Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 25, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Manasing Editor Main TOTO, A 6095
City Kdltor Wain 7070. A 60S5
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 60!3
Advertising Department . - .Main 7070, A ttUfcu
City Circulation Main 7O70, A UU5
Cora posi n s-room Main 7070, A K95
Printing-room ' Main 7070, A 6005
Superintendent Building . . .Main 7070, A 60110
HEILIo THEATER (Eleventh and Morri
son Motion pictures, "Traffic in Souls."
This afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 8:30.
BAKER THEATER (Broadway and Morri
son) Baker players in "A Fool There
Was." Tonight at 8:15.
I-TRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark)
"The Traffic." Tonight at 8:15.
First and Aider; MeElroy'e band, musical
comedy and vaudeville. This afternoon at
2 and tonight at S.
ORPHETJM (Broadway and Taylor) This
afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15.
EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill) Con
tlnuous from 3 :S0 to 11.
PANTAGES (Broadway and Alder) This
afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 7:30
PEOPLES West Park and Alder.
MAJESTIC Parle and Washington.
COLUMBIA Sixth, near Washington.
GLOBE Eleventh and Washington.
NEW STAR Park and Washington.
Republicans to Organize Tonight.
Permanent organization of the new
Republican county central committee is
to ,be completed at a meeting in the
assembly room of the Central Library
at 8 o'clock tonight. At a meeting
last Wednesday night O. A. Neal, mem
ber of the executive committee of
"Charley" Lockwood's Republican Club,
so-called.' was elected temporary chair
man, and r. X. Alosessohn temporary
secretary. There is a strong movement
on foot to elect William M. Cake per
manent chairman at tonight's meeting".
Mr. Cake is regarded as extremely well
qualified foiv-the place. Lockwood is
attempting to brine about his own
election as state committeeman from
Multnomah County, but any such move
will be bitterly opposed by Republicans
who wish to keep "Lockwoodism" out
of the party organization.
Rights of Wat Secured. Stephen
Carver, of the Portland & Oregon City
Railway, announces that rights of way
have been secured for an interurban
electric railway that will run from
Portland to Viola and other suburban
points to the southeast. Mr. Carver
said that the farmers on-and near the
route of this proposed railway are
anxious to help all they can and have
interposed no opposition. Viola is 25
miles from Portland. The road will
touch at Clackamas station. Intone and
1-ogan. Mr. Carver has a small crew of
men at work 'near Clackamas and will
add more soon. lie expects to com
plete 10 miles of this line within the
next four or five months. This line
will tap a rich district not now served
by any railway.
Gresham Sc-hool to Close June 5.
The graduating exercises of the
Ciresham High School will be held June
6. at which time M. S. Pittman, of
the Oregon State Normal School, will
deliver the address to the graduates.
President C. .J. Bushnell, of the Pacific
University, will deliver the baccalau
reate address. There are 10 in the
class John Honey. Addio Quesinberry,
Viola IMnger. Isabel Metzger, Kmelie
Anderson. Nellie Faris. Hvelyn Metzger,
Mary Cathey. ISlsle Metzger and Olive
Merrill. Arthur Dowsett, chairman of
the board of directors, will present the
graduates with their diplomas.
oh i' to Start on Fairview Road.
A dredge has been sent out to Fair
view by the Pacific Bridge Company to
be used in filling up the road from
Fairview to the Columbia River. "The
county recently made an appropriation
of $4000 to help build this road, which
will be nearly two miles long and
give access to the Columbia River,
owners of the property will raise the
grade of tle road so it will be above
high water. It is expected that eventu
ally a ferry will bo operated at the
end of this road to the Washington
Slndat KxrvRsioN Draws. Although
the weather was not promising, 176
passengers made the first of the Sunday
Summer excursion trips io Cascade
J.ocks on the steamer Bailey Gazert
yesterday, leaving Portland at 9 o'clock
and arriving back in the city, at 5:45.
The Palles City, which loft at 7
o'clock, had on board a number of
strawberry-pickers, bound for Hood
River. There were also several auto
biles aboard. The showers and threat
ening appearance of the weather kept
small craft off the river yesterday.
