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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1914)
TTTE MORNTXCr TUESDAY, 3TAT 12, 1914. CITY NEWS IN BRIFE OKEGOMAS TELEPHONES, Managing Editor Main TOTO, A SOUS City Editor Main 7070. A 60'jo Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 6)'Jo Advertising Department. ..Main 7070. A 6005 City Circulation Main 7070. A B05 Composing-room Main 70 1 0, A foOo Printing-room Main 7070, A 6095 Superintendent Building. . ..Main 7070. A 60do AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER (Eleventh and Morri son) Lyman II. Howe motion pictures. Church Elects Vesthtmem and Officers. Good Shepherd Church, at Graham street and Vancouver avenue, has elected following vestrymen and officers: Senior warden. J. H. LaMoree; Junior warden. John Sealy: secretary, William Whitfiel-d; treasurer, 1. J. Urdahl; vestrymen, Charles Fowler, E. F. Neso, W. G Ethells. Dr. A. M. Black. well and F. W. Gartner. The Women's Guild elected Mis. Charles Fowler president. Mrs. W. S. Hays vice-president, Mrs. J. H. LaMoree secretary and Mrs. J. P. Richards treasurer. Miss Brenda Felloes was elected president. Miss Lena Brackett vice-president. Miss Thi. .f.-rnoon at 2 and tonight at 8:30. Genevieve Haven secretary, and Miss BAKER THEATER (Broadway and Morria- M. Fowler treasurer, of the Chancel on Baker Players in A itomanca oi uuiw. aw tult. w the Underworld." Tonight at 8:1S. of manual training, domestic science RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and and cooking will be held In ths church Vaughn! Baseball. Victoria vs. ron- louraany xiigiiL. land. This afternoon at 8. VAUDEVILLE THEATERS. ORPHECM (Broadway and Taylor) This afternoon at 2:lo and tonight at 8:1. EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill) Con tinuous from 1 :JO to 11. PANTAGES (Broadway and Alder) This afternoon at 2:80 and tonight at and 8. MOVINO-PICTURE THEATERS. PEOPLES West Park and Alder. MAJESTIC; Park and Washington. COLUMBIA Sixth, near Washington. GLOBE Eleventh and Washington. NEW STAR Park and Washington. 7:30 Milwaukik Council Meets Tonioht. The franchise of the Portland Gas Company, which was laid on the table at the special meetinsr of the Mil waukie Council last Tuesday, may be taken ud at the regular meeting to night. The company wants a 60-year franchise and to furnish gas at $1.2o, whereas the Milwaukie Council favors a franchise containing Portland rates and for a shorter time. The street railway franchise offered by L. H. Campbell at the last meeting covering the' principal streets of Milwaukie will come up for consideration at the meet ing tonight. So far Mr. Campell has not indicated who is back of this Iranchise. Weed Ordinance Desired. To simplify the task of requiring property owners to cut weeds in vacant property, Cltv Commissioner Dieck has asked City Attorney LaRoche to prepare new weed ordinance embracing a num. - ber of new features. It Is proposed to combine in one ordinance the pro visions of all ordinances pertaining to the subject of weeds. It is expected it will be possible to reduce the ex- Merchants Identify Goods. Repre sentatives of six concerns yesterday identified parts of the merchandise taken from the room of Harvey Stewart as being goods which was stolen from showcases in front of their places of business in the past two. years. De tectives Hyde, Vaughn and Howell with Patrolman Huntington, are handling the case. ' Persons from the Lion Clothing Company, Fourth and Morri son streets, said that the loot which they identified had been stolen at three separate times, the first time being two years ago, the second six months, and the third two weeks ago. Wines, boots, underwear, socks, leather, up holstery, shirts, candies and cloth were Identified. Thousands of other small articles, from pencil lead to rip saws, are still awaiting claimants. Woodmen to Assemble Mat 29. The date of May 29 is the time set for the big Portland assembly of Woodmen in the hall of Multnomah Camp No. 77, East Sixth near East Washington street. All the Portland camps will be there and camps from other portions of the state are coming. Special trains will come from Hood River and from up the Willamette Valley. It will be grand Initiation of all candidates from these outside camps, closing with banquet. Letters received from Salem, Oregon City, Vancouver, Hood River and other places say Woodmen are coming to this assembly.' Head Consul Boak will be present at this gathering and assist. This event will be the culmination of the membership campaigns that have been carried out. COCRTHOUSB FAMTLTES TO PICNIC. All the Courthouse employes, their families and friends, will go on a big picnic at Bonneville, if plans started yesterday nnm of wBd r.uttinar materially under are carried to completion. It Is pro . - - I .. 