Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1914, Page 16, Image 14

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Queen Thelma and Winsome
Maids Occupy Baker Boxes
at "A Fool There Was."
Dainty Monarch, Gem Beglrdled and
Colden Crowned, Will Wield
Jeweled Scepter of Power
Over Festival Worshipers.
Queen Thelma and her 11 maids of
honor dazzled the audience at the per
formance of "A Fool There "Was" at
the Baker Theater last night. With
all the defeated candidates in the re
cent Rose Queen contest, with the Rose
Festival board of governors and Mrs.
David Campbell, chaperon of the coming-
tour, they were the guests of Man
ager George L. Baker, of that play
house. Queen Thelma wore a white suit of
basket weave cloth, with silk collar
nd cults, a tailored white braid hat
trimmed with white maline, and black
slippers. With her maids of honor she
occupied a separate box.
Queen Thelma and her maids, with a
drill team from the Royal Rosariant..
under Captain Robert' Krohn, today
will practice the coronation ceremony
In the Armory.
Richest Robes Are Making.
The richest robes that the costumer's
art can fashion will be worn by Thelma
I, Queen of Rosarla, at her coronation.
An Imported light blue satin, richly
brocaded in gold, will be the material,
beautifully modeled and puffed and
trimmed with many jewels. The robe
will be of the style worn by "good
Queen Bess," with an Elizabethan high
vtandlng collar, as a setting for the
sweet, pretty face of dainty Queen
Thelma. Ermine will border the collar
and royal blue plush mantle. The train
will be five yards in length.
A jeweled scepter, a girdle studded
elaborately with sparkling gems and
a golden crown will enhance "her
majesty's" queenly bearing.
Maldtt Gowns Exquisite.
The 11 maids .of honor are to be
gowned as ladies of the Elizabethan
period. Pale rose, delicate blue, golden
yellow, Nile green, the alluring tints
of the fairest flowers, will enrobe the
attending maids. Each gown will be
different to harmonize with eyes and
hair of the maidenly wearer.
Details of the special train on which
the girls will make their tour were
announced yesterday. Queen Thelma
will have a private compartment. The
maids will occupy ordinary Pullman
berths. The rest of the car will con
sist of a dining-room, a kitchen and a
Entertainments Take Shape.
Plans for the entertainment of the
party en route are taking shape. The
girls will arrive in Spokane in the
morning, breakfast at the Silver Grill
and take a 100-mile automobile tour,
followed by the Portland rose-planting
ceremony. The party will be matinee
guests of the Women's Auxiliary of the
Spokane Commercial Club, and dine at
Xavenport's restaurant.
Tlie Pendleton Round-up manage
ment promises "Wild West" stunts for
the amusement of the royal party, to
meet the special train June 2
Preparations for the Rose Festival
are progressing. Work will be started
at once to repair the pavements on
Broadway. Washington and Morrison
streets at the expense of the city. All
streets will be in good repair for the
Peninsula Show Starts June 9.
A rose dance at 4 o'clock, June S,
will open the Peninsula Rose Show in
Peninsula Park, June 9 and 10. The
dance will be given by children of the
Washington, Peninsula. Kenilworth,
Columbia, Brooklyn and Sellwood
In the evening will be rendered the
grand concert by the Joint chorus from
the Peninsula churches, under Rev. D.
V. Poling. The programme will be:
"Sam Simpson's Beautiful Willamette."
set to music by Father Dominic; "The
Song of the Viking;" "Hall, Smiling
Morn;" "The Miller Wooing;" "Good
Jiight, Beloved."
The Jefferson High School band also
will furnish music
The Portland Rose Society will give
an exhibition of its products in the
Central Library during two days of the
Rose Festival. The show will open at
2 P. M. June 9. The exhibit will be
open to the general public.
Steamer Schedule.
Name. From Dat.
Beiver Los Angeles In porx
Yucatan .ban Diego In port
Xreakwater. ...... Coos Bay In port
Alliance... ...Eureka In port
Rose City.... X,os Angeles .May 27
Tvoanoke tan Diego ..May &0
bear .Los Angeles. .... .J una 1
Name. For Data.