Maxamas Knjot Hike. For the Sun
day recreation trip the Mazamas
went out to Boring on the Kstacada
line to begin their hike yesterday.
The party tramped over to Sandy,
thence down a long trail to a beauti
ful spot on the Sandy River, where
they made their campfire and had
lunch. They crossed tho river on a
swinging cable bridge and tramped on
into Bull Run to take a train for
home. Fifty-five persons enjoved the
"Streetcar Service" is Topic. The
Alberta Woman's Improvement Club
at 103:1 East Twenty-fourth street
North will devote Tuesday evening to
the streetcar question. City Commis
sioner Daly will be the principal
speaker. All interested and willing to
' assist in an effort to bring about a
better service, men and women, are
invited. Tho house and lawn will be
open to the . people.
Man .Hurt bt Horse in Hospital.
Edward Lea. stable boss of the Pen
insula Lumber Company, who was in
jured by a horse which fell on him
Saturday night, was taken to the Good
Samaritan' Hospital yesterday morn
ing. Lea. who is 63 years old- and
lives at 124 Willamette boulevard, sus
tained a fractured collar bone, and
ankle and was badly bruised.
Sellwood Rose Committee Meets.
The subcommittees of the Sellwood
Board of Trade, appointed to prepare
a booth for the Rose Festival, will
meet today at the home of Mrs. W. D.
Palmer. 67 N'ehalem avenue, at 4
o'clock to report on what has been
accomplished. These subcommittees
have completed a canvass; of Sellwood
in the Interest of the rose booth.
Some of Browning Poems to Be Read.
Miss Katherine Jewell Kverts will de
liver a lecture at 8:15 P. M. tonight
at the Lincoln High School Auditorium
under the auspices of the Portland
Kducation Association. Her subject
will be the "Monologue." and readings
from Browning's "Pippa Passes."
"Saul" and Lady Gregory's "Travel
ing Man."
Rose Show Cowmittek to Meet. The
rose show committee of the Women's
Auxiliary of the North Portland Com
mercial Club will meet tonight at the
Branch Library. Killingsworth avenue
and Commercial street, to transact
business in connection with the rose
show. Mrs. G. K. Lawrence, tho presi
dent, has urged every member to at
tend. Kansans Are Invited. The Kansas
Society will hold its seventh regular
meeting In the Manchester Hall. Sihi
Fifth street, tomorrow night. An in
teresting programme has been ar
ranged All former Kansans are wel
come. If Troubled With indigestiox, use
Roman MAil Bread. Get the genuine
with -the label. At all grocers. Made
only by the Log Cabin Baking Com
pany. Adv.
Hkiliu Theater. Eleventh and Mor
rison. Motion pictures, "The Traffic in
Souls." This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock;
tonight 8:30. Adv.
The I vt Press John M. Mann now
located at S82 Stark St.. cor. W. Park.
Plttock block. Same phones. Adv.
John Lovranich. masseur, electro-hydro-therapeutist,
Stevens bldg. Adv.
Da. A. C Pahion, Stevana bids.
"Thinkers" Are Lauded. "Mentally
speaking, it is the people who
think deeply who are saved and
are the saviors of others," declared Dr.
Samuel Hawkins, pastor of the Central
Christian Church, In his sermon yester
day morning on "Dwell in the Depths."
"Now. it- is possible to dwell in the
depths mentally, and it is a glorious
thing to dwell in the depths of thought,
for he who thinks deeply also lives
deeply," declared the speaker. "When
wisdom has vanished, when we have
no longer any wise statesmen,
ministers, teachers and philosophers,
folly and frivolity unrestrained will
reign in all their weakness and way
wardness. And if any are left who
have enough wisdom to profit by the
prophets' warning, let them flee to the
caves and secret places, and the deeper
these are the better for those who
would escape the destruction that is
certain to follow."
Programme Is Attractive. An un
usually attractive pamphlet programme
has been arranged for the thirteenth.
semi-annual reunion of the Ancient and
Accepted Order of Scottish Rite Masons,
which will be held at their cathedral
in Portland Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, June 4-6 Inclusive. A 25-page
booklet Dound In colors, includes not
only the programme for the coming
reunion, but illustrations and a tabu
lation of the officer rolls covering the
National as well as local councils.
