gITgATIONg WA.mWEMAtB, KEXT. . VOR I ' 1 Miscellaneous. t.,.,,j , ' -- WT I - - - . .. FOB BENT. I run " WANT work for my wlte and 2 children for board and room; sptaK Cierman ftnu French, but no English, p y7S, Orego- Gl R LS w ant w irk, on us v. aiirw, othr as chambermaid, or day work. Call Woud I'ifln 172 Monday. RXPERILNX'EU 1 1 u i j s woman wishes kitchen work or cafeteria; can Rive teC--. fences. Call Mntn 2Itl bet. R and u. EXPERIEKfEb In undress "wishes was hrng and Ironing Tuesdays and Weflnestlays Call East ;;SS after 7 P. M. only. U.NTEI, work am cash girl. M-tes Alice Bushnetl. Main 22n5. CA PAB1.E woman wants day work: good worker. Main 4.:f4. COOK, tirst-eifiss. Germfn-.Ajjwericait wants poMtlo n. Adqregs s -Of gon ia n . "WANTED Housework by girl; also day work. Tabor 4404. LACE curt a ins band laundered; all work guaranreod. Sell wood sj l. GOOD, reliable laundress goes out working. omo house cleaning. East 130. f"s- "BAKER wants work by day. or hour. Marshal! 34 IS. C.OOD hand laundry wants bundle washing "r day work, t'hone Tabor 427... WANTED TO KEKT. Room With board. )h "W'jyed, desires room and board in ( Sciotice family for herself and .-year-old son; also care of child during - ' nu-es. main - .BOARD and room jn exclusive private home riv- i1"1517118"- "4; references required. - N ( h, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Fur niched Rooms. KDW A R DS HTEL, Luiner Grand avr. arid l-telmont. E. S Kinue, Prop, we have Just opened our new, elegant dining-room, first-class in every respect. N""v tuud.;rn, fireproof dud pressed bricK budding, centrally located, spacious lobby rirst-ciasa furnished rooms, clean and homelike, hot, cold water and -Tree tele phono in each room; public parlor; -ape- mi prices given to tourists, 00c to $1 Go; and our .Summer rates are now on for fara illf s and permanent roomers. T, ROWLAND. HOTEL MINOO&7 Ai7 4th st. Cor. 4th and b'almon. $3 PLR WEEK UP. Two modern, up-to-date brick hotels, private baths, U. and C. water all rooms; ii extra en a rye for a in a room. Free bathK incl. Phones. Special rates lo tour imb. Oive us a call. Eleventh, between Morrison and Tamhlll. is-ew. ciean rooms with -steam heat hot 2D(' ;oia watep- telephonss, large closets, mirrors, medicine chests, comfortable beds, largo tiled baths lor two per A sons. 4 week; per uay and up. HOTEL FRAN K lTn shii:Lon Hi. at Thirteenth. otic pvr da; , weekly, monthly, $tl u,. Running water, r-hone in each room, ewain heat, fireproof bids., ground-floor lyv.ry, ali-iiiKhi gervtce. Business Is good- HOI EL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Washing ton New, well lurnibhed. clean outams rooms; tti; have i unumg -hot and cold w aieo, punnes.; saigie. en suite. week cp; tourist a sol ic i t ed . id a i n L HOTEri OCK'L-EY." Morrison si., at loth. Central location fcummer rates." oOc per day up, weekly 2..,o up. Neat rooms, vunuing water, tree . . phones .ind bath, s Learn heai. HOTEL EATON. West l'aik and lornson Sts. Large, aii front rooms w ith private wru.i, '' " Q mi iiiMieu. ?o pt:r inoiitll. 1-Uit v. M. C. A. ilEMUEKij; Many of the tin ntHhed moms reduced in priee; siion i-r bmhy. special rarce at cafetteria. titii and Taj lor his. HOTEL. AN'SONIA. 1-4 14 th St.. cor. WashiiiL'tnii N.-t-i r.. nishc-ct rooms, strictly modern; Tales i O'W vek and up. Marsiiall 147o. HOTEL NOUR1S. 533 y, . Alder, at 17th": large front robins, private bath it desireu tfl.oti per week; ot)ierB i and .iu; mud- ei'n andwell iurnished. KVAN'S ANNEX, 'JtW ti. 0th et. ; new brick bnirdtnu. new furniinrp. tyvm- and cold water, steam heat, private 'baths li WHIIlfU, iiOTKL SAVON. iA Eleventh- Kt. New modern hrick building, Sieam -heated pri vate bathe, hot and e'old water, comfort ably furnished; tranftents soliclted- HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East Hc'unont Rooms $12 month up. Ju Up with prfvalt bath ; large, pleasant lobav ; abosiutfly a respectable hotel. East 3iKi 1lk;no man roomfn at Y. M. C. A. wants . roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire V. M. O. A., ttth ana i ayior. GENEVA H OT E 1 A1'TSU San Kraneisco' an Ness, near Ellis. All ouLside wunny rooms, steam heat, week or month. LAKKABEK HOTEL, JU-Vi Larrabee st If you want exceptionally clean, home'ike room below regular price phone E. fa4u. StiS THIRD $1 rooms reduced to 'oOcaiid -.; fl.T.O week; hot water, steam, free baths and phone. HOTEL CORDOVA, 11TH ST Strictly modern; private baths; en suite ooina $.0 up. Main 0472. A 4783. THE KING, 809 Jeftereon; nicely furnished rooms, modern, central, per week up. Kiirfrih -l Homiis in 1'rivale 1 a milieu! S KINK1.V furnished rooms in lovely prl vate home; all modern ronveniVnoes; splendid loo ( i frentTemn ni-ef erred: reli-ronces. K Oregonian. ATTRACT 1 E front rooms, all modern im an hi hi Home privileges : electric light. and eft Id water nl,n Nqi th. IMinne Marshall 4ti." IGtli st. 1KAI 4 IU i, newly furnished front room, wtll ventilated. Iar(? closet; or small -oom ; all c'iien1ences; aiflo housekeeu-lng- 47 Morrison. , i;K clean rooms; phone and bath; f'2S p.r week; close iu, 4i;3 Market st. Phone Main 7774. 8 KINK rooms, bath. all improvements; some furniture. i,si t'trapman St., cor Clifton Port land Helgnre. i rHlVATK eletn-lns-rooms; f ui nace" elecT trie I'ghts. bath and phone; vounc couple . -jf :ayt sath. phono B g::7!K NICE clean, eunny room in private famiiy mo. Cull after u P. M. or Sunday. 47u LAROK room with sleeping porch; modern' walking distance-. 74 JJoyt. Marshall 470;t. CLEAN, cosy rooms, ail conveniences, close In. .5- an-1 np. 46 Alder st. CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping and Jyrgoms: good location. 3s 14th st. N I' E light, clean rooms l.tin up; heat pm'We-. bath ; fine locat i on. 1 1 ;tt h. - It 'KI.V f urn is lied rooms. Main 311. 4-7 Main st. JsK'ELY furnished room with Sleeping porch for yii- or two. 44S Columbia. COY front room, modern, reasonable will board. UVih st. North, near Washington. WILL (rive a eood home and mother's care to child rail C 1314 or Main ,24fl. , X ti furnished Rooms. 4-4 JEFFERSON S-room front aDartmnt modern conveniences; clean, well lichted- rivate entrant' walking distance, good cation ; reasonable. Roonw WItb Board. PARKVIEW HOTEL ISO Montgomery st., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath: excellent table service; reasonable - rates tor regular or transient guests. A UOOl3 PLACE TO LIVE ' The Whitehall, 53 fith St., has fine table board, modern rooms fun parlors; a real home; reasonable rates. THE VIRGINIA HILL 1 4th and J efferson sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rattis to transients or permanent jeuesta. Main PUSS. A 6J8. TH E H AZEL Now changed to family ho tel, special rates; strictly home cookitir SS:; :d st. Phone Main 70i4. EL'SINESS women and students wi find aood board and room, $4 and $L3tt treek. Portland Women's Union, alt Flanders. tl.EdA.NT room, facing the park; first-class t able board. 