THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1914. 21 PRUNE TRADE UTS Growers and Packers Are Both Holding Back. CROP OUTLOOK NOT GOOD Present Estimates Are of Yield in 3fort-h-wett of Xot Over 40 Per Cent Good Prices Paid in li us iness So Fa r Done. There is little change in the prune situa tion and not much of interest on this sea son's crop aside from the fact that the crop over the entire Northwest is very short. From the best estimates obtainable at this time there will probably not be over 40 per cent of a crop. No important business is being; done by either grower or packer, both Idea being inclined to wait for -develop ments, or until such time as the actual size of the yield can be arrived at. X few contracts, however, have been made with growers at TVs cents for 30-85s and a quar ter cent Jess for counts of five. There is no question but that good prices will be obtlaned for both the Oregon and California crops. The California situation, as to crop prospects, is somewhat better than it was a week ago. On this subject. the California Frutt Grower, in Its latest issue, says; "There is no question but that the. prune I crop In California this year is very small, the present guesses ranging 10,000.000 pounds both ways from the X00.0OO.uoo mark. The general expectancy is for' pretty good sizes ; in prunes owing to the small amount of fruit that has apparently set on the trees. An advice just received from Santa Rosa states that the prune crop in that section will be between one-half and two-thirds of what it was. last year. The Heal deb urg section reports not more than one-half of last year's crop. "Buying from growers is not so active. The pressure seems to have been reduced a little and packers are not quite so excited. So far as Europe is concerned, uncertain hipping conditions consequent upon the - Mexican troubles have put buyers there out of trie market temporarily, but domestic trade in prunes is reported as Increasing; hence business is being booked more freely by some operators and less freely by others " just ut the moment." MOHAIR MARKET ON STEADY BASIS No Further Sales of Pooled 1 1 air Expected in This State. The mohair season in Oregon is closed, so far as pool sales are concerned. Local dealers state that the clips usually gathered in pools at Dallas. Sodavllle and Hillsboro will be disposed of at private sale and some have already been sold in this man ner. The market is holding steady at the prices established at the pools already sold. The Eastern mohair market continues quiet, with buying of a hand-to-mouth or der and prices are unchanged. Reporting on foreign conditions, the Boston Commer cial Bulletin says: "The situation in Yorkshire is reported ' unchanged, spinners being fairly occupied on old contracts, but new business being of very minor proportions. "The new clip is coming to market in larger quantities in Turkey and at the Cape. At the latter point recent arrivals of Sum mer kids in Port Elizabeth are said to have brought Ss 4 hid on Bradford account. That first grade will be sought with the same relative keenness seems unlikely, in view of the fact that considerable quantities of both Turkey and Cape firsts are still on the Bradford market. ( "In alpaca only a small business is re ported in Liverpool. Advices from the west coast of 6outh America state that 200 bales of Arequippa fleece have been taken . for the United States." straights. $4.20; exports 3.90; valley, $4.80; graham. $4.t0; whole wheat, 5. BARLEY Fed,I2021 per ton; brewing, f2122; rolled, $23.5024.50. OATS No. 1 white milling. 123 23.50 per ton. CORN Whole. $34; cracked, S35 per ton. HAY No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy, $16 17; mixpd timothy. $141; valley grain hay. $12.5014; alfalfa. S1213.50. MILLFEED Bran. $24 per ton; shorts, $2ti.50&27; middlings. $32&:3. Fruits mod Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, $2.50 & 3 per box; lemons, $3.75(4.50 per box; pineapples. 6c per pound; bananas, 4 Ho per pound ; grapefruit. Florida, $4.75 5.75 per box. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 1 Q 1.75 per dozen; eggplant. 20c per pound; peppers. 30c per pound; radishes, 17c per dozen; head lettuce. $232.25 per crate; artichokes, 55&65c per dozen; celery, $3.754.25 crate; tomatoes, $4.505 per crate; spinach, 5c per lb. ; horseradish. 8 10c ; rhubarb, 1 c per lb. . cabbage, 22Uc per lb. ; as paragus, $11.50 per dozen; peas. (Sc per lb.; beans. izc per lb. GREEN FRUIT Apples. $12.50 per box box; strawberries, California, $1.75 2.25 per crate; Oregon. $23 per crate; cherries. $1.50 (f? 3 per box; gooseberries, 7Sc per lb. ONIONS Texas. $2.252.75 per crate; California. l.ov(&s per crate. POTATOES Oregon. 75c per hundred; buying prices, 50 & 60c at shipping points; sweet potatoes, $2.7503 per crate; new Cali fornia. 5&tfc per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, new, $1.50; carrots. $1; parsnips, $1; beets, $L Dairy and Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. ltffc&zoc; candled, zoo per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 16y)166c; broilers,. 