J THE MORNING OREGONIAX. FRIDAY, MAT lo, 1914. 17 MARKET BOARD CHOSEN OFFICIALS OX ARRANGEMENTS AND PARADE APPOINTED. I'raak H. Illltom la Chairman and Fred Cooper WM Be Grand 'Manila, With Several Asalstsnts. Twenty-three loads of produce were brouebt to the Albina public market on Knott street yesterday morning. Bales were made quickly. The farm ers took larger loads, but the number of loads was less than Saturday. Large quantities of gooseberries were sold. One woman sold orange Jelly to the amount of $9. She has sold Jellies to the amount of $25. A Mount Tabor eardener obtained tlQ for a load of Iresh head lettuce. Potatoes - were sold in large quantities. A load of spinach brought 5 cents a pound. Live chickens were sold for IS cents per pound. Secretary Calef, of the Albina Busi ness Men's Club, said he considered yesterday the best day of the market. At the request of the Producers' and Consumers' Public Market Association the City Council yesterday appointed R. W. Gill, N. H. Atchison and C. D. Minton members of the Public Market Board to have charge of the Yamhill market which opens Saturday. The or ganization has asked also for the ap pointment of a market master to have direct supervision of the market. This appointment probably will be left to the Market Board. The Board is expected to handle the Affairs in such a manner as to make the market of greatest benefit both to the producers and consumers. The tables that are to be placed along one side of Yamhill street, between Third and Fifth streets, are already made. It is expected that at least 100 farmers with fresh products, including everything from the Oregon cucumber to dairy butter will be in attendance and the committee is urging upon all housewives the necessity of getting their baskets ready for market. As a special inducement the large depart ment stores are now conducting sales on baskets. Frank H. Hilton has been appointed chairman of the Public Markets parade committee, while James B. Appleby will act as grand marshal. James I Duffy, of the Ad Club; Fred Cooper, of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany; Glen S. Kubbell, of Rose City Tark Improvement Club; R. G. E. Cor nish, of the New York Society, and C. H. Haas, of the German Societies, will be the marshals of divisions, one to five, respectively. The Irvlngton Club lias chosen the following committee: H. C. Palmer, chairman; A. J. Seufert and C. Lewis Mead. Many organizations -will be repre sented. Moving pictures will be taken of the ceremonies. GLASGOW EN TOASTED chief magistrate: asd assessor OF SCOTCH city here. Guests at Business Men' Luncheon Tell of What Their Metropolis la Doing; and What Americana Aren't. What Glasgow bas dona for the River Clvde in making It a navigable stream was told by Thomas McMillan, senior magistrate of Scotland's metropolis, at the Progressive Business Men's lunch eon at the Multnomah yesterday. "Seventy or Eighty years ago the Clyde was only a streamlet with step ping stones across it." said Mr. Mc Millan. "Now the Glasgow Is called Port Glasgow and the river is dredged Into the heart of the city. "You have one of the finest rivers in the world at Portland, and It can be developed as a great shipping mart." Speaking of municipal ownership of public utilities. Mr. McMillan said that there was a great iubs 20 years ago when Glasgow talked of taking over the street railways. At present, he Bald, they are collecting 20,000 a week and 68 per cent of the passengers are carried on a 1-cent fare. The munici pality is laying aside about 250,000 a year as a renewal, or reserve, fund, and by next year the system will stand as an unincumbered asset of Glasgow's citizens. Alexander Walker, City Assessor of Glasgow, said: "Everywhere wa have been the peo ple seemed to be in the turmoil of an election. I don't know really when you can have time to do anything. One year you are learning the Luslness of your new office and the next you are preparing for the next election." With regard to personal property taxation in the United States he said 3ie had heard that few taxpayers made correct returns. He told of a case where the assessment had been re duced one-halt by the Board of Equali sation and after the property had been destroyed by fire four times the as sessment was collected from the in surance companies? Mayor Albee was chairman of the day. Henry Russell, of the Oresron (Agricultural College Glee Club, sang Harry Lauder songs. Mrs. Elfrieda Hel ler Weinstein sang Scotch ballads and Bill Gray, of Dundee, Scotland, dressed In the tartan of the Gordon High landers, marched proudly up and down the dining-room, playing the bagpipes. "ARMY CONCERT APPROVED Mayor Albe TJrgos Support fop Bene fit Performance. Believing that the "evening of mu sic" to be given by the Salvation Army May 20 is a worthy affair. Mayor Al ee yesterday issued a written request ior the people of the city to support It In every way possible. "It is to be hoped that the people of Portland will support this benefit performance in a most liberal manner," said Mayor Albee. "and that they will show, their appreciation of the work of those who are to make of the even ing of May 10 an occasion of enter tainment of a rare nature by their presence and patronage." wberg School Gets Easterners. NOBLESVILLE. Ind, May 14. (Spe cial.) Howard McMinn and Walter Spabr, both of Centervtlle, Ind.. have accepted positions In Paciflc College. Newberg. Or., for next year. Mr. Spahr will be assistant professor of history and Mr. McMinn will be head of the Mological department and instructor In chemisty. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May 14. Maximum temper aturs, 68 degrees: minimum. 56 degrees. Klver resdlng. 8 A. M-. 1S.S feet: change last. j nuurs, u. loot rise. Total rain fall. S P. M to & P. M.. 0.33 Inch; total rainfall since September 1. 1913, 86.36 Inches: normal, 41.02 incuss: deficiency. 4.66 Inches. Total sunshine. 7 hour &6 minnUf possible. 14 hours 65 minutes. Barometer treauce to sea isveij t f. m., 2S.&4 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A trough-shaped depression extends from T.astsrn British Columbia and Western Al berta south to Arlsana. A large hlgh-pres-ura area Is central over Minnesota. During th last 34 hours showers havs occurred In Western Oregon and Western Washington, vne eouinrn nocnj .-mountain elates. Florida. Lower Lake Region and the Dis trict of Columbia. It Is much cooler in Central Washington, Western Oregon and 3n the inter'or ot laiuornia. The conditions are favorable for showers PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITUS. PROMPT BERVICB at reasonable prices. Pacific Title & Trust Co., 7 Cham, of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. BTEPHAN Hemstitched and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged, mall orders. 3S3 Alder. M. 8373. ART MATTRESS WORKS. MATTRESSES made new out of old Is our specialty. Investigate. Marshall 2657. ASSAVEKS AND ANALYSTS. GILBERT & HALL, successors Wells & Co.. Sua to 613 Couch bldg., 1UB 4th. M. 71 50. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing works. 142 ft 2d st. ATTORNEYS. J. K. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collaterals, etc, consul tation free; new offices, 707, 708, 709 Sell lng bldg. Main 4UU3. Open evenings. Wil. M. LAFORCE, Counsellor-at-law. 220 Falling bldg. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUO CO Rugs from old car pets. rag rugs. 1S8 East Sth. Both phones. CELLlLOll) BUTTONS, BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 82 6th st. Phones Main 812 and A 1254. CnlBOfOPISTS. William. Estelle and William Jr.. Ieveney, the enlv scientific chlroDodiata in th. city Parlors, 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. corner u ana Aiaer. r none Alain 16UL SB. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all ills of the foot without pain; 24 years' 'experience; lady assistant, hub AllSKy bldg. Main BiSZ. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher, over the Haaelwood. painless chiropodists. aiain dt-is, A duu. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices FUedner bldg. Main 8472. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN'S. DR. M'MAHON. 121 4th and 378 Williams svs. xwo or rices; lady attendants: 18 ad justments, $10. Main 205. East 6U28. CLEANING AI FRESHING. DRESS SUITS for rent; we press on suit nuia weea tor i.ou per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., SOg Btark, bet. 5th and eta. Main 51. COAL AND WOOD. K.N1GHT coal has no eaual: a rrlnan. hmrd quick-firing, long-enduring Utah coal. Al- mii j uci v.u., soje agents. COLLECTIONS. Accounts, notes, judgments collected. "Adopt ouuii. Ji r-iuuun. onort aoj ueiiiient co.( 826 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 974. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1786. No collections, no chsrge. DANCING. PROF. Wal Wilson, dancing school; waltz, "onestep," twostep, schottlsche, hesitation wait, stage dancing; lessons 23c; every morning, afternoon, eve., guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance, 85' Bth st.. bet. Stark and Oak. Main 7637. AGR1CTJT.TI7RAT. IMPt.Enr.STl I Mitchell. Iewls & Slaver Co., Morrison and 21 rt. waae & Co.. 323 -36 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE IRON WORKS Portland Wire at Iron Was., 2d and Columbia AUTO AM) Bl'GGX TOPS. DPBHP1LLE BUGrQY TOP CO.. 200 M St. AUTo5dBii.Es; ' Mitchell. Lewis b Slaver Co., Morrison and 2d AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU A WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts. AWS1XGS, TENTS AND SAILS. PACIFIC TENT & AWN. CO., 1-3 M. 1st St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park 4b Davis. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES ft SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oalc Sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf.. Inc. 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEINHARD, 18th and Burnslde. CARRIAGE WORKS. . pnRT.ivnpivnTiniiinra 10S North Fourth Street. Main 9338. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KaHN BR08., 191 . FRONT ST. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTErT F. T. CROWE CO.. 45 Fourth Street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET & DEVERS. 1-11 N. Front St. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-MAYER & CO 101 Ash St. 'and thnnder storms Friday east of the Cas cade Mountains with proDably lair weather In Western Oregon and Western Washing ton. It will be much cooler In Eastern Ore gon, Eastern Washington and Idaho. THE WEATHER. w Wind STATIONS. Stats ot weather Baker I 1610. 