TTTT3 MORXTXG OREGOXTAX. TUESDAY, MAT 20. 1914. 13 Portland's Building Directory Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A tt ormeys. BAIN, JAMES R. Marshall 1444 SU DUJMWAY. BALPH R. Main 1590. .52-iJl Boagmlovi. ANDERSON BUNGALOIVS. Mar. 3337.. 2J AJ.'XUSON BINGALOWa Mar. . .4 Insurance. VINCENT. B. D. A CO. Main 1S54 ...SIS Keal Estate. - KEASET. DORR E. A CO. Main 1189. .233 STOUT UiVEaTMKNT CO. Mam 012". .733 Board ofTrade Building Attorneys. BEACH. SIMON A NA.Lbu.VMttB 5128. .70 Brokers. Stocks, Bonds U Oral. OVEhauii At COOKIE CU, A 5iai. Main 3WZ .tis-ais Real Kstatc. . XAREETT BROS., Mam b49S SOa WALLEK, FRANK. l. Mam 82D5 101 Lewis Building Bonds. Stocks, Grain and Cotton. WILSON. J. C. A CO. A 41ST. Mar. SVio Builders and Ileal Estate. tl'MMEKb. w. J. Marsball 7ol....aCl-SM Consulting; Engineers. HJC1U8. W. W. MarsbuU 434 31S-31I Spalding Building Attorneys. SAWYER. HAROU) M.. Marsball 2861. .003 Consul tins Engineer. KYLE. G. A.. Marsball 4111. 7lg Mortgage I nans BAIN. JOHN. A 744ii. Main 0021 goT Beal Batata, BAT CITT LAND CO.. M. 1118 T01-703 fcKlTZ. W. H. A CO.. Main 6584 ..810 Wilcox. Building Optician. Optometrist. X.OLLE. DR. D. W. M.4188. A 7889. .700-701 Pub lie "Utility nynlnllai 1-OEHAT. WILBCH B. Main B278 1014 r Steaogra pliers. O'BRIEN. MARIE A Mar. 34SS Beal Estate. H. P PALMER-JUNKB CO. M. f3l 4U WHITE SLAVE PROBE ON MVSTERV FOVKD IV BLtATlOX OF PORTLASU MAS ASD (ilRL. Lulu Ilusrbes. Alleged Accomplice ut "Jack" Hegan, Jewelry Thief, Claimed an .Wife by John C. Harlacker. Inveetigatlon ot the white slavery re lations of Lulu Hughes, ut Wlnlock, and John C. Harlacker, a Portland man, was begun yesterday by Federal in vestigators, working; with Detectives Vaughn and Craddock, who arrested the couple last Saturday. Lulu Hughes is accused by. the de tectives of bein? the woman cmpanion tif T, B. ("Jack") Resran, the clever store thief, who "lifted" half a dozen jsolld gold watch chains from Portland "jewelers two weeks ago, just prior to a similar attempt in Salem, in which he was caught. Kegan, the detectives say, entered two Salem jewelry stares and, while pretending to price jewelry, stole some watch-chains. When, arrested he called for a minister afid his tears and ap parent innocence won his freedom when he grave back the stolen articles. After he left town the police found that lie had managed to escape with some jewelry. All trace of hira since has been lost. Detectives Vaughn and Craddock dis covered that Hegan maintained a room at a hotel and another at the New Houston, Sixth and Kverett streets. In the adjoining room at the hotel lived Lulu Hushes, alias Miss K, Regan, who posed as Regan's sister. In searching for Regan, after they located the woman, the detectives found Harlacker, proprietor of a clean ing and dyeing shop. He told a dtsmal story how Hegan had eloped with his wife. Lulu Hughes. The detectives say Miss Hughes is wife to neither Har lacker nor Regan. The detectives communicated with Seattle authorities yesterday concern ing Harlacker, who is said to be wanted there for some automobile deal whose details have not been uncovered. Harlacker and Miss Hughes had 10 cents in cash when arrested. MARION IS FOR M'NARY HOME COUNTY GIVES CASDIDATE ISO PLURALITY. James Heltael, Member of Lowe Honse, Beaten for Seat In Senate by Alex La Follette, Karmer. SALEM, Or., May 25 (Special.) The official returns of Marion County, tiled with Secretary of State Oleott by bounty Clerk tiehlhar, show that Charles L. McNary, aspirant for the Re publican nomination for Justice of the Supreme Court, ran the most remark able race of any of the candidates in his home county. He received in excess of 1500 votes more than his nearest competitor, and, although it- looks as If Judge Benson had beaten Justice Mc Nary for the nomination for fourth place, the Marion County man received 4483 votes In this county to his oppo nent's 2760. C. P. Bishop, a Salem merchant, and Alex La Follette, a farmer, are the Re publican nominees for the State Senate. James Heltzel, member of the lower house In the last Assembly, was beaten by Mr. La Folletta by about 100 votes. W. H. Downing, a farmer, and James R. Linn, a- hop dealer, are the Demo cratic nominees for State Senator. The Republican nominees for Representa tive in the Legislature are Dana Allen. Salem, lawyer; Thomas Brown, Salem, lawyer; Samuel Brown, ' farmer; D. C. Thorns, member of the last Legislature, and Oeorge V. Weeks. Salem, merchant. Mr. Allen led the ticket with S303, Samuel Brown coming second with-3009. BLAMES GKAPiN MRS "RRACES ' SAYS DEFEX0AST I RGED S3S00 LOAN. Testimony That E. C Herloir Xeajro tinted Deal Denied Arcsantf On. Casa to Ge to Jury Today. Testimony of W.- H. Chapin that his partner, E. C. Herlow, had negotiated the transaction with Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Grace, by which J3500 was re ceived from them, was disputed in part yesterday by Mrs. Grace, who was called to the stand by attorneys for the state. Mrs. Grace admitted that the (3500 which she says was to have been in vested in first mortgages was paid into the hands of Mr. Herlow, who had come to her home on East Burnside street to tret it but she testified that tha pay. mnt was not mada until she had called Mr. Chapin on the telephone and asked Yeoi! Building " V 4- " . fX. 'T t: s ? r. 