2527c; turkeys, live, 19S20c; dressed, cnoice. zuie; oucks, is j luc ; geese, 10 12c. CHEESE Oregon triplets, lS'ic; Young Americas, ivc .butter Creamery prints, extra, 2-u per pouna ; cubes, mzx. PORK Fancy, 10 11c per pound. VEAL Fancy, llfel2c. Staple Groceries. y Local jobbing Quotations; SALMON Columbia River, one - pound tails, $2.25 per dozen; half-pound fiats. $1.40; one-pound flats, $2.45; Alaska pink, one-pound tails, 85c; silversides, one-pbund talis, f HONEY Choice. $3.503.75 per case. NUTS Walnuts. 14 4200 per pound Brazil nuts. 20c; filberts, 14ldc; almonds. lU&2Sc; peanuts, 6Gc; cocoanuts, $1 per dozen; chestnuts. & luo per pound! pe cans, i 4 0' ltC. BEANS Small white, 6Hc; large white, 4.fejc; Lima, Vsc; pink, 5c; Mexican, 6c bayou, 7c SUGAR Fruit and berry. $4.70; Honolulu plantation, beet, 4.du; extra c, .-J powdered, in barrels, $4.i)5. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 10 52c per pouna. SALT Granulated. $15.00 per ton; naif ground, 100s, $10.75 per ton; 50s. $11.50 per ton. dairy. 514 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japau. 45c; Southern head. 6U7c, Island, 55c. DRIED FRUITS Apples. lOfcfflllo per pound; apricots, 166 (qiZOc; peaches, 3llc; prunes. Italians, b&lOVaC; currants, &Vc; raisins, loose Muscatel, 6tHc; bleach ec. Thompson, 11 c; unbleached' Sultana, 5 Vic; seeded, 9c; dates, Persian, 7f&7&c. per pound; fard, $1.40 per box. FIGS Package. S oz 50 to box, $1.85; package, 10 oz.. 12 to box. 80c; white, 25-lb box, $1.75; black, 25-lb. box, $1.75; black 50-lb. box, $2.50; black, 10-lb. box, $1.15: Calarab candy figs, 20-lb. box, $3; Smyrna, per box, $1.50. Provisions. HAMS lO to 12-pound. lS19c; 12 to 14-pound, 18 410c; 14 to 18-pound, 18H19V.c; skinned. 1819c; picnic, 18c; boiled, 20c. BACON Fancy, 26 4 0 27 c ; standard. 21 Vi 23 c. DRY SALT CURED Short clear backs. 13 H 16c; exports, 15(& 16 Vfec; strips. 10 & 17Vic LARD -Tierce basis. Pure, 1213c; compound. 10c TRADING IS NARROW Standstill. BONO PRICES ABE STEADY mark, cases included. 17lSHc: ordinary firsts. 17fe&18c; fusts. 18HtflSc Cbeese Lower. Daisies, 15 lnc; twins. l-iMQUMtc: Americans, 15&15c; long horns, 14)4 0 14 nc. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. May . Lead, quiet, 3.85 & 3.95; London, 18 5s. I final. mtm.tV K rt-i IS" Tjtnltnil fn1 7 Stock Speculation Almost at K ' ,te.dy. SDOt Bna JOIy. 13.37 13.87": electrolytic 14.S7 : lake, nominal: casting. 1 4 ii 14. !:;,. Tin. llrni. spot. June, u.iuv 133.30. Antimony, Cookaon's, 7.15(57.-5. Naval Store.. 6AVANXAH, Ga., May . Turpentine Firm. 42&43e. Sale., none; receipts, 786; shipments. 64; stock,, 12,877. Rosin Firm; sales, none; receipts, 1739; shipments, 4S0; stocks, 105,558. Quote; AB, $3.43; CD, $3.703.73; E, J3.S0; F. 3.S0'8 8.87V.; G, 3.853.8T4 : H. $3 95; I. 4.15; K, 4.3o; M, 4.70; N. 5.40: WQ and WW, 33.. - . Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 6. Spot cotton, quiet. Middlings, 12.S0; do, gulf, 13.15. Iuluth Unseed. Market. DTJIAJTH. May . Linseed, Sl.OTIi; May, 1.57ii; July, tl.obii. Xew York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. May 0. Raar sugar firm. Molasses sugar, 2.41'c; centrifugal. 3.07c. Re. fined, steady. Dried I'rnit at New York. NEW YORK, May . Evaporated apples, steady. Prunes, quiet. Peaches, inactive. AREA MAY. BE LESS! alk of Decreased Acreage in Red River Valley. WHEAT GIVEN STRENGTH Initiative Tracking in All Securities Market Mexican Situation Con tinues to Be Chief Kest raining Influence in Wall Street. NEW YORK. May 6. The stock market was almost at a standstill during most of today's trading. lu the foreign markets, as well as at home, Initiative was lacking and indications were for an Indefinite period of Inaction. The English, market, it is ex pected, will go slowly until the Ulster question Is disposed of. On the continent. financial conditions are still unsatisfactory. In this market the Mexican situation con tinues to be the chief restraining influence. In the copper market current business was said to be unusually dull. Demand sterling rose to the highest figure of the year today and it was expected that further engagements of gold for Eu rope would be arranged. Bonds were steady, aside from a 2-polnt rise In Rock iBland collaterals. Total sales, par value, 12,110,000. United States 2s reg istered advanced 4 on caiL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson fc Co., Lewis BLIND PIGS ARE DENIED KEWBERG DRUGGISTS DOUBT GOV ERNOR'S LIQUOR FIGURES. building, Portland. Closing bales, mgo. Low. i3id. Amai uopper . . lO.IRK Am Beet Sugar. v 100 Am Can Co ... 