THE MOTIXTXG OREGOXIA3T, SATURDAY, 3IAY 9, 1014. 17 MANY HOPS. UNSOLD Surplus Appears Too Large for Present Market. SALES AT LOWER PRICES Growers iu Oregon Are Ho kiln; 6860 Hales Against 2100 Bales Xajst Year Larger Quantity 3ue to Greater Crop. and weather conditions could not be more favorable. "Unsold stocks of hops on the Pacific Coast re much larger than at this time last year. This facL Yoeether with the Rood crop prospects, the prohibition gains In a num- k?r of states and general business conditions are responsible for the sagging tendency of the spot irurket and the Inactivity of fu- tires. Tnere ate now left In Oregon growers hands hales of the 1913 crop. Specu lators and Eastern dealers are holding 390 ras. Last year on this growers' unsold holdir.s In Oregon were 2100 bales and dealers' suopllea were practically exhaust ed. There remains unsold In California 1S00 bales cf Sonomas and Mendoclnos and about rOOO bales are said to be held by Sacramento. Yolo and Butte County growers. Several deals were reported yesterday. Torcas Bros, hcught 63 bales from Glen Graves, of McCoy, at 13Vi cents, and H. L. Hart bought 73 bales from John Gebbie, of Jii!iboro. at 13 cents. A number of other deals were closed, but the particulars were not mad e- public. In a report on hop-crop prospects on the Pacific Coast, the United States Brewers' Association says: In the Pacific Coast states the hop roots have Wintered well and there is enough acreage to produce a crop of 283,000 bales, under favorable weather conditions, which will give a large surplus. "The current season has been most il luminating. Our exports of the 1913 crop have reached a total of bales, and yet there is no apparent shortage. On the othe hand, our imports from. Germany have reached nearlv 0. 000,000 pounds, which Is equivalent to ,25,000 American bales. Al though Imported hops have cost twice to three times as much as the domestic article, the American brewers have used them quite extensively The English market continues dull. The latest circulars of the London trade says: Wild. N'eame & Co. There Is nothing fresh to report. Business is quiet, with values somewhat In buyers favor. Thornton & Manger There is more gen eral enquiry this week, but at prices which are below recent quotations. Manger &. Henley Business during the past week has been slow and restricted to actual needs. Prices unaltered. Y. II. H. Le May There is some en quiry this week for hops required for con sumption. Prices must be quoted without alteration. There Is very little business passing at "Worcester In hops, the small Inquiry for im mediate consumption being met from mer chants stocks at unchanged rates. No growers hops passed the public scales this week. Supplies are no- getting rather low, and holders are reluctant to make any con cession In price, while consumers will only do business on their own terms. OREGON CROP CONOITIOX EXCELLENT Ciovern incut's Estimate on Winter Wheat and Other Prospects. The Oregon monthly crop report, issued by the Bureau of Statistics in co-operation with the Weather Bureau, gives the follow ing estimates and comparisons: Winter wheat- Planted area abandoned, per cent Poultry Prices Declining. A dragging tendency prevailed in the poultry market, as receipts of all kinds were heavy. Hens sold at 15416 cents and broilers at 2o:6 cents. There was a good demand for dressed pork, but veal was weak. Eggs continued firm. There was a good shipping demand and local trade was act ive. Twenty cents was the general quota tion on the street. Butter ho4ds steady at the former prices. and cheese is weak. Lakeview Wool Is Sold. O. T. McKendree bought the Lane, Arthur & Jones wool which was shorn at the Wilcox corrals last week, says the Lakeview Ex aminer. This is said to be an extra good grade of fine .wool and brought 154 cents. It is reported that Mr. McKendree also con tracted for this year's lambs from the same owners, at the price of $3.10 per head. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearinprs. Portland $2,081,874 Seattle 1,618,807 Tacoma "GO. 774 Spokane 063, OUTLOOK IS BETTER Improved Sentiment in Indus trial and Commercial Fields. 549 pounds, with a decrease In foreign de mand of 6,424,716 pounds and in domestic demand of 7,216,850, making a falling off In total deliveries of 13.641.660 pounds. Chicago Dairy produce. CHICAGO. May 8. Butter Higher. Creameries, IS -Cc Eggs Lower. Receipts, 24. 291 cases; at mark, cases Included, 17&&lSc; ordinary firsts. 1717c; firsts. 18c Cheese Unchanged. ENORMOUS CROP COMING London Wool Sales. LONDON, May 8. The offerings at the wool sales today v.-ere 12,900 bales. Full prices were paid for all descriptions and fine cross-breds Hardened on American pur chases. Dried Fruit at ew York. NEW YORK, May 8. Evaporated apples quiet, but firm. Prunes Steady. Peaches Firm. Brilliant Agricultural Prospects In spire Confidence In Future, but Current Trade Continues Sea sonably Slow In Most Lines. Balances. 4217. SS7 54,738 Dulutb. Unseed Market. DULUTH. May 8. Linseed. S1.B6: Mi tl.5514: July. 1.5T. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 8. Spot cotton. Quiet. Middling. 