001 IX jOloudy Boise I 840.OO 8'N Boston t 68(0.00 4lE Calgary I 7810.00 12 S fCloudy Clear Clear Chicago ( 6810.00 8 XE Cloudy uoirax ....I 86 O.OOI calm FCIoudy Denver ....I 6210. 001 6iNW:Cloudy Des Moines 70O.O0I 6N Ft. cloudy Duluth Eureka Galveston .... Helena ....... Jacksonville .. Kansas City . . Klamath Falls Los Angeles . Marshfield ... Medford Montreal . . . . . New Orleans . New York . . . . North Head . . North Yakima Pendleton .... Phoenix ...... Pocatello ..... Portland Roseburg ..... Sacramento .. . St. Louis ..... St. Paul Salt Lake .... San Francisco Seattle ....... Spoksne ...... Tacoma Tatoosh Island Walla Walla . Washington 6S'0.O0 8'N j 66!v.O2 10X j 76!0.00 4!E 72 0.00 SINE 88 0.38 12lS 700.00 6,N 74 0.00 4 NW 6410.00 6!W 66O.00 4!NW 88'0.01 12 SW Clear Cloudy ciar IClear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rain 62i0.00!12NW Cloudy 80 O.OO lO NE 64 0.00!14?S Clear Clear 600.00!36iNW Clear 82 0 .041 4IN W 9210.001 4!W 920.OO22lSW 78!0.OO 6 KB 6SI0.2SI 8'N (2IO.001 4N 64!O.0O 20 S Rain Clear Clear Clear (Cloudy p louay Clear 7010.00 8NW Clear 600.00 6N SU'0.00 20ISE 6610. 00 8IW 64!O.SoIio!N 82!O.00l 8 NW Clear Rain Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 6410. 3S 6NE (Cloudy o.uu biw uiear SO'O.Ool 415 (Cloudy 6io.02l 4NW Clear 680.00 6NWrClear Win n 1 pr r FORECASTS. - Portland and vicinity Friday probably f ar; westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Friday showers and thnnaer storms ast, probably fair west portion; much, cooler eaat portion; westerly winds. Idaho Friday showers and thunder storms ; cooler. EDWARD A. BATi!. Dlgtrict Forocaytgr. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and Sunday. . Per Line. On time 12e temtid two consecutive! times. ........ ,xe Same ad three consecutive times. ...... .SOc Same ad six or seen consecutive times. . 56c The a-beve rates apply to ad vert tsem cuts under "w Today" and all other classifica tions except tbe following: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Rent, Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and Hoard. Private Families. Kate on the above classifications is 7 cents a line each insertion. When one advertisement Is Bet mn in con secutive Issue the one-time rate applies. Six average words count as one line oa less than two lines. ' On "charge" advertlsementa charge will he based en the number of lines appearing la the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept daesiflecl ad vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser Is m subscriber to either Dbone. No prices will be quoted over the phone. but bill will be rendered tbe fouowma day. Whether aubeequent advertlsementa will be accepted over the phone depends npon the promptness or payment or teicpcone sorer, tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for Furniture for rsle," "Bust nes Opportunities." "Koomuig-liouecs" aiu 'Wanted to Rent.' The Oregonlan will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors occurring in teiepnonea advertlsementa. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of anv ai verticment offered for more than one tune. Advertisements to reef Ire prompt classifi cation must be in The Oregonlan office be fore 10 o'ciock ar nignt, except Saturday. Closing hour for The Sunday Oregonlan will be S o'clock Saturday nirht. The office will o open until to o clock l. M.,- as usual, and I all ads received too late for prooer elaseifl L ration will be run under heading "Too Late f to- Classify - TT ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY DENTISTS. DR. A. W. KEENE. Majestlo Theater bid.. OitinnUUIUlUU ML. MX ,1 0 1 1 L 1 1 OVO. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding, all work guaranteed. H. M. H- Electric Co.. 81 First st. North. Phone Main 8210. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors, repair work a spe ciallty. Western Electric Works, 213 Plh EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialist, glasses fitted. Dr. F. g. Casseday. 517 Dekum bl., 3d & Wash. FLORIST. FUNERAL flowers at lowest prices: beauti ful wreaths, pillows and special designs at prices, extremely low; casket sprays as low as SI. 50. Lubllner, florists, 328 Morri son st., Portland Hotel bldg. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorns. General machine and foundry work KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKtC at MAKK HAM CO.. 348 Washington stj MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MACHINERY INSTALLED. MACHINERY Installed. See Geo. Ii. Ham ilton. 474 East Liberty st. Phone Wood lawn 714. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2152. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 41B0, Mar. W-ili NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, ner vous chronic diseases. 604 Oregonlan bldg. OPTICIANS. A FIGHT on hleh Drices. (Why pay $5 to 810 for a pair ot glasses when I can fit your eves with first- quality lenses, gold filled frames, as low as 81.50 7 lioodraan, ltl Morrison St., near OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R, B. Northrup, 303 Morgan bldg., cor. Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone Main 340; residence East 1028. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. A. OS BORN. BO Grand ave., E. '6002 ; paint ing, -paper hanging, interior decorating. PATEN T ATTORNEYS. 