'i- 1 T r3 M W:-" i ts t jri-j f S 3 5 S 3 fi X m m m m . js t - ti.i ilKHalls ' V Attorney. COHN. JCLTt.'B. Main 2810. A TS02. 1 .iii GRAHAM. SIDNBT J. Mala 41. .ISlt-lCt juiiiHa. CHAS. A. Main 838 Is0o-13o K1MBALU HE)JRI M. Mar. 080 i MAtAHKEJ. SEABROOK. DIBBLa Mala 1501. A 5212. . .1500-1503 PARKER. SHIRLEY D. Main 423.. ....1024 RIDDGLL. H. B. Main 635 2 6TOTT A COLLIER, Marsball 5078. .S0S-it K1NNKY, M. J. Marshall- 5014.......... .Sis Billiard HalL M CRED1B BILLIARDS Ssooad Floar Real Estate. CALLAN A K.ASEH'. Mala 1883. .. .7:43-724 M'FARLAND, PRANK. RIALIT CO. . .SOS M ETC ALB1, LTLE S. Marsball 2432 810 RAINS?. J. a. Marshall 8177.. ...... .1304 U. S. MORTGAGE A INT, CO ..512 WAGGONER, GEO. E .....SOA SLAUSON. A. B. Main S444 1011 Stenographers. M'NAUGHTON, AQ.V an PARBON8.M.446S Q4 Selling Building Kodaks, Opticians. COLUMBIAN OPTL CO, Mar. SIB. .Od fir mecrtptioa Druggists. NAU, FRANK, Mala 721. A 2721.. .04 fir Piano Wholesalers. MOLT E. H. PIANO CO.. M. 1895 S0T-S him If it was all right to turn the money over to Mr. Herlow. Mrs. Grace said Chapin had been a friend and adviser of herself and her husband for 20 years. In his direct testimony and on cross examination -Mr. Chapin admitted his long friendship, with the Graces, that he had attended to business for them on some occasions. and once had talked with Mrs. Grace about lending some money for her, but he said the 13500, the loss of which is the basis of the charge against the partners, he under stood from the entries . in the books, had been lent to the firm. Notes, which the state contends are unsecured and worthless, were given as security. Evidence was concluded in the after noon and the first of the closing ar guments made. Arguments will, be completed and the-case submitted to the jury, it is believed, before noon today. Chapin, who is charged wita larceny of the money, as a bailee, is defended by Attorneys Wilson, Neal & Kossman. is. c. Herlow. indicted joint ly with Chapin, will be tried separately. SWINDLER IS SENTENCED O. A. 'Severance Surrenders to United States Marslial Here. I Another of the men wanted In the Oregon & California Railroad land grant mail frauds was disposed of in the Federal Court yesterday, O. A. Sev erance "walked into the United States Marshal's office and gave himself up. He was taken before Judge Bean, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to serve six months in the County JaiL On Monday,"-May 18, C. E. Gross, of Walla Walla, confessed to District At torney Reames his participation in the fraud cases and owing to the fact that he had refunded to tha victims of the land frauds about 3000, his own prof its in the deals having been only about $500. Judge Bean imposed a light sen tence, 30 days in the County Jail and a fine of tlOOO. Gross and Severance operated in Portland In April, 1913. severance then went under the name of Clark Harwood, JOSEPH CLASS GRADUATES Largest List In History ot Hjgb School Recorded In 1914. JOSEPH, Or., May 25 (Special.) The graduating- exercises of the Joseph High School proved a fitting- climax to a most successful year. Mrs. B. L. Coo and Miss Helen Mack sang with their usual charm. The class was the largest in the his tory of the school. It consisted of the following members: Arville Brooke, Clarence Carpenter, Sadie Houck, Harold Kinney, Gladys Kinney, Frank McClain, Louis Stevenson and Joe Taylor. Lrwii-ton Orchards Need "Thinning. LKWISTON. Idaho, May 25. (Spe cial.) The heavy crop of fruit on the trees of this district will necessitate a vigorous thinning-. This will be mostly dona before the latter part of June. Some orchardists prefer to do this early and others wait until after the "June drop." which lessen the labor. Where the fruit Is only partially thinned at this season, another thin ning: can be done when the fruit Is nearly enough grown to be sultshi. f. cooking grades in the early market. Among ine varieties of apples, the Jon athan and Spitzenberg are especially prolific thls season. Memorial Services Held! at Ashland. ASHLAND, Or., May 25. (Special.) Memorial services were held hr terday. the churches uniting in the ob servance at the Chautauqua building The Grand Army, Relief Corps and' First Company, Coast Artillery Re serves, attended In a body. Rev. Messrs. Browning, Hicks. Douglass. Schwimley and Carnahan participated in the serv ices. Musical selections were given by the Siskiyou quartet. There was a large tienuance. Perce Bridge Contracts Let. LEWISTOX, Idaho." Mav 25. fSn cial.) The Commissioners of Neg Perce County have awarded a contract to the Security Bridge Company for the con struction of steel bridges at Bedrock, Jacks Canyon and Sweetwater Creeks, mo contract prices Deing as follows: csearocK creek structure, S90; Jacks Canyon structure. 725; Sweetwater t-reea structure. 740; concrete, 111.50 a cubic yard. Strike Agitators Are Released. J. H. Curtis, James O'Connor and John Brornan. arrested Saturday nicht. charged with distributing literature among employes of four lumber mills, urging them to be ready for a Coast wide strike, were discharged by Muni cipal Judge Stevenson yesterday. Patrolmen Hatch and T. H. Russell made the arrests. Judge Stevenson found no ordinance on which to hold tne men. A "funday school in Pittsburg-, Kan., was organized under difficulties, ajid not only met in a saloon for the first few weeks. .1 . S3 PORTLAND. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Paciflc Title A Trust Co.. 7 Cham, ot Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. STEPHAN BamstUched and scalloplns. accord, side plwat, buttons covered, goods sponged, mail orders. 3c Alder. M. 9373. ART MATTRESS WORKS. MATTRESSES made new out of old la our specialty. Investigate. Marsball 2657. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. GILBERT A iiALL, successors Weils A Co., now to pis joucn Pio.g.. lutf stn. st. qou. K sad ore-tostiiig works. 13 ft ATTORN ESS. J.-R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracts, coutracts. collaterals, etc, consul tation free; new oflrces, ; OT. 70S, 70W dell ingbldg. Main 4UU4. open evenings. WM. M. LAFORCE, Counsellor-at-law. zm tailing Bldg. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old ear pets, rag ruga 188 East tn. Botb pbones. CHIROPODISTS. William. Estelle and William. Jr., Deveney, tbe only sclenUrlc cbiropoulsts in tbe city. Parlors, 3U2 Uerilnger "lag., a. W. corner 2d and Alder. Pttons Main 1801 DR. FLETCHER, asepuo chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all Ills of tbe ioot without pain; 24 years' experience; lady assistant, aotl Allsky bldg. Main 8702. Xr. and Mrs. Fletcber, painless chiropodists, over the Mazelwood. Main 813, A 512U. CHIKO-PODt and pedicuring. Mrs. M. ' U. Hill. Offices Flieaner bldg. Mala 3A7H. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS DR. M'MAHOX, llll 4 lb and 87S Williams sve. Two onices; lady attenuants; 18 au justments, 1U. Main 2US, East BOSS. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS (or rent; we press one suit eacn week for L5U per moxttb. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., SO Stark iu, by. 5tb and otn. Main 814. COAL AND WOOD. KNIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, bard, . qulck-nrlng, long-enduring L'tAix coal. Al bina Fuel Co.. sole agenus. - COLLECTIONS. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Bhort Methods." bbort Adjustment Co, fclitt N. W. Bank bldg. Main W74. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETS A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17UB. No collections, no charge. DENTISTS. PR. A. W. KEENE. Msjustlo Theater bldg 31 V, Washington su Marahall 3205, AGRICTJLTCKAL IMPLEMENTS. I R M. Wade A Co.. 322-Sn Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE JRON WORKS Portland Wire A iron Wks.. 2dand ColumQia ,. ..,Al;TO Aliu BUGGY TOPS, PLBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 200 34 st - AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOT A WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts. .,A.VV,iIGS- TENTS AND SAILS. PACIFIC TENT A AWN. CO.. 1-3 N. 1st St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer, Psrk A Davis. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES' t SUPPLIES. BALLOII A WRIGHT. 7th snd Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery A Conf., Inc.. lltb and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHABP. 13th snd Burnside. CARRIAGE WORKS. , PORTLAND CARRIAGE WKS. BODIES. WHEELS SPRINGS ton North Fourth Street. Main HS3S. CASCAKA BARK AND GKAPE ROOT. KAUN BROS., lal FRONT ST. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER, F. T. CROWtt CO., 45 Fourth Street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET & DE VERS, 1-11 N. Front St. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-MAYER A CO.. 207 Ash at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etubbs Electric Co., 6th and Pine sts. JOSEPH SE1HAU5, ACCUSED OF IN. TEMPERANCE, FIRST VICTIM. Seven Negresses Arrested In Raid Ac cused of Vagrancy Are Given Free-' dom by Judge Stevenson. - y Municipal Judge Stevenson's Domes tic Relations Court started yesterday in conjunction with the formerly es tablished Morals Court and cases com ing under both ' courts were on the docket. Joseph Neihaus, a salesman, and his wife, Julia, were the first subjects of the court. Mrs. Neih&ms said, that her husband drank considerably and seemed unable to leave liquor alone. Judge Stevenson suggested that Neihaus sign the pledge. This Neihaus refused, but said his word was as good as a pledge, and on this assertion was allowed to go when he promised to quit drinking. Seven negresses, who were arrested in a general haul of the negro district about Ninth and Flanders streets, were all charged wtih vagrancy. All pleaded not guilty to the charge and some of the evidence Introduced showed that they were engaged in clothes-washing, sewing and other occupations at the time of arrest. Judge Stevenson sus pended sentence on all and, allowed them their liberty. Other minor cases wera treated leni ently. Court was held in a Juryroom at police headquarters. The open court room has offered too good an opportu nity for scandalmongers. In the opinion of Judge Stevenson, bo only Interested persons, the press and lawyers en gaged by defendants are allowed. In the private courtroom of the Morals and Domestic Relations courts. Mrs. Kate Roat, of Milton, Pa., 76 years ot&. has taught in the infant department of Trinity Lutheran Sunday school for 55 years. She began teaching- the Infant department on Easter Sunday In 1859 and is now super intendent of that department. Many of the present pusnla are the grandchildren of the first pupns. AM CSEMENTS. LYRIC Cor. 4th and Stark Phone A 1036. SECOND BIG WEEK. Capacity Houses at Every Performance Seats Selling- One Week Ahead. THE MOST AMAZING PLAY OF THE PbCAUE. "The Traffic" By Racbael Marahalt and Oliver Bailey. NOT MOVING PICTURES. Plrat time anywhere at popular prlcea. Monday Bargain Night. Every other niaht, Si30, 25c. 35e. oOc. Bargain mati nee Tuesday, 2.