13c; suit. 13.25c. Hops at New York. NEW YORK. May 8. Hops Steady. WHEAT .EASES OFF Earliest Harvest Ever Known in Country Predicted. TONE AT CLOSE STEADY LADD & TILTON ' BANK u , -, i Established 1S5J Capital and Surplus S2,OOO,O00 Commercial and Savings Deposits PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS, Grain. Hour, Feed, Etc WHEAT Track prices: Club, 0c blue- red Russian, stem, 4 (&5c; forty-fold, 91c; 89c: valley. 90c. FLOUR Patents. 4.80 per fcarrel straights. $4.20; exports, $3.90; valley, 51.80; graham. $4.80; whole vheat. $5. BARLEY Peed, $2021 per ton; brewing1, $2122; rolled, $23.50i3) 24.50. OATS No. 1 white mil line. $23 per ton. CORN Whole. $34: cracked. $35 per ton. HAY No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy, $16 17; mixed timothy, $14'tfl5: valley grain hay. $12,50114; alfalfa. $12313.&0. M1LLFEED Bran, $24 per ton; shorts. $2tt.0027; middlings. $3233. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. $2.50 & 3 per box ; lemons, $3.75g4.00 per box; pineapples. 6c per pound; bananas,' 4 Ho per pound: grapefruit, Florida, $4.75 5-75 per box. "VEGETABLES Cucumbers, $1 1.75 per dozen; eggplant, 20c per pound; peppers, 30c per pound; radishes, 174c per dozen; head lettuce. $2 ( 2.25 per crate: artichokes. 55 65c per dozen; celery, $3. 7 " 4.26 crate; tomatoes, $4.505 per crate; spinach, 5c per lb.: horseradish. 810c: rhubarb. Ac ner lb cabbaere. 2 fS 2 c per lb. : as paragus, $11.50 per dozen; peas, Stg9c per lb. ; beans, 12 c per lb. GREEN FRUIT Annies. SKSZ.ZO per box box; strawberries, California, $1&J2.2E per crate ; Oregon, $2 & 2. 25 per crate ; cherries. $1.50 0 2 per box: gooseberries, 7gSc per lb, ONIONS Texas, $2.252.73 per crate; California. $2.50&)3 per. crate. POTATOES Oregon. 75c per hundred buying prices. 50 60o at shipping points; sweet potatoes, $4.50 (nT 5 per hundred; new California, &(f6e per pound. SACK. VEGETABLES Turnips. new. $L50; carrots, $1; parsnips, $1; beets. $1. Iairy and Country Produce. Local iobbine Quotations: EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. 20c: canniea. 2ic per dozen. POULTRY Here, 15 16c; broilers, za 26c: turkejs. live, 1920e; dressed, choice. 26(&37c; ducks, 1516c; geese, 1012c. CHEESE Oregon triplets. 10164c: Young Americas. 17 ai7 4c. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, sac per pound; cubes, ZZc. PORK Fancy, 10 11c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 11 12c. NEW YORK, May S. Dun's Review will I say tomorrow: There is an improved sentiment in com mercial and industrial channels, even though actual progress is slow. The brilliant out look for the Winter wheat crop inspires con fidence In the future, and the splendid ag ricultural prospects generally constitute the best feature of the situation. Statistics of trade movements are con flicting; gross earnings of railroads report ing for the month of April were 1.9 per cent less than last year. Failures this week are 324. against 274 last year; In Canada, 43 against 29. TRADE IN WEST IS EXPANDING Business Improve With Prospects of Ex cellent Wheat Crop. NEW YORK, May 8. Bradstreet's tomor row will say: Because of excellent crop prospects, prob ably the best that ever prevailed at this sea son, sentiment tends to veer toward the line of optimism, and as a result, trade, espe-J cially at the West, exhibits moderate ex pansion. Industrial lines as yet do not re-1 fleet this cheerful feeling, however. Country trade is seasonably slow. At the same time industrial operations in the lead ing lines are slow, and therefore there Is considerable idleness. For the week: Failures 285, against 2-13 last year; wheat exports 3,776.580 bushels. against 3.214.150 bushels: bank clearings. S3. 422.755,000 a decrese of 1.4 from last year. BEARSSELLDULLMARKET SPECULATORS OX SHORT FORCE STOCKS DOWN. Another Cash Gain Expected by York Banks Time Money . Rates Are Lower. 1.0 !,(ll)0 YARD SUPPLY IS LIGHT l FRESH ARRIVALS AT NORTH PORT LAND ARE SMALL. Holdover Cattle Still on Hand S Trine Sell at Decline Sheep Market Steady. NEW YORK, May 8. Professional trad ers disregarded today the old axiom of Wall street that it 1b never safe to sell a dull market. The last few days were so un usually dull that speculators were eager for action, and as conditions favored the short side they sold stocks. There were numerous declines of 1 to 3 points. London prices for American stocks were lower and there was some selling of Cana dian Pacific for foreign account, although European operations here were not on a large scale. Continued weakness of a few stocks, particularly Missouri Pacific and Chesapeake & Ohio, disturbed the whole market. Another cash gain is expected as a . re sult of the. week's currency movements. which indicate an increase in holdings of the New iurk banks of about Xj.OUO.OOO. Time money rates again yielded. Demand iterllng reached another high point, and urtber engagements of gold were predicted. tjond prices were lower. Total sales, par value, 11. 905. 000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson & Co.. Lewis building. Portland. Closing bates. tign. . low. i-c. a. Allls-Chal Amal Copper .. ao.100 71 7'm Am Beet Sugar. 