1032 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. PETER HABELIN, 200 Victor bldg.. Washington. P. C. T. J. GEISLER, Atty. at Law. 503 Henry. Wm. C. Schmltt, Eng and draftsman. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbi Electric Co.. 6th and Pine sts. FISH, MALARK.EY OYSTERS AND ICE. & CO.. inc., 149 Front GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOUSER, Board of Trade bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMS & CO.. t9-7u 4th St. , HAIR GOODS. DIAMOND HAIR WORKS. -WHOLESALE. 303-4 PANAMA BLDO, PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 63-55 Front St. HAY. J. H. Klocterman & Co., leading hay dealers. HIDES. PELTS. WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East end of Burnside bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS, ANGLES. CHANNELS. PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front: leather of every description, taps. mfg. findings. LOGGING MACHINERY 1 V. B. MALLORV A CO., 231 Pine st Portland's Building Directory Stock Exchange Building Abstracts of Title. HAIZUP. W. R. CO. Main 7351.. Advertising Publishers. CLYDE. RALPH C M.ar$hall 2170 .404 .207 Attorneya. CITRON. R. Main S387 ..... J. D1TCHBURN & A. HANSON. M. 4388.509 FERRERA, A. B, Main 4702 403 G RUBER, . S. H. Main 148 401 OANTTER. A J. A 2847 SIS HATES St DEMENT. Marshall 4014 314 BTORY. H. D. Main 8387 415 WOER.NULE & HAAS. Main 6821 2 Anti-Saloon Leasme. DEPT. OF OREGON. Main 0812 all Addressing. Etc OIiEGON linWIGRAPU CO. Mar. SM..311 - Aluminum Ware. ALUMINUM COOKIXO UTENSILS Architects. D AUTO FT, 3. D. Main 129 American Sunday School Union MARTIN. E. R. Main 518. .80S Collection Agency. NATIONAL. CREDIT ASSOCIATION... .810 PARbON WOOD. Main 8428 gl Home Builders. WILLBERG-OPPEQARD CO, Mar. 609. .310 FARMER MUTUAL F8A. Main KM.. Investments and Real Eataia. AKERSON. GOOCH CO. Main 67 S5. .14 FOLTZ. J. R. -. Jig GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. Main 80SS.ZOg HAIZLIP. W. R. Main T831 ....407 JACKSON. C B. Main 6478 606 LOMBARD A FISHER. Mar. 49BO 41X NEILON A PARKHILL. Mar. 2832.... 804 6M17H-WAGOKER. Main 6111 S12 Mining. LIBERTT COPPER MINTNO CO. ......210 Moving Pictures. THOMAS 4b BAUMANN. Main 0290. ...812 Kosher Restaurant.' ORIGINAL HUNGARIAN. Main 6528. 249 Yamhill Cigars. Tobacco and Magaslnea. POPE. JOHN Lobby PvbUshera. ANGORA OOAT BREEDERS' JOUR NAL. Main 8778 410 OREGON AGRICULTURIST. M. 8778. ..411 PACIFIC DRUG REVIEW. Main 971. ..S72 Stock Exchange Office. NEW AND MODERN LIGHT OFFICES, from 810 to 820. Inquire room 209. Main 8055. Portland and Oregon City R. R. Co. STEPHEN CARTER Sol Board of Trade Building " Attorneya. BEACH. SIMON A NELSON. Main S12S..T0 Brokers, Stocka. Bonds and Grain. OVERBECK A COOKE CO. A S33L Main 394 i IIS-5 1,8 Real Estate. BARRETT BROS.. Main 6496 802 WALLER. FRANK 1. Main S2K3 1018 Chamber of Commerce Bldg-. Attorneya. BAIN. JAMES R. Marshall 2444... 6!1 DUN IW AT. RALPH R. Main 1130. .f:s-Wl Bongalews. ANDERSON BUNGALOWS. Mar. 8937. .828 ANDERSON BUNGALOWS. Mar. 3937. .828 Insurance. VINCENT. S. D. ft CO. Main 1654. ..... .819 - Real Estate. If E ASIC y. DORR E. A CO. Main 1189. .2S2 STOUT INVESTMENT CO. Main 812". .723 ULAtSUH, A t. MAUI V444..... S-S ' i r- i i i i ii iT i TWtfn i' i mr ,r PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, late of j. p. rm -s.a.i-3. luiu . oi a. Dial, R. C WRIGHT 22 years practice U. & and foreign patents. ouO Dekum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and oince near zlh ana ionc bib. jaain &. PLCMS. DON'T throw your old plum.es away; we are expert In feather dyeing, cleaning and remodel. ing. mounting biros of paraame our specialty. "THE PLUME." 2U& Morgan bldg. Main 40Otf. BIBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, 231 Wash, st- Phona Main 710 and A 2710. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING Machine Exchange, new and used machines from S3 up; rents and repairing. 251 Yamhill, bet. 2d and 3d. Main 531. SHOWCASE. BANK. STORE EXXTTREd. MARSHALL. MFG. CO., 10th and Flanders; new and old window display and cabinet work. FOR reasonable prices see Western Fixtures A Showcase Co., 4$ N. 10th st. STORAGB AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van fc Storage Co., cor. 15th ana Kearney sis., just compietea new Tire proof warehouse for - household effects. pianos and automobiles; contains separate lire ana vermin-proox rooms, steam-neat ed Piano room. trunk, and rue vaults. trackage for carload shipments, vans for moving; reduced freight rates on house hold goods to and from East In througa cars. .aiain omu, an departments. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron roonu and fire-proof vaults zor valuables. N. W. cor. and .fine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and roreign porta. aiain otw, A u. WE have moved to our new fire-proof tor age warehouse, corner 15th and Hoyt Heated piano rooms, private lock rooms for furniture, household goods, trunks, etc. Teams and auto vans for moving for warding and distributing agents. Olson Roe Transfer Co. Main 047, A 2247. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co 13th and Everett fits.