374 Park st. JnMtJBoardJPrUate Families. LA ROE. beaut if ul furnished room, good board . use of parlor, piano and home comforts; $."VoO up; excellent location 501 Harrison, near 14th. Main t3Sl. Also young lady wishes roommate. ROOMMATE for ceimeman, ery lare room, n.'t and cold water, in attractive home. 11th. Main 72tt NEWLY furnished front rooms with orwith- ou i noartp. lint local lti ra ). ; suitable for gentiem n. 4;;4 Yamhill st. ROOM and board. ZX lth St., walkma dla- tance. Phone Main u'i7t. a L'5tt5. Fumiied A on rrmrnl A RDM AY TERRACE. ZK 12 th St. Largs 2-room apartments. Mrs. Jehn Cran. mgr. 8 AND 4-roorn furnished or unfurnished , The PJ-llanrt. A 1S67. Main 1867. A 1S67 lAiRENVE and 4-room fiw.i ment- ""JP'ly furnished, s'iss lnu St. C 6 M PLETELY furnlshe dTpart nTe n t&Ti nco"n - crete block. 1 13 fnioa ave. North. AKL1NE APTS.. 220"N. 17th St. Main 21? i and o-rooro lurnlshed apts., reasonable umcKSTON. 4iS Uth one nir.e I bird tloo'r ttto-rooni apartment. Murehall 57. STRANGER TRAVELER, Do you want a cosy home while in PorV land? Daiiy, weekly et? rates, iou will always find comfort, conveni ent "T:fi coun eoas treatment, and be close to the center of the city at the WHEELDON ANNEX, 10TH AND SALMON' bTS. THS CHOMUELL, 5th and Columbia Sts. Bia: minutes we4k to theattr and shop ping district. Trnnsient cr i-ermannnt. ' DA Y WEEK MONTH. Modern 1 and 3-room furnished apart ments, with kitchen, bath, phones, etc all outside apartments; French doors, in dividual balconies, awnhua and screens; tieligrhtf ul t-ummer apartments. . stranger" get tour moxei'b worth. Only $is to $J per month, $3 to $7 per week for bur completely furnished for housekeeping. 2-rooni apartment in cluding electric lights, private phone and nil modern conveniences! new brick bldg minutes walk from P. O. Lincoln apts corner 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377 A 416i CUMBERLAND. W. Park and Columbia at Very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur tiishea apts., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the parks Five minutes walk from business center We always maintain our reputation for flrst- Si?.Lc ,an apts- with best services, at revocable prices; reference required. VILLA ST. CLARA, and Taylor. .rv . moderu apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete 14ui garden iu connection, distance, , References. 15--.TP ' Jor -ro2n apartments, with prL NrthS- lia,1S' lck-rs. laundry and he vJrv ,hli1.1,re b bdnB and with som? T furnishings. If you want 5! TiKul- i"e ac a low Prioe see these P Pin KlV'newortn ave. call at Apt. r'i- y -s-' or Weodlawn 2:iBl. Jjlamard CK-mson, 7Q-J-3 belling bid. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS li-d and GlUan Htreets. Walking distance. - Eeautifu! iurnished 4-roora apartment Tide rooCmsmB polh; aI1 nict- bright, out REFERENCES REQUIRED. ST'V V Vt nv t East 3,"th and Belmont, turnlsned apartments. with private bath, new and up-to-date; phone, light. TXrarsSater l'ee; Pr,cas 2- and CHELTENHAM High apartments. 2. 8 and clas furnished pric; hardwood floor, all outside rooms. ruomSi for low iook east and north, fins view, fine resi ili'f dietrriL:t; bst service. 19th and rsortiirnp. PhoneMarshall 4i99. SEE the Overton Apartments Furnished and unfurnished; cheapest and best in the et; private phoue, bath, and electric eie-i-tll?r'r.-nt insitl rooms; new manager Take vv car. 274 N. 21st L. cor. OvernTn. CrLEN COURT APARTMENTS" vomer Park and Taylor Best location in the city;, a cosy home: lurnibed m 2. 3 and 4-roorn suites f .rst-t-lass service-. THr, DA EN PORT, r,u0 Jefferson; two and tnr.-e-room furnished apts., phone, steam heat ret., et-.; 4-roum basement apt.. 43o "room front apt., ready June 1. Main ankeny court; Two and three-room nicely furnished apartments; rent very reasonable; modern conveniences. East Ankeny and Buchte! ave. Eact U313. THE EVERETT 044 Everetti bet. JWth and Ella sts furnished 3 rooms and sleeping porch- .ocated 111 one of the choicest resiuent dii- uicis; walking distance. FURNISHED APARTMENTS NORTHAMPTON. 4u7 Hall Main 4299 T'-irmingham. r,np p.'th st. Marshall 484. AT KIN LEY A PA rtmit'vto " Corner k. Morrison and 7th -street; cost well-furnished '2 and 3-ioom apartments1 private phones and baths SIS to $7 5c' 3-ROOM apartment. West Side, fully fur o. -nieiii exposure, ail oiside rooms with porch; phone, linen and silver; walk ing distance. Main bm;. SAVE ir. PEEt MONTH 3 larK?. completely lurnisiied outside rooms, $;u; with bath, phone, table anu bed linen. Tabor 1:13. B 3053. THE AVALON Largest, lightest furnished apartments in city. 3 and 4 rooms; near t nion Depot. Day. week or month rates. 'JSt lts. ErtSt 1967. MAD loT VAR K A PART ME NT S. Park ait., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart- BALFOU R A PAKTM E'TS Best and cheap eat in city, 2 rooms, completely lurnifhed' pbone. (nuh, electric lights free; three- inlmite car service. 3uth and Belmont. THE LUZERNE APT?-, --room t urnished apts., niodern brick private baths, phoups: 8 mln. frotn P O : '2Q an d u p. M a r. 4 13 7. VERY desirable 3-room apartment, nicely furnishedt reasonable to responsible par ties; central ; references. Ahirsh:n j- 11 A M M t: R S L Y COURT. 2-U ll'th-sL, it and 3-room apts., eio?e in. modern, reasouabte Phone Marshall u.2. References. PAGE APARTMENTS! Beautifiii apartments, furnished or un furnighed including fireplacej etc. E. 3566 MORTON APIS., cor. WaHh. and King3 and 4-room furnished apts. Walking dis tance. Mod.-rn. Main 1VJ. A This ALTOMA. 1SLU and Marshall . sts. Large airy, 2. 3 and 4-rooin apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. " haudon""h all! Furnished and uiifurnished apartn? r-h; w --i-m iiin si. jiar. 171. rKFfi STANF1ELD, :U4 Porter St., Main "; ---oom apis., iif c anc gas included, buminer rates $3.50 T.ek up ana 341 14th St. at Market; new i and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main I73t PARKIIURST, SOth ahd NoTThrup Fur nished 3-room apartment; moaein, bal cony. W car. FAIR MO NT APARTMENTS. 286 11THST Modern Xurnished I'-room apts , x-'o ' . ... Uioso in. Main EUENA VISTA. " " 12th and Harrison 1 and 3-room apart met.ts; beat service. A p ply on prem lse s. THE CHEXOPA. ISth and Flanders etsTT S and 4-room modern apartments, fur Ttished or unfurnished; references required. tJnfarniMhed Apartment. 705 DAVIS fc'T. The only modern, exclusive and fire proof apartment-house m Portland. 1 large apartment, living-room ltx2T 4 bedrooms and S baths. 1 7-riiom duplex apnrment. AMERICAN AND MARLBOROUGH. Central. West Side, higheat class apart ments, four, live and six. 1 JSms. all out i Vt;y ,,conv"iiice. iienLs reason able. Marsliall 33tiO. Mam Tolti. A. 67d, American Realty Co., owners. LUCRETIA COURT 4r Lucretia st.. between Washington and Everett Finest and most jnoderu unfur nished apartments. 