1,7 UO do preferred Am Car A Fdy.. ...... Am Cotton Oil Am Smel fc Kef. 1.90O do preferred 100X4 Am Sugar 101 High. 20 '4 26 T4 48 t2 Last Barrel Received Scarcely Has Been Touched," Says J. V. Bar croft. Sherwood and St Paul Blamed. rOUUTRT AND MEATS ARE DEPRESSED Market Is Overstocked and Lower Prices Are Quoted. The poultry and dressed meat markets were overstocked yesterday and prices were decidedly weak. Hens sold at 16 cents as the top and 16 cents as a cleanup price. Broilers were quoted at 25 to 27 cents. Toung ducks were worth 25 ,cents, but old ducks could hardly be moved at any price. The sale of veal also dragged and some had to be sent to the coolers. The- best sold at 11 H to 12 cents, and later in the day buyers would not offer- over 10 cents. Pork was fairly steady at the old prices. The egg market was firm with most busi ness on the street done at 20 cents. Buyers' offers sent to the country were at 194 and 19 H cents delivered. Receipts are steadily declining. Butter was quoted steady, with the de mand fully equal to the offering. Cheese was weak. STRAWBERRY DEMAND INCREASES Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS 1912 crop, -prime and choice, 13H 15c ; 1914 contracts, nominal. PELTS Dry 10c. dry short wool. 7c: dry shearings, 10c; green shearings, 10c; salted sheep, OOc(&$l; Sprlnc iambs, 15 & 25c. HiDEsb iai tea mats, uc per pouna: salt kip, 14c; salted calf, 19c; green hides, 12c; dry hides, zc; dry can, ztc; salted nulis, 9c per pound; green bulls, 8c woul vaiiey, isrzuc; pastern Oregon, 14 & 19c MOHAIR 1914 Clip, 2728C per lb. CASCAKA BAKK old and new, 3c per lb. FISH Chinook salmon,, llo per lb.: hal ibut, 5c; perch. 7c; shad, 6c Oils. KEROSENE Water white, drums, bar rels or tank wagon, lOc; special, drums or barrels, litc; cases, i i y ta J rxc GASOLINE: Bulk, lGc; cases, 22c; motor spirit, bulk. 16c; cases, 23c. Engine distil late, drums, Sc; cases, loc; Naptha, drums, 15c: cases. 22c LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 63c: boiled. barrels. Hoc; raw, cases. tiSc; boiled, cases, 70c. TURPENTINE In cases. 6Sc per gallon; tanas, oic. do preferred, Am Tel & Tel. . Am Tobacco . Anaconda Atl Coast Line A T & Santa Fe do preferred.. , Bait & Ohio... Brook R Tran.. Canadian Pac. . C O C & N W C. M & St Paul.. Central Leather Central of N J. Coino Col Fuel & Iron Cot Southern . . onsol Cms .... L & W & R O Distilling Secur. Erie Gen Electric . . . Gt Nortb Ore.. Gt North pf mo is central . Interboro Metro. do preferred. . Inter Harvester. K C Southern . . Lehigh Valley .. Louis & Nash. . Mexican Cent . . M, S P & S S M. Mo, Kan & Tex.. Mo Pacific ational Lead .. at Biscuit . . . ew Haven .... Y Central ... N Y. Ont fc Wei orfolk & West orthern Pac . . aciflc Mall .... Pacific T & T .. do preferred.. Pennsylvania ... .Heading Republic S & I. Rock Island Co. Southern Pac. . . Southern Ry ... Texas uii Union Pacific . . do preferred.. United Rds S F. U S Steel Cor .. do preferred.. Utah Copper . . Wabash Western Union.. Westintr Eiec . . Wisconsin Cent o00 ZOO 2,200 400 6O0 "300 6.000 5.700 iiUtK) 100 90O 3.8O0 122 S3 121 9l " 93 193 a4 loH 99 30 120 225 32 121 95 "ok" 92 192 5U 13:; 9S 35 No OLD PRICE RESTORED SELL AT MCKEL ADVANCE AT STOCKYARDS, Are Cattle Values Sag; and Sheep Steady Supply For Day Is Light. There" was onlv a small supply of cattle and hogs at the yards yesterday, but the run of sheep was a good one. Cattle prices were inclined to sag, but hogs and sheep were firm. Only about four loads of steers were dis posed of. They were not of choice grade at 7. There was a nickel Rain in bog prices, 1 th hMt ll7htweiek.t sallins- at S.8.S5 and The strawberry market was firm, as the sood heavy hoes brinxine S7.55. warm weather created a strong demand. I Buyers paid S7.25 and S i .50 for lambs. and receinta. thourh l&rtre. went Tint iin tn $5.60 for wethers. $4.50 for ewes and . . a i i i - . i lu o. i . ii iiiu.t:u iaV " , 7: w Receipts were 78 cattle, 10 calves. 38 ouim cu uiciy cieaaeu w, and 1104 Sheep. up at 2.25 a crate. Florin receipts Shippers were: With cattle Hal Con amounted to 1000 crates of Dollar berries I stants. Drummond, 3 cars. With hogi which sold at $1.75. The season for Fresno J- B- Morrison, Moro, 1 car. With sheep hrri.. rv- kw i M. P. Gllmore, Nampa, 1 car; J. W. Mc . . I Fadden. CorvalUs, 1 car; J. R. Cartwrlght, not yet arriving in quantity, but next week HarrUburg. 2 cars; L. E. West, Oakland, m aeo a. goua iuppiy. X nose mat came 1 nr With mixed lnnria J. Cooeland. in yesterday sold from $2 to $3. Vegetable arrivals were light, but a suf ficient supply in most lines was on hand. RED WHEAT TAKEN FOR ORIENT Japanese Buyers Opetating in Small Way. Barley Weak. The only development of interest In the wheat market yesterday was the Oriental buying. The Japanese were In the market for red wheat for early shipment, but not In large quantity. Purchases were made here and on the Sound. Prices were un changed. The barley market was weak and lifeless. Oats were steady. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday . s Si "4 4 14 Tuesday 11 10 T, 1 9 ieur afro .... 6.j 7 7 14 .