-,e- Regular matlneea xanrauay, aturaay ana Sundny. SPECIAL. , Matinee FOR WOMEN ONLY Friday, y ... urerr eam in Aaniee. BASE BALI RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. LOS ANGELES VS. PORTLAND " . MAY 26. 27. 28, 29, SO, 31. Games begin weekdays at 3 P. M.; Sundays, 2:30 P. M. Ladies Days Wednesday and Friday BUSINESS DIRECTORY DANCING. Mr. and Mrs. Heath's School. 10 2d st bet. 1 wash, and Stark and Aliskv bias- ad sad I Morrison sts. Lessons daily; waits and I two-step guarantee' in 4 lessons; classes jaon. ana g ri. eves., s to 10, ana 1U xa si. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. JTreatmenls by specialist, glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseasy. 517 Dekum bl., 3d A Wash. ELECTRIC MOTOKgi, MOTORS, generators oought. sold, rented and repaired. Ws do ail kinds of repair ing and rewinding, all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 81 First st. Nortn Phone Main U210. WE BU 1', sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors, repair work a spe clalty. Western Electric Works. 18 6lh. lUtJilllH AND MACHINE HOlUtlj. rHuilAU. iron Woras, 3d ana 11 w - tnorne. General macnino and lounury work KODAKS. rvUL)AK.S and Al.i. euf fLlES; aeveloping, printing and enlarging. Pli.E A AIAIU. HAM CO.. 345 Wasnington St. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged, lbs J. J. Martin co-, Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE- 1 HASTY MESSENGER CO., motorcycles and bicycles. Pnone Main 63, A 2162. LS1CAU EMIL IHUSLHOKN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclh. 21T1 Flredner bldg. A 4Htt. Mar. i NATUROPATHIC PHxlXlANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist, in paralysis, ner vous chronic diseases. 604 oregouian blag. OPTICIANS. X -v tyv x A lullT o V W Jualr oi glas s nt your eyt . A FIGHT on uigh prices. to siu tor s :lases when 1 can your eyes witn first- ui, goid-nlled frames. as -cm a si.uu? Goodman, lul Morrison il, near briuge. Satistaution guaranteed. , OSTEOPATHIC KUV61CIAN8. Dr. K. B. Northrup, 308 Morgan bldg., cor. Broadway and Wasnington sts. OhUue pnoue Main 34; resiaence, East 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS, 1032 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or PETER UAUKLiN, 20Q Victor .Ulug., Wasnington, r. C. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, late ot U. B. Patent Ollice, 1U10 B. of T. bldg. K. C. WP.IGHT 22 years' practice U. and foreign patents, ooo Dekum bldg. T. J. GE1SLEK, Atty-at-Law, 503 Henry Wm. c. tichmitt. Eng. ana -Draftsman. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 348s. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS PISH, OYSTERS AND ICE. . MALARKEY & CO., Inc., 141) Front St. GRAINS MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall. H. M. HOISER, Boart of Trade bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., -7s 4th St. HAIR GOODS. DIAMOND HAllt WORKS WHOLESALE. U03-4 PANAMA BLDO. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSEit HAT CO.. 53-64 Front at. HAS. " J. H. Klosterman A Co., leading hay dealers! HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAMA' BROS.. 181 Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East end of Burnsido bridge. STEEL .STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. -l ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. . CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock -of STEEL BEAMS. ANGLES. CHANNEL PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STOKE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MAST1CK. & CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY A CO.. 231 Pins St. AMUSEMENTS, lltb and Morrison Main I. A 1122 HEILIG ALL WEEK ZZ?X- K$.'Xernl ,m Mfg Co. Present WHITE SLAVE MOTION PICTURES TRAFFIC IN SOULS POPULAR PRICES Z 25c THEATER Main 2. A 53CS. f Ir i, .t. Tdnight. all week. Mats. Wed., Sat. Special engagement with the Baker Players of ths favorite leading woman. Alice Fleming, in - "A FOOL THERE WAS." one of the greatest of modern plays. Adacted from the Kipling poem. Evening prices, 25c. 85c. 50c, 75c. Box seats 1. Wed. Mat., all seat (except box) 25o. Saf. Mat., 25e, 60c. Box 75c. Next week "Tha Woman He Married." - Matinee Dally. Phones Main 6 and A 1020 ,llkS1S W.l. WEEK MAY 24 Vaieska Suratt Irene Ttmmons & Co. Walter De Leon and "Muggins" Davies Aileen Stanley James H. Cullen Stellina- A Revell Valveao A La Mora Matinee Daily 'Circus Days" Porter J. White Co. Bijou Rnssell. Ilixie Girl DeftlareHt Doll The Great Johnson BEST SHOW ' IN TOWN 'AHTAGES- Broadway, at Alderr rnequaled Vaudeville. WEEK MAY 25. Ths Royal Namba Troupe, Japan's Imperial Acrobatic Favorites, Ths Gladiator and the Nymph. Frank Bush, Brown and Jackson, 4 Portia Sisters, Pan tage scope. We Oaks MoElroy's Band, under direction of W. HL McElroy. Rich Musical Comedy Company in "Tha Girl From Panama." Ten musical numbers. Montana Bill, the cowboy singer. Hawaiian Troubadours. Eight lrT - number. Performances at S and S. Wet or shine -in the open-air covered amphitheater. .AUCTION SALE TODAY. At Baker's suction houss. 