'J to o rooms, hard Wood floors, all outside rooms; references. Mgr.. Marshall leM: janitor. Mar. loot. RINtiSBURY Hish-elass 3 and 4-room mil 1 urmshed apartments; private balcony rent reasonable. Ford St.. near Washing ton; spienuid view-, highland Sightly, over -looRina private gardens. THE. WASHINGTON. Not tnrup j-room w.w. aAi is, w 11 u uatu -no a' "--i, eiectr.ciiy, etc. to lst and Nortlirup, Phone Main 4370. CLAYl'OOL APTS " tlth a;id Clay Streets. Beautiful 3-room corner apis., all mod ern, now; best location iu city, central; private balcony tn each apt. ; $3U to $37. Cd. DOVER APTt; S and 4 rooms, 16 and $1S; hfater. g.-.s rang", private bath. wiv. & a 1. a 11 tiioo. ixev at is X. i4th st. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 2 7 "J BrcaJ way. corner Jeftersou; easy waikiny dis tance ; S or 4 rooms wit h private batns; ery reasonable rent; best ssrvic. spieu did arrangement. All outside rooms. THE WICKERSHAM. 1O0 N. laTH Bl. We have one xfive-rjm and one six room apartiiient vaeant; tness a.e beauti ful apartments. Ca.l and see them. K E ELE R A PTS WT'li" AND C LA Y STS. 3 and 4-room unfurnished su:tes, pri vate vestibules, phones and batKs. with strain hoat, hot,cold water. References SIX-ROOM oportments, an outline, sunny rooms; 3 bedrooms, largo c.osets, porch"; references. SM Irving st. Phone Marshall . 1-27. OVERLOOK APTS.. beautiful location. Hih. siKhtly, overlooking river, citv hud mountains, 4 and, o roontF. Call "b'Bi y WALDORF COURT, "irviegton, 'j:hand Schuyler. 5 rooms, large porch, modern ROSE FRIEND, cor. Broadway and Jeffer on Elegant unfurnished apartmenia; H 1 g".-WqQ I . . . 1 i g. j e pnOO; Tel. 660 PLANDEFS-O-room apt., t4ii; 3-toom lower apt.. $IS. Modem. TIIE MORMXG - 1 J renovated and 4-room apartments, WQ and up; good Janitor Kex-li- waiiri.. ; r ' . 1 i nibMi r I nf urpi.tW Awnmnn' oun FI1BB AT YOU.-l fEHVICG WHEV Hl:XTl.NO APARTME.NIS. Eurtlishefl . t rl Un r i.r ., , - 1 . "HIT V.Vtrf r . lel"Pone Man -"io. Sundays, or a 013 Erehing, call iif. Balden Marshall L'W. Our automeulla will eall t any address vilh our aseut wljo will be glad tn show tli?so nparlmcnis. Rtferehcea required, we onri, anj control the iollowinv: . erilla. 'jlKi and (lllaan, t'laypool, 11th and, flay sts. iolumeia, 3lth and Columbia Ford ham. 170 Ford. Haiuhorn. 215 12th St.. near Main. Knkkerbocker, 41 Harrison, near 11th. Hanover. 16.1 Kine. near Wash. Olderleigh. hi tlrand avenue St. Clair. 170 St. Clair st., near Wash. ,Francls- 21st a"d Hoyt sts. -Wellington, luth and Kverett sts. MORGAN. FLI5UNEH BOIUB. (-33-81 Morgan bldg. T1JhBHVRKi:R- "i Irving i-uf- mshed and unfurnished apartments. In jl. a and 4 rooms, four-story brick - electric automatio elevator, disappearing beds, built-in bulTeta and writing desks: plenty or closet room: Individual bath, and toilet: vacuum cleaner free; also 1 each 3 and 4-rooiu basement apt. at J)15 and 17. 5(1. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. Arjiiiiy t'iate. 1 he finest apartments on the Pacific . oast, with every modern convenience apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required; furnished bachelors' quarters with elub- ri.nm. Man. i n ...... ONK 4-room unfurnished, modern, a porches lome nhnne walk-inn, .1... ,r. . . furnished, 4-room, modern, large porch. Home phone, $10. Inquire E. 20lh at Flat c. Ti.iE , ETOPA, ISth and Flanders sts. -. ..- and 4-room modern apartments, fur nished and unfurnished: references re quired. ST CLAIR APTS., 172 Pt. Clair sf. Two or three-room apt., furnished or unfur n'S " modern' private balconies, f20 TIIE DEZEXDOSf, .OS 16th St.. near Taylor. MarsTialf 1334 Exceptionally nles 6-roem furnished and unfurnished apts.; all outside rooms. ROf1iXi'1!I,D APTS.. J and 4 rooms, 'fur nlshed or unfurnished.- strictly modern to ,dte: under new management. 1-.. 14th and K. Stark sts. East 3703u WAMED Middle-aged lady tokeVphouee lor young couple; references required. AT l'OR RENT Furnished or unfurnislied rooms in new apartment, S00 E. Ankeny between !Mth and z.ltn. K. Ankeny. car. THE ELMS, 14th. near tamhill Furnished and unfurnished apts, a and 8 rooms, ld- HEBMEXIA, 4x Hall. 3-room modern. "hfih"18 A,PT-, s Kin 3 and 4-rm.' .bjgh-class; rcfert-nces. Main u.S. rials. )"T1I ANn CLAY STS. I PPER B-KOOM MODERN FLAT. J-LNE SLEEHI.Ni; PORCH. CALL MAIN 70U7 OR MAIN lililO. v..ui, ATTRACTIVE o-room fiat, sleeping parch, flrepmce. gas range, adults. Open today. Kast alt t Hawthorne car. Tabor LPPLR and lower 6 rooms, well lighted and modern, close In; saves carfare. Corner 10th and Couch sts. Rents J0 and 3U. Telephone Marshall So4u. FINE G-rooni and"" CaThT 2d floor flat, nri vate front porch, heat and water fur nished: wa.kiug distance. 45. 3(15 11th at ".uiuuiuia, .Marshall 4003. ROSE CITY PARK Upper flat In new du plex house, 3 rooms and bath. Tabor 4N4i. ly E. 4!th N. KICE O-room. modern flat, walkln dls-.V-corner K. i a t Ii and Belmont. East 5 AND 8-i-oom modern flats, close in. West St :i-r'.t fa,K,n"''' right? parties. Key .. . . . ... . c, jmmnaii i.;iw. S-,. -"HE" l05Vei- 3-ruom flat, modern. 853 Hp-"'"" 'ent reasonau'e- ttellwood FCi,Ll?-ST 'fer Hat. "tt 'roomsr Jiard ooa doors, choice neighborhood. Nob HilL . Responsible Parties only. Marshall 47,11 ?-0 MODERN, sunny 4-rooia fist. mira steam heat, hot and cold water; large front porch; West Side; Main 853. MODERN upper 5 rooms. cleanTseparate en coarni'Iith"' a'tance, eheap. E. Main. MOD ICR N 3-room fTaT 7 month '. tr-Rh'o'st" 71,1 thP. W-"w"-c.r WISST SIDE, 5 rooms, light and airy; sp'len- MODERN 3-room. flat. Nob Hill "district, close to car; $l"7. Everett st '2s'iPPEr J;-T.""m, walking dUitance'. MODEI-..N i-room fiat, 20 East Slh si cor. East Kurnsk.e: SIB 5"100?-M041t!,t e,w.Cei,ne"r."e"S; i.t "".' . - ......iij. .iiu puniaiue. TENTH and Clay, a modern Bats- all out side rooms w M rnu-..n h.i. o'n...: : - - ..m o."i. FLAT of G rooms and balh. 733 Hov, t" liiquirej;j0thstPhone Main B78. FIVE-ROOM-, strictly motlerTT f lat-49a-HaT- rison, near 14th. Call Tabor -'lil .cn'eil-.rSor."'1' ng, and linoieu-m 1-urnished Flats. 5o 1AYLOR, cor. Chapman (ISthl. .-room corner apt., 3 large bay-windows, finely shaded, oak floors, nicely decorated, finely furnished Circassian walnut, fumed oak '" ''"'V upholstered Spanish leather, "J V0 a" w"ton ru- Pian: FO R RENT from June Vto"bct.'7. com' pletely furnished 3-room flat in Nob Hill district -J porches, walking distance: reasonable. Main 3UII0. 5"!.i2SM .nlce'y .furnished modern lower flat l.Vi P SJi. Lar,K" rooms, rront and back lawn, walking distance, on carline. 