-t n to aaie.n..'ti Zl- ns sso j..f7 7...; Vvar ago 15.984 si si 22-11 1M0 204; KuRir U Ten. Cents Higher. All grades of refined sugar were advanced 10 cents a hundred in te local market yes tordity. The market, according to expecta tions, will gather strength from day to day. on account of the Increasing demand all over the United States, and strong prices are expected to continue tintil late in the year. Plain view, l car cattle and sheep; W Kirk, Hunts Ferry, 3 cars hogs and sheep. The day's sales were as follows Weigh t.Prlce-i Wt. Price , S steers.. 1294 7.10'1S4 -wethers. S7 $5.50 a sieers. .1260 7.10 17 wethers. 125 5.50 5 steers.. 1094 7.10' 4 mixed., ir.3 4.50 4 steers. -lOSo 7.10fJo9 yearlings 97 S.50 3 hots... 150 &.55. 29 lambs... 74 7.25 2 hogs... ISO 8.53; 62 lambs... 7.50 5 hogs. .. 175 S. 5o:loo hOKS.... 209 8 55 S9 lambs.. T.25J 96 hos 206 8.155 36 mixed.. 115 4.75f 1 hos; 570 7 65 217 mixed.. 71 ft.Kj 1 hog 40O 8.05 4 calves.. 130 7.50 94 hogs 210 S.55 6 calves.. 153 5.0oj 1 hog 310 8.O5 26 steers. .1004 7.05; 2 hogs 400 7.55 26 steers.. 1057 7.05; ewes 116 4.1j 26 steers.. lo45 7.0"i 67 mixed... 91 6.75 Current local quotations on asses of livestock follow: Prime steers Choice steers Medium steers Choice cows Medium cows Heifer Light calves ...... Heavy calves Bulls States Hon Light . Heavy Lambs, wool Lambs, sheared Wethers, wool ........... Wethers, sheared .......... Ewes, wool .............. Ewes, sheared 4,200 40 34 399 100 3.000 300 15 all 15 28 !4 2.100 123 122 1,300 5.700 400 200 2.500 100 " 400 4H) 13,to0 700 3.500 200 3.400 4.400 S3.SHI0 400 3.40O 100 14.100 21.200 IOO 3.000 15 63 105 25 133 iii 1 20 69 83 103 110 111 . lt5 3 81 142 156 58 IO 55 14 62 105 25 138 133 122 Itf IK 8 82 103 108 110 164 3 81 14 J 155 58 108 54 112 121 22t 32 121 85 100 91 82 182 52 132 14 83 35 300 40 2" 23 132 382 11 14 28 14S 31 122 loe 14 62 105 24 130 133 10 122 10 20 43 12S 00 82 23 103 108 24 28 87 110 165 22 LADD & TILTON BANK r . t Established 185 9 Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 Commercial and Savings Deposits 01 74 41 61 74 41 200 1.208 100 Total sales for the day. 183.000 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. Board or. Trade Duuaing. f ortiana. Atch Gen 4s. Atl Coast Line, 1st 4s. B & O Gold 4S B R T 4s Ches It O 4s C M & St P Oen 4s. C R I Col 4s Cal Gas 5s. Bid. Asked. 95 96 84 .. 84 .. 91 . . 83 ..103 .. 33 B O Joint 4s 87 Erie Gen ,s Hit Met 48 Missouri Pac 4s. NYC Gen 3s N & W 1st Con 4s Northern Pac 4s Oregon Short Line Ret 4s.. Pac Tel 5 Penna Con 4s. NEWBEEG, Or., May 6. (Special.) Newberg ia gtlrred up over the publi cation of the Governor's demand on the city officials to take action in re sard to a letter sent him by Council man Craw, relative to the sale of liquor here. Mayor Colcord received the Gover nor's letter yesterday, as follows: '"To the Honorable Mayor of New. bers; Dear Sir: Inclosed please find a letter from H. Craw, concerning; the shipment of liquor to Newbergr. Will you kindly give this matter the atten tion which it merits? ' "Very truiv yours, "OSWALD WEST, Craw's letter of April 28 said the Southern Pacific Railroad Company'i books showed that, in the months of February and March, Druggist J. W. Barcroft had received 93 gallons of liquor and xrurcist L. B. Feraruso 76 gallons. E. Ilodaon. of the Parlor Pharmacy, in that time . had received a gallon and a half. . This letter was dated April 28. On May 4 Craw again ' wrote the Governor, saying that Barcroft, on April 28. had received another barrel of liquor of 53 gallons, a total of 146 . gallons in three months. In his letter of the 2Sth. Craw said: "Newbers -always has boasted that she has no saloons, but here we have two blind pigs running full blast, under the guise of drug stores. Is there no way to put a stop to this business? No one seems to know how to go at it or are afraid to tackle the job." Some weeks ago a citizens' commit tee took up the matter and various in I churches adopted resolutions for the 91 I City Council to take action. Several Councllmen said that the matter was fully covered by state laws and no ordinance could make them any stronger. Drugs-ist Ferguson says he has nev er handled liquor illegally in 14 years of business. He doubted Craw's fig ures for February and March. It is only a few miles to Sherwood, Wash ington County, and St. Paul, Marlon County, he said. Liquor ix sold in both towns, he said, and considerable i-j brought here in automobiles. Druggist Barcroft made the same statement relative to Sherwood and St. Paul. As to the barrel of liquor recently received, he says it has been scarcely touched. During the time mentioned in Craw's letter, Barcroft says, he has used from 20 to 30 gallons for medical preparations. Warm. ' Dry Weather eede In Bpringr-Crop Belt Corn Uu Hi sil ly Affected by Continued. Dei lay In Argentine Shipments. CHICAGO, May 6. Chances of decreased acre-tir in the Red R ver . Valley, ootn uu the Minnesota and the uaKoia sioes. uau much to do today with bringing about I strength in wheat. The outcome -was a steady close at a shade to &&c net ad vance. Corn finished a 16th off to & c ud. oats with a train of uo to yfec ana nrovlsions dearer hv 7 "Ac to ZOC Althourh firm cables ana tne tact mat recelDts Northwest were