Heaver .Los Angeles .May 2?
i. ucatan .Ban Diego. ...... May 27
Harvard fa. ! . to L. A. May
Alliance. ......... .Coos Bay. ....... May
Breakwater. ...... Coos Say. ....... May
"Vo Semite San Francisco. . . May
"Vale S. F. to U A May
Kan Ramon San Francisco. .. .May
Celilo San Diego May
JKoee City -Los Angeles. ... .June
Paraiso. Coos Bay June
Roanoke. San Diego June
2 a
Hear. ............ .boa Angeles. .... .June 6
.Name. From Data.
Den of Ruthven. . .London In port
ioerde. ........... .Hamburg.. ...... May J
; lenlochy . ........ London . .........J uu xu
fcambla Jiam burg. .......June ItU
Carnarvonshire. ... London. ......... July :
Andalusia Hamburg. ....... July 27
C Ftrd Laelsx Hamburg. ....... July SO
eavla. Hamburg . Aug. 2"
Altai a .Hamburg. . . . .... Sept. 23
Name. For Dat
Hofrdf .Hamburg. ...... June 2
Den of Ruth van. . . .London . . .June 5
Alesla. ........... .Hamburg. ....... J una u
Olenlochy. ...... ..London .. . July &
Gambia ..Hamburg. ....... July 5
Carnarvonshire. ... London Aug: 2
Andalusia . . .Hamburg-. ....... Aug.
C Ferd Laeias. . . . Hamburg. .......Aug. 2&
toeuvia... Hamburg..... ... Sept. 2tt
Name. For Date.
ThoB. L. Wand.,.. .Skag a ay . . .. . June S
J. B. Stetson Skagway June lu
Wuinault Skagway June 4
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. May 26. Arrived Steamers
Oleum, from Port San Luis : San Ramon.
from San Francisco; Breakwater, from Coos
ay : Alliance, from coos Bay and Eurtka
British steamer Den of Ruthven, from Lon
don. Sailed Steamer Shasta, lor San Pedro.
bailed Steamer E. H. Vance, for San Tedro
AKtona. May Arrived at 1 and left
up at A. M. Steamer San Ramon, from
fcan FranoiiCD. Arrived at and left up at
40 A. M. British steamer Den of Ruth
vrn, from London. Arrived at 6 and left up
at 7;3i A. M. Steamer Broakwaier. from
Coos Bay. Arrived at 7 A. M- Schooner
.Mvena. rrom Taital. J-ert ud at 10 A. M.
ftwmer 01um. Arrived at 9 and left Tin t
1 CO A. M. Steamer Alliance, from Coos
Bay and Eureka. Arrived at 3 and left up
at S:S0 P. M. Steamer Celilo. from San
L'iego via San Pedro and San Francisco...
tima Francisco May Arrived at A.
M- Steamer Carlos and steamer Johan
Poulsen, from Portland. Arrived at noon
Steamer Northland, from Portlands for San
Pedro. Sailed at 11 A- M. Steamer Bear,
for San Pedro. Sailed yesterday at '9 P. M.
Steamer Alvarado. steamer Davenport and
steamer Klamath for Portland.
Honolulu, May 26 Sailed yesterday
British steamer Hurst, for Melbourne,
San Pedro, May 26. Arrived Steamer
Daisy Putnam, from Portland.
Port Said, May 26. Arrived British
steamer Monmouthshire, from London, for
Seattle, Wash.. May 26. Arrived Steam
er City of Seattle, from Southeastern Alas
ka. Sailed Steamers Chicago Maru (Jap
anese), for Hongkong; Alkl, for Southeast
ern Alaska; Governor, for Los Angeles;
Richmond, Jim Butler, for San Francisco.
Newcastle, May 26. Arrived previously
Steamer Sebara, from Bellingham.
Port Said, May 26. Arrived Steamer
Monmouthshire, from London for Portland,
Shanghai, May 26. Arrived previously
Steamer Buffalo, from San Francisco.
Sin Francisco, May 2ti. Arrived Steani
ers Johan Paulson, from Columbia River;
Carlos, from Knappton; Wm. Chatham, from
Blakeley: Daisy Freeman, from Willapa;
Wilhelmina, from Honolulu; Mary Olson,
from Everett; Bee, from Belllngham; North
land, from Portland ; Kanaddauk British )
from Hongkong. sailed Steamers Wasp,
for Bristol Bay: Col. E. 1 Drake, Con
gress, for Seattle; Sierra, for Honolulu.