047 titn. Tabor 41174. fiJ. I"r:,"hed 4-room flat; all elean out side rooms; phone and water; Walking distance. ;3oV, N. ISth st. FLAT. .3 rooms, new!, f urnlsherl neat, hot water; West Side. Main 3323. NVheTfiS!d "rooms: forTuTl jam aysix 4"J.!i?.iI .!uer,,!at r"nipletely furnished; Phone, light, fuel. s chapman. iiquCHreiwi, nooauj. lllh HEAVER, lth and Marshall .i. rp..rJ nlshed for housekeeping : gas ranire elec trie lights, hot water, bath? laundry freel the city for . tho money; short distance from Lnlon Depot. Take "S" or lth-9t cars "orth. get oft at Marshall, dogs! $l..-..l TO jJi.Tll week; clean furnished house keeping rooms; suitabla for or 4- free 1.anHry- batn- a- Phone' East ("-;. -lc'(. Vancouver, sus Stanton. -U car; 401 EAST Morrison; neatlv furnished two room housekeeping apartments, verv rea. onable. THE UPSHUR, 2tith and Lpshur Furnished --room apts.; steam heal; light: $15 up Vutn S.a.i. Tat-yf!jr.-vl.- car norm FL'KXISHED h. k. rooms cheap.- Gumbridge dgu 3d, cor. Morrison. THE MAPLES, sutfs. n.r.ii upj 17 Knoll; cozy lur. H. K. an?r In suites. xu-"El.Tfurnished suite, very reasonable. 41(1' Morrison. Main Sy5M. ROYCKEST. 17.". I 2th. Suite large, alrv front rooms;, all eo:iveiii?'rics for bsnw,mii. . OILMAN, lat. cor. Alder Furnish ea , liousfkeeping rooms tl.80 week and up. TWO front-room apts.. S4 week; heat llsht bath, phone. 41i, Jefferson. Iiouwkepingn..nisril-rate FamlUes. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms fnod tin, pai!lr, yard, privaie entrance. 3:t3 w.. Main, between Nartlllg and stout sts. LAiu.;E. neatly furnished housekeeping room with alcove kitchenette," 1 10 month Taylor. L A Fit i E, pleasant alcove room, light hous. keeping: piano. Main 3X12. 3Kj 10th St. 3 housekeeping rooms, 12 a month. PttySrove. Main 3423. 2 NEWLY furnished front rooms, house keeping; ga.. bath, plion-. ;u Montgomery 1. S OR s fine firsi-floor rooms, central. Nob Hill, reasonable. 394 Everett. TWO furnished housekeeping roonii FTot water heat. 7S1 Kearney. Marshall 4E37. NEWI.Y furnislird 4-room suite; water ana ,Vrih- ;u; moiith. v.".(.i14th st. 7 FRONT room and kitchenette. free lilhts and phone. 7S E. YamhllL T",n furnished front housekeeping rooms. m month. North 21st. Main IV4UH. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 290U J-?fferson St. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms SI a mocth;runnjng watei..S7i 12th st; T"WO neat housekeeping roorosi workins girls preferred. 5S3 Washington st. OREGOmy, MONDAY, HousekeeplWK Rooms m 1-rl.aie faaniHea. Ill irfL-t-n-mvr. r, r . r.i i . T T .......j, ivooms, single or en suite, ss per month hp; also by the. week; newly furnished, modern dwelling; best l Siue apartment distrrot; everything . ........ , 1 1 . . ' i , i . NICE and airy housekeeping an4 sleeuiua. rooms wlttl all n.oilern con veniettces. big ? i-.T. . "'K snaay porch. 173 N. l.ith st. Main 047. NICELY furnished H. K. room., close iu; 1 conveniences; $2 week and up. 42S HOKSKKEEP1NO, front room, M.AO week; ,T bMcnn' rooms, J2 per mouth.. 349 12th St. HOUSEKEEPING S-room suites. 11 month up; suitable for children, by children's park. 3S3 Davis. Phono Marshall S302. 2 ROOMS, modern, for housckeoping : cher ncs. berries and a nice yard; $10 per month. 1717 Portsmouth ave. S FURNISHED housekeeping rooms 2 un lurnlshed: modern; near Broadway fringe. 3,2 E. T3t ; j, j,"0"" ay tif.f? holKL furnished rooma In a beau-boraa- ln J and 2-room suites, coin iplete for housekeeping. ,-,04 Flanders. COMFORTABLE housekeeping room. homelike place, close In. 2.-.1 P.roadway. - , A. H. BIRREU, 00. Iir S-room cottage. Sktdmore St.. near ly new; very reasonable a-t $18.' Fine 8-joora Irvlngtoft home. "! Wasco sl'li! m?- Wl" 11 dea' A. H. B1RRELL. CO, -17 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LAURELHURST HOUSES tor Kent, Wo have some new, strictlv modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, will build Just what you want .n f if terma. Laurelhurst Co., 70 :: ...... ..lam AO".. A AOIO. I-OR a fine 6-roont. with den. on corner facing east. In th finest of condition, on Kast ?,tli, one block from Alberta ear. o have some 4-room bungalows for rank BLANCH ARD & CLEMSON, 10.-0 aeiiing Kiag 5-ROOM cottage, bath. gas. cement base ment., clean and centrally located. No ,r0 11 between HK and 12th sts.: rent FARRISII. WATKINS & CO. LUS Second St. WILL make some reliable man who will keep premises in good condition a snap on rent of a modern 9-room dwelling, on ear-line, in desirablO neighborhood; two toilets, hilllard-roorri. full basemenL Ad. dress 401 McKay bldg. Main 1242. JOR RENT- 0-room house. 421 San Rafael st. walking distance: gas. electricity, bath, stationary tubs, good basement, nlca yard. etc.. Inquire 433 E. 7th at. N.. eor. Tillamook. ' V E will rent our home, un furnished, a cosy one. Well located and arranged; rent rea sonable, fall ami see M. S22 Clackamas St.. cor. 2th. FOR RENT Houses and Flats. i. J. OEDER tor. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. DESIRABLE HOUSES AND FLATS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CUT. ; STOUT INVESTMENT CO., 23 Chamber of Commerce, Main 5121 NICE up-todate 7-room home at S44 Wasco t5' 1 .,r8a L. Scbalk. stark st. . Main 302. A 2312. 7-KOOM houte. just tinted papered 'Jl." K. 187 8t' A,ako Ino an ortr- Call Main fOH RENT 2-story. 3-room house and a five-room cottage; rent S14 and I3; close In, West Side. Inquire 328 Clay st. 1?iTj.. i'0'Jr-s. , Jjorn ; gas and electrle lights. No. 7S3 York St.. to bloet. frnn. 23d-st. car. MODERN 8-room house In fine condition: "e?r ta desirable tenant rent Smith, 410 Selling bldg. 8-ROOM modern residence, fireoljice fn.'. nsce, combination fixtures. E. Burnside .!('. Alain 6.r'0. 6-ROOM home, barn and large yardat No'. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, fine flx- Fast :""(? ' ' ronnrup at. Phone i, T ' rooms, bath. Inquire 373 East " 51-. rvose ny r-ark carline. S-ROOM house, modern, 6f)!, Flanders, near 22d. Main or East 3. 6-HOOM, corner, gas, electricity Burnstde. East 5, B 14o4. MODERN s-room bouse; gas. eleotrloity 81 E. 17th. Phone E, S469. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath; w e" latb N. Inquire ISO 6th st. Main 6278.' -ROOM house. 712 Lovejov. near 224 la tfJiro 130 Bth at. Main 6278. DESIRABLE and 8-room houses; 3R8 and Hue San Rafael. closeti. East HiSo. MODERN silt-room house; rose andTlawn'' $18. Woodlawn 179. MODERN S-room cottage, also modern TT room rooming-house, cheap. Main 6976 u-nvuji cottage. .145 B. ISth at.. $14 WW car. Marshall 4S17. 7-KOOl house, Phorre Main :! J4th st.. S70. near Jefferson. MODHHN S-rooni hoiwe. clean, nioely la cated. 773 Irving. Marshall 842, A 434. I nrnlHhed Houses. MODERN S-room house 111 Irvingtou for rent during Summer (o thoroughly reliable fam ily of adulta: house Is nicely furnished; 2 fireplaces, bath, steeping porch, gas electricity and water: one block from' Broadway car; a bargain at $53 per mo. ; possession about May IS. Phono East 6110. 