llnht save wheat some strength at the outset, the market I later eased off and demand was scattered. Ultimately lack of dry. warm weather In the Spring wheat crop region, especially the Red River Valley, caused, a renewal oi LeadeYs In the corn crowd were inclined to be bullish on account of continued delay to Argentines-shipments. Assertions that the domestic acreage this - season would show an Increase failed to prevent somewhat of an upturn In prices. Oats veered with corn. Provisions rose on account of an advance 1 In the hog market. The leading; futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. May $ .S3 t .93 July t5 .85. CORN. May 6 .66 July ... Hi ll J if HI i I a ai , Comp&gnie General e Transailantique Direct lino to Havro-ParU (Pranoe). Sailings from New York every Wednesday. II A. H. t ailing La Lorraine, Wed., May 13 UPRnVENeXMuM -LA LORRAINE JaMl -I.A 1'KOVEXCIS Jo, 17 fFRANCE (snrl May 7 'IA oAVOUS Jan. 1 tKraac. new June gt Twin-screw steamer. " ;vu.uiupip-Btiew Mmuor. HPv-mal. UTlHDif BAXLOIGS FKO.M NKW YORK. P. M. ONS CLASS CAfcilN 1I mMA TUIRt-JLAS Passengers Only. tKOCHAM HEAC, May 23. 'CHICAGO June 26 C W Stinger. M ftt h St. ; A. D. Ctmrltmi. 835 Morrison St.; E. M. Tayrar, C. M. ftt. T. Ry.: I)rey B. Smith. 9 6th St.: A. C. Sheldon, IOO Sd t. n. Iicks.a, ZAA Washington St.; North Bank Koad, sttt and ft t ark sta.) I). Walker, agent- Umisst Pelfl. Railway. MAY 26 WORLD'S LARGEST STEAMSHIP July Sept. July Sept. Julv Sept. .B5 .06 OATS. .37 'i .37 .35 . .19.90 .as 20.05 K0.10 Low. Close. $ .3 .S .bi .SI .68 .66 H .U6 .37 .ST .35 .o5? 19.8714 20.05 WILL SAIL FOR PARIS LONDON HAMBURG and regularly thereafter LARD. ..10.12 10.17 10.12 10.30 July Sept, .. 10.30 10.35 SHORT RIBS. ..11.12 11.20 11.1 10.17 11.20 11.32 1 24 14U 150 S2 15 108 54 1 61 74 4i 4J. .11.274 ll.H24 11.27 Wheat No. 2 red. 964r08iAc: No. 3 red. 94hc; So. 2 hard, 94&4ie: No. S hard. o a93kc: No. - Northern, ejic; No. 3 Northern. 9495c: No. Spring. UtU. 6t,U7c: No. 3 SDrina. 94H 0900. Corn No. 2. 68c; No. 2 white. 08c; No. 2 yelloiv. eSHifOSc; No. I wnile, wjc; No. 3 yellow, oe6Sc. Rye No. 2. 03c. Barley. 4S 64c. ximotny. i ;o 4.3U. Clover, $S itf 12.50. European Grain Markets. LONDON, May 6. cargoes on passage Finn. English country markets, xirm; f rencn country marketB, firm. LIVERPOOL, May 6. Wheat Spot firm. Futures strong. May, 7s 2d; July, 7s, 3iJd; October, 7s d. Minneapolis Grain Market. MTWff.ipnt.TS. May a Wheat. May. 89c; July. 60c: No. 1 hard. 94c; No. 1 .Northern, yiTi U w-Tii .wo. - 4ufmBiu, a-7 5ariey --i ooc Plax J1.55 l.fi7 . San Francisco Grain Market. SIN FRANCISCO. May 6. Soot Quota tions; Walla Walla. 1.61S 1.62: red Russian, S1.6O0T' l.til vt : 'XurKey rea. i.o.s At HSr hluestem. Sl.67ttL70: feed barley. 1&L01; brewing barley, nominal; wnue sto. S1.254rl.Ju ; bran. SC4.50(ijU5; mid dlings. (S04131: shorts, J26W26 60. lall noaru vv neau no imuniK. oirej, Slri4i: Mav. 99a bid. SI. 01 asked; June. S1.O0 asked; spot, 9Uo bid. Pnget 8onnd Vi'hrat Markets. TACOMA. May 6. Wheat Blues tem. 86c; forty fold. 92c; club. 01c; red Fife, 90c Car receipts, wneai oaricy i. usu hay 17. SEATTLE. May 6 Bluestem, 9lc; forty- HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE Harvey & Palmer. North Pacific General Agts.. f OS Second Ave. Phone Elliott 137ti and 5629. Seattle. Wash., or t?au Francisco office, rod Stockton St.. San F -andsco. Southern Pacific Co., 81) sixth St.. O.-W. R. & N. Co., No. Pacific, n. jtr R G.. BurifiiKton Route. Milwaukee & Puset Sound R. R-. ,Gt Northern Ry.. Dorsey-B. Smith, 3d and WastUnsto n Sts.. Portland, or. . T5 . 58 . 82 . 94 . 95 . 91 . 97 .101 Reading Oen 4s 94 St L & San Fran Ref 4s 86 SO P Rel 4S... 02 S P Col 4s 90 So Ry 5s . w ...... .105 So. Ry 4s 75 Un Ry lnv 4s 56 I n Pac 1st and Ref 4s 93 V 8 Steel 5s 102 West Shore 4s 93 Wabash 4s.................... 51 W house Elec cv 5s 94 Wisconsin Central 4s.... ... b, Unted States 2s registered..... 96 do coupon V ii United States 3s registered . 101 do counon Jul United States 4s registered ...101) no coupon ..ivtfi 84 94 91 94 103 33 li 83 07 73 76 60 82 '95 91 US 102 95 S . 1)3 91 105 74 57 94 103 94 53 95 ss 97 9S 103 102 110 DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May 6. Maximum temper ature, 77 degrees; minimum. 51 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M., r 10 leet; change In last 24 hours. 0.5 loot rise, 'iotal rain fall, 5 P. M. to 6 P. M.. none. Total rain fall slice September 1. 1913. 35.74 inch normal. 40.37 Inches; deficiency, 4.63 inches. Total sunshine. 10 hours o4 minutes; pos sible. 14 hours 3u minutes, uarometer ire duced to sea level) 5 P. M., 29.S Inches. THE) WEATHER. it 1 f7 OTATIONS. J I I S""- t 9 s t Botftoa. Closing quotations: Stock BOSTOIC. May 6 - Allouez 40 'Nevada Con .... 13 Amal Copper... TJiMptBsini? Mines. 64 Am'n z l, & bm lo.rvorth Batte.... so Arizona Com ... 4 jNorth Lke 1 Calumet 4c Arlx 64iOld Dominion 474 Cal & II eel a 420 lOeceoIa T3i Centennial l63.lQu.ncy 594 Cop Range C C 36 Vi Shannon 5 E Butte Cop M 1014 (Superior 18 Pranklln 4V Sup &. B Min... 174 Granby Con SOhk Greene Cantnea 83 I Royalle (Cop) ISMt Kerr Lake ..... 