1SS-16S Park sr. First-class furniture, carpets, rugs, etc Sale at 10 o'clock sharp. At 10 A. il. Elegant furniture, Anglo Perslao rugs, etc., of residence, 7SS East 4-d st. JCorth. Take Beaumont car. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. At 2 P. M., at 421 Broadway, West Staa. Furniture ot 19 rooms. " J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. MEET1NO NOTICES. tMF WASHINGTON COMMAN. wTU DERT. NO. 15. K. T. Stated -. j. . --..- i.uoiumi even- -3 "' 7:3- Rea cross. All Sir nnigis courteously invited to F. H. NOLTNER, Recorder. ELLISON ENCAMPMKNT NO. 1. I. O. O. V. Hegular meeting this (Tuesday) evening at S o'clock, at I. O. O. F. Temple. First and Alder sts. A large class for the golden rule aegree. visitors always welcome. II. OSVOLD, Scribe. &" j Shows Dally. 2:30, 1:80 and 9:15 IllffiMllSlr ssJ DON.I throw your old plumes away: we are exDerta in reaihr dyeing, cleaning and remodel- i lng. mounting birds of pai-adise our specialty. 1 li fLLkb. io& Morgan bldg. Main 41OV. PRINTING. SAVE money on your printing; have it done at a country olflce and get the ad vantage of less expensive conaitlons. Up-to-date office; good workmen; guaranteed work. Let us furnish you an estimate on our next Job. The Criterion, Lebanon. Or. BLBBEB STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, 231 Wash, st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING machine, new, SO up; used ma chines 32 up; renting ana repairing. Main V431. Sewing Machine Emporium. 10O 3d. bcu fsmmil and Taylor. SEWING Machine Exchange; new and used machines from 38 up, rents and repairing. 251 lamhlll, bet. 2d and 3d. Main 623L SHOWCASE, BANK. STORE .FIXTURES. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. ISth and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. FOR reasonable prices see Western Fixtures A Showcase Co.. 48 N. 10th St. STORAGE AND TRANSFER- PORTLAND Van A Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new lire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate hro and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, trackage for carload shipments, vans Cor moving; reduced frelgriX rates on house hold goods to and from East in through cars. Main 5040, all departments. C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co Offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign porta. Main 5W6, A 2HS. ' OLKi -Kuiil TUANSFICK CO. New fireproof wareiiouse wttli separate rooms. We move and pack ixousenold roods and pianos and snip at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwardiug and distributtuic arents. Free trackage. Ottice and wareiiouae. 16tn and Hoyt fata. Mala 547, A MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse fc Transfer Co.. 13tn and Everett su., on terminal tracks. General transfer and forvard.nn asenta We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse in city. Main 708, A -Wi. OKEGON TRANSFER CO., 47 GUsan st.. cor. lath. Tslephoiie Main 6 or A llttJ. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Luweil insurance rates In tha city. r MADISON-8T. DOCK AND WAXIEHOUSE Office, 186 Madison: general merchandise, furniture and machinery storage; transfei and forwarding agent. Phone Main 76yL MEN S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 88 Fifth St. MILLINERY. ' BR A PSHAW Bros.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 10 First SU W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis. PIPE, PIPE IITTTNGS AND VALVEsT M. L. KLINE, 4-8 Front SL. , PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. g-tg Front at. v to'Kj,,TJ;.K! AliU riBHSHEKS. F. W. BALTSa & CO., 1st t.nd Oak sts. e.,KO,U,liCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVKRDI.NG A FAjtRELL. 140 Frort St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER Co., loot of Ankeny. , BASH, DOORS AND GLASS. . W. P. FULLER & CO.. lath and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND iron Works, 14th snd Northru, SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 6S Front st. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., tSO 2d at. WHOLESALE JEWELERS OPTICIANS. xji i i cj.r igi.l ontip.. .MtjrlAVVtv BLDG. WIRE AND IRON WORKS Portland WIrs A lion Wks.. 2d and Columbia MEETING NOTICES. THS FUNERAL o Samuel He, servey. late of Co. I, nth Wis consin Infantry and member of iysanaer ti. cutter Posl, No. SS( O. A. R.. Dept. of Wisconsin, will be held from Kir,.. taking parlors, 3d and Clay uwu j nueu,yi, di&y i-s, at IO o'clock. Interment Rlvervi.w Cemetery. All G. A, R. comrades rcepecuuuy invited to attend. HOS. A. JORDAN. Commander. A C. 6LOAN- AdjutanL , IMPERIAL LODGE, V. D-. . F. AND A M. Special communi cation this (Tuesday) 'evening, 7:45 O'clock. Masonic Temnle West Side. All the members of the teams who will n,rt,in.i. t the special exercises of -June 9 are urgently requested and expected to be present at this umoiiiiB , canea especially lor drill, strlctly uAwiiiim. v i.ikors welcome. W. P. ANDHUS, Sec. A. AND A. S. RITB: Mult nomah Council of Kadosh, NO. I- Regular meeting In audi torium. Scottish Rite Cathedral, this (Tuesday) evenlnar at I o'clock. Work In 30th degree. EMINENT COMMANDER. MT HOOD LODGE. U. D., A. F . and A. M. Special communl cation this (Tuesday) evening at in xn. -i. aegree. vis. itors welcome. By order W. M. K. c. DICK, Sec COR INTHIA CHAPTER. 