly benefit that end of the city. The work, he says, could be done without causing unsanitary conditions or annoying neignDonng residents. I It is Mr. Daly's plan to keen the pres ent incinerator in operation, but to cut down the amount of refuse burned there, the surplus to be turned to gulch. ARCHIE MXOY RETAKEN Man V1k Escaped From Roctplle Turned Over to Grand Jury. Two days after he escaned from the Linnton rockpile, where he was sent for 30 days for vagrancy, Archie Mc Coy was rearrested early yesterday at ftiuwauKle avenue and Bybee street and charged with the theft of a motor cycle belonging to Maurice Evans. Patrolman Harms, who made the ar rest, saw a tandem motorcycle stand ing on the street early yesterday morning and waited for the riders. Mc Coy and George Shaffer, his compan ion, came out of a nearby store, with toDacco in their pockets said to have been stolen from the store. They were arrested for having the tobacco, both. Harms thought, being below the age of maturity, and it was only when Detectives Abbott and La Salle further investigated that they laenunea Aictoy, who had given to Harms the name of Robert Grogan. Both were bound over to the grand jury by Judge Stevenson at the morn- ng session of court on the charge of stealing the motorcycle. TWO VERDICTS RETURNED Damages of $5500 Allowed I. M. Andrus for Typhoid Infection. Plaintiffs in" two suits recovered ver dicts yesterday, each in excess of $5000. In Circuit Judge Morrows court the jury was out but a short time before it returned with a verdict for $5657.75 for the Carnahan Manufacturing Company, of Indianapolis, against the Beebe Bowles Company, ln which suit had been brought for J4942 and interest. In Circuit Judge Kavanaugh's court a verdict lor I. M. Andrus for 55500 against the Portland Gas & Coke Com pany was returned in an action charg ing that he contracted typhoid fever from drinking water furnished by the company while employed at a brick plant near Gasco. Damages to the amount of $25,122 were asked. Water Kate Ilea ring Asked. ST. JOHNS, Or, May 29. (Special.) City officials here have been noti tied by the St. Johns Water Company that it has applied for a rehearing of the water rate case before the Rail road Commission. The decision of the Commission some time ago was against the company and favorable to the city on reduction of the water rates. When A LARGE major ity of those who are working to de velop Portland are also working for BITULITHIC STREETS S2,OOO.OOD Savings -Deposits Iirerfc Llee te Jlav re-Paris (France). New York every Wednesday. 10 A. M. Lorraine, Wed., June 3 (new) Jn 4 t. LORRAINE. Jnlv OIL July 1 tUtANtLinew July IS the Council undertook to enforce the reduced rates the company filed pe tition for a rehearinir of tho case. J. C. WILSON &CO. STOCKS, BONDS. t.RAIN AND COTTON. MEMBKRS NKW YORK STOCK KXCHANCB HICAtiO BOARD O' TRADK NKW YORK COTTON KXriIAM.B THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANOE. SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street. Phones Marshall 3858. A 4187 TRAVELERS" Gl'IDK. STEAMSHIP .sails Direct for SAN FBAXCISCO, IOS AXGGLGS AND SAX DlfcXiO Monday, June 1 SAX KltANCISCO, PORTLAND Jt LOS AXGKLES STEAMSllll" CO. FRANK HOLLAM, Agent. fJ4 Third Street. A 4-9, Main -IS. Going to Beaver Lake SASKATCHEWAN'S BIU NEW GOLD CAMFf Tour nearest way is via PRINCE ALBERT, SASK., the "All Down -Stream Route" Direct regular steamer sailings by fine passengrer packets, "Marcia E and "Georgre V," running twice weekly from- Prince Albert to Gold Camp. Other boats now beiti con structed. Complete outfits can be bought here. Ample hotel accommodation. ASK NEA1USST RAILROAD AOKNT FOH QUICKEST KOUT1NO TO PRINCE ALBERT. Details From Secretary. OA It 13 OK TRADB, Prloce Albert, Sask. il iSi Royal Mail Steamships . . "The Line of Good Service" , . SCENIC ST. LAWRENCE R0UT. The NKW TUKBIXE Quadruple-Screw 5. 5. ALSATIAN ana S. S. ' ' C ALG ARI AN ' LARGEST FINEST KASTKST CANADIAN UUUTli 3 Weekly Sailings Montreal-Quebec. - Liverpool-Uiasgow-Havre-London Ocean Paaaage L Ibio 4 uaya. Summer reservation lists now open. Early bookings recommended. Send tor descriptive Booklet "G." For fuil par ticulars as to sailings, rates, eiii, apply: to Jocal Agent or Al.l.A.V CO, General Agent, 12? North Dearborn Street, Chicaso. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AD 'EW ZEALAND Itonnd Trip Rates: Ftrt-rlnh to TmbMI 91H5, to 11iDKtoa 367.50, to. Sydney S01. special Ascitic Ocean Tour liucluain South .Sea leleFf. $X2o lt class. Round tb World Rafg on application. Itegular tbrous'i service from San I-'rncico. S. S. Moana 1 10,000 tons tails May 27. H. VUloHtra 1-'.000 tons), eails June "4. S. ti. Tahiti U-,t;0O tons), sail July Z2. H.'nrJ for Pamphlet. Union Mamotilp Co. of New .emlsnd. Ltd. Office: bid Market btrcet, San lTranciaco, or local S. a. and R. II. agents. TO SAN FRAXCISCO, IXS ANGELES AND bAN UIEOO. ROANOKE WEDNESDAY, JCXE S. COOS BAY &SI EXKEU.A S. S. ALLIANCE SATCKDAY, JUNE 6. .-.vUTll f At'UIC S'ifcAAlOitlF CO. Ticket Office. t l-rrlslit Utftc. 12A Sd tit. u Columbia Dock, l!am 131. A 1X14. I liiii iino. A 6.23 m me i ILAMPO T & HOLT LINE! show PLACE Cf 50'JTH America BAIIIA. raO Uli JA.NK.1RO. SANTOS. and MON'l'KClDEO New and Fast 12.5uo-ton Passenger learners fro:n New yorli every alter nate i-siturdav. BL'rSK DMEI.S, Gn. Ajl., 8 BrvadwHy, N. Y. Dorsey B. bmith. 3d and WahiDs;toa tSts. Or lcrtl A cent n. Coos Bay Line STEAMSHIP "BREAKWATER" Sails from Ainworth dock Portland. 8 A. M.. May 18. 2a, -Jti, June 2, 7. 12. 17. 12. 'J7. Freight and ticket office. Lower AiESft-oftt dock. Fortland & Coos Bay & S. Llna, H. L. KEATING, Agent. Fhon Main 300U. A 32. S. S. ROSE CITY, Kor SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 0 A. M. June 1. The .San Francisco 4t Fortland f-. t 3d and Washington st. (nith U.-V. Xi. 4i N. Co.) Tel. .Marshall 4.00, A tit-1. Useful map of Great Britain FRLT2. Arira illustrated book of tours oo tho GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OF ENGLAND 1, Katele)', Ucn. At.. 5i 6tb Af. M. X, Ml i