271 BROADWAY 7th). near Madison, six , room apt., sleeping porch, newly and fine ly forrtiehea. Wlltpn- rugs. Circassian wal nut, fumed pak furniture, upholstered in Spanish leather; arranged for re-renting part If desired; rent- $40. SMALL. 8-room bungalow, completelv far nished. Including electric lights, gas and water, neat yard; fruit trees, berry mid rose bushes; 527. oil. phone Tabor ll(r 01 jo ooi or can i-rz E. 44th St., one block north of Hawthorne ave. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room suite wich inaie Dam, pnone. gas and electrle lights. In owner's home; Christian Science couple preferred. West Side, walking dls tance, rent reasonable. 4 North st PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 6-room bungalow, beautifully furnished rine location; rent 4 months. $40 per month; adults. Main 32s 411; c 7-room strictly modern, new house In .insiiiii, narowoon iinrsn. latest con veniences. Call East .".13. TO -LEASE for 3 years, modern 10-roont nome. turnisnea or unfemished; Nob Hiil ........... r-uirea. rnon, A 233V 149 I.OWNSDALE, below Morrison street l'S mnm, voti..l ..Wna . .1 1 , 1 . . e-i'i o.'... j-uuiie owner -"1. 1 . .gi ni muiu 1 u , FOR RENT for Bummer, furnished hone'. 12S5 E. 2uth St. S-ROOM bungalow. 4tsth st. North. Tabor 34 SO. SS17 East nou.SB- 4 bedrooms, partly tarnished. FURNISHED -rdortt ouncalotr. Irvlngton. A NEW, ii-room cwttage at ti9 Halsey and 2.Sth .3ts.Phone East 2r.L2. S-ROOM. choice location. Turkish bath. nutttiiiy luniuurc. iwain -loll. A 61111. NiGEiLT furnished 5-room cottage, clean Strmmer Reports. FOR RE N'T -5-room cottage, reasonable rent, for June aMd Way; also 1-roorn hons suitable for rooming-house, inquire Xecitnlcum Inn. KECANICUM INN, S'easidt. Home cooking. ""'""i i. wtauuiui grounu, tricing ocean; open for guesta Emily Damaun. Prop. CHOICE 8-roem house at Crearliart ; will triiL. ur season; is ninety furnished, lias good plumbing, sleeping parch, fireplace. Mars-hall 4114; OCEAN PARK, WMh.-For rent or sale, Spragne cottage. 7 rooms, sleeping poreh; largo fireplace. Address K. J. Spraiu r.26 North 15th st.. Tacoma, Wash t? tores. FOR RKST Store suitable for iry gods, notfons, gents' f urnishiugs, miilinery or dressmaking parfors; has shelving and counters in; 4 nice living-rooms in the fear; kitchen equipment with mtei and gas rang-, kitchen cabinet, table and Chairs, living-room ll!x0 and 2 bedrooms liixlii, all newly painted ftoorsi some fur niture Iji bedroom; next door to the largest grocery store in this district. Rent '0 per month. Can find owner, I. tJevurta, around the corner from grocerv store, South, Portland and, Fulton cars pass the door. FINE new stores oh K. Burnside, between new build fng. white pressed briok, white tile fronts, ni.x show windows; rent only ?G per month. MALI. VON BOHSTliL. 1U4 Second Street. Lumber Kxehange Etdg. SPAtlB IN MODERN .BASEMENT, vent I lfted and well lighted; X. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria, print shop, etc; reasonable rent. Mor gan, FUedner ft Boyce, 813 Morgan bldg FOR STOKES, FLOORS AND BLDGS., SKE y . . wbpp, HQ5 eon blag. Main 41S. BRICK etor. corner 11th and Hawthorne. tor , rgnt. r aircmia, tnerlocsL. STORE 14x4. southwest corner Misstsalppl MAY 11, 1!14. ' siw.iw.-, "WlWJ. nxAXrui. CURNISK Hawthorne ave. and E. Water St., i:.x4; will chdags rront to suit tenant. Hawthorne nock Co. Phone East Xv&i. Offices. SMAI'U rterarat. newly fnrnirb-d oitio-. dtk, phono, etc.; very reasonable 402 T"kU!Ti h'dg. FOR KliNT Roomi suitanla for office- or studios; tsth. and Morrison sts. Sherroaa War9koiieK FOR RENT Warehonsn on Eat 2d and WssiiMptOTt st.. iVx Hm, two atones rail road awitck. Warehouse on PTast Water WtWcWlt Khi i orTimn a. r, ,f V. a . . 11. R sfore. Phone ownr. Kt 2vi.l.- FT. floor spare, ioO pr mo Oft f. traek. 328 E. Aiorrison. B 2T4S. AN OPFORTl'NIT?. I Want to mt a live, op-tod at man. ith sntltng experieirce and ability 10 liarKlle men. who- csh Invest $J.VH for halt interest in a good, clean, legitimat that wilV net at least St,.fti- on the investment; other business prevents my handling alone; replv in fall; nt-nuai. kj cn-eg-on tan. 1F you ar induefrraus and have to invest ymt can buy half fnterent in one of the best located moving picture- the aters. Portland. Young ladv owning ikia pla a cannot handle It alone and would soil half Interest to partv willing to loarn. Kxperfer.ce not necessvrv. In-Q(h- '12 Railway Exrtng bldg.. be tween 3d and 4ih ot Stark. POTITLAMI) business man Wants ladv with businesa ability fo bomn intereswed with hrm in good 1-Ttrrimr.t husii-ox., propont tiow: If yon want t-o invest small amonnt or moTtey I Wiil seenre voir agaimrt Iojs. Paj-tJculars 212 Railway Exchange bkl.. between id and 4th en Starke Ask for Do Tounj. B A PARTNER in big business enterprise in British Columbia! Going concern in 1 anada's greatest and richest territory, i nun of investment as small as $50 (rep resenting slM accepted: easy payments, tomvany has $2:0,QvQ worta ef business, z KHi.imu worth of properl y. Investigate: Addrs A. P. O. Box 1504. Victoria: want: -Partner in an etahith.H K.t- neK, yoimg man of business ahilfty in manufacturing line; miwt have from SlOeD to ciyjo to invest; this is a good opening Tor the right party and WM1 pay on ttir Investment. AV 2iS4, Oregonian. CA UTION, BUY ERR. BeToiV closing deal for so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice- of Portland Realty Board. - F PURoE, Secretary. a iy Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OU-ESTALi.wHED tra"nTf:e"r business for sale, or exchange for land, unincumbered: wi.l sell horses. ,wttfcn. etc.. at invoice prfce and terms to right1 man. Reason for selling, owner leaving city. Call 615 Or- gontart bldg. WANTED An ideat Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect $urr 1eaB thcv my bring yoa wealth. rrt?, for Nded Inventions," "How to Oct Your Patent and Money." Randolph an Co.. Patent Attorneys. Washington, D C lEfc.P-SEAvF!SHlNrj Wanted, capital to back practical fishermen n deep-se fish ing enterprise. I-Iitlibnt banks already lo cated within eigot milvs Tillamcok y. For rnforniation adlress S.