4 y Tamarack U S 8 n A M... do preferred.. 43 Utah Cons'lld'ted 1H Lake Copper 6HUtah Copper C 5S La Salle Copper 4. Winona 4 Miami Copper.. 21 'Wolverine 42 Mohawk 4-4 Bntte & Sup... 3 VS Money, Exchange Etc KEW YORK. Baker ......... Boise i Boston , Calgary ....... Chicago Colfax Denver Des Molnea Duluth Eureka ........ Galveston . . . . . Helena Jacksonville . . . Kansas City ... Klamath Falls Los Angeles . ... Marshfield ..... Medford Montreal , New Orleans .. New York North Head ... North Yakima Pendleton ... . . Phoenix ...... Pocatello Portland Roeeburg 6410.001 6 K Pt. cloudy 68 0.0O 4Nw Cloudy 62;0.20 4 SW Clear 500.00! S;.E PL cloudy 68 O.02 8W Clear 70iO.OO calm Clear 60 O.OO 1;E Pt. cloudy S6 O.O0I 6W L'loudy 46 0. 04 lUiNE (Cloudy 680.00 6iNW:Clear fcO'O.OO S;8 (Cloudy the various . .17.75 ia$?.(0 . . 7.00 7.: C.oO'O' 7.00 .ooav 7. . . p. on tv ft.ti' i .. e.oo-ai 7.50 .. r..oo-(? 6.23 .. 6.00 7.a0 , . . 8.0Or . . 't.Oii x 7.55 . v'0 5i, .f0 . . r..7S'- tf.oo . . 5.7.'.ir H.OO , r,r w .v.vt . 4.7r( ii 5.00 . . . LUotf- 4.00 May 41. Call money firmer. 1 &'J per cent; ruling rate. 13 per cent; closing bid, 1! per eent. Time loans, weaker. Sixty days, 2 per 1 Sacramento cent: vO days. 243 per cent; six months. 1 St. Louis 3(&3W per cent. I St. Paul Mercantile paper, 3434 per cent. Sterling I Salt Lake exchange, tteady. Sixty days. $4.8535; de mand. S4.877&; commercial bills, $4.84. Bar silver, 59c. Mexican dollars. 4Cc Government bonds, firm; railroad bonds, steady. Sale of C errata Mops. A fair demand continues in the hop mar- Omaha IJrertock Market. SCt'TH OMAHA. Neb.. May 6. Hogs Receipts. S0O: market, higher. Heavy and Vet, but at a dcllnlag scale of prtces. The I 0f sales V.30i $.:&. " oniy business reportexl yesterday m-as the I Cattle Reipt, 4 H' ; market. lower, iva- purchaee by T. A. Llvestey s Co. of bales steers. 7.409; cows and heifers, and 67 7o; cows and heifers, fti$;7.Co; calves. from E. E. Shields, of Gerrals. at 13 cent A. The contract market wis quiet. Bank Cle.rlag. Bank clearings of the Northwestern citle yeteraay were as lollovrs; riearinsrs. Balances. Portland 174.112 Seattle l.S0.7Sl 1!7 11 Taromi KIt.7S . 4t.&4 tpwkAlia 17, &3ti 44,4 Jo rORTL,T MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain. Hoar, Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track price.: Club. BOc; blu- stem. 9oc; forty-tola. 91c; red HuMlan. sac; valley, 80c FLOX.K Ts tents, i.S9 per barrel 8 4rl0.50. heepReceipts. Yearling, $tt.7At lambs, f 7. 60y, S.3U. TXwXl: market. steady. .50; wethers. $6.;0O7; Chicago Urstock Market. CHICAGO. May 6. Hogs Receipts. 1.- 000: market, 5c higher. Bulk of sales. $8.42 tie. .to; Item, i.t.i3i.ti; rn'teo. ..iu v heav. H.lO(aJS.50; rough. SS. 10i S.Jj ; piss. S7.SOU S.40. Cattle Receipts. t.-,tsMt; marKet. steady to strone. Beeves. .o(a l.rtu ; Texas steers. 7-10(c S.lo: .western steers. S7.1ttt stockers and feeders. $5.tt0 & J. 30: cows and heirers. S3. lU'it s.w; calves, o.:r. &heep Receipts. 22.000: market, steady. Native and western, sft.w o.ho: yearlings, $5.ti0 3f:ti.&o: lambs, natle, tklt i.OUi Western, 9.10S7.6i. LONDON. May 6. Bar silver steady at S7d. Money, melt per cent. Short bills and three months, 2 9-16 per cent. SAN" FRANCISCO. May 6. Sterling in London. 60 days. $4.S-jS; do. sicht. S4.7s. Trunslers. telegraphic, 3c premium; sisht. par. SA- FRANCISCO PBODCCE MAKhfTT Price. Quoted at tlie Bay City OB Fruits, Yeajetable.. Ktc SAN" FRANCISCO. May 6. Fruit Pineapples, 2.;u3; apples. Newton Pip pins. H&l-'i: Hoover. il.:tSU0; No. t, eOcStl; Mexlcaa limes. ,.iO; California lemons. So 3-75. Potatoes ie:ta whiter, 4uok: or, son Bnrbanks. 90ct1.2S: sweets. 3t.50. Veselablvs Cucumbers, hothouse, J 1 green peas. 34 per aack. Eggs Kancy ranch, ;roc: store. 22c Unions Australlat,. 14-25. Cheea. Young American, lStylSttc; new, 129 18c. Butter Fancy creamery 2SVsc; second S3c San Francisco Keattle Ppokanc Taconia Tatoosb Island Walla Walla - Washington ..... wmnipeir 92 0.00 7?IO.0O 7310.00 6810. 00 cujo.ool S4 0.00 6 0.00) B1U.UU 74 0.11 74IO.0U 74 0.00 710.00 -iO.W( 41 V ssio.oo'ii'w 76 0.001 8 E SOiO.OOili'N 1S!W 6;XW 13:W 7!o.oo 7210.40 50-0.00 73 0.00 0!0.00 7210.00 16 X . 64:0.00 IE 7Ol0.OI)'l3lN' 5S!0.00' SB 7010. 