New Photo Plays Open . j
A VIVID, appealing picture-play in
four parts, "Classmates," is head
lining the bilr at the Majesfic The
action of this play is as good as any
which Klaw & Krlanger has produced.
Miss Blanche Sweet, one of the pret-tiest-of
young photo-play stars, takes
the leading part.
Part of the scenes are laid in the
forest. Great boa constrictors and alli
gators are shown crawling about, and
tropical birds can almost be heard
screeching from their high perches.
The plot of the story is closely
woven and intensely interesting. 4
Miss Mary Fuller in the "Dollie of
the Dailies" series is better than ever.
In her capacity of' star reporter of
the Comet she sees a wedding, crawls
up a coal chute and receives a pro
posal. But she gets her story. Miss
Ksther Lundauist. the charminsr little
violinist, and Miss Betty Anderson, the
pretty prima donna, add to tho at
tractiveness of the programme.
"" "Peoples.
YBSTKRDAY at the Peoples Thea
ter Daniel Frohman presented
Woman's Triumph,", adapted from Sir
Walter Scott's novel, 'Heart ff Midlo
thian." It is . played by tho Famous
Players and is an exceptionally fine
picture. - . -
The screen story is a powerful one.
It opens up well. In the first 200 or
300 feet you feel it will be a go. At
the end of the first reel you are sure
of it. The interest Is steadily main
tained and it is heightened many times
by strong situations. These include
the escape from prison and the assault
on the jail. The scenes of the trial are
finely portrayed.
It will be at the Peoples Theater for
four days, and on Thursday an entire
change of bill will be given.
WITH Courtenay Foote, Irene Hunt
and Miriam Cooper in the leading
roles, "Golden Droas," a two-part spe
cial Reliance release, is the star attrac
tion a,t the Columbia. It is a heart in
terest play, with a wholesome moral.
There is some splendid character por
trayal and the entire production has
beautiful photography. The story con
cerns an artist wh falls, but redeems
"Our Mutual Girl" made her first
Sunday appearance and pleased every
body with her clever offering. She
visits Blackwell's Island, and secures
the release of the little street musician
she formerly befriended, entertains her
old sweetheart 1n secret, attends a per
formance of "Sari," in which Mizzi
Hajos is starring, and meets with a
number of highly exciting experiences.
Mabel Normand appears in a comedy
replete with dare-devil features, includ
ing a ride on a bucking broncho.
Harker S. Perkins gavo a special
organ number, "Mignon," by Thomas.
Same bill until Wednesday.
(( y MILLION BID" is making a re
turn showing at the Globe
Theater, Eleventh and Washington.
This great- picture played to capacity
houses when shown before. It is in
reality the best production yet turned
out by the Vitagraph Company, mag
nificent in conception, dramatic in ac
tion, artistic in treatment and scenes.
The Hearst-Selig Weekly Is replete
with interest. The launching of the
"cup defender" and the raising of the
mast thereon, the "Lassies Fire Com
pany" in action and the Mexican news
are the most prominent.
A reel of special interest is "The Reed
College Campus Dances," participated
in by students and city societies. The
photography is excellent. Some of the
items are the shepherdess dance and
march. Highland fling, Bohemian na
tional dance. May pole dance, apple
blossoms by the "juniors." Russian but
terflies, fancy dances by the Portland
Turn Verein and acrobatic stunts by
the same. Same bill until Wednesday.
A RATTLING good show is being of
fered at the Star theater. "Lucille
Love," who has been taken aboard a
smuggling yacht, spurns the captain
and causes mutiny on board by threat
ening to shoot him. "
As a war vessel is about to overtake
them, the mutinous . sailors decide to
obey the captain and Lucille Is thrown
overboard.- She is picked up by a row
boat. John Bunny and Flora Finch, that
inimitable duo, are appearing . in
"Bunny's Swell Affair." That sounds
like the result of a toothache, but it
isn't. It is the result of a shower on &
sponge-trimmed hat.