-ott Bo sorth. tVJ Spalding bdg.. Portland. Or DRUG STORK,, located on Kast Side in growing distriTt; will invoice about siuOti doing from 10 to JS a day. with only i a day expanse; wiil consider part Ira Jo or a big discount tw cash, D Ore- gonian. tLEAKING WORKS, established 3ft04, pries tiOO. Boiler and dye tubs, press ma chine, -spotting board, etc. ; easy terms, t has. E. Sparks. ;:ot Washington st.. Iu Ualles. Or. $otw CASH for half ihterest in moving-picture business; will pay you $PJ3 montlilv Investment, money secured; moving-pie-lure operator preferred. AB tC4. Orego nian. FINE restaurant business, with three years ia8un two-story brick building. "In city of asOQ; excellent location: i2oo If taken at once; terms. K. D. Mills, No, 6 Rainey bldg., Anburn, Wash. CIO A R, tobacco ice cream parlor, con fee tionory and periodical store; ewner mu-,t leave "city; this store is on East Suits transfer point and will stand inspection. Phono East 54. GARAGE for sale, fully equipped; best lo cation in town, good trade, storage, stock erf supplies and accessories; price 10i. AV -M. crgon la a. 1' OR SA LE cheap, cleaning a nd pressing establishment, well locate ; rear furnished to live; good selling reason. Owner, lot t h st. Main :;uoj. RESTAURANT, confectionery. cigars, to bacco, soda fountain, etc. everything com. Pete, J2o or Invoice, C CroM, Boring. CLOTHING STORK for sale $8000 stock. Fine location In good Washington town of 0.Ot0 population. Splendid opening. No trades. Address AB o23. Oregoniaa. FOR SAUB Feature rum. atai s.ghta. V ashiniiton-Oreson. ltua Carnegie Mu seum Arctic Hunt Pictures. W. A. Mac Kenzie. Savoy Theater, San Francisco, Ca.1. STOCK: COM PAS IKSINCORPO R AT ED VV Md to offer entire allotments of stock or bonds for corporations. J. x. Seohrest & Co., Investment Bankers. Buffalo, N Y. C it - I c O O St hotel. Eastern Oregon tuwu o"f 8O0; furnished complete, established trade 1.V)0 eah, 10OO in one year, AV aW Qt;eonian. C O N CENTRAED EXTRACTS for" " 'making voar own WHlSKT. Full particular for "tip Box 117t, Portland. SMALL RESTAI'R AXT cheap for quirk sale. Loing U'OO business, cheap rent. , ' Oregonian. REST At- RANT for sale, owner must leavs town at once; no reasonablu offer refused Apply -J57 "oncb? St., citv. I CAN locate you on 4 good pine timber claim; guarantee the cruise. G 62. Ore Ionian A SNAP to some en who wants m beauty parlor; good business; easy terma, er trade for lot. Room 3. Ma jest lo bldg, FINE corner store, good location for drug store, bakery or grocery. In business sub urb. E W2, Oresoiiian. BOAT business, buildlngi renting supplies; must sell; $S00. C. 1L Allger. Tillamook. 2-t'HAIR barber shop; no competition. Call Monday. C Osborne. Both and Gllsan. STOCK of milllfier; fine location; price low. Phvne Tabor 4141, 9 to 12. 4-CHAIB barber shop; cheap rent: long . lease, Mi N, 2d St. . 3-CHA1R bxrber shop, best towa ea CoL Ri?r. cheap for cash. 8 tttli sts MEAT market for sale, all complete" Call 1JU2 Morns St.. owner. Woodlawn 3220. WANTED MEN TO LEARN MOVINO . PICTURE OPERATING. 3!i3 OAK ST. M BAT MARKET. Kast Side; good location! will take part trade. g 07. oregonian. FOR SALE Ths Gem barber shop, 4 Chairs. 432 Wash. st. RtSHfESft OPFOBTt CITIES- WANTED- WANTED to lease Hotel or roomlnr-hou, of from 73 to 10o rooms unfurnished, ilieroughly modrn, good location, Ad dress l-f Box 27T.. Zillah, Wash. WANT to buy grocer v store, $T,00 to 42U1K). Will pay t-ah. D 7, Oregonian. FOR SALE Hotef of 50 rolma, cen trally located, modern brick build" lug. artistically furnished in Circas sian walnut and mahogany. Blge Iow A xmi nster carpets throughout, Lu)pped with stationarv vacuum cleaner, it Is absolutely one of the bet furnished hotels iu city. Price Slil.tHio or will trade. .AD 32. Ore gonian. TRADE FOR THIS AND YOU WIN. R" rooms, nice corner brick, steam heat extra well furnished, good as new; 25 suites, 2 rooms each. In housekeeping. o0 sleeping rooms, rent only lease 7 years; take city or farm property worth :.r.o0, balance SlAt, in 30 monthly pay ments, you can make $2'0 a month here. O. e R. Kills Co., o03 Board of Trade, 4th arid Oak sts. 14 'ROOMS. ONLY i:S. -Splehdid West Side location, furnished nw few months ago, extra good, rent only 40. modern house; rooms rented pay all family expenses; total price $3rQ; you should not watt, fake It today. o. C R. Ellis ft Co., iRtt Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. dt0 CASH secures the best furnished, most modern 20-ruOm house in the city, bal ance easy month iv payments, or would take lot up to UM0; house clears 12. a month, o. c R. Ellis A Co., lifm Board Trade. 4th and Oak sts MAR Y E. L S N T. oOS-9 Northwestern Bank Bldg.. fUll and Morrison Sts. II Die Is, Roomlnt, Apartment Houses So id and Exchanged. .. Phone Main i.-.RO. $:;5n g.-s.-j buys a 1 -room room In it -house: swell lo cation, clearing monthly: furnace heat snd clean as a pin; worth fcitrnt; price to day for all, g..".p. This Includes a. S4M) piano. Peters. 15 N. st. SACRIFICE: Leaving city, must s11 furni ture of 10-room house immediately mod em fcruse, filled with first-class people; pr-& JurnitUte t a bargain. Call Marshal. -019. THE FINEST APARTMENT AND ROOM-1NG-HOCSE IN ALASKA. Couple who are tewving JtKteau, Alaska, will sell o lease a thi-room apartment nouee, newly furnished and motlern ta every retail, all outside rooms, taking in from :( tcr 1Iim per month. Can be handled with (mooo. Reason for sealing is sicknessv Aiao have one ot the best corners iu Juneau three-story building just completed, store aud two modern rfpartmeiua: prop-rty fa leased for five years at $10O per month. Pries $7 1 Hi, half cash, balance three years at 8 per cent. Juneau reference B. M. Behrends Knk. Address, J.ufecs Kogan. Juneau, Alaska. LOST AND FtKTND. 'HS following articles hava been found ea the rrs of tho Portland Railway, uim A 1 Power Company and turned in u mt aifrerent division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as in dicated. i"ilwoorl barn Phone A l;:i J urn bTella. sufrease. 1 inuchhox. 1 purse. 1 toy streetcar. 1 whei. a misc. parcel. Piedmont barn Phone a i:ij 2 books. 1UPI,? 1 pr lovea, 4 misc. articles. 3 umbrella.. Anlceny bamPhon A 1S1 2 um brellas. 1 grip. 1 package dry goods. tsevier-st. carhouse Phone A Hll nmhrnivls, t skid chain. I sack mdse.; 1 basket. 1 ukg. drygoods. i hat, 1 cUu fMir s bad ere. LOST Saturdav evenirg. bet. Broadway 11th en wiv!ihir.:r.n -j. .t...L,ni.. and ...wmriiiu onr ruoy. Maninatl 34l. I-OST Wednesday, pearl sunSursx pia, be rween l.ipman'i store and Circi Theater. Kinder pleirstf call K. S I d J . Rewa rd. $-. RtWAKt for the return of m diamond rng (name engraved i. lost on 11th ana 1 ouch Friday. Mav 1. Main &43. LOST Boston hrindle bulldog, license No. "ti4S. Phone Main 40KQ. Reward. VP'INITY of .-.Oth na Hawthorne. Krglish bull run; tan; collar, phone Ta!or 42 . LOST On GrtxA tire casing with Firestoue rrm. L. B. Coovert, ir.12 Yeon bidg. LOST Heart-shaped locket with photo and hair inclosed, keepsake. Reward. B 1 Uti. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals XnTlted. IN THE 11STRCT COURT of the X'nited States for the District of Oregon In the matter of C. Davidson, bankrupt Request for bids: I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting of fur nishing goods, clothing, hats. caps, shoes, etc.. of the inventoried value of jlliOl.":;, and fixtures pertainfng to the same of the inventoried value of li2..".0, contained ta the store formerly occupied bv v. David son, bankrupt, at No. 24S First street, PtMMland. Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, May 14. 1914, said goods being formerly the property of said bankrupt. CerUn-'d check for IO per cnt of tho amount offered niust accom pany each bid. Sale subject to the ap proval of the court. Inventory of th property may he seen at mv office and the property Inspected upon appointment, R. I SAB IN. Morgan Bldg.. Portland. Or. Dated May S, 114. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Court house, until 12 .M.. Wednesday, June . 1 14. for glass blackboards. Specifica tions may be obtained at the office of F A. Naramore. Supt. of Properties, 2 Courthouse. Certified check for fioo, pay able to R. H. Thomas. School- Clerk, mast aooompany each proposal. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Dated May- 7. I 4. R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. SEALED PROp6VALSirbe received "at the office of the undersigned. 401 Court house, until 13 M. Wednesday June 3 1914. for natural slate blackboards. Speci fications mav be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore. Snpt. of Properties. 3os. courthouse. Certified check for $100 payable to R. H. Thorna. School Clerk must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Dated 5ay 7, 1914 R. li. Thomas. School Clerk. THE Oregon State Board of Dental Kxami ners will hold their semi-annual examina tion in Salem. Oregon, commencing Mon day. Juno IT., .1!14. Applicants will regis ter at 1 P. M.. on the above dare at the State Capitol. H. II. UL1NGKR, Sec. " Salem, Or. I i see .Meads, Diti SOLUTION OF PARTMrfmHiP Notice fs herehv ariv.-n iimi th a.uif .shi !'. heretofore existing between J. L. stockbrklge and C. J. Korff. under the name of "The Cookery." was dissolved by mutual consent on April It. J. i Htock br,ide, r,et,rln nd E. J. Korff assuming all liabilities. 1 HIS la to certify my wife. Florence Motschman. having left mv bed and board Friday. May S. utii. I will not be responsible for anv debts incurred by her ERNEST MOTSCHMAN. BARGEs for rent. Pattuio. 33s Sherlock bldg. Phone Mam 1410. FI3IAW1.4X. WE BUT MORTGAGES WESTERN BOND ft MORTGACtSJ.3 00 st.. rioarq 01 Trade Plug. wii. ruruwtt the money at a low rate of in terest, and save you more than the broke r- V 7,er cent ff we do rn Panning and building for yoo; It will stay you to see us. L..R. Bailey Co., Inc..H24 Abington. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay; principal only. Robertson W Kwing, 24J7-2o8 N01 tu western Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, eon tracts, mori ages flrst aatd second), etjuities pur . Phased. F. H. Lewis ft CO.. 3 Lewis blrtg. FIRsT and second moriKage. also sellers' interest In contracts purchased. Oregon or wash. H, b Koble, Emnberniens bidg. My.?Y, TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Gk-O. T. MOORE CO., 51a Abington bldg WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages Rob ertson ft Ewing. SttT-g- n. W. Lank bldg. MORTGAGES and good quaies bought. Nelson. 80- Lewis bWg. .Money ta Txsfn Real rfatc. TO U)AX AT T r.'i -'t'vt $2200. ;iy0fi, $4(t0o to iJow). Any of the above amounts to place at nee on Portland impreved property -OUDSELL liKOH.. 4oS Worcester bids. 300O TO $15,000 for Immediate loan quick action; security eaamined today. Dei. boa ft Hawk. ?2Q c. of C. bldg. Mala liei TO LOAN 4i,0Oo OR LE8. FA HRiNUTON, 8Q 4th. BOARD OF TRADlj BLDG ANY AMOUNT. 6 f ' " CALL AT ONCE WiTli DETAILS THOMPSON, 42ij Henry bldg. l NUMBER of selected mortgagee tor sale, amounts $lou. to S20nti. Henry C. Prud homme. 7 Wilcox bldg LOANS. SjO to $iO0, made promptly on va cant lots and contracts; mortgages and contracts bought. 120$ N. w. Bank bide I will have S2.0Vu to loan on improved income proper! y. West Side preferred principals or brokers. L 17, Oregonian. $e). flCdO AKD UPWARD "on improved read estate; favorable terms; no delays: no brokerage. John Bain, iuT -Spaldln SloOO. S200O. S.'UKHJ. x-4040 arTT Current ris. prompt avr vice. Fred W, German Co.. 1) 1 4 Cham, of Com, MONEY TO LOAN on real estate In amounts to suit. A. H. Bell. 201 Oerlinger bid.. 2d and Alder. tlWO TO LOAN on Portland real estate! HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY 42:t-424 Chamber of Commerce. 52000 TO LOAN at 7 per cent Interest on Portland property. Apply d. Goodseii 45a Worcester bldg. Phone Main ti'7 MORTGAGE LOANS in my amount. OUEGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO Inc Stock Exchange bldg.. ad aud Yamhill. SEE us today for loans on improved cltr property, o to 8 per oent; (4un and urx Cellars-Murton Co.. 25 Yeon bldg. 2uu,u00 TO LOAN in sums to suit build ing loans; lowest rates- W. G, Beck, aii Sis Falling bidg. M JNEY. any amount. 6 to 8 per cent! W H. Seitg ft Co., alu gpalding bldg. ilONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and mtgs. bought. H. Mliey. 24qerlinger bldg. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent, wTETfhorna agent Multnomah county. 4HTCh. of Gm! MORTGAGE LOANS AT 6 AND 7. -REO S. WILLIAM S. t2H .First st. $ZaOU -West Side security, 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham. 832 Horgan bldg. :wu TO JOuuo private funds, for Vood loans, phone Taoor 2 3 10. CITY and farm loans, any amount, no de- iay. Wm. C. McCiUre. 414 Failing bldg. iU-U, S4UW. $-"00. JlOvO. 1100U, X234J0! J. u ens et v-" . oa v.. ui t n 1 o g. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 22t STARK ST. " MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. nCUIJ V,., Q"l V HCOg DlOg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. SIS Cli. of Corn. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount! on real esiate. Dubeis. Chamber of Conimeic -no Stbii, cisito Fred W. Gcrinau Co.. 1 4 Cham, of Com MON iT to loan on city farm lauds. J j" Cahalln, 03o Chamber of Commerce. e40O. iiM. $1010. flMMt; hniir"uKuai ex pens See mu. Ward, aUirne. Alitky blii. Money to Ian en Krai Estate. FINANCIAL. Oty of Portland Only" No Agents; I have clients' money to lend in the fo.1 lowhig amounts on approved security' in following uietrlcts: Jjcoo to tsooi) 7 per cejvt In Ese Portlaml. Ladd Additiou; West ide. central district; Irvington; Kolla day s Addition. i:.oe to $2000 7 Per Cent Walnut Park. Piedmont, Alameda Park. JluuO to $12i0 7 Per cent Hawthorne. Rossmere, Rose CiUy Pack, Waverleigh. Vernon snd. Overlook. Correspondence asked for ae u larger sums ou centralised business builuiuxr. etc - crw J- A CUNNINGHAM. M- 84-- S32 Morgan Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON 1MPKOV ED RKAL EST TK FOR HITILDI NG PL R POSES;' VKRY Flix. 1Bhri2TJHCT.?.t NO OOM MISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO lt$ Spaldihg Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. lUOO and up at lowest rates. C M. SfiADOW. 