1 - 1 . 4U. I new system. It is planned to con- i""" "i tinue the process of notifying property river sua return aim io pass in IlMMDTRJISt&raMS Does the saving of time, temper and possibly money interest you? Consult our ESCROW Department before clos ing your next realty or other business transaction. Title & Trust Co. VV Fourth, Near Stark. owners to cut the weeds and doing the work for them at their expense if they fall to comply within a reasonable time. Oswego Grange- Will Be at the Market. The Oswego Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, will have a booth at the Portland public market next Saturday from which the mem bers will sell home-made cooking of aDout tne Beoond, ail sorts. AT. tne regular iiicoliiib ui the Grange Saturday the public market subject was considered, and it was de rided to secure a place on the street. Mrs. A. M. Holton and her daughter day in sports and fun at the picnic grounds. Committees from the different offices will be selected today to make up the arrangement committee, which will meet tomorrow. to begin detailed preparation for the big cele bration. All of the employes favor making the plcnlo an annual affair, and expect to make the first one so successful that there will be no doubt Caterpillar Extermination Urged. -J. S. Stansberry, fruit inspector, is urging a campaign against the cater pillar at this time. He points out the were appointed to have charge. They necessity or every one wno nas trees will be assisted by other women of seeing max tney are not miesteo. witn h r.r,.,. anH .vnprt tn continue tha caterpillars, anu urges inai inese wees sale at this' market indefinitely. Oswego be sprayed against the breeding of r;r t nn nf the oldest in the caterpillars. Mr. Stansbery says that tate and recently celebrated Its 40th many people who have trees that may anniversary. be infested may not be aware of this said, and are the breeding places for the caterpillar family. Mr. Stansberry, however, says that the trees are freei from caterpillars at present than ever before. Instructions Given Lodob Delegate. At a meeting of the executive com- mlttee of the grand council Royal tomorrow Arcanum held yesterday, a resolution was adopted Instructing H. C. Weber, its representative to the Supreme Council meeting in New York City May 20, to vote and use his influence to have the supreme council meet li Seattle in 19 IS. He was also In structed to Induce that body to appoint Edward Becker, of New York, Pacific of the supreme council whose duty it would be to superintend the work of the order In Oregon, Washington and California. Stork Visits Two Citt Employee' Homes. The arrival of two v baby boys at the homes, of city employes and the marriage of a third employe caused a big distribution of cigars a the City Hall yesterday. The babies arrived at the homes of City Sealer of Weights and Measures Jones and Milk Inspector Stayner. The wedding of Stanley Myers, Deputy City Attorney and MIbs Lottie Louise Gabriel was announced. James Mcintosh Sentenced. James Mcintosh, convicted of the murder of his wife, Anna Mcintosh, alias Anna Meadows, was sentenced yesterday by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh to serve the rest of his life in the penitentiary, life Imprisonment being the only penalty and Judges of -precincts 100 to 199, both included,' will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in Circuit Judge Cleeton'8 courtroom to receive final instructions as to their duties at the primary elec tion Friday. Officials in 99 precincts met last night with Mr. Coffey and those of 100 more precincts are ex- Dscted to meet with him night. These meetings ace held to ac quaint the officials with their duties, and if possible to enable them to ex pedite their work on election day. Taxation to Be Discussed. The meeting today of the department of revenue and taxation of the Oregon Pfvin T,0-nn -will Via hiiRlnAM mfot. -Ing at which the proposed referendum