Los Angeles. May 26. Arrived Daisy Put-
Bishop C. E. AVoudcocIc
The Right Rev. Charles E.
Woodcock, r. I., LL. D Bishop
of Kentucky, will be the honored
guest at several gatherings dur
ing the first week in June. He is
coming: to Portland to attend the
sixtieth anniversary of the es
tablishment of the Episcopal
Church in Oregon, and will speak
at many of the church meetings
in the various leading parishes.
In addition to the religious
gatherings. Bishop "Woodcock
will be the speaker at the meet
ing and dinner of the Social
Service Club to be held at -the
Hazelwood, June 5, at 6:30
o'clock. The committee arrang
ing the programme Includes
Mrs. Bertha Davis, Miss Ida
Lowenberg and the Rev. F. K.
Howard. The permanent commit
tee of the club is Miss T. R.
Goodman, Mrs. Margaret Thoro
man and Professor William
Fielding Ogburn.
nam, from Astoria ; Grays Harbor from
Farragut. San Francisco for Seattle, off
Cape Blanco.
Rose City, San Francisco for Portland, oft
Cape Arago.
Klamath. San FranciSco for Portland. 23
miles north of Blunts Reef.
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. May 26. Condition of the
bar at 5 P. M.. cloudy; bar, smooth; wind,
southeast, uG, miles.
Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
High. Low.
1:29 A. M 8.8 feet8:57 A. M . . 0.6 foot
3:13 P. M 6.6 feet;8:29 P. M 4.0 feet
Marconi "Wireless Reports.
(All position reported at 8 P. M., May 26,
nnlebi otherwise ehotvn.)
Santa Catalina. New York for San Fran
cisco, 733 miles south of San Pedro, 8 P. M.,
aiay u.
Rendondo, San Pedro for San Diego, 25
miles south of San Pedro.
Coronado. San Pedro for San Francisco,
18 miles west of Point Dume.
Henry T. Scott, Tacoma for San Pedro. 10
miles north of Point Arguello.
Centralia. San Pedro for San Francisco,
five miles west of Point Vincent
Columbia. San Pedro for San Francisco,
off Point Vincent.
Wllalmette. San Pedro for San Francisco,
10 miles north of Point Vincent.
Roanoke, San Diego for San Pedro, 29
miles southeast of San Pedro.
Roma, Portland for San Pedro, oft Point
Harvard, San Pedro for San Francisco,
passed Point Hueneme 6:10 P. M.
El Segundo, Point Wells for Richmond,
three miles south of Tatoosh Island.
Portland, San Pedro for Portland, 103
miles south of Columbia River.
Admiral Watson, Seattle for San Fran
cisco, off Haystack Rock.
Catania. Port San Luis for Tacoma, 428
miles north of San Francisco.
Richmond, Seattle for Richmond, 780
miles from Richmond.
Nome City, Everett for San Francisco, five
miles south of Umatilla Reef lightship.
Santa. Maria. Kahalul for Port San Luis,
10S2 miles from Port San luis, g p. M.,
May 25.
1926 miles
May 25.
San Francisco for
from San Francisco,
8 P. M.,
Oleum for Port Harford. 122
miles sout hof San Francisco.
Congress, San Francisco for Seattle, 25
miles north of Point Arena.
Northland, San Francisco for Redondo, S
miles south of San Francisco.
Porter, Monterey for San Francisco, 60
miles south of San Francisco.
Quejn, San Pedro for San Francisco, 36
miles south of Point Sur.
Fen wick. Astoria for San Pedro, 160
mites south of San Francisco.
Maverick,. San Diego for San Francisco,
162 miles south of San Francisco.
Leggett. Grays Harbor for San Pedro, 38
miles south of San Francisco.
Drake. Richmond for Seattle, 42 miles
north of Point Reyes.
Bear. San Francisco fjor San Pedro, 32
miles south of Point Sur.
Lurltne. San Francisco for Honolulu, 19
miles from San Francisco.
Nann Smith, San . Francisco for Marsh
field, S miles north of Pofnt Reyes.
PARROTT To Mr. and Mrs. Archie R
Parrott. 6CKS E. Couch St.. May 23, a son.