414 Corbet t bldg., A 141. Marsha:i J2. MONEY TO- LOAN' S TO S PER -CENT Any Amount. FKOMPT SERVICE HAMMOND MORTGAGE COM PANT 4'-3-2,4 Chamber of Com xue r ce. -aw.',.a, a Good supply for city aud latin property. C to . per cent. MALL ft VON BOKSTEL, li4 second St.. n'ar Washington ON unproved city property or fcr building pUTpoes, 3. to 8 years' iim; liberal pa mem privlle-ges; money advanced as builO "g progresses. The Equitable Savings ,vt MORTGAGE loans on city prwp-rtv; lowest rates. 217-11 Northwesxeru iixik bids.. corner tlth . n ri toi-i-ion r . HAVE $2otio to loan. G 061. Oregonian. Money to Loan Chat teU and Salaries.1 NOTICE. NEW ADDRESS. NEED MONEY gUicK? You can get it TO DA Y WE LOAN ANY A MOUNT -to Work in people and Others on PlajA notes. Furniture, Livestock. Piauoe. Auio Storage Receipts, Real Estate. Motor cycles or Diamonda. WE BUY MORTGAGES. -YOU CAN GKT IT TODAV B U SIN ESS COXFIO BX T I A L. Rebates Uiven If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOA.N COM PAN s' 203 ROTH CHILD H I.DG.. Bet. 4th and 5th sts.. on Wash. st. Open S A. M. to d P. M. Saturday till S P. M- SALARY 1 LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, U TO 10U. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO a?ECT"RtTT. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, HOURS 8 A. M. TO. G P. M. SATURDAYS TO II P. M, STATE SECl'RlTY CO.. Oft FAILING BLDG. If You Need Money and Cau't Borrow From a Bauk SEE US FOR PRIVATE? LOANS On Your piano. Furniture. Auto. Livestock. Storage Receipts, Real Estats Kie. We Buy Mortgages. MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO Main t2Stf. 1Q Abington bldg. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATEST W e will loan ytu money as low as 1 per cent on your diamonds and jewelry. We are the most liberal licensed money lenders in the city. Our establisnment is located at 3.1 Washington street, near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited diamonds. Diamond Palace. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOAN 3. Diamonds watches, ieuclry. musical in strument, etc. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. B US1N ESS ST 1 1 1CT LY CO N b ID i". N 1 1. L ELBT COMPANY. 52Q Lbr. Kich. bldg.. 2d and Stark Sts. COLUMBIA LOAN CO.. Swetlanl bldg.. i0i and 7. Money to loau on salary, chattels, pianos, plain uolom or an tiling of value; confidential. ACCOMMODATION LOAN CO.. Plain notes, salaries, chattels or any thing of valu confidential, cturwous. :;17 Limber Exchange blda. Mam MR OR MRS. WAGE EARNER" Wlsldng money without -ci- tv. uicklv, quietly and cheaply. Mercantile Credit Co.. aOl JHnrt bldg. We LOAN money on diamouds and Jeweiry at half the rates charged by broker Marx & Block, 74 T.d st. MONEY to loan on diamonds, or anything of value at 3 per cent. Apply 2li Rotti chilu bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches jew elry, pianos and w arehou&e receipts. Brown & Co.. room t. Washington bldg. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried oeonle. F. A. Newton. Henry bid. LOANS on real ea:ate, diamond and jew- clry. Wm. Holl. room 8. Washington bidg. LOANS on diamonds and jew elry ; strictly confidential. 141 '.j 3d, near Alder. $bHu WANTED by trustworthy nun ; w.U repay Sod quarterly btsidto I per cent Iiitetest. Good security, seemid mortgasa on new. modern buugulow and lot. Rose City Park district. AJ :."S, oregonimi. I HAVE some good 7 per cent uiurtgats fo." sale, face value. 011 A-l LaUrcihuiSC nonies. i-aui u. Murpny, 2TO Vi Stark sl. Main (.;. a l. J .. I DESIRE a loan of SIS.O'tO on a choice piece of Alder-st. properly. Will pey 7 per cent for 3 years. Full information at M2 Piatt bldg. WANT SIOVU. 8 per cent, first mortgage, cottage on West Side tSo. Port.); street, work in and paid; title guaranteed. AK ?g. Oregonian WANT loan of $ 10.000 fioin privato party on very desira ble West Side improved property. X t4I, Oregonian. 31SOO INST A LI. M K NT mortgage for salt; security Portland Heights Home. Su7 Wil co bldg. 4kM ON good, real estate, good interest and bonus to agents or principals. J Dtfei. Oregonian. $0000 YEARS at b per cent; good real estate secuilt-y. J Ho.".. Oregonian. 91400 ON 7-rouin house, new, lot oOxlvO, worth :;20. N" Uod. Oregonian. WANT i00 on lot worth M)U. H iJ0. Or gonian. FER-SONAL. HAIU-HAIR-H AIR-HAIR. 2-Inch eonrent Hair Switches $1.5 2i-inch convent Hair Switches, try.. 4." I Lairdrf suing j Face massage Shampoo .25 Manicure, 2."c : 5 for l.tio 12 scalp treatments 3.uo Superfluous hair re mo veil i,y electrio needle; guaranttd not to return. Cut hair. In any shade ; switches, any length; prices haif. Sanitary Parlors, 40U 412 Dekum bldg., ;M and Washington. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Uelslngfor graduate; rheumatUm, nrvous and stom acii Ailments under physician's directions; bath, massage. No. 7 Fast 11th st.. sec ond door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East .av, B ISO.;. FEB VET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and taupe makera-. nnet irvS of human hair gaods; swltcties from 55c up; hairurecsing. manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up- to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 4. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massage and baths. 40i Salmon st., cur. lUtu- Mu- shall ,iU3o. Open Sundays, DIVORCES. " NO NOTORIETY; ADVICE FREE. ADDRESS AK .-.SS, OREGONIAN. EARN J2. every week, write moving picture plays; how to write , where to sell. "Scena rio, box ll'ii. Portland. MRS. C. S. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumba go, stc ZZ?. Madison. A 447u, Marshall ;Ji. IR. M'MAHON, famous Chiropractic; IS an. Justments. $ie; 2 offices; ladv attendants. 121 4th. 7tt Williams ave. Main 2u;.. DIVORCES Lawyer. 2 years experience; reliable; advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg.. 27 lt Washington el l STERS' HOSPITAL, OXNARD. CAL. Superior accommodations for sanitarium and aged persons needing special car. SOPHIA H. SEIP. mental and spiritual sci entist, Ho2 Aiisky bldg., question and rues sage night, Wed., b o'clock. Main t22.. MRS. gTSVENS, 2 ears Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late books on saie. Morrison at. Open dally. MADE OF TOUR COMBINGS. Switches. O.I0: curia snd puffs, 7."c San Itarj Besuty Parlors. 4o Dekum bidg. SCALP and facial treatments. 04 Macleay bldg. MARIE NEVINS Electric baths, trearmenls, ladles only. 4J2 Rot'ichild bldg. Main '.HOS. USE Bassetl's Native Herbs for rheuma tism. Oo tablets t-jr 2.r: all druggists. BALM OF Fills compound Royal Ton 13 Tablets. ."04 Da vis st . Phone Main 2 ; 0 . Dr. Olga Nechyba, chiropracric. steam baths massage. 50S-1 N. W. bidg. Main o70J. LESSONS in jWirenoN'gy, parnTistfy aud card rending. 2:t. ij'h st. Phone Main 7."4S. DIVORCES, etrh-t ly confidential ; consult t ion free, a ppoim ment. Ii S12, Oregon ia n. MOLES, si'perf iunui hair removed. Mrs. M D. Hill, 42j Fliouer bldg. Maiu 317U.