"The Coward and the Man" Is a
strong play of human power and weak
ness. AnotheT drama of merit . is "Her
Mother's Weakness." The mother could
not resist petty theft, so she left her
daughter, who was about to marry, and
went away to overcome her weakness.
The programme will continue until
Pound Knees Canines at Large Here
after Without Adornment.
Is your dog muzzled?
If not you had better get a wood wire
muzzle on him at once or he will be
taken up by the dogcatcher and it will
cost you 13 to get him back. The or
dinance passed a month ago by the City
Council requiring the .muzzling of all
dogs allowed to run at large, is effect
ive today and the police and dog pound
bureaus will commence a dog-catching
All dogs on the streets must be muz
zled. Muzzles are not required, how
ever, for dogs kept within fenced yards
or kept tied up.
Complexion perfection In Santlseptle
Lotion. i Adv.
Climax Follows Climax in "A
, Fool There Was."
Development ot Hold of Vampire on
Fool Who Deserts Family Un
folded Jn Tragedy or Soul
. at Baker Theater.
The Womln.... Alice Fleming
The Husband. ... Edward C. Woodruff
The Wife Grace Lord
The Child Mayo Methot
The Friend Thomas It. Walsh
The Sister Ollin M. Cooke
YounT Parmaleo. . .Walter B. Gilbert
The Secretary Raymond Wells .
The Steward will Lloyd
First Passenger Nancy Duncan
Second Passenger. Charles A. Hossfeld
Third Passenger Monte Collins
Fourth Passenger Charles Trojan
The Butler Walter R. Siegfried
The Doctor Sydney Isaacs
The Captain Walter Kelly
Kdward C. Woodruff, much younger
than Robert Hilliard and naturally a
less experienced actor, gives a mar
velous picturing of the "fool" in "A
Fool There Was,?, at the Baker Thea
ter. -N
Alice Fleming portrays, mentally and
physically, the vampire woman and
never gets out of the alluring wicked
ness of the role, despite he fact that
the vampire woman. ls not a role cal
culated to attract, and it must be
heartbreaking for a stock actress to
open a return engagement in a part
so thoroughly detestable.
Grace Lord has the role she has been
waiting for all season. This sweet
voiced, womanly actress, as the wife of
the fool, plays a sweet, natural. Grace
Lord ole.
Mayo Methot is cast in a happy little
girl roley one in which she doesn't act.
Mayo hasn't been seen at tho Baker
since "The Littlest Rebel." Sho is the
little daughter of the fool, who for
sakes her and her mother for a mad
tiing of pleasure with the vampire
Thomas II. Walsh is the friend of
the fool and the fool's family.
Theme Taken from Kipling's Paem.
Porter Emerson Browne wrote the
play. Its theme was suggested by the
poem of Rudyard Kipling.
The author has used the thought ex
pressed in' Kipling's poem most tell
ingly. Dramatic climaxes tread close
on the heels of oltier dramatic climaxes.
The fool, one Schuyler, big of name,
wealthy, cultured, departing; on a
business trip to Europe, meets at the
dock the beautiful vampire. He forgets
his wife and baby, home ties, business
and ambitions for her. A crazed youth
has just committted suicide at her
feet, because she has tossed him aside,
but the new fool does not mind.
The development of the play, is really
the development of the vampire's hold
upon the man. He seizes upon drink
to drown memories and one by one his
friends leave him. His wife, however,
tries loyally, to save him and his good
friend, Tom, sticks by him.
rVol Fall Dead at Vampire's. Kerf..
The last act shows the process of
disintegration in a man's soul and
f Stop Tufa
1 nr
jl wciuy-r ive lvxiiiiuii wregon
Dollars Are Gone.
- This enormous fund of Oregon money is used for the development of Cali
fornia, Wisconsin, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Ohio.
It is held by outside life insurance companies as reserve against Oregon
' policies in force with' them. .
The total loans which the combine of outside companies have in Oregon
are very small compared to the direct drain which this $25,000,000.00 has ,
created, making money scarce in Oregon. ,
V -YQU must help to stop this drain
Keep Oregon Money in .Oregon Id Make Prosperity for Oregonians.