IRVINE To Mr. and Mrs. Braxton T.
Irvine. 748 E. 4."3th street. May 24, a. son.
HEINTZE To Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.
Heintze. Lents, Or.. April 23. a daughter.
HAWKINS To Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Haw
kins, old E.ast Fortieth street. May IS, a
STRAUB -To Mr. and Mrs. Karl Straub,
1973 East Main street, Mav 11, a son.
GRIFFITHS To Mr. and Mrs. Onn Grif
fiths, 127o East Yamhill street. May 11, a
BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Brown, 755 Gantenbein avenue. May 16, a
POWERS To Mr. and Mrs. Felix W.
Powers. 1110 E. Stevens, Mav 24. a daughter.
BELT -To Mr. and Mrs. William S. Belt.
3C4 East Tentb street. May 22. a- daughter.
KORNHER To Mr. and Mrs. Leopold
Komher. 4X2 Broadway. May 18. a son.
ROLAND To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Ro
land. 4 East Eightieth street. May . a son.
SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Smith, 461 East Morrison street. May 24, a
Marriage IJ censes.
city, leeal. and Agnes M. Odeen, city, legal.
citv. :i4, and Eleanor C. Mitchell, city. 24.
MERZ-THOMSON John Merz. city. 40,
and Marv Thomson, St, Johns, 26.
W A LTERS I SB ELI j R o y C. WaJ ters,
citv. 2.1, and Marie Isbell, city. 32.
CAM PB6;L1--GALLINGS William Camp
bell. Rutteville, Or., legal, and Jennie M.
GaJlings, city, legal.
Gift to Cornell Dormitories Made.
ITHACA, X. T.. May 26. An anony
mous gift of $100,000 for the erection
of the first of Cornell University's long
planned residential dormitories was an
nounced today.
f: "-vl
I . j J
iFri rr-r Ytr - tmtr -intrr - - - -J 1
Vessels from Sound Affected
by Quarantine Order.
Harbormaster Announces, After Con
ference With Federal Official,
Regulations Apply to Washing
ton Port Like Orient.
Harbormaster Speier sai-d last night
that it had been determined to subject
vessels arriving from Seattle to the
same quarantine regulations as are
applied to those coming from offshore
harbors, where bubonic plasue is pre
valent. The announcement was made
after a conference with Dr. H. G.
Kbert, of Astoria, of the United States
Marine and Public Health Service.
It was thought that the steamers of
the Portland-Alaska line might be
affected by the regulation, but they
have ceased to call at Seattle on the
southbound trip and hereafter will
make the Columbia River from Ketchi
kan. Liners of the Royal Mail and
Hamburg-American fleet call at Seattle
on the way here from the Orient and
come within the scope of the order,
though it would be the same if they
came direct from the Far East, be
cause of calling at ports where plague
is known to exist.
There had been objections raised re
cently to vessels arriving from infected
port3 being breasted away from docks
six feet and there had been a disposi
tion on the part of some crews to at
tach rat guards to lines in a careless
manner, until brought to time by the
Harbor Patrol.
Dr. Ebert informed Harbormaster
Speier that he would back him in,
every case in which shipmasters failed
to comply with the law in not breast
ing off six feet and that any in
fringement of the. quarantine regula
tions would be punished under the
Federal statute.
Dr. Ebert is to have the co-operation
of the state and city health offi
cers in the campaign, being introduced
here against rats that might be in
fected with plague. He intends to
take steps to have the same restrictions
placed on vessels loading at St. Johns
and Linnton to safeguard any rodents
getting ashore there.
Announcement of Vessels to Load in
September, October, November.
Ending her second voyage to Port
land, the Royal Mail liner Den of Ruth
ven berthed at the North Bank dock
last evening wtih approximately 1700
tons of cargo taken on at European
and Oriental ports. She will begin dis
charging this morning and her mani
fest shows shipments of rice, tapioca,
hemp, hardwood and miscellaneous
The Portland office of Frank Water-
house & Co., agents for the fleet, was
informed yesterday that under the lat
est schedule the liner Den of Airlie
would sail from London June 20, being
here for September loading. The
Merionethshire leaves London July 18,
being due here in October, and the Car
diganshire puts out from London Au
gust 15 and is to be available for No
vember loading here. The latter is the
largest of the fleet .sent to Portland,
but before she makes a return voyage
her sister 3hip, the Carnarvonshire,
will have been here and gone.