00 4 N 7810.001 4 W 40.0SilSlXE s'NW Pt. cloudy 8iB clear 4;PE Clear 8iW IClear 4!NWICIear S'XWiPt. cloudy i.:iear Cloudy Uiear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear ICIear Cloutly Cloudy Clear Clei 8 W 1;SW t sw 4'S 6 SE 4 W 14'S 4 Nwipt, cloudy Cloudy (tear Clear Ciear cloudy Clear Clear f'lear Pt. cloudy uwuay body be burled on the mountain that had witnessed such a largre part of his life's work, which request has been met. TICKET IS 50 YEARS OLD Lebanon Pioneer Preserves Copy of Ballot lie Voted for First Time. ALB ANT, Or., May . (Special.) A copy of the ticket he voted when he cast his first ballot In Oregon almost half a century ago has been preserved by B. Burtenshaw. a pioneer of Lebanon. It is eight Inches Ions and three and one-half inches wirle. The average general election ballot in this county now is four and one-half timis as long and four times as wide. The ballot was cast in 1865 or 18B6. Mr. Burtenshaw, who is now 90 years of age. has registered for the primaries this month. Among the candidates on the ticket, which was Democratic, are: For Con gress, James I. Fay. of Jackson County; for Governor. James K. Kelly, of Wasco County; for Secretary of State, L. V. Lane, of Multnomah TRAVELERS' il IDE. BCAl 11.C May q. DiuBBLEui, m, ovate, xj. x- . j-ii , ui aiuiuiuiuhii fold, BOc; club, bOc; Fife, bBc; red Russian, county; for State Treasurer. John C. R.Sp Yesterday s car receipts, wneat 10, corn s, hay 24. flour 4. barley 1. Bell, of Marion County; State Printer, James O ilea is, of Linn County. O.A.G. DRILL IS FRIDAY RECORD CROWDS FROM STATE TO see cadets' inspection. EZRA MEEKER IS HONORED Portrait Unveiled of Northwest Pi oneer and Historian. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. Seattle. Wash- May 6. (Special.) Eira Meeker, patriot of the Northwest and United State. Army Officers Expected I historian of the pioneer days of Puget WEATHER CONDITIONS. A large hlgh-presstir. area extends from Alberta southeastward to Arkansas, and the barometer Is relatively low over the New Kngland States and also over western Ore gon. Showers and thunderstorms hav. oc curred In many of the Northern States east of the Missouri River. The temperature has risen In the Southern Rocky Mountain States and remained nearly stationary In nearly all othr portions of the United States. The conditions ar. favorable for fair weather in this district Thursday except in Oregon, where cloudiness -will increase and probably be followed by showers. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Thursday increas ing cloudiness probably followed by showers; m-inds becoming southerly. t Oretron Thursday increasing cloudiness nrobablv followed by showers. Cooler south west portion except near coast. Winds be coming southerly. Washington Thursday probably fair; w'mds mostly easterly. Idaho Thursday probably fair. EDWARD A. BEAL3. District Forecaster. to Give College Regiment "Dis tinguished Institutions" Rating. OREGON AGRICULTURAL, COL LEGE. Corvallie, Or.. May . (Special.) Preparations for military day, to be held at the Oregon Agricultural Col lege next Friday. May S, have been completed. Lieutenant Peter J. Hen nessey, commandant of the cadet regi ment, expects a record-breaking crowd from all parts of the state to witness the day s maneuvers. A fare and a third rates have been offered by the railroads and many visitors are ex pected. Governor Oswald West will be the honor guest of the day. The chief military feature of the day will be the inspection of the regi ment by Captain W. T. Merry, general staff, U. S. A. Captain Merry Is spend ing all his time in an inspection tour of the colleges of the country, giving military instruction, and upon bis re port will depend the rating given the local regiment this year. Final drills, in preparation for the inspection, have shown tbe regiment to be in excellent condition, familiar with" both close and extended order drill, and Commandant Hennessey is hopeful that O. A. C will be placed in the class of "distin guished institutions," as a result OA Friday's showing. The programme for the morning will be as follows: Assembly will be blottn at 8 o'clock, followed by a parade arm review. The regiment will then be inspected by Cu.pta.ln Merry. This will be followed by competitive drill in the rifle man ual for sergeants, corporals and pri vates. Company competition for the Brodie banner will be Judged by the follow ing officers: Captain Carroll, L. Ar mlstead. First Lieutenant R. 3. Harts. Captain Clenard McLaughlin. Second Lieutenant Francis B. Mallon and First Lieutenant J. C, Fairfax, all of tbe Twenty-first Infantry, U. S. A., sta tioned at Vancouver. Four non-com missioned officers from Vancouver will assist. Guard mount, rifle drill and bayonet exercises will complete the morning exercises. - Sound, was honored Tuesday by the Se attle Historical Society at the library of the University of Washington, when his portrait was unveiled in his pres ence. Mr. Meeker gave an informal address to university students and members of the Historical Society. The painting Is one of Mrs. H. S. Beecher, which shows the well-known pioneer bent over his book, pen in hand, at the work of his later life. Mr. Meeker will soon reassemble his pioneer outfit and oxen and will be gin his annual overland tour of the Northwest. bitulithic pavement White Star Line JLYMFE" . IpNDON MAY 30 JS icsKsa.nxYii. At G. 3. AUG. 2. SEPT. 19. VI IMymout b CheiixmrK Southampton OTHER SAILINGS. St. Paul... Mar 15.t. I oai Jane S Oceanic 3Jay S3 Ormnio June 18 American Steamer. er i'ork 4)nNTito Uvrrrxvol. Adriatic ...May 14 Critic Mm II texlrfcc Mmjt Sliiialtlc June 4 BfMtnn QueenM own Liverpool UP. uceortlina- lu Bteanier. A ratlc May 19!