- On terminal tracks. General transfer and forwarding agents. We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse in city. Main 70S, A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 GUsan sU cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. PACIFIC Coast Forwarding Company, 207 Railway Exchange bldg., cut rate freight on household guods in through cars to all domestic and foreign points, automobiles forwarded. For information Tel. Mar. 2467. MADISON-6T. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 184 Madison; general merchandise, furniture and machinery storage; transfer and forwarding agents. Phone Main 769L MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Fifth St. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire St Iron Wks.. I'd & Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 168 First St. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. PlrE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-88 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDI.NU at FAKRELL. 14U Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. Foot of Ankeny. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER 41 CO.. 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY'. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14th and Northrup SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 M St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS OPTICIANS. BUTTERFIELD BROS., MOHAWK BLDQ, WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron wks., 2d Ac Columbia. Yeoi Building , fi O rN "llBBBt HIP" Hr i2s .i i J!a3nSUsSEl1JssuJ Attorneys. COHN. JULTCB. Main 2810. A T22 1518 GRAHAM. SIDNEZ J. Main 498. .1819-1121 JOHNS. CHAS. A. Main 838 1304-130S KIMBALL. HENRI M. Mar. 630 iS MALARKEI, SEABROOK at DIBBLE. Main 150L A 8212 . . .1800-1S03 PARKER. SHIRLE7 D. Wain 423. .... .1024 RIUDELL. H. H. Main 0035 822 STOTT 4c COLLIER. Marshall 6078. .608-010 K-LNNBY. M. J. Marshall 5(114 file Billiard Hall. BCREDII BILLIARDS Second Floor Real Estate. CALLAN K-A.SE R. Main 1633. .. ,rj2-T24 M'FARLAND. FRANK. REALTT CO...909 METCALF. LILB S. Marshall 2432 819 RAINBY. J. G. Marshall S17T 1304 u. H. MORTGAGE INV. GO ffll WAGGONER. GEO. E .O0 Stenogranners. IfNAUGHTON. AGNES JARBON8.M.HH 944 Spalding- Building- Attorneya. SAWYER. HAROLD M MarshaU 2SS1..608 Consulting Engineer. KILE. O. A. Marshall 4111 718 Marble Works. VERMONT MARBLE WORKS. Mar. 901. 809 Mortgage Loana. . BAIN. JOHN. A 7442. Main 6021 SOT Real Estate. BAT CITY LAND CO.. M. 1116. .. .701-702 SEITZ. W. H. A Co.. Main 9584 819 Lewis Building Bonds. Stocks, drain and Cotton. WILSON. J. C CO. A 4187. Mar. 858 Builders and Real Estate. SUMMERS. W. J. Marshall 87S1... .8Cl-0e CooeulUna; Engineera. LUCIUS. W. w. Marshall 834 ...816-311 General Insurance. WK1TMER-KELLY CO. Msln or A 10O9. ,4 Selling Building Advertising Self ice. REED. MERRILL A. Mar. 220 1 Dairy Lunch. IMPERIAL DAIRY LUNCH. ..Ground floor Kodaks. Opticians. COLUMBIAN OPT'L CO, Mar. 810. .Gd fir Prescription Drngaista. NAU, FRANK. Mala 721. A 2721.. .Gd fir Plane Wholesalers. HOLT. E. H.. PIANO CO. M. 1995 207-8 Rentals and Oeneral Insurance. SMITH'S AGENCY. Main J01 41 Wilcox Building Optician. Optometrist. KOLLE. DR. D. W. M.4183. A 7886. .706-70? Public utility Specialist. FOSHAY. WILBUR B. Main S273 1014 Stenograpnera. O'BRIEN. MARIS A Mar. 8482 Reel Estate. H- P. PALMER-JONES CO. M. 8639 4V4 AMTTSKMENTS. HP" f I f g THEATER X A 11th mmt Morrison TODAY, SAL and SUN. tWZSZX&l. LYMAN H. HOWE'S MOTION PICTURES PANAMA CANAL 20 OTHER FILMS Nights 60c, 15c. 25c Afternoons Adults 15 c. children 15c ALL SEATS RESERVED. HEILIG THEATER 11th and Morrtaoa 3 SISSno.o MONDAY, MAY 18 Special Price Matinee Wednesday. LCOT1 In the drama 'S HAM1C EX DHU." By RIda Johnson Young Evening Lower floor, 10 rows. $2; 12 rows. X 1.50. Balcony. 1, 75c. SOc Wed. Mat. Lower floor, 10 rows. $1.50; 12 rows, L Balcony, 9 rows, 75c, lt rows 50c SEAT SALE OPEN 8 TODAY. TE8 YES THE BIG SHOW Will Be Given This Tear Thurs. Night, May 21 IIP'IT -Wf-O THEATKB OC1IL1IVJ llth and Morrison 3d ANNUAL3d FOLLIES PORTLAND THEATER MANAGERS W VAUDEVILLE ACTS '-' E0 ORCHESTRA 84 BUY EXCHANGE TICKETS NOW At Boxofflce; Orpheum; Baiter; Lyric; Pantages; Empress: Heillg; Sherman-Clay Co., 6th and Morrison; Pow ers & Estes, Oregonlan bldg.; Rich Cigar Store, 6th and Washington, Entire Lower Floor L Balcony 8L 75c, 50c ff7 Ton Have an Exchange Ticket You Can Secure Coupon Theater Ticket MONDAY. MAT 18. ONE DAY BEFORE REGULAR SALE. MONET SALE DAY, TCES., MAT 19 13 A Yf TT1 T) THEATER Dffvrl.r Main 2. A 5X89. Geo. L. Baker. Mrr. Home of the popular Baker Players. To night, all week, matinee Saturd&v. Panl Armstrongs ramous criminal play. "A ROMANCE OF THE UNDERWORLD." By author of "The Deep Purple," "Alias Jimmy Valentine." etc. Thrilling plot and great character studies. Augmented cast. evenings, zsc, aoc. ouc, 70c. Box seats. 81. Saturday Mat., 25e, R0c: box 75c. Next ween, stsrting sun. Mat., "The Conspiracy.' Matinee Dally Pboi Main 6 and A 1920 Broadway, at Taylor. BESSIE WYNN, The Lady Dainty ROBERT T. HAINES A CO. BOB MATTHEWS. AL SHAYNE & CO. AERIAL LOYDS LEE BARTH. The Dashing Spanish Dancer. OTERITA. WnEELBR & WILSON. Rrnst rtanrsa v saw as tJtm AL FIELDS A JACK LEWIS. Torcmt and FlOr D' Allztk. Llllri Plfrern Tv-rtiin. Thu l v' rty, urrnarai h inters, Tbe Halktna. BV Foeclal reanft. Vav 11 i onH 13 Miss Vivian Marshall and her six diving .iy.ui.un. i-wni weaaesaay niant con test. Pantageacope. 8 Shows Dally. 1:80. 7:30, 8:14. WHERE Matinees. 