54, O. E S. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening. Masonic Temple, a r. m.. nnarp, social. All IJ. ja. 5, welcome. By order of W. M. HENRIETTA M'CABE, See. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tnis (xnesaay) evening at 7:30, Masonic Tem ple. Work E. A degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. g. MILLER, See. FXORISTS. FUNERAL FLOWERS AT LOWEST PtftCBS Beautiful wreaths, pillows and special designs at price extremely low ; casks! prays as low aa H-60. LubUner, florist, Z2t Morrison mU, Portland Hotel block. MARTIN & FORBES CO- florists. 847 Waahiuaton. Main 339, A 1260. Flowers for all occasion artistically arranged. Max M. Smith. Selling bldg. Main 7215, I1JL tVNLKAL KfrTICM. NAWRATIL (NORTELL) At the family residence. 19 K. 37th st., May 26, Anna N aw rat 11. a (red 78 years, beloved mother of August V.T John E., Anthony B. and Julia T- Nawratil and Sister Mary Ric trude. Funeral will take place from the above - residence Wednesday, May 27. at 8 : 30 A. M. Services at St. Francis Church, cor. 10th and E. Pine, at 9 o'clock. Friends Invited." Interment Mt Calvary Cemetery. KRETMAN In thi city. May 25, at his late residence, 241 East 14th st., cor. Main, Augustine V. K ret man, beloved son of Mrs. Hannah Kretman and brother of Esther and May Mr. H. F. Behrendsen). Funeral from above residence Wednesday, V May S7, at f:S0. Service at t. Francie' Church lv A. M. Interment St, Mary' Cemetery. Friends respectfully invited. Pleas omit flowers. ( . - B ATT IX At Bt. Vincent Hospital, May 25. Marjorle Ona Sattin. aged 'd years, 1 month and 2 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephratm Battln. Funeral services will be conducted this morning Tuesday) May 26, at 10:45 from the Ross City Cemetery. Friends Invited. Remains at Pearson's undertaking: parlors. MESERVET The funeral services of the late Samuel Meservey, who died tn this city May 24, will be held today (Tuesday) at 10 A. M- from the chapel of the fekewes Undertaking Co., corner 8d and Clay. Friends and members of the G. A. R. klndly Invited to attend. Interment River view Cemetery. BRENNETf The funeral services of the late Rebecca J. Brennen, who died in this city. May 24. will be held todav (Tuesday) at 2 P. M. from the chapel of the 8kewes undertaking Co., corner 8d and Clay sts. Friends kindly Invited to attend. Interment ML Calvary Cemetery. GOWANLOCK In Pasadena, Cat.. May 20, James A., son of the late James and Elisabeth Gowanloek. Friend are in vited to attend tbe services at the family reeidence, 140 East 28th st, today (Tuee- . day). May 26, at 2:30 P. M. Interment private, Riverview Cemetery. DIED. KOBER May &A. at the residence, 327 Wasco St.. Mrs. Agata Kober. aged 43 years, beloved wife of Jacob Kober. Re mains at Dunning A McEntee's parlors. Notice of rnneral later. MTELLER At the family residence. 1S0S East Main St.. May 55. Rev. Frederick Mueller, aged 76 years 3 months IS days. Remains are at Holman's funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. TOWNSEND May 17. R. L. Townsend, aged 2i years, beloved husband ot Mrs. Lillie Townsend. Remains at Dunning Ac McEn tee'a parlors. Notice of funeral later. PCNEBAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HO I.MAN, the leading fu neral dlreotor, 220 Third street, corner Sal- Lady assistant. A toil, xtain oo t. F. S. DCXNING-ANO. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Aider st. East 52, B Z52S. East DINNING M'ENTEE. funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendanu OtiU-e oi County Coroner. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, Sa and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady attendant MR. AND MRS. K. T. BXKNES, Est. U08. 655 Williams Ave, East 1115. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL N MOUNT SCOTT PABK. Contatdnlms S35 Actm Portland' Only Modern ferpet uai-Car Cemetery Refined, 1'leatilns bervte, Complete Pertect Eoii.Dment. rrtcct ana terms Botb leiepba CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. Per Una. One time .12 Same ad two consecutive times. ........ .S9 Sam ad three consecutive times. ...... .See hime ad lx or seven consecutive times, .fine The above rate apply to advertisements under ".New Today and nil other claesinca tions except the following. ' Situations Wanted Mala. Situations Wanted fc'einale. For Rent. Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Rate on the above classifications Is cents a line each Insertion. When one advertisement Is notnn In con secutive Issues the one-tune rate applies. ttlx average words count aa one Una oa less than two linen. , J) a "charge" advertisements charge will ba based on tha number of lines appearing In the paper. resnriHess ot the number el word in each Una MintHiuin ciitirze, tw lines. The Oresmilan will aorent elassifled ee vertisfment over the telephone, provldins the advertlier 1 a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone. Kut will be rendered the foUowina tiav. W hether sutHtctiueut ndvertiseraeuta will be accepted over tne pnone nepenas upon cue promptness of pa-went of telipliooe adver tiHemeuLa. Kituatioo Wanted and rcxMiaai arivertisemems will not be uccepied aver the telephoae. Orders lor one tnseruun only will be acceinca ior tc iunnur iw oww, oiius nes Opportunitleb.' "Uooauns-Aiousea" a tA, 4 to Kent. Xhe Orcg-onian will not ruarantee accuracy or assume retponnibility tor errors oocurrins tn telephoned advertieementa. The Oregunlan will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inscruon ot any advertLsenieaL oucrea ior mure tnan oa time.