No Confirmation of Story That
Sainbia's Damage Is Greater.
Reports that more serious damage
was sustained by the Hamburg-Ameri
can liner Sambia than was first made
known after she struck a rock off
Shado Island, in the vicinity of Hong
kong, have not reached Fritz Kirch-
hoff. Portland agent for the fleet, offi
cially. Early information was that the
liner had damaged her hull forward so
there was considerable water in the
forehold, and it -was not indicated to
what extent cargo had suffered, or
whether her repairs probably would re
sult in her lengthy detention.
The liner Hoerde should be along the
latter part of the week with inward
cargo and prospects for the usual two-
thirds load for the return voyage, but
what is to be done to accommodate
business accepted for the Sambia has
not been worked out. As was the case
when the Saxonia grounded at Tsing-
tau, It is supposed the following
steamer will deliver the delayed cargo.
Government to Ascertain Depths at
Xchalem, Tillamook, Sluslaw, Coos.
Crews operating' under the direction
of Lieutenant-Colonel McKinstry. Corps
of Engineers, U. S. A., will survey the
principal bars on the Oregon coast dur
ing the season so data may be obtained
on which to base comparative surveys
next season to ascertain improvements
in channel depths,, and the first-work
has been started at Nehalem. More
men were ordered there yesterday to
report to William G. CArroll, junior en
gineer. The channel inside as well as that
across the bar will be sounded and
from there the party goes to Tillamook
for similar work. Coos Bay and Slus
law are provided for likewise. Funds
were expended by the Port of Nehalem
in starting the jetty there and as the
Federal authorities have taken over the
project it is desired to learn the exact
depths now so it may be noted next
year what influences have resulted
from the jetty work.
Portland Vessel Ends Charter in
Seattle-Alaska. Trade.
For the next 30 days the steamer
Rochelle, owned by Portlanders, will
be laid up here, as her charter to W. F.
Swan for service between Seattle and
Alaskan ports has expired. The vessel
went to Puget Sound early in the sea
son after having been in the trade be
tween Portland and California, and has
been in the service for about three
How the steamer is to be used in the
future probably depends on the Coast
trade, as the movement of lumber is
limited at present and a number of
steam schooners -are out of commis
sion at San Francisco, awaiting a re
vival. The Rochelle was rebuilt here,
having formerly been the Minnie E.
Kelton, and the hull was pressed into
service for a time as a rock barge.
Boston to Be Decorated and Gun
Crew Will Kire Salute.
In memory of the Nation's dead the
cruiser Boston, training ship of the
Oregon Naval Militia, will be in full
dress Decoration day, and a salute will
be tired at noon from her starboard
This Latest Model Columbia Grafonola
and 20 Double Records With It for $50
40 different
pieces of
music, on 20
also two
portfolios to
hold them,
and 1000
The Grafonola
has the
to be mailed to
us if you don't
know a Colum
bia 'dealer.
Columbia Graphophone
S71 Washington Street,
Portland, Or.
Please give me the name of
dealer who can send me the
Columbia Grafonola "Jewel
outfit on approval.
Name . .
battery. Members of the organisation
are to participate in public exercises
that day also.
The Boston is being repainted, and
while her appearance will be improved
materially by Saturday, all work is to
be finished In advance of the Rose Fes
tival, when she is to be thrown open to
the public daily, and besides holding
open house there will be a formal re
ception aboard one day during: the cele
bration. The first day of the Festival
the Boston will be represented in the
ship boat race by two cutter crews and
probably one swimmer in the free-for-all
Official Greetings From Rose Fes
tival Go to California Mayors.
Choicest of Caroline Testout roses,
two boxes of beautiful blossoms, will
be aboard the steamer Beaver, flagship
of the "Big: Three" line, when she sails
from Ainsworth dock this morning, one
being for Mayor James Rolph, of San
Francisco, and the other for Mayor H.
H. Rose, of Los Angeles, each to be
presented by Captain E. W. Mason,
commander of the Beaver, acting as the
official representative of the Rose Fes
tival Association.