300 DO 811 10O 49 41 Area remaining to harvest, acres. . Condition May 1, 11)14 Condition May 1, ten-year average l-'orecast from condition report. bushels 15,200.000 Final estimate of yield, 1913, bu. .12,305,000 Rye Condition May 1, 1014 Condition May 1, 10-year average. Meadows tfor hay) Condition May 1, 1914 Condition May 1, lo-year average.. Pastures Condition May 1, 1014 Condition May 1, 30-year average.. Spring plowing rer cent done May 3, 1914 I'er cent o7ne May 1, 10-year av'g Spring planting Per cent done May 1, 1014 Per cent done May 1, 8-year av'ge Hay Tons of old-crop on farms May 1, 1914 Tons of old crop on farms May 1, 1913 Tons of old crop on farms May 1, 1912 100 8 13,000 308,000 192,000 CALIFORNIA WHEAT BUYING IS SMALL Hlurstem Sells at Lower Price on Sound Hour Orders Light. There was but little business passing in the wheat market yesterday. Californlas are buying but in a hand-to-mouth way. Bluestem changptT' jliamls on the Sound at t34 cents, the lowest" price In months. There Is a limited export trade In flour. Killers do not look for any material im provement in Oriental business during the remainder of the season. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were as follows : This W'k. Last Wk. Last YT. India 104,000 72,000 1,640,000 .Argentina . . . . l.o-14,uot 450.000 2, 761:. 000 Australia 2,11200u 1,712,000 00,000 Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay ' Staple Groceries. Local jobbing Quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one - pound tails. 2.25 per dozen: half-pound fli $1.40; one-pound flats, $2.45; Alaska pink, one-pound talis. S5c; . silversides, one-pound tails. $l.?u. HONEY Choice. $3. 50(93.75 per case. NUTS Walnuts, 14&20c per pound; Brazil nuts. 20c; filberts. 14l5c; almonds. 1928c; peanuts, 64?oc; cocoanuts, SI per dozen: chestnuts, e-Vsta-tuc per pounai pe cans, 14oloc BEANS Small white. 6V4c: large whits. 4.85c; Lima, 7c; pink, 5.15c; Mexican, 6c: bayou. 714c. CSUGAR Fruit and berry, $4.70; Honolulu plantation, $4.iO; beet. $4. do; extra u, S4.zu; powdered, in barrels. 4.95. COFFEE: Roasted, in drums, 1032c per pound. SALT Granulated. $15.00 per ton: half- ground. 100s, $10.75 per ton; 50s, $11.50 per ton. dairv. $14 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan. HigiSc; Southern head. 6HTc, Island, 55jc. DRIED FRUITS Apples. 1094 llc per pound; apricots, lbs20c; peaches, sllc; prunes. Italians. '810V-c; currants,- Uttc; raisins, loose Muscatel, 67fcc; bleachec Thompson, llc; unbleached bultana, oVsc; seeded, 9c; dates, Persian, 7j7 teo per pound: fard, si. 40 per box. FIGS Package. 8 oz., 50 to box, $1.83 packaue. 10 oz.. 12 to box, SOc; white. 25-lb box. $1.75: black, 25-lb. box, $1.75; black 50-lb. box. $2.50: black, 10-lb. box, $1.15: Calarab candy figs. 20-lb. box, $3; Smyrna, per box, $l.oo. Provisions. HAMS lO to 12-pound, 1810V4c; 12 to 14-pound. 18Vi i l'J W; 14 to lS-pound, lSH&lOc; skinned, 18lUc; picnic, 18c: boiled. 20c. BACON Fancy. 26t4ffi27V4c: standard IV, 23c. DRY SALT CURED Short clear backs, 1316c; exports, 15loc; strips. 10 17 tc. LARD Tierce basis. Purs, 12e13V0 compound, 10c. Monday Tuesday ..... 31 Wednesday .. T Thursday .... 11 Friday 20 Year ago .... 25 Season to date 15.108 Year ago ....loo79 STRAWBERKIKS 34 10 19 8 :t 3 2M3 2194 ARE !4 3 6 4 It 11 2571 14 9 11 2 10 10 25ti0 20o3 SKI.LEKS 3 5S9 1526 The livestock market was without, new development yesterday, save the weakness of hog prices. Receipts were small. A few lots of hold-over ' cattle were worked off. the steers bringing $7.10. The best light hogs did not sell over $8.50 and heavy hogs brought $7.45 and $7.50. hheep and lambs sold within the range of the published quotations. r. S. Johnson, of Dakota, who has been Pendleton for the purpose of buying sheep for shipment east, has secured 17,000 head of fine wool yearling wethers at a price of $2.75 per head. Of the sheep pur chased 10,000 head were secured from Boy len & Stephens. Yearling ewes are selling at from $3.75 to $4.50- per head. Six bands of coarse ewes and lambs have ben sold there and shipped to parties at Yakima. At price of x.i.oo per head lo.ouo of this Spring's lambs have been sold for Fall delivery. The J. E. Smith Livestock Co., has purchased 5000 mixed yearlings, 4000 in the vicinity of Monument and 1000 from K. G. Warner. An average price of $3.35 was paid, according to the East Oregonian. The- company will keep- tJie ewes and sell the wether end of the band. The company is also intending to sell . some . ewes and lambs. Receipts were 159 hogs. 3519 sheep and 1 calf. Shippers were: With hogs J. H. Keets. Sundial. 1 car; C. W. Ashpole, Med- ford. 1 car. With sheep C. H. Hales. Med- ford. 1 car. With mixed stuff C. E. Lufke. Wallowa. 1 car calves and hogs. The day'B Fales were as follows: Wt. Price.l wt. Price. lll$S.30i Icow.... 980 $0.50 icow.... ju-ju o.uu 4.-.t steers. , 5.401 1 steer.. S.50I 2 mixed. 8.40' 2 cows.. 8.45 38 hogs. . . 8.45, 3 hogs. . . 8.40; S2 hogs. . 7.501 3 hogs... 5.25 50 hogs. . . tt.OOl local quotations on livestock follow: $7.7u$8.00 Am Can Co do preferred.. Am Car & Fdy.. Am Cotton Oil. . . Am Smel & Kef. do preferred.. Am Sugar ..... , do preferred.. , Am Tel & Tel. . Am Tobacco ... . Anaconda Atl Coast Line.. A T .