- Advertisement to receive promot claaaifi- cation must be in Xhe Oreyoniaa office be fore 10 o'clock at nlsTht, except feVaturaay. Closing hour for The ttunday Oreajomaa will be o'clock, hat or day nishu Xhe of live will be oteu until 10 o'clock r. M., mm m'. and nil ads received too late for nroner ctawnifl- catlon will be run under heauanic "Too Late to ciaatiuy. f OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAND ATE, N. Betnees Davia and Uvarett. Phones slsai 1424, B UU. Ues Day and High. Report ell cases ot cruelty to this Atfica. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulanoa for sick or alaabied animals at -nomsnt no- us NEW TODAY. 75,000.00 for half interest in busi ness clearing over $20, 000 per year for over 8 years. Included with the business is real es tate worth over $200, 000.00. Party wanted who can devote their time to the business. AB 7, Oregonian. BARGAIN East 14th St., Near Salmon 60x100 feet on Bast Salmon street. 60 feet west of East Fourteenth, facing: eoutn. Frlco lav&o. etreet assessments of $i6 to be assumed. One of the best buys in Portland. INMOR PROPERTY DKALGRH. OROVM r'LOOH, I1E.MIV BLDG. LADD ADDITION fine, modern, eight-room house: large .iiiv, 'IHI wu.vuiua, dicijiu. UUI1II, breakfast-room - and den, oak floors two fireplaces and furnace; lot 60x118: hard-surface all in and raid. A real snap at $5600: 1000 down and $25 per montn. see tnis itxiay. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Cerrbett Bldgr. .A 1419, Marshall 93. MORTGAGE LOANS OX IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. We- loan our own funds and money 1 available withlsi 24 bourn after receipt ox aDstriici. w. o ana 7 ser cent. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bids;. First Mortgage Loans 'Money to Any A moan t In Onr Posses sion ior Immediate lee, 9fo or 7 7c AacordiBar tt security. FIELDS A " UO.EVMA, 1Z1S-1S23 Yeoa Bids. Mala 1002. m EDWARD E.G0yQY7 I iUlll ufiUL LUfillU Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Ratei FARM AXD CITV LOA.VS, 8Q Fourth St Board of Trade Bids;. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEO NAN 8Q2 gpaldlaa; Bldg. Portland. Or. CITY & FARM LOANS UADEKWRITtRS LOAN AU INVESTMENT CO 22o Chamber e f Commerce. NEW TODAY.' NPflMF l03cl00, near Broadway, west HUUiliL. 0f Union avenue: 15.0G0. cajih or terms. OU AER, Afe 882. Orevoalsa, RE.VL ESTATE IELVLERS. BECK. William G.. 21S-S16 FalUna bide. BENEDICT BHOS, (Burrell Heights. S9 nawiuwruB b,vs., cor. sist. xaoor 61. PALMER-JONEii CO., H. p.. 40 4-4 04-40 Wilcox bldff. Jenning & Co. Main 306 Oregonian. For Sale Lot. LOT3 5i0, 4600. 700 to $15t0: 10 down. iio month; Hawthorn car. i-auioiuurai lot at sacruice. Rose City lot $100 down, baL ter erms. 337 Railway lxciiantre "RMr MULTNOMAH Station. O. E. R. R., 5c fare. ...a -""'vu tnu ciwea; price no per lot; small payments. J. A. Cunuinahatu. 82 Morgan blUg. . S750 FOR very fine half-acre tract. 6-cent fare, only l& minute i-nr rtHa w ui.u best value In the city; terms. lo cash. balance $10 per month. M- E. Lee. b- - oroeu riag. A SACRIFICE IN PARKROSXv. 2 Lot Block. ISOxlOO. Corner east end south front, fine vtw. all clear, 3 bike, to the car; price $1); easy terms. Address T v, Oregonian. 73x100 view lot, West Side; ideal for home; nes ime; price only of.o; $iu cash. Bal ance $5 per month. M. E. Lee, to.. Cor bet t bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS KXCLUSIVELT. Houses, lots, 7 tracts and acreage; all "views, location, prices asnd tarroa. Marshall 4827. BROOK.E. A 8SS. ROSE CITY PARK. 83 ft. on Sandy road, room for 2 houses, price $1100, an average of $560 per lot; this is a snap. Addrees T lo, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, choice lot. SOxllS, in j-euu, Auuiiiuu , um t. near xi aw tnorne. Will sacrifice for cash. Call B ll."0. HHMt LOT In tine renting section. West Side factory district. M. E. Leo, 522 jor btt bldg. LOTS very cheap and to exchange for (luuit-B. LiaureiiiurDi. irvingion. iu-t J. s. W. H.-HerdniBQ. JioO WILL buy $573 equity in $975 Laurel- nursi lot. I el, EHRt oMS. BEST buy in Irvlngton; fine home site; 50x -i"". pnew itTLru cn. tnone .vain vi i. For bale Beacl Propertj'. FOR SALE Fine, 4-room cottage on full iot at oeasiae, or trace lor gooa b or V passenger machine. Call Q For ISale -Houses. $2!00. $300 CASH. Buys this brand new s-room bungalow; only two -blocks from car, and with all modern features, such aa hardwood floors. jjiftAgsed brick fireplace, built-in bookcases with art glass doors, beautiful wide buf fet, cove ceilings, wide veneer panels in dining-room, complete white enameled. Dutch kitchen, two nice Itpht airy bed rooms, well equipped bathroom, full ce ment basement with cement floor and laundry trays; this bungalow is easily worth $3JO0; you must ea it in order to appreciate what a bargain It Is. J. A. UUBUELL, Owner. 