15c OOrSS MEXICAN WAR FTLMS PICCHINI TROUPE DAVID WALTERS A CO., IN "Salvation Sue." WHIITIER-S BAREFOOT BOY MUKRlSEY HACKETT SUMNER WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS NO. 21. Portland, Or. Co-operating; with National Society for Broader Education Presents THE CTJLP LECTURES At Y. M. C. A. Auditorium, Sixth and Taylor Streets. "MEN AND WOME," Friday, May 13th. 1914. Hi30 I. 51. - " TIIK HAPPY CHILD." Saturday. May 16th. 1914. 3:30 P. M. "THOSK WHO WI. Sntnrdny, May lHtk, 1914, 810 P. M. Pstrsss' Tlckrta. Mesios Tickets. 91.GO; sialic Admlaelon. 8I.OO. BASEBALL VICTORIA vs. PORTLAND MAY 1L 12, 13, 14, 15, IS, IT. Oaasea Besrla Weekdays at SiOO P. SI. sssosys 2i0 F. M. LADIES FREE WEDXESDAT AND FRIDAY. AUCTION BALES TODAY. Vord Auction House, 311 1st. Vurntturs, carpets, etc Sale at a P. aL At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. aL Furniture.. lHo-8 First at. MKKT1NQ NOT1CKS. KlRKPATRICK COirNCIL NO. 2227. KNK3HTS AND LADIES O"" SECURITY Grand openlns picnic May IT (Sunday), at beautiful Crystal Lake Park. Milwaukle. Pro gramme consists of two games of baseball, races and contests. Dancing- Best union mu sic. Bowling alleys, swings, wading pools. In fsct, every convenience for a good time. Re freshments sold on grounds. Admission to park 10 cents; children under lo free. Fare & cents. Come and spend the day. MT. HOOD LODGE:. V. D., A. F. AND A. M-. 334 Russell st. Fpeclal communication this (Fri day) evening at 7:30. "Work In 21. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. BO C. DICK. Secretary. HASSALO LODGE, NO. 15, I. O. O P" will meet this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock In Oddfellows Temple, corner First and Al der streets. Work in the third decree. Visitors alwavs welcome. FREDERICK COZENS, Rec Sec. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. 88. O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at R o'clock. So cial, visiting members welcome. By order W. M. SARAH B. GRIM. Secretary. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. TJ D A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday) even ing at 7:30. F. C. degree. Wont Fide Masonic Temple. Visitors welcome. E. R. J VIE. HARTW A FORBES CO, florists. 3tT Washington. Msin A 1269. li'lowers for all occasions artistically arranged. II ax M. Smith. Selling bldg. Main 7216, DEED. OLSON In this city. May 14. 10H. as her late resiaence. s.t uonsisnce street. Alms Olson, sgsd 28 years. Beloved slater of Oscsr, Ernest and Alfred Olson. Remains at rMTMBi undertaking parlors. Bill baj BEST SHOW IN TOWN pre a. SMITH At Tillamook. Oregon. Msy 12. Claude D. Smith, aged years 9 months and -3 days, son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomaa C. Smith, of 366 East Glisan st. The de ceased was a member of the United Span ish War Veterans and Woodmen f the World. Multnomah camp. The remains w ill arrive in Portland today. Funeral notice in a later issue. FUNERAL NOTICES. , HOLBEOOK At the family residence. Ill jm Br... MRy is, Mrs. llannah rlolbrook, aged 64 years 4 months 17 days. Oregon pioneer of 1851. widow of the late Philo Holbrook, sister of Jake Wilson, of Orenco, Or., beloved mother of Phllo Holbrook. county surveyor; Dr. M. C Holbrook. Mrs. Emily (Holbrook) Oaylord, Samuel C. Hol brook and Mrs. Helen Holbrook) Watts. Friends invited to attend funeral serv ices, which will be held st the above residence at JO A. M. today (Friday). May 15. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. TROWBRIDGE The funeral services of the late Marry K. Trowbridge, beloved hus band of Mrs. Caroline Trowbridge and father of Henry Ruth and Joseph R. Trowbridge, will be held from the family residence. 1:0 Cleveland ave, Snndsv, May IT. at 1:30 P. M. Friends respectful ly Invited. Interment at Riverview Ceme tery. Remains will be at A. R. Zeller Co. s parlors. 592 Williams ave until 9 A. M. Sunday, after which time they will be at the residence. STANTON The funeral services of the late Mary Adelaide Stanton, who passed away May 13. 11)14, at the residence of her brother. John C. Stanton, 618 East 19th N will be held today (Friday) at 2 P. HI, from the chapel of the Skewea Undertak ing Co, cor. Sd and Clay. Concluding services at Portland Crematorium. CHAPMAN- -The funeral service of the late nenry uiupmin will be conducted In the Lents Evangelical Church Saturday. May IS. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. Remains at the fu neral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co I. O. O. F. bldg, Lents. ZOLLINGER In this city. May 13. at the residence or ner son. M. A. Zollinger. Sarah A. Zollinger, aged 77 years. The remains will be forwarded by J. P. Fin ley & Son to Venton. Iowa, where services will be held and interment made in the family plot. SKELTON In this city. May 11. Ruth Skel- ion. agea m years, mother of Mrs. C. F. Stone, of 108 Laurelhurst sve. The remains were forwarded to Walkerton. Ontario. Canada, by J. p. Flnley A Son. where services will be held and interment made In the family plot. IX'NERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLM.1N. the Irarllnr In. utniviiir , -- inira sireex, corner Bat man, Lady assistant. A 151 L, Main 587. F. S. D CNN ING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors. Alder St. East 62. B So25. 