QfCgOfl fife idmia'-
Invests ALL funds in Oregon Securities.
V Is. the only company "Exclusively Oregon."
Gives Superior Service to Policyholders. .
Home Office, Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison, Portland.
A. L. Mills, President. L. Samuel, General Manager. C. S. Samuel, Assistant Manager.
insurance rates
Inch Sfimlt rnitIA nl nn fl A.'c
So a table of viands to suit them both Was a problem the cook
found mean;
One night the cook, as such folk danced too much neal
morn was ill.
But now no cook their ;oj can kill for they eat their meals at
Ye Oregon Grill
Oregon Hotel
Broadway at Stark Programme Changed Weekly
body. Spurred by Tom's scathinsr ar
raignment, the fool makes a final stand
lor decency and is returning to his for
saken family when the vampire re
turns, tone, too, has cast him off, but
the lure" of her is still strong and when
she tempts him too far he struggles
to kill her and falls dead at her feet
from heart weakness.
There isn't "any moral in the storv
and it is most repellant in places. No
sympathy is brought out for the evil
doers. When the fool dies there is
pity, notunmixed with relief.
Mr. woodruff and Miss Fleming have
two tremendously dramatic scenes.
This may be said to be the dramatic
triumph of a season for Kdward Wood
ruff. His picture of the drink-crazed,
nerve-racked, remorseful fool is hid
eously real. Miss Fleming wore three
handsome gowns, each in psychological
keeping with the vampire type she
played. She drenched the role with
a snakelike fascination.
Walter Gilbert made a brief but
noteworthy appearance as the youth
who ends his life.
Meeting . to Organize for luvins
Fight Called for Jfrlday.
All residents of Ladd's Addition are
urged to be present at a meeting to
be held a.t the First Evangelical
Church, East sixteenth and Poplar
streets, next Friday evening to dis
cuss the paving question In Ladd's Ad
dition and the formation of a Ladd's
Addition Improvement Club. The need
for such an organization as- this is
very great at the present time, and
it is hoped that every resident or
property owner in the addition will be
At a meeting of the Idd avenue
property owners last Friday night the
projected repaying of Ladd avenue was
discussed, various owners giving their
views .upon the.' subject, while repre
sentatives of the Barber Asphalt Pav
ing Company and the Ladd Estate also
spoke. The City Engineer maintains
that Ladd avenue cannot be repaired,
while the property owners and paving
companies contend that it can be put
in first-class shape for several years
more, much more easily than' Alder
street, where the owners are making
private repairs.
The residents are working under a
temporary organization, with C. L.
Brubaker acting as chairman and Earl
G. Gray as secretary, but they hope
to have a permanent organizatlpn after
the next meeting.
Flight of Oregon DollarsI
iT ii r
Oregon contributed in life insurance premiums.
Received back in claims and dividends
Net drain on Oregon during 1913
application for life insurance
and superior policy contracts of QrcgODitfC
- J J I
Among Chances Which Win Plaudits of
Visitors Is New Boat Landing;
Sv and Approach.
Despite every possible disadvantage
of weather, the Oaks Amusement Park
was able to prove yesterday that It
could entertain a crowd, wet or fine.
Between 3000 and 4000 persons were
entertained In the new open-air amphi
theater. Although the rain prevented the ex
clusively outdoor features of the park
from being enjoyed, every part of the
complete programme was carried out
in Its entirety, from the opening band
concert by McElroy's band to the per
formance by ' the Rich Musical" Com
edy Company.
. Many well-known Portland persons
congratulated Manager Cordray on the
transformation from the old auditorium
to the amphitheater, which, with the
balcony and seats under the striped
awning, surrounding the building
proper, will now seat over 6000 persons.
Among the changes being completed
at the park is a new boat landing and
approach. This will permit the land
ing not only of the regular launches
plying to the Oaks, but of the large
river steamers. Special landings, too.
have been provided for rowboats and
other mosquito craft of the river.
Owing to some slight difficulty in
the electric connections the free elec
tric stoves for the use of picnic par
ties were not in use yesterday, but ail
details will be concluded during this
week, so that by Saturday there will
be every convenience for warming
Capital concerts were given by Mc
Klroy's band under the direction of
Willis E. McElroy.