& Santa Fe do preferred.. . Bait & Ohio ... Brook R Tran. . Canadian Pac, C A O C & G W C & N W C, M St Paul.. 1,600 Central Leather Central of N J. . J,S0 3o0 B.800 2W 1,009 ;9o6 90U 11,004 18.100 62 ' 100 31 121 90 "ioii 190 51 60 1001, 3 OS 120 94 W 't(6' ' 91 l!Hj 4S! 10 79T4 o 214 90 481 61 KI01.4 1UX 112 121 4 225 U 30 120", 94 'A IOO 90 91 189', 491, 12 131 97', Early Market Is Unexpectedly Firm "in Face of Government's Bcarisli Crop Report Liverpool Cables Corn Tbrougru Strong. CHICAGO. May 8. Predictions of the earliest harvest ever known in the United States made the wheat market ease off to day after an unexpected show of strength. Closing prices were steady at a shade to K9mc net decline. Alf the other leading staples, too. had something ot a setback, corn lc to 16r4c, oats 140 to 4c and pro visions 5c to 15c. Wheat devetoped firmness In sympathy with the comparative strength shown at Liverpool despite the bearish crop report from Washington. Trade here was light, priees gradually hardening all around. Afterward Oklahoma dispatches predicting the earliest wheat harvest on record led to a setback. Increased country offerings In the South west led to selling pressure on corn. Wet weather delay to planting, though, had at first made the market Incline to the bull side. Good conditions for the growing crop ended to curtsil the value of oats. Besides shipping demand was not so large as on the preceding day. Provisions fell on account of talk of hog arrivals becoming more plentiful soon. There was ltttle call for cash product- Shorts were the only buyers. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. .$ .93!4 $ .S4 CORN. - .06 "4T .65 '4 OATS. 37 b 35 H MESS .PORK. 19.7214 39.75 19. SO 19.8214 LARD. 10.0714 10.714 ...1, 10.25. 10.25 SHORT RIBS. C 11.10 31.10 11.05 11.2214 11.2214 11.20 Cash prices were: Wheat. Ko. 2 red. 5!469c: No. 3 red. 94 14 ii 95c; No. 3 hard, 9414 i. 9414 c: No. 3 hard, 9314 934c; No. 2 Northern. 96 97c No. 3 Northern, 949514c: No. 2 Spring. 95'496'4c; No. 3 Spring, 31te95c. Corn, No. 2, 6Sc; No. 2 yellow. 8!469c: No. 3. W!4eB7c: No. It yellow, 6S&6814C. Rye, No. 2. 63c: barley. 47u-63c: timothy, $2.750 4.30: clover. 12-50. May July May July July sept. July Sept July Sept July Sept .66 4 .65 .37 .3514 Low. $ .314 .8514 .t4 .65 .3514 19.65 19.7714 10.05 10.20 Close. $ .9 .85 .R4 6514 .37 .3514 39.6714 19.7714 10.05 10.2O 11-0714 11.20 Chlno 300 41 40 !i Col Fuel & Iron 100 27 . 27 Col Southern ......... ..... ..... Consol Gas ... 90O 1341s 133 D L W D&RQ Distilling Secur. 200 3 4 14 Erie 2,700 2714 27 General Eleo ... Gt North Ore . . 100 31 31 Gt North pf . . . 500 122'4 32J Illinois Central. Interboro Metro do preferred.. 1.000 6214 - 61Ts 89 173 169 170 175 101 J38 eSO Hops. Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1913 crop, -prime and choice, 13 14c; 1914 contracts, nominal. PELTS Dry 10c. dry short wool, 7c: dry shearings, 10c; green 'Shearings, 10c; salted sheep. 90cfij$l; Spring lambs. lofr2oc. HIDES Salted hides. 13c per pound; salt kip, 14c; salted calf, 19c; green hides, 12c; dry hides, Z4c; lry cair, oc; salted ouiis. 9c per pound: green bulls, sc. WOOL Valley, IS 20c; Eastern Oregon. 14 4S19C MOHAIR 1914 clip. 27H2SC per lb. CASCARA BARK Old and new. 5c per lb. FISH Chinook salmon, llo per lb.; hal ibut, 5c; perch, 7c; shad, $0. hogs . 2s wethers 10 ewes . . 140 lnmtis.. HO hoes. . . Km) hogs 107 hogs lol hogs. . . 86 hogs. . . 56 calves.. 1 bull 3 now . . . -Current classes of Prime steers .... Choice steers .... Medium steers Choice cows .... Medium cows .... Heifers Light calves .... Heavy calves ..... Bulls Stags liogs Light Heavy ........... cheep- Wethers Ewes Yearling lambs .. Spring lambs Inter Harvester K C Southern.. 1.70O Lehigh Valley.. 4.800 Louis & Nash.. 100 Mexican Central M. S P & S S M 100 Mo. Kan & Tex. Soo Mo Pacific 63,300 National Lead Nat Biscuit New Haven . . . N Y Central . . . N Y, Ont & Wes Norfolk & West Northern Pac . . Pacific Mail Pacinc T & T. . do preferred.. Pennsylvania ... People's Gas . . . Reading Republic S & I. Rock Island Co. Southern Pac .. Southern Ry . .. Texas Oil 7.254ji 7.6U Union Pacific .. 7.uu:gi 7.a 1 00 preterrea. 1162 950 105O S75 226 327 333 113 .10 7.10 6.7 6.25 8.45 7.45 8. 50 7.5o 8.30 I.300 1.600 20O 1.9O0 26 T4 13S 13414 i'js" 15 18 9214 10.'! 10914 26 137 ' 13414 122" .15 16 68 4 9114 303 309 the various so 6.50 7.00 6.001SD 6.23 .00 7.23 8.00 8.50 6.00 w 7.60 6.906JI 6.25 6.00 v 7.50 8.00 8.50 7.00 iff 7.50 4.75 5.50 3.75 4.50 U.25ia 6.50 7.25 C8.00 Rno 200 38.100 100 V 200 500 noo I8.400 100 United Rds S F U 8 Steel Cor. . 38.100 do preferred.. Utah Copper .. Wabash Western Union. .. Westing Elec .. Wisconsin Cent. 110 12014 164 14 91 14 24 14 141 '4 ir.r.V. 83 4 r.914 l8'i 65 1 61 3 104 3201, !" 23 "90" 24 13914 154 83 'r,R 1081. 54 1 61 73li 40 74 28 3:;:! 392 14 11 14 14 27 14. 30 110 1414 61 1I) 26 3 ;i7 l: 9 12114 15 171, 4 3 2H 68 91 3olH I 1:7 S7 3 If V San Franrlnoo Grain Market. FAX FRANCISCO. May 8. Spot Quota tions: Walla Walla, $1.61 H to '1.62 : rd nuBBian. i.m ; i urKey rea, i.o l. wo : bluestem. Sl.ttTt Gv 1.70: feed barley. Sl.OU: Drew in r oaney, nominal: wmte oats. tTvl.CTH; bran. :.'4.f0&:&; middling.. $3uj? o; snorts, f.'oy --itj.w.