414 East DCNNING MTXTEE, funeral director. tin ana line, j-none Alain 43U. Lady I tendant. Office of County Coroner. SKEWES VXDERTAKIVG COMPANY, sd nd Clay. Main 4133, A 2321. Lady attendant MR. AND MRS. R. T. BYRNES. 1803. Go! Williams Ave. East 1115. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PAKE. . Containing S35 Acres. Portland's Only Modern Perpetual-Care Cemetery Refined. Pleaalns; feer-rte. Complete Perfect Equipment Price and Terms Keatsonanla. Botn Telephone. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 CRAXD ATE, If. Between Davia and Everett. Phones iriaat 1423, B 2S1B. Open Day and Mght Report. all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse Ambulance for aios; or disabled animals at a -nornaot'a noruia. NEW TO DAT. at a Sacrifice 75-ACRE FARM $12,000 $8000 Cash Balance on Terms 6 acres orchard, 7-room modern house, bath and gas. Large barn, outbuildings, wagons and farm implements. Situated in Cowlitz County, "Washington, one mile from town. Call by Phone or Write KL0SE-0LS0N CO. Woodland, Wash. BUNGALOW Swell new modern six-roam bunga low, large attic, three bedrooms, hard wood floors, bookcase, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; lot 40x100; bard-surfaced street. Only $2800; $200 down and 2w per month. on Ji,aHt b orty seventh utreet, near Hawthorne. ZADOW & ALEXANDER 414 Corbett RMk. A 141B. Mamhall 2. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of $1000 and tip at lowest rates on Good Improved City Properties. If you need money call today. Our installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 21T-I19 Northwestern Bank Bulldlasr. First Mortgage Loans Money to Any Amount fa Our Posses, slon for lasasedlate I sc. H-i, or 7 Aceordlna: to secsrlty, FIELDS A HONEYMAN. I318-1ZZ3 Teon Uldar. Main 102. BUSlNrsS POPTRTVANO CLOSE IN fCSIDCMCr5 :EDVARDE:G0U0Y:7 I'KUIUUrillL LUH.1U MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITV PROPERTY. We loan ear ow faada and monev vaflable wltbla 24 houra after receipt oi abstract. aVri aad 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING TVorth western Bank Bids. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Ourrefit Rates. FARM AN I CITV LOAMS. SO l-'ounh t- Board of Trade llldc. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CE0NAN noa Spalding Bldg. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Amount to suit, prompt service. Q. FT. THOMAS. SWT Oalc mt room '2, Ainaworth bids'. CITY & FARM LOANS V'XDErtWR ITKn IOW AXD - KSTMKXT t'O 0 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK. William G, Sl."i-J16 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BKOi (Burrell Heights). 918 Hawthorne ave., cor. list. Tabor 618. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 4U4-4O5-409 Wilcox bldg. Jennings A Co. Main 1!. 0 Oregonlan. REAL F.STATBL For rale Lots. MIRRATMEAD snap. 100x105: southeast corner 4th and East Caruthers: hard surface in and paid; absolutely a big snap Jt 12500; 81S0O cash, balance long time. 8 blocks to car. ZADOW A ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett bldg. A 1418. Marshall 3w 50x100 LOT. 560: loo cash. baJnc Sl pr month : nn isth at . a hinr.ii. a i berta; no itret tmpruvemenia : clear titia and abstract, iililCtRITY DEVELOPMENT COMPA.XT. 375 Pino St.. Cor. 4tn. 80x175. ONE block from good carllne and Dl""u"-, mmutea nae. electric nshta and telephone; term $10 down. $3 per inonth. Owner, 614 Stock Exchange bid. Mam 67 8600 FOR r,Sx165. equal to two lots, close to canine, sc rare, rine location, clly water; cash 820. balance to suit: this le 40 per cent cheaper than adjoining property. D. Stevens. 63 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. " Houses, lots, tracts and acreage: atf views, locations, prices and terms. Mamhall 4S27. BROOKE. A ZSII DftAinrtLij ouxioo corner on Weidlfr st mBiae join, ior sale cheap, owner 24tf tl. Slid st. 1U LOTS. East Side: navlntr lnvp.im-it- P" cash or mortgage, balance security. T 093, Oregonlan. BARGAIN Must aell my two large lota uciuw vaiuri ; as cm orei an a carltne ; gooa district; a75 each. L B77. Oregonlan. LOTS FOR KVTr Bvnnnv Half price. East 373. W. H. Herdmatu For Sale Iteact- Property. IKWPORT cottages for rent. Phone Mam fitf&3 or write Miss McElroy. Newport. Or. for Sale Houa PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Built for a borne and not built for sale: 8 rooms, glass-enclosed view porch, 9x42; living-room 17x30, finished In old English : library, 4 large sleeping chambers, a closets off of each; dining-room 14x16, heavy beamed celling, paneled with tapes try cloth, open view porch 11x42; lara Dutch kitchen, pas pantry; 4 large fire places; 2 complete bathrooms and extra toilet; lot 62x150; unobstructed view of city, river and mountains; price reduced to 1 0,000. worth $12,000. Would consider unincumbered lots or acreage to $30Cn. Terms. Owner. B SS6, Oregonlan. SlfiOo. Want a swell bungalow out In the, woods? This Is not it. This s a. small, well-built cottage. 25-ft. lot, 645 Clinton, st.. six blocks east of Ford auto shops. Sewer in, bath, electric lights. Jt Is not new, but you will like it for the price, and It don"t take an hour to get there from your work every day. Very easy terms or discount for cash. S2150. Only $20 a month. Including Interest for the most convenient modern buncalow. Holland and Minnesota nts.. on Kenton carltne. 