Coast representative measures dealing with taxation will be discussed. The measures are important, and all who are Interested in under standing their social and economic effects are invited. The meeting will be held at 12 o'clock in the college room of the Hazelwood Parade Prizes Are Set. Announce ment that $100 in prizes will be given for the fire companies turning out the beBt decorated lire apparatus for the Rose Festival parade, has caused stir in fire circles which will result In some unique displays. A prize of $75 has been offered for the best display and $25 for the second best. The in formation was imparted to the various tire stations yesterday by Chief Dowell and arrangements are under way lor keen competition. Estate Left to Widow. Hugh Foster was appointed executor of the Concealed beneath the most delicate and attractive coat ings are found ten differ ent fillings and flavors of enticing sweetness in HazelwooJ f Homemade Specials Can Be Bought Only at the Huclwood Confectionery &. Ren tail rant, Washington at Tenth. Summer Schools Y. M. C. A, 6th and Taylor Sts. Day and Evening Classes Register now. "Wireless Telegraphy Electricity Electrical Engineering College Preparatory Civil Service English subjects COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting Wholesale Accounting Cost Accounting Corporation and Voucher Accounting Lumber Accounting Banking Instruction given in any of the standard systems of Bookkeeping. Call or write for catalogue. Phones Main 7065, A 6561 estate of his father, Edwin Foster, yes- I for second degree murder. Mrs. Mc- terday by Circuit Judge Cleeton, to administer the estate of Mr. Foster, valued at about $2500. By the will which he left, Mr. Foster, who died November 6. 1913, left all of his prop erty to his widow. Mrs. Ella Lv Foster, and his two sons, Hugh Foster and Edwin Foster. - Desertion Comes Soon After Mar- Intosh was found dead in her room in the Rheinpfalz Hotel, last February, with the bed on which the body was lying afire. Rev. Mr. Hornschuck Leaves for ConFERENCK. Rev. E. D. Hornschuch. pastor of the First English Evangelical Church, will leave today to attend the annual conference of the Evangelical biaoh. Desertion eight months after abhjcishdh ior western vregon ami their marriage in May. 1912, is the w asnington. wnicn opens at xacoma reason for w4ch-'Circuit Judge Mc- next Thursday. The congregation de- Ginn yesterday granted a divorce to S. sires his return to the Portland church, lister Petersen from Mrs. Elizabeth Bishop William Horn, of Cleveland, O., Peterson. The coupla were married in who will preside at this conference, Salt Lake City. Mrs. Petersen was I passed tounday in Portland. allowed to continue the custody of vote Right. Votb 25 X, Moser. their 18-montlis-old daughter who she Hindsight is infallible but foresight is has had, the trial judge found, since Just the opposite. Prove your good she deserted her husband tn January, I hindsight by voting lor ens c. Moser, Park Zoo Not UxsANrrjutr. Follow ing complaints that the Washington Park zoo is in an unsanitary condition, city rlealtn Officer Marcellus y ester day made a personal inspection. He reported that with a few exceptions, conditions are all that could be de sired. In a few places improperly kept nooks and corners were found, but the general condition of the zoo was said to be good. Sanitary inspectors had previously gone over the pens and re ported them in good shape. Lincoln Hiqh Alumni to Meet. The Portland Lincoln High School Alumni Association will hold its regular monthly meeting tonight in room B of the Public Library. A surprise is promised for all who attend. A report will be heard at this meeting of the committee in charge of alumni night at tne Baker Theater, May 19. All Candidates Invited. An open meeting lor can -o will be held to night by . - Southeast Portland Boosters Ciub, at Gregory Hall, cor ner of Milwaukie and Center streets. All candidates are invited to attend and speak. Take a run to Rhododendron Tavern on the Mount Hood road. Rhodo dendrons will be in bloom in a few days. Adv. Dr. George F. has moved to seventh floor Stevens bldg. Adv. 1913. Fulton Park Improvement Asked. . If a petition signed by a long list of property owners in the heights west of .outh Portland is granted by the City Council, proceedings will be started boon for the macadamizing of 13 streets in the