- can ooara: vv neat weaK no traainit. Barley weak. December. $1.03: May. OltAi c bid. $1.01 asked: May ore. lRc bid. $1.05 asked; June, si.oo asked ; spot. Mission Bay. sold Sl.OlVi. spot. Fort Costa. Use bid. Pnffet Sound Wheat Market-.. TACOMA. May 8. Wheat Bluestem 93M)C. fortyfold, 89Hc; club. Sue; red Fife, Car receipts, wheat 13. barley 12. corn 1. Oats 6. bay 2. SEATTLE. May 8. Wheat Bluestem P3c; fortyfold, iKc; club. Doc; Fife, 90c; red nufEian, sue. X esteraay a car receipts, wnett l. oats 74, Durley 1. hay a. Hour o. Kuropean Grain Markets. IXJNDOX. May S- Cargoes on passage, firm, fair demand. English country markets firm; French country markets firm. LIVERPOOL. May S. Wheat Spot strong;. Futures steady. May, 7s 2a; July, 3d; October, 7a Id. Weather in England, showery. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May S. Wheat. May, 89Tc: July, OOfrjc; No. X hard, 904c; No. 1 Northern, ItOic; No, 3 wheat, SSOUuc Barley Mfetfc. Flax f l.flS t 1..MS. MAY 26 WORLD'S LARGEST STEAMSHIP WILL SAIL FOR PARIS LONDON HAMBURG and regularly tharaafter HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE Harvey & Palmer, North Pacific General Apis., Srts Eend Ave. Thon Elliott 1S76 and 6i29, Seattle. Wash., or San Francisco office. IO0 Stockton Kt-. Pan Francisco. Southern Pacific Ctf SO Sixth t., O.-W. H. & N. Co.. No. Pacific. D. & R. Burlington Koute. Milwaukee & Pupet Sound It. R., Gt. Northern Ry., Oorsey B. Smith, 3d and Washington Sts , PorUand, Or. t M 1 kf lvt35'Generale Tr&nsstiantique S11 II 14 S ..!:Iii""s.lllns from New York .very Wednesday." 30 A. M UrjJ vlYtlxa La Lorraine, Wed., May i MV i A PROVEN! eVS a Si'RArK(.Mrl at- 13 ENCE Mar SO LA LORRAINE June S LA PROTCB Jn. 17 Mars? 'LA SAIUU, duno w Trranca orwi tfuoi 1H Twln-scr.w steamer. tQusdruplf-screw stesmer SPECIAL, SAJtinifss wwi.i..wn i i " 11 ...... ONE CUSS CABIN (111 Slid THIRD-CLASS P8senKers Only. KOCHAM HEAUi May . ... CHICAIIO June ! . I a yt fttlnser. HO 6tb St.; A. L. fJnarlton. 335 Morrlsua St.; r.. .M. -rayicr. m . aj fot. i . ity.; . " l" - . - - " .... H. IMrkaon, 848 Vahinsrtii t. Bonn Bani Bosa, om sea surs sum . walker, agent union i-miw j . northeastward to Saskatchewan. it n caused rain in nearly all portions of this dis trict and in W.sLern Montana. i ne high-pressure-area hasmoved south to the lower Valley and the barometer continues relatively low In the Middle At lantic and New England States. It is much cooler in Eastern Own. Eastern washing- ton. Northern and boumwesiern maoo decidedly warmer In the Northern niaies between the Rocky Mountains and the Lakes region. . The conditions are favorable for showers In this district Saturday, with lower temper atures In Southern Idaho and sliuhtly higher temperatures in the iiiametie aney. THIS WEATHER. . STATIONS. TRAVKI.ETiK' ;riUK. 3tate ol weather J! ERRORS ANNUL RIGHTS J4 sl 108 55- H Oil. KEROSENE Water white,, drums, bar rels or tank wagon, 10c; special, drums or barrels. 1.-.W.C: cases. 1 7 t c GASOLINE Bulk, 16c; cases, 22c; motor spirit, bulk, 16c; cases, 23c. Engine distil late, drums, 8c ; cases, lie ; naptha, drums, 15c: casfts. 2'c. ' LINSEED -OIL Raw, barrels, 63c; boiled, barrels, 6oc; raw, cases, 6Sc; boiled, cases. 70c. TURPENTINE In cases, 6Sc per gallon tanka, 61c Market Is Well Supplied and Price Are Firm First Apricots Received. Strawberry receipts yesterday were large and there was a sood demand. Prices ruled firm throughout the day. A half car of A 1 Pineda berries was put on sale at $2 to $2.23 and cleaned up. A full car will ar rive from there today. Florins sold at $1 to $1.20 Tor Jessies and $1.50 to $1.85 for I'ollars. Receipts from Southern Oregon were moderate and sold for the most part at $2.25. j The steamer brought five or six cars of oranges. The orange market was firm. Pour cars of bananas are due today. They were reported at Pasco In fine condition. Three crates of apricots, the first of the su5on, arrived from Coachella and sold at J2.2.". a crate. In addition to . the steamer vegetables there was a car of fine Florida tomatoes and a mixed car of California vegetables. The latter contained beans at ill H cents, peas at 8 cents, sweet potatoes at $4.oO$5 and cauliflower at $2-25 2.50. The first car of new crop Brazil nuts was receive. RURAL MANUAL PLAY NEXT Oregon City Educator Proposes New Training for Smallest School. OREGON CITT. Or.. May 8. (Spe cial.) A plan whereby manual training for boys may bo taught in the smallest district school is being" worked out by County Superintendent J. A. Calavan. He proposes that the school districts shall unite in proups of five and that each group shall employ an instructor, who" will spend a day in each district. giving- each school his services once & week. "At the present manual training. said Mr. Calavan, "Is taught in but three school districts in the county, Oregon City. Willamette and G-ladstone. In each case, however, it is a, pro nounced success. 