1Q7S Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 2608. NEW modern 7-room bungalow. In center of Laurelhurst, 70 ft. from G Ilea 11 at., on Royal Court, large English fireplace, im ported tile facing; beautifully planned home throughout, which I will sell for $5600 on easy terms, taking payments like rent; 1 am the owner and wish to deal directly with someone who wants a beautiful home in a beautiful distiicu See me at 12 Piatt bld-. 'NIFTY BUNGALOW, SAME AS RENT. Sweir, nitty, new, modern o-room bun galow, just finished and rtady to tno e into; fine fireplace, hardwood flours, bul let, bookcase, panel dii:ing-room, doubly constructed and finely finished, concrete porch, brick pillars; block to car, close In on East Side; price a snap; only $--0o; term just like rent. GKUSS1 & BOLDS. Slg Board of Trade. Malu 7432, A -4401. HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY. 8 ROOMS. LOTS OF FRUIT. With all modern conveniences, rooms are go-d sized; house is located 1 block from ffood carline; Is high and sightly ; can give you all (he ground you want; just the place to raise a family; to good. stady people will make the terms so you can handle. Call me evenings. Eat 77S. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW, TALK WITH OU ft CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. ESTABLISHED 107. WE FURNISH THE PLANS AND BUILD HOUSES OR FLATS FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. WE- BUY BUILDING MATERIALS IN LARGE QUANTITY AND CAN SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS. OUR WORK GUARANTEED. BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO. 706-7 COUCH BLDG. IRVINGTON home, swell 6-roora house, finished attic, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; oak floors, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, lot 60x100; a real snap at $6000; $1000 down and $0 per month; on 11th and Stanton. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A 141, Marshall $2. DANDY 6-room bungalow, tireplace, bath, Dutch kitchen, light fixtures, shades, lin oleum, strictly modern house, roses, lots ot flowers, large yard, fine place for chlck ensand garden, near Mt. Tabor Park. Ex cellent neighborhood, street improvement paid; only $2400; will sell on any reason able terms. Phone owner. Tabor S42. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Just finished; contains reception hall, living-room, dining-room, 2 good bed rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen and large at tic; all built-in conveniences; elegant v1jw, with fiue homes around; price only $l&50; good terms to right party. Call evenings. East 6778. f BARGAIN New modem 5-room bungalow, fixtures, shades, built-in effects; all rooms tinted; D bearing fruit trees; snap at $1975, easy terms. 68 J Liberty St., Dekum-ava. car to ISth. block south. Woodlawn 2633. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. We win build on your lot: terms like rent ; first-class guaranteed work. UMBDEXSTOCK & LARSON CO. 284 Oak st. See Mr. Furlong. STYLISH NEW BUNGALOW. Restricted district, fine homes; oak floors, swell buffet, fireplace, music-room, all built-in features; 17 minutes city; easy terms. Owner, Tabor 1900. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. . On (your lot or ours; by your own plan or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northweatern Bank bldg. WILL sacrifice on nice, 6-room bungalow good furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors and full cement basement, close in, lli blocks north cf Hawthorne ave.; easy terms. Tabor 166L SNAP 5-rm. furnished" house, lot 50x100, lawn, garden, berries and chicken park; must be sold at once, on easy terms, by owner; or will lease from 1 to 3 yrs. st. John car to Arbor Lodge. 1410 Burr age st. NEW, CLOSE-IN " COUNTRY RESIDENCE on V acre, Oregon Electric Railway, 6c fur; fruit trees, tennis court, mountain view. Box 336. P. P.. Portland. $3000 FOR 6-room modern house, walking distance. West Side, near Park blocks. Half cash, 5 years on balance. M. E. Lee, 5-2 Corbtt st. YOU will never regret it If you see us be fore you build or remodel that house; plans furnished. 815 Broadway bldg. Phone Marshall 28SO. ' $3000 BUYS 6-room modern bungalow on business st- of Mississippi ave. Albert Harala, S01 Mississippi ave. Phone "Wood lawn 656. A FINE Irvington home at 4tl E. 27th North for sale, easy terms; modern six rooms, large sleeping porch. P. O- box 45 or phone M. 120tf. CHARMING homes, Irvington; tJ-room bungalow cheap; 7-room home, finished oak and mahogany. East 27a. W. H, Herdman. 0 I WILL make big sacrifice on' 5-room bun galow. fireplace, furnace, trees in front and back. 818 Multnomah St. C 1245. BUNGALOW, $2250, CORNER. N 5 rooms, Improvements all In and paid; terms; medium distant. Marshall 6928. 5-ROOM modern house, on 6th. close to M3nta villa cars, $1700; 1100 cash. $1$ per month. Owner, SO Washington bldg. HOUSE and lot in one of Portland's best additions st a ureal sacrifice. See M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. BLK. Sunnyside car. new. modern house, f IsL'-Yambill. Owner, Tabor 3199. Snbnrbaa Home Propert y . GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water, close to carline. easy terms. Will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 476. JOHN H. GIBSON. OWNER. FURNISHED house and 2 acres In fine cul tivation at Metzger Station; will sell for $2000 or rent for $10 month. Phone Mar shall at eo3 oregonian bldg.