The presentations are reminders that
the Festival begins June 9 and continues
until June 12, to participate in which
a general bid is extended citizens of
the Bear State. The roses were grown
by Mrs. F. I. Fuller and were admired
yesterday by all given an opportunity
to view them. Carefully -packed so as
to preserve them in their natural state
as far as possible, the roses will be
accorded extra care on the trip, as
they will be carried in the refrigerator.
The Beaver has a large prospective
passenger list as well as plenty of
cargo this trip. The Rose City is due
this afternoon.
Tramp Sow well Also Joins Fleet to
Load Portland Grain Next Season.
. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. yesterday fixed
the British ship Queen Elizabeth, a car
rier of WOO tons net register, for September-October
grain loading here, the
rate being 30 shillings. The vessel ar
rived at Melbourne April 15 from New
York, which harbor she left Decem
ber 22.
The Portland Flouring Mills Com
pany has chartered the British steamer
Sowwell to load grain here in Septem
ber for the United Kingdom, the rate
reported being 31s 6d. It was also said
yesterday that a Strath steamer had
been engaged for grain, but no con
firmation was received. In the opinion
of some exporters 30 shillings is high
for sailing vessels to be loaded in Sep
tember with steamers not being taken
for more than 31s 6d, and reason that
windjammers should bring - about 29
shillings. So far chartering has been
done for comparatively early business,
and virtually no tonnage listed is ex
pected to be loaded after December.
All-Year River Transportation Port
land to La Center Assured.
RIDGEFIELD, Wash., May 26. (Spe
cial.) Government engineers have lo
cated another dredge on the south fork
of Lewis River, two miles down the
Lewl3 River from the town of La Cen
ter. The dredge V. S. Cowlitz has
opened a channel 60 feet wide and a
little more than four feet deep at the
low-water mark, after being at work
three months digging a distance of two
miles from La Center. With the help
of the second dredge the remaining one
mille will be completed in a few weeks.
When these dredging operations are
completed water transportation be
tween La Center and Portland may be
carried on the year round.
News From Oregon Ports.
TOLEDO. Or, May 26. (Special.)
The dredge Oregon left Toledo wharf
today for Coos Bay. The tugboat Spin
ner will take her around. The tug
Roscoe Is due in Toledo Thursday with
& barge which will be loaded with
dredge supplies to be taken to Coos
Bay. The steamer Bandon is loaded
with GOO. 000 feet of lumber and will
clear for San Francisco Wednesday.
The Mirenoarrived in Toledo from
Portland Tuesday with freight and
is ready for delivery .by
tP Tf A 11 your
t$3 AS j.J.
The "Jewel" has the hinged en
1 : i:j tl.
i Closing iiu. i lie caoinei is- i 074
inches square. It has the exclusive Columbia tone-control
leaves at the front, which have supplanted the old idea
of small doors. It has the new No. 6 reproducer. It
new bayonet-joint tone arm. It
llt ! til
standard oiumpia motor double
- which plays three records at
It harries the Columbia Graphophone Com
pany's guarantee.
Columbia Graphophone Co.
cleared for Portland Wednesday.
The Kenomsha cleared for Siletz Bay
COOS BAY. May26. (Special.) The
steam schooner Hardy arrived from
San Francisco with oil.
The tug Gleaner sailed today for
Gardiner, with freight.
NEWPORT, Or., May 26. (Special.)
The Mirene cleared for Portland to
day. The Government dredge Oregon ar
rived down from Toledo ready to be
towed to Marshfield when the tugboat
Printer arrives, which will probably
be tomorrow.
The steam schooner Bandon will be
loaded tomorrow and will leave Toledo
for Newport
The fishing' launch "Pilgrim came in
this morning but had no fish.
ASTORIA. Or., May 26. (Special.)
The schooner AJ vena, arrived today 65
days from Taital after an uneventful
trip. She goes to St. Helens to load
timbers for San Pedro.
The steamer San Ramon arrived last
night from San Francisco with cargo
for Portland.
The steamer Breakwater arrived this
morning from Coos Bay with freight
and passengers.
The tank steamer Oleum arrived last
night from California with oil and after
discharging a portion of her cargo here
proceeded to Portland.