1 believe that an in structor can be secured for $100 a month. The expense would be only $20 a month, so each district or $5 a week for the full day." TWO HUNDRED CARS POTATOES LEFT Entire Stock Mill Be Worked Off by Time . Scmfron Ends. About 200 cars of potatoes are left in growers' hands, according to estimates made by local dealers. This quantity will be en tirely disposed of by the time the season rods. The market is holding steady with a. good shipping -demand. Most of the ship ments are being made to California. A few cars arc being forwarded to Arizona, and there Is an occasional shipment to Texas California reports say that new potatoes will cut quite a figure la the market by May 20. The early Oregon crop is now In and doing fine. The total acreage In the state promises to be about the same as last year. The onioa crop is practically all planted. Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., May S. Hoffs Re- ! ceipts, 4800; market, steady. Heavy and light, $S.35S.40; pigs. XT.OO&S.O: bulk of sales. $8.37 1 8.40. Cattle Receipts. 600 market, strong. Na tive steers. 7.406i 9.O0: cows and heifers. $.50faS.50; "Western steers, $3.S0& S.50 ; Tex- stet-rs. 54 w 7.80: cows and heifers. Stta T.S5; calves, hty 10.5O. fcticeo Keceints. DttuO: market. hlrrher. Yearlings. $-t.."u.,&,7.5y : wethers. S6.2oCiz7: lambs, $7.50 & 8.40. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, May 8. Hogs Receipts, 14, 000; market, slow at yesterday's average. Bulk of sales, $S.t50 8.60; light, H.4o'a 8.67 ; mixed. $S.40& S.67H ; heavy. $S.20 8.05; rough, $S.20S-35; pigB $7.40-98.40. Cattle Receipts. Iu00: market. weak. Beeves. $7.25 9.50: Texas steers. $7.10 4j 8.15; Western steers. $7.10 8.10; stockers and feeders, $5.60 8.30; cows and heifers, $3.708.t0; calves, $79.7fl. Sheep Receipts. 10.0O0; market, steady. Native, $r,.10(cf 5.75; Western, $5.108.10; yearlings. $5. 60 6.75; lambs, native, $6,100 .4u; western, to.1u4v1.Ta. SAX EKAXlSCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City on Fruits. cgetables. Etc SAX FRAXCISCO, May 8. Fruit Pine apples. 2.25t&3; apples. Newton Pippins, 16xl.T3; Hoorer, 1.251.50: No. 3. G0c& 41; Mexican limes, $910; California lem ons, U 4. Potatoea Delta whites. 40 SOc : Oreaon Burbanka, 90C&I1.25; sweets, $.25 3. egetables Cucumbers, houthouse, $1,00 9 1.75; green peas, $2.50iz3 per sack. Epres Fancy ranclar, 2;jc; store, 22c Onions Bermudas, $2f& 2.50. Cheese Young; Americas. 15 15 Vic; new, 12 13c Butter Fancy creamery, 24c; seconds, 23 He. Receipts Flour, 7024 quarters; barley 4370 centals; potatoes, 2345 sacks; hay. if 70 tons. 10O 7.TOO 100 10O 1.400 100 41J4 41 V 41 Total sales for the day, 206,300 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board nr Tmita hlHcr fnrt 1 a n il . Bid. Asked, au r.n A 95 16 Atl Coast Line, 1st 4s W41 94 4 H St O Gold 4s O1 94 B R. T 4s 0 "I Ches & O 4 Vis 03 C M & St P. Gen 4 h 102-.ii 3W c r i col 4s a:; 4 Pal ( fm V- '-s 13 Q Inlni 4 ?1 7 US Erie Gen 4s - 73 , 73H t -vfBt AU.m 77 8 Louisville A. Nash Un 4 95 .r4 Missouri Pac 4s 5 - V v r t1n ZU. S2i N & W "1st Con 48 ft Northern Pac 4- nrf-rrt Rhnrt I.ln Ref 4S UU-U J Pac Tel 5s W7 ht iT Penna. Con 4s lOl HJ T?ariinr fln 4l t4 '4 SC.U So P Ref 4s 12 l2Vi U T Pnl Am 90 il So Ry 58 lO.'.S, 105 Tt v i i J ' X!n Ity Inv 4s 5' Xrn Pac 1st and Ref 4s C4 84V 1 T R KtMl 5k 102 West Shore 4s.., S3 9Vi Wabash 4s 5t Whnnu IT. lew. OV Si. ........... 94 Wisconsin Central 4s 87 ft SS United States 2s registered 9b vi rlrt nn 61 TTnitMH RtatM 3a reeistered 101 102 sl. 101 1U2 United states 4s registered 109 110H do BRIDGE FRANCHISE APPLICATION MUST BE FILED ANEW. Com mis loner Daly ExprenHes Donbts mn to Company' Sincerity but Denial la Made by Officials. Because of typographical errors found in the proposed franchise grant to the Portland Hallway, Light A Pow er Company covering1 the operation ot cara over the bridges of the city at a rate of 3 cents a car, the City Commis sion yesterday rescinded a resolution adopted recently sending the franchise up for final advertising. This throws the franchise proposition back before the Council, necessitating the filing by the company of a new application. The errors in the measure were found by Chief Deputy City Auditor Grutze after the Council had checked the franchise over. The errors appar ently were merely typographical, but it is said they made considerable dif ference in the meaning of the pro visions of the franchise. The mistakes consisted of the use of the word "of for "or" and "the" for "a." Commissioner Daly said he felt some times as though the company was not anxious to get a bridge franchise. He says, however, that the present action Baker Boise Boston ......... Calgary Chicago Colfax Deliver Des Moines tmiuth Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas City Klamath Falls. .. Los Angeles Marshfield Medf ord Montreal New Orleans-.... New Y'ork North Head North Yakima . . Pendleton Phoenix Poeatello Portland Roseburg Sacramento St. Louis. ........ Paul Salt Lake an Francisco... Seattle Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla Washington .... Winnipeg ' BOSTON, Allouez Amal Copper. Am Z L 4 Sm Arizona Com. . Mocks May will bring the proposition to a head. coupon lut1, J necessitating the filing of a new ap plication by the company. The franchise as rescinded was to have been adver tised nearly a month ago, but as yet official advertising has not been at tended to by the company, J. E. Werleln, representing the com pany, sai-d yesterday that the company has not been negligent in the proposi tion, but has been unable to get the franchise straightened out satisfactori ly for advertising. "We will take the proposition up with Commissioner Daly at once, said Mr. werleln. t Boston. -Closing Quotations: 29 I Mohawk 43 H 71 (Nevada Con IS 16H Niplvsing Mines. 4 A !iortn ami Calumet & Aris 63: Old uominio . Cal fc Hecla....420 lusceoia Centennial lSVfcjShannon Cop Range C Co (Superior E Butte Cop M lOjSup & B Mine Franklin 4AlTamarack . . . Granby Con 70 U S S R fe M 6 25 73-4 0 Greens Cans-nea. 31 "4 1 eo prrrsa.. 44 I Royalle lJopj if iian v on jvs Kerr I.akfl tan c opper lo io T a lr. tr,rxr,fT ... 6 iWolverillB ..... 42 La Salle Copper 4iButte & Sup a634 Miami Copper.. 21 1 Rocliester Railroad Case Heard. Coffe and Sugar. Money, Kxrhansje. Etc NEW YORK. May 8. Call money, steady. 1422 per cent; rutins; rate. xi. per ceni VETERANS HAVE MEETING Washington County Association Has Session at' Forest Grove. FOREST GROVE. Or.. May 8. (Spe cial.) The town was filled with peo ple today to attend the annual meet ing of the Washington County Vet erans' Association. At 10 A. M. the veterans, headed by eight drummers and fifers, formed a line of march, with John McNamer as marshal of the day and "William Ridsjley as color bearer, and marched to the Central School, where a patriotic programme was carried out. Those who spoke were Rev. J. P. Ashley, "W. A. Williams, of Portland, and Superintendent Inlow. Luncheon was served. XCT" YORK, May 8. The coffee market j closing- bid. lg-2 per cent. was auii i .i inn aucn..L. J . any 11 can development and after opening; at unchanged prices to an advance of 1 point, closed dull net one point higher to 5 points lower. Sales, 2500; May. 8.49c: July, 8.66c; September. S.S4c; October. 8-82C: December. 8.07c; Jan uary. .12c; JMa.rcn. y.24c Spot dull; Rio No. 7. 8c: Santos No. 4. llHc Mild coffes dull; Cordova, loc nominal. Sugar Raw. firm. Molasses, z.49e; cen trifugal. 3.14c; refined steady. Time loans, weak; 60 days. 2V4 per cent: 90 days. 2. per ceni; six mourns, s per cent- WArcantile caper. SttGSV per cent- 'gterlloA exchange, strong. Sixty days, $4. 525: demand, Jl.Hi'J.-. Commercial bills. 4.S4 Bar silver. 5S"!ic UMican dollars. 45C. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. easy. ' May 8. Bar Metal Markets. NEW YORK. May 8 Lead quiet.. S.S50 8.95: London flS 7s 6d. Spelter steady, S.1095.20; London, 21 7 ftd. Copper unsettled. Spot and July. 13.87ti 13.S7H: electrolytic. 14-12 Mi 14.87 H ; lake nominal: castins. IS. 874 9 14-1244. Tin quiet, spot, 33.303.50; July, 33.40 e 33.70. Antimony dull. Cooksons. 7.1507.25. Iron steady, unchanged. Copper rjeliverles Decrease. KEW YORK, May 8. Ths statement of the Copper Producers' Association for April shows sn Increase in stocks on hand of 5. 727.ft.s2 pounds, compared with the previous month. Production, for April incraaasd, ajHSs LONDON, Short bills and three months. 2e2Ti CENTRALIA, Wash.. May 8. (Spe cial.) At the conclusion of the hearing at Rochester Wednesday by the Public Service Commission on the petition pro testing against the abandonment of the old Northern Pacific depot and the es tablishment of a union depot by the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee at the extreme western edge of town. Judge Godman, chairman of the commission reserved decision for a week. Many of those owning property in the east end of Rochester expressed themselves as sliver steady. I being in favor of the depot and its ad vocates are confident Judge Godman will render a favorable decision. SAN FRANCISCO, May 8. Silver bar 5S'c. Drafts Telesrranh. 2'4c. Sterling In London. 60 days, S4.8i!4: do. sight. S4.S. 1. Naval Mores. SAVANNAH. Ga. May 8. Turpentin. Firm. 4:'i e-ISIic. Sales. 753: receipts, 654, shipments. 710; stocKs, 14.140. Rosin Firm. Sales. lnr, ; receipts. 2507: shipments. 606: stocks. 103.420. Quote: AB. 3.ti7 Vi 6 3.75; CD. S3.UO: E, S3.&5 ft 4.00 ; r $3.954.O0; G. $4.00 6 4.05:; H, 4.10: L S4.20: K. H-3": M. 4 ..; -N. S5.301 WG, 5.T WTCt Pt. cloudy Pi. cloudy Hain Cloudy clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clar l.-sr Clear t loudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy 4lear i'loudy Clear Pt. cloudy lear i'loudy Rain pt. cloudy ,Clear Clear So O.00- S SW (Pt. cloudy 06 O.0 SiN 74 0.00 10,N S2'0.3i)16'N I s o.oo! s;n 55 l.34!16 NW 75;o.S'.. ! 82iO.0O 10 S 61 O.OOl 4 W 64iO.010;W 6ti 0.O0I14 SW 78 0.0il NW 72 0.OOI 8 SV 80,0.0.". 14:SW Ol'O.OO 4 N 64 0.1O 4 SW 72 O.OlVlOiPW tilllO. 14,10 SW 72 0.12 10 SW 70 O.OO'. 