The Hawaiians, Montana Bill and the
Rich Musical Comedy Company in "The
Girl From Panama" rounded out a cap
ital three-hour programme.
Performances will be given daily at
2 and 8 o'clock P. M. this week, rain
or shine.
Senator Thomas Candidate Again.
DENVER, Colo., May 24. Announce
ment. of his candidacy for re-election
was made here tonight by United States
Senator Thomas, of Colorado. Democrat.
. .$3,458,236.00
anywhere else examine the
Capital .... $1,000,000
Surplus ... . $1,000,000
BAMBI, Vtev-PrssdOea.
R. W. SCKMKEn, Oukler.
We offer
Fifth and
You patronize
home industry
and get the high
est quality when
you buy
Inspect our dijtplay in
tho I-Iome Industry Ex
hibit on the ground floor
cif th Commercial Chib
building, A th and Oak.
Oregon Chair Co.
, Sails A. M.. May 27, for
Low rates, including berths and meals.
(Through tickets to all points.)
The San Franrlfaro A FWrtland S. S. Co..
Third anil Wuhlngtsn.
(With o.-w. n. & n.)
Tel. Marshall 4500; A 6121.
Every Article in the '
House Reduced.
Harris Trunk Co.
130 Sixth St.
Portland's Leading Trunk
The Historic Route to Europe
Bomuoe lira in everj mile of the two dmyn' ull
down th ftt. Lswrfnre River on one of the Ca
nadian Pacific 'Lmprweei of tiie Atlantic
en route to Kurope. Lns Uuu f oar d; open set,
Leave, from Quebec (bummer servioe): other ex
cel) en t eteamera from Montreal. Everything
Canadian Pacific tandrd-none better.
Quick connections from the loading AmeHrn
eitiea take you alongside ahip.
Jc for Trana-Atlantic booklet Natnber 445
I-Tank K. Johnson, Can. I'ar. Hy.. Cor. 3d
and IMne te., Portland, Or., Main &o
Or Anr Railroad or Hteamhip Agent CL16)
First and Oak Streets
Telephones: Main 165 A 1 165
Amm. CssUn.
p. g. ntek.
int. Canlileiv
Income Tax Exempt
Portland Improvement
General Obligation of
Portland, Oregon
Price on Application
TrUst Company
Stark Streets
This is an institution that
renders many services, each
one filling some distinct want
in the daily practice of busi
ness, or in the financial
problems of the averse man
or woman,
These services are at tho
command of tho public at
large, but the greatest ben
efit is derived by those who
are regular customers of the
Fifth and Morrison Streets.,
Capital and Surplus
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Toronto, Canada.
Established 1867.
A general banking bnaineia
Interest paid on time deposits.
Letters of Credit sad Travel!
Checks Is sued.
Corner Second and PUrk St.
F. 0. MAT. PAS, Manager.
lilt blbCB AJiO BOND lti.ClLA.N. U.
Lewis Building. 269 Oak Street.
Paones Marshall 3358. A 4187.
incorporated In Or
egon Making the
work turned out abiv
tuLeiy good,
Ju A T 12 S WITH.
The very beat and
latest in modern den
tistry. No more tail
ins ol&tea. If you are
r.avtng plate troubles
Ret Or. W lac's advice
as to w hat should be
uupe aod the coat of
(Joins it FKEK. " We
can extract our teetn
absolutely w 1 t t o a t
pain and free where
piaie or bride work
is ordered.
Low Prices for
HigH Grade
duoo Rubber Plate, each ..... f
The Brot Ked Knbber nww, otcu..j
22-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown. .o.O
Wise Dental Co.
Pbonea Mala 2029. A 2029.
Falling Kids.. Third and aWiIurton.
8. E. Corner.
Entranra no Ttaird St.. lortland. Or.
Of Interested Spectators
Go and sen the Evinrude motor la
operation on a boat at Morrison-street
bridge, 11:30. to 1:30 every day. One.
hundred engines on display at 183
Morrison street.
lSq.g-3rr STARrOs rnEETi