(mrtr June Also N. V. K fiurttDn-.Mediterranean. AMERICAN LINE One-class Cal-in ill) service, IS5 up. PI) mouth 'herliirp Souihamptciu St. Puul ....May lo i'bil.iirlptii. -May New York . .May tbt. i.uui. . . - Juno ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE New York, London Direct. Minnehaha. .May 16; MioneniMtliH. ay 39 ftlinnetonka.May Stt;Minne.vak June BED STAR LINE New York Dow Antwerp Finland . . . .May It! VaJfrlaml . . . May 30 Lapland . . .May sKrooailand. . .June WHITE STAR DOMINION Montreal Quebec Liverpool ONLY lOl'K DAYS AT &KA. Anionic the LARGEST 8TKAMLKM I ROM CANADA Canaila ....May KijTfUtonic .....May 30 Lauren tic ..May XttjMeirantlc ...June 6 Head for folder f beautiful M. Uurrnre route to Kurowe. A- K. I1 KV. PanM-nicer A cut. Hall way Kxchanjce HM5.. nit hfwnd Ave.. Seattle. Telephone Main 1 1: or Local Hallway and bteamebip Afvnta. makes the kind of streets that satisfy civic pride. London n'a4 Sales. Idulio Has Sew Station. LEW1STON, Idaho, May 6. (Special.) I The agricultural college of the Uni- LOKDOS. May . An excellent assort- I versify of Idaho has established a sta merit of 12.584 tales was onerea at in. wooj i tl , Iwiston Orchards, near tbe auction sales today, and about tna bag! I . M price, ot the serte. were realised. All headquarters camp, for the purpose of Hons bid eagerly. Americans pavlnn TV, perl testing the required amount of water cent advance and occasionally mora for suit- 1 1 mature crops properly by irrigation. auic cups. i The -tation is similar to those estab t hicas. Dairy Frodtsre. I J1 , Vf i i"f' caln-JS.- Buttert;aaett,ed. - 'Graves.' of .17 nn,.. sju 0-uwor. Beceipts. casts; at I Professor Colu, of Lcwistga Orchards. MINER BURIED ON "MOUNT" Dj ing Request of Pioneer of Eastern I Oregon Is Met by Krienrs. SUMPTER, Or, May . (Special.) Frederick K. Cabell, a pioneer quarts miner of Eastern Orearon. died here last evening. He was a native of Virginia, a little past 70 years of age. and a vet eran of the Civil War' having served tbe full time of tbe war as a Confed erate in - the armies of ' "Stonewall" Jackson and R. E. Lee. Mr. Cabell was the discoverer of the famous old La Bellevue mine on Cabell Mountain, named after him. and a n Jmber of other well-known quartz properties in this section of Baker and Grant Counties. , . it WiL3 Uia diii request that his J. C. WILSON & CO. 620CK3. UON3S. GRAIN AMU COTTO.V rMHISfl ITRW yoU .TUCK EXCHANGE, CMICA.'HJ BOA Rl) OF TBADt, KW EOBK CUIl'ON UClUMia, THE STOCK A3XO BOND KXCatAOB. All JLS-MClilOO. P0ETLAJTD omCS: Vewit Building, 869 Oak S treat. Ptones Marshall S853. A 4187. Royal Mail Steamships "The Line of Good Service" SCENIC &T. LAWKtNCE ROUTE Ta. NEW Tt'KBINE ttusilruple-Scnis S. S. "ALSATIAN" and S. S. "CALQARIAN" LAUCEST FIX EST FASTEST C'A.VAUIA.V IIOITK 3 Weekly Sailings Montreal-Quebec LiYerpool-Glaigow-Havre-London Ureas iaa.aae Leas 1 aaa 4 Days. Bummer reservation lists now open. Early bookings recommended. Send for descriptive Booklet G." For full par-i Uuulars as to sailings, rates, eta. apply to iocal Agent or ALLAN 4c CO. Geaeral AniU, lii7 North Dearborn Street. Chicago. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND Round Trip Katri: 1st clas to Tahiti f to WelilDston ta firdncr special k'mcilia IKettD 'ItM&r uocxudlng South fcea laies), 5 lt ciaaa. Hound tba World Rule on application. Regular tbroujfti service from ban Franclaco. S. a. Uotoa (1O.0OO tons) sails May 27 S. 8. W.aoehra 12.00 tcma). sail a J una 14 S. O. TahlU 12,uu0 tons) aaUa July Si Send fur pamphlet, Cnlot StmmflUiip Co. of New Zealand. Ltd. Offica: 6 Itf Market strwet. ban ktaacnco, ar local S. S. and i-c. Ft- aa-nta. TBAVEURS' GHDt. COOS BAY LIXK STEAMSHIP "BREAKWATER SaQa from A.ln worth dock. Portland. 8 A, JL April 28. May 3. V. 1-. 18. ZJ. Jnna Z 7. 12. 17. S3. 27. Freight reclvd until I p L day previous to shJUds. Paaaeuff! fare: Ftrst-claa. $10; second-class imea only). 97. including; berths and meals, ox- fict Lower Ainsworth Dock. PORTLAND .ft COOS BAY . 9. LINE. L. H. iv ratine. Acrnt. Pbooe Main 309 or A 2232 tor any information. Useful map ot Great Britain FHE&. Ala 111 as t rated book of tours on tn GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OF ENGLAND i X. susteiejr. Ueau Aft., Mi itth Are, JS. X. TO SAX FKANCISCO. I-O ANGELES ANO 8AN OIKOO. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY, MAV 13. COOO ISAK AM) tLKEKA S. S. ALLIANCE StMlAV, MAY IS. OKIH PACU1C STE.V.MSIUP CO. Ticket OffU. H rTetgbt Orrtco. 122A HI EL U Columbia Doc. MaLa 131. A 11114. U alaia S2Q&. A 642 flnRTft r' LT Ll?t L. ll uii - BABIA, BIO DE javftro. fantos. WONii-VIDtO AND BOSAWO Hew and Tut C2.5( tan) PsMtmir Steamos f rata New York alternmte Satura my BCSK DANIELS. Co. Asia, t-RrMaWsy. T. lrs7 B. omitb. Tblrd and Maslf taf Ma.. any local as wo. 8. 8. BEAB For SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES A. M. May I. Th. em rnudm A rortlaaa B. C td aad Wwlilnslos ta. stln. O.-W. B. M MarauaU A 1X1