20 N 75 0.001 S NW r.slo.osl 8 t: 56 0.04 12, SE 04-0.04) ONE 76 0.05 4W 116 0.1' 4 N 6S 0.2 52 0.00 72 O.OO 62'0.Oll 64'0.O0 8l o.l" Ol'O.O i XE IKaln 4'N Clear 4 SW IClear 5 NW Clear 10W Clear 8;S iCloudy W Pt. cloudy 62 O.oot 4'SW ,Pt cloudy S.f0.1UjlO SW IPt. Clouay 000.04 8 SW ICloudy 5SO.tio! 4 S Cloudy 611 0.1 't) o S IClear ti'0.06! NWCloudy 68.0.Olt10S (Cloudy FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Showers; slightly warmer; soutnwesteriy winas. Oregon snowers excepi lair cxiremo puum portion; warmer northwest portion except ne-nr Rmi t h westerl V winds. Washington Knowers; winas oecomius westerly. tnnrtrt snowers: cooler soun puniun. FDWARD A. BRA T.S, District 1 or. raster. White Star Line LYMPKv lONDON MAY 30 rOR pA R 1 3 JlNK 20, LV lu A LO. , Al'G. 20. 1 KPT. 19. Via Plymouth Cberboni-K Soutbampton OTHER SAILINGS. St. Paul May 15;St. Lnuis .fane 5 Oceanic ....May 23 Oceanic ...June 13 American l.lne tt?aTiier. New Vorki)neeD(twn Liverpool Adriatic ....May 14, Celtic May 2ft tedric May 21;liaUic June 4 ' Hot ton Queen Mown Liverpool Jiv.Vi.50 up. a4eorsinic to htramfr. Arabic May 10 vmrio lime AUo N. V. & Bot on -Mediterranean. AMERICAN LINE One-clans Cabin (II) service, a..? up. ll mouth Cherbfriirp iont lnuiiptttn St. Paul ....May 15 Philadelphia- Ma 29 New York ..May 2,M. sLouin. . . .June ft ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE New York. London Olreet. Minnehaha. . May 16 linneapnUr.Ma.v 30 Minnetonka . Iay 'ia,MiuufHiiKkt June 6 RED STAR LINE New York lover Antwerp "Finland .. . .May lti Yaderlantl . . . May 30 Lapland . . .May SU.krooniand. . .June WHITE STAR DOMINION Montreal Quebec Liverpool ONLY lOlK DAYS AT fcKA. Ammnc the LAKt.F.ST STKAMKKS 1 ROM CANADA Canada ....May li Teutonic ...May 30 Iureiitlc . ..May ZaliMeeantic . . .June 4 Send for foldert of beautiful t. Ijiwrence route to Lurope. A. K. DISNKV, Patencer Agent, Rail xvu v Krc-hantf rtldi:.. l Second Ave. Seattle. Telephone Main' U.f or Loxii Kuunay and Mamhip A tents. i ral The "safety first" movement emphasizes among horsemen and auto mobilists the desirable non-slip, non-skid fea tures of bitulithic pavement kJt Royal Mail Steamships "Tbe Lio of Gaod Service SCENIC ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE Tks NEW TLKBl.NE iuatlruple-Screw S. S. "ALSATIAN" and S. S. ' C ALG ARIAN LAHGK9T FINEST PASTES? CANADIAN KUITE 3 Weekly Sailings Montreal-Quebec. Liverpool-lilasgow-liavre-London Uwas I'MNacr Lns I kai 4 Usis. Summer reaervuuon lists now open. Karly booKinss recommended, fcena lor descriptive Booklet -"Ci." For full par ticulars as to sailings, rates, eta. apply to Local Agent or alla.i st ru4 l.rnrrsi Atreava, 127 North Dearboro Street. Chicago. J.C. WILSON & CO. DlUClvs. GRAIN AND CU1TU.V simsHirBH Kin TORS HlOtii exchamgb. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADs. KI1V YOKE. COXION KXCHANUB. TH STOCK AKD BOND aULClAAAUB. HAM FRAMCiaCO. PORTLAND OrriOE: Lewis Eoildiug, 269 Oak Stmt Phones Marshall S858. A 4187. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. DAILY MKTEOKOIXUICAI. REPORT. PORTLAND. May 8. Maximum teraoer ature. 63 degrees; minimum, 53 degrees. River reading st 8 A. M .. lj.l feet; change in last 24 tauurs, 0.4 foot rise. Total rainfall P. M. to 0 P. M. . 0.27 lnrn: total rainfall since September 1. 1913. 36.01 Inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 40.f5 Inches; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1913, 4.04 Inches. Total sunshine May B, 2 hours. 20 minutes; possible sunshine, 34 hours, 41) minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) tOP. M-. inches. " WEATHER CONDITIONS. IX Idaho low-nrcasuxs arts, has moved ARGENTINE: And all Brulliaa Porta Nf mdA Fact C2.S00 ton) FaMerifrer 8tamcn from New York evcrv lterxiis iaatuzuavv 17 DAYS TO HIO JA-NE'lHO. BU5C & DANIELS, a. Asm- &r.aiwmr. N. T. DorMT B. Smith. Third and Waah Ims Ma., or any local atftnl. L'uful map of Great Britain FREE. AIm Illustrated, book of tours on tha GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OF ENGLAND X. jitelejr. Uen. Act., 60i BU An. J. X. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND Round Tri- Hitter tot clttttb lo Tahiti to VeU.nrton U bjney .H. tleelal Jf aciiic Oceao lour vuiciudlnc Sou ib tee a t'.'A 1st ciaaa. Kouud tlio World Hates on application. Regular thruufb service from iian Franctaco. S. fci. Muana ll4.00a tons sails May Z7 . S. V illochra (12,000 tons), satis June J4 to. to- Tahiti (lZ.uoo tons) tails July -a Send for pamptalet. ITnlo Steamsnip Co. of ew Zealand. Ltd. Office: UtU Market street, ban franciaco, or local d. b. and K. R. agent. TO SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND 1SAN IHlOO. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY, MAY IX COOS UAV AN O tlKEKA S. S. ALLIANCE SCX DAY, MAY 1. "COUTH PAClilC SIliAMSHIP CO. Ticket OUtce. U irelat Office, 122A Id St. Columbia Dock. Main U14. A 1114. Idalu U0S. A 6423 8. S. BEATER For SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 8 A. SI. May 13tb. Tbs Kan Francisco at Portland SJ. Co. Zd and Vachinrton Sts. (wilh O.-W. K. & '. Co.) TeL Marshall tbui, A 41S1. COOS BAY LINE STKAMSUIJ? "BREAKWAIIE" Palls from Alnswortu dock. Portland. S A. M.. April 28. May 3. 8. 13, IS. :3. June 2. 7 12. 17, 22. 27. Freight received until 4 P M. day previous to sailing- Paaser.g" fare: First-class. 10; second-clsss I me a only), $7. Including berths snd meals. Of fice Lower Ainsworth Dock. roniLAMi JC toos BAY 8. 8. tLSE. L. li. k rating. Agent. Pnons ataln JsOO. or A 1133s fur any utormtUes,