6 blocks from Peninsula Park. EDWARDS COMPANY. MAIN f.04. 6 -ROOM BARGAIN. Practically new, double constructed, double floors, large living-room, beanv d and paneled dining-room, built-in buffet, pantry, 3 large bedrooms, conventen t to Hawthorne car; il2M earn; fioow mort gage; no trades. At least $1000 sacri fice. See Mr. Holslngton. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY 09-221 Seliing Bldg. CALL EAST 4CJ2 7-room house, full lot, Kenilworth, block car ; al waj s rented $1 per mo. Good home or Investment; four 25s:10O lots, Glenhaven Park; genuine bargain. Prldav to Sundav'a lssut-n will run ihi ad only. 6 call at once. LADD ADDITION. Fine modern S-room house; large attic, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, breakfasi room and den. oak floors, two fireplace and furnace; lot 50x118; hard-surface all in and paid; a real snap at Xi.'.Ou; siooo down and 25 per month. See this today. ZADOW & ALEXANDKR. 414 Corbett bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. MODERN HOUSEBOAT POLVES HIGH COST OF LIVING One of the beat on the river, i'ex:ts. baa large dining-room and living-room com bined. 1x22, Dutch kitchen ; complete bathroom, hot and cold Bull Ruu water, electric lights. Jf you have never seen a. modern houseboat, see this one. You will buy it. PHce $77.V Ownfr going East. PERRY KITZMILLER, 432 Chamber of Commerce. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN .INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH TUB MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK. WITH OUR CLIENTS. fcElS OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. K. BAILEY & CO.. CON TRACT I NO ARCHITECTS, 324 A BINGTON BLDG. PIEDMONT SACRIFICE. Swell, modern 8 -room bungalow, on a large. beautiTul corner, almost $ lots, and, facing 3 street, on Vancouver ave.. L block from Killings worth and car; house and lots cost owner $aoOO. and for a short time can be bought for J;rri0. on any reasonable terms. A real home. GRUSST A HOLDS. TUn Board of Trade. Main 7-4 A 4401. ESTABLISHED 1307. WE FURNISH THE PLANS AND -BUILD HOUSES OR FLATS FOR THE LOW K ST POSSIBLE COST. WE BUY BUILDING MATERIALS IN LARGS QUANTITY AND CAN SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS. OUR WORK GUARANTEED. BCTTERWORTH-STEPHENSO.N CO.. 70t-7 COUCH BLDG. ARTISTIC NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE Mort beautiful in rity; .-t00; reftrir.tcd . district; beautiful music-room with Frnclt doors. 7-foot beveled plate-r Inns buffet, hardwood floor. 3 French mirrors, beau tiful mantel, solid bra hardware, select grain finish; lot 60x100; l.'i minutes t? city: tfrms. Phone owner. Tabor lftO". DON'T FAIL TO PHONE ME TODAY IF Y O U W A N T A U I N L MT. TARuR HOME CHEAP. Almost new, ti rooms nd Meepintr porch; most select n-Mghhorhod ; inagnifi icnt view; furniture lao Ior sale at great sacrifice. Main 30W;;. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. "Wa will build on your lot; tmi Ilka rent : f I rst-class guaranteed work. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO. 28S Oak St. gee Mr. Furlong-. NOW moved to Seattl. will sell my nice, new borne to some responsible party with, 100O cash, balance, 2OO0, as rent, with out intrest, or exchange for Seattle prop erty. By owner. P. O. Box 437. Seattle, Wash. FOR RALE OR KENT. A neat five-room bungalow, having bath, hot and cold water, baiement. nice lawn, roses, good fences, close to two carl ires ; lot S4x8. feet; terms reasonable. fee owner at 21. 3d a.e. South. Lents. SWELL two-family modem flat. 5 and I rooms, rental value 960; m snap at 97500. S100O down and $t0 per month, on East Yamhill st.; walking- distance, bee owner, 171 E. 23d near Belmont. Phone E. 594S. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Just finished, 6-room bungalow, hard wood floor, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; lawn all fixed for seeding; for full particular phone owner. Tabor E 4 9 S. HANDSOME five-room bungalow. 1 v, blocks north of Hawthorne ave.; hardwood floors. Fox furnace, fireplace and all built -In conveniences; cash or terms. Owner Ta bof 16oL FOR SALE Beautiful 4 lots, an Carson. Heights: nice 1 -story house and base ment, all kinds of fruit and berrus; look the place over and make m an offer. Owner. E. Wilaki. Carron Heights. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by your own plana or ours; psy us like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1380 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NOTICE Snsp; 5-family apartment. on corner; modern, new; alt rented: $110 pe month: aell $f0O0; can finish 4 more flats In same building. N 972, Oregoman. FRACTIONAL lot. on 13th st., with dweii-ing-hoube and small cottage; reasonable price and terms. John Bain, .507 bpaidius bldg. BARGAIN: come and see; fruits nd flow ers; 3 lots, small house and barn. 11 a 7 Denver ave. : St. Johns car. CHARMING 7-ROOM HOME Irvlngton; finished oak and mahogany; very select. East 2T8. W. H. Herdman. IRVING TON BAKGA IN. S-room modern house, on Broadway; lot BOxSO. A. G.. &1. Oregonian. BY OWNER, new. modem S-room bungalow on large lot. Will take lot aa first pay ment. AIC 173, Oregoninn. NEARLY new furnished 4-room cottage t.farhari. For full particulars Ka-i J BI.K, Sunnysice t . x.w, r-odi'.T iT7u 21st. Yamhill. Owner, Tabor S