district including the majority of streets in Fulton Park Republican, for Governor. It will mean ju6t the opposite. Prove you're good Republican for Governor. It will mean reduced taxes, payable semi-annually without penalty. Fewer tax eating commissions and no unnecessary de partment clerk hire. Paid adv. Warren Botd Edgar Dies. War ren Boyd Edgar died at his home. 1169 and Corbett Terraces districts. The I Stanton street, Sunday, at the age of streets are nearly all west of the line I 64 years. He is survived by his widow, of the Oregon Electric None is im-1 Mrs. Rachael T. Edgar, and two chil- proved at presenL I dren, John B. Edgar and Mrs. H. K- 9! vmmcp Rcri-nvEn vTvrti-f tnr i Magness. or Portland. 'ine funeral $!i2 was returned yesterday in Judge win be neid -today irom uunning-s Uaten'a court for Fred H. Brown who I chapel, 414 East Alder street. brought suit against William M. Smith for $325 charging inferior work In decorating and painting a house. The work was done under a contract. Brown asking for the full amount which he charged he had paid Smith under the terms of the contract. Community Concert Is Tomorrow. The community concert under the direction of George Hotchktss Street, takes place at Calvary Presbyterian Church tomorrow night. There is no admission fee, but a free-will offering to defray expenses. Democrats. Friends of Woodrow Wilson and W. J. Bryan take no chances on the Ryan-Belmont re actionary element gaining control of our party. Vote for H. M. Esterly, a Wilson man, for National Committee man. tPaid adv.) Hotel Carlton, 14th and Washing ton, desirable suites and single rooms, all outside, with or without bath, moderate rates by week or month, Adv. Democrats. Stand by the Wilson and Bryan Administration, vote Cor H. M. Esterly for National Committeeman. tPaid adv.) For Rent. Cafeteria, best location In the city, fully equipped. Apply Sealy Dresser Co., 290 Stark. Adv. Euoenb Bland has moved his law office to rooms 826-829 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main 974. Adv. Dr. Laurence Sellino has returned. Offices Selling Bldg. Adv. Dr. Milo K-IRKpatrick. eye, ear, nose and throat, 1015 Stevens bldg. Adv. Dr. J. H. Tuttlb has moved to J201, Stevens bids. Phons Mala J6, A4v, AUTOMOBILE STOLEN. $100 Reward. .fitly dollars for recovery of car fifty dollars for arrest and conviction of thief, Buick touring car, 35 horse power; 1914 model; factory engin No. 340; Oregon license 1728; black body; bumper slightly bent on rich side; tool box on left running board. Notiry cnier or police. Sheriff Multno mah County or William Hutchison, 255 East Sixth street North, Portland, Or. Adv. Market Is Topic of TosnoHfa Meet ing. A mass meeting will be held at Oak Grove schoolhouse tonight to discuss "A Public Market for Port land." The best methods for getting produce on the market will be ex plained by the speakers. Mrs. V. G. Benvle will preside. Andrew Kan a Store Forced . to Vacate Soon. Slks, laces, pongees, crepes, kimonos, mandarin coats, lunch. eon sets, bamboo folding tea tables. chinaware and curios going at auction prices. Washington, near Twelfth. Adv. 810,000 Garage Papers Filed. Articles of incorporation of the Jefferson-Street Garage were filed yesterday in County Clerk Cofleys office by ft. 1. Holmes, Fred A. Lewis and G. W. Gas ton. The garage company is capitalized for 810,000. Judob Gatsns to Speak. Judge Gatens will be the speaker at the meeting of the Kenilworth Improve ment Club tonight in the engine-house. East Thirty-fourth street and Frances avenue Comb and hear Judge A. S. Bennett, Democratic candidate for Governor, at Library ' tonight. Tenth and Yamhill. Colonel C. E. S. Wood will preside. Adv. For Rent. Completely furnished beach cottage at Gearhart. Main 9326. Adv. The right man in the right place. R. C. Bonser for County Surveyor. Adv. Shiphkrd Springs. Now is a. good time to go. Adv. DR. A. C. Panton. Stevens bldg. HOUSECLEANING. We will paper, paint or tint, refurnish or rearrange your house or any room The Laura B. Doolittle Studios. 414-41 Etlers Bldg. Mar. 43S. A 4238. Adv. Reserved for You for you a box m our Deposit Vaults You need such a box for valuable papers "Ours will suit you and the expense is so small that you can't afford to fail to take it Delays may be dangerous Come in today and look at it. Commerce Safe Deposit and Mortgage Co. 91 Third St. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Established 1892. ENTERTAIN Your Guests at Tea in the CRYSTAL ROOM at the HOTEL BENSON ; or try , - Dinner or After-Theater Supper in The Grill Concert by our superb or chestra of soloists during tea, dinner and after the theater. Requests granted. HOTEL BENSON Carl Stanley, Manager. G. Kirke Drury, Ass't. Mgr. jg2lis2fes Osii iSfe1 HWSBSSF-teS ltSSIESS S 1 1 "if"?-? :KT.;v-rC'' SPECIAL NOTICE TO HOMEBUILDERS Do You Know That there has never been a time in the history of Portland -when you could build a home as cheaply as at this time t That yon can save 25 of the cost' of your home by building now t That building materials were never so cheap before? , That labor is very cheap? That contractors are taking jobs at extremely low prices t That money is very plentiful and cheap for building purposes in LAURELHUR ST t That it will cost you 25 more to build next year t That this is the very best time of the year to build t That $500.00 will place you in your own home with balance payable like rent? That we will assist you in preparing your plans, connect you with a responsible contractor1 securing you bedrock prices and a bond guaranteeing to you the completion of just the honse you contract for? That our main office is at 2704 Stark St. Phone Main 1503, A 1515. '" Auto service. Why Went? PAUL C. MURPHY Vice-President and Selling Agent for of The Addition Beautiful Homes. LINEN Clean and white makes glad the heart. When the son shines on yonr linen does it look -well laundered? It will if it has been done the Union "near perfect" hand-work way. Try -us. ::!!: . PHONES THE OLDEST RELIABLE DENTAL CO. Incorporated In Or son Making Ui GUARANTEE on work turned out a.bao- lutely good. PLAT8 WITH FLEXIBLE SLCriON The very best and latest in modern den tistry. No more fail ing plates. If you are having plate troubles get Dr. Wise's advice as to what should be done and the cost ot doing it FKEE. "Wo can extract your teeth absolutely without pain and free where plate or bridge worlc TRUNK SALE All kinda of Traveling Equipment greatly re duced during this sale. $37.50 Lady's Wardrobe Trunk S29.00 Harris Trunk Co. 130 Sixth St. Portland's Leading Trunk Store :' 4. for Work Cood Rubber Pistes, escb 5-?5 The Beat Kd Kubber Pistes, each. .S7.5S 22-Karst Cold or Porcelain Crown. .SS.0S Wise Dental Co. PhnnfM Mnln XOSA. A 2029. Falling Hid., Third and Washington, B. f. sjorner. Entrance on Third &t Portland, Or. MUSICIANS ! San I fna Catalogs and t FREE Trial Offer The ' Famous Conn Band Instruments Sold Exclusively in Oregon and . Washington by GRAVES MUSIC CO. 151-153 Fourth St. Portland, Or. Send for Latest Second-Hastd List. 21 miles south of San Francisco. Pre pares for Colleg-e. General and elective courses. Address Secretary, Dept. J, care W. T. Reid, Belmont. California. Order at once by letter, mes senger, tele phone,tele graph or personally. Do not delay. "H0TP0INT" WEEK El Glostovo Delivered to your home any where in Ore gon orWashing ton. Catalogue on request. See Our South Window Ptaonest A 1236 Main 1230 v Electrio Glowing Stove, Regular Buy Now! price $5.00 "Other Hot- Price this - point" Cooking week only and Ironing $2.50 Columbia Hardware Co. 104 Fourth St. . ' Between Stark and Washington Utensils from $2 to $30 each. KILHAM ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES THE RIGHT PRICE, BEST QUALITY AND SERVICE The Less than Car load Freight Rate on Office Furniture will average more than 20 of furniture cost. "When we can't do any better for you, we will save you at least that much. Every piece of Derby Office Furniture on our display floors includ ing Roll-Top, Flat-Top, Typewriter Desks, Chairs, Tables, Filing Cabinets, etc., will be closed out during the next few days at 33 1-3 OFF from our regular prices 'EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Harnsr NORTHEAST CORNER FIFTH AND OAK STS. V FOR SUPREME JUDGE P.HD'ARCY Candidate for Republican Nomination for Justice Supreme Court Will Appreciate Your Assistance "LAW REFORM, Fair and impartial decisions. Justice to all." (Paid Advertisement.)' HOTEL NAVARRE COB. ELEVK.MR AJTD ALDER STS. New modern brick building;. bssutV. fully furnished throughout. Outsld rooms $1.00 a day up. SPECIAL SUMMER HATES BT TUB MONTH. flS, 20, t2S. with bath prlvtleRS. Rooms witn prlvats baths, $35. $30, lit. $40. Two rooms, with bath, $50. T. H. O'COXXEK. MSB.