After taking on lumber at the Clatsop
Mill Company's plant the steamer Sis
kiyou shifted to Wauna to take on
The steamer Alliance arrived this
morning from Coob Bay and Eureka.
The steamer Celilo arrived this after
noon and went to St. Helens to load
Marine Xotes.
On the arrival of the steamer Break
water from Coos Bay yesterday Captain
Programme Today, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
t - -JL ' U
w,.'. .. 'V.-'.'..
World's Latest
the dealer in your town
ea'er "ill ask on monthly payments.
fmt tef,osit " Pai- ..And he will
the outfit to you subject to approval.
The Records
ords to choose from. There are a thousand
records of the standard 65c series in the Co
lumbia Catalog from which you will make up
your list of twenty.
Don't forget that this outfit will be deliv
ered subject to trial in your own home, where
nothing at all but the musical capacity of the
instrument can influence you to purchase.
If there is no dealer in your vicinity, send
us that coupon.
has the reg-
- spring drive
one winding.
371 Washington Street
Macgenn reported a strong southerly
wind outside, but smooth bars at Coos
Bay and the Columbia. Heavy rains
were reported to have fallen in the
Marshfield district.
H. L. Potter, of New York, assistant
engineer in charge of dredging there
under Colonel Ressler, Corps of Engi
neers, U. S. A., returned East last night
after having spent several weeks here
and at Coos Bay.
Coming from Taital the schooner
Alvena arrived in the river yester
day after a run -of 55 days. She leaves
up tomorrow in tow of the tug Oneonta
and goes to St. Helens to load lumber
for San Pedro.
Cargo cleared on the Peruvian bark
Belfast for Callao sonsists of 1,450.151
feet and is valued at $14,744. The
vessel may leave down from Linnton
Captain Trott. inspector of the
Bureau of Lighthouses, is to leave
Astoria today aboard a lighthouse
tender for a visit to lightvessels in
this district.
United Inspectors Edwards and Ful
ler have concluded an investigation
into a complaint that the tug Henry
J. Blddle, in charge of Captain Fred
Sherman, collided with Beacon No. 1
on the Tongue Point Crossing the
night of April 22.
District Forecaster Beals has issued
a summary of river conditions in which
he says the Willamette will rise to
17.2 feet Friday and probably come to
a stand. Several lower docks were
vacated yesterday.
Election Frauds Are Charged.
Distribution of election literature on
the day of the primary is charged
against Eugene Palmer, chairman of
the election board in precinct 282, by
W.'A. Morse, T. Farrington. Mrs. Emma
Lovely and J. C. Messier, four officials
in '
The Girl From Mellons
An Excellent Play
Miss Betty Anderson
Lyric Soprano
A Two-Reel iVitagraph Rural Story, Dealing "With
Women's Lives
You and
your dealer
get togeth
er, take the
record cata
log, and
make up
your, list!
You have a
thousand rec-?
in the same precinct. The County Com
missioners, to whom the complaint was
made, will take up the matter more
fully Friday. If the facts warrant the
charge probably will be submitted to
District Attorney Evans for investiga
tion, in connection with the corrupt
practice act. Palmer, several davs ago,
complained that two of the officials
who served on the board were regis
tered in an adjoining precinct.
Railroad Commlslon Insists on Valo
Oregon Daily Service.
SALEM. Or., May 26. (Special.) De
claring that the Oregon Short Lina
Railroad Company had violated an or
der regarding passenger service be
tween Vale and Brogan, the State Rail
road Commission today asked Attorney
General Crawford to file charges
against it. The company is subject to
a fine of from $100 to $1000.
A. daily passenger service between
the towns was ordered by the Commis
sion about a year ago. The service
was reduced to three trains a week
and the Commission notified the rail
road that it must obey the order. It
was understood from the company's re
ply that it would reinstall the daily
service, but this has not been done.
Brick Makers to Try to Resume. -
CHICAGO. May 26. The Association
of Brick Manufacturers, whose em
ployes have been on a strike for more
than a month, today declared for an
open shop and announced that members
would attempt to resume work at once
with non-union men. There are about
3000 brick makers on strike, and their
idleness has kept 150,000 laborers in
the building trades from working.
Miss Esther Sundquist
